Tech Over Tea - We've Finally Reached This Milestone | Solo

Episode Date: February 2, 2022

We've finally reach the 100th episode of this podcast and I have absolutely nothing special planned for today, should I have done something special probably but it is what it is. ==========Support The... Channel========== ► Patreon: ► Paypal: ► Amazon USA: ► Other Methods: =========Video Platforms========== 🎥 YouTube: =========Audio Release========= 🎵 RSS: 🎵 Apple Podcast: 🎵 Spotify: 🎵 Google Podcast: 🎵 Anchor: ==========Social Media========== 🎤 Discord: 🐦 Twitter: 📷 Instagram: 🌐 Mastodon: ==========Credits========== 🎨 Channel Art: All my art has was created by Supercozman DISCLOSURE: Wherever possible I use referral links, which means if you click one of the links in this video or description and make a purchase we may receive a small commission or other compensation.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Good morning, good day, good evening. I am as always your host, Brody Robertson, and today we are back for episode 100 of Tech of a T. Now, when I said I had nothing at all special planned for this episode, you might have been thinking, oh, maybe I was like saying, oh, I don't have anything special planned, but I'm gonna get something, you know, I'm gonna have something secret, special, that you're like saying, oh, I don't have anything special planned, but I'm going to get something, you know, I'm going to have something secret special that you're going to find out on the day. If that's what you were thinking, uh, you haven't watched enough of this podcast. You haven't watched enough of my main channel to know, uh, no, when I say that I have nothing at all special planned, it means, uh, I, I, I didn't plan anything special, but today is still technically a, uh, anything special but today is still technically a uh technically a special day so today is january 26th that is australia day which i forgot was actually happening today i'll get into that in
Starting point is 00:00:54 just a bit um but today is the final day that the australians are going to be playing on the japanese final fantasy 14 service there's gonna be a lot of people sticking around but the majority that the Australians are going to be playing on the Japanese Final Fantasy XIV servers. There's going to be a lot of people sticking around, but the majority of us are moving over to the Oceanic servers because Oceanic server transfers finally opened. About 15 minutes ago, server transfers opened. The day before, you could actually make a new character. And finally, we are able to play on the Oceanic servers.
Starting point is 00:01:27 They were supposed to come out in like two weeks. They got brought ahead. I'm very, very happy they did. So before we get into that, though, the Australia Day thing. Today's January 26th, Australia Day. It's a public holiday. It's our national public holiday, you know, equivalent to, you know, I don't know what US public holidays are, actually.
Starting point is 00:01:48 It's a national holiday. I didn't realise it was because, for me, in my life, public holidays don't really exist. Like, I'm working throughout the week, regardless whether it's a public holiday or not. Like, oh, oh, it's day off, public holiday, whatever.
Starting point is 00:02:05 I'm still gonna make videos. I'm still going to make videos. I'm still going to do everything for my YouTube stuff that I was going to do anyway. Nothing has actually changed. All the changes, and this is the reason why I realized what day it was, is I went to go out to buy some lunch, and then I realized that my favorite shop was closed. Like, oh, oh wait that makes
Starting point is 00:02:25 that makes sense doesn't it so then it then it clicked to me and I went and bought some McDonald's because at McDonald's no one gets public holidays oh my joke's closed public holidays do not exist in actually I think they exist at KFC still but McDonald's does not have public holidays I really don't have anything special planned for 100. Like, if you're waiting for me to, like, say something, like, oh, here's the special thing happening today, it's not gonna happen. There's nothing there.
Starting point is 00:02:54 I'm just gonna do a regular episode, and then it is what it is. I keep saying I'm gonna get, like, guests planned for, like, a future episode, and then I don't do it. I'm still gonna keep doing that. The saying I'm going to get like guests planned for like a future episode and then I don't do it. Um, I'm still going to keep doing that. The saying I'm going to do it and then thinking I'm going to go do it and then not doing it. But at some point, uh, maybe the, the doing it and saying that I am will actually align and, uh, things will actually happen. So we'll start off with the, with the Oceanic servers actually. So just before the Oceanic servers opened yesterday, I'm not exactly
Starting point is 00:03:29 sure how people found this, I'm guessing by just like searching the subdomains of the Final Fantasy server domain, someone found out the IP I think like an hour or two before we were supposed to know what it is um
Starting point is 00:03:43 everyone in the, if you don't know, there's a Materia Discord server right now. Everyone in the Discord server started pinging it, and everyone besides the Southeast Asian people who their ping was marginally better or slightly worse all of the australians were like wow look at this sub 100 ping so my um my fc leader he went from 220 ping down to i think i think he's at 50 now or something which is absolutely mental and that takes you from like being a or being able to do low level dungeons fine enough to actually being like making high level stuff possible because playing jp there was no way that i was ever going to be able to like even do extreme like just extremes the mechanics are tight enough where having in my case i had 120 ping having a
Starting point is 00:04:47 ping that high just would have made it impossible there's great videos out there of people trying to run things um like extreme titan and just getting fucked by the aoe's like they'll be outside the circle a second later they die it's like this is ridiculous how was anyone going to play like this how did people play like this for like what five four or five expansions because it's been since
Starting point is 00:05:16 the launch of A Realm Reborn that there has not been Australian service so I think going on nine years or is it nine years it's a long or maybe no no it is nine years going on ten years yeah yeah it think going on nine years or is it nine years? It's a longer, or maybe no, no, it is nine years going on 10 years. Yeah. Yeah. It's going on 10 years. Were there any Australian players on JP or NA who were actually somehow competently running extremes and ultimates? If they were, I have no idea how they were doing so because like i would get fucked by the basic
Starting point is 00:05:47 dungeon aoe's anything more than that would be insane so my ping where it was at i my ping was just low enough where if i reacted instantly i could dual weave so dual weaving is when so you basically have GCDs. These are your global cooldown abilities. They're generally your main combo abilities. But you can actually use off GCD abilities. Those
Starting point is 00:06:16 have different cooldowns. Usually the cooldown is based around the 120 second loop, but the reason why the times are set up the way they are doesn't really matter. Basically, you can run stuff between your GCD abilities, and dual weaving is when you use two abilities between your GCD. And at high level content, you're sort of expected to be able to do this, to actually be able to put out enough DPS to be able to, you know,
Starting point is 00:06:40 in some cases clear the dungeon, but just clear the dungeon in a manner that's actually consistent and people actually want to play the game with you I could duel with if I reacted instantly, like my black mage for example
Starting point is 00:06:58 sometimes it would happen, it was more like maybe 1 out of 5 or 1 out of 8 times it happened though. So the fact that I can dual weave. Almost well. On. Almost competently.
Starting point is 00:07:13 On 120 ping. Going down from that. To I think I'm going to 24 ping. Um. Should be fairly easy. There are some things related to the ping. Which. I. I don't know how
Starting point is 00:07:28 it's gonna go. For example, another mechanic is called slide casting. So, because of server time delays, the bar you see on your screen for your cast timer and when you're actually allowed to start moving aren't actually synced. So, what you're...
Starting point is 00:07:43 The way the game intends for it to work is when the bar hits zero, then you can move. If you move before the bar hits zero, your spell will be cancelled. Slide casting is where you do that. There's usually like a- if you move around 0.5 seconds away from the end, most of the time you're good. But it also depends on your server ping. So because my server ping was higher,
Starting point is 00:08:13 now the window where you can slide cast is going to be lower. But also the difference between the bar and the actual time when the game thinks you've done a cast will be closer anyway, so slide casting becomes much less of an issue, but even so there is always going to be some level of server lag, so knowing how to deal with slide casting is always going to be a net benefit. And there's a bunch of mechanics like that which are sort of based around the server ping, which in some ways get easier, in some ways get harder, but overall,
Starting point is 00:08:46 uh, I'm, I am happy with a lower ping. I have not had a chance to play with the lower ping yet, but there's no way that it could be worse. Like, that's the thing. I am running Palace of the Dead at 130 ping and dying to fucking bullshit like absolute bullshit mechanics and attacks that i didn't even realize had happened yet so i have no way to mitigate them but now i should be able to react to it and actually get somewhat further into it uh it also let me start running higher level content as well. And yeah, we'll see how it actually goes. There are some concerns I do have about the Oceanic servers though. So market boards I'm going to abuse because they're a mess.
Starting point is 00:09:35 But market boards are going to be a bit rough for a little bit. For example, things like selling your crystals. The reason why crystals are so cheap on jp na eu everything like that is because there are bot accounts and there are insane there are bot accounts but also insane people who just do nothing but crystal mining all day and i've no idea why they do that there are much much better money making methods than just mining crystals but people do it anyway but on the new servers the market boards are going to be empty like none of that stuff's gonna be there so i wouldn't be surprised if there are people selling like bottom tier crystals which you need for every single crafting recipe for like 10x the
Starting point is 00:10:19 price normally they sell for uh i think fire crystals sell around, I think they sell around like 5 gil or something. I wouldn't be surprised if people were selling them for like 50 gil. And people sell them in 500 or 1000 stacks. So that's actually a, uh, a fairly big, um, fairly big, uh, gil drop there. big um fairly big uh guild drop there which i am not excited about paying but also i'm just not gonna do any crafting for a little bit it's not gonna happen i'll do some gathering because gathering gathering is going to be where the money making is and i'll be um i'll be running dungeons because i'm still in the process of doing all of my leveling. So I've been wanting to play a healer for quite a while but my concern with
Starting point is 00:11:12 healers, even though white mages are like really big healers, like you can heal massive numbers, my worry is that with the higher ping I would let someone get down too low because I was worrying about keeping up my DPS numbers as well, and let someone die when I should have been able to heal them. Um, I'm less worried about that now, so I am, I'm wanting to play a healer. Like, I don't, I've never played a healer in really any game that I've played because usually I don't play MMOs, and when you're not playing an MMO why would you play something that's not like not a DPS or a tank because you can just let the AI
Starting point is 00:11:50 do the healing so it's just not a problem that I've ever had to deal with but there are a lot of benefits of doing healer especially on fucking Oceanic right now apparently everybody's playing a tank I don't know why I actually don't know why everybody's playing a tank i don't know why i i actually don't know
Starting point is 00:12:07 why everybody is playing a tank like i would have expected that dps queuing would be the hardest because you know that's just how the game typically goes most people play a dps but maybe there's a uh disproportionate number of people in the oceanic region who like tanks. It's possible. I don't know. But apparently right now, everyone's waiting on healers to queue, and in some cases waiting on DPS to queue, which is fucking insane. So that's going to be something
Starting point is 00:12:36 I definitely take advantage of, and take advantage of getting the daily bonuses as well. Like the, um, you get, so when you queue up for your daily roulettes, it'll tell you what job type,
Starting point is 00:12:52 or what role, sorry, is the one that is in demand. Generally, it's either tank or healer. It looks like it's going to be healer just constantly for a little bit. I'm going to use it and get my grand company skills and get some money. Because right now I don't have any girl.
