Tell Em Steve-Dave - #610: T.O.M.

Episode Date: October 7, 2024

Bry, Walt, and Q delve into the world of the supernatural....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey Walt here with some very very important Patreon news that will possibly save you money. If you answer yes to the below questions then this message is directed to you. To everyone else, take it as a preemptive measure. Do you have an Apple iPhone or iPad? Do you use the Patreon app? Do you use the Patreon app slash app store to pay for your TSD or other Patreon platform content? So what does this specifically mean? Do you have your billing information in the app and use the app to charge your credit
Starting point is 00:00:30 card each month and you've never logged in through a web browser to pay for the platform? Did you answer yes to all of those questions? Because starting this November, Apple will be charging all Patreon subscribers who pay for Patreon through the app slash app store an extra 30%. Yeah, that's right, an extra 30% that Apple's just gonna take. Which with all fees set and done is actually 43%. So if you're in the $10 tier for example
Starting point is 00:01:00 and you pay through the app slash app store, your new monthly price will be $14.50. To avoid these fees, what we suggest you do is change how you pay for your subscription through a web browser, whether it's on your phone, iPad or desktop. If you need any more information or assistance, I will do the best I can to help you out.
Starting point is 00:01:20 You can reach me by sending me a message through Patreon. So please, just delete the app. Don't even have it on your phone. Just go through your phone or your iPad to the web browser and do the information there and you're going to save money. And I just can't even believe it. When I saw this, I was fucking disgusted. You know, put me in a really bad mood. But you know, thank God we have an episode on Patreon dropping this Tuesday. And so here's the fun part of this message. So this Tuesday's release is a show we have an episode on Patreon dropping this Tuesday. And so here's the fun part of this message. So this Tuesday's release is a show we have been sitting on for quite some time.
Starting point is 00:01:50 It's the last show we ever recorded at the old stash. Well the old stash slash new stash. It's a show where I play video games against TESD town residents and it's called 8-Bit ESD. Now, for transparency's sake, the reason we never released this episode is because the TSD Town resident starring in this episode is Giddim. And quite frankly, he's never been more fucking annoying. So I kind of was like, oh, you know, let's release something else.
Starting point is 00:02:17 Every time it was due to be released, I would be like, well, let's release that instead. But people have been asking to be released. You know, it's not like I haven't seen some people being like, release Gittum's 8-bit TSD. That's what I do. I listen to the people and what you ask for, I'll do. So we're releasing it this week and I'm just asking everyone to just lower the bar
Starting point is 00:02:39 a little bit this week. Don't expect making hay for, because this 8-bit TSD is probably worse than taking hay, if anybody remembers that. So I think that's it. You know, get that app off your phone. Don't even... Just delete it immediately. The Patreon app. And... I'll talk to you soon. Thank you. I'm gonna go. and for killing with encounters in the sixth, seventh and eighth kind
Starting point is 00:03:26 with Brian Cohen, Roger Fonigan and Ben Janssen This week's edition of Tell'em Steve Dave. I am here. Walt is here. Hugh is here. Hello. Hello.
Starting point is 00:04:00 Everybody's here. Hello. Hello. What's up boys? What's up? What's going on? What's going on guys? It's about the October, man. We're here, we're making. Season. Love October. It. What's up boys. What's up. What's going on? What's going on guys? October man.
Starting point is 00:04:05 We're here with me. Season. Love October. Might be my favorite month. Yeah, I agree. Halloween, Wolfline against birthday. What else do you need? Nothing.
Starting point is 00:04:13 I don't need anything else. I love October. Love the weather. Yeah, it was like warm today and cool tonight. Light a fire going. Yeah, nice outdoor fire. Yeah, I love it man. I'm with you. Uh a fire going. Yeah. Nice outdoor fire. Yeah. I love it, man. I'm with you.
Starting point is 00:04:26 Uh, couple of things. It's the start of hockey season starts. Football is a month old. Did you guys see the, um, I'm sure you guys didn't see it, but there's a viral clip going around of Connor McDavid in the finals last year, who he's having a meltdown on his teammates because they're down three games to none and he fucking loses his shit and goes off on all his teammates and it's rubbing people the wrong way because he fucking called them out. Really? Yeah. He's like, this is the
Starting point is 00:04:57 fucking finals. Get your ass, get your head out of your asses. Sounds like a team leader. Yeah, that's what you need, right? Yeah. I guess half the world is like, that's what you gotta do and the other half is like, oh, that's too harsh. Don't call me out because I'm fucking not doing what I'm supposed to do.
Starting point is 00:05:13 Yeah, yeah. Oh, it makes me sick. It's creeping its way even into hockey. Yeah. Well hey, when they stopped the fighting, that was the first sign, right? Well that was CTE. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:05:24 Well I guess that's a good reason. Is it though? Everybody loves the fighting. That was the first sign. Right. That was CTE. Oh, okay. Well, I guess that's a good reason. Is it though? Everybody loves the fights. If you don't want to wear a helmet and you want to play hockey, you should be allowed to. But Q's right though. Everybody loved the fights. It was like for me, it was the best part of fucking hockey, man. Two made it stand out.
Starting point is 00:05:40 Well, there's more, yeah, just all of a sudden you're allowed to just fucking punch me in the face as hard as you want, other than boxing. As long as you two don't go down, just wail away. I don't even have to know what's coming. No, no, it's fucking great. Yeah, but it's a pretty fucking intense clip that just fucking, it even took me back how, how angry he is.
Starting point is 00:06:01 So, and it did rally his team. You know, they were down three games and on on and they came storm back and tied the series at three But then they lost game seven though, and I bet you after game six. He didn't do the fun, right? It's funny I was watching the New York the Mets game last night. I've been now that I'm off work, I'm able to follow you know, here and there. And I don't know if you caught what happened. Three run home run. Yeah, but like so that guy Alfonso has not been hitting.
Starting point is 00:06:39 And he's usually like one of the better players. So when he came up, I was just fucking railing in the I was like this overpaid piece of shit. I like look at him. He's gonna get up here to the TV, my friends in the TV, you know, but and then he hit that home run and I was like, what do you do then? Gotta be honest, I felt like part of the reason he hit it was because of me. I know you felt a little sheepish like, I love the improvement wrong. I was like, it's fucking great. I was like, here we go. Do nothing easy out. I'm going to this room is sitting at a bar with my friends is ripping into him and he hit
Starting point is 00:07:11 them and then I felt responsible. Okay, well, I was thinking, you know, like, like last week, we had a pretty fucking people seem to not like the episode we did, but you not here. There's a lot of complaints is boring. And I was wondering maybe if I should have fucking gotten everyone's face before we started recording this episode. Yeah, screaming our faces.
Starting point is 00:07:27 I love that people like- Come on! Fucking these fucking Ed Reed suck! I know. 14 years later, you still get complaints about a free podcast. It'll never cease to amaze me We're talking about the goldman scaper you fuck you show some excitement Man they let you know, huh? Oh, they're not afraid to let you know, but Declan could you put in?
Starting point is 00:08:07 Can you put in when I mentioned Connor McDavid's tirade? Can you grab a clip of it? Fucking now right fucking now whatever the fuck you have that is not fucking good enough let's go get one fucking win at home one win and we'll see what fucking happens but dig the fuck in yeah I think he's right to yell like that in a team in a sports team setting I do right yeah but do you have to be the best player to do that? Or can you just- I mean it helps. I think it helps. Yeah. Yeah. You want to be in, you know. I watched Salem's a lot. Oh, how was it? No good? Nope. I have to advise if you're a Salem's Lot fan from back in the day, they try to squash, put too much into a two hour, it's a sprawling novel. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:13 And the TV movie was sprawling. I think it was probably two and a half hours. David Soul's Salem's Lot? David Soul is in it, yeah. David Soul is in it? No, he was not in it. Because he's dead, I thought. Yeah, he is dead. Dude, get a fucking Koff Lassenger.
Starting point is 00:09:24 Get your fucking head out of here if you're going to cough and interrupt us. We don't cough on Telesteep Day. Well, I'm enjoying this. I'm going to have it instituted around home, too. What's that? I thought you had for the last fucking, for the last 15 years.
Starting point is 00:09:45 I'm the best player in this house. You all suck. But where is it streaming? HBO Max. Yeah. Who's the star? There really isn't a star in it. There's no names that I recognize.
Starting point is 00:09:58 What plays David's soul role? Some dude who looks like he's on cheese. You know when people have a chew and they like. Dip? Yeah. And they stick out their lower lip. It looks like he's chewing the whole You know, when people have a chew and they like. Dip. Yeah. And they stick out their lower lip. It looks like he's chewing the whole time. I don't think he is.
Starting point is 00:10:09 Is it set in the seventies? Um, it's 1975. Oh, nice. It's a period piece. I believe. Yeah. It's weird. I heard something about.
Starting point is 00:10:17 Or wait, is that a different movie I just watched? I'm watching one movie, one horror movie a day that I haven't seen. Oh, that's your. Every day in October. That's my goal. That's your new life goals? Yep. Yeah, all right.
Starting point is 00:10:28 My mom and dad are proud of me. They're like, what you haven't seen already? Not one you've seen 50 times? Nope, nope. Nope? All new ones. Yeah, I'm trying to remember now when it was set. It's just like the guy who played-
Starting point is 00:10:40 Trailer looks like it's set in the 70s. Yeah, the guy who played Straker, not good. Yeah, it is, I think it's 1975. The guy who played Straker, not good. Yeah, it is. I think it's 1975. The guy who played Straker, not good. Uh, how do you, how do you top James Mason in that role? How do you even come close to James Mason in that role? Well, you would hope that they wouldn't attempt to make this unless they had an idea of how to answer that question.
Starting point is 00:10:59 They didn't. They didn't. They didn't, man. They, they just tried to rush through it because they made some choices I didn't like. Yeah. Well, I'm surprised that they can't make that into a theatrical They didn't? They didn't, man. They just tried to rush through it because they made some choices I didn't like. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:07 Well, I'm surprised that they can't make that into a theatrical release. That's a pretty popular name recognition piece of work from Stephen King. I'm surprised it's never made its way into a theatrical release, though. Yeah. It would work. I think it would work, too. I think if you did it like it, you just did it in two parts, you're right.
Starting point is 00:11:27 It would be much, much better. You can make it longer. You could be more involved with it. It just tries to jam too much into less than two hours. I had an interesting fact about the 70s, because the reason I wasn't on last week, I was in California and pitching some stuff. One of them was kind of based in the 70s, you know, because I reason I wasn't honest because in California and you know pitching some stuff and one of them was kind of based in the 70s and I heard from multiple places that kids
Starting point is 00:11:52 today Have no interest in for whatever reason they have no interest in the 70s They don't want to see anything made it the music from there doesn't interest them That's because it looked to I think to them, it's like to us, the 20s. The roaring 20s. So and well, it's that coupled with, at least with the roaring 20s, like, because I asked all the questions, right? Every time I heard this.
Starting point is 00:12:16 At least the roaring 20s, we were aware of them. And we understood what it was. What they're finding is like, I mean, again, I don't know how scientific this is, but I heard this from multiple entertainment companies. They, again, I don't know how scientific this is, but I heard this from multiple entertainment companies. They're like, kids don't do that research. Like they don't read up anymore in the past.
Starting point is 00:12:30 And all they want to do is fucking digest five second videos. Yeah, that's what I'm hearing. Yeah, like they have the attention span of a net. Yeah, it's fucking crazy. And the fact that they say they'd aren't into the 70s says everything about them that generation Generation well, you also know like sex in movies. They don't like sex movies This new generation is like they prefer I don't like it either though They they feel like if women are naked on screen, they're victimized. I don't feel that way, but I don't like sex scenes
Starting point is 00:13:01 I don't like sex scenes. I don't like love scenes. I think they're so boring Like I watch a movie with my kids man that's the worst. All of a sudden the sex scene pops up or if I'm watching it but like if my mom's over. Yeah but we were talking about like kids though they're not like tits I want to see tits. Like they don't like it. But I but maybe they don't like it for the same reason. It's awkward. It's uncomfortable if you're watching it with like your family all of a sudden. All of a sudden they're like everybody's humping and pumping and shit.
Starting point is 00:13:28 Yeah, but like think of Stripes when he's looking through that glass and you just see some boobs a little bit. I remember as a kid being like, Stripes is the best movie ever made. If you watched it by yourself. Sure. If you're watching it with your mom, I'm sure you wouldn't have been so a fucking ... Probably not, but at the same time like...
