Tell Em Steve-Dave - #577: Human Code H

Episode Date: November 12, 2023

Q’s webcam fetish, Robert the Doll part 2, Q faces a moral quandary, problems at Disney, TESD award categories....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 When I go over and we turn on the cams it is pretty fast. Your guys are stoned! Not all the time! I haven't smelled any feces. No. No. Down playoffs. No. Side hoop. No. Tell them, Steve Dave. Hello and welcome to this week's edition of Tell them, Steve Dave. What's up, Walt? And what's up?
Starting point is 00:01:02 What's up? Kiyu. Hello. Back in the house. Back in the saddle. Here I am. Little worse for the wear. You're still coughing, so the one's here. Still, but mood is, you know, middle of the road,
Starting point is 00:01:16 so I'm good to go. Yeah, no, good to go. Good, not sick anymore. Definitely not contagious or else I would have been here I just have that flam you know that flam that doesn't go away. Yeah Sticks to your lungs you could hang tile with that shit. Yes I know you're a hundred percent right. I know exactly you mean it's so spackly Yeah, I'm not a I haven't you know knock would I have not run into this?
Starting point is 00:01:44 particular cold. Yeah, I haven't, you know, knock would I have not run into this particular cold. I think Mary Beth had it, Walt had it, now you got it. Is this, uh, it's going around. It's unpleasant for Mary Beth. I don't know if it's the same way for everybody where it's like, takes like a week to get rid of it. Uh, yeah, it's like three bad days. And then like, it's just been a real lack real lack of like ability to get energy going. Which kind of sucks. It didn't help like you know that I was just coming off
Starting point is 00:02:10 having to watch you traips around Q West on on web cams like I was a stalker following you from bar to bar to pretend that I was there with you. It was a more you know there was a blow to my What's it called morale around? Yeah, you are you are a particularly demoralized about this key West trip I'm so looking forward to it and then when jiggie dropped out Part of me I would would rather had jiggie there, but then I was like oh, we're going old school on this This is gonna be fun and then of course course, that wasn't even this. That was something else. That was a different thing.
Starting point is 00:02:46 But I was home watching him on the webcams. I was texting like, what bar are you going into? And I know which bars down there have webcams. So I was watching him. Yeah, I could see him, like he sent me a picture of myself on the webcam. And it was obviously what he got. Is it concerning that Q knows the webcam addresses
Starting point is 00:03:02 of all the bars in Key West? No, not anymore. I don't know at one time. That's it. No. I have this service that collects webcams around the world and I'll put them on my TV. This is something that Gidden would do.
Starting point is 00:03:16 This is like a kid who told me this. This would be three hours of like berating. I'm open to the berating, you guys can be raiding all you want. I don't care. You're watching other people enjoy themselves. With lives, yeah. You're sitting in the office watching. And the thing with Q2 is like the thing that's doubly shitty
Starting point is 00:03:37 is that he's like, I'm supposed to be there. Yeah. I'm supposed to be on that camera, not watching that camera. Yeah, yeah. And I, you know, I got a lot of friends in that town. I have to go home for so many years. I saw them on that camera not watching that camera and I got a lot of friends in that town I have to go home for so many years I saw them on the camera I was really like was that Sharon Stone movie where she was gonna watch like sliver yeah it was like that fucking pervert sliver just watching everybody ever fun sucked and then just as I
Starting point is 00:03:59 stuck in out of that I get hit with this fuck children Rosa coughed to my mouth over the fuck. Did he? I don't know. He's a type of guy who'll cough in your mouth. No, he's not, but I do blame him specifically for getting me sick, but he knows it. Yeah, he knows it. You can live with it. He's fine with it.
Starting point is 00:04:19 Yeah, I was, Q was watching the cameras one day, Mary Beth joined several contests at a bar called Sloppy Joe's. One was like a costume contest, and then the next one was, there was a two-two contest, and then on the third night there was a contest. It's called Slumber Party. You're supposed to go in your pajamas, whatever, address however you want. So, Marybeth decides to get dressed up in like, it's like a negligee with like a, like, an old school like 60s, like, furry collar on the robe, the slippers with the fur on them, all that stuff. And just as she's signing up, I see somebody behind her. And I immediately texted you. I was, we were texting me. I texted you.
Starting point is 00:05:08 Yeah, immediately texted, I'm like, it's done. It's over. It's fucking over. She lost. Yeah. Because the kid, the person signing up behind her is a 20 year old guy dressed as baby shark. But this particular baby shark, ironically,
Starting point is 00:05:21 has Down syndrome. And I'm like, there's no fucking way that kid's getting up on that stage and now there's just no way it's gonna happen. Well he's like 20 he must have been 21. Yeah when I say kid I'm not talking about like a kid compared to me. You never heard a baby shark baby shark. That song that like enraged enraged the world for help Baby shark, baby shark shark. Do do do do do baby shark do do do do do do do. That song that like enraged, enraged the world for how long was it?
Starting point is 00:05:50 Oh, a while. Yeah. What year would this have been? Recent, like past five years. Within the past, yeah. I have no recollection of this. There's a kids thing, right? Yeah, it was a kids thing that like drove adults crazy.
Starting point is 00:06:02 Maybe my kids were two. Oh, they were definitely two. Yeah, yeah, yeah. But like if you were like going through the mall or something, there'd be, you know, who parents would give their kids phones and tablets just to occupy them. And how did you hear it? Because you're not in any malls. I mean, you never, you only, you're only in two places.
Starting point is 00:06:19 The seller or here. So where are you walking? Actually, I heard it out. I was at Mama's mall. I was getting a seller. I was at Mama's Mall, I was getting so excited. I was at Mama's Mall, I forget exactly why I was there. I'm at... It's a little less time here at Mama's Mall, man. Was that the last time you were at Mama's Mall?
Starting point is 00:06:33 Probably, yeah. Yeah. This is a very famous comedy, called The Comedy Cellar, and like, all comedians just call it the Cellar. You know, it was around those times. So when you said it, I was like, when the fuck does get him back?
Starting point is 00:06:45 It took like a half a second to be like, oh, he means it's depressing spider. That's real, yeah, L.A. Spider's written on it. When you're sleeping, I'm like, I sell it. I sell it, yeah. No comedy going on at all.
Starting point is 00:06:56 Nothing to enjoy. That was funny about it. Not listening to, no, nearly, no material or anything. So let me, so let's go back to your, this baby shark. So is the 21 year old legitimately have
Starting point is 00:07:11 downs or is the costume he's wearing a down size down syndrome. It's not like they have for down to see that cost for down. It's like medium large down syndrome. I think it works. So down, it's like medium-large down syndrome. I don't think it works that way. So, yeah, you're done. No, he was a smaller guy. He's a smaller guy.
Starting point is 00:07:32 I would say he's in his early 21. I'm sure they were checking IDs. But I snapped a picture of him for Q. I'm like, look, the guy's texting. He's functional. It's not like sage, where like sage can't spell so she can't text but this kid he had no place in that kind of way he knew what he was doing what was the price the price was $500 gift certificate for
Starting point is 00:07:59 sloppy joes and second place was 250 third place was a hundred. So you're saying that because he was down syndrome. He's walking into the grand prize circle. He's at least placing is my feeling, because there were probably audience clapping. And he kept saying he had like the applause on meter. I didn't see it once. I see no applause It's it's kind of like when someone dies and they're nominated for an Oscar You kind of know they're pretty much guaranteed. Yeah, I'm I look. I love sloppy Jones. I'm a fan of the place Can you who was watching sage while you guys are down here?
Starting point is 00:08:37 Her mother should have thrown her to a fucking shark Three more years three three more years. Yeah, I guess he did win, but he didn't, he didn't come in first, he came in second. So yeah, you've, you've painted the brush of the establishment as like ever going to well, the winners, the winners were an incredibly diverse group of people. Let me tell you, there was men dressed in, men dressed in women's negligee like the Austin Powers fanbots. Oh yeah, okay. So the comedy of that situation, people enjoyed the fanbots.
Starting point is 00:09:14 Yeah, and but they didn't do anything. They went up there and there was like five of them, but like they went up there and it was like the spectacle of men dressed like women still plays in Key West. Do you think that maybe you're constantly looking for that though? You're looking for instead of just enjoying the night out. You're just like you're looking to find. I had a fine time. I never, I didn't think she was going to win to begin with.
Starting point is 00:09:33 His temperature in his like never spiked. He was out of blast. Yeah, it was fun. Yeah, no point was like, oh, it's fucking bullshit. This wasn't fantasies where she was competing against actual strippers. Yeah. And what T-shirt context, you know, an amateur contest. But like her, I was surprised that she didn't place with, she got body painted. She did a mermaid man from SpongeBob. You know, he wears those pink slippers too. So there's kids here.
Starting point is 00:10:07 There's not in the bar at night now. Okay, but you said, Walking around, there were more children than I thought there was going to be attending this. I don't know how many you saw in the cameras, but there was like, there's families with kids. Yeah, I mean, they know the day for sure. They know to clear out, because things are going to get a little while. Well, it's like it's really very similar to Mario.
Starting point is 00:10:29 So, you know, you don't really, you're going to see kids there, but you're always like, I don't know, that the kids should be here. It's a type thing. Yeah, like there were people that had like babies, which I get, because they're so little, they're not taking anything in. But there were people that had like, I would say kids that were upwards like 10, 12, 14, like, you know, in that age range, you know.