Starting point is 00:13:12 So when I was going over the benefits you get from transferring over to Materia, the Oceanic Data Center. I didn't realize there was some sort of, I guess you'd call them hidden benefits. So we know about the million gil you get from leveling a character from level 1 to level 30, leveling an alt specifically, leveling an alt to 30. This can be done, also you get double XP while doing it,
Starting point is 00:13:41 so this can be done in like a couple hours it's not a difficult thing to get to level 30 leveling early ar is just really quick and putting double xp and that's gonna make it even stupider like you will be just like jumping through levels um but i found out that if you buy an apartment so apartments are worth 500 000 g that if you buy an apartment, so apartments are worth 500,000 gil. If you buy an apartment and then you transfer while owning the apartment, it doesn't just reimburse you the gil for the apartment. It also, for some reason, gives you the price of the apartment. So you get a million, basically you buy the apartment for 500,000 and you get refunded a million basically you get you buy the apartment for 500 000 and you
Starting point is 00:14:25 get refunded a million when you transfer the same thing happens with um buying land as well like you buy a property let's say it costs i think like three million or something you get reimbursed like six million i'm not sure why that happens it seems like just a way to inject gil into the economy um because even though people are going to transfer their characters over from jp or na over to materia there is going to be i wouldn't call it a gil shortage it's more like there's going to be there's going to be less people on the market board, and that's going to lead to less sales overall.
Starting point is 00:15:10 But if you give people extra gil, that will encourage people to actually start buying stuff and sort of generate a more healthy market board economy. Either way, if there are players on the server, there's going to be a market board economy. It's just a matter of
Starting point is 00:15:25 how long it takes to actually settle into place. Things like the leveling ores, so your Electrum ores, your Iron ores. Actually, if you're buying Iron ores from marker boards, stop doing that. Just go to the most of the what's the word? Most of the
Starting point is 00:15:44 guild shops you can just buy them there but cobalt, electrum things of that nature and then also equivalent in logs so cedar, ebony all of that sort of stuff
Starting point is 00:15:58 that stuff is going to settle in very quickly because everyone knows that is a consistently purchased resource so people always consistently gather it, making itself pretty easy for people to actually, you know, go and make money off of that. So that stuff's gonna settle in pretty quickly. I expect the less common items though, let's say I've got some, uh, Sagoling Monkfish sitting in my, uh, my inventory, which even on Kujata didn't sell very
Starting point is 00:16:28 well, uh, that sold for like 10k, like a piece on Kujata. I wouldn't be surprised if I can get away with selling it for like 25. I, you know, I should have done this, um, I, I really should have
Starting point is 00:16:44 done this, but if you have a... One item that sells really expensively is a Moonfire Halter. I've shown this item before. Basically, it's one of the few non-mog shop bikinis you can actually get. Moonfire Halter. And obviously the game is about glamour. So, of course,
Starting point is 00:17:12 this is going to sell for a lot. Put it on the Mikoto. There we go. So, I should have bought one before I ran out of Gil, but this, I wouldn't be surprised if these start selling for like 200,000, because there's going to be so few of them on the market board that you
Starting point is 00:17:32 can basically, you can basically sell them for whatever you want. I, I'm down to 20,000 gil at this point. Um, but if I thought about it earlier i absolutely would have stocked up on these and just watch what happened because i i guarantee i guarantee there's going to be a mess to get um so if i happen to get a a treasure map that has uh marina cloths um i'm probably gonna have to make one or maybe just sell the marina cloth and uh see how much that sells for because that for whatever reason the cloth sells for more than the um than the holsters themselves which makes it so there's no real money making and actually crafting them unless you gather the items yourself so really the only people yeah the only people who craft them are the ones who
Starting point is 00:18:22 are doing treasure maps to get them and because it's also a 3.3 item, less people are doing those treasure maps and the only people doing the treasure maps are the people trying to get the item. So it's this weird, it's this weird situation where you have this super popular item that you get the item to craft it in a really, really not popular way anymore. And because you can only get one treasure map a day, it's also a mess because of that as well. But, yeah, it is what it is. Market boards are going to be fucked on Oceanic.
Starting point is 00:18:58 And I'm going to abuse it in ways I can, but it can only go so far, basically. But speaking of... Actually, wait, was there another... I feel like there's another benefit that I wanted to mention. That's slipping my mind. Another hidden benefit.
Starting point is 00:19:17 Actually, I want to check the Discord, right? I feel like there was another hidden benefit that I'm forgetting to mention. Oh, God god you have a bunch of people cosplaying NPCs and there's a dude called Tony Abbott in Limser apparently
Starting point is 00:19:33 because of course there is, why wouldn't there be um, that actually takes into something that's also happening quite a bit as well is it on here, it's gotta be on here somewhere oh, people are just... People are spamming chat because the...
Starting point is 00:19:48 the thingy is full. The thingy is full. The data center is open. Anyway, so if you go to the character search for FFXIV, it allows you to go and like look up
Starting point is 00:20:07 characters that may be on your world now I am not surprised that this is the case but there are quite a few characters named after various Australians so there are quite a few Clive Palmer accounts.
Starting point is 00:20:29 I know, I didn't realize there was until just now. Apparently there's a bunch of Tony Abbott accounts. Let's see how many of those there are. Could just be one, to be honest. Why is it not searching? Oi, work. Oh my God. There. Okay. Oi, No, what are you doing? Uh, Tony Abbott, Tony Abbott, Tony Abbott, Tony Ab- Wait! Also, there's apparently a bunch of, uh, bunch of, uh, FCs named after Centrelink as well. Of course there is. Uh, Tony Abbott, Tony Abbs, and, uh, there's- I know there's- Oh, right, right the other one the other good one anyone who's not an Aussie has no idea what's go what's going on right now um we have Bunnings Snag Bunnings Snag Bunnings Warehouse uh Bunnings Hair House Bunnings Hair House that's actually a good one
Starting point is 00:21:20 uh Bunnings Sanger Bunnings Sausage and these are just everywhere there are so many of them wait someone actually bought a level boost on their character is that a level boost or was that a transfer they bought two level boosts wait what
Starting point is 00:21:40 okay apparently someone level boosted with a character named, uh, Bonnings Warehouse. Is there anyone called Centrelink? I know there are a bunch of FCs called Centrelink. Um, Centrelink, yep, there we- Yep. Centrelink, Centrelink, Centrelink.
Starting point is 00:21:59 Centrelink Bounced. Centrelink Dole Bludge. Centrelink Officer. Uh, Centrelink Services. Centrelink Welfare. Detention Center. MyGov. Oh, Maya Center, sure. bounced settling dull blood settling officer uh settling services settling welfare detention center my gov or my center sure mate that the oceanic servers are a fucking mess right now there are so many just so many ridiculous accounts to be fair a lot of these accounts are burner accounts that people made just for the sake of getting their... Thought they'd be here. Just for the sake of getting the free million gil you get when you get to level 30.
Starting point is 00:22:38 Bunch of Jim's Mowing as well. So I actually have a great name for my alt that I'm going to be running. So Jim's Mowing's great. Like if I was going to do Jim's Mowing though, it would have to be, I have to do a botanist. Either Jim's Gardening or Jim's Mowing as a botanist. But, um, I, I, I think the name I'm going to go with for my alt is, uh, because Warriors are super busted right now, I'm going to call it Jim's solo clears. I'm going to level
Starting point is 00:23:08 a warrior up to level 30, and it's just going to sit there and be done, and I'm never going to touch it again. But there are just so, so many of these right now. Actually, I do want... How do we do it? If we go...
Starting point is 00:23:27 Where is it? Where's the community it? If we go, where is it? Where's the community? Free company search. Okay, let's see what free companies actually exist on Materia. Obviously, it's going to be, you know, not dumb ones, but I guarantee there's going to be a lot of dumb ones right now. Where did it go? Wait, what?
Starting point is 00:23:44 No, free company search. There we go. So here on Materia Materia. Let's see what we've got. Search. I know. There we go. There we go. 2am Mac is run. See, some of them are like, not ridiculous. A and Z bank, and then we've got A and Z bank.
Starting point is 00:24:13 Oh, I know someone actually called themselves, I think they called their alt Bendigo Bankingway. Bad Dragoon. Someone's got to get in there with a... Like, now that you have a new server, you've got to, like, take the really good names before anyone else does it. Bunnings Warehouse.
Starting point is 00:24:35 Bunnings, Bunnings, Bunnings Warehouse. Centrelink, Centrelink, Centrelink. And look, it's a good idea. I hope that Centrelink never gets a house, Centrelink. And look, it's a good idea. I hope that Centrelink never gets a house because look that you got to, you got to RP as Centrelink. Wait, was that drop a clan drop bears? Yep. Okay.
Starting point is 00:24:55 Uh, crayon rejects. Uh, what else do we have? Uh, D's big democracy. Oh, Democracy manifest. That is a... Oh, I'm dying. That's an old one. That's one that most people are probably not going to get.
Starting point is 00:25:21 This is democracy manifest. Devondale. Uh, let's see. Drongos Bongos. Uh, Drop Bears. Okay. Uh, Elemental. Oh, wow.
Starting point is 00:25:34 That's a very exciting one, I see. Uh, Eshays. Eshays, bro. Oh, God. Uh, Hatties Nuts. Yup. Oh, there's Graha. Oh god Hadiz nuts Yup Oh there's Graha These guys were This is an interesting FC
Starting point is 00:25:54 Can we see Their members All of their members Are The same All of their members are the same character. All of their members are the same character. It's beautiful.
Starting point is 00:26:10 It's genuinely beautiful. Heckies. Let's see. Anything else fun in here? Jim's rating. Okay, that's a good one. Lala felt black mark. Lazy doll bludludges, yup.
Starting point is 00:26:26 Uh, Limsus Cigar Club, that's a boring one. Come on, give us some more Australian ones. Uh, and there's the Monkeys of Eorzea, my FC that I haven't joined or rejoined again over on um, over on Materia.
Starting point is 00:26:42 But I am very excited to go and do so. One more page after this. Not quite. Did whatever they can to make it look like a certain leaf. Principality of Zeon. It seems like we've passed pretty much all of the
Starting point is 00:26:59 all of the I was going to say all of the dumb ones, but no, there's Shiggles and Gits, rather than Shits and Giggles. Sit on my face. Social credit farm. What else have we got in here? Tax evasion.
Starting point is 00:27:19 Yep, lovely. Lovely as you'd expect. And do we have Any more Aussie ones It seems like Tunnel snakes It seems like Ah there it is
Starting point is 00:27:36 Victoria Bitter I'm almost certain there's a character called If there's not a character called Victoria Bitter I'm going to be very Very very Very depressed let's see so character search let's see look even if you're even if you're not playing you're not playing to actually fully play on materia if you're an aussie just make it make an alt just to go and visit, because right now you don't have, like, cross-region visit.