Starting point is 00:13:42 ... fucking Arsenio Hall. But I mean, I don't know they just don't like it they don't like it that's kind of sex and 70s are out sex sex and love scenes I get it's I don't get you if you're a guy and you don't want to see tits in a movie I don't understand it I don't understand you they say you didn't like love scenes I don't like love scenes but I do like tits like in horror movies you know you see some boobs and stuff oh yeah that is not what no that is weird no that's weird no if you if you I don't want to see them have sex but I want to see them naked. No not the guy I didn't say the guy
Starting point is 00:14:14 go on I wouldn't mind seeing yeah I don't mind seeing the girls naked. I'm talking about two boobs fucking okay they say the boobs revering to the tits as two okay I thought you're talking about the guy too I just want to be sure. Can you get out of the game, Johnson? Yeah, if he thinks you protest too much, you're too ready to think that. You want to see they naked. You want to see them naked. Dude, when you saw Ghost Story, the first thing you told me is there's a dick in it.
Starting point is 00:14:37 Right, there is. That's the first thing you said. That's a funny dick though, a funny dick. That's the difference, not just a dick. Every dick's a funny dick. It's not like I'm watching California Cation. You came into school the next day as I have his Ghost Story. Here's a dick. Ah. Every dick's a funny dick. It's not like I'm watching California Cation.
Starting point is 00:14:45 You came into school the next day as I have his ghost art. Here's a dick in it. What the fuck out of here? Ah. Ah. Ah. But you don't think it's strange, like a strange thing, like you wanna see nudity, but you don't wanna see
Starting point is 00:14:59 actors acting as if they're having intercourse. No, I don't think that's weird. That is very weird. Is it weird? I don't think it's weird. That is very weird. Is it weird? I don't think it's weird, no. Why? What's the difference if I look at that or I look at something online then?
Starting point is 00:15:11 I don't understand why you don't want to see them having fake sex though. Because it takes up too much time and it's boring. Oh, it's not about being awkward or being uncomfortable? No, I didn't really watch a lot of movies like that with my mother when I was young. Like we watched horror movies and stuff, but there really wasn't much nudity in them at the time. It was like 70s baroque horror type shit. So yeah, I didn't really have that experience or and especially with that I don't have that experience with the kids either.
Starting point is 00:15:39 I don't have to worry about you know watching a movie with kids and wondering what's gonna pop up. But doesn't Sage watch a lot of horror movies? We do, but I know that there's not gonna be naked nudity and stuff. How do you know? You're watching new horror movies. Now you don't know what the fuck's gonna happen. No, no, no, no. I have to have to screen them first. She watches shit like haunted dolls. Uh-oh.
Starting point is 00:15:56 Yeah, she doesn't watch like real horror. She watches shit like Jaws. Oh, okay. That kind of stuff. Yeah. Are you guys gonna see the Joker movie? Cause I think I'm not going to. I'm going with my daughter to see it. Sorry? She's a big fan of stuff. Hmm. Yeah. Are you guys going to see the Joker movie? Cause I think I'm not going to. Uh, I'm going with my daughter to see it. She's a big fan of the first Joker.
Starting point is 00:16:08 Yeah, we're going Sunday night. I understand you might not be a big fan of the second though. Why? Cause it's a musical. It's a musical. I'm all for something different though. I'm all for a curve ball. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:18 I think, I think that's what we need as a curve ball. You know, everybody's expecting another psychological fucking grueling, exhausting drama. I am all for something like, give me something different I've never seen before, and I've never seen, I don't think, a joker. Musical Joker? No, that's true, that's a good point.
Starting point is 00:16:37 Musical. I like that, that's a positive attitude, man. Yeah, a lot of people use positive things. My head's in the game. All right, I like it. I'm gonna go see it, I wanna see it. Yeah. Yeah, I think I might wait I only saw the first one once but I knew that wasn't it was like so fucking Great, it was grueling. Yeah, put you through like you felt like you you know, you went through some shit
Starting point is 00:16:56 Yeah, so I do want to see the second one, but I probably will watch the first one again first But why you're hearing people aren't like I. I'm hearing people do not like it. The fans feel they've been turned on. The fans, oh my God. They wrote letters. The fans end up being turned on. The fans not getting what they want. The fans complaining about every fucking thing.
Starting point is 00:17:22 Oh, it's too true. It's more exhausting than fucking the Joker. All these opinions and every one of them, correct. Mm hmm. Yeah. Uh, what else did I have? I can't remember what else I had. I think that might be it.
Starting point is 00:17:41 Okay. I think that's it. So we could introduce somebody else who's at the table. Since it's the beginning of October, I thought we would be it. Okay. I think that's it, so we could introduce somebody else who's at the table. Since it's the beginning of October, I thought we would do something very special on cue. I have an intro that I'd like you to read for our guest. Oh, fuck yeah, give it to me. Do it up good. All right, so you want me to do this
Starting point is 00:17:59 in some sort of character? Give it some grand or. Okay. You know, make it majestic. All right. Majestic. All right. Give it some, give it some grand or. Okay. You know, make it majestic. Alright. Majestic. Alright. I give you...
Starting point is 00:18:11 Wait. Did I spell that wrong? No, no, no, I got it. I didn't understand. I thought the person... I'll explain afterwards. Okay. Now I give you the insidious insider, the honcho of hair-raising, the ominous orchestrator himself, the overkill maestro!
Starting point is 00:18:30 Maestro. Maestro, or just T-O-M for short. Get it? T-O-M, Tom? The overkill maestro? Okay, you can talk. Thank you, thank you. Hello, boys. Somewhere Will Rogers is crying. That could have been my intro. But that acronym, T-O-M, would not have worked. The overkill maestro, that's perfect. I love it. That's what you are. Yes. It's been a while since you were able to come in and do something after winning that coveted march. I actually forgot. I forgot he was it
Starting point is 00:19:07 As I was reading I was like, what is this about? Seven months now, I'm not saying I didn't want will to win but if will had won I wouldn't have been pull out that fucking killer acronym. I Am the overkill maestro. There is no other reason for me to win other than for you to use that Yeah, I was thinking like will what could I could I get an acronym for will and I don scratching my head. Then I was like, why am I even bothering? He didn't win. His head was not in the game. And I really thought that, you know, my original plan for the winner of the overkill maestro was that once a month you'd be in here. So, you know, so was that once a month you'd be in here. So, you know, so it's just hard, it's hard to get you in here. It's because we really don't know sometimes if we're recording TSD maybe a day or two before we do it. There have been times I've reached out to you and you know, unfortunately, you know, you're busy,
Starting point is 00:19:58 you got a you got a real job and everything so you can't just drop everything. I would drop everything to come for overkill. Well, you didn't. I did today. and everything so you can't just drop everything. I would drop everything to come for overkill. Well you didn't. I did today. I did today. Is it as a pajama model? His other job?
Starting point is 00:20:10 What kind of shirt is that? What are you wearing? Get him said the same thing. The pajamas? Yeah, the polo shirt. I didn't think of it until you said it, but they do look like pajamas. I know now it looks like a pajama top. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:20:21 It's like a Hugh Hefner over there. I got him out of bed. Yeah. But actually, I actually like it more. I wish I was a pajama top. Yeah. I got a few Heffner over here. I got him out of bed. Yeah. But actually, I actually like it more. I think it like, I wish I was a pajama wearer motherfucker. That'd be great. Now, this is though his casual Friday attire at work, right? Yes.
Starting point is 00:20:35 That's right. Oh, it's casual Friday? Yeah. What's the limits on casual Friday? How, how, how casual can one dress? About this. So you couldn't wear like a concert tee? No, no, no t-shirts, no, no, no.
Starting point is 00:20:48 It's business casual. So it's strictly- Now are you in charge of the office? I thought you were the boss. Yes, I am. But there are bosses above me that make more decisions. Let's say somebody came in and didn't meet or was flaunting on the line of the bus, the casual attire,
Starting point is 00:21:07 you know, the rule book, let's say the cleavage was a little bit too. I thought this was overkill. We were. I was wearing more of a DG that day. The guy that had to address it like, let's say her name is Nancy, like Nancy. That's exactly how it. She likes movies set Not the sex scene part. Just the tips. She's a big, she's a fan of tits and she's going to show them. I got you. So when she comes in, it's too, it's just
Starting point is 00:21:36 too much. It's four buttons, all four undone. Four buttons. I'm done. Oh, it's got a scallop deck. It's not cheap. We got a nice one. How do you, how do you say it? Well, that's a good question since I've never had to really concern myself with a four button person because I deal with adults that tend to actually dress up. That's judgmental. What kids do you know are running around? Well I deal with people that come to work that don't wear buttons that have four downs.
Starting point is 00:22:06 She's a new employee, though. Oh, she doesn't know the rules. Don't fucking lie to us like you don't want her working there. Every one of you motherfuckers in that office are happy since Nancy got hired. Overkill. Tom. How do you address it, though?
Starting point is 00:22:21 What do you think? Can you address it as a male? Or do you have to send send it to a sub? So that's a good question, but more than likely I would I would get guidance from HR on it So yeah, so it's so that way it's kind of out of my hands And I didn't make the decision on how to handle those sort of things so you want to just write like whore on a post A note and put it on a screen Like on her locker, so it's more anonymous. Yeah, sure, sure. Okay, gotcha.
Starting point is 00:22:45 Yes. All right, overkill. Overkill, yes, thank you. All right. Well, heavy is the crown, right? I gotcha, I gotcha, yeah. You're the boss of the fucking. Yeah, you're the boss of all those ladies.
Starting point is 00:23:00 Yeah, you don't get them in line. You don't game plan this shit at home with your wife? You're like, you're awesome, you know? All right, you take four buttons down Yeah, get them in line. You don't know game plan this shit at home with your wife? No. You're like, you're awesome in your house? Alright, you take four buttons down and we'll figure out how I handle the situation. Now it sounds like fun role play. Yeah, I know. It sounds like a fun night.
Starting point is 00:23:15 But your name is Stancy too. That'll go over great. I get her a name badge ahead of time. Yeah, you could just not say anything to her. You could just let her wear the four buttons. I could. Oh no, the other ladies are complaining. Yeah, they don't like Nancy. Tom, do something about it! Nancy's young. Thomas. That sounds easy.
Starting point is 00:23:40 Can I give it back to them to decide like like trial by peers like let them do it I think if somebody else is complaining you have an easy one then just feel you're gonna have to take that to HR and you're out Yep. Yeah, they're like they are basically Sorry, I was just watching Ghost Story. I got distracted. No, hold on, because this was referenced before. Was that the spinning dick? Is that what it was?
Starting point is 00:24:12 Yeah. Yeah. You have said that he did. He fell out of like a 10-story building and you see the shot of him falling down to the street and his dick is like, strangling in the wind. What a weird choice, right? I mean, what a strange choice for a movie, even at the time.
Starting point is 00:24:27 Yeah. So I brought some over kills to the table. Okay. All right. All right. So story number one, have you guys heard of the demon known as Karupi? Karupi, right?
Starting point is 00:24:38 Are you pronouncing that right? Yes. Karupi. Karupi. Yes. What part of the world would Karupi be? He is of Paraguay. Yes, Karupi. Karupi? Yes. What part of the world would Karupi be? He is of Paraguay.
Starting point is 00:24:48 And all these small- Little villages and shit have their own. All these weird demons. All right, so he is described as a short, ugly, and hairy demon who resides in the wild forest of the region where he is considered the Lord of the forest and protector of wild animals. His most distinct feature is his enormous penis, which typically, what would overkill be without a penis story to start us off with,
Starting point is 00:25:19 which he typically wraps around his waist several times, like a belt. Nice. typically wraps around his waist several times like a belt. Nice. Due to this feature, Karupi was once revered as the spirit of fertility, but he is often blamed for unexpected or unwanted pregnancies. So according to legend, you see where this is going. I tried to blame Karupi when I got that portion. What's it be, baby? It's Karupi. It's not mine. That's fucking Karupi! It's your fault you fucking slut!
Starting point is 00:25:46 You're a Karupian! Well, so here's the- Those four buttons. How could Karupi resist? Hit the road, Nancy! So, Karupi, his penis is so large, he could extend it through doors
Starting point is 00:26:02 and open windows with it. Nice! And then impregnate sleeping women, his penis is so large he could extend it through doors and open windows with it. Nice. And then impregnate sleeping women without avoiding physically entering the house. Like Mr. Fantastic. Yes. As a rapist. Just with his dick.
Starting point is 00:26:14 Yeah, you're right. So adulterous women sometimes do use kuruppy as an explanation to avoid punishments from their husbands. Wow. Oh, so if they're stepping out. Yeah. So the fucking dimwit. The women are using it. Yeah, Oh, so if they're stepping out. Yeah. So the fucking dimwit. The women are using it.
