Ten Thousand Losses - Ball Town ft. Justin Roczniak aka donoteat01

Episode Date: November 17, 2022

Justin Roczniak visits 10kL studios to promote his up-and-coming podcast "Well There's Your Problem." Tom, Liam, and Rocz do a postmortem on being the first city to ever lose two championships on the ...same day. We recap the Philly Union MLS cup loss to mujahedeen fighters, the Phillies losing to the Trashtros, and cover Mitchell Miller's racist and disgusting nature. Features more linguistics, engineering, and train content than is normally allowed on the podcast. Rocz also recorded a bonus with us, so be sure to go to patreon to listen.  Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/tenklossespod  Follow WTYP too: https://twitter.com/wtyppod  Shouts out to http://www.philageohistory.org/  Leave us a voicemail: 267-371-7218 Support us on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/tenthousandlosses 

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Starting point is 00:00:00 accused of punching a police force. CTE, CTE, CTE. Those negative fans. Make himself vomit. Go Bears, go Bears. you gotta think the fanatic's gonna go down to her and give her a bunch of hot dogs or the snowball starting to come they'll boo us but they won't let anybody else boo us and we're alive now hopefully one would hope so you know who's not alive
Starting point is 00:00:49 right now Doug Mastriano he was murdered murdered by his own hand by his own party that's what happens if you're a fucking Nazi man Dr. Oz even worse he's back in Jersey
Starting point is 00:01:04 now I do like that Doug Mastriano that's what happens if you're a fucking nazi man dr oz even worse he's back in jersey now uh i do like that doug basciano this may be a time of this actually goes out but doug basciano's posting through it pretty bad uh real big fan of that where it's just like this is the most campaigning you've done by guy like fasting it through dude i mean he just straight up did not campaign right that that's what i understand he was just like i i'm the republican guy therefore i win right um he spent all his money on massive uh giant fucking signs that fucking assholes were putting like razor wired shit around so he wasted all his money on that i mean i would also spend all my money on massive
Starting point is 00:01:46 giant signs because that's i how i assume people consume information um but yeah i'm attracting the the the very very short attention span voter yes um um All the campaign money goes to billboards. All of it. Also, weird SS knockoff memorabilia. You can only buy at gun shows. In Confederate uniforms. And faked
Starting point is 00:02:17 doctoral dissertations. From St. John New Brunswick, if I'm not mistaken yes you are not mistaken yes is that the place you get screeched in or is that uh that's st john's oh newfoundland okay now we got there we had to kiss a fish there's a there's a there's a one s of difference between them and an apostrophe and an apostrophe yes well well liam that starts to explain the origin of your of the fish uh i didn't like it i will say i did not like kissing the fish yeah so so we sit here today uh the day after the election um it is now big boy season so we've assembled all
Starting point is 00:03:08 the big boys for for a celebration episode um where we just make fun of uh doug mastriano uh yeah like i said he's dead uh dr oz is his move moved to new jersey um He might be thrown into a back of a shipping container as part of a Kamala's plot soon. Yes. Oh, nice. That lingering cough, baby. I know, right? Yeah, so
Starting point is 00:03:38 that's good. So the tall guy won. I'm looking forward to seeing him eat J.D. Vance. I mean, this is where we need sort of to go to a sort of invader's style of nominating candidates. You just the biggest and tallest guy is in charge because that seems to have worked really good here. And Illinois. Yes. because that seems to have worked really good here and Illinois yes well when you said invader zim style I thought we're going to get like preteens
Starting point is 00:04:10 who shop at hot topic to run our society no that would be really bad the teen yeah no thanks would it be worse does hot topic still exist do preteens still exist yes they do
Starting point is 00:04:23 preteens unfortunately still exist god Do preteens still exist? Yes, they do. Wow. Preteens, unfortunately, still exist. God damn it. Because I have to teach them. I keep getting older and they stay the same age. Okay, that's... Stop, stop. Notice the distinct difference between my voice and Roz's voice. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:45 My voice is soft, friendly and doesn't say things like that. Yeah, we got a little blue here. This is like after hours. Yeah. 10K losses at night. At night. Oh, man. Yeah, so welcome to the episode of 10,000 Loss Yeah, so, uh, hello.
Starting point is 00:05:05 Welcome to the episode of 10,000 Losses, the only Philadelphia sports podcast that exists. Fuck you, uh, Bryce Ricky's H.S. Ah, fucking terrible podcast. Fuck you, first time, long time. Yeah, fuck you guys, too. Um, other guys, I guess, you know, we'll see.
Starting point is 00:05:22 Um. Bird talk, whatever the hell. I'm your host, Tom Payne are he him with he's my co-host yay liam hi i'm liam anderson my pronouns are also he him why am i on the rest of ricky sanchez oh presented by draft kings eat my body and and we have a guest yeah hi guest hi it's it's me it's roz my pronouns are he and him uh i'm from well there's your problem podcast podcast about engineering disasters with slides we're trying to give you the the 10k i'll bump you know it's a scrappy little podcast yes um you know uh trying trying to help help you guys out a little bit. Grow the game. You know.
Starting point is 00:06:07 I appreciate that. Well, when the Skull sponsorship fell through, I knew you guys needed a little extra help. I don't know. Only cops choose Skull, dude. I have never dipped in my life.
Starting point is 00:06:23 You make me sad. Now, you might be proud of me. You make me sad. I did smoke. Now, you might be proud of me. When I smoked cigarettes, I only smoked on filters. I was in Fishtown the other night, because I'm a moron, and I was meeting up with Corinne. There were a few people smoking cigarettes, and like a cartoon where my nose is drawn to the pie. I smelled someone smoking a Marlboro Red. My head turned like the exorcist.
Starting point is 00:06:51 I was just like, give it to Liam. Oh, see, I'm like that with Lucky Strikes like that. They won the war, man. I know. Well, they won. They won the war for the Steve, the Steve Adores who stole them out of the packages. Then let the guys over the frontvedores who stole all of them out of the packages. That's about to say. Yeah, let the guys over the front smoke Pell Mells or whatever.
