Tell Em Steve-Dave - #602: Urban Rottweiler Jamboree

Episode Date: July 21, 2024

Trump shooting, sad pet stories, Q reveres an arborist, offending alcoholics....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 We just recently did a patreon episode where I used two dildos Fuck you! When I shit on somebody, you fucking open up that fucking belt, rip those pants down, and start fucking defecating right where I'm at. ["Tell Em Steve Dave!" theme music plays.] Tell em Steve Dave! Hello and welcome to this week's edition of Tell Em Steve Dave! Yes, I sit here with the great Walt Flanagan. Hello. And via StreamYard is BQ. I'm StreamYard- in this week, everyone.
Starting point is 00:01:05 Hello. Yeah. And we have a special guest in studio. No, it's not Gidham. It is Frank Five. Hello. Hey, Frank. How you doing?
Starting point is 00:01:14 Good, thanks. Frank was bored, so he drove all the way down here. Yeah, I wish I'd known he was coming in. I would have braved the traffic to come down. Yeah. Yeah, I mean, if he could drive five hours, I'd known he was coming in. I would have braved the traffic to come down. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, if he could drive five hours, I could do an hour and 10 in traffic.
Starting point is 00:01:31 I don't think you're going to afford it though, right? Yeah. I got to get out of this month, man. I got to get the fuck out of this month. Did you get out of July? I got to get out of July. I can't take it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:01:44 I got no time, but we're good. We're good. Yeah. Walt asked a good question right before we started. Get him who has been sprung from a podcast jail has decided for the second week in a row not to set out a mic for himself. And I'm not exactly sure why. I think it's admirable. Yeah. I think it shows that he kind of like learned a lesson, you know, and he's like, you know, I can't just be willy-nilly tossing verbal garbage out there. Like he's going to be a little more judicious with his appearance. He's got to bring it.
Starting point is 00:02:15 Yeah, I think so. I think he feels like, Hey man, I got myself in trouble last time, but being in like every second of the show, maybe I'll just chill back a little bit. I think, I think, I can't believe I'm saying this about anybody in this world today, but being in like every second of the show, maybe I'll just chill back a little bit. I think, I think I can't believe I'm saying this about anybody in this world today, but it seems like get them learned a lesson. It was pretty cool. Speaking of learning lessons, one thing I want to talk about that I'm really, I was reading an article about the Trump shooting, which is the biggest thing this week, of course. And the number of radio, regular radio stations who didn't talk about it at all, who didn't
Starting point is 00:02:54 bring it up, who didn't mention it, who didn't act as if a former president had been shot. It's really strange, isn't it? Like the, like the way this, like if somebody winged like Obama in the ear or Joe Biden in the ear, I think you'd see a lot more outcry. But since it's Trump, there are people that are, that are, that go on and they're like, I'm glad I wish he had died. Uh, yeah. I mean, I, I think a lot, I mean that night we were backstage at a show. We were in Atlantic city and like everybody, it was, it was big news then.
Starting point is 00:03:32 Like people were talking, it was all anybody could talk about, but I guess, you know, it's, it's weird. It's weird to fucking know, uh, to not talk about it. I don't get it. No, I mean, the guy was, I mean, if he had moved his head just a little bit more, he would have been blown away. It's like, I don't understand how people are not talking about it, but then again, it's covered everywhere. So what do you need fucking Z100 to talk about it for?
Starting point is 00:03:59 I guess so. There were some talk shows that I was pretty surprised didn't really touch on it. Just morning shows and shit, but maybe that's not there. They're like, Hey, like you say, everybody else is going to cover it. Everybody else is going to talk about it. So that would have been no like JFK plus level video. Like if somebody had, it would have been better. If they had, it would have been better because it would have been on 4K head on, like full camera angle straight on.
Starting point is 00:04:29 It would have been like. It would have looked like scanners. Yeah. Yeah. There is no shortage of like high resolution shots that will be available of that if it had hit its mark. Right. What do you, now obviously there are conspiracy theories surrounding it.
Starting point is 00:04:48 Like at first, you know, I was reading, uh, I saw somebody post something about it on Instagram and you know, people like, Oh, it was staged. It was staged. It's like, I saw a video of them carrying that dead fireman off. That shit was not staged. I really like the whole world should take a lesson and just before you tweet something just make sure you really want this out there because your level of stupidity. Don't you want to ferret those people out there? Don't you want to not warn them so that they can keep on
Starting point is 00:05:20 doing what they're doing and it's like, okay, well now you're done. Stop. It seems like, you know, just because they put something out there and it's stupid, even if it ends up getting disproved, they still continue to do it. Yeah. Did you hear Q the, the reasoning from the head of a secret service for not securing the rooftop, which the shot was taken from was because the rooftop was too sloped to have an agent up there cover it or for some reason. And I, and I ask you as a guy who's done a lot of punishments on TV, could you have you eyes have ever balked at like, well, you know what, we would do this punishment, but this
Starting point is 00:05:59 is at a, a very sloped angle. We can't do it. Well, I, I, I'll even go back a little further than that to my firefighter days when I was on a lot of roofs and I saw that roof and that would not be any reason for concern. Like roofers across the country must have been like, bullshit.
Starting point is 00:06:16 Well, the guy, the sniper who took the shooter down was on a pretty sloped roof, so I don't know if the sloped roof excuse is going to hold much water. Although to somebody at this table, it did hold a lot of water yesterday. As Gideon told me, it was a valid reason to not have that roof covered. He said, cause it was too sloped. He agreed that with the head of the social, not social services, uh, secret service that putting someone up there was too dangerous
Starting point is 00:06:47 for the, for an agent to be up there. What if somebody got injured? Gatam said, Oh, what the fuck? That's your job. Your job is to throw yourself in front of a bullet and now you're afraid of a roof. That's ridiculous, man. I mean, well, and how about stationing someone like at the base of the building so nobody could crawl up to the fucking roof? Or how about just an agent on all four sides of the building? That would have did it. Right?
Starting point is 00:07:15 That would have did it. Anything. At the front, the back and the two sides, just make sure no one gets on that roof. Yeah. I mean, the alternative is like a 20 year old kid outsmarted the fucking secret surface. And he was there for like, they said that he would, they were watching him for an hour.
Starting point is 00:07:28 He's riding his bike around. He's doing all kinds of shit. Yeah. He's, he's, he's doing all this stuff and they're like, well, he seems suspicious, but let's let Trump go on anyway and not keep an eye on him. Well, I think it's also like the outrage that should be felt. And the reason why people are so fucking frothing at the mouth is because an innocent man was blown away by their ineptitude. It's absolutely ridiculous that if someone doesn't pay a steep price for this keystone cop effort, it cannot just be swept under the rug that people just go about and keep their careers
Starting point is 00:08:08 when a man is fucking murdered and it could have been prevented. Right, it should have been prevented. Yeah, it's- Well, they were calling for the head of the Secret Service to step down, right? Get him shaking his head no, he doesn't believe, buy that, right?
Starting point is 00:08:22 No one should pay a price. Oh, okay. should, okay. Oh, okay. Get him saying yes, he should pay a price. Is there any credence to the Secret Service allowed it to go on? The very fact that there's so much like fuck-up-ery is just going to fuel all those theories, all those conspiracies. It will never die. It'll be just as, it'll be bandied about for our lifetime that it was allowed to with the conspiracies
Starting point is 00:08:52 because of how inept the secret service was. It's never going to go away. You'll never, and I don't care how many commissions, warrant commissions look at it. I mean, all the warrant, the 2024 warrant commission can say is, yeah, we fucked up so bad. That's all I want to hear. And these are the people who got fired for it. And if there isn't people losing careers and pensions for this, I don't know. I don't know what. I really don't know how anybody can just stomach that. Uh, Gittem just passed me a note that said, uh, the reason she's not fired
Starting point is 00:09:29 is because Jill Biden actually was her backer. I, that's not true. That's not true. That's not why she's not fired. I mean, she should step down though. Oh yeah. I mean, the arrogance to not step down is fucking appalling. Like an American citizen got shot on your watch
Starting point is 00:09:47 like But killed yeah, it's like yeah, maybe you should step down. I mean, why the fuck would you even want to stay exactly? yeah, how do you how do you recover from this and and Rebound to where you are not always remembered for this Yeah under your watch. I mean, did you guys, I mean, hear the sound of fucking half the country getting boners though when he came up and like shook his fist in the air and was like fight? And you're like, I mean, we were watching it backstage and it was like, oh my God, Biden
Starting point is 00:10:22 looks like a fucking reanimated corpse, like shuffling around. and this guy's like, well, like he won, he just won the election. Like there's no way he doesn't win. Right? Like that's. Well, you heard it. Like you could hear him. He's just like, let me get my shoes on. Let me get my shoes on. This is a guy who's like, he's put together. He's not like Biden who would like, wouldn't even know if he was wearing shoes or not. Yeah. Biden would get shot. No blood would come out.
Starting point is 00:10:41 shoes or not. Yeah. If Biden would get shot, no blood would come out. It would be just... Like a balloon. I think it is a level of... that you have to say... you can't not discount the fact of what he does after he gets shot though, because I think most people would be in shock. Most people wouldn't take the time to get up and try to make and pump their fists. Right?
