Tell Em Steve-Dave - #590: Popobawa

Episode Date: March 17, 2024

Two TESD residents vie for the position of Overkill host....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Time Steve Dave presents, A Forkiller, with encounters in the 6th, 7th, and 8th Kind. With Brian Cullen, Roger Fonigan, and Ben Androxen. This week's episode... ...Pope. This week's episode. Hello and welcome to this week's edition of Tell'em Steve Dave. Yo Walt. Yo. Yo Q. Yo.
Starting point is 00:00:56 What a day I had today. What? What a day. What did you do? I got a call first thing in the morning. Remember I was telling you about Sage and her saying that there were people around her and she was hearing voices and that kind of stuff. She went, we did an online thing with the shrink who was like, that seems kind of normal
Starting point is 00:01:16 for her condition. That's what people with Down syndrome do is like they'll emote the work things out like audibly, you know, yeah, so like What she was doing was not really like that abnormal and she did it again today except today. She drew a picture of a gun Picture of ghosts under a bed waiting to get her Then a picture of her on top of the bed with her eyes X'd out. Oh wow. Do you have the picture? Uh, I can get the picture that picture picture is going to be worth a fortune. Right? You would put it on a shirt. Yeah. You can get her to sign it on the bottom.
Starting point is 00:01:52 A Halloween Patreon gift. I mean, I have to – so today I had to – they insisted I come over. I had to go to the school. Yeah. And not only that, but I had to then go to a meeting. And after that, take her for a screening at the psych ward in a Riverview. So this was not, this is my day from 9.30 till quarter to five. Yeah. I thought it was a little bit of an overreaction. I thought so too. Yeah. I mean, cause the questions are asking her, they're like, are you afraid where you live? And you know, like normal questions, I guess they would ask anybody. But really, it's just like, do you think you're going to hurt someone?
Starting point is 00:02:30 And it's like, if you if you know the kid, she's like the most good natured kid, it's like, no, she ain't hurting anybody. But now I have to go to another meeting tomorrow. I'm going to keep everybody updated on Sage's fucking psych. Because they're like, it could be psychosis that that leads into like schizophrenia. Wait, you have Down syndrome and have schizophrenia? And yeah, they said as a matter of fact, like this is around the age where a lot of times it it'll take hold.
Starting point is 00:02:58 So now does the picture look like does somebody have to interpret it like that's a gun or is it look really like a gun? I could I kind of chided her. I was like that looks more like a hairdryer than a gun. It looks like a hairdryer. Yeah. Okay. So it doesn't look like a ghost like a traditional ghost. No. How does anybody know it's a ghost? Because she tells them. She said there's three ghosts that live under her bed. One of them
Starting point is 00:03:20 is an old man with a cracked face. I'm like, Hey, I got my own bed. Has she been watching too many scary movies? her bed. One of them is an old man with a cracked face. I'm like, Hey, I got my own bed. Has she been watching too many scary movies? I think maybe. I think the Annabelle, because Annabelle has that cracked face, you know, from that aged distressed face. She's constantly watching this stuff called spy ninjas, but I think that's more of a kid's thing. I don't think that's an adult thing. But now she has to regularly see a psychiatrist in order to make sure that she's not going nuts. Are you concerned or you think it's just like this just like just a state being?
Starting point is 00:03:54 I feel like it's – I kind of feel like – A nanny state. Yes. It's the school being like, look, if this kid draws a picture of a gun and then for whatever reason she brings a gun in we're gonna be fucked So let's like you said, let's let's overreact to everything just so that we can be sure I Know they give no margin of error for kids like just because you have Down syndrome
Starting point is 00:04:18 They're like they don't give a fuck. This is a kid talking about violence. So we got a You know, there's no quarter given for that. So that's the update on my day in Sage. Oh, God. It sucked. At a certain point when I was at the hospital, I was like, hey, I have to go soon. You know? I got a week.
Starting point is 00:04:37 We're doing overkill. Yeah. A very big day. It turned out that I think they forgot about us. We were sitting there for probably an hour for no reason. Oh, I fucking hate when that happens. Oh, my God. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:04:48 I hate that. You can't blow up. No. Because you got to be on your best behavior. I'll be the next one in the box. Yeah, you got to be on your absolute best behavior. Needles and pins, needles and pins. It's a happy man who grins.
Starting point is 00:04:58 Oh, that's tough. That's awful. Yeah. So I'm just – I'm really hoping that it's not worst-case scenario and it's That's tough. That's awful. Yeah. So I'm really hoping that it's not worst case scenario and it's not like, wow, this is developing into something actually detrimental.
Starting point is 00:05:13 But we've – I mean before Sage, we had contact with another little girl who had downed. We saw her go into scenarios where she was just immersed into a fantasy world where she was a teacher and she was teaching all the students in the class for hours on end. I remember she was a … A strict teacher too. She wouldn't take any shit from anybody. Yeah. She'd set up stuffed animals and she'd pretend she was a teacher. You just let her go for three hours a day.
Starting point is 00:05:43 We were watching a kid who would go into a fantasy world. I think that's just … I think it's part of it. Yeah, I think it's part of the condition, isn't it? That's always what I thought because I'm like, there's no way – this kid talks non-fucking-stop at home. She's in her room, not to me, not to Mary Beth, and not just to herself. That's what – we had a little girl named Shanique and she would come to the community
Starting point is 00:06:05 center every day and as soon as she got there, to the moment she left, she was teaching a fake class. Now, granted, there were no ghosts and she didn't have a gun as part of her curriculum. She didn't use a gun to keep the kids in line. None of the kids had cracked faces. Yeah, none of the bad happens. It's a mean teacher. But yeah, but she would be like, if it like, she would all of a sudden she would like start yelling and freaking out and we're like, what's wrong? What's wrong?
Starting point is 00:06:29 That kid's like, you know, that kid's being fresh. No, there was no kid there. There's a bunny rabbit. Yeah. Yeah, they're very similar in terms of- Yeah, they would go into like- Very dramatic too, like Sage is very dramatic. Play acting.
Starting point is 00:06:42 Yeah, just play acting and creating scenarios. But I guess, you know, there's no harm, I guess, in being overly proactive and making sure that everything's okay. There's no harm in checking it out, making sure that everything's okay. Yeah. It's not like she's like, oh, now you're in a shrink for the rest of your life. I guess we go a couple of times, we see what he thinks or she thinks and then go from there. How many years does she have left in school?
Starting point is 00:07:05 Three more years because they go until they're 21. But they don't have to go until they're 21. I don't think so. There was a part of me today that was like, I'm pulling her out of school. I mean, right? I mean, I have the same inclination. I was like, wait a second. Then you got to babysit her all day.
Starting point is 00:07:21 Then she's home all day and not working and stuff. Yeah. I don't know. I can get her a job. Get her a job. We got a new employee. A new office coach. Get him now under socks, sage.
Starting point is 00:07:31 Take an order. That was actually – that was my first experience with anybody who had Down syndrome was Shanique. Yeah. And I remember seeing her, I don't know if you were there that day, but the very first time I saw her, we were at the new park, it was a concert. I'm pretty sure you were there. And she was dancing and her eyes were rolled up and she was just spinning in circles. Yeah, that was the first time I had ever seen a kid with Downs.
Starting point is 00:08:03 Downs, yeah. Yeah. She was a sweet kid though,s. Oh, she had Downs? Yeah, yeah. She was a sweet kid though, man. Oh, she was awesome. But like she would just go into fantasy worlds and keep herself occupied. So I, when you said Sage did that stuff, to me that's like, oh yeah, that probably is
Starting point is 00:08:19 how they play act and stuff and go and kill time. Yeah, I guess so. Yeah, I mean, what they play act and stuff and go. And kill time. Yeah. I guess so. Yeah. I mean, what else are you going to do? Like I sit there watching TV like a fucking zombie, at least she's using her fucking imagination.
Starting point is 00:08:37 Mary Beth, I'm thirsty again. Water me. Water me. She was also very dramatic, Shanique. I was a lifeguard and she was constantly pretending to drown and having me have to go out there and quote unquote rescue her and sage does the same shit. She's dramatic like that. Yeah, when you think back they had very similar tendencies and stuff. Shane Gillis in his last comedy special, he has a niece or something that has Down syndrome.
Starting point is 00:09:12 Oh, uncle, yeah, yeah. Yeah, yes, yes. And he's like whenever somebody's like, oh yeah, your uncle has Down syndrome. And I found this with Sage too, is people are like, oh, almost like they're sorry for you. And it's just like, don't be sorry for me. And Shane Gillis has the best. He's just like, they't be sorry for me. And Shane Gillis says it for the best. He's just like, they are consistently the happiest fucking
Starting point is 00:09:27 people I've ever seen in my life. Don't feel bad for them. It was a funny bit. Yeah, it's a great bit. I'm not doing it justice. It was like people are on like Xanax, they're on Capri Sun. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:38 It really made me laugh. Yeah. So the big deal today, we mentioned Overkill a little bit earlier., got a little bit of a friendly competition going on. And we have a couple guests in the studio today. Hopefully they'll be received a little bit better than Nellie. Tom Mila-geshe.
Starting point is 00:09:55 Yeah, let's go with that. Mila-news. Tom, I feel like you kind of burst onto the scene in Tell Them Steve Dave Town. Not a lot of introduction on the regular show. That is correct, yes. Like a lot of people were like, who the hell is Tom? Like you got it like that. Why are we listening to him?
Starting point is 00:10:14 You kind of like were thrust upon the listeners on the Patreon side of things. Yes, I agree with that. So for those who are listening today, who is Tom Milaschewski? Yep. Yes, I agree with that. So for those who are listening today, who is Tom Mila Sheskey? Yep, I found out last night that a different guy from just a few seconds I've spelled his name wrong on every check I've ever given him Cash it every time so we haven't corrected that you haven't gone to the bank has
Starting point is 00:10:41 Yeah, well tell six years in I'm not correcting them at this point. Aaron Ross Powell Tell for those who don't know who Tom Milaschowski is, who is Tom? Tom Cudone So I help write the All New Sunday Jeff Show and TES D&D and have helped them the last couple of years with the Halloween specials, with Dyslexia, so a lot of behind the scenes games I've helped you with. Aaron Ross Powell But how did you – you were just a listener. Adam Sandler I was just a listener and –
Starting point is 00:11:11 Aaron Ross Powell You reached out to me and – Adam Sandler Yeah. When my daughter was born – Aaron Ross Powell You asked me to be the godfather. Adam Sandler Yes, that is correct. You turned me down. But five years later, I got second prize. I got get him to be the godfather of my son That can't be true Jeff show one that's the right to be his son's godfather Something happens to you and your wife your son goes to get him. Yeah. Yes. Yes, that's correct
Starting point is 00:11:43 Yeah, I mean he buys my kids presents and he always asks me. He really does. He does take the responsibility. Yes, I believe that. He takes his Godfathering job seriously. A very sweet guy. He brought your son boots, right? Yes, he did.
Starting point is 00:11:54 Yes. What's that? Into the mic. Into the mic. I can hear you. Okay, Kim's giving me hand signals over there. Like, where am I talking into if not the mic? Okay, I look at Brian here
Starting point is 00:12:11 Stir me the entire time anything we should know about you. What are you into? Hobbies, what are you what what moves? How'd you find the show? How'd you find the show? Originally, I actually from IJ. Yeah, I wasn't a first-time listener. So I found it from imppractical Jokers. That's gotta make you feel good. I am bringing in the fucking, the big guns over here. I think quite a few people have come from IJ. We've gotten quite an audience from IJ. Sure, but not a critical member of the team.
Starting point is 00:12:38 A contributor. Yes, yeah. Yeah, and yeah, after my daughter was born, I was very, very overweight. And I found this is the after picture. The before picture was way different. And I started listening to the podcast when I walked every day. So I just caught up real quick. And I want to say it was like, March of 2018. You know the exact date. Don't try to fool anybody. Here's why I know it. The reason I know it is because I sent you a St. Patrick's Day game.
Starting point is 00:13:14 That's how I know what it was. And you were like, oh, I'm going to use it on the show. And then you didn't because I think Kevin had his heart attack right when that happened when that episode was supposed to come out So you contacted me like a month later, and you were like hey, we're getting started on this patreon Do you want to start coming up with some ideas? Because at that point I think I was helping with some dyslexia's and possibly the Halloween so when patreon started I started helping you out with the all-new Sunday Jeff show You know and slow like you didn't appear on mic right away.
Starting point is 00:13:48 Like then one time I invited you to come down and then. And get him tried to ban me. Yeah. Yes. Yeah. He said, Hey, well, this guy claims he's here to sit in on the show. He was like security at the time. But that though, because you got people trying to sneak in.
Starting point is 00:14:04 Yeah. And then, you know, got people trying to sneak in. Yeah. And then, you know, you just started to just show up and then you became a full-time member of the, of the cast. Yes. Yep. Showing that it can happen to anybody. You never know what. Beefy boys with a dream. That's what we lack on this show.
Starting point is 00:14:22 Beefy boys with a dream. Now he's beloved. Now he's here. He's here, that's good enough. It's like I'm probably like Roy to get him status. Some love, some hate, more hate. And we have also another guest, Will Rogers. And now Will, you've appeared on regular TSD on the Halloween special from two years ago?
Starting point is 00:14:51 Yeah, it was the 2022 Halloween spooktacular. So one year ago. Yeah. Going on two. Yeah, going on two. And how did you find the show? Long time ago. So I was, I listened to Smodcast and when you guys would do the show,
Starting point is 00:15:06 they were so goddamn funny. And so when I found out that you were- Buttering up the judges. Oh, you better believe I'm here to win. I can't go home a loser. But so no, I was thrilled when you started your own show because those were some of my favorite episodes of Smodcast. And so I've been here since day one. With a ton of near misses throughout the years too. I've made weird contact that you guys probably don't even remember going way back to the beginning.
Starting point is 00:15:33 Matthew Feeney Like what? What do you mean weird? Trevor Burrus So here's – I have a whole – Trevor Burrus I know where you guys live. Matthew Feeney No, way back at the start. Actually, I do know where Walt lives because of your mail. I realized I was like, this is risky. You put a lot of faith in people.
Starting point is 00:15:49 Oh, in the listeners? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, you know, a lot of people say that. You can't believe how many people email me like, I just got my Patreon gifts. Dude, I don't know if you know this, but your address is on the package. And I'm like, yeah, I know. I couldn't fucking figure out how to take the address off. And they wouldn't accept the mail.
