Tech Over Tea - Uni Is Still a Train Wreck - Tech Over Tea #15 - feat SMARTZ921

Episode Date: June 11, 2020

On this weeks episode of Tech Over Tea I bring my mate SMARTZ921 back onto the show to discuss how uni how has been since the last time that we heard from each other, we had lot's of fan ranting about... things like turnitin, some of nonsense we got up to at our respective high schools, and a bit about our club at University. ==========Guest Links========== YouTube:  Twitter:  Twitch: ==========Purchase My Gear========== â–º Buy Anything: ==========Support The Channel========== â–º Patreon: â–º Paypal: â–º BTC Wallet Address: 1Aokiv3pFQXUEmh2LbzZQAwxMvq6bpT2UN â–º ETH Wallet Address: 0x80451867c86bdf08c3888d407c1e3fcb6add61ed â–º LBC Wallet Address: bLRN9fm17sCexKfgbYqmMj5xskZF2ogpEh ==========Video Release========== 📚 LBRY: 🎥 YouTube: DISCLOSURE: Wherever possible I use referral links, which means if you click one of the links in this video or description and make a purchase we may receive a small commission or other compensation. I am a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and related sites.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Okay, welcome to episode 15 of Tech of Tea. We have a returning guest. He was on the second episode of the show, I believe. Welcome back to the show, Marty. Or what's the name do you go by online? Smarts something? I don't remember the numbers. Smarts something. 921. 921. Or just Marty. We've been friends for long enough. You can call me Marty. I thought it was 970. I'm not that-
Starting point is 00:00:22 I don't know where I got that number from. Close enough. Close enough. You're only like five digits off. Yeah. Oh well, better, hang on, where's my Discord? Better crack open a cold one with the boys. Oh yep. So how you been man? Busy as always, it's that time of the of the year heading towards the end of the semester projects to do so much to do so little so little time to do it really because i have fucking nothing to do my projects are like basically piss or work right now i mean like my project work is more than the actual fucking assignment work that i have to do um so like for me i do like i'm doing one course my elective and it's like a community service thing oh yeah and it was pitched to me like so like you know you get to volunteer at like a um a tech company or an it company you
Starting point is 00:01:17 can do like some cool stuff and you know look good on your resume as it turns out the tech stuff they want me to do is um teach seniors and people who don't really have um any like it literacy like just basic it skills and so for the past um and you know like in theory that like i was okay with that as well but then the uh the big v happened the the um the boomer doomer if you will um that happened and so basically i've been sitting here doing presentation like literally i've been doing a presentation a week on a bunch of different things so like i started off with how you can sign up to my gov and then i moved on to how you can use your my gov account to um do like uh my health record and medicare and all that good stuff and now i'm doing a presentation on uh what's it called um on like how to update your
Starting point is 00:02:15 license through the south australian government website and so basically i feel like the good thing about these projects right the government documentation is actually like really good i don't have to do anything i just copy the images like change the text a little bit and that's it just hand it up get feedbacks add in some get feedback and then for the final draft add in some animations and then we're good to go so the thing i did do before that was going to be like in-person training wasn't it yeah like um like they hold like the apple stores where they teach you how to send emails or whatever yeah so before the uh the big v happened i was actually at um a library in what was the library called i can't think of it but it was near like the elizabeth shopping center i think it's called the playford library yeah yeah i know
Starting point is 00:02:58 the one you're talking about um yeah and like i went out there for like i went out there for like an introduction then i went out there for a training day. And on my training day, they were like, look, I'm sorry to do this to you, but because of everything that's happening, we actually don't have the capacity to open at all. So we're sorry, but you're going to have to get a new project. And I was like, cool, guess I'll just go cry. And then I was like, wait, if I don't have a project, that means that like 50% of my grade is just gone for this course. So I think I might have to drop out and start again next year. They would have to make some sort of like compromises.
Starting point is 00:03:36 Like no one knew a world pandemic was going to come to ruin your project. Well, apparently the Chinese government did, but let's not get into that. Maybe we can do that later. But that's none of my business. Give YouTube a bit of time to stop checking out what's going on in the video. Yeah. Anyway, where was... Oh, yeah. So, that library, I've talked about it before, or I've talked to you about it before. It was fucking sick. They had 3D printers and that was just open to the public.
Starting point is 00:04:07 You could come in and do your own... Oh yeah, you did mention this sometime. I don't know if it was on the show last time. No, it was the last time I saw you which was a Monday night before uni was like, hey, guess what? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:22 President. Some other words for president anyway um anyway um yeah like you can just go in there and like do some 3d modeling and then print it and then you can just leave that's awesome but no it's actually really good and they have like a class there um where they teach like um like uh school age like middle schoolers yeah about tech about like um different sorts of things so when i was there like i was only observing um there was like one kid who was writing his own games in scratch which was pretty cool uh one girl that was there was doing like cad design and also like learning how to use photoshop and like
Starting point is 00:05:05 3d modeling which was also really cool uh it was a shame i had no i just like i was just walking around she was like hey do you know how to do this i was like nope i am a software engineer not a 3d modeler i am very sorry um i can show you how to google it yeah here's the stack overflow go nuts um yeah basically um and there was like there was like just some kids that came in there to play games and that was fair um and like so i'd been planning out like classes to do here um like for the two weeks in between like my introduction and my training day i was like well i i've got like one class where like i was gonna go buy like a bunch of um like cat five ethernet cable and just cut the ends off and be like here's the ethernet cable you're about to learn how the internet works oh you're gonna steal that class from network fundamentals
Starting point is 00:05:59 uh well that that was that was my first class at uni. I used to have networking fundamentals at 9am on a Monday morning. And that's all I had on Mondays. So I used to, like, take an hour bus ride from North Adelaide into uni, do, like, a two-hour practical, and then, like, leave. And that was my Monday. And it was, like, cool. Fuck that. But that was marked attendance, so you had to do it.
Starting point is 00:06:25 That was marked attendance, yeah. And, I mean, I didn't mind it. It was, like, just a nice, easy day. And the networking fundamental pracs were, they were a lot of fun, looking back on it. Like, at the time, I hated them. Yeah, for sure. But they were a lot of fun.
Starting point is 00:06:41 I remember, like, going into, like, one, like, this was, like like towards the end of the semester i went into my class on the monday and then i was like just hanging around uni like at some point i think it was like a wednesday or a thursday and that's when like everyone else had like all my friends at the time had their practicals so i was like i'm bored i've got nothing to do i'll come into your class and so i like sat there for like the full like hour like just speed running the pracs I'd already done it and then like I finished like uh like an hour and 10 minutes in and the guy like walked over to me and he was like who are you it was like oh I've been here the whole
Starting point is 00:07:17 time he's like no you haven't who are you it's like oh I'm in the Monday class and he's like oh did you not go I was like yeah no I went i just wanted some more practice so i came he was like oh cool can you get out now who did you have for your um your practice for that one i i can't remember that prac but my prac teacher was jane sweetlove oh i think her name is yeah she she's amazing um and like i was pleasantly surprised for my first practical class. I walk in. Well, no, I didn't walk in, actually. I was like, I think I got there at like five past nine, and the classes don't start
Starting point is 00:07:54 until ten past, but the door was closed, and I was just standing outside. And then Grant, who at the time was the associate head of IT, like the... Yeah, whatever his his title was doesn't really matter um and he was like are you all right i was like yeah i think my class is here he just like opens it was like yeah cool go in i was like oh thanks um and so yeah i walk into this class and here's jane who's about the same age as um one of my grandmothers excuse
Starting point is 00:08:25 yeah about the same age as one of my grandmothers um yeah just teaching a networking class i was like cool yeah she was lovely she was really good um and i quite enjoyed her classes ended up with this first semester i look back on because i got three distinctions in a credit and i have never done um that well at uni since and i still maintain that adam robbed me of a distinction but whatever adam robs everyone of distinctions though he always has hidden marking schemes he robbed me of a sorry go on i was just like we all love adam but the way he marks like no one knows how to get an hd in his classes you just get one like magically he robbed me of an hd for agile i just want that out there he robbed everyone of a grade um i'm pretty sure in agile uh go on i'm just looking
Starting point is 00:09:24 at my grades i was just gonna say like i'm pretty sure like some on, I'm just looking at my grades. I was just going to say, I'm pretty sure some of the people I also talked to, they were like... Yeah, so at the time that we actually got our results, the actual final uni results, some people's second and third assignment grades hadn't been released. I know my third... I mean, it's Adam, what do you expect for sure um i know my third assignment hadn't been marked but i i didn't care i knew i had enough to pass anyway sure and so like i i had gotten a high distinction on the first assignment got a distinction on the second and then like our grades came out and i ended up
Starting point is 00:10:04 with a distinction so i was like i don't care um and then it came out like in the third assignment i had a high distinction i was like wait a minute hold up wait a minute sup mate right so and like the waiting was was it 30 30 35 and then like marked attendance was something in there i forget i yeah i don't remember i think it might have been 35 35 no sorry 30 35 35 which would make more sense um yeah so i still maintain i was robbed of a high distinction because that's fair high distinction i got high distinctions for um 65 of it so and then my distinction should have carried me over to a high distinction but it is what it is you're probably like one percent off prob you know what i would not be surprised if i was and that's that seems to summarize my life
Starting point is 00:10:58 at uni yeah looking back on my grades first semester the only d i got was uh it fundamentals another adam course um the rest were hds yeah i mean the first semester i was definitely a try hard and then oh yeah no i know the feeling yeah like i i tried like i was fresh out of high school like moved all my like year 12 because like you end like on exams right like you end high school on exams so like when you go in like if you go straight into uni you've still got like all this exam work ethic and like you're so determined and then by you get then by the time second semester rolling around you just burnt out but you had and it's all down had had no i was gonna say i didn't have any work ethic in high school that didn't start until i got
Starting point is 00:11:45 to uni i was um i think so like for my work ethic right i i was i didn't really get a work ethic until like what like grade six grade seven like it was there i just didn't use it and then like grade eight rolled around when like things started getting serious and at my school we had these things called academic achievement awards yeah which is like if you got two a's and the rest yeah two a's and the rest b's or you got three a's and the rest uh c's you got like like, a high achiever award. And I saw these in, like, grade eight, and I was like, I want one of these. I want, like, I was never acknowledged for, like, anything else. It's also, like, I'm going to get one of these.
Starting point is 00:12:37 And so I only ever got two, I think, and i got them in year i got them in year 11 before physics rolled around and um destroyed me so for me i was gonna say we had a thing where if you got an a they'd give you an award so just just a single a i went to a shit school. Mate, I got... They gave people a laptop if they got, like, five A's, because they knew no one would get them. Challenge accepted. So, by the time I...
Starting point is 00:13:16 It was a year, right? I was like, wow, I got a bunch... I got some A's, I get this award. And then by year 12, I was considering them just participation awards, because every single assembly, they were like, Brody for this award, Brody for this award, Brody for this award. It was by year 12, I was considering them just participation awards. Cause every single assembly, they were like Brody for this award, Brody for this award,
Starting point is 00:13:28 Brody for this was like, fucking go away. Let me just sit down. So, um, yeah, when we got to year 12, it was just like,
Starting point is 00:13:35 if you get five A's in year 12, you get given a MacBook pro. It was a 2012 MacBook pro. It wasn't 2012 in the year. I think it was 2016, 2017. So they're a bit old, but you still got given a 2012 MacBook pro, it wasn't 2012 in the year. I think it was 2016, 2017. So they're a bit old. But you still got given a 2012
Starting point is 00:13:48 MacBook Pro, a new one. Just some old stock we had laying around. Pretty much. Don't worry. It was the old stock they were going to give to the students anyway, like to use in class. Yeah. Oh, yeah. Did you ever get a laptop through old mate Kevin Rudd's schooling scheme?
Starting point is 00:14:07 I have no idea what you're talking about. So, like, I think it was Kevin Rudd. If you have any links, I can bring them up. I don't have the link. The only reason I can remember this is because there was, like... The only reason I remember is because you know the Big Les show? Yeah. there was like the other reason i remember is because you know the big les show yeah yeah the whole reason they created that show was because of like this scheme uh where like you enter year 10
Starting point is 00:14:32 and your school gives you like a laptop to do your schooling yeah which you know in theory not a bad concept problem is that the laptops they get you are well they're already on their way out and then by the time you hand them in at the end of year 12 they're garbage excuse me i mean it's not so bad now especially with like our like the advancements in like cpu technology and like memories and all that good stuff because there's still like some like windows xp dell laptops floating around like my old school um and i know because i like still know some people that go there and it's mildly amusing but um yeah under this scheme like we got given like at the time these are like top of the line like hp pavilion laptops and they were amazing uh and we got them and the school kind of realized like oh uh yeah there's not really any uh
Starting point is 00:15:27 protection on them so to speak so we could like rewrite the operating system put linux on it if we wanted to it was like well get out played idiots you forgot to uh lock that away from us so they ended up like so they gave them to we were supposed to get them at like the start of year 10 to start um like the year off strong with uh we didn't get them to like halfway through the year yeah and then they got recalled because people were doing things like well you know they installed steam then installed modern warfare 3 then we started running our own lobbies in the classroom and as you can gather that didn't end well yeah we were doing the same thing um we were we had a
Starting point is 00:16:05 different bit of a scheme because uh this wasn't like a big government scheme but we were a new school or sort of a new school um i went to what used to be smithfield high which is obviously now mark oliphant college uh so it was now the name doesn't count by the way yeah no if you just if you name it after just some professor, it doesn't make a different school. So we were all given MacBooks because we were part of an Apple testing school. We were like a testing school. We're in the beta for Google Docs.
Starting point is 00:16:37 We were given MacBooks. Bad idea. Went just as poorly as it went for that. Just because it's a MacBook doesn't mean that you can't run a game on it we managed to get our cod for running on it just fine and World at War and Halo and a bunch of other games but yeah we did the exact same thing so it would be in the middle of class people be like oh let's just set up a cod for server let's do that and the teachers just stopped
Starting point is 00:17:01 caring at some point because I was like we can't do anything to stop them. No. Thinking back on it now, I don't know why I didn't order. I think I didn't do it mainly because of, like, the price of hardware was, like, ridiculous. Yeah. Because this was, like, before, like like this was the heyday of like quad cores um and i think i didn't do this mainly because like hardware prices were so expensive and you know you're not even a uni student that's broke you're a high school student that's still living
Starting point is 00:17:36 at home um and i was like at the time i was like still paying to like do driving lessons and like get my driver's license and all that good stuff But what I should have done was I like I should have just ripped out like the hard drive that they had in it Mm-hmm, and then just put my own in there and then just run my own operating system You know, I used to do like I should have done that if I knew I knew now that's what I would have done Yeah, exactly. That's what I would have done too because they would have like they occasionally did like random spot checks where they would like take your laptops and run it and i know because that's how like some of my friends got caught out they um they they didn't like rip the hard drives out they actually like formatted the hard drive
Starting point is 00:18:15 and then just reinstalled like windows 7 yeah yeah it was windows 7 sorry windows 7 professional uh they just reinstalled that and then just like... So then when we got random spot check, the... So like when we got given them, they had then hired like an actual IT guy who was... Well, he was moderately qualified. I don't actually know his qualifications.
Starting point is 00:18:40 I'm assuming he was qualified, but he knew enough to question me one day when i asked him for the administrator password to look at the linus tech tip forums but neither here nor there um i mean i was gonna anyway that's a that's another story um anyway so like he was just just running some diagnostic software and it required administrative privilege so they got caught when he went to enter in the administrator privilege that's sorry the administrator password and the password was rejected because they were running their own operating system with their own administrator so i was like well get get out played idiots but
Starting point is 00:19:18 yeah like i said thinking back on it now i should have just um yeah pulled a hard drive oh we had a a really great it team the first year i was there so grade eight i think they'd only just brought in the laptops like in the past year or two because that's when the school like year eight was when we actually went over to being mark holford college so the bringing the laptops in was like a fairly new thing plus it was it was a bit after the scheme ended so actually it would have been like the year after the scheme ended i think i don't fuck what year is it now 2020 2020 yeah so actually no it would have been in the scheme so yeah it would have been in the scheme when we got the laptops because i would have been what's it now so four years into uni i had a gap year so
Starting point is 00:20:01 yeah it would have been 2000... Long time ago. Before 2010. I was going to say... Right. So, our IT team was fucking useless at the time. Trust me, I know. I know the feeling. No, I mean, like, they had an admin password that was set to admin.
Starting point is 00:20:25 They didn't change the default admin password so the students found out and we kept using it for a couple of weeks they didn't know it was getting used so we were just like turning off the the search filtering installing whatever we wanted and then eventually they caught on to it and changed the password someone found the password again because a teacher had uh had the password for it and used it in class and someone you know just saw the password nice um i can remember oh what was it now um so like in our computer labs uh they they never used to be password protected like they would all just run whatever. So some of these computers were just absolutely trash. And the USBs that I used to take to school to save my work on,
Starting point is 00:21:15 by the time I finished school, they had the computer version of AIDS. They had so much malware on them that it wasn't even funny. anyway i've got malware story to talk about in just a moment it actually has to do with my school again but go with what you're saying it's great gotta gotta gotta love malware um anyway we were um like we used to run like servers and all that stuff and then they started um like they slowly started rolling out this windows 7 um enterprise update um and so that would so then the it team like would it would require an administrator password so that kind of ruined all our fun but then we worked out with like some things you didn't actually have to install so for example we found games like uh urban terror which is
Starting point is 00:22:05 yeah urban terror was fun i love that game yeah um i tried to get like a land server of that together again um they're they're server tools uh um not not good they're actually quite yeah i don't know how we ever got the game working uh land servers run fine if you actually like because i tried to register a server um like with urban terror so they'd be displayed to the public okay uh it didn't end well um like i myself could find it uh everyone else who was searching for the server i couldn't find it i even gave them like a command to enter in the console to connect to the ip still couldn't connect even though i was like physically on the server running around playing um anyway uh that's neither here nor there we got that working we also had battlefield 1942 oh nice that i i love that game so much um
Starting point is 00:22:59 and that's battlefield 5 really broke my heart because i was expecting like 1942 like remastered and then they just went and fucked it up like we were this close to greatness and you had to fuck it up um anyway our uh you were saying about like the search filtering and stuff our search filtering because we we were a government well and well we're an area school which means like it's the area around here so it's not just people from like this town it's like the next town over etc etc yeah um like so we had like all our government so sorry we had all our internet filtering done by a different system and so the teachers would like uh have their staff accounts which could override like the search filtering one teacher um for gave their
Starting point is 00:23:53 password to their biology students because they were trying to write research papers and a lot of the research papers were blocked for i believe the reason given was heresy and ungodlike um ungodlike um you know crimes against the church anyway that was actually the reason that's fucking amazing no unfortunately not it was just like it was some bullshit reason um i always love that it's just like basic stuff which is like oh we're just gonna block, oh, it's entirely educational. Like, I had Wikipedia pages blocked. We actually... It's funny you should mention that. There was one point during my schooling life
Starting point is 00:24:34 where they actually unironically blocked the entirety of Wikipedia. I kid you not. I think we had Yahoo blocked at one point. That was an amusing time. Yeah, that was mildly amusing. Anyway, yeah, you blocked for the... No, the entirety of it was blocked.
