Tell Em Steve-Dave - #604: Angel Boy

Episode Date: August 12, 2024

Walt catches heat for liking a movie, power slapping, 80s horror, Bry has a good weekend....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey, Walt here with this week's Patreon plug. I really think you'll enjoy this Tuesday, August 13th release as the all-new Sunday Jeff Show returns. This episode we play a game called Make Sunday Laugh. Let's hear a couple clips. This is a douchebag who fucking was like, I didn't do fucking, I didn't do any effort at all. I saw you were sleeping on the couch when I came in.
Starting point is 00:00:22 This is pitiful, you piece of shit. At least I didn't get caught in a piece of shit. You know, this episode was super fun to make, and I think you'll be able to feel that fun while listening or watching this episode. Who will make Sunday laugh? Will it be Bry? Knock, knock. Who's there? Do you want two CDs?
Starting point is 00:00:40 Two CDs, who? Do you want to see these nuts? These nuts? Will it be Giddem? Knock, knock. Who's there? Deja. You wanna see these? You wanna see these nuts? These nuts? Will it be Giddem? Knock knock. Who's there? Deja.
Starting point is 00:00:49 Deja Vu. Knock Hock. Knock that cool. Knock knock. Will it be Tom? You gotta go all out. Maybe even use the dildo if they need me. Jimmy, how far on this do I gotta put it in my mouth to get a laugh from you?
Starting point is 00:01:02 Or throw up? Or will it be me? Go. Alright, for this knock knock joke round, I want you to pretend. I'm a ten-year-old girl double amputee. No arms knock knock Who's there and ain't Susie? Find out this Tuesday on the TESD patreon Right ESD Patreon. Let me just tuck this dick back. A lot of football. A lot of football from the opposing team. Tell them Steve, Dave. Hello and welcome to this week's edition of Tell them Steve, Dave. I sit here at the table with Walt.
Starting point is 00:02:16 Jalow. Via Streamyard, BQ. Hello. The traffic was too much for him, Walt. Too many beach goers. I get it. Yup. Hello. The traffic was too much for them, Walt. Too much, too many beach goers. I get it. Yup. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:28 That there's only a few more weeks left of summer. I know people are going to try to squeeze every last little bit of Jersey. You know, we're the butt of all the jokes, but man, why is the fucking traffic so bad? Why is everybody trying to get here? We got to get to Jersey, huh? It's where all the beaches are. Yeah. Why is the fucking traffic so bad? Why is everybody trying to get here? We gotta get to Jersey, huh? Where all the beaches are. Yeah, a fucking hour and 20 minutes to go 28 miles. I was like, I'm gonna fucking,
Starting point is 00:02:55 I'm gonna zoom this one, you know. Yeah. Understandably. Yeah. I've never been a wall guy, but man, if the governor was ever run on like, ever going to build the wall to keep all the New Yorkers out during the summertime, I might be into it.
Starting point is 00:03:12 Build that wall. Yeah. Traffic is suck so hard because all you guys fucking running down here soaking up all our sun and we can't get any of it. Yeah. Who are you going to fucking sell your framed photos of Bon Jovi to on a boardwalk if we don't fucking come there? Cue last week or the week before, I can't remember, but we took some lumps for mentioning that a former president had been shot.
Starting point is 00:03:44 Yeah, I was surprised to hear that, but yes, we took lumps. some lumps for mentioning that a former president had been shot. Yeah, I was surprised to hear that. But yes, we took lumps. I think we course corrected well. We didn't mention it again. No one can ever say we don't. I think we course correct better than any podcast. We, we, yeah, we tuck our little dick between our legs and hide it at the first mention of someone being unhappy.
Starting point is 00:04:07 It's... Pretty good at it. By the way, third hand, I never saw it with my own eyes. You told me that somebody was unhappy. And I was like, oh, let me just tuck this dick back. Come on. God forbid we fucking talk about something that you don't like. Anybody got some extra tape? I'm about to go to Target for one of their tuck bathing suits.
Starting point is 00:04:30 You don't agree with me 100%. Well my point being that even though we took our lumps for that, it wasn't even the biggest controversy this last couple of weeks. The bigger one is that Walt liked Deadpool vs. Wolverine or Deadpool Wolverine rather. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. We did get – Wait. A movie that is universally beloved. Somebody has a problem with you liking.
Starting point is 00:04:56 Call – basically call me a poser and I thought that I had a higher standard for comic books and the characters in comics. Was just disappointed that – one of the most backhanded compliments ever, they said, we know Q has a career to worry about, but you don't. So you should be able to say if you don't like a comic book movie. I'm like, but I did like it. Pete Slauson Yeah. And by the way, I mean, so did I.
Starting point is 00:05:23 Like, I didn't go on about it to cover up not liking it. I loved it. I don't want to live in a world that if you were just saying you like Deadpool Wolverine to help your career further. Why would anybody even think that? I don't know what career. Like, I'm not in the Marvel movies. I'm not like, I got my little corner.
Starting point is 00:05:46 Maybe it could affect him adversely if he were to say something negative about the movie. Like he went to the premiere. You don't want to step on any big wigs toes. I think that is – some people think that you're looking for toes to not step on at every moment, which you got to in this world. You got to tuck it and you got to watch the toes. Yeah, you got to look for toes. There is something about that, but I mean, that doesn't come in the form of like fake
Starting point is 00:06:10 raving. Like it comes in the form of not bashing. You know what I mean? So yeah, they're wrong. They're wrong. But hey, what are you going to do? I told them, I was like, hey man, you didn't like it. I did.
Starting point is 00:06:22 I don't know what else more you want from me. Right. What didn't they like about it? They said they felt that when you boil it down, there is no story. It's just cameos. And you know what? I can get behind that. I can see if someone's looking for story.
Starting point is 00:06:42 But if they're looking for a lot of substance in a Deadpool movie, as far as that character goes, yeah, you're just looking, you're barking up the wrong tree. That character is not known for like weighty, heavy characterization. It's fun, bugs bunny breaking the fourth wall shit. And if you don't like that, yeah, great. I mean, hey, no big, yeah, I don't care, but I wouldn't, I don't know. I just would never be amped up enough to write an email about if someone did like it though.
Starting point is 00:07:12 Yeah. I think the most offensive part is that he came after you because he thought you were too highbrow to like it. Yes. He came after Q because he's like, look, he's just protecting his career. He totally glossed over me. Yeah, you weren't even mentioned. I wasn't even a fucking part of it. He's like Johnson's adults. Of course he liked it. He's a fucking idiot just like everybody else.
Starting point is 00:07:37 It takes a special someone to look at something that is like universally beloved and not to not like it, that's fine, but like to not look and be like well There's something I don't see about it because everybody fucking loves it, but I'm right. I'm the one that's right I don't want to bash the guy because he is a loyal listener and everything and I'm sure he's not happy that Brian brought this up because I wasn't gonna bring it up I think he was more mad. They didn't get mentioned in the email. That's why he held on to this one. Oh yeah. It's been a week now.
Starting point is 00:08:07 It's been a week. I've been like, what's with this fucking guy? I liked it. But you know what? It's okay not to fucking love universally beloved movies. I mean, there's plenty that I don't love that people would rave and adore. Like what? Well, name a movie that's kind of universally adored.
Starting point is 00:08:30 In the past couple. Like Toy Story? Like. Yeah, I mean even Toy Story. I'm like, it's all right. But I'm like, I was never one to be like, oh, we need a franchise on this or. For Back to the Future.
Starting point is 00:08:42 Oh yeah, there you go, Back to the Future. Like, it's fine, but I don't fuck, my dick doesn't rise and fall on fucking Marty McFly's fucking exploits. Like some- Frank Five, someone's like, hey, hey, hey, some of ours do. You want to, I caught a little bit of a, this is unsubstantiated of course,
Starting point is 00:09:03 but I know someone who read the new Jurassic Park script and said it's fucking awesome. They're fixing Jurassic Park with this, I was told. There's a good example of a franchise. I have never been in love. I don't know what you can do after the first one. So I'm very interested to see what on earth you can do different. What new spin you could put on dinosaurs attacking humans.
Starting point is 00:09:28 I got the sense that it wasn't a totally new spin so much as back to basics in an awesome way. It's kind of what I was picking, the vibe I was picking up. And basics would be dinosaurs eating humans? I'm guessing they're in the jungle, you know, getting eaten by dinosaurs and shit like that. So yeah, you know, more of that, but like, yeah, here you go. Remember this? I don't, that I don't, that I don't know.
