Ten Thousand Losses - 6-5 Defense

Episode Date: August 8, 2024

Tom speeds home to evacuate the shore in order to record before Tropical Storm Debby wreaks havoc upon him. The boys talk boardwalk t-shirts, Tim Walz running the 4-4 defense, the Phillies being good ...again (never a doubt), civic nationalism vis-à-vis Joel Embiid on Team USA, then do a deep dive into the Jalen Hurts and Nick Sirianni situation. Also: listener messages and help Tom pick a Power Five college football team to root for.  ESPN Article on Hurts/Sirianni Relationship  Follow us on Twitter: Podcast: https://twitter.com/tenklossespod Liam: https://twitter.com/notliamanders0n Tom: https://twitter.com/tohickontpain  Shoot a message or leave us a voicemail (leave your name and pronouns): 267-371-7218

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Starting point is 00:00:00 He is actually going to eject a fan. Because bad things happen in Philadelphia, bad things. The fan jumped into the penalty box area. Joy it is to come to Philadelphia and stand here and dodge an ice ball. We, the Dallas Cowboys, had a sense of making time to do it. And we are live and we're facing some really horrible weather. We're probably going to die. Live on the ground. Live on the ground.
Starting point is 00:00:45 Live on the ground. I left an undisclosed location in the Jersey Shore. You're going to some undisclosed location, redacted location. I think people can figure out where I go, unfortunately. That's not my fault. You haven't been recognized there yet. No, thank God god um yes that is i i guess we hate our fans and listeners so uh we do i i we openly do and people are just like
Starting point is 00:01:16 uh that bit's a little old no it isn't oh actually you know uh i would like some more engineering discussion no you get nothing no you get nothing um yeah so i had to cut my vacation short i know this is like bourgeois complaints like first world problems we got like shit going on around the world there's like far right race riots in the uk and i'm like i have to leave my shore vacation day early because the tropical storm remnant's gonna gonna possibly maybe flood where I was staying. Maybe, possibly. Probably not. But, you know, we were
Starting point is 00:01:50 also bored. There's nothing to do. That's the problem with when you go down the shore. There's nothing to do down the shore. I'll die on this hill. So this is the quandary I come up with because it's a very Philly thing, right? It's the tradition of going down the shore. Yes.
Starting point is 00:02:06 And you do the same thing every year, right? Right. So, you know, I have my one week that we get every year. I go to the same beach that I've been going to since I was a child. All right. So, but instead of staying at that hotel, we just rent a place. I get the same... staying at that hotel. We just rent a place. I go to the Flightline Diner for breakfast, in which
Starting point is 00:02:28 I am wearing a Boomer shirt that has a Boeing B-17 Liberator on the back, and it says I got bombed at the Flightline Diner. Which does roll. It does roll. It is a great diner. Just ignore the cop patches. I like Marge's Diner on 9.
Starting point is 00:02:44 Marge's Diner? I haven't been to Marge's Diner. I like Marge's Diner on 9 Marge's Diner? I haven't been to Marge's Diner I like Marge's Diner I used to go to Uncle Bill's but I don't think they're as good as they used to be Who amongst us? You see you go down the street you do these things right? What do you do? You go to the boardwalk Which sucks
Starting point is 00:02:59 Unless you go to Wildwood which double sucks But at least there's bottles you can drink But you don't really drink like that anymore I don't drink that much anymore no So like we brought unless you go to Wildwood which double sucks but at least there's you can drink so you don't really drink like that anymore I don't drink that much anymore no so like we brought we brought you know sometimes we'll have like people who want to come down for like a night
Starting point is 00:03:14 can stay over and so like one of one of my wife's friends came over and she had never been to the Wildwood Boardwalk before so I was like well we're going we're going at 9pm 10pm like that's what we're doing right because you you've never had that experience and it's something that you should experience at least once you should see the the most wretched of the earth yes it is it is insane um and i we happen to be down there i didn't know that um john from pittsburgh was down there too at the same time. Oh, bummer. He was fighting in a BJJ
Starting point is 00:03:46 contest and got silver, by the way, so shouts out John from Pittsburgh. Shouts out John from Pittsburgh. That's incredible. We were unable to link up, unfortunately. Bummer. Yeah, yeah. I'm sorry. But yeah, he did a good job. Apparently. I don't know anything about BJJ,
Starting point is 00:04:02 except that it's men hurting each other. Which we do like. Yeah, no, it's men hurting each other. Which we do like. We do. Yeah, no, it's a sport, so that's good. I've been, while you've been studying the blade, I've been watching the Olympics a lot. Yeah. So like going down to the boardwalk, the t-shirt thing is the one that sticks out to people the first time they go down there. And are they worse than they've been?
Starting point is 00:04:32 Yeah. I have never seen so many Trump shirts. Yeah. And I've got an idea for one. And it is offensive in a sense, but it's just got a picture of kamala and it just says milf 2024 now all right i'm gonna i'm gonna throw up in my mouth here just give me a second to throw up in my all right well you've you've made your your point on dr jill biden i'm gonna make my point
Starting point is 00:05:02 with kamala that that's my problematic favor that's fair that's fair we both get one a nuclear deterrence policy of democratic politicians yeah my my i told my wife that she's like yeah but um i think the shirt would sell i think the shirt would sell. I think the shirt would sell. I was talking to my wife of problematic, though. I don't think this is a lot of Mar.
Starting point is 00:05:35 Who's this? She's one of our rugby players. She is. She's she. They won bronze. The US women's seven team. rugby sevens okay uh she is built like a brick shithouse and i kind of have a crush on her let me see i didn't watch rugby which makes me bad sure oh she's the the tank rules. I got to say, we are a thigh positive podcast.
Starting point is 00:06:08 Yeah, we are. And we appreciate all bodies, but especially those of women who look like they could destroy us. Yeah. Yeah, that's... That's two thick boys. Yeah. I mean, I am a proud, powerful haunches haver and i gotta say uh respect to her for that um she she uh she shield maiden type of type of vibes yeah yeah absolutely yeah so so
Starting point is 00:06:38 shouts out to how do you say alona alona alona mar alona mars thighs yeah uh fuck me up daddy yeah dude that's um you're always funny i was telling so my wife was like oh she's like she's really pretty and i was like yeah she's she is and also she like she's like five ten like i'm yeah and i was like i find that actually really flattering because it kind of looks like me. And I'm like, okay, thank God I'm not in trouble. Like this fucking rules. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:10 That's it's, it's nice when you have the relationship where your partner is not insecure and you can be like, yeah. Hey, so it's like, like, you know,
Starting point is 00:07:18 Hey, if you, if, if my wife wanted to watch the men's gymnastics, it'd be like, Oh, those guys have good figure. I mean,
Starting point is 00:07:23 I'm going to be like, yeah, they, they do. They are handsome. Um, I, so speaking to the men's gymnastics and be like oh those guys have good figure i'm gonna be like yeah they they do they are handsome um i uh so speaking of the men's gymnastics um those dudes are ripped those dudes are ripped but they had this was early on they had like this whole like human interest piece on this guy like growing up he had some sort of injury or whatever but they did like you know working yeah we're here down here in georgia we we believe in working hard and it's like the guy's dad owns a fucking horse farm he's not poor i i was this the one where the gymnast mom died of cancer though
Starting point is 00:07:56 might have been but he yes he he uh have some goddamn decency, Tom. Well, they talked about how hard where he came from. And the value. And he's got a huge fucking cross. It's like, alright, dude. I don't know. Why don't we talk about the other guys on the team? The very photogenic, southern
Starting point is 00:08:19 conservative man. The guy who 20 years ago would have been... Yeah, I know. The guy whose politics we know. And we don't like to talk about them we don't know we don't talk about politics on this podcast at all we try not to i mean we we disagree with each other because i'm voting uh dr brother cornell west oh do you do you get are you allowed to call him brother is that did you get that uh do i have that clearance probably not did you get, are you allowed to call him brother? Is that, did you get that? Do I have that clearance? Probably not.