Starting point is 00:07:10 Back in college when I smoked more than I do now, which is to say I smoked one cigarette a month as opposed to now, which is one cigarette a year. I was like the Lucky Strikes. They're toasted. I will say, cigarettes don't really do it for anyone. Lucky Strikes will smell nice, but someone smoking a pipe, man, that's the lifting of the nose.
Starting point is 00:07:38 Oh, yeah. I was in Atlantic City and some guy was smoking a pipe, and I was like, mm-hmm. Isn't the Lucky Strike it's toasted slogan just referring to the normal way you make cigarettes yes it's like Coors saying it's cold
Starting point is 00:07:53 lagered or triple hops brewed yeah most breweries throw hops in three different times there we go. Yeah. Was that one cigarette a year last night? Oh, no.
Starting point is 00:08:11 Yeah, exactly. They viewed the slogan in 1917 because they don't sun dry it. They toast it. Everyone else sun dries it. Interesting. That is interesting. Well, you know, this channel this feet feed rss feed started out with snooze talk so i feel like we're kind of going back to
Starting point is 00:08:31 going back to to basics on there um we only talk about tobacco on this show no yeah i mean yeah honestly um yeah uh tobacco and men's asses. Raymond Lowy designed the Lucky Strike pack? Yes. Who's that guy? Should I know who that is? Yes, he designed the GG-1, Tom. That's a sexy vehicle.
Starting point is 00:08:56 Also, several other. He designed the Air Force One paint scheme. He designed. What else? He did quite a number of things. A lot of cool stuff. Student maker, Avanti. Interior of the
Starting point is 00:09:11 NS Savannah, I want to say. Maybe I got that one wrong. A bunch of Coca-Cola vending machines, I think. Did some NASA stuff, right? Didn't he help design Skylab? Skylab, yes. Skylab is what i was thinking of not the ns sky lab yeah really did he design the fucking the shitty uh solar panels they fucked up
Starting point is 00:09:34 he was the one who he was the one who insisted on having a window well i like that the original sky Skylab version was going to be the wet lab where they would have filled the Saturn IV. Yep, the sloping it up in space. It would have been filled with liquid hydrogen and all of the furniture would have had to be able to withstand the liquid hydrogen pressure and temperature and then once they burned all the propellant out of the saturn the s4 stage they would have then um purged it like purged the atmosphere that sealed it back up and uh they decided to go with the um i guess heavier version of no we're just gonna make we're not gonna fill the living space full of hydrogen and test that shit up in space see how it works yeah I do like the
Starting point is 00:10:30 I don't know, what do you even call that design by committee it's just something that's wacky you know the Apollo applications program, that's basically something wacky, that's the well this has been your space chat Apollo Applications Program. That's basically something wacky. That's the AAP.
Starting point is 00:10:47 Well, this has been your space chat. An industrial design chat. I guess. We also did the interior of the Air France Concorde. You say France and fathers wear. Yes.
Starting point is 00:11:04 Shit. I have the notes open. bothers me yes uh uh shit i have the notes open uh you do i guess uh did you do the the voicemail call and shit no i didn't uh uh we're recording a bonus right after this stop fucking stop fucking dming
Starting point is 00:11:20 me um did they dm you and not me yeah voicemail call 267-371-7218 please remember to give us your name and your pronouns or we will sign them for you yeah patreon uh patreon.com slash 10 000 losses you will find ross's bonus episode and some other pretty good ones yes uh let's talk about uh our beleaguered city uh yes first city to lose two championships in a day isn't that isn't that just that's very philly that's keeping with tradition yeah uh i didn't put two major championships because i'm not sure how much the MLS championship is major. Four plus one. I'm not calling it the big five. It's not minor.
Starting point is 00:12:09 It's mid-league soccer. Mid-league. Yeah, so we lost the MLS Cup in extras. No, wait. Not in extras. It was
Starting point is 00:12:21 lost to the PKs. We watched it. Yes, we did. All three of us watched it. We were in the uh it was up it was uh yeah it was it was uh it was the case we watched yes yes we did all three of us watched it we were in the same room we were in the same room this is true uh and so now you don't have to damn stupid way for a game to end yeah stupid way to decide a champion i mean i don't fucking watch soccer i think a penalty kick is cool but it's awfully close like they were they were all up in each other yeah they were exploring each other's bodies with some of those penalty kicks i feel like like you could just take a random fin and there's a non-zero chance they would kick that goal right no i don't disagree with that i i i bet they would not i mean i i don't know non--zero. Non-zero. Oh, man.
Starting point is 00:13:05 I'm just saying professional athletes are good at their job, usually. See, you say that, but that's how you lose a 2-1 lead when you have an extra man. This is true. When they were on the power play. The Pico power play yeah so uh yeah that that was that was disappointing i don't like so those jerseys have a weird lightning bolt on it that that kind of i like that yeah yeah lafc is super fashy uh oh there but they they were like you it was the Mujahideen there and everything. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:45 The Black Army or whatever. Yeah. Yeah. That is very, I don't know what they're going for there, but that's, you know, that's the first thing. My wife was the one who said that, so she could say it. Like, okay, what are these people doing there? Are they going to cut off some heads right after? LAFC loses in penalty kick For each one they lose, they lose a head
Starting point is 00:14:13 I feel like this is You know, your Philadelphia versus your LA soccer fans would just turn into that episode of what was that show on Spike TV? The Ultimate Warrior? The Ultimate Warrior. The Ultimate Warrior, IRA versus Taliban. Battle of the Balaclavas.
Starting point is 00:14:40 Oh, man. That was... There was a lot going on that day with sports. I appreciate the lack of advertisements they have with soccer, but you know,
Starting point is 00:14:58 I don't know. Liam, you're not a huge fan, but I thought it was kind of fun. That's fine, dude. It's, yeah, yeah i mean i don't really i guess i i i can't like i like the world cup i guess and i i do like that they don't really take breaks uh yeah so that the sport is like you're watching the sport do like that um my my problem isn't actually with it's just like it's stuff they can't really fix like I think the pitch is too big
Starting point is 00:15:27 you know what I mean like but I was like I was entertained I'm entertained by the World Cup I'm entertained by like the Euro like final like yeah I I feel about it sort of I think
Starting point is 00:15:43 the same way I feel about NASCAR versus F1 where NASCAR is wildly more entertaining, but F1 is a better television product. Hmm. Okay. Yeah, I buy that. Just because, like, F1 takes, like, a tidy hour 45. Yeah. NASCAR can go on for four and a half hours.
