Tech Over Tea - We've Got New Tech - Tech Over Tea #11 - feat Jinnie The Wew

Episode Date: May 13, 2020

Today on Tech Over Tea I'm talking to official Snapchat Lens Creator and good friend Jinnie The Wew, don't worry if you're not a big fan of snapchat that doesn't take up a lot of the discussion we cov...ered plenty of things from VR development, to Australian internet, to just messing around with awful camera filters, I enjoyed this episode a lot so I hope you guys do to. ==========Guest Links========== Lens Creator Profile: Twitter: Instagram: ==========Purchase My Gear========== ► Buy Anything: ► Blue Yeti USB Microphone: ► Logitech C920 Pro Webcam: ► Neewer 176 LED Video Light: ==========Support The Channel========== ► Patreon: ► Paypal: ► BTC Wallet Address: 1Aokiv3pFQXUEmh2LbzZQAwxMvq6bpT2UN ► ETH Wallet Address: 0x80451867c86bdf08c3888d407c1e3fcb6add61ed ► LBC Wallet Address: bLRN9fm17sCexKfgbYqmMj5xskZF2ogpEh ==========Video Release========== 📚 LBRY: 🎥 YouTube: DISCLOSURE: Wherever possible I use referral links, which means if you click one of the links in this video or description and make a purchase we may receive a small commission or other compensation. I am a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and related sites.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Okay, so this is episode... I didn't bother to check. I think it's episode 12. And Jai is doing whatever it is that he's doing with his background. Welcome to the show. Tell people who you are, I guess. I shitpost for a living. You'll soon. No, I make Snapchat lenses for the most part, which is a lot of fun. That's, I guess, what I'm most known for. But under all of that, I am a software dev.
Starting point is 00:00:33 Good fun. Big time. Yikes. Yeah, how's that actually been going with all of this stuff going on? Oh, fine. I've been getting heaps of work. I feel bad for the people that haven't. But, I mean, I'm so busy all the time I don't get a break
Starting point is 00:00:48 Can you get rid of that background? You're just like a bunch of pixels right now It's so compressed I'm sort of flaking out Hang on a second Let's zoom in on what's important Okay Alright, that's much better
Starting point is 00:01:03 This is going to be a shit show isn't it oh yeah welcome to this shit show oh yeah what is your webcam ah was it a Logitech c930 I think ah yeah I see 920 also no ah that's a newer one okay yep it's a 30 so yeah you're saying um uh you're working or something yeah software development yeah getting lots of stuff not just snapchat and stuff to a bit of website stuff you've got an awesome website i'm working on can't talk about it but it's awesome that's all's all I can say. Well, that's good to know. So besides that, you haven't really been doing anything else, have you? Nope.
Starting point is 00:01:54 Just shitposting all the usual stuff. It's great. So why has it been so difficult to get you on this podcast then? Working. Every time I think, hey, I'm going to have one day free. One day. It's great. So were you working half an hour ago as well when we were supposed to start Yep, and then there's also procrastination. That's um, yeah, I'll also do this one a big thing
Starting point is 00:02:16 Yeah, it's like hey you got all this work to do. You know what? Gonna play some games. Mmm. That's the choice. Yeah, I I'll notice on discord You're always be up like playing overwatch or whatever. Oh, yeah It's like really this busy or you just you just not sleep or something. I don't sleep. That's another. Yep It's a great great observation. It's because I have no self-control. So if someone says hey you want to play a game I'm like got all this work to do I Could be playing games. Yes I've got all this work to do, but I could be playing games. Yes.
Starting point is 00:02:46 Games always wins, every time. This camera is going to be so weird this entire time. You can leave it on if you want. It's just... It's great. Yeah, I should probably work it out myself. Oh, yeah. You can change the zoom level and everything. Oh, that's fancy.
Starting point is 00:03:01 It always keeps your face in frame, in the middle. I've just barely got it working well enough on Linux right now. So I think we'll just keep it barely functioning as it is and then deal with complicated stuff later. Yeah. Because I only just managed to get this fancy scene change working where I can show what you're doing and stuff. I was doing that literally just before
Starting point is 00:03:25 this podcast was going up so we're getting started um and it's it's really poorly cropped it's almost as bad as just the actual webcam crops i might send you a picture of it afterwards because it's oh also the webcams are backwards so your name is now Brody. I might fix that now, actually. I've always wanted to be called Brody. I'm sure. Okay, there we go. On the fly, fixing this podcast. This is why I need a Jamie, because...
Starting point is 00:03:56 Ah, it's fine. It's fine. Did my webcam freeze? No, okay, it's still working. Cool. You're teaching the best principle of software dev. It's that live demos never go well. Oh, no, that's why I don't do software.
Starting point is 00:04:11 I don't ever do live coding on my channel because it's a fucking stupid idea. It's always a shit show. It's bad enough just trying to write out basic commands. Trying to do anything more than that is just going to fall apart. It'll break. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:24 Murphy's Law. Absolutely. commands trying to do anything more than that is just going to fall apart it'll break yeah murphy's law absolutely i didn't know what i was going to bring you on to talk about to be honest just uh shit posting um why i shit post i don't know you don't know i've got problems uh how i shit post you find someone else's shitpost and you re-shitpost it. Exactly. Just repost everything. No creativity here. There's no room for original content.
Starting point is 00:04:51 We follow Reddit rules here. We don't put new creativity in it. Do we credit the creators? No. No, not at all. Let's make sure that they don't exist. We call them liars for trying to claim their own content so how's the snapchat stuff
Starting point is 00:05:08 been going i haven't been paying too much attention to it good uh i haven't i'm working on some pretty pretty cool things but i not even secret stuff stuff that i'm not going to maybe not say because it is, if it doesn't work, uh, then I was looking like an idiot. Yeah. Uh, but, uh,
Starting point is 00:05:31 if it does work, it's going to be epic and it, it, it will work, but I've got, I have a huge list of ideas of things I want to work through. And that's when I get free time, uh,
Starting point is 00:05:42 which is, which is very rare. Even though I play games all the time, I count that as not my free time. That is time I should be working. Something different, is it? Yeah, it's procrastination time, time I should be working. Fair call. But I'm not working, yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:59 So what are you actually doing for your development work? You've had a bunch of different jobs since I've known you. Yes. I think the last time you were doing just web dev stuff. I do web dev like two or three days a week and then use the rest of my time to do creative stuff, which is usually Snapchat lenses, creative stuff which is usually Snapchat lenses
Starting point is 00:06:24 or it might be websites if I get any of those commissioned although there's a lot more in a way a lot more work a lot more hours usually go into websites yeah sure I know how little
Starting point is 00:06:40 work you put into some of these lenses that you get paid shit loads for yeah some is not much work I know how little work you put into some of these lenses that you get paid shitloads for. Yeah, some is not much work, but that's just over, I guess. You get paid a lot because it's a very niche field. It takes a lot of different skills combined together to get there. So I guess you're being paid for all the hours that you worked on those skills. And then, yeah, I guess it makes those worth those worth it sure but then there's those other lenses where
Starting point is 00:07:09 it's just like an asset drop in for a framework you've already made and then oh yeah they're the best ones when you've already made the framework and it's yours and no one else has it it's mine we're not we're not open source over here no if people ask I do usually share things with them but why did my webcam go out of focus I've disabled auto focus why did it do that whatever
Starting point is 00:07:37 yeah it's um thank you Logitech that's very strange it assumed that it's like you know what you disable it, but Kinda need to focus on this one thing here. I'm just let me just get that for you and it enabled itself. Could be worse. It could be fucking with my exposure because Wait no it is There you go look at that. Okay, I'm gonna see if I can fix that
Starting point is 00:08:03 there you go look at that okay i'm gonna see how i can fix that yeah the room i'm in is horrible for a webcam so if i like go to a bright screen on all of my monitors my exposure gets absolutely fucked better okay cool and i'm just absolutely completely oversaturated it's not great too bad, to be honest. You're the only person who seems to at least have a basic understanding of how lighting and how audio works, so this is probably going to be the most watchable episode.
Starting point is 00:08:35 Well, that's good news. I think most people just go with default settings, which is it's meant to be all-rounded, but it's not really meant for one specific-rounded but it's not really meant to meant for one specific purpose so it doesn't doesn't do great uh but uh at least at least i got the goods my lighting definitely needs a bit of work still but it's it's gotten better over time yeah i think uh you need to start getting those nice light boxes set up. Yeah, I've got two...
Starting point is 00:09:13 These guys. Oh nice, yeah I thought there was definitely something there. Yeah, they are Neewer 176s. The newer model, they've got a silver backplate on them, so I can have the brightness way lower, which ends up making the battery obviously last longer that one off to that side is the older model for they had a for whatever reason I like oh let's just put a black back plate on it which that's not going to absorb the light or anything no not at all of course not but the one I've got on the other side it's got a it's on what is it um what's what's the word uh a stand that one's just on like a discount gorilla pod okay i've got this one yeah this was ten dollars on ebay the light it works yeah I don't know maybe one day I'll get a nice setup
Starting point is 00:10:12 maybe if I want to stream but I don't know who would watch my stream besides a bunch of like fucking trolls from Snapchat that's probably all I get are there a bunch of trolls at Snapchat? or like because I mean the people that I guess sub to me on Snap mostly do it for my filters. But also the way that you sub to someone's lenses on Snap is strange
Starting point is 00:10:37 because you sub to their entire Snapchat account, so anything I post on my public story. And I guess some people don't know that, so they'll sub to my filters, and then they'll get my story, and they're like, who the fuck is this person? I didn't subscribe to them. And when I had my public chat turned on, you'd get people message you all the time, like, who are you? I'm like, you subscribed to me.
Starting point is 00:10:59 That's great. And the amount of, because, and also, if you have a verified account on Snapchat, the amount of people that message you or, like, send you you know to try and get their snap score up which who gives a fuck about it i don't know it's like i don't know it represents the amount of snaps you've sent out or something i don't even know how it works okay i have no idea anyway so they send snaps to like accounts so they spam it because they're like oh well this person's not going to reply so i'll just get my snap score up which apparently that doesn't even work so i don't
Starting point is 00:11:27 know why people do it but they so they spam your account with like just black screens so when i had my public chats turned on so anyone could could message me i'd wake up in the morning to like thousands and i just have to click through them and i'm like fuck that's why i turned it off again it's a mess. I hate it. I don't actually have Snapchat even installed on my phone right now. Get out. It's my podcast. I don't care if this is your podcast.
Starting point is 00:11:53 Just get out. We can make you... You can be Rudy again then. Yeah, there we go. Now you're the host. Yes. Now I'm the host. Okay, guys. Linux and stuff.
Starting point is 00:12:01 We're going to talk about why people call it Linux and why they're wrong. That's what we'll talk about. They're just wrong. It's not right. You have got nothing more than that, do you? Case in point. We can
Starting point is 00:12:19 delve deep into the origins of English. I don't think you have anything else to say. I have nothing else on this topic. Case in point, Linux is wrong. Thank you. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:12:36 Thank you for coming to my TED Talk. I might actually make a way just to switch those around. Pass the host hat to someone else. What a good use of OBS. It's a great use. Oh, yep, now we've got... Now we've got eggplants coming down.
