Tell Em Steve-Dave - #582: Calloused Ears

Episode Date: January 7, 2024

New year & Christmas recap, Q & Bry rethink their wave runner dreams, AI death calculator, book binding dreams....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Yeah, this is also why I'm gonna need to get an officially Focalodema branded butt plug. I think it's a mic thing. Okay. my seething. Thank God. Tell them Steve Dave. Hello and welcome to. Hello and welcome to this week's edition of Tell them Steve Dave. Shaking off the cobwebs now. It's been a couple weeks now. 2024. Yeah. Here we are. I was driving down here, I was listening to an in sync song,
Starting point is 00:01:10 came out here 2000. And it though it occurred to me that to a child born today, that's like a song from the early 50s for me. Yeah. That's fucking nuts. I use that same context when I'm trying to watch,
Starting point is 00:01:24 when I'm trying to watch something and like, you know, from the 60s and Mary Beth is watching it with me. And I'm like, it's like she's watching something from the 20s. Yeah. Like, what's up hot tea? Hot tea. Wow.
Starting point is 00:01:36 Yeah. Still good songs now. Timeless. Timeless. I'm saying the timeless, timeless songs. Happy New Year, boys. Happy New Year. Yeah. Happy New Year. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:01:45 Happy New Year. What'd you do, Walt? How'd you tear it up? Um, I think I just watched TV as what I normally do on New Year's. Yeah. Yeah, I didn't do anything. I knew yours is, as I've said a million times, it's not a, it's a complete, like, downer, you know, as opposed to Christmas.
Starting point is 00:02:02 Yeah. Um, I will bow you. Me? Yeah. I stayed home. You know as opposed to Christmas. Yeah What about you? Me? Yeah, I stayed home Troy didn't have his party this year. Oh, what happened? Yeah, he's just having a low key He was in the city and stuff do a couple things so he kept it low key this year and Just stayed home sage went to her mother So all I had to do was try to stay awake long enough to say happy new year to her Because you know, we just watched the ball drop on YouTube and then it's a little off. You stayed awake that. Well, I stayed awake. Yeah, it was like
Starting point is 00:02:32 five to 12 and I started drifting. I was like, all right, let me stand up and walk around a little old fuck. Yeah. How about you? I spent mine in a retirement community where everything shuts down at nine o'clock. I ended up watching it on the couch with my mom. Yeah. Watch the Nashville, the Nashville one. That was on CBS. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:55 I wasn't never into new country music, but there were a few songs on there that I was like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm gonna jot it down the name, I'll just... You should go to the Texas Roadhouse. All the new country music you could ever hope for. All right.
Starting point is 00:03:06 They play it non-stop. It just, I never really liked the sound of it. But something clicked in me during the night, maybe it was, you know, the hot chicks and skin type clothing. Singing it, but I was so cool. Everybody else is like, guys on these party boats, you know, out in the lake, and they're all playing guitars and girls
Starting point is 00:03:24 have naked dancing around. Every video is the same. It seems like a pretty good time. It seems like a great time. It seems like they haven't a fucking blast. We're making fun of looking at these hicks. Yeah, he's out there fucking a chick on each arm, man. Should we get some papsed?
Starting point is 00:03:37 Bring it some Budweiser, you know? Yeah. They know how to have a good time, or at least portray it as if they are. Yeah, and I, you know, and like they do this thing in the middle of it where at like 10 o'clock They cut to a local news station like they go down from Dick Clark's rock and Eve and and the Nashville one it's like Wilburgrampa So my mother was like all right. Well because we're on the couch. He wasn't getting up
Starting point is 00:04:00 You know what I mean my dad was ever like passed out And I was like oh I was sort of watching the show, the bear, have you heard of the bear? Have you heard of the bear? No. Holy fucking shit. It's a show about a guy whose brother kills himself and he's a top chef.
Starting point is 00:04:16 He's like the best one of the best chefs in the world. And his brother owns a shitty sandwich shop in Chicago. And for whatever reason, he just throws away career after his brother kills himself and he goes to run the restaurant. That's what the show is about basically. And it is intense. Like you came and fucking believe what you're watching. It's only eight episodes season short. Reality or? No, it's scripted. But it's shot in such a way that like getting a sandwich out becomes a fucking soul project like it's wild. They really like did such a great job
Starting point is 00:04:45 with this TV show and I was like, God, mine's like, I just started watching the show of the bear, why don't we watch it? Put on the first episode, I look up my mom, about 15 minutes in and she's actually got a frown on her face, shaking her head at the screen. And I'm like, wow, I don't have to keep what she's in it. And I'm like, this isn't for me,
Starting point is 00:05:00 she's going, this isn't for me. So it's like, so you know, I ruined the day for a little bit there. There you go. Okay, we have some shit and then we came and we went back to know I ruined the day for a little bit there. There you go Give us some shit and then we came to back to Nashville watch the ball drop. It was nice Is it because of the content or is it because it's a little too? What I mean what would be make her frown though? I mean I would be interested in a in a restaurant based show you should watch the show It's fucking beyond excellent
Starting point is 00:05:21 What's it called the The Bear. The Bear. It is, I think that the intensity of it and the fact that my mother, I guess, used to watch cooking shows and she's like, it looks like the cooking because they're over the shoulder and the kitchen and she's like that. I don't know. Okay, Carol Quinn's mine. There's no way to tell why she likes it,
Starting point is 00:05:39 it doesn't like it. And that was it, the ball dropped. And then I was in bed, like 12, 15. There's nothing to do in the village's bath, nine o' it. The ball dropped. And then I was in bed like 1215. There's nothing to do in the village is bath nine o'clock. There's nothing. So that was it. But it was nice, you know? No, no. Really for Christmas too. No, I couldn't, couldn't make it for Christmas. Yeah. Yeah, I was home alone. You know me. Yeah. I'm alone on Christmas, bro. That's my defining feature. I thought you went down to your parents this year for some reason. No, I couldn't do it for us. Oh, right. Yeah, well, you were there for Thanksgiving, right? Yeah, yeah, yeah me and my assistant swap, which days that we're out of town. Got you.
Starting point is 00:06:17 There we go. Thanks. I feel good about this new year. Man, yeah, energized. I got PEP. Happened by step, man. Yeah, energized. I got pep happen my step man. Would you do for Christmas anything? Quite it was nice, but it was nothing. There was like there's no stories to come out of Christmas. You know, nothing of interest. It's not that it's worth it. Everybody get along. Yeah, it was just you can't manufacture a story though, you know, if it
Starting point is 00:06:47 nothing happens. There were like, I didn't have Christmas at my place. For some reason, Pam wanted to have it at hers. She's like, it's not fair. You know, if you do Thanksgiving and Christmas, it's all right, if that's what you want to do. And but there's like, I mean, you know, the size of that, you both know the size of that. You all three know the size of that house. There's like 14 people upstairs. So it's very crowded. There's nowhere to like sit, you know, when you're eating, you have to kind of sit at a chair and, you know, have your plate on your lap. But there were moments where Edgar was getting pissy. And I'm like, I wonder if it's like a sign of respect that they don't argue with the house, like at my place,
Starting point is 00:07:27 or there's something about that house. Everybody grew up in that house. Everybody grew up in that house. Everybody feels probably most comfortable in that house being, you know, Yeah, every day. He's the old roles and titles to some things. Yeah, because I'd get started getting pissy because I mean, the guy didn't leave the kitchen the entire time I was there. Really?
Starting point is 00:07:44 He did not leave the kitchen except to go into the bedroom for a minute and then he I mean the guy didn't leave the kitchen the entire time I was there really did not leave the kitchen Except to go into the bedroom per minute and then he came back out went back in the kitchen. He's cooking. He's He's washing dishes. He's cleaning up. He's serving the food. He's doing all this shit and Pam comes in and she's like got yelled at or something She's all like morose and sitting in the chair like you know, I'm opening shit So I thought maybe something might come of that, but she rebounded. You know what I mean? Oh, all right.
Starting point is 00:08:12 You got any resolutions for the year? I didn't make any resolutions because I generally don't abide by them. Although we are doing this year, me, I was gonna try to think who's in it. Me, so far, me, Rupp, Tom, Victor, Jimmy the Hare guy. We're doing a fat boy winter. We're a it's a group weight loss. So a fat off we used to call in the fires. Yeah, fat off. Yeah, we're having a fat off. Yeah, so we're having a fat off and I'm not sure it's
Starting point is 00:08:43 They want it to weigh get them in but get them so get them won't join. Oh really? Yeah, get them said now Is there a pride when we use these every these to kick in 20 bucks and whoever lost them? This is bragging rights, which I'm not as crazy about yeah, I think you need a little skin and a little incentive Yeah, yeah, they said you could join wall. Yeah, Tom reached out and I was like, oh, you mean old fat wall flat kid? Yeah, let him join. He loses five pounds. He beats everybody percentage wise. That's why I asked him. I was like, so what? Come on, Flavagan. What do you think the winning percentage weight loss is going to be like, and he said probably 10%. He thinks, well, when it, like, if you probably 10% he thinks will win it. Like if you lose 10% of your of your body weight, you think that could win it. So I was just like, I
Starting point is 00:09:34 got to lose like 17 pounds. I was like, I'm not going to win that. But how do when you were sick, man, you probably lost the weight. Yeah. Well, I found with the fat-offs offs like you're not betting on yourself. You're betting against everybody else. Because most people give up after like, yeah, you have to bet on their lack of willpower. Yeah, the reason they look like they currently do is because of the lack of willpower. Yeah, yeah, they wouldn't be where they are. We wouldn't be having a fat off if they weren't born to lose. No, I mean, if I got tenses for a reason, man. So do you encourage like the other guys like slip, like candy bars in their locker?
Starting point is 00:10:07 There's no need to. People, the author of their own destruction, man. Who do you think is gonna take it? Who's in it? It's me, Jimmy, Rob Victor, and Tom so far. I thought Brad was in on it too, is he? Oh, is he? I thought, no, on it too. Is he? Oh, is he?