Starting point is 00:16:04 So I was like, you know what? I'm gonna have to fucking roll the dice. Hope the ants are good people because Just be cool. Be cool ants. No, a million years ago you used to tweet when you would record at the stash and You used to let people come in and sit in when you were recording. Yeah, so I actually I remember that you told me that was funny. So I saw you tweet that you were going to record and so I hit you and I was like, hey,
Starting point is 00:16:29 are you letting people drop in? I'd love to stop by. And you said, yeah. So I told my sister I couldn't go to her birthday party and I started driving down to the stash. This is funny. And I came in and you were all at the back around the poker table and I sat down. You asked me my name
Starting point is 00:16:45 and then very abruptly you went, now we have to talk business, so can you go sit and serve taco for a while? So I went over to serve taco and I was just waiting. I was like nervous, I had like those butterflies, you know? And like 20 minutes went by, 45 minutes went by. And then I was like, I don't know what's going on. So I went and I peeked my head over at the stash and the lights were off and the door was locked You got the Jimmy the hair guy treatment
Starting point is 00:17:11 Yeah, and I was like, well, I guess I guess I'm done here. I think what happened I think we I think it was that was after Sandy and I think we were we had a very like We had a lot to discuss that night and we decided to go to, across the street to eat and we forgot about him and then we just – Wait? All three of us went across the street to eat and talk business and we never went back to record.
Starting point is 00:17:40 We decided we weren't even going to record that night. And we just went home and we forgot he was that will was over there waiting Long drive home. Yeah now I got to I think I made the second half of my sister's birthday. Oh, that's good It was okay, right? You're sitting here today and I'll be like fuck those guys Forever there's more. Oh, we do. You want more? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:06 Yeah. Yeah. Oh yeah. Tom, we hardly dissed you, man. This is, this is coming out of left field. You just caught me fat like five minutes ago. But that's like little brother. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:18:17 All right. How about this one? So a few years ago you're doing what say you and you and Sal said, Hey, we're going to be at the stress factory. Domarera is doing a show. Yeah. People are coming by. I think you guys said that you were going to be by, say you. Yeah. And you and Sal said, hey, we're going to be at the stress factory. Dom Herrera is doing a show. Yeah. People are coming by. I think you guys said that you were going to be by, not you, Walt.
Starting point is 00:18:30 But so my wife and I went and I saw you and I talked to you for, I don't know, a handful of minutes. I was talking about how I had done standup a couple of times, like open mic night standup. And I was in the middle of telling you a story about some guy who I'd seen recently who got on stage and just had a therapy session, started crying about, like, he basically went from like, hi, my name's Tim, to like, my brother's the tough guy of the family, and you know, he knocks me around.
Starting point is 00:18:55 And I was like, he's like, this guy treated standup like his own therapy. And I was like, he was just drunk, and then you walked up, Q. And you go, what's going on? And Brian says, he's telling me about some drunk guy on stage, made everyone uncomfortable. And then you look.
Starting point is 00:19:12 Not you, Q, not you. No, well then Q looked over at me quickly and he went, well maybe you shouldn't have been such a drunk fucking asshole. And then he went, come on, Brian, let's get out of here. And I ended up just standing there and I was like. He was my point. I was like, what happened? I was not the
Starting point is 00:19:26 drunk asshole. I guess you thought that he was talking about himself. I think you misunderstood what was going on and I was like, this all did not go according to plan. It's two down, that's two. Yeah, alright, so how about another one? There's another one? Yeah, there's another one.
Starting point is 00:19:41 How many times are you less at the altar before you take the hit, Will? I never give up. So this actually, technically this wasn't you guys. Well, it's sort of you guys. So I've been doing podcasts for about a decade and way back in the early smodcast days, they would let you buy ads on any of the shows. So I spent like 300 bucks trying to get an ad on Tell Them Steve Davis because you guys started doing ads. But I didn't find out until way
Starting point is 00:20:10 later you didn't want to do ads for other podcasts. So they kept going to Ming. They just they wouldn't tell me and then all of a sudden to be like Ming is doing another ad. And at the time I was doing a show with my writing partner, it was called Will and Bobby Know Everything. Don't do it anymore, but the name is relevant. So they do one ad. This would be Mike and Ming. It was Mike and Ming. Okay. Because it was on whatever, I guess I sell comics, I guess. I don't know. But so
Starting point is 00:20:38 Or this morning show. This morning show. Stop pounding me. Oh, I'm hitting the table. I do that a lot. They did one ad for Will and Bobby Know Everything. Then a month later, I was like, can you please send this ad to tell them Steve Dave? They never responded to me and it went to Ming again. They were like, your ad is going to be on this episode of Ming's show.
Starting point is 00:20:57 I tuned in and Mike starts to transition to the ad. He goes, looks like we've got another ad here for something called Will and Bobby Know Everything. And Ming interrupts and goes, yeah, they know everything. They know about how to get a free ad read. We already did this one. And they just move on. They didn't do the spot. Trevor Burrus You paid for it?
Starting point is 00:21:16 Aaron Ross I paid for it. I've been trying to make contact for years and I finally got my foot in the door and I think that same like month, Jimmy the hair guy appeared. I love Jimmy but he completely overshadowed any shot I had in the spotlight. So I'm here to win. I appreciate you Tom but I am here to destroy you. So what you're talking about Will is that Will has sent me a multitude of ideas as well as Tom has and one of the ideas he sent in to me was he wanted to come on Tell Him Steve
Starting point is 00:21:53 Dave and be the overkill guy where he would bring overkill stories to the table that then we could discuss. I guess he has got a passion for the weird. But Tom also sent me the same idea and I felt like, well, who do I give this coveted role to? To come in like once or twice every couple months and do an overkill episode with us. So I thought. Well I do notice, is that a Blair Witch pin
Starting point is 00:22:23 you have going on there? Yes. Okay, so he's into the horror. I that a Blair Witch pin you have going on there? Yes. Okay, so he's into the horror. I'm wearing the overkill shirt from you guys right now. They're trying. They're both trying. They came dressed to impress. I actually contributed to the Blair Witch franchise. Did you? Tell me not the second one.
Starting point is 00:22:38 No, not the second. I wish I contributed to the second one. What a wonderful catastrophe. No, I worked on a game in the universe. I'm technically a character in the franchise because of that, writer, media producer. He's got a pedigree. He also has a radio voice, and Tom does not. Will is to Tom as Rod Serling is like Pee-wee
Starting point is 00:23:06 Herman. So like, ah! So when you're going to be bringing these really weird stories, you want to have that voice to bring in to make it even weirder. And then the ghost appeared. It's me, Tom. Your host. Is there any way you can work on your voice a little bit?
Starting point is 00:23:25 To have a little bit more baritone. A little bit deeper. More like Rod Serling. You want me to go deeper than this? It just sounds like his voice, but not deeper. Yeah. A little more velvety. Hello.
Starting point is 00:23:36 Hello. Yeah, there you go. Hello, Mr. Johnson. Yeah, there you go. I couldn't possibly talk like this. Wow. So what makes you want to be, Tom? what makes you want to be the overkill guy? What is it?
Starting point is 00:23:49 Because you have so many duties and responsibilities otherwise. Is it the prestige or is it the love of the medium? What other duties does he have though? Well, he has the Sunday Jeff show. Okay, yeah, yeah. He's got the- T.F.D. Well, yeah, we don't know about that.
Starting point is 00:24:00 He's a dungeon master. I don't know about that D&D. That D&D one, there don't pay many people or- They're not crazy for it? I had fun on that episode. That one hasn't been released. Yeah, it's my fault though. I'm the reason why most people don't like this show. Oh, because you're too argumentative.
Starting point is 00:24:14 Yeah, I'm too argumentative. That's actually another one of the ways that I've been slighted. I was invited last year to be on TES D&D. Now it's tipping. Now it's tipping until he's just complaining. I was invited... An invitation was extended and then retracted. to be on TDSTND. Now it's tipping though. Now it's tipping until he's just complaining. An invitation was extended and then retracted and I don't know why. That's only because we've kind of like, you know, slowed down the production of that show.
Starting point is 00:24:35 Just add it to the pile is my point. We're looking for a mid-season replacement for it. But to your point, yes, I'm into the weird, the cryptids, different religious mythologies throughout history. We can smell out of poser. Don't worry about that. Sus them out. Hauntings, things of that nature. So I'm very much into those conspiracies, everything like that.
Starting point is 00:25:04 So that would be my reasoning for wanting to be the overkill guy. Okay, you're super into it. Yes. All right. What about you, Will? I mean, there are only so many ways you can say same. Same. No, but you know, my entire life I've been obsessed with the paranormal and horror specifically.
Starting point is 00:25:19 I actually do a show called Guide to the Unknown. It's a podcast all about horror movies, urban legends. It's gonna be free spots in. So what do you need this show for? I know everything. I can spend. You spent your bucks of spots coming in. Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 00:25:34 You guys owe me as far as I'm concerned. Guide to the Unknown, is my website. No, I'm obsessed with Harpies. Is that really dot fun? Is that a thing? Is it a thing? Is it an extension? was like $8,000, and made me laugh.
Starting point is 00:25:51 So yeah, we've been doing a show all about horror every single week for six years. Wow. Yeah, no, it's a topic that never gets tired to me. Even the stuff that I'm not particularly a fan of. Do you make money off that show? I do. Oh, so he's a professional, guys.
Starting point is 00:26:08 Yeah, actually. Well, Tom makes money. I mean, I make money off you guys. But no, but he's in the horror, specifically the horror, cryptid, weirdo business field. That's a professional. Actually, we just signed with Bloody Disgusting's podcast network, Bloody FM.
Starting point is 00:26:21 Yeah. Just spoke, yeah, yeah, yeah, anyway. Tom always, you know, I think he likes to play the role, you know, the underdog role. Yeah. He thrives as the underdog. He's a sub. That's right.
Starting point is 00:26:33 I don't think he's the underdog in this situation because he has a presence already. He's on shows. He runs shows. He's just trying to make sure no one else could eat. Is he the underdog? Well, Scott, nine other podcasts. He's just trying to make sure no one else could eat. Is he the only one? He's got nine other podcasts. He's eating just fine. Not in the Telum Steve Dave.
Starting point is 00:26:51 Yeah, one other podcast. So how are we going to handle this? We have you guys brought in stories? How many stories did I ask you guys to bring in? You told us nothing. That's right. Yes. That's right. I did it on purpose. Let's see what you did there. I asked you guys to bring in you told us nothing Let's see what you did Before we even get into that let me
Starting point is 00:27:14 Let me just read this very quickly Because Tom earlier he confided in me. He's like look. I'm not cutting it in the bedroom my wife has my wife has a couple bulls coming in weekly. Bulls? Weekly? I don't know what to do. So I said, you just hold on, Tom, because I got something for you. It's called Bluechew. This episode is sponsored by Bluechew. Let's talk about sex. Guys, remember the days when you're always ready to go. Now you can increase your performance and get that extra confidence in bed.
Starting point is 00:27:44 Listen up because it's that's talking. BlueChew is a unique online service that delivers the same active ingredients as Viagra, Cialis and Levitra, but in chewable tablets and a fraction of the cost. You can take them any time, day or night, so you can plan ahead or be ready whenever an occasion arises. The process is simple. Sign up at, consult with one of their licensed medical providers, and once you're approved, you'll receive your prescription within days. And the best part is it's all done online. So you don't have to even go to the doctor's office. Like I had to go to the doctor's office.
Starting point is 00:28:13 They spend all day. That's not for you. Bluetooth is for you. Bluetooth tablets are made in the USA and prepared and shipped direct to your door. Uh, I have used Bluetooth in the past. I like Bluetooth. It works. You get those 18 year old boners, not 18 year old, like dusty and
Starting point is 00:28:28 fucking cruddy, but like when you were 18. Yeah. Yeah. Powerful, powerful and strong. Yeah. Vera. Right. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:28:37 Girls sees you coming at her with a blue chew erection. She knows you mean business. Yeah. She thinks you're a cock samurai coming at her with that thing. Yeah. Uh, blue chew wants to help you have better sex, discover your options at blue chew it and do it. And we've got a special deal for listeners.
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Starting point is 00:29:38 And I think I may have even said this before, I think I read somewhere it has to do with mortality where the older you get, the more you realize, like, holy shit, I could die. Whereas when you're a kid, you're not even thinking of that shit. Who do you want to go first? I don't know. Let's flip a coin. Yeah, the old coin flip. The old coin flip.
Starting point is 00:29:55 So you didn't like the, do you see the Terrifier movies? I did see the Terrifier movies. I enjoyed the first one. The second one I was like, why the fuck is this so long? It's like two and a half hours or something. So it was way too long. And no titties!
Starting point is 00:30:09 There had to be titties in the second one. No titties in the second one. Don't tell me there were no titties in the second one. The girl who is the starlet in that is an active advocate for no titties in horror movies. Really? She wants it to go the way of the dodo. Well, I mean, that's a fine choice for her to make.
Starting point is 00:30:24 Why doesn't she gotta put it in one? I don't want her to ruin everybody else's fun. If she were like, look, I don't want sex scenes in movies, I'd be OK with that, because I find sex scenes to be really boring, unless they're showing titties. What is up with that? I wonder. That's curious. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:30:37 Like, they're a bad thing, aren't they? I thought they're the one thing that all of humanity can agree upon, is that boobs are just a wonderful thing. Yeah, that's what I thought too, but not this. Just a wonderful thing. Yeah, I forget her name, but I'm no fan of hers. Anybody who's anti-titty is not for me. Well, anytime I think of Slasher movie, like modern day, that's kind of where I'm at. Tom Call it heads or tails?
Starting point is 00:30:57 Heads. It is tails. Oh, there you go. All right. So I've already won. There you go. I'll just go home. So I actually prepped a number of things. Well, are we going to do the music?
Starting point is 00:31:10 Or should we leave some for the overkill theme? Do you want to throw it in right now? Yeah, we'll put a little bit of it. We'll put it in the bed. Yeah, okay. We want to make sure we do this right. There was actually a thread on Reddit where somebody was talking about how they wanted more overkill.
Starting point is 00:31:28 I commented and I said, I love overkill. I love the paranormal. I'm into it. They said, well, actually, you can talk to Walt and just ask him to do it, right? It's like it's not that easy, but I decided to throw a Hail Mary. Knowing the Patreon format, every month there's a new type of show, I wrote out a list of a whole year's worth of overkill. See you later, Tom. Wow!