Starting point is 00:26:27 Yeah. The dimwit at home is like, Oh. Kuruppy, huh? Yeah. Son of a bitch. Can't blame you for it, Nancy. I thought I heard the window open. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:26:38 So, uh, children fathered by Kuruppy were believed to be small, ugly, and hairy resembling their dad. So if your child came out looking like that, that was how they explained it. Really? Yes. fathered by Kuruppy were believed to be small, ugly, and hairy, resembling their dad. So if your child came out looking like that, that was how they explained it. Really? Yes. Most children don't come out. I mean, they do come out small, but ugly and hairy. Some come out pretty hairy. Do they? Yeah. Danny DeVito. Yeah. Wow. Yes. So a demon implies he fits into the is the Hierarchy of devils and angels or that's not part of it. No because that's more Catholicism
Starting point is 00:27:10 So demons just sort of catch all word for like yeah throughout different, you know religions as they believe the demon was bad basically That's how they went with it So and obviously something that has a dick that wrap around its body several times and impregnate you while you're sleeping would be a bad thing for most people. Good to be the demon, I guess. You're groupie. Nothing but W's, you're stacking them up. That was Paraguay. Can you look up what the biggest religion is in Paraguay?
Starting point is 00:27:45 Yes. what the biggest religion is in Paraguay? Yes, and just to preface this, most of this was during the early colonization of Paraguay, so between 1500s and the early 1800s. So that was mostly when Karupi was prominent for about 300 years. Karupi messed with dudes or just women? Just women, just women. Yeah, he's not Papabawa. There was no anal dudes or just women? Just women. Just women. Yeah, he's not Papabawa. There was no, there's no anal rape, just impregnation. Yes.
Starting point is 00:28:09 Roman Catholic is the dominant religion in Paraguay. Yeah, I think after a while with all the colonization that took place, Roman Catholic became the predominant religion. But for a while, it's like Staten Island. It was Kuruppy. See, if he now, if Kuruppy was in America, he would, we would definitely, he would not be allowed to just only rape women.
Starting point is 00:28:27 No. He would have to be like, you know. He'd put the gay in Paraguay. It's Paraguay. Well, Roman Catholics, they don't really fuck with that stuff. They're still holding the line. Yeah, but he's not a part of the Catholicism lore though. True. Yeah, that's true.
Starting point is 00:28:47 I don't know. Even our demons have to. So he basically looks like a human other than his shlong. No, he's much shorter. He's short, ugly hair. Come on, the TST town, we have some fucking short members of what I want to be. Short, hairy, and boom. Some would say grotesquely, shit.
Starting point is 00:29:05 Right? So, but you wouldn't be able to tell, like if... But do they get the big dick? You can't really tell. You can't really tell because he wraps around his waist. But no, but his son. But his kids. Oh, big. Yeah, if he passes the month. Yes, it actually, um, hold on. So it does say that they do inherit his, well, inherits his virility, doesn't necessarily say his dick, but his virility, so his ability to impregnate people, I would assume they would get the giant dick.
Starting point is 00:29:31 The package. Yeah. Do you know when the last time somebody spotted him, like the last known recount? It's in the mid 1800s. So it's been over a hundred years since he struck. Since Kuruppy, yeah. Well, I mean- Since the last guy was like, bullshit.
Starting point is 00:29:44 So what happened? What did they say happened to him? over a hundred years since he's since carupi. Yeah. Well, since the last guy was like bullshit. So what happened? What did they say happened to him? Why'd he stop? A lot of it was the religion taking over like the Roman Catholic religion, but also a lot of it was just fucking they ruin everything. Everything. Yeah. No more carupi. And obviously just as, you know, things progress, some just become, you know become handed down stories as opposed to actual belief. And I think he sort of fell by the wayside of more myth than cautionary tale. But if he just wore trousers, you would never be able to tell he was a demon, though. I think you might have to wear a shirt, too. Mascot's demon, just put the pants on somebody.
Starting point is 00:30:24 Right? You might have to wear a shirt. Mascot's demon. You should put your pants on somebody. Right? I mean, he basically could blend into normal life if he just kept his pants on. So maybe he just became, you know, he went into hiding in plain sight. Yes. Okay. All right. Definitely could be a possibility.
Starting point is 00:30:39 He stopped maybe running around the woods. He became a more civilized. He's like, you know what, man? Like, I'm taking a chance. Every time I put my dick through a window Taking a chance of someone catching me here. That is true. So what I mean, so that brings up What would you guys do with a dick that big? I? Mean, I'm not gonna mess with the formula. It seems like
Starting point is 00:31:01 I imagine more laziness from you Brian. I expected you to like open the refrigerator make a sandwich. Yeah I keep seeing you guys. I don't know if you guys remember it, but remember in I love Lucy when the bread came out of the fucking oven Mm-hmm I Can't imagine that I would use it in That manner though. Oh, get him just pulled a picture of Karupi up. He looks like the.
Starting point is 00:31:29 He doesn't look like he could blend in. No, even with pants. Oh, it does. It really does. It kind of looks like that thing that Walt used to be scared of. Zuni Fetish doll. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:37 Zuni Fetish doll from Don't Be Afraid of the Dark. Yeah. No. Trilogy of Terror. Trilogy of Terror, yeah. It's like Crumpy. Looks a little. What happened to it? Yeah, where'd he go? Oh God, Karupi. Uh, uh, uh, it's like crumpy. Yeah. Where'd he go?
Starting point is 00:31:47 Oh God. Kuruppy. And there he is. So is that the mummified remains? That's his dick wrapped around him. Yeah. It's a thin dick. He's got a bit of a pencil dick.
Starting point is 00:31:57 If you want to, uh, look it up, it's K U R U P I. That is true. Yeah. It's not about birth. That is true. Yeah. That's what you're talking about. It's all how you use it. I probably would go into like, I would have to go into porn though.
Starting point is 00:32:12 I would think that would be a sensation. But it would really be like that fetish porn though, right? I mean, you couldn't do mainstream. You don't think mainstream? You don't think mainstream would be up for that? You know, a dick so big it wraps around his body? That can get in windows? Yeah. I think after a certain length, people are turned off.
Starting point is 00:32:27 Yeah. Like really turned off. Yeah. And if you can wrap it around your waist, it's reached that length. Where have all the size queens gone? That they're turned off now, but I'll tell you what, if I lived in, in this country, I would make my girlfriend call me. Karupi?
Starting point is 00:32:42 Yeah. I make her call me. Oh, a little bit like... That's right. You know, he kind of resembles Krumpy. That's what I said, yeah. Did you say Krumpy? Yeah. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:32:54 I wonder if Krumpy... The name starts with a K? Yeah. Did we accidentally... Yeah. Can you look at his dick? It's very, very tiny, get him, Sam. All right. Maybe it was... I'll be It's very very tiny, get him, Sam.
Starting point is 00:33:07 Maybe it was uh... I'll be the judge of that. He was cut off when he was murdered. Oh yeah, we'll have to look into this. We may have the Karupi. Like an angry fucking husband of a woman who claimed it was Krumpy. Nobody's seen him either, so that would explain a lot. Maybe we have a Karumpy carcass. Yeah, maybe you guys have been marketing it the wrong way. Yeah, I mean, if you market this thing as a dick so
Starting point is 00:33:29 big it wraps around his body, you're gonna get lines out the door in airport plaza. Certainly didn't fucking see any bump. Bad marketing. It was a really like it was a non needle mover carumpi did nothing to the bottom line for the stash. Yeah. I mean, other stash. I enjoy the picture of him carrying it in a wheelbarrow. That one in the second row.
Starting point is 00:33:55 Yeah, that's a good one. I've seen guys like with elephant Titus of the balls doing that. But that's no fun. Is that a disease that's been eradicated? Elephantitis? I don't think so in some African countries. I'll bet you it's still around. What the cause is that? I don't know. Is it a virus? I don't really know what it is. I mean, I would assume maybe like a, I don't know, it could be like a bacteria. Like if you're walking around a bear feet and you stepped in elephant
Starting point is 00:34:20 shit. That your balls get... And you had a cut on the bottom of your foot. Okay. So you got infected? You get giant balls. And then you can get. Some kind of bacteria. Yeah. I don't think that's it. No, it doesn't seem right. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:34:32 There's, there's diseases where if you're walking around barefoot. Oh, well there's plenty of diseases. Yes. Feces or fecal matter from an animal that can get into your body, your, your bloodstream that way. Yep. Yeah. And I think that's how you get elephantitis though.
Starting point is 00:34:44 I don't know about that part. It has to be specifically elephantitis. I like that. It's the connection. Let me see here. Or have they eradicated that as a, like with a shot or something by no? That can't be, that can't be fun though. Come down with a case of elephantitis.
Starting point is 00:35:05 How we know. That can't be fun, no. Come down with a case of elmetitis. No. It's a parasitic infection transmitted by the bite of an infected mosquito. That probably stepped in shit. Yeah, it probably was the abs. He got his little... Elephant shit. ... mosquito shit. We can eliminate that then.
Starting point is 00:35:19 That's easy enough. And God hasn't come to America. Infection with parasites classified as nematodes. Nematodes. Nematodes. Nematodes, yeah, you see them on Spongebob. They're the bad guys. Yeah, infected mosquitoes. Interesting.
Starting point is 00:35:33 Shit. And you learn shit on this show. That's the problem with last week. We didn't learn anything. We were upset. What'd you guys do last weekend? Well, they were annoyed that, you know, Nichelle talked about his bed for an hour and a half. Oh, his expensive bed?
Starting point is 00:35:46 Is that what happened? Listen, I enjoyed it because I have the exact same bed. So I have a Tempur-T, a Tempur-Pedic bed. Yeah, the old people bed. No, don't fucking do it again. I'm not saying that. Alright, do you have anything else for us to like anything you guys want to like? Anything more about Kharupi?
Starting point is 00:36:09 Well he's essentially a rapist. So if we're gonna, you know, he's got to, if he wants to make a comeback, he's got to change. He's got to be like mothers who can't get pregnant are asking him to come. He's got a- They're praying. They're praying. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:36:28 So he becomes like the patron saint. Yes, he's granting boons, not rape. Oh, like he's seeing the error of his ways. So husband and wife, they can't pregnant. They're like, oh man, I hope Karupi shows up and fucking knocks her clean. Okay. Let's say you're trying to start a family. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:36:42 And I tell you like- And I'm trying, I can't get it done. You can't get it done, it's your fault. All right. No doubt about it. Shooting blanks. Yeah. Okay.
Starting point is 00:36:52 Would you be okay with a little three foot demon with a fucking hundred foot long shlong? Can I watch? And record. I mean, you might not even see it. He might just open the window. Yeah. And then do you tell the family?
Starting point is 00:37:10 Do you like, you know, That it's Kirupi's baby? The Kirupi kid comes out and looks all hairy and short. I think you're going to find out pretty quick. No, no, no, no, it's Q as in Q. Q-Rupi. Q-Rupi. I thought you were blanks. That's what I looked like shooting blanks.
Starting point is 00:37:25 That's what I looked like as a baby. I mean, what are you going to do? You want a kid? You want a kid? You know, if it's got to be Krupi. I still think I'd be like, you know, we can adopt baby. I'm not going to let this, I cannot abide by this. That's a little much to ask.
Starting point is 00:37:44 She's like, go in the other room, Karupi's here. You're still here. I guess I'll just sit outside the room. Got cucked out by a little demon. Yeah. Terrible. You got to go sit in the chair. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:37:58 Yeah. So maybe, you know, maybe, maybe there's a comeback for Karupi, but not as a, not as a mythical rapist. I want to know if the guys in the village got together and were like, did you get Karupi too? Because I did. At least that's what I'm being told. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:38:11 Everyone but this one short hairy guy is like, yeah, no, my wife didn't get Karupi'd. It looks like a cobra wrapped around his back. It does, yeah. It does. Yeah. The Biolabs relationship- It looks like Yoda right there. That's his green, the ears.
Starting point is 00:38:25 Even the eyebrow. If you look at the original art or the concept art for Yoda, that's what he looked like. He had long hair and a really bad fucking bang job. What do you think this says about Yoda's penis size? It's under that. You think he's based on it? Under that tunic?
Starting point is 00:38:41 Yeah. Wrapped around him. Jedi Master fuck man Yeah, I don't have much more for crew you guys ready for story number two yeah Let's do it as we got three if we got three let me do a couple and all right I thought you were doing seven because the seven pillars fucker you read the table I Gotta pee while you do ads. Okay. Is that gonna be
Starting point is 00:39:05 all right? Oh, no. It's gonna be just fine. Oh, get your head in the game. Abba and Eve, Adam and Eve, Adam and Eve, who wants better sex and who wants to start having better sex immediately? The best way to get started is to go to right now. Adam and Eve is offering 50% off just about any item plus free shipping, which includes rush processing. More than that, Adam and Eve wants to make your life easy.
Starting point is 00:39:31 They offer discrete shipping as your privacy is a free shipping and rush processing on your entire order. I don't know what that means. It doesn't matter how much you spend or what you buy, all will be packaged and sent discreetly for free and fast. And don't wait, Better Sex is just a click away. That's 50% off one item, free shipping with Rush Processing.