Starting point is 00:12:55 Cool. Yes. Physics. Is this just something like the Logitech software? Is this something you've got? No, this is Snap Camera, so you can have Snapchat lenses running through your webcam. It's the greatest thing ever.
Starting point is 00:13:10 They literally just ported their API to a desktop version. That's awesome. It's amazing. It's so useful, and it has become very popular in Zoom calls. Let me see if I can find something. I don't know if you saw. Maybe I should be doing this podcast on windows then yes i don't know if you saw on the news this freaking potato thing or if you've seen it in memes or something anywhere no i'm behind the
Starting point is 00:13:35 times you become a potato but it blew up that's um no was it the uh the lady who turned herself into potato couldn't work out how to turn herself back? Yeah. That was probably the most popular meme that came from it. But yeah, a guy called Phil, he's really talented. He makes heaps of these. He made one of those. And this one is just blown up all over Zoom. And it's crazy.
Starting point is 00:13:57 Like it was on Saturday Night Live. They had Bernie Sanders. I think they changed his face to be this, and it was the greatest thing ever. That's one of your new ones. Yeah, that's not the one I was trying to... There we go. And we're back.
Starting point is 00:14:18 And we are back. But yeah, it's so much fun to mess with people. I'm trying to think of some cool lenses I can make that'll mess with people, but I can't think of any good ideas. Hmm. Yeah, I got nothing. This is why I don't make Snapchat lenses anymore.
Starting point is 00:14:40 I don't have any ideas. Did any of the ones that you did publish get taken down every other week or so I get an email like this lens was taken down yeah they're constantly purging for for yeah one of my pewdiepie lenses got taken down
Starting point is 00:14:58 I don't remember why that one did I think it was copyright as well yeah they're probably just like ah there's probably some copyright here which is probably for the best because they they're kind of not really doing much about it for a while yeah yeah look um there's a lot that some people get away with but for how long i don't know uh they every now and then they do big purges where they just go and just clear the land of anything remotely copyright related i cannot take looking at this video seriously uh it's fantastic i wish this one wasn't flipped
Starting point is 00:15:42 but i don't know why it is for anyone listening to the podcast right now Jai is just fucking around with lenses so just go watch the video version I don't think I can explain everything he's doing right now it's pretty hard to explain
Starting point is 00:16:01 right now there's stonks on the screen and that's all you need to know yeah that's all you need to know. Yeah. That's about it. Look, I think I don't know if I have any other really... This one's a lot of fun. Not like I have much of an audio
Starting point is 00:16:17 audience. I think there's like 13 people who listen to the audio version. Oh man. More than zero. Alright, well I hope they enjoy this one just a little yeah don't do anything that's gonna get the uh thing copyright strike i don't make any use any of this now i'll just mute out that one bit and just leave it for the audio version. Just leave it to everyone's imaginations as to what played. You're just going to make me have to edit this podcast,
Starting point is 00:16:55 aren't you? I don't want to edit this. Oh, yeah. You've got to work for your bread. I'm not making this easy. No. Yeah, well, pretty much all I do for the editing, at least I don't have to anymore
Starting point is 00:17:06 because on the old laptop, the audio was always desynced by like half a second. So, which is a pain. But now it seems to be fine now that I'm running the new desktop, which is much better. Plus, I've been trying to work out how to actually do the video properly
Starting point is 00:17:25 because what I've been doing, what I did last week was I recorded the Discord pop-out thing. You know how you can pop out the video chat window? Yeah. Yeah, yeah. And then I just created two video tracks within my video editor
Starting point is 00:17:39 and just cropped them out in the video editor because I didn't know how to do it in OBS. So I just...pped them out in the video editor because I didn't know how to do it in OBS. So I just... And popped out of the... Yeah, I only found out like two days ago. I just saw that and I'm just like, no, no. Corey and Kenley were giving me shit about it because I didn't know about it.
Starting point is 00:17:58 Like, mate, I don't use Discord. It's actually a really cool feature. It is a very nice feature what did you speak to Kenley about? was it IntelliJ? there was definitely IntelliJ talk, yes yes, big if true that's huge
Starting point is 00:18:13 also IntelliJ is the only thing that matters to him yeah, look, I understand I'm in agreement. I have been begged to convert to
Starting point is 00:18:31 VS Code and I can't do it. What are you using now? IntelliJ. Oh, you are using IntelliJ, okay. Yes. It's great. Are you using that for your Snap stuff? Or what are you using for that? Yes. I mean, there was a brief
Starting point is 00:18:47 period where my IntelliJ license expired and I'm like, shit, what do I do? Couldn't you just use community? There's a community version? There is a community version. I'm pretty sure there is. Yeah, I knew that. I'm pretty sure there is. Wait, I'm going to check now.
Starting point is 00:19:09 Yeah, there definitely is. Okay, well. I think there is. Maybe. Yeah, there is. There's the community version. What doesn't the community version have? Profiling tools.
Starting point is 00:19:26 Can you send me a link to that? What doesn't the community version have? I don't know. Profiling tools. I'm telling you. Can you send me a link to that? It doesn't even have TypeScript. What the fuck? Not that I... Do you use TypeScript much? Nah. No, but it is JavaScript.
Starting point is 00:19:41 It says on there it doesn't have JavaScript either, but it doesn't make any sense. I'm sure you could just download a plugin for it. Hmm. Surely. Oh you went blue for a second That might be my oh, yeah, okay there is Wouldn't that be a there's a what's the web one called web storm or something Web's there's a what's the web one called web storm or something web uh pi no i don't know i never i only ever used intelligent i didn't use any of the other web storm web storm web storm yeah i mean that would have that would have the yeah this is the javascript idea yeah yeah i should use that but uh i like like this. This is actually really cool.
Starting point is 00:20:25 I should have done this ages ago. It makes the show way better. What did you do? Oh, setting up my scenes. Oh, yeah, of course. I have to do far less editing now. Yeah. Oh, the other thing I was doing,
Starting point is 00:20:39 it was the names that are going to be under the little webcams. I was doing those in post instead of just doing them on the scene, which would also make it really difficult to switch scenes like this because I would have to do a bunch of editing. Yeah, that sounds like a pain in the arse. Yeah, makes the show a little bit better.
Starting point is 00:20:58 I like it. Looks like JetBrains definitely endorse React. Like every screenshot on the WebStorm page is React JSX code. React native. Yeah. React is great. It's very good for web dev. React is lovely. I haven't touched in so long though.
Starting point is 00:21:19 Oh, I use it all the time, but it's horrible for augmented reality development. It's like if you were a game dev in React. Who thinks of doing that? Who thinks it's a good idea? I'll tell you who. Fucking Facebook. Yeah, it's a great idea.
Starting point is 00:21:37 Do you think you came to help in React? Well, it's AR development, right? Right. It's augmented reality development um in for instagram and facebook lenses and of course they they invented reacts they're like let's use react because it's a great idea but it's a horrible idea uh you should never use that for because ar development the way you code it is very similar to game dev. And why have a React-based language doing game dev? It doesn't make any sense.
Starting point is 00:22:09 Very good for web. Horrible. Horrible for anything else, pretty much. Yeah, I can't imagine why you'd ever want to do that. Yeah, because games work off of frames, right? That's how they should always work they work off of frame handles
Starting point is 00:22:26 it's the best way to handle it but oh no well especially now that you can do embedded unity like
Starting point is 00:22:34 why would you ever want to do anything else yeah unity's great unity's my favorite I've got something cool that I'll grab but
Starting point is 00:22:42 I'll grab that in just a sec what were you saying unity over the other one unreal I've got something cool that I'll grab, but I'll grab that in just a sec. What were you saying? Unity over the other one. Unreal. Yeah, that's the one. I can't even remember his name. I do not like Unreal,
Starting point is 00:22:56 but I think it's some parts of it are pushed more towards people who don't code, more towards artists. Yeah, that definitely does help. I'll grab that thing. You can entertain people about game development or whatever you want to do. Don't do anything I need to edit out please, that would be a pain. Yes, hmm. Entertainment. I've got nothing. All I've got is a bunch of eggplants falling on my face. There we go.
Starting point is 00:23:28 That's all I can do. Eggplants. Eggplants. That's all I got. I've got my owner's project right now. And my owner's project is doing a VR tool. And because I can't go into uni right now they decided to let me use it's just a Dell visor it's like $300 but yeah yeah I've always wanted to own VR
Starting point is 00:23:57 headset but I've never bothered in buying I've only used it like I've probably only used VR or like put on a VR headset like probably like three times in my life But it's very cool very cool stuff. It's definitely been getting better I've never owned one myself, but I tried I think the first time I tried VR would have been Oculus Dev kit 2 and Then the next time I tried would have been the HTC Vive. So that's a big upgrade.
Starting point is 00:24:28 That is a big upgrade, yeah. I think the first one I tried was some sort of Oculus, but I can't remember. It was some school trip thing. I don't even remember. But yeah, I've always... I put a lot of thought into buying
Starting point is 00:24:44 a Vive because maybe I want to do some VR game dev but I don't have time I never have time I do want to do game dev but yeah need more time Yeah, that's one of those things that's weird that you don't have a Vive
Starting point is 00:25:01 I thought that's something you would already have Yeah, I definitely put a lot i thought that something you would already have yeah i definitely put a lot of thought into getting one um but just never have because then there's another excuse for me to procrastinate probably not the greatest idea yeah maybe we want to play beat saver today exactly yeah i would i am a big fan of guitar heroes so no doubt i would very much love beat saber and and not i won't be able to stop i physically don't have the room to play beat saber in here if i tried it i would
Starting point is 00:25:34 smack my hand against something hey any room is a beat saber room if you're brave enough well you can see my bed behind me right that's as far as I can move my chair back hey you just gotta do blind parkour that's all you need I guess I could play in my living room that also works yeah that works
Starting point is 00:25:57 it's just yeah I feel like if you really get into VR straight away you're gonna be like I need an entire room for this and nothing else Yeah, I feel like if you really get into VR, straight away you're going to be like, I need an entire room for this. And nothing else. I think that's one of the benefits of some of the in-head tracking,
Starting point is 00:26:16 in-headset tracking. Yes. Unlike the Vive, which has the base stations. But the base stations are getting smaller. They should definitely put LiDAR sensors on the headsets and junk so that you can see. You could render virtual objects where your actual objects are,
Starting point is 00:26:40 so you won't hit them. That'd be awesome. Yeah, with... Well, I guess the best we've got right now is with the Vive, where you actually place the base stations. That kind of creates a virtual play space
Starting point is 00:26:54 so it'll actually mark where you can actually go within the thing, but it's still just creating a rectangle based on where you place the base stations. Yeah, they need some inspiration from Apple with the new iPad. How's it? iPad Pro 2020 has got a LiDAR sensor.
Starting point is 00:27:17 Does it? Why? Yeah, let me send you something. It's for AR stuff. Even though no one really uses it. I mean, I've used it's for for ar stuff even though no one really uses i mean i've used uh my ipad pro for ar stuff that was i used that for my uh final project last year what was your final project i did a thing yes in unity an ar thing it was basically just a demo for the defense force where you've got you you're Defense Force where it renders a building
Starting point is 00:27:46 and you have hostages and enemies and you've got to avoid them. It was multiplayer collaborative AR so you'd see the same thing in the same space so you could point to something and then you'd know where that person's pointing to because you'd see it in the same spot. That was a lot of fun.