Starting point is 00:28:09 Yes, there are. Okay, of course there are. Victoria Bitter, Victoria Bitter, Victoria Bitter, Victoria Bitters. Okay, Victorian Bitter. There we go. Oh, I'm going to check this one. Is there a 4X gold? Come on, there's got to there a 4x gold color there's gotta be a 4x gold yeah there we go this is how you know it's the australian server
Starting point is 00:28:31 oh my god there's more of them this is look i blame everything right now everything that's happening on materia right now, everything that's happening on materia right now, I blame 100% on Square Enix. They said if you level an alt to level 30, then you can go and, uh, you can go and get a million gil and 15 days of free playtime. This is a problem that you have caused. Right the other hidden bonus you get. It's not a bonus. It's more like take advantage of it if you want to take advantage of it. So if you want to change your character name for free, normally it would actually cost money. If you want to change your character name for free,
Starting point is 00:29:30 make an alt on the new server, transfer your character to, oh, make an alt on the new server with your current name, transfer your character to the new server, and then when you try to log in, the game's going to be like, yo, there's already someone on this, uh, on this server that has that name. Change your name. So basically, I don't know if this happens normally with transfers, or if this is just a thing specifically with new servers, but that is something you can take advantage of as well if it is something you actually need to do. I play basically the same name in every game. So for me, nothing actually changes here. So for me, I don't care.
Starting point is 00:30:08 But it is a nice little benefit you get if you do want to change your name. I don't know how this completely slipped my mind. I was planning to talk about this in the first segment, but I guess we're continuing the Final Fantasy XIV segment for just a bit. So, last week, uh, not too long after I recorded the podcast, I, and actually, I think it was the, no, it was the day that I was doing my main channel stream, right, because I delayed the main channel stream, stream time, yes. Um, so, two of my FC members decided to have an eternal bonding. This is basically a marriage in Final Fantasy XIV. I'll show you some of the pictures. I did upload all of the footage to my gaming channel though.
Starting point is 00:30:53 So here we go. I went into this not knowing what to expect whatsoever. I've never gone to an eternal bonding. I just haven't really been playing the game long enough to really meet anyone who is that obsessed with the game but as soon as i joined this fc uh this happened so basically the way the event works is you'll be given a invitation um this invitation basically says when the event is actually going to happen it doesn't necessarily have to happen at that time the uh like the uh the the people actually running the event the
Starting point is 00:31:31 people in the eternal bonding they have the ability to choose exactly when it starts anytime after that point uh basically they have it i i'm pretty sure there's a window but if they want to start like a couple minutes after, then they can actually do that. So, basically, the way it works is you get this invitation, and there is a church located in, uh, South Shroud. I don't know why it's in South Shroud and not in, like, one of the cities or something like that, but it's in South Shroud.
Starting point is 00:32:00 So, you go there, talk to the NPC at the front, and you'll be put into the lobby area. Actually, why don't I just show you the footage as I'm actually, um, as I'm actually doing stuff. That makes so much more sense. Uh, let's see. YouTube. Brody Robertson plays. And
Starting point is 00:32:19 here we go. I'll mute the audio, because we were on Discord the entire time as well. So, you're at the front of this area here. This is I'll mute the audio. Because we were on Discord the entire time as well. So you're at the front of this area here. This is the embassy over somewhere around this area. They have to talk to you. And when you actually talk to them, you'll be brought into the lobby area. Now, basically, this is up for the host to actually decide when to start the event.
Starting point is 00:32:43 this is up for the host to actually decide when to start the event. Um, but up until that point, everyone's just, you know, dicking around, uh, just working out what the hell's going on.
Starting point is 00:32:52 Like, Oh, what are we doing here? Do you just like chill? Um, so this event had a, uh, a dress code as well.
Starting point is 00:33:00 Um, either wear black or white. I decided to go with, uh, black. I was wearing my, um wearing my weaver gear. So anyway, once the event actually starts, I was really checking out people's glamour. I saw this Vieira sitting next to me.
Starting point is 00:33:17 I was like, ooh, that's a cute outfit. I want that. Anyway, once the event sort of starts, I guess partially starts, you'll be brought into the the main seating area which you don't actually have to like sit down you could just go and like run around up here the game doesn't stop you like i don't think it even stops you you know it doesn't stop you while any of the important stuff is happening either you can just like do whatever you want uh but you know it's respectful to go and sit down
Starting point is 00:33:46 and just wait for the event calmly to start while, you know, checking out people's glamour sitting around you, which is exactly what I was doing. Anyway, let's see if we can find when the event actually starts. Here we go. So when the, like, important part of the event actually starts, that'll be in a cutscene. So you'll have the two people getting married,
Starting point is 00:34:11 walking down the aisle, doing all the fun wedding stuff, and you get this really, really nice cutscene. I don't know if this cutscene ends up being available for them to actually go and re-watch. You can actually go and re-watch story cutscenes in an inn or anywhere that you have... There's a thing you can place in your house to do the same thing. I don't know if this will be available for them after that point.
Starting point is 00:34:40 But then, once that initial cutscene is over, then that is when the, uh, the chaos ensues. So a lot of people here have never been to a, uh, eternal bonding before. So we just sort of, like, uh, did whatever everybody else did. And then, uh, when, when people realize that, you know, they could move around, give it a second. Here we go. So everyone's about to, I don't even want to spoil it, actually. Let's see if, yeah, one person starts running up.
Starting point is 00:35:16 Yeah, okay, now everybody starts to rush the stage. It's like, okay, other people are doing it. Well, I guess we're rushing the stage now. And people in Discord were like, wait, what the fuck are we doing? What's even going on right now? But there's actually an invisible wall right here. You're not able to actually
Starting point is 00:35:35 get up onto, like, the main area here. At least not at this point. And this keeps going for a couple of minutes or at least until uh the host decide to go into the uh the next stage of the event um and god the uh the effects get a little bit ridiculous here uh uh when they decide to go through that then there is the um the ring the ring exchange um which is a really really
Starting point is 00:36:06 cool scene i love it um and you can see i take a lot of screenshots during this but um once they exchange the rings here we go is it further ahead where is it yeah here okay here's the scene so this is a great scene so they both end up getting wings i i don't know why they get wings except that they just get wings for some reason um and they they they they you have their their nice little kiss while having a bit of a flight for some reason um my the the theory that I've heard for why you get wings is because if you're a Lalafell, you'll be too short to actually kiss your partner, unless they're also a Lalafell.
Starting point is 00:36:54 So it's a likely explanation, but I don't have any full confirmation of that actually being the case. So once that's done, basically, then it's, uh, chaos time again. It's just chaos time. And at some point, yeah, there we go. The second the invisible wall breaks, everyone's like, okay, well, I guess, um, I guess we just run up there.
Starting point is 00:37:24 Everyone's trying to get up on the stage. Like, oh, okay, we'll chase the bride and the groom. And just... Oh. So from this point, basically, it ends up just going to everyone's spamming effects. Us getting some pictures. We stood here getting pictures for quite a while. You do have a limited amount of time you can actually be in this area.
Starting point is 00:37:48 As you can see, there is a 13-minute timer to be in this specific area. But then you get to go out into the lobby area where you can take more pictures if you want. You get another 15 minutes to take pictures out here. We didn't really know where to go. So we just went wherever the people who'd done this before thought was a good place
Starting point is 00:38:09 and got some more pictures there. We ended up standing against this water here looking out over this way, so we'd have the backdrop of this lake and if you angle it right, also the inner section of the church as well.
Starting point is 00:38:27 And yeah, that's pretty much it for the event. After that was done Oh yeah, sorry, after that was done there was another cutscene, so for whatever reason we're now back inside of the of the main church area. I don't know
Starting point is 00:38:43 how we got back here, but we're back here somehow. And once they end up leaving, they fly off into the sunset on a white chocobo. Because, of course they do. Of course they do. But once that's all done, we ended up chilling out the front for a bit,
Starting point is 00:39:08 listening to some music. Also, because there was a couple of bards here. Also, the reason why they got so many people to actually show up is because when you go to an eternal bonding, you get given two free minions. I ended up getting the demon box and the Bridesmoogle, but I'm pretty sure there are other ones you can get as well.
Starting point is 00:39:29 Let's see. FF14 Eternal Bond Minion. Let's see. Presumably there are other ones that you can get. Okay, no. Those are the only ones you can get I guess. So if you go to another Eternal Bonding, then you won't be getting another one.
Starting point is 00:39:56 So everyone who attends gets these and obviously only people who actually are... who are going through the Eternal Bonding get the Embracer mote, the Eternity Cake, and also the white Chocobo. But I believe only only one of the people get the Chocobo.
Starting point is 00:40:18 I think only the I think only the husband gets the Chocobo. I don't think I don't think both people get the Chocobo I don't think Yeah I don't think both Both people get the chocobo I could be mistaken there but um I think that's the case They're also
Starting point is 00:40:34 They're also hairstyles you can get Oh they're also hairstyles you can get As well that's cool Um And you also get Also when you go through you get access get access to the, um, to some special attire. So you get access to, I, they, so they ended up having the, um, the standard plan, the,
Starting point is 00:40:56 uh, the white gown. But honestly, I feel like the platinum plan is, uh, the platinum plan is the best looking one. See, okay. That's a terrible picture I don't know I kind of like the white with red accent I feel like that it's a bit more exciting outfit than just like hey
Starting point is 00:41:17 it's a white dress I get why you like the white dress but I prefer this one am I going to find some random person you like the white dress, but, um... I prefer this one. Am I gonna find some random person just so I can get this glamour? I can ask
Starting point is 00:41:34 someone at my FC, yo, you want the, uh... You want the eternal bonding glamour? Honestly, it's not the worst idea. It's not the worst idea. It's not the worst idea whatsoever. So, okay. Also, that's why they had the...
Starting point is 00:41:56 Okay, that's why they did the white outfit. Because you don't have to pay for it. But to get the better version of it, you do. That's kind of insa- Wait, what? Why does it cost so much? It's- Functionally, nothing actually changes here. Why does it cost so much if you want to go with the platinum version? It's-
Starting point is 00:42:29 That's- Split between the two people getting married, not amongst the guests, but $11.50 per person, basically the only thing I'd want from this is the red gown. Let's see if we can find a better
Starting point is 00:42:48 picture of it. FF14 Garments of Devotion. Let's see. Yeah, I... Do I want to... Would I want to pay for it? Not particularly, but like, it is a good like it is a really good
Starting point is 00:43:06 looking clover though. You really good looking clover. Anyway, it is what it is. If you ever get the experience to go... Oh, also I didn't know this, but the the Gown of Eternal Devotion is not gender-locked.
Starting point is 00:43:28 I think that was changed in Endwalker, actually. I think they changed a bunch of the gender-locked gear. Yeah, I'm pretty sure they changed a bunch of the genderlocked gear in... In... In Endwalker. I'm pretty sure that was included in that. Anyway. That... Yeah.