Starting point is 00:39:53 Bring more pleasure and satisfaction into your bedroom. Just go to and select any one item. It could be an adventurous new toy or anything you desire. Just enter offer code TESD at checkout. That's T-E-S-D, T-D, TESD at This is an exclusive offer specific to this podcast. So be sure to use code TESD to get your discount, 100% free shipping and get it with fast rush processing code TESD.
Starting point is 00:40:18 Then we have, uh, we got, speaking of manscaped, we got manscaped again. Jimmy the hair guy texted me this morning. He said he bought one. He's going hairless all over. How come? I don't know. Getting ready for that wedding. I think he's getting ready for the wedding.
Starting point is 00:40:32 He wants to be nice and smooth like a seal. Yeah. The latest masterpiece from Manscaped, the Lawn Mower 5.0 Ultra is forged gold. Welcome to the golden era of grooming where precision, luxury, and performance meet. In a world where grooming tools come and go Manscaped is setting the gold standard with the special edition trimmer
Starting point is 00:40:49 If you want to get make your grooming routine a statement of sophistication and style This is the tool you need just a quick PSA though. There are limited quantities of gold Tom It's not just for anybody It's not just for anybody. Uh, step into the golden era with the lawnmower 5.0 ultra gold. These blades just aren't about looks. They're engineered for excellence. The updated trimmer features, features blades that are longer, wider and
Starting point is 00:41:15 rounded teeth to tackle hair effortlessly while the foil blade provides, provides a sleek, smooth finish. I'm having trouble with this today. First, the updated trimmer blade features what they just said that this is what I don't like about these ad reads man is that they're like here's the fucking bullet point. Here's the next bullet point exactly the same fucking thing. The pony's coming out. Mm-hmm. It's like having two trimmers in one making sure you're always in your golden era without breaking the
Starting point is 00:41:43 bank. The Lone Mower 5.0 Ultra Gold isn't just about luxury, it's packed with functionality. Has an LED light, which I know Giddim loves. Dual temperature function to illuminate even the trickiest spots while adding a touch of elegance to your grooming routine. Those new LED lights also feature... See? They did it again. Same point, just the next fucking asterisk down.
Starting point is 00:42:06 Okay, this stuff we don't need to know. If you buy it, you read, I'll tell you what, if you buy it, then you should. Read the instructions, because half of what's in this fucking ad copy is just something that you can read and don't need to know right now. I know you wanna move on, so let's do it. Are you sure we're gonna get paid for that?
Starting point is 00:42:22 No, we're gonna get paid, don't worry. And if we're not. That level of, are we certain we're gonna get paid for that? We're gonna get paid. Don't worry. And if we're not... Are we certain we're gonna get paid for this? This isn't the company, man. This is the spot writer who just like writes the same shit over and over again. LED, turn it on, light it up, clean it up. We're falling apart, man. The wheels just about fell off. What happened? What happened? There's these ad copies. It's like they'll say something about you know Like a point about the product and then the next bullet point will be the exact same thing except in different words So that's what's that's what's gotten me going. Hey, can I ask you a question Tom about perupi?
Starting point is 00:42:55 Let's say Nancy comes to work and she's like and she's really dressed like, you know Five buttons down now five buttons mini skirt. that's basically showing that she used Manscape. All right. You can tell she used Manscape. It's so short. Did she use the LED lights on it? And she's, well, hold on. Don't you have to worry about that?
Starting point is 00:43:12 Oh, gotcha. And you have to go tell her, yeah, this is not appropriate. It's higher for work. And she's like, well, my religion says I can dress like this because I worship Karube. Karube. Karube. Karube. Whatever the fuck she's doing.
Starting point is 00:43:23 He needs like easy access? Oh, she's like, no, no you know what you just place a religion card she's like my god i got i don't let it go then he got a little and i i do have a question about me when you get down there either okay let me finish up my own demands now let's get the will go back
Starting point is 00:43:42 uh... has a rechargeable l i i onion battery, RPM technology for top notch performance, USB-C charging and a comprehensive three level battery life indicator. And the best part, it's still waterproof making for an easy cleanup. Join the 10 million men worldwide who trust Manscaped for all their grooming needs and get the special edition lawn mower 5.0 Ultra
Starting point is 00:43:59 in forged gold while supplies last. And you get 20% off plus free shipping with the code T-E-S-D at That's 20% off plus free shipping with the code TESD at That's 20% off plus free shipping with the code TESD at So my question was Adam and Eve. So I know that some of these places have like those weird sex toys like of like mythical creatures, like Loch Ness Monster. Do they have a Karupi? And if not, who do we contact to start getting TESD
Starting point is 00:44:27 money to get a Karupi one of me that we could sell? What is the product? Adam and Eve. So they have those like dildos that are in the shape of like a loch. Yeah. I don't know if Adam and Eve sells them directly, but I've seen those
Starting point is 00:44:43 like weird dildos of like mythical creatures. And you're coming down on Nancy? Not if it's a religion. What religion are you? Not if it's a religion. Yeah. No, my thinking is just money.
Starting point is 00:44:54 Oh, look at these fucking things. Look, look, look, go back, go back. So yeah, bad dragon. There it is. See, look, the dragon, there's a tentacle. So my question, see? Wow. See? Can we get in, can Adam and Eve put out a special Karupi and maybe we can get like half of it like TESD sponsors it? Well, why? Karupi's public domain. Well, I mean, no one's thought
Starting point is 00:45:17 about making a Karupi dildo, so I'm sure we can TM it right now. Plus, we have his body. Exactly. We can, you know, we can do do we don't get credit for that. I You want to look into it, huh? I'll reach out that one Can we have Mary Beth reach out to Adam and Eve? Reach out the fan roll. Yeah, like every other day. It seems like yeah, they asked for silicone dice You can't ask for a silicone cock. That's true. I could which I That is true. I could. Wait, should I reach up the fan roll for that? Or should I reach out to, oh, gotcha. Cover both, all your faces. These are fucking crazy.
Starting point is 00:45:50 I ordered something similar to this. Duke's paw. Did you? For Mary Beth for Valentine's Day. Diego the Dire one? It was alien inspired. When I got it, I was like, this is not happening. Really?
Starting point is 00:45:59 It was so big, I couldn't fucking believe it. Right. Oh my God. Now it's just a fucking ornament. So Karupi's not girt though, Karupi. Look at the T-Rex one. Go up, what the fuck? Who would put that? Stand the T-Rex. I couldn't fucking believe it. Right. Oh my God. That was just a fucking ornament. So Karupi's not good though. Look at the T-Rex one. Go up.
Starting point is 00:46:07 What the fuck? Who would put that? Stand the T-Rex. Wow. Yeah, go to. You're assuming these are for the ladies. I'm hoping. We'll have to talk to Adam and Eve to get them on this carupy deal.
Starting point is 00:46:27 Wow, you could fucking alien them. You got the mail one. There you go. Sandworm. Jesus Christ. Dune. Oh, get them. There you go.
Starting point is 00:46:38 What's the name of that fucking world? Or is it called Dune? Arrakis. You can fucking put your dick in a dragon's mouth. Hazel the werewolf? Look man, I don't like to whatever people are into. I'm all for it. You're not gonna kink shame, are you? I'm not gonna kink shame. I don't get this one but I'm not here to fucking tell anybody not to do it. That's a lot of choices we
Starting point is 00:47:02 got there. Alright. I'm just saying. I'm trying to bring in some money for you guys. Lots of mythical dildos. Alright. So number two, have you heard that Vladimir Putin, in charge of Russia, right? Got that? Yeah, president. Yes.
Starting point is 00:47:18 That he... Former KGB. Yes. Is either a time traveler or immortal. Well, I know that he played Russians, greatest hockey players in a game. He was like, and he beat them all, right? He beat them all. He scored eight goals by himself. Yes.
Starting point is 00:47:35 Oh, it's just like a, like a North Korea thing where. No, no, no. He's that good at hockey. Oh, he is. If he wasn't the president of Russia, he would be the NHL's greatest hockey player ever. Better than Gretzky-Lemieux combined. He's that good.
Starting point is 00:47:48 I saw highlights of him. Oh, it's not like a North Korean thing? No, no. He's really fucking awesome. Ovechkin, you know, harder shot than Ovechkin. Or maybe, or it's possible they weren't trying. So what he learned that is, so get him as popped up on the screen, get him if you can zoom, yep, right there.
Starting point is 00:48:05 So in case anyone's wondering, if you Google Putin Time Traveler, you can see a picture of 1920, 1941, and 2015 of, I brought a little physical evidence, Walt, if you'd like a little bit easier and know for your readers. So the picture from 1920 is of a Russian soldier during the Civil War. Then 1941 was during World War II. And then a current picture of Vladimir Putin. And if you notice, same structure, same nose, same everything. This is compelling. I'm going to throw a really good one at it. You ready for the big one? This is not the big one. This is not the big one.
Starting point is 00:48:44 Is there something bigger than this? Because this is fucking guaranteed. This is real. the big one. Oh, a really good one at it. You ready for the big one? This is this is not the big one. This is not the big one. Something bigger than this because this is fucking guaranteed. This is real. The holy grail. Are you ready? Yeah. Why do I feel like Tom
Starting point is 00:48:56 and Walter just talking to each other? I don't even need to be here. I'll give this to Q. I'll give this to Q first. Alright. Look at the Mona Lisa and Vladimir Putin. Oh, whoa. Tell me, not the same person. Compelling. It looks pretty similar. All right, but I don't get why that's the big news, though.
Starting point is 00:49:12 So he's been around since then. He's been around. So he is the original. He was the inspiration. So he was a chick first? Well, not a chick, but could have been in a lifetime, but he was the inspiration. Look at that bone structure. Everything matches.
Starting point is 00:49:29 So gender is fluid. Yes. He's immortal. Oh my God. He's been around forever. They've been telling the truth the whole time. So why is he only hanging out in Russia though if he's this big time time traveler. Well, it differs whether he's a time traveler or just a mortal. Was the Mona Lisa, who was it painted by?
Starting point is 00:49:52 Da Vinci, wasn't it? Da Vinci, okay. Michelangelo? I think it's Da Vinci. Da Vinci. Yeah. I mean, I could be wrong. What the fuck do I know about that?
Starting point is 00:50:00 No, I think it is. I think it is. The Magenham who painted the Mona Lisa? Da Vinci. Da Vinci. Da Vinci. Da Vinci. So Da Vinci imputed. Da Vinci code, right? Isn't that like, Mona Lisa was part of that?
Starting point is 00:50:08 There's like hidden things inside of it, I believe. Now was Da Vinci poking Mona Lisa? I don't know, maybe. There's a strong possibility. Why else would you paint a picture? I bet you he fucking, he probably killed Da Vinci to keep the secret. Possibly. I've also read that.
Starting point is 00:50:26 The nerve agent. Look for the nerve agent. Deliver it to an umbrella tip. Because that's his go-to. Yeah, it is. It is. Loves to use the nerve agents. He does.
Starting point is 00:50:35 I've read that Da Vinci, it's the, the Mona Lisa is a, is a self-portrait too. I've read that. Oh, it's Da Vinci. It's actually Da Vinci. It's just a self-portrait as a girl. So do you think maybe DaVinci and Putin are the same person then? It could be. That probably is. Yeah. Layers upon layers. But why would- It's like an onion cue. Yeah. I hate to be this guy. Well, you've done it for years, so yeah. I hate it, but yeah, you always are. You always go right to this. I always go to the names of questions. I'm just asking questions. We're still allowed to do that, right?
Starting point is 00:51:06 For now. Why would a guy who is functionally immortal bother becoming president of anything? And like wouldn't you want to A, keep a low profile and B, like why would he want all that work and responsibility? Like I mean, I would think low profile would be the way to go. Probably get bored if you're immortal. So, yes, so I thought about this because I actually got in your head a little bit and thought this is some of the questions that Q is going to come at it. Let's think about that.
Starting point is 00:51:37 Okay. So obviously, if you're immortal, you're going to get very bored, right? So you're going to take chances. But here's where you got to look at it. Nothing really lasts forever as far as think about this. TSD is going to last forever. Absolutely. Watch your mouth.
Starting point is 00:51:54 Wait. In 30 years time, if you went into a coma and woke up 30 years later, you would have missed CDs completely, correct? Wait, why am I have stars left in it? And I was thinking about a joke about denim. So if you were in a coma 30 years ago and woke up, you could have realistically missed CDs almost completely, right? The whole medium of CDs. Sure.
Starting point is 00:52:21 Live Aid. You missed a lot. Yes, obviously. But what I'm going is though, the fact that there is... Farm Aid. Live Aid. You missed a lot. Yes, obviously. But what I'm going is though, the fact that there is... Barn Aid. Thank you. There's no medium that lasts forever.