Starting point is 00:28:03 Very difficult, but fun. Mine is a joke. I've mentioned it a lot of a lot of fun uh very difficult but fun mine is a joke i've mentioned a bunch of times on the podcast but i'm basically just a code monkey yeah as as uh i think every every developer in their life has a big chunk where they're just a code monkey my like literally my honest project like most of them are like oh come up with this this fancy thing and mine is literally just we will tell
Starting point is 00:28:29 you what to do just implement it like okay that's cool I like that. Yeah. Plus I get a scholarship for it which is also nice.
Starting point is 00:28:38 Oh that's handy. Yeah that's why I bought this computer. Desktops are good. Yeah they're big. All right let's i don't know this this video has uh oh no i've uh popped out the discord window hang on wait oh there we go oh what am i doing oh uh there we okay there we go yeah i, there we go. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:29:05 I know this video I think only at like 40. I don't know how we got it. I need to find the original Apple commercial bit which they have in this video at like 60 seconds. Unmute the sound at Project Bluefish. In this video we can... Nope, shut up. Don't make noise just
Starting point is 00:29:25 just there is no copyrighted content I'm not actually showing on the screen yet let's do that it's like a if you
Starting point is 00:29:34 got like 58 seconds even maybe 55 seconds it's it's not convenient yeah they have
Starting point is 00:29:43 the lighter scanner is very good I don't know. That's cool. There's some really, really cool stuff that I've seen with it where they've scanned in and 3D rendered an entire virtual environment and where all the obstacles are, which is really cool. You could do so much cool stuff.
Starting point is 00:30:00 You could render physics, like throw balls in there and have bounce between the objects. That would be really cool. That is right up your alley, isn't it? Yes. Physics and bouncing. Very fun. That sounds horrendously boring.
Starting point is 00:30:19 It's physics. They're great. I still remember when I started out as a dev and I said, hey, I'm never going to use another library. I'm just going to make my own stuff. Yeah, no way. Libraries are the best. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:30:32 Yeah, I felt the same way. I was like, I want to know how everything works. No. Yep. I want to make my own entire physics engine. It's going to be flawless. Couldn't even get a fucking ball to collide with another ball properly. Terrible.
Starting point is 00:30:46 Yeah, no. couldn't even get a fucking ball to collide with another ball properly terrible yeah no that I have a lot of respect for the people who want to put in the effort and actually make those libraries not just work but actually work quickly oh yeah engines and libraries they just save everyone's lives
Starting point is 00:31:02 what have we got going on now not sure let's just They just save everyone's lives. What have we got going on now? Not sure. Let's just... Stonks. Go back to the news report of the stonks market. The arrow should be going the other way around. Yeah, look. I don't know why this one's reverse.
Starting point is 00:31:23 Just flip your image upside down. I'm sure you can do it. Nope, no way to do it? No. Nope. Nope, no. Okay. Oh.
Starting point is 00:31:40 Nope. That did something. Nope. Oh. I don't know what's going on. Oh, okay. Now we're under the water, okay. Under the sea. Copyrighted music.
Starting point is 00:31:57 I hope it doesn't trigger the thingy. I'm sure. I think we were... I'm off-key enough. Horrendously enough. Yeah. Yeah. Oh, my gosh.
Starting point is 00:32:17 Yeah, okay. I don't have strange things open on my computer. This is just... It's fine. I'm the only one who's recording here. Oh. Yeah, that's... I'm sure that's doing wonders for you the compression on your end actually this isn't that bad right now i don't know what's going on it was terrible at the start but it's it's cleaned up for some reason i want to say it could be my internet but i don't know
Starting point is 00:32:40 my internet used to be terrible but I fixed it. Mine is a known problem. That's a yikes. Yep. Just get yourself a nice new router. That's all that it took for me. I had a very old very broken router.
Starting point is 00:32:56 Mine's a couple of issues because so Wi-Fi is already flaky enough on Linux but also my router's outside. Yeah. It's in my car. enough on Linux but also my router is outside. Yeah, it's in my carport. Why? Because that's where the nbn box is and because and then like my housemate never felt like actually running the cable inside the house. Oh. So it's just sitting in the carport with like dust and shit on it. Oh
Starting point is 00:33:21 that poor machine. Yeah I'm impressed it still works, to be honest. Yeah, hey, I'm excited for... What's it called? Elon Musk's internet majigger. Internet majigger? Why can't I remember the name of things? Let's see if we can find it. Elon Musk internet.
Starting point is 00:33:44 Watch this. It's going to come up. Starlink. There you go if we can find it. Elon Musk internet, watch this, it's gonna come up soon. Starlink, there you go. Ah, Starlink. I'm very excited for Starlink. Let's bring up some some fancy, fancy new news. There we go. I do hope it puts Telstra out of business. They deserve it. I don't know why anyone would use Telstra at this point. Like, Telstra out of business. They deserve it. I don't know why anyone would use Telstra at this point. Telstra is actually garbage. They are so bad.
Starting point is 00:34:11 It's because they own the lines, so your best bet is that they're maybe going to give you the best connection. No, now NBN owns the lines, so it's owned by the government. Yes. Some of the lines. I think most of the lines to your house are
Starting point is 00:34:28 telstra owned but the ones that the isp ones i think uh government owned not that i look african and so why why did we why did we go with faxing the NBN and making our internet equal to that of third world countries? It's very sad. Yeah, well, 50 down is great, but it was also great 15 years ago. Yeah, that's one of the other reasons I can't wait for Starlink, because it's going to ruin everyone else. Who are you with right now? Telstra. Oh, you're actually with Telstra.
Starting point is 00:35:14 I hate them. Suck shit. I hate them so much. They are very bad. They do not know how to ISP. We are with Optus here, and Optus is bad enough. Yeah, I mean, when you're going with a new provider, it's not about who's best, it's who sucks the least for a good price.
Starting point is 00:35:35 Yeah, actually, I would say that's true for the most part, but there's a few exceptions. Aussie Broadband is one that I'm a big fan of, and Make Communicate communicate they are both actually really good part of the reason is they actually have um support staff that you can understand yeah the the more local and smaller ones are usually better because they have proper support it's true for most things. Most businesses, most services, the smaller local ones are usually better,
Starting point is 00:36:10 but they sometimes charge more, but not always. Sometimes they have to charge less. Well, yeah, unless their competitor is Telstra and then they can't really charge more. Nope. So they just got to deal with smaller profits, but they know that they can deal with it because they know that they're the best. How much are you paying for Telstra?
Starting point is 00:36:27 Oh, I don't know. I know they overcharge, like way overcharge. Yeah, it's way too much. I want to switch to Kogan. You can get NBN 100 with Kogan for like $80 a month, I think. Oh, yeah, that's not too bad. I think it'd be the same for Optus as well. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:36:48 Kogan's pretty good with most things. They still have a mobile phone deal, I think. I don't know. I used to be with them for mobile ages ago until they worked with the Telstra towers. So they basically just leased them off of Telstra until they, Telstra realized that their deal was so good that they're losing all their customers.
Starting point is 00:37:14 So they cut them off. That was hilarious. They were giving it to everyone for like a third of the price and the same service, the same level of reception that you would get chelsea it was great i didn't even realize that kogan did like phone plans and stuff i only knew they sold oh yeah electronics they've expanded they're like um i know they're just trying to monopoly everything which is great because they sell things cheap um but they they even do freaking they do like
Starting point is 00:37:40 groceries i think as well i'm pretty sure like somewhere they have groceries i've seen it before but they have basically anything you can think of they have it anyone who doesn't know what kogan is this is kogan they sell lots of random shit like they started with cheap electronics right they just bought them from china which is what most companies do anyway and then just slap their brain on it but then they didn't take all the profit that other companies do they sell kogan tv and they're great they're great tvs and they're so cheap yeah i was thinking of getting a kogan ultra wide yeah no they're really good and their support's pretty good well at least from my experience i think like ages ago, the first TV, I've only had two Kogan TVs.
Starting point is 00:38:26 I sold my last one to get a 4K one, which is pretty good. But the one I had first, I think after like, I think I had a two-year warranty. I got this like way back in probably, I don't know, like 2014, like ages ago. And after a year and a half, one of the backlights dimmed. Well, it was like dimming, it was flickering. And then I'm like, oh, shit, it's just out of warranty
Starting point is 00:38:49 because it had like a year warranty or something. So I contacted support, and they're just like, yep, we'll send you over a new one. Oh, nice. Sent me a new one, and I haven't even sent this one back yet. And they're just like, just chuck that one back in the box. There'll be a return label. Slap it on. Someone will pick it up, and it will will go and it was so easy it's all i did and i'm like
Starting point is 00:39:09 all right it came so quickly that and it was out of warranty and they still replaced it i'm like it's pretty sick and then that that tv never broke it's still i sold it to a friend uh still going and it's like six years old it's fine it's just a fault in the first one and then the one i've got now is great too i always only ever upgrade my tvs when i every couple of years like maybe even five years so you get like some big upgrade i don't really get the constantly rolling upgrade tvs like yeah no i that's about when i i upgrade it because i mean it's just a screen it's not unless it's a huge technology upgrade, which there isn't that usually. I guess there's not too much difference.
Starting point is 00:39:50 But yeah, about every five years. I am also not an ambassador for Kogan. I just think they're pretty dope. Kogan, if you want to sponsor me, I'll take it. I will take the Kogan sponsorship. For sure. I've only had one sponsorship take the Kogan sponsorship for sure I've only had one sponsorship in the email sadly which is
Starting point is 00:40:08 I want more who did you get sponsored by? oh Raid? no Raid give me an email no I would love that mate I'd love to get Raid sponsorship no it was just from some I reviewed a
Starting point is 00:40:23 Evernote clone and then another Evernote clone was like, I liked your video, we'd like to sponsor a review. He's like, that's not a conflict of interest. Yeah, not at all, not at all. What are you, fucking Linus Tech Tips or something? Also, they spelt their own product wrong, which is great. It's normal, that's, yeah. Yeah. That sounds about right
Starting point is 00:40:45 oh geez um yeah but i i wouldn't even expect any emails like that right now because even like bigger channels are struggling to find anyone to sponsor their stuff yeah because the companies don't have money to to people sponsor them although there's with all this loss in money there there's got to be some companies making bank. Yeah, Amazon. It's true. Amazon's hiring millions of people. Man.
Starting point is 00:41:14 Yeah, that's true. They are. They're getting bulk money. See if their stock prices rise. Mate, if you wanted to make some money, you probably should have bought some Amazon stocks, to be honest. Ah, they've gone, Ah, they've gone down. They've not been doing the greatest, actually. Oh, really?
Starting point is 00:41:34 Last month they're up, though. They're up for this month, at least. I think part of it's because a lot of our countries are starting to be like, wait, should we be allowing Amazon to stay open? Because they're selling non-essentials. Yeah, I think just this week, only this week they've been down, but a month they've been doing good. The US dollar actually looks almost similar to the Amazon chart in a way.