Starting point is 00:24:52 And this wasn't set by the state government or anything. This was a manual thing put in by the teachers. And I was like, oh my... Those kids are learning too much. Yeah. Which is kind of ironic because you know when you look into wikipedia they have um like strict formatting and editing guides that they like that everyone has to follow so and if not just use the sources underneath idiot it's not hard um anyway uh yeah teacher gave out their like override password and like for their biology students
Starting point is 00:25:29 because they needed it to find like research papers and a lot of the research papers are blocked because you know crimes against the church etc etc and then everyone had the password by the next day yeah so yeah by the next day like like, everyone had it. The coincidental thing was, like, the next week, it had, like, because you have to change your password every so often. Someone just brute forced it, because there was a number in it. They just incremented the number by one, worked, and then everybody had it again. And, yeah, we kept doing that, and then we kept incrementing it by one every time it didn't work. And here we are. Yeah, the same thing happens at my work.
Starting point is 00:26:11 I'm not going to tell you the base password, but every single staff account in my work is a word. And every time there's a change to this password, increment by one, which is not safe luckily most of them make up words and don't just use like car or like house they'll just make something up and then put a number on the end but please don't do that it's a very bad idea um when like for the for the club our old minecraft server that used to run like a full second behind everything um like one of the user sorry one of the admin accounts the password for
Starting point is 00:26:55 that was really cool ubuntu password i know uh with every letter capitalized because that's what we that's just what we use to to log into the account to start messing with the server because it's 20 characters long and it's really hard to brute force mm-hmm but you know it's just a string of words no you know speaking of really good passwords I'll show you something I'm sure you've heard of it. Do you know about the Joe Biden insult bot? No, I don't. And I'm really ashamed that I don't.
Starting point is 00:27:31 I'm going to send you this. This is actually the greatest thing. This is honestly a really good password generator. So let's have a look at some of the beautiful things that this thing has to say. So tell it to the judge, you liver-spotted juice of diamonds. Or, go on, get you stink... I don't even know how... What the fuck is that word?
Starting point is 00:27:54 Hynied? I have no idea. Go on to go to the next one, because I can't read. You jackknifed... You jackknifed the wrong turnip truck, you diesel-pumping pony soldier. You jackknifed the wrong turnip truck, you diesel pump and pony soldier. These- You just hitched your dinghy to the wrong riverboat, you gum swollen flutterbutt. Flutterbutt. Jesus.
Starting point is 00:28:15 This is an amazing bot, I love it. Jesus. Oh, that's amazing. I'm gonna- I have to follow that. Yeah yeah if you're not following this go follow it's hilarious sell your glove box atlas somewhere else your iron deficient trolley jumper uh cool your heels you milk swillin son of a peach basket these are oh my god yeah how do you not know about this? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:28:48 For some reason, I thought you said the Joe Rogan insult bot and I was like, what? There's no Joe Biden. I don't know how you do a Joe Rogan insult bot.
Starting point is 00:28:58 Maybe you just talk about DMT a lot. Perhaps. Hey, have you ever done DMT speaking of podcasts you've been keeping up with the old H3H3 drama alert Gokunaru saga no I've been seeing like
Starting point is 00:29:17 some ordinary gamers talk about it occasionally and then I'm just like I don't care I don't care enough to follow it it's dead memes at this point so what's actually going on all i know is i he's like all i know is ethan klein's losing a bunch of sponsors yeah so from so our good friend keemstar who isn't exactly the um oh how can i honestly i would love to be friends with keemstar that would be fun yeah sounds like he isn't exactly he isn't exactly the um like the the pinnacle of morality on
Starting point is 00:29:52 youtube let's just leave it at that um that's one way to put it so like h3h3 made a video on him and like in his video he was like oh yeah how does this guy still get sponsored by G Fuel? And in like a 40... Hang on, how long is the video? I'll just check. I want to be correct in me talking smack here. Once again, I can't show anything you need to show me, so... Yeah, he made
Starting point is 00:30:18 like three videos on it, and they're like... The big one was 46 minutes long, and in that 46 minutes he dropped his sponsor like keemstar's sponsor g fuel eight times and uh g fuel then dropped their sponsorship of keemstar and then in response so like keemstar made like a response and it's like you know you shouldn't really be so that kind of caused like uproar in the community like you know you're targeting people sponsors how do you make a living with all the demonetization etc etc um and then he and then
Starting point is 00:30:56 like uh h3h3 lost uh his biggest sponsor old spice and then they've just been losing sponsors each way. But the whole drama itself is just garbage. And then for one of... So, like, there's been, like, videos back and forth, and then Keemstar ended up posting a video which was deleted by YouTube called The Death of H3H3. It's the video by Gokunara I've been talking about. It's actually not on his channel,
Starting point is 00:31:24 but you can easily find mirrors of it and a bunch of other channels have uploaded it. Anyway, Keemstar uploaded that and YouTube deleted it. They didn't strike Keemstar's channel, Drama Alert. They didn't strike that at all. They just deleted the video.
Starting point is 00:31:40 And so then there was this huge conspiracy that because Susan Woyheke, or whatever her name is or whatever her name is, whatever her name is, I don't really care. I'm not that big on YouTube anyway, that she's going to demonetize me. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:54 She like, she's been on the H3 podcast and Ethan's got to contact YouTube. They're like, Hey, isn't it kind of coincidental that a video that was actually like really well done on H3H3 gets deleted by youtube uh really makes you think and then yeah it was basically on from there so yeah it's good stuff gotta love some old youtube drama and it's it to be perfectly fair the the drama is absolute garbage and the
Starting point is 00:32:19 only reason people are watching is because there's a pandemic on at the moment there's nothing better to do yeah i've actually like most of my topics are based around how fucking stupid the world is right now because of the pandemic um i presume you've been keeping up with the riots oh i've seen some seen some good stuff i don't come out of the riots i know some guys who live in the u.s i don't understand this fucking country. Like, here's the thing for people in Australia. Sorry for cutting you off, but here's the thing about Australia. We had a thing called the Stolen Generation.
Starting point is 00:32:52 It ended in the 70s. We didn't think the Aboriginals were people until the 70s. Calm the fuck down. Yeah. I feel like yeah, the US even, like, like without the i shouldn't really be talking like politics or anything but the u.s like regardless of like the race riots was already kind of volatile oh
Starting point is 00:33:13 yeah and this was just like a stepping stone to be perfectly honest however i have seen like some really funny stuff that came out of it so there was like there was a video that jake paul uh left like his house in like california went one state over and started looting um like shopping malls with people yeah um and he got like tear gas and stuff and honestly it's the best thing yeah jake paul i saw something about like i saw like jake paul needs to stop i didn't know what this was about. Yeah, no, he, like, went to, like, a different state and started, not rioting, he started looting places with people. And it was just, like...
Starting point is 00:33:54 Fucking dude. Solidarity, my guys. Let's just, you know, earn millions from YouTube abusing... Well, not abusing, but... Let's earn millions by, like, ripping off little kids and, well, not abusing, but let's earn millions by ripping off little kids and making trash music and then go steal whatever we can because
Starting point is 00:34:11 it's opportunistic. But no, the race riots are, as I said, the US was already volatile and now that all it took was the straw that broke the camel's back and that's currently what we're experiencing. The thing that I heard from Tim, Paul,
Starting point is 00:34:28 that kind of sums it up pretty well, the reason why these kind of die down fairly quickly most of the time is because people have jobs to go to. So usually you hit the weekend, everyone goes mental, Monday happens and everyone's like, okay, well, I need to pay my rent now. But no one has a job right now so there's nothing yeah so like even if people are really angry like normally they'd
Starting point is 00:34:53 have to just go back to work but that's not a thing anymore yeah and work from home and stuff is already like a thing for a lot of people and like the like there were people already protesting about like um you know we don't want to be in isolation we don't want to be in quarantine we like, a thing for a lot of people. And, like, there were people already protesting about, like, you know, we don't want to be in isolation, we don't want to be in quarantine, we just want to be out doing our own thing. And I feel like people are just like, meh. Well, if we're rioting, they can't stop us, can they?
Starting point is 00:35:19 The lockdowns are actually getting worse, though. Did you know they're actually getting... What's the word? Fuck. I'm blanking on the word. We can't be outside after 7pm. Oh, curfews. Curfews, yes.
Starting point is 00:35:39 There are states that are putting in 6pm curfews. Curfews. I think that's more because of the riots yeah no that's because of the riots but it's it's adding on to the fact that people don't want to be locked inside yeah there's like there's been some like really insane videos that um have come out of all this like uh there was the like there was like just like a family standing on their porch and as like the national guard marched down the street and then, they just turn and look at them, and they say, go back inside your house, and they just stand there, and, like, there's,
Starting point is 00:36:12 like, 10 seconds there, it's just, like, dead quiet, and then you just hear one of them say, light them up, and then, like, you just hear, like, all these paintball guns just start firing at them, and you just, like, the camera just cuts there. just start firing at them he's just like the camera just cuts there um the early one i saw was there was a reporter that was i think she started walking up to the police like she had a camera crew with her and then they just started firing at her which is interesting because like i've seen different video like i've seen like different press crews like there was a guy from cnn who got arrested excuse me which was mildly amusing um but like one of the reporters that i follow um for like the news network that i'm loyal to um you know um i've kind of like watched it growing up like my entire life so i kind of like just follow them because you know brand loyalty etc etc um they were like well the thing that i saw um like they were filming in like the
Starting point is 00:37:11 midst of like all this and like this was as like the police and protests were clashing and they were just talking and like this guy uh behind us throws a rock at the police and then like the cops like arrest this dude and then there's just like tear gas and then there's like shooting and everything and like this is while they're rolling i'll i would like to find the clip but i don't think i can and i don't think i might show it yeah no i'll send it to you because it's like it's just interesting to watch later um but no it's all mildly interesting and i feel like like... Yeah, no, it's absolutely fucked what's happening, but it's definitely interesting to watch it.
Starting point is 00:37:48 I know there are protests that are planned for here, but in all of this, right, the most amusing thing to me is that every basic white girl and her dog's Instagram account is posting about this and it's like cool we kind of have our own problems at the moment can we deal with them first before we start dealing with other countries problems please yeah as much as i like following this
Starting point is 00:38:18 it's you're in a state if you're in australia you're in any other country like you don't there's nothing you can do about it and i mean like it's not like you can exactly fly over there and help the uh help your brothers riot anyway there's there's kind of a there's a pandemic on you know right from your house yeah exactly um speaking of the pandemic did you hear that the uh the gyms are opening back up yeah i'm i'm dude to be perfectly honest with you i'm so keen to go back to you because uh when like the lockdowns and stuff started happening i basically bailed on my apartment so i'm still paying rent on it and as far as my landlord is concerned i'm still living there right but i'm at home which is like four hours plus of driving from uni
Starting point is 00:39:07 um and like the internet here is a little bit worse everything i don't have like any of like my um like i don't have my big computer here or anything so i'm just on like my laptop chilling um but yeah i basically bailed and i'm so keen to go back to uni. I want to go back to, um, Frankie's, you know, the diner. Yeah, yeah. I want to go back there. I just want, I want my, I want my coffee, I want my burger, I want to get a haircut. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:36 Please. Yeah, I need a haircut. Yeah. Speaking of fucking hair, what's going on with this, uh, this corona beard you got going on? the corona yeah it is exactly that's corona beard so i didn't like i haven't shaved since i've come home and it's not for like you know lack of races or anything i just what's the point i'm in isolate i'm supposed to be in isolation like i don't have to make myself look pretty for anyone which is kind of ironic given that i actually um because of the corona i i got a job um like uh teaching remotely which was which was fun i got yeah i got to teach over zoom which uh
Starting point is 00:40:13 made me realize how much i fucking hate zoom man i mean it was great isn't it it's look it's a solution to a problem that was already solved. Like, Discord literally exists. Oh, yeah. And as soon as, like, countries started going into isolation, Discord upped their, like, server limit and, like, video calls for people. Like, you can raise your hand. Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 00:40:40 Who cares, though? Most of, like, the classes I took, people didn't even raise their hand. They just unmuted themselves and started screaming at me until i gave them attention which i mean you know fair enough um but no i i got to teach over zoom and i mean you know i still had like this filthy neck beard like at this point you may as well call me the quartering because i'm starting to like get that like filth into it um anyway um yeah i like i'm just looking forward to like going back getting a haircut having like a proper shave and not looking like a bum because like i said like i'm just like chilling around my house my one saving grace is that because i'm home like i've got like a decent amount of like property
Starting point is 00:41:26 that i can work well work slash like entertain myself on it's not just like an apartment sure yeah i think we're on like two yeah we're on two two blocks yeah which you know it's not bad but you know it's it's my little my little slice of home so plenty to do yeah certainly much nicer than just being locked in a tiny box isn't it i mean it has its perks i mean like being locked in a box is cool like it has its own perks as well but you know it's also nice like when you want to get out you can so like with my apartment i like one like some days when i get bored i used to like just leave and like i walked uh like four and a half kilometers um like just around just like just get my mind off of things and you know also physical exercise and all that good stuff
Starting point is 00:42:25 and uh yeah like i found out some like cool stuff some information there's actually a guitar shop really close to me and i never knew it was there so there's that and i also found out where uh dxc technology is it's actually not too far from my apartment which is nice um you know just in case ict project actually comes to something good joke i know good joke i know um that's not happening um i i've heard like a few different things about ict project but like what are you doing exactly or do you not want to talk about it i know i've talked about it before um basically i'm doing i can't say like exactly what it is basically a data visualization tool uh a vr data visualization tool and uh yeah pretty much i the code base was already there so
Starting point is 00:43:15 i'm just building some extensions onto it things that the uh original devs you know didn't think were good ideas for whatever reasons because they apparently have never written a line of C sharp or just never used VR before. Oofed. Because there's basic stuff missing like, oh, you can't teleport, so you have to literally walk around your scene so it's really, really constricted what you can actually do
Starting point is 00:43:38 or there's no other forms of locomotion or there was just a bunch of stuff that was... A bunch of basic stuff missing from it that just made it a hell to use and then the code base itself well the code base itself is awful i think they were learning c sharp as they were writing it so jeebus um it's funny you should mention that because i think i've like i know like in some weird way i think i've had something to do with that project um because i tested um at least some form of data visualization in vr before and like you could you could fly around like you could move like a camera to where like you wanted to look at the data that's a different
Starting point is 00:44:18 thing okay i thought it's like something similar anyway and that was that was marley that was the first time i've ever actually used vr um yeah so like i got into i can't remember how i got into it but i got into like a test so like how like people reacted to interacting with data in like a virtual space so it's basically like a big graph um and you had to like fly around and find like the red node and once you found like the red node you had to like interact with it um and you know that was cool and all but the problem was in their like testing they had like this huge graph um and like it was i said to him like if you want to be more effective with your testing i would like trim back the graph a bit because like i spent five minutes like just looking around for it because everything was so huge and it was um like some of the nodes you couldn't actually
Starting point is 00:45:18 see unless you like rotated the graph and like in some in some forms of like the because they were testing interactions so like and like how you interacted with the data so they had like you could fly like you would have to have like the um like the control i think they call controllers i'm not sure but you like had to move them like you were superman flying and that was cool and they also had like one where you could actually like hold a camera um and like it would show where the camera is looking to like the graph in your hand and you could like move the camera around that way and like as i was saying like some of the like nodes that you had to find you couldn't actually see and it was really hard to like rotate the graph and like actually find where they were especially if like some of the
Starting point is 00:46:04 nodes were right in the middle and like even from like multiple angles you couldn't find where it was or perhaps i'm just blind but so how did that um that movement method feel especially because you're new to vr like when i first used vr i got pretty bad motion sickness and i don't usually get that unless like i only get motion sickness when i'm doing vr and it's especially the case when you're doing like heavy movement and you're not actually moving i i i did feel a little motion sick to uh start off with but then like as i worked through it and by the time i got to the end i felt fine i'm not like personally i don't get motion sick a lot. The only time I get, like, really motion sick is when I'm on a boat. I get, like, especially in, like, really rough conditions, I get seasick.
Starting point is 00:46:54 Like, being out on, like, just in, like, shallows is fine for me. But, like, once you get into, like, really deep, oh, excuse me, really deep water. Yeah. That's, like, really rough. That's when I get to like really deep oh excuse me uh really deep water yeah that's like really rough that's when i get like really seasick i've never actually like been sick but like i can't like i can't like stand up i have to like either sit down or i will fall down yeah yeah makes sense so yeah oh um i feel like a lot of motion sickness is like um or at least for me anyway the more you experience the better you get at it well yeah so like if i oh sorry i was just gonna say like with me like i if i got my sea legs and actually like went out to sea like in like rough waters more i wouldn't get as sick sure but yeah yeah, yeah. Yeah, I was going to say, since I started using, like, my headset for developing this project more,
Starting point is 00:47:48 it's gotten better. When I first put it on, I was like, after about five minutes of testing, I'd be like, I can't do any more for today. But now I can just put it on and off just constantly as I'm testing stuff, and it's not a problem, really. So it's definitely a thing about getting used to it for sure speaking of testing stuff let's talk um let's talk code testing so uh at i want to kind of just ask at uni have you ever been um been pulled up for academic misconduct? Uh, no. But I have called out lecturers who are
Starting point is 00:48:25 being really insanely strict on it for no reason. Hmm. I'm glad you've, uh, I'm glad you've done that, because, um, John, um, I'm glad you, oh, okay, um, I haven't got to that yet, but, um,
Starting point is 00:48:42 I know, like, some of my, yeah, no, academic misconduct? Yes, academic misconduct. Yeah, don't i know like some of my yeah no academic like misconduct yes academic misconduct yeah don't do it like don't be pc like um in one of my i think i taught like i think a lot of people were there for this when i was doing cloud i got put with like a group of people who were absolutely useless like they had they had no idea how to write java and the fact that we had to use like the concurrent library to write a um a game just pushed them over the edge so they blatantly copied someone else's assignment and then like me who was like trying to write their own code um i i got like
Starting point is 00:49:17 excluded from so like i had like a git lab repo and like we like they all had access to it and they had all like um pulled from it so they had like all the base files and everything and i'd like done all like the basic stuff like all the method stubs were there um they then like started sharing the code around via messenger and then one of them like i we had like a group meeting one day i was like hey why has no one done the code oh yeah we've been sharing it via messenger here's the finished product um i opened it in intellij and intellij was like i don't know what you want me to do with this like they there was like i'm pretty sure it was like a thousand lines of code for one method um and it was supposed to be an ai um to get like a snake like it was for the game snake yeah it was supposed to get that to move around
Starting point is 00:50:05 the board but um it never actually like it was just garbage and they never actually moved so it was like just a thousand lines of just pure waffle um and then i found out that they had a previous year's high distinction assignment and i was like oh have you been copying from they're like oh yeah all we have to do is comment and i was like oh you've got kidding me so like went up to the tutor and the lecture i was like hey i've seen this this is what they're doing can you do anything to help me out and they're like this is due in a week isn't it was like yep and they're like well you looks like you just gotta ride the wave and i was like well kill me please um and i don't know if they actually ever got pinged for academic uh
Starting point is 00:50:46 misconduct but i feel like if you told them about it and they submitted that anyway they would have had to surely uh i i don't know i don't have any contact with them and i sincerely hope they never ask me to work with them again or i get told to work with them again uh anyway um yeah so it's like some of my friends are going through data structures this year right yeah it's a fun one and i i don't know about you but i was always told that like when your code was handed up they would look at the logic not the variable names because you know it's easy to copy and paste someone's code and then just change the variable names to make it look you know um like it's your own work yeah yeah some of my like some of my like really close friends uh got pulled up on academic misconduct and they went into like and they were like this is oh god what have i done
Starting point is 00:51:36 you know have i matched with the previous year assignment has someone copied my code without me knowing it what is going on they get into the meeting right like all that like so they give you like a week before they actually send you into like a meeting to decide your fate um and it's a lot of stress because like you don't know like if someone's copied your code or you know if you've coincidentally um you know copied someone's assignment from a few years back um and when they got into the meeting they're like oh yeah so you have this variable name called temp why have you used that variable name and like everyone that i know it was like um are you excuse me what yeah it's it's a temporary variable what do you expect from me hey you have this loop you use the variable. What do you expect from me? Hey, you have this loop. You use the variable I.