Starting point is 00:52:33 So in essence, even social media, think about how it's evolved in five years, TikTok to Facebook to everything that's gone. All it's got to do is disappear for 10, 15 years. Everything changes, everything goes away. Nothing, you get pictures like this, but I mean, all they have to do is go, well, that's not me, and that's it. Yeah, but I mean, I would see that if like he wasn't picking one of the most famous men
Starting point is 00:52:56 on the planet. So you disappear for 10 years, you die. You think 10 years is enough? You die 15 years later, you come back, you start somewhere small, you build up again. Hey, you look like, but like, what is the point? Like he's aging? Well, that depends. I mean, some, some immortals have the ability to age and age when necessary. Okay. So, okay. Not aging, not aging per se. It's more of a change of their status. So they can appear to be older and appear to be younger.
Starting point is 00:53:27 They're not actually like their actual physical. Let me ask you this. Walt just brought up a great clue. Of course. Absolutely, thank you. So you tell me, when did this take place? This hockey event, this hockey event. Oh gosh, a couple of years ago, at least 10 years ago.
Starting point is 00:53:44 Okay, so 10 years ago, Putin's I believe in I believe he also wrestled the bear too yes so one Putin's I think 70 years old now is that correct get him can you can check on that but I think to answer your question Q why is he the president why is he want this responsibility and to be doing it so violently and badly I think badly is in the eye of the beholder if you're looking at what he thinks he's doing. Well, I guess we can tell who's not for your pain. That's not what I meant. That's not what I meant by that. Oh, wow.
Starting point is 00:54:13 I don't see your Ukrainian pig. Every villain thinks they're the hero of their own story. But he may be on a mission. And this is part of the mission, whatever he's trying to achieve right now. And he to do to complete the mission, he has to become president of Russia. Maybe we don't know the long game. It's probably a game plan here rather than him just being nilly-willy. Oh, I'm going to be the president now. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:54:41 But what, but my thinking is, so you're saying, I mean, if in it, if he's 60 years, if he's 70 years old now, and this hockey game took place 10 years ago and 10 years ago, he was 60 years old and he beat some of the best Russian players that are in their prime in their 20s and 30s. That's remarkable. 60 year olds don't do that. You know who does that? Immortals that don't actually age. They just change their appearance. Yeah, but what about like if I was immortal and I was an You know who does that? Immortals that don't actually age. They just change their appearance.
Starting point is 00:55:05 Yeah, but what about like, if I was immortal and I was an immortal being, like the first thing I would make sure is that I don't lose my hair. This guy's fucking walking around with a horseshoe like a middle manager. That's how you change it. That's how you change. That's how you fuck. Listen, he's not dumb. If you stay the exact same age, he's been running Russia for over 25 years now.
Starting point is 00:55:23 You have to slowly physically have hair like Brad no come on why not he draws attention yeah exactly you age look at this fucker shows this isn't calling attention to yourself he's shooting fucking hot always gonna do is yeah but he's aging he doesn't look the same way you can age and still have your hair no Is my point. Some people do, some people don't. It makes it easier to hide. Right, but an immortal fucking... How is it easier to hide? I don't think he's even hiding. It doesn't seem like it.
Starting point is 00:55:48 Maybe this is the end game. Who knows? I don't know, maybe this is the last end of it. Oh god, who's checking him against the fucking... No one. Yeah, you end up in a fucking gulag. Or you fall out a window. Oh, look at this.
Starting point is 00:56:02 Falls over on victory lap. I mean, who's blocking this guy's fucking? It is nuts. Look at the way they're playing. Oh my god, he's like a little leaguer. That is so fucking funny. It looks like he's wearing a diaper, he's moving so slow.
Starting point is 00:56:19 He scored eight goals that game. Nobody is there to stop him. They're there. Who's going to stop him? They're not there to stop game. Yeah. And nobody is there to stop them. They're there. Who's going to stop them? They're not there to stop them. Wow. So, so any credibility to this immortal theory? I don't think so. I mean, the Mona Lisa, I mean, look at these pictures. I think you could also put Joe Gatto's picture next to the Mona Lisa and it looks similar. You don't have to assume that he's immortal. You could just assume that he's a time traveler.
Starting point is 00:56:46 That's what I said. It could be either way. I mean, I don't know the truth of his mission. Time travel makes a little bit more, oh, he fell. What a dirt. He fell on the rug. Oh, what an asshole. Oh my God.
Starting point is 00:56:56 He's got to feel like such a prick. How could you not, like, that has to be the height of narcissism, right? To be like, we're going to play hockey. We're going to go so soft on him that he's going to score eight goals. Yeah, that's weird. You don't think they would have did that to Reagan at the height of...
Starting point is 00:57:12 I don't know. Reaganomics, they wouldn't let him go down and score a bunch of goals. Isn't that what you did for Get Um 600 Travel? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Joe Gatto, at least. It looks like the Mona Lisa, man. It's Joe Gatto at the Mona Lisa.
Starting point is 00:57:25 It looks like the Mona Lisa, man. It's Joe Gatto at time traveling. I don't know. All right. Oh, speaking of Gatto, he said something very nice to me. He said, you know, his comedy special is on YouTube and it's doing really well. And he said, so many people will come up to him, our aunts. He's like, I'm getting a lot of support from, tell him Steve Dave.
Starting point is 00:57:44 That's awesome. Yeah. So yeah, thank you guys. He called me up to him or ants he's like I'm getting a lot of support from tell him Steve Dave that's awesome yeah so yeah thank you guys he called me up to tell me that he was like I just hear it every day so thank you guys for support now boy I really appreciate it so what do you think the end game is for Putin with all with this Ukrainian war though Tom as the overkill maestro or Tom for short. Well, if he's a time traveler and maybe he can see the future. No, no, serious. I don't want to joke. I know you know. If he sees the future. Well, he's a time traveler, so he absolutely could take a jaunt to the future
Starting point is 00:58:21 and see the missteps and everything. Correct. So maybe if whatever he's doing is keeping other things at bay. So he has to do this. He has to fight this war. I mean, I don't want to get too serious about involving actual people dying into the overkill. I promise you your words will have zero impact on the real world by frame. Don't worry about it. You're not doing anything.
Starting point is 00:58:53 Have we told the overkill maestro's real name because it's have we ever revealed your real name? I don't think so. Okay, so you don't have to worry about it. Yeah, no, because it's mispronounced every time. Yeah. But what do you think the end game is? Like, we were told that the Ukrainian War was only going to last a week. By some pundits.
Starting point is 00:59:12 Q stood by them, if you recall. Yeah. We're drifting out of it. We're drifting out of war. How long is this war going on? Two. It seems like there's no end in sight either. I think we're closer to the end than the beginning.
Starting point is 00:59:30 How so? This is where I know this is where people want to hear. Yeah, this is exactly what they want to hear about the Ukrainian war. They'd rather hear about Nachele's bed. Yeah. I'd like to come back as another overkill and they're like fuck Tom in Ukraine. I don't get it has strong feelings Can you cut can you weigh in get him about like where are we at in the Ukrainian war? How long it's been a long time?
Starting point is 00:59:54 No, you don't want to weigh in huh gun shy huh saw a couple bad posts All anymore Beat up where right it ready. Oh my god a hundred fucking comments cuz the last week General misinformation that he likes to fucking his reddit his reddit comments are uh... vomit out onto the internet are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are are you can block, could you block people? Why are you, why is there a single person left to talk ****? Free speech. Answer to man's question on Mike, please. I'm a benevolent ruler. Oh, but you don't have to be. You mean you could just
Starting point is 01:00:55 go on Reddit and every cocksucker that's that's talking bad, you could just ban. Yes. And you don't. From the subreddit, yes. Well, what's the difference between a subreddit and a Reddit? And Reddit on a whole, I can only do our subreddit. Oh, well, of course. Yeah. You can do that.
Starting point is 01:01:07 Yeah. Why don't you do that? What the fuck are we? I don't like to interfere. I mean, to be fair though, they could probably just circumvent it, make a new reddit, and all the banned people could just go over there. Well, that's all right. Who cares?
Starting point is 01:01:20 Well, then they'll really go to town on it. Maybe bans everybody? Oh man, I don't know, but you're living life wrong. You think so? Oh, you think the fact that... That counts as otherwise. The deal is that he isn't banning assholes on Reddit. That's the thing that tells you he's living life wrong.
Starting point is 01:01:40 Just take it a beautiful... No, he's an asshole for going on Reddit, to begin with. Like, first step I would be like, just don't go on. But then if you're gonna go on... He cannot help himself. He goes on and he's not even posting in TSD. Like he's getting fucking beat up and slapped around for posting on other Reddits.
Starting point is 01:02:01 Oh, they looked up his... Yeah, yeah, yeah. And they're following the breadcrumbs. You know, he's got to use his own account next time. What stupid shit is he saying? Oh, God. There are people who have followed my comments for years. I had one guy go back 12 years to find a post that I made to find something that offended him. That's how far they go. Why don't you like just block? I don't understand. Yeah, just
Starting point is 01:02:27 block everybody, dude. He has a sense of morality, though. Get him and he doesn't feel that's the proper way to handle things. censorship is not in get him's you know, on his in his admirable his tool belt sounds like self-flagellation at this point, but But we've seen censorship works though. Yeah in eight episodes without
Starting point is 01:02:55 We're not looking to suppress fucking society ideas People stop talking shit about our friend I mean, that's why these things are put in place. That says a lot though. He could ban people that are talking shit about him, but he just lets it go on. And aren't you always saying that that you, I told you. We're all constantly getting. Yeah. So like, why don't you just be like, you can't say that shit about my friends and
Starting point is 01:03:18 block them. There's more about free speech. If you go on Reddit during work work hours you have to start doing that Which work hours like these work hours or when he does his nightly to know the ones I pay him for Wow, okay. All right. So is anything before we think I was time traveler immortal So you would keep a low profile. I lean towards time traveler. I don't think he's immortal. I think he had a facelift. Probably. And I don't think an immortal would have to get a facelift. So I think he could be more of a time
Starting point is 01:03:54 traveler than immortal. And I believe the Mona Lisa thing, that's spooky. I don't have an explanation for that. I don't know why, why on earth he's is she put is such a fucking man's man? Why would he allow Da Vinci to paint him as a woman? He's he's a man's man in this lifetime. Oh You gotta mix stuff up Or what did they do in North Korea? Hello, comrade. You ordered a sandwich? Oh, hold on.
Starting point is 01:04:29 Let me just wipe it off my greasy hand all over this fucking doorknob of yours. Even as a kid- You call Putin not a man in any era he lives in. Suddenly you're dead at Nancy's feet, dying, looking up her skirt. Even as a kid reading like Ra's al Ghul and Vandal Savage and these immortal characters, even as a kid I was like, if I was immortal, I would do none of this. I mean, at least Ra's al Ghul is like, kind of like, I got to save the planet by killing people.
Starting point is 01:05:03 But like Vandal Savage just wants to run the world, right? Yeah, most immortals do why I'd rather be like fuck that That's what you're like now and you're not immortal. Yeah, but I put money And it was just growing growing grow over fucking thousands of years I'd be as rich as I want like I wouldn't want to be him Like I would learn like what do you just want to chill the fuck out? You just see how how fragile life is. And you're like, man, I can make the world better. I can make it better.
Starting point is 01:05:28 You know, I have the power to do it. I'm the only one who can. Yeah. Sure. Or chill the fuck out. You know, one or the other, I guess. Yeah. Maybe it speaks to a lack of ambition.
Starting point is 01:05:44 It could be, you know, I mean, I mean, not running a country is not for everybody. No, I don't think so. But maybe he takes like every other lifetime to chill the fuck out. So maybe we're only catching the ones who are doing things. Maybe every other time he's just like, yeah, no, I'm just gonna chill the fuck out for a hundred years. Yeah, but then he- Sit here and pose for a portrait. Exactly.
Starting point is 01:06:08 Yeah. But he's also kind of a prick. How so? What do you mean, how so? Are we talking about this lifetime in general? I wasn't sure where we were going with this. All those fucking liberal fucking bleeding hearts are running out of my mind too. No, that's not true.
Starting point is 01:06:16 You're a chum. You're a chum, Dad. I hear knives being sharpened. First of all, 100% pro-Ukrainian. That's not where my dad is. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure.
Starting point is 01:06:24 I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm a fucking liberal, fucking leading arts or whatever. No, that's not true. You're a chum. You're a chum, Dad. I got your knives being sharp. First of all, 100% pro-Ukrainian. That's not where my stance was. Hey, you're the one that brought this bill in. I meant where were you going with that? How much more money should we send to Ukraine?
Starting point is 01:06:43 How many more billions, Tom? All the billions they want. How do you feel about Zionism? Let's talk about this for a second. Let's talk about the third. Which actually kind of... Before you do that... Two more.