Starting point is 00:16:01 Yeah, you have to go to a NASCAR thing for that to be enjoyable. Yeah, you have to actually physically go to the NASCAR track go on for four and a half hours. Yeah, you have to go to a NASCAR thing for that to be enjoyable. I don't let anyone watch that. You have to physically go to the NASCAR track. I will say, you should absolutely go see a NASCAR race. It's a lot of fun. Well, we should all go up next time there's one in Pocono or Delaware. You want to talk about the Philz? You've got to.
Starting point is 00:16:22 I was going to say something about, I forget. What's the one in New York? Watkins Glen. Watkins Glen, yes. Yeah, that was my first NASCAR race. You want the synthesis here between NASCAR and F1? You go up to Watkins Glen. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:39 Yeah, man, I don't know. It's fine. That's my opinion on soccer, basically. It't know. It's fine. That's my opinion on soccer, basically. It's fine. It's fine. I don't see what the Europeans see in it. But then again, it's not the hegemonic sport here. So I would understand if they did not enjoy something like baseball,
Starting point is 00:16:59 the greatest sport. Yes. Yeah, unless you root for the Philadelphia Phillies. That's me trying Unless you root for the Philadelphia Phillies. That's me trying to do a segue. Who pisses shit in my mouth. I think, I mean,
Starting point is 00:17:12 I, that's, that is, that is a segue. Well, the pisses shit in your mouth is also a segue too, if you think about it. But I think in Europe, it's because of the,
Starting point is 00:17:20 the close distances between teams. There's definitely more. I think that makes sense like that's why like good the good rivalries like outside of like philly dallas like for like a lot of the really good rivalries are like with cities that are fairly close by so they're close to each other but they're close by by american standards so you have like boston new york and then like boston montreal uh new york philadelphia all those you imagine how many shitty baseball parks that Boston, New York, and then Boston, Montreal, New York, Philadelphia, all those. Can you imagine how many
Starting point is 00:17:48 shitty baseball parks that a place like Paris could support, though? I'm just the weirdest spots you've seen in your life. Paris sounds your main baseball grounds up against the side of the Notre Dame.
Starting point is 00:18:03 There would be like 3, teams in germany alone uh there is there is a bundesliga baseball uh but um yeah yeah there's a there there is a major league because you have we all we all know about hank ball hoof the class yeah hank ball hood the class and the the uverones class class, I think is there like triple a, but, uh, the Bundesliga, the French league, the Spanish league are operate on like pro rel lines, like a, like a regular club. And then the Italian one,
Starting point is 00:18:34 this, the Syria or Syria is kind of more like American, but, uh, yeah, baseball, um, back to United States.
Starting point is 00:18:43 Uh, so we also watched something after the Union game that was also filled with sadness and that was game six of the World Series. Yeah, Houston Astros. They need to do some work on this.
Starting point is 00:18:58 Oh, I don't know. Why do you pull Wheeler when he's dealing? Why do you Yeah. Why do you, why does our when he's dealing? Why do you... Why does our first baseman not have any legs or arms or brain? Why is it just a stick figure incapable of playing defense?
Starting point is 00:19:16 He's a handsome one that... Yeah, I get that he's handsome. Yeah, okay, but here's the thing, he can't play defense. He's some kind of troll out there you know that would probably improve our chances his drs was plus three to defensive run saved so like he wasn't like awful this year during the season but he missed some like clutch yeah exactly that's that's my thing and like i think you basically have to sort of go on that. Unfortunately,
Starting point is 00:19:46 it sucks, but I think this is going to go the pulling the wheeler. Like I, I'm having a hard time. Like I can kind of get the rationale. It's like, well, maybe I could save him for tomorrow. Like,
Starting point is 00:19:57 yeah, maybe, but, but you have to play every game. Like it's an alien game. You're in the world. Yeah. You do actually have to win the game.
Starting point is 00:20:04 It's the thing. Yeah. this is the one of the things people don't realize about sports is that usually it's better to win than to lose it is better to win than doubly so in the world series i i mean that's an insider info yeah that's this is some like real baseball head shit uh uh winning a game counts more than losing and uh you know hey look we won the pennant which the braves and the mets didn't so uh suck it uh but um i bought a pennant i have one but it's not the world series pennant uh yes it just doesn't doesn't have that that same i don't know, it's like we played the best team in the league. We got overexposed. But there were some managerial decisions.
Starting point is 00:20:48 I know that Rob Thompson's like, you know, he's got these guys' trust. But even Zach Wheeler's like, I'm not really sure what happened there. You know? And you make mistakes, but like made a lot of them at really bad times. It's like the Blake Snell getting pulled with Tampa Bay versus Dodgers in 2020. It reminded me of that. The same inning actually.
Starting point is 00:21:14 And the same game, it was a game six. And I think, I think you got to let your ace just work themselves out. Like if you lose the game, you lose the game and you're done anyway. Just play them. If you need them the next game,
Starting point is 00:21:33 I'm sure if you went to Zach and said, I know you just threw 90 pitches yesterday. I need you to throw 10 more. You would have been like, fuck it, I'll throw you 30. Game 7 of the World Series. I've imagined this since my childhood. I don't need a UCL because I'll throw you 30. So Game 7 of the World Series. I've imagined this since my childhood. I don't need a UCL because I'll have a ring. It's replaceable.
Starting point is 00:21:50 It's all spare parts eventually. It's literally replaceable. You go home from the game, you have Tommy John surgery, you're fine. Yeah, and Bryce Harper's going to have that. But I think that was – and then putting Alvarado in, who had already kind of like been overworked, you know, maybe you got to throw in your shitty reliever,
Starting point is 00:22:10 throw in Kyle Gibson to see what the fuck he does. He, I don't know. It's over anyway. Who cares? Yeah. Yeah. Just see what happens.