Starting point is 00:52:27 Why did you do that? What the fuck kind of question are you asking me? Yeah, exactly. And, like, a lot of... Like, it was just, like, you have used this variable over and over again, and so have, like, some other people. Why did you do it?
Starting point is 00:52:39 It was like, all right, can I share... Wait, who was involved in this process? Because this person can't be a programmer. can i share sure wait can i share who was involved in this uh this process because this person can't be a programmer do you do you remember kathy from itpm yeah sure that's who the meeting that was who the meeting was with and yeah academic misconduct hey you use the word the in a sentence a couple of times why did you do that what the fuck are the words you want to use i want so like i wrote a um like an academic paper for my current thing and i had like a meeting with the course lecturer about it and they were like oh yeah um
Starting point is 00:53:16 we flagged this and we you know we just let it slide and i was like yeah you should because it's a quote i'm directly quoting the source, what do you people want from me? Okay, I'll see if I can find it, but Turnitin is actually... I honestly fucking hate Turnitin. It is the worst piece of software that's ever come into... It shouldn't be used.
Starting point is 00:53:38 It's not fit for purpose. So basically, in my data and web mining course i looked into like what my uh oh i got an hd on the second assignment hey well done okay um what i was gonna say was i got 24 similarity on the second assignment and some of the things that it picked up were like at the level of this is the temp variable okay so i'm gonna send you a fucking okay i can't zoom in why can't i zoom in dude like with a lot of the papers i write it flags me for similarity on fucking references yeah no like legit that's bad enough but this is gonna be even worse than that so like legit i'll have like in brackets so for like something i was talking about um mental health uh the big the big v
Starting point is 00:54:32 and like a few other things and like i quoted the world health organization and then it flagged like the reference who 2020 and i was like you've got be shitting me. Okay I'm gonna show something on the screen look at, okay so anything that's highlighted that's what's been flagged it has flagged the letters B, C and D and the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 and the word
Starting point is 00:54:57 items this software is not fit for purpose open and shut case, boys. Get him out of here. Send him to the gulag. There were also things that got pinged, like frequent patterns
Starting point is 00:55:11 and other decision tree. Just words that everyone's going to use in this assignment. This software is not fit for purpose. It shouldn't be used. I don't know why it's being used. I think it's because it's cheap and easy and because they don't actually like they can't be bothered using a better service okay I will tell them my big problem okay sorry for cutting you off but this actually
Starting point is 00:55:37 really fucking annoys me so it would be fine if they just used as like a guidelines like okay well all this stuff got flagged. Let's see what actually got flagged. And then they can look like, oh, references got flagged. Oh, the word the got flagged. All that stuff's useless. And then you can look through it and see, okay, well, maybe this sentence here, maybe this is something that's actually like a legitimate flag.
Starting point is 00:56:01 My problem is when lecturers use turn it in as if it's the be-all and end-all of whether you've copied something. And that's what John's doing for this semester. He said, if you have over 20% similarity on the final assignment, you'll get marked down. I got 24 on this, and I got flagged for things like
Starting point is 00:56:19 the and items. And he's not going to check the actual what got flagged. He's just going to say, okay, above 20%, you get marked down.'s not going to check the actual like what got flagged he's just gonna say okay above 20 you get marked down i'm gonna go about that if that happens uh the the good thing is like um because of like my position like a bunch of different things i get to like shill stuff yeah and i hate that my friends never got caught or like never got flagged for academic misconduct earlier because we actually have like elections going on for the moment for the academic integrity board which is like if this had happened like two weeks earlier i would have nominated and i would
Starting point is 00:56:56 have actually like championed for like better software and better systems um which is kind of funny um because uh i probably shouldn't be talking about this but i got an internal staff email one day because i teach it i teach at uni well i did for a little bit and i hope to teach again soon um you got a staff email uh someone uploaded their programming assignment oh and in like the it's fine yeah this people have already been sharing this one around interesting i wonder who else shared it around um anywho um yeah so in there like it was either a java or c++ assignment like in the um assignment marker they had a library for ssh as well as like a fast copy library and a crypto mining library so someone
Starting point is 00:57:47 was going to backdoor into the lecturer's computer and run a crypto miner which i mean respect the hustle but at the same time your name is plastered all over this bitch what did you expect was going to happen if you got caught holy it probably wasn't going to be a crypto miner because they would have made like fractions of cents doing it it was probably going to be something like a ransomware setup yeah probably but how dumb do you have to be jesus like it's like your name is all over this thing like i was marking this assignment and it magically locked my computer i wonder what happened there hopefully they'll actually make some changes to the way they do marking because i don't here's the thing you
Starting point is 00:58:29 i don't know why people were marking without running the code in a vm like that's a bad yeah you just if you are like said anywhere else i'm just gonna run some random code that someone sent me that's a bad idea don't do that yeah. Yeah. I 100% agree, and that's what the discussion is now. Do we have to provide VMs for everyone? You don't have to provide VMs for everyone. You just have to tell them when you mark code, make sure you do it
Starting point is 00:58:55 in a VM. It's not hard. Provide a VM. It takes like five minutes to set up a Windows VM. It takes like two to do an Ubuntu one, which is even easier, and probably better for marking, to be perfectly a Windows VM. And it takes, like, two to do an Ubuntu one, which is even easier, and probably better for marking, to be perfectly honest with you. Well, some of the courses do, like, for, like, the
Starting point is 00:59:11 C-sharp ones, they're usually based on .NET, so even though you could do.NET Core, you might as well do it on what the students are actually developing for. It just makes more sense. Which is, yeah, it's fair enough. I just need to go really quickly. I'll be right back.
Starting point is 00:59:26 No worries. Okay, so did anyone notice the, uh, the Back to the Future poster that's in the background of his shot? I don't know. I don't know why he has that. It's an awesome poster, but, hey. Um, also, I did need to bring up the thing I don't know why he has that, it's an awesome poster, but hey.
Starting point is 00:59:50 Also, I did need to bring up the thing about the beats that he has on, because I don't know why he has a pair of beats. Oh lord. Yeah, so, I don't know, I can talk more about this Turn It In stuff. Basically, my lecture is saying, if you get above 20% you will be marked down accordingly until 40%. At 40% you get an instant zero regardless of what the content of the copy were. If it's more of these copies where it's just like oh you didn't actually copy anything you just have things that are
Starting point is 01:00:18 getting flagged for no reason. He's not actually gonna be checking any of it. He's just gonna say you're above 20% you're getting flagged and if that happens I'm just gonna basically go to the course coordinator howdy howdy howdy I was talking about turn it in oh yeah absolute doo-doo and like I said wouldn't like the last paper I submitted I got like 30% no what did i get it was it was definitely above 30 i know that and i was mad um what actually was it now that i think about it most of the time i get above 30 just because i copied the questions in yeah like that's that's stupid yeah no it was dead on 30 similarity and about 20 of that was my
Starting point is 01:01:06 assent was like my references and the other 10 were direct quotes that i had referenced properly within the text so it's like well yeah like it flags stuff like the world health organization yeah no kidding it's the name of a thing a pandemic the word the actually i'm gonna see if i can find some hilarious other ones in here. What else do we have? The Australian government. The word health. Thank you, Turnitin.
Starting point is 01:01:33 Very cool. As I said, it is not fit for use. No, it really isn't. Frequent patterns and association rules. Frequent pattern is a. Of. Just of patent is a. Of. Just of. Nothing else.
Starting point is 01:01:49 Algorithm. Let's see. What other hilarious ones do we have in here? More of the. You wrote some letters in. We're going to flag those. With a minimum support of so okay in this assignment we had to use a data set
Starting point is 01:02:11 and basically generate some association rules from it and it's actually flagged all of the association rules because everyone just copied them in in the same format from the tool we generated them from so there's this big wall of copied because everyone's just copied in the same results because we're all doing it with the same tool excuse me yeah no that's so silly i i mean like there's a certain ai lecturer that we all kind of have a certain amount of disdain for oh i don't dislike him he's great i mean he did pay me he's for ai he's okay but for everything else
Starting point is 01:02:52 anyway at least with his like the one where we actually had to write like a report he didn't actually make us submit it to turn it in he just like got us to submit it as a pdf and like with the rest of our code so it didn't actually get marked i'll give you a get marks in turn it in yeah but he asked i i know they get marked but like he asked to put in a zip folder and then turn it in doesn't look at it because it has an errors like this is a zip file we cannot mark zip files abort sector not clear so i'll give him props for that um and he's got his own like assignment markers and everything yeah at least that's one thing he does a job well anyway regardless of whether he's a the greatest person or not yeah anyway oh there's a nice pleasant update the people who got called in for um you know using temp., etc., I can confirm that it is our belief
Starting point is 01:03:47 that you were not involved in any academic misconduct in your submission. Yeah, good work. Keep in mind that this assignment has been around since 2015 because the file names still have, like, 2015 and stuff in them. Yeah, the people are bound to have copies over that length of time yeah and like i feel like it's partly the lecturer's fault for not actually you know updating the assignment but hey it is what it is that's why every like starting from honestly first
Starting point is 01:04:18 year should have the git course like oh yeah i should be in first like first year first semester yeah like the um like replace the the um like the coding assignment oh no uh yeah that like uh the like the coding assignment within tools like replace that with something um like git based like here's a repository like just and like don't even do it like with code just like have some text files or something like that and then just like all right i want you to like take this text file make some changes over here you know merge it back into main and that can be your first assignment like then no i guess also just do a bit of a report on like the process of using git yeah i mean like you know git is an essential and like especially
Starting point is 01:05:07 like now when like some people have got like uh group assignments to work on that are based in code like lecturers have just pulled the guns uh sorry i've just pulled out and said you know what this is all like um this is all individual now and they haven't actually modified the assignments they're still like set for group work so there's like i feel bad for like a lot of students because they've essentially been set up to fail and i really feel bad for like a lot of first years because like doing this like being a uni student from home like you know you're at home right but it isn't exactly like easy um especially like when you're people like when you're like me and you don't have uh i guess great internet like it's so easy to get dropped out and i know my internet went out here at like 7 p.m and it didn't come back until i eventually got around to ringing my isp until like 11 o'clock
Starting point is 01:06:05 the next morning for me i've been doing uni from home for the past couple of years but it took me a while to get used to that like work-life balance as well like first year i did like 12 hours a day on uni and then over time like at this point i barely do like six hours a week just because that's all I need but you've got to take that time to just to learn it and people get just getting thrust into it that's the problem that's happening like if you did it over time over your own volition it would be fine
Starting point is 01:06:36 but just getting chucked into it with no preparation whatsoever the lecturers also have no idea what they're doing either it just makes it way worse to be perfectly fair though there's a um there's a certain database lecturer that's been used to giving lectures to empty theaters for a while now but that's neither here nor there to be fair most lecturers give uh lectures to empty theaters yeah yeah no i i agree um anyway what else have you been doing outside of um outside of uni oh you didn't play you're playing any games watching any of them any of
Starting point is 01:07:14 them animes i did catch up on a little bit of anime the other day but mainly it's just been uh handling the channel so just smashing out videos every day for that. I've started doing this weird thing called taking days off. So now what I'm going to do is two days a week I'm going to do double days and then I'll take the weekend off. I know it's crazy. I haven't done it in like
Starting point is 01:07:38 a year. I literally haven't had a weekend off in about a year or so. Imagine actually making time for yourself. What is this? Self-care? That's what one of my patrons said on Twitter. He was like, oh, are you seriously taking days off?
Starting point is 01:07:53 Like, yes. Like, he was joking about it. I've talked to him a bunch of times. But he was just like, yeah, I'm taking days off. It's been a while. Yeah. No, I get that. Trust me, I understand burnout a lot um back so like i don't know if i mentioned it on the last podcast but i was in the process of like working as like a video
Starting point is 01:08:15 editor and i did mention i completely yeah i had completely given up on that i have no like i used to love like editing and like turning out videos but i've i lost my passion for it and i don't know why i guess it's just because i was always churning them out yeah for people um and i don't enjoy it anymore because i always i guess i just associate it with work um uh yeah like i don't like the last video i did was like at the end of April and I like I delivered it late and I like ended up because I delivered it so late I ended up like just I think I got paid like 15 bucks for it like and it was it was like a good like I want to say it was a good 16 hours of work but I know it was more than that
Starting point is 01:09:03 and yeah I got paid like 15 bucks for it because I just I had no effort to say it was a good 16 hours of work, but I know it was more than that. And yeah, I got paid like 15 bucks for it because I had no effort to do it and I just didn't care. And I basically didn't care if I got cancelled on Twitter because I was taking so long with this goddamn video because I didn't really care. I had no motivation to do it and I didn't enjoy doing it.
Starting point is 01:09:20 So I didn't really see much point in doing it. So now I've just moved on to doing other stuff i was gonna ask you if you actually started up your channel that you said you were gonna do but nope nope didn't think so nope no uh to be perfectly fair i have thought about like um like just making doing like the leafies here and making, like, a good video, like, every now and then. Sure. Like he's currently doing. Like, he just uploads, like, a three-minute video when he feels like it.
Starting point is 01:09:53 Yeah. For the most part, it's pretty good. I've been thinking about it. I keep hassling about making videos, and Connor's just like, oh, I'll make it at some point. Yeah, basically. I had one that was almost done then it didn't like and deleted it yeah um like i i wanted to like i've been i want to like kick i want to like dip my toe into the commentary to me community but at the same time i really don't want to put my
Starting point is 01:10:18 my toe in that um toxic cesspit um like i've been meaning like i really wanted to do like a video on like how garbage twitch is um but like every time i like sit down and think about doing it something else happens so like i was gonna make a video on how like garbage twitch is and then like uh what's her name bad bunny came out and was like oh yeah five dollars and then i was gonna like incorporate that and then you know pokeman came out and was like oh yeah five dollars and then i was gonna like incorporate that and then you know pokeman came out and was like hey it's a gundam you know what fuck your sponsors and i was like okay time to add something else in and then it uh bad bunny came back with another thing and then the alinity nip slip happened i was like you know what this is going
Starting point is 01:11:01 to be like a six hour documentary by the time i'm done i can't be bothered don't forget about dear girl oh my god dear girl dig oh my that that was some look to me i'm gonna be perfectly honest with you that's like bullying bullying the retarded kid there's there's no fun in that come on like there's clearly issues there whether they are present like clearly present whether there are other ones that are underlying the last i heard about her is twitch was trying to like separate themselves from her yeah which was look honestly they should have just been like to be perfectly fair that was the only response like after she'd come out and said that like um voice chat shouldn't be in video games because it gives people an advantage that was just yeah
Starting point is 01:11:52 no at that point twitch is just like that's our business model like yeah no yeah no um and i found it kind of ironic you know this champion of um yeah this champion of marginalized people uh won't let them have a voice they just want nobody to have a voice which is mildly ironic i didn't even think of it like that yeah uh you know people who don't have a voice i will be your voice by taking away everybody's voice yes logic out of 10 i i feel like people on the internet just learned it um you just need to tell people to get fucked more often pretty much yeah that's a good way to go i mean like yeah gotta gotta be a bit of a dick sometimes yeah exactly like a bit of tough love never hurt anybody.
Starting point is 01:12:47 Which is kind of how... Did I ever tell you about the story about how I annoyed a solar company so much that I actually might have started a job with them? I don't recall this story. Just hang on a second. He lives with his parents, so he's got, you know, he can hear me still. Parents aren't home. Parents aren't home. I'm just talking to my sister.
Starting point is 01:13:10 Oh, your sister. Yeah. Don't unmute your mic when people are still in your room. Hmm? I said don't unmute your mic when people are still in the room. No. I'll try my best. That's why I have push to talk.
Starting point is 01:13:27 So people who people who screech in the background usually can't be heard. Yeah, happens a lot. Anyway, so my my mom, like she she got like can't even remember how many grand worth of solar panels installed right and um like this was going great like they were churning at like 40 kilowatts a day on like a 30 kilowatt system which was was pretty good and then eventually one day they just like died like a month into having them installed and it wasn't actually a problem with the panels it was like the inverter itself which like takes the solar power and then like returns it to the grid um anyway like they like it was a whole like battle to get them to like come back and like take the old inverter
Starting point is 01:14:15 down and like put a new one in and like there was all like this garbage and missing paperwork that um disappeared um anyway when it finally got done um it was like it's a smart inverter so like you can monitor it with apps through like um your computer and like your phone and uh the main problem was was that like these apps like they're brilliant right they tell you exactly what you need to know the problem was that they were registered to the old inverter not the new one that had um come in right and there was no actual way once you like set up and like once you set up an inverter to either remove that inverter or set up like another um like power plant it was just there forever they had no form of concurrency or like uh any form of like backtracing or like removing this old inverter so I emailed
Starting point is 01:15:05 them I was like hey I'm one of your customers you know I've been trying to like do this and set up different you know inverters and stuff like this and I found that it is really hard to do well that's actually a lie it's not hard to do it's impossible to do it's like really i forget the like exact lingo i use um but i basically said like you know this is garbage you know your developers are ass they should have like accounted for this in their um in their testing been like hey what happens if the inverter dies or they upgrade their inverter no don't worry about it um and like the stupidest thing was was that the inverter that you registered
Starting point is 01:15:47 was locked to like the account you made with this company and so like even if it had like burned in a fire there was no actual way to remove it it was there forever and you couldn't update it or anything um and there's like you know this is some bullshit like if you i'm what like i'm currently studying like software engineering if you need someone to help i am more than happy to help i'm still waiting for the response from that email i don't think you're getting a response no i to be perfectly fair i don't blame him i wouldn't respond to me either um but yeah like i said like how like you know there are like use cases where like people have like investment properties and you know they might put solar panels on their investment property how are they going to
Starting point is 01:16:31 monitor like the solar that's coming through that property as well like it's just it's just so like backwards and there's no actual way like so you have to have this one inverter and if that one inverter dies well tough luck or if there's any damage and anything yeah exactly no just replace what are you fucking doing yeah like it's just it was oh it was infuriating and like i looked through like all of their support documents and i like everything they're like you know you cannot remove this inverter it is is there forever. Okay, what if I want to add another one? It is legally impossible to do this. It's like, okay, cool.