Starting point is 00:09:52 Press that in and I'm not going. No? You're done? Did I just step on a toe? I'm sorry. I don't care. Fuck Pratt. Get him out of there.
Starting point is 00:10:01 The big way for listening. I don't know what to say. I had a big weekend last weekend. Did you? Yeah, probably what's going to be the biggest weekend of my summer. Oh, maybe of the last five years. Probably. Didn't you do two things in one weekend? I was worn out. I know.
Starting point is 00:10:26 There was like Q1 to meet on Thursday. You're like, guys, I'm wiped out. I got to wait till Saturday. I did two things over the weekend. Yeah. Like four days of rest is enough. Friday hung out with our new adult couple friend. You have a new adult couple friend?
Starting point is 00:10:48 Yep. Yeah. Mary Jane Watson. You know the cosplayer? She dresses up like Mary Jane with the red hair. I would know this person. She probably, she's coming to the store, I'm sure. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:10:58 I think this is like a famous cosplayer. Oh, no. She's well known, but yeah, she's not like that level. I don't think she's next level like doom kitty. Remember I remember Man used to bring in doom kitty. Yep. Yeah, whatever happened to doom kitty. I don't know Do these cosplayers age out? I think you can you can age out I remember going to a con one time and there was I can't remember her name, but it was one of men's friends Little girl very cute cute, very pretty,
Starting point is 00:11:25 big boobs, the whole thing. And she's cosplaying, like doing all the sexy cosplays. And then she's wondering one day, like why people are coming to her booth. And I was like, Did you fill her in? Oh yeah. I was like, you're dressed like a fucking Ewok.
Starting point is 00:11:40 You're not sexy at all. Like you're dressed like an Ewok. That's like, look at the guys who are coming up to get pictures with you. They're getting pictures with these Star Wars characters or whatever that you didn't play. You're just dressing up like them. It's like it's Halloween. Right, but there is an industry built on that though. Was she a sexy Ewok? No, she wasn't even a sexy Ewok. That was the problem. Oh, yeah, yeah. If you want to get people to pay attention to and you weren't in the movie
Starting point is 00:12:07 Yeah, you gotta you gotta show it. You got a flash a little bit of something right kill or else Only if you want people to be interested you want to get a picture with you. You know, there's got to be some hook Yeah, I can just take a picture with a fucking dog if I want to take a picture with an Ewok like get get Let's get us. Let's get some skin out. You got it. So where did you meet this couple? I met them a couple times during conflict, said hello, but really met them on the Joker's cruise. Really started talking and saying hello and all that other stuff and Mary Beth
Starting point is 00:12:40 and Mary Jane stayed in touch. Is that confusing when you have two Marys? You have to say both names. Not really because one is like seven feet tall and the other one is like five, two. She's seven foot tall. No, she's not seven feet tall, but she's very tall. She's very statuesque woman, Mary Jane. No, because I just call them MJ. You just call her MJ and Mary Beth. So Friday hung out with those guys. What'd you do? Lovely evening.
Starting point is 00:13:07 Just hung around, had dinner, talked, shot the shit, got to know each other, that sort of thing. Just, you know, conversation. Really, you don't really like that though. I don't, but I didn't mind it, because I liked it. What about these people that's so fucking special? Oh, so this is where it starts coming out. What about what about?
Starting point is 00:13:27 Yeah, well, we hung out on Sunday. He came over well to my place on Sunday, Brian, and we watched a bunch of Nightmare and Elm Street movies, which we got to talk about that fucking scene. Yeah. And he's going on and on about these fucking these new friends of his. Okay. What was what was so intoxicating? Well, they were drinking, so they got intoxicated. I didn't drink.
Starting point is 00:13:51 No, there was no volcano use? Oh, no, no, no. Oh, really? No, they have high level jobs. I can't say what, but they have high level jobs that they're not allowed to do that kind of stuff. Oh, they get drug tested and shit? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:06 Wow. So they can't even have like, wow. They may not get called upon on random drug testing. Probably, yeah. Wow, this has got to be a government job then I would have to think. Could be. I can't say. We'll get it out of them.
Starting point is 00:14:22 So yeah, so what did you guys talk about if they're so great to hang out with and talk We'll get it out of them. So what did you guys talk about if they're so great to hang out with and talk to? Just tell them Steve Dave stuff. We talked about their jobs a little bit. That's the last thing I'd want to talk about with a couple. Oh my God, yeah. I would be like, I jump in the pool. Yeah. Oh my god, yeah. I would be like – I jump in the pool before – with all my clothes
Starting point is 00:14:49 on before I want to talk about that. Well, they're not like hardcore. They're just – they're listeners but I can tell they're not like hardcore. So they're hardcore IJ then? They're probably more hardcore IJ. They also went on the Vioscu cruise. So like they're out there. There are all these cons and stuff, man. They're everywhere, dressing up and all kinds of stuff. They travel to Japan and all kinds of places. She's easy to remember. I'll grant her that. Yeah, she's very easy to remember. Him, for
Starting point is 00:15:20 some reason, I can't pull up the mental image of him. I don't remember. Yeah. We'll stand next to her. It's tough. Yeah. Yeah. You're like, well, I mean, she's pretty attractive. I'm like, what is that?
Starting point is 00:15:33 Your handler? Who is this guy? Turns out they're married. Yeah. Looks that way. Lovely. What do you prepare for them? How much effort are you put into this dinner?
Starting point is 00:15:48 Well as much as the Japanese place we ordered Now we didn't grill I thought you definitely had some steaks No, I didn't think of that to tell you the truth. I was like, we'll just order it'll be easier Yeah, I won't have to like cuz I came home from doing tell him Steve. Dave that day. I think Yeah on Friday Yes Are you texting him? Do you text him one on one or is it a group text? He texted me, said, hey, thanks for everything. Then I texted him back, but then Marybeth said she's going to start a group text so
Starting point is 00:16:19 we can all be in on it. Couples only. Don't even try getting in on it, Q. Is there a follow-up date planned? No, not yet. I know they're going to be back in the area for Terrificon, but that's all they're going to get. Where do they live? Washington. Washington, D.C.?
Starting point is 00:16:40 D.C., yeah. It's not that far. No. No. If we want to meet halfway or something, you know meet up in Maryland or Something like that. All right. Love you got she really likes her a lot You got your own five family. It sounds like like your own new best friends Frank five and Mrs. Five put people for you to go places with Yeah to text to text and have fun and all sorts of fucking fun with. Yeah, I hear my texts go off. I'm like, oh, maybe it's those guys.
Starting point is 00:17:07 Yeah. But so then that was Friday. Then Saturday went to Montgermania down in Philly and met the one, the only Henry Winkler, which was more of a thrill than I thought it was going to be. What kind of line does the Fonz have at this point? I waited about a half hour. Okay. That's a respectable line. It was a respectable line, yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:38 I think they capped it at a certain point. I was in the overflow area and I waited there for about a half hour somewhere around there and then you get brought to the regular line and he steps out, he's one of these guys, he steps out from behind the table. He's taking pictures, he's talking, he's having a good time. I didn't know he was so old. I think we just, I just looked up, I thought the guy- He didn't say that, right? No, I was just, oh my God, I thought I was old, Look at you. But, yeah, Walt schooled me that he was 78.
Starting point is 00:18:07 Because I thought he was younger when he was in happy days. I didn't know he was as old as he was. But, yeah, 78 years old. Yeah, 78 is older. Well, if I could be honest with him, like if I had a rapport with Arthur Fonzarelli, I would be like – I would just say, just try to look a little bit more like Fonz at this point. You could do it, he could still pull it off.
Starting point is 00:18:30 Get some, get some. Not like a bedraggled old man. Yeah, you could. Because he's got the wild hair now. Yeah, get that, get some fucking Just For Men in that fucking do. And I'm telling you, you would look like the Fonz again. He could, absolutely, with a minimal amount of effort, he could look fucking just as cool as he did
Starting point is 00:18:50 in 1979. You think? Absolutely. I don't know why his handlers aren't – like somebody in his camp isn't fucking in his ear being like – I think he's more focused on new stuff. Like, he writes books. He writes children's books.