Starting point is 01:07:04 Two more ads! Awesome! Yeah, do you want to go to the, we got to take a shit? No, I'm good, I'm good. Wait, you guys did TSD last week, I thought you didn't have to double up. That's the complaint. Doubling up? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:07:15 Double dong. Double headed. That's what it feels like in people's ears, right, that would always say it. They're getting double donned. It's too Caribbean. Two ears, two dongs. Get ready. Get ready for the dong, Here it comes in the shape of Mint Mobile. You got to love a great deal if you want to go through Mint Mobile, because it's easy.
Starting point is 01:07:25 There's no hoops, there's no BS. They said it's easy to get wireless for 15 a month with the purchase of a three month plan. So we called them out on it, Tom. That's what's wrong though with society today. No one wants to jump through hoops anymore. No, of course not. Hoops are annoying.
Starting point is 01:07:33 But hoops made us who we were. We're not going to be able to get wireless for 15 a month. We're going to be able to get wireless for 15 a month. We're going to be able to get wireless for 15 a month. We're going to be able to get wireless for 15 a month. We're going to be able to get wireless for 15 a month. We're going to be able to get wireless for 15 a month. We're going to be able to get wireless for 15 a month.
Starting point is 01:07:41 We're going to be able to get wireless for 15 a month. We're going to be able to get wireless for 15 a month. We're going to be able to get wireless for 15 a month. We're going to be able to get wireless for 15 a month. We're going to be able to get wireless for 15 a month. We're going to be able to get wireless for 15 a month. We're going to be able to get wireless though with society today. No one wants to jump through hoops anymore. No, of course not. Hoops are annoying. But hoops made us who we were though, made America great. All the hoops we had to jump through.
Starting point is 01:07:53 So Mint Mobile is actually communist is what you're saying. By taking away the hoops that made America great. Just give us a couple hoops. Dude, I'm on your fucking side. Just give a couple hoops. Yeah. Come on, Mint Mobile. Just making it a little hard for us to have. Yeah on your fucking side. Just give a couple hoops. Yeah. Come on, Mint Mobile. Just make it a little hard for us to have cheap folks sell some.
Starting point is 01:08:07 Yeah, like put in the social security number wrong or something, just to give a little bit of some bullshit. Let's see. It is that easy to get wireless for 15 a month. The longest part of the process was the time he spent on hold breaking up with his old web provider, with his old phone provider, sorry. To get started, go to slash TESD. There you'll see that right now,
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Starting point is 01:09:29 Your most comfortable self this fall starts from the waist down, whether you're gearing up on weekends, spent on the couch watching endless hours of football. Walk. That's me. Yeah. Just sit around in my me undies. We're getting back dogs into the gym routine. That's not comfort is king. That's why this.
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Starting point is 01:09:59 hundreds of five star reviews as your sign that this could be your new favorite boxer brief style Style for everyone. Meandis has a cut for every guy's butt over 10 different styles, ranging from boxer briefs to jock straps to the special pouch underwear called ball caddy that keeps you from bat winging ever again. These cuts come in 100 different colors and prints ranges from black to all over dinosaurs. They have versatile lounge wear. You drink joggers hoods, these ones use them more.
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Starting point is 01:10:49 slash t est that's me undies dot com slash t est for 20% off plus free shipping that's me undies dot com comfort from the outside in that is it no more spots very competently done bud thank. Thank you. Thank you, Q. Real quick before we move on to that third story, though. Back to the war and everything. What? Why do I go back to it? Why are you such a warmonger? What does Ukraine have to do to win the war, in your opinion?
Starting point is 01:11:15 I think, why are we talking about this? Do you fucking think people want to hear about this? I almost fell under the trap of listening. That's not a hot button. That's just so nice. What do they have to do to win anything? I don't know. I'm not in the government to decide these things. Treat the Russians like the dogs they are.
Starting point is 01:11:30 What do you think they have to do to win it? I don't know the answer to this, Walter. No? Okay. No clue. I just thought maybe Maestro of Overkill. Of Overkill, yes. Not real life problems. You had every answer.
Starting point is 01:11:43 No, just the supernatural ones. I wonder if I was to text Will Rogers right now. I wonder if he would know the answer. God bless, let him go right at it. Do you really think that Russia has no good points? What? Nice try. Or you think they have a good point or two?
Starting point is 01:12:02 I... What? Should have kept with point or two. No, I, I, I. What, what? I'm gonna, I'm gonna, I'm gonna, I'm gonna. Should have kept with all dong stories. Oh yeah. No pew-poo stories. That was my mistake, yeah. It's too topical, Tom. Hot button. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:12:13 Well, we're gonna go dong light in this one. So, have you guys ever heard of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn? Secret society. Hermetfordite? No, hermetic. Like hermit? Yes Secret society. Hermaphrodite? No. Hermetic.
Starting point is 01:12:27 Like hermit? Yes. Like they stay away from everybody? It's a word. Hermetic order of the Golden Dawn. No. No? It has nothing to do with hermaphrodites?
Starting point is 01:12:35 Or hermetically sealed? Maybe. Not hermetically sealed. I think hermaphrodite should probably be closer, but we'll see. You know what hermaphrodite is? I am aware of what hermaphrodite is. Have you ever treated one at your job? No, I don't believe so.
Starting point is 01:12:44 Ever dated one? Not that I'm aware of. Yeah, why not? What's ever treated one at your job? No, I don't believe so. Ever dated one? Not that I'm aware of. Why not? What's the problem with you? Why are you so filled with hate? So is it Golden Dawn or Golden Dong? Golden Dawn. Dawn.
Starting point is 01:12:57 Dawn, yes. Is this a cult? This is a one secret society. A secret society that you don't know about, Walt? I don't know if this is just something that he's making up. Maybe. We're going to see. Oh.
Starting point is 01:13:13 Because I thought I knew every secret society. All right. Founded in 1888 in Victoria, England, the Golden Dawn aimed to revive ancient magical traditions blending elements of Kabbalah, alchemy, and Egyptian mysticism. Its structure was that of a mystical school. In 1898, Alistair Crowley joined it. Oh.
Starting point is 01:13:36 Are you aware of Alistair Crowley? Of course. I think so, yes. Yes. And he quickly made his mark. Is he kinda sending to you? No, no, no. Because he asked you a lot of easy stuff that you definitely know. to you? No, no, no. Because he has a lot of easy stuff
Starting point is 01:13:45 that you definitely know. Oh yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah. All of a sudden, yeah, he thinks he's the real maestro. Give him a title. Forget who the real maestro is. Well, your puppets are gonna get a little tangled up. See you guys next March.
Starting point is 01:13:58 We're getting free. Maybe I can come back in 2025 for next time. All right. So when he joined and became their leader, Maybe I can come back in 2025 for next time. All right. So when he joined and became their leader, he made a couple changes to the group. So one of them- He's a Satanist, right? Or just a dark arts. I think he was portrayed as a Satanist, but I think Satanist is how they describe people
Starting point is 01:14:21 that they can't really put in a box. So one of the things he did was something called the Gnostic Mass. So what that is, it's similar to a Catholic mass in the sense that there's a Eucharist, but it's very, very different. So this Eucharist is made out of wafer. Pete Slauson No, this Eucharist is made out of wafer. No to Eucharist as well. Yes. It's the body of Christ. It's that little symbol thing that the priests give the older boys. We're about to make a little U-turn. Wafer, semen, and menstrual blood. Oh, that's the fucking cookie.
Starting point is 01:14:59 I think that's the Catholicism one. That's the same thing Catholicism's made out of. Maybe. They call it the cake of light. That's the same thing Catholicism's made out of. Maybe. They cook it. They call it the Cake of Light. That's the Jizz Cookie, right? Well, it's also got menstrual blood in it, too. So I don't know if you can just call it. Yeah. It's all dry, dehydrated, though?
Starting point is 01:15:15 In the end of it, yes. Or is that a filling? That's a filling. No, I think that it's not like a jelly donut. It is not. No, no, no. I think they dry it out afterwards. Yeah, they don't want their they dry it out afterwards. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:15:25 They don't want their people choking on anything wet. Okay. So all of their members every week would receive a... Cake of light it's called. Cake of light, yes. And it's made out of what again? A wafer. Wafer, which is what, you know...
Starting point is 01:15:37 Semen. Aleister Crowley semen? No. Everyone in the group participates and donates their semen towards that. That definitely sounds like a college frat thing. Which is cooking, right? This is the 1800s, so. And menstrual blood as well.
Starting point is 01:15:51 We should sell TSD town wafers. Yeah, like when kids put their blood in the comic. We can use the jerk off. Yeah. We might like get that approved by the FDA or something. Yeah, that'd be fine. They don't care. Yeah, they sell all kinds of supplements and shit without getting approval from the FDA.
Starting point is 01:16:10 People sell hot sauce all the time. I always wonder, how are they able to get everybody and their brother has a hot sauce. And nobody approves of it, right? That and coffee. Those are the two things, especially podcasts, love to sell that stuff. So why, yeah, so who's to say you can't put semen in your hot sauce? You tell him. No, not me, not me.
Starting point is 01:16:27 Putin. I'll participate as soon as Walt tells me he wants it. Well, let me put this to the table. Would you rather eat a wafer in which you knew there was menstrual blood in it or semen in it? Oh, I don't want any semen in it. You're going menstrual blood no matter what. Give me the blood one, yeah.
Starting point is 01:16:43 Yeah, yeah. The semen's too gay. don't mind for blood no matter what. Give me the blood one. Yeah. Yeah. The semen's too gay? I'm not going to say that. You got this. I already know I can't, you know, semen's not for me. It's just not for me. It's not because of the gay thing. It's just, I mean, I've heard it tastes like salt and everything.
Starting point is 01:17:04 And yeah, I would. It's a seasoning. mean, I've heard it taste like salt and everything. And yeah, I would. It's a seasoning. Yeah. Spice. I don't do well with salt. I get indigestion and a heartburn. But menstrual blood. Menstrual blood, yeah.
Starting point is 01:17:14 I don't know. I mean, I'll give it a shot at least. All right. Okay. That's nothing to do with gayness or anything. It's purely, I just don't want heartburn. I'm not gay. That's not to do with it. Yeah, nothing to do with the gayness or anything. It's purely, I just don't want
Starting point is 01:17:28 heartburn. I'd be gay otherwise. It's the only thing holding me back. What about you, Q? Um I'd probably I mean mean, it's all dried and in the cookie, I'd probably go for the menstrual blood. Yeah. Yeah. I've gone this far in my life without having seen it in my mouth. I'd probably like to...
Starting point is 01:17:54 Finish it. Yeah, I'll finish it. I'll finish the run. It's probably relatively tasteless, but you'd know. Yeah. You'd know you ate it. Man, he'd know. Yeah. Whoever he was. All those guys, ate it. And he'd know. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:18:05 Whoever he was. All those guys, because it's a whole bunch of guys. A bunch of us. Yeah. Yeah, they're all like, hey, Q, how'd it taste? Yeah. What do you mean? Why are you smiling? Who had pineapples last night? Oh, God. Yeah. Whereas menstrual blood, I've probably had it in my mouth already at some
Starting point is 01:18:20 point, you know, so we can do. All right. So here's some of the other rituals that they do. Can you give us more detail? I'm sure everybody listening at home is wondering how. Oh, well, you know, sometimes you just get into everything and then you're halfway through and you're like, oh shit, you're bleeding a little bit. I'm sorry, halfway through when you realize?
Starting point is 01:18:38 Wait a minute, hold on, hold on. So when you say you get into everything, what are you talking about, like the little, the little garbage can in the bathroom? What? No, I meant sex. Like you're getting into... Oh, like a tampon in the fucking...
Starting point is 01:18:49 He's like a raccoon. Yeah. The lights click on and I'm like, what? What are you doing? Well, I would think though that like if you're doing that activity, she would have been kind enough to have been like, you probably don't want to do that. It's not a great time.
Starting point is 01:19:07 Well, I mean, the times that I've been in that situation, it's been early a week. It's been, you know what I mean? And you're in the middle of it. But not in the waste bin in the bathroom where you just fished out an old... No, no. Sucking it out. The pad. Not at all.
Starting point is 01:19:22 You freak. I want to be very clear that I have not, in any way that anybody could prove, I'm digging through trash for tampons. Which one you doing, that or the semen cookie? Uh, wet, a wet tampon or semen cookie? It's moist, moist. So, so not fresh, but... I mean, I, probably at that point I guess I'd go for the cookie.
Starting point is 01:19:44 You're gonna throw, you're gonna throw up otherwise. fresh, but probably at that point, I guess I'd go for the cookie. It just seems like I'll take the shot. You got anyone chocolate chips? Damn it. Only dark chocolate. So wait, but why did you bring this story though? We're getting there. We're getting there. We got more. We derailed. All right. So another one of his things is sexual magic and how to harness it. Alan Moore is into sexual magic. Alan Moore is into sexual magic? Yeah, comic book writer. Yes. I know he's into magic and shit. He's a warlock. Is he? Like an official warlock? Well, I don't know if he can be official, but he practices
Starting point is 01:20:20 magic. So I wonder if any of his sex magic, are you aware of what he does? Let's see if it guides. Maybe he is part of the hermetic order of the golden dawn. He is from England. All right. So this one's called the sleep of Siloam. So what happens is one person is picked and they ingest some drugs, hallucination drugs, and they are brought to the very edge of orgasm multiple multiple multiple times edging if you will again over and over until they get to a point of exhaustion and then they go into this somewhat lucid. What happened to me once I had to get an IV?
