TED Talks Daily - Lessons from my father’s final days | Laurel Braitman

Episode Date: July 8, 2024

"Life is an endless sushi conveyor belt of things that are going to test you and teach you at the same time," says writer Laurel Braitman. Exploring the relationship between bravery and fear,... she shares hard-won wisdom on love, loss, self-forgiveness and how to embrace the full spectrum of human emotions.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 TED Audio Collective. You're listening to TED Talks Daily, where we bring you new ideas to spark your curiosity every day. I'm your host, Elise Hu. Writer Laurel Breitman's story is in some ways highly specific to her, and in other ways, instantly relatable to those of us who have a complicated relationship with striving and achievement. In her heartfelt 2023 talk from TED Women,
Starting point is 00:00:32 the writer takes us through a midlife realization of hers with lessons that can apply to many of us after the break. Support for this show comes from Airbnb. If you know me, you know I love staying in Airbnbs when I travel. They make my family feel most at home when we're away from home. As we settled down at our Airbnb during a recent vacation to Palm Springs, I pictured my own home sitting empty. Wouldn't it be smart and better put to use welcoming a family like mine by hosting it on Airbnb? It feels like the practical thing to do, and with the extra income, I could save up for renovations to make the space even more inviting
Starting point is 00:01:10 for ourselves and for future guests. Your home might be worth more than you think. Find out how much at Airbnb.ca slash host. Thank you. as they ask bold questions like, why is Canada lagging in AI adoption? And how to catch up? Don't get left behind. Listen to Disruptors, the innovation era, and stay ahead of the game in this fast-changing world. Follow Disruptors on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or your favorite podcast platform. And now, our TED Talk of the day. You could say I had an unconventional childhood for a couple reasons.
Starting point is 00:02:08 I was born to Jewish avocado and citrus growers in rural Southern California. My dad was a surgeon at our local hospital, and my mom ran the ranch where she sold, we sold, our fruit commercially, and they rescued donkeys. My early childhood was so beautiful, strange, and very privileged. And you could say that I really had nothing to worry about until I did. When I was three and my dad was 42,
Starting point is 00:02:43 he was diagnosed with metastatic bone cancer. And he was told he had six months to live. He had his right leg amputated, and he went in for chemo and radiation, which in the early 1980s for bone cancer was especially brutal. And then miraculously, he didn't die. First, we got a year, then we got two, then we got five, and then we got seven. And then, when I was 11, the cancer came back and stayed for good. We lived between scans.
Starting point is 00:03:23 That's how our time was meted out. And we lived with the constant ticking clock of mortality. We all have a clock like this. It's just, in my family, we could hear ours all the time. More often than not, one of his scans turned up something. A back tumor here, a neck tumor there, his other knee. And then he would go in for treatment, and then he would come back to us. It was a little bit like a sinister version of the giving tree,
Starting point is 00:03:56 only he was trading body parts for time with us. And then, as I mentioned, when I was 11, really, he found out this is what was going to kill him, and quickly. And that's when he decided that he was going to teach my brother and I all the skills we would need to know to survive without him. And so while other kids were having playdates after school and riding their bikes, my brother and I were in my dad's version of survival school.
Starting point is 00:04:26 And we were learning all kinds of things. How to squish a man's eyeballs out if I was ever attacked. All about the Dewey Decimal System, I don't know why. The role of nitrogen and soil health, member nations of the United Nations, and so much more. He was also doing a lot of things to be present for us after he died. So things like becoming a beekeeper and putting away enough honey that he knew wouldn't spoil so that we would have it for decades. Or planting trees around the ranch
Starting point is 00:05:03 that would shade and feed us after he was gone. Or even though I was only 12 at this point, he started a coop of doves and put my brother in charge so that he would let them go at my wedding someday. Throughout it all, I knew he was suffering, and often in terrible pain, even though he really did not like to talk about it. And he always used to say that when he couldn't enjoy life with me, my brother and my mom,
Starting point is 00:05:37 he would die. And I took this at face value until one afternoon when I was 16. I went into their medicine cabinet looking for something, and I found an unmarked pill bottle with dosage instructions. And I just knew. It was a terminal prescription. It was right-to-die medication before it was legal. I wasn't mad. I immediately understood what he had been saying all those years, and that he had a plan, that there was a level of pain and suffering that he wasn't willing to experience. And I didn't say anything to anybody, just put it back and left.
Starting point is 00:06:18 And then six months later, we were on the phone, and we got into a terrible fight. It was so stupid. It was about me not wanting to do my college applications. And I was so angry, and I hung up on him without saying goodbye and without saying I loved him. I didn't know it, but he was about to take his medication.
Starting point is 00:06:44 And I think when it came down to it, saying goodbye to me was just too impossible. By the time I got home, he was unconscious, and I would never hear his voice again. And now, back to the episode. I dealt with his death by doubling down on the things he wanted for me. I chased academic honors like a drug. I played not one, but two Division I college sports.
Starting point is 00:07:19 I wrote a book. I got my PhD. And then, in my mid-thirties, I realized I was just completely exhausted. I had been living my entire adult life in a way to prove to myself that I was good, because someone who is good is not someone who hangs up on her dying dad. I was using achievement and all of the shiny things that come along with it
Starting point is 00:07:51 as a way of anesthetizing my own bad feelings of shame, regret and fear. Those feelings were so big, I worried that if I let myself feel them for even a minute, I would never, ever feel anything else again. But you cannot kill negative feelings, sadly, with work and avoidance. And mine came back with a jolt. On the outside, I was successful and thriving.