Starting point is 00:19:04 He's doing a voice for like Monsters, Inc., the Disney show. I know, but I'm telling you, if you notice it, everybody notices it. He could look like the same old Arthur Fonzarelli with just a weekend's worth of effort. I would feel so – it would be so weird. He's like, hey, whoa. Like, what happened to your hair? Why is it jet black? I'm telling you, I think he was, he would look marvelous. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:19:32 Yeah. That's what it, like if I could ever get in close with, with Fonzie, and that's the one thing I would try to, I would broach it very, very tactfully. Right. Yeah. But I'd be like, Hey, did you know that I dye my hair? He'd be like, no. What are you doing?
Starting point is 00:19:48 That's cool. Well, I'd be just as white as yours, Henry. But it's not. If you notice, it's not. That's what I should have said to him. In fact, I was actually going to ask you guys. I actually have to ask you guys, what color is have said to him. In fact, I was actually gonna ask you guys, I actually have to ask you guys, what color is my hair? White.
Starting point is 00:20:09 Is it white? Yes. But white, he has white hair, like white like this paper. Yeah, it's just- It's not blonde, it's not gray, it's not white. It's just a more starker white. Is it even, so it's in absence of all color then. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:20:23 It's just like a sandy white maybe? Yeah, it has some like yellowish to it, a little. Yeah, yeah. What's that? Yours or his? No, mine. No, his is all white. Yeah. His is like cotton. It's like Santa Claus white. Yeah. But it doesn't have to be that way though.
Starting point is 00:20:38 Right. That's the thing that I just like, I'm like, why? Why? You don't have to do this. I think now it would be noticeable because you kept it up through the whole time. At no point were we ever like, oh my God, that's fucking a shock of white hair. You kept it up so it was never noticeable, whereas all of a sudden Henry Winkler looks like he did in 73.
Starting point is 00:20:56 Two days in, people would not even notice it, wouldn't even be jarring anymore. Do you think he wants to be the Fonz again? Or is he like, motherfucker, I'm 78. I don't want to be the Fonz. That's like saying, do you not want to be Q at 78? I don't think I want to be Q now. Or do you want to be like a stuttering, fucking, dottering old fucking dope?
Starting point is 00:21:23 Those are the only two options? I mean if it's 78 they were like, let's fucking, why don't you go out there and be a dickhead in public again? I'd be like, oh, just let me die. Let me die. No, I know you, man. You want to be the same cat you were in your 40s that you are when you're 78. I think most people do.
Starting point is 00:21:47 They just don't want to let it all just drop it all and don't give no effort. Well, I mean, yeah, but I mean, you want to evolve as a person and grow as a person, right? For what? I guess it's too late now. I don't know. I guess it's too late now. I don't know, like self-discovery, learning new horizons and expanding. But guys like you and Fonzie though, you were always somebody. For a lot of people, they were never somebody so there is no standard.
Starting point is 00:22:20 You guys have a standard. You got to keep up to it. If you don't, then you got guys like Brian walking up to you and like fucking jaw drop that you got white hair. They're like, what the fuck? Cute. I think it's too late, man, for that already. People are like, look at me now and they're like, whoa, how long the show's been on?
Starting point is 00:22:36 And I'm like, yes, it's been on a while. It's been on a bit. No, don't kid yourself. Man, if you look at those early episodes, he is right. He looks almost like downright cherubic in some of them. He's got a little bit of a fat face and he just looks like a little angel boy. Like baby fat. Angel boy. Yeah, yeah. I'm just now in the phase where people in their early 20s, if I leave my house,
Starting point is 00:23:10 this is what I get now is people in their early 20s being like, oh my God, you were my childhood. Oh my God, I grew up watching you. Oh my God. It happened once or twice in the past couple of years, but now it is almost 100% what I get are people in their late teens, early twenties being like, I grew up watching you and it is an adjustment. It isn't a job. I'm not going to lie, but I, but I've made the adjustment. I'm kind of digging it now. Like it's kind of fun. So I think I'm okay with it, Walt. I think I'm okay with like, you say that now, but I'm telling you, you, you're not, I just got this feeling you're not going to
Starting point is 00:23:45 be that guy that just lets himself go. You don't think I've already let – that's very nice of you. Thank you. No way. There's no way. You are definitely – there's a certain thing you can just tell about certain cats. Henry could be that cat too. I don't know why he's not.
Starting point is 00:24:01 I don't know, man. At like 56, I'm like, fuck it all. I can't imagine 78, like 22 years from now. But he still looks good though. But Fonzie still looks good. It's the jarring fucking. It's just the white hair. Stark white hair, yeah. Which is like the fucking problem solver comes in a box. You don't think more people would be startled by jet black hair? I'd rather have a couple of people startled and then some fucking – some of them ladies are waiting in line being like, oh, he still looks like Fonzie.
Starting point is 00:24:33 He still gets me fucking – Right, but they're also 78. That's okay. That's all right. They're still younger than him. He's still the only one that gets this fucking kitty wet. His wife was right there by the way when he was signing stuff. I tried to get Mary Beth to say that.
Starting point is 00:24:58 I'm sorry. Even a married man at 78, if he overhears that in his line, it's still going to give him a fucking little fucking bounce in his step. It would make you feel pretty good. Yeah. He still looks like Fonzie. He still makes this fucking kitty purr. What good it does him, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:25:16 I mean, aside from that brief blip of ego boost, yeah, I'm not sure how good it does him. I mean, I might be saying it if I was waiting in line. Yeah? Yeah, if he not sure how good it does it. I might be saying it if I was waiting in line. Yeah? Yeah, if he had dyed his hair. How much did it cost? It was $35 a person, the ticket. And you were?
Starting point is 00:25:38 Oh, and the selfie was $60. And you were very worried about that. You had, not worried, but you had some, you put some thought into what you were going to say. You were like, I want to say something, but he said it, he's heard a million different things. What am I going to say that's going to be impactful? So what did you wind up saying to him after Fonzarelli? I wound up saying, I've had since the mid-70s to come up with something new and original that no fan has ever said before and I wanted to let you know I'm still working on it.
Starting point is 00:26:10 And it made him laugh and he goes, no one has ever said that before. Oh, that had to put a little bounce in your step too, right? Dude, I was like, my kitty was purring. I don't mind your hair, Arthur. Wow. It's not that much money, 35 bucks. For a ticket to the place? No.
Starting point is 00:26:34 How much was the selfie? The selfie was 60. Okay, all right. That's a... We got two selfies out of it and then he gave Sage a couple little things that he signed for her. She looked like she didn't know what was going on. Well, I can't imagine she's seen an episode of Happy Days.
Starting point is 00:26:49 I don't think so. No, I think she has no frame of reference. Freddie was there. I heard that Freddie was – he had people waiting in line for like five hours. This is what I hear from – What's that actor's name again? Robert England. Yes.
Starting point is 00:27:03 That he had people waiting in line for like five hours and when he finally got to his booth he only went through 40 people. I don't know if he was sick. This part I didn't hear if he was sick or just didn't want to do it or whatever or he's getting older. It's like all these guys, like you see all these people, like the cast of Nightmare on Elm Street. I was like, holy shit, everybody looks like, like you forget.
Starting point is 00:27:21 The movie was in what, 84? It was a long time ago. Yeah. So like ever, like the mom is just like, she looks like a grandma, like an older grandma. Heather Langdonkamp, you know, the one who played Nancy, she looks like a mom. I don't know them. Yeah. I've seen the movie once and I'm not a big fan of the franchise.
Starting point is 00:27:38 Like you guys, I mean, you had a, maybe if I had known about this fucking, this, what's it called? Binge of a nightmare on Elm street at your house cube. I would have came up because I'm so out of the loop on nightmare. It wasn't planned as a nightmare on Elm street. As binge we were just bullshitting and I don't know how it came up. We were like, fuck it. Let's throw it on and see, see what it was. But it, I mean, they're not, you know, the later throw it on and see what it was.
Starting point is 00:28:08 The later ones don't seem like you're missing all that much. But it was insane. We watched Freddie versus Jason as part of this spree. There's a part in it that was so fucking insane. In retrospect, we were dying laughing at it where Kelly Rowland, who is in Destiny's Child, is Freddie's about to kill her friends. They pull Freddie out into the real world at Camp Crystal Lake and he's about to put his knives into her friends.
Starting point is 00:28:38 She's in Destiny's Child. She's a black woman and she's like, yo, Freddie, he's about to kill a friend. She's like, yo, He's about to kill the French. She's like yo Freddy yo Freddy and he turns around He looks at her and like Freddy's instant reaction. He goes. Oh how sweet dark meat But that's what Freddy like see like that's it's perfect for Freddy Cooger He is the guy that would turn around and say that. But then he starts moving towards her.