Starting point is 00:08:49 Did you get dapped up and get the card? I do not have the card. Let's put it back in the deck. Have I, have I told you the time that I had a student with it? Yeah. So do you get the pass? I was like, no, I don't want the pass. No, I, I, I listen.
Starting point is 00:09:04 And it is, in addition to being mandated reporter gang, I'm also can't say that word without serious repercussions gang. No, don't want to say that. Don't want to say that word without serious repercussions gang. Yeah, so hello and welcome to another episode of 10,000 Losses, the only Philadelphia sports podcast that exists. I'm your host, Tom Payne. My pronouns are he, him. With me is my co-host, Ye. Liam, hi. My name is Liam McAnderson. My pronouns are also he, him. All right. We got no guests today. We got no... Well, we do have some announcements. So one announcement is we were anticipating having the latest bonus was going to be with Jordan for part two of the history of football.
Starting point is 00:09:38 Unfortunately, the day we had to record, Jordan's power went out. His internet went out. Oh, internet went out. Yeah yeah so we were trying to figure out He had just enough Man with the post Interesting No no no I know I know Jordan's not that kind of person Jordan from Secos
Starting point is 00:09:56 We will be working on getting him Rescheduled there's some like life stuff Kids with school and all that We're going to figure it out but once we will get that one out We're working on another bonus in the interim. And I will be live streaming. I will be live streaming my attempt at the North Catholic Falcons. I have made the jerseys.
Starting point is 00:10:22 I have made the logos. It is sort of disappointing that you have to pick a stadium with a minimal amount of like, they still have the shit from the other teams up. Oh, God. I'm replacing Buffalo and then playing in the... Can you hear me? Yes, I could hear you.
Starting point is 00:10:36 Okay, because it just went reconnected. It's a connection loss, reconnected, and it appears to be seamless. Yeah, it looks... I didn't see it on my end. It looks fine. Oh, the storm. that's what it is um uh but yeah go back well i have the north catholic jerseys i have the logos it's in team builder you can actually find it in team builder if you really want i will be live streaming my attempt to take the north catholic falcons um who i'm replacing
Starting point is 00:11:02 as replacing buffalo because they're the rivals with Temple. So that makes sense. And they're also a school that has the, you know, has like B plus like. Sure. Academics. Yeah. But we're playing at the Liberty Bowl. Very good.
Starting point is 00:11:18 Buffalo Stadium has too many fucking Buffalo things on it. So anyway, so I'm going to be doing that. When did I say that? It's in the outline. I'm going to be doing that on August the 13th at 6 p.m. So, we'll be doing that Tuesday, August 13th, live stream. So, it's coming up next week. It's coming up quick.
Starting point is 00:11:38 We'll post a link. I'll be for patrons. So, you'll have to be a member. Give us your money. Give us your money. Give it to us. To get the access to the Discord, of which I'll be streaming from, John Crooks vs. Tessicle, and I have to
Starting point is 00:11:52 improve it. I am going to make that a bonus. You are administering that. I'm not touching it. I know I am. I'm not touching it. I know I am. I gotta figure out how to stop all the security bullshit with channels and all that nonsense. All right.
Starting point is 00:12:09 So that's what we got coming up. Voicemails. Call in 267-371-7218. Give us your name and pronouns. You can also text that number. For some reason, someone texted that number, said busy, and then sent us a gif of someone saying bitch. I'm not sure what that was. I didn't recognize
Starting point is 00:12:29 the phone number. Yeah, we don't know what to do with that. Yeah, and then the other one was like a Trump campaign. What's your opinion on Donald Trump? Bad. Yeah. Very bad. It's very bad. He stinks. That's stank. That guy fucking sucks. Yeah. What a fucking shithead
Starting point is 00:12:45 um patreon.com slash 10,000 losses for that for all the bonus episodes for the live stream the soon to be discord bullshit um any of that stuff will be on there it's a dollar give us your fucking money dude fucking trying to
Starting point is 00:13:01 get back to 250 come on let's please all right uh speaking of speaking of politicians though we want to mention since Fucking buddy, dude. Trying to get back to 250. Come on. Please. Speaking of politicians, though, we want to mention since we last recorded, did we cover Biden's out? Yeah, we did. Very briefly. Kamala Harris is
Starting point is 00:13:19 the nominee, and to the surprise of everybody, Josh Shapiro is not Josh. It's not. And White Obama is not the guy. Tim Waltz is fine. I like him. I like him more than
Starting point is 00:13:36 I like Shapiro. Yeah, I like that he seems like he's a history teacher at a football club. Ernest. He seems earnest. Yeah. Is he... He's not perfect.
Starting point is 00:13:49 He's not perfect. He's a Democratic candidate. They threw a bone to the progressives. They're already posting... Already talking today. We're recording on the 8th of August. Kamala's already put her foot in the mouth with Gaza a little bit.
Starting point is 00:14:02 Yeah, it was fucking gross. I'm speaking. Shut up. Yeah. I do feel that there is an energy, like a positive trend. There's a sea change towards a better administration. It seems like the Democrats are
Starting point is 00:14:18 functioning a little better. We were texting shock at the fact that this guy was picked. Like I said, there is no perfect damn candidate even if it was bernie um he would still have to play with the lines too yeah and look we can we can i'm saying this is a fucking marxist you know we can be i'm excited that the prospect that there is someone in VP, running for VP. Someone in her ear who seems genuinely progressive. Right.
Starting point is 00:14:51 And who is willing to do what something that I have been saying for a long time is you need the anti-Trump. You need the guy who's willing to shitpost. And he's got a shitposter's heart. He's making fun of the couch thing. Make fun of them. Right. Call them creepy and weird because they are. Call them creepy, call them make fun make fun of them right you call them creepy and weird because they are call them creepy call where make fun of them use their own shit i would
Starting point is 00:15:09 if he came out if i was him i would just i would have came out with a case of mountain dew he does he does drink diet mountain dew perfect i i that's the kind everything that they say like that we're doing weird so i will come out mocking them make fun of them that's that because because we're getting to this weird Trumpism has gone on so long that we're in this weird esoteric like trad Catholic. Unironic minor are on his transition team.