Starting point is 00:10:54 That's suspect. Yeah. You bring you, you're bringing 12, 12 year olds to something like that. I wonder, you know, Oh, I see it. Like at night walking around and saying, Yeah, you,, you you can't
Starting point is 00:11:07 Bring them somewhere that it has to be there. I Thought the same thing and I was like did they stumble on it? And they're like oh my god, I can cuz sometimes you know you'll go to a hotel and they're having a convention there And you're like oh, I didn't realize it was gonna be a Beatles convention or a purve convention or whatever kind of convention it is but At the hotel where you're at what's that there was at the hotel you're staying at this was going on No, this is a sloppy Joe's. No, this is a sloppy Joe's Okay, but I'm saying but if you go to a hotel sometimes you or a cruise, you know, you walk in like oh, I didn't know it was gonna be a
Starting point is 00:11:40 Cruise with you know this you know very very a cruise with, you know, this, you know, the gold barrels, if furry, whatever. Or sometimes just something normal. You're just unaware that something else is going on. So that's what I thought, like maybe they came to Key West, they're like, hey, we want to go to Key West. It seems like there's some Halloween stuff going on, not realizing, like, oh, this is more, like you say, this is more adulterated than your average street fare. Yeah, exactly. It's not exactly what's at one in San Francisco, the Castro street, the Castro.
Starting point is 00:12:14 I know, I know. That's like while that's like people on leather getting their asses, fat totally naked and stuff like that. Yeah, pretty nuts. Yeah, it's crazy. Pretty wacky. But so yeah, baby shark took second place
Starting point is 00:12:24 and then third place was just this black couple from Maryland that I can't Remember what they're what their thing with the oh sexy unicorns. I thought the I thought the fanbots Just should not have one Well first it's like there's like 20 of them. I can't stand these group costumes. I can put, there's a group costume, maximum of three people. Like your maximum. Yeah, that's your rules for like, other people. Because otherwise they got to hurt everybody
Starting point is 00:12:53 onto the fucking stage, it fucking takes forever. And they got to split what, a poultry, $2,000, or guess what's if you get $2,000. Well, they won the $500, $500, one. It was, I would say there was a good seven or eight people up there. So probably what they're going to do is I'm like, let's all go to sloppy jose for lunch tomorrow. Let's throw it on the bar and my little all-eating drink and have some fun. I can't get out of my head that you think it's weird about
Starting point is 00:13:20 the web cams. I want to change your mind. I want you to do that. Anybody, you know if he told you that like, hey, you know what my new thing is? I listen to the scanner on the watching these bar webcams. You know you would be like, dude, you got to get out of this office. You got to get out and live. Well, taken as part of a larger picture. Yeah, maybe, you know, maybe. But it's not just bars, it's like, you know,
Starting point is 00:13:50 it's like sometimes I'll put on and it'll be like, Sydney Harbor and just you watch the boats coming in. I don't mean you don't sit there and like, forget, make ball of popcorn, it's staring. You know what I mean? It's just on in the back. It's almost like a screen saver. But if you do, but I don't want to miss represent
Starting point is 00:14:04 because there are times That I'll just sit and watch like if you get like a bourbon street camp and it's like on a street corner of bourbon street And you could hear the conversations and like people getting drunk and I'm fun man. I'll sit there and people watch a hundred percent And this guy is like, it's like so hard to fucking nail down and do opposite, do it, TSD, D&D, in our Christmas episode fucking recorded. I'm too busy guys. I watch you guys on cam. Hey, we're out to the Cooper cam. I like that.
Starting point is 00:14:41 I mean, I'm going back and watching the old shit now. Yeah, that to me is like, how often do you do this though? That is. Well, I'm just starting to tell you every time a day. I think too, like, your friend is there and you're supposed to be there. I kind of, yeah, but he's not talking about that. You're talking about just in general. Just in general.
Starting point is 00:15:00 Yeah. Well, I'll tell you this, man, we shot something of Staten Island last season. And I had the crew back to my house Afterwards probably 30 people and I put on The Key West one the one that used to be in front of Irish Kevin's and I was mocked By my crew much like you are now and then With no fear of repercussions, huh? Because like, you he's the boss. So you're saying there's no line that can be crossed. I
Starting point is 00:15:28 like, they make a particular joke. That's things you'd be like, you wouldn't hold it against them. No, not not not from a role of being like to their boss. We need a new assistant director. I mean, from all that human and friends, yeah, I'm sure they could say something that they that that would upset me. But no, there's nothing that I would be like, well, hey, I'm not they could say something that they that that would I would have said me but no there's nothing that I would be like well hey I'm not getting the respect I just know as my cams aren't either so I was like you know I was looked to scant and I was like alright guys and then because you're I mean your reputation especially in TST town is the one of the fucking Rambunkshice fucking wild man.
Starting point is 00:16:06 Is it really? Why do I wild man? To get a back to 2005 over here. And he's knocked out in foreign countries. Okay. Now you release. Relegate it to watching other people fight on a camel. A thousand more saved.
Starting point is 00:16:22 A thousand more saved. Now you're nobody's confident in your mouth. No, all right, but listen, one by one, the crew by the end of the one and over, they were all sitting around watching and we're all commenting and people watching how much of that funky cabbage was in the at this party. The funky cabbage was being consumed. I was at that particular party. That's right. I was at that particular party. Yeah. So that's where you were there.
Starting point is 00:16:46 Yeah, I was there. So you saw, it looked like about a fleet of Cheech and Chong fucking mini fans. Yeah. It's no way anybody's still called solver is giving this five minutes for that time. It's not true. I'm telling you.
Starting point is 00:17:00 I'll send you links to some webcams. OK. And see if you know, it's not that, like, for instance, I had one on last night. Okay. I had, there's this webcam out in, I think Michigan, and it's just this guy puts in a yard, like a Salt Lake and animal feed,
Starting point is 00:17:19 and he puts on like a night cam. So like at night, you'll see bears come by, like if you usually leave it all along, you'll see a deer come by night you'll see bears come by like if you usually leave it all along you'll see a deer come by you'll see so it's like just if I'm not watching TV I'll just throw it on and then if I come out of my office to walk to the living room and there's a fucking rabbit on the screen I'm like oh shit have you rewinded it? I'm like let me see when this rabbit gets here and I skip it back and I see him hop on. You got a problem. If you're rewinding it, yeah. But I want to see when the rabbit comes on.
Starting point is 00:17:48 I don't want to know where the rabbit got there. Hasn't your wife kind of done that with the ring cam? Yeah, I've got a problem too. I want to see these ring cams in the footage. I don't care how many foxes I've been doing. Oh, is this people coming up to other people's ring cams? No, no, no. No, they're not. Your own ring cam.
Starting point is 00:18:01 Our own ring cam because like 10 foxes will show up at a night. Right. You know, and they all just be in the in the yard And I'm like first time it was like wow, I who knew there were this many foxes right in the area By day three. I'm just like it's the same 10 fucking foxes. Yeah, family's out there. That's what I get in the backyard the dear family's out there I'm like cool I see so so no, they're not they're not babies anymore So are you willing for one day if it's a repeat of the love vote like it's you know the Isaac is robot I see. So, sorry. No, they're not babies anymore.
Starting point is 00:18:25 So, are you willing for one day if it's a repeat of the love vote? Like it's, you know, the Isaac is a robot episode. We'll put on Q's webcam for... Okay, send a link to get them. I'll just tell you some good ones because it's like... Some of your top five. I will. Cam link.
Starting point is 00:18:40 Top five. Top five! Yeah! Top five! What I missed. I don't know, I missed a two. What the hell did I, top of the life. What am I miss? I don't know, I missed a two-legged. What the hell am I missing? What the fuck, two-legged joke?
Starting point is 00:18:50 I've never seen a two-legged joke like that. All these decades I've known you two. We're not going to reveal that. Yeah. Super inside joke. You have to be in the know. Yeah, going six people out. How am I not in the know?
Starting point is 00:19:01 I don't understand. Because you're watching cams, not to complete, not or boring as podcasts. So much. But your cams are way more exciting than this particular podcast, or not. What I sell comics is your watch. I think it's probably an offshoot of that.
Starting point is 00:19:22 I'm sorry. Go ahead. You're checking your top five cams we'll sample them at the office. And it might be better more fuel to the fire, but I'm telling you, you also have to watch ones at certain times. Because if you're watching one in Ireland, if you're going to click it on at 9 o'clock,
Starting point is 00:19:37 it's already one in the morning. You're not going to see anything. Oh, I thought that's when all the action happens. Depending on if it's at a bar or something. If you tune in at midnight at the temple bar, you'll see some good shit. And in Ireland, you gotta do midnight that time, which is, you know, Do you do, does the bar own that footage or is it considered public domain? I don't know. It's gotta be public domain because it's a public,
Starting point is 00:20:02 I mean, some are inside the bars. You should do something like, you know, the member had a girl's gone a public, I mean, some are inside the bars. You should do something like, you know, the member had a girl's gone wild thing, was like, huge hit, you should do like, shoes, cams, and you just take your top, like, three hours worth of footage and just cry a lot. Yeah, and he is earning webbed as YouTube videos,
Starting point is 00:20:15 this YouTube compilation. Oh, there's TV shows. Yeah, kind of stuff. Yeah, there's TV shows now that are just like, hey, with like neighbors, like neighbors arguing. Yeah. But just it's all caught on just cell phones and shit. It's all fun stuff.