Starting point is 00:10:25 I thought it's tough. I could be wrong. It's tough because like, those guys right now, like I lost weight over the summer into the winter. I'm still not where I want to be, but like if I had started where I started in the summer, I might be able to do it percentage wise. Yeah. But now that I got thinner, it's gonna be harder
Starting point is 00:10:46 to lose that weight. So I don't know. I'm not sure who the fatest one is. Well, who, I mean, my money's on not on to be in the fatest, but I'm winning is on Victor. Victor, huh? Yeah. I have seen Victor stick to it if this one
Starting point is 00:11:00 comes to work out. There's something about that boy. Yeah. He's got a glint in his eye. He's hungry. Yeah, that's how he got here in the first place. I remember he used to live weights back like when he first started. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:12 He was doing real well. Yeah. But then his back popped. I thought he had threw it back at him. I keep these stones and all kinds of shit. Yeah. So, so, oh, here, Victor photographer, text me right now. Look at that shit.
Starting point is 00:11:26 That bastard. Yeah. He's a ringing. You know, we gotta get moving on those jet skis, right? Jet ski, I have a story about a jet ski where a lady's like private parts imploded. What? Yeah, let me, hold on, I'll pull it up.
Starting point is 00:11:40 I guess the water just went up. She was on a jet ski. Hey, she was riding legs a Kimbo. And like the ocean just entered the gym. It's weirder than that. It's like her, where is it got fucked by Poseidon? In a blue part, are you? Russian woman dies of general rupture.
Starting point is 00:12:00 Oh, wow. Does that don't tell you about that when you're buying it, right? I can't tell you right now. Like your balls might explode. It's not the brochure. You're posting my plow up? Well, it's from Russia, I already don't believe it.
Starting point is 00:12:12 She fell off a Russian woman died of a general rupture she sustained when she fell off a high-speed jet ski her husband was driving. Blah blah blah. They were enjoying a day on the water when she fell into the water as he accelerated away. After another turn the woman could not stay on the jet ski and fell into the water. And at that moment her husband hit the gas and she sustained a serious hydraulic injury. The impact of the fall created a water hammer effect which occurs when a fluid in motion stops or is forced to change direction suddenly causing her to suffer the genital rupture.
Starting point is 00:12:42 There she is in happier times. She's pretty cute. Yeah. Now she's got a blow and a push and she was going to need that. Yeah. Walking around looking at cute. This is the strangest thing that, okay, so she was rushed to a local hospital but she eventually succumbed to her injury. No. Yeah. I guess it was a uterine eruption Reuterine rupture sorry That can cause acute onset of dominole pain and vaginal bleeding and now the husband is on the hook for this causing that death by negligence What why yeah the woman's the woman's husband says a criminal case against him has begun What did he do wrong? He just shreds. He's too rad. He's too rad What do they do wrong? He just shreds. He's too rad. He's too rad. He's too rad. He was doing he was doing the bonsai The guy just lost his cute fucking wife and they're gonna throw this shit on him. Mm-hmm
Starting point is 00:13:32 Not only do you lose your wife, but now you're in trouble because you're driving your your jet ski too fast Just making you rethink the Jet ski well at least bring a passenger on yeah next thing You know, I'm under criminal investigation because she can't sit on a fucking Jetsky. Yeah, this is also why I'm gonna need to get an officially Focalidema branded butt plug Jammin for the ride Just on the back is just a skull
Starting point is 00:14:01 It's like safety first boys Yeah. Yeah. It's like safety first boys. Room. All aboard. Yeah, like is there like safety clothing you could wear to prevent this? I don't know man.
Starting point is 00:14:11 It's a well what was she wearing right? Was she wearing like a thong? I didn't say. Didn't say about what she was wearing. I assume a bathing suit though. Some sort. Yeah. Why do you think a thong doesn't provide
Starting point is 00:14:22 as much protection as a regular bathing suit? I think the one is you get around that. Yeah. you got a little floss up there. Yeah. Yeah. It's weird how shit like this becomes a story though, right? Well, the weirdest thing I know we've mentioned many times on the show But that when we were in the keys and that woman's head got tore off by a stingray. Oh, that was the craziest fucking thing I've ever heard the island was a buzz. Yeah. It's only what we would talk about in every part. Yeah, so a moment was on a boat with their family and they were like zooming along and the stingray jumped out of the water the exact long time.
Starting point is 00:14:55 Hit her face and like apparently tore her fucking... I mean, definitely stopped her neck back of the story right now. It's been 20 years. We could just say it was ripped off right? We could stingray like just ripped or head off. Is that what killed Steve Irwin? He had a sting right at the heart. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:15:08 Those things, but they're not really trying to kill you right? It's just it's just a speed and the. Yeah. It's bad luck man. Well Steve Irwin, I mean he went as far as he can go. He did a lot of dangerous things without getting. It's surprising he didn't get that pretty good. It wasn't the same thing like it came out of a
Starting point is 00:15:25 came out of the water and got him in the chair. No, he was on the water and he was manipulating it and it it just darted it into his chest and pierced his heart. Oh, it can do that that that tail can do that huh? Yeah, that's pretty hard for you man. I liked him too. And then and then they had the footage and the only people that ever saw the footage was his wife and the police and then they destroyed it. It's just crazy. You see his son?
Starting point is 00:15:48 See if everyone's son looks just like him. Yeah, it's wild. I know, I know Bindi is continuing his work, the daughter. Oh, yeah. Yeah, I think she's in a 20s or something. Yeah, yeah. Yeah. Shit.
Starting point is 00:16:01 Nice. Nice. So. All right. So no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, right, so no no no new years red. What about you anyway? No nothing no goals No goals. No, I haven't really didn't don't really play that That resolution thing yeah, I find it to be You know Either do it or you don't regard this
Starting point is 00:16:25 at the time of year. Yeah, I don't buy into that. You know, this is the year I'm gonna do this or that or this. Yeah. You know, just wanna make it to the next one. That's the vibe. That's the next, make it to the next one.
Starting point is 00:16:38 I hear you, man. I had a pretty dark week, I would say. What was going on? It was like, I don't know, it just like right after Christmas, man, I don't know, it just like, right after Christmas, man, this depression hit me, and I just like, it was probably the worst I've had in some time.
Starting point is 00:16:51 Oh wow. Deep and dark and like thorough. It's at the point where I'm like, I don't wanna do anything. I don't wanna get out, like, I don't even gonna get out of bed. Hi, you know. Yeah, reach out, reach out. No, yeah, actually, I hate reach out,
Starting point is 00:17:03 because I'm just like, I know like, it'll pass. And I'm like, what am I gonna do? I'm gonna call a cute one, bother him with this shit. You know, bother me, and it'll pass faster from me in front of me. We'll just start ripping off. Yeah, that actually does help a lot. You're gonna start making fun of me.
Starting point is 00:17:18 All right, so what happened? So what happened? Did you figure it out? Did you, I never figured out, I don't know if it's the medication or what, like, there's this medication that I'm supposed to be taking, but it's so fucking, it's like $700, $800 a month. Holy shit.
Starting point is 00:17:29 Yeah, I know, it's almost as much as my insurance. That is crazy. It's nuts, so. Did you try that Mark Cuban drug thing? Mark Cuban. Yeah. All right, I want to hear this. Even though people have been saying,
Starting point is 00:17:40 keep getting them off the mic. Mark Cuban started a... I do want to hear about this. Like a discount of like pharmacy program. Oh yeah. Yeah, to try to help people get better access to medication. Yeah, it's like one of these new drugs, so it's proprietary, and there's no generic yet and all that other stuff.
Starting point is 00:17:58 Seven other books a month. That's not, doesn't it? That's like a mortgage. Yeah. Oof. It's rough. What do you do? But it doesn't work. Yeah, then you get depressed on top of it. No, it does work, but I ran out I ran out so
Starting point is 00:18:19 If it works you really can't put a price on it then right? Yeah, it should be Boxing up is a lot. Yeah. Yeah, I don't know. But yeah, that was like up until like new years and then it started to pass. And then I think I think also I start to get down because like when did we record Christmas like the 12th? The 12th.
Starting point is 00:18:41 And then we did some Patreon after that. We did one after it, right? Yeah yeah because I had the zoom in right yeah So we did one more after that so that would have been like around the 19th or so. So yeah by that point We're not doing tell them to eat there for like two weeks. I start to get like yeah edgy and antsy and Well, I do I don't talk to anybody wander around the house Yeah, talk to the white person. You're gonna talk by the dog.
Starting point is 00:19:07 The dog of the... Yeah, you gotta be, sometimes you gotta be proactive though if you wanna talk to people though. You're right, you're right. Because nobody's sitting around me. I'm like, I wonder if Brian need somebody to talk to. Like, why would you? Like, why would anybody think that?
Starting point is 00:19:20 Well, if you respond to text, maybe other people would text you. Oh boy. Well, I respond to your text all the time. Are. Okay. All the time. You show me a text I didn't respond to. Okay. That's crazy. Talk. That's shit from get him right now. Tell me that was the jaw on fault. He's going. Victor blaming. Yeah. You talked about him taking it on the chin. In terms of people complaining, he's on the mic too much. What I miss, what I miss, I miss something. The one other thing it just tickled me is one of his, he lashed, not, I don't know, that's
Starting point is 00:19:55 the wrong word, he didn't lash out, but he got, he was irked at me because he felt that if I had spoken more in the last episode, he wouldn't know. He goes, it's your fault. You didn't talk as much. Yes, you usually do. But it just made me laugh so hard. It's your fault. Oh, that's a good broadcast, though.
Starting point is 00:20:20 You know, you got to fill up that diary. You have to do it. It's driving. If It's driving me crazy. I can only imagine it's driving other people crazy. You have a nervous, I don't know if it's nerves or something, but you have to make a noise. It feels like every two minutes. And it feels like it sounds like a dismay.