Starting point is 00:43:51 So, anyone can now wear that if they want to. Actually, wait. What's the funniest one? Yeah, no. You know what? I want to see two... Two big... Rogadines wearing...
Starting point is 00:44:04 Wearing the dresses. Make them look like Shrek as well. That would be amusing. Someone invite me to that. I would be a big fan of that one. Anyway. That's enough FFXIV. We've talked about it for like 45 minutes at this
Starting point is 00:44:21 point. Let's talk about something that's not FFXIV. And talk about something that's not FFXIV and talk about something that is a massive, like... Oh, okay. Wait, also, the choker bow you only get if you pay for the platinum version.
Starting point is 00:44:38 So, that's also... That's also a scam. Also a scam that you don't get that. Anyway, it is what it is. So, no shit situation. Yes, this one. Call of Duty's next three games will hit PlayStation despite Microsoft's Activision deal.
Starting point is 00:44:58 I've seen so many people saying, oh, now that Microsoft has purchased these, or purchased Call of Duty, that means they're gonna stop letting the games be sold on these other platforms. Like, do they know how much money Activision would lose
Starting point is 00:45:17 if they stopped selling games like Call of Duty on other platforms? Like, nobody's going out of their way to buy an Xbox One to buy just Call of Duty. other platforms. Like, nobody's going out of their way to buy an Xbox One to buy just Call of Duty. Like, if they didn't already have an Xbox, they're going to play it on whatever they have. And the way that I've sort of noticed
Starting point is 00:45:37 what Microsoft does with its acquisitions is it buys them to do fucking nothing with them, which isn't a bad thing. Like, in the case of Amazon buying Twitch, that was a problem because Twitch actually has things that need to be addressed. But when Microsoft bought Minecraft, they didn't do anything with it.
Starting point is 00:45:56 They just let Minecraft keep doing Minecraft things. When they bought GitHub, GitHub is still just doing what GitHub does. Literally nothing has changed. And I sort of expect the same thing to happen with this as well. Activision's not going to really... Like, there's no reason why you would get Activision to pull all of their games off other platforms.
Starting point is 00:46:19 Because what would happen there is, if people were worried about an antitrust lawsuit because of this merger, a good way to make that antitrust lawsuit happen is to pull the tech from all of your other competitors. That's a good way to just make it happen today. So, yeah, of course, Call of Duty is going to be on other platforms. Like yeah Microsoft just likes to make money. They don't really care how they're making money as long as
Starting point is 00:46:51 they are making money. And this was something said specifically by Phil Spencer the CEO of Microsoft Gaming. Like yeah we just keep it there because... I don't get it. Like, why do people think that Microsoft is still the Microsoft of, like, 1990? Like, they're a very different company at this point. They just want to make money. And they'll make money by being on all the things they can be on. Honestly, like, if it made
Starting point is 00:47:26 Microsoft a lot of money to release their games on Linux, their games would be on Linux. That's as simple as it is. Not sure why this is news. Well, all the games that will be released before Microsoft has any legal sound code will still be on PlayStation.
Starting point is 00:47:44 The only actual scoop here is they're saying Warzone 2 instead of updating the existing game for next gen. The next three Call of Duty get... No, the takeover happens next year. There's 18 months until the takeover happens. There's not going to be three Call of Duty games in the next 18 months. What are you talking about? What do you mean?
Starting point is 00:48:12 What are you talking about? Oh, people are dumb. There's going to be one of them. There will be a single game. One. It'll come out in like October, November time. The same time it always comes out. That is all.
Starting point is 00:48:31 The next one will come out after the deal is done. People on the internet are fucking stupid sometimes. It is what it is. It is what it is. Speaking of it is what it is um it is what it is speaking of it is what it is twitter twitter and the uh the whole twitter brings nfts to the timeline as hexagon shaped profile pictures now if you've been um if you've been paying attention to Twitter, you've probably noticed that a lot of people now have hexagon pictures. So there are two ways to do this. Also, this is a part of Twitter Blue.
Starting point is 00:49:23 So you also have to pay Twitter money to use your NFT picture. So the picture that you supposedly own, you have to pay them to use it because that also makes sense. Anyway, there's a lot of people who don't realize that Twitter actually supports transparency in its profile pictures. So you'll notice a lot of people right now that have their profile picture in a hexagon shape. And that's fine. Twitter doesn't do anything about it.
Starting point is 00:49:55 This looks like an NFT profile picture. It acts like one. It acts enough like one. It's just as worthless as one. So it's all it needs to be. But if you don't care about that and you actually want to do this properly, there is a way to do so.
Starting point is 00:50:12 What you do is you take your current profile picture, you go to OpenSea, whatever you want to use, you mint it and then you're good. You sure you do. So you can take someone else's NFT, mint a new picture of it, and then you're good. You sure you do. So you can take someone else's NFT, mint a new picture of it,
Starting point is 00:50:28 and then, or mint a new NFT of it, and bam, well, bam, wow, look, now you have your NFT. And here's the fun thing, right? It can be pulled off, like, it can be, like, not, like, pulled off any of the listings to have it listed publicly, but it's still going to be in your wallet.
Starting point is 00:50:44 So, like... any of the listings to have it listed publicly, but it's still going to be in your wallet. Also, don't attach your wallet to Twitter. That's a really stupid idea. But yeah, this is giving this is giving this is giving the normies a good taste of what NFTs are.
Starting point is 00:51:05 If any of the normies out there don't know what an NFT is, well, they're going to know about it very soon. There's a lot of people who are saying, oh, this is going to help bring our NFTs into the mainstream. Yeah, it is. Yep, absolutely. And it's going to make more people be like, oh, I don't want anything to do with this in my life.
Starting point is 00:51:27 I just want it to go away. That's pretty much what's happening right now. A lot of people who didn't know about them are like, oh, that sounds like a scam. It's like, it does, doesn't it? It really does. You're not wrong about that. But speaking of scamming, guess who might be scamming you soon? It really does. You're not wrong about that. But, um,
Starting point is 00:51:46 speaking of scamming, guess who might be scamming you soon? So, YouTube CEO hints at a potential NFT feature. Susan Wujiki Wujiki
Starting point is 00:52:01 I've never known how to say that name. Says the company is looking to help creators capitalize on emerging technologies. Basically giving creators a way to sell NFTs through the YouTube platform. Now, obviously they were going to do this. Like, they give you an ability to sell merch through the platform. They give you the ability to sell merch through the platform they give you the ability to have memberships obviously if something like this takes off they're going to give you the ability to uh sell nfts but i would say that if you're looking to like i don't think you should be
Starting point is 00:52:37 but if you're looking to actually sell nfts to your to your suck, do not do it through YouTube. So if we look at memberships, if we look at super chats, look at anything that YouTube touches, they have such an insane overhead that you're going to make nothing from it. So there's like a 50% overhead for memberships. If someone subs to my channel on YouTube with a membership, or they join my membership, whatever you would call it, I get half of what they paid.
Starting point is 00:53:10 Like, that's insane. If you send a super chat, I lose like 30%. There's no reason it has to be that high. Like, none at all. It's not like, you know, YouTube is offering some really innovative feature that isn't being offered by other platforms. It's not. It's not like YouTube's offering some really innovative feature
Starting point is 00:53:25 that isn't being offered by other platforms. It's not. It's just the only thing that can integrate with YouTube. So... They just charge whatever they want for it. Like, if it's actually being done properly, what it should be is card fees, all of that fun fees, and then five percent
Starting point is 00:53:46 on top of that so let's say let's just say a 10 cut youtube takes for all of their transaction handling that makes sense now it's different in the case of ads right i can totally understand why the youtube cut for ads is higher than it would be for a direct tip because in the case of ads they are having to go and contact advertisers and manage all the like the advertising network engine all of that fun stuff so there actually is work that youtube needs to do there but when they are linking your YouTube account to a Stripe account, and then Stripe is doing all of the transactions, like, what are you doing, YouTube?
Starting point is 00:54:34 Like, I don't know if they're using Stripe, but they're clearly not using anything where it's, like, some crazy thing that needs a 50% cut. thing that needs a 50% cut. So... but YouTube is going to... YouTube is gonna keep doing that because I don't know I guess... I like the thing with YouTube right? There are a lot of people who say, oh wouldn't it be great if there's an alternative to YouTube and people could like go use a platform that, like, respected your freedom or something like that? And yeah, it would be. They exist. Use them. The reason why nobody uploads to them is because nobody uses them.
Starting point is 00:55:18 Like, if no one's watching videos on, like, Odyssey or anything like that, why would anyone make content for those platforms? And if no one's making content, why would anyone make content for those platforms? And if no one's making content, why would you watch videos on the platform? It's this infinite cycle of... Trash, basically. It's this infinite cycle of there's no content, so no one uses it.
Starting point is 00:55:41 No one uses it, so there's no content. Also has crypto in it it and that also scares some people away as much as i like the um as much as i like the crypto aspect of things like odyssey i can totally understand why a lot of people see that and they're like oh this is weird i don't like it i kind of wish they they treated the crypto aspect in the odyssey a lot more like bits on something like twitch where no one really complains about bits if bits all this time were secretly a cryptocurrency and no one knew about it nothing would have changed the only thing that like the only thing would change oh now we just find out the crypto. Okay, that's fine.
Starting point is 00:56:26 Obviously, bits are not crypto, but you get the idea. If from the start, like Library and Odyssey had that obfuscation there, if you wanted to know, you knew it was a crypto. But if you didn't want to know, then you're like, oh, okay, this is just like the payment method that you use on this platform. No one would really have a problem with it. It's just there's a lot of people out there who by default have an issue with crypto
Starting point is 00:56:56 regardless of what it's actually being used for. But before we go to the next break, I just want to say, we're not in a bubble. This is not a bubble. This is not a bubble. Look, I'm waiting for it to... I wouldn't be surprised if it just...
Starting point is 00:57:21 Because crypto people are insane. surprised if like it just because crypto people are insane um but I feel like crypto people sort of just make up terms for how graphs work I heard someone describing the current shape of
Starting point is 00:57:38 uh of this graph as a Pikachu pattern now that might very well be a real thing but if you go to, like, crypto Twitter, and you just start sending out graphs with lines just pointing everywhere, I have a feeling that a lot of people out there would not be able to tell the difference between that and someone actually doing real market analysis, because I feel like a lot of people actually doing market, or who say they're actually doing market analysis, are actually doing that,
Starting point is 00:58:11 because at the same time, you have, like, graphs that, of the exact same bit of data, showing the exact opposite thing, it's like, oh, well, it's, it's five head time, it's, it's pointed up slightly, and then it's pointed down, and it's, that means it's gonna go way up, but's like it's five head time It's it's pointed up slightly and there's point down and it's gonna means gonna way up but also means gonna way down well, maybe it's gonna be flat instead like Depending on how you interpret the data everything is correct everything is correct because There is no sensible market in crypto. Everything just happens.