Starting point is 00:22:18 Give, you, you think that some, it depends on the guys. And I guess you wouldn't have to know, but like you could definitely like if if you've known a known a player for long enough and rob's known all these guys for a long time because he's been the bench coach for a long time and be like you know what
Starting point is 00:22:35 i think so and so if i gave them you know three outs in the world series they'd step it up they'd be like fuck yeah i got it like i think you get that like bonus energy yeah shit like pop like i always say is really good at finding yeah yeah yeah yeah definitely yeah that that little extra a guy who doesn't like you get get the jitters or something like that it's like normal to get jitters but that you're able to channel that in the in the in the extra energy and and like we're we're trending a little close to the, you know, he's a lunch pail guy kind of shit, but when it comes to playoff playoff sports, like there is that little,
Starting point is 00:23:13 like, Hey dude, this guy has literally waited his entire life to be in this spot. Like, let's see, let's see what happens. Right, right, right. Yeah. Yeah. So, um, it just sucks. It was a fucking Astros. Yeah, exactly. And just like the dumb bullshit redemption arc that they don't deserve. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:34 Because Manfred didn't do shit in the first place. Like, yes, it was really tremendous to watch that. That was so fucking embarrassing for the league. Take Cruz was was in attendance. Right. Although he did get a beer can. Didn't come to Philly, though. Didn't come to Philly, though.
Starting point is 00:23:50 Oh, no, no, no. I don't think he would have survived. He learned his lesson from New York. Did you see the heckler in New York? Yeah, I did not see that. Oh, he's probably 10 feet from Cruz. He's like, yo, Cruz, yo, Cruz. Remember the time that Trump called your wife ugly?
Starting point is 00:24:08 And then you endorsed him, you little bitch, baby. What are you going to do? You little bitch? And he just, he looks right at him, waves and smiles. It's like, oh my God, you fucking asshole. Like, like, oh man. And it was, it was great. And it's like, all right, Yankees fan, critical support for you in this moment.
Starting point is 00:24:25 Hey, you fucking cocksucker you know yeah you gotta rally around the troops you have not the troops you want what was that clip on Twitter of like the Astros pitcher was warming up and then the Phillies fan was harassing him saying so and so got with your
Starting point is 00:24:41 girlfriend in high school twice oh yeah was a game three maybe was that the philly captain or is it a different guy no uh i forget who it was but yeah they were harassing uh oh what's his name uh i don't care to look it up was it valdez no valdez was locked in it was the other guy. Oh, Verlander? No, not Verlander. I forget. Game one pitch.
Starting point is 00:25:08 I don't know. Yeah, the guy was like, oh, Bryce is going to go yard on that, like sitting right behind him. And then the Phillies changed where the bullpens were specifically. So Phillies fans could harass opposing pitchers. Oh, yes, yes, yes. What happened is when they had the Phillies ones up top, the fans were harassing the Phillies players.
Starting point is 00:25:28 Yeah, if you suck, we will give it to you, but we will give it universally to the other team. Dude, it sucks. They have like three cops posted up there, too, so you can't get too cute. I can't actually murder the players no sucks man yeah when that when the astros bus came into town the baseball dude yeah what happened when you could when you could engage in some heckling and razzing with the players
Starting point is 00:25:59 and then the players could actually come into the stands and fight you, even if you were a man in the wheelchair. Check out our bonus episode. Also check out the bonus episode with Alistair where we talk about the RootNet Razz and Philadelphia fans. Double plug. It sucks. It was Houston Astros.
Starting point is 00:26:23 I would rather I had been the Mariners because I wouldn't have been upset. I would have been upset the Phillies lost. I wouldn't have been as upset. I think it's like the Phillies just reached their natural end of like, they got burnout. They hadn't been in any postseason. Yeah, the tank ran out.
Starting point is 00:26:38 But it was good to watch especially Dodgers fans be like, my $4 billion ball club, you should just have won the pennant. They won the most games. It's like, that's great. That's not how it works.
Starting point is 00:26:51 Yeah. It hasn't worked that way since like 69 or something like that. Like, yes. Hey, how about your $4 billion team wins? How about that? How about they don't lose? No, shut up. Not that one.
Starting point is 00:27:05 Yeah. They lost to the Padres, right? Yep. Yeah. Maybe not lose to the Padres, too. That fucking sucks. An 87-win chaos factory, baby. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:27:15 I mean, it's good for baseball that all these teams are... Like an 87-win team is still competitive. Are the Phillies an 87-win team if the Mets aren't as good, if the Braves aren't as good? No, they're the 95-win team or something like that. But yeah. Fuck the Astros. You know, if you're going to throw a beer can at Ted Cruz, practice first.
Starting point is 00:27:39 You know, the guy clipped his finger. It was a good throw. But you only got one. Yes. Should have got one. Yes. You don't, you got, should have had two lined up. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:27:50 Yeah. The old New York reload. Right. Yeah. Yeah. Oh yeah. Yeah. So it's a shame.
Starting point is 00:27:57 It's a shame that Ted Cruz didn't get fucking hit in the head with a, with a beer can. Would've been great. Um, all right. Uh, anything else on the, on the fightings on the phillies i have i have a i have a um an addition to the agenda that we should talk about yes which
Starting point is 00:28:15 is the guy who ate the rotisserie chicken oh yes that is sports that is sports yes that is sports yeah you guys had it wtyP had a correspondent on scene. I heard. Yes. Yes. That was me. I went down to the pier to watch the man eat the whole rotisserie chicken. And it was a great spiritual reset for the two losses of the previous day.
Starting point is 00:28:44 Maybe this is the city to heal. Yes. I was surprised at the amount of broken glass on the pier. I was surprised at the amount of fucking Walmart, dude. There's a whole bunch of children there as well, which I was also surprised at. This guy, he was struggling. He was struggling, but he did do it uh it was it was a
Starting point is 00:29:07 weird experience but it was good um i'm glad it happened uh but on the other hand uh i don't know i don't know what else there is to say um we did we did have a massive spiritual reset as a certain sub sub sector of the city who is on Twitter. Yes. It's like a weird Twitter get together. Yeah. And he wasn't going for 41, like 40 is a streak.