Starting point is 00:31:50 That doesn't mean the stories are up to snuff though. That's true, yeah. They might be basic. They might just be like, kind of like, you know, we might find them, you know, there's not much meat on those bones, some of those stories he brings. That's definitely a risk. Let's see what happens. You got to play to all three of us and our interests. Yeah, you know we ain't pedestrians here. I know. So actually here, I know that some of the reason that, and you tell me if I'm off
Starting point is 00:32:14 base, I think some of the reason that overkill, maybe you guys started to fade on doing it all the time, is there wasn't a good consensus on what overkill was supposed to be. Is it exclusively tales of the paranormal? Is there true crime involved? What are we working with here? Am I a part of the episode? Because I'm the serial killers in true crime. I have yet to get the format. That's why Walt never put me in charge of it. I can't figure it out. Some of what I tried to do, I tried to block out my year of programming to give a decent amount of variety to sometimes hit some of those
Starting point is 00:32:45 topics, Brian, like those true crime elements, sometimes lean heavily into the paranormal. I wanted to hit all four corners of the demographic. Jesus Christ, man. What do they call them in the industry? Like four wall? Four wall. Yeah, four wall. It's going to appeal to everyone.
Starting point is 00:32:59 Four quadrant. Four quadrant. Four quadrant, yeah. Pretend I said that. It sounds pretty good. Yeah. Have you ever had your IQ measured? No, I have not and I don't want to.
Starting point is 00:33:10 All right. No, because I know that, but Tom knows, right? You know your IQ? Yeah. This has never come out. Oh, is he a boy genius like 148? Boy genius. He doesn't think that Gatam is being-
Starting point is 00:33:23 Oh, he thinks he's not legit? Yeah, I think he's a lit 14 he thinks he's not legit. Yeah. I think he's a lit 148 because he, he's in the, he's in the 140s. The 140s. So yeah, I don't think, I think. All these brains running around, huh? Making us look dumb. Well, they coming to us for jobs.
Starting point is 00:33:35 So don't worry about it. What does that tell you about life? I don't get it aside though. I think Tom might be when push comes to shove, he might be the smartest person in TSD town. Tom? Yeah, I really do. I find that you know that like he is pretty knowledgeable on an amazing, you know amazing amount of topics.
Starting point is 00:34:05 You know, it's not just one thing. How is he to talk to? It's easy. Easy. Yeah, he's easy. How often, how many times a day does he frustrate you? Tom? Well, you know what?
Starting point is 00:34:17 He's not around as much as Gidham, which plays in his favor if you're gonna talk about the annoyance factor. Sure. So, you know. But I also can read body language. I understand when you're going to talk about the annoyance factor sure so you know but I also Good time to talk to wall Yeah, you understand star
Starting point is 00:34:38 Good all good qualities. I'm sorry will go ahead no no that's fine So I actually you know I prepped a decent amount of Generalized like bucket topics, but I did sort of highlight the three that I think are particularly fun. Anybody want to hear those? Sure. We'll go with your first one, your first story. Yeah. We'll go alternate stories.
Starting point is 00:34:53 I don't want to, we want you to guide this, right? We don't want to. Yeah, fair enough. We don't want to weigh in. Yeah, do what you think is right. Okay, sure thing. So let's talk about urban legends. Urban legends, I think everybody is familiar
Starting point is 00:35:05 with at least one that stands out in their memory. What are the ones that spring to mind? Well, Candyman is a motion picture. I wouldn't call that an urban legend. That was a studio produced. I thought it was based on something, though. I thought it was based on a mirror. I'll go to our expert. Cropsey is certainly qualified as an urban legend to speak to people. But he was real though.
Starting point is 00:35:30 Yeah, but what grew out of it was he became like a supernatural, like you go in the woods, murderer type thing. But I guess I hear you saying, I understand that. So you're saying urban legend not based on something. I think urban legend is like. Alligators in the sewers. Yeah. But everything has a point. And Bloody Mary. I understand that. So you're saying urban legend not based on something. I think urban legend is like… Alligators in the sewers.
Starting point is 00:35:46 Yeah. Yeah. But everything has a point. And Bloody Mary. Bloody Mary, I was going to say. So there technically is an actual definition to the term urban legend. This was a term that was coined by professors in say the 50s. The entire point of the term urban legend was to differentiate from old world folklore.
Starting point is 00:36:05 You think of like a troll living under a bridge or somebody living in a swamp. Or posting on Reddit. What this guy Jan-Herald Brunvand had started to notice is that all of a sudden he was hearing his students tell stories that were distinctly modern tales that had no discernible point of origin. If you go out on Lover's Lane, that guy with the hook hand might try to grab onto your door handle. Well, this was folklore no different from hearing about a witch living out in the woods, except for the fact that it was modern storytelling.
Starting point is 00:36:39 So the term urban legend was never about being in an urban or rural society. It was just supposed to be. Urban stuff is new. These legends are new. Urban legends. Um, and so, uh. Like Slender Man. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:36:54 He would be a new one. Super new. Yeah, absolutely. Um, yeah, Slender Man is, I think Slender Man's a really fun, interesting case because that's also like purely internet stuff. You know, I think that's probably the next dividing line. Creepypasta?
Starting point is 00:37:07 Yeah, creepypastas. Is that still around? Oh yeah. Creepypasta, yeah. They've actually now, creepypastas have largely become so sort of like popular and nothing's mainstream anymore. You know, everybody gets their own sort of corner of the internet, but in the creepypasta corner of the internet, there are people that deliberately try to write quote unquote creepypastas to try to make an impact and it never hits the same
Starting point is 00:37:29 as on the internet 15 years ago. I don't know what creepypastas is. It's a website that has tons of like urban legend type stuff on there. A lot of them are user inspired that they write in. I see. Okay. Yeah. And a lot of them came from places like fan fiction.
Starting point is 00:37:44 No. I see. Okay. Yeah, and a lot of them came from like fan fiction No, so Creepypastas the whites even called creepypastas. It's a goofy term So anytime that somebody would copy and paste something on the internet Like you know Here's a famous story about a famous person almost like chain mail Copy and send copy and send post it all over the place people started to refer to that as copypastas Okay, then it started happening with scary stories. Trevor Burrus creepypastas. David Kopel creepypastas. But so you would get these like really minute stories. One
Starting point is 00:38:08 of my favorite ones is called the subway ride where it's a woman is going home at night after work in New York City and she's on the subway alone and then three people get on two guys dragging like a super drunk woman like her head is lolling around. And these two guys sit on a bench with that really drunk lady between them and they're just staring at the lone woman on the subway. They get to the next stop and a man gets on and he's staring at this woman too. And she's like, what the hell? Like how much danger am I in? And then this single stranger walks over and goes, get off with me at the next stop. She feels so threatened by everyone but doesn't know what to do. So finally, at the next stop,
Starting point is 00:38:50 she does escape with this new guy and he goes, I'm sorry if I scared you, but I'm a doctor. That woman sitting between the two guys was dead, and they were propping her up, and I didn't know what they would do to you. It's a little urban legend-y, right? It's a story with a beginning, middle and end. You can almost imagine it as like some short anthology standalone story.
Starting point is 00:39:11 But people start copying it, sharing it all the time. Creepypasta. Goes all around. There was no twist to that though? Like I thought the guy who got her off the train was going to murder her then. I know. You would almost think that it starts to set up for the double sub But that's where it's like, you know in early internet you can't tell Did this ever happen? Is there any kernel of truth to this whatsoever? Is this your first is this their first story? No, that was just a creepy posse A little family circus Billy action going on here.
Starting point is 00:39:46 It's the cutest route to overkill. Yeah. I don't know, someone brought up creepypastas. What am I supposed to do? All right, how about the babysitter and the man upstairs? This is probably the urban legend. The call is coming from inside the house. The call is coming from inside the house.
Starting point is 00:40:03 I think everybody knows this story. What a stranger. Or, yeah, we just watched that movie. Oh, did you? Yeah, I mean, again, it was on Pluto, remember? The call is coming from inside the house. Carol Kane. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:40:13 Also happened in Black Christmas, didn't it? Black Christmas, yep, that's another great example. I think the Black Christmas movie actually might come out before. It was like 74, I think. I think so. Yeah, an early slasher. I think the other one was 76 or 77 when a stranger calls someone.
Starting point is 00:40:29 No, that's later. Even later? It's 80s. Oh, it's 80s? Because I lived in Highlands. I saw it with you. Oh, that's right. I saw it in Red Bank.
Starting point is 00:40:37 Yeah. So one of the reasons that I think the babysitter and the man upstairs is so impactful. It's a good example of why I think urban legends are so popular and why horror is so meaningful to so many people. I started researching the story of the babysitter and the man upstairs and I found out that it's based on an actual real-life case. There was a young girl named Janet Christman who was babysitting and Supposedly was receiving threatening phone calls called for the police to try to call for help and then the line goes dead later, she's found dead and
Starting point is 00:41:20 It it struck me and I don't know what you guys think about, you know, everything that I'm telling you right now But it occurred to me when I was thinking about why this story Why would this story become the one that everybody knows the phone call is coming from inside the house? Because somebody added that detail later. We tell each other stories, we're social creatures, details get added in the telling and I realized that it's about the phone. It was one of the first times that people had phones in their home. This Janet Christman story is from the 50s. And so we were getting to a point where it was so common to have a phone in your home, but uncommon
Starting point is 00:41:47 to have two lines in your home. And I think that people started to almost take in this new technology that was in your house and say, hey, what's the scariest possible thing that can happen if you've got two phones in your house? People are always afraid of technology. People are afraid of society advancing in any way. And so I think this story really hit onto some sort of like a primal fear of like progress. It used to be if somebody called you, the one thing you know for sure is that they're not in your house. They're somewhere else. And now all of a sudden they could be in your home. And I think that's also why scream in the nineties, cell phones. The one thing you thought you knew is if somebody's calling you, they're the 90s, cell phones. The one thing you thought you knew
Starting point is 00:42:25 is if somebody's calling you, they're tethered by a wire. Well shit, now with cell phones, they could be right behind you. What do you think, Walt, you don't like that? I don't know, I think you have an opportunity to knock our socks off and you bring phone horror. Old phone horror we already know. Yeah, like can you imagine a world where you had two lines in a home?
Starting point is 00:42:48 Like I don't know. I don't know if that was weirding me out. I don't know. But you do like the 50s. I don't know if that's giving me the goosebumps that I thought I was going to get tonight. Yeah. Fair enough. Listen, I can only do what I do.
Starting point is 00:43:01 It seems a little, if I was to critique it. I do like the backstory though. I never knew that was the actual origin of the story. It's not scary because all you're doing is explaining history in a story we already know. I think you need sensational headlines, man. Some red meat to flop on the table for everybody to ooh and ah with.
Starting point is 00:43:23 You're doing a little bit of a history thing here. I think you got to go for shock value, bud. Give everybody something to chew into. Okay. All right. He's got another story here. Yeah, sure. That's just his first attempt. I'm done. I'm out of here. Just agree. I'm out. I'll try again in a few years. What do you think, Brian?
Starting point is 00:43:42 I like the backstory, but I did not expect you to lead off with a story that was so familiar to all of us. I thought you were going to come with something like, hey, here's – and this is the problem that I have with overkill. It's like I go and look stuff up and I'm like, all this shit is either so fucking corny that I can't even bring it to the table or we're already aware of it. It's hard to find new gripping stuff in the paranormal, I feel. I think there's plenty.
Starting point is 00:44:07 Yeah? Yeah, I think there's plenty of shit that the dark web exists. I don't know. Will, I don't know if you thought about going on the dark web before tonight and gathering some stories, but if you didn't, I know my man Tom probably did, right? I know my audience. Dark web. You got it. One of my other bolder topics. You two need to show me how to get onto the dark web. It's not like, right? I know my audience. Dark Web, you got it. One of my other bolded topics.
Starting point is 00:44:25 You two need to show me how to get onto the Dark Web. It's not like, right? I know fucking clearly. Do you need a special computer? I don't think so. I think you just need a special server. You need a computer that you could destroy at a moment's notice, like a second computer.
Starting point is 00:44:36 Like a special, like a boomer, or a Google, or a Tor browser. One of my other bolded topics that I didn't bring, I went for a story from the 50s that you all know. What was I thinking? My other bolded topic was Tales of the Dark Web. Oh, nice. That's your second story?
Starting point is 00:44:52 No, it was just one of the other ones that I thought was... Again, I didn't... With zero guidance, I didn't come with a story that I thought was going to knock all your socks off. Which one of your favorite overkill topics? Wow. I gotta tell ya, I never understood, I'm still not sure where everything shook out with that Prussian kissing devil.
Starting point is 00:45:13 If I'm being perfectly honest. It's right there. It's right there. Oh, for real. You can look at it, you can touch it, you can donate money to it. Why don't you understand? Some of my money is actually in there.
Starting point is 00:45:24 Did you donate to whatever? I did when it first hit on the scene. Yeah, he's got his foot in the door. Yeah, you're right. This is the $5. All my wishes came true. No, I was always fascinated, but I love the idea that you guys would start to get into like let's bring something in that was tangible.
Starting point is 00:45:43 Yeah, Crumpy kind of just fucking derailed it. We tried to turn Prussian Kissing Devil into Slender Man. Didn't happen. Didn't take. Do I get extra points because I actually did bring something in tonight? Oh, yes. You get points taken away if you don't talk into the mic.
Starting point is 00:45:56 I was talking to you. No, you were looking at Will and Roger. Oh, I'm sorry. All right, well let's see what we got. Are we done with Will's first story? We're not going back and forth? Well, what's to talk about really? Like we all-
Starting point is 00:46:06 Again, that's the whole thing I'm bringing up. What's to talk about? What's to talk about? We were dependent upon a man, our overkill guy to bring stories and his first story we're like, what would we talk about? He'd like, heard it. Right. That's okay.
Starting point is 00:46:18 He's calibrating, man. He's calibrating. Let him calibrate. That's why he's got three shots at him, right? Okay, great. In my defense, may I just say, I feel like the typical Tell Him Steve Dave fashion is Let him calibrate. That's why he's got three shots at him. Right. Right. In my defense, may I just say, I feel like the typical Tellem Steve Dave fashion is to bring something to the table, it gets devoured and ripped apart, and then you try to reassemble
Starting point is 00:46:33 some of the pieces to see if you can put something together. Let him get over there shaking his head. As if he didn't deserve any of the times we ripped either shreds. Nothing. Okay. Nothing on it to do with phones in the house. Well, what's, I mean, we know the story. I know.
Starting point is 00:46:51 Yeah. And it's not really like, I guess you'd be like, well, what would you do if that you were in that situation? But. Yeah. If you, if you got a phone call. We all have cell phones. Some prank calls. Yeah. Well, that's why the segment was less, I guess what I was envisioning was less specifically about that case.
Starting point is 00:47:07 I was more curious about your interest in urban legends. Okay, in your head, where did you think the conversation would go? What did you think we would tag up on that story? I was going to provide one that I liked that I thought I had a little bit of research on on the back end and then say are there any urban legends that like like every one of my topics is like a bucket of a concept. So that episode would not be about the babysitter and the man upstairs. It would be about urban legends, maybe several of which have turned out to have some foot in truth.