Starting point is 00:58:49 Everything is right. Everything is wrong at the exact same time. And it is what it is. That's basically the theme of today. It is what it is, basically. When we... Actually, no, I'm going to go over this now. basically when we actually no I'm going to go over this now
Starting point is 00:59:09 so Blizzard we've completely segwayed from crypto now this episode is going to be exactly that Blizzard announces a new survival game while still reeling from multiple controversies.
Starting point is 00:59:29 The as yet unnamed game is Blizzard's newest ISP since Overwatch. Now, I don't know what the game is going to be like. It could be great. It could be terrible. I don't know. Blizzard has a history of making really good games. They have a modern history of drinking breast milk. But we'll see what actually happens with the game when it actually comes out.
Starting point is 00:59:52 But I feel like the reason why they probably announce it around now is because people may not want to believe it, but the internet has a very, very, very short memory. Like, if Blizzard starts making things that are actually good, everyone's going to forget about the controversies and everything that has happened with Blizzard, and Blizzard's going to go back to being this beloved company. All they need to do is make this game good.
Starting point is 01:00:27 Make the next installation of Overwatch good. And make the next WoW expansion good. And maybe even make the next Diablo good. Once that's happened, if that happens, then nobody will even remember anything that happened with Blizzard. Anything negative that happened with Blizzard, anything negative that happened with Blizzard, all of that stuff,
Starting point is 01:00:51 that was just a fever dream that we don't need to remember anymore. I don't really like that's the case, but as I said, very short memory. Like think of after, um, after the whole, don't you guys, what was it, let's see, was it, one second, don't, is it, don't you guys have phones, yeah, don't you guys have phones, um,
Starting point is 01:01:25 this was when the mobile Diablo game was announced, what was it called? Diablo Immortal. That one. When Diablo Immortal was announced and on stage Wyatt Cheng said when everyone started booing and asking
Starting point is 01:01:41 like, is this an April Fool's joke? Like we wanted an actual Diablo game or an expansion after Reaper of Souls. He was like but don't you guys have phones? And everyone booed more like what the fuck do you mean don't we have phones? Yes we just want a good game
Starting point is 01:01:57 not a fucking mobile game Did that game ever actually come out? I have no idea Um Oh it was released? Wait Did that game ever actually come out? I have no idea. Um... Oh, it was released... Wait. What? Oh, it's just about to be released now.
Starting point is 01:02:14 Hey, look. Maybe Diablo Immortal is going to make everyone forget. Maybe Diablo Immortal is the game that is... That is going to reinvigorate Blizzard and they're going to become the powerhouse they once were. I don't think they are, but hey. Mobile games certainly have certain big markets. Diablo Immortal is not playable offline.
Starting point is 01:02:43 Why? Is this like... Is Diablo Immortal gonna have gacha? Tell me it has gacha. It has to. It's a modern mobile game. Come on. Come on.
Starting point is 01:03:04 He's gotta be. Diablo Immortal confirmed pay to win? I'm not seeing anything... I'm not seeing anything to confirm that it is a... that it is a gacha game. But it's a modern mobile game, so I'd be very doubtful that it's not.
Starting point is 01:03:27 Also, it's from Blizzard, and Blizzard is not afraid to include gacha mechanics in their existing games, so hey, if you make a mobile game, fuck it, just make it gacha. So I just went and checked my FC FC discord and it seems like the uh, the region transfers aren't working as um, as seamlessly as you might like. Now this is uh, this is
Starting point is 01:03:58 fairly normal when a game first, you know, first has new servers launched and there's a big influx of players. But I'll see if I can bring it up. Yeah, I can bring it up in the web browser. Cool, here we go. Homeworld Transfer Service. A problem has been found with your Homeworld Transfer application. Please review the possible causes below
Starting point is 01:04:22 and resubmit your home or transfer application. Transfer application summary. Home world, Kujata. Destination world, Sephiroth. That is all. That is all the information we will give you. We're not going to tell you what could possibly go wrong. Or what's possibly going wrong.
Starting point is 01:04:39 We're not going to tell you there is like an influx of players or anything like that. All we're're gonna say is shit's fucked i'm not gonna say shit's fucked we're just gonna be like oh oh this is a broken problem um here's another one this is just a wall of people saying the exact same thing Yo, the transfer's not working and, uh, well, yeah. Yeah. Also, there's some people who are getting a, let's see. There was a warning in here saying that, saying, well, where is it? Saying the home, or the world they were going to has been full,
Starting point is 01:05:23 which is not true. Like, none of the new going to has been full. Which is not true. Like none of the new oceanic worlds are full. So the fact that you're getting that email is actually fucking hilarious. But it seems like a lot of people are getting through just fine as well. Also during all of this, um, maintenance stuff, like they got too many people and it fucking crashed the site and they had to
Starting point is 01:05:51 start maintenance. See, this is like, this is the thing that happens every time an MMO launches. There is not a single online game, MMO or otherwise, where launch day is solid. Every time something breaks, whether there's too many people joining the servers and the servers crash,
Starting point is 01:06:16 whether the login queue is not working, whether the transfer service from coming from a different server is not working, every single time, something breaks. And when it breaks, there's not really much you can do in this case, because it tells you don't log back into the game until the transfer's actually done. So...
Starting point is 01:06:43 I don't know. This is why games like Runescape are great. They don I don't know. This is why games like Runescape are great. They don't have this problem. They don't have, like, region-locked servers. You can just play on whatever server you want. You want to go and be in, like, I don't know, Australia, and then play on the England
Starting point is 01:06:59 server? Sure, you can do that. Nothing's stopping you doing so. And then the next day, without paying anything, you can just go wherever you want stopping you doing so, and then the next day, without paying anything, you can just go wherever you want, but that's sort of like the, um, it requires a very different sort of, very different sort of game structure to make that happen, for example, um, Final Fantasy has a, uh, data center by data center economy, whereas RuneScape has a global economy. So if I sell something on let's say I sell like a rune plate body on RuneScape that will be sold to people all around the world. Anyone who tries to
Starting point is 01:07:36 buy a rune plate body is going to be able to buy that. As for Final Fantasy though only people within your same logical data center can actually purchase those items which means you actually also have very differing prices between different regions I found that a lot of stuff on Kujata for whatever reason actually tended to be more expensive than many other places out there
Starting point is 01:08:01 I don't know why that was the case maybe it was because I don't know maybe there was the case. Maybe it was because I don't know. Maybe there's a lot of raiding on JP and I guess then there would be less people doing gathering stuff. That could be the case, but
Starting point is 01:08:17 it doesn't seem like it would be. Maybe there's just overall less JP players than there are NA players at this point because there are a lot of ex-WOW players who've now moved over to playing Final Fantasy hmm honestly either thing's entirely
Starting point is 01:08:36 um entirely possible I just don't really have a good explanation for it but since we're back on the topic of Final Fantasy I just don't really have a good explanation for it. But since we're back on the topic of Final Fantasy, I've looked more into why the... So I think last week we talked about the cross-region data center transfers,
Starting point is 01:09:00 or data center travel. So I could go and visit someone on the na servers or the eu servers or the jp servers while i'm on oceanic um so the cultural differences are something that i haven't really experienced firsthand because i've only played jp but I do hear from other people that JP is this sort of weird weird case, weird exception, whatever you want to call it
Starting point is 01:09:33 compared to a lot of other places but really all the day centers have their all the regions have their own sort of cultures so JP has a lot of people who don't really talk in the say chat or the shout chat. A lot of people are really, really quiet. Like, you go into Limsa and nobody is talking.
Starting point is 01:10:01 I actually noticed that it seems like a lot of the Australian players just didn't talk because they didn't know if there were other English speakers around or if it was other JP people around. But as we were leaving Kujata, the chat
Starting point is 01:10:19 was actually full of people talking. So I have a feeling that it's going to be a different experience over on the oceanic side there's even differences in like party finder I guess, what's the word
Starting point is 01:10:36 party finder um fuck, what is the word um being nice to be the this is why i should i should live through these having a chat here helped me uh will help my brain work basically the um the way you deal with party finder um apparently in na they don't use macros to talk about the tactics you're going to have, the strategy you're going to have to beat the boss. They actually talk about it and decide on the best strategy. And you're expected to go and read the guides until you know how each of the strategies actually work.
Starting point is 01:11:24 guides until you know how each of the strategies actually work. Uh, GP, uh, and EU though, you just put a macro in the chat and you just go where the macro tells you. So let's say it wants you to form like an X with the enemy and there's like a tank here, a tank here, healer here, healer here, and then like DPS on the other edge or whatever, whatever the layout happens to actually be. And that's a much easier way because even if you don't know the strategy, if you just follow the macro, then you'll generally be good to go. I don't know if this is like entirely the case,
Starting point is 01:12:00 but I do hear that there are like a lot less people who use macros. The macro style in JP and EU is slightly different, but the general idea is pretty much the same. If you know EU macros, you'll be able to work out JP pretty quickly. It's just they use slightly different symbols. But Oceanic's going to be very strange, because you're getting a lot of people who come from JP, who seem like they were just being quiet,
Starting point is 01:12:33 because they didn't know whether there were English speakers around, but you're also getting a lot of people from NA as well, there are a lot of Australian players who play NA instead, the benefit you get from doing NA is if you play in the morning, morning time is the peak time for the
Starting point is 01:12:53 NA region. So, it depends on when you want to play the game. EU is fucked. If you want to do EU, then you have to be up at like 2 in the morning, but no, it's not gonna happen um I generally play like most of the day though so it's not really a big deal for me regardless um but I could I totally can see the convenience on being um in the NA servers just for
Starting point is 01:13:21 the the early morning uh gameplay but if you play at night, then, you know, JP was obviously the place that you wanted to be because servers get lively around, like, 6, 7 p.m. And, yeah, because, like, Australia is only, like, an hour... In some places, my state, I think it was, like, an hour and a half behind Japan. So it's pretty easy to actually work with there. So I will be playing a bit over the weekend,
Starting point is 01:13:51 and I'll let you guys know, I guess, how the cultural differences actually feel, how it ends up feeling playing on the Oceanic servers rather than being on the JP servers now. I guarantee I'm going to be very happy about the ping, but we'll see how the rest of it goes. Since we're on the topic of gaming, let's talk a little bit about EAC.
Starting point is 01:14:15 Easy anti-cheat. Now, EAC Sport for Linux was announced, I want to say like four or five months ago. It's been quite a while. Let's see. Do we have a date on this blog post? No, that's the blog post announcing this. Do we have a blog post on the original? No, we don't. Okay. So basically a couple of months ago, so basically a couple of months ago eac sport was announced for linux now i didn't know this at the time because i didn't fully read the documentation and people were sort of spreading around uh a limited version of this idea because a lot of people i think didn't have the full story. So at the time, if you wanted to enable EAC for Linux, you needed to be using the EOS version.