Starting point is 00:11:11 I don't think, I don't think a lot of, I think 99% of the human beings after getting shot and feeling it hit your ear, don't know how injured you are. I don't know if their first inclination would be to stand up and raise their fist. Cause you don't know if there's more to come. Exactly. Exactly. So that is, that is a human being who's built different.
Starting point is 00:11:34 Who's like, okay, I'm going to, I'm going to. This is going to be a moment. I'm going to make a moment right now. That is what hate him or love him. Not a lot of people are going to react the way he did in the after, in the seconds after getting shot at. Right. You're going to be a totally just deer in the wilderness, right?
Starting point is 00:11:54 Or what's it called? Deer in the headlights. Deer in the headlights. Yeah. Yeah, I agree. I wonder if he knew it was a bullet or if he thought it was like a hornet or something, cause like he smacks at his ear. I think he knew.
Starting point is 00:12:03 I think he knows once everybody like he hears those pew, pew sounds and then everybody's on top of them. That was something that like once they finally got him up and he pumps his fist and then they hustle him off, like the way they surround him and they're like doing this little shuffle to like, they don't know if there's why is he allowed to get up and pump his fist? It doesn't make any sense.
Starting point is 00:12:27 This is an almost 80 year old man. He can't out power fucking 10 secret service agents. Why is he allowed to get up, show his chest, show his fat fucking melon again for another person to take a shot at? It doesn't make any sense on any level. I don't care what anybody says. Nothing he does make sense. No.
Starting point is 00:12:46 How is he able to overpower the secret agent to get that, to not be covered up? It must be like he's the president, he has the final word and he must have been like, let me up. No way. I don't believe he has the final word in that situation. I don't believe. Protocol cannot be that the president can call you off. Your job is to not let him get shot again, right and you allowed him to like first place
Starting point is 00:13:08 You're allowed to show his chest and his head Yeah, just so chaotic that they were just trying to get him out of the situation and he kind of Do you how hard would it be for you? If you had ten people on top of you to like try to get your head and chest out, to show camera again. I don't know. I don't think it's possible for it, especially a somewhat 80 year old man trying to do it, right? I mean, can anyone explain to me how he's able to get up off of those,
Starting point is 00:13:38 after that pot, that pile of human beings and show his head and chest again to the camera where anybody could take another shot again, I don't know how it's possible unless, like you say, that they were just not following protocols for whatever reason. Yeah, but they couldn't, but like those agents that were standing in front of them, like they could have gotten shot too if they were more. So like, why would the CIA, you know what I mean? They wouldn't put their own agents. I'm not saying they did, but I say why, but every, every step of this whole incident, I believe the secret surface didn't follow any of the proper protocols that I would. From beginning to end. From beginning to end, even to the end where they're trying to get usher him into the limousine
Starting point is 00:14:20 or the, or whatever it is, they allowed him to stick his fucking fat head out again. Right? I mean, there's no doubt about it. You can't show your head again because you're fucking, you don't know if there's other shooters. And he doesn't know if there's other shooters. Why is he sticking his head up? Because he's just like, he probably heard like shooter down and then he's just like, fuck it then. Like you say, I'm going to make this a moment. Picture time. Yeah. Like this is like, this is making America great again, not fucking bowing down and
Starting point is 00:14:47 not listening to fucking shooters. I mean, this guy's, I read that this guy's nickname in school was literally school shooter. Really? Yeah. Wow. Yeah, it's not a nickname you want. No.
Starting point is 00:14:58 Sounds like a lead to me. I don't know. Um, yeah, but the thing about Trump is, and I, and I think think because I've heard it's all anybody's talking about right and it's like I've heard people who fucking hate Trump. Even they're like, that was pretty badass man. I don't know. That's the thing about that guy. Is it that he knew enough in that moment to be like, I'm going to create a photo, an iconic
Starting point is 00:15:24 photo, a moment, I'm going to create a photo, an iconic photo, a moment, I'm going to do this? Or is he just the type of guy, and this is why so many people love him, that is like, no, fuck you. You know what I mean? You shoot at me. You know what I mean? There's a bullsiness to that where he's just like, whereas he's not thinking like this
Starting point is 00:15:40 is going to look great on the front page, he's literally like, fuck you. You know what I mean? And it's just like, that's, it could be that. And that could also explain why so many people fucking love the guy because I mean, that's pretty fucking, that's pretty bad ass. But how can a man of his age overpower all those agents to get back up into position to even do that? Raise that fist, start talking back into the mic. I don't know. I wouldn't even come back up.
Starting point is 00:16:07 It doesn't make any sense to me. I wouldn't even come back up if they were throwing water balloons at me, let alone shooting guns. Because there's a lot of human beings on top of them. Yeah. Yeah, like physically, like physically, how did you overpower them? They allowed him to. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:22 And I don't know why they allowed him to. Do you think it was so that they could get him into the car? I mean, he's got to stand up. He's supposed to crouch down. They're supposed to not allow him to be seen. So if there's somebody else to take a shot at him. Definitely not supposed to turn. And they allowed him to be out in the open again.
Starting point is 00:16:35 Yeah, definitely not supposed to turn into a photo op. Yeah, definitely not. Did you see the Trump supporters too? They're wearing bandages on their ears now. Tell me it didn't just look like a maxi pad. Oh, it definitely did. It was huge. It was huge.
Starting point is 00:16:54 Even I saw like Mark Hamill tweeted something about it. It's like, oh, here he comes with a comically oversized bandage. I'm like, what happened to Mark Hamill? What happened to this fucking guy? That bandage was ridiculously oversized. It was big, but moments after the guy gets shot, and he's a well-known Trump hater. Yeah. So it's just like, can you just back, just for a second.
Starting point is 00:17:14 I don't put a pass in to be like, you know, it'll piss people off if I put a fucking gigantic oversized bandage on my ear. Right. He's like, bigger. Get fucking bigger. Yeah, it's amazing bigger. Get fucking bigger. Yeah, it's amazing. And you get shot in the ear and people are still like dickhead. Well, I mean, that doesn't change. It doesn't change all the other stuff.
Starting point is 00:17:33 It doesn't change history and all his, all his detractors are not going to be won over just because of that. It's going to take, it would take a lot more than that to be like, Oh, okay, I like the guy. You'd have to do something nice. Yeah. You'd have to do something. Yeah. You have to do something pretty major. Catch the bullet in his teeth. Rips off his shirt.
Starting point is 00:17:53 Yeah. But how fuck man? I mean, like settle in, right? I mean, there's no way he doesn't win at this point. I don't know. I don't know. It depends on what Biden does too. Like that now, um, I just read right before we started that they're, uh, they're calling
Starting point is 00:18:07 for Biden to step down because of, uh, some neurological or incident or something. Now he has COVID or some shit. It's like the dude is just like, he's, it's just fucked up how they sit there and they lie to you. They're like, no, he's fine. He's fine. It's like, I can't see, I have eyes. I can tell he's not fine.
Starting point is 00:18:24 Watch them on TV. It's crazy because like, like you're like, look guys, like you're fucking lying to us. You guys are covering this shit up and lying. Like what the fuck? How is that not like the craziest thing in the world? Like you got George Clooney is telling us that this guy a fucking month ago was a shuffling mess. I was like, and it's just like you guys, it's like, how who's really running the country
Starting point is 00:18:50 if he's not, you know what I mean? You're like, and he's like, I'm not going to schedule things after 8pm. And you're like, all right, but what the fuck? I mean, the country still goes at 8 or 1pm. Well, a lot of the world leaders agree to that, that they won't allow anything to happen after 8 p.m. they said. Oh man. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:19:09 Putin's like, I'll be cool. Yeah, let's keep it quiet after 8 p.m. Eastern time. You know, United States time. Yeah. Washington time. I don't care what time it is here, yeah. It's like we've just been gas lit for years. Yeah, they fucking did a lot of damage to credibility.
Starting point is 00:19:26 I thought by, by, by allowing it to go this far. Um, but Hey man, that's, that's just where we are today. He fought back though. He said he wasn't going to, he wasn't going to bow out just because people want him to. Yeah. No, that's not always good though. You gotta know your limitations sometimes. I'm not going to go and try to get into the senior Olympics and run a fucking hundred
Starting point is 00:19:52 yard dash. I know my limitations. I could never run fast, but even with a fake knee, I can't run. You know what? You're not the best example though, because you don't have just like, you know, a very select few people have the, some could say, arrogance or confidence to be a president. So when you have that mentality that you're good, you're a good enough leader to be the lead, the fucking the greatest nation on the planet, there's not a lot people can tell you. Like if they tell you you're not, you're not strong enough
Starting point is 00:20:22 now, or you're not good enough, you're like, what the fuck are you talking about? Of course I am. That's true. You got to think that you're right because what it takes to be like, not only like I'm going to be the president once, it's like I'm going to be the president twice, not even in a row. Yeah. It is like you have to have that confidence and you have to have that, you know, confidence
Starting point is 00:20:40 like to say that like I can do it, I do it, and I'm not going to give in. And I thought it was pretty cool that he was just like, nah, you know what, I'm going to keep running. I don't care how many people say I'm not going to. Right. What about the stuff that was supposed to make us feel better? He was like, all right, I know what was wrong. From now on, I'm going to get to bed at eight o'clock.