Starting point is 00:20:41 It's responding to something somebody says. Yes. And it feels like fingernails on a chalkboard to me. I don't know if anybody else does that off mic as well No, I think he's I think it's a mic thing. Okay Am I see thing? Thank God I do think it's some sort of like So funny how you work it in. I do think it's some sort of like a subconscious
Starting point is 00:21:12 thing, but yeah, tick, yeah. I think of just letting people know I'm listening to them. I'm not just ignoring them, you know, I think that the eye contact is the assumption that you're listening. We don't need a verbal or some sort of audio tell that you're paying attention. Right? I mean, yeah, I'm just saying it's. Especially on an audio podcast. Like, by the way, once I've won one podcast or we're listening to and I told you,
Starting point is 00:21:41 I was like, I couldn't even stay in the room because of these like, um, um, yeah, that's what it's getting close to that. Oh, okay. I apologize. Well, they call them crutch words. What's that? Crutch words. What does that mean?
Starting point is 00:21:56 That means like when you're trying to bridge two thoughts, like, I'm a big um guy. I constantly say um, oh my god. Yeah, I don't know how people eliminate it. I listen to sports casters and I listen for it. And I'm like, how the fuck do they do this live? And they never go um. Yeah, it's training.
Starting point is 00:22:16 How do you do it though? I don't know. I've never been able to do it. No, I would like to go to that training. Well, you can find it on YouTube now. Ooh, that's a good thing. It's gotta be. I think that guy Eric said, uh, see, I'm doing it that they, if there's certain words that the
Starting point is 00:22:31 person is saying, that was on purpose, it was on purpose. That was on purpose. No, I know. If the talent has a problem saying a certain word over and over again, they would actually write the word like on a board that's in their view. And if they're're let they were less likely to say it then. Oh, okay. Yeah, we said that we were at the stash that one time. I think Zio was there.
Starting point is 00:22:53 Was it Eric? Maybe. Okay. I don't remember what you're talking about. I'm just here like the way these guys get trashed to like, I know these are names like Chris Collins, Worth, Ac, and Rolmo. These are football guys. These are football guys that got to talk for like three hours straight and they never go
Starting point is 00:23:10 um. And all they do is get trashed online. They're saying they're not good. They have garbage, how they're going to put ice picking their ears, if listeners are like get him off the air. But nobody, and I'm like, they, but nobody ever types it. I never see someone go like, it's fucking astounding that they never fall into like the, uh, they never say, oh my God, to me, that is worthy of an Emmy. Like, if you can go the whole game, live and never once stumble into an arm or, uh, or lose, or have a brain fart. Yeah, like lose your
Starting point is 00:23:45 train of thought. I think a lot of that is they just that they're did the people diss their team. Like, Romo, this is the giants and all the giant fans can't stand it. And how do you never fall into saying something inappropriate? Like, like, not even in like, oh, I love the same. Yeah,. Or just a cuss word, like, I'll fuck. It's like, that to me would be something that I feel should happen more than it never happened. It was that guy was, he was mentioning a visit the day
Starting point is 00:24:14 before that they did to the Negro League Museum and he did not say Negro. What year was this? It's like two years ago, I think. And yeah, he caught, I think he got fired. Well, he's the servant. Then he's the servant of the criticism. Yes.
Starting point is 00:24:32 That's not a mistake you easily make and take back. Yeah. I don't like something, but sometimes you're still going to give him the pass. Sometimes you're so, no, sometimes. Get him to give him the unword pass. Sometimes you're so fixated on not saying the word that you end up saying the word. But you're so fixated on not saying the word that you end up saying
Starting point is 00:24:45 the word. But you're a professional. Yeah. And why do you have to fixate on not saying the word? Pretty easy. No matter where you go, you're right. That's a way to say that. I'm not saying I'm a professional broadcaster, no, they're mindset. You get paid the broadcast? Do you get paid the broadcast? I said professional. All that matters is do you get paid? That doesn't mean I'm professional. Of course it does. It's not an issue. If you get paid to do something,
Starting point is 00:25:19 you are a professional. Stephen King himself says it. It's like if you write and you get paid, you can pay your electric bill with that with that check that they give you. You're a professional. Stephen King himself says it. It's like, if you write and you get paid, you can pay your electric bill with that check that they give you, you're a professional. You're a writer. And I am a professional broadcaster to my Twitter profile. Now you're in the company of like the Aikman's and the Ramos, everyone's like, I hate it. I want them off.
Starting point is 00:25:39 I'm more like a booger. Let me see here. He got all of it. You didn't like him. Right, but I never was. Oh, you never said the other time. I was spending online and called him trash and called for his removal from the broadcast. Though Jeff has said to me that he wanted to sick and ice picking his ear listening to me talk.
Starting point is 00:26:01 Yeah. Well, just Sunday, Jeff, though, it's's he was exposed to it all day long so my oh Yeah, right. You feel that way? No six days. Hi, nice pick. Yeah, no ice picks needed here So I'm gonna take one here some callus over Did you see to um Aaron Rogers yeah with the With the Jim Kimmel thing? What happened? He
Starting point is 00:26:29 He made an accusation that Jimmy Kimmel's name would show up he would be nervous because his name might show up on the Epstein travel logs or something like that travel logs or something like that. What is that? I didn't realize this was his thing. Why is he against Jimmy Kimmel? I think because Jimmy Kimmel came out against him. Well, yeah, because our Rogers came out and
Starting point is 00:26:52 it's gotten himself into hot water for not taking the vaccine. Yeah, saying he took the vaccine. Well, he said he was immunized. Yeah, okay. And I guess at that point in time, when everything was going on, at the heights of COVID and people not taking the vaccine and taking the vaccine, you hear I'm immunized.
Starting point is 00:27:16 He really, but that means something else. It doesn't mean you took the shot. It means you took some sort of, you know, like new age, new wave. He was listening to Joe Rogan, right? He was like, that was his mentor. He was, he's that Iver. I know Ivermectin and stuff like that.
Starting point is 00:27:30 But he takes, he's holistic and all that stuff. Yes, he does. These things where you go into like a little hut and you sweat it out for like six days straight. Aaron Rodgers does that. And you have, you start to like get, and you start to go into a different plane of existence. Oh, so does that.
Starting point is 00:27:45 Uh, what was the ash Karama? I don't know. I was gonna see. Yeah, I think like where the, where the, the Sherpa, the shaman comes in. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:27:54 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. That's a big fear. I have a throw that's my problem with mushrooms Anytime I do mushrooms is like a good hour of me either fighting my stomach or Throwing up you're talking about like psychedelic But not like on your pizza though. I don't eat mushrooms Okay, the only mushrooms I eat a psychedelic. Oh, that's right. Well, I else would you eat them? Fucking gross and disgusting fucking grow the shit man fungus
Starting point is 00:28:25 I got to eat this shit tasting me and it's not gonna make me see my grandparents Why would I do this So rage is I mean I've only done mushrooms like I think five four or five times in my life So have you gone into a different plane of existence? I've got some fucking crazy places. Yeah, really yeah Why is this the first time you've mentioned that you've dropped in just casually? You're doing mushrooms. I'm dropping out and tuning in. Maybe. But you know, I don't remember every hearing this or I like them a little stun to hear that you're experimenting with psychedelics. Well, we tried that one time, right?
Starting point is 00:29:02 Well, we had a great time on it. Yeah. That a laugh that I didn't really see stuff but we couldn't stop laughing when it died yeah I think it worth the walls were like shimmery yeah I remember laughing our balls off yeah I did it yeah it was that was a great I remember that day we were dying dying fine I couldn't breathe we were laughing so hard that day but I thought you're supposed to find enlightenment not just like snicker Fucking don't be fucking high school kids. Is it reality? The shit we were laughing at is probably so It's not supposed to be like you know like just giggling like to Goofballs. I know it's wrong with that. You're supposed to like find
Starting point is 00:29:41 some sort of Different plane of existence where you see things in yourself in a new way. Only taking enough to do that once. The rest of the times it's been low dose like that. It's like you kind of... Did you hear about this? There's some sort of entity that everybody sees if they get to a certain point and that this proves that there is something to the argument that you can get to a different dimension. Everybody sees the same entity and they describe them the same way.
Starting point is 00:30:12 I mean, what does that entity look like? Setsuya, the chestnut. I know, there was a one time where I really went on a rocker ride. Lever here was like you saw. I didn't see anything like that. I'm trying to recall my memories more just like. Do you see a like a creature?
Starting point is 00:30:27 With more than multiple highs no creature, but I was looking at one of my cats and See more than it was there, you know to me like it became this Toad him for something else. I don't even remember what exactly What did you see? It was just it was more about like insights. It's hard to recall when you So grew up if you don't write down as I said you don't jack down. I didn't I do know there was a feeling There was a feeling of I mean this was a blast this time It was a feeling of like I'm rewriting the rules of the universe and I got a little scary because you feel
Starting point is 00:31:04 Like you're able to do these things Because as you're as a remember it as I was kind of hallucinating and seeing things I imagine that I was the one making it happen. This is drugs. It's bullshit. It's all bullshit But I remember being like I have to be too careful not to Change the universe too much So resembles what I wanted to when I get back so like you could like shift atoms and like change No, it was just like thought creates. Okay, okay type thing and then I Was with a girl and she
Starting point is 00:31:40 Very clearly I remember turning into like a pile of sand like really fine quartz and this doesn't terrify that would that was the only thing I got a little scary because and you did you think you did it well yeah because it was locked into that thing where I was like because the thing is like you know you're on you know you're on drugs I never lost but the reality of what's happened to you is still so Remember in the Batman movie when they dehyde they dehydrated people in the 66 Batman movie They're going to piles of sand. Yeah, yeah, are you just like that you just happened to watch Batman 66? It was dark and hurt the shape of her body was on the bed next thing we both tripping and
Starting point is 00:32:23 Wait a minute. See your tripping without somebody who's not tripping Don't have somebody who's like to watch over you to make sure you don't fucking watch your eyes out with a fucking Jump out window jump out a window or something you don't have to be a baby I mean I Killed it up into that point was mostly the giggles So they didn't really feel like there was a need for that But I have friends that do mushrooms literally like every fucking weekend Like they're on it man. They're on a day microdoster in the day. They just fucking do it
Starting point is 00:32:52 So I was emboldened this one again. I'm no actually I've only done it like four or five times But I was emboldened at one time and I think I overdid it a little bit and then so I didn't but even then like I got out of it It wasn't like I was like I need someone here to watch me, you know. Right, but like you didn't need someone to tether you to, to the, to the normal downer, some bummer sitting around telling me that everything's gonna be all right. No, it's mushrooms at least I found doesn't really work like that. It's not like acid or whatever. And where do people like, where do you find this mushroom that you just took? Oh, it's fucking everywhere now, man. You can get it from anybody now.