Starting point is 01:15:10 The EOS version is the Epic Online Services version. This is the version that integrates things like your Epic Games, or the Epic Games Store, the Epic Account Services, all of that fun stuff. I think there's some integration with like the Unreal Engine, other fun things like that. Now, this is great if you release games on the Epic game store. If you don't though, that's the problem. Now, Epic wants the EOS version to be more popular. The problem is it's not.
Starting point is 01:15:51 So when they announced the ability to enable Linux support in the EOS version, it didn't actually affect anybody really. Like anyone who's not released on the Epic Games Store was not using that version. Now, what games would that include? So luckily there is a list on SteamDB about games using Epic Online Services. This isn't every game using EAC, that is a separate list. We can go and look at that list as well, but this is just the games using Epic Online Services. Now, games that you might think would be on here, or games that you know use EAC, but you don't know which version they're using.
Starting point is 01:16:29 So Apex Legends, they use the non-EOS version. Dead by Daylight, non-EOS version. New World, non-EOS version. Lost Ark, non-EOS version. Basically, all of the games that people care about use the non-EOS version. If we go over to the other list, just to make sure that they are showing up for EAC.
Starting point is 01:16:55 Easy anti-cheat. There is 189 games on Steam that use EAC. Also, yeah, Halo MCC as well. So Lost Ark right here. Lost Ark does use EAC. This is a problem, and this is a big reason why no devs were actually enabling this, because if they wanted to enable this feature, in the state that EAC was currently in, you would have to completely re-engineer your
Starting point is 01:17:25 entire architecture. Like, you would have to go from being a developer that makes use of the EOS version to the non-EOS to the EOS version that would give you an extra point of failure, it might have to be tested in a different way, all of your toolchains for integrating
Starting point is 01:17:42 that stuff now can't be used, and you're basically fucked. So it would cost a lot more money to integrate than it would if you could just use the version you're currently using. And that's what has changed. So as of, I want to say a week ago at this point, I could be wrong on the exact time, but as of about a week ago, now what you can do is use your existing version of EAC, whether that's EOS or non-EOS, go into the EAC partner site, the place where you actually deal with your EAC settings, and then enable it. Then you download the library for your specific version of the EAC SDK,
Starting point is 01:18:28 stick it in the directory next to the Windows version, and you're done, basically. You just upload it to Steam and now you're done. You don't have to go and recompile the game, modify any game source code or anything like that. This is something that can be done by someone who is not even a developer. You can give this job to like the intern who has just written their first line of C++ code and they'll work it out easily. You can give this to your HR department and still manage to get it done. Now, even though that is the case, there is a slight issue. So, BattleEye. BattleEye from the start has been basically this easy.
Starting point is 01:19:13 All you do is send a message to the BattleEye devs, be like, yo, dog, enable a BattleEye on Linux, and they're like, aight, we'll do that. And then it gets enabled but even that's the case i think only five six rather than me five six uh battle ideas battle i game devs have actually um have actually enabled battle eye on linux for their games there is a lot more games out there that haven't been enabled yet that, like, absolutely could be. The reason for this is even though it is absolutely dead simple to enable, there's still issues with actually enabling it. The biggest concern is if
Starting point is 01:20:00 you want to enable it, you probably also want to test your game as well to make sure that when you enable it, the Linux version actually is working well rather than, you know, just saying it works now and then people just getting a ton of refunds because they buy the game and see it's not actually working. This could end up leading to like a class action lawsuit and fun stuff like that
Starting point is 01:20:21 that a lot of companies just don't want to deal with. So they'd want to go and test it to make sure that even if it doesn't work perfectly, they know what the issues actually are, and they can report accurately about what those issues actually are, so that people who are trying to buy it know what's actually happening. The other thing is there may be devs out there that have a vendetta against Linux, that are like oh yeah well Linux Linux sucks because let's say this idea that having uh Linux players on your server
Starting point is 01:20:54 increases the amount of bots so there is this idea that the reason why TF2 and CSGO and games like that have a lot of bots is because they have Linux support, not because their anti-cheat is absolutely fucking god... just god-awful. The second one is definitely the case. Obviously, you can easily spin up bots on Linux, but, like, spinning up bots on Windows is just
Starting point is 01:21:18 as easy. Like, there's nothing about Linux that makes this easier. If anything, it is harder because there's less games that are actually supported, and the games that are supported may be flaky at best. Or they might just have
Starting point is 01:21:36 some other external vendetta, and they just don't want to do it. So there's the resources problem, and just not liking Linux. And this might lead to devs, even though it's dead simple, still not doing it. So I am kind of worried about what's going to happen with the Steam Deck launch.
Starting point is 01:21:57 Because right now it's, I don't know the exact date, it's a couple of weeks away, it's sometime in February. And that's very close there's hardly any EAC games that are supported, hardly any BattleEye games that are supported, unless they're all waiting for like just around the launch to sort of like ride on the hype
Starting point is 01:22:16 of the Steam Deck then I feel like the Steam Deck I'm tired right now I feel like the Steam Deck may end up being like a Steam Machine 2.0. Not in the fact that it's bad. Like, not that part. The Steam Machines were released at a bad time, and Proton should have existed before the Steam Machines actually did.
Starting point is 01:22:42 But it might be similar to the Steam Machines wherein it comes out on launch and then it doesn't really have as much of a use case as Valve wanted to claim it did. But what did come out of the Steam Machines was Proton and was all of this amazing Linux stuff we have nowadays. So if the Steam Deck does ultimately fail, I don't think that is like the end of Linux gaming. Like there's some people who
Starting point is 01:23:13 are like really worried about that. I don't think Valve is going anywhere when it comes to Linux gaming. I think that if they do fail, that just means they need to try again a third time. fail, that just means they need to try again a third time. That just means they need to have I don't know, a Steam Boy, whatever you want to call it. Basically the voice crack there. Basically the
Starting point is 01:23:34 third iteration of whatever the Steam Machine Deck Library is, or family? Family, is actually called. Because even if we don't have the Steam Deck succeed, we now have EAC on Linux. We now have...
Starting point is 01:23:51 People now know that BattleEye is on Linux. We now have better versions of Proton. All of these things make Linux gaming better even if the Steam Deck itself isn't ultimately a successful device.
Starting point is 01:24:09 I guess the difference with the Steam Machine and the Steam Deck though, is in the Steam Machine case, primary creation of Steam Machines was done as like a third party system integrated thing rather than being a first-party thing. I can't imagine those system integrators were doing it for free though, so maybe there was like a paycheck going under the table anyway, and either way this is going to be a fairly big investment for Steam, regardless of how it ultimately ends up turning out, I guess. But only time will tell what will actually happen with the Steam Deck
Starting point is 01:24:50 and I'm excited. I'm definitely very excited. Speaking of things I'm excited about, this is hilarious and I love this. Flying cars are a thing that are never, I don't think are ever actually going to are a thing that are never, I don't think are ever actually going to be a thing, just because
Starting point is 01:25:09 of how difficult it would be to actually manage, because you wouldn't better have someone just like, fly their car around just wherever they want because right now, planes, you can't do that there are like set paths you can take and that's done for safety, and it's done to make sure people know where the planes actually are if you do the same thing with
Starting point is 01:25:27 a car like The same thing's gonna happen anyway. This is a flying car which wins airworthiness Certification I need to show you this video Basically it is a it is a convertible flying car it is a convertible flying car if you see it land I think that's a good example of what happens
Starting point is 01:25:50 yeah here we go so it lifts up the wings folds them back and brings in the spoiler as well and ultimately it looks fucking awful like look
Starting point is 01:26:07 look at this thing also to make sure it doesn't have too much drag it's got these um solid hubcaps on as well so you can't actually see the um can't see anything under it um the air car is clocked up to 40 hours in the air wow
Starting point is 01:26:24 uh but it's not been certified for commercial the air car is clocked up to 40 hours in the air. Wow. But it's not been certified for commercial flight. This is something that is always, this is always going to be a, a like you need a pilot's license to do this. Unless they are like set courses. If it's instead of being like a flying car it can go anywhere it's a driverless flying car now that's even further away than driverless vehicles but i do have a topic on in uh just a bit but driverless flying cars are the only way this could be
Starting point is 01:27:01 something outside of the uh the space. I think there is like some viability in the commercial space because look, there are people who want to go up and like fly in a two-man glider, in a like a two-man propeller plane, things like that. Something like this in a situation like that, I think makes a lot of sense, because if you can say, I didn't just go in, like, a two-man glider, I went in a flying car, like, that's so much cooler, and there's people who are going to do it just for the, like, the sake of the gimmick, but outside of that, um, look, if anyone can do it, it's fucking fucking Elon Musk Elon wants to build a tunnel under cities so if he can do that and actually get
Starting point is 01:27:49 permits to do it look I'm sure the crazy man can get permits to do anything even if he actually can't build it which is a common theme with a lot of the things that happen with Elon actually it's like, oh yeah,
Starting point is 01:28:05 this is such a great thing. What's your manufacturing capacity? Manufacturing what? And then they just sit in the, uh, they just don't exist ever. Um. The Cybertruck is actually getting closer to being like, real.
Starting point is 01:28:21 Um. So, 2023 Cybertruck leaked in full drive. This car looks... The more I see the Cybertruck, the more ridiculous this car looks. Like, honestly, this car is so
Starting point is 01:28:38 so fucking stupid looking. That's ridiculous? Yeah, that sounds like a... Yeah, that sounds about right. Let's see if we can, uh, here we go. It's got one fucking giant light bar. Like, what even is this thing? Also, I- I- I do love the, um, I do love the unpainted look. The unpainted look is, it's honestly great. It's probably the best thing about the entire vehicle, but imagine trying to, like, imagine if you got
Starting point is 01:29:14 into, like, a car crash and trying to get repair parts for this. This is the problem with buying any, like, uh, special or luxury car or anything like that like when you buy something uh by a commodity like you buy a honda civic you buy a holden barina you buy a ford falcon a holden commodore anything like that um getting parts for it is easy because there are a lot of them for it is easy because there are a lot of them. How many of these are they going to be on the road? I have a, um, I have my doubts about, uh, about how many of them there are going to be. We can talk about how many of them were pre-ordered. Oh, well, not pre-ordered. How many of them were booked in the pre-order? It's question how many people actually end up ultimately buying the device because look if you if you um reserve if you reserve position you don't have to pay it
Starting point is 01:30:11 um i wonder if people started selling their reservations actually like actually like to you know in a scalping way i wouldn't be surprised i genuinely wouldn't be so now we're on to the final segment and today I have a couple of exploits to talk about, actually. There's actually been a lot of stuff going on in the virus security sector, whatever you want to call it. Security sec sector. Sec means sector. Cybersec.