Starting point is 01:21:00 I thought that was just because you didn't drink any water. I didn't tell you the real reason. It was sexual exhaustion. I was edging ferociously. All weekend. But wait a minute, you say they are brought, who's they? Like is it just the males or is this females can be brought to the edge? Either one, either one.
Starting point is 01:21:21 So there's a specific person they pick, That's the host that they do it with. And multiple people. In fact, the way it was described in the articles I read was that they have three or four people because sometimes the people doing it actually get tired from bringing these people to that place. Stimulating them. Yes, over and over again. So they have to bring in multiple people to keep doing it. Wow. This goes on for hours Sounds like a Diddy party Do you not want to talk about that? Oh, you getting there? We'll get to it. All right. Okay. So, over and over again, what
Starting point is 01:22:08 happens is eventually they fall into this semi-lucid state in between sleep and consciousness. And during that time, they're able to speak to otherworldly beings. They speak to higher levels of people and that that's what it's through through the ability of that right to the edge of orgasm and that's what does it over and over and over
Starting point is 01:22:32 and over and over. How long? How many times? Hours. Now, what happens though if you're not a great edger and you bring that person to full orgasm. They're carried away. After all those hours, you know, what happened to you? Can you,
Starting point is 01:22:43 you're you're probably not allowed to edge anymore. Probably not. No, I think I think you gotta be pretty good at, you know what happened to you can you're probably not allowed to edge anymore probably not no i think i think you gotta be pretty good at uh you know getting them right to that might like facial features probably get tied into it well they're probably people to edge you oh no no no i'm looking nice with like they can look like they can look at my office yeah but i mean you're the people who are edging though they don't want to finish so they're probably like stop stop stop stop right correct, stop, right? Correct, yes. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:23:06 Everyone, nobody wants to finish. They, everyone. Yeah, but how do you know when someone's on the, like ready to pop? They'll tell you, they'll tell you. But it's that, almost that like, all right, stop, stop, stop. And then you gotta calm down and then rile back up. Take a Spider-Man.
Starting point is 01:23:19 And then come back. Yeah, take a Spider-Man, that's right. Take a Spider-Man. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Over and over and over and over again for hours until that exultation. Do you think that everybody in the church is just like, please pick me, because I want to be on the I want to see the entity first off, and I want to be
Starting point is 01:23:35 pleasured for hours on end. So I know that they- It's much rather better position than to be the guy that has to be like, I got to jerk this guy. much rather better position than to be the guy that has to be like, I got to jerk this guy. There are women that are picked as hosts too. So you could be the one, you know, how would you do that though? Well, what if I had to explain that to you? But what would you do? Because you can't really tell. What can't you tell?
Starting point is 01:24:01 Like you don't know how close it is. She has to tell you to stop then? Do we have to have a sex ed class next time? Really though, I'm pretty sure they can she can tell you alright. I'm right there right there stop they could use words Okay, and you think you're in you think that you're Conditioned or disciplined enough to be like to stop when you know, well, you're not finally got it on the edge disciplined enough to be like to stop when you know you're not finally got it on the edge. Now you're going to be like, okay, I'm going to stop. Well, it's not because it's not sex. You would be. Oh, you're not using your hands or anything? You would use your hands. Yes. So not your penis. So you would easily be able to stop. You're not.
Starting point is 01:24:37 What about your mouth? You don't have a. Yeah, I would assume so. Have you ever heard of penis warming? A sex act called penis warming? I don't think I have. Explain more. That is like where you get hard and the girl puts your member in her mouth and then just leaves doesn't move just keeps it there while you read a book or play a video game or do whatever. Or edge? I guess yeah like eventually I think it's so do you think like you'd be able to do that? I know I don't think so. No you wouldn't be able to warm pee like if that broke. Oh wait, which one you're warming it up No, not to see God no, well, I wouldn't see God cuz I'd be the one warming if you get your turn you're next No, no, no, because the way it explains is they use the same people over and over again because you sort of get a
Starting point is 01:25:24 explains is they use the same people over and over again because you sort of get a... You become conditioned. Exactly. You're not a three-pump chump. That's correct. Yes. Exactly. You're not going to blow it in the first five minutes if someone touches it. And that's not going to help.
Starting point is 01:25:36 No one's going to see God. Then you just wasted everyone's time. All that effort for nothing. That's amazing they worked that into it. Like, you want to see God? That's one I haven't used. I think they've been using that since for nothing. That's amazing they work that into like, you want to see God? That's one I haven't used. I think they've been using that since the dawn of time. Yes. So any other questions about the sleep of Salome before I move on to the last?
Starting point is 01:25:57 No. The last? Wait a minute, but so everybody gets to see God? No, only the host. Only the person who's getting manipulated. Correct, yes. And there's only a certain amount of people in there. So So, everybody gets to see God? No, only the host. Only the person who's getting manipulated. Correct, yes. And there's only a certain amount of people in there. So obviously-
Starting point is 01:26:10 But it's not the Catholicism God. No, it's a higher being, yes. It's a higher being, yes. In fact, there's actually a separate section where Alistair Crowley wrote a book called The Book of Law. And it was during one of those sleeps of Salome that he talked to a higher being known as Awis. And that's how he actually wrote the book. He wrote a whole book based on his conversations with Awis. Wow.
Starting point is 01:26:39 Really? Yeah. Yep. So what did they talk about? Do you know? There's different parts of the book. Uh, the most of the book consists of being an individual and, uh, not conforming to societal norms and just doing what makes you happy despite anything else. Like your, your, your happiness. Sounds like society today. Well, your happiness, uh, it supersedes every other laws, everything that that's, that's basically
Starting point is 01:27:06 what it does sound like society. Holy fuck. They won. Let me ask you something. After you speak to this entity, are you allowed to finish up? Are you allowed to be like, all right, top me off? I'm done. I'm sure you probably have. Yeah. I agree. Yeah. Yeah. So that's your record, Tom. My record of holding out for warming or what's a lot like actual. Can you see the size of the books I read? Can you stand toe to toe with some of these guys that edge for hours? No, I don't think so. I think I'm probably at most start to finish probably about 40 minutes. so I'm not going
Starting point is 01:27:46 to ours. You haven't tried to beat that 40 minutes. What reason? What reason am I trying to beat that for? Just you know, just for shits and giggles, you know, for your own sake. I mean, now after reading this now, I probably got to challenge myself to see if I could speak to a higher being of 40 minutes. So you're a young man, too.
Starting point is 01:28:01 I'm 40. It's shameful. You're much younger than 40 minutes of actual sex. You're pumping nonstop for 40. No, no. Oh, I'm 40. Shameful. Yeah, you're much younger than us. 40 minutes of actual sex. You're pumping nonstop for 40 minutes. No, no, no, no, no. Yeah, you should be. But there's knee parts involved for 40 minutes. You should be into the 90 minute range.
Starting point is 01:28:14 No, no, listen. You're a young buck. When I was your age, I was into the over, and then it was a triple digit in minutes. Triple digit minutes? Yeah, no, I wake up at five o'clock in the morning. Whole boy had to use a calendar Oh, I'm sorry, you had to wake up at 5 o'clock in the morning
Starting point is 01:28:30 I had to wake up at 5 o'clock in the morning Yeah, we don't got time, there's no time for fucking 90 minutes sex We don't have an extra 30 minutes No, no And 40 is like weekend sex, weekday sex, 20 tops, 20 tops You never make it in the fucking religion Weekend sex, weekday sex, 20 tops, 20 tops. You're never making it into fucking musical religion. Well listen, I just found out about this.
Starting point is 01:28:50 I haven't tried. Now I've got something to shoot for. Are you interested in trying the warming? I got no, well, on the, which part? No, receiving. Do you think that's something you'd be open to? I don't think Maya can talk my wife into that. No?
Starting point is 01:29:01 She's gonna sit there for 40 minutes with her penis in her mouth? No. Reading a book? No Guys it's Friday night I will don't have too much recording. I will start. I will bring it up tonight. I've had girls cool enough to like give me a blowjob while playing video games, but like not just sitting there. She's not going for that.
Starting point is 01:29:38 They can't go on. She can't go on Amazon and just search for shit to buy. Maybe if I set like a, hey, if it sits in for five minutes, you can search the price range of like zero to a hundred. Give her something to shoot for maybe. Sting talks seven hour tantric sex with Trudy Styler, who I guess is his wife. Sting can do seven hours. Yeah, I'm not Sting. How old is Sting? He's got to be like close to 70, right? He's way older than you.
Starting point is 01:30:04 He is. I know I got That doesn't it's like, you know, it make you think to yourself shit, man. What am I doing here? I'll be cuz they're gonna be a point like you're you're right at that cusp of old man and Young boy a minute ago. No, I'm an old man 42 How old are you? 42. Oh, definitely. You're on the cusp, son. You're about, your days of trying to reach seven hours are fucking fast approaching. Yeah, I'm done. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 01:30:32 That sounds like a balloon deflating. Listen, but I do have the vasectomy going for me. Sex is easier. I don't got to worry about anything else, so I can try it. Why? Because of the sense of the vasectomy? Yeah, you don't got to worry about any of those. You don't got. But did you worry about impregnating? Was
Starting point is 01:30:48 that something that was in the back of your mind? It's impregnating. Yeah, absolutely. You know, expensive kids are. Yeah, I have to. But I never once said to myself, like I allowed it to like creep into what I was doing though. I can't I never once was like, boy, I better. I better pull out. I better be careful. No, but that's why we use condoms now. I don't have to worry about condoms. I'm saving tons of money. You're using condoms? Oh, yes. You haven't
Starting point is 01:31:15 been able to go seven hours? If I had a condom, I could go for seven days. You know what? I think my wife's going to look at me really weird if I try to pull out condom, I could go for seven days. You know what? I think my wife's going to look at me really weird if I try to pull out a condom now, but listen, next overkill I'll shoot for 90, okay, I'll report back. Sting says tantric health is very sexy. I mean, very, very healthy.
Starting point is 01:31:39 Sorry. Yeah. You see God. He just wants, he's just a rock star wants to fuck weird. Like he's got a pink. Eight hours seems like a long time. It's not about health. Like doesn't eight hours seem like a long time even for that?
Starting point is 01:31:50 He says seven hours includes dinner and a movie. I like his attitude. Look at, look at even his fucking build. Like- He's 71. Man, he must get beyond the something. It does look healthy. Yeah. It looks like it's sucking the life out of him though. What he has not zero ounce of fat. That's what's going on. He's got seven hours of sex. Oh, so the
Starting point is 01:32:13 more the more fat you have on the more life you have. No, I'm saying the life like like a live forever. All right. I'm ready for the third one. All right. All right. Last one. Yeah, sorry. All right. Last one is that there's a just a regular sexual magic that is performed where the whole church circles around two people having sex and they all chant one person's name and
Starting point is 01:32:40 the sex goes on as long as possible while every single person is chanting that. And what's supposed to happen is that primal urge and everything attached to that sex that's currently happening feeds into the energy of that one person and gives them strength and luck and according to Alastair Crowley, magic abilities. So that was one of the big sexual things that they did was, uh, like it wasn't, it was sex with a group of people around everyone chanting the exact same words over and over and over and over again. It was the person's name. So it was one of the two people. I know it's my chance during sex. It was one of the two people. It tended to be Alastair Crowley because he wanted to harness that power. Right. But one of the two people. It tended to be Alastair Crowley because he wanted to harness
Starting point is 01:33:25 that power. Right. But one of the things that I discovered on the dark web while researching you even are able to go on a dark web is as the maestro of overkill. Yeah, that's your playground. Yeah, that's your playground. That's where you live. You don't ever go back into regular. I want to see you on eBay. Dark eBay is only what I'm allowed in. Is that there are some connections between a certain famous currently now in trouble music producer and things that happened at his parties that could be connected to Alistair Crowley and the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, that they were having these sex parties.