Starting point is 01:17:11 What if my house burns down? No, it is still there. It still physically exists. That serial number really comes back to haunt you. So I think what I ended up doing was just, I went, you know what? Fuck it. We'll just
Starting point is 01:17:25 create another account and set it up that way but then i found out you can't actually log out once you sign into this once you sign into this there is no going back it is there forever and oh my it was i i i lost sleep over this like just running through like how stupid this is and like how backwards all this this was. I even believe some of my hair went grey from this. But, anyway. Anyway. Anyway. Yeah, that's one adventure.
Starting point is 01:18:04 Yeah. My life's been oh you guys you guys can see the uh the mute icon down there okay i guess while he's gone uh i can talk about the the malware story that i had at my university. So it wasn't technically malware. Basically, after, like, the year eight, where we had... Oh, he's back. He's gonna... I'm not saying much, but what I am saying is that there were... There was enough abuse there to easily get you demonetized for the next six years.
Starting point is 01:18:41 I was gonna say... I was just starting to talk about the malware story that I was going to mention. Ooh, malware. Yes, go on. I like malware. In year eight, I said that we basically didn't have an IT team
Starting point is 01:18:52 that knew what they were doing. That shifted over the next couple of years. So by the time we hit year 12, the IT team had basically changed and they pretty much installed rootkits on everyone's system. Nice. So, no, this was, like, actually really bad.
Starting point is 01:19:09 So, one was they had a way to, like, black out your screen and then change your screen over to another screen. So, this was supposed to be used by teachers to, like, show some, like, thing on the... Yes, just show something that was going on what happened though was a student managed to get access to this and would just like show porn or show whatever it is they want to show i'm not surprised but that's not as bad as it gets like that's a pretty normal thing for schools now it's hate it, but it's a normal thing. The rootkit part is where it gets really bad. So, they had the ability to delete any file that was on your computer. And not just on your computer, on drives attached to your computer.
Starting point is 01:19:56 So, if you had... Nice. There was a point where if you had Urban Terror on your computer, it would automatically get deleted if it had the name Urban Terror, whatever the version was. What they ended up doing, though, was it even did that on usb devices so if you plugged in a usb that had urban terror on it that had anything the school didn't like on it it would delete it off the usb no um yeah rootkits are pretty nasty and we never had anything like that the worst thing
Starting point is 01:20:29 that i had happened to me was i had like there was this it was a pain in the ass thing and it only happened on one computer but that one computer is the computer you needed to use to like print because like there was one like it was routine like just that every other day like the whole like network to the printer would just die and you wouldn't be able to like print so you'd actually have to like physically take your usb to this computer and print off whatever you needed whether it be like um notes um slides for a presentation you were doing or whatever um there was this fucking virus on this computer it was like it was particularly nasty because what it would do is it would turn all your folders into shortcuts and then if you are and it was like that wasn't so bad right but
Starting point is 01:21:16 then if you like tried to access those shortcuts on any other computer other than it like it just wouldn't be able to find them sure and so what you ended up having to do, right, was you had to create a dummy folder with all these shortcuts on it. So you create this folder. It would then turn that folder into a shortcut. Then you would have to create all your folders again, copy and paste everything back into those folders, and then eject it before they got turned into shortcuts.
Starting point is 01:21:45 This is what happens when you have a shit it team who doesn't do their job properly yeah and it was a and keep in mind like the whole school was running like vista slash seven like machines like they were pretty decent machines they were like uh like they were core two duos i think like the like for the time they were really like the really recent core 2 duos um and they had like four gigs around like they were pretty stock no sorry i think they were core 2 duos with eight gigs of ram surprisingly um so like they were pretty stiff like they were pretty good like standard but good excuse me but the like the printing machine was like some heap of fucking garbage that they'd pulled up from like the windows 98 days and somehow managed to get xp working on it to be fair xp will run on a
Starting point is 01:22:29 fucking potato oh yeah um anyway like i'd like that's what our whole printing network was running off of this like virus riddled xp machine and holy jesus like oh it was painful it was so painful i'm glad like that like with windows 10 right the windows 10 defender is pretty good yeah like it's pretty pretty good i would say yeah it you don't really like because i only run avast on my home machine well sorry unlike my actual desktop not my laptop um just out of, you know, curiosity. Because Avast has got an interesting thing. It allows you to detect devices that are connected to your network. So when I used to live in a big apartment building, it was all just one network.
Starting point is 01:23:20 So I used to be able to find people's TVs and printers and shit. And that was fun until they worked out who sending uh your printer has become a self-aware and will self-destruct in five four three two anyway you get the point that was all it's all fun and games until they find out it was you um yeah that that was good fun and it was actually particularly fun because the vast is like oh yeah so this is uh this is password protected this is password protected this is not and it's like okay cool let's see what we can find here and it just gives you an ip address um so you know it's not that not that in-depth but then you can like you know ping it and do different stuff to it um and because of
Starting point is 01:24:00 the way like our network was set up i could trace throughout that ip and work out like roughly what section of the building it was in. No. Because, like I said, there were different access points for different parts of the building. Sure. And then it was just a process of working out, like, okay, so this router was named,
Starting point is 01:24:18 had an abbreviation, and then it had a number. And then I ended up like just walking i was coming into my room one day and like one of the wireless access points was above my uh room door right and i noticed that they had um a label on it with like a bunch of letters and a number and i didn't actually like pay any attention to it at the time and then when i like i actually like looked at it one day and i was like oh that's the so that that's the abbreviation so i then like walked around the entire building worked out where every access point was and then i could work out roughly like whose printer was where and who i was
Starting point is 01:24:54 relatively messing with um but you know then someone had the bright idea to name their printer and then yeah that that was and then like you could just send them in like stuff that you'd heard about them and then you could completely remain anonymous um but yeah as i said it's all fun and games until they actually work out um who was doing it good times good times just committing a bit of cyber crime it's fine look if you're not if you're not going to secure your shit, don't blame me when I exploit it. If you don't set a password, that's your fault.
Starting point is 01:25:30 Even if it is just password or something. Also, just print via internet-connected devices. That's just a good plan. Or just print via USB, idiot. It's not hard. If something was password-protected, I never tried like password password one two three admin etc etc i was just like password protected i can't be bothered yeah
Starting point is 01:25:50 so but yeah you leave it open um i i feel like you're you're allowed to be messed with a little bit well generally at least with routers um their default passwords will just be a randomly generated string now which is way better than what they have been in the past. Yeah, no, that's good. What is that noise? No, it's like a scraping noise. He can't hear me now. Why'd I speak?
Starting point is 01:26:18 I had like a scraping noise. Oh, it might be my chair, maybe. I don't know. Yeah, it might. Yeah. No, this chair has been know. Yeah, it might. Yeah. No, this chair's been through a lot. So I got this, like, a couple of years ago. And in that time, I've had to move it quite a lot.
Starting point is 01:26:36 And the last time I had to... Sorry, the last two times I've had to move it, because it's such a big chair and it weighs, like, 20 kilos, which isn't that heavy. But when you, like... It's just so big and awkward so like the last time like last two times i've had to move it i've had to like undo the bolts that um hold like the actual chair to like the wheels that are underneath it and uh in doing so i think i've bent like the either the bolts a little bit or like the plate
Starting point is 01:27:01 underneath it because if i move like to one side on it it like scrapes and uh creaks like really badly and it never used to do it but it does it now um and like i said either i haven't done the bolts up tight enough or i've just bent it uh through moving it which isn't exactly my fault but oh well perks of moving i guess i actually physically can't move my chair out of like the space between my bed and my uh my desk I would have to take the top off to move it yeah I mean like for this like it won't actually roll too far um it's actually like it's in it's in like the corner of my room and there's like a little slot in my desk that it won't actually fit in I can just like slide it in a little bit so if I need to get around to like this side of my bed like i i can i just climb over stuff yeah i just climb over as well like i can't be bothered
Starting point is 01:27:50 moving it um yeah you know how you were saying before about like you know work-life balance and all that good stuff yeah have you ever found it like kind of difficult um to like stop working because your office is your room oh absolutely yeah yeah no um sort of i guess what it is is you have to give yourself those strict restrictions which i haven't done for like a long time um back when i did my remote working job, I would do five hours a day. And then because I was still at the computer, I would still be thinking about stuff like throughout that time as well after I'd finished.
Starting point is 01:28:32 And now I think it's gotten weird with the YouTube stuff because now my work is also what I do outside of work. So I'm messing with Linux software and on my channel, I'm also messing with Linux software and on my channel, I'm also messing with Linux software. So they're kind of the same thing. So I'm not really sure how to separate them really. And then uni I've kind of put into its own bubble.
Starting point is 01:28:56 I'm like, I'm going to work on uni now, but this is kind of something I've had to work on the past like four years or so when it comes to the hobby stuff, though, the hobby stuff still kind of like merges together i'm like always kind of working no i i get that 100 that's why i i try and where i can work away from my bedroom which is um like in my apartment it's kind of hard because i have like my um my desktop is in my room and it's like literally like right next to my bed so i'm kind
Starting point is 01:29:26 of stuck there working there but if i can like i'll work on my laptop in like my living room or um in my kitchen yeah or like oh sorry on my dining room table because it like it gives that um that like feeling of separation and i've also started like um some nights and especially like on the weekends i'll like i won't turn on my laptop after like 6 or 7 p.m i'll just like shut everything down and start reading a book which um it's been nice it's given me time to like um start like i've always wanted to like read like a bunch of classic books, but I never actually have. So, like, I've read, so far I've only finished Animal Farm, and I'm reading through 1984. And then I want to move on, like, to Kill a Mockingbird.
Starting point is 01:30:23 And if I'm feeling adventurous enough, I might read Shakespeare, but I doubt that's going to happen, because that language can honestly go die. Like, oh my god like that is one of my pet peeves with shakespeare that like they're they're really good problem is he's like he writes like a fucking retard like fuck like i had to read um i think we took an entire term in high school to read through uh and Juliet I've read Romeo and Juliet and the only way I got through it was there's not an abridged version but there's an English version of it no there's a comic book version
Starting point is 01:30:56 and it can portrays a lot of the work a lot of the stuff that's written just through art instead of the actual like garbage that he spews um and that was like that was really good and then for high school we had to read i think it was hamlet no no it was mcbeth and i think we ended up getting bored with that and then watched the movie with oh what's the guy It's really recent. Is it Michael Fassbender? I'm not sure. I'll have to see.
Starting point is 01:31:29 I think it's Macbeth anyway. For us, so we've read Romeo and Juliet and we've watched two of the movies. Oh, God. We watched the one from like the 40s. That one is exceptional. It's like a really good adaptation of the movie. The one that wasn't though we watched
Starting point is 01:31:47 the 90s one with leonardo dicaprio oh yeah how they uh adapt it to modern society with like pistols and stuff yeah it's terrible and i love it yeah it's it's it's shocking and i was right it is it's a 2015 with michael fassbender i'm gonna find a picture of it for anyone who hasn't seen it yeah the the the romeo sorry the leonardo dicaprio one um was absolute trash um but you know it still conveys its point in modern society but it's also just you know really silly let's see uh and. This is just him looking like a pretty boy. Oh, yeah. My boy, Leo. Here we go.
Starting point is 01:32:32 Here's something you wouldn't expect to see. So this is a picture of them holding up guns to the camera. Is this like that Daniel Radcliffe photo? Daniel Radcliffe photo. Daniel Radcliffe photo. You know the one where Harry Scott, like, he's, like, just holding the guns in, like, a robe and, like, his bear slippers? Oh, that...
Starting point is 01:32:52 Yeah. No, I... It's sort of like that. I'll see if I can find the cars. Oh, Lord, the cars were so dumb looking. Um... Oh lord, the cars were so dumb looking. I'll send you a picture. Here you go. What is this? What is this vehicle?
Starting point is 01:33:21 What is this? What is this vehicle? Oh, yeah. Welcome to the 80s. Was it the 80s or 90s? It was the 90s, isn't it? This came out. Yeah, welcome to the 90s. This is...
Starting point is 01:33:37 They take, like, legitimate cars and then just, like, cut the roof off of it. It's like, this is cool. Yeah. Like, nice wide-body kit. Pity it looks like a fucking rectangle. Holy shit. Oh.
Starting point is 01:33:52 I don't remember what year the other one we watched came out, but that was actually, like, a proper adaptation. They'd converted the English into, like, English that, you know, made sense. Yeah. But everything else was the same. Yeah. No, like I said, the, like, the comic book versions,
Starting point is 01:34:09 um, they, like, they can portray, they cut, like, the scripts in half, because they portray a lot of what he's saying, um, without actually saying it. That would definitely help. Yeah. And so, like, with, like, when I actually read the actual Hamlet manuscript,
Starting point is 01:34:27 I was losing my mind. Like, if you want, like, if anyone here, like, I'm not saying, like, condoning the use of drugs, but if anyone here does acid, like, drop acid and read Hamlet because it's an experience. Like, holy Jesus. And, like, even, like, sober, it was an experience. But, like, like even like sober it was an experience but like if you got plastered and did that it would just be so insane anyway neither here nor there i don't
Starting point is 01:34:55 know how we got to the shakespeare topic no idea um yeah oh right you you turning your computer off to go read. Oh, yeah. Yeah, like I said, I might feel adventurous enough to read Shakespeare at some point, but that won't be for a while. I've read a few other classics, like Of Mice and Men, and I've read bits and pieces of... Fuck, I hate Of Mice mice and men it is horrendous it's not a bad book um to be perfectly honest and it's like you can knock it over in like an hour it's not that long i think it's like 120 pages long um it's not that bad not really um
Starting point is 01:35:38 it's just like it's a lot of southern drawl which i've watched like a i wouldn't classify myself as a film buff but i've watched like a lot of movies so it didn't really bother me the movie of mice and men isn't a bad movie either it's um i remember a good adaptation as well um it's probably good adaptation that's probably why i hated it john malkovich uh like the movie with john malkovich because i think there's a couple yeah I don't know which one I've watched Because there is an adaptation With John Malkovich who plays Like Lenny
Starting point is 01:36:11 And that's like that's a really good movie John Malkovich Has been in like quite a lot of stuff He's been in like Con Air Which was a Nicolas Cage movie He's also been in like Con Air which was a Nicolas Cage movie he's also been in like the Red series you know retired and extremely dangerous what else has he been in
Starting point is 01:36:32 he's been in like a lot of stuff that I'm failing to name but anyway good movie yeah oh one thing I have I'll show you some classic literature I have give me a sec. Oh, he was the... He was the... He was in Whiplash.
Starting point is 01:37:04 I can't think of the name now. What's that? Have you ever seen the movie Whipl was in Whiplash. I can't think of the name now. What's that? Have you ever seen the movie Whiplash? Whiplash. The name rings a bell. It's about this kid who wants to be a really good... I think he's a jazz drummer, I think. He just wants to be a top-of-the-line drummer,
Starting point is 01:37:21 and he gets into John Malkovich's band, and he ends up being a piece of shit to him. No,'t and then he ends so the whole premise is right this like he's a high like i think he's in his last year of school right or he's like first year of college or whatever and he gets his like this so like he's he's like dedicated he wants to be like his best like the best drummer he can be right and so he gets there's like two bands there's like the top of the line one and then there's just the one that everyone else gets into and he was in that and then john malkovich like turns up to his class one day and then like he somehow gets into his band and then like he gets um abused by like john malkovich um etc etc and like it gets to a point where he
Starting point is 01:38:03 ends up going to the school and reporting john malkovich and like he gets s um etc etc and like it gets to a point where he he ends up going to the school and reporting john malkovich and like he gets sacked etc etc and then like yeah so then like from that he gives up drumming and like goes and serves coffee and drops out of college or whatever and then like while he's like uh this is you're like i don't know if it's month or years later um while he's serving coffee john malkovich finds him he's like hey i'm my drummer's sick do you want in and then he ends up like being a piece of shit changing all the songs on him and makes him look like an idiot um yeah and then it's like it's the like in theory good premise but they kind of ruined it when like you know um he ends up like proving to him that he could be like it's it like it contradicts itself and it kind of loses
Starting point is 01:38:40 all like moral value or whatever so here's's a way to end a sentence or whatever. Nice. Idiot's guide to Windows ME. And I've got another one here. MS-DOS. Running MS-DOS. Yeah. I'm actually glad you brought that up because i've been playing like a lot of um
Starting point is 01:39:07 old like ms dos games um mainly because um have you ever played quake champions quake champions that's the new one which basically turned every good arena shooter ever into a champion shooter oh no no that's bad yeah so they're like so they have like really good like they have interesting characters right like they have like the original quake guy they have even because it's a bethesda game and they own quake they've got licenses for a bunch of like different characters so they've got um terror billy from wolfenstein in there they've got the doom guy and they've just got Billy from Wolfenstein in there. They've got the Doom guy, and they've just got, like, a bunch of different other characters. Right?