Starting point is 00:20:31 This is one cam that's like at the bottom of the harbor. When you see a fish go by every once in a while. It's nice. It's an eagle nest cam and an eagle nest cam, otter, otter baby cam. Is it a pitch black to? No, it's a, Yeah, it's clear water. And although at night a light comes on
Starting point is 00:20:48 and the fish get attracted to the light and they do a lot of... I don't see no commentary on this. You're not a little bit saddened by our that this is what it's become to. And this the wild man of TSD town has become you know, neutered and is watching cams. What do I mean?
Starting point is 00:21:04 What? He's sitting in a bathrobe. I'm watching a fat man. It's like all day. It's like, you know, it's Alfred. Check out this fish at the bottom of the harbor. I got attracted. Does that fish have a smile?
Starting point is 00:21:20 Is it Joker pack? Oracle, are you awake? No, I'm not about him. I've known about his cam addiction for some time now, so I'm not blown away by it. Are you not at all at least a little bit like wow, like it's like you're just watching, you know, that him, you know, way out the clock here. We all do it in our own way. It doesn't feel like you're waiting on the clock though. It doesn't.
Starting point is 00:21:46 It feels like you're seeing shit that you wouldn't otherwise seen. And it's like 1117 still alive. So a fish tonight. Maybe last. I gotta say I'm not because when I go over and we turn on the cams, it is pretty fast. You guys are stoned. You guys are doing it. Not all the time. Not all the time.
Starting point is 00:22:19 But there's also the, like, in a few minutes we're going to get stoned. So it's just like It stands on its own It's coming though. It's so you then you're able to like Warm up. Oh, I'm telling you it's it's there's something to it Something relaxing about it. There's something relaxing and there's something fascinating to it. There is. Yeah, I would have to agree, but I just never would have thought that, you know, that when TSD started, that we would be 500 episodes later. And he's the one who's evolved.
Starting point is 00:22:58 He's a supporting family buddy. Especially when you bash somebody for having cameras set up. Yes. Well, you had cameras set up in you know In the house See a fish though. Yeah, you know what kid of my might Might owe you an apology you might have been a watcher get him came I probably would I would probably check in on again Okay, I would like to officially
Starting point is 00:23:22 That's why he's involved I like to officially That's why he's involved Look like a fucking hypocrite otherwise it's got no choice I don't mind looking like ever heard I enjoy wearing the hypocrite No problem there. Yeah, but yeah, you know what? Maybe I gave you but I think it was more rooted in concerns about your health, but But there's all that time a lot of other shit was going on too. That's when he was walking around the, the auction 14 hours a day. This is all healthy stuff, don't you?
Starting point is 00:23:51 Well, he was got a hammered drunk story telling some of that. Which I've asked you to bring back and, I've begged him. I've said, yeah, I said I'll do it with you. Talk about a Patreon exclusive. Yeah. I, I, I, I, I can't just can't get that drunk anymore. I've seen you.
Starting point is 00:24:05 It's, it is a, He thinks he's it is a he thinks he's not drunk. He thinks he's not drunk. It's a precipitous it's a precipitous drop. Like it's okay, okay, okay, like gone. Like back then it was like a maintain that. Yeah. That that buzzed our that buzz time longer than I can now. When you know how like people get beer muscles
Starting point is 00:24:24 or they get aggressive or they get Lovey-dovey, but I love you. He thinks he gets funnier when he's drunk and it's not the case I know people like that I'm about to have some over for Thanksgiving Oh, I don't want to rather you get like aggressive than think you're funny Get him. Yeah, beat up anybody in the whole room funny. You get him? Yeah, beat up anybody in the whole room. Slava knock on. Yeah, I thought you could beat me up, didn't you?
Starting point is 00:24:49 Yeah. No, you're in the site, you're like, God damn it. Yeah, all right, I'll send some over. All right. But so much so I'll leave you with this. One last I was in Key West, one of my brothers. I went to Irish Kevin's, which to me had the best webcam in the business and I broke and I went to it and I talked to the manager and I said, I'll pay for an upgrade
Starting point is 00:25:12 to the camera, 4k, I'll pay for it if you get it working again, I'll buy the new camera and they kind of left me off. They never fixed it? They never fixed it. I know. Do you think if we want to gel? Can I hold on hold I thought though? What is what are you seeing on Kevin's cams that you're like I want to buy a 4k cam for them Are you watch our people getting blow jobs and?
Starting point is 00:25:39 To see this so much I'm willing to pay for it. Just what are you seeing because this is really even more strange to see this so much I'm willing to pay for it. What are you seeing? Because this is really even more strange. You're willing to pay. I don't mind you doing what this table is. That's not like he's got a problem. Watch it at camps. I don't think is a problem, but I wasn't aware of this.
Starting point is 00:25:53 Wow, I like the camo. I wanted it back and I figured out, you know, how much would it be? Can you give me an example of something you saw that you're like, I really will of watching kebs cam so much that that particular cam is just the comings and goings of of people is very very like people going that part everybody's in a good mood there you could hear the people singing in the bar the band playing the streets
Starting point is 00:26:20 out there people got there for smokes and just talk and drink sometimes is a fight sometimes people are making out sometimes people are just fellowship and having fun out there say someone on a date you found love that one of the date finds love sometimes that was just any different from any other bar though I mean I guess it was positioning for Irish Kevin's because it was very close to the to Bios Cycubes No, like the one I'm not the temple boy the one outside of temple bar in Ireland is a little too high up for me
Starting point is 00:27:01 Like you get more of a bird's eye view whereas Irish Kevin's was there on the side It's like you were there with them and I like that What would you and people know the cams are there so they'll come up and they'll talk and they'll wave The Michael comments have you contemplated trying like those VR goggles to see if like it really gets you into the no I like the I like the webcam experience like do you feel that the proprietors should alert every single customer like, hey, you're on cams right now. Everybody can hear you talk. That's not your jokes they had. They didn't have a talk with their signs that are like, hey, smile, you're on camera. Yeah, I think they should. Yeah, but wait a minute, smile, you're on camera. And people think that's for security reasons. Some places, do they know that they're broadcasting it to the world?
Starting point is 00:27:44 Most places will have a webcam thing with the address of it and stuff like that so they can tell their friends come watch them and stuff like that. I do think that they should. Yeah, I could be I could be quite saying something. Yes. Oh, and like you come back to help me if I if we'll not make occasionally pick up shit like that. Oh yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. It's delicious. It's delicious. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:28:09 Can you record these cams? I guess if you have a VR stuff right? I think the stream just lives. Oh, whatever. So you can find. Yeah. You can find those streams. Yeah. I'm not saying you do not realize when you made this offer to the proprietors of Irish calves that they when you left that you were like? I think the guys on TV. Oh no, I Complete not weird. Oh Enough of TV stuff Want us to put the cameras back up in 4k. Yeah, that's a weird request. That's like on a level of
Starting point is 00:28:40 Like pay for it. That's not my But that's what we do like he would have straw into some place. Sure, it's a two-star account. And when make these weird requests, as is. And there's an upper limit of the price. It's not like, we ride the telecom systems. I think it's more that the guy might be like. Very eccentric. Well, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:28:59 They put the camera. They obviously know it has value. And for me to appreciate what they've done. And then to offer to pay for it though That's taking it to the next level of like again, where you you start to become now also bring me a chimp that I can call bubbles He's getting to that Howard use territory He's in his he's in his 10 house with all the cameras up and be careful You know, you know, he said that he doesn't hold it against his employees. Make sure you don't go too far
Starting point is 00:29:29 He's getting excited over there. Yeah, he's starting to get on the floor. Like he's drawn Two goddies I was hoping that my You know limited level of of celebrity would help because rather than, I don't care how I look, I just want to buy cam, bro. So you're so like, I don't want to say, I don't want to use the word out of touch, because I don't think you're out of touch. Okay, thank you. How much is a gallon of milk?
Starting point is 00:30:01 If you lose that product, you lose $20, what is it? I don't know. gallon of milk. If you would say probably $20 would say $10. If a Kardashian, let's say the male Kardashian, the brother. Rob Kardashian, okay. He showed up at the TST town general store and was like, I noticed you haven't had the Cooper cam up in a while. I'm interested in... By the way, I watched the Cooper cam sometimes.
Starting point is 00:30:23 I did. Good camp. Yeah. And he was like, I'd like to pay for it to come back online. In four camps. I would, I would, I would, when he leaves, is he not the, we not talking about it for the rest of our lives.
Starting point is 00:30:37 Oh, we're talking about, yeah. Like it's the guy with the socks. It was him. So yeah, you don't think it's like you're not the talk of that far. Or is like the IJ guy came in and was like, he loves hidden camps. Well, it definitely be speculative. But. And he wanted to plaque with his name on it.
Starting point is 00:30:56 But that's the thing. It's just like it leads to endless speculation of like, why do you think like, did he want to play a practical joke on us? Is the camera like loaded somehow with Takes into dark areas is like, dude nobody wants a camera like that is willing to pay for unless they're jerking off to it There's like guy in the back who's in the cook He thinks anybody else wants it this band's got to be getting off on it too. I think we got a weirdo on our hands.