Starting point is 00:33:36 Now they have places, what they'll do is they grind them into pill. You don't have to eat the mushrooms anymore. They grind them up and put them in like, jet the gel capsules and you just swallow those and like that's it and where you're fine and you just find your buddy who's going to a fish concert the fucking year and you ask him where he got his and one of the Franks. Oh, I will say which day. I will say which Frank. He's not number five though. We're not one of the worst but I would guarantee that he would be a guy that
Starting point is 00:34:02 knows how to get them. And these are illegal? Yes. I think they're going down the path that marijuana went, which is like they're starting to get loosened up around the edges. Now how does one grow into specific kind of mushrooms that do this? Do you need some sort of different kind of fecal matter? I don't know. I don't know the process.
Starting point is 00:34:19 I used to, every once in a while, I would have people like, oh, you live in a horse farm? Can I get like a five-gown bucket of manure? Oh, it's the horse manure. They said the horse manure wasn't as good as other manure, but it would work in a pinch You wouldn't sell them. Oh, no, I would give a Minor. I'm like if you want a bucket of horse manure, I will give you a bucket of horse manure And so that's what so You know you have to be somewhat skilled right because you don't want to take a mushroom that if you're going to do it anyway, it's gross. Yeah. Like you said, you don't want to make sure you take one that's not, that's going to do the trick. Not going to just like, well, hopefully, yeah, your source is someone who,
Starting point is 00:34:56 but that's what I'm saying, those pills now are just, they, and they can tell by that look of the mushroom, if it's one of the ones that'll fuck you. No, I think they grow a specific type to sell it. Like they have farms. Yeah, they put the spores over the manure. And that's what they're supposed to do. Spores? That's how, what's a spore? It's a little thing that the fungus puts out
Starting point is 00:35:17 that helps it replicate. How tiny is it? Is it microscopic? I would say, it looks like dust. Like very, it's a pollen, basically spores. It almost is, yes. But the pollen, but the pollen needs to interact with the How long does it take to grow a psychedelic mushroom? That I do not know.
Starting point is 00:35:31 These are pretty quick. Yeah, like the weekend? I don't know if it's that quick. These are pretty fast. This past fall, it got rainy. There were so many mushrooms all over the lawn, right? It seems like they just like over. I go around and you know, I me there were so many mushrooms all over the lawn right? Like it seems like they just like over.
Starting point is 00:35:45 I go around and you know I like, I like, well I try to get rid of them because I'm afraid the dog might eat them. I mean you know I don't want to start tricking or I'm gonna rise out of the fork. Do you get the, do you get the fairy circles where they grow like in a big like nine foot circle?
Starting point is 00:36:02 Did I get what? They're called fairy circles. They they tend to grow like in like a nine to ten foot circle Mushrooms I don't know. Oh those in the yard. Yeah. Yeah, I don't know. Okay. How much is a mushroom cost? Yeah, that's a great question. I don't remember. It's been been a while and the last time I got him I got him My buddy just gave him to me. The pillow. Yeah, I guess I know. Yeah. No way. He's like Aaron Rodgers. He don't pay. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. You know,
Starting point is 00:36:32 you got cool friends over there. Can you pay? And you could be, there's people in jail who, who deal mushrooms in jet. You gotta imagine. Yeah. Now that's so fucked up like something that grows naturally though. Well, so that's marijuana. Yeah Yeah, it's true, but it is weird though. There's something that grows out of the ground. It's not It's nothing but a but a plant fungus. That's it. Yeah, dry out and you're not allowed to Because this makes you feel good
Starting point is 00:37:01 There's got to be more to it than that though. I think it's probably not for everybody. I think it's the violence that eventually becomes associated with it. What do you mean? Well, the violence of the people selling it and like competition and you know, it's, oh yeah. I really think there's like a mushroom drive cut through. Yeah, I'm not just saying, I'm not just saying much. Something that they're associated with like peace and like you know and trip in and everything to good trip.
Starting point is 00:37:31 That's the people who take it. I'm just saying it's like marijuana where you get like you know two dealers whose territory starts crossing and they get into a beef. What are you watching? You are like the wire. The bloods in the crypts they'll they'll go to war over mushrooms. Those guys are selling heroin. Okay, I'm not saying specifically mushrooms, but it's along those lines. That's why all these things get grouped together. Okay,
Starting point is 00:37:54 you know, like pot, you know, you know, pot cocaine. You think you think like urban drug dealers are dealing in mushrooms? Would look kind of a street corner. Yeah crack type guys. Yeah, you think that they got mushrooms too I don't know anything about it, but I have to think no I don't know why maybe like a college drug dealer well I wouldn't buy like I wouldn't go to like Washington Square Park and be and buy mushrooms off someone You got to do like a trusted person because they could just be fucking mushrooms. You know? Portinis, like shit.
Starting point is 00:38:32 Yeah, yeah. It's the portinis they got from the corner store. The worst. I remember those mushrooms taste like... It's like eating dirt. It's like eating like leaves you pick up off the ground. And the only other taste like that that I've ever had is when I was big into the pills and I couldn't get pills I bought these opium these poppy pods off the internet and you make opium tea and it's yeah, like you grind up You know, you know, I had Chinese real worker
Starting point is 00:38:57 Kind of yeah, yeah, I had everything but but the house Only I had the den But yeah, I did that a couple times. You're like I wouldn't get sick but the house. Jesus. He's open again. Yeah, the dad. If only I had the den. But yeah, I did that a couple times. So like, I wouldn't get sick. Drinking. Drinking. Oh, it hardly worked at all.
Starting point is 00:39:11 And it tasted like dog shit. So I eventually stopped. But yeah, I was like, put them in a blender and grind them up, make it into a tea stream in it all. This will work. This will solve all my problems. Yeah. Instead of just stopping it.
Starting point is 00:39:24 Exactly. This tea. What's that. Yeah, instead of just stopping it, it's just tea. What's that? Is this a legal this tea? I don't know. I mean, you could get these pods off the internet, but it's the same as with sesame seeds. You can get or poppy poppy seed drugs. Oh, you're saying a bond. Yeah, the whole of the poppy seeds on a bun.
Starting point is 00:39:41 Yeah, like if you get enough of them, you can extract certain amount amount of opium from it. Yeah, you can even test positive on drug tests. Yeah. If you like, if I was eating big or a poppy bagels all the time, yeah, when we did drug tests in the fight, I mean like whether it was true, not everybody would be like, don't have a poppy bagel before you do it. Yeah. Well, that was true. I feel like it has to be more than. Yeah. Otherwise, otherwise people would be poppy bays to get in high. I think it's me for the indicator of the show. Oh, no, I'm not sure. I like tripped, yeah.
Starting point is 00:40:09 There's apparently a subsequent test. You can do that. We'll test the actual level. A lot of places don't do it. Just like you popped by. Yeah, all right. Cool. I know.
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Starting point is 00:41:08 I don't even say, you say. I have, he's blue-cho in the past. Yeah. I don't, you wouldn't call it recreationally. Like, if you don't need it, is it recreationally? I tried it and I found that it worked well. So you're admitting that those are your packets that were in the couch over there?
Starting point is 00:41:24 Yeah, that's where I was jamming. I would bring them from home to jam. I mean, it was not in the couch here. Yeah. I don't know, I tried them. I tried them. Yeah, they worked. Well, I thought,
Starting point is 00:41:36 well, because I think I said this on the show, my friend was like, it's not about getting a boner, it's about getting that fucking rock hard 20-year-old. Right, right. Sure enough. Mm-hmm. So Blutru wants to help you have better sex. Discover your options at and do it.
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Starting point is 00:42:09 What if I had ripped that woman out of 13,000 dollars? What if it was me? What is your reaction? Still your friend? No. I'm questioning what's going on. I'm definitely gonna ask you. I wanna sit down and have a conversation conversation That's how I get my thrill
Starting point is 00:42:26 Oh, that's how I need to get my Are you keeping the money for yourself for you? Yeah, no, it's just for like amongst us. No, no, it's like I got caught I did it. I Rouse so you weren't you weren't even catfishing or really you were just trying to scammer That's what gets that's what gets my jolly is scammin Weird that's something I was aware of Did you at least get me something? What did you get me something with the money?
Starting point is 00:42:58 What is this have to do what what do you mean? What what what our reaction would you want to taste? Do you want to wet your beak? If you if you had gotten something nice for me that, what are reaction would be? Do you want to taste? Do you want to wet your beak? Is that what you're saying? If you had gotten something nice for me that I'd be totally behind you. But why would I get something nice for you? I don't stand. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:43:11 Well, like, what? Like, what do you mean something nice? Like, I come in all the work and now he's gonna buy you a gift. Yeah. Like, like, you bought me a pizza. Like, hey, get him here's a pizza. Yeah, I'll buy you a pizza.