Starting point is 00:29:37 Now 40, he was done after 40. Yeah. If you've seen interviews with this guy, he's, he's, he's, he's like,
Starting point is 00:29:44 yeah, my body was breaking down from only eating chicken yeah i mean i don't know what you surprise yes i uh uh we did the uh john from pittsburgh and i did the did the macro breakdown you basically can eat two rotisserie chickens a day and get almost everything you need. You just need to throw some carbs on there. So... You need some fried chicken is what you need. Or
Starting point is 00:30:11 the Arnold strategy of chicken and beer. Good one. Yes. And then you get your carbs and you get a lot of micronutrients and vitamin B and stuff. It's lovely. It's a good point. And it's, you know, I'm glad that we finally found a use for that pier.
Starting point is 00:30:27 Um, that, that stretch of the Delaware is definitely underutilized. Um, you have like the, the Coast Guard base. And then you have that, like it goes down a little bit more than that pier.
Starting point is 00:30:40 And then you go down a little more and it's what the SS United States is below, right? Yes. Yes. And then the haunted, the haunted peers with the ghost ships, uh, where the kid drowned, um, the mud scowl, I think, and then the, like, like the dead fleet, I think it's called, um, which, um, if you guys don't know about that, just Google Philadelphia dead fleet. There's a great Billy Penn article on it. Um, I think, uh, think that particular pier pier 61 where the guy ate the chicken i believe it was a
Starting point is 00:31:12 pier for the american sugar refining company yes so they brought in sugar from i don't know probably some horrible exploited third world country. And then they refined it there. With good union jobs, I'm sure. Maybe. Actually, probably. Yeah. Yeah. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:31:32 I have to check the Bromley Atlas to figure out exactly when they shut down. Pausing the podcast to go to Philly Geohistory. By the way, shout out to that website. It's a good website. It is a very good website. And that shit has not changed since I was like in fucking high school. And, uh,
Starting point is 00:31:47 it should never change. Well, yeah, I don't think they would change, uh, old atlases. No, but I,
Starting point is 00:31:58 I was referring to the design of the website, but, uh, sure. That too. Uh, my favorite, my favorite thing is going to the old
Starting point is 00:32:05 map and you see that Fishtown was once called Balltown. Balltown. Balltown, yeah. what that I think there's a Ball Street in Fishtown I believe.
Starting point is 00:32:21 So there's like a remnant of it. I gotta double check. I might be confusing Port Richmond with Fishtown uh but the original Kensington Fishtown what his Fishtown now was originally Kensington and then the change over time to the Kensington district or whatever it was but um when did Fishtown become like the name of Fishtown like is that like like a 20th century thing I believe it's thing? I believe it's a turn. I believe it's a turn of the, like, like around the turn of the century. There's a, there's a apocryphal, not true story about, I want to say Charles Dickens
Starting point is 00:32:54 calling it Fishtown, which is very, very not true. But yeah, I want to, I want to say it's 19th century. You can see on the maps. If you go to philly, philly, geohistory.com and go through the maps and you can decide, call in, let us know.
Starting point is 00:33:13 What's your favorite name for fish town? Is it ball town? Is it Kensington? At least as early as 1808. Oh, okay. Turn up, turn of the other century.
Starting point is 00:33:23 Prior to Northern liberties,ies, even then. Yeah, shouts out to Fishtown, a.k.a. Little Kensington. Northern Liberties, formerly America's second largest city. Yes, it was. Oh, this is – welcome to Tom's class with Dr. Horwitz in Community College of Philadelphia, U.S. History 101, 102, 103, which he turned entirely into Philadelphia History 101, 102, 103. Oh, it's the best class I ever had. Best class I ever had. Shouts out. If you know David Horwitz, is he still alive?
Starting point is 00:34:03 He used to give tours at the cemetery, the good one, the nice one. What's it called? Laurel Hill. Laurel Hill. I should probably reach out to him on Facebook. But yeah, shouts out to Dr. Horowitz. I think my architecture history professor tried to get me to take one of his classes, and it just didn't work out for me. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:34:21 He is. And I think I've said this story before. I might have. Oh, fuck it. You have to hear it again. I went to his I went to his class and or into his office. I was a very libertarian guy at the time. And he's got a picture of Lenin and Stalin, like on the corner of his bolter board. And I go, Oh, that's interesting photo you got. And he goes, yeah, I think it's funny. Cause, uh, cause Lenin here is, uh,
Starting point is 00:34:49 aged, uh, compared to Stalin. And they, uh, yeah, you can see how they tricked his age. And,
Starting point is 00:34:54 and I thought I, that, that's so like, he, he tricked me there. Oh, I thought this was funny. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:35:01 Yeah. Yeah. I was tricked into being a leftist. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Um, but jokes, jokes on me. Cause he inculcated me with historical materialism. So, yeah, dude, that dude rocked.
Starting point is 00:35:14 I fucking love that guy. I can't put a picture of Lenin in my office, unfortunately. Good, you coward. I could, but I share it with like seven other teachers. Oh, that'll do it. None of them I think are right wing. Time to find out. So,
Starting point is 00:35:33 so shouts out to the chicken guy. Yes, shout out to the chicken man. Hoping he doesn't meet the same fate as our previous chicken man in Philly not Phil Testa chicken man
Starting point is 00:35:48 yeah not the one that's in the song yes fuck alright that was a great segue so I'm going to have to bleep myself but Mitchell Miller he should be toilet with a candy bar shut over each nose
Starting point is 00:36:04 yeah or do you think that's too good for him i don't i one second it's pretty fucking embarrassing as a bruins fan right now um i am not gonna go into the details of the mitchell miller situation google it because you google for yourself i'm i'm googling it right now because i don't know what happened. It's pretty hideous. He bullied... Bullying is not the word. Tortured is the word.
Starting point is 00:36:32 Tortured an intellectually disabled black kid and made him eat food that was soiled and called him the... He had words a lot. Every other slur and then pretended to be his friend, and then has never apologized directly to the family or anything like that.