Starting point is 00:15:34 Yeah. They want some fucking like Holland Zollern or Habsburg Catholic Integralist. People who know about these these people this is this is shit that you should have to have a degree to know about like like you should not these ideologies are dead for a reason you're fucking like car lists
Starting point is 00:15:58 car lists for trump and shit like that like what the fuck make fun of them it's weird nerd constantly like it's like even i i felt bad because i was just like oh man jd jd vance is playing magic gathering well like it's just god damn can't we just be fucking normal in front of people yeah well you he they came after your magic gathering he's he's a big fucking tolkien head apparently which i i really would love to like try and get him on the talk about tolkien and then one for one go and then slowly over time just start reading quotes from tolkien's letters where he like shits on like the same beliefs that that vance has it's like all the kath weirdos are the fucking worst dude yeah i love like tolkien talking about like oh no i have doubt like i have doubts and even tolkien's like you continue it's like you it's not about it's not
Starting point is 00:16:48 about just like once one-time conversion and now you have faith it's about continuously recommitting yourself to your religion like he the dude was not like was was not these guys right you know like right you know the dude fucking hated apartheid and Nazis and these guys fucking love Nazis they do you can say it they love Nazis they love being kind of cute about it too oh well they had some interesting points
Starting point is 00:17:15 no they fucking didn't I'm not a national socialist you should be hanged it's fine just hang everybody yeah I get really i get really i i like i mean i kamala is like has more political instincts than hillary clinton which is not saying much right but i uh i was really frustrated with her i'm talking shit yeah uh
Starting point is 00:17:40 yesterday but i i i like waltz enough i think he's fine yeah he's fine he's fine he's pretty good for a vp he's one of the best anyone who's been in the area of of he's probably like the best it's like fucking i mean bernie obviously we won we would have won it right like someone who's like in the democratic establishment like the best the best chance we had in our lifetimes was fucking gore right and so the bush too was worse than trump i'll die on that hill oh people who don't think that bush was worse than trump did not live through bush nope or had their fucking head in the sand because everything that trump did was enabled by bush yeah shut the stage trump stumbled into it. Yeah. Bush was exhausting. Exhausting.
Starting point is 00:18:29 And he was funny in a moronic way, but he's not as dumb as he plays. Whereas Trump's a fucking idiot. He acts smart. Bush is a smart guy. He acts like an idiot. Bush was clever. I believe that. Oh, 100%.
Starting point is 00:18:44 Yeah, you think so? He put his foot yeah you think so he put his foot in his mouth he put his foot he did but that's i don't think he was a moron no no no that's what i'm asking yeah i don't think i think i don't know how much of that like he affected the texas accident i think that was a that was a fake thing he's a connect oh sure yeah yeah but um those guys are all fucking me and the bushes and clintons and shit they're all fucking mean the Bushes and Clintons and shit they're all fucking mean in the lab now yeah exactly 100% true
Starting point is 00:19:10 and JFK Jr. escaped from the lab dude is fucking just cuckoo bananas he's fascinating I don't think I mean that as an insult I am fascinated by him i'm just like wow that's that's the that's the good drugs huh like he's he sounds like jordan peterson too he
Starting point is 00:19:30 does he's what is with that fucking voice dude like he like his i don't know that's my first ever. That's pretty good. Brainworm. Literal brainworms. What's fucking happening? What's fucking happening, dude? You can't tell me.
Starting point is 00:19:55 I don't know. Dude. Literal brainworms. Literal brainworms. He has a worm in his brain. Which I don't have a worm in my brain. Oh, okay. Well, I'm just going to fuck myself. No, I'm just fucking insane normal.
Starting point is 00:20:09 I have a... My frontal lobe has a deficit of fucking dopamine. Yeah, we know. Tell me about your executive dysfunction. That's why it takes me 10 days to edit episodes sometimes. All right, we're going to pretend... Not going to get into that. All right. Let's talk about another group of conservatives.
Starting point is 00:20:27 The Phillies. The Phillies. Best team baseball, baby. Never in doubt. Yeah. Never in doubt. Yeah, can't do shit except against the Dodgers.
Starting point is 00:20:36 Yeah, I guess we beat the Dodgers. We play the backs today at 940. We don't get too excited because the Dimebacks are Phillies killers, especially at Chase. Yep. We got some trades. We got Austin Hayes. We got Carlos Estevez.
Starting point is 00:20:55 What was the other guy's name? I don't know. The reliever. I don't hear you talking about. The Phillies reliever. Millilite floppy hat yeah yeah and Hayes is already
Starting point is 00:21:10 injured when did that happen? last night oh did I miss that? yeah fucked up his hamstring oh why can't we have shit in this house
Starting point is 00:21:23 they need someone to really be massaging those ham hocks there. I will do it. Put me in, coach. Put me in, Governor Waltz, I guess. I do like... They started playing a video and I thought you were hitting a soundboard. No, they're running him as a high school football coach, which he was. And people are like, yeah, well, he wasn't a head coach.
Starting point is 00:21:46 I'm like, you do not understand how important a defensive coordinator is. Oh, going back to Waltz? Yeah, you do not know ball. He ran the 4-4, man. In rural Minnesota in the 90s. You try fucking doing that. Fuck you. You don't know anything.
Starting point is 00:22:02 Well, I guess, I mean, think about it. In rural Minnesota? It's going to be bigger guys. So the 4-4 makes sense. Don't you think that's more advantageous? Yeah, just kick it, run on. Yeah, exactly. It's the 90s, dude.
Starting point is 00:22:16 That's smart ball. Exactly. You don't know ball. Yeah, and some people were talking about, yeah, like was he running the wing t or was he running the flex bone or single back shit well he was a dc so probably none of those probably none of those because he was running the four four i want to know what four four how many did do one safety like he gave a really good where like he was on pod save america a thing i've never listened to except this clip never and he was like they were like well how are your corners which is a weakness of a 4-4
Starting point is 00:22:50 and he was like they were good they were kids like let's you know let's talk about stopping the run and i was like that's that's good yes yeah yes we build our young man up we don't tear them down yeah young yeah you support the most important part of the young man's life is when he gets a sack when you a four-man front is able to is able to get pressure the quarterback claps the pocket that's when when we're able to because like most high school offenses run some like triple option bullshit yeah we're able to shut down all avenues of the option with our four four you know six six man rush every play. Oh, God. We're getting home
Starting point is 00:23:28 a lot, but we don't feel good. 4-4, fuck it. 4-7. 4-7, just bring the house every single play. Yeah. Running the 6-5. My safety weighs 280 pounds. I feel dizzy
Starting point is 00:23:45 yeah that's fucking amazing strap the fuck up can you imagine yeah we have two two nose tackles it's like Slipknot
Starting point is 00:23:58 having two drummers yeah exactly two imagine that two nose tackles on the center, lining up on the both sides. Just two 320-pound boys.
Starting point is 00:24:11 Fuck, dude. Getting a little chub thinking about that. Man, oh. Okay, be normal. Defensive excellence. That's the regular expectation. Yeah, exactly. Shit, yeah. What are we talking about?
Starting point is 00:24:28 The Phillies. The Phillies, yeah. The Phillies, how do you think they do run the 4-4? Oh. Schwarber comes off to me like a good power rush in defensive end. I mean, I think I bulk him up a little bit.
Starting point is 00:24:42 Yeah, you gotta bulk Schwarber up. I think the rest of them are all linebackers and cornerbacks. Johan Rojas is your number one DB. Your speed dude, yeah. It's Harper. Harper's gonna be outside linebacker, maybe.