Starting point is 00:43:20 Okay, I'm cool with it. Oh, all right. No problems, no problems. I mean, aside from the obvious legal entanglements that would follow, I'd be like I don't know why I did. I think he has enough money. This must be how he gets his kicks. Yeah. Like he says. It's illegal though. Oh it's it's illegal. Yeah. Sure. Ask for money from women who are or looking for a companionship and are willing to send it. I mean, I'm why I would imagine so.
Starting point is 00:43:50 You're not lying. You are BQ. Sure. Yeah. BQ. And you are asking for the money. The money is not like you're not being honest about the money because you're lying. You're saying you got tax problems and all this other stuff. Oh, I got tax problems. Yeah. And he said he had a job. I got to pay 13 tax on 13 grand. I just got. Yeah. But like if you're actually who you say you are, yeah, and you're like, can I have money? And you ask for the money.
Starting point is 00:44:16 And she gives it. Yeah. And you don't ever follow through with like, we're going to meet up at this time. We're going to have a plane. No, nothing. Yeah. And if you don't ever, and if then if you just become disinterested and move on, is that illegal though?
Starting point is 00:44:30 I feel like it's got a bit. How do you not? I don't think it would be though. It's the lying that's saying you're somebody else. But since you're actually who you say you are, you might have a like to stand on. I think it's like more if you want it if you want it to stand. This is the like to really.
Starting point is 00:44:52 Huh. Interesting. I think yeah, like legally it's fine. It's just morally. Of course. Yeah. No one's questioning that. But like there has to be some kind of checklist that you if you went down and
Starting point is 00:45:04 followed it, it's like yeah, you're totally in the Absolutely. Yeah, there's certain things that you got to stay away from But what do you use? Well, what do you like you're fine with it? I would definitely be like totally weirded out like it's something that you know really like oh I really don't know this person. Yeah, this is really weird. What else don't we know? Like what's why do you see me that much money? You know? He must have a jet ski. More than a cruise bulldover. Yeah, it would be it would be a lot of red flags would be raised and it would be it would be hard to like, you know, to not like question after he got caught and it all came out.
Starting point is 00:45:48 But we still do the podcast. I think so. I think because I, like I said, you could, you have so much more to talk about now as you can work your way through the legal system. We'll find out if it was indeed illegal. Yeah, it turns out you were wrong. It's really entirely illegal. I remember that hot lawyer. That's probably like telemarketing where you're like, you're a lot to fudge a little,
Starting point is 00:46:19 but there's certain things you just can't say. Like I watched that telemarketing, just a special that was on Netflix. Yeah. That took place in New Jersey. And like there were certain things they could say, just certain things that they couldn't say. Right, right, right. But they ended up saying the things that they couldn't say.
Starting point is 00:46:36 Which is what they're probably. If you haven't seen telemarkers, think it's on Max, right? Was it on Max? I think it's on Max, yeah. It's definitely worth watching. It's amazing that they thought to get cameras out and record that stuff at that time, because it's not like you just whipped your phone out and just record.
Starting point is 00:46:49 Like I think they actually had cameras or anything. That has to. I think the one guy had a camcorder, yeah. Yeah. And that has to significantly, significantly hurt the telemarketing game at this point. Now, people seeing especially the police union. It has to, right? Like, you get that call.
Starting point is 00:47:04 Who is still going to donate money especially the police union, it's like, you get that call, who is still going to donate money to the police union that, with a robotic phone call. What fool is still doing that? That was the one thing that bothered me that they didn't really go into, was the fact that they had people who had worked for them before and recorded their voices, and now through AI, we're duplicating them. Oh, wow. And the guy's like, yeah, I know that guy, that voice goes, that's a guy who died and like
Starting point is 00:47:28 they didn't go into further into, wow, like that's like the stuff I was like really would want to like find out about. Ooh, there was one dude in it. He's super aggro. Like, he's a telemarker guy. He just got out of prison and he's like trying to get this old lady to give over her information, trying to get her to do it. Trying to get her to do it. And it's like she's right on the cusp
Starting point is 00:47:49 of giving out the information and she disconnects. And as you fucking bitch, it's like, it's crazy. He's really pissed. Oh shit, man. Rough. Yeah, that was an unhappy dude. I'm so, that makes me so leery of anything.
Starting point is 00:48:05 There is a guy who, especially when you have someone at your ring the doorbell, it's so unusual now to get some of you at your front door. So, somebody wearing the doorbell during the Christmas break. And I'm downstairs. I come downstairs and Deb already answered the door and he's like, yeah, I'm here with the gas company. I wanna make sure you're getting charged the right amount for your gas, yada yada. And I was just like close the door and he's like, yeah, I'm here with the gas company. I want to make sure you're getting charged
Starting point is 00:48:25 the right amount for your gas, yada yada. And I was like close to the door, I said. Close to the door, I said, this is not real. I said, there's no way that they're fucking paying the gas company's paying some guy to just randomly walk up and down the street. I said, yeah, I could be wrong. They do though.
Starting point is 00:48:39 I'm not saying, but I was just like, fuck it. I said, look, it makes no sense. I said, the gas company's running around to see if they're overcharging it. I said, look, it makes no sense. I said, the gas companies running around to see if they're overcharging you. I said, I don't think so. That's how they, it's not like they don't say undercharge. They say overcharged because that's how they get you. I said close the door and she was like, well, I told him I,
Starting point is 00:48:58 because she was going to go upstairs and get someone. I was like, now, just tell him that you're, you don't have time. We're leaving and have to come back. So I go, what I'm taking here is always, well, finally I come downstairs and I go, yeah, we're on our way out, we don't have time for this. You know, we'll kind of come back another time.
Starting point is 00:49:11 And I was just like, if you want, I said, but we'll probably won't be around, I said. I think you want to come back later in a day. He never came back though, but it makes you leery though. I mean, it very well could have been true. Yeah. I had that with a bug spray guy. Like a guy came to the door and he's like, yeah,
Starting point is 00:49:28 we're offering 30% off because we're in the neighborhood and blah, blah, blah. And he starts talking about this bug spray. He's going to spray and I'm like, my wife makes all those decisions. So this way I can just get out of it and walk away. And he's like, what, once you're going to be back? And I'm like, I don't know, dude. Like now you're too eager. Yeah. And you don't know if that spray is going to be harmful.
Starting point is 00:49:46 I don't know what the fuck they're spraying around. Yeah, exactly. Yeah. Like I would think he would just come out and like, OK, this is what your meter reading says, or what we think it says. It's this is what your meter says. Yeah, it was fishy.
Starting point is 00:49:56 The guy was young. I was looking at his vest and it didn't say NJ gas or anything. It was like something get him and wear. It's just like, it's not worth it. You know what? We watched the bug guy talk to your wife at one time on the Alexa, because the alert came up that someone
Starting point is 00:50:12 was at the front door. Yeah. But it was the same thing like he said. Oh yeah, which is up to me in the neighborhood. Yeah. He's wanna offer to everybody else. Yeah, they don't wanna take no for an answer though. They're not happy with no for an answer.
Starting point is 00:50:23 Yeah, this guy took no, he left. Like I said, it could have been legit, but I just find it weird that... I have a gas company, just, we'll send people out instead of just contact you beforehand. I have a gas company, and they said no, he's legit, and then he went downstairs and found something wrong on my pipe, and that defense.
Starting point is 00:50:38 I don't know if he even asked to come in, that was the weird thing, I don't know. That's how we started the conversation. It's like we're checking to make sure that you're getting charged correctly. Right. And I was like, hold on one second, call the gas company. They're like, no, no, he's legit. And then I let him down. He found the problem.
Starting point is 00:50:52 He found like a leaky pipe that he fixed. So you've been getting overcharged? Uh, I think it was negligible, but like he just, there was a problem that needed to be adjusted. And it was a workable. A leaky pipe is different. If he's like, yeah, I'm here at the gas company. You have a leaky pipe. Well, when I was like, I don't know. I don't know. When I leaky pipe is different. If he's like, yeah, I'm here at the gas company. You have a leaky pipe.
Starting point is 00:51:05 I don't know. I don't know. When I want to go check the meter, he's like, I smell something in here. Gotcha. Okay. So it turned out good. Turned out to be legit. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:51:15 Maybe I was too harsh, too quick. Yeah, because I'm suspicious of my condom. Oh, no, no. I call that verif- Trust but verify, right? Yeah. Good. I like that. Trust but verify. which means you really don't trust him.
Starting point is 00:51:28 You don't trust him. Mis-trust and verify. Verify everything. You got to. Too many people I watch all these murder porn shows man. So many people even like to this day are willing to let somebody in their house and use a phone. It's weird right? the fuck man. Yeah, and a stain age with cell phones
Starting point is 00:51:50 So when you were a kid like we were like walking out with your grandmother like far away from home And like you knocked on someone's house to use their bathroom Because like you as a kid you're I don't think I ever did I just piss in like trees or whatever. Oh, okay Get him's got you know, he's got it, he's got more to deal with them. Just blowing up his teeth. Kill your tree. Well, you know, let me and you're gonna have a fucking, what was that thing called? An angel fucking circle. Your backyard. Let me tell you, these are fucking potent. You'll meet the entity.
Starting point is 00:52:26 You doggy twenties. It's gonna be me entity for a week. If it was discovered that your feces enriched the mushrooms, would you sell it? Oh yeah. Oh yeah. Would you be able to eat a mushroom that was growing up? Yeah, if it was like guaranteed to be the best fucking trim ever the purest most beautiful you're gonna meet that entity Oh, I'm gonna meet the N.D.M. But every mushroom that you
Starting point is 00:52:56 Just looks like him With four eyes My shit, huh? I was thinking I eat my shit, huh? I eat my shit, huh? How you thinking? That goes over and over and over and over and over. And over and over. First trip ever. This is where I was guilty.