Starting point is 01:39:47 Which, you know, as cosmetics that you can pay for would be fine. But each character then has their own ability. Right. So, for example, I know the Terror Billies because I have, like, I bought the new Colossus, like, years after it came out for like two bucks in like eb games um and like part of like buying that um you get access to that character in quake champions and so like his alt is you can dual wield weapons um which is you know cool ability be a shame if it
Starting point is 01:40:19 actually worked like you can dual wield weapons but they fire like they don't fire at the same time they fire sequentially so there's like five shots on your right side then five shots on the left it's like why though why like it's just it's just stupid and like even even like the new colossus you can fire both at the same time and it's just it's just dumb it's just really dumb if you have five at a time that's yeah exactly um and then like doom guy his ability is a ability called berserk where you take reduced damage but um you can melee only which is you know the doom sort of thing which would be great if melee damage wasn't pathetic in the first place um but there's this like and the problem with it is right it's been out since
Starting point is 01:41:06 like 20 i want to say 2016 but i'm pretty sure it's been out for this long i've never heard of this before yeah it's been out for a while and uh there's like the only people who play it are like people who've been playing since day one who have unlocked like the top tier characters and like they just they just play this game religiously um and so like because of like all the club stuff and all the corona stuff we're like hey let's have an event called fps friday and we'll play like quake champions because it's free you know it can't be that bad right oh yeah it's it's filled with like try hards and like people who are absolutely like just do nothing but play this game religiously
Starting point is 01:41:45 and so like and like the weapon balancing is just so trash like the super shotgun that um was introduced in doom 2 right they could banish just about anything to the shadow realm in two shots takes four shots at close range um to actually do any form of like damage and it's it's pathetic they they've ruined it and one of the characters that ruins it for me is like it's just one chick right and her ability right and the ability is like you get them super easily like there's pickups to um like increase um how often you get your ability um like she's like an area of effect thing so like she has like this uh trail that follows her and if you step in that trail then the whole like trail explodes and it's just an insta kill so it's just really fucking cheap and stupid um and it's it's basically
Starting point is 01:42:40 ruined the game because it's not like real it's not real quake um it's just ruined the game, because it's not, like, real Quake. It's just, it feels cheap, and it's just a money grab. Is it at least, like, a fast shooter? Like, you're running around quickly and all that? Oh, yeah, you run quickly and everything, but, like, it doesn't matter. It feels like Quake is just a champion's game with a Quake movement system. And, like, all the, like, the damage from all the weapons is just so low that it basically ruins any pacing the game has like i said the super shotgun um like it for it being a super shotgun does far
Starting point is 01:43:13 too little damage uh the rocket launchers are pathetic like they do next to no splash damage which they use at least from memory they did they did splash damage yeah they do next to none now and like everyone's just like a massive bullet sponge and it's just ruined ruined it for me so i've gone back and started like playing through um did you ever play juke 3d no but like i've seen enough of it yeah so like i've gone back i'm starting to play through, like, Duke Nukem 3D. Uh, side note, fuck you Randy. Uh, Randy Pitchford, if you watch this, uh, eat a dick. Um, and where are my work- where are the worker bonuses,
Starting point is 01:43:52 Randy? You dick. But anyway, um, yeah, Randy Pitchford, not- not a nice dude. And also, he ripped- he ripped me off of my Megaton edition. Piece of shit. Um, anyway. That's- I- I could talk a lot about Randy Pitchford and how much I dislike him, but anyway. Um. I think a lot of people could do that's i i could talk a lot about randy pitchford how much i dislike him but anyway a lot of people could do that yeah fuck randy um i i want to play juke 3d right
Starting point is 01:44:12 but and i wanted to play like the new episodes but i didn't want to give randy money so um if you want to buy a stolen key uh go to like g2a or kinguin or something but you didn't hear that from me um no fuck you randy um you're not you're not getting my money especially after what you did with borderlands 3 you cunt um anyway so i've been playing through juke 3d i've also been playing um a game called blood which is um so like juke like these games like kind of have their own thing like their own thing they did really well like blood has by like hands down like the best atmosphere um as well as like the in my opinion the best double barrel shotgun to ever have existed in a game ever um doom is kind of the game that started it all jute nuke of 3d was the first game to ever kind of like go to places that exist in real life
Starting point is 01:45:05 so there's like a there's a cinema there's like a theater sorry there's a there's a cinema there's like a uh city there's like building destruction it's like it's really cool stuff and it was really ambitious for like 96 98 era games and they were they're actually really good um especially for like their time and they still hold up today uh in my opinion um and like doom 2 kind of introduced the the super shotgun to the rest of the world and oh the super shot like blood shotgun is like top tier and it's all i think it's in my opinion it's on par with like the um super shotgun from doom 2 um yeah what's the other one do oh and Quake because that was the first game to like well they're kind of introduced all like arena shooters yeah. Do you do
Starting point is 01:45:53 actually play much of Quake not just the first Quake just any of the Quake games besides obviously champions? Yeah I so my my mum bought like a windows 95 years ago and on i actually have the cd here i'll grab it that definitely does help doesn't it uh because i'll just say when he's back yeah so she um she had this windows 95 right and uh one day she gave me uh this and i oh yeah lighting your camera quality that also helps yeah um so explain what it is just in case of the people listening it's called awesome 2 and it's it's basically like shareware but it's shareware for just about everything that existed at the time so on here there are some like so what do we have so the original quakes on here as well as um blood um uh i don't think doom's on here there's no it's not um there's like
Starting point is 01:46:56 sonic and knuckles it's like there's a bunch of like yeah like the like it's sonic and well it's sonic 3 and knuckles but they just call it sonic and knuckles yeah um but yeah like it's sonic and well it's sonic 3 and knuckles but they just call it sonic and knuckles yeah um but yeah like it's just a bunch of shareware stuff and this is what introduced me to like uh fps gaming because i used to play so like have you ever heard of the shareware problem shareware problem no so it's it's kind of a thing that reviewers deal with um like games that came out of shareware like juke 3d quake um etc etc they have the shareware problem where the first level which you is what you would play in the shareware version is always the best level and then it's just all downhill from there um yeah so like as i was saying juke 3d is on there uh quakes on there um age of
Starting point is 01:47:50 empires i actually have the disc for uh like the first age of empires um and i age of empires is like my favorite game of all time um i've never been a big fan of those games i've played like plenty of three but i was just i was never a fan of it like. I've played plenty of 3, but I was just never a fan of it. I was just bad at it. That's part of the reason. Yeah, to be fair, 3 is the worst one to play, in my opinion. Everyone knows that Age of Empires 2
Starting point is 01:48:16 is the master race of Age of Empires. Anyway, neither here nor there. No. I love Age of Empires. I'm absolutely terrible at it. Mm-hmm. Like, I know a little bit of the build orders, and I can...
Starting point is 01:48:29 I'm usually the first one into, like, the feudal age, but after that, it's just all downhill from there. Well, yeah, you're fine if you're playing against other people who are also terrible at the game. Yeah, exactly. But usually, like, especially with old games like that, you get matched against people who are generally pretty good. But the the good thing is that they released like a definitive edition
Starting point is 01:48:50 or like a remaster whatever you want to call it um and that's not only like brought a lot of the old players back it's brought a lot of new players in so it's great to be able to get matched up against people who've got no idea and absolutely thrash them and then get matched against people who've been playing since 1990 well sorry who've been playing since 2000 and absolutely trash you um yeah it's good fun yeah the reason i brought up quakes because um back before it was on steam back when it was like a free uh just a free thing to share around i was uh playing quake live a lot because that was pretty much the game that would run on my computer i've never actually played a lot of quake i've only played i've well i've only played like a few hours of quake champions and i got so disgusted with it that i ended up removing it from
Starting point is 01:49:36 my steam account that's how disgusted i got with it i think quake live was based on the quake 3 engine so like actual good quake yeah um yeah so like i've never actually played a lot of it and like like i say quake champions kind of left a bad taste in my mouth i did play a lot of unreal tournament which is like the same yeah same same but different people have played for 20 years are going to disagree with you but they can get over it yeah well yeah it's like same sort of stuff but like different setting and i mean like quake like it's kind of which franchise you support like the unreal engine as well as like the quake engine they're both really good engines and they did they've both done like a lot for gaming it just sucks to see what epic
Starting point is 01:50:20 has turned into and um like unreal tournament is still a thing they have like a um excuse me i think i might be getting the uh the big v um anyway um yeah no they actually have like an unreal there's like an unreal tournament you can get on the epic store um and like they've updated it uh the problem is there's no au servers and it'll take you about six years to find a game uh it's basically like uh it's still in beta by the way and has been for years and that's the same with quake champions they just don't care about it it just exists to take people's money and that's the thing like it's such a shame to like see all these um like arena shooters that were once like really great franchises just to be ruined by corporate
Starting point is 01:51:05 greed but then again that's like uh that's no it's not it's it's software now but yeah well it's kind of the trend that happens with all of gaming really like you had a lot of really good um mascot platformers and then mascot platforms got popular and then everyone made them and then this garbage that came out like there is some classics like obviously the crash bandicoot series the early spyro games sonic uh even things like tired tasmanian tiger it was a it was cringe but tired tasmanian tiger was an amazing game uh no i i don't disagree but then you had everyone else make mascot platformers and the same thing happens now arena shoot or not arena i guess champion shooters get popular and then everyone makes champion shooters yeah even though that like they had to stand on um arena shooters
Starting point is 01:52:00 to get there yeah and that's like the only way you'll get a good arena shooter experience is if you go back and play like the old arena shooters like quake uh quake live or quake 3 yeah um quake live has the it has like the um the age of empires problem where because it's basically quake 3 with just like just basically made to work on modern hardware these people have been paying are playing the game for 20 years so you're not going to be good at it one thing i like that really kind of grinds my gears is that um so like with uh what's it like unreal tournament right like in the in the menu they've got like a multiplayer server browser it's just that because the game's on steam they haven't actually ported it over and it still tries to run GameSpy. Yeah, rip in peace GameSpy.
Starting point is 01:52:49 Oh, my God. Yeah, and it's like, if they actually just got a couple of servers for it, people would play it hands down. That's kind of the problem. So, as I was saying before, I used to run an event for the club called FPS Fridays, where we'd play a bunch of the problem. As I was saying before, I used to run an event for the club called FPS Fridays where we'd play
Starting point is 01:53:08 a bunch of different games. We started off, we just queued Counter-Strike and just played war games and casual games and that because we couldn't play competitive because competitive is a five stack and if you had six or more people, you have to leave people out and that's not very fair.
Starting point is 01:53:23 We just played war games and played casual stuff um you know that was fun and then the uh the source leaks happened and everyone was like well time to get hacked um and have rce happen to me um so if you don't know what that is so the the there was an old code base for counter-strike sorry there was an old code base that was leakedStrike. Sorry, there was an old code base that was leaked for the Source engine, which Team Fortress 2 and Counter-Strike Global Offensive run on. And they found an exploit in it
Starting point is 01:53:54 that meant you were a target for RCE or remote code execution. So if you connected to like a community server, you could have, so like when you downloaded assets for that server like if the server was running custom assets or anything there was the potential for you to also download code and then your computer could run that code uh while you're on that server um and you know that was like a huge security thing so we kind of like we also had an event called
Starting point is 01:54:20 team fortress tuesday where we just like que casual in Team Fortress because, you know... Competitive is dead. So, we stopped Team Fortress Tuesdays and we also stopped playing Counter-Strike on FPS Fridays. Then we moved into Quake Champions and that made me want to cry. Then I tried hosting my own Urban Terror servers, which also didn't work.
Starting point is 01:54:44 That would be so fun if you got that working yeah like it worked for like a fraction of a second and then you it like it disappeared in the server browser and you couldn't find it and as i was saying earlier you couldn't actually connect to it even if you issued like the command to connect with an ip um which again made me want to cry so we ended up just playing on like some random AU server that just permanently had two bots on it. It's so weird that there's still servers for that game running. Oh dude, the community
Starting point is 01:55:12 for it is hella active. Excuse me. I'm in like the I'm in like the Urban Terror Discord. Well, three Urban Terror Discords. There's like the official one which has all the devs in it, where you get to talk shit with them.
Starting point is 01:55:29 There's the PR one, where they're like, hey, the game's coming out, etc., etc. And then there's the Oceana one, which is like, hey, anyone want to jump on this server with me? Which is also kind of handy. But the interesting thing about Urban Terror, I don't know if you know this, it's getting a Steam release.
Starting point is 01:55:48 Yeah, no, I'm not kidding. It's like the same game? There's not updating or anything? Yeah, yeah. They're porting it to Unreal 5. No, 4. 5? Is Unreal 5 coming out?
Starting point is 01:56:01 I forget. They're porting it to one of the Unreals. I didn't even know 5 was coming out. Yeah, they're porting it to one of the unreels um yeah they're porting it to the unreal engine updating all the graphics and everything um and then they're going to release it on steam that's cool so yeah no it's hella sick and i hope they do it as well um like i've been playing i've played this game on and off for like fucking, what, eight years? Nine years? Yeah. Last time I played,
Starting point is 01:56:29 I was talking to them and I was like, oh yeah, I used to play this in high school back in like, oh yeah, you were probably using this version, you should play it now, it's changed. And I was like, fuck me, this game gets more updates than a lot of other games that I play. Like, that's the thing, it's been out for years and they, like the devs, like they've had devs like come on that's the thing it's been out for years and they like
Starting point is 01:56:45 the devs like they've had devs like come on and come off because it's a volunteer project yeah of course and like they've they've actually like done a really good job with it like it still looks like ass like yeah i'm looking at it right now it looks yeah it's it's still a dated game but like the nostalgia like i definitely look at it through rose-tinted glasses like it's still a dated game but like the nist out like i definitely look at it through rose tinted glasses like it's such a good game i know one of my friends who um he used to like play at school with us he would then go home and then like go through the server browser and um find people to play against online just so he could practice and then come back to school the next day and like destroy us all that's awesome didn't work but you know he tried for anyone who wants to play it there is
Starting point is 01:57:28 actually a uh a linux installer for it so so it's available on windows mac and linux uh yeah let's see if it's available in the aur i'm gonna find that urban terror uh have you ever played assault cube potentially potentially i i can't say if i have or not and yes it is available in the aur so if you want to install on arch go right ahead i might do that after this is over no it's trust me like uh when like so for that fps friday not a lot of people turned out to and it was just me and one other friend so we ended up just playing like a couple of rounds on one server so it was basically a 3v3 with two bots on either side and uh like i said i definitely look at that game
Starting point is 01:58:15 through rose-tinted goggles like playing it brought back so many memories and they've they've added new stuff they've taken some other stuff out um but no it's definitely a good game it was of the uh the same same stroke as uh urban terror just a little bit less uh a little bit smaller feature set i don't know if it's being updated or anything i reckon i have played this now that i think about it they have a discord link now so maybe they are still going i don't know perhaps um i know what was it what was i gonna say now it's going on their forum let's see i shouldn't show this just in case there's anything here that i shouldn't show no it seems like this they still have an active community that not as active as urban terror sounds but it still sounds active by the looks
Starting point is 01:59:01 of it yeah there's still like 400 plus servers running for Urban Terror. I kid you not. I'm going to the website. That's actually crazy. Yeah. And like I said, there's a good community. You're right. So it's called Urban Terror 5, so presumably UE5.
Starting point is 01:59:22 That would make sense. Yeah. Oh, it looks pretty I thought it was 5 but I'm going insane anyway it still looks shit for a UE game but it looked way better than it did
Starting point is 01:59:34 yeah exactly, there wasn't a, I think they want to like they want to make it like look better but at the same time they want to make it look like bad enough that it's still you gotta keep the overterra flare yeah exactly it's still um like counter-strike still looks like a game from 20 years ago oh you're not wrong that to be fair though they have improved it a lot like the dust 2 update was huge um when they like changed how the map looks and all that good stuff. Um, and, like, then they've, like, been adding different props and stuff. Um, they've ruined, they've ruined Cobble, which, uh, breaks my heart, but, oh well.
Starting point is 02:00:14 Um, sorry, Cobble. I bought Counter-Strike years ago on special and then just never played it. Fair enough. Jim, I played, like, five minutes of it and was like, I'm bad at this. Yeah, no, um, there um there was oh what was it now um i'll definitely keep an eye on urban terror that's awesome thanks for bringing that back no i trust me i tried to bring it back but you know not not a lot of people are interested in it and the problem with it right or at least on windows anyway they have like an installer
Starting point is 02:00:42 which is cool and all but the uh the download link for all the game files is in fucking france because that's where like all the devs are yeah which i mean you know fair enough you know i wouldn't pay for mirrors if like three people are going to use them anyway but it literally took like so the game's only like a gig and something that would usually take me like what 10 minutes if that to download took took like a full hour and a half and i was like i literally like started downloading it saw the download speeds and like the region it was coming from i was like cool i'm going to go read a book maybe have some lunch and then by the time i come back it'll probably be finished i went and did all that finished my book had lunch came back and it was still going i honestly might try to get in contact with these devs and see if i can get one of them on the
Starting point is 02:01:28 podcast that might be fun yeah trust me it's good stuff i love it so much and they're they're really active um yeah i looked at the twitter the last post was yesterday so they're still going strong and in the discord like they have like the a support channel i was like hey i'm trying to host a server and like one of the main devs was like, oh, yeah, what are you having problems with? I was like, thank you, Jesus. Yeah, it's good stuff. I love it so much. Speaking of things that shouldn't exist but do, did you know there's a, I think it's a Quake 3 clone that runs entirely in JavaScript that you can play in browser?
Starting point is 02:02:02 No. Did you know that? Yeah. No, I know because we would, this was last year, we were like, uh, I'm bored, we want to play some games. So we'd like, there's like a bunch of us and we were all like playing, um, was it Vigario? You know what it's called? I'll just see if I can find it, Quake 3 JavaScript. QuakeJS. I think it's in JavaScript. Yeah, it's QuakeJS. So like, yeah, there's multiplayer service for that,
Starting point is 02:02:25 and you can just play it in browser. Well, okay, the thing is, with web development, there's... Okay, I'm going to go to Google, because DuckDuckGo is being a pain. There are actually 3D game engines, or 3D engines built for JavaScript at this point. So, and also there's things, the thing that's going to make it way easier is when
Starting point is 02:02:48 we have better support for Web Assembly. Because Web Assembly, basically you can write C sharp and compile down to Web Assembly. Web Assembly just runs in your browser. So people act like the Unity engine will run in your web browser at this
Starting point is 02:03:05 point this is actually awesome yeah no quake js because like we're all playing like you know those oh they're like those dot io games there's like agar there's like snake you know they're they're terrible with their actual ass um but but they're good for views yes exactly we're looking at you markiplier anyway um oh excuse me like i said i think you got the big v um anywho um yeah i got bored with that i was like fuck it i just want to play like a decent game and then someone pops up have you ever heard of quake js and i was like no oh yeah it's just uh quake 3 that runs in javascript i was like fuck off there's no way then they're like pulled up the website i was like well i'll be damned and they have like multiplayer servers and everything
Starting point is 02:03:54 and there's a way that you can host your own servers on it so like if you press i think it's like when it's loading in because it like automatically loads you into a server if you press escape while you're loading in it just takes you to the menu and you just like host your own server that way so it's like get rekt idiots yeah it's good stuff good stuff indeed I found something else I don't know if it's actually a project that exists or if they just named themselves this maybe it's not I found a project called a thing called DoomJS. No, is this actually a,
Starting point is 02:04:29 I think this pro, okay, no, it's someone who made a Doom-like game. Yeah. No, I want someone who's actually like just rewritten Doom in JavaScript. Well, you can do it. It's not difficult.
Starting point is 02:04:42 Yeah, no, to be fair, you don't need to. Have you, are you part of the subreddit Doom on things? Uh, no, but I know you can get Doom on not difficult yeah no to be fair you don't need to have you are you part of the subreddit uh doom on things uh no but i know you can get doom on running yeah or fucking anything yeah like one dude got it running on his porsche camaro no sorry on his porsche 911 uh that's it i love that video so much um and like the the funniest thing about it is the... So to get into the debug of the Porsche, you have to
Starting point is 02:05:08 insert a USB that's got a text file with the VIN number on it. So then that puts your computer into debug mode. And it's running some version of Windows. So then all you have to do is then put a Doom CD into the actual
Starting point is 02:05:24 CD ROM of the car, actual cd rom of the into the like cd part of the car and it just loads up doom and the like that's not even the best bit right so the steering wheel is like input commands yeah and then you can use like the gear shift and like shift through weapons and i think the no i think the horn is fire it's not the accelerator the horn is fire and so it's just, it's a hilarious video. But no, I've seen it running on like an EKG, you know, like the heart rate monitors they have in hospitals.
Starting point is 02:05:52 Someone even got it running on their Samsung smart fridge. So, yeah. I'm trying to find something. Okay, there's this dude who does a bunch of, I'm not going to play the audio. I'm going to play the audio. Good. There's this dude called does a bunch of... I'm not going to play the audio. I'm going to play the audio. Good. There's this dude called Chris Okapenty.
Starting point is 02:06:08 He's a big Linux YouTuber. And he did this video about getting a root shell in his Mazda. Yeah. Because all it is is just a stripped-down Linux kernel. So there's no reason you can't get a root shell. And that's what most of those car computers use. They just use some stripped down version of linux yeah no it's car computing is something that's mildly interesting like
Starting point is 02:06:32 elon musk's um like tesla cars uh he's he's unironically said that he's working on putting minecraft and uh kerbal space program on those computers. I heard about Minecraft and you heard about Kerbal Space Program. Yeah, well, because of all the Tesla rocket launchers and Falcon 9 and all that good stuff, he said, like, oh, yeah, we should put Kerbal Space Program on here. And I think he's working with the devs to get it done. But the great thing about Doom, it'll run on anything. And then, you know, the old joke, it'll run on a toaster.