Starting point is 00:25:01 I think, can Hart play well? Guess we'll figure it out. is he smart enough to play center? no no no no no no he's a little tall too
Starting point is 00:25:10 Harp? yeah yeah he's not that tall is he? is he like 6'3? well Kelsey was 6'3 Bryce Harper
Starting point is 00:25:19 yeah 6'3 alright no maybe good children crew Aaron Harp I got ugh I hate Bryce Harper yeah 6'3 alright no maybe good children crew Aaron Harper I got ugh I hate Bryce Harper I don't
Starting point is 00:25:30 I love the man very dearly but like god damn dude these they all they all fucking stink dude the only one who's probably nice is like Schwarber Schwarber has some real interesting political opinions from what I recall and I don't mean bad interesting I just mean interesting interesting
Starting point is 00:25:46 When he wore Black Lives Matter the Sheriff's Association hat Yeah Goofy dude But he seems like normal He seems like a centrist Like for a baseball player His dad's a retired police chief But he's not
Starting point is 00:26:02 He's not like A bigot. Right. His wife's mixed race. Not that that means you can't be a bigot, but J.D. Vance is married to an indie woman. Yeah. And pointed that out for no fucking reason. As you do.
Starting point is 00:26:18 Yeah, my wife's not white, but she's a good mother. What the fuck does that mean? What does that mean? Oh my God. Yeah, Real Mutouto we've talked about this before Real Muto is the he is the worst when it comes to that I think the rest of them I think
Starting point is 00:26:34 like Bomes like a party guy they're probably reflexively Republican Marsh probably is too but they seem like fun guys but they're baseball players people players are notoriously shitheads that's just how it is just how it is. Tywon Walker's probably the only fucking Democrat. Poor Tywon Walker, way down there in the rotation. Does he even still have the team?
Starting point is 00:26:51 Did we trade him? Well, he got hurt again. He's still in the IL. Yeah, I see that. He's coming back soon. Spencer Turnbull. But we were on a real fucking skid. A real fucking skid, and we finally turned it around in LA.
Starting point is 00:27:06 I did stay up to watch those games. It was nice. It was nice to see Schwarber hit three fucking home runs yesterday. And seal the deal. We have the best team in baseball. You can't just Schwarbaum. Schwarbaum. Schwarbaum.
Starting point is 00:27:22 Schwarbaum. Schwarbaum. Through this slump, Schwarber and fucking Castellanos have been fucking carrying this team. Yeah, I know. Fucking Iron Man, Castellanos, too. I got to say, like... I do...
Starting point is 00:27:36 I got to respect the man. I love that Kyle Schwerber just keeps swinging. Who was it that is really doing a bad job right now at swinging at pitches that he shouldn't be swinging at? I mean... I mean, all of them. But it's one specifically that's like off-speed pitches that he's swinging at.
Starting point is 00:27:58 Well, Castellanos is a down-the-way guy. I mean, Stoddy hasn't been hitting that well all year. I think it's him. I saw a graph that's like he's seeing like 50% to 70% off speed or like not fastballs. Yeah. He's like, what's his name in a major league? The guy can only hit fastballs? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:28:18 Yeah. So like Schwerer, I just want to highlight this dude statistically, you know, is, he's already got 3.3. So like, he's normally been a low batting average guy and he's batting 261, but maintaining his, like maintaining his, his slugging, maintaining his own base percentage.
Starting point is 00:28:37 And, uh, you know, he's, he's insanely good this year. Uh, that, that he's, I mean, we love the guy.
Starting point is 00:28:48 Big, beefy boy. And he just went off. He's having a career year. Right. His best year where he was getting... He went to the All-Star. His best year in the Phillies where he hit 46 home runs.
Starting point is 00:29:05 Right. Right. And then there the Phillies where he hit 46 home runs. Right. And then there was that year where he fucking went wild. Was it when he was on the Red Sox? Yeah. He hit 291. Can you imagine? Yeah. His OPS, just on that stretch with the Red Sox, which was 41 games,
Starting point is 00:29:21 if you take his 2021 stats all together think? His 2021 stats altogether? Yeah. This is comparable. He's just not slugging. He's not hitting as many home runs, which is fine. He's still hitting a lot of home runs, but just not... I don't know. He's just picking better pitches. I don't know. He's doing great. It's awesome.
Starting point is 00:29:42 The Phillies are a heart attack team. They still are. We're still the best team in baseball. Yep. I guess, you know, we'll see if they can master Diamondbacks. I'd say this slumps over. Yeah, I had the same thought, but we'll see. We'll see. We'll see.
Starting point is 00:29:55 Nothing else we can do. I got something I want to talk about real quick. Yeah, yeah. Which is people shitting on Joel Embiid for playing for the United States, despite the fact that he's lived here since he's like 14. Yeah. He's an American. That is the end of it. Also, why would you not want the most dominant
Starting point is 00:30:12 center in the sport on your team? Sour grapes from people in other countries. Dude, I want Joel Embiid to take Rudy Gobert and fucking dunk him in the toilet. I love Joel Embiid. I love,
Starting point is 00:30:26 I have, I have actually come all the way around on Joel Embiid. I used to be like, I was born a Joel Embiid hater and then I liked him. And then I was just like, all right, you're, you're just making excuses.
Starting point is 00:30:36 And now I'm just like, no fucking give Embiid the ball 130% of the time. Like have Tyrese Maxey sit on his shoulders. I have, I have come to really love Joel Embiid I think he's he's fucking hilarious he's seems by all accounts a good family man I I look forward to
Starting point is 00:30:57 Joel Embiid dunking Rudy Gobert into a toilet yeah he's an American he's an American shut the fuck up there there are three times there are three things that i get jingoistic about the american civil war the world war ii right and the olympics and i will say that the idea that of of civic nationalism versus ethnic nationalism is a better kind of nationalism it's got its issues trust me all nationalism has its issues but i will take it where we're going to take the best from around
Starting point is 00:31:31 the world and we're open accepting like that's a value i want to promote and and that's like a sort of kind of american thing that i think is good obviously it sucks how we treat immigrants and and all that but the the the idea that suck it we take everybody from around the world who's good yes i mean that's just how it works here you don't have to have a fucking bloodline fucking blow me no bloodlines here it's all it's all just coming here and be a citizen that i like i mean that obviously there's an asterisk there but um yeah the dude's a fucking american like this is a fucking american um i uh the braves lost by nine to the brewers they lost 16 to 7 just now oh yes did oh yeah is uh is reese active let's see i thought so Take a look at that. She's still hurt.
Starting point is 00:32:26 16-17. I did not see. No, he wasn't playing today. He's out of the starting lineup. Because he got hurt back in May? Mm-hmm. It was a routine day off. Okay.
Starting point is 00:32:43 He went three for five last night, apparently. Yeah, he hates the Braves, too. And he's a Jesuit boy. And he's a good man. He's probably the best human being on the Phillies in a long time.
Starting point is 00:33:00 Chase Utley is showing to be pretty, I mean, historically, him and Jimmy Rollins, but Chase Utley seems very progressive. Right. You know, pretty good. Especially compared to Cole Hamels, who we love, but said a lot of F slurs. Like a lot of them. A lot of them.
Starting point is 00:33:18 A lot of gamer words. Yeah. Yeah. But anyway, yeah. So Embiid, Embiid good. words yeah yeah anyway yeah so uh and be and be good uh the it is kind of cool watching watching the dream team like i say makes makes me it's nice to be able to root for guys not hate them yeah i i really i really like this team uh quite a bit yeah i'll talk about Nick Sirianni shit in the bed. Oh, we should.
Starting point is 00:33:47 Real quick. Nick Foles has retired an eagle. Oh, yes. Nick will retire. We'll retire an eagle. I think the home opener next month. Yeah. Awesome.