Starting point is 00:29:07 He abandons the couple he's about to kill and he starts moving towards her. But like in this creepy, like, like houndish side step where he's like sticking his tongue out her and he's like moving towards her all sexy. And you're like, Oh man. But then she starts teeing off on Freddie and like in a really interesting line goes up, what's up with that Christmas sweater? What are you some sort of faggot? She goes, and it's wild.
Starting point is 00:29:35 It's wild. And then Freddie, who is a child molester? Keep in mind, gets insulted to his core that she called him gay. It's like fucking, it totally throws his fucking game off. Like he can't take it, right Brian? Like he's just, he's blinkered. Yeah, he's knocked back a couple steps more so than if she hit him with something or had some inside information that could hurt him.
Starting point is 00:30:00 He was really put off by the fact that she called him gay. Really? Yeah, it was so weird. Oh, it was really put off by the fact that she called him gay. Really? Yeah, it was so weird. Oh, it was really weird. You don't think that insult holds as much water nowadays? I think if you went into a prison and you started throwing it around, you might get some pushback. I might not get out of the prison alive.
Starting point is 00:30:18 I don't think so. Yeah, but like he... Hello, master. It's me, inmate Bry. I still think that's is a pretty incendiary fucking insult. There aren't many people who could feel like, wait, what? I'm just kidding. I'm just kidding.
Starting point is 00:30:40 Jokes. I got jokes. I got jokes for you guys. But I maintain that it is a brilliant piece of character work because you got to imagine that Freddy Krueger would immediately notice that a hot black chick is black and then immediately not like being called gay. It is in line with The type of person that I imagined Freddy Krueger to be so it was like wow, it's fucking wild. It was just me
Starting point is 00:31:11 I I haven't seen anything like it a long time. It's funny, but all those 80 slasher icon monsters Out of all of them. He would be the only one that would notice because I feel like Jason Would not see skin color. He just sees a victim of them, he would be the only one that would notice because I feel like Jason would not see skin color. He just sees a victim. Who's the other big 80s slasher? Michael Myers.
Starting point is 00:31:32 Michael Myers again. I don't think it would register. Also none of these guys talk other than Freddie though, right? Right. Only Freddie talks and quips. Right. Well, maybe Pinhead, but even he is like, he's not dropping judgment on anybody. No way.
Starting point is 00:31:47 He's not a super serious guy. Yeah. In the grand scheme of things, Pinhead's seen so much heinous shit, I don't think even calling him gay is going to fucking matter. I'll tear your rectum apart. Oh man, it's a really funny, I mean mean I'm sure we can't be the fucking only, it's got, that clip's gotta be on the internet, right? It's gotta be somewhere, yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:13 Do you feel the 80s iconic horror characters have, are, and probably it's about time to start rolling them back out onto screens and shit and utilizing them more. I feel like they've I think so. I Think they should yeah one I mean first of all Robin England's still alive like let's get him in there You know what I mean? Like it's not a heavy lift to do Freddie It's mostly just like leering and let you know what I mean. Let the special effects do the work He's alive get him in there get Jason back like yeah, where are all these guys? Like, let's fucking go. Do you think there's still some money to be made off of making those movies in this day
Starting point is 00:32:51 and age, or do you think that horror has passed them by much like my beloved Universal Monsters? They don't seem to be... They seem to be in the same kind of limbo right now, I think, the 80s slasher monsters. I'm not sure that that's the perfect comparison because like that, yes, the universal version of those monsters may have fallen out, but they're still making Dracula films. They're still making Frankenstein films, you know, they're just not using that version of the characters. So yeah, I think horror is on.
Starting point is 00:33:23 Yeah I think slasher is going to come back. Because I think with the rise of practical effects being something that people are interested in again and people love those terrifying movies and how bloody and gory they are and shit like that, people are taking notice. I think I do. I think the time is right for those type of films to make a comeback and those characters to make a comeback. Cheap to make, you know what I mean? People love to watch them.
Starting point is 00:33:47 Why not, man? I would go. Mm-hmm, yeah, it's been a while. Yeah. Well, I mean, the last ones would have been the Halloweens. Yeah. Yeah. I don't know about that. But I didn't care for.
Starting point is 00:34:00 And I think the guy who was in, the guy who played Rorschach was Freddie. Right. Yeah. Yeah, that was awful. That was awful. Was it his fault though? It was awful. No, it wasn't his fault. It was, I mean, it was his fault in so much that he wasn't Robin England, but yeah, it wasn't that. They went so far with the child molesting stuff that it actually made the movie uncomfortable to watch for me. Like there was no... Yeah, it wasn't like, he's a child murderer, wink.
Starting point is 00:34:30 It was like, nah, he fucked those kids, man. He fucked them pretty hard. It was like, oh, I don't really want to watch this. Well, that's not what makes him a monster though? Yeah, that and the knife fingers, you know? I mean, why don't we just lean into the knife fingers? Yeah, I didn't we just lean into the knife fingers? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:34:46 I didn't enjoy it for that reason. I'd rather a bad, schlocky horror movie than a well-made one that's exclusively about child molestation. Yeah. You know, I hip'd Jimmy the Hair Guy to something about Freddy Krueger that he didn't know. I don't know if you guys know this.
Starting point is 00:35:04 Do you know who Freddy's father is? What's a hundred? A hundred maniacs. Yeah, a hundred maniacs who gang raped a nun in a mental institution. Yeah. Amanda Krueger. What part was that in? Was that in part four?
Starting point is 00:35:19 That was four, Dream Master. I mean, they talk about it in three, but in four they show it to you. Yeah, she gets locked in with all these nuts and stuff. And I'm surprised that Jimmy didn't know that, but we were talking about Freddy Krueger comic books and I dropped that and he was just like, oh, fuck. Oh, fuck. It's hardcore, man. That's a cool fucking – well, I don't know what the cool might be, but that's
Starting point is 00:35:44 a fucking vile, sinister don't know what the cool might be, but that's a fucking vile sinister origin, though. That's a fitting of a fucking, you know what you're not going to see in those characters and they shouldn't is try to give them a backstory that you kind of like sympathize with them like fucking like what Star Wars does and everything is like, well, I don't know if he's really a villain. You know, it's- Well, that's what Rob Zombie's Halloween did.
Starting point is 00:36:05 It gave the kid like an abusive backstory. So when he becomes Michael Myers, it's hard not to sympathize with the kid. And it was treated like shit and tournament to that. Let's keep the heroes heroic and let's keep the villains fucking. Yeah. Just like, how the fuck did this happen? Yeah. How did they, how did they become so evil?
Starting point is 00:36:21 Black and white. No gray. Right. Couldn't agree more. Uh, let's see, we got some spots here. We'll do Bluechew first. Bluechew, summer. Our next sponsor needs no introduction.
Starting point is 00:36:37 You've seen the ads, you've heard us talk about it a million times, and I bet there's a big part of you, pun intended, that wants to try it. What are we talking about? It's Bluechew. That's right. This isn't your grandpa's blue pill. I don't know what my grandpa's blue pill was. Probably like amphetamines or something.
Starting point is 00:36:52 This is the one, the OG chewable tablet for better sex. BlueChew is a unique online service that delivers the same active ingredients as Viagra, Cialis and Levitra, but at a fraction of the cost and in a chewable form. The process is simple. Sign up at, consult with one of their licensed medical providers and once you're approved, you'll receive your prescription within days. BlueChu tablets are made in the USA and prepared shipped directly to your door. The best part is it's all done online.
Starting point is 00:37:15 You don't have to go to the doctor's office. You don't have to go to the pharmacy and you can take them any time, day or night, so you can plan ahead and be ready whenever an opportunity arises. Bluechew wants you to have better sex. Discover your options at They always say first impressions are important, but what about lasting impressions? You want to go in there half-cocked, so to speak. That could be the difference between a second or first date. Wait a minute. This date. Mm-hmm. Or, wait a minute.
Starting point is 00:37:45 No, no, this is a nasty naughty girl. It's the first date. Well, you might not get her to agree to a second date. If you're not ready to go, yeah. If you show up, you know, sloppy. Yeah, if you show up sloppy. No, the girl's not going to want that. Dirty girls don't want a noodle dick, man. They need it. They need something to work with. Bluechew wants the entire country rock hard. They said that's their mission. They will not...