Starting point is 00:31:29 He's trying to put a camera in her place. It does sound really strange. Like when you step out of it. I know it's not, but like you have to wonder if you leave what everybody's perception of that offer is. Yeah, well, they didn't they didn't put it up So I guess why didn't impress upon them you just didn't leave a check for two grand like Must be 4k
Starting point is 00:32:25 I'm not the. Give me my cam. So now circling back, do you think we could go to Jill? Who runs the plaza? Yeah, and get minster, just installed all these new cameras. That they should put airport plaza on cams? Yeah. Again, I think we walk out of there like total wackos. We look like tall
Starting point is 00:32:45 Like like something is deviant going on We're like we want cams everywhere to kill shut up. They pay the rent just give them whatever they want Okay, okay, so she says no and I know where the closets that has all these feats I go in there and splice into them and do like a like a pirate won't even turn the AC on. Now you're splicing in fucking cams. I'm like, I have a giver in shit. Let me see. I mean, I could, we could such owe you some now, but I mean, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:33:13 I don't know. All right, no. We'll come back to it, I guess. Let me read something real fast, because I know, well, we're gonna calm down. It's getting very hot in here. This isn't gonna help. Who wants better sex and who wants to start having better sex immediately?
Starting point is 00:33:28 The best way to get started is to go to Adam and Eve dot com right now. Oh, we yes indeed turn down the lights Get him come on Adam and Eve is offering They use the Adam and Eve though as their spokespeople like you know when you hear Adam and Eve you think of God You don't think it sex. No, I do. I think a original sin. Yeah, original sin That's what I think of God you don't think a sex. No, I do I think a regional set original Sun. Oh really? Yeah, I think of God creating the first two human beings. And then they're like, you God we're gonna bang about sex. He created them, you know, from dust, right? And one from a rib. Well, I thought one from a rib, yeah. Yeah, no, no, like ugly coitus going on. I know it's disgusting. Well, there was when they were tempted by the snake.
Starting point is 00:34:08 You tell me if there was a webcam in the Garden of Eden, you wouldn't fucking check that out. Come on. There's Chrono vision. I don't know if you're going to mention that. That's tough to get to. Yeah. You know, the Pope could probably... The time camera? No, it's a time television. Yeah. You could put in any date in the television and watch it. That's like the original webcam, bro. Yeah. See? You're right, it is. Yeah. You'd watch that one. Chrono vision.
Starting point is 00:34:29 No, I wouldn't want to see stuff like that. Yeah. No. Because then that's what all that's all are downfall though. Like all the problems in the world started because fucking Eve. Little ho. Who would have fun, right?
Starting point is 00:34:39 Yeah. Yeah, I know, right? Exactly. A woman causing all our problems. I'm sorry. Sorry, sorry back to you. That's okay. You're sexy.
Starting point is 00:34:51 Adam and Eve is a fuck these months. Let me read my sexy ad. Adam and Eve is offering 50% off just about any item plus free shipping, which includes rush processing. And more than that, Adam and Eve wants to make your life easy. They offer discrete shipping as your privacy is a fruit. They offer discrete shipping as your privacy is a free shipping and rush processing on your entire order. Okay. It doesn't matter how much you spend or what you buy, all be packaged and sent to screetly fast and free. So don't wait better sex. It's just a click away. That's
Starting point is 00:35:20 50% off one item free shipping with rush processing. Bring more pleasure and satisfaction into your bedroom. Just go to and select any one item. It could be adventurous, new toy or anything else you desire. Just enter offer code TESD. Check out that's TESD at This exclusive offer is specific to this podcast. So be sure to use code TESSD to get your discount 100% free shipping and get it
Starting point is 00:35:48 fast with rush processing. promo code TSD. Q. I don't think that Adamineave has a cam down in Key West, but they do have a store, which we visited right before Fantasy Fest Marybeth picked up a bunch of supplies at Adamineave. Nice. Not only did you pick up a bunch of supplies and not only did she pick up a bunch out of supplies
Starting point is 00:36:06 But she decided because she had the costumes and all the pictures from fantasy fest She went ahead she started her only fans I've had that really have anything to do with me. She doesn't even want me involved and it does seem that this only fans It's a lot of girls looking at each other's pictures. Yeah, that's the way it seems Well, how do you feel about it as a as a war is this war is just going into hot life territory Which is nobody else is involved? So you know except on a virtual level, right? So I would I would still count this under warm wife and I don't mind it. You don't mind it. I don't mind it. I like it. Yeah, I think it's cute. She is fond of it
Starting point is 00:36:40 So what the hell okay? It's not hurting anybody people are killing on that. I have an X-Girl friend that does Only fans. Yeah, she's not hurting anybody. People are going to get a killing on that. I have an X-Girl friend that does only fans. Yeah, she's making some money. Making good money. I fucked up. It's Mary Beth Rosie, R-O-S-I-E. R-O-S-I-E. Yeah, I can't roses. Why don't you spell the whole thing out?
Starting point is 00:36:56 M-A-R-I-B-E-T-H-R-O-S-I-E. Okay. There you go. Go check her out. She's pretty. Speaking of making money, You got some some lottery tickets I did and Well, post the question that if you won big. Yeah, so would you share it? Ants
Starting point is 00:37:16 There's an aunt. Yeah, it's an aunt Oh really, I thought it was an ij fan So why because if it was an aunt, I would thought that she'd send all of us lottery tickets. I just really, especially the one who could really use it. No, this is a name of Amy. She says, and she thanks me specifically for not getting too large for Tom Steve Dave. I will say, you know what?
Starting point is 00:37:42 I echo that sentiment. She's pretty? No, that I, that you know what? I echo that sentiment. She's pretty? No, that I that uh you know well I think everyone is super thankful that BQ never got too big for TSD and I don't think a lot of people say it often enough. I'm thankful we are that you didn't just like getting your car and not even looking at rearview mirror. I've been really deflating for me. I'm telling Steve Dave, if suddenly he's just I'm in the rearview. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I need us could have stopped doing tell him Steve Dave, but I just love doing it. You had more reason to stop though.
Starting point is 00:38:19 You had multitude of reasons. You had too much much success too much of your time being demanded. There was a super visit period in the middle maybe where I would agree with that but now you know I'm on the ground. I'm gonna sit around watching cams. But now well anyway I appreciate that. Thank you. Thank you for that I appreciate that but I love telling Steve, it's not anything that I should be like what I get out of it is, what I love, like I'm not doing as a favor. No, but like, you know, you're real gig demand so much of you that you couldn't be faulted if you were like eyes.
Starting point is 00:39:03 He's watching cams for fuck's sake. It's like seven hours a day, we're talking. Well, I didn't know that at all. So today though, yeah, my whole thinking maybe is all at a whack now, but before today, I would have agreed on for someone who, you know, well, my point is, she's in it. Yes, okay.
Starting point is 00:39:19 And she sent you a whole bunch of lottery tickets. Ghostbusters themed scratch offs. And you could win up to $500,000. you post a question just like 10 seconds before we started recording that I was like yeah I don't know and then we just started recording. My question was let's say you scratch off something on one of the cards you sent in and you hit the big 500k or even 100k or 50k or a thousand are you sending something back to her because you do have her return address on the envelope. That's true. You could do the right thing. Well, why is that the right thing? Yeah, that's the question. Is it the right thing? It's a gift to me. Right, but not an investment in me it could hurt her too and she might have to pay taxes on it then
Starting point is 00:40:05 karma though and I know how much you respect karma yeah I think well I you know I've could long considered myself an instrument of karma from my 20s and whatnot that's always been my my view of myself I Would say It's probably best if I won the big 500k It's probably best if I just don't advertise that Well, not I don't say you mentioned it on tst, but do you just send her a check? For some of the money that since she sent you in the What would you do? oh hell yeah karma yeah i am contacting her and i mean like look you sent me this i won right you know we're gonna share this how much you if you win 500k how
Starting point is 00:40:55 much you break it off for her yeah what's her name Amy Amy i would have sent you her name Amy Amy I would have sent you 400k He's fine my my children's life you're sending her 400 out of 500k. Yeah, she brought the ticket she sends it to me. It's a good that's the right thing to do No, it's not because like let's say that she sent you a book right and then within a year that book really went up in value Like something happened, the value increased drastically.
Starting point is 00:41:27 You could sell it for 50,000 if you felt like it. Do you then, if you're like, hey man, I'm gonna sell this book. Do you then feel like you have to turn around and give her money? It's not a good analogy though. This is like immediate money off of something that was always a possibility you could win something off of.
Starting point is 00:41:45 I don't know, to me that's just the way I would roll. But give her 80% of the money. That seems excessive. She probably needs it more than you do. I don't know anything about it. We're talking about Q. Okay. Yeah, because I mean, yeah, that's why that's a good thing that you don't tell anybody because if you ever find out that be cute, to be cute, $500,000, you know the web cam I could fucking buy Irish Kevin's
Starting point is 00:42:06 Would buy the life of a guy I have a drone down there that automatic that just yeah, yeah, what is them what is the minimum? That you win that you're up that you feel like you Reluctantly send or some money then Do you at least send her enough to cover the tickets? But oh my god. I just feel like it's a gift. I know it's a gift, but there's, there's, there's, there's, there's, there's, there's
Starting point is 00:42:33 a $5. This is your own brand of karma though. That's like, that's, that's, that's, yeah, I'm not saying he should do that too. I'm just curious what he would do. That was why I asked the question. Has there been a case, something like this where the guy tipped the waitress a lot out ticket and it ended up winning there's a whole movie right necklace cage movie was okay yeah I think it would be about this if you don't send her the money
Starting point is 00:42:54 you're making a movie oh no they will no I'm not making a YouTube video that's it you're right nobody's putting the movie into your eyes. Geez, man. All right. So I scratch. What do you do, get him?