Starting point is 00:21:00 I'm not going to take any meetings past five. And it's like, you're saying this that's's supposed to instill confidence and it's like not. It's doing the exact opposite. Yeah. It's like you, you sound like an old grandpa that can't, that just wants to rest. Right. Should be resting. He should be living out his golden years, enjoying the grandchildren and shit,
Starting point is 00:21:17 being the former president, whatever. But at this point, it's just like, yeah, we need some, I mean, I'm not even saying Trump, but we need some young blood in there. But he has a sense of urgency though. He feels that the country needs his, his vision for the next four years. And he's not willing to go. It's that shows that he's demented more than anything else. But he thinks that he's doing a good job leading this country.
Starting point is 00:21:39 Like, come on, man. There's a lot of people who do think he is though. I know they do. Let's, let's look at inflation. Let's look at interest rates. Let's look at a lot of people who do think he is though. I know they do. Let's look at inflation. Let's look at interest rates. Let's look at a bunch of shit. I know people don't want to hear it, but it is so true though, man. Both fucking, both candidates are fucking terrible.
Starting point is 00:21:53 Oh yeah. They really are. I mean, it's like nobody wants like, oh, it's easy to say both are fucking shit, but. But they are. I'm sorry. It's true though. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:03 Like. And that's it. And I have a country of how many people, how many'm sorry, it's true though. And that's it. Out of a country of how many people, how many promising young people, it's like, these are the two that they come up with. These are the two. It's about popularity more than anything else though. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:18 Anyway, so my tree guy, I've been meaning to talk about this guy. My tree guy is, I don't want to say successful get him, but he, he's get him. Like he's, he, he, every time I see the guy, cause you know, he's a bigger guy, you know, he's got the beard like get him does. And he's kind of got, he, his mannerisms remind me of get him and get him's a good looking guy you know we've always we've always noted that about him like I think when women see pictures of get him they're like oh wow he's better looking than I thought he would be and my tree guy I'm telling you my tree guy is get him in like if it's like he acts the same he's got the same sort of quirky mannerisms he knows a little too much about trees. Is he husky? Like get him.
Starting point is 00:23:09 He is. That's what I'm saying. He gets up there on those big tall trees. He has a shimmy up there. He runs a crew now that does. And so, and I was talking to him today and I'm like, fuck, I almost want to get this guy on the podcast, but I don't know how to invite him on without it being like, Yeah, you'd be like, why? You remind me of my really weird friend. But I'm looking at this guy and I'm talking to this guy, I ended up talking of like a
Starting point is 00:23:42 half hour today just shooting the shit because I was just absorbing all these get them like details of from him and and checking off the box like every all the get them isms. And I was like, man, why I want to get this guy in here. And it's like, why are you running a successful fucking tree cut like overcharging me for trees getting cut down on a property and stuff and get him sleeping on a couch in a thing. I got, I gotta figure it out, man. I like, we just got to get him an ax.
Starting point is 00:24:09 It's a chop down some trees. Called ambition. You think that's it? He's got a wife and kids. Right. But I mean, you have to have the ambition though. Oh, okay. I mean, get him what, I mean, if it, get him had a successful tree company, I'm sure his, I'm sure his life would be a little bit different
Starting point is 00:24:27 right now. They always steer you away from stuff like that in school, right? They're like, go to college, go to college. Don't learn to cut trees down. But now you get this guy and like, you know, charging you God knows how much per tree to knock down and shit, you know? Yeah. He's like, oh, you need that tree down. That'll be four grand.
Starting point is 00:24:48 I mean, the only thing, how much if I pay you cash for grand, the only thing between it sounds like between your friend, your new friend and get them is get them doesn't have the equipment. Get them had the equipment. I bet you he could do what he's doing too. Without any training. You think he could cut a tree down? Absolutely.
Starting point is 00:25:05 You gave him a saw? Absolutely. Without, in a heartbeat. You said that when I had to have my trees cut down that he could do it. I told you he could do it. And I had a hundred percent confidence in him that he could cut a tree down. The guy who cut mine down had a full crew and safety features. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:17 That's why your paying is overpriced, you know, exorbitant charges because all those regulations, all these, yeah, but get them to just come up, get in there. With a hatchet. With a hatchet and a hammer and take down all your, your oaks. Yeah. I don't think, I don't know if you saw what this guy had to do. With perfect precision like Domino's. So he just cuts one and the rest fall down.
Starting point is 00:25:40 You took algebra, right? Yeah. So yeah, he could do it. Took algebra. This guy's an arborist. Like he's a fucking actual licensed arborist. You took algebra, right? Yeah, so yeah. This guy's an arborist like he's a fucking actual licensed arborist Now what does that entail though? How much schooling do you need to become an arborist? I Don't know maybe this is this is why I want to get him on but I really don't have any way to ask him to do It without coming off as weird. I don't know. I mean Get him look it up. See we see what I don't know. I mean, get him, look
Starting point is 00:26:05 it up. See what an arborist, oh, here we go. Tree ground. Yeah. I sketched out his plan of attack. Tree, get him meets tree, tree go down. That's the fucking, that's the business card. It's on the side of the truck. Get him goes down. No, no, no. Tree goes down. Get him. Meet. Tree. Tree goes down. Oh my God. If that's, if that's not a T shirt or Patreon, the Gittem Tree Service. Gittem's Tree Service, yeah. Gittem meets tree, tree goes down. That's great.
Starting point is 00:26:53 Yeah, it's no joke that Ken getting landscaping done. I work for landscaping. It's literally what I work for. It's it. It's so fucking expensive. Uh, yeah, it sucks, especially on Staten Island, man. It's like, it's in, you know, it's tech, you know, it's like, they gotcha. They gotcha. And, and like half the Island is a special, uh, you have to get permission from the city to cut a tree
Starting point is 00:27:17 down or else they could like fine you and stuff like that. So then that's why you have to get an arborist because they have to look at the tree, the tree's sick, the city has to come out, agree this tree is sick, then they sign off on the paperwork, then they issue you a violation and then they cut down the tree and then the violation goes away once you submit the paperwork for cutting down a fucking tree, a fucking tree! That's on your property. It's a sick tree, it's a dead tree on my property. That's what Pace taxes for. It's fucking insane. Oh my God. Oh. Yeah. And this guy in the middle of it all is making money left and right. And he just reminds me as a, like he's get him. He's just get
Starting point is 00:27:56 him. It just blew my mind. Blew it. Once again, my mind gets blown. I have, I've been having a recurring dream about UQ. Ooh, do you know why? Now, while it sounds sexy at first, and I know all the 13%ers are like lathering up right now, it's that we're trying to save a kitten and we can't. And I think it's because on Instagram, I keep watching these little short reels about, um, like kittens or puppies that are like, you know, down and out, or like they find them on the side of a road or they find them in a mud pit or some shit.
Starting point is 00:28:29 And then they like take them and they sort of like document their journey by video and stuff. Are you having videos, I mean dreams you're having saving a kitten or you actually really are trying to save a kitten? No, in the dreams, me and Q are trying to save a kitten and it's like, it just keeps getting away from us. It keeps like scrambling up telephone poles.
Starting point is 00:28:47 I've had it like three times in the past week now. No new meds? No, no new meds or anything, no. Well I had a tragic kitten experience this week, so we might be linked. Psychically, man. Yeah, I came home from work the other day. And so, you know, the cats that I feed in my yard, mama and her two, Lena and Lucy, they live in my yard. I just adopted out to their kittens. Anyway, I've been feeding them for like going on almost two years now.
Starting point is 00:29:20 And I pull into the driveway the other night and is Lucy is lying in the driveway, just lying. And I'm like, Oh fuck, what's this? And I get out and is like, Jack, the ripper got to her. It was like, she was, I was like, as I got closer, I was like, I'm gonna have to rush it to the hospital. And then I got closer. I was like, I fucking lost Lucy. And I just, you know, I'm going to start crying out talking about it. But dude, it was like Jack the Ripper got her. It was like her stomach was ripped open, her tail was off, like her face was. Oh my God.
Starting point is 00:29:52 You think it was a dog? I think it was. At first I thought it was a fucking hawk. And I was like, because I've been gone most of the day, it probably happened during the day, swooped down an ater and then left her there. And I looked at the cameras, you know, I have security cameras and it wasn't, didn't happen during the day, swooped down an Ader and then left her there. I looked at the cameras, I have security cameras, and it didn't happen during the day. I think it was a fox and I didn't want to watch it. I can't stand the idea of watching her getting torn apart like that. But I did see a fox in the yard and I was like, motherfucker, probably got eaten
Starting point is 00:30:23 by a fox. This was the sweetest cat, man. Like every time I went out there to feed her like two, three times a day, she'd come out and like hang out with me. And it was Boris's half sister. And I was like really close to this fucking cat. And like I had to bury her in the yard. I made her a tombstone and everything. Dude, I was so depressed.