Starting point is 01:34:11 The freak-offs. Yeah, the freak-offs. So do you put any credence on the urban myths that Hollywood is full of Satanists and pedophiles? No, I don't have any credence to that. Jared Ranere But as far as… Ben Jelinski I mean, it's not not. Jared Ranere Yeah. Anything could be filled with that, yeah. But, I mean, so, think about it. He changes his name from Puff Daddy to P. Diddy. So,
Starting point is 01:34:39 he has a new name, a virginal name, if you will, right? He starts having these. Ben Jelinski How is that virginal? Jared Ranere Because it was, it didn't have anything attached to it prior. So, Puff Daddy was what he used for years. So, he takes this brand new name, this brand new identity. P Diddy. Yes. He
Starting point is 01:34:52 becomes P Diddy. He starts having these freak off parties. Everyone has sex. Chance P Diddy's name. He starts channeling that power. More money. More problems. And he becomes much more popular. He harnesses all that energy into what he has today. Could they be connected? I mean, we're
Starting point is 01:35:15 learning a lot about all those was 1000 bottles of baby oil he had everywhere. People are having sex. But they be used. But are these rumors or are these facts? Oh, the dark web says it could go either way. But I mean, there are definitely rumors of this. Well, they were in the indictments, right? They were in the paperwork. That they were part of, yeah. Yes. Do you think that there's an unbelievable guest list or that like some big names that are going
Starting point is 01:35:42 to be exposed? Nope, because they never are. I don't know the answer to that. So this is where you guys get derailed. Do you remember the circus? This is where you guys get derailed. This is where people start losing you guys. When you start going on the real end, stick with Karupi. The circus, the circus surrounding Epstein.
Starting point is 01:35:56 And then nothing comes up. Going down a dark hole, guys. You know, like the same thing's going to be with Diddy. I mean, it is a little weird. This is what people don't like. What don't they like? They don't like the way they're going with Diddy. They don't want to see people get exposed? People in power being exposed for being
Starting point is 01:36:08 fucking perverts and kind of vile and Satanist? Well I think you have half your audience that believes one way, half your audience that believe the other, so one half of your audience is gonna hate it, but I guarantee you that everyone's gonna love Karupi. Why would any part of our audience really pushing? I want that sex doll money. That's what I want. Johnson. You think there's people upset if we talk about Jeffrey Epstein? Well, I think there's groups of people that believe different things about it. So yes, really? Yes. What? There's some, there's a certain segment of the population. Who's pro Epstein that we gotta worry about? Let me rephrase that. I think there are people that believe like, yes, there are things that are on it, but there are other people that believe that like every Hollywood celebrity has been there and is connected to it and everything, while other people are like, no, plenty of bad things happened, he should be punished.
Starting point is 01:36:56 This is where it is. But I think other people think that everyone was connected to it. I heard some very powerful politicians, maybe some that even slept in the White House. Are a part of it. And it's about to be exposed. The Jimmy Carter? Happy 100th birthday, Mr. Carter. I can't wait to vote for Kamala Harris. That's all I care about. Have you ever heard such bullshit in your entire life? The dude does not look alive. Carter said something? They were wishing him a happy birthday
Starting point is 01:37:26 and he said, this is just another birthday. I'm really excited about voting for Kamala Harris. He's still pulling for party, huh? Even at the end, he's still doing it. He's been in hospice for years. I think it, yeah, I think like two or three years he's been in hospice where like every day they thought he was going to die, but no, just celebrate a hundredth birthday. Awesome. I would like to live to be a hundred, but I don't know if I'd like to be, live like if that was the conditions though, you know, that I couldn't do anything.
Starting point is 01:37:52 You're on a bed and your mouth is hanging open and people are like, is he alive? Yeah, that would be rough. I wouldn't want to live it that way, but I also wouldn't want to die either though. I don't know. It's a rough one. I don't know, I think though, like, I mean, we're still, I mean, we're not young, but we're not 100. I think by the time you get to that point, you're so tired of like all the bullshit that comes along with being old, that you're like, I'm ready, I don't care anymore.
Starting point is 01:38:17 That's what I've seen. I don't care. Yeah, my grandparents and everything. Even my parents are getting older, and they're like, fuck, my dad's like, fuck this. Yeah? Yeah, yeah. I like, fuck this. Yeah. Yeah. I get it. I get it. So I do appreciate you Tom, they all bringing a story like this, two stories,
Starting point is 01:38:33 three that are, that are kind of, you know, that go into areas that for you personally. Yeah, that's me personally. Yeah. You personally could take a, I know that that dick around that dick tied around his waist. It was the it was the Putin and now you're anti. I will. So Q, you get invited to one of these freak off parties, freak off or a white party. What's the other one you said? Or the white parties he used to throw. Oh,
Starting point is 01:39:07 the the sex party one. Yeah. That's the freak off. Yes. Yeah, I would never have gone. That's the sort of thing where I'm like, yeah, I definitely would never. No cameras. Everyone wears a mask. I mean, so now you're just talking about something else completely. Well, yeah, sort of. I probably still be too afraid of STDs, but I'd like to think that if I got invited to an honest-to-God orgy, I'd like to think there's a chance I'd go. I'd like to about myself, but I think-
Starting point is 01:39:34 Even as a spectator. Yeah, yeah. Well, I've been in like these sex clubs in Manhattan, like I'm dipped in here and there and like seeing it. It's always lame. Like I just wonder like, I don't know, like an actual orgy gotta be fun, right? Satanic orgy. What do you think like you get there and you're like.
Starting point is 01:39:49 I think you get there and it's like, oh we're standing in Philadelphia where you're like, holy fuck. Ah yeah, it's like one of these people. You said you hadn't had sperm in your mouth. So that probably would too. That'd probably be the place where it finally would get. But I'd rather, can't I be distributing the sperm?
Starting point is 01:40:01 Like why do I gotta be skeptical? You're in an orgy. Yeah. It's bound to splash. Everything is going to be all over the place. It's not what is it? You didn't say it was an orgy with fucking all the women. You're taking a friendly fire.
Starting point is 01:40:14 Hey, look, if I'm there, I'm there. You know what I'm saying? I'm in it. What do you want from me? But I think in reality, I'd be too chicken shit. I think I'd be like, I can't go. Really? I hate to think of a BQ that's chicken.
Starting point is 01:40:27 At this age, in my 30s, 20s? You couldn't stop me from going. You couldn't have stopped me from going. But nah, yeah, at this age I'm like, I don't know. White party though you're in? I mean, they sounded like pretty good fucking parties, but I've never been invited to a party like that, so I don't think there's any danger. What is that?
Starting point is 01:40:46 I don't even know what that is. It's like he would throw these huge parties and everybody had to wear white. That's why it was called the white party. It's like head to toe white. If you weren't in white, you weren't allowed in. And he would throw it in the Hamptons, he would throw it in Manhattan,
Starting point is 01:40:58 and apparently they were fucking great parties. It was at night when the sun went down that they would switch over to the other stuff where they became the freak offs. Um, but, uh, I dunno, I know, you know, there's never been a danger of me getting invited to anything like that. So yeah, like nobody's ever been like, we gotta get the impractical to a good pier.
Starting point is 01:41:20 Definitely not at the freak off. Let's get these four assholes. You know what I can see finding his way into a freak off is Let's get these four assholes. The only one I can see finding his way into a freak off is Ming. Is Ming? Yeah, that's true. Somehow he just ends up, he's on Instagram. He's on a con, gets invited. Big ups to P. Diddy. Well, doused in baby oil.
Starting point is 01:41:38 Like a naked Leonardo DiCaprio in the background. Thumbs up. He's got that speedo from the Columbo Clan episode. Yeah, there they are. The fucking white party. I mean, you always heard about them. They were legendary, but, uh, but what makes them legendary? Is it like the food, the music, the people, like the, the, I think it's all the above, right? It's the people, the location, like the connections that you make with people, I guess, like, I guess.
Starting point is 01:41:59 Yeah, for sure. But a good party is a good party too. Look at that. That's a good party. That's a good party. That's a good party. That's a good party. That's a good party. That's a good party. That's a good party. That's a good party. It's the people the location like the connections that you make with people I guess like I guess yeah for sure But a good party is a good party, too Look at them. Yeah, I'm already in down and I just also would be like I don't want to fucking wear white like I'm not doing This like I'm part of something. Yeah, that's that would probably kick in right be like
Starting point is 01:42:19 I'm not fucking putting on white for this asshole, but you would be surrounded by celebrities though I know I know and we'd all be in white and that would be wild by celebrities though. I know, I know, and we'd all be in white. But that would be wild though, because you look up, you know, there's somebody you admire from this show, and there's somebody you're like, oh my god, there's this singer. And they're like, oh my god, now they're fucking, oh my god, now he's fucking me. Oh, well that's… He has to move, these are all just thoughts going. Shit.
Starting point is 01:42:43 I didn't see it going this way. Now they're fucking. I didn't see it going this way. Now they're fucking me. No, he's fucking me. Look at it. Yeah. They all look like they're having a good time. They, for sure.
Starting point is 01:43:00 They're having a good, I would just feel like a little bit like I'm not wearing white cause P did he fucking told me to to you feel just too self-conscious Yeah, like fuck off man. You know usually wear white. Oh I don't think I don't even think I might own two white t-shirts Is it because you feel you don't look good in white? It's just New York man. You know, we all dress in black Okay, yeah, I've never seen you in white. Yeah, sure. You'd look fine in white. I don't think you Yeah, I've never seen him white. Yeah, sure. You'd look fine and white. I don't think you Yeah, I think I think you got what you got. So even if I wore white, I don't think I'd
Starting point is 01:43:29 suddenly look gross or better. You know what I mean? I just it's more for like stains, I think, you know, it has to be some sort of ritualistic thing that he made him wear white. Well, that's what that's what my boy will be. That's what maybe that's because like, you know, everyone would be equal, you know, no fancy colors, no anything like that. Everyone's wearing the exact same. I think it's more to like, you know, the purity to look like a virgin, but you when the freak offs, you got a giant pile of white clothes. It's like a it's like a costume, a virgin costume that you shed like a snake skin like like a serpent, like a satanic serpent. Yeah. Do you think they get told ahead of time,
Starting point is 01:44:09 like, Hey, you get invited to the white party and then, but later the freak off, or is it just sort of like, you drift into it? Were they the same party? They were definitely the same party. I don't know. I thought that's what you were saying. Oh, that's what I, who knows?
Starting point is 01:44:22 Well, I think it's only the biggest of the big wigs, you know, it's like superstar athletes, superstar actors, Kardashian style, musicians, influencers. You know, that's who are, they ain't just accepted anybody. Tommy Lee. Tommy Lee from Motley Crue. Yes. He was up like two pictures ago.
Starting point is 01:44:39 Why don't you try to have a white party with your friends? Hmm. Like, like you select some, leave some out so people know that there's a pecking order. Oh. Like I leave Jimmy out? Yeah, don't let Jimmy come. Because you know it would cut the deepest with Jimmy. I send out the group chat, everyone else responds to it and Jimmy's like, what's going on guys?
Starting point is 01:45:02 Look at this shit, man. Tommy Lee. Tommy Lee. Tommy Lee. Well, Tom, I think for your first official act as the overkill maestro, I think you've proven why you got the title. No one could have brought better stories. Thank you.
Starting point is 01:45:24 Thank you. But try to mix it up a little bit. Not so sexual. Wait, you don't want? It's a family show. Just one, not two. All right. Turn off certain segment of the audience. I mean, I know that's what that's a good fodder for you guys to jump on though. Either you either you're jumping on me for bringing dick stories or I just want to give you guys as much. Or for not supporting your cream. Oh yeah, that's all. I'll make sure I stick that out next time. I'm trying to bring as much possible for you guys to talk about with it.
Starting point is 01:45:56 All right. Very well done though. I appreciate it. Nice job. You've proven why you were the guy for the job. Thank you. Thank you. I feel like a razor is mere inches away from Will Rogers wrist right now as he hears you slice, salivating all over Tom. Well, I mean.
Starting point is 01:46:12 He did a good job. Yeah. He did a good job. Just because he did a good job doesn't mean somebody didn't do a good job. You know. They didn't get to do the job at all. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:46:20 But that's okay. Everybody's got to do every job. Anything else? Did anybody have any other questions? Any other topics? No, let me see what else I had. I wrote down a couple of things. Can I come back more than once a year? I wanted you to come once a month for this. Give me at least two days notice.
Starting point is 01:46:31 It's hard. I know. It's hard. Q, can you give two days notice? I'm trying, bro. You got some time off. I got some time not shooting. You got holidays coming up.
Starting point is 01:46:39 You got some time not shooting. I'm trying. I'm trying. I'm trying. I'm trying. I'm trying. I'm trying. I'm trying. I's hard. I know, I know. Q, can you give him two days notice? I'm trying, bro. All right. You got some time off.
Starting point is 01:46:47 I got some time not shooting. Got holidays coming up. It's hard to squeeze in overkill. Gotcha. Big news about the Christmas pod this year too, people. I don't know if we want to talk about it now, but major news. We need to address that maybe soon.
Starting point is 01:47:03 Maybe after Halloween we'll address the Christmas pod. I'm going to save that other story. It's going to go on for 45 minutes. Oh, wow. Oh, tell them Steve, Dave. Or Zoom. Or Zoom. Or Zoom.
Starting point is 01:47:14 Or Zoom.

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