Starting point is 00:38:14 I don't agree with that. We don't need the whole country rock hard. You're talking Freddy Krueger type shit then, man. People won't know where to go to stick it. There's a segment of society that needs their fucking balls chopped off. They need the opposite of Bluetooth. You're right. Many of them are in prisons right now. Yeah. They've got a special deal for listeners. Try Bluetooth free when you use the promo code investing the checkout. Every guy on earth has a hard on. There's a terrifying outlook for the world.
Starting point is 00:38:45 The female population is just like, oh. You couldn't go anywhere. You can't go to the beach. You can't go to the mall. I think they deal with that anyway. I think that's their reality anyway. They just see hard ons where there are none. Yeah, because maybe not every dude has a hard on, but certainly enough have them.
Starting point is 00:39:05 You know what I mean? They're coming their way. Try Bluetooth free when you use the promo code TESD at checkout. Just pay $5 shipping. That's, promo code TESD to receive your first month free. Visit for more details and important safety information. We thank Bluetooth for sponsoring this podcast. I hope we're real quick. I didn't want to talk about it while we're doing the Bluetooth ad. com for more details and important safety information. And we thank Bluechew for sponsoring this podcast.
Starting point is 00:39:25 Uh, I hope we real quick. I didn't want to talk about it while we're doing the Bluechew ad, but do you guys remember how prevalent, um, like pills to make your member grow bigger were at a certain point and they just kind of went the way the dinosaur, I guess they didn't work up. I'm thinking they probably didn't work. Those, those gas station and bodegas that you use to get your heart on pills.
Starting point is 00:39:48 Stends and shit. What happened to extends? They were everywhere for a while though, you're right. You just don't see any ads for it, nothing. It's like – maybe it's as if the FDA fucking – maybe it was like you can't do this. You can't fucking sell a product that doesn't fucking actually do anything. It's weird.
Starting point is 00:40:06 The FDA is really weird. People will put shit out like that K2 stuff and the FDA doesn't do anything about it then it turns out it causes seizures and hallucinations and all this other shit. There's this stuff called kratom that I see advertised at gas stations and supposedly it gives you like a heroin high. It feels like a heroin high. I'm like how do these products make it past the F&H? Is that for truckers so they can stay awake?
Starting point is 00:40:28 Probably, yeah. I would imagine. Although, I mean, if you're a trucker, you probably want like the real stuff. You probably want Adderall or Coke or meth or something that you don't have to buy at a gas station. Not horny goat weed? Not horny goat weed or that, what was that thing that the five hour energy drink, is that it?
Starting point is 00:40:51 They still have them, right? Yeah, I think they're still out there. Speaking of FDA, I had something that, a story that I saw that I wanted to get your guys' opinion on. Have you seen this new sports league where you slap people into submission? Yes. Have you seen this? It's usually like huge Russian people into submission? Yes. Have you seen this? It's usually like huge Russian guys, right?
Starting point is 00:41:08 Yeah. I don't know what state is allowing these competitions to go on when you see the footage of people. It has to be causing massive brain bleeding. When it's a sport where you have to have a couple guys ready to catch you if you get knocked out. I'm not – Which is almost always the case.
Starting point is 00:41:29 How is this legal? Who wants to see someone like slapped into unconsciousness? Who is getting off on that? Yeah. It's not like MMA where it's like, okay, it's barbaric, but it's a fight. You sit there with your arms at your side and allow yourself to be slapped as hard as possible to move your brain because that's what causes you to go unconscious. Your brain hits your skull.
Starting point is 00:41:57 Right. And you just fucking fall to the ground and someone has to catch you. How is this legal? I don't know. What's it called? Do you know? I don't know. I just can't imagine.
Starting point is 00:42:13 And that guy who is into the fighting, the owner of MMA, he calls it the new up… Power slapping. Power slapping? Power slapping. He's called it the new sport. Like it's the most popular sport on the rise. This is going to overtake a lot of other sports to become one of the more popular sports in America.
Starting point is 00:42:36 I don't get it. I do not get it. It is fucking brutal and just, I don't know the, like I don't want to be in the same auditorium with dudes who are fucking getting off on Seeing someone fucking slapped into unconscious because you're gonna get slapped next Yeah, let me let me ask you this because when I was in Vegas I saw an advertisement for the same thing It was powerslap, but it was big booty Latino girls slapping each other's on the butt and they would take you know There's no brain hemorrhaging in that I'm all for that We could see if tell me see if Dave could sponsor a team
Starting point is 00:43:17 But it's not slapping each other's booties, it's slapping a dude oh no no the girls they take turn bending over And how did someone win that though? I think we all win that. But how did the two participants win though? I don't know. I only saw the advertisement for it. I didn't look into it, but I'm willing to do the research, Walt. I'll come back with some answers.
Starting point is 00:43:40 So there's PowerSlap, the road to the title. I guess that was on, what does it say here? TBS? TBS Network, yes. And- Home to impractical jokers. Yep. The show was exactly produced by Power Slap's owner,
Starting point is 00:43:55 Dana White, who's the MMA guy. It was due to premiere on January 11th, 2023, but was delayed a week after White was filmed slapping his wife in a Mexican nightclub at a New Year's Eve party. What's with this guy and slapping people, man? But I am sorry though. We can't have hard tackles in football, but yet on another channel we could turn the channel and see someone fucking helplessly knocked unconscious. And it could be absolutely face down the line,
Starting point is 00:44:29 horrendous health issues by having CTE. It doesn't make any sense. What about boxing and UFC? Isn't it all the same? Couldn't you say that about anything? I just feel this is even more egregious in terms of allowing an injury to happen because you have some sort of defense. Right.
Starting point is 00:44:52 Here you're defenseless and you are just sitting there and allowing yourself for whatever money they're given, for whatever they get for a bout, which I can't imagine as much, to absolutely, positively have some sort of brain issue, I think. I don't think there's any way around it. Unless your skull case is so dense, how on earth can you not step out of that ring and not have some sort of issue that's going to pop up at some point. Long-term CTE is fucking a real thing. I don't understand how this is legal. That's what it's saying here.
Starting point is 00:45:29 And the neurologists, it's licensed in Nevada. So I guess that's where they do everything from. But yeah, the neurologists are saying that the show's a recipe for disaster due to how impact to the head from an angle can cause rotational forces on the brain leading to hopefully temporary but sometimes permanent disruption to brain function and even more serious complications. I mean, this could really only last until there's the first catastrophic injury and that would probably be coma or death. And then it can no longer go forward because who on earth What fucking Roman gladiator shit are we fucking doing if we're watching people?
Starting point is 00:46:10 Just see well how much how much? Slapping can I take before I have to fucking just succumb To the my brain being fucking right pounded around my skull Others pay discrepancies in the Power Slap League. The initial offers for fighters could be as low as $2,000 for both participation and victory. That fucking emergency room visit the night after you get slapped into unconsciousness is going to cost more than that fucking payday. It's insanity.
Starting point is 00:46:43 Yeah, it's a very strange event. Because at least in these other – where you have CTE type of sports like Q-set boxing or the MMA, you are able to defend yourself and you're just not sitting there defenseless where you have no way of shielding a blow that could be fatal, I would think. It's beyond words that this is something that can be illegal. Yeah. In an interview before the show aired, Dana White said in slap, they take three to five slaps per event. Fighters in boxing take three to four hundred to four hundred punches per fight. Guess what? You know what my answer to that is?
Starting point is 00:47:26 If you don't fucking like it, don't watch it. Nobody's asking you to watch this. Oh, you're disgusted by it? Watch the voice, says Dana White. Wow. Wow. I never watched the voice, but I'm not saying – I just can't believe that there are people who are willing to do this though.
Starting point is 00:47:43 Because you have to – it says here that it has to be like below the eye, but above like the jawline. Oh, okay. So there are rules. So there are rules, but that doesn't mean that somebody's aim is going to be true. Yeah. I don't, I, look, I get it. Like I know he's calling me a fucking, a wet kitty, but. He is.
Starting point is 00:48:01 Um, I am, I just can't believe that there are other people who are so bloodthirsty, who are so fucking amped up to see somebody violently knocked out that they're like, oh, I don't like boxing because they can defend themselves. I want to watch a defenseless fucking guy get knocked out. That's what I want to pay to see. I just love the way they go lifeless. The way they drop. Man, you could do anything to them in that state. I don't get it. And you have to see the other thing in sports news that I fucking blew my mind. You see
Starting point is 00:48:41 about this fucking young girl who was a chess player? No. She wanted to win this chess tournament. So she wanted to win it so badly, she got caught fucking smearing mercury on her opponent's chess pieces to get her sick to drop out of the fucking— Holy shit. God, really? How old is she? She's probably like 18.