Starting point is 00:30:40 I'm like, I'm upset. Yeah. So like, so maybe your dreams are, you know. Yeah, maybe that could have been it. I had one of those dreams. Did you? Yeah, not about you guys saving a kitten, but I had a, I mean, I don't want to get emotional because I remember when I tell the story, I start to cry, but I had a dream after father's day that I was at the stash, which seemingly ever since I left the
Starting point is 00:31:09 stash, I have dreams that I'm back at the stash. But I'm at the stash and I feel something rub up against my leg and it was Cooper, my Frenchie who passed away about a year ago and he's fine. And I'm just like, what the fuck is going on? Like, how can you be here right now? What is going on? And I'm just like stunned. So I'm petting him and I said to myself, okay, you must be dreaming. This is the realest dream I've ever had in my life.
Starting point is 00:31:37 Like where it is, I can't even tell you the feeling of how it felt like it was so real. And I kept telling myself in the dream, are you dreaming right now? You have to be dreaming. Look around you. What are the signs that you're dreaming? I'm looking around and I can't tell anything's off. And I could feel his breath. I could feel that fucking barrel chest as I'm petting him. And I'm like, what the fuck is going on? And so I take him into the back. Cause I'm like, I want to go home and tell Deb, you know, I want to show her that he's back. And, um, as we're walking in back by the dumpster to my car, I noticed he's limping
Starting point is 00:32:16 and he has like this wheat stalk, like a stalk of wheat and it's, it's in his pad on his back foot. And when I go to touch it, it's so prickly, I can't grab it. So I tell him to, I stand up and I put my foot on it and I tell him to walk. And that pulls it out of his back foot. And when he starts walking, like prancing almost, like he's, there's no pain whatsoever in him. I told myself, this is real. It's, it's, it happened. And like this, from head to toe, I felt like happiness that cannot be earthly.
Starting point is 00:32:54 Like it just felt like I convinced myself I'm not dreaming, so I get him in the car and we're driving home and I'm seeing all the things. I mean, it felt so real. And I'm like, I'm stopped at his traffic light, the traffic lights, I always stop at, and I'm asking him, like, where the fuck were you? He's not answering me.
Starting point is 00:33:11 Right. Like he, and he's just looking out the window and I'm like, where, where, where have you been? And so I get him home and I bring him upstairs and the door is closed to my bedroom and Deb's in there and I yell for her to come out and I'm crying and she opens the door is closed to my bedroom and Deb's in there and I yell for her to come out and I'm crying. And she opens the door and she starts crying.
Starting point is 00:33:30 I'm like, what are you crying about? It's Cooper. She goes, it's not Cooper. And I looked down and it wasn't Cooper. It was a different dog. So I woke up the next morning. That's the end of the dream. But I woke up the next morning and I'm in the shower when I remember the dream and I'm totally like, it's like being
Starting point is 00:33:49 robbed of that happiness, that feeling of happiness. It's like just being ripped out from under you. So I go to lunch with Deb and she's asking me what's wrong and I start to tell her about the dream and I start crying in the pizza parlor. And then the next day I get a text and it's a French bulldog in Christmas clothes and it says, I'm ready for Christmas. I'm like, who the fuck sent me this? And I look back and I had missed three texts and it's Brian Nechelle. And he says that, hey, my aunt passed away.
Starting point is 00:34:27 Maybe on the day I had the dream last week, Friday, and, um, said she has this French bulldog that would you be interested in adopting it? Wow. And I was like, I didn't know the backstory to the friendlies. It was on father's day and we're at Friendly's and I just had to leave the restaurant, just go out in the parking lot
Starting point is 00:34:50 because it just felt fucking bizarre. Yeah. So I took the dog. That's wild. Yeah, I adopted the dog and the lady, it was such a sad story for the dog too. It's like, he was the apple of this, of his aunt's life, like treated like a prince
Starting point is 00:35:06 in a high rise apartment in Manhattan. Um, yeah, there's the dog showing Q. Um, how old, how old is this guy? Four years old, four years old. Had like took him everywhere, treated him like, like a human being. And how sad is that though, that like, he doesn't know what happens. She passes away and she had no, she's like, she had no idea where her dog was going to wind up like in a stranger's house. But luckily it's somebody who's going to take care of them. Right. You know, it's not like the pounder.
Starting point is 00:35:42 So I really hope that she's able to see, because he's got a yard now or he never... He wouldn't step on grass because he only... Oh, really? He would only go to bathroom on the sidewalk or the street. He would step on grass like it was hot. He was just so unsure of what to do on the grass, but now he's running like, he's the exact opposite of Cooper in terms of activity. I thought all French ball dogs were like potatoes, like just sat on the couch and did nothing. This dog is more athletically built than Sox is like can't keep, Sox can't keep up with this dog. It's just the total night and
Starting point is 00:36:23 day situation where this dog just is constantly wants to play and Cooper never wanted to play. He just wanted to hang out. Just wanted to hang out. But it was, it's a sad story, but hopefully, you know, best case scenario is the dog now is somewhere for the rest of his life where he'll, you know, be cared for. Yeah. But I mean, it is sad though that like,
Starting point is 00:36:47 how did he end up here though? It's just so weird, especially on the tales of that dream, like 24 hours later, we have a different- You have a different dog. French Bulldog. That's crazy. It was really, really surreal. But I want to thank Brian and Chellia for thinking about me. Yeah. How are you getting along?
Starting point is 00:37:06 You just love this new guy? What's his name? Teddy is his name. I'm not crazy about Teddy, but that's his name. Four years in, I can't change it. Can't change it, of course, but I call him Ted Baxter. But yeah, he's got a... We've only had lot, you know, he's got to, he's, we've only had him, I guess now it's going to be three weeks, but, um, he's got to learn our rules.
Starting point is 00:37:31 We got to learn what he would hear where he came from. He had, he lived a different life for four years. So yes, it's a, he's got to like adapt the way we do things. And he has been, you know, he's, he's really lovable though, and he's just got a great personality, but he definitely has, um, what I call it, separation issues. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:37:54 He does, as long as a human being is in the room, he's fine. But if we leave him alone, uh, he doesn't do that great right now. He wants to, he like starts to hyperventilate and get really agitated. So I have, I've been getting coverage. Get him of course has helped out and watched him for me
Starting point is 00:38:12 when me and my wife had to go somewhere my mom has. But he's got a lot of years left. So it's like, I got to get coverage like basically a baby though if I can't wean him off getting this kind of all super agitated if we leave. Because you said you left an iPad behind right to like watch him? Yeah I recorded him on my iPad and he started howling. We've never heard him howl.
Starting point is 00:38:33 The only time we heard him howl is on the iPad when we recorded him to see what he did when we were gone. Right. Now look he doesn't know what the fuck's going on. You know what I mean? He, poor Teddy's best friend you know he lost a woman that doted on him and shit. He doesn't know why, where. So it's like, maybe he'll grow out of it.
Starting point is 00:38:51 Maybe he's like, he's just like, holy fuck, like she walked out the door one day and never came back. You know what I mean? And like, you know, so I've got you a little time. Yeah, you know, that's what we hope. But even if it does, but you know what, if we have to get coverage, so be it. So be it. We'll be able to do whatever it takes. God, this has been a week of pet stories. Even Frank five has had a pet story earlier today.
Starting point is 00:39:16 I think we're just going to be got. Make everybody cry this week, right? No, we, my wife and I, we purchased a dog. And we've been wanting a German Shepherd for a while I had I had German Shepherds growing up. And it was almost like it was like fate. We saw this dog. And the dog's name was Frank. And it was what the hell was it? Frank, Frank number six, Frank number six. You know, it was like spur of the moment and like, all right, let's buy it. bought the dog brought it home. And how old how old is this guy was born March 22. Oh, boy. A couple months. Yeah, by four months, maybe. And now three, three months old. And we had him for I don't know, like maybe just about a week and Mary was
Starting point is 00:40:05 having very bad like allergic reactions here you can show cute oh look at those years and yeah he's beautiful so Mary was having very very bad allergic reactions hives not being able to breathe, all this stuff. Did you know that? So are you now announcing your divorce? I know, I'm wondering who I should have kept, dog or Mary. But my father stepped up and he took the dog. There was nothing that could be done. Mary is on some other medication.
Starting point is 00:40:41 So an allergy shot or an allergy pill wouldn't have been feasible because it would react with the other medication. So yeah, it's been a week of crying. But the situation though is like if you couldn't keep it, this is the best case scenario where you still get to interact with the dog and your father now has this companion that he's been alone for a while now. I didn't say this to you, but I wondered if fate was if there was something was, if it was all done for a reason that way, like somebody on the other side was pushing for you to get this dog knowing that it would wind up in your father's house.