Starting point is 00:42:09 Because they're holding up their fucking economy. Yeah, well, more or less, yeah. It's been dropping like in a month. It's like a bit, maybe two months. The last two months, it was I think $1.86 to one Australian dollar. It's pretty high, almost double, like getting close to double. And now it's down to $1.56. Yeah, I noticed when I was at $1.56
Starting point is 00:42:35 because I cashed out my Patreon last month. Oh, yeah. And I didn't realize that it was in USD. Sorry, go on. What were you saying? No, same thing, Afu, because I get a lot of my pay comes in in USD. And when it's up, it's great.
Starting point is 00:42:53 And when it's down, I'm like, just a little bit higher, please. Yeah. Right now, my Patreon, I think it's at... What is it at? Let's find out. I think it's like $70 something dollars. $70 a month on Patreon. Let's see.
Starting point is 00:43:14 $76. I experimented with opening a Patreon and I got $1 a month and it was for my brother. But the nice thing about this is when i cash out it's actually like 120 dollars oh all right let's let's have a look at uh i need to update i still don't even have the uh the podcast mentioned on here i can buy some more tea i can buy some more too are you gonna yeah you're gonna criticize my face provide a rank in discord that's beautiful i don't I can buy some more tea. I can buy some more tea. Are you going to... Yeah. Are you going to criticize my face? Do you provide a rank in Discord? That's beautiful.
Starting point is 00:43:48 I didn't even know you had a Discord. I do, yeah. You can get an invite if you want. Yeah, please. You don't have to ever talk, but I'll give you an invite. I need more Discord service. I was wondering where my Discord window was.
Starting point is 00:44:01 That's very stupid of me. Yeah, you're probably looking at it. It's probably got my face on it. Yeah. You're 100% right. Twice as much tea. Lots of tea and a new mug. I need to work on it.
Starting point is 00:44:18 I don't use mugs much, but I have a few awesome ones that I got from Disneyland. They have the best mugs that's a place that's not opening up for a while nope they're in trouble i want like how do they even go about opening up at this point like who's gonna want to go yeah and we're just after all of this oh i think a lot of people will will because there's like in america there's a huge culture on ah they're impeding on our freedom we shouldn't be you know they shouldn't be allowed to keep us
Starting point is 00:44:53 in science like for your benefit it's a good thing whereas in australia i don't hear much of that i just hear yeah fair enough and we we have a you know we've almost we've definitely flattened the curve uh we're close to being rid of it it's we're dropping yeah like crazy if we keep this up you know it's not going to be around for much longer but yeah in america it's yeah it's terrible it's very bad and the people are complaining about freedom it's like yeah it's for your own good i get the well i get wanting to be able to go out and still i think the best thing they could be doing is probably doing targeted quarantining. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:45:32 That's what South Korea did. And that seemed to be pretty effective. They found the way China did it. Yeah. Well, no one really knows how well China's worked because uh they lie about everything yeah that's right china i hope you're listening you probably are uh but they they they lie about all their yeah statistics and stuff so we can't really know what's going on there um i since you know i sincerely doubt that they actually have completely gotten rid of it like they are saying they have. There's no way with the population density they have.
Starting point is 00:46:09 But look, I'm not a disease expert. It's just observation. Neither of us are experts in the Rona. We have no idea what we're talking about. Yeah, look, yes. But I mean, in saying that, they did the exact same thing in the SARS outbreak, and they really think, they got caught for lying.
Starting point is 00:46:28 People actually caught them out, and they're like, we can do it again and get away with it this time. Ha ha. Yeah, no, that's not, no one believes it. I don't know who they're trying to fool. Did you see, I don't know if you've been paying too much attention to it but what texas decided to open stuff back up because texas is freedom land yeah georgia and georgia i don't know where georgia is and texas yeah i heard about that and they had a massive spike
Starting point is 00:46:57 because of course yeah it's not a smart idea like um they're even thinking of opening stuff up here we only have like three or four active cases of corona that we know of at the moment which is very low but it's still nowhere near time to start opening things up like they're they're saying like next week they're going to open up for like bars and pubs and it's like uh yeah look uh essays at 10 days with no cases i think we can go like another two or three weeks at least yeah because if you think about it it's very likely you know a lot of people don't get symptoms at all and there's a two-week incubation period so it's very likely that you know people
Starting point is 00:47:37 could have it and then you know if you start opening up stuff too early then you have another outbreak which is not a good thing at all uh i think to be safe you know uh after you know two weeks of of zero cases we should go a whole nother month with zero cases and then that's the earliest that i would really say is is safe to go and start opening stuff up again but we'll i guess we'll see we'll see what happens i think the thing that's really helped with australia is that we just kind of have a natural sort of distancing because everyone just drives here yeah yeah I don't mean yeah where it's like New York everyone's like on trains all the time yeah although the
Starting point is 00:48:20 trains here get pretty packed but I'm sure they're dead now. They were dead last time I went on them. Yeah, I sort of want to go on to see what they're like, but yeah, they're definitely pretty dead at the moment. This was right at the start of all this, when I was still on the bandwagon. This is just a joke. This is going to be like when Ebola happened, and just nothing's going to happen. Yeah, I was on the exact same bandwagon. I'm like, ah a joke this is gonna be like when ebola happened and just nothing's gonna happen i was i was on the exact same bed i'm like ah it's just an overreaction
Starting point is 00:48:49 it's it it's not that bad um and then it was just like go home work from home i'm like okay yeah my life doesn't really change much but i think what clicked it for me was when I think it was when they started shutting down the uni I was like okay yeah that would have been interesting I well I guess they're any when they when they shut down my cuz I didn't get my graduation I wasn't gonna go anyway didn't did you but nah I haven't even got my parchment yeah actually that's been here I guess I don't know got my parchment yet, actually. That should have been here, I guess. I don't know if the post is really slow, but that was supposed to be sent out on the 22nd of April.
Starting point is 00:49:32 Well, I guess they can get away with it because they said they're going to start sending them from the 22nd of April. I've seen a lot of other UniSA students get theirs, not in the same area, so maybe software dev's just a bit lazy but maybe yeah i'm not really that fast i got the virtual thing anyway not that i really i don't have an urgency i don't need it yeah you already got a job as a dev anyway so it doesn't really yeah it's it's
Starting point is 00:49:56 fine let's see it's who needs a parchment who needs a degree um but yeah when they it was weird when they when they said that i'm like ah so now i don't have to go to my graduation and i won't feel bad for not going it's a win-win uh and also uh i think there's three they give you three options so you can go to the graduation pick up your parchment there obviously or you can go to the uni and pick it up at any time or if you pay like ten dollars they can ship it out to you or post it to you wait but ten dollars to post it yeah it's like it's like ten dollars what's this thing made of yeah i know i i don't know oh anyway they posted it for free so i saved money yeah that helps doesn't it right yeah so i mean you gotta look on the bright side
Starting point is 00:50:41 corona's not all that bad some people save10. A lot of people lost tens of thousands of dollars. Yeah. I've been in a boat right now where I don't know how much I'm working right now, which is probably better than some people. I still have a job. Yeah. But casuals at Coles right now don't get rosters.
Starting point is 00:51:07 Yeah. Oh, really? We just find out when we're working so you're not you're getting less work than usual yep i thought you'd be getting about as much because people always need groceries right that doesn't really change they hoarded a lot so they've still got a couple months of food yeah that's that's true people are dumb they did hoard um i don't know why what do they think the government's because i think a lot of people thought the government was gonna give us a absolute lockdown i was convinced early on there was gonna be absolute lockdown yeah no the the closest that came happening was i think in new south wales there was you could only you actually checked if you're going out for essentials like here was like
Starting point is 00:51:44 guys just probably go out for essentials, right? And then there's hundreds of people at Chartime, Moss and Lakes, all the time. Essential, though. Essential, it's very essential. And the Bud Low. But yeah, exactly. That is essential. But then in New South Wales, you're like, oh, I'm just going to drop something off to
Starting point is 00:52:01 a friend. You get a fine. The police will pull people over, like a lot of people will randomly, to check where they're going to make sure it is essential. I'm like, that's not fun. I know the worst it got here was they were stopping people going to the Riverland.
Starting point is 00:52:18 Yeah, yeah. My dad actually went to the Riverland just before they did that. So he was coming back, and on his way back, he saw everyone getting stopped. It was hilarious. Yeah. Because that was during Easter. But he actually was going out there to do some work.
Starting point is 00:52:35 So, yeah. Yeah, because my birthday was on April 9th and my mom wanted to come see me but she couldn't so what we ended up... So you couldn't come back from the Riverland to here? She's in the Riverland so she would have to go back. She'd have to get back at some point anyway. Yeah oh yeah that's true you'd have to go back eventually. They wouldn't let you back. But I mean surely if you showed them that you lived there. I guess but... Not worth the risk. I think the problem would be that you'd be taking cases up to the riverland
Starting point is 00:53:09 yeah they don't want that yeah um but what was i saying right so my sister ended up coming to visit me she's in um davenport and i don't miss living there and then we just facetime i don't miss living there and then we just FaceTime my mum I don't doubt it that was fun because she's been doing it with technology yeah we've been doing a lot of FaceTime with like my nan so we'll have some family members visiting her which is pretty stupid even though it's very unlikely that they're of course going to have it, it's just very dumb
Starting point is 00:53:40 because absolutely if she got it I'd definitely kill her uh and uh that's why i'm keeping distance but we've been trying to face time like we got someone to drop off a tablet but she didn't really know how to use it so it's all that fun yeah i'm sure um what was i saying fuck i forgot what I was saying. Oh, right. So, since we know that symptom rates are way lower than expected, it's very possible that we've got far more cases than we think we do right now.
Starting point is 00:54:17 And, yeah, that's why that would be a problem. I'm convinced that I probably... A lot of people... Yeah. A lot of people have, like, maybe just a slight shortness of breath and maybe not even notice it yeah um but they could have it well i'm working a supermarket i'm convinced i got it at some point and just didn't know about it yeah like um when it all came out i don't know if it was a placebo effect or something but i definitely had a period where
Starting point is 00:54:39 i had shortness of breath but i'm like it's probably nothing and i don't think it was coronavirus but you know who knows right um there's just so many sick people that come through the store though that's that's what i mean like yeah if i think if i didn't have it then i i was completely lucky this whole thing has made people more aware of uh i guess like a transmitting disease like everyone's like what's the most people want to avoid people even after this they want to avoid people because they're like germs yeah i like it's great everyone's kind of joined my band and i was like oh yeah it's like more or less they're sort of staying away
Starting point is 00:55:15 yeah people are keeping better distances um and it's funny because i uh you get those people who who get annoyed because people like if they walk past someone that that person is glaring at them because they're not keeping their distance yeah i've been doing that and i can't help it i said i'm just like someone comes too close to me i'm like excuse me the fuck whereas before i wouldn't have batted an eye but now i'm just like excuse me the government has said that you should not be doing that I'm going to punch you now I'm going to punch you now and further disrespect
Starting point is 00:55:49 the government's restrictions I had to go down to MSY the other day had to get a new SSD which MSY? yeah I did notice that Elizabeth shut down really that's true? I thought someone was joking man SSD not because my which MSY yeah I did notice that Elizabeth shut down
Starting point is 00:56:10 oh really that's true I thought someone was joking man that was the best one that's the only one where people were actually nice well one dude you know the one dude I thought they were massive assholes and I loved it no no there's one dude at the MSY Elizabeth who's just the greatest guy shout out if you're listening look don't don't don't know who knows uh but he was like helpful to everyone like I always see him serve other customers like he's so helpful and he is you know he's really upbeat um the only MSY worker in the entire world that is upbeat and and nice everyone else works at MSY MSY is very monotone and very just, I don't like you being in this store. Get out now. I don't care if
Starting point is 00:56:50 it keeps me employed. That's why I love it. It's so great because I can just go in there and be like, hey, give me an SSD. He's like, here's an SSD. Bye. Yeah, but that guy would... It was quick and simple with the really nice guy.