Starting point is 00:49:04 She's got to be from Russia, right? That's not a good thing. How old is she? Probably like 18. She's got to be from Russia, right? That's not an American. Those Russians love to fucking use mercury. Yeah, they love the wind chest too. And you think, now you say, they always get caught too, but I don't think of myself, you know what? They probably only get caught probably two out of fucking 20 times they use mercury on
Starting point is 00:49:23 somebody. There's lots of mercury po that's unexplained. Could you imagine the fucking guy who was like, what is that on the chest piece? We got to test this and then like, yeah, it came back, it's mercury. What the fuck do we do? We got to sit her down and be like, what is this? Oh, she's got to go to jail. Oh, without a doubt, but it's like-
Starting point is 00:49:42 On other things, this was an older lady. It was a 40-year-old chess coach. Oh, it a doubt, but it's like. On other things, this was an older lady. It was a 40-year-old chess coach. Oh, it was a coach? Yeah, she was accused of trying to poison her rival, 30-year-old. You know what? They called Belichick a cheater. You know what? At least he never fucking spread mercury on a football of the opposing team just throwing
Starting point is 00:50:00 around. But how badly do you want it, Q? That's really, you want it bad if you want it really to fucking... Yeah. I don't know how you want it more than you want to be not the type of person that poisons other people. Like, to me, that would be way more important than winning a fucking stupid chess game. Have you ever wanted something so bad in your life that you're like, Mercury?
Starting point is 00:50:28 No. No, then maybe there were, that's an interesting question. Maybe there were things that I wanted bad enough to kill for them, but I couldn't even name that, but definitely not Mercury. You know? Well, I think- It's so insidious. I think the excuse will be, or the defense will be, well, I didn't want to kill her.
Starting point is 00:50:48 I just wanted to make her have to go get sick enough to drop out. Good enough for me. Fucking maniacs. That's what a lot of fucking, like you watch a lot of forensic files, but did you ever notice a lot of fucking men of people who murder, they use poisoning as a preferred method of choice? Yeah. Women and really smart people.
Starting point is 00:51:12 Yeah. They always fucking go to poison. You know why? Doctors. Yeah, because they're so non-confrontational. They don't want to get their hands dirty so they fucking use poison like a fucking – as Dana White would call them, they fucking – go watch The Voice if you're not going to fucking – Use a gun or a knife.
Starting point is 00:51:27 Yeah, go to a knife. Yeah. All right, let's see. We got some spots here, boys. We got more. For most of the year, fancy underwear technology sounds unnecessary. Breathable, quick, dry, moisture-wicking,
Starting point is 00:51:43 anti-odor overkill. But then the summer hits, and suddenly steaming beads of sweat are forming slimy pools in places they shouldn't. Suddenly breathable, quick, dry, moisture-wicking, and anti-odor are sounding pretty damn essential, aren't they? Summer's coming fast while summer's here, and you need to be prepared with meandis.
Starting point is 00:52:00 Meandis has something for every guy this summer. Their micromodal fabric is breathable and comfortable. Oh, microm modale is back. It's back in the ads. Yeah. Oh, wee. Especially with the ball caddy with its special pouch to help you bat winging. Meandis has a cut for every guy's butt over 10 different styles ranging from boxer briefs
Starting point is 00:52:19 to jock straps to our special pouch underwear called ball caddy that keeps you from bat winging ever again. I had to say, like, I love Meandis. I wear them every day. straps to our special pouch underwear called ball caddy that keeps you from bat winging ever again. I had to say like, I love me undies. I wear them every day. That's the only underwear I wear, but I don't have a real bat winging problem. I think it's such a gross term. I wish they would fucking eliminate that from the ad. I don't see how that's fucking helpful in selling underwear.
Starting point is 00:52:39 It just makes me want to fucking just cringe and not listen to the ad. Yeah. I don't like bat winging. Let's try to change that to something else. Uh, these cuts come in over a hundred different colors and prints ranging from black to all over dinosaurs. Myundi's signature super soft micro-model fabric is breathable, stretchy, and oh so comfy, making it an ideal for all day wear.
Starting point is 00:52:57 If you need more, even more breathable and summer proof, check out the move me line with breathe fabric, which has moisture wicking and anti odor technology. Perfect for working out or just keeping you cool on those sweltering days. I've seen a lot of bats You know, I've been to zoos a lot of documentaries about bats never once did I see bat wings and so I mean it's look like my balls The dark bat wing of the zoo. Hey, Ted, don't those look like my balls? I'm bat winging right now. In the summer, I mean, in the summer.
Starting point is 00:53:41 Let's see. Problem-free philosophy if you're not happy with your first pair of undies, it's on me undies. So summer is here, be prepared with me undies. Get 20% off your first order plus free shipping at slash T-E-S-D, that's slash T-E-S-D for 20% off plus free shipping, meundies comfort from the outside in. We have one more, I'll wait on that for a little bit, but we also have a- We got an aunt. An aunt who's asked us to read some copy here.
Starting point is 00:54:08 Q. Yeah. Our friend Tommy Lincoln up in Syracuse has a design agency and art gallery and in celebration of 10 years in business, he's throwing an art and design conference on September 6th. They're going to be having slap fights. Tommy has been helping Tom Steve Dave behind the scenes with artwork, websites, Patreon, and hand jobs for the last eight years.
Starting point is 00:54:29 Oh, hand jobs. What? I didn't, I didn't approve that. Uh, for the last 10 years of his company, Stay Fresh has been creating artwork, shooting photography, and building online experiences for clients, both nationally and locally in central New York.
Starting point is 00:54:41 Now he's bringing some of the people that have inspired him and he's worked with over the years to Syracuse to share them with his local art and design community. He's bringing in designer and illustrator Jesse Hernandez, also known as Urban Aztec. Now we're not cool, so we're not going to know these names. I think those are popular names in the graffiti. I believe you're right. Yeah, like they usually would be big wigs, but so we don't run in those circles. No. Did you ever graffiti anything?
Starting point is 00:55:06 I've never graffiti anything. I don't have that urban style. You know, the big bubble letters and stuff. They say I have white vanilla style. Okay. Yeah, I don't know why. That's what they're saying about you. I don't have the flair to do fucking note that cool.
Starting point is 00:55:24 You don't have the streets in you. It's not running through your blood. I don't have that flair that those guys have in the city and when they tag something. Yeah. Yeah. It looks cool. I could never do that. It does look cool.
Starting point is 00:55:34 Yeah. Yeah. I would just draw like fucking Homer Simpson or something, something corny and shit. And maybe like, Oh my God, look at that. Let's get this guy out of our group. He doesn't even deserve a nickname. Uh, artists and creative genius behind Retro Go Go, Doug and Kristen Pagosh, and artist 1000 styles and from Patreon, Laura Goldfarb.
Starting point is 00:55:54 Laura is actually the head of top, head of top creator management has worked with Walt and Tommy on the Patreon pretty much from its inception. So there'll be some Tom, Steve, Dave discussion there. It's a day full of talks and workshops followed by an after party with dinner catered by dinosaur barbecue and music from a local garage and surf rock band. Tommy's fellow TESDAV club member, Chuck Staten is actually going to be there filming all day and hanging out. Chuck's going to be there, it says. So if you're into some pretty cool art and design stuff and you live near Syracuse, check it out. Head over to Tommy's website,
Starting point is 00:56:28 Says to check, snag, tickets and more info. I don't know what that means. Probably to get tickets and more info. You probably mean to work with the world. What does Dinosaur Barbecue mean? I think that's the name of the restaurant that's catering. Oh, okay. Yeah. It's very good up there. That Syracuse location is fucking awesome. I've been there a few times at that dinosaur barbecue. You got one more. Might as well knock this one out.
Starting point is 00:56:52 This is Raycon. Knock it down. This is Raycon. This is easy cause we love them. Uh, well it says please personalize by sharing your favorite part of back to school shopping as a kid. Oh man. Oh yeah.
Starting point is 00:57:04 The mall, just getting dropped off at the mall with 25 bucks. You know, trying to make that stretch. Yeah, right. It's a fucking five outfits. The trapper keepers and you guys trapper keepers was a little laugh to you guys. Right? No, we still had trappers. You trapper keepers?