Starting point is 00:53:16 In a modest position, she's going, how you staying in there? I'm staying in there. I'm staying in there. I'm definitely taking the fucking bus. So, wait, you would go around the strangers in neighborhood and not gonna do it and want to use their bathrooms? No, I remember once I was with my grandma that we went for like a long walk and on the way back like I really had to. Sure would hate to get molested. You sure would suck if I would have molested me when I'm in this stranger's house using your bathroom.
Starting point is 00:53:47 Panted that. Well, like, did you never hear the fucking warnings of like, don't go into a stranger's house? No, I was with my grandmother. And what? I was with my grandmother. We were on a walk and on the way back. $10 for the boy.
Starting point is 00:54:01 Yeah. On the way back to her house, like I really had to go to the bathroom. So she knocked on somebody's door and he let me in to use the bathroom. Oh, man, he got used to bathroom like this. Was it number one? No, it was number two. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:54:16 I still think I would hell I would know. This is how you're getting in the house. This is how you get in the house. This is the 80s. So how old are you four or five? Okay. So my grandmother's, I don't know, 60s. And there's no gas station.
Starting point is 00:54:33 There's no plate. No, no, no. It was, it was, we went to a park and like it's a residential area. It's like no gas station whatsoever. Okay. And I got mad. I really have to go, I really have to go. Nan, and she's, she just knocks on it. Were you overreacting or could you I got a mountain get really up to go, I really have to go, Nan. And she just knocks on it.
Starting point is 00:54:45 Were you overreacting or could you? No, I realized, really had to go. That would be a rough thing to let the neighborhood get in your house and they blows up, like you just stinks out the bed. Well, he's not even the neighborhood, could you even know who he is? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:54:59 Really, but let's say an elderly woman tomorrow brings your Darbell and she's got a four or five year old boy with her and she's like my grandson really needs to use the bathroom. That would be like, why did you walk him by this house? I'm going to the street. I mean, I guess honestly, I feel like I probably would. I feel like I probably would let her in. Because it's okay, let's say,
Starting point is 00:55:23 okay, let's change it. It's not an old lady. It's an old man. Still like in their 70s. Right. Yeah. Is this a jackass movie? This is one of those,
Starting point is 00:55:32 this is one of those situations where I'm like, can I take this person if it like goes south? All right. So if I assume I can take a lot of the let's say it's like a, it's like Jack Lillian. No. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:55:44 It's that 93 year old guy. It's a very fra's like Jack Lillian. No, yeah. It's that ninety-three year old guy was so it's a very frail Older gentleman. Mm-hmm. You know he he barely weighs a hundred pounds. Right. Yes. Yeah, I thought okay Now, but let's say change the scenario again now the the grandson is 18 though. No No way. And Bill just walked in and I come and tap him in my door. 15. What's that? 15? No, he would have to be little.
Starting point is 00:56:13 I think the top age would be like 10. I was going to be like, there's a fucking gas station. There's a wall wall, five minutes from here. I'm going to flip it. The 18-year-old says, can my grandfather use the bathroom? That's tough, then, yeah. Only if you stay outside, I would say. Cause they're, but for the race of God,
Starting point is 00:56:31 are you in like 20 years? Oh, wandering around asking you, people's bathrooms. I don't worry about this wandering around with you. Yeah. That's a tough one, no. I would just be like, I'm sorry, my husband is interest
Starting point is 00:56:50 Then they ran around the corner So wait, what you say you have a husband? Yeah, and I really People like for like a loop to this house Wait, what is a naked man? Yeah Married to another man I think I'll find the next bathroom. Yeah Play on there fucking homophobic. Yeah. Just because you're the older person. Yeah, I'm a good person.
Starting point is 00:57:08 I'm all right. Just because they're older homophobic. Yeah. Okay. I think that was the source of my depression as I was thinking about being older, I'm like, like being so much older than Mary Beth N. Sage, and like eventually how much of their life I will miss out on because I'm, I, you know, yeah. It's understandable to think that way, but then it would be like, you know, the catch 22 is then you're, then you're wasting valuable time. Just waiting for it to happen.
Starting point is 00:57:40 Yeah, like, like, being bombed out about it, doing nothing. Instead, when you could be like, put it at your head, let's go do something fun with Mary Beth and Sage. Right. Yeah. Right. That would be great. I tried that the other day. I challenged Sage to an Uno game and she's like, I was like, God damn it. I need this. I need this. You got to know you're, you got to know that like, Uno isn is probably not in that one of the things that she cares about anymore. No, to go put your Xbox down. Let's play some Ooda. We are we like I was like my answer Christmas and my one cousin's son is just obsessed with
Starting point is 00:58:16 YouTube. Like he was just sitting there all day long like on his back on the floor watching YouTube videos and she like offered him a cookie. He's like no somebody said well what if they pursue YouTube video about watching cookies would be interesting he's then what is that he was he was out we were just joking with with his mom I see guy well let me answer this because I had a conversation with a guy a guy in the villages what if if life was a game, what inning are you in? Fucking bottom of the night.
Starting point is 00:58:49 No, I can't not bottom of the night. Not true. Bottom of the night is guys who are on your deathbed. Yeah, like that's like, I would say like, that's like hospice care. Yeah, I get over 75, I think. Two outs, two strikes. Yeah. You know, you can't get out of bed.
Starting point is 00:59:03 That's bottom of the ninth with, you know, and, you know, Nolan Ryan's on the mound. It's got it all in two count on you. So halfway through, maybe like, maybe fifth inning, sixth inning, yeah. That says a lot. That is a half glass full, you know. It's unusual for me. Yeah and it says a lot though that's good that you think it's more than it sounds like. It's more than halfway. Right but I would have thought he would have said something a little bit more closer to seven. Reality. And Hollianne over here. I think she's the third inning. Of a double header. No.
Starting point is 00:59:50 I like to think... Look at him. I think she's gonna work out. He's still thinking. He's still thinking. Oh, that's time. He thinks he's Reggie Jackson in the World Series. 1977. He's gonna hit all of the run. Every time he gets at the play, he's gonna hit all this time. All this time. It thinks he's Reggie Jackson in the World Series, 1977.
Starting point is 01:00:06 Every time he gets at the police, he's going to hit all of us. Point to the stands. LAUGHTER LAUGHTER Why, what do you think, you? I was saying the same thing. Fifth. I was thinking like fifth inning.
Starting point is 01:00:23 So you have four more innings. Well I'm 47. I think it's reasonable that I'll get to. Oh yeah I'm not disagreeing with you. Yeah I would have thought though you could you could say you could you could realistically say four. Four. Yeah. Because I'm 40 you think 10 years is that like a no 10 years in an ink just just your vibe your your what's that called your you gotta say qua your aura yeah that I see I'll take fourth yeah I could see you saying fourth and getting away with it okay I'm gonna say that then I'm gonna go for it as well my what do you think about for yourself for myself?
Starting point is 01:01:08 What do I say fifth I feel like fifth or six Realistically, I would have to say the six six then yeah If I was being honest with myself looking forward to that seventh inning stretch. Yeah Whoo. Yeah. What does that mean though? What does that mean for me my seventh inning stretch? Woo! Yeah, what does that mean? What does that mean for me? My seventh inning stretch. That's E's, just... That's taking all the easier. Yeah. You slow down. Let the ground crew come out, do a dear thing.
Starting point is 01:01:32 Let them water to fucking bleed long. Let them fucking maintain the field. Yeah. I saw this article in the post, it, um, AI death calculator predicts when you'll die and it's extremely accurate. Oh God. Can you believe this shit? I can but we're living in black mirror man. Well like how do they test it? Do they put like people who already died into it? It's slightly different than chat deep GPT This model kind of it's just a model that can predict almost anything. I'm not sure. We predicted death because it's something people have worked on for many years.
Starting point is 01:02:08 So we had a good sense of what was possible. So I just, they must just plug in all this information. Well, the factors and just like all of your, I mean, I don't even know, like maybe they use your DNA or they use your, your family history or something. I don't use a lot of race. Yeah. Yeah. There's a lot of factors that go into,
Starting point is 01:02:28 something that's junk science. It says here, the examined a heterogeneous subject population of six million Danish people who varied in sex and age between 2008 and 2020, and they use this model to discover which of the subjects would likely live for at least four years beyond January of 2016 Wow
Starting point is 01:02:52 How we all think we're so fucking special, but I don't know it's just a bunch of numbers Yep, you could plug in and nobody'll fucking care if you die said Fuckin hey man. Yeah, so this guy was talking to him in the village is like he was he was Late 60s and he was trying to start some toy restoration business doesn't really yeah, and you a restoration Toy and animatronic figure restoration is fascinating like he would find old And neon lights like he would find all these old lights and like... He would store like window display lights. And he was showing me like, he's like, yeah, he goes, I find pictures of what the figure looked like in the 40s or 50s and I repair my best thing.
Starting point is 01:03:38 And he showed me he makes fiberglass feet from those fastenings and stuff. And he's like, and I always want to, he goes like, I always want, I forget what he did for a living, but he's like, I always wanted to make this what I didn't like. He goes, I always dreamed of working with Disney or something like that. He goes, and he goes, now he goes like, I'm on the bottom of the eighth. He's like, I'm running out of time to really like do anything with this. So I'm trying to like make my retirement be about that. And I was like, wow, what does that feel like? To be like on the bottom of the eighth. And my dream hasn't come true yet.
Starting point is 01:04:10 Well, it was a sobering. Yeah, it was a real sobering thing. I was like, I can't imagine that a lot of your dreams have come true though. Yeah, most of them actually. Yeah. Yeah, so you coast. Oh, it wasn't bitching at all.
Starting point is 01:04:26 Make a funny failure, so that's one thing. No, this should I want to do it. I'm like, yeah, there's like stuff I want that I just haven't really done, but I'm in the fourth. You're only in the fourth. I'm in the fourth. You got so much. Was he doing this to survive?