Starting point is 00:34:02 Fucking great player. Good guy, apparently. Very, very fundamentalist Christian, but apparently good dude. So nice to see him. Suck it, Carson Wentz. If I'm going to pick one religious fanatic, it's going to be Nick Foles. That's right. He also has a bigger dick than he sure does. I mean, that nickname Big Big Dick Nick, came because of reports. I forget who it was saying that. He was hanging dong in the locker room.
Starting point is 00:34:31 So congrats to Nick. Good for him. Congrats to Nick. Nick Foles. Now, we have another Nick to talk about because there was a long piece in the ESPN you sent me yesterday. Yes. The Eagles are looking to bridge the Nick Sirianni-Jalen Hurts divide. And we were talking about this yesterday. There's some interesting things going on.
Starting point is 00:34:56 I'll put the article in the show notes. But it's not like a real... I don't know. What would you say? The article kind of gives me a little concern about what's going on with... It's not so good. It's not that good. And it outlines what happened last year. And basically them not having a good relationship with each other.
Starting point is 00:35:22 And that Eagles collapse after we go 10 and 1 um yep you know hertz gets signed to that massive contract um and then we just shit the bed and we lost first round eggs of the bucks and there's there were just some things in this article talks about i don't want to like quote the whole article um and there they are very you know it starts off like with optimism about like what possibly could happen this year with with kellen moore calling the offensive plays um so the first things we would want to keep in mind is that confirming that sirianni was doing a lot of like executive meddling like yes a ton of it a ton of it um A ton of it. And there's the aspect of your offensive play caller. Let the man do their job.
Starting point is 00:36:13 Yeah, being overruled by the head coach, especially on critical downs. And then you have also the idea of Jalen Hurts sort of sometimes wanting to do his own thing. And going kind of rogue. Yeah. And so the confidence here is what damage has been done in the relationship in the sense of like, is there lack of trust? Who's at fault? The article here starts off,
Starting point is 00:36:46 apparently Hertz was asked this about Sirianni, quote, what have you noticed about Nick being open-minded to change the offense like he had? What does this say about him? And then Jalen Hertz said, I mean, that's a great question. I don't know the answer to it. I don't know that I know the answer to it.
Starting point is 00:37:01 Right, which is brutal. Yeah, so... Not a good sign at all. I mean, I'm hopeful that they're sort of more on the same page. But do you think the relationship can be recovered? I don't know. And reading this article is something that we were talking about. Reading the article.
Starting point is 00:37:17 So we have been on the record from the beginning that Nick Sirianni is a human golden retriever. Right. He is clearly not a human golden retriever. Right. He is clearly not a Titan of intellect. No, he's not. But the problem in football is football. You actually do have to be kind of smart. Yes.
Starting point is 00:37:36 Football requires a high degree of intelligence. If you want to like learn, go read some, some football strategy, like legit football strategy and learn, learn plays and like the things that go into like blocking schemes or, or the different strategies behind how you attack different coverage shells, which is, it's something that, that is, is both of us love, love that shit.
Starting point is 00:38:02 But it's way more than like playing bad and hitting whatever coach recommends you know there's all this stuff requires a degree of intellect and a degree of like foresight and like the chess match of football we've talked about that before and if you lose the
Starting point is 00:38:20 if you're an idiot this is my like working theory is that Hurts thinks that Sirianni is an idiot because Jalen Hurts is one If you're an idiot, this is my working theory, is that Hertz thinks that Sirianni is an idiot. He's not wrong. Jalen Hertz is clearly intelligent. Two, he has said things, and I've said this before, that he has leadership ability beyond his years. It's not just surface level platitudes. He has said stuff in the past that has shown, man, this kid, this's not really a kid he's not a kid this man is is mature for his age for being when he was first drafted and seems like he can take responsibility and if you have a boss who's a fucking moron
Starting point is 00:39:00 we all know what that's like. And keeps putting their fucking nose in the business. And every time they do, it fucks up. Are you going to respect that boss? No. No. You're going to think they're a fucking idiot. And Hertz had respect for, what's his name, the old offensive coordinator. Johnson?
Starting point is 00:39:19 Or is it the guy who left to become a cult of the steam stitching, maybe? Brian Johnson. He's with the commanders now. But they had apparently a good rapport. So if you have a respect for Brian Johnson and Sirianni keeps butting his fucking head in
Starting point is 00:39:35 and changing the play calls and then it fucking doesn't work, you're going to lose respect for the man. So this working theory here is, this is my, this is the tom working theory that this is fucking he has no respect for this moron steam stitching that's who i was thinking of oh because people really didn't like brian johnson right and we know that nick sirianni has a temper because he has he has he has the official italian handler um and that was that that
Starting point is 00:40:06 i fucking memory hold that that would that whole thing oh yeah big big dom um we the article breaks breaks down some of the stuff somehow the offense has changed um we had pointed out this last year these weird routes that they were running. Really simplistic shit, yeah. Yeah, like, but then like, it's like some crazy fucking like, double stutter, like they were showing like the route, like by the time that
Starting point is 00:40:36 the route was intended to be open, fucking Hertz was rolling out of the pocket, like, because there wasn't enough running, there wasn't enough RPO, like we had seen, which Jalen hurts is really good at that rpo shit fucking fucking was dynamic right it was i mean he was electric oh i thought there's a reason that he got that fucking contract it was because of that um they the article talks about sirianni kind of just butting his head into a lot of different things uh brian johnson kind of feeling like he had to be in the middle of all these different
Starting point is 00:41:12 right that they wouldn't coordinate with each other they wouldn't talk to each other yeah yeah so it seems like a lot of bullshit and we don't you know i think that disadvantage here is sirianni i don't know he's got compromise on on how he how he likes Sirianni. I don't know. He's got compromise on Howie. Howie likes Sirianni for some reason. You know? Howie. It's like Bill Belichick, the GM, versus Bill Belichick, the coach. Right.
Starting point is 00:41:32 Right. Yeah. And they talk about the Seahawks loss, which is the third straight loss. Yeah. And the intermediate gain for field goal is, I'm quoting the article, the Eagles needed an intermediate gain to get to field goal range. It said Hurts attempted a downfield throw to A.J. Brown.
Starting point is 00:41:52 Yep, I remember that. And the idea, and we talked about this, the idea is that he was trying to draw past interference, which is... That's not a strategy. That's not real. Yeah. That's a gamble. The odds not real. That's, yeah. Yeah. You are, that's a gamble. The odds are so low on that.
Starting point is 00:42:08 Right. And it's not like a defensive back doesn't fucking know when the receiver's trying to draw a DPI, you know. Mm-hmm. So, some of the stuff, there was like an anonymous source in here talking about how Jalen doesn't give Nick enough credit. What credit is there to give him? A lot of what we does well stems from Nick. So what is that? Another team story says Hurts was trying to play hero ball. Now
Starting point is 00:42:33 maybe. We have recognized there's an issue like he doesn't see his first read or two. We have said that. Yeah, he does. Every single goddamn time and you know when you are rolling out of the pocket that makes it harder for your offensive line to to fucking hey where the fuck is he right what's going on yeah um so the article continues it's a
Starting point is 00:43:00 very long article it's actually quite quite well written, I think. I thought so, too. Talking about how they figured out that Chico for getting the Hertz is blitzing them. Yep. Yeah, the Giants did it quite a bit. And he even called fucking Wink Martindale. Yes, he did. To see how they were going to come after him. Which, all right, do some oppo research. All right.