Starting point is 00:57:22 Well, we had loosely finders. Sure. Those I had too, but trapper Keepers were like the hip version of it. I don't think that was our era. Yeah, we might have missed it. Man, Trapper Keepers took over. Everybody had their own individual one. Everybody wanted a Trapper Keeper that spoke to themselves. You could custom make them and shit like that.
Starting point is 00:57:43 It was fun. Did they have any licensed characters on the Trapper Keepers like movies and cartoons? Yeah, sure did. They got your Batman's, your Superman's Actually, I don't think I had a licensed one I think I just had like a blue one with some stripes on it some shit like that Sounds very vanilla. Yeah. White vanilla Wish I could. You're not graffiti artist.
Starting point is 00:58:09 No, that's true. I'm not, but yeah, but I was excited about them. Traffic keepers. Uh, the one thing I don't remember is getting a headphones to go back, but it's a different world. Oh yeah. Earbuds, you know, now you need them for your computers in school and on the bus, so you don't have to listen to everybody.
Starting point is 00:58:23 Uh, even though we're not to school and even though we're not in school anymore, the bus so you don't have to listen to everybody. Even though we're not in school anymore, back to school shopping is still exciting. Something you get back into a routine that is also comforting, especially when you're picking out those items you're going to be using every day. An absolute must have for this fall, Raycon's best selling everyday earbuds. I use them all the time. They sent me a pair of the everyday earbuds. I use them all the time. They sent me a pair of the everyday earbuds. I use them at night so I don't hear my tinnitus or whatever it's called, tinnitus. I wear them outside
Starting point is 00:58:54 like when I'm working on the pool or doing shit outside. I wear them all the time. You don't got to ask me to wear them. They feature active ergonomic design, multi-point connectivity that lets you pair with two devices at once and active noise cancellation. They're available in a variety of vibrant new colors to complement any and all skin tones. I prefer black, even though they're the hardest to find. I really should get a brighter one, like when you put them down.
Starting point is 00:59:18 32-hour battery life, quick charge function, 10 minutes yields 90 minutes of battery. That's pretty good. Has awareness mode, active noise cancellation, three customizable sound styles, weatherproof, sweat resistant earbuds, earbud tap functions, reduce discomfort when using them. So if all that sounds good to you, Raycons are gonna sound even better.
Starting point is 00:59:39 Seriously, the quality on these guys rival some of the biggest names in premium audio. And if you're not convinced, Raycon offers a 30 dayday happiness guarantee for very easy returns. Go to slash tesd today to get 20 to 40% off site-wide. That's right, you'll get up to 40% off everything on Raycon's website when you go to slash tesd.
Starting point is 01:00:00 That's slash t-e-s-d. Even on Sunday after watching the Freddys with Q, my weekend still wasn't over. I still had Monday, which was a full day of Patreon stuff, which was pretty fun. What was Monday? Monday, we did Sunday Chef. Oh, yeah, yeah. Sunday Chef was very fun. What was Monday? Monday we did Sunday Chef. Oh yeah, yeah. Sunday Chef was very fun. So we did Sunday Chef and then I took Mary Beth for our fourth anniversary to go see
Starting point is 01:00:32 Marilyn Manson. Something that I wasn't really stoked about. I'm not a big Marilyn Manson fan. I told you, I was texting with Walt and I said, I knew probably like four of the 13 songs that he played. I'm not a real like, I'm not real caught up on minutes. And, uh, Do you remember the urban myth queue?
Starting point is 01:00:53 Uh, what are you like ribs taken out? Suck his dick. Was that it? Yep. Yep. That was it. Yeah. Where all the girls he raped, which was the urban myth that, wasn't he the one?
Starting point is 01:01:05 I think the first one's the myth. Yeah. I said that to Mary Beth. I was like, what about all these stories you hear about? Are you sure you want to see them? She's like, it's Marilyn Manson. So I guess he gets a pass. Yeah, that's what I'm saying. It's Ron Jeremy. What do you think is going to happen? Yeah, I guess, I never bought his act. It always looks so corny to me.
Starting point is 01:01:27 Oh, I have to say – but this is good. This is a great example for some man to write some emails about me liking things and they don't like them. I do like his schtick. I like that pale powder, white – what's it called? Contacts, the freakish way he looked and how jarring he was and he had one really great song, The Beautiful People. Sure. But I will ask you this though. That myth, that really should have been dispelled quicker
Starting point is 01:02:04 because how hard would it be? How much doctor shopping would you have to do before you found a doctor who would be like, you doc, I want to remove a couple of my ribs so I can suck my own dick? And he's like, all right, let's schedule you for surgery. Like what doctor is going to do that? What doctor would believe it? It's like, bro, you're a major rock star. How many girls will do this?
Starting point is 01:02:22 Why do you want to do it yourself? Probably in LA or Florida, you could find someone to do it. No. You really think there's doctors that would do this? Yeah, I do. I do think there's doctors that would do it. They could not book it in a hospital then. Yeah, but some of these places with the money he makes and the money he spends, they have
Starting point is 01:02:46 private clinics and stuff like that. Why would they say no? Why wouldn't they be like, fuck man, this guy wants to pay me six figures? Because they swore a Hippocratic oath to fucking do no harm and you're fucking removing ribs just to fucking someone can blow themselves? I mean my dad had a bunch of ribs taken out due to cancer. He seems all right. Are you sure? Yeah
Starting point is 01:03:08 Unfortunately like the ribs are on the upper part He didn't get some fun dick sucking powers Well, that'd be funny if it was all a fucking cover But can you imagine like he has to have other people in the room though if this is a private clinic and the nurses and the anesthesia, the person who gives the anesthesia, they be like, why is he having his ribs removed? What's the medical procedure? And the doctor has to like come up with some reason?
Starting point is 01:03:39 Other than he's going to blow himself? I don't think he has to. I think he's like, nurse, I don't think he has to. I think he's like, nurse, you want that paycheck this way? Alright, scalpel. There are people with fucking scruples, Q. Money is not gonna buy all of them. They don't work in the fucking, you know, plastic surgery industry in LA and fucking, you know, they just don't. They're making these poor women walk around looking like fucking cats and wolves and shit, you know they just don't. They're making these poor women walk around looking
Starting point is 01:04:05 like fucking cats and wolves and shit you know and that's their faces. Why the fuck wouldn't they take out a rib or two? Because what are you how do you how do they know he won't have a need for those ribs at a certain point it'll be it'll be detrimental to him as he grows older. I don't think they give a fuck. I think they're like whatever. He can flop over, you know, if he takes a curve, takes a hard turn, he can be flopping all over the place while he's driving without those ribs.
Starting point is 01:04:32 Oh, you're fucking, if you want this, the doctor and the nurses, they'll be at the bank cashing the fucking check. So don't worry about it. You are so jaded. You've been at, you got to get out of Hollywood and come to fucking... You think Hollywood, I'm not standing on that. You don't think that like... I mean just the fact that there's even like a plastic surgery industry like that out there
Starting point is 01:04:52 is like not indicative that people will... Breast implants for years were poisoning women's bodies and they were like, yeah, they're safe, let's put them in. Yes, that is a good argument. That's a stronger argument. But I do think the plastic surgery industry wasn't created though with this kind of vapid request. I don't think that's what made people go into it. It's probably like World War I where people are coming back disfigured. Yeah, I think it was a more worthy, more honorable service or medical industry.
Starting point is 01:05:32 I agree, it has been fucking hijacked to do some pretty fucking stupid and useless shit, but I still don't think you could get a doctor to sign off on gonna remove these ribs. They have aren't there stories of like doctors putting in butt implants for women and they're filled with sawdust and shit like that? That's in Mexico though. And that's usually like yeah like unlicensed people they put like cement mix and stuff in their butts. Yeah, those aren't doctors. Sure, but my point is that there are people that will do this stuff in the world.
Starting point is 01:06:06 Just because they're north of the border doesn't mean that they're suddenly not gonna be like, I'll take out some ribs. Yeah. Well, you think Meryl Manson had to go south at a border to get those ribs taken out? No, I don't think he had to go fucking 20 feet from his house if he didn't want to.
Starting point is 01:06:20 Yeah, no. Wow, I don't think. I don't think it's true. I don't think he did it, but I do think if he wanted to, he gets someone to take his ribs off. Yeah. I think there are people out there that would do it. There's some pretty shady. Unscrupulous doctors.