Starting point is 01:30:41 Cybersec sec. Cybersec sec. Anyway. So the first one we have is Wonderful Linux. So here we go. This is a vulnerability with Poll Kit. This one just came out like earlier today, like three hours ago as I'm recording this. Uh, no wait, yesterday. Three hours, twenty seven,, whatever, 27 hours ago. Very recently. So Linux system service bug gives root on all major distros exploit released. So a vulnerability in Polkit's PK exec component identified as CVE-2021-4034, otherwise known as PwnKit.
Starting point is 01:31:23 Honestly, I don't know who comes up with these CVE names because they're always great is present in the default configuration of all major Linux distributions and can be exploited to gain full root privileges on the system researchers warn today the worst part about
Starting point is 01:31:40 it is the bug is more than 12 years old. It's been there since the start. It's been there for a very long time. I'm pretty sure it's been... Someone else said it was
Starting point is 01:31:55 from the start. I might be mistaken on when Polkit came around, but it's been there for 12 years. 12 years is a very long time. Polkit, Wikipedia, there for 12 years, and 12 years is a very long time. PollKit, Wikipedia, yes, it's been there since the start.
Starting point is 01:32:12 Like, yup, at least since it was called PollKit. So anyway, so part of the PollKit open source application framework that negotiates the interaction between privileged and Unprivileged processes PK exec allows an un- allows an authorized user to execute commands as another user doubling as an alternative to sudo now a lot of distros have Polkit installed because
Starting point is 01:32:39 using sudo from like From a script isn't really a good idea and can get very messy very quickly. PollKit is a much cleaner way to actually do so. So easy to exploit, POC expected soon. Researchers at Qualys Information Security Company found that PKExec program could be used by local attackers. That's the other thing.
Starting point is 01:33:02 This is a local attack. This is not a remote attack, which is a very good thing. But also, it can technically be a remote attack. The way this becomes a remote attack is if someone convinces you to run something that they sent you. So technically, they're attacking you remotely.
Starting point is 01:33:24 They don't actually need physical access to your system. So this used to gain privileges. Or increase privileges. To root on default installations. Of Ubuntu, Debian, Fedora, CentOS. I don't know if this is all of the distros. Or if there are other distros included as well. Also I don't know if this includes Ubuntu-based distros,
Starting point is 01:33:47 or if many of them changed the poker configuration. I would have to assume that things like Ubuntu, Zubuntu, Mate, Lubuntu, all of the ones that are just Ubuntu with a different DE, probably have the same exploit available. probably have the same exploit available. Whereas things like Mint and PopOS might be different. They've warned the poll kit is likely exploitable on other Linux operating systems as well. Yeah, obviously.
Starting point is 01:34:17 I don't know about things like Arch, Void, Gen 20. Actually, Void doesn't come with poll kit by default. But I don't know about things like Arch. Basically, you can run this little program and it just breaks on through. Now, I don't know if this one
Starting point is 01:34:37 actually explains... I don't know if this actually explains the way the exploit happens. I haven't seen if this actually explains the way the exploit happens. Because I haven't seen an explanation of the exploit. I just keep seeing people demonstrate the exploit. Rather than, like, this is what actually happens. Also, an exploit has already emerged in the public space
Starting point is 01:35:03 less than three hours after Quali's published the technical details for Pwnkit. Bleak Computer has compiled and tested the available exploit. Oh! The code is available somewhere. I wonder if I can find it. I'm not going to run out my system. It's fucking insane. Blasti versus PKExec.
Starting point is 01:35:31 He, okay, yeah, ooh, I see a link somewhere, and the link is gone. Where did you post this on your Twitter? Twitter, give me the, give me the deets. Um, Twitter, give me the give me the deets um yeah, okay, here we go, here we go
Starting point is 01:35:50 uh yep, okay there it is so here is the exploit in question, I don't understand C but if you want to go and run it, look up Blasti versus PKExec.C and you will find a link to it.
Starting point is 01:36:11 Please, please, please run it in a VM if you're going to run it. Just in case, you know, this might not be a safe version. Or like if something hooks onto it the second you run it just just to be safe um don't run it on your main system i shouldn't need to say that um but i know someone's going to do so um so i believe patches are available now? I think patches may be available or are very close to being available. But I may end up doing a video on this. Again, Ubuntu has already pushed patches to PolicyKit to address the vulnerabilities in 14.04, 16.04,
Starting point is 01:37:06 18.04, 20.04, and 21.04. Wow, they pushed it all the way back to 14.04. That's not even... That... Wait. Is that part of, um... Is that part of the LTS? Ubuntu...
Starting point is 01:37:22 They pushed it to older versions of the LTS. Or older versions even outside of LTS. Um, LTS? Ubuntu? They pushed it to older versions of the LTS. Or older versions even outside of LTS. LTS goes back to in current maintenance. 14.04 is part of maintenance
Starting point is 01:37:37 right now. It's being maintained until 2024. Okay, that makes total sense then. I wondered why they would have pushed it to such an old version, but that makes a ton of sense. So 14.04.06 is the latest version of the LTS, or the
Starting point is 01:37:56 14.04 LTS. What are you running that you need a 14.04 system? Maybe you just have a 14.04 system and just never upgrade it past 14.04 just because you weren't sure if anything was going to work, I guess. Either way, this is a pretty big deal, but it's not the only exploit we have today. Another exploit we have is actually a video game-related exploit.
Starting point is 01:38:21 another exploit we have is actually a video game related exploit this is a remote code execution bug for Dark Souls 3 not just Dark Souls 3 1 and 2 and very likely Bloodborne
Starting point is 01:38:37 um very likely Elden Ring no one's really mentioned Bloodborne but I would find it strange if Bloodborne, but I would find it strange if Bloodborne's server architecture was so different. Um, basically what this lets you do is just execute any codes you want. Now, the interesting thing about this exploit is the guy who found the exploit tried
Starting point is 01:39:09 to report it from software, and from what he has said, they didn't fucking care. They're just like, oh, okay. Whatever. Whatever. So, there's actually a screenshot of what
Starting point is 01:39:23 happened here. Um, basically, I'll try to clear things up. A person who isn't malicious discovered a new RCE method and tried to contact FromAboutIt through multiple channels, and they ignored him. In an attempt to raise awareness to it so that it would be fixed, as this is a severe security flaw, he did a live stream benign showcase- he did a live benign showcase on stream, it didn't leak, nobody has it besides him. So, what this guy actually did to get FromSoftware's attention, is there was a big Dark Souls streamer, I've never watched his channel, but TheGrimSleeper, streamer. I've never watched his channel, but the Grim Sleeper
Starting point is 01:40:04 who has... Okay, this is not a big streamer. There was a streamer. He has three and a half K followers. There was a streamer. Stop fucking playing audio Twitch. Stream on Twitch. Yes, there we go.
Starting point is 01:40:22 And he basically took over this guy's, uh, in a, not a harmful way, took over this guy's system, um, basically made it just play some TTS and crashed the game. Um, that was enough to, you know, get From's attention and get the, the media talking about it, it, but it shouldn't have taken all of that to actually get them to address it. So he's in contact with SFIX so that we can fix it in BS. BS is a mod I'll mention in just a moment,
Starting point is 01:40:56 but this isn't ideal as the base product is insecure. We're also thinking about Elden Ring as it will have that exploit as well. The attempts to get From's attention and get an official fix to their exploits is what drives most of us. DS3 is unsafe even with BS at the moment and people should complain to From about it
Starting point is 01:41:16 that being said, only because the person who has it isn't malicious and actually understands the severity of what he discovered it isn't likely to damage your computer. Now, From has actually responded to this saying
Starting point is 01:41:31 PvP servers for Dark Souls 3, Dark Souls 2, and Dark Souls Remastered have been temporarily deactivated to allow the team to investigate recent reports of an issue with online servers for Dark Souls Prepare to Die Edition.
Starting point is 01:41:47 Sorry, Dark Souls Prepare to Die Edition will join them soon. Sorry for the inconvenience. Let's see if other people know what's going on here. Oh, what am I doing? Apparently the downtime doesn't affect the PvP servers for Xbox or Playstation consoles. I guess this must be a
Starting point is 01:42:08 bug specifically related to- oh, I guess it makes sense why it wouldn't be on on consoles because consoles are sick their games in VMs Good news anything anything to help the online experience be better. Well. Make it actually safe. Full stop. Just actually usable. And not going to.
Starting point is 01:42:38 Destroy your entire system. Um. Um. How this managed to make it's way. Into all three games. Actually I guess all four. If you're including some of the remakes... Is beyond me. How this has been... How no one's actually noticed this for so long...
Starting point is 01:42:56 But I guess in the case of Polekit... No one realised that had a massive exploit either. When did Dark Souls 1 come out? Dark Souls 1 came out in... No, the first game, not the remake. 2009, you know what? That's basically as long as
Starting point is 01:43:13 Polekit had its bug as well. So, you know what? I take back what I said. It makes total sense why this wasn't found, especially in the case of a game. A lot of people aren't going to be, you know, uh, wait, no, so Demon's Souls was 2009, my bad, um, no, when did Dark Souls 1 come out? 2011? 2010?
Starting point is 01:43:41 2011? 2010? Dark Souls? Okay, 2011. Okay, that makes sense. Either way, it was quite a while ago. I just looked at the Wikipedia page for the Souls series and the first release is Demon's Souls
Starting point is 01:44:04 and the latest release is Demon's Souls. And the latest release is Demon's Souls. Because, of course it is. I should actually get around to playing the new Demon's Souls at some point. I never actually played it. I never, like the original version. There's actually a lot of FromSoftware games I haven't played at this point
Starting point is 01:44:22 that I really need to get around to playing. Like Sekiro, I really want to play. Dark Souls 3 games I haven't played at this point that I really need to get around to playing. Like Sekiro, I really want to play. Dark Souls 3, I haven't played all the way through, but I'm absolutely going to be doing so. And yeah, I'm going to play Elden Ring when I get a chance to play that as well. But I'm very happy to see that this bug is being addressed and hopefully it doesn't exist in Elden Ring. I'm guessing that there must be something different about the way that Bloodborne is made.
Starting point is 01:44:55 If this still affects Dark Souls 3, which came out after Bloodborne, but it doesn't affect that game, they must have changed something up there to... I don't know. Something's clearly different. Even though they used the same problem, or they used the same server architecture between the Dark Souls games.
Starting point is 01:45:16 I don't know. Maybe it's somehow locked to the way Dark Souls works or something. I don't know. I really don't know. I don't know enough about the back end for dark souls to really um really explain that something i also don't know enough about to really explain is wordle so i genuinely don't know what this is like at all i i feel like one i feel like one of those like 70 year olds who when pokemon go happened they're like what is what is this pokemon go what do you mean you're going around and
Starting point is 01:45:53 catching pokemon what is what is a pokemon that's how i feel right now like if you go to twitter and you go to the wordle tag there are so many people just like posting these squares that have like colored in squares i'm like what does that mean what do you what what do you what's what is this um and because the guy who made it uh didn't ever think was going to be a big thing he just made it for like him and his mates i'm pretty sure uh security is lacking to say the least and there's been twitter bots that have been going around spoiling it, I don't know what it spoils I guess it like
Starting point is 01:46:31 I guess it tells you like the word for tomorrow or something I don't know but yeah so Wordle is a thing that I don't understand I don't think I will. I guess it's some sort of like... I guess it's some sort of like word guessing game or something?