Starting point is 01:04:44 Or was he doing this like survive or was he doing this like as a hobby so like he's totally set otherwise and he's just doing this for retirement for his okay so he's fine I think that'd be kind of cool it's like those guys make like wood traps yeah I don't even know what could really suss out what his ultimate goal to be six with the measure of success would be for a guy like that, but he certainly hadn't hit it yet. And it seemed like he wish he'd done it his entire life. Maybe like start a studio where he gets people, younger people and teaches them the craft
Starting point is 01:05:14 and they all start repairing. Has he made any money off the toy restoration yet? He has. Yeah, he has. I've seen YouTube videos where they do toy restoration. They'll take like the oldest shittiest metal truck from like 1930 and turn it around. So it looks like it just came out of factory. It's not so fucking well.
Starting point is 01:05:31 But his was a little more details, more like window moving, window displays and old Christmas displays and stuff like that. But I would think in a toy restoration game, you would, it's about combining like if you have a broken leg of a, let's say, if it's a toy figure, you have a broken leg, you need to acquire another toy of that same toy that doesn't have a broken leg, but maybe has a broken arm, and that's how you start to switch the parts. Yeah, there's probably not, but it seemed like he was more manufacturing and restoring. So maybe people who aren't, they don't really care about the authenticity
Starting point is 01:06:05 they can't really look at. Remember the, remember the Bionic book, Bigfoot Bride that had the the chest plate that popped out. Let's say I have a Bionic Bigfoot and without the chest plate, I could bring it to your... Yeah, I think the retirement community and he would create a new yes a new chest plate. Yeah, yes, he did stuff like that. I think he was more focused on bigger animatronics. But he did that. He showed me pictures of that as well. Because I told him about that robot that that that aunt is patching up for me. I brought that up and he was like, yeah, he can do stuff like that pretty easily. I like, uh, but like Adam Savage does that of stuff. Like he did a whole video where he bought an old Swiss
Starting point is 01:06:47 Army display sign. Well, like the knife opened and everything. Yeah. And like all was missing was like two gears. And so he went in and built the gears all the new and put it together. Which is cool. And now it sits in the back of his studio.
Starting point is 01:06:58 Like all the time working. I like that. It's cool. Yeah. I tell you what I like to do and before he has the toy restoration, I would like to get into book binding Get out of here really you want to be a bookbinders? I want to be a bind comic books and bookbinding I would love to do it. I'd love to do this to save money on binding your own books. Yeah
Starting point is 01:07:18 But I'd like to do I would like the aspect of designing other people's dust jackets and the aspect of designing other people's dust jackets and the format of the book and everything and the design of the book. And I've tried to motivate him to get into it too. And he just like, we've looked up the equipment you would need to book binding equipment. Wow. Yeah. It's 20 grand investment to start out with. But who are your customers? Who's, who's who's who's but is it just comic books? There are people there are people do magazines, you know, you could do like if you're into like what's archival stuff? Yeah, it's like let's say you collect Time life magazine you want and you want to like get volumes right those people who buy books can put your time
Starting point is 01:08:01 Life into a hardcover Playboy if you want to read a real man. Yeah, they don't want the reprints. They don't want the reprints. They wanted on that authentic paper. Yeah, smell. Yeah, so we've seen people like they pines. How big's the machine?
Starting point is 01:08:16 You need to like, bigger than this table? It's pretty now. I don't think it's bigger than this table. I could fit in this room though. But you need like a special guillotine kind of that presses the presses everything down and then cuts it? This mass of blade comes down under like tons of pressure. Get them loses in the arm. Well, I try to motivate him to like, you know, fulfill my dream, make my dreams come true.
Starting point is 01:08:39 He's not interested. I was like, you could do this, I tell him. You could do this. For me. And you can make a lot of money doing this. But he could. The thing is I've dealt with him before. And that's kind of why I don't want to do it.
Starting point is 01:08:56 Because we do it with these companies. And there's just something always just slightly wrong that's got to be fixed again. You'd be the company. You'd be the company. You'd be the one. Yeah. So I'd have to constantly be like, especially because I'm this close. He gets a little like he's hesitant sometimes.
Starting point is 01:09:13 Like, well, this six isn't exactly the right spot where I want it to be, but I don't want to ask them right now. So I'm going to do it another order. Then I'll ask them then. And it's like, if I was right here, right now, I'd be like, yeah, we don't know. I think he could, I think he would be a lucrative business and he would, he would, he would have money coming in constantly.
Starting point is 01:09:31 Yeah. Yeah. Like, you know, you could print it on, you got Anzu Collect, you know, like make a, I use a ton of magazines. YouTube videos of like a former comic book man starts his own comic book binding company.
Starting point is 01:09:44 Yeah. Like I got like, clout binding company. Yeah, I got like clout right there. Yeah, no colon bun. He's being it's not too. Yeah, he collects them in the volume. Right. Yeah, I think it would be a lucrative business venture, but I need his know how I need his I can't measure. I have I have kind of like this. Can't you just tell them to do this stuff? But I can't like I can't worship divine books though Come on he's good at the measurements and stuff because I'm not good at measuring yeah I
Starting point is 01:10:20 feel like I can measure something 10 times and give you 10 different measurements And not precise. It's 10 inches. Okay. Now it's one inch I run into that problem myself To measure these he'll bring me in a ruler lines marked on the ruler I like to do it though, you know, I think it would be a fun venture, but I think that these places I'm getting it done at, it takes them months to have so much business. Wow. They're also binding like textbooks.
Starting point is 01:10:57 We could do that too. Yeah, why can't we? Yeah, you could step outside comics. You know, we need a bigger maybe unit We get so big we got to buy something downstairs near a poor plaza, you know come up with a snappy name I'd like to do it though. It'd be it'd be fun Until it's not fun anymore It's a lot of everything I have that I've everything I got that's bad pay 20 grand for it
Starting point is 01:11:23 I got other people that are like this six is it worth? Fuck this guy It's not the right shade of orange. Let me read you, something to you guys, talking about factor. Factor. Factor ready to eat meal delivery service. I like this one. I actually enjoy this one. Get started on your resolutions with Factor,
Starting point is 01:11:58 so you're ready for the new year. Factor is ready to eat meal delivery system, takes the stress out of meal planning, and sets you up for success in the new year. Skip the grocery store's prep work and cooking fatigue and get craft chef to dietitian approved meals delivered right to your door with over 35 meals to choose from per week, including options like keto, calorie smart vegan, plus and veggie. And more, over 55 weekly add-on, you got a ton of nutritious and flavorful options to kick
Starting point is 01:12:22 start your revel resolutions. Forget frantic lunch preps and rush dinners. Factors two minute meals are your secret weapon in the new year. Fuel up fast with restaurant quality meals all delivered right to your door. We were eating some creamy Parmesan chicken the other day, Q. It was delicious. FactorNab offers loads of snack options like breakfast, breakfast, breakfast smoothies, juices, snacks, and more to keep you going no matter what's on the schedule. Skip the overpriced takeout trap.
Starting point is 01:12:50 That is expensive. It is. Oh my god. I can't play without expensive it's gotten. It's too much. Yeah. Factor is cheaper, a way more delicious and takeout. If chef crafted restaurant quality meals delivered right to your door, they're ready to
Starting point is 01:13:01 heat and eat in two minutes, which means more time for you. And if you need a special occasion meal, gourmet plus is the perfect solution if you're looking for fast upscale options done easily. Stress less over your meal times in the new year. Factors, no prep, no meals, free up, time, otherwise spent shopping, cooking, and cleanup. No more wasting time in the kitchen. Factors has everything you need for a week of flavorful, nutritious eats in addition to ready to eat meals. Oh my god, I can't read. They have cold pressed juices, smoothies, energy bites, extra protein, veggie sides, and
Starting point is 01:13:34 more to keep you energized during frantic time. So head to factor slash T-E-S-D-50, and use code T-E-S-D-50 to get 50 percent off. That's code T-E-S-D-50 at factor slash T-E-S-D-50 to get 50% off. That's code TESD50 at slash TESD50 to get 50% off. All right, going over there, FactorMeeals, get yourself something to eat. That's a great deal.
Starting point is 01:13:58 Oh, the only, the only other thing I wanted to talk about was like, you guys gotta promise, because it was a time when I smelled like piss or at least you thought that I smelled like piss. And didn't tell me. Yes. So now you gotta tell me, if you start to smell like,
Starting point is 01:14:13 he smells like a dog. I need to know this because I constantly smell the dog because he's always jumping in the bed and rolling around in the covers and all that kind of shit. Okay. So if I start, if you're like, oh, I smell a dog and like, there's no dog around,
Starting point is 01:14:25 might be me, so you gotta tell me. All right, I haven't noticed. I never know. Because you smell like piss, one that that happened. Oh, that was, yeah, we had a lot of discussion about it, it was years ago. I had this leather bag that had been tripled.
Starting point is 01:14:36 Oh, yes, it's a chemical. That was a wrong one. Right, all right. That makes it smell. But you were aware of the smell of the bag. I was aware of the smell of the bag. I wasn't aware of everybody thought the bag was me did you see that's ill
Starting point is 01:14:50 not yet now you can't so uh... brought you thought that so i believe you know you i don't think you're gonna see it here what i want to see it is it in theater so i don't think it's even in theaters i mean i'm gonna see eventually but i can't they said they're not gonna stream it why i don't know I read that that yeah I don't know why they wouldn't know I wouldn't the company that made it said they have no plans to stream it right now But like I don't know why but like stores like best buyer getting got rid of or getting rid of all their physical media
Starting point is 01:15:17 So how are you gonna? Oh, I'm a zone still care cable That's streaming technically is it cable streaming yeah it's good it's going on so I should go see it so theaters is not I don't even know if it's still in theaters if it's still in theaters I think I definitely feel it's worth a watch I went by myself I just went there and and checked it out and I loved it I was really surprised at how much I liked it yeah it's a solid very bleak oh my god like there's no sunshine it felt like there's Yeah, it's a solid very bleak. Oh my god. Yeah, like there's no sunshine It felt like there's just like it's nothing but wow weird and
Starting point is 01:15:53 It's very strange Oh, it's the plan direction is it yeah, I'll go check it out and And fucking looked great and the score was great like that. Yeah I am gonna go tomorrow morning. Okay. Hold it off then. There's like I said, there's the angle, the the suicide angle is so bizarre. It's so crazy.