Starting point is 00:43:10 Let me get this. Let me go around. He does. He doesn't even tip it a fucking buffet. Oh, that's true. Yeah. I do now. You could be honest.
Starting point is 00:43:18 I do now. People are like, yeah, you know, like, you've changed your ways. I took two dollars last time. I'm proud of you, get him. Now get very proud of you. That's very good that you said that. You have an opportunity here to really change your public perception.
Starting point is 00:43:27 What did you think about that? It's been taking a big hit too. Yeah, you have been getting hit hard. Deservately, I feel. You've been unpalatable for quite a bit lately. So I'm so curious to what would you do if you won 500K? How much of it are you giving back to Amy? Now also you have to you first you can't give her 400k
Starting point is 00:43:50 Yeah, the fact you're paying your taxes. Yeah, so she's a Give her the ticket. I'm going to send her a ticket and be like here. You take care of it. You get the 500k Give me the hundred you keep the 400 You know are you paying to get paying taxes on your hundred though? No, no, I mean like Amy. I can't I can't have Uncle Sam here about this Give you 400 K back My taxes, okay, why is screaming? I'm so grateful. I just want to pay my taxes on the 100K.
Starting point is 00:44:23 They were never rude. Yeah, like make it happen to me. Right? I have to pay get dime taxes on this. I don't got to think about any of this. 100K cash, you're making me, right? Okay. Get them.
Starting point is 00:44:35 Send it through one of those apps that the terrorists sent money through. On the dark web. We want all the eyes on us. Oh. Oh. So I said that I I prepaid phone cards. Do you have green dot where you live?
Starting point is 00:44:54 Oh, sorry, baby. It's the guy who called me up the other day. He said, send the Google Play cards and I'll buy a Ferrari with it and marry your daughter. So, what do I win? 500. Okay, so what's my, let's take home after that, like 50, 250? And do we have, do we have an previous agreement of? No, this is, you're living my experience right now. You're open to not below somebody sent you a gift because they appreciate you staying on Tellum Steve Dave.
Starting point is 00:45:26 He is your gift. And this is how she sent you these cards to stay off at Tellum Steve Dave. That's what I'm keeping it. But I would look to see what the maximum I could give somebody tax free is. So they're under no burden. And that's what I think the maximum is probably a thousand. Yeah, it's like 10,000. So it was like, it wasn't in a, um, Shawshank redemption. It was like 30,000 or something like, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:45:59 Shawshank would took place in the 20s. Okay. Yeah. I contact sexy lawyer. See exactly. Yeah, like what I can do tax. Like I said, so that sexy lawyer may not be working for us free anymore. He finds out. I got to figure out a way to fuck this lady out of some money. Such a lawyer. I would see what I would give her the maximum that I could tax for you for them. So that they're an under no burden. Okay. I think that's because you don't want, you don't know what their situation is. That may raise a red flag that like triggers an audit and then they're screwed.
Starting point is 00:46:40 You're just assuring that she's like, oh, no, don't put me to a million dollar tax bracket. Whatever you do. Yeah, please. I didn't know. I please don't know I didn't say that again. Yeah, say that say all those scenarios again a while Because he's making himself look like he's a good guy. No because he's are all the things that he fears when he's when he gets Right you I don't want to know it coming in after me all these weird things that you fear are You're putting on Amy You don't you she's not living in it like you are where you're where your wages have been garnished for the last 40 years.
Starting point is 00:47:12 My wishes for this they happen you can't put money in the bank you told me because as soon as it goes into the bank all your old debts are going to be start. No, I said for a while I was only keeping a hundred dollars in because yeah that that did happen. I got you got garnersheet. Yeah, I got a settlement and it pulled all the money out of my account. So you think that everyone, but that's living like you, but that's not the way that is not the case anymore. So I do keep, you know, I do keep money in the back. You paid off your debts.
Starting point is 00:47:40 It was, yeah, it was a, I can't remember what it was. It was just something that like an old credit card I forgot about oh yeah, you don't have any more there's no chance on the planet that any of your wages will be garnished anymore I think if anything it might be the IRS because they still have not cashed my last They they haven't cashed the check. I sent the blast that I'm not I don't know what that's what I'm supposed to do in this situation Do I cancel the check yeah or wait six months and then send them another check? I don't know yeah, so all right So you have his his 10k. 10k, I said. Or the maximum, whatever it is. The maximum.
Starting point is 00:48:10 And then Johnson, you're with me? I'm with you. I think what I'm going to do is after the 250, I might break or off 50. I think 50 sounds fair. Yeah. But to give over 80% of a gift that was given to me. Right.
Starting point is 00:48:24 Although, you know what? I might look into her personal financial situation, a little bit more, a little deeper. So it's like, maybe you need this more than... But then I fuck her, I got a kid. But what is going on here? Maybe she's got four. That's her problem, man.
Starting point is 00:48:39 You should have had four kids. She spent $20, man. Like, what is a gift? What is the purpose of a gift? I get it. I get where you're coming from. I get your, I get your point of view. All joking aside, I completely get cracking our outs. I get it. What do you get? You win the 500K and you haven't scratched any off yet. So let's go on record and then scratch then scratch them off and see what if Amy won any money I win 500k I would probably Want to go have these I think with her
Starting point is 00:49:13 Yeah, that's pretty good. I think so it's pretty good. Yeah again No, I'm I fear karma though. I would be like it's still 100k in my pocket. Why are you fearing karma? Yeah. Why are you fearing it? It doesn't necessarily give you good karma just to keep her voice. How do you know? You're acting like it's a fucking guarantee. Well, because he's going to heaven. Because at the end of the day, I'm already there.
Starting point is 00:49:37 At the end of the day, I feel like I have gotten good karma. Oh, because of that kind of stuff? Yeah, all right. Yeah, but like, it's a good karma. Oh, because of that kind of stuff? Yeah, all right. Yeah, but like, it's a good event tonight. And I thank God for all the things that I have. I wonder if it's because of some of the karma that I have put back into this world. Last week, he was mocking me for obeying Robert the Dolls' rules.
Starting point is 00:49:59 Yeah. And now I'm here in that the superstitious is, superstition is fine. Thanking God. Thank it. Yes, they're pretty much. Yeah, I don't see a difference really personally. Well, wait a minute.
Starting point is 00:50:11 Well, so, but you fucking bowed to the knee of a fucking plastic doll. He's evil. He's evil. And so did Q by the way. Oh, no. Yes. He follows Robert the doll's rules. He follows rules.
Starting point is 00:50:24 What is it? What is rules again? Remember what we went there. Oh, no, yes, we follow is Robert the dolls rules. I was rules Remember what we went there you have to ask him if you can take a picture you take a picture with them You think I'm cabbage patch bullshit Seems you got seems to cause a lot of fucking trouble in the world, man. Yeah, Rob. Oh, it's do. Robert the doll is best. Yeah, he's a little mischief maker. He's he's quarantined to his his little space.
Starting point is 00:50:56 Not going to bug you. I really just asked you. He's the carators of that. He likes to him. But the carriers of that museum should all be riddled with cancer. If that fucking doll actually worked for keeping them locked up in a fucking museum Where else is it gonna have tested a testicular and pussy but cancer? For what they've done to that doll I wish I had this conversation prior because I would have brought this up to her
Starting point is 00:51:19 I'm like you don't happen to have pussy cancer Because you should. If anybody's fucked over that doll, it's the people who are making money off of the wall. I agree with you on that much. As far as the merchandising of Robert, it's increased drastically since the first time we went. Oh yeah. You look genuinely right now could be like going to bed
Starting point is 00:51:42 every night being hugged and being cared for having tea parties with other other toys but no he's fucking in a glass fucking coffin that fucking 55-year-old men are fucking going up to him being like yeah I took a picture with you I mean it's no chocolate walk I agree it's not like it was that. You're all the men, what a shot. Damn. Damn. He fucked for my god. Look. You know what?
Starting point is 00:52:10 You know? And that's Gitch starts wars. I don't know if you looked over it, but at least lately. No, what's going on over there? I haven't heard. I did read a fact about the doll in that the current case he is in was donated by a fan. Really? Yeah. All right. What's weird of that guy with a guy with a webcam? It's a climate control.
Starting point is 00:52:33 It's a competitor to Amy or we're the new girl just saying, no, I probably need the fucking winnings way more than BQ does. Yeah, it's a. Amy shouldn't send me Ghostbusters scratch balls. I think it was the ghostbusters thing that probably solders like oh, I know who loves ghostbusters I know who loves money very sweet of her and I'm very grateful Which which which state of those out of anyone? What do you what do you fuck a scramble on your phone for last 10 minutes? I just want to show you this picture. This is um, this is a listener That's Robert the doll. That's somebody making a mockery of Robert the doll. A listener of TSD? Yeah, a listener, a listener, a
Starting point is 00:53:10 listener texted this to me. And she said that her husband made fun of the doll, as you can see from the picture, three years of bad luck. Right after that, her mother-in-law, who she doesn't like, moved in with her three years. That's a kind shit it's gonna happen I mean I guess a lot a lot of people are showing up to this museum based on the fucking state of that fucking ceiling no it's part of it it's part of the whole thing yeah yeah she said um she said I have a healthy respect for Robert my husband disrespected him and my mother-in-law moved in with us for three years. I apologize every time we're back in Key West. You know what? So, but so he didn't.