Starting point is 00:57:06 Some of the people there were just, like, real, like, assholes for no reason. Yeah, especially if you were there not knowing what you wanted. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, I just feel bad because anyone else who is not very computer literate that went into an MS1 store just gets wrecked and they don't know what's going on. Yeah. Yeah, I just feel so bad for them. that's that's what i've always loved about it yeah like like uh i know like no msy staff would give anyone advice if you know you got a mother coming in i want to buy my son a gaming computer i've got this much they'll be like go do research
Starting point is 00:57:40 fuck off right but this this one dude elizabeth he would like i don't think i saw him in this exact situation but i'm pretty sure he would be like all right well you know you can do this this and this and if you don't want that means well then this is good and this is bad and he would take the time to actually i guess explain a bit to him uh you know why they should get this or why they shouldn't you know it's great so yeah you're in uh yeah nearest one for you would be uh holden hill wouldn't it because you're only in salisbury uh yes i always went to the elizabeth one though but now it's holden hill i have been there before yeah holden hill is a joke yeah yeah i've only been there once but it was not the greatest it's a little shoe box and I think they have a limit of 4 people in there right now. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:58:28 It's not good. MSY is definitely the cheapest for anything computer related in this state. That's a store. Even online it beats most online prices. Does it? I feel like hardware is more expensive.
Starting point is 00:58:43 For a lot of things it's either on par or it beats especially when they do specials some of their specials are ridiculous like um my I got a 2080 ti uh weird flex but okay um and that that like at the time when I bought it they were fairly new out so I think it would have it would have been like uh 22 2300 normal whatever whatever i looked up like whatever one i didn't kind of remember what i think it's an msi one um anyway uh then you know i looked up online as well and the cheapest it was was about 2200 and uh i bought and i yeah i looked and the day I was buying my computer parts, MSY had a deal,
Starting point is 00:59:32 and it's just like that particular GPU for $1,900, and you get a free external hard drive with it, one terabyte. So I'm like, so you're saying it's minus $300, and I get a hard drive. Like, how could you not do that? Jesus. I was like, well, you know, I don't know why they're doing this deal, but I'm taking it I think was only available for like five days
Starting point is 00:59:51 MSY is generally my go-to for cables that that I know they always way cheaper Yeah, especially like ethernet cables any like, you know, like DisplayPort HDMI your office works that shits like 50 bucks MSYY are $8 yeah because all they do is they buy a bunch of the eBay they buy a bunch of eBay cables and just resell them yeah yeah I was like when I don't have time to wait for email eBay stuff to come and just go to MSY yeah it's great it's great because all it's I don't even think it even ends up being cheaper from eBay because you still pay for shipping a lot of the time unless you're buying like 100 meters of ethernet or something
Starting point is 01:00:30 yeah yeah that's true but anything like I bought a HDMI display port for my monitor because I've only got one HDMI port on my graphics card.
Starting point is 01:00:46 Yeah. And, I don't know, this thing right here, this is plugged into my soundbar. This was like, whatever, $10 or $5, whatever it was, some cheap amount. Going to Officeworks to get it, it would have been like $15, $20.
Starting point is 01:01:03 It's ridiculous. It is highway robbery yeah MSY is good it's just as bad as buying power boards as well don't go anywhere besides Bunnings oh yes Bunnings has as I guess the nicer ones that are good but if you if you don't mind El Cheapo a lot of grocery stores just have them five bucks I've had too many good. But if you don't mind El Cheapo, a lot of grocery stores just have them for five bucks. I've had too many problems with boards that don't have surge protectors.
Starting point is 01:01:31 Yeah, look, when I was telling you that my USB hub surged, it was probably because of the board. Although my computer didn't shut down or anything. The monitors flickered and my hub surged because my keyboard lights were flickering as well. I'm like, oh, that's not good. That did something, but I didn't break anything,
Starting point is 01:01:54 at least I don't think. That's good, man. I just had to restart. But yeah, cheapo power boards can be a bit yikes. Surge protectors are definitely good. Oh, the webcam has fallen apart when you move your hand in front of your face. Yeah, the tracking, it loses my face. Because this is also a Snapchat lens.
Starting point is 01:02:16 Oh, is it? Wait, is this one of your lenses? Mm-hmm. Yeah, I thought so. I thought I recognized it. The OG face tracker. Mm-hmm. Yeah, I thought so. I thought I recognized it.
Starting point is 01:02:24 The OG Face Tracker. It's been stolen by just about every platform. But, I mean, it's a simple idea. And it's probably been stolen by people on Snapchat as well. No, no. It didn't get stolen by people. I think people have tried to do it, but they didn't do it that greatly. They didn't pull it off like I did.
Starting point is 01:02:51 Very, very humble brag there. Similar in Instagram. Someone made an Instagram filter. It was close, but it didn't work. It didn't function quite as well as mine did. And then on TikTok, they basically did a direct rip. And I'm like, that's great thanks tiktok thanks for that um because everyone who was creating on tiktok was going on snap recording it with the face tracker thing and then putting it over and i guess they're like let's
Starting point is 01:03:16 keep them on our app um so they did and now i see it all the. It's just like they're rubbing it in my face. Like, look, look what these people are using. Yeah, I know. I started it. You're a very important person, Jai. That's right. I'm very important. I started this whole thing.
Starting point is 01:03:36 Okay. Every time you see a face tracker thing, you remember me. I'm, I guess, a voice in a sea of voices this happens to people all the time i'm not really that bothered by it because it's a pretty simple idea yeah for sure it's like you know you invent the pen and someone else makes another pen you're like fuck you i made that only i can make pens yeah yeah fair point yeah who did the uh who did the artwork for your channel Yeah. Yeah. Fair point. Yeah. Who did the artwork for your channel stuff? Oh, that's Connor.
Starting point is 01:04:11 I thought I recognized it. Yeah. Beautiful. Beautiful. Amazing. Yeah, that's why he's loud on the show whenever he wants, because he gave me quite a discount. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 01:04:26 But it's really good art. I've had to modify it a bit for the view to show the video on the side. So it's still not the best. I need to fix it up a bit more. But he gave me the PSD files so I can go and deal with that. Yeah, yeah. That's good. Man, I just realized that one of your tiers has...
Starting point is 01:04:51 You do realize this is more than a Netflix subscription, right? That's great. What was that? My $32 tier? That's a $16 one. Okay, yeah. I actually do have a $32 Patreon. I don't know why.
Starting point is 01:05:04 You have a $64 one as well. I'm sorry, what? It's Ambitions. You have a $64 one. Oh, no, I mean someone's actually paying $32. Oh, someone's paying $32. Yeah, no. Maybe they just wanted to be a legendary...
Starting point is 01:05:17 I mean, legendary tea providers are pretty... Everyone wants to be a legendary tea provider. As you can see, I stole RPG weapon ranks. That's what those tiers are. Oh. Yeah. That's why, yeah. I see.
Starting point is 01:05:36 Because I couldn't think of anything better. Yeah. No, that's, look, that's fine. I'll fix them i love how you your goal of a hundred the description is just a nice round number yeah i stole that and you're only going you're only going to shave your beard for ten thousand dollars a month i forgot to even put that one on there uh look i would um try and grow a beard for ten thousand dollars a month although i don't think it would go very well because i can't grow facial hair at all i couldn't for a while as well and
Starting point is 01:06:12 then this happened it just happened yeah after nine months of garbage looking beards in my content Yep. That was so bad early on. I could have at least combed it. I have a comb right here. Is it a beard comb though? No, it's just like a regular comb. See, that's where you've gone wrong. That's good. You can just stick it in there. That's great. Can it stick in my hair? Yeah, stick it in some hair as well. Yeah, when I was younger, I always had the ambition of growing an afro, only to realize that, in fact, genetics does... Wanted to grow an afro. Well, not only that I'm white,
Starting point is 01:06:58 because you can be white and have an afro, only to realize that, in fact, genetics does play a part, and there's no way in hell I will ever be able to grow up for it. Big sad. Yeah, I think it would just make your hair look worse than it already does. Yeah, but that's the point, you know? That's the point. Did you actually manage to get a haircut before all this went down, or...?
Starting point is 01:07:25 I haven't had a haircut in a while. Probably my last haircut was like January. So maybe just before. I mean, it's not like it's illegal. We could go get a haircut. Are they still open? Yeah, they're still open. Okay.
Starting point is 01:07:41 They're definitely still open. Yeah. Because, yeah, last time I went and got one the dude there was like this place should be shut down like the guy who was cutting my hair I literally cannot do my job without touching you like why are we still open yeah that's weird
Starting point is 01:07:59 I'm sure they wear gloves now not that that makes a huge difference but that'll also like get caught up in people's hair. Yeah. True. So I'm not sure what they do. I'm kind of just riding this out at this point. I got one the day before they announced
Starting point is 01:08:16 beauty parlours and stuff were getting shut down. Yeah. So a few months back now. That's pretty lucky uh though that you got it just then um well hairdressers still open so it doesn't even matter yeah uh man just shave your hair i guess if if if worse comes to worse that's all you gotta do i think um i do remember because they they put i mean a lot of people have been doing that i remember though they put that the 30 minute restriction on uh on on like uh you know all all hair parlors and
Starting point is 01:08:52 whatnot uh and then dudes were like yeah whatever it's fine and uh i think uh all women of australia just complained to scott morrison which is enough, because all their hair stuff takes a lot longer. They're just like, you do realize how long it takes to, to, you know, get a perm or dye your hair properly, right?
Starting point is 01:09:13 And he's just like, yeah, 30 minutes. And they're just like, ha ha, no. Oh boy. Yeah,
Starting point is 01:09:22 that was a fun time. Honestly, I kind of wanted all of the, the uh the hairdressers to shut down because i wanted to see um mullets just grow everywhere oh yeah they'd be everywhere it would be pretty funny if uh if they did shut down because you'd see a lot of wacky hairstyles like well just really like ungroomed untamed hair. It'd be funny. Yeah, well, there'd also be people just getting their, like, girlfriends to cut their hair.
Starting point is 01:09:52 Which is a good idea. It's a great idea. It's a great idea. Yeah, always. Unless your girlfriend's a fucking hairdresser, I wouldn't recommend it. Yeah, yeah. What have you got up in your screen uh i'm scrolling back and forth on your patreon page oh there's a blue logo that's flushing up
Starting point is 01:10:14 yeah sure okay i do need to that's a that's a nice thing yeah about this room though and having no external lights is that i can make my own lights with the screen. Yeah. So if I want blue, I can get blue. It's a bit of a funky recording setup. Yeah, I mean, I don't use it much. I only have a webcam to test Snapchat lenses when I can't be bothered pushing them to my phone. That's about it. Yeah, fair call.