Starting point is 01:16:15 It's so nuts. Throughout the entire thing. Yeah, I just say this kid. There's this one scene. It's so disturbing is that The guy who who is desperately wants to I mean, yeah, it's basically suicide do a kamikaze mission. Okay, yeah to To fulfill his obligations that he didn't fulfill during the war
Starting point is 01:16:45 Oh, I think is on the ground's a kamikaze pile, right? Yeah, but he's on the ground. I guess he's tied up at one, like, when he, remember, he's tied up by the mechanic. Yeah. And he's on the ground screaming up at the guy, like the camera angle, as he tells him his plan that like he, like he desperately wants to end his life
Starting point is 01:17:03 by flying a plane into Godzilla's mouth. And it's done so much and you're like, this is so fucked up. This is like, I never dreamed that this is like the concept that they would like, kind of like base a plot line around a Godzilla movie. And the other guy's like, like the horror of when he realizes that's his plan, but he's like, and we're gonna need you to do it though when he realizes that there's no other way. He's like, okay, I'll help you do this.
Starting point is 01:17:30 He's without honor. Yeah. And this is how he's gonna get his honor, right? Well, he has a guy definitely dealing with like post-traumatic syndrome from the war. Other people think he's without honor, or is it all in his head? Oh yeah.
Starting point is 01:17:42 Oh yeah. Oh yeah. Everybody in his life is kind of like the, it's like the elephant in the room. Oh yeah. Oh yeah. Oh yeah. Oh yeah. Everybody has life is kind of like the, it's like the elephant in the room. Really? It's like that you're a coward. Wow.
Starting point is 01:17:50 All right, I gotta go see it. Yeah, that's so, I'm the guy. I'm just like, why don't you kill yourself then? Yeah. Oh, fuck, up. What are you really making it feel like a dick about it? Like, but you really analyze the movie. It's so fucked up.
Starting point is 01:18:02 Yeah. Like, you know, he didn't want to, he didn't want to go on his mission. Yeah. He pretends that his plane is malfunctioning, which, oh, he's out. Yeah, he puts his out. Yeah. How did they find out his plane did a malfunction?
Starting point is 01:18:16 Because he lands and they look, there's nothing wrong with that plane. Yeah, there's like the, like, you know, like, Rochy, you fucked up. He's like the top engineer in the fucking Air Force or whatever. Yeah, it looks like he knew everything about this plane. Oh, what a piece of shit.
Starting point is 01:18:30 Then they go back to... Which, by the way, would be me. Oh, I think you want me to press this and pull back? What? Yeah. At least in the United States, he only put us in camps for a few months to go there. And they go back, he goes back home after the war,
Starting point is 01:18:45 and it's, I don't know how they did it. That looks all like practical effects of that fucking destroyed city. It really looks amazing. Right, I mean, it really like, they're living in huts and stuff after the post war. Well, I'm sorry, after they fucked
Starting point is 01:19:01 with the United States of America, that's when they're living in Huts again. All right. That's what fucking happened. Everybody else out there could take a good lesson from that. USA. USA. USA.
Starting point is 01:19:13 USA. USA. USA. Yeah. And they build this great impending doom of like as like as the country and this guy tries to get back on track. You know what's coming. You know why you're watching the movie.
Starting point is 01:19:28 You know that, you know that at some point. I thought it was bad before. Yeah. You're gonna fucking love that grace hunt when this motherfucker doesn't throw it down. It's pretty fucking wild that. And there's some cool additions to Godzilla as the character. Like, yeah, like the things he can do.
Starting point is 01:19:45 Yeah, and there's like definitely a Joe, a Joz homage, right? Oh, definitely, yeah. Yeah, for sure. Yeah, for sure. Oh, wow. And like I said, man, the American makers of Godzilla, they have, they probably were sitting there going like, I can't believe this movie's getting so critically acclaimed.
Starting point is 01:20:05 I'm like, there's no little fucking King Kongs. There's no, there's no, there's no, there's no, there's no, there's the little girl. There's no girl who's the lead for some reason. Yeah, I know it's everything. Yeah, like they have to be growing like second guessing what they're going to be putting out. Could we have misjudged with you? What? We're wrong. Let's call it Lucasfilm. What they're gonna be putting out could we have mischanged with
Starting point is 01:20:33 I just got the full Lucas we're good Stay the course! Stay the course! Stay the course! Stay the course! Back of light's gonna do a fucking Bonso business! I call the records! I don't even know what that is, but I'm not looking forward to it. Oh, that's funny. That is funny.
Starting point is 01:21:02 Yeah, it was good. It's definitely worth going. It's still playing though. I'm surprised. I just looked again. It's him and Hatten, but I'm going to him and Hatten this weekend. That is shocking that it's still making enough money to be in theaters. That, which is a good sign because it's a, you know,
Starting point is 01:21:15 a lot of subtitles. Q. It's almost all subtitles. Yeah, well, everything I watch on my TV now I put on subtitles anyway. So I'm kind of used to it. Oh, okay. Yeah, I like to do that too, because a lot of things, like the mumbles and stuff.
Starting point is 01:21:27 Yeah. Like if there's a dialogue that isn't spoken completely clear, it's nice to have the subterge. Yeah, and I found the new line and I watched Las Crucese the other day. And I heard, it was a line I never heard before, really made me laugh, but you know that scene where the Nazis like give us the journal, whatever whatever and he gave it to Marcus Brody
Starting point is 01:21:47 and he's like, you'll never catch Marcus Brody, he's got a five day head start, he knows every language no land and then it cuts to Marcus looking like a lost old woman in the middle of the fair. Anyway, it's so quiet the line, I never heard it, but somebody off in some water and he goes, no, no, fish have sex in that That's so he never drinks water Another country I didn't drink water for fucking half my life Fish
Starting point is 01:22:25 Oh, you fucking made me laugh, but yeah, I get to know that's where I'm at. Okay, this weekend You're gonna see it. I'm gonna see this weekend. Yeah enough people have told me I got to see it at this one I'm going to Detroit this weekend Oh, that's right. That's your big weekend going to see the Detroit Lions in their final home game of the regular season Whoa, yeah, I've always wanted to go we know it Frank and his wife and my wife for good. Nice He's got drive. I'm hearing snow, of course. For this weekend? Yeah, I'm hearing snow. For Easter.
Starting point is 01:22:49 Yeah, I'm hearing snow, which is gonna be fucking make the trip. Oh, so much more fucking stressful. And, you know, because we're driving. But watching the game in the snow would probably be fun. It's indoors. Oh, it's a stadium. I mean, it's a dome, yeah. So it doesn't matter. It'll be a bombing 70 degrees no matter, it's a stadium. I mean, it's a dome. Yeah, so it doesn't matter I don't know if you bomb me 70 degrees no matter what it's like outside, but just getting there is gonna be a fucking bitch
Starting point is 01:23:10 And oh, it's gonna suck. I think if anybody knows how to drive it, so it's Frank. How far of a driver's Detroit. Did you map it? It's it's from I think it's like seven and a half hours seven and a half hours. It's not too bad. It's not that bad It's not as bad as it's gonna us go to Florida. I Don't remember what how long is it to Florida? I think it's like almost took us like a day and a half. Yeah. Yeah But yeah, it should be interesting. I've never been to an NFL game No, no. Oh, well. Yeah, I almost went last year, but then I got sick And I didn't make it up to the jet game. I was gonna head to that. Roppa got me tickets too, but so it'll be interesting. Should be a celebratory atmosphere though, because the game doesn't mean anything.
Starting point is 01:23:52 Oh, really? They've already locked up their playoff position, so it's kind of just like. Schissing needles. Yeah. So the crowd should be extremely boisterous. Just happy. You know, just to be in a great mood., I told Frank, I was like, I have two shirts I said that I think, like a hoodie and something from married wear. I say, I
Starting point is 01:24:13 think it's a good idea that we just blend in as, as locals. And he checks it back, like, two seconds later, he goes, you don't think there'll be a ride at this game, do you? I was like, no, not at all, but there's no, but I go, there's no, I don't think there's any harm and just blending in as a local, I said, I don't know why I said, but I did not mean to imply that there'd be a riot at this game. If we do, who are they playing? A Minnesota Vikings. Right.
Starting point is 01:24:36 So you just, you don't wear a Viking. You don't wear purple, right? Yeah. You know, you know, I'm bringing attention, the unwanted, unwarranted or un, just any attention to yourself or any reason. Just want to blend into the Honolulu blue and just get back into your car and make your way back home with no incidents.
Starting point is 01:24:54 Yeah. But if there was a riot, would you participate to blended? Like if I saw a whole bunch of Lions fans, like you know, started burning them, burning them, burning them down the city. Yeah. To the cars. I might throw a ball of tough cocktail or two, just to make sure I get out of there alive. Mary throws a hunk of concrete in a cup. I'm gonna take this big.
Starting point is 01:25:16 I'm gonna go lie and shit, I'm gonna fucking lie. I'm gonna go lie and shit, I'm gonna fucking lie. I'm gonna go lie and shit, I'm gonna go lie. He can barely live. Just goes like an inch. He's on the floor in the police. He just drops it on his head. She's on top of a cop car. This is for George Floyd. What's your name? Sit here. What's your name?
Starting point is 01:26:00 You blend it in. And pal, I'm Steve Dave. But you blend it in. In palm Steve Dave. It's fucking good.

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