Starting point is 00:41:25 Maybe. I mean, a lot of things happened to have that. I mean, we were supposed to go someplace that day and we didn't. So we ended up going to a mall that we normally don't go to. We went to the pet shop. The dog happened to be there. We went out to eat, went back to the pet shop. I just couldn't bring myself to walk out of the pet shop without the dog, you know? Gave the credit card. The credit card didn't work at first, but then they're like, oh, you know,
Starting point is 00:41:52 it probably has a security hold on it, and sure enough, that's all it was. So everything led us to getting this dog, except for Mary not breathing. But I wonder if it was meant for you, and like it may be. Like my mother was pushing this? Something was going on that thought you wondered if it was meant for you and like it may be. Like my mother was pushing. Something was going on and that made you take the
Starting point is 00:42:09 plunge and knowing that you, it would wind up in your father's home and you live so close to your father. It's like. Oh yeah, I've been there every day. It's a stone's throw. So it's like the, if it has to be that way, maybe it was all for a reason.
Starting point is 00:42:21 Well, Mary, you, you and Mary both kind of made me feel a little better. And they said, listen, the, you know, Well, Mary, you and Mary both kind of made me feel a little better. And they said, listen, the, you know, the, it's, the dog's going to have a better life no matter what. If you brought it back to the shop, you don't know what's going to happen. At least now. Yeah, you have a hand in it. You get to see it.
Starting point is 00:42:37 You get to interact with it. You get to help your dad like make, turn that puppy into a companion that will be with him. I hope so. Because right now I don't know who's watching who when I show up. Let me ask you something like, are you eating the price of that dog or are you trying to hit your dad up for a 50% on that? So my father, here's the other thing. So like when I was texting my father from the restaurant at the mall, I was like, Oh, you know, I'm thinking about getting this dog, but you know, I'm not sure. And my father texts back and he goes, Oh, if you buy the dog, I'll pay for it. And I wouldn't do that. I wouldn't do it. So I bought the dog. And then when I, we could take
Starting point is 00:43:23 it, he tried to give me half of the money back for the dog and I was like, no, no, it's not the way this is going to work. This is your Christmas gift. The next two years. The next two years. The next two years. So this is Christmas and this is your birthday. Don't expect any gifts. I said, but I don't want any money. I would just, I feel horrible enough as it is. I don't want it. It's not about the money. I just want it to go to a good home.
Starting point is 00:43:45 And Frank, you know, he's been, you know, he's obviously been affected because, but it's so early on, I just kind of try to reinforce with him. I mean, it takes, it's like, you got to turn this baby into a 20 year old companion for your father. It just takes a couple months. It's like I'm training both of them, my father and the dog. Well, I'll tell you, so after I had gotten Lucy's parts in this bag that I was going to bury her in, which is one of the worst things, Her sister came out and I thought I'd gotten all the fur tufts laying around and I missed one and I looked over and Lena was sniffing at the fur tufts. So I went and took Lucy.
Starting point is 00:44:41 I put her somewhere so I could bury her the next day and fed Lena and she went away and then I went in my garage and I sat down and the next day I had to go into the footage because I'm not the only one that has access to my security cameras and I had to delete the footage of the next 10 minutes in that garage because I was like balling, like, like, and like talking to myself and they're like, why didn't I adopt her out? Like, why did I, why? It was like, so I watched the tape of me crying and I was like, if I'm ever to get laid again, I must delete this before this gets out into the world. Cause this is the most estrogen late in the episode
Starting point is 00:45:25 How about six how about six oh three we promised to talk about all felt like just banging manly shit Like doing the most macho shit And really tear it up We'll make it rain on some ladies Yeah, which is actually I gotta tell you though to be honest, I didn't tell anybody that, and it's kind of nice to get it off my chest and talk about it. Yeah. It was a real traumatic moment in that garage when I was crying, when I was howling like Teddy.
Starting point is 00:46:00 Yeah, it's exactly what I was doing. It was so miserable. It's actually nice to, I mean, I realize that I'm not just sharing with you guys, I'm sharing with everybody, but it's kind of nice to talk about because I've been in a kind of like fucking depressed mood all week about it. Thank you. I want to meet the person that judges BQ for crying over that. The hardened cocksucker. I think it was the way I was crying.
Starting point is 00:46:30 It wasn't like a manly tear. It was like, ah! A wolf falling shit. Yeah. If there was a coffin for me to throw myself on, I would have. Before my father came to get the dog, I'm sitting in the middle of my living room. Now Mary's watching me on the couch and we're just sitting and the dog's sitting there and I'm stroking its like head and I'm just like, I'm so sorry, Frank. I'm sorry. And I'm crying and I'm sobbing. And I
Starting point is 00:46:56 look over at her and she's sobbing and it's like, this is horrible. Yeah. And it has to feel much worse because you're like, for Mary, because she's like, it's even though it's beyond her control, it still has to be worse because you're like, for Mary, because she's like, even though it's beyond her control, it still has to be a little feeling of like, well, it's because of me. Yeah. And because I tell her that. Because you remind her. It's your fault.
Starting point is 00:47:14 She did it first, but Frank made sure that she eventually felt that way. Q and Bry, I ask you this though, could you ever name a pet your own name? I couldn't. Little Bry? I could not say Walter 30 to 50 times a day. I would drive myself crazy. I couldn't believe that he said he was going to name it after him. No, that's what its name was. Oh, that's right. That's right. But you said you're going to do that? Anyway. That's why I thought it was me because I wanted to name a dog after him. No, that's what its name was. Oh, that's right. That's right. But you said you were going to do that anyway. You said you were going to name the dog Frank if you ever got a dog. And I was just like, he says that now. But after one day of saying Frank, Frank, Frank, Frank, yeah, you would be like, I would drive myself crazy hearing saying
Starting point is 00:47:59 my own name. I can't stand my own name as it is. The saying aloud as many times as you do to a puppy. Yeah, I would be on my own name as it is to say it aloud as many times as you do to a puppy Yeah, I would be my own tongue out there and the neighbors would hear him and be like what's going on over there talking to himself He's yelling at himself You should have named them six it would have been you know, oh that's a cool name just yeah like Frank six Nikki six this six but he actually renamed the dog anyway, right? Yeah, Sherman now. I like that too. Oh, that's German.
Starting point is 00:48:28 Is it? Yeah, Sherman tank. Oh, yeah, you think of that. Yeah. I was thinking of Sherman Hemsley. Is that not a Sherman? Get him saying no, it's not Sherman. It's not German.
Starting point is 00:48:36 A Sherman tank isn't Sherman. Yeah, was Sherman American tanks? Am I wrong about that? Are they American tanks? Oh, they're used to kill Germans though. All right, well, they were used to kill Germans. That's what rhymes. Are they American tanks? Oh, they're used to you German so German blood is on those fucking That's manly.
Starting point is 00:49:07 All right. I'm going to, I'm going to, I'm going to man this place up a little bit. Oh, are we talking about some fucking blue chew? Talking about doing laundry. I'm so sorry. Right now we all need a blue chew in the worst way possible. I want a boner. I need a boner pad. The only thing that's going to fix this is a boner. I'll talk about laundry detergent in a minute.
Starting point is 00:49:30 We really want to manly this up, so we'll talk about Adam and Eve. Who wants better sex and who wants to have starting, start having better sex immediately? All of us. The best way to get started is to go to right now. They're offering 50% off just about any item plus free shipping which includes rush processing and more than that Adam and Eve wants to make your life easy. They offer discrete shipping as your privacy is a free shipping and rush processing on your entire order. Sorry, it doesn't make sense. I know, but that's what they wrote. It doesn't matter how much you spend or what you buy,
Starting point is 00:50:02 all will be packaged and sent discreetly free and fast. Don't wait, better sex is just a click away. That's 50% off one item, free shipping with rush processing, bring more pleasure and satisfaction into your bedroom. Just go to and select any one item. It could be an adventurous new toy or anything you desire.
Starting point is 00:50:18 Uh, I just, we just recently did a Patreon episode where I used, uh, two dildos, Frank, that were both purchased at, out of. That's it. It's called, it's on the new bride tries. He's going to, he's trying dildos as his new hobby. Yeah. What are you doing with them?
Starting point is 00:50:31 Yeah. I just put them up there and see what's what. Yeah. The show's over. I found my hobby. I found my hobby. So for, uh, so for, uh, the code it's T E S D a checkout that's T E S D at This is an exclusive, exclusive offer specific to
Starting point is 00:50:58 this podcast, so be sure to use this code T E S D to get your discount, 100% free shipping and get it fast with rush processing code TESD to get your discount, 100% free shipping and get it fast with rush processing, code TESD. And then I'll read this other one real fast. This is about doing laundry. I do all the laundry. What do you think about that? I do all the laundry at my house too. Do you too? Why do you do all the laundry at your house? Because Mary takes too long to do it. I'll do it every day. It piles up. Yeah, I need clothes.