Starting point is 01:10:40 What are you using for your mic? Is that just on that headset? Yeah, headset mic. Just a Logitech. Oh, another Logitech thing, yeah. Logitech G636 or something. Yeah. Yeah, this was a great purchase for me,
Starting point is 01:11:00 especially the arm. The arm was lovely. I've been thinking about getting one of them but i'm like i don't use it enough i don't do voice recording enough so there's not much point yeah if you don't need it you don't need it but if you do then hey it's so nice to have yeah all i do is buy stuff i don't need so it's not like it'd be out of character i mean like the gtr the 370 i wish i had a gtr oh you're sorry 370 i keep calling it gtr for some reason they are i mean there's a they have a lot of similarities the 370 is like a little uh little little baby brother of the gtr some people don't
Starting point is 01:11:41 like being compared like that but it's it's or less true. The key fobs for both of them are identical, except for the logo at the top of the key fob. The Z has Z, and the GTR has GTR. But besides that, they're identical, yeah. But, yeah, no, they're good cars. It was definitely fun the one time
Starting point is 01:12:02 I was in it. The one time you were in it, yeah. Yeah, I think... Just even going like 50km an hour, it's a fun car. Yeah, it's because it's low to the ground. It just feels fast. I mean, I've gotten used to it, so I didn't feel that.
Starting point is 01:12:16 Now, for me, if I drive a really tall car, that feels fast. It's strange, yeah. It's weird how that works. I just drive a four-cylinder Barino around Hell yeah, which you know, that's a that's so fast. Oh They zoom they are so I've got some some engine problems going on right now. I've got a bit of a flat spot. Oh So lucky in the rpm range or something so what
Starting point is 01:12:47 happens is when i'm starting from cold um sometimes it doesn't go forward i put my foot down it doesn't move oh and then it's just like boom if it makes you feel better i don't think my car would start right now i mean it probably would but it could not because i don't drive much at all especially now i did hear about that i've driven so long i think the battery's flat i know the battery's been slowly deteriorating because you can hear it in the way it starts you know it's not as chirpy it doesn't start as quickly and it's because i don't drive it much and if i do drive i go for 10 minute drives which is not the greatest because you don't really get any extra charge you and it takes so much to uh start a car so uh all those factors combined i'm pretty sure right now if i went to go start it would probably be dead which is fine just buy
Starting point is 01:13:37 a new battery keeping it low kilometers you know i'm gonna buy a new battery yeah no that's a good point good for resale when people want to buy a car. Oh, yeah. Not right now, though. Yeah. Yeah, like, my service date has been overdue for a while, but I'm nowhere near the kilometers. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:13:56 I probably will get a service soon. But when I get a service, I like to also buy an extra part for it. Because I'm like, well, while they're're there they may as well chuck something extra in it but I've been trying to be good and save my money so I haven't done that I've got enough to buy parts but just
Starting point is 01:14:17 don't buy stuff right now that'd be a good idea it's been very hard for me I can imagine. Yeah, I'm not good at saving at all. Yeah, because you've always just had tons of money coming in. So what's the point of saving it? Yeah, look, I want to buy a house.
Starting point is 01:14:36 That's what I'm saying. I did hear about that when Corey was on, I think. Yeah. Not terribly far off. Hopefully, I will have a decent enough deposit in the next two months uh although i'm going to be taxed like crazy come financial year end i'm not looking forward to that because i honestly don't know what my tax bill is going to look like because hex is weird it doesn't last year at least it did not work the way it was supposed to, I guess.
Starting point is 01:15:07 And I have no idea. My guess for my tax bill, the difference between the lowest I think it will be and the highest is probably like $10,000. So I'm really not looking forward to what I receive and what the government believes i owe them next year my oh this year it's gonna be fine i'm still gonna be up like pretty low on the tax bracket i don't even think i'm gonna hit the minimum tax bracket um next year
Starting point is 01:15:37 uh yeah most people get money back like if you have a normal job you'll get money back. Like, if you have a normal job, you'll get money back, or you'll owe them nothing. Oh, actually, unless you don't have private health. I don't have private health, so that's a big chunk. I'm going to owe them. I should get private health because it's going to be a lot... I think it's a lot less than what I owe them. Shit. Next year.
Starting point is 01:16:01 But, hey, I wonder if there's a loophole where you can buy it you can just get private health right before right before tax time maybe you can maybe that works maybe I'll do that you didn't hear anything Australian government I was never here yeah the Australian government is listening for sure
Starting point is 01:16:20 ah shit there goes my plan yeah but I i think for most people get money back but yeah because i have all that business income and it doesn't get taxed automatically it all gets taxed at the end of the financial year which is great uh you can get your you can have it set up to the monthly stuff you can but then you don't get interest on it the government does what do you mean uh uh well so if you pay all the you know you pay off your tax at the end of the financial year you'll have all that money that you're in tax sitting in your
Starting point is 01:16:57 account which you can get an interest on right sure but if you pay it off as you go you don't have it the government has it yeah yeah not that i not that that makes much of a difference to be honest but um uh but now i've just had to register for gst um yeah which is fun but the good thing is uh when you register you don't have to back pay gst for that financial year it's only from when you're registered you have to charge it and also you don't charge gST on international transactions. So only onshore, which I do a lot less of than international, which is good. But yeah, taxes are scary.
Starting point is 01:17:34 I don't like them. Yeah, I've just got this set up as a sole trader. And I'm barely making anything past like hobby amounts right now. It's kind of just there so I can business expense. Also, next year is going to be more. Yeah, sole trade is the best way to have it set up because if you have it set up as a separate business entity, that money isn't your money.
Starting point is 01:17:56 It's the business' money. And also, it gets taxed an extra 30%. For anyone who's in America, that's a sole proprietor. I think it's the same thing for you guys. Yeah, Americans have it lucky. They have way better tax laws. But then again, we also have free healthcare. So it's not a bad trade.
Starting point is 01:18:15 Yeah. It's a trade I guess I'm willing to go with. What I was going to say was this year for my business, I think I'm barely going to scrape, like, depending on whether I have to sell some of my crypto, because that's business income as well. I'm barely going to scrape a bit over $1,000, maybe $2,000. And along with Coles, I'm not even above the tax threshold at that point.
Starting point is 01:18:43 The tax-free threshold, yeah. the like the the tax the rest of the tax-free threshold yeah yeah I look I wish the tax-free free threshold was a lot higher but I love it wouldn't it yeah then not much tax would get paid but oh well oh well 40 grand tax for a threshold let's do it yeah look I would still be paying plenty of tax. Oh, yeah. Unfortunately. I wouldn't be paying any. But a lot less.
Starting point is 01:19:10 A lot less. If that was the threshold. But, yeah, my crypto income is coming in from library. That's actually, if I was selling that, that would be the majority of my income right now. Oh, wow. Yeah, I do. Wait, what coin are you invested uh so on library they pay you like that's the video platform on besides youtube they pay you in their crypto i see okay so i get 15 000 of that a month
Starting point is 01:19:41 i didn't even know what library was. No one does. Never heard of it. I'll send you a link to it. I'm bringing everyone onto the platform. Everyone I bring onto the show needs to know about library. Like if I search library, it's spelled just like library, right? LBRY.
Starting point is 01:20:00 Oh, LBRY. Okay. Content freedom. Interesting. It's kind of like BitChute, but there's less Jew talk on here. BitChute?
Starting point is 01:20:18 BitChute is where all of the political commentators went after they were kicked off of YouTube. So it's an app? Yeah, there's an app and there's a website called Library TV. Ah, interesting. It's got a nice website. Did they use React?
Starting point is 01:20:35 It is built in React currently, yes. Very nice. It is, too. The Android app is built in React Native, and they realized that was a bad idea. Why is that a bad idea? They're getting performance problems, and they realized they could fix it by not doing that.
Starting point is 01:20:53 Yes, just expect all your users to be on iPhone. Yeah, they also... Well, they realized the performance problems when they tried to go over to iOS. And then they're like, oh, this is not going to work, is it? I see. Yeah. I guess for that sort of site, it would make sense.
Starting point is 01:21:12 If you have a very simple site that's not intense at all, React Native is fine. Yeah. You know, to report to an app. I do like React Native. It's good. Yeah. So this is my main income source. I think I'm on like 5,200 subscribers on here or something. Which is almost as much as my YouTube.
Starting point is 01:21:37 Yeah. I'd say 5,200. Yes. Nice. Here we go. I'll send you a link to it So they run ads on these videos just like YouTube as well. No, so the ads only show up if you are a If you're using the site without a account If you're logged in the way that it's currently being monetized is they did a massive pre-mine.
Starting point is 01:22:06 And they're basically giving out pre-mine tokens. Okay. So at some point, obviously, that'll have to slow down. And then at that point, they do want to bring in advertisements. The ads are kind of in the works right now. Just because as the platform grows, the pre-mine runs out quicker. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:22:31 Man, see, this is why I wish that... I wish that Snap had some monetization for lenses and stuff. Yeah, that's weird that you guys don't have anything yet. It's kind of following the Instagram model where it's just like, work it out yourself. Yeah, I think one of the reasons okay so for example for like
Starting point is 01:22:50 library if you're paying people in a in a um you know a currency like a coin you know like a cryptocurrency there's not too much to work out in terms of legalities but when you're paying people from all around the world in in you know actual money uh not that you know coins aren't actual money but they can translate to but they're close to their local currency yeah yeah but when you're paying people in you know their own currency and from all around the world things get so complicated especially when you know you get a rollout like country by country and make sure things work okay. Then pushing money around can be a problem. That's the only problem.
Starting point is 01:23:31 I would happily have... If they did monetize it, I would happily make a US bank account and just have it there and then transfer money back with a fee. I wouldn't care. I don't know. Because they've been trying to monetize it for ages, but they haven't come up with a good solution, which sucks. Maybe one day.
Starting point is 01:23:48 Maybe one day. I guess, yeah, you would still have to do the Instagram model then, which is just like product placements. Yeah. Yeah, more or less. I mean, I don't do any, I don't really get any money out of like posting things or I don't do any of that stuff. But it all just comes from building them for companies that's that's where i get my money well it's not like you're struggling with that so no it's going well i just uh you know who doesn't want more money yay capitalism
Starting point is 01:24:19 capitalism capitalism for the win yes um man you have a lot of videos yeah um one a day for the past nine months or something it's strange because i swear i was subscribed to you on youtube but i never your videos never come up because i usually just watch videos that are in my apparently i'm not subscribed that's strange um there you go but yeah like uh because I never saw your videos come up I'm like I some part of me thought you didn't post any anymore but no that's not the case what's your uh what's your highest viewed video uh that's a good question I think it's gonna be something on vim The greatest of all text editors. Yeah, um... I... of course it's one on Vim, yeah. yeah great some intrusion anyway yeah so
Starting point is 01:25:35 okay so one of them I'll see if I was trying to find fucking thing man mate vim is the greatest of all text editors it's uh I do use Vim. I'm pretty sure I use Vim, yeah. But not very often. You use it for everything. You'd write an essay in Vim if you had to. I actually had. Not even if you had to. No, like I did. Yeah, I thought you had. I thought that was a rumor.