Starting point is 01:46:52 But Twitter ultimately did end up banning this specific bot. But I guarantee that if we go look it up right now... Wordle... Wordle bot. Wordle answer bot. I guarantee. I'll be at a. I can't find a link to a github repo. But I'm almost certain. That it will be.
Starting point is 01:47:17 There will be a python script. Seeing on a github repo somewhere. Github. Let's see. We've got solver bots we've got a bunch of stuff like that uh i'm pretty sure all of these will do a good enough job i'm not surprised when anything gets popular there's always gonna be someone who comes in and like notices that fun is being detected and they try to eliminate all the fun usually it's like game developers um but i guess in this case it's people who just don't care about or don't care about wordle care too much about wordle i
Starting point is 01:48:00 don't know oh one way or the other it maybe you care too much about it because you care that you care enough to write a bot for it to automate working out solutions. I don't know. Also, this one here is licensed under GPL3, so that's also cool. Free software to eliminate Wordle, I guess. Let's see. This app solves...
Starting point is 01:48:31 This app solves Wordle puzzles by attempting to pick guests which on average will reduce the number of remaining possibility A the most. A the most. There's a random A in here for some reason. This was made as an academic learning experience Obviously I do not recommend using it
Starting point is 01:48:49 and ruining your fun playing the game Okay, maybe this one's a bit different But If you search hard enough you will find Oh well here you go I built a bot to solve wordle puzzles and made a histogram how many guests it took to solve Wordle puzzles and made a histogram how many
Starting point is 01:49:05 guests it took to solve 2500 of them um well yeah you can if you just look a little bit um how to cheat at Wordle wait how to fake a Wordle VM
Starting point is 01:49:24 it's in like. Yeah it's in your web browser. You can actually just like. Modify the source. You can like inspect element. Oh I love it. I love it. You can like use a dictionary.
Starting point is 01:49:42 Crazy. Fun is detected. No fun allowed here. That. Fun is detected. No fun allowed here. That's how it is. Oh my god. I guess we'll end it off with a top level domain. Which totally won't end in absolute fucking disaster. This
Starting point is 01:50:07 There are going to be... There are going to be a lot of... A lot of interesting... Interesting... Domains Now, because it is a Google TLD, I imagine that a lot of them will be get- would- will get pulled down fairly quickly. Let's see,.soy? That's also a fun one. It's not in the list right now, so you can't actually buy it. I guess there are these, like,
Starting point is 01:50:46 there are these exception ones, but totally, I totally can't think of ones that you could buy. So after February 1st, 8am
Starting point is 01:51:04 Pacific time, you had to buy them. Also, pricing is gonna be fucked on a lot of them. Getting all of these, I can't even imagine how expensive renewing these actually would be.
Starting point is 01:51:20 Even just renewing an expensive .com is very expensive. You can obviously get relatively cheap.coms if you're looking for something, like, not super common. Like, if I look up my name, for example, assuming no one's actually bought mine on Namecheap here, I wouldn't be surprised if some people have bought other ones, to be honest.
Starting point is 01:51:47 .com is only $12.60. It's not the most expensive. Other ones are more expensive. .io is very expensive. .health is very expensive. .sl
Starting point is 01:52:02 is also quite expensive as well. That's the most expensive we see there, um, I'm not sure why some of them are so expensive, like, I would have assumed the pricing is, uh, based around how, how, like, demanded that domain is, maybe it's based on how demanded the, uh, the TLD is. I don't know. Something like that. Either way, expensive. And you don't have to, just go and get something cheap. Like, go and get yourself a, uh, So I wonder if, if, are any of these, uh, available? Why? Why are they available?
Starting point is 01:52:44 Well, if you want to get a FFXIV one, you can get for $5 a year, first year. How is that available? How the hell is that available? How is available both of those would be great domains for like showing off i don't know people's uh people's firstly their glamour and also their their properties they have
Starting point is 01:53:20 that's insane i don't know how that's happened. But I guess it did. Get an XYZ. XYZ, like, they're cheap, and they look techie. The only problem with XYZs is if you are trying to get um, if you're trying to get something
Starting point is 01:53:41 actually ranked under you're, like, under Google for SEO, Google seems to prioritize things that are, like, .coms,.govs,.com.aus,, things like that. For whatever reason,.xyz isn't ranked as highly. At least that's the general consensus at this point, that seems to be what the data is pointing at maybe because a lot of
Starting point is 01:54:10 like, because XYZ is so cheap there's a lot of people who use XYZ for like spam that's a very high possibility I'm not certain about the reason, but I wouldn't be surprised
Starting point is 01:54:26 if that is the reason. Yeah, basically. So, do we have anything else on this list? Or have we gone through basically everything? Oh, I completely skipped over the whole FSF
Starting point is 01:54:42 and firmware thing. I guess you're going to have to find that out over on the main channel. Basically, I'll briefly go over it. Leah Rowe of LibraBoot and CoreBoot and various other influential projects and Ariadne Connell of Alpine Linux and other things like that both wrote articles at the start of this month and the middle of this month, respectively, about the FSF and the way their approach to firmware is,
Starting point is 01:55:14 frankly, it's hypocritical, but more importantly, it is dangerous. The general idea is focusing around CPU microcode. So because this microcode is written into ROM it's not something intended to be modified by the user this is something that is really it's outside of the FSF's concerns when it comes to the Respect Your Freedom certification Respect Your Freedom basically means that
Starting point is 01:55:43 the device is running 100% free software. So if it actually has, um, what's the word? If it, if it has this microcode, like every CPU does, which is proprietary, updating it is a problem because if you update it, then you're actively running, uh running proprietary software. But if it's just happened to be there and you don't have to deal with it, well, that's fine. So not updating your microcode is incredibly dangerous
Starting point is 01:56:14 because the FSF openly recommends old ThinkPads. Old ThinkPads that are vulnerable to every single CPU exploit that has come out since that device was released. You should not be using a device that old without updating the microcode. If you are, the only reason you are safe is because you are lucky, not because there's anything inherently safer about that device.
Starting point is 01:56:39 Like any device released prior to 2018 that does not have a CPU microcode update is vulnerable to things like Spectre and Meltdown. And that's just how it is. Like there's no getting around that. There's no like, oh, the old ThinkPad's good. It might be. Just update the microcode and you'll be a lot safer. But I did a full video on this and I highly recommend going and checking it out.
Starting point is 01:57:03 but I did a full video on this, and I highly recommend going and checking it out, along with reading the articles that, um, that Leah and Ariadne both put out, because they are both really, really good articles, and also highly recommend going and reading the, uh, Twitter thread that Hector Martin did in response to back when Libram 5 was doing some really esoteric system design just for the sake of trying to get the device recognized as a Respect Your Freedom device, which they ultimately didn't end up getting. It's a mess. I also read the Respect Your Freedom guidelines
Starting point is 01:57:39 and how the exception actually works. Because I didn't believe it existed until I actually went and read it. I thought this was just... Because I know that Leia has a history with getting into beef with Sormin. So I thought there might have been something like that. But no, I went and read it for myself. And yeah, this is actually how it is. This is just a mess.
Starting point is 01:58:03 And the FSF doesn't address it like they just they just sort of push it under the table and no one really talks about it whereas what should be happening is there shouldn't be any devices marked as a respect your freedom device unless it is running 100 free software so there's not going to be any devices that are, but the FSF can still exist to, I guess, educate people about the fact this proprietary software is here, and that by using these systems, you are going to be running it. I guess the last thing we'll talk about is just a quick topic. Coinbase is going... That's the wrong link. Oh, I clicked on the wrong link.
Starting point is 01:58:50 Okay, that's my bad. Coinbase, yes. Coinbase is going to make it much, much easier to export your cryptocurrency taxes. Now, this is going to be something that angers a lot of people. Like, oh, taxes? I've got to pay taxes when I do my crypto stuff? Yes.
Starting point is 01:59:07 I'm going to tell you something, right? I've been in Discord servers where there are people openly talking about not paying taxes when doing stuff with crypto. Now, these are not Monero discords or any privacy token or anything like... It's not people doing tornado cash or anything like that
Starting point is 01:59:26 this is people on like LBC on Bitcoin, on public ledgers now this might not be obvious to some, but tax agencies have ways to track public
Starting point is 01:59:41 ledgers, the tools are very very, uh, I guess, in their infancy at this stage, but give it five or 10 years and you're not getting away with not paying taxes with your crypto. And honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if it gets to a point where they just automatically collect the information for you. I would love that. It would be great. It means I don't have to deal with it. But yeah, basically Coinbase is going to make that much, much easier. So pay your taxes
Starting point is 02:00:09 because otherwise the IRS is going to come knocking on your door and you don't want to deal with the IRS. Of all of the organizations that I don't want to deal with, it is my tax agency and I hear the IRS is especially bad for that
Starting point is 02:00:27 so I Think that is gonna be pretty much everything for me today this has been The hundredth episode I guess I keep saying this but I will bring guests on at some point in the future It's just a matter of me sending people messages on Twitter and stuff so it'll happen at some
Starting point is 02:00:51 point when that point is fuck if I know I'm gonna go get this video rendered play some Final Fantasy after that, have some dinner, and, uh, yeah.
Starting point is 02:01:09 So, tomorrow on, I guess I'd still be doing this, I think I'd still have one more stream left by the time you guys see this. Uh, we play more Spyro. Spyro Year of the Dragon Reignited. Uh, we're almost done with the game because Spyro 3 takes fuck all time.
Starting point is 02:01:24 Uh, then on the day after, we're doing Hollow Knight the game because Spyro 3 takes fuck all time then on the day after we're doing Hollow Knight and probably on the Saturday when you see this I might be streaming Super Tux again but I have no confirmation of that being the case so whatever happens
Starting point is 02:01:41 happens yeah yeah my main channel is Broderoperson in case you've never heard of it whatever happens happens. Yeah. Yeah. My main channel is BroderOptim. In case you've never heard of it, I do Linux stuff. Gaming channel, BroderOptimPlays. If you are listening to the audio version,
Starting point is 02:01:55 the video version is available over on Odyssey and YouTube. Odyssey, I used to be early. Now I'm very lazy about uploading because Odyssey is basically dead at this point. The audio version for the video watchers is available on Anchor, RSS feed, Spotify,
Starting point is 02:02:16 anywhere you can find podcasts, you'll be able to find it. That's gonna be it for me. I just realized I wasn't on the right scene. That's gonna be it for me. I just realized I wasn't on the right scene. That's going to be it for me. I'm still horrible at running a podcast, but it is what it is. So, I'm out.

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