Starting point is 00:53:49 It's all over their point of view though. It's all the way they look at shit. It's a blessing to have your mother and law still be with you, that you can still see your, you know, she fucking raised your husband. You fucking... Whoa! I'm sorry, so... Whoa! Look at that out that, Clint. That's an egg! husband fucking uh... what that
Starting point is 00:54:07 that's it uh... it's i thought you're reading off the website that's actually so we listen to cst yeah that's a harsh for a list so i mean i got to put in my my quack and sound so after the husband insults it garr, Robert, Gary, Robert, Robert the doll, they're, they're trying to play a cool too, like they can't remember Robert's name.
Starting point is 00:54:31 Who's that? I was doing it last week. You were calling them all kinds of different names. That was the first week you mentioned it. Robert, it's like John, like one of the most easy names to remember. So after, after, how soon after did she try to apologize and did it continue for three years, even though she was apologizing and or did not.
Starting point is 00:54:50 Yeah, when did the bad luck stop? I guess when the mom moved out. What was that really? The mother alone moved out. That's the way she was. What made it so unbearable? There's far more that she didn't include all that in the text. I can ask her for next time.
Starting point is 00:55:03 There's far more heinous things that can happen to you than your mother-in-law that in the text. I'll I can ask her for next time. There's far more heinous things that can happen to you than your mother-in-law moving in with you. Look, let me tell you something. My mother-in-law is fine. Mary-Beth mother-in-law, I wouldn't want to live with her for three years. It's on you right now. It would drive me fucking crazy. I'd be rough, right? The only way I was able to do it years back was because I was so fucking, uh, was it ossified by drugs and shit like dead inside. Like, nothing mattered. So it didn't, like, you didn't care.
Starting point is 00:55:35 But when you're, when you have your surroundings and you're aware of things around you, it's different. You do realize how, like, how insanely hypocritical it is for you to fucking bow to the whims of a doll and then have the galt to then be like say something that what if somebody believes in God that they're I think it's just this corny yeah I'm not saying that I'm not corny for doing it. I'm not so fun the other you're basing in life around. Yeah and you're afraid of like you're afraid of God Just thought you're you're thanking him because of all this good stuff. I was afraid. No, I'm asking that's why I'm asking
Starting point is 00:56:12 It's not like I'm trembling and fear, but if you don't do it You think bad the bad things might happen or good things might stop. I think it could okay All right, I mean, I look just like a million of other people on this planet. Yeah, but I mean, all those fucking little kids with cancer and shit, I just don't see how they're like, oh, well, they must have fucking pissed God off. So now he's mad at them. So, dramatically, they must have done something.
Starting point is 00:56:41 All those kids with bad karma. Like, that's the kind of shit. Like, you believe Gina though. Gina, what the, did she have bad luck? Her bad luck is legit because. I think she had bad luck. I'm not saying it's cause of Robert. Oh, she don't believe really.
Starting point is 00:56:53 Believe in Robert then do you. I don't say that. You're not, you're not. You're big balls in here and has lit New Jersey. So you're in Key West. You know, all of a sudden those balls shrink up. Hey, let me tell you something. They thought what was in Key West. All of a sudden he balls shrink up. Hey, let me tell you something. Is it fun?
Starting point is 00:57:05 What was it, Kewest? He's got fucking beer muscles. When I was in the US, they thought I was a eunuch walking around. I don't want to run a foul or obry. He runs this town. Let's all calm down for a second, talk about Raycon. Maybe he's too early to start decorating for the holidays? Absolutely not.
Starting point is 00:57:26 I've been in the stores where they're already purchased. Oh yeah. Oh yeah. But it's never too early to start your holiday shopping. This I agree with. I never take care of my holiday shopping early on. So it's always a less second kind of thing. Why not take care of it now before the crowds
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Starting point is 00:58:02 the other day when I was outside. It's like, wow, it's like loud. There was like three different neighbors had their leaf blowers going. Everybody's clearing away leaves for the fall. I put them pop them on, drowned it out. Ray Confer has made a name for themselves in the audio space with products like their everyday ear buds
Starting point is 00:58:19 known for delivering high quality and thoughtful features, like 32-hour battery life and a perfect in-ear fit for all day wear and lasting comfort and One of those past year they expanded their entire business with the introduction of Raycon home and Raycon power tech This is they have a magic cable you don't see a lot of magic cables these days. I don't see any a lot of magic at all They got a magic one key West that's pretty magical I don't see any, a lot of magic at all. They got a magic one of the cute ones. There's a doll in Key West, that's pretty magical.
Starting point is 00:58:44 Yeah, I'll put a curse on you. You know, just like if you don't pray at night. Dear God, I'm a good boy. I like good things happen to me. 55, not for long, not for long, less than a month. I know. Raycon has no for delivering high quality and thoughtful features that have the price of other premium tech brands.
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Starting point is 00:59:33 slash TESD. What we've been talking recently about, you know, we talked about the con, so he's crappin' on the floor, the plane, so he's crappin' on the floor. The plane, somebody's crappin' in the plane. They built an entire park out of feces, human feces over there in Staten Island. I'm not sure if you're aware of this queue. What did you tell them? They built a park on a landfilt in Staten Island.
Starting point is 01:00:02 And they said they're using recycled human feces for the, I guess, for the ground. And I don't know if that's for me. Now I think they built it. Oh, they said it right in the paper, right? It said it right in your post. I see paper, right? You were just reading off from your iPad.
Starting point is 01:00:16 Are they using it for fertilizer to grow? I think it's actually within the soil itself. Well, what they did, I know, is it took fresh kills landfill into a park. Yeah, and it's gorgeous now. It's like, like, stand island standards. By the work at Hollywood, small offices. It's getting smaller feces. I haven't smelled any feces,
Starting point is 01:00:38 while I was there, but I mean, you guys see a lot of a wildlife there. You can go kayaking down the canals and the little things of, yeah. It's all reclaimed land. I mean, that's closed over 20 years ago. So it's single kayaking down love canal? Sure, I don't know what he's got now.
Starting point is 01:00:56 What is he got now? I missed that. Oh, you didn't like that joke. I didn't get the joke. I don't like when I don't get joke, so I'm like, I don't understand. I love Canal with an area back in the 70s, right? Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:01:09 I think late 60s into the 70s, where there was a lot of like heavy metals. Like one of the most toxic places in the United States. Yeah, one of the most toxic places. Yeah, it was like a super fun site. Where is love Canal? It's in New York, I think, right? Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:01:21 But by Niagara, I think, so we're on there. I thought it was that. I wonder why I should have gotten this reference. Okay, while you're doing that, Walt Disney theme park guests are pooping while waiting online for rides. Wow, we in Disneyland? In Disney. Somebody, I guess somebody tweeted on social media
Starting point is 01:01:40 or put it on social media. I'm in the queue for Disney, rise of the resistance to Disney World. Someone just let their kid take a dump on the floor and then they walked out and left it. WTF wrote one poster on Reddit. Another Reddit is fucking long. Another Redditer claims to have worked near the ride
Starting point is 01:01:57 and confirmed for the skeptics. For the skeptics, this actually happened fun fact. This was one of three shit related incidents that rise today. Less fun fact, I was of three shit related incidents that rise today. Less fun fact I was there for all three of them. Well, what Disney has to do if this is becoming the norm? They put up a camera. They have to.
Starting point is 01:02:14 She was watching. I'm kidding. That's a pooper cap. I'm doing shot every time somebody takes a shit. No, they have to offer both child size and adult size diapers to people online and that they can just quickly slip into in case they have to go then. And that will eliminate them. Nice pun.
Starting point is 01:02:36 They're dropping their drawers and just doing it on the car. So they're going to put on the diaper prior? Yeah, you know, nobody's going to do that. Well, if you have to, if you think you might have to go, so maybe like you raise your hand in line and like a, who's going to, who's going to shit right in front of a hundred thousand people? A bunch of people. So you're having at least three times a one day. I tell you, I would put the diaper on, no, rather than you would wear the diaper, rather than having like a craft. You got to put it on the front, everybody though. Well, I bet you maybe there's something they can do as you cross through a certain area
Starting point is 01:03:07 Where no one can see you and if you want to put the diaper on this seems practical we should go with this Oh, no, you're like changing board You know that you can't see on either side as you walk through almost like you can walk through a metal detector But here you're walking through a place where you can quickly slip the diaper on who's greetly yeah Like a privately and then what go on a ride with a diaper full of shit Yeah, I know and everybody should are rallying it Yeah, it's like get the fuck out of line if you gotta take a shit get out of line That's the answer that's the only answer as opposed to dropping a douche on the grass are the only two options I feel like you get off what they should do is build bathrooms mid mid line
Starting point is 01:03:42 that you can Get off of line and be clean your spot. Hey man, I just tell you, for your wife, however you'd be like, just hold my spot, I'll be right back. Who's going to believe you though, if you know, you got a rowdy crew behind you and you get out of line and then when you come back in, you're like, hey, hey, no cut.
Starting point is 01:03:58 What if it's in a 50? I have a second shit. What if it's a cast member who does it for you? Yeah, yeah, like, you know, you fall over goofy, like, right? Yeah, stand in the line. Yeah. I gotta drop a Pluto.