Starting point is 00:51:22 Yeah, I hardly have any clothes and Marybeth just doesn't do it. So I just end up doing it myself and then fold and fold and I'll just watch TV and fold some clothes. Plus it's the only way I can get the trier underwear on. Oh yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:51:32 I hear you. I've never done laundry in my entire life. No? I've never done a load of laundry. Damn you're mad. I wouldn't even, no, that's not, I'm not boasting, I'm not proud of it. I'm just saying I wouldn't even know how
Starting point is 00:51:44 to turn on the machine. Yeah. I wouldn't even know how to turn on the machine. I wouldn't even know how to work it. I would look like a caveman looking at like hell in 2001 or something. It would be beyond me. You didn't do it on the trip? You didn't do laundry? No, we just took enough clothes that we'd
Starting point is 00:52:00 have to do laundry. We just planned it so we would have clean clothes for the entire trip. Nice. This is earth breeze I'm talking about here, Frank. Earth breeze eco sheets. They look just like a dryer sheet, but it's ultra concentrated liquid-less laundry detergent. You're going to want to listen to this. It's the best of both worlds.
Starting point is 00:52:21 Earth breeze is tough on stains and odors while being kind to the planet and your skin. They got rid of unnecessary chemicals for a formula that is kind to sensitive skin of all ages, including babies. That's good for Walt. Yeah, I have some baby skin. Yeah. There's no more lifting or measuring sticky blue goo from a massive plastic jug, and those jugs will stop entering the ecosystems, millions of them.
Starting point is 00:52:44 In fact, 500 million detergent jugs end up in landfills and oceans every single year. And 91% of those single-use plastic does not get recycled, including stuff we put in the recycling bins. I've read that, that like, really recycling makes no sense, but if we were to stop it, people would go crazy. Like, people, they just, they like the idea that they're reusing this and all this. They like the idea that they're doing something positive. Right, with almost the smallest amount of effort possible. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:53:11 They said like plastic is like useless, right? Plastic recycling is large. Pretty much, yeah, it's useless. They don't use most of it, reuse most of it. Metal they will do. It is crazy that they were still using single-use plastic, isn't it wild? Yeah. Why don't they just go to glass? Glass and like fucking coke cans have been around since I've been alive. They seem like they work pretty well. Probably the glass is just more expensive, I would imagine. That's the only reason they wouldn't do it. But at what point do we start not prioritizing profit over everybody getting to live on the
Starting point is 00:53:48 planet? That's never going to happen in your lifetime. Oh, Pollyanna Q just entered the podcast. Why do profits matter? Let me give this a real special party. He climbs off his soapbox. Let me get this totally real fast. Let me get this totally real fast. Let me get this totally real fast. Let me get this totally real fast. Let me get this totally real fast. Let me get this totally real fast. Let me get this totally real fast.
Starting point is 00:54:07 Let me get this totally real fast. Let me get this totally real fast. Let me get this totally real fast. Let me get this totally real fast. Let me get this totally real fast. Let me get this totally real fast. Let me get this totally real fast. Let me get this totally real fast.
Starting point is 00:54:15 Let me get this totally real fast. Let me get this totally real fast. Let me get this totally real fast. Let me get this totally real fast. Let me get this totally real fast. Let me get this totally real fast. Let me get this totally real fast. Let me get this totally real fast.
Starting point is 00:54:23 Let me get this totally real fast. Let me get this totally real fast. Let me get this totally real fast. Let me get this totally real fast. Let me get this totally real fast. Let me get this totally real fast. you, but I don't see that happening. We don't ever really hear much from Pollyanna Q. No. You're much more of the realist and you, you calls it as you seize it. So it's very refreshing to see Pollyanna Q rear her head. Perfect. I think- Look, I start crying about fucking cats. It's bound to happen.
Starting point is 00:54:41 Yeah. You know, you know what it is, Walt? It's like, I, you know me, know me, I have a dim overall view of humanity and I don't have kids. So I never really get too worked up. I mean, one of the great things about middle age is like, I really only have to worry about 30 more years. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:54:57 We're staying together. You know what I mean? It's pretty nice. That is a benefit. But it is crazy that, all right So like I buy cherry juice, right? Uh, cherry juice or cherry tree, cherry juice, cherry juice, cherry juice, like bottles of cherry juice. Cause I make my iced tea. Like I have a jug of ice tea that I made. Cherry juice was quote unquote, like it was some sort of alcoholic drink.
Starting point is 00:55:23 He's making mash out of the backyard. No, it's like I just put a splash of it in there for taste, right? And there's this company that I've been using called Knudsen Farms that makes it and it's like $9 a bottle, right? And I was in the supermarket the other day and I saw another company and Knudsen uses glass and there was another company, I forget the name of it, that has the same amount of cherry juice, same product, like looking at the ingredients, there's no added anything. It's fucking $4.99 but it's in a plastic bottle. And this is why this is on my mind because I was holding
Starting point is 00:55:59 both in my hand and I'm like, well, this is it. It's time to walk the walk. Like, am I going to pay almost twice as much for the same cherry juice, you know, to save the planet? You know, what happened? I'm very curious. What was that? What went to the counter glass or plastic? I think, you know, what went to the counter. I was like, well, well, fuck it.
Starting point is 00:56:21 I'm not going to pay twice as much. I mean, the cherry juice is exactly the same. It was $4 cheaper. It just came into play. And that's where I started thinking the other day. I'm like, this is crazy. Like what, like why are they even allowing them to sell it in plastic? And there you go. You know, go ahead. No, no, no, I was done. I was going to say it was so, like,
Starting point is 00:56:52 speaking of the earth and recycling and plastics, on our trip with Frank, I can't even tell you how many times I said I took pictures on my phone in stores where they could still use plastic bags and sent them to Alicia. I was like, can you believe it? They're using plastic bags here. They're so lucky. They didn't take pictures of anything else. Nothing else he took a picture of. Just a target bag.
Starting point is 00:57:17 They actually – we grabbed a whole bunch of plastic bags so that we could take – we used to use them for garbage at home. They were just handy to have those plastic bags. So how many times have we run out of stores with handfuls of plastic bags? I took the whole stack, remember? I bought one piece of gum but took like 50 bags to get the self-checkout. Fuck the earth! Hurry up, put it in the car.
Starting point is 00:57:44 Let's go, let's go, let's go. I went to the mall. I forgot to tell you guys that I revisited the mall where mall rats were shot on our trip to Minnesota. Oh, get out of here. Still open, huh? Yeah. Eden Prairie. Eden Prairie.
Starting point is 00:57:59 Yeah. It looks nothing like the mall from mall rats. Unrecognizable, but it was pretty cool to walk back in there one last time and beyond that set of Mallrats. It was pretty wild that that mall is still open. That is crazy. I think it's on borrowed time, right? I thought Kevin told me that he had gone there years ago and he was like, it looks like it's on its way out, but it seems like it's still hobbling along.
Starting point is 00:58:23 Yeah, they have a Target now. That was the big store, I think, the Target. They had that sports, was it Dix? Oh, no, I don't know what that store was, but that was a massive- With the animatronics? Yeah. But yeah, it was wild to go back to Eden Prairie after all that time. Was there a plaque? How many years? Nothing. There's no, like, there's nothing of note to say this is where Mall Rats was filmed.
Starting point is 00:58:46 Wow. You know, if I was the owner of a struggling mall looking to do anything to get people in there, I might commission a Jay and Silent Bob or even better, a Steve David fanboy statue. Yeah, now we can't bring him in. I want to be in that meeting where somebody proposes a bronze statue of me and you. There's people out there who will take trips just to take snapshots of bronze statues. Oh yeah, I heard of them. They go way out of their way. You know what? One of the statues I wanted to see, they didn't even want to come. I left everybody in the car and I'll walk up here all by myself two miles away two miles you walked
Starting point is 00:59:27 I wanted to go see the Bob Newhart you can you none of them care Bob Newhart died today. No, he didn't yes He did yeah, he passed away today, but he fails to But he fails to put into context the reason why everyone stayed behind in the car. We're in the middle of Chicago. Now Chicago has kind of a rep. It's what? 12 a.m. and he parks the car and the wives don't want to go. Should I have left the fucking car while we traipse along to go fucking get photos by a fucking Bob Newhart statue in like in a strange city at 12 AM?
Starting point is 01:00:13 What is it? Was it on Navy pier? Was it, was that where it was at? It was at the very end of Navy pier. I mean, it's a pretty well lit area. It wasn't well lit. No, it was closed when we went. There were sirens the whole time he was gone
Starting point is 01:00:26 I wouldn't have left the ladies either. Well, I don't know. I I don't know I mean, I don't know what I would have done anyway, though I mean had think he took the keys with you so we probably couldn't have left Are you on your way back? Well, you know what we heard sirens are like, holy fuck I hope he didn't get shot What's in a lifetime event well, you know now that he died I do regret not going good You know, I can we go back maybe next summer How many people went to that statue today you think got it in took pictures of it Yeah, I bet you Facebook is probably loaded with memorials.
Starting point is 01:01:05 Right. Of it. It's gotta be. It's gotta be in a day. He passed away. I can't believe he died today. Yeah. He's way down in the New York Post.
Starting point is 01:01:10 There's like, well, the guy who co-founded Fandango, that guy who jumped off the building and killed himself, he's like the number one story for some reason. Really? Whereas Bob Newhart, a lifetime of achievement. Wow. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:01:24 Two hit shows. That's hard to achievement. Yeah. Two hit shows. That's hard to do. Well, look at that. You don't think that was worth almost getting killed for? Yeah, I would take a bullet for it, I guess. Not in a, not in a, not in a place that's going to kill me, but you know, like maybe in the leg or the arm. Or the ear.