Starting point is 00:47:36 And hopefully it might ping in the three of you some familiarity with urban legends, maybe a fondness for them, a particular urban legend that you like that jumps to mind. I feel like the best presentation is like when Walt drags something out and presents it as truth and then defends it to be truth. Well, everything I did bring to the table I believed in. Yeah. You know, a number station. Right.
Starting point is 00:47:58 You know, it exists. Nobody knows why. Right. I want to ask you guys, like, what do you think it could be? Yeah, that's just a little layer of mystery and speculation. We could play some examples of preparation on an audio podcast. One of my favorite overkills is the recording in hell that you brought over, right? That's unexplained.
Starting point is 00:48:18 Could be anything. A lot of takes. Yeah. But all right, all right, we got it. We got it. It's calibrating. The med's calibrating. All right, Tom. Yeah. Yeah. But all right. We got it. We got it. It's calibrating. The meds calibrating. All right, Tom. Okay. So I've decided to go the other way with mine. I want to, I've learned over the
Starting point is 00:48:34 years, you guys get distracted very easily. You get bored. So I want to hit what I've decided are the six pillars of the supernatural world. So each episode that I'm brought in, I will have a story about each one and each story will spend about six minutes on. Well, now, all right, right away, my main concern with you is length. That's why I said six minutes. You do, you tend to drag things out. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:49:01 And I've taken that advice. Now we're doing six minutes, six stories. And that's why I've taken your advice. Yeah. And we've limited it. We're going to do quick cuts. Okay. So with that being said, I do like I like six pillars. Yeah. Six pillars of the paranormal. That sounds like a show I'd watch. Yeah. I love that name. Six pillars of the paranormal. A little mythology going on. So my pillars are extraterrestrial phenomenon. aliens, that's a solid pillar, secret societies, great mythical entities and cryptic creatures, psychic abilities and spiritual manifestations. That's all hauntings, ghosts, demons, government conspiracies and time travel. Oh, my favorite type of travel.
Starting point is 00:49:46 I didn't hear anything about true crime in there, so I'm just going to make a little note. There's only six pillars. That is correct, yes. And I did not feel that that fell into the overkill category of how I wanted to lead my show. All right. My show. My segment of the show.
Starting point is 00:50:08 What do you feel is the most important pillar? I don't think there is a most important pillar. You have to pick one. Well, I don't. No, I don't. You have to pick one. So I feel, okay, I feel that each one has different, each time will have some strengths and negatives going into it.
Starting point is 00:50:26 If I had to pick one, I'm going to say secret societies. Okay. Okay. Just curious. I'm just trying to get a feel for the type of show you would create. Yep. But each one is dedicated to do the best for each one, but some of you guys may not like, but out of the six, I feel there's talking points going in.
Starting point is 00:50:43 Can I give you an example? My first one for talking points? Sure. All right. I'm going to do secret society. Have you guys ever heard of the explorers club? Have not. No, it was founded in New York city in 1904.
Starting point is 00:50:58 It's for the meeting of explorers and scientists alike. Their goal is to plant their flag around the world in the most obscure places possible such as the moon, Mariana Trench, and Mount Everest. So those are their goals? Yes, and they've done them. They've already got one on the moon. Yes. How?
Starting point is 00:51:19 And the Mariana Trench. Some of their famous members. Where's the Mariana Trench? It's the deepest part of the ocean. That's pretty easy. Just float over it and tie it to a rock and drop it down. So some of their members. A couple weeks later, it will hit bottom.
Starting point is 00:51:29 Some of their members. Well, wait. But going back to that moon thing, I don't want to distract you. So you're saying an astronaut is an explorer's club? That's exactly what I'm going with, yes. Do you know which astronaut it is? Yes. I'm going to tell you some of the famous members, okay Teddy Roosevelt
Starting point is 00:51:49 Walter Cronkite Sir Edmund Hillary a newscaster Buzz Aldrin Yes, but Walter Cronkite has been around the world seemed there a lot of places. He's planting flags everywhere Yes, and most recently two of the members were actually on the ill-fated Titan that sunk last year Really? Yes two of the members. So now was it a cleanup job? You gotta wonder. Yeah, they knew too much you think? Yeah But they didn't know enough to not get enough With a PlayStation fucking controller guiding them they were like or guiding them, they were like, yeah, I'll get on. It's still insane.
Starting point is 00:52:24 When you think about it. It's not like it's faded in its insanity at all. It's like, they did what? It's absolutely monacy that people got on that, experienced seaman. One guy had been on multiple excursions. Is an excursion when you go underneath the water? That's excursion anywhere you go, just a trip basically.
Starting point is 00:52:47 But what they're most famously known for is their annual dinner where they eat rare and extraordinary animals. So I want to tell you what last year's menu consisted of. Champagne garnished with goat penis dipped in freeze-dried cactus honey powder, hoisin-glazed kangaroo, applewood bacon wrapped camel meatloaf, rattle snake sliders on a pretzel bun, and at one point they had claimed that they ate a frozen woolly mammoth. Oh, that one that got preserved somewhere? Yes, in a cave, yes. Those rattle snake sliders don't sound up to the task of the other ones
Starting point is 00:53:26 I know it sounds easy on a pretzel bun now When you first mentioned this I'm like I want to try to become an explorer I want to join the club, but as soon as I got to eat penis It's garnished with the penis. I don't care what, I don't care what, if it's a penis from any fucking type of creature. I'm out. I'll join a different secret club. It doesn't have to be penis. So would you guys, would you guys partake in the venue? That's why they should have kept secret. Can anybody join this?
Starting point is 00:54:02 Uh, I, I, yes you Yes, you can. Can you apply for membership? You can apply for it, yes. How do you talk yourself? There's a website. Yes, there actually is a website. So it's not very much of a secret society if they have a web presence. That is true, yes.
Starting point is 00:54:18 But I mean, other than basically the Illuminati and two or three other ones, yes, there are – but it is not a public website. You still have to apply, get accepted and only the elite because you have to plant flags in places or get sucked to the bottom of the ocean in a submarine. So where have they not yet planted a flag that they're trying to get a flag? Nowhere that I'm aware of yet. Maybe Mars? Speculation.
Starting point is 00:54:42 So they never, they were able to, Buzz Aldrin was able to get to the moon and plant a little flag that nobody has ever seen? The Explorer's flag, yes. The Explorer's flag? Or is it a full-size flag like the American flag? I don't know the size of the actual flag. It's just that they planted them in these locations. Is there a photo of that?
Starting point is 00:54:57 Of the Explorer's flag? I can look it up. Now, on the moon. It's not a visual. He didn't take a picture on the moon? There's no cameras that take pictures of the moon like that. We talked about it on their bodies. They had a fucking chest with cameras.
Starting point is 00:55:09 A thousand photos that they took that day on the moon. Not of the explorers. Well, that's what I'm asking. Did he ever turn the camera towards the... So your answer is no, obviously. I don't know if he was... Yeah, I'm not positive on that. One thing I also noticed... So, well, was Buzz Aldrin a guy that like may have lied about the whole moon landing thing to begin with? Was he supposed to take his word? But also when you think about it, Q, look at the list of people who are in the explorers.
Starting point is 00:55:32 Yeah. No chicks. Yeah. A bunch of old white dudes. Actually, I believe they do. I believe they do. Get them showing us a picture of the Explorer's flag. Do we need these explorers?
Starting point is 00:55:49 I think not. What are they exploring? Their sexuality? Eating peanuts? Yeah, really. Is that on their flag? Is it penis? What was that picture, Gator?
Starting point is 00:55:57 I know you wanted to show us a picture. Is that their logo? I'm surprised Gator's not a mentor. It looks like a chevron logo. 2021, they do have a logo. It's a chevron logo. Is that on their flag? What was that picture, Gator? I know you wanted to show us a picture. Is that their logo? I'm surprised Gator's not a mental. It looks like a chevron logo. I'm surprised Gator's not a mental.
Starting point is 00:56:07 It looks like a chevron logo. 2021, they do accept women. They do accept women. Yes. The pandemic must have hit them all. They're like, what do we do? So even they cave to the fucking pressure. Which way do we go with this?
Starting point is 00:56:15 Secret societies are going woke. What is this shit, man? They added a little hashtag me too to their flag. So would you guys partake of the flag? I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure.
Starting point is 00:56:23 I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. They added a little hashtag me too to their flag. So would you guys partake of the dinner? They just adopted your crane flag. Oh, fuck no. There's not one thing I heard that I would have eaten. Why would you eat gross shit just to be part of the club, you know? Because it's not something that you can do.
Starting point is 00:56:43 You want to experience things at the Brought in somebody from Australia brought in kangaroo jerky That's not that's not voice in blaze can but a wooly man is a wooly man. Come on. You're only gonna get one opportunity I might have a mammoth burger. You know, I don't trust any of mine. I believe that's a wooly mammoth that they're eating something else Where'd they regular old elephants frozen in a cave? Did these guys hunt these fucking things or they just ordered on Amazon. They did not hunt them. I don't believe yes I believe they just sat down a fancy dinner and the food was served to them So they just thought a hunters club. It's an explorers club Q. I feel like you can fool these people I feel like any chef could just be like it's gonna cost you $500,000 and it's gonna be mammoth meat and then it's you know, just a burger
Starting point is 00:57:25 Did you say man meat? Because I'm out. Because I think the explorers are fucking chowing down on it. Leave it to Tom to bring the fucking gay forward. I was reading this so buddy of mine. It just found the seventh pillar. It's in Tom's pants. He goes, is that the one from the South Park episode where they were, and I was like, wait, is it?
Starting point is 00:57:52 And I was like, oh no, it's not. That's a super adventurous club. I thought that was the Explorers Club that Chef was a part of that they were all hunting little kids on. And I was like, oh, I got to drop that. But luckily it was not the same. I feel like, well well you would have the Secrecy to be in the secret society
Starting point is 00:58:13 Yeah, but these rules they have were like now like now you're rubbing elbows with the likes of Walter Cronkite and Buzz Aldrin They're eating all kinds of crazy stuff. I mean Teddy Roosevelt to Teddy Roosevelt That was a man's man. Yeah, and again each up each episode penis This is last year's Afterwards And again, each episode I'll bring... I'm surprised he ate penis. This was last year's. I'll bet you he told them afterwards. He purged. Pulled out his musket.
Starting point is 00:58:29 A little off Cronkite's ear. You fucking fuck. Back when you could still say it. Fuck you, Cronkite. You should have been in the bathroom. Fuck you, Cronkite. You should have been in the bathroom. Fuck you, Cronkite.
Starting point is 00:58:37 Fuck you, Cronkite. Fuck you, Cronkite. Fuck you, Cronkite. Fuck you, Cronkite. Fuck you, Cronkite. Fuck you, Cronkite. Fuck you, Cronkite. Fuck you, Cronkite. Fuck you, Cronkite. Fuck you, Cronkite. Fuck you, Cronkite. Fuck you, Cronkite.
Starting point is 00:58:47 You tricked me. Well played Cronkite. Well played. You'll catch me next year, you penis. So in the future, I can bring, remember I said some are going to appeal to some, some will appeal to others. So if the next episode, if I get the gig, I do a more secret society. I'll take the feedback I get and come with one that doesn't have a public website.
Starting point is 00:59:20 All right. One that maybe only the elite of TBS can get into. Alright. Alright. TBS. Yeah. That's where I can't talk about it. Oh. Good. There's an acronym for another secret acronym. No. Alright. Well, well, Q, what do you, what do you think of, of Tom's first story? I mean, it gave us a lot of threads to pull at. And I think that's the most important thing to come. Will right now is writing notes. OK, bring up five penis.
Starting point is 00:59:51 Yeah, maybe sit or eat penis. Yeah, you need to give opportunities for gay jokes. I mean, that's really all we need. I got five more penis. Each pillar's got a penis in it. As long as we can do a gay joke, everything's fine. Everything's fine. We'll kill an hour. Brian, what do you think of Tom's first attempt? Yeah, I agree with Q in terms of like there were enough things to grab on to make jokes
Starting point is 01:00:17 about and have fun with and it wasn't – I guess it wasn't so informative as Wills. Wills is rather straightforward and informative given the backstory and the history, which I enjoyed still. But it's tough. It's probably better, right? Yeah. In terms of what would be best for the show, out of those two, it would definitely be Tom because it gives you so much more to teal from.
Starting point is 01:00:43 Wills got another shot now. Yeah. Let me see what I know the least about. Let me so much more to deal with. We've got another shot now. Yeah. Let me see what I know the least about. Let me check my notes to see something. Wow, you gave Tom a dirty look when you said that too. Let me check the notes to see something I'm completely clueless about. Just Google for 15 minutes. There you go.
Starting point is 01:00:57 You fucked up. You brought intelligence into it. Now here's the problem. You don't know your audience, Will. I do sense that perhaps I need to pivot. All right. I'm just trying to take stock of how I feel emotionally real quick and I'm sensing perhaps I came on a little smug,
Starting point is 01:01:08 maybe came out of the gate a little strong. All right, so here's what I will say. I have no doubt that Tom would be able to come up with more than six episodes, but let's face it, his list ends at six presently while mine goes to the most frightening number of all time, 13. Well, I mean, I wasn't told to come up with any more than just one episode. You weren't told anything. Correct. Yes. So I came up with a pitch idea, not a year's worth of programming. But I mean,
Starting point is 01:01:36 my backstory is I've been doing the All New Sunday Jeff show for almost six years at this point, and I haven't run out of ideas. Have I yet? Well, almost six years at this point and I haven't run out of ideas have I yet Walt? No comment. Yeah no no I've heard your work. So let me back things up. I gave you a potential topic that I would want to bring to the table and focus on for a given episode but here's truly what the pitch is. I bring to you, tell them Steve Dave Overkill back from the grave 13 episodes monthly on a number
Starting point is 01:02:07 of different topics culminating in a grand finale that tests all the knowledge that we have together accumulated over the person I got to remember shit from a year ago. Well that's that's the game. I know these guys man. They are not interested in doing homework. I know but they're not interested in doing homework. I know, but they are not interested in doing anything like that. I didn't do it in high school. I ain't doing it now.
Starting point is 01:02:31 That's why episode 13 is focused. I would like a 30-minute clip of just Bry saying, I didn't understand the assignment. I didn't understand the assignment right here. Episode 13 is more to cater to Walt's interest in game shows, to be fair. So here are some of the topics that I would want to focus on. One, local haunts. I'm familiar with many websites. One of them is that focuses on different – it's almost like it drops
Starting point is 01:02:57 pins on the map around you to tell you different places that are supposedly haunted. The spy house just about 10 minutes away from here is supposedly the most haunted house in America. And most boring. Have you ever been there? I live somewhere around the corner from- Oh yeah, you're right there. You're right there. I've never heard of this before. The spy house? Yeah, I basically could see it from my window.