Starting point is 02:07:03 Someone then, like, used toasters as inputs for Doom. So they were literally, like it'll run on a toaster uh someone then like used toasters um as inputs for doom so they were literally like playing doom on a toaster except they were like the toaster wasn't actually running it it was just the input controls which um again was mildly amusing great videos great videos the thing about doom is uh because the assets are so like people have studied those assets for 20 plus years at this point people know that software in and out and it's such a simple game it's not difficult to get running on anything i mean like it's so simple like the the um corpse sprites um are always facing you like they there's only like one dimension to them they are always continue facing you like they don't actually stay in place yeah which is you
Starting point is 02:07:48 know thank you build engine it's yeah oh yes I've seen this I love this so much on the screen so this is a doom on an ATM which is fun I'll see if I can find the Porsche video for you. We've got Doom on a Kodak camera. Doom on a piano. I hope this is not just a troll video. Doom on the MacBook Pro touch bar. No, I've seen that. That's a thing that you can do. What is this picture?
Starting point is 02:08:24 I don't know. Here's one for you. What have we got here? How to mod your Porsche 911 or other car to run Doom in three easy steps. Oh, that's awesome. That's a great video. I've never actually sat down and played Doom. I really should do that at some point.
Starting point is 02:08:45 You should. Like, hang on. On certain key websites that you probably shouldn't go to because you're stealing someone's shit, I've got, like, the whole Doom collection, which is, like, Doom 2, the master levels for Doom 2. What is it called? Let's be fair.
Starting point is 02:09:02 With Doom 1, you're not stealing anything. So you're not stealing anything. So you're not stealing as bad. Yeah, the Doom Classic Complete Steam Collection. I forget what exactly is in it. It's Ultimate Doom, Final Doom, Doom 2, and the Master Levels for Doom 2. So Ultimate Doom's the first one final doom is like the last well the last episode then doom 2 and the master levels for it um yeah that whole
Starting point is 02:09:33 collection is like five bucks on steam yes speaking sorry five bucks on on on a key website how okay honestly how is gta still allowed to run? I don't know. Ask Kinguin. I only use... I use Kinguin more than I use G2A. But I use G2A only for one... I use G2A for Windows keys if I need them, but I don't really need them because I can get them for free through uni and work.
Starting point is 02:10:02 Yeah, I don't use Windows keys anyway. Microsoft doesn't even give a crap anymore. Unless you use it as a business system, there's no reason to pay for Windows. Yeah, exactly. I will say, though, I got annoyed with... So, like, one of my friends was running, like,
Starting point is 02:10:18 Windows 10 Pro, but they hadn't activated it. And, like, they would upload screenshots to our Discord of, like, shit that we had done. And I'd be like, this is great! I could use this as like a promotional post oh wait there's a fucking activate windows watermark my windows watermark disappeared i'm still not activated it just doesn't show up anymore and like it just it it infuriated me so much i ended up like just buying them a key one day it's like just fucking activate windows for the love of christ before i murder you to be fair you don't even have to activate there's a
Starting point is 02:10:48 registry edit you can do that'll just turn it to activated mode you don't have to pay for nice there's also like a bunch of um completely legal software that can just you know activate it for you well yeah that's all they're doing They're just basically doing the registry edit. Yeah. Yeah, and I just got seen, and I was like, I've got some money to burn here. Have a key. Now fucking upload screenshots without that watermark that I can use, please, for the love of Christ.
Starting point is 02:11:16 And the most iffy thing was, right, all you had to do was press F2 or F12 for a proper in-game screenshot. They would Windows Shift S for the snipping tool and then like clip their entire screen i was like yeah yeah you're doing this deliberately to get on my nerves i know but i'm just gonna say it now activate windows i just edit them out edit that little thing i i could but i'm also lazy and can't be bothered but yeah it is what it is um yeah anyway play doom though you should it's yeah it's like it's like reading like a bunch like a lot of old books they're classics that you should and once you play them or at least in my opinion you
Starting point is 02:11:59 kind of get um an appreciation of like how far we've come yeah like you have to really get an appreciation of uh the build engine and also build engine games to like kind of understand like like really how amazing cyberpunk is compared to like a lot of old games and and it also you know kind of gives me nostalgia especially like jute like i've been taught i talked about a bit before like juke nukem it started off as like a side scroller and it was it was a really good side scroller and then the juke nukem 2 rolled around and that like that upped the ante and that was really good and then they came to juke nukem 3 they're like how can we up the ante even further they fucking made it a build engine game put it into first person and made it one of the best like it's top tier like one of the best uh first person shooters to ever exist um like i said there's a
Starting point is 02:12:52 this game um or at least juke anyway kind of stood on the shoulders well sorry quake and doom kind of had to like all compete Duke. And Duke kind of beat Doom, and then Quake kind of had to stand on top of... No, Quake came out before Duke, and there's references in Duke Nukem where you can just be like, ooh, you have me quaking in my boots, talking shit about Doom.
Starting point is 02:13:19 Even though they're all... They're not the same company, I don't think so. But they all just kind of talk shit against each other, which is cool yeah, for sure we need more of that in modern games like now it's just like games are so expensive that we need to just like, everything needs to be
Starting point is 02:13:36 carbon copy, we know what will make us money funny you should mention that, there's a sequel after Doom 3D, sorry Doom 3D duke 3d it's called duke nukem forever and it's the game that killed the franchise yeah that that game didn't exist yeah no we don't talk about that duke 3d is the last game in the series it's like aliens colonial marines oh oh what a game What a time to be alive.
Starting point is 02:14:05 No. Like I said, games that killed franchises. Duke Forever. Colonial Marines didn't exactly kill it. There wasn't really a franchise there to kill. Yeah. I'll tell you one game that actually was part of a franchise and wasn't that bad, but I can't think of the name of it. It was in the Terminator franchise,
Starting point is 02:14:24 and it was done by like a um i think it was done by like an indie studio and it got absolutely destroyed and i mean it wasn't i think is it terminator resistance yeah it is it's called terminator resistance and it's actually like a it's not a bad game um but like it was who did the game it was by yeah it was by like a company no one ever heard of um and yeah it was actually like for what they produced it's like a middle of the like a mid-range price game it's not um exactly well optimized but it's a like if you play through it and get over the optimizations it's a good game because it it doesn't make how can i say it like it actually like kind of builds its environment really well yeah and it got absolutely shit on for no reason like i said it
Starting point is 02:15:18 was it was actually like a genuinely good game but you know people are expecting this amazing game because it's such a big franchise um and it's basically like fallout except in like the terminator universe which is you know it's actually not bad and it was really well done aside from you know the optimization issues but yeah like i said every yeah metacritic and like a lot of critics shit on it like as soon as it launched which is kind of ironic because this game got a lower score than fallout 76 when it came out is that game any better yet apparently uh they moved it to steam and apparently moving it to steam um so here's a funny story so if you bought like fallout 76 right, like, the Bethesda key, you know, you could have, like, refunded it. Right.
Starting point is 02:16:09 So then what happened, like, I don't know who does their databases or who updates their records, right, but they pulled a whoopsie somewhere because, like, if you refunded it, a lot of people who refunded it then got a Steam key for it. Yeah. So you basically a Steam key for it. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:16:26 So you basically got Fallout 76 for free. It should have been free from day one. Look, honestly, not going to lie. And then they had the subscription service there as well. But I think they're fixing it. And I think people have just accepted that it's a Bethesda game. So, of course, there are going to be bugs. Yeah, usually the modders fix the bugs, though.
Starting point is 02:16:48 Like, that's what happened with Skyrim, that's what happened with Oblivion, that's what happened with Morrowind. That's what Fallout 76 tried, the modders were trying to fix the bugs, and then they all got banned, and then that was the end of that. Yeah, thank you, Bethesda. That's the thing that keeps those games alive, I don't know why you would do that. Speaking of Bethesda ruining things, have you heard about the Doom Eternal controversy?
Starting point is 02:17:09 Do you mean how they tried to bring in Denuvo? Yep. Yeah, that was a massive thing on the Linux side because that is basically... So, okay, the game had a... So I don't know if you know much about Linux gaming, but there's a piece of software called Lutris, which basically makes use of a wine skin
Starting point is 02:17:33 to basically get your games working. And there's also Proton as well, which is Steam's thing. And all of this kind of works together to do Linux gaming. Now, Doom Eternal, I think it had a near-perfect rating on Linux, and then the announcement for
Starting point is 02:17:47 Denuvo came out, and then instantly went to, this game doesn't work. Yep. No, uh, they, um, what was it? The Steam reviews, when the whole, like, when they pushed that update, it went from, like, overwhelmingly
Starting point is 02:18:04 positive to mixed in the space of an hour because everyone was like, you know what? Fuck this game. But I think they're removing it now. At least for single player they are. What they said is they want to make the multiplayer experience playable but they didn't realise that it was going to be this much of a backlash
Starting point is 02:18:22 which is obviously bullshit. They knew the backlash would come. They thought it just would kind of be washed away but no one has no one has anything better to do right now so of course they're going to chase you about it um yeah so yeah i mean i heard they're going to look into something else so i don't know this uh this in my opinion kind of serves bethesda right um because the reason they were using a third party anti-cheat is because they have their own launcher and um you know if you had have just kept your shit to steam you could have like you know surely for a company they got to think like oh surely our 15 cut is
Starting point is 02:18:58 worth like a bunch of steam services like valve anti-cheat for as much as it gets is actually really good um and like dedicated steam servers and not only that like if it's on steam you've got pretty much all the market share like the only thing i'm gonna5 because i've i've sunk like three i did the math the other day it's like almost 400 hours worth of um worth of time that i've sunk into like gta online and this is just like the one account that i have and then i heard like oh yeah so like i paid like nine dollars on release for gta 5 and it's all time like online is one of my like favorite games to play and like it's one game i always come back to uh then i heard like oh yeah epic games is giving gta 5 away for free it's like yeah cool and i care because because they're giving away a bunch of
Starting point is 02:20:00 like stuff with it it's like okay so you get like a bunch of businesses and you get a bit of leg up in online cool um so i thought you know what i've been like thinking about like making a second account buying the game again and like starting again from scratch why not do it like with this um you know with epic games and i was like yeah sure it's free why not um and the the odd thing is is that the epic games version of gta 5 is different to like the well i call it the standalone but it's just the rockstar version that doesn't connect to steam right um which is like you can still like play with like people who are on steam and on rockstar um it's just it seems different and i can't put my finger on what it is like it's still like the core gameplay but like
Starting point is 02:20:41 some of the ui features have changed okay i can't tell if that's a recent update or if it's just an Epic thing. But the good thing about it going free is that... Well, to play GTA V, you need to have a Rockstar account. So you can just get the game through Epic, uninstall Epic, and then just download it through Rockstar. And you can just use the two Rockstar accounts and you can tell Epic to go fuck itself because it's not I don't think it's actually linked
Starting point is 02:21:10 like it says like you need to have Epic installed to run this game you can just like launch it through your Rockstar account through standalone because you still technically own it I don't know how Epic handles their game releases not well and to be honest steam
Starting point is 02:21:26 is killed it late steam has and always will be king um and honestly the only reason epic will still exist is because of the unreal engine and if they ever decide to do anything good with unreal tournament if maybe one day because one day but like i said they've killed like unreal tournament for now is dead which is a shame because you know all of the devs for unreal tournament ironically got put on fucking fortnite which is you know a shame maybe and maybe they'll eventually take the same approach that ibm took to computers which is fuck it we've got this other stuff that makes us way more money let's just leave the uh leave the computer stuff to other people we're going to focus on the software yeah because like epic well so epic
Starting point is 02:22:10 we're just going to go full engine development at this point that's i imagine being a future for for epic that crashed oh you're back was that was that my internet dying or uh something happened there something happened uh You were saying? I was saying, I imagine at some point if Fortnite dies down, Epic might just go, fuck it, we're just going to be engine developers now. I really wish
Starting point is 02:22:36 they would. Like I said, Unreal Tournament, I feel like is the last, well, it was the last sliver of hope we had as a decent arena shooter. But not anymore. Not really. Maybe one day.
Starting point is 02:22:50 Like I said, it's been in... Well, it hasn't even been in beta. It's been in alpha for fucking years, and I don't think it's got an update in that time. And the thing I hate about Quake Champions and Unreal Tournament, coming back to the topic that we've kind of well talk about beating a dead horse but like those games like you had the server
Starting point is 02:23:11 tools and everything and it was so easy to like run your own servers now it's all like locked and you can't and one of the most amusing things um about like quake champions and also like unreal tournament there's like a screen that says select your region and you press like okay to select your region it just automatically does it anyway yeah i know nice voice correct no i was laughing at both it's fine one day you'll hit puberty one day one day i'll be a real boy someday anyway i just need another quick break. I'll be back. No hassle. Oh, we've been going for two hours and 23 minutes. We'll see how long this show goes for. I'll probably cut it at around three hours because I have other things I want to do today. I've got a, I still haven't actually recorded the, um, the video for today. So I don't know if it'll be up by the time you guys see this episode,
Starting point is 02:24:13 but I'm about to record an episode on using curl as a way to test the REST API, basically. So a lot of people go download tools like Postman or things like... Download... My ear's just... Yeah, okay, whatever. I heard like a weird screeching noise in my ear. That was just me losing my hearing. I know people use tools like Postman and things like that to go and test REST APIs. So instead of doing that, what you can do instead is you've actually got a tool built into your Linux system to test this stuff. So you can use curl to actually do get requests, patch requests, which I didn't actually know about patch requests. That's a new one to me. I'll have to look into what that one is.
Starting point is 02:24:49 Post, delete, put, and get, post, put, delete, patch. Yeah, that's all five of them. So yeah, you actually have this tool built into your Linux system and you can do all of those requests. You can do things like authentication. And yeah, I didn't realize that curl was more than just a way to pull data from a server. I knew you could like transfer data to and from a server, but I didn't know like how that was being handled really. Turns out you can basically use it to interact with any web server and just do whatever you want, which I think is really cool. So hopefully you guys enjoy that.
Starting point is 02:25:24 Another thing is. As of today. As of the recording. So it is Tuesday the 2nd of June right now. The latest video that went up was on the visualization tools. Now this video. It's 4th on my ranking for like recent videos. So it's on like Creator Studio.
Starting point is 02:25:40 It shows you 10 most recent videos. And how they rank. Now my video yesterday was on essential plugins to use for Vim, and that one tanked. This one on something that no one cares about, done really well. I don't get it. What don't you get? Oh, YouTube algorithm is dumb. Oh, yeah. No, 100%.
Starting point is 02:26:02 I was saying I did a video yesterday that should have done at least reasonably well so i did a video on um basically like some essential plugins to use for vim when you're doing web development and usually the vim videos they do pretty well now today i did a video on basically just making fancy screenshots from your like Linux processors And it's like new like one of my top videos. I don't fucking get it the one yesterday I should have done well this one should have completely bombed. I don't understand it Welcome to YouTube where nothing makes sense and either you have favor or you don't Yeah, there is no in-between. There's no in-between. It's just I Some occasionally I think like oh i
Starting point is 02:26:46 kind of understand how youtube works now and then i'll upload something like this and i don't understand how youtube works anymore yep no trust me stuff's stuff's messed up uh at least it's been in my favor it's just not made any sense why it's been in my favor yeah i mean it all depends like you know luck is definitely an element of it but you know um your your your career is what you make it i guess like you have to have that drive uh etc etc like for me like i'm not really focused on my youtube stuff like i was said i was going to you didn't start no i didn't start i thought about starting it and i had like a bit of stuff recorded and i was gonna like edit it but i never got around to it i've been to be perfectly honest
Starting point is 02:27:36 with you i've been more focused on like uni and i've also been focused on the club yeah uh which i i can go more into it how's how's that been uh you became the president and then we went on lockdown yeah so like literally my first act so yeah uh for those that don't know like uh at universities you can have like a bunch of like there are a bunch of clubs um and you start your own uh i took over one that's like arguably the longest standing one and it's been going since 2013. Yeah, I took it over this year and literally, we had our election on the Friday, was it?
Starting point is 02:28:11 And I had to make the announcement like, hey, because of this virus that's going around, get the fuck out of my club room. Yeah, the last time we were in that room was the day of bringing in restrictions, I think, or a couple of days before yeah so like on the yeah so i became like president then like i think was like the yeah on the friday like i took over and then on like the tuesday or the wednesday we were like hey um you
Starting point is 02:28:37 know club closed uh due to aids basically um and that's actually if you go and like if you if you're ever at out at uni um and you look on the door there is like the um the pools closed except we changed it to clubs closed um yeah so that was my first act and you know then we kind of had we had the discord already that um you got banned from which was mildly amusing but we won't talk about that. Yeah, that's another story. That's another story. That's another time. Which, by the way, you're welcome back. I think I sent you the link, but you never joined.
Starting point is 02:29:14 Oh, I've got like six Discord servers I'm already in. Fair enough. I'm a mod in the official library Discord. And I'm obviously in my own. Oh, congratulations. Oh, it's not really. It's a level below a mod. But I can kick people. So that's good enough neato um yeah i think i did i either left or got kicked from the server one of the two or it's in one of my discord folders i'm in a bunch of servers and
Starting point is 02:29:38 most of them i have muted um yeah i know except because like and also like it doesn't help that you know on top of servers discord has group chats so it's like you know if if one don't get you the other one will but um yeah so we already had the discord and so it was kind of like a process of okay uh we need to get people into this discord and once we get them there um how do we like kind of make them still still feel like a club and so we've had like a bunch of different stuff like we've done weekly stuff like uh at the moment we currently have minecraft monday oh excuse me liberation yeah so like we have our own server and like setting up that server to begin with was a pain so like our we used to
Starting point is 02:30:25 just have like a vps which was like 15 a month and like if there were more than three people on the server or if like two chunks were loaded it would just chug and it was fucking ass and we had that for a good month to two months i think and so then we like moved to like a new server host and that took away like a lot of our access but at the same time um like taught me different ways like how to access stuff uh so instead of using like ssh i could use like uh clients like filezilla or scp to like do the same sort of stuff um which was it was you know a learning curve but we got there in the end um so we have so we had like minecraft monday we've now got a thing we call weeb wednesday uh where we just like watch anime um which is nice uh we watch it's it's so new that we've
Starting point is 02:31:19 only done it once um so we ran it last week and it didn't have a bad turnout uh didn't exactly have a great one either but you know it's there if people want to what'd you guys end up watching for that uh we just watched spirited away and then watched um yeah so you know just some some is it ghibli yeah is it print yeah just some ghibli trash i i don't like spirited away that's another story i was like we were all sitting there watching. I'm in, like, a group chat with, like, some other people who were watching. I was like, bro, what the fuck is this? Like, I was so confused for so much of that.
Starting point is 02:31:55 And I just ended up making fun of it. So, like, have you ever watched Spirited Away? Yeah, I don't like it. It's shit. Yeah. You know how, like, in the first scene where, like, what's it... Haku, or whatever his name is, like, gives her the red pill?