Starting point is 01:01:37 Who are, who are some stars that had two hit shows? I mean, that's a short list. I would have to think. Brian Cranston. I got Alcom in a short list. I would have to think. Brian Cranston, the Alcom in the Middle, Breaking Bad. But would you call him the star though? Like Bob was the star of both shows. He was a star of Breaking Bad. I wouldn't say he was a star of Malcolm in the Middle. Right. Yeah. Frazier, he's on his third hit show. Kelsey Grammer. Same character.
Starting point is 01:02:04 Yeah, same character. Ted Danson. Ted Danson in what was the name of that second show. Yep. Kelsey Grammer. Yeah. Yeah. Same character. Ted Danson. Ted Danson. And what was the name of that second show? Coach. Becker. Becker. Becker. Coach.
Starting point is 01:02:11 Becker. And he had a good place too. Good place was his too. That was a hit. Was Ted Danson as well? Oh yeah. He had three hits. Oh, that's right. He played somebody from heaven, right? Yeah. He was an angel. Oh, that's right. Yeah. somebody from Heaven, right? Yeah, he was an angel. Oh, that's right, yeah. And that was a really funny show. I mean, I don't wanna say anything, guys, but you know, Choker's Wild.
Starting point is 01:02:31 It's pretty good. You know? You know? Just saying, you know. You might have someone in your hands right in front of you. What, no? You don't front of you. What? No, totally agree. But yeah, it's like, he's going to get me a statue.
Starting point is 01:02:50 We're gonna put a statue right in front of the right on the strip of the airport Plaza. Yeah, all right. I'm down. I mean, they actually should for the for tell him Steve Dave, right? This Plaza should recognize what we're bringing into the bound of traffic we're bringing into this Plaza. If that fucking asshole Ron across the hallway can drop his fucking attitude and realize that he's working with legends walking the earth, he wouldn't mind a fucking chair in
Starting point is 01:03:14 the hallway. Now that's the kind of support I'm talking about. That's the kind of support. Get him. Take note of what Q just did right there. When I shit on somebody somebody you fucking open up those Open up that fucking belt rip those pants down and start fucking defecating right where I'm at That's your job
Starting point is 01:03:39 Take some x-lacs pop a few You start seeing me go off on somebody, you have to go off too. That should make your bowels stir. Ha ha ha. Ha ha ha. Ha ha ha. Ha ha ha.
Starting point is 01:03:54 Walt's piss, uh oh. I'm feeling gurgly. Ha ha ha. Ha ha ha. Hey Ron, check this out. Ha ha ha. Just leave it right in front of his door. Down go the cargo shorts. Hey, Ron, check this out. Just leave it right in front of his door. Down go the cargo shorts.
Starting point is 01:04:07 How does a chair in a box look so bad? He's like Vito Jr. and the Sopranos just like grimacing and stuff. Oh, you're not happy to see a chair in a box in the hallway. Well, how about this? Without skipping a beat, he just walks back in. Doesn't even want to. Taking care of boss. Keep his mouth shut. And his nose. I wouldn't be sure how to deal with it if he actually did it, but god damn what a great
Starting point is 01:04:53 story. He did what? I would not be happy about that. No, all kidding aside. We'd probably get thrown out of airport class. Yeah, rightfully so. One of the few businesses that still pays rent, we get thrown out. I'm like, what about that fucking statue we put out front?
Starting point is 01:05:08 Are you going to move that? There's like a cue. Is this odd? I think in this plaza, there's like a 50% non-rental payment from the clients. It feels just like nobody pays the rent. How do you know that? Get them looked it up. Like there's all sorts of court cases of people not paying the rent and the rent, the people who own it then have
Starting point is 01:05:30 to file you with Monmouth County to get the rent back. And we other other proprietors have just confided and get them like, Oh yeah, I haven't paid rent in six months. Wow. What a bunch of scumbags. Well, I have no idea why they're not paying, but we pay on time every time. And I'm sorry, if we can't put a fucking chair out in a hallway. Yeah, really. I don't understand. I really don't understand this world then. If that's like, you've got motherfuckers not paying. For six months. You're a landlord. Once that first month rolls by and they're late, you're
Starting point is 01:06:07 like, uh-oh. Oh yeah. That second month, you're like, fuck now. Now we're answering. Yeah, we're going to have to go through legal channels to evict them. And it takes a fucking eternity to get somebody out. Isn't it such a weird system? People can do that or they can come, you leave your house because you're sick, you go to
Starting point is 01:06:23 the hospital, you come back in a week, somebody's living in your house and they're like, you can't come back in. I don't understand it. New York State's bad about squatters, man. It's unreal. It never makes any sense to me. Squatters rights to me, I'm always like, why? Yeah, you take over a house that's been derelict for like, you know, 10 years or something, or five years, I kind of get it. They're like, look, it's going to waste. I can live there. I don't have to live outside, but it's like
Starting point is 01:06:50 when I literally, I read a story about a guy who went to the hospital for a month and when he got back, people were living in his house and he couldn't go back in. That's insane. Yeah. It's crazy. Now, but the, but the people in airport plaza,
Starting point is 01:07:01 the businesses that are not paying, I have to chalk it up to that they just can't afford to make the payments and they're maybe praying and hoping that somehow some way business turns around and they can start to pay that back rent. But in all, you know, I mean, reality is most likely that it's not going to turn around and they're probably, they're never going to get their back rent. And each month that passes more and more likely that you're not, you're not going to turn around and they're probably, they're never going to get their back rent. Each month that passes more and more likely that you're not able to rent the place out to somebody new. Because if you're like, hey,
Starting point is 01:07:31 I haven't paid the rent in six months, it's like if you were responsible, you would go to them and be like, look, I can't pay the rent, I'm going to have to either cancel the lease or I'm going to have to move out or whatever. But I guess they're like, fuck it, if I can still do business plus not pay the rent. Plus you have like up to a year.
Starting point is 01:07:49 So you could go not paying rent for a year in New Jersey, I think. If not more. That is crazy. Q, I have something that I know you're going to want to talk about. This is the last one. Okay. Factor baby. Uh, yes.
Starting point is 01:08:03 Factor. Warmer, sunnier days are calling. Fuel up for them with factors, no prep, no mess meals. Meet your wellness goals in time for summer thanks to the menu of chef crafted meals. Well, maybe not summer, maybe fall. With options like calorie smart, protein plus and keto, factors fresh, never frozen meals are dietitian approved
Starting point is 01:08:18 and ready to eat in just two minutes. No matter how busy you are, you'll always have time to enjoy nutritious, great tasting meals. Nutritious. Now make today the day you kickstart your new healthy routine. It's no matter how busy you are, you'll always have time to enjoy nutritious, great tasting meals. No make today the day you kickstart your new healthy routine. What are you waiting for? 35 different meals, more than 60 add ons to choose from every week. Crush your wellness goals.
Starting point is 01:08:35 This says may, but I'm going to say July with dietitian approved meals and ingredients you can trust, treat yourself to restaurant quality meals that feature premium ingredients, talking filet mignon, restaurant quality meals that feature premium ingredients. Talking filet mignon, talking shrimp. Filet mignon. Yeah, that's what they're saying. I like, I likes me filet mignon. Yeah. See you would like this factor stuff, I think.
Starting point is 01:08:54 Keep kitchen time to a minimum. Factor meals are ready in two minutes. I know that's what Q likes. Q likes to pop it in. It's all. I do the, I do the 10 minute oven. I preheat the oven and do it that way. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:09:07 But yeah, it is nice. The food is good. I mean, how often do I come out swinging like I have a factor? It's like I eat it three times a week easy. Yeah. Much like the washing machine, I'm not allowed to touch the oven. You can't touch the oven either? No.
Starting point is 01:09:23 I wish I had these kind of rules in place. I have to do all the shit I do. That's what I should have done in the very beginning, just feigned ignorance. My mom, when I got married, my mom told Debbie, don't let him touch the oven. Then before you knew it, you put a bun in it. What? Actually, you were married for a while before you knew it, you put a bun in it. What? Yo. Actually, you were married for a while before you had kids, right? You were married a good-
Starting point is 01:09:50 94, and my first child was 98. 98? Yeah. All right, good four years. Yeah, Caitlin was with me. It was 98. So we had four years of getting to know each other. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:10:02 That's a good long time. Yeah, we got all the crazy shit out of the way and then became the cleavers. There you go. You are, you're very cleaver-esque more than anybody else I know. Well, I, I fucking work hard at it. I think you do. Yeah. Plan a full day of not doing anything that could be questioned.
Starting point is 01:10:25 Uh, what do we got? Oh, the call to action head to factor slash T E S D 50 and use code T E S D 50 to get 50% off your first box plus 20% off your next month. That's code T E S D 50 at factor slash T E S D 50 to get 50% off your first box plus 20% off your next month while your subscription is active. Okay. I have, um, a couple of drunk stories this week.