Starting point is 01:03:12 What is it? Go on. I'm intrigued. So what I would want to do is I would want to look at the story of the spy house itself, but you know that there are a thousand other places that claim to be the most haunted house in America. So this episode would be to talk about all of the most haunted houses and eventually determine, you know, amongst us our general consensus, which is actually the most haunted. What about the spy house? What's going on there? It doesn't have any information on it. Yeah, I don't know anything.
Starting point is 01:03:42 Oh, okay. Okay. So a format you're pitching. Yeah, I don't know anything. Like, okay. Okay. Okay. So format you're pitching. Yeah, I'm pitching a format. I see. I see. Um, another one that I think a lot of people clamor for, I've never particularly dug into it myself either is weird New Jersey, which I know that many people love, but I've never long time, long time around that magazine now.
Starting point is 01:04:01 Right. Yeah. Still around. Yeah. Yeah. Still going. So it would be focusing on some of the best spots from weird New Jersey, potentially even try to make contact with them, see if we can, you know, have somebody from the
Starting point is 01:04:10 magazine in talk about the history. Oh, I thought you were talking about maybe some potential bro sides. Oh, well I've got some of that as well. So, uh, this is for the regular TSD though, like, you know, and Q doesn't have time to like go on fucking school trips. You want to go haunt and hunt for ghosts? I would love to, but Walt's right. I don't have time. In my text to you though, I'm looking at our text.
Starting point is 01:04:34 I sense I'm in trouble. So this is why I write, are you free Tuesday at 6 to come on TSD and present a couple of overkill stories? So Tom also suggested he come in and do a similar thing around the time you offered to bring overkill stories to TSD. So I thought both of you guys come in Tuesday and present a story or two and vie for the TSD overkill guy position in TSD town for shits and giggles of course. I haven't heard a story yet. I told you a story and I got ripped apart for it and then Tom pitched a whole overarching
Starting point is 01:05:04 six episode thing so I decided to ape him. Wait, what episode? Each episode is six pillars. So each episode we're going to hit with a drink. What? Each episode will have six stories. You knew I liked the pillars. Well, you brought the Explorers Club.
Starting point is 01:05:15 Yes, that's the story. There's some meat on the bone for us to chew on. Yeah. And each overkill, I'm hitting at roughly Q about a half hour. That's what I'm looking at when I'm brought in. But when Q, you heard Q's interest peak when you heard Spy House. That's where Will had to jump in and have Spy House information at the ready. I can hear him typing right now.
Starting point is 01:05:36 Typing at Spy House. Those who don't know, the Spy House, it says here in my notes, according to my notes, it belonged to Reverend William V. Wilson. Is there anyone like that? Okay, back to the notes. There's a ghost boy in there. There's a ghost boy in the spy house. There's a ghost boy in the spy house, confirmed ghost boy in the spy house. Okay. Why is it called the spy house. There's a ghost boy in the spy house, confirmed ghost boy in the spy house. Okay.
Starting point is 01:06:05 Why is it called the spy house? I think because during World War II, they had a bunch of spies living there. They would interrogate spies, like almost like Guantanamo Bay. They would take spies to the wilds of New Jersey. Around the corner from Walt's house. Yeah, okay.
Starting point is 01:06:22 Not some spies. Yeah, but this is back in the day. Walt's house wasn't standing yet. It'd be great if they were still doing it like you could actually see from your house them torturing spies. The guy hitting another guy. It's our Nazi spies?
Starting point is 01:06:32 Yeah, why not? Go for it. All right, I actually have a sentence of information and it's on that exact topic. So supposedly there were legends that they would get red coat soldiers liquored up enough to spill military secrets. And then that's how they get into it.
Starting point is 01:06:48 Oh, we're going back to the Revolutionary War. Yeah, so you get the British soldiers so drunk that they accidentally, I don't know how drunk you need to be to just be like, here's our whole strategy. I don't know, get him. No, he is fucking agonizing over there. He wants to weigh in so badly, get him. He knows about the spy house.
Starting point is 01:07:07 He knows about this and that. Yeah. All right. So, so, so wait a second. I'm still not clear what, yeah, what happened here. So, well, Will Rogers pitched a 13 episode. Where we go out of, we go out of studio. No, no, no.
Starting point is 01:07:24 No, no, no. Okay. No. That was my suggestion. Okay. Yeah. No, I pitched 13 episode. Where we go out of, we go out of studio. No, no, no. No, no, no. Okay. No. That was my suggestion. Okay. Yeah. No, I pitched 13 episodes. And we turned it into, and then we try to remember and play a game
Starting point is 01:07:32 show about the previous 12 episodes. Yeah. Just a year later. That's all we got to do. Just remember everything. I can't remember from earlier today. It's a grand finale. And it was a good idea.
Starting point is 01:07:45 I don't hate it. We're always looking for games, but we still need, yeah, the assignment was come with a story for us to chew on. I got another peanut story, guys. You want another one? Hold on, you're not up yet. Well, we got to talk business. Can you wait here just a minute? Yeah I mean this I want to know more about the spy house but it sounds like those facts aren't forthcoming. Why is it haunted? Who's the boy? Who haunted it?
Starting point is 01:08:25 Who owns it now? Yeah, things like, or even a hypothetical. It'd be like if you lay out the facts of the house and then at the end of it it's just like if you throw in like could you imagine when you come in the middle of the night and there's a boy standing at the bottom of your bed? You know what I mean? How'd you get out from under the bed? Yeah, little hooks like that and stuff like that. But yeah,
Starting point is 01:08:45 you'd probably need the story first. But a format, you know, nice to hear about, I think. Right. Yeah, I'm kind of along the same line. I thought we were going to be hearing stories. I think we're about to. We're about to hear a story. Tom. Yeah. Penis story. Will's gonna now got time to find the story. Yeah, yeah, sorry. Yeah. Penis story. That's right. Will's now got time to find the story. Yes, I read it. Okay. The good news is stupid or the better, so you should be able to find something. I was told nothing and then I tried to ape what he did and I still got raked over the coals. I read the text. But this is my plight in TSD town. I do the same thing. I asked Jimmy,
Starting point is 01:09:23 can you do some research on this? And then he tells me he knows the name of his husband. I'm like, anything else? No. I'm like, what the fuck? I told you to do some research on this person. But this is everybody in TSD town. People can't take direction. Some people. All right. All right. All right. All right. All right. All right. I got you. I got you. I got you. I got something modern. I got something now, I got something today that nobody understands. You ready?
Starting point is 01:09:48 Yeah. Have you heard of the Scoogle Notes? No. Ah-ha! Scoogle Notes? Oh, uh-oh. Looks like we'll maybe- Well, that smugness is coming out of that.
Starting point is 01:09:59 I know, I know, I gotta, I gotta, I gotta watch that. I gotta get under control. I apologize, probably won't work. I apologize, I apologize, I apologize. Alright, let me take it back. You know what, I feel though too, it's like we don't want to like, again, like with our history with Will, it's gonna be real hard for us to say he didn't get the gig. Why don't we just put it up?
Starting point is 01:10:16 Or real easy. Or why don't we just leave it up to the listeners? We'll do a poll, and then we're clear on my consciousness. Oh man, they hate me. Oh, they're not gonna like me after this now. I came in hot and I came in smug. But I came for this audience, not that audience. That one fucked.
Starting point is 01:10:32 Take it out of our hands. I like that. Take it out of our hands and our hands aren't bloody. Congratulations, Will, you won. No, you don't know. Speaking of polls, Yeah. Remember we were talking about Dan Aykroyd versus I want to get your feeling on this, Wal, because I may have fucked it up unintentionally.
Starting point is 01:10:52 No. No. He didn't understand it because I meant shh. No. I refused him. I believe it. I almost didn't want to tell you because I thought you might have that reaction. I would be stunned and shocked.
Starting point is 01:11:06 No, Paul Stanley, 20 percent, Dan Aykroyd, 80 percent. No, this is… Well, we know our audience does not like Kiss. Right. Yeah. Well, I wrote 13 percenters. Are you more into 1983 Paul Stanley or 1983 Dan Aykroyd? Now, I said more into what I meant was like…
Starting point is 01:11:24 Who you're more attracted to, right? Who you're more attracted to. I think that's coming across. You think so? Yeah. I don't think you fucked that up. I don't think you fucked that up at all. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:11:30 That's one on the checklist. So you're telling me eight out of 10, 13 percenters, if they had a night that they could choose one lover. One lover. For one night of bliss, rock and roll hell or heaven, depending upon what you want Paul to do to you right lick it up and they're in they're gonna pick Dan Aykroyd That was 748 votes. I agree with that. I Am I found it? I found that is stunning to me when you look at that body in that unitard 80 like young Dan Aykroyd,
Starting point is 01:12:05 who's a good looking guy. Yes, but you can see what Paul has to offer. There was no fucking guessing. Yeah, but Dan Aykroyd's going to make you laugh. You know what I mean? You only have one night. You want to laugh or you want to fucking your own face to fucking show?
Starting point is 01:12:22 I mean, it'd be nice to have to laugh between. You want to go home at the end of the night with an old face or you want to go home where you fell my face hurts from laughing I was a really good hurt from fucking getting multiple orgasms As I'm so you need to converse with these people Really sure Not pillow so I'm gonna hang out with you you afterwards. Maybe he'll serenade you. Shandy. I love the way I see your face when I make you come.
Starting point is 01:12:55 Yeah, I guess. Donna Dixon and Dan Aykroyd are separated. They separated last year. Two years ago. Oh, your research was off. My research was off. They're still married, but they are not living together. So Paul Stanley's still got another shot for the rebound. Yeah, Paul Stanley is still married, by the way, to his wife.
Starting point is 01:13:16 But she's not a Donna Dixon. So what does that say about Dan? I just want to give up half of what he's got. That's what that says to me. Wait, don't we have a story here? No, I thought we had a commercial. No, the Shkogul thing. No, no more commercials. Oh, okay. You're just doing a poll?
Starting point is 01:13:32 Yeah, I just wanted to tell you the poll because it reminded me of that. Go ahead. All right, I'm going to try to calm down. I think I got all excited here. I want to ask Tom, if you wouldn't mind, may I step in and share this other thing to save face on this? Yes, yes. Yes. Nice. All right.
Starting point is 01:13:47 So this is a thing that's literally going on right now. It seems like maybe every week or so somebody posts almost like an update or a new photo of this developing weird thing that's happening in Pennsylvania. So I guess there's a town called Schuylkill. It's spelled all crazy. S-C-H-U-Y. It's a Schuylkill River, right? I guess so.
Starting point is 01:14:05 Yeah. River. I wasn't familiar with it. So people are finding, uh, when they go grocery shopping and they come home, let's say you buy a box of cereal, you open the box and you find a note that somebody seemingly has, has slipped into the package of food that you bought.
Starting point is 01:14:23 And it's a teeny tiny, it's almost like a barely bigger than a Post-It. And this note is typed in the smallest font. But it's all about- All right, now we heat up a little bit here. So I'm gonna read you just like a sentence because it's hard to read too. Like they substitute like characters instead of letters, a lot of parentheses and stuff.
Starting point is 01:14:40 So it starts with this, in all caps, riots slash chaos are tied to secret society. A secret symbol, sign, word that unites the SS. It's tied to Saturn. Wow, he's pulling in space, Nazis and secret societies in one note. He knows what he's doing. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So, here's the question.
Starting point is 01:15:04 He's throwing everything in. And the kitchen fan. That's what he was Googling. He just wrote Nazis. Nazis, true. In one note But it's good so people are buying rice krispies yes and opening the rice krispies and finding these notes So somebody's slipping the notes in them. Yes. And so there are a couple of things that people aren't sure about. For one thing they think, is it somebody who's going to a grocery store and finding a way to slip a note into packages on the shelves, or is it somebody who works in manufacturing that no one's caught yet? But so the question is you go to the grocery store, you buy food, you come home and you find out that there's a note in the food that you just bought. And it's this kind of stuff. Here's like another, uh, sample.
Starting point is 01:15:50 Uh, oh my God. Uh, they talk about the swastika and Royals and Dragon Kings. Yeah. It's, it's all over the map. You can't possibly, I don't know if you're familiar with like the Toynbee tiles. It's that kind of like, it's hard to get a sense of what the mindset of somebody, what do you do? You go to the store, this comes out of the food you bought. Oh, there it is. Now what?
Starting point is 01:16:13 You eating that food? Let me ask you, how long has this been going on? I think at least a couple of years now, yeah. But it's still developing now. Still nobody's found out this guy. No one knows. So. And there are variations too.
Starting point is 01:16:27 It's easy to find out though, if it's somebody in town or if it's somebody who works at the grocery store, there are no shortage of cameras though. Unless they're doing it back in the stock room or something. Right. And that's the thing is like, so actually get them just pulled up on the screen. This one is from just Talking to the mic. Just over three years ago. And mine is from like a recent thing that someone posted.
Starting point is 01:16:50 And there are variations between the note I found and the one Gittem pulled up that screams out the word lies. Wow. This is something like I see Gittem doing. You know, it did make me- Yeah, he ran out of receipts, so he started doing these instead. It did make me think you have that fake receipt. Well, get them can't talk, but get them had like a fake receipt that he would hand to people instead of having somebody actually check what he purchased.
Starting point is 01:17:12 But it is that kind of like, well worth every one's time. Yeah, of course. Yeah. It is that kind of mindset of like, is that kind of manifesto mindset? Yeah. Manifesto mindset. Wow. This, this, this has a like a
Starting point is 01:17:30 Different cream see that note it has a tiny race of people called Dragon Kings Their long skulls and cave cities were found in Italy Turkey Peru Oh heck maybe we're crumpy maybe originated from one and he might be one of these we had it wrong. Yeah In fact, let's say that he is Get him get rid of the candy canes. He's the dragon king now. Yeah, we got to get him a crown. Yes. Now this could also just be like some like whacked out mental dude that's, that's putting this in here. Easily. Or some teenagers. Or teenage. Well, that looked pretty involved. It's a pretty big commitment though. So that's the thing going over the course of years. Lots of different food or?
Starting point is 01:18:06 Lots of different food. So that's the thing too, people have evidently tried to triangulate, like is it always a particular kind of product? Like what are the manufacturing plants? For a particular manufacturing plant, are these the products that these notes always end up in? But it seems more random than that.