Starting point is 01:26:00 No, like I've literally written my one of my reports that I've got this semester in Vim. Yeah, so it's this right here. Yeah, I'm doing it in Markdown basically, and then converting it over to PDF through a LaTeX engine. Mm-hmm. Vim, I was wrong, it's actually a good code editor
Starting point is 01:26:26 amazing that was a shit video look at my look at my trim it's so bad yeah the the beard is a bit uneven yeah a little bit people how often do you get comments asking... people asking you to shave? Not any... not as many anymore. It was really bad back then. Yeah. Like, every video, multiple times. That's, uh, yeah.
Starting point is 01:27:01 This is a good comment. While everyone was trying to turn VS Code into BIM this guy is trying to the other way around yeah that video was basically me just copying someone else's video anyway yeah you know it is what it is it is what it is
Starting point is 01:27:17 my channel basically started as a copy of someone else's channel anyway the guy who ended up giving me a shout out and the reason my channel grew oh yes yeah that was fun i remember when that happened like i was i was on a holiday at the time and i saw that like first thing in the morning why do i have two and a half thousand subscribers where did they come from and then it was just like luke sent me, Luke sent me,
Starting point is 01:27:46 Luke sent me. I was like, oh, I know exactly where you came from. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Shout out to Boon Ice. Yeah. I hope that as this podcast grows, I can actually help smaller channels actually, you know, like get some sort of traction from it yeah yeah for sure that's uh it's always good to to i guess pay back pay it forward yeah it's not like i pay people in money right now exactly you know paying followers well like uh that can also be annoying for some people uh well it's not not like most of the time when you shout people out it's not annoying it's just when you do work for a brand they're like
Starting point is 01:28:29 we'll pay you in exposure and you're like can I buy stuff with exposure probably not I guess it's a bit different with a podcast though because a podcast is more like an interview sort of format yeah you're not really expecting to get paid from an interview
Starting point is 01:28:49 yeah okay yes i am just looking at uh i was looking at what time it is in Pacific Standard Time because I needed to see for a thing and realized that that thing is a lot later than I thought oh okay yeah it's only 1.30am
Starting point is 01:29:17 Pacific Standard Time I gotta wait till 10 yeah that's not gonna happen that's gonna be a tomorrow morning job. I'll be awake in the morning. I have to work. Yeah. When do you have to be at work?
Starting point is 01:29:35 I just work from home. I know some places are like, you have to be working 9 to 5 even though you're doing remote work. Yeah, we still work 9 to five hours because everyone's you know on so if people need to ask you questions you know ask people questions it makes it easier sure yeah um yeah it's probably for the best that we do it that way uh we have our stand-up meetings as well which is great yeah how's that all been going because i've spoken to people who've been doing this stuff at uni,
Starting point is 01:30:05 but no one who's actually a dev right now. It's gone fine. There were some people in the company that never worked from home. They picked it up pretty easily. I think once a week, we do calls with the whole company. On a day that I don't usually work,
Starting point is 01:30:25 sometimes I miss them because I completely forget that they're going on. Every week I'm like, oh, I'm going to go to this one and I just realized that I missed last Friday's one, this last Friday. But I do get to go to them when I remember that they're on. Yeah, I think that's more to keep people I remember that they're on. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:30:47 Yeah, I think that's more to keep people sane. We definitely made a lot more. There's a lot more Slack channels just based on random topics because I guess people are talking more in Slack than they would be in person because they're not talking. So they're talking about all this random stuff, which is great. Yeah, I guess you're actually getting good use of Slack then. Yeah. Because it's already full of memes anyway. Oh, yeah. yeah I guess you're actually getting good use of Slack then yeah it was already full of memes anyway
Starting point is 01:31:06 oh yeah memes everywhere on Slack coronavirus memes, toilet paper memes everywhere yeah I was on the toilet paper thing, I almost ran out for a little bit, I think I was down to three rolls at the worst
Starting point is 01:31:21 we were close and then we happened to find something that was great. Toilet paper seems to be back on the shelves now. It's definitely back, yeah. Last time I was at work, we had eight pallets. Oh, that's pretty good. That's a lot of pallets. That is a lot of pallets.
Starting point is 01:31:39 Whoa. Is that what you've been doing this entire time when you look like you weren't paying attention? Just looking for one of these legends? No. No. Never. Oh, this is...
Starting point is 01:31:53 That's an interesting one. Superman is... They call me. Yeah. The segmentation is not good because I'm not in the greatest lighting. Yeah, well... And also the...
Starting point is 01:32:04 You've got a black shirt on as well. Oh, yeah. And not only that, I think their segmentation AI is trained more in portrait images. So when it's landscape, it's like, I know what this is, but it's not what I'm used to. That makes sense, yeah.
Starting point is 01:32:21 Because no one really uses portrait... Oh, sorry, landscape Snapchat. It's not really a thing. Yeah, no, it's not. But it is in Snap Camera, which makes lens development fun. Because when you make it for a phone, you don't always think about making it for a landscape and then weird things happen.
Starting point is 01:32:46 But a lot of my lenses I've put in extra things for landscape use. That is good. That's a cool one. That's a cool one, yeah. Heatmap. Of course, this one
Starting point is 01:33:02 was made except for the fact that it flips itself. That's more Of course, this one was made for... Except for the fact that it flips itself. That's more of a problem with the app doing that. I don't know why it does it. What do you mean flips itself? Oh, is it not coming up reverse for you? No, it looks fine for me.
Starting point is 01:33:19 So Stonks isn't written backwards? No. Okay, maybe it's fine. Because on the preview that I'm looking at on your screen, Stonks is backwards. I just realized my webcam is actually flipped. Yeah. That's what it does with a lot of...
Starting point is 01:33:51 Here we go. What are we doing here we're shooting ourself and we're turning into a pig all right and back into not a pig it's great that's actually pretty good yeah i did this collab with uh phil the guy who made the um uh made that potato one. That became a meme. It's a collab that I did with him. A lot of fun. This one is always... Oh, yeah, that one. Yeah. Big Simpsons inspiration here.
Starting point is 01:34:22 How's it handling the thing in the hole? Is that just... Ah, yes. Haha. Yeah, that's fun. It takes a texture from... I think it was to the top of the camera, but... Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:34:40 Above my head. So I put my finger... Yeah, and it also mirrors it and splits it into four. Okay. Which works good for some backgrounds, but a lot worse for others. Yeah, it's not looking good right now. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:34:55 I don't know. I should just have it take basically a single color. No, I think it works a lot of the time. I think the main problem is just you have a very distinct line in the background Yeah, that's No It's not wrong
Starting point is 01:35:13 Yeah But if it was like a sky background or something it would look perfectly fine, you wouldn't even notice it Yeah, oh yeah I think I have a I got another one that works with the face. This one. The old CRT monitor.
Starting point is 01:35:32 I think I can change the color of the pixels. Oh, I can. There you go. That's neat. Yep. This one, they are actual pixels. It's little tiny pixel things that light up based on how your face is moving. Which is, yep, it's great.
Starting point is 01:35:53 That actually is pretty cool. Programming do be kind of lit though. Now we're back to the face tracking. We're back to the face tracking. It's great. It's good. What is that chair you've got behind you? A Secret Labs chair.
Starting point is 01:36:09 They're amazing. Let's just... You can't really see much of it, but... They are very expensive. I bet, yeah. Anything that has a name on it, I expect is expensive. Yeah, I think they're probably one of the most expensive chairs out there, but really, they're probably one of the most expensive uh chairs out there but really
Starting point is 01:36:25 the they're just really comfortable i've never had a chair where my back has never been sore from it and then my back never gets sore on these chairs and i sit on them really not in an ergonomic way at all most of the time and it still doesn't get sore which is good but uh no they're great and they're the only chairs one of the reasons that i got it is because yeah they're one of the only chairs that um look good in in mesh not many companies even do uh so not mesh fabric chairs because i don't i'm not much of a fan of uh leather really so you know yeah um not not that because it just starts peel after a while yeah okay yeah fabric lasts a lot longer i feel um but these chairs um yeah they're great and fabric they're nice and comfortable especially in the summer or even in
Starting point is 01:37:12 the winter like in extreme weathers leather is annoying it's either really cold or just hot and sticky but fabric's great you just sort of sink into it of course it's i guess more prone to uh spills but i'm careful enough i haven't spilled anything on it yet and i've had it for a little while yeah would recommend this one here is nothing special it is the executive office chair from office works yeah it looks like a classic um dad busy dad office absolutely yeah great it was like 120 dollars that's all i need yeah i don't know how i ever lived sitting on chairs without headrests leaning my head back on a chair is nice i never really do it i feel like i'm being lazy if i do
Starting point is 01:38:00 this yeah i mean i don't do it all the time. But it probably is better for you to have some sort of headrest there, isn't it? Yeah. This Secret Labs chair has come with a nice memory phone cushion that you put there as well. It's very nice.
Starting point is 01:38:16 That's good to see. Super comfy. I think the last chair I had, you will recognise this chair. You can get it from Officeworks. It's the Bathurst Racer chair. Yeah, I know. It's so uncomfortable.
Starting point is 01:38:32 It's like, it wants to be a good gaming chair, and it has no padding whatsoever. Yeah, I definitely tried that in an attempt to look for the perfect chair and um i was like yeah no big no from me that's not happening yeah i i thought it just looked cool and i thought the padding was fine and i sat on it for like four hours and then it wasn't fine yeah no it's uh it's not good not good at all sorry office works but you just gotta you just gotta try harder yeah no they sell a lot of good stuff but not that yeah they have some good stuff i did have to go get myself a stupidly expensive bluetooth adapter today
Starting point is 01:39:19 because i just needed one um the VR headset. Ah, wait, how does that work? Just for audio? No, the controls. Oh, of course, yeah. Okay. It was $39 for a little USB dongle. Oh, it's just so your computer can... Can use Bluetooth, yes.
Starting point is 01:39:43 Yeah. I don't know why. Just for convenience, every time I build a computer that is mine, I make sure the motherboard has Bluetooth and even sometimes Wi-Fi built in just because if you ever need it. Yeah, fair call. Yeah. I mean, a lot of the high-end ones have those built in, but not all.
Starting point is 01:40:11 I think Gigabyte, their high-end models always have Bluetooth and Wi-Fi, which is good. It's usually what motherboard I end up going with. I usually go with just above the bottom tier. Because I like to spend my money in places that make sense. Yeah, motherboards don't make much sense. They're never usually a bottleneck um but uh i just built my computer without a budget so i just got everything i did and then i killed my cpu so oh oh no got thermal paste on the pins because oh he likes to have uh i put too much on there and i pulled the cpu i pulled the cpu out but i didn't clean
Starting point is 01:40:48 it first and then i yeah it hurts so now i'm no longer on a 3900x i'm now on a 3600x yeah look i uh i've always been intel just because I guess, I know my dad's been building computers for a long time. He's always told me Intel. But I know recently, in the last five years, AMD's gotten a lot better. Yeah, there's no reason to buy Intel at this point. Especially if you need high core count. Yeah, I've been scared of making the Switch. But I know, I'm pretty sure in my next build, I'll probably get a Threadripper.