Starting point is 01:10:49 Drunk. Drunk. Drunk. Yeah. Drunk's, um, where is it? Why is it not on here? Oh, here it is. Um, yeah, the, uh, Disney who loves to, uh, ride that fucking PC train is removing a beloved character from the park of after 50 years
Starting point is 01:11:07 over fears it could offend alcoholics. Wow, let me take a guess at this. There's an alcoholic somewhat connected to alcohol character? Yup. Disney? Disney. It's Disney. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:11:21 Will you take a guess Q? Yeah. Is it a character we should recognize? We'll know who it is when you say it. Will you take a guess, Q? Yeah, I'm racking. Is it a character we should recognize? We'll know who it is when you say it? He's not a, you might not notice the name, but you'll definitely know. We'll know the franchise he's from? Yes.
Starting point is 01:11:33 I'm going to say it's those hair bears. Oh. They don't, Disney doesn't own the Care Bears. No, hair bears, like the hair bear bunch or the Beverly Hills bears. Country Bear Jamboree. Oh, Country Bear, that's it. bears. Country bear jamboree. Oh, country bears, that's it. Yeah, country bear jamboree. So the guy with the fucking blowing in the ex-jug, like whoo, whoo, that guy?
Starting point is 01:11:51 You mean, are you talking about Liver Lips McGrawal? Oh yes, that's his name. That's his name, yeah. Yeah, he's, the term liver lips, which is considered derogatory and offensive, is associated with alcohol abuse and that it does damage to the liver. See, I never knew that. Wow. It has to be some old world saying that came over from Europe or something.
Starting point is 01:12:12 Liver lips? And people are like, what did you say? Is that? BQ, you're the head magistrate of Walt Disney Parks. I come to you and I'm like, I want to, I have, like, what do you got for me? head magistrate of Walt Disney Parks. I come to you and I'm like, I want to, I have, like what do you got for me? You know, you're in a big conference
Starting point is 01:12:29 and I go, I want to remove liver lips. I think it's offensive to alcoholics. Well, did anybody complain? No, sir. But they could. And we want to be on top. We're in front of this Mr. Quinn. Yeah, pull it, get it the fuck out.
Starting point is 01:12:46 Get it out. Get it out. Get it out. Can't we just remove the jug and rename him something? Non-Liverlips? Well, it's funny you should ask that, Walt, because he's gonna be replaced with Romeo McGraw, a bear with the same last name and a similar facial appearance as Liver Lips, but with
Starting point is 01:13:08 a James Dean-esque quaff. Oh, but that's going to fucking upset people who fucking died in horrible car crashes. That's the first thing I thought. I'm like, I don't want to see that. There's old Liver Lips. It says here too. Now look, growing up in a very white town, you heard just about every offensive stereotype for people. It says here, the term is also seen as a derogatory and offensive
Starting point is 01:13:33 stereotype used against black Americans to describe the shape of their lips as sickly or unhealthy according to the I've never heard that. Liver lips, I always associate associated with like being cowardly. Yeah, that's right. Like from westerns and stuff. No, Lily liver. Lily liver. Lily liver? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:13:49 Then I don't know what the fuck I'm talking about. I've never heard the phrase liver lips. Never. I remember my mother used to say that when we were young, she would call people liver lips. Oh boy. What's she calling the people? She's probably on Facebook right now. All you liver lips were happy that Trump got
Starting point is 01:14:06 shot. He only had one song in his whole run from 1971 to 2024. He had one song and that was, uh, what fucking movie were they even in? I don't know. My woman ain't pretty, but she don't Swear None. That was his song. Wow. But were they in a movie? Where did they come from, the Country Bears? I don't know. The only place I remember them from was the Country Bear Jamboree dinner. They have
Starting point is 01:14:40 a barbecue or something. I wonder if they were created for the park and w and were featured in no short or cartoon in any, in any shape or form. No, they're going to, they're going to do a whole new soundtrack. Mr. Quinn, while we're at it though, maybe we should just get rid of the country bears cause it paints hillbillies in a bad light.
Starting point is 01:15:04 Dude, we just spent all this money taking the fucking goddamn song of the south water splash ride and turning it into some fucking princess frog bullshit. And now you want to replace the bears? Hillbilly sir. Right. Get them out. Get the bears out. Get the bears out. Get them out. What's urban? What's an urban animal? Like a Rottweiler. It's the country. It's the urban Rottweiler Jamboree. Can we say Jamboree?
Starting point is 01:15:31 Let me check. The wind is blowing and saying no. Mr. Quinn. Jamboree is offensive. Urban Rottweiler. I need help here people. What do you say? Says here, Walt Disney originally intended the Country Bear Jamboree to be a show at his planned mineral king ski resort in California in the 1960s. Disney wanted the show to entertain guests and feature a bear band and assigned the project to a couple of guys. They came up with many bear groups, including Dixieland bears.
Starting point is 01:16:00 That would be canceled by today. Mariachi bands and bare marching bands. So they were not in any cartoons that anybody would recognize. Yeah, specifically for this. All right. I just greenlit the urban Rottweilers rap battle. Mr. Quinn, what about appropriation? Yeah You forgot I'm gonna quit my job You guys hire
Starting point is 01:16:35 Hire a minority to do it Done, sir All right. Thank you. We got somebody escort you off the premises immediately All right. Thank you. We got somebody escort you off the premises immediately. Just give me that katana sword. I'll just fall on it. I'll just kill myself. You could pave me onto the new fucking space, whatever we're naming it. Record me doing it. Please, I'm posting. Listen, do they tear up a quality mountain? I need space mountain yet. Burn me under that.
Starting point is 01:17:06 And the second Alki is, no, I think Alki is probably offensive. Oh, absolutely. Well, I can say that though, because people would call me a druggie, so fuck them. I can say Alki. Ingrid Andress, who I had never heard of before, her concerts were canceled after her drunk home run derby national anthem and that she revealed she was going to rehab. Now, are you familiar with this, this singer? Ginn was mentioning this to me that somebody performed the Star Spangled Banner in a not celebratory or in a nice or proper way.
Starting point is 01:17:39 Yeah, not respected. I haven't heard it though. It's pretty bad. Like, I mean, you heard Roseanne's. I would put it up against Roseanne's any day. But Roseanne was trying to be funny. She knew she couldn't sing. She was purposely being offensive. Whereas I think this lady was just drunk and then she canceled all her concerts and she's like, I'm going to go to rehab. She said, I'm not going to bullshit y'all. I was drunk last night. I'm checking myself into a facility today to get the help I need. That was not me last night. I apologize to MLB, all the fans in this country.
Starting point is 01:18:07 I love so much for that rendition. I'll let y'all know how rehab is. I hear it's super fun. I think she's going to be just fine. But I wonder if she felt she had to go because of the. Yeah, but I mean, can't you just be, look, when, when BQ used to first, didn't she used to drink before, like when very early on when you guys toured with IJ, you used to drink before the shows and then you stopped very
Starting point is 01:18:35 quickly. I remember drink before and during the shows. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. You never apologize. You never had to sign up for rehab. No, you know, that was really back when we were doing like comedy clubs and stuff like that. By the time you get to theaters, you're like, all right, now people are paying real, they're not paying 10 bucks for a fucking ticket. You know what I mean? It's like when you start charging like 25, 30, $40, you know what I mean? You got to be like, I can't really. I can't really just have the kind of fun I want to have. Oh yeah, for sure.
Starting point is 01:19:04 Do you think it was her handler or her PR person that told her this is probably the way she'd handle this? Probably, yeah. Just go to rehab for a month or whatever. People will forget. Oh my God, I'm sure people have forgotten already with all the horrendous news and all the other much more major news that is coming down the pike hourly. Yeah, Bob Newhart died. She's somewhere right now that Ingrid is like, who died?
Starting point is 01:19:33 Yes! Thumbs up! She's celebrating and dancing a jig. She's flying to Chicago right now to blow that fucking statue. Give me a double. I'm celebrating. Give me a double. I'm celebrating. Aww. She looks very young, man. Let's see. I saw a picture of her.
Starting point is 01:19:52 She's a blonde, right? Yeah. Yeah, she looks like she's like 12. She looks, she's 32. Oh my God, she's 32. Wow. The alcohol hasn't gotten to her yet. No, not yet, but. Not that liver lips.
Starting point is 01:20:05 Yep, that's all I got for this week. Frank, thanks for joining us. Yes. Thank you. Thanks, bud. Thank you. Q. Sorry I missed you in studio, buddy.
Starting point is 01:20:19 I would have liked to, we could have hugged each other over our animal woes. Yeah, that's all right. Oh, speaking of animals, I saw that Hawk Tuah girl, she did her first appearance, I think she got like 30K or something. And she bought a bunch of food, like animal food, pet food for a local shelter. Like a bunch of, brought a bunch of blankets and pet food and like was given back and stuff. That's awesome. Hawk Tuah girl, like, is there anything bad about her?
Starting point is 01:20:45 I haven't seen anything yet. Not yet, she's a national treasure as far as I'm concerned. Tell him Steve, Dave.

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