Starting point is 00:36:51 And he was drafted, what, by the Coyotes? Once I think it became public. Yeah, he's... Clearly a sociopath. Clearly unrepentant. Yeah, he does clearly a sociopath, like clearly, clearly unrepentant.
Starting point is 00:37:06 Yeah, he does not give a shit. He's, you know, he's an awful person. And the Bruins picked him up, basically, and only not even released him. There's still some controversy of where they're going to have to pay out his contract. But just didn't. Jesus Christ. They knew what they were doing. The Bruins front office should be fired into the sun.
Starting point is 00:37:33 It's fucking embarrassing. This shit is absolutely intolerable. I'm disgusted as a Bruins fan. I'm disgusted as a fan of the sport. Absolutely pure fucking evil. Yeah, we don't... There's a lot of good hockey players we don't need fucking this one yeah there's one you know you can go after like and it's all bad racism is all bad we we pretty everyone who's listed knows where our stances are in this stuff but they you know
Starting point is 00:37:58 picking on like an intellectually disabled kid like that like there's there's no redeeming you know there's difference between like laughing at somebody someone does something dumb that happens to being funny you were like torturing an intellectually disabled kid for your own amusement like that is pure pure that's evil like there's not many things i think are truly evil that is something that's truly evil you know um absolutely and it's disgusting is he like completely unrepentant about it or like, what's the situation here? Is he attempted to make any family? He's never apologized of his own volition or anything like that.
Starting point is 00:38:33 He's put out statements saying he was like wrong or something like that. But there are people who like personally know him and said like, he used to do this to other people too. And it's never, he's when he was in court, apparently the court was like, the judge was like, this kid clearly doesn't like show any remorse though. You should do this to other people too. And it's never, he's when he was in court, apparently the court was like, the judge was like,
Starting point is 00:38:49 this kid clearly doesn't like show any remorse though. Like there's no remorse here. There's no understanding of why it was wrong. He thinks it was wrong. He thinks, Oh, well I got caught. Right.
Starting point is 00:38:56 You know, that's the problem is I got caught. Not that I did anything wrong and there's no internal like reflection. So the guy's a fucking psychopath, you know, um, social pay, whatever you want to call it. He just, just unrepentant piece of shit yeah no it's it's inexcusable um yeah i i obviously like as a bruins fan but as a fan of the sport like this shit doesn't help
Starting point is 00:39:19 obviously the kid should probably be in a jail cell or in some sort of remedial center uh for a very long time we don't need a fucking hockey player this bad if if i found out what you're looking for is re-education camp yeah uh i i have a you know we like to say that the boreal tundra sometimes people should go to it you know and you know i'm not saying kill anybody saying you wait you know put them there and hopefully they improve. You were good enough to be on the U18 team. Lots of people live in Murmansk voluntarily.
Starting point is 00:39:59 Everyone knows I teach English and stuff like that. I don't want to reveal too much about my background or anything like that. There was a time where I was teaching pure special education and doing autistic support classrooms and stuff like that. And you know, I'm just imagining if, if someone, if I had found out someone did this to like one of my students, I, I don't think I would have a license. I think I would have beat the shit out of the kid. And, and you know,
Starting point is 00:40:22 that's reasonable. And it's it's just absolutely yeah yeah it's something really i mean we all understand it's it's it's wrong but you know knowing knowing how these kids get taken advantage like being there like firsthand and seeing it stuff like that it's it's uh yeah fuck you michelle miller eat shit die i hope you never play hockey again. I hope you die again in the boreal tundra. I'm not saying we're going to kill you. I just hope you wander there and... Yeah. And someone just... Yeah.
Starting point is 00:40:53 Get polar bear eats you. We would do it, but... You live a productive life in Murmansk, in the Russian Hockey League, and then... That are eaten, but seriously eaten by polar bears that's not very mysterious there's a lot of polar bears
Starting point is 00:41:10 up there you got Norilsk that might be a good place and then there's that like town just east of the Urals not too far from the Latov Pass where they had like radiation leak into like the lake
Starting point is 00:41:24 how about he get ice skate on that lake Latov Pass where they had radiation leak into the lake. How about he get ice skate on that lake? Swim in it too. Yeah, go swim in it too. How about that? Yes. You redeem yourself in the Iranian mines of Siberia. You can go be a liquidator when Chernobyl goes again or some shit.
Starting point is 00:41:41 Or into a liquid. That's why they called them liquidators, right? I don't know. Those guys were too decorated for that. For that to be a punishment. Those people, whatever they... Those were brave men.
Starting point is 00:41:55 Yeah, they were brave. Whatever they did in their lives, they fit tone for it by literally melting. Although some of them are still alive. Nice. Radiation of them are still alive. Nice. Radiation exposure limits are, you know, there for a reason. Yeah. It kept most of those guys alive.
Starting point is 00:42:14 It's why it's called an LD50, not an LD100. Exactly. Exactly. Oh, yeah. All right. Anything else on the news before we get to listener communications? It's fired up. All right.
Starting point is 00:42:32 So we got a couple voicemails at us today. We got one from Krobi. So we'll go to Krobi first. Hey, Tom. Yay, Liam. This is Krobi. Pronouns she, Tom. Yay, Liam. This is Probeam. Pronouns she, they. I
Starting point is 00:42:47 remember you were talking about fun sports story. So I have one from my experiences at WVU. I remember one of the running backs at the time I think it was like 2007 series, the same year we lost the pit
Starting point is 00:43:04 and that was awful and sad and I never want to talk about it ever again. Noel Devine lived in my dormitory and he lived on the first floor of a 10-story dormitory and would really love to enjoy taking the elevator up to the first floor and everybody would always just bite their tongue because they knew he was one of the best running backs in the NCAA at the time. And it always made me laugh, and it brought a great smile to my face.
Starting point is 00:43:36 Also, Liam, I do know that you have a certain preference for accents that you mentioned in one of your, well, there's your problem episode, something about a Southern girl accent. So I'm just going to give you my best Southern West Virginia accent that I can give. Oh, thank you very much. So hi, Liam. How you doing, hon? Congrats on the engagement.