Starting point is 00:43:22 I like that. I like that. But, hey, this is a question. For the junkies out there, for the offensive or the offensive scheme gurus, just like
Starting point is 00:43:36 us, if someone is blitzing you a lot, what do you do? Scramble out and let the fucker fly? Well, what is a schematic response? Scramble out and let the fucker fly well what what is a schematic response scramble out and let the fucker fly or or perhaps rpo right or screens but they did especially well they would do these weird bubble screens yeah you're right you're right they would do weird bubble screens that's what i thought was so weird but they were like half-assed.
Starting point is 00:44:05 Yeah. I would wonder how many halfback screens you ran. Too many. I don't know, but it was too many. Yeah. So I don't know. I'd have to actually go watch footage to see how many. Go watch tape. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:44:19 So a man blitz would be there's a blitz coming, but the rest of the defense is in a man-to-man coverage which will help defend the screen but if if if they're in zone uh that's where you get that opportunity so it depends on what kind of blitz they're they're running and of course half of football is trying to disguise one as the other right but yeah like like if you're going to – if they're going to be sending all these guys against you, you don't want these long, complicated, fucking weird-ass routes that they were scheming up. Yeah, a screen is a good idea. An RPO is a good idea. Some gadget plays to get the – maybe – Just get weird with it. We didn't use any motion.
Starting point is 00:45:04 We didn't use any motion maybe some fucking, you know, like jet sweeps yeah, jet sweeps, just do some weird shit nothing crazy but like enough to establish like a legitimate offense rather than whatever the fuck we're doing make you be honest, yeah
Starting point is 00:45:19 you can't blitz every fucking play if you're going to be blitzing against like and what I don't understand is they did this the whole game and we never really the refusal to adjust yeah i i totally agree so i don't i i don't understand why i'm not a football coach right i'm not a i'm not a genius on this like i understand like the dunning kruger where i know more than like the lay person but right like like what are they i would like to know what they're seeing that i'm not seeing and and it was not just us criticizing them there were actual legit like nfl guys saying what the fuck is this is this offensive scheme you're doing you have this incredibly dynamic
Starting point is 00:46:01 quarterback who's good at rpos you're not establishing the run so they're just going to blitz the shit out of the quarterback and force and asking fucking you know jason kelsey with with two fibers left in his knee right exactly uh to to hold on for like seven seconds right so you can do this weird fucking comeback with like eight fucking little shimmies. That didn't make any sense. It didn't make any sense to A.J. Brown. And not, you know, why don't you like fucking a slant with Devonta Smith? How about that? Right. Which is what he's good at.
Starting point is 00:46:35 Or A.J. Brown. Like. Yeah. I fucking sound like a WIFE moron right now. You do. But that's okay. You're not wrong. You're not wrong.
Starting point is 00:46:43 Come on. Like, mix up your scheme. That's allon. You do. You're not wrong. You're not wrong. Come on. Mix up your scheme. That's all you have to do. You can't just do the same thing. You have to mix. It's a chess match. You can't just do the same thing over and over again.
Starting point is 00:46:55 So I'm getting this frustrated with the plank calling. I can't imagine what Jalen Hurts was feeling. Yeah, absolutely. And so Hurts, you know, so they get, Sirianni was on the bubble there at the end of the season and they talked about it. And what was the quote?
Starting point is 00:47:12 I should have pulled this quote where they were asking, do you want Sirianni back? And he's like, you know, to me or something. Yeah, hold on. Where was it? One second. Sirianni. Trying to find the quote. Of course course it's taking me all the way down do you want Nick back
Starting point is 00:47:31 the reporter asked Hertz I didn't know he was going anywhere Hertz responded so did not answer the question did he does not answer the question does it and smart on Hertz right obviously you Obviously, you don't know. And that's apparently they were thinking about
Starting point is 00:47:49 hiring Bill Belichick. I did see that. Oh, yeah, boy. So we got Kellen Moore now. And here's the thing, and we were talking about this as well in text message, is the new Nick Sirianni role,
Starting point is 00:48:02 which reminds me a hell of a lot of what they used to do with Elon Musk when he was more active at SpaceX, which is just keep them busy. The handler. Yeah. So, um,
Starting point is 00:48:12 Kellen Moore's going to call, uh, call the offense. Sirianni is not going to be calling plays. So what's he going to be doing? Well, um, interact,
Starting point is 00:48:20 uh, let's see. Um, Sirianni is going to bounce from station to station, uh, quote from there. Okay. Um, spirit, Sirianni is going to bounce from station to station uh quote from there okay um sirianni spending time he's popping into meetings okay he's grabbing his boron horn to shout out down in distance yeah that's something the head coach needs to do okay uh so that's how we're doing this huh yeah uh they're they're in the article also says that hertz and sirianni drove
Starting point is 00:48:44 around the field in a golf cart together, smiling as they took a lap in front of the media. That's like Trump driving the car out when he had COVID. Yeah, exactly. Or sitting in the back of the beast. Hertz says, I think we're in a great place. I think anytime you have frustration, anytime you have adversity that you overcome, it's supposed to test you. It's a matter of being on the same page. If we were on the same page, we maybe would have accomplished the things we would have
Starting point is 00:49:06 last season in brackets and we didn't that's learning experience end quote so he's not they're saying he's not a fixture in the quarterback room that's good he shouldn't be it's good he's he pokes his heads in the rooms makes the young guys uncomfortable
Starting point is 00:49:21 which is fine yeah that's fine it's like you know officer on deck right exactly but uh what what is he actually doing it looks like he's not coaching anything like what is he actually doing we said that that was working when it was his coordinators and we we said like, this is, uh, yeah. So, so the,
Starting point is 00:49:48 the answer is to just give him bullshit job. Now, like let the, let the offensive and defensive coordinators cook. Is that it? Then what's the fuck is Sirianni's job? Cause here I, I wonder in the off season,
Starting point is 00:50:01 they had to talk to Sirianni because Hertz is the franchise quarterback. They have a lot more money invested in Hertz than they do in Sirianni. You know? Yeah, I completely agree. Did they have a talk with him saying, look, you got to back the fuck off? I wonder.
Starting point is 00:50:18 I would love to have been a fly on the wall when they said, we'll let you back one year. Like a prove-it year, basically, yeah. Yeah. The article ends on a positive note we'll let you back one year. But you got like a prove it year basically. Yeah. Yeah. Um, the, the article ends on a positive note talking about how Hertz, uh,
Starting point is 00:50:30 is now in quote redemption mode and quote, like, um, we got, you know, we'll, we'll do a season preview. Um,
Starting point is 00:50:38 in another episode, you know, they talk about how we have Hertz, Brown Smith, and then Saquon Barkley. Um, and then, uh, Vic Fang um should be fine should be fine and i guess as long as sirianni um the the end quote here is telling um do i think they will go to dinner together hell no i saw that good working professional
Starting point is 00:51:03 relationship and i don't think it's And I don't think it's hatred. I don't think it's hatred. That's not inspiring. It's not inspiring, I'll tell you that. No. So, I mean, I don't know. I made the joke to you. It's like, you know how Elon Musk was at SpaceX?
Starting point is 00:51:22 They would have guys doing code rain. Handlers, yeah, genuinely. Like, oh, this guy's – it's just his screensaver, but it looks like code running. Oh, yeah, no, he's working. He got like – His code's compiling, right. Yeah, the coach, he's just got X's and O's.