Starting point is 02:32:10 Mm-hmm. I was like, bro, she just got red-pilled. Like, look out, she's been... Trump 2020, boys. If you want a good movie to watch, go watch Grave of the Fireflies. We'll talk about that in just a moment, but, yeah. Go on. And so, you know, it's like, bro, she just got red-pilled. Like, just on um and so you know it's like bro she just got red
Starting point is 02:32:26 peeled um like just making stupid shit like that it's like and then like halfway through the movie it's like lads i've just realized something haku is bill cosby he peeled this girl and then took her to his house um this man is anime this man is anime bill cosby holy jesus how did i not realize this um and then we ended up just like talking anime for a bit after that and then we ended up watching um the first episode of uh helsing abridged which helsing is a good anime on its own yep but like the the abridged series and like my discord profile picture is alucard um in case you didn't know um like i i love that so much and like we ended up watching the first episode it was just fucking hilarious uh i i've
Starting point is 02:33:12 seen that like i've watched that so many times it's just so so good so this week we're watching your name which is you know wait shit oh i get that confused with another movie um your name which one's that oh no i still haven't watched your name yeah so that's what we're watching this wednesday um and then fridays we've changed up a bit so we used to do like fps fridays which i talked about you know playing like quake and all that good stuff. But now we're doing a collaboration event with another club. So one of our members got bored and wrote, like, a Discord bot in Python.
Starting point is 02:33:57 And so what this bot does, it's very basically stupid. Like, it's so, it's, like, in retrospect, it's so easy. So what it does is it can take commands from any chat, from a specified chat. And what they've done is they've taken input commands for a Nintendo DS, and we're currently playing Pokemon Platinum. So you'll see a bunch of up A, B, spam, and it will move in real time. Oh, no.
Starting point is 02:34:23 The problem with that is right um the input doesn't count if you're already like within a frame so if you're moving right and while you're moving right uh you input right again um it it won't actually count so you'll have to input it input it again the good thing is no one can type that fast, nor copy and paste that fast. I know, because basically what I do, right, there's, like, long sections. I just copy and paste the same command, and I've copy and pasted so fast within, like, I've got, like, the Discord chill-out message, like, please stop sending messages, you're going to kill us. So, yeah.
Starting point is 02:35:07 That's actually been, like, a lot of fun. We still haven't beat the second gym yet. We've made this... Oh, you beat the first gym. Yeah, we beat the first gym. Which was easy, because we picked Turtwig. I was going to ask who your starter was. Yeah, we were going to pick, like... I can't remember who we were going to pick.
Starting point is 02:35:26 But, like... Tur can't remember who we were going to pick, but, like, it wasn't going to be... Chimchar would have made it fun. Don't talk shit about Chimchar. I played the fuck out of Diamond. Oh, no. No, Chimchar's great, but you're not going to beat the first gym with Adam Onferno at that point. Yeah, no, it's fucked. yeah so uh we picked turtwig but turtwig uh he was he was our savior for the last pokemon which is like a carindose or something uh we have god king badoof uh who for some i don't know how the fuck we managed it we managed to catch a perfect stat badoof i don't know how like on our first like second or third try of catching a pokemon we caught a perfect stat badoof i don't know like on our foot like second or third try of catching a pokemon we caught a perfect stat badoof uh and it's we've been power leveling it so that we can just destroy
Starting point is 02:36:13 absolutely everything and basically our strat is we defense curl and then just use rollout and absolutely destroy everything oh that's awesome um and we ended the last session after we um we got hyperfang so yeah things are things are going well in that regard and we've also done like one-offs we had a thing called um schnitzel saturday where like uh everyone like just ordered in a schnitzel um and we watched movies and um we watched the matrix and also they uh i was there for part of it but i ended up leaving halfway through watched a part of the matrix too oh nice which was good it was a good time a lot of fun um you know and like for the uh weeb wednesday like everyone just had their mic muted so so I was just, like, texting,
Starting point is 02:37:05 like, another chat. I'm surprised you didn't try to do initial D for the first episode, or first week of it. I was, I'm not gonna lie, I was going to, but we kind of,
Starting point is 02:37:13 I, I, I kind of, like, suggested the idea, and, like, put it into motion.
Starting point is 02:37:17 I let someone else kind of, like, pick, slash, like, decide what it will be, and, uh,
Starting point is 02:37:22 we did the old, uh, we put it to a poll, and, Spirited Away drew with my neighbour Totoro, slash like decide what it will be and uh we did the old uh we put it to a poll and spirited away drew with my neighbor todero and we ended up flipping a coin and spirited away one and like there were people like oh i don't want to watch my neighbor todero i don't want to watch spirited away it's like fuck like what do you want me to do these are the most voted movies like democracy kind of rules here so i was just like fuck it we'll flip a coin for it and yeah spirited away won okay how about we watch
Starting point is 02:37:49 our grave of the fireflies instead so as world war ii reaches its conclusion in 1945 japan faces widespread destruction the form of american bombings devastating city after city uh the story is the story of satan and his sister setsuko two japanese children whose lives are ravaged by the brutal war they have lost their mother their father their home and their prospect of a bright future all tragic consequences of the war basically this is about two homeless kids who have to try to survive through uh world war ii after the bombings yeah it starts before the bombings and then the end of the movie is like after the bombings yeah like it starts before the bombings and then the end of the movie is like after the bombings i mean it would be good but like oh it's fucking amazing is this a movie
Starting point is 02:38:31 or a series just a movie if you want another good ghibli movie that isn't going to be as depressing uh princess mononoke that's also a good one um i like for this like i said for this week we're watching uh your name yeah but like um i look i i love initial d like i even commented on one of your videos on library i was like hey that's my initial d playlist thank you for following i know because i'm pretty sure i put a gun to your head and said follow this playlist or i'll kill you oh yeah i there's no notification in the library so i didn't even know about that yeah it was on like when you were i can't remember what spotify it was but you were actually like playing something from the place i was like hey that's my playlist very nice um anyway um yeah i was gonna like start with it but we were like no
Starting point is 02:39:16 i don't we're gonna start like off like you know light and easy um especially when you're like heading into like you start off with a movie you don't want to commit to a series straight away see like see what the turnout's like see how many people are there um but look i i was very tender it's like we start with initial d damn it what happened the first episode of initial d yeah uh that's let's find out first episode is oh that's the um how the um the i forget the brother's names they come to mount akina and uh one night the spiky haired guy who drives the the the less likable brother um is like leaving one night drifting and then the 86 overtakes him and then destroys him you know can i say drift doesn't this idiot know the road there's a shop left oh yeah right yeah and there's none can i say drift uh yeah good meme i'll send you
Starting point is 02:40:12 a good meme though that i absolutely love that'd be such a fun way to start it like like people need like people obviously all know about initial d but they need to watch it like it's actually an amazing series it It's not just a meme. Yeah, like, the soundtrack is... Obviously the soundtrack's amazing, but the series itself, it's just a fun series. Yeah, the Eurobeat's also, like, the Eurobeat's good, but, like, the
Starting point is 02:40:37 opening songs as well are really fucking good, and they're not even Eurobeat. This is a great meme. What have we got here? Like, if you've seen the fourth stage you'll understand this uh does this have music in it yep i won't be able to play it then yeah no it's it's such a good meme um check that out basically yeah um there's like it's it's like one of my favorite songs from the series it's called forever young by symbol and it occurs in the anime when like uh it's it's towards the end of the fourth stage i think
Starting point is 02:41:11 when um takumi goes up against um a professional driver oh sorry a professional drifter in like a bunch of like races um they race around like one anime... Sorry, around one of the mountains. It's called Blind Attack. And, like, it's when he develops the fucking bullshit tactic of, I'm losing, I'm going to turn my lights off and fucking overtake you. Oh, we found the picture. Yeah. So this is that episode where he does that.
Starting point is 02:41:39 And, like, it's iconic because, like... Oh, wait, no, this is a different episode. This is where he used it against the last dude. The86 race and he turns his lights off yeah and yeah and well yeah disaster happens and anyway i i've for as good as a series as initial d is i hate how they ended that oh yeah no it was it was dumb it was such a cop-out like um i believe he takumi's referenced in another series i believe i'm set after that and i can't remember what it is for the life of me um anyway but yeah like they've they copped that out so bad like fuck a nice way they could have ended it is he could have raised his dad and then just lost yeah and he's like nah nah bitch you're still not good enough for me yeah yeah
Starting point is 02:42:26 because everyone else drift king bunta um anyway like that that ending was so shit um and like he's driving the wrx around akina and then like he passes the new uh toyota 86 uh which isn't really a toyota 86 it's more a subaru um brz but that's that's car talk we're not here to talk about cars we're here to talk about tech um cars are tech tesla's got a computer in it yeah well i mean all cars have had a computer in them since like the late 90s i think well that's fair um yeah but like i said they they they copped out on that so hard like yeah the last race he he it last race what it cost you everything like fuck like i really wish they had an end to the series like that like yeah he wins like even if they had like ended it in like a photo finish it
Starting point is 02:43:18 would have been fine like i would have accepted that more than the bullshit that happened um oh like the the bunta race would have been amazing as well but that happened earlier in the series and he got absolutely destroyed maybe he could have won the race then just not ending at rate what's the only thing that can be an eight six another eight six oh god the prophecy the prophecy has been fulfilled here's two shit boxes racing against each other. Basically, but, like... But then Takumi's one is just, like, it's basically set up to be a race car anyway,
Starting point is 02:43:50 so it's not even the same... Yeah. It's not even a fair competition at that point. Yeah, it's a... Well, they have the rally version... Yeah, they have the rally version engine in it, which was bullshit how they got anyway. Well, I mean...
Starting point is 02:44:08 From what I... Like, I actually look look i think i've told you this before but i've actually like looked into like the importing and like the actual like engine specs and everything um you used to actually be able to call like toyota in japan and they would send you the exact like rally engine um but they like you used to be able to do that right you just call them in japan ask for like an english translator like an english speaker and be like hey i want one of the rally engines they just fucking send it to you oh that's awesome um like you pay it like you pay them for it and they send it to you um and now like because of like how secret everything is they're basically like get fucking wrecked idiot um yeah so like i like i said it just it really grinds my gears how they ended that because like it was set up to be so good and then they just like blew it literally literally there's so many
Starting point is 02:44:52 ways they could have ended it and that wasn't the way to do it yeah um and it's yeah like i said it's such a cop-out like um because like there was this whole like there was like these three or four episodes where like yeah um takumi race well like he raced bunta without knowing it was punta um and then like you know he like bunta absolutely destroys him and then like he's like so depressed and he has to like go race all these other people and then like he comes home he's like oh yeah by the way that was me kid you're good but you're not good enough so like i don't get why like he could have won the race and come home be like hey pops you're about to get your ass beat the future is now old man oh yeah they could have still done the 86 race
Starting point is 02:45:31 yeah and then just like here's another race after it but yeah they just like here's the end of the 86 race uh rip um yeah it's like and like i said like there's the final like rate sorry the it's called final stage i think there's like six episodes in it and like the first four are um the the less liked brother versus uh supra which is that i've looked into the mechanics of this so like the rx7 i think is like a four four cylinder i think um the supra is a six cylinder and if that like that just destroys the rx7 like every day because the engine in the supra is called a 2j it's called the 2jz um and it's basically the result of japan being like we've got so much money and so much metal, what the fuck are we going to do with it? Let's, like, build this engine,
Starting point is 02:46:28 but we're going to build it so ridiculously strong and so ridiculously powerful that it will decimate all for the timeline. And it still does, especially after, like, a lot... Like, you can make insane power on, like, just a stock engine. I've looked into this way too much. That's fine.'s it's different
Starting point is 02:46:46 talk for the show than we normally get and like there's a like a lot of drag cars and like a lot of um like off well like street racing cars have these engines in it because not only is it super modifiable it's super strong as well um and like that uh super would absolutely smash that rx7 but you know anime and i mean you know it made for a good story to be fair well to be fair the entire series didn't make sense up until yeah takumi had a fucking rally engine in his car like he shouldn't have been winning some of those races yeah yeah no no i agree um but i think kind of like the whole like i've talked to people about this before like the whole point isn't about what you drive it's the skill of the driver like
Starting point is 02:47:30 horseshit like that especially when like the act like the drift king of japan was a technical advisor on it um and like i've watched videos of him like racing like cars that should absolutely decimate that 86 and he's just driving like his 86 and he absolutely destroys everyone and like you can hear that like they had him mic'd up and it's like him sitting in the 86 just following behind everyone right dead silent and everyone who's in front of him is like oh how is he still here how is this happening excuse me what the fuck um and then just like then he just like overtakes him like like puts absolute like distance on them and he was like well time to retire like it's just it's so good and i forget what the guy's name is
Starting point is 02:48:13 but he's he's like he's a highly respected dude and he knows his stuff he was like for as much of a shit movie as tokyo drift was he was an advisor on that and made it look really good as well. I forget his name. Keiichi Tsuchiya. Yeah, him. Absolute madman. Love him to death. Never met him, would like to.
Starting point is 02:48:35 That would be cool. Yeah, here we go. Look at this. Look at this lovely man. I don't know if you can see the image is it going to work? I can't, I got a redirect notice but oh well
Starting point is 02:48:49 it's a google link yeah ah yeah, absolute madman and like I said he advised on initial D because he owned the 8 like his 8.6 he advised on Initial D because he owned the 86, like his 86.
Starting point is 02:49:09 Well, that's why that series was written the way it was because there's no reason besides him existing for Takumi to be driving an 86. And yeah, he drove the 86 and he's got like, I'm pretty sure he has all the world records around the mountains in Japan, or at least I think so. I'm prepared to be wrong on that as well um yeah but like as i was saying before like in the fourth stage right that video i sent you um there's like he this is when he's developing like
Starting point is 02:49:35 the um turn your headlights off and fucking overtake people uh when he does it for the first time there's like the guy who's driving like the car in front is like where the fuck did he go i can still hear him and then like he pulls up alongside him and turns on his headlight and this song just absolutely blasts and that's what that meme is it's just it's absolutely amazing and it's arguably the best song in the anime aside from of course running in the 90s yeah just for the memes just for the memes but yeah I said an issue deep good series hate how they ended it would basically
Starting point is 02:50:07 watch up to the fifth stage and just assume that everything after the fifth stage doesn't exist yeah that's fair like there were so many good scenes early on like you had the duct tape
Starting point is 02:50:15 death match and things like that just hang on a second all good oh god wonder how long he's gonna take we'll find out how's it going
Starting point is 02:50:31 uh good i just had an argument over who has the superior coffee farmers union or dare and of course the answer is farmers union you fucking heretic wash your mouth out the answer is obviously dare but uh obviously duct tape deathm obviously duct tape death match duct tape death match was good you know what really pisses me off about initial d as well
Starting point is 02:50:50 so like the first and second stage right it looks like it was rendered on bathroom scales let's be honest it's rendered on a playstation 1 engine yep basically and i mean like if you can get past that it's it's a good series like good introduction they remade them like with the animation quality of like the fifth and final stage they instead of like using the eurobeat from the first series they fucking used like shit rock music did they at that yeah i'm pretty sure they did unless i'm thinking of something else um but yeah they reused it and it was fucking shit and i was ready to cry when they did it i was like no you've taken like it like european initial ego hand in hand like and you've just ruined it for the like the rest of us i haven't watched the
Starting point is 02:51:38 uh the remake so i didn't know about that there are there are cuts out there that like people have like redone the audio so instead of it having like the shit music they redid it with like uh the first stage eurobeat yeah and like the first stage eurobeat has got a lot of good music and it's got like i'm pretty sure first and second stage has got um running in the 90s night of fire um speedy speed like all the iconic ones I think I definitely know Night of Fire and Running in the 90s I'm not sure about Speedy Speedboy
Starting point is 02:52:10 I'm pretty sure Gas Gas Gas is in the first stage as well I think again, prepare to be wrong and I'm pretty sure Funimation have also taken the entire series off of YouTube because it all used to be on their YouTube channel but it's not anymore.
Starting point is 02:52:25 Oh, that's sad. Yu-Gi-Oh! is still... Yu-Gi-Oh! and everything else is still up there. At least that's something. Dude, Funimation, for as much shit as they have caused, at least they've got a lot of stuff that's free to watch. Sure. I have my reasons for not liking Funimation. There was a recent series that I'm blanking on the name, um, that they ended up stopping the dub of.
Starting point is 02:52:55 Uh, shit. And also just stopped streaming it altogether. Why am I fucking forgetting the name? Basically, it was an adult series, um, and they knew what they were getting into when they bought the name basically it was an adult series um and they knew what they were getting into when they bought the contract for it oh fuck sorry chair just all good fuck what is it called it uh ishizaka reviewers that one okay so they knew what they were getting into and then they were just like nope we, we're not doing it. So you know what happened then? Well, basically, the only big Australian streaming site was like, hey, we'll take it. So everyone else was like,
Starting point is 02:53:33 so if you want to watch this series, you go to like VPN to Australia and you can watch it, which is not something that anyone has ever said before. I mean, for once, Australia is leading the way on something. You know, that and fetal alcohol poisoning. Mate mate don't hate on the fetal alcohol poisoning it's that's hey no i'm
Starting point is 02:53:51 not i'm just saying we're a leader we're a leader in our field like get around it anyway um no yeah so yeah i don't like the place it went to oh neat um and like i said at least australia is uh leading something um i don't like funimation basically for what they've done to team four star and like they basically put a gun to team four stars head and was like hey stop doing a bridge you're stealing our shit and they're like but it's transformers and like we don't care we have lawyers and we have lawyers time and money what do you have and they're like well fuck yeah uh so that because they finished off was it dragon ball abridged no they they stopped it in like the android saga or something like yeah and they they were like oh yeah we because
Starting point is 02:54:40 they hinted like at the end of the like they did like seasons of it and they in the last season they hinted at what was going to happen They did seasons of it, and in the last season, they hinted at what was going to happen in the next season. And then they uploaded videos like, hey, we're not doing the next season now because we were burnt out. And everyone was like, bullshit, you're burnt out. Everyone knows Funimation sent lawyers around there.
Starting point is 02:54:56 Oh, sure. Yeah, bullshit, you're burnt out. You haven't uploaded an episode in six months. And also, what I don't like about them is the whole um uh kick vick thing but that's that's a story for another day yeah well that goes that's also another part of the uh the ishizaka reviewers thing that that's all part of the same sphere of yeah things i had about yeah yeah but you know as much as you know i dislike them at least there is some free shit out there for you that you can watch and um like the their youtube channel is actually
Starting point is 02:55:31 a great way or at least i think if you're not into anime you can actually get into it um i got a question for you can you remember the first anime you've ever watched uh we're talking about stuff that i consider to be anime when i watched it or when i was aware that it was like so like when you were like when did you like when were you like fully aware like this is anime uh and this is what i'm watching that was chaos head good choice good choice no it's not it's shit actually i'll show you what chaos Head is um here we go because for me it was Full Metal Alchemist, not Brotherhood
Starting point is 02:56:10 Full Metal Alchemist I've actually watched my uh my series that ends in them going to Nazi Germany yeah that's well it's not them going to Nazi Germany it's just Edward, spoiler.
Starting point is 02:56:25 Sure, yeah, I still haven't actually watched it. Okay, I can't find good pictures of this. Chaos Head is basically shit. A lot of the fans of the visual novel don't want to acknowledge the fact that it exists, basically. Yeah, no, I get that. It was in the same sort of world as Steins Gate, if you've seen that. Ooh, no, I get that. It was in the same series, or same sort of world as Steins Gate, if you've seen that. Ooh, no, I haven't.