Starting point is 01:18:20 What about the truck drivers? Can you name some of the products? Truck drivers, good example. Oh, cereal boxes and pasta. So I had one. Creepy pasta. It shows up in your creepy pasta. Yeah, the one that I had sourced came from original flavor baked wheat snack crackers
Starting point is 01:18:35 from Stop and Shop. So if you were a fan of that product, you might get a Scoogle note. This is one of those things that like it's so regional. It's all about this Philly area. Now that it's becoming sort of a known thing, I don't know, you wouldn't want to eat the food, but I'd almost kind of be like, I got one. Yeah, I was gonna say copycats are gonna come out
Starting point is 01:18:54 of the woodwork. Well, not only that, but it's like finding a prize at the bottom of your cereal or something now. Like wouldn't it be kind of cool now that you know about it to be like, I got a Scoogle note. But also wouldn't it be really common though that somebody be like, I got a school cool note. But also wouldn't it be, I think someone really common though, that somebody be like, I got one, you know, and then just create their own. Totally. Well that happened with, so I mentioned Toynbee tiles.
Starting point is 01:19:14 Do you know what that is? You can still see a couple in New York now, but there was a guy that would leave a message and it almost looked like it was like paved into the street and it would say, Toynbee idea resurrect dead on planet Jupiter and these little tiles. There was one in Edison by the Menlo park mall. Uh, it's gone now. They pave over it constantly anytime these pop up. But as recently as a couple of years ago, I saw one in the city, but it's this idea of like somebody who's just got an idea in their head and they've decided the best way to get it out there is to go through some bizarre
Starting point is 01:19:46 means. Well, it's the only plan that makes sense to them. Yeah. It must be logical. They're nuts. Yeah. In their head it's logical, but in the day, in the time of the internet, isn't it weird to be like, I got to put this in your, like in your Wheaties box rather than put it on the internet? It's definitely old school. It harkens back to the, uh,
Starting point is 01:20:08 what was it the Tylenol type stuff where people were like, Tampor-proof products or something that people kind of expect and demand these days. Yeah. And when you get something that doesn't have something tamper-proof on it, you're like, I'm not drinking this. No way. Is there even a chance that you're eating whatever was in that box that this note was in? Pasta, no way. No. Yeah, chance that you're eating whatever was in that box that this note was in? Pasta? No way.
Starting point is 01:20:26 No. Yeah, because pasta is loose in the box. Yeah, the cereal, I don't know if it's sealed in the bag, the inner bag, maybe. Well, actually, that's worth pointing out too. There's conflicting information online of whether or not the note is just inside the cardboard. Some people seemingly have said that it's been inside the bag within the cereal box, but that's one of those things where it's like, it's hard that it's definitely not true. It would definitely, yeah. It seems like there's probably a lot of copycats at this point, like Walt said.
Starting point is 01:20:51 Someone did it and then you just throw a bunch of gibberish together because a lot of it doesn't even make sense. Then you can just say, yeah, I got one of these too, and then you get a lot of that conflicting information. Yeah, no, I definitely agree with you. It just, guys, to become the lord of overkill, would you guys be willing to video yourselves putting some of these notes into food products in the grocery store? I do it in my home. Wait, thank you.
Starting point is 01:21:18 All right, I think that story had more, definitely, I mean it was a story. So right off the bat. I will take points off for not allowing us to like, you know, make any gay jokes. Yeah, it's unfortunate. I was looking. I was trying to find a way to get someone's dick in someone's mouth. I couldn't find that. I couldn't find that. Every angle was searched. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. We exhausted every avenue. I was trying like, is there anything on those notes? A ball, even a ball in a mouth there.
Starting point is 01:21:49 When I create fake ones in the future, I'll write one up. Take care of that. What did you think, Brian? I liked it. Okay. Yeah, it's informative. There's enough of a like, hmm, I wonder, I wonder who's doing that. It has to capture your imagination.
Starting point is 01:22:04 Like that's the problem with the first story is like, we already know it. So there's nothing to like, get your gears. That's what intrigue us. Yeah. Now there's some intrigue going. I liked it. And I'm learning. I had to eat a little crow.
Starting point is 01:22:16 I'm capable of learning. Yeah. It came out of the gate, hot. Came out hot. This one learned my place. All right, Tom, what do you think? Look, Tom St what do you think? Look, Tom's stoic.
Starting point is 01:22:28 I liked it. It was good. I enjoyed it. It definitely much better than the first one. You know, you gave a – Can we vote for a lord of the overkill if he refuses to talk into the mic? Yeah, stop looking. Sorry.
Starting point is 01:22:38 I'm looking at the thing. I'm staring lovingly at Lord Rogers. I thought it had a lot of good points and it actually had some talking to it. So that was a good story Well, thank you. Thank you very much. Thank you for giving me the window. What's your follow-up? I'm gonna continue with my audience and I'm gonna give you guys exactly what you're looking for another penis story So have you guys ever heard of the demon known as Papa Bawa? Papa Bawa, I have not Papa Bona. Yes, Papa Bawa. Papa Bawa? I have not. Papa Boner, yes. Papa Bawa, no.
Starting point is 01:23:08 Close. It is an evil spirit known to the residents of Zanzibar. Its name translates to batwing. It's a shapeshifter who mainly appears as a cycloptic bat but can change its shape. I like that word cycloptic. He typically visits homes at nighttime and is associated with the presence of a sulfuric odor. Like night crawler. Brimstone? Yes. Bamf. Sulfur. But there's going to be a big difference right now. So while some of his attacks are merely just physical, his more frightening assault is the anal rape of both men and women in their own home. Yes. When you go to sleep. It's like Rocky Balboa here.
Starting point is 01:23:54 This is the only real fear I have. Yes. So victims are urged to tell others of the assault for fear that Papa Bawa may return. And in 1995, six men were attacked by the mob, by a mob, because they believed to have been possessed by Papa Bawa. One was even killed while hundreds refused to sleep for fear of Papa Bawa coming. So as long as someone, this is in Zanzibar in Africa, Tanzania. Gotcha, gotcha. If someone in your house was awake, you were okay. So the question I bring to the table is, would you trust each other if the two of you
Starting point is 01:24:32 lived in a house? Yeah, if we can get demon rate. While one of you slept, the other one would stay awake to make sure that you both didn't get demon rates. Like if you're gonna take a nap, who are you entrusting at a mirror bride to make sure we don't take a Well, I probably have to trust you Full-time there's nothing there's no other life to live. It's always is somewhat awake
Starting point is 01:25:00 What if like the he strikes you dumb so you can't speak? Oh yes, you are paralytic when it happens. Oh really? Yes, it's paralytic while… You just put an IC at the end of every word now because you knew I like psychoptic. Psycho. No, you're paralytic when it happens. But you're conscious so you know what's happening. They say it's like a dream-like, but you definitely feel it happening.
Starting point is 01:25:25 It's almost like, I guess that twilight stage. Yeah. Like that twilight stage, if you get, um, like sleep paralysis, colonoscopy, that's what you're going to say, right? Yeah. More butthole stuff. How long has he been around?
Starting point is 01:25:40 How long they've been telling this story? Uh, there's been a hundred, at least a hundred years, but in 1995 was their big one where it was like a psychosis that happened where hundreds of people sleep. Now I'm assuming it's not a sex mad demon. Why would you assume? Why? Yes.
Starting point is 01:26:02 Why would you go on? I don't know. It sounds like, so what is it really? So who's covering? For what? Who's really doing the raping? Yeah, oh, it was a demon. It's Papa Bawa. From day one of TSD, you've always said that in hell, you know that the only thing that
Starting point is 01:26:19 is real or physical is your butthole because that's what demons want more than anything. They love it. physical is your butthole because that's what demons want. Yeah, more than anything. They love it. Yeah. You know, they're like, it's like ants on a chocolate bar on a sidewalk. I love it. Yeah. Yeah. They're gonna swarm it. Right. So why would you dismiss then that? Well, these these I just feel like you got to look for the real like, papabawa. I mean, look, man, if every time somebody fucks another dude up the ass, they're like, Papa Bawa was here, like, it just seems a little fishy to me. I want it to be real. You know? If it happened to you, it's like not me. You know, the family circle, back to that, it's not me. You know, I think Papa Bawah's
Starting point is 01:27:08 a little bit like that. I don't know. The first sighting of Papa Bawah was in 1965. Oh, okay. Really? Yes. So I would have thought, I would have thought in the 1400s. Nope. And then another sighting in the seventies, periodically in the eighties. That was the decade of anal sex.
Starting point is 01:27:28 Reaching its peak in 1995. That was it. That's what everybody was doing. Everybody was doing it. I remember. I was there. I looked at it. Demons. During a period here, get to mess something up on the screen that says, during periods of resurgence, men can be found sleeping arm in arm in front of their houses. Wow. So they want it to be public. They want the whole neighborhood to be able to see him sleeping arm in arm. That's how much these guys don't want to get banged. Yep.
Starting point is 01:27:57 It also says every five to 10 years. That's so frequent. That's like an election cycle. It's a Papa Bawa year everybody. This is just in one village, huh? It's actually, there have been several, see look it says terrorize Zanzibar and the Pamba Island. So it's a couple different places. Did you find the story in a dark web? Yes. He's so good. I can't even have been like, no. Although it swips through bedroom windows and rapes men who doubt its existence. So if you're like, hey, I believe in it. Oh, Q. You're on record as doubting him. Yeah, not anymore.
Starting point is 01:28:34 Papa Shango is going to be visiting you tonight, maybe. I got a Papa Bawa tattoo because I believe in this fucking thing. Yeah, but it's in Tanzania, so I'm okay. The Staten Island Papa Bawa. That could be you if you want to. Yeah, just going around poking dudes in their butts. You doubt me? So yeah, so he...
Starting point is 01:28:53 Q? No, Papabawa. So there have been no sightings anywhere but on the coast of Africa? Yes, correct. Yes, it is strictly in Zanzibar and the Pemba Islands next to it. Okay. I wonder what sleeping arm arm brush. But demons are known to collectively stay in one area depending on their, you know,
Starting point is 01:29:15 religion. Oh, that success rate he has in, you know, why would he leave? Yeah, if there's still dudes down near existence, why, yeah, why go anywhere? Yeah. What do you think, Brian? I like it. This is a home run. I mean.
Starting point is 01:29:29 That was a home run story. That had it all. I mean, we got to turn Crumpy into some sort of like anal raping manifestation. We're going to take Crumpy back to the drawing board. Crumpy's going to the lab. We might have a pap Bawa out there. We need a fake dick to staple to it. Get him. We need you to get a fake penis.
Starting point is 01:29:53 Would Hershey's syrup all over the end of it? We gotta clean him. What do you guys think? Is it as good as the Kissing Devil? Get him. I want all the signage change out there to Papa Bawa. Get rid of all the Christmas themes. Yeah, all the gun. I think there's a good fine, Tom. Yeah, that was all right.
Starting point is 01:30:16 Anything else on any other information that you didn't get out? No, that is everything on the anal-raping Papa Bawa demon. Okay. Wow. You got one more, Will? I mean, what choice? What am I going to do now? You know what?
Starting point is 01:30:29 I mean, you could still hit a fucking monster home run. Fucking hell, boy. I can guarantee you, Will, I do not have any more penis stories, so the game is open. I really don't think I'm going to, if I'm being perfectly honest. Not with that attitude. No, you know what? I feel, listen, I feel like I've been, I do feel like I've been defeated to some extent. You got Papa Bawood.
Starting point is 01:30:51 I got Papa Bawood. I did. Who said he doesn't come to America? I said he won't come. Come into America. Listen, this is my house right now. I went on TSD and all I got was Papa Bawood. Will Rogers story.
Starting point is 01:31:16 After a home run like that, listen. This is where champions rise, man. This is it, dude. All right. The only shame would be quitting Listen, I'm very accustomed to quitting. I gotta tell you. I'm not gonna let you do it bud all right What was your last? What's your best? What's the humdinger? Oh shit? Okay? Well? I use my humdinger guys That was a penis story. Well you don't have one more. Oh, I got more stories Okay, my penis all right you're you need to go one more time. I'm pretty fucking yeah
Starting point is 01:31:44 That's pretty solid too and knock it out of the park with it all right Oh, I got more stories. Just more penis. All right. You're going to need to go one more time. It was pretty fucking. Yeah, that's pretty solid. I thought we were doing two and knocking it out of the park with it. All right. How about this? Have you ever heard of Dugway Proving Ground or as it's known, the new Area 51? Okay. I like this.
Starting point is 01:31:55 Hold on. I like this. Yeah. We have not. Aliens. Okay. So there's this place, the Dugway Proving Ground. Supposedly, this is a place where during World War II, they tested out chemical weaponry, flamethrowers, biological weapons, firebombing tactics.
Starting point is 01:32:11 During 1943, the quote, German village and Japanese village set pieces were built. So this is- This is in the United States? This is in the United States, yeah. So there's this concept of a doom town. You heard of this before? Dune or doom. Doom. D O O M. All right. So I think actually a weird, good example of this, you know, the Indiana Jones and the kingdom of the crystal skull. Sure.
Starting point is 01:32:35 It opens up with him escaping that bomb in a refrigerator. Yeah. So he's in a doom town. This was a real thing that they built to test nukes. They would build an entire village, an American suburb to see what the fallout from a nuclear bomb would be. So this Dugway proving ground was doing that kind of stuff. So they had built a village to look like a German village. Okay. Get him heads it up on the.
Starting point is 01:32:57 Yeah. They built another town to look like a Japanese village because they wanted to see what's going to happen. How, how effective are bombs, bombs going to be overseas? Yeah. Japanese village because they wanted to see what's going to happen, how effective are bombs going to be overseas. So in 1942, this facility grew to be larger than Rhode Island. It was larger than one of the United States of America.
Starting point is 01:33:16 Uninhabited though. Uninhabited, but used exclusively for military testing. No civilians allowed whatsoever, truly like underground stuff. Was it built to look like a German community? Yes. Yes. So they would use, you know, every construction practice, I guess, of a conventional German village in 1943.
Starting point is 01:33:35 But so I guess here's some of the question, because this stuff has been going on. It's documented. It's true. There's pictures everywhere about it. The village and stuff. How many generals brought their secretaries to the village? Come on, Freiline. Yeah, put this on.
Starting point is 01:33:54 Let's pretend to be German tonight. Yeah, it definitely happened, right? I think, you know what, I'm going to say yeah. Just because if you've got access to a place like that, we're not using it. Is that the most unlike seductive dialect though, the German dialect, like no girl sounds sexy speaking German. Well, you could... I know some of those South Asian accents are pretty bad too.
Starting point is 01:34:13 They're always like yelling at you it seems. I would do it right now. Yeah. I don't know because you could play American Liberators, you don't have to be German. It just sounds... No, like Captain America. Yeah, yeah. She's just like the Red Skull. Oh, so you're the German? No, you could play American liberators. You don't have to be German. It just sounds like Captain America. Yeah, yeah. She's just like the red skull. Oh, so you're the German?