Starting point is 01:41:23 I think that's what i'll go with um if you're going to i would wait until next gen comes out because next gen is very soon oh yeah it won't be for a while i mean my computer i got now you know it's got uh it's got an i9 900k in it so it's it's it's nothing that needs to be replaced um but you know in a couple years i want to rebuild the i do a lot of rendering a lot of high-end rendering and stuff. I've got to render 3D models. I've got to have a powerful workstation. You know how much RAM I'm using up right now?
Starting point is 01:41:51 I do video rendering for a job, but I have a 3600X. I guess I was going to get a 3900X, so it's not too much different. Yeah. No, I just like having all that power. For me, it's better to have it and not use it than to use it and not have it. It's fine. I'll replace the 3600X with the 4900X
Starting point is 01:42:13 when September rolls around. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Usually when I don't bother replacing stuff, I just build a whole new computer and sell my other one. I don't know. I find it, I guess, easier. I keep the drives and then yes don't sell
Starting point is 01:42:29 drives bad idea no no but uh yeah okay so I'm using 11 gigs 12 gigs of RAM which isn't that much but how what are you doing well if the more RAM you have the more programs tend to go hey i'm gonna just just gonna keep this under reserve just in case i don't know what's using that's your problem look i have 64 gigs of ram so i i can afford to use windows because it's uh it'll take how much like chrome is using 1.5 gigs that's the most out of anything and then i've just got all these idle applications actually chrome's using a lot more. That's just my main Chrome window, and then it's
Starting point is 01:43:08 got all these other Chrome processors. I don't know what they're doing. I could probably turn up my recording settings, because I'm only using 4% of my CPU right now. Yeah. I'm using 18%
Starting point is 01:43:25 of my CPU. So Snap Camera is not a very efficient program. It's using 700 megs of memory and it's using 9% of my i9. Jesus Christ. And all it's doing is tracking my
Starting point is 01:43:43 face right now. It's not the most efficient, but it's because they ported it. You know, it's the way they ported it to Wouldn't really expect it to be that efficient my system. I'm using four gigs of RAM right now And oh yeah, I'm my CPU so I can definitely turn stuff up Turn it all up. Why not? Discord. The big thing that's keeping me low on CPU usage is I'm not... Well, also, OBS has GPU rendering. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:44:17 But I've only got it... I've got my bitrate set at 1,000 kilobits just because that's streamer quality. I should... I could turn it up, but... Yeah. I might do that, obviously. I could turn it up, but... Yeah. I might do that, obviously. I've got the hard drive for it. Yeah, true, true.
Starting point is 01:44:30 I could just stick an L on it. If you have it, you've got to use it. Yeah, I've got a 2TB drive in here and a 480GB NVMe for boot drive. Yeah, I use a... I think I've got a 1TB Samsung 970 Evo for my boot drive, which is nice. That's very fast. And then I've just got two HDDs, one 4TB and one 2TB or 1TB, I can't remember.
Starting point is 01:45:03 I've also got a 120GB ssd that windows is only allowed to touch and it's not allowed to touch anything else because it will break it yeah so i've all windows i installed that fucking ssd today and got windows on it and then i so what i've got set up right now is um i've got arch on my my main drive and then the SSD has Windows on it and I have to unplug it when I do anything else because what Windows decides to do even if I change the boot order it's like hey the Windows bootloader is here do you want to use the Windows bootloader I'm like no go away oh that's... Please leave me alone! Oh this this drivers format in a way. I can't read it
Starting point is 01:45:47 Do you want to wipe it and run the system repair tool? No go away Windows. That's my boot drive Yeah This isn't Windows. Would you like to wipe it? Please so I've taken to Unplugging it now, which is a good good plan Yep, Arch is fine. arch doesn't try to do anything to it it's just windows is like oh i'm gonna i'm gonna try to break this this isn't windows this isn't windows let's break it yeah do you i have a story of how dumb microsoft is
Starting point is 01:46:19 so i have where is it this right here this is a windows 10 boot usb yep i have a windows uh 10 external hard drive it's like a one terabyte hard drive that's just a boot thing because i didn't have anything else at the time it's great it's a hard drive i got for free when i bought the graphic graphics card yeah but anyway so to put an an ISO image on this, the Windows 10 ISO is 5 gigs or something, and this has to be formatted as FAT32. So file limit is 4 gigabytes. Obviously can't put it on there. So what you have to do is open up the ISO and copy everything in. now the Windows 10 install image is
Starting point is 01:47:06 4.3 gigs so the ISO they give you the install image is too big so you have to compress it again that's fun that's part of what the when you do it on Windows use the media creation tool
Starting point is 01:47:23 that's part of what that's doing it's recompressing the install image because they just don't bother to fix it. I've never had a problem when I use the media creation tool. That's what I mean. That's what the media creation tool is doing. The media creation tool actually
Starting point is 01:47:38 recompresses it. Oh. So instead of fixing it, they just let everyone download a bigger file that's not compressed properly. Yeah, so let everyone else do the work a million times. We could just do it once, but no. No, no, no. It's too hard.
Starting point is 01:47:56 It's a very recent problem. It used to be like 4.1 gigs, which is just on the FAT32 limit. Yeah. Now it's 4.3. Because they're more. I just use Windows. Because I'm so used to it. And I can never change.
Starting point is 01:48:13 I couldn't do it. Well you're also a bit of an Apple user. Yeah I have a Mac. I use that for. Some web dev stuff. And you got your iPhone as well. And your Apple Watch. watch oh yeah i'm definitely i prefer windows over mac but obviously i prefer uh iphones and all that jank too as compared to
Starting point is 01:48:35 you know androids or samsung's whether you want to go buy software or manufacture but you don't want your friends to think you're a pleb when they send you a message with i message or manufacturer but you don't want your friends to think you're a pleb when they send you a message die message exactly you know i wonder if there's a way to fake that on android i'm sure there's like a um i know apple's very locked down though so i'm sure there's a way you can log into it someone's made like a proxy apple account where you can like receive shit there's there's surely a way that'd be hilarious though i kind of want android to do the same thing though i know google's been working on something but no one cares about it yeah it's weird that they don't have something like that considering they have the resources to you know implement it like all the different manufacturers have their own little things
Starting point is 01:49:21 like you have um samsung was doing their copy of whatever apple's like face emoji thing it was called yeah face moj um was i think it was like a really uninspired name like face moj me moji i don't know probably something like that it's me moj it's weird but no one like, I'm sorry Google hasn't done it. That's the, it seems like something that would make sense, but maybe people don't really care about it. Yeah, I don't know. I mean, everyone just uses, I mean, at least for me, a lot of people just use Facebook Messenger.
Starting point is 01:50:01 Yeah. In different countries, it's different. Like, I know in America, I think WhatsApp's a lot more popular, or at least Facebook, no one uses Facebook or Facebook Messenger. In different countries it's different. I know in America I think WhatsApp's a lot more popular. Or at least Facebook Messenger. No one uses Facebook or Facebook Messenger at all, really. Not as commonly as they do here. I've never used
Starting point is 01:50:16 WhatsApp. It just depends on what your friends use. Yeah, pretty much. I would love to leave Facebook, but I have to be on Messenger because that's just how people contact me. Yeah, that's pretty much it. It's how you contact and get contacted.
Starting point is 01:50:37 I guess I could give people my number, but... I always... I don't know why but I always miss text messages like I'll see him and I'll reply to that and then I never do because I don't open up my
Starting point is 01:50:49 SMS app the only people who message me are my mum and my boss like everyone else just sends me messages on Facebook Messenger
Starting point is 01:50:58 yeah yeah that sounds about right yeah alright well I gotta eat some food. Oh, yeah, okay. We can end it here if you want to. All right.
Starting point is 01:51:10 Well, it was an experience and a half. I don't even know how long that went for. I don't even know when we started. We're at an hour 51 right now. An hour 51. Nearly to, I didn't even. Yeah. I would have guessed maybe an hour.
Starting point is 01:51:24 Yeah, it actually did go by pretty quickly i felt like the start was a bit slow we just didn't yeah really know how to go about it um but i think we got into a bit of rhythm there i should have watched your previous podcast to be prepared no they're all going they're all a mess i I wanted to see Corey and Connor and Kenley on them. But I never did. Who else has been on? Marty came on the second episode. Okay.
Starting point is 01:51:53 I might bring him back at some point. See if he's a fan favorite. Well, next week I've got... There's a guy called RetroEdgeTech coming on. He's a Linux guy. He's got like a couple hundred subs on Library. Nice. He's got a much better beard than I do. So I respect him. And he's a Linux user.
Starting point is 01:52:12 He is, yes. Worrying for you to respect him. And then the week after that, I haven't talked to him yet, but I reckon I can get a dude called Brian Jenks, who I want to bring on. He'll come on the podcast guaranteed nice
Starting point is 01:52:28 give things shoutouts whatever you want to shout out if you want some cool Snapchat lenses that you can use on desktop as well with Snap Camera if you want just look up Ginny the Woo. It's like Winnie the Jew, but
Starting point is 01:52:47 you swap the W and J around. In case you didn't notice the joke, it's been on screen for the past two hours. Oh, it's there. Then there you go. Just look that up and you'll find my Snapchat lenses. There you go. You got an Instagram, Twitter, anything like that?
Starting point is 01:53:04 They're all just genie the wolf yep that's good branding that's all they are keep it consistent yeah it's better than my branding mine's i'm slowly getting better because i'm like brody robertson in some places and then brody on linux in some other places yeah yeah i found the easiest way easiest way is just to have everything the same yeah I might just change everything to Brody on Linux except for YouTube and that would be easier but
Starting point is 01:53:32 yeah let's see where's my list of patrons so you got nothing else to shout out? just those ones? that's all I can think of there'll be links in the description so just send me whatever you want and I'll shout it out afterwards alright no worries cool so before I go
Starting point is 01:53:50 I want to thank my patrons and if you want to support the Patreon there'll be a link to that down below as well as my Amazon affiliate links where you can buy whatever I use to make this channel or just literally anything else check out Jai's work on Reddit and Amazon affiliate links where you can buy whatever I use to make this channel or just literally anything else. Check out Jai's work on Reddit and other places where he puts it.
Starting point is 01:54:11 And yeah, I think that's pretty much everything for this. Go check out the main channel, I guess. This has far less viewers than the main channel, so if you're not watching that already, go watch the main channel. Subscribe. Smash that subscribe button. Yes, do that. Follow on Library and YouTube.
Starting point is 01:54:29 If you're watching the video version, this podcast is available anywhere you can find podcasts. I can't list them all. You can find them anywhere. It's on like Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts. There's an RSS feed. Just search for Tech Over Tea. You'll probably find it.
Starting point is 01:54:44 So, Jai, how do you want to end the podcast? I don't tell people about this. Funniest shit I've ever seen. I don't tell people how I end the podcast. I always get the guests to do it. This is the funniest shit I've ever seen. I turn myself into a pickle. Hey.
Starting point is 01:55:05 And that's how I'm going to end it okay signing off this has been episode 12 of Tech Over Tea Jai will come back at some point when he's not super busy and yeah thank you guys for watching bye

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