Starting point is 01:04:12 I feel a little goofy down there. Two former cast members penned a book detailing their experiences as custodial team workers in the 90s and early 2000s called Cleaning the Kingdom, insider tales of keeping Walt's Dream spotless and wrote that spotting human waste triggered a protocol known as human code H. Which code that's a great band name code or at least a song. Code human code H. That is a fucking killer. That is right. Human code H. It's like fucking thrash. Industrial metal. And it's just shit or that's P as well. That's just shit. Yeah. Code H stood originally stood for horse crap, which we'd call for the cleaners to pick up after one of the horses that was pulling a vehicle
Starting point is 01:04:56 along Main Street. But then I guess people were like, hey, if the horses can do it, why not us? Which, you know, yeah, we don't freak out. If we see a horse on Main Street, you know, drop it. We don't go fucking crazy and run the Reddit. So, but all of a sudden, yeah, why shouldn't humans be able to just drop straw on me? You're so much money you paid to get in the Disney. It's like $200. It's a ticket now. You should be allowed to go. It should be allowed to wipe your ass off the ticket. That's cool. Yo Mickey, GP over here. Oh, the ticket looks a little different color now.
Starting point is 01:05:30 Well, they don't have diapers, but they do say Disney guests who need to use a bathroom during notoriously long wait lines can alert a cast member and have their place held in line. There you go. According to Qtimes website, the average wait time for the Seven Dwarves Mind Train is about 78 minutes, Space Mountain is about an hour. Oh my god. That's why they keep raising prices. Yeah. There's something called an incredible pass which sells for 1,500 bucks now. What is that what you had? Doesn't say here. I think I had an employee. It's got to be the same thing. What is it called? Predapast? Incredipast. Oh, okay. Look at something.
Starting point is 01:06:05 Something a lot more sinister. You can get to hunt down in another guest. Wow. So, yeah, part guest, pooping online. And that is just another story with pooping recently. We talked about the plane. We talked about, I don't think you were here last time when We talked about the plane. We talked about, I don't think you were here last time when we talked about the, um, the con. Were you pooped in the
Starting point is 01:06:30 con? You got your comic. Jack that sent us somebody to somebody to send you a shit on the floor. Yeah. So what were they doing? Like, they're on a line. According to Ming Chen, they were very excited overseeing Chris Evans' ass. And he also suggested it might have been Mike, but I don't think that's true. So Ming saw with his own eyes? Yeah, my buddy, Erock took a picture of it. It was like on the floor, it was like brown and diaryish looking, yeah. So it probably was just an emergency.
Starting point is 01:06:57 It wasn't no statement, probably. Not, I don't think so. I would accept this as a statement. Here's my new Ming-Chent. I think you Ming Chen. Not the maverick. Oh, I got the, you got the awards? I brought a first draft of what category for us to discuss if you guys wanted to get into that.
Starting point is 01:07:15 Let me read the trail fest and then we can get into it. We'll have anything else to do. Mjundis. Talk about Mjundis. Mjundis. We're at him right now. I love him. Kozy up and style this fall with the unmatched comfort of me.
Starting point is 01:07:27 Andes has a softest and most breathable underwear and loungewear that we've ever experienced, whether you're on the grind during the work week or posted up on the couch watching. What did I just watch? I just watched Twin Flames, this documentary on Netflix about these crazy cults. Was I aware of me? Yes, I was. I was more of my lounge wear as a matter of fact. My green and black checkered lounge wear.
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Starting point is 01:08:32 Plus free shipping and mjundies, comfort from the outside in. Nice. All right. So I came up with a few suggestions. I think I got like 12 here. Oh, that's a lot. Categories? Categories. And I don't think it's a few suggestions. I think I got like 12 here. Oh, that's a lot. categories categories. And I don't think it's a final list. I just figured, you know, we'll workshop a little bit. So you see what you guys respond to see with the audience response. So it against the wall. Okay. So the first one for the TSD awards was we already
Starting point is 01:08:59 discussed this one, the four-coloured team of Maverick Award, which would be the most Maverick member of the year. I could send it to you. What do you like for the webcams? Obviously, I think Ming-Chen would have a lock on that this year. Then I thought, let's get right into the hot seat the people's choice for hosts Which of the three of us would get the people's choice awarded as host? Oh, that's that's a luck All right, that's definitely a lot of that attitude. It certainly is a lot. We don't host anything
Starting point is 01:09:38 We're talking about what are we host this show? Oh, I thought you meant like on patreon or something. No No, no, okay. I think it's Walt Hose saw the shows Well, the game shows and stuff. That's what I think a host. That's what I think of right now It's like three shows you Okay, do you mean the hair guy? Yeah, yeah, yeah, okay The I think I mentioned this one before but the Chris Ladondo social awareness award I think I mentioned this one before but the Chris Ladondo social awareness award Where Chris selects who has had the most social wear moment of the year
Starting point is 01:10:12 in TST town in TST town right on Mike On camera not something that they did in their social media. No, it has to have been within the course of the show. I would think yeah The Gitton World View Award an award given by Getham to whoever he feels most aligns with his worldview. I don't know if anybody wants to win that one. But I thought it might be fun. People are going to be dragging their heels, walking up to accept that. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:10:34 So it's the person that he thinks most aligns that he closely resembles him his way of thinking. His worldview, yeah. Yeah, okay. And it could be a moment. I mean, again, these are all just spitballing. No, no I like that one. I got opening episode quarter of the year award. You know how you put the quotes in the Saw yeah people could choose their favorite random quote from there
Starting point is 01:10:57 And this would encompass the entire library or just a year year well for years every year if we're building yeah So the 2024 testies would be for the year of 2023. Correct. Yeah. Yeah. Best new game or bit, figure of everybody, something to debate. Now is this solely limited to tell them Steve Dave? I think we can go into, well, I always think in terms of tells you Dave, but like you mean open to the Patreon as well
Starting point is 01:11:27 I think so why not? Yeah, I don't know. I don't know what you're thinking. Well, it's just because not everybody I don't know why everybody doesn't know the nature But yeah, okay, I see what you're saying. You want to open up a little bit more. I don't know either none of this is all we're working that we're gonna out. I figure everybody like this one the Gears Unabored given to the member of TST town who has said the most stupid thing this year. So they get to pay who said the stupidest shit this year. The do bitter award. Now we are bitter bitter bitter. Oh, oh simple just apply on that do better Well, remember how Brian got all upset about that the sticker the sticker when we said he should have a sticker called do bitter I just figure you know how people give Brian shit about his his rants what's about everything right? Yeah, maybe the phone
Starting point is 01:12:18 Why was going on yeah, yeah, I just got a little crack. Oh, yeah How would he give Brian shit about? know, some of his stands on things. Mm-hmm. But there's got to be a stand that people agree with. There's got to be at least one. So what is the one of, of, of these stand is the do bitter award for once? Well, you nailed it on the head with your bitter, with your bitter view of things. Okay.
Starting point is 01:12:42 Um, I like that one. Technical award who did the best technical work on the show? I did that from up over there. I think maybe you can win one. Oh, Rupert the fucking cheeseburger complainer, you mean? That guy?
Starting point is 01:12:55 Oh yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Let's see what else to add. We want more cheers, the episode of the year. Figure out if you give everybody a chance to weigh in on what their favorite episode is. Tactical award, Gears on on, opening episode quote,
Starting point is 01:13:09 audience appreciation award, we've discussed this one on the show already, which Ant deserves recognition from us. So we would have to like get a list of that. And then I also have the Fanosys Hot Button Award, the best hot button topic on the show from the last year. and I also have the Fanosys Hot Button Award, the best Hot Button topic on the show from the last year. Oh, no. Spotted by the...
Starting point is 01:13:31 I mean, there's still some time in 2023. I mean, that's a lie, huh? Why, what do you think it is? I mean, there's only one that made the news. This year. Yes, this year. It would be 2023, yeah. Yes, this year. It would be 2023. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:13:48 Finally, you know, if we're doing this every year. So, Mary Beth, get that fucking portrait out of the way. I got him in a ward. You want it like, uh, well, where's that? I want to recognize it. I like to be recognized for it. It's like a lot softer off to fucking ignore it. Sponsored by fantasies.
Starting point is 01:14:07 Oh, you're gonna see a fantasy. So put up some blue lines. I just think of a gore. Maybe I'll maybe have a girl present it from fantasy. I just forget I just go there by fantasy's t-shirt and throw it into with the award. Oh, yeah. Yeah, so those are the ones that I came up with so far.
Starting point is 01:14:25 Do you think you need more than that, Kim? Or you think that's enough for you? Oh, I think it should keep working. I just wanted to throw it out there to see whatever it is. And then we got to write them too. We have to like, actually write these awards. Yeah. The sense, because you can't just go up and be able
Starting point is 01:14:37 and read the award. You have to have a little back and forth and stuff. You know, like how they have the Academy Awards. Yeah, we send up two people so they can have little. It's have a little. Yeah, yeah. But now that this is out there, and I in this look, it's a rough draft, but I will actually pay attention to my Twitter. If anybody has ideas for awards, topics just throw on Twitter categories. Yeah. Okay. Yeah, so I start sending in ideas. I just want to get the ball rolling here. Like I didn't think I was coming in with the actual set right? I thought that you know you could come up like let's Know over the course of a couple weeks set the categories and stone and then get them can set up
Starting point is 01:15:16 a poll whole Online where we could we would compile a top three people so then he's the top three people who come in it That's I don't think the host one We plan we don't probably don't need a poll on it only three hosts so sure okay, we would that one probably just point to be He's I mean I need a poll for that one So you don't want to write in on that category. A little bit weighed. I don't know what he's about me. I was looking out for my buds. Don't want her to feel bad.