Starting point is 00:44:00 I wish you the best. You in the midst. Soon to be Mrs. Anderson or, well, if you happen to have the name, or keep your own last name, that's cool too. We're changing it to Mick Anderson. Go birds, eat shit pit, and go Philly. Yee-haw.
Starting point is 00:44:16 Yee-haw indeed. I will say, as somebody who is from the state of Pennsylvania, I grew up in the weird bit. I have always had a certain affinity for both WVU and Pitt. I know quite a few people I liked in high school ended up at WVU. And I appreciate their...
Starting point is 00:44:38 What? Oh, no. Pizza Boy just jumped up on my... Up here next to the microphone uh hear any any meowing that's not for me that's from here oh whatever you want man yeah you do uh wvu is is a is a is a is a school i greatly admire because of their willingness to just light their own town on fire. I like Pitt in the context of hating Penn State, but I've
Starting point is 00:45:10 always gotten a kick out of WVU just because they're just like, championship win? Burn it. Loss? Burn it. Don't care. Great school. Morgantown is absolutely sick as hell. I have nothing negative to say about wvo honestly
Starting point is 00:45:25 i got a i got a hanker for for grits and biscuit gravy right now because that was a pepperoni roll dude i would say that the subject of this call though was um i forget who the guy was uh but taking the elevator up one floor is literally in it. If you lived in a tall dormitory in college, those buildings are not built with the elevator load that they experience. You know, I lived in what was a towers hall at Drexel University, which is like 14, 15 stories tall, I want to say 15. And they I think there were three elev elevators two of which are out of service at any given time um and and like so you you go in there and it's like okay these elevators should be like restricted to people who are going to floor five or higher um you are a young and
Starting point is 00:46:22 virile person you can take the fucking stairs yeah you can take the god you do not take the elevator one floor you do not take the elevator two floors of course if someone has a you know a need for that that's different but we're talking about a running back
Starting point is 00:46:40 exactly exactly Noel Divine I believe, was the person. I will say, though, as someone who lived on the eighth floor of Kelly, his freshman year at Drexel University,
Starting point is 00:46:55 don't fucking go there. It's a bad school. It's a garbage school for garbage people. All three of us have gone there in some capacity. Kelly Hall had nicer exterior materials than towers i don't know dude i lived in a shoebox and i paid like fifty thousand dollars for the privilege though so don't they stuffed us in triples my freshman year my god we kelly rooms aren't physically big enough to have triples yeah yeah that's the thing about towers
Starting point is 00:47:20 we had people living in the did you have people living in the common areas no we did not oh we did the university's terrible don't go to drax no no it sucks um and also don't take the elevator up one floor when the building is underserved by elevators this is common human courtesy yeah unless you really need it need right if you don't if you don't need to go get go get nice calves by going up and down the stairs yes exactly be like uh gareth and i walking down 50 floors to liberty oh that that that's a little too much but i mean yes, I went to the top of Anderson at Temple and my legs were jelly at the end.
Starting point is 00:48:09 No, they renamed it. No, what's it now? I don't fucking know. It was Gladfelder and Anderson. Yeah, they renamed Anderson. Your family, I guess, didn't renew the lease on it. No, apparently not. They didn't renew the contract. It's called Brutalism Hall Power washer concrete hall
Starting point is 00:48:30 It's like What is it The Earl Mack School of Law at Drexel Thomas Klein Oh it's not What's it called anymore It's Klein now
Starting point is 00:48:44 It's not a very good law school They lost their accreditation Well I was at Drexel Temple did? No Drexel did Oh oh oh I was going to say Isn't Beasley at Temple?
Starting point is 00:48:58 Yep Yes I thought Go Owls Yes Yes Wait three and six now? Yeah they lost the season opener to fucking Wagner? Or are you talking about
Starting point is 00:49:09 the football team? Yeah, they beat USF like 52-28 or something. Hoo-hoo, motherfuckers. Alright, we got... I guess we have two Justin imposters.
Starting point is 00:49:24 I'm the Avignon anti-Justin., we have, I guess we have two, two Justin imposters. I, I'm the, I'm the Avignon anti-Justin. And now we have, uh, uh, who was, what was the third one? The third anti-Pope. It was like Northern Italy. Say Florence. Uh, the Milanese, uh, anti-Pope. I don't know. Uh, there was only a third one for a little bit.
Starting point is 00:49:43 Um, so let's listen to the Anti-Justin Hey I'm Justin It's like fucking one in the morning I have the worst headache And I had a random thought You know I live in Miami right And we have a baseball team
Starting point is 00:49:58 They're not very good And they're also not very popular Miami despite being one of the biggest Metro areas in the country, is considered a small market team in the baseball world with one of the lowest revenues, I think. I just think it's funny to
Starting point is 00:50:12 the ineptitude of the franchise into how Miami was the start of a trend of teams moving and then not being popular in their cities. We saw this with the Rams especially and the Chargers, and Miami just did it 20 years earlier. It's also part of the, I think, LA and Miami are very similar
Starting point is 00:50:34 when it comes to their football teams or sports teams in general. They'll go out, they'll support a winner, but when the team sucks ass, they will be nowhere to be found. I mean, we have the most fair weather of fair weather fans that you can imagine, except for the Dolphins, but that's its own medicine.