Starting point is 00:51:36 He's drawing on the tablet whenever Sirianni walks in. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Oh, no, I was coming up with some plays here, Coach. Yeah, this one, I call it the throw the ball downfield. And I'm really looking forward to it. We said this an episode or two ago about, I think, if we start off poorly, you might see midseason. I totally agree that he might get fired midseason if they totally fuck us up.
Starting point is 00:52:04 Yeah. So how do you feel about this? How do you feel about this article? I mean, I'm hopeful that it lets a fire under their asses. I don't need them to be best friends. I saw 12 seasons of Mythbusters where they weren't. That's true. You know, I'm just I'm hopeful that it works out.
Starting point is 00:52:19 But I don't feel good about it. I'll tell you that. Yeah. I don't understand what the rationale is in is it just there's no coaches or they're delegating everything to the coordinators i just don't know yeah then what's the fucking point of having a head coach i don't disagree with you i it genuinely seems like they're just keeping them busy with with rah rah stuff like is he just going to be a motivator i mean maybe or maybe he is the scheme guy i don't know but like i'm very skeptical right like
Starting point is 00:52:49 how can you not be yeah i don't know i mean i am cautiously optimistic for this year we did talk about last year being a down year yes and and we of course then we thought oh shit they're fucking super bowl bound again and then they shit the bed. Yeah, totally shit the bed. Right. But but, you know, I I think there's a chance for this team to do really well. Hopefully they're, you know, I mean, obviously you got a new. Hopefully Cam Jurgens doesn't doesn't go back to Nebraska for him. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:53:23 God, yeah. Might as well just have him fucking be the long snapper um yeah we don't want any of that uh but uh no he he he fixes his shit by the end uh but end of his college tenure right but uh yeah we'll see um yeah we'll do it we'll do an eagle season preview at some point but yeah we'll put the article if you want to read it in there it's from esb it came out a couple days ago um worth reading worth reading especially if you're interested in uh the bullshit drama oh yeah um behind there all right we got some messages um first we got a DM. I miss this one, Metric Mike. I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:54:06 I don't check Patreon enough. So Metric Mike says, hello, yay, Liam and Tom. Hi. And Metric Mike here. How do you feel about Oilers captain Connor McDavid winning the Conn Smythe? Totally still fucking around. Go Blue Jackets, I guess. Bring back British Rail.
Starting point is 00:54:20 I don't know if we answered this question before. I don't think we did. I don't think we did. If we did, oh, well. I mean, McJesus deserved it. He was playing out of his fucking gourd this year. Absolutely. Absolutely.
Starting point is 00:54:32 Fuck Enron, I agree. Yeah, he's the first player in like 20 years to win it and not have won the Stanley Cup, but he deserves it. Is it Smith or Conn Smith? Smith. Smith, Conn Smith. Why do I always say Smive? French Trophée, Trophée, Conchemy?
Starting point is 00:54:52 Conchemy? Yeah, that's horrible. Okay, most valuable player during the playoffs. Yeah. It was like, remember when LeBron went with LeBron and friends to the NBA Finals? And Andre Iguodala won Finals MVP for guarding LeBron. And clearly LeBron should have won it. Same thing.
Starting point is 00:55:14 That's funny. All right. Whatever Liam said, I agree, I guess. Thank you. But I agree with bring back British Rail. Do that. Shouts out to Gareth. We're going to put him in his labor party.
Starting point is 00:55:30 Yes. And HS2 up the turf's ass. That'd be a nice shirt. Just HS2 and just going up JK Rowling's ass. I like that. All right. We got two voicemails We got one from Henry
Starting point is 00:55:46 I think and one from our favorite post Our favorite Thin blue wine person So let's listen to Henry first Hello Tom yay Liam Henry from Minnesota here Pronouns he him long time listener First time caller
Starting point is 00:56:00 Let me preface this by saying I am not here to talk about The Vikings so don't worry about that. We're trading rich fans in Minnesota. I wanted to start by saying that I am a huge fan of your show, and despite the fact that I'm not as into sports as many people are, nor do I know too much about
Starting point is 00:56:18 them, it really is just truly enjoyable listening to you guys shoot the shit and talk about absolutely whatever. That being said, I do need to figure out some way to participate. So how about some eSports news? That counts, right? Sure. Anyway, I am sending this on July 25th, a few days or more after the yearly Evolution
Starting point is 00:56:40 or Evo 2024 fighting game tournament that happens in Las Vegas. That sounds like fun. I was there live and in person, and let me tell you, it is a magical experience being in the Las Vegas Convention Center and hearing an at-capacity arena light up with cheers and screaming every time a Chipotle ad comes on. In terms of notable people who won their perspective games, SonicFox,
Starting point is 00:57:08 you might know the name, as the famous fighting game player who is also a trans furry, picked up their seventh EVO championship title for Mortal Kombat 1 this year, meaning they are only a few away
Starting point is 00:57:23 from having the most championship titles of anybody in Evo history. And also notably, in Street Fighter VI this year, the player known as Punk Da God became the first American contender to win the champ title in nearly 20 years. That number might be a little off. I don't 100% know, but it's been a long time. Regardless, the reason why that particular one is relevant to you is because Punk grew up in Philly, and he's from Philly, as you might guess by the fact that he grew up there. Anyway, I got to watch it in person, like I said, and it was an absolute blast, other than the parts where I had to walk outside and realize
Starting point is 00:58:05 that I was in Vegas. But I'm home now. And it's 67 degrees in my apartment. So I'm going to go collapse into my bed and sleep for 70 years. Anyway, hopefully this was relevant enough to be included. But if not, I hope you guys have a good day regardless. Thank you guys and have a good day. Oh yeah, and fuck Penn State or whatever. I don't know what that means, but bye. I mean, it's pretty, I would think that it's... Fuck Penn State, Joe Podniewicz. Joe Podniewicz, fuck Penn State.
Starting point is 00:58:34 I mean, I have no reason not to root for Penn State except for Joe Podniewicz. The Sandusky thing. I mean, I went to Penn State. I mean, I basically flunked out, but... Yeah, getting in to Penn State. I mean, I basically flunked out. Yeah, getting in counts. One of the things... Henry, thanks for
Starting point is 00:58:51 the email. Very well spoken, by the way. I appreciate good elocution, something that I don't have. That's pretty cool, though, that they play fighting games. I do see that they took dragon ball fighter z off this year's um so that kind of sucks um but uh no that's pretty cool um that they have a fighting games um uh and i hopefully they have some sort of hard style techno rave where they play the mortal combat theme one loop forever um i uh no one of one of the things that i was going to raise on
Starting point is 00:59:27 the show is um i need a p5 team to root for um so think about that oh mess i'm not root for all mess um be a cold day in hell if i root for all miss how How about Florida? No. I'm not going to root for an SEC team. Or... ACC? Maybe an ACC team. You can't root for Northwestern. No. What about SMU? Pony Access, baby.
Starting point is 01:00:00 I got like a West Virginia. What's wrong with West Virginia? I don't know if anything's wrong with West Virginia? I don't have anything wrong with West Virginia, although that would put me at odds with John from Pittsburgh. What about Pitt itself? Can you root for a team that's from a state that you live from that you didn't go to? Yeah, you can.
Starting point is 01:00:15 You can root for Pitt. Otherwise, I would suggest Texas Tech or. I don't know. All right, well, we got to have the listeners call in and tell us. Yeah, tell us. What about Rutgers? Come on, man. That was what I was thinking.