Starting point is 02:56:49 Steins Gate's really good, though. But, yeah. Yeah, like, for me, like I said, it was Fullmetal Alchemist. And that wasn't, like, that was actually really good right up until, like, the last 20... Because the thing is, like, you can get it online easily, like, that was actually really good right up until, like, the last 20.
Starting point is 02:57:05 Because the thing is, like, you can get it online easily, like, as per everything. But, like, I think, like, the last 20 or so episodes were really fucking shit. Because, like, that introduced, like, Fullmetal Alchemist kind of introduced me to, like, the whole, oh, fucking, what's her name? alchemist kind of introduced me to like the whole um oh fucking what's her name uh it's um uh the the guy's daughter uh who was really attached to her dog you know what i'm talking about yeah and i know yeah everyone knows yeah like yeah um like that he introduced me to that whole meme and then there was also like the that was dude i actually got really upset when um a certain character died in that who are you talking about um i don't well fuck it's been out for years so if you haven't seen it go and watch it um i got really upset when hughes died because hughes honestly made
Starting point is 02:57:57 that series he was such a lovable character um and then like his bit like the way that they sent him off fuck dude like that broke my heart because like um i remember quite like distinctly like he was in the um he had to get like a message to our um mustang yeah and he's like he's in the phone booth right and he's trying to get there and then like um he turns around and it's like his wife standing there oh yeah i know that's what you're talking about yeah and then like when they're burying him he was like his daughter's there and he's like but mommy if they bury daddy he won't be able to do his work it's like fuck way to pull on the old heart strings you fucks but yeah that that they ran their course too quickly with that.
Starting point is 02:58:46 And I feel like if they actually had waited for the manga to finish, it would have been held a lot higher. Yeah, that's why we have Brotherhood. Yeah, Brotherhood's a true... Well, they get through what Fullmetal Alchemist covered in five episodes, I think. They get through that really quickly.
Starting point is 02:59:04 metal alchemist covered in like five episodes i think like they get through that really quickly but no that that was a good introduction to anime and like most of the stuff on funimation um is a good introduction to what i think like i mean you can i've talked to people who they think like um shows like yugioh um i'm trying to think what else like mostly pokemon don't really count as anime because they're like mainstream and it's more of a cartoon than it is oh yeah well even though all of us watch things like dragon ball one piece yeah even like early naruto stuff as a kid yeah like naruto um not well i have like um well growing up i had foxtel well it was all star but it's foxtel now because you know brand new fuck all star was the shit man cartoon network used to be the shit like i used to like live on that channel i never had it my i always loved
Starting point is 03:00:01 my friends who did have it though though. It's so good. If around 7 o'clock, 8 o'clock, they start moving into some of the more PG stuff, like Dragon Ball, Naruto. I can remember religiously, I was so invested. I had
Starting point is 03:00:20 never seen an episode of Naruto, but they started playing it on Cartoon Network. And they started, or at least i started paying attention when um sasuke was in the coffin and he was undergoing his whole transformation and that was fucking sick like i was hooked on that and that was like actually like before like i like i actually realized like anime was a whole thing and it's own culture, I guess? I guess you could say. But dude, that... But no, that was fucking
Starting point is 03:00:52 sick. And now it's just all kind of gone downhill. Honestly, I'm trying to think... I do remember the second series that I watched and that was fun I don't know if you've seen it, you probably know of the memes
Starting point is 03:01:07 the second series I watched was High School of the Dead I know the memes Supersonic Boobs that's the one you probably know of yep I'm trying to think, what did I watch after after Full Metal, I think the thing I actually sat down
Starting point is 03:01:24 and watched after Full Metal was I think the thing I actually sat down and watched after Full Metal was the initial day, and that was, like, halfway... Well, that was a couple of years ago when I was in uni, because, yeah, like, it wasn't something, like, or at least people here, they don't really talk about, or, like, there's... People have got, like, their own things, and to be fair, you're either, like, a farmer or you're a nobody here,
Starting point is 03:01:44 which, you know, again, it's a farming town, what do you expect? Sure, yeah. You know. But, you know, it is what it is, and, like, as, you know, you move away and you learn different things, you kind of, like, you're more open, like, talking about
Starting point is 03:01:59 things that people are interested in, like, like, people here aren't interested in, like, TV shows you watched or whatever, but... Unless you know the football yeah exactly or you know something um anyway um yeah it was like people at uni they're like oh do you uh what are you are you watching like high school um dxd or anything that's a good way to start a conversation yeah it's like oh no i i can't remember like being in a lecture like friday and like fucking three o'clock there's like people in front of me watching like high school dxd on their laptops it's like fucking hell that is some like chad moves yeah absolute fucking chad um yeah you have any projects going on
Starting point is 03:02:45 just out of curiosity? besides like unique projects, anything you're working on yourself? really? no it's just I'm kind of just grinding out the channel at this point I do want to start getting properly back into investing but apart from that
Starting point is 03:03:00 but that's like a whole nother podcast right there and we're at three hours right now yeah sam got three hours i'm gonna go for four fuck sam i have other stuff i have to do after this so we're not going for four hours uh i was just gonna say like um like i've been talking like people like you know banister or i've heard of banister uh i haven't spoken to him much but i know of banister yeah yeah you know of banister. And he's like, oh, yeah, you should have, like, three projects that you can show people. And I was like, well, I've got two in mind.
Starting point is 03:03:28 So, like, what I want to do is I want to write, like, a kernel driver that, like, grabs all your information on your motherboard, so, like, your temperatures, your CPU clock, your core count, et cetera, et cetera. And, like, I kind of to write um a program that takes it and does like kind of like makes it look um look a certain way i don't want to talk to i don't want to like say what because it probably already exists but like i can already think of three things that already do it yeah but like they make it because like if you look at like cpu um
Starting point is 03:04:06 so if you look like hw monitor or cpuz it's just like a fucking bland window and i mean like yeah it delivers the information but you know is there any way you can make it look like cooler yeah um especially if you're like trying to demo it to people like hey like this is what we overclocked to it's like yay um so i'm thinking like writing it so it looks kind of like i'm thinking about like writing it so ah fuck it i want to write it so like you can change it to look like the interior of like a car sort of thing so like you have like the speedo sort of thing like your temperature gauge and all that sort of shit um i've been thinking about doing it doing that for a while well the hard part was just getting the information.
Starting point is 03:04:46 Doing that part's easy. It's just a bit of angles. Yeah, exactly. And, like, you can... I can easily, like, Photoshop stuff, and the GUI stuff isn't too hard. But, no, like, actually... Well, I was going to write it in, like, C++, but you can't actually write it in C++
Starting point is 03:05:00 because there are ways to spoof your clock through C c++ so you can't do it that way you actually have to write like a kernel um base thing which i have no idea how to do but need to look into um you know eventually when i'm not getting fucked by uni and all their projects they want me to do um and then after that i want to build a website to actually um host it on and like do all the installation yeah like write like an installer for it and all that good shit which the installer in and of itself shouldn't be that bad there's plenty of tutorials online about how to do an installer yeah and it's it's a bait like if you wanted to you can just do a basic fucking shell script like not hard um yeah so that's one thing and then i want to like do the website to host all that um which again isn't exactly hard it's just the process of doing it yeah um and and remembering
Starting point is 03:05:58 what the fuck you actually do uh and then for my third project i have no fucking idea what i want to do for my third project i'm probably going to just claim that my installer is my third project I have no fucking idea what I want to do for my third project I'm probably going to just claim that my insula is my third project and be done with it well honestly I've said this a couple of times in earlier podcasts but right now I'm just focusing on this because this is going way better than expected
Starting point is 03:06:17 and if I can get myself to the point where I don't need to work for someone else that'd be fucking great yeah that's part of the reason I'm getting into investing as well because i want to get to a point where i can just say i want to work i'm good and what's the best way to do that get yourself some income that's not relying on having an employer yeah exactly um i i'm really sad i i had the opportunity to um mine a metric fuck ton of bitcoin like um back when i was living at um my old apartment block yeah i never used to pay for power so ideally what i could have done was i could have like taken the side off my desktop just left the air
Starting point is 03:07:01 conditioner running in my room all day and just fucking mined bitcoin for like hours straight i don't know how sorry days straight yeah i don't know how much gpu mining would have been making but back then it probably would have been like cents still back then it would have been better than asic miners kind of they kind of ruined the mining market for new users you kind of you have to invest in asics to get anything done now yeah uh i mean i thought about it and i could have done it but i didn't and besides like i had the time like if i had like even like mining sense would have been fine because i had the time and i could have done it over the span of like quite a few months yeah um and it wouldn't have really mattered i wouldn't have actually paid for it but the only thing that would have paid for it is if like i fucking killed a gpu in the process
Starting point is 03:07:49 or rather killed my gpu in the process that's the other thing you might not even pay off the gpu so yeah uh but you know i i feel like my gpu was already on the well is on its last legs anyway and it's only a 1070, so it's not that old. But it would have been a nice excuse to banish it to the Shadow Realm. Yeah, but from that, I actually started investing. I talked about this on the last podcast.
Starting point is 03:08:20 Well, not only Steam trading cards, but also CSGO items. Yeah. I'm going to do legitimate investing in the stock market and in crypto. The fuck you mean it's thought legitimate investing? I'll fight you. How dare? How dare you?
Starting point is 03:08:38 Nah, to be perfectly fair, um... A lot of... Oh? Hmm. Another old game that I've put on my wish list that i've been meaning to buy to uh go back and look at um you know the um the pinnacle of gaming is on sale what's that uh it's cool well it's let me find the email hang on i literally just looked at it and forgot it uh it's called the Betrayal Collection. So it's called Betrayal, the two games that are in it,
Starting point is 03:09:09 Betrayal at Krondor and Betrayal in Antara. And it's kind of, like, started the whole, like, it kind of laid the foundation for RPGs. And this was before Activision were complete arseholes. So, yeah. I Betrayal, like, the Betrayal at Ant was on that uh demo disc that i was talking about earlier so um yeah no i've i think i've made a little bit of a return but i'm still waiting for everything to go up a bit more so hang on how much is how much is yes yes uh talking to myself here uh it's a great way to run a podcast isn't it
Starting point is 03:09:48 yep uh so i think i made a little bit of profit maybe potentially if i check uh the price of one thing so i bought like 12 things on steam for a dollar 95 and they're currently at 238 uh but with the way the economy is at the moment the pricing of everything is kind of low so I'm kind of waiting for like ideally these will go up more as time goes on so like kind of ideally my retirement plan not really
Starting point is 03:10:18 but I could sell these now and I would make about but I could sell these now and I would make about 18 cents profit on each item, which is chicken feed, but it's more like you can use to invest in better items, et cetera, et cetera. Yeah.
Starting point is 03:10:36 I'm probably going to look into doing dividends portfolios and, uh, you know, hard stuff like that. Cause I've got the uni break coming up soon. So I'm going to have plenty of time to actually start looking into stuff. I already
Starting point is 03:10:49 had some crypto I'd bought, but I just need to get back into buying it, just because I stopped because I wasn't sure what my income was going to be like. And, yeah. Now it's fine, so less of a problem. No, that's fair. Like, with my Steam investments, so that battle pass that i was talking i told you about um last time i made about 20 worth of profit off of that
Starting point is 03:11:13 um and i think i ended up just taking that and running and then buying stupid shit that i wanted on steam oh yeah um which is you know it's what it's there for um and then like some other investments i've actually been looking at like for some reason like all of my like recommendations when i go channel surfing are like wall street movies so i've been watching like the original wall street with um charlie sheen and i think it's emilio estevez i think um and like i've been and like the wolf of wall street with leonardo dicaprio um and for some reason i want to invest in the american stock market and i don't know why because australia's got like a perfectly good one but i've been like i wanted like i've looked into buying like intel
Starting point is 03:11:57 and amd shares um and like i check on them from time to time and i'm pretty sure like i would have made a little bit of money right now but at the same time like it's a pain in the ass trading from australia in the us especially like because the time zone's so fucked up so you'd probably need like a stock broker to manage it and that's just more like overhead that you don't need well yeah until you have like a big investment it's not gonna be exactly worth it to do it like that so yeah i honestly can't be bothered like trading myself in america so uh i've been looking into like actual like stock market stuff um like in australia but i just haven't been bothered with it yeah i need to do it kenley's
Starting point is 03:12:39 f like the episode with kenley that kind of got me thinking about it again and then i've i've been watching this dude who's been building up his crypto portfolio and his dividend portfolio. I'm like, I need to get back into that, don't I? Because the other nice thing now, I was already surviving just fine with the money I made from Coles. And now I have an extra $250 a month that's coming in. So I can just push that out. Dude, working at the uni, that was so good for me like i did pretty well out of that like um so like i'm still paying rent on my place but the good
Starting point is 03:13:14 thing is that like i'm still like because i'm still playing rent on that um it still counts as me living there yeah so but like i'm not paying like any grocery bills because i'm at home or anything so that's nice um so that expenditure i really have is like the place i still play rent on but like working for the uni was a great chance to like put some extra cash away yeah and even though it was only for like four weeks there was some really good cash um and like it was all done like legitimately like i had to like them my tax file number and they had to declare everything that I was doing. As most businesses do. But no, that was great.
Starting point is 03:13:52 And I've got some cash put away for if I ever decide to go out and splurge on something or if I ever get up the nerve to ask out a significant other. Yeah, I've got fallbacks. Going to a brothel?
Starting point is 03:14:09 Something like that. But, you know, that's for after the virus and, you know, more than 10 people. Yeah, that's a different virus. Yeah, different virus. Anyway. I think we should probably end it there. I'm getting a bit hungry. It's like 1.30 now.
Starting point is 03:14:24 Yeah, my throat's burning, regardless of how much water I've drank. That's kind of what happens, like, when I hold, like, meetings for the club. Like, I'll be going just fine, then my throat starts to burn, and then my voice just cracks constantly. Also, one of my lights is nearly dying as well,
Starting point is 03:14:43 so you might know if my face is getting darker. Yeah, why i i use a monitor and just pull up like i've got like you on like one of my on my laptop screen and then on the tv next to me slash monitor i've just got like a blank notepad file and that's that's my that's my light sure but you aren't a uh a pinnacle of quality right now so i i I take offense to the fact that you put quality in the same sentence as myself I will speak to your manager, call me Carol
Starting point is 03:15:13 sorry Carol I am my manager I am my manager or one day maybe one day so this has been episode actually no, One thing I started doing last time. I put you
Starting point is 03:15:27 on the spot entirely for this. Last time, I gave a recommendation for a channel for people to check out. So, do you have any channel that you can think of off the top of your head that you want people to go watch? I mean, do you want library creators or just
Starting point is 03:15:43 YouTube creators? Literally anyone. I mean, I've been library creators or just YouTube creators? Literally anyone. I mean, I've been following... What's his name? Gokunaru is good. His YouTube content is absolutely amazing. I'm not going to spell it because that's not who I'm going to recommend. Okay. For subscription-wise, just Memeology101.
Starting point is 03:16:05 Puts out good stuff. Or Memeology102 because he's getting his main channel striked down at the moment. Yeah, Memeology is a great channel. Actually, I've got a channel you can recommend. I talked a lot about Classic Games. I'll link you this guy's channel
Starting point is 03:16:23 because he's an absolute legend and he he looks at like old games that i really enjoy his name is civy 11 i was gonna say if you say lazy game reviews then fuck no i am a man of culture i like reviews but yeah no his name's civy 11 and he's fucking hilarious basically like his running joke is that he's in a he's in prison like below the earth while the revolution happens above uh-huh um kind of ironic given what's happening in america at the moment but anyway um yeah it's it's good shit um he plays like a lot of the old games that i mentioned he's played uh doom he's played duke 3d he's played uh postal all of them um he's played um blood which is like i said really good game um and he taught a lot of my um like a lot of what i've been saying he kind of explains a bit better than i do yeah so yeah go check this channel out as for me
Starting point is 03:17:25 I've been watching a lot of DemoDisc by Funhaus Funhaus is good Funhaus always produces good shit I made a moment and was like hey you might enjoy Funhaus I was like hey you know what I'll check this out
Starting point is 03:17:42 and then I started watching the DemoDisc series and then I watched lots of demo disc so yeah go check out fun house i guess yeah fun house regardless just produces good stuff oh for sure yeah um i i think it's they're the one that um they're talking about like the clip with the lady that's got the ponytail then like the dude's wife just turns around like pulls her own ponytail that's them isn't it? I'm not sure fuck I'll see if I can find it um
Starting point is 03:18:10 um where is it? where is it? where could it be? where could it be god damn it get some backup batteries for these lights yep found it there's no music in it it's just like their clip
Starting point is 03:18:38 there you go let's see if I can bring it out There you go. Let's see if I can bring it up. Mm-hmm. Cool. Okay. Actually, yeah, pause it like 15 seconds. There's music.
Starting point is 03:19:04 Oh, yeah. Yeah, I didn't have the audio playing anyway. Yeah, no, pause it like 15 seconds, there's music. Oh, yeah. Yeah, I didn't have the audio playing anyway. Yeah, no, that is Funhaus, right? I'm not getting confused with someone else. Yeah, no, that is Funhaus. Yeah, I thought so. Yeah. Cool. Do you have anything you want to shout out?
Starting point is 03:19:19 Nah, I'm fine. No Twitter accounts or anything you want to shout out? Nah, not really. I'm not about that life i'm i'm kind of like just you're grinding you want to iso life now yeah well not only that i'm kind of grinding like my own like purse well personal stuff and i kind of like separate my personal stuff from like what's going on online for sure yeah it makes sense um yeah all i can say is that you know join that join that club
Starting point is 03:19:46 discord so I can fucking add you to talk shit I might I don't know we'll see we'll see yeah I'll get you the link regardless yeah send me the link I won't join fuck you okay so this has been episode 15 of
Starting point is 03:20:02 tech of a t before I go I'd like to thank my patrons so a special thank you to Joachim, Nathan, Andrew, Gabriel, Peter, Dave, Road, Tony, Lodewiki, Larry and Zylva. If you want to join the patreon there'll be a link to that in the description down below as well as my Amazon affiliate links where you can buy the gear I use in this channel or anything else you want to get a small kickback for it. Speaking of Amazon stuff i should buy some extra batteries for the lights because yeah my face has gotten dark now uh yeah so that's pretty much it how do you want to sign out the podcast uh i mean it's your podcast i can just
Starting point is 03:20:38 say uh thanks for having me i guess uh it's always a pleasure and i quite enjoy like coming on for like a few hours and talking shit to be honest this is the most I've actually sat and actually talked with someone since ISOs began this is why I do the podcast because I don't talk to people outside my housemates basically yeah basically and it doesn't help when your housemates are actually your direct
Starting point is 03:20:59 family but anyway yeah no the conversations get kind of stale and boring so yeah thanks for having me on it's always a pleasure and boring. So yeah, thanks for having me on. It's always a pleasure. And I hope you keep your promise to get me on after the US elections, because that's going to be a spicy one. Oh, God.
Starting point is 03:21:13 Yeah, I forgot about that. Yeah. Don't ever make a promise to me, because I always remember, regardless of whether you were joking or not, I remember. Okay, well, we'll see what happens. All right. Cool. Thanks again. Yeah, thanks for coming on the show man

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