Starting point is 01:34:27 No, you're the American coming in. You want to be the German? Okay. The American coming in. I got all dressed up. I'm not getting out of this uniform. No, we're trying to get away from the accent. Oh, okay. So she's a POW and you're coming in to save her. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:34:35 Okay. She would still have an accent though. Well, no, she's an American POW or something. She's so grateful that she gives herself a name. She's in a German prison. Yeah, she's in a German prison. She's in a German prison. She's in a German prison. She's in a German prison.
Starting point is 01:34:43 She's in a German prison. She's in a German prison. She's in a German prison. She's in a German prison. She's in a German prison. She's okay. Yeah. She would still have an accent though. Well, no, she's an American POW. She's so grateful that she gives herself. She's just in a German prison. Yeah, she's in a German prison. She's like, I haven't had it bad enough. I guess I'll fuck for my freedom. That's Q's fantasy.
Starting point is 01:34:51 I'm a fucking POW for creative things. Just look grateful while you do it. Can you look up at me grateful? I can't even see your ribs. How am I supposed to get hard? I'm not even sure. I'm not even sure. I'm not even sure.
Starting point is 01:34:59 I'm not even sure. I'm not even sure. I'm not even sure. I'm not even sure. I'm not even sure. I'm not even sure. I'm not even sure. I'm not even sure. I'm not even sure? I can't even see your ribs. How am I supposed to get hard? You look nourished.
Starting point is 01:35:12 I don't think I've even been a prisoner here anyway. So here's one of the questions. This happened. It's confirmed. Yes. But one of the big questions I think in any story like this to me. Oh, wait a second. Hold on. I just had, I want to, I get. Go ahead. Say that again. It's confirmed. Yes. But one of the big questions I think in any story like this to me. Oh, wait a second. Hold on. I just had, I want to say that again. It's confirmed. It's confirmed. I think that if it is him, he's got right there. That's a catchphrase. Yeah. Like where's the beef? You know, he does, you know, bring a lot of stories about cocks and meat.
Starting point is 01:35:47 I knew my audience does. I know, but that's good. That's what sent me flummoxing. I was scrolling through all my notes. I was trying to find just one story. It's confirmed. It's confirmed. No, I like that.
Starting point is 01:35:59 That's good. All right. Here's the question. Is this still happening today somewhere? Is there some military base that we don't know that hasn't been publicized yet someday in the future, all this information will come out and it will be as, you know, at least published. We'll build whole cities that they're destroying.
Starting point is 01:36:24 Well, not just that. Well, you know what, why not? Like, is there a place where they are modeling, you know, different communities around the world to see, you know, here's a weapon that we're developing. What is the fallout if we detonate it in this kind of community? Right. Well, that's the reason like with the neutron bomb, right? Doesn't the neutron bomb, it causes more death but doesn't like ruin all the buildings, if I'm not mistaken. Is that right?
Starting point is 01:36:44 Yeah. Got confirmation from him. Get him over there. Oh, had to'm not mistaken. Is that right? Got confirmation from Gittem over there. Had to go get him. He went to get him for confirmation. That's not the one that sucks air out. And got it. Yeah, it's like a hierarchy in, a canine hierarchy. That was Gittem saying confirmed. That's weird though too where it's like, man, we got to kill all these people, but
Starting point is 01:37:01 I really don't want to have to rebuild anything. Exactly. Building sucks. But no, the question like- Yeah, I don't know. Is that a meaty question though? If I was you, I would have thrown in like, and then it was rumored that the mob would put informants in the buildings when they were exploded. Sprinkle a little juice on top of it for us to jump in.
Starting point is 01:37:19 As a matter of fact, that is a rumor. So there are, you know, one of the things that Indiana Jones taught us is that they had a bunch of mannequins in that doom town. Right? So you see like when the nuke goes off, you see the mannequins faces melting, but they also wanted to see what happens to a human body. So where do they get the bodies from? And similar to the point of like, you've got this entire town built.
Starting point is 01:37:42 Why don't you use it? Somebody, at least one statistically, somebody managed to, to hide, of like, you've got this entire town built, why don't you use it? Somebody at least once statistically, somebody managed to hide a person that they killed by having them officially blown up at a test site, right? I mean, if not our government. Yeah. I mean, how many people? Yeah. So this site developed into other things.
Starting point is 01:38:02 It closed after World War II, but then reopened and it became a hotspot for UFO activity. So one of the big beliefs is that this had been a place to test biological weapons and then it became a place after Area 51 to store UFOs. That's right. It started as a new Area 51. So what's going on there now that people are giving them that reputation? Yeah. So there are people there. There's a guy in Utah. This is all in Utah. Here's a quote from this guy who claims that in this area he saw a jet vanish into thin air.
Starting point is 01:38:32 He goes by the name Alien Dave. Okay. You trust this guy? With a name like Alien Dave, how can you not? Alien Dave. He's got a lot to say. That's right to the point. Are you sure that he's got the best information?
Starting point is 01:38:43 He might be biased. I'm not sure. So he says that he watched a convoy of humvees that were traveling along a road disappear into massive subterranean fortress tunnels built into the side of a mountain, like the Bat Cave. That takes a level of infrastructure that I think is, it's not just enough to have this site out in the open.
Starting point is 01:39:03 It's like you gotta have the whole society in the side of a cave. And this now takes like, I really think that this tastes like a Hollywood studio to be like, we've got to find a way to conceal a door on the side of the mountain. I just like the name Doomtown. Doomtown. I got it trademarked. Yeah. No, no, no.
Starting point is 01:39:21 You got the URL and everything? I've got, I've got, I've got a pitch and no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, That's the quote. I can't even picture it. He's such a lucky guy, this alien Dave. He's always there on the spot seeing all this shit. Yeah, he's on the scene. Like if I saw a bunch of military guys going into like across the street from me into Earl Nate,
Starting point is 01:39:51 like it's part of Earl, I wouldn't even think twice about it. So like why is alien Dave? You wouldn't think twice about that? No, if I saw a bunch of military people on a military installation. Well, the military moved out though. But here they're driving into a mountain. What Earl? Yeah. Oh, Earl.
Starting point is 01:40:08 Oh, I thought you meant the over one in Shrewsbury. Oh no, no, no. That's a for mammoth. For mammoth. Okay. I'm sorry. Yeah. No, I think, I think the thing here is like, supposedly.
Starting point is 01:40:15 So Tom, this story, this, this story of Will's, would it, would it make your pillars? Uh, yes. It would. Yeah. Cause one of the pillars is extraterrestrial phenomenon and aliens and this has something to do with that. Plus also, I can't talk anymore into the mic. And also probably some sort of government conspiracy along with it as well.
Starting point is 01:40:36 I got to say, you sound a thousand times better when you talk right into the mic. Okay. So this is a story you could see yourself bringing to us at some point? Yes. Okay. So this is a story you would, you could see yourself bringing to us at some point? Yes. Okay. Yeah. There's also an element of extreme negligence, uh, that I enjoyed. So, uh, there was something that happened here called the sheep kill incident.
Starting point is 01:40:56 6,000 sheep were seemingly killed or quote unquote disabled, don't know, by the testing of a nerve agent called VX in the 1960s. Now that's a long time ago, 60 years ago. That's like close encounters type shit. Yeah. So was it a coverup? What really killed those sheep? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:41:12 Good point. But how about this? Nine years ago, someone really blew it at this, uh, this installation. They, they, I guess, accidentally shipped anthrax all over the country in 2015, all over the country. I don't know who's in the mail room. What do you mean they shipped it? That's what it said.
Starting point is 01:41:33 Like how they ship it. I don't know. I don't know if it's in envelopes or boxes, but evidently this was a- They were trying to send it to somebody they knew, like to other scientists or other secret towns? You got to say, yeah, I would assume so. All it said was they shipped anthrax all over the country by mistake. Yeah. Right.
Starting point is 01:41:54 Like who, like they must've been shipping it to places that like ordered anthrax. Well, to ship it somewhere by mistake means you're shipping it somewhere that wasn't by mistake. So yeah, it's gotta be something like that. Yeah. But, well, some advice. It's too late. This is the last story. But instead of doing Alien Dave, I would have just kept saying witnesses say, because it makes it more like it gives us a little bit more to like, I already know anything Alien Dave say
Starting point is 01:42:18 is bullshit. Witnesses say they've seen airplanes disappear and there was an incident where all these sheep got killed. Instead of saying they were testing nerve agent, just be like, and then all these sheep died there one night and the government came out quickly and said that they were testing nerve gas there. But you know what I mean? You hang the little things on it. I'd be a fool not to take that note.
Starting point is 01:42:44 All I can say is the man's name. Never let the truth get in the way of a good story. That's what I'm saying. The man's name was Alien Dave. I wanted to give him some respect. I so badly want it to get back to Alien Dave that Q from Impractical Jokers just bagged him. Can you imagine that?
Starting point is 01:43:01 Like if it gets back to Alien Dave, People think he's touched by the gods. He already thinks that. He's alien Dave. It's just more proof to him that like BQ's talking about me. It won't occur to him that it's in a negative way. He's talking to me in code. He said I have a joke. He said send him $30,000. Oh God, do I want Alien Dave to find out that you fucking ditched him.
Starting point is 01:43:33 If you can get Alien Dave as a guest, now that's fucking big news. Sounds like he's got a lot to say. Yeah. I like stories like this because any government, it would be considered a government conspiracy. Yeah, it would be. I like them because it just goes to prove how much you can't trust the fucking government. Every story that comes out like this, you're like, see, see. What happened, Brian?
Starting point is 01:43:55 What happened to America that we now trust the government seemingly like if you distrust the government, you're seen as like a bad person. But like why or how should we trust the government? I know, I know. Toutt listen to this. I feel like Trump fucked it up that like you can like now like okay, you have to be the exact polar opposite.
Starting point is 01:44:17 You have to believe everything the current government says. Right. Because if you're not then you're like you're a Trump-er then. Yeah. You shouldn't believe any of them. If you have a negative word to then you're like you're a Trump-er-ton. You shouldn't believe any of them. If you have a negative word to say about Biden, you're a Trump-er-ton. But none of them. They're all lying to you about everything. It's in the papers every day that Biden's been lying. You're right. They're all liars. Like in the 60s, man, like I bagged on hippies a lot,
Starting point is 01:44:39 but I was wrong, man. They had it right, man. They don't trust a man. Don't trust a man. And they became the man. We can't trust them. When it comes to this stuff though. Yeah, it's kind of lame that trusting the government is cool and right. Yeah, like all of a sudden it became that's the thing to show that you're on the side of the right side. Yeah, Pam, like the biggest like government supporter, even she says shit now. Even she's like disillusioned and she was one of those like Archie Bunker type patriots
Starting point is 01:45:10 back in the day. You know? How could you, how could you trust the government as life goes on? It comes out daily. Oh my God. It comes out daily. Do you think whenever somebody assumes the office, whenever a new president is sworn in, do you think he still gets that, there's a rumor, like they get the letter with the truth about
Starting point is 01:45:28 ghosts and aliens. Do you think that actually exists? Not about ghosts, but I think about aliens and all the shit that, like, do you think for a second? Galaxy S10 Plus. What was that? I don't know. It's get them trying to be heard. But you know all this footage now that the government is releasing about UFOs, you know fucking they're doing it on purpose. There's no way that they would want all that shit.
Starting point is 01:45:55 It's a diversion for something else. Yeah. If the government is pointing something out, look in the other direction. And it's interesting. Yeah. And it's interesting. Yeah, definitely. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:46:07 Taking my tinfoil hat off in case you have a, in case you have a tinfoil hat story as your last story. Sort of. Okay. It's not really tinfoil. Let me put it back on. It's more of a, this is just a talking point. Let's see. Have you guys heard of the dark forest theory? No. Dark forest? Yes. So the dark forest theory is that aliens do exist in the world because statistically it's impossible for them not to.
Starting point is 01:46:30 I sent this to you. Yes, you did. Good work, Walt. I'm sorry, was I not allowed to like the good idea that you sent? No, it's okay. I like that Hershey syrup on your nose. That you quickly fuck and wipe off. So genius brought that out of story to me.
Starting point is 01:46:50 So the theory is that statistically, given all the information we know about the world, how large it is, the galaxies and everything else, alien life does exist, but it's quiet because everyone is pretty much armed to the teeth and everyone's afraid to make contact out there because every other civilization knows that the first one to make it is going to get destroyed. So everyone is silent. So they describe it as. You mean the first one, the first person who makes contact will be destroyed? The first race. Yes, the first race in the world to do it. And it's cause it's a dark forest filled with armed hunters, stalking through the trees like ghosts.
Starting point is 01:47:29 So pretty much every alien life form exists, but everyone is quiet because they know every, no one can survive with anyone else out there. So they can all coexist. No one can. No, I mean all the aliens can. No, they don't talk to each other. No alien life form talks to each other because they all know if you make contact, you're going to have to destroy them. And they all know that that's why no one is doing it. So what's your thoughts on that? I don't believe in the theory. No. Why not? Because that's only one possible outcome. But how do you explain how out of billions of planets and stars, plenty of which can
Starting point is 01:48:12 hold life, we've never found any clue in the millions of years we've existed. We're still young. I think it's just, yeah, we're young, but the rest of the world is. But also, you know how big it is? Like the odds of anybody finding each other are so insanely small and We haven't been around that much the planet even hasn't been I mean What are we on our 18th? Big Bang? We can be on our fucking 2 billion Big Bang with a government, you know the the universe expanding and
Starting point is 01:48:40 Restarting and we could be even doing this the billionth Big Bang already. Well, there's so much room. There's so much room to argue that point. Look how much technology has advanced in just 50 years with what we've had just in our planet with computers. Yeah. 50, 60 years ago, we didn't have any of these things. We have a computer at the palm of our hands. You don't think that any of those races have developed, like you said, we're young, but other races have existed for hundreds and thousands of millions of years. You don't think anyone has come up with the technology that they could pinpoint us out of a galaxy? I think any race that gets significantly advanced destroys itself.
Starting point is 01:49:24 Destroys itself or realizes that if it contacts anyone else, it will be destroyed. No, they didn't destroy themselves. What if they're scientifically so advanced and they realize that? Yeah, but like they could look at a planet, by that theory, then there are different planets at different levels of technological advancements.