Starting point is 00:08:26 And on the inside, I was anxious, terrified, and questioning my worth. By avoiding all of the negative feelings, I was muting the fantastic ones, too. I was so scared about missing out and losing more of the best things in life, joy, awe, love, wonder, that I couldn't even let myself experience them. I needed to find a new way to be.
Starting point is 00:08:54 I wanted to find a new way to be. So I did a bunch of stuff. I interviewed a ton of grief specialists and therapists, and I even went out into the wilderness with no food and no tent to do the thing that scared me most, which was to be alone with my own thoughts and feelings and absolutely nothing to distract me from them. I learned I can go about five days without eating,
Starting point is 00:09:24 about a week without talking to anyone, and forever without checking my phone. But what hit me the hardest was becoming a volunteer at a grief support organization for kids. So many of them thought they were bad, too. They'd been out of the room playing when their mom died, or they'd said something in anger to an ill parent that they regretted. And I could so clearly see that the painful things that happened to these kids were not their fault. For the first time, I was able to see that that was probably true for me, too. By blaming themselves, the kids were making their losses, For the first time, I was able to see that that was probably true for me too.
Starting point is 00:10:10 By blaming themselves, the kids were making their losses make sense. Even though it hurt to blame themselves, it gave them a reason for the terrible thing that happened, like losing someone they love for no reason at all. Maybe some of you can relate. Often, when we feel difficult things, we blame ourselves because it's easier than admitting we have no control. That's what I had been doing for the 25 years since my dad died.
Starting point is 00:10:43 But just because you feel guilt and shame does not mean you did something wrong. Just because you feel regret does not necessarily mean you should have acted differently. It sounds very simple, and it is very hard to accept. But life is nothing except one long sushi conveyor belt of things
Starting point is 00:11:12 that are going to test you and teach you at the same time. I know this because first I lost my dad, but then we lost our family home to wildfire. The house and everything in it burned, including almost everything that my dad had worked so hard to do and leave for us after he died. And yet, in one small wooden shed that I do not know how this was spared by the fire,
Starting point is 00:11:44 behind a bunch of old farming equipment, we found a couple five-gallon plastic buckets of my dad's honey. He'd harvested it more than 30 years earlier, and it was still perfect. The ancient Egyptians used honey as a sweetener and also as a natural antibiotic. On one papyrus, it was written that when the sun god cried, his tears fell to earth and became bees that made honey for the people. Life from grief, pain into sweetness, sorrow into medicine.
Starting point is 00:12:28 Two years after the fire, I lost my mom. Also to cancer, but quickly this time. She chose right to die too, which was legal now. And because of the experience we'd had with my dad, we vowed that this time would be totally different. No one would be left wondering if they messed up or if she knew how much she meant to them. So we had a living memorial service for her, and we each took turns telling her how much she meant to us, and she said the same thing back. It was so beautiful, and it also really hurt.
Starting point is 00:13:13 I think if you can swing it, everyone deserves the chance to say goodbye. What I know now, and what I wish I could tell my younger self, is that you could not have joy without pain. You could not have resilience without challenges. Happiness without sadness. Or bravery without fear.
Starting point is 00:13:42 These things are not opposites. They are partners. There is no such thing as happily ever after. I'm sorry. There is only sadly happy and happily sad. And that's enough. It's more than enough, honestly. I like to think that before we enter this world, we are asked to sign a kind of cosmic release form, acknowledging the extreme risk it is to care deeply about anyone or anything or any place. I imagine it goes something like this. deeply about anyone or anything or any place. I imagine it goes something like this.
Starting point is 00:14:33 I hereby acknowledge that in exchange for the chance to live, I must accept both pain and pleasure, joy and sorrow, often at the exact same time. This is the ticket price for the chance that is to live. It's never too late to sign it. Thank you. One for the money
Starting point is 00:15:00 Two for the show Step out of your cozy winter cocoon and into your new favorite shoes at Shoe Show. Will you be colorful in Crocs or playful in sandals? Go for what makes you happy because everyone deserves that new shoe, new you feeling, which is why we offer layaway with just 20% down. Step into your local Shoe Show or visit Shoeshow.com. 20% down layaway available in-store only. See store manager for details.
Starting point is 00:15:26 Enjoy the show. Hey! Support for this show comes from Airbnb. If you know me, you know I love staying in Airbnbs when I travel. They make my family feel most at home when we're away from home. As we settled down at our Airbnb during a recent vacation to Palm Springs, I pictured my own home sitting empty. Wouldn't it be smart and better put to use welcoming a family like mine by hosting it on Airbnb?
Starting point is 00:15:51 It feels like the practical thing to do, and with the extra income, I could save up for renovations to make the space even more inviting for ourselves and for future guests. Your home might be worth more than you think. Find out how much at airbnb.ca slash host. That was Laurel Breitman at TED Women 2023. If you're curious about TED's curation,
Starting point is 00:16:17 find out more at TED.com slash curation guidelines. And that's it for today. TED Talks Daily is part of the TED Audio Collective. This episode was produced and edited by our team, Martha Estefanos, Oliver Friedman, Brian Green, Autumn Thompson, and Alejandra Salazar. It was mixed by Christopher Fazi-Bogan. Additional support from Emma Taubner, Daniela Balarezo, and Will Hennessey. I'm Elise Hugh.
Starting point is 00:16:39 I'll be back tomorrow with a fresh idea for your feed. Thanks for listening. Looking for a fun challenge to share with your friends and family? TED now has games designed to keep your mind sharp while having fun. Visit ted.com slash games to explore the joy and wonder of TED Games.

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