Starting point is 01:00:30 I was thinking. Dismal school. But they're not going to do any good. I do need to have like one good team. Dismal school for morons. I need like one good team to root for. I feel like Virginia Tech might be fun. That's why I root for Ole Miss.
Starting point is 01:00:42 Virginia Tech. I have an anti-Southern bias in my brain, though, with those. Okay. All right. Well, congratulations. I root for Ole Miss. Virginia Tech. I have an anti-Southern bias in my brain though. Okay, alright. Well, congratulations. You root for Illinois now. Do I want to root for Illinois? Alright. I mean, they have five natties. Have they not won since 1951? I'm going to join the ranks
Starting point is 01:00:57 of Klinger from MASH and Sufjan Stevens. Yeah, and also my cousins. I don't know. Call in and let us know. Tell them why it should be SMU. Pony Excess, baby, let's do this. They beat us 55 to nothing.
Starting point is 01:01:17 I know. But now they're in the ACC. Fight song will play a role. So if they have a cool fight song, that does help. What about Minnesota? Minnesota? Yeah. fight song will play a role so if they have a cool fight song that does help what about minnesota minnesota yeah yeah because it's not it can't be like a team that's really good all the time like i'm not i think you want i think you want minnesota then there's me yeah maybe i think you want minnesota all right all right well well i'll investigate all right but call and tell me
Starting point is 01:01:41 what what college football power five team I should root for. All right, we got our second voicemail here from where we're going to do the thin blue line back to blue here with Wookie, our favorite postman. So let's go. Hey, guys, it's Postman Wookie once again, your favorite postal delivery guy. Try not to die of a feed stroke in North Carolina. To answer your questions about the mail vehicles, it honestly depends on what you are. I am a rural carrier or a rural carrier substitute. I'm in the intermediate position between the base level RCA, rural carrier
Starting point is 01:02:20 associate, and a rural carrier assistant, and a regular regular mail carrier so I don't have my own route but I get way better pay than I did as an RCA and I get a good chunk of the benefits that regular would RCA kind of stuck on their own but it honestly depends on where I'm a sole substitute I have to it also depends on what office you're in. Some offices will have a full coverage of all their routes of government vehicles. My office, out of 33 rural routes in faithful North Carolina, I... we only have seven rural routes that got government vehicles. The most prevalent one is still the
Starting point is 01:03:08 old Grumman LLV, which is based off of a 1985 Chevrolet S10. It's got the 2.5 liter Iron Duke four-cylinder in it. It's got a three-speed automatic transmission and they're slow as fuck. They have no air conditioning.
Starting point is 01:03:25 All you got is a little steel convection oven fan bolted to the dashboard. They leak water. They are fire risk, and most of them have like 250 to 350,000 miles on them by this point. They're all fucking dying. They're
Starting point is 01:03:40 brilliantly designed. I love delivering mail out of them because I can reach everything at arm's length and all that but during the summer in North Carolina they're freaking miserable we don't have the new trucks yet because they're taking
Starting point is 01:03:59 the government they're taking forever to get those damn things out they can't come quick enough in the meantime it's quicker for them The government, they're taking forever to get those damn things out. They can't come quick enough. In the meantime, it's quicker for them to buy a bunch of right-hand drive Mercedes Metris vans and kind of dish those out. So eventually, they've been saying this for two years that we're going to have the new trucks. Supposedly within the next year, my office will be completely covered with a mattress. If I am on a route and I have my own vehicle, I get a little extra bonus. I get a $0.97 a mile stipend.
Starting point is 01:04:36 Oh, essential mileage there. I can't think of the actual term off my head because the Postal Service has three-letter acronyms for everything. And there's my stupid dogs in the background. But I figured I'd give you a little update on the Postal Service has three-letter acronyms for everything. There's my stupid dogs in the background. But I figured I'd give you a little update on the Postal Service. Oh, wow. You hit the three-minute limit there. So if there's anything you had to add, let us know. But thanks for that, Wookiee.
Starting point is 01:04:59 That's actually really interesting for a little bit behind the curtain with how the fucking postal service works. That's pretty cool. So thanks. I appreciate you calling in. You know, we're still this is a sports podcast, but we're still nerds for transit shit. We are. Public services.
Starting point is 01:05:17 If you work for the National Weather Service, call in also. You guys are like the best. Postal services too. All right. So if you would like... No, I'm doing it in the wrong order.
Starting point is 01:05:34 Shouts out to our North Catholic tier patrons, Patrick, Sean, Mike, Kate, Charlie, Luke, Chuckleburk, Kat, Robert, and Kyle. No new 700 level patrons this week that I saw. I could have missed one. We had a couple that Dine and Dash, they joined. I guess they got patrons this week that I saw. I could have missed one. We had a couple that dined and dashed. They joined. I guess they got the one episode and they left. So I don't remember. All right. Plugs. Voicemail.
Starting point is 01:05:55 267-371-7218. Give us your name and pronouns. Call in. Tell me what Power 5 team I should support. If you're from National Weather Service, call in. Please. Make his day. Please. He deserves it I got a C- in Meteo like 203 whatever the intro to meteorology for meteorology majors at Penn State was I failed because I had to
Starting point is 01:06:15 take two I would have to have to had taken two remediary math classes every semester to catch up that's one thing that I got fucked up with from North Catholic. DM us and follow us. I'm at TakenTPain.
Starting point is 01:06:33 He's at NotLayMakers. The zero is elite. Follow the podcast, 10KLossesPod on Twitter. We will be doing a live stream, like I said, on the 13th at 6pm Eastern. I'll be playing College Football 25 and getting the Northeast Catholic College Falcons
Starting point is 01:06:53 set up in the MAC. Hell yeah. We're going to be in the MAC. Decided that. And taking over I'm not going to take over Buffalo's roster. I guess they get vaporized. I'm going to pick the worst roster. Sure. Like the cupcake roster.
Starting point is 01:07:09 And we're going to try and like see how we do. So. Sure. We'll do that. Patreon.com slash 10,000 losses. That's where you'll find the link to that live stream when it is posted. And then we have friends. We have other podcasts.
Starting point is 01:07:23 Well, there's your problem. We have trash. Okay. Those dickheads. We have other podcasts. Well, there's your problem. We have Trash Future. Those dickheads. We have Kill James Bond. We have Radio Free Totebag. Tipping Pitches. Beyond the Breakers. Sickos Committee.
Starting point is 01:07:36 Brigham Young Money. Who am I missing? Hell of a Way to Die. Hell of a Way. If I missed, sorry, we have too many friends. We have so many friends yeah all right stay safe stay dry and call us if you're from the national weather service thanks yes do that um tell them to root for uh pit um you can call in and tell me everything everything you could
Starting point is 01:08:00 do if we got you locked in the room with the guy, the fucking AccuWeather guy. He's very bad. All right. Have a good weekend or week, whatever. Whenever you're listening to this, have a good day. All right. Bye, everybody. Bye. Bye.
Starting point is 01:08:14 Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye.
Starting point is 01:08:15 Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye.
Starting point is 01:08:16 Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye.
Starting point is 01:08:18 Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye.
Starting point is 01:08:18 Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye.
Starting point is 01:08:18 Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye.
Starting point is 01:08:23 Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. No one likes us, no one likes us, no one likes us, we don't care. We're from Philly, fucking Philly, no one likes us, we don't care.

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