Starting point is 01:49:41 They could see a planet with like horses and buggies and they're not gonna be like, they're gonna destroy us by fucking fire muskets at us You know what I mean? Like like it's only like the like if I have the nuclear bomb I'm not worried about the guy with the fucking stick But if you're the caveman's got a nuclear bomb he can still blow up the world But the caveman doesn't have a new but if he doesn't but if that race or that alien race doesn't annihilate Us when we're cavemen and allows us to still carry on, eventually we're going to get to the point where we can destroy them
Starting point is 01:50:11 if we know they exist. Right. That's why they come down in the old west, the late 1800s, when we have no shot of destroying them. Oh, they can time travel too. Well, no. That's when they would have come. Just space. Yeah. Yeah. That's when they would have come. Now is like the worst time for them to come.
Starting point is 01:50:30 Yeah. Well, now our weapons aren't even that fucking advanced now. I don't think so. We don't have space lasers and shit. I think, but we don't know what the other ones have. So that's why. Well, if they know we exist, we got to assume they have pretty fucking significant. And they can cover the distance of all that space. They got it. I mean, that's the problem It's the distance like how do you bridge that distance? It's not so much the theory that It's the theory that everyone
Starting point is 01:50:54 has to keep themselves Isolated from each other so it's not that they know that we exist It's too uniform a way of thinking for that to hold across an entire universe They're eventually gonna find people who think differently than that you have to a species is not yes some other species isn't gonna have the same exact Protocols of like we have to remain a secret that seems unlikely They might not be physical beings these other these other creatures, so we're not controlled by a species We're controlled by what 40 50 people, you know,
Starting point is 01:51:25 conspiracy wise. Yeah, but you're talking about a dark forest of everybody in that dark forest being that way. And I don't think that's possible. If they're advanced, it might be the same type of situation. If they're so advanced, they might only have the same 40 or 50 people that we have that make all the decisions. And they're like, if this is the level of weapons we have, what else could they have? But think about what you're saying. You're talking about an entire universe of beings all thinking the exact same way as 40 people that they put in. I mean, it's absurd. It's like, what about races that are just living planets or whatever you could think
Starting point is 01:51:55 of? Or they're just fucking – they got fucking balls. They're like, bring it on. Yeah. Bring it on. Yeah, like every alien is afraid of us? Exactly. Not afraid of us.
Starting point is 01:52:04 Pretty much afraid of themselves because they all know if this is the weapons, like think about us, we have nuclear weapons, right? Well, we assume that any alien race that discovers would be more technologically advanced. Well, what if every alien race thinks the exact same? Not that they can see us, but that they think, hey, we have to be quiet because if we're this advanced, any other race would be more advanced than us. Yeah, but we're not being quiet. We're shooting Voyager on the space and sending signals out in the space. We're not being quiet at all. When you look at the distance that we're sending those things out compared to how big the galaxy
Starting point is 01:52:38 and everything else is, we're sending it pretty much like that. Because we have limitations, but if we could send it further we would Have you ever heard about the theory though that like that aliens don't come from outer space they're actually From underwater since near the ocean is so unexplored. Well, I mean, I saw the abyss. Yeah, like that's what it was about, right? You think, like all these UFOs are going underwater and that's where they're sitting chilling out. It's not out in outer space.
Starting point is 01:53:13 Everybody's looking to the space, but actually it's the oceans. And that's why we don't explore oceans. We let 90% of the oceans remain unexplored. But why would we, why would these creatures allow, why would they allow us to heat the ocean up and pollute the ocean unless they were making us pollute the ocean? Because they gave us the tech to do it. They want it warmer.
Starting point is 01:53:33 Yeah, you're right. They want to get rid of us so they can come out of the ocean. Shit, you might be right on that one. You fucking too didn't figure that out. Yeah. You fucking guys on that one. The underwater ones. Actually, I did know that.
Starting point is 01:53:43 You know, John Podesta, he was somebody behind Trump's cabinet. He has somebody got an email from him. They broke into his emails, they hacked them, and he has emails to some bigwigs talking about that the government is already in contact with aliens and they have promised. She was putting this in the email. But if we can just get our shit together and stop killing each other as a species, they will give us zero point energy, which is the key to everything.
Starting point is 01:54:25 Okay. And they have promised if we could just stop killing each other, that the aliens will show themselves and present the keys to zero point energy. So these judgmental fucks are standing up there withholding the zero point energy. Telling us who to shoot. I think they're talking more about the state of the earth. Yeah, but it's not going to change. So you're not talking about single murders.
Starting point is 01:54:51 You're talking about mass. Yeah, I'm talking about the way that countries have been behaving since the dawn of time, and they can't get their fucking acts together and stop fucking going to war with each other every other weekend. They will not tolerate any forms of military violence on earth Yes, that's what they want. They want zero military
Starting point is 01:55:08 violence Well, I say well why not put the carrot out there like hey Middle East yeah, stop this shit so we can get zero point energy Because I got this all I could have to fucking pay so much to fill my fucking Prius up. Is there going to be like, look man, like, you know, my invisible space God is telling me to do? Well, they have to show proof that if we stop that, but that's the key though. Like if you show them proof, then the world falls into anarchy and like, who knows what the outfall or the, you know, the fallout is from saying like, look,
Starting point is 01:55:46 there really are aliens out there. Can we just get our shit together so we can fucking advance? But we're never going to get our shit together, so why wouldn't they come up with another plan? Could this be the impetus though? I don't think so. No. No. Why?
Starting point is 01:55:59 You're never going to convince a bunch of sun-baked terrorists to give up their arms and stop fighting the military. You just, you won't. No? No. If we're like, hey, we could have free energy. They're like, we're showing alien trillion gallons of oil. You fucking tried out an alien and Oh, if he came out, the alien came out. Yeah. You tried them out and show us proof. Nope. Give it a week and then people will say it's not really AI.
Starting point is 01:56:17 It's AI. Yeah. You saw it with COVID in real life. Like for about a week, everyone was like, Oh yeah, no COVID. Everyone's going to stay in their house. Then all of a sudden everyone lost and went off the tracks and went their own ways within like two weeks. You think an alien with free energy is going to change that? I think an alien is a lot different than, I know what you're saying, I know what you're saying, but an alien is a fucking game changer.
Starting point is 01:56:39 With COVID, again, what are you doing? You're listening to the government who nobody trusts. You're right. I see an alien come out and tell me like stay in your house or you might get COVID. That's a fucking game changer. I'm locking the door or something. Whatever you say. Yeah. Agreed. But that's why if the story, it depends on how it's delivered. If it's like this guy from the government has been talking to aliens in his email. But if alien Dave finds it and he says we have zero.
Starting point is 01:57:02 I would listen to anything alien Dave has to say. But like if it's like here's a US official who's like introducing P2, our alien friend who promises us zero point energy. Now that story's coming to us through some government guy. I think it's gotta be that watchmen theory. Yes. Not like drop a squid on Times Square, but more like. I was getting there, yes.
Starting point is 01:57:22 An alien, an alien. That unites us. Yes, An alien, an alien that unites us. Yes. An alien instigates the first point of contact. The world reunites once, once an alien comes out and says, look, I can, we can make this place, this globe you live on this planet you live on a thousand times better. If you just stop acting like fucking animals, you think big oil is going to accept that? You think the weapon industry is going to accept that? What's the alternative? Keep doing what we're doing.
Starting point is 01:57:50 If it's one alien, here's the problem. Because we're positing this situation. It can't just be one alien shows up for one afternoon and says, get it together and leaves. What has to happen is that thousands of aliens need to come to every major city around the globe Yeah that won't scare people. We're not going to listen to them, we're going to attack with the weapons that we have. What does the alien care about what we're doing here? If the whole thing is like aliens... Then why the fuck are they even here?
Starting point is 01:58:16 That's my point! Get out of here! Go home! Yeah, oh, someone's shooting those aliens the second they show up. Of course somebody's shooting the aliens, man. I think humans are violent race. I think all the world governments know, though. They're well aware they're aliens, so they're not going to shoot them, not going to order
Starting point is 01:58:34 the military to shoot them. Now maybe there's some private citizens who may pull out their guns. You mean like the 300 million weapons that the United States private citizens have, just us? No. Yeah, I think they're going to shoot aliens. I don't know, Walt. I think that religion alone is going to cause so many fucking problems.
Starting point is 01:58:50 Did he just make a statement on gun control? Gun control, I think so. No. I was trying to slip in there. That was a statement that there are 300 million people in just the United States with guns. The government may not tell you, shoot the aliens, but you don't think out of all those people that have guns, they're going to shoot the aliens? They're going to shoot the aliens. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:59:09 I think you already nailed it. You said something like, you said, I don't know the exact phrase, but you were like, any alien society, I think they get big enough and then they destroy themselves. Oh yeah, I think that's pretty clear that the human race isn't exactly pull out the internet didn't unite us Having endless information. We're not a species that's supposed to be united. It's like we're just not we're never gonna be I don't think Is that a species thing or is that like a higher? improvements we've made since like since we crawled out of the Primordial ooze. Yeah, look how much
Starting point is 01:59:44 Advanced crawled out of the primordial ooze. Yeah, look how much advanced we are. You know, not everybody, we got a long way to go. But look how much we have advanced as as far as how we we treat each other. It's not perfect. But when you are way better than we used to be, but you're only talking about certain parts of the world. There are parts of the world that are not any fucking better than they used to be. Oh, they definitely There's nobody still living like they were back when caveman times. Oh, I disagree buddy Certain continent you could go to and you would see it like it like it's a lot And then and then religion people are so much religion that like aliens come you talking about not using plumbing and shit Everything like but like think about how religious people will accept an alien coming and being like,
Starting point is 02:00:28 well, now you have to incorporate this into your thinking. It's too much. Maybe it already happens too much. Maybe Jesus was an alien. It's possible, but only some religions can give a shit about aliens. I just think that I don't know, man. I just don't think that we got a shot. But you do agree though that like, I mean, the state of the world is, I mean, you can't
Starting point is 02:00:52 even, you can't even compare to what it was back, you know, when it was on civilized times. I agree the United States is that way. Yeah. But I think that if the United States went away, you would see humans revert back to that pretty quick. You think Canada is gonna go to shit if without us? You think they're gonna like start? Let's hope so. Well if something so horrible happens that the United States folds, I think the world is in a lot of trouble. And then I think once all these rules that we've created for society aren't in play anymore, you're gonna see people's real fucking...
Starting point is 02:01:22 I see people, I love this. I love what you're saying. Uh, you know, but there's a lot of people out there and I, I, that call you captain America and they try to do it as a slight to you and you know what? I don't care. Bring it. I love America. That's right.
Starting point is 02:01:37 I love that. I love that. You fucking, you know, yeah. So is there no hope for you to get the overkill? Fuck it. Yeah. That's again, that's not, yeah. So is there no hope, you know, for you to get the overkill fucking That's again, that's not that's up to the listeners Writing is on the wall
Starting point is 02:01:54 Societies only get big enough to the point that they destroy themselves and even outside Intervention from some alien from across the galaxy doesn't matter. There's no endgame except for destruction I don't think so. No, I don't think so, no. I don't think so. Well, what's the fucking look at your life? What's the end game of your life? Anybody's life. We all die.
Starting point is 02:02:12 We're all gonna, we're all trapped in a fucking thing where you die. It's like, I don't think, I don't see the human race. Well, what if it's like the Matrix? What if we just keep going over and over again, trying to fix our errors every time we blow up? Well, then who's running the Matrix, and how far along are we until their eventual self-destruction? Maybe you'll find that in the next overkill.
Starting point is 02:02:31 Yeah, it'll happen. It's all going to happen. I just don't think that... I think the writing's on the walls. Anybody think that the human race is going to fucking suddenly pull it out? I want to live in a world where, yeah, I don't have that hopelessness and that cynic view that you have. I would like to believe that it's not going to be in my lifetime, but at some point, we aren't going to be using violence as a way to settle things. Sure.
Starting point is 02:02:58 There's a- I like to think that that's possible because you've seen such advancements from like I said from when we first you know became thinking creatures it's gotten better. We live in a country that like if you described it to people in the middle ages it would sound like heaven. It would sound like heaven. It just would. That's how great this country is.
Starting point is 02:03:21 And there are still people in this country that are killing each other every day and violence and anger. But not on the same level though that we were. Peace is only achieved through fear really. That's the only way it really works. Yeah. So it's like, you know, it's just something about the human. Now look, that doesn't mean you and I are going to go out and kill people or anything
Starting point is 02:03:40 like that, but I just think that as a whole, the human race is pretty, pretty bent towards self-destruction, I think. There's an organization that's- Because who cares? We're gonna be dead, sorry. We're gonna be dead. How much could you care about 200 years after you die? I don't, but I still see a trajectory
Starting point is 02:04:00 that shows me that things are just gonna keep getting better. Things are just gonna keep getting better and maybe it will get to that point where we finally figure it out that like, what are we doing? What are we doing? Why the fuck am I killing that guy who lives 100 miles to the west of me because?
Starting point is 02:04:20 Because he's got a different God than you. Right. Maybe we will figure it out at some point. That's not the solution. Violence isn't the solution to the issues. Yeah, maybe. But what do I know? I'm not hopeful for that. I like to think so anyway. It seems like the only way that could happen is when the end times come, because that's the only time people will believe.
Starting point is 02:04:39 Watchmen. Holy shit. I was wrong or I was right. Pretty dark stuff. That's what over I was right. Pretty dark stuff. That's what overkill's about. The dark stuff. Yeah. Did you have another story or was that? No, that was it.
Starting point is 02:04:55 That was everything. Okay. Yeah, I think it's time to wrap her up. Wow. All right. Well, I don't, I don't, uh, I don't envy the listener's position here. You know?
Starting point is 02:05:06 No. I got to pick somebody. Young boy genius Tom. Young boy genius. With his new hairdo. Looking all smart. Thank you. How do you feel right now, Tom?
Starting point is 02:05:14 Oh, I feel like I'm going to lose. So do I. Yeah. So we both feel like shit. Mission accomplished. That's the way we watch it. Not good enough. So we both feel like shit. Mission accomplished. That's where we want to. Not good enough.
Starting point is 02:05:30 Yeah, welcome, welcome. And you only think that way because of some people on the internet who posted some new things. Yes, yes. And those are the people that are voting. Yeah, but there's also people out there who will vote with like, you know, with their hearts and what they heard and what they, you know, what they feel will generate entertainment for them because if they're going to vote to fucking against what good content, like
Starting point is 02:05:59 what the fuck, then you deserve what you get then. I can put, get him back on if that's what the fuck you people are going to do. You're going to throw this election. Thank you both. So how are they going to vote? Like what's this? I'll put it on Twitter. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 02:06:17 Twitter poll. Yeah, so go to at tell them Steve, Dave on ex formally Twitter and I'll have the choices up there and you can vote starting, probably starting Sunday, we'll put this up. All right. Thank you both. Thank you. Zoom.

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