Starting point is 01:06:32 Some shady doctors out there. Yeah. That are like, you know. And do both ribs have to come out of one side or do one rib on each side? I don't, I don't know. It's a great question. I would imagine. How many ribs do you have? One on each side. I don't know. It's a great question. I would imagine one on each side. How many ribs do you have?
Starting point is 01:06:47 Get them? Twelve. You can speak. Twelve, I believe. I'll check. It's his first on-mic contribution since the trial queue. Wow. Let's see if he was correct.
Starting point is 01:07:01 Typical human thoracic cage consists of 12 pairs of ribs. So can you survive with just 10 of them? So you're only removing one set, one pair. We don't know. There's 24 ribs. So you want... There's 24 ribs. Oh, okay, yeah.
Starting point is 01:07:18 I would say probably, yeah. I'm sure there's people who've been born with genital defects, that's why they don't have a full rib cage. All sucking their own dicks, no doubt. And for the longest time, people thought women had less ribs than men because of the Bible. But that's not true. It's not true. So could – if a woman had her ribs removed, could she lick her kitty?
Starting point is 01:07:39 Let's hope so. That would be a new fucking porn fucking sensation, right? I'm sure there actually are some gymnasts that probably can't, right? There's gotta be, yeah, I would imagine. I hope so. Yeah, I don't want to live in a world where that doesn't happen. Let's see that in the Olympics. Forget break dancing.
Starting point is 01:07:56 This is rolling around, this is rolling around like fucking potato bugs slicking their own fucking boxes. I'd watch, I can't lie. This is rolled around like fucking potato bugs in their own fucking boxes. I'd watch. I can't lie. I'd be like, I got to, that's appointment viewing. So how long was the Marilyn Manson concert? The actual show is probably, well, we got there for a band that, I told you it was called
Starting point is 01:08:18 Slaughter, but it was actually a band called Slaughter to Prevail, which it's one of those like screamo type bands where I'm like I cannot understand a goddamn word this guy is saying. And they were on for probably like a half hour and then Marilyn Manson came on and I would give him a good like probably close to an hour. Is everybody there to see him? There were a lot of people there to see Manson because we didn't stay for the main band. He wasn't the main band?
Starting point is 01:08:40 No, he wasn't even the main band. He was like the over five finger death punch. I was not familiar with the music. Is that kind of like Limp Bizkit shit? I don't know to tell you the truth. I'm not sure. You didn't stay for it? No, he didn't stay.
Starting point is 01:08:53 We left. Oh, wow. Because she didn't know who they were and I don't like seeing bands around. You didn't want to just sample a little bit and see if you liked it? Nah. You didn't want to fucking grow and maybe... Dude, I had a rough week. I was hosting.
Starting point is 01:09:02 I was talking to Arthur Fonzarelli. It's like, Ryan, wake up. Manson's on. and maybe... Dude, I had a rough week. I was hosting, I was talking to Arthur Fonzarelli. It's like, Ryan, wake up, Manson's on. It almost was. Because the actual show, I got to say, like if Manson is listening right now, you can't totally backlight yourself and put smoke on the stage because you can't see shit. Like that was what would be my one big complaint.
Starting point is 01:09:24 Like the sound quality, especially for the first band, I was like, I can't hear guitars, I can't hear anything. It just sounded like noise. And then when Manson came on, the sound was a little better, but they had all these like, not crosses, but they were like shapes. They would look like crosses kind of. TVs? No, they didn't have any TV's.
Starting point is 01:09:45 TV's shaped as crosses? That's what he used to do. Oh, really? Like he stacks of TV's and then a cross. Oh, no. These are just like the cross things and then these big white flashing lights behind him. So it's like most of the time you couldn't see them. And we weren't far away.
Starting point is 01:10:01 We were pretty close. Did he come out on stilts? Nope. Did he come out on stilts? Nope, didn't come out on stilts. No, but he did wear like certain hats that he wore from different eras, I guess, like the motorcycle cap era. I'm sorry, man. Yeah, you got to see the hat version rather than the stilt version. You got fuck of gypped.
Starting point is 01:10:18 That's what Mary Beth said. She goes, I liked it. I really liked it. She goes, I think I would have loved it 10 years ago. Yeah, when he was at his prime, he could get on the stilts, when he could still get on his stilts. Yeah, he's like, I'm not walking. He did have those big chunky boots though. He's still wearing them around,
Starting point is 01:10:34 and he still has the makeup and the contacts and all that stuff. And I do like that too, I do love that horror aspect of it. It's just the music I'm not really familiar with. She was, she knew every song, She's singing along. She's dancing. But at least she can understand his words too though. Yeah. Yeah. That's a big plus in my book.
Starting point is 01:10:50 Yeah. The first guy I was just like, fucking forget it. If someone were to say, I'll pay you to fucking decipher one lyric. One lyric. I would be like, I'm sorry. I'd like the money but I can't. And then our next show is going to be there anyway. It's supposed to be Rob Zombie again. Yes, looking forward to that. That should be pretty good. I'm not sure what kind of tickets we have.
Starting point is 01:11:16 Hopefully he changes the set list. I was hoping the same thing. I hope it's not the same as last time. I would get bored if I was a performer if I didn't change the setlist from time to time. Just add some deeper cuts once in a while. You know what? My buddy Piggy D is now in Marilyn Manson.
Starting point is 01:11:35 He's not in Rob Zombie anymore, the bassist. I saw – I didn't ask him about it, but I wanted to. I did see a post where he was like, thank know, thank you to this one and that one and this one. You know, I'm now joining Marilyn Manson. But in that post, he did not thank Rob Zombie. So I'm wondering if there's some bad blood there. Very possible, you know.
Starting point is 01:11:58 That's a glaring omission. Yeah, he's been with him for a while. So I wondered if something had happened. Manson doesn't have his band doesn't go with the model as the first name and the serial killer as the second name? Not anymore. They used to, I think. All the band members were models like Twiggy
Starting point is 01:12:27 And then and then they would have Serial killers as our last name, which was a fucking great hook I mean, do you remember how fucking he the world was on fire? Like he was public enemy number one people hated him. They blamed him for Columbine. They blamed him for everything When that even when when that even when that bad credit or that bad press goes away, it's got to be detrimental to your fucking your bottom line. Oh, sure. Yeah, you want people talking about you regardless, unless it's like they were talking about him recently with his saying he was mentally and physically abusive to his girlfriends and
Starting point is 01:13:01 stuff. He had to quickly fucking, hey, I just removed three more ribs. Hey, everybody. Forget about all that fucking assault shit. I could lick my asshole from the front. I did take a look around though, because I said to Mary Beth, I was like, none of his charges bother you? And she's like, oh, it's Marilyn Manson.
Starting point is 01:13:28 I think there was a lot of like-minded people there. I don't keep up on it. Was he found guilty or is it? I don't think so. I think it was just one of those things that was brought out and then he sort of caught some shit for it, but it went away. I will say this though. Go ahead, Keefe.
Starting point is 01:13:44 No, I was in Manhattan the other day and there was this girl by me. She was young, early mid-20s, beautiful, wearing a Chris Brown shirt. I was like, wow. I was like rocking the merch down the block. He sells out. He's doing great. I guess there were just people who were like, hey, it's not a concern of mine. I like it. I like their music. You know, what are you going to do? You can't I can't I can't I can't judge Chris Brown listeners, I guess. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:14:16 Yeah, there's like a whole I'm looking at the billboard, at something, at And it's a whole timeline of the, uh, allegations and stuff. Uh, what I was going to say earlier was I couldn't believe, now it's not like there were Legion, but I saw two kids who are small enough to have binkies and ride on their parents' shoulders. And then siblings that were probably no older than four or five at this Marilyn Manson concert, no hearing protection, no headphones over their ears or anything. It's just like, I don't know if you think you're the cool parent, but I think people are looking at you like you're the asshole parent.
Starting point is 01:14:57 Yeah. I mean, you maybe give them the benefit of that. They didn't realize how loud it was going to be. Yeah. I mean, you're that old and you have kids and you've, you have to have been to a concert before. Yeah. That's tough.
Starting point is 01:15:11 Yeah. I don't want to give them the benefit of the doubt. I think they deserve it here. Usually I go with a baggie of a earbuds of a protection. So I could have walked over and given them some, if I was there. Or just like taking license and just stuffed them in the ears without asking. Teddy's getting restless. Oh, is there a dog under the table?
Starting point is 01:15:35 Yeah, he wants to go home. Teddy's trying to say, tell him Steve Dave in his dog language. Say it already, asshole. Tell him Steve-Dave.

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