Starting point is 01:15:55 My buds. Well, we got a campaign a little bit. Is it a campaign to win an Oscar? Of course it is yeah yeah that's what I thought it was just the you you were awarded upon your work now they put at the they put at the right issue yeah so for your consideration Brian Johnson host host of the year already got hop on I don't give a fuck about the host I already got the hot butt You got that one locked up Alright Which end?
Starting point is 01:16:26 Which your t-shirt size? This just came from me, maybe we could like Stream the watch over webcam with something like that That would be That might not be room in the budget for that It's like $2,000 from what I understand $2,000 the stream Oh yeah, for a 4K webcam?
Starting point is 01:16:43 Oh, to the end Sorry, I didn't get that a fair that's a great idea but you want to look at the big picture you want a lot of patreon yeah because if you're gonna really do it right and you're gonna talk about maybe you know assembling yeah the most tst centric people in one place in the the bowling alley. In the bowling alley. That is something that you probably want to get done right and not on a shitty. You're right.
Starting point is 01:17:11 I know it's still before K. What's that? It's still one angle. It's not great sound. Yeah. I wanted fucking disrespecter cam. Spoken like a non-believer. You'll come around.
Starting point is 01:17:26 But anyway, that was what I was like kind of kicking around. But like I said, just a spitball and just spitballing. OK, so I say we'll probably lock down all the categories by the latest January. Sure, yeah. And then we'll start putting the poll up maybe in February love it love it Well black Friday's coming. Thank you. Oh, you like before you go I Know that you are going to be away. I found out and you know I've said in the here you won't be able to make it this this year to the black Friday
Starting point is 01:18:03 TST town general store fest festivities, which basically just, you know, meet and greet, nothing really else. Yeah, usually my parents are up here, but they're getting a little older, so they're kind of staying. I got to go to them this year. Yeah. But we will be open. But if you put a cam in them, happen to watch.
Starting point is 01:18:23 We could put a cam up for that day, right I don't know what I'll tell you what I can commit to yes is randomly Facetime me in throughout the day on if we put like an iPad up there do we have an iPad again or or a laptop whatever I can Yeah, yeah, okay. Yeah, like I'll fail randomly at least let's say five times I'll face time and randomly throughout the day Sometimes a two in the morning That was a waste within an operating hours
Starting point is 01:18:54 So Thursday thanks given yeah 10 p.m. To 12 a.m. Two hours only that night. Okay, got it and Friday 11 a six Okay Saturday 11 a six and then we nobody's going to be around Sunday. Got it. Okay, cool. Black Friday from 10 to 12. I'll be wearing a turkey costume. Get out of here. Really now. Yes. Yeah, very got the costume. Nice. Um, maybe the barren will show up in full costume. Oh, all right. Yeah, we've joined the course of that weekend. We'll have a couple pieces of new merch, a hat and a t-shirt, and here's some of the celebs that are
Starting point is 01:19:32 committed to showing up. All right. At least one day, some multiple days. Sunday Jeff, Friday only appear. Okay, that's all you need to say. From three thirty to six, Sunday Jeff is committed to showing up on Black Friday. That's only day he's going to be here. Okay. Frank five will be here. You'll be here Sunday. Can't get rid of him. Even though we're not a mile from that point, we'll be here. We're sharing the couch that weekend.
Starting point is 01:19:57 Give me the hair guy for shooting some knock, right? He's a lock. Ming Chen. Oh, I said that he is going is gonna stop by I don't know what day though. Oh no, I want to come yeah Well, Ming Ming was the the stirred at stores that started the drinks. Yeah, he's the maverick man For now I but Jimmy the hair guy took it upon himself to reach out to some TSD people and here's who he's got confirmed. Tim the record star clerked at some point is stopping by. Lovely. Troy is a maybe. Okay.
Starting point is 01:20:34 Maxwell bailed. Okay, it's a long trip. I'm out. Frank three. Frank three. Well, not be there. That's that. Frank three. Well, not be there. I saw you. Yes, so the wheels turning. You were like, hey, maybe I made my parents any time. Yeah, I'm like, I'm
Starting point is 01:20:54 for free. Yeah, I'll face time them. But yeah, it's going to be, it's going to be crowded, I think. Yeah, you might, you know, you just getting over that cold, maybe it's best stay away. Black Friday weekend,, it's gonna be it's gonna be crowded I think Yeah, you might you know you just getting over that cold Maybe it's best stay away like Friday weekend because it's not a bit. It's not a big store and there's No, it's not more high-stee slips here, but I think customers That could be the fun day though. Well, you have fun couple days. Yeah Yeah, people love to come in sit around the table hang out and talk shoot the shit with other hands trying to secure a second office just for that weekend Oh, yeah, one of the empty offices just for to have an overflow. Yeah
Starting point is 01:21:32 Oh, so wait you that's where you send the losers in shit like the like it how like when you have a screening at At a premiere something the overflow room. Yeah Warmer as important all the slabs are and then it's all right. Who goes into the overflow room, you know, get them, get them out the, yeah, I'm saying yeah, yeah, yeah. We're getting them out from the square. If not, if you don't know that square, yeah, you'd be in your car in the jeep. How can the whore try to get people's attention?
Starting point is 01:21:59 Guys, hey, tell me how it goes up there. Yeah, but the, I'm trying. I don't know. When I, when I floated this idea to Jill, who we mentioned earlier, she kind of looked at me like, you just want to rent. I don't want to purchase shoes. You want to put up a cam and I was like, yeah,
Starting point is 01:22:15 just two days it's only uniform. She said she'll look into it, but she didn't look hopeful, but hoping to get it done, no. All right. All right, so that's, yeah, it was like make a digital appearance. Digital appearance by B no. Alright. Alright. So that's yeah. Well make very digital appearance. Digital appearance by BQ. Yeah. I'm surprised you didn't want to scratch the lottery tickets before
Starting point is 01:22:31 we left. No. Sure I lose. Oh, I lost. I lost. Oh, check out my Bentley. Sir Irish, Irish Kevin's has like a fucking like a 15k Foliar yeah, yeah, that was calculated on that you didn't want scratch at all you want me to do it now I just sound like a detaining Broadcasting for me that's not visual that's You want to do one of them sure Do one of them I'll tell you but I don't really want to hear me do this though Sure do one of them. I'll tell you but I don't really want to hear me do this I'm a giant coin. Thank you
Starting point is 01:23:13 Mary Beth plays this game called Neopets. Have you ever heard of it? I've heard you complain about it. Yeah, it's this virtual game where like you can buy and sell pets and build pets and like all kinds of stuff Are you familiar with the farm bill? It reminds me of Farmville kind of. And she was looking in the pound the other day and she found a pet called Getham Steve Dave. It has to be. You can name you can name your pet anything. Yeah, it has to be another listener. And I would think it has to be another listener, but here's the thing. It's three years old, okay, and it's in the pound, which means somebody made him and was like, fuck it, I don't want this fucking thing anymore. Or- So my real parents?
Starting point is 01:23:49 This is what I'm getting at. It's But there is a Gettom Steve Dave pet. And the Neopets world adopted. Well, she did. She immediately adopted him, yeah. No. Yeah, she couldn't let that go by. She was like, I gotta get him. How much did he cost?
Starting point is 01:24:14 I don't know. They have like, it could have been a million Neopet coins or whatever, like, is it some kind of crazy currency that I was looking over here, Q. I can see by your face. Sounds great. I'm making sure. I'm making sure. I'm making sure. Crazy currency that we're looking over here. Q I see by your face sounds great I know as we're talking about Neil Petzis Problem with this is that they've made it so I don't understand if I you don't know if he won or not
Starting point is 01:24:36 We'll give it to 148. That's what he's here for again. Did I win it? I mean did Amy win anything I mean, did Amy win anything? Did we win anything? Okay, it's a four. Not looking good. And I also asked you, you know, we didn't touch upon it during the episode though, but you thought I was going to ask, would you kick any of the winnings back to me or Brye since memory, but I was. Yeah, well, when you first were asking, I thought the end the sand this was like since I had received it from an ant
Starting point is 01:25:06 Am I gonna what I spread that spread the waffle was that I would that would have been yes Yeah, really oh, I would be like you then at night. I'd be praying. Please God just like you give me some of that money Anything so far. Yes. Oh Get out of here. It's gonna get a dollar 25 so far five dollars Five dollars. Yes, all right. So the ticket. I don't think you get them What I would like to do is drive to Michigan and Can you mail that back? Can you mail that back to this address? I'll give all five dollars What a guy say me
Starting point is 01:25:49 I think it would probably be nice if maybe you sign it, but then you can't turn it into the $5. And then that's the eight-choice. No, I'm sure I should rather have the $5. Amy's choice. Yeah. So there you go, Amy. That's coming back to you. For 100% of the winnings.
Starting point is 01:26:01 Well, she's out nothing now. Well, she's still off $15. Oh, okay. I thought they were all $15 everything Yeah, the finals each all right, so you're you're not gonna scratch them off here, right? You'll just give us an update I was a fascinating. Did anybody was anybody really in home caring? Nobody's on the register. They're see with a scratcher Because you know, you're probably gonna lose or you didn't win two bucks Yeah, you know lose right was that fire started with a father was like
Starting point is 01:26:29 Walked into with Deli and he was psychic too and he was going to give me that one that one that one Oh, right. Yeah, was it fire? Sure, though there's maybe fire so I don't know anyway. Who knows yeah 55 you can't expect much for me anymore Tell him Steve Dave I can't expect much from me anymore. Tell him Steve Dave.

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