Starting point is 00:50:56 I just thought that was fun thought. Also, I forget who owns the Dolphins, but whoever owns... All the sports in our stock, never mind. Well, first it was the Peas and Antipopes. So not too far
Starting point is 00:51:13 from Florence. Even Ross owns the Dolphins and he fucking sucks. I was in Miami, what, back in May or some shit like that April or May and I went and I saw a Phillies game down there outside of the ballpark I saw no
Starting point is 00:51:31 no one with Marlins gear I saw Phillies fans I saw a Washington Nationals fan I saw a lot of Yankees hats but I saw absolutely no Marlins gear I saw like people with like a heat shirt or heat
Starting point is 00:51:46 hat on but yeah they got they got nothing down there and the ballpark um i i mentioned this before like like when they close the dome the sounds reverberate so wet loudly it feels like it's like you're you're in like some sort of like um psyop you know from if vietnam or something's playing like like the brown note from a helicopter um is it like a situation where like everyone drives there so you don't see any of the fans because everyone is still lying in line to get out of the parking lot or like you know if if they filled more than like 40 capacity there would probably be a line but there was like yeah uh yeah there was a lot of parking lots but there was no line getting there no line leaving like it was straight up um and embarrassing it's embarrassing the food's good
Starting point is 00:52:39 there uh food's good the ballpark um um not enough like uh los barbudos uh you know left-wing cuba shit down there but um yeah no it's um and it's actually not a real nice neighborhood like it's not um that's like it's a bad neighborhood by any means it didn't seem like by my kensington sketch detectors um nor nor my wife's california recalibrated, nor my wife's California. Yeah, recalibrated. Nor my wife's Southern California sketch detectors. It just seemed like, you know, it was like poor. It didn't seem like it was,
Starting point is 00:53:13 you know, dangerous or anything. But I could be wrong. You let me know. But yeah, no, that's Miami's a town of transplants. I don't know what you're going to do. It's, it's a shame too,
Starting point is 00:53:26 because it's like, you got a lot of people who like baseball who live there, but they're just not fans of the Marlins. Maybe if they didn't stink, that would be, it would help. Yeah. Spend the money first.
Starting point is 00:53:37 And then people will come to your games. Um, all right. Uh, well, uh, we got, we got a call from our friend from Roxborough.
Starting point is 00:53:51 So we already have our MLS coverage, so I guess we don't have to listen to Charlie? No, no, it's all right. I told him we'd listen. Hey, guys. This is Charlie from Roxborough. I got back from the stadium and Charlie. Yeah. Hey guys, this is Charlie from Roxborough.
Starting point is 00:54:07 I got back from the stadium and the union went full union in the final like they've done before.
Starting point is 00:54:18 They've done this in the final three Open Cup finals. They did it in the CONCACAF semifinals, CONCACAF Champions three Open Cup Finals. They did it in the CONCACAF Semifinals, CONCACAF Champions League
Starting point is 00:54:29 Semifinals, and now they finally did it in the MLS Cup Finals. 120, 130-minute game. Scored three. Unfortunately, they let up three, and unfortunately, they let a three and unfortunately they let a 36 year old Welsh guy with a covering up a bald spot
Starting point is 00:54:52 with a top knot get the game tying goal look you gotta do what you gotta do nothing they could really do on any of those and they went to the coin flip of penalties and they really
Starting point is 00:55:06 put together three terrible penalties. Got Zach flipping on the first one and then credit to Zach. Zach McMath, Union's second goalkeeper, was in an Open Cup final seven years ago lost it on penalties and then turns around and stops them from winning
Starting point is 00:55:31 the MLS Cup on two straight saves gets named MVP you know it's a fucking wild ride like if you don't like people that don't watch sports like I don't know. You get to have the highest high and then draft
Starting point is 00:55:49 kicked in a ditch five minutes later, which is fucking fun. If you want a sure thing, watch a bunch of Marvel movies or read a book. I don't know what to tell you. Don't watch Marvel movies.
Starting point is 00:56:05 It's not for normal people, despite don't know what to tell you. It's not for normal people, despite how many of them say they are. Yeah, onward to Birds, go Birds. Go Birds. Hopefully the process gets going. Still undefeated.
Starting point is 00:56:20 Fuck Angelo and fuck Miller. Don't get racist. Don't get racist. Don't get fucking abusers on your team. Fuck those guys. Hockey is not looking good. But yeah, on to the World Cup, which will be a disaster. And on to the 2023 Union.
Starting point is 00:56:42 Love our blue-collar boys. Pick it up and go for it Yay Liam You can't pick up the ball though Hey Tom enjoy yourself guys Later Oh that sad Charlie A little bit of a
Starting point is 00:56:58 Downer there Our man is truly A union Just die hard Guy so yeah it stinks Our man is truly a union just diehard guy. So, yeah, it stinks. It stinks that your team loses in the championship. I think we can all, you know, empathize. All right.
Starting point is 00:57:21 So not only do we have an anti-Pope Justin Justin, we have an anti-Pope, Liam. Very good. Yeah. So, yeah, let's hear from anti-Pope, Liam. Hello. My name is Liam. He, him. He's a Minnesota sports fan.
Starting point is 00:57:39 So I want to say congratulations to the Eagles on continuing to have that perfect streak. And I want to laugh in the faces of everybody because the Vikings are somehow still only at one loss. I also want to congratulate the Lions for beating the Packers. Obviously, as a Vikings fan, the classic joke, my second favorite team is whoever's playing the Packers. And the fact that the Lions made them look like clowns is wonderful. Big apologies about the loss of the Phillies. That's real sad. I always enjoy seeing Philadelphia Terrence town apart whenever you win something or lose something. So that's been a great media fun, obviously.
Starting point is 00:58:25 Congratulations to the man who ate an entire chicken on the pier by Walmart. And to everyone who got to witness that great moment. And of course, congratulations to the state of Philadelphia for John Fetterman. I don't want to say he defeated Dr. Oz because Mammoth does not deserve to have the prefix doctor attached to his name. Fuck that guy.
Starting point is 00:58:51 Go birds. Bye. Go birds. I just want to say when he said state of Philadelphia, he did mean Commonwealth of Philadelphia. Shut up. Yes. Yes. I get very annoyed
Starting point is 00:59:07 At that It's like one of my pet peeves When people say state of Pennsylvania It's Commonwealth Functionally no different There is no difference I had an argument with a guy This was volunteer
Starting point is 00:59:21 Search and rescue type of guy So you know how they are And they're all fucking insane. And he's like, no, no, no. Commonwealth is different. When you're Commonwealth, you have certain authority when it comes to emergency response that a state doesn't have. I said, that's not true. Where is that?
Starting point is 00:59:39 Please cite that in the Constitution. Please cite your sources, sir. Motherfucker, I have a degree in history like shut up you you you did you don't all right and you you're a part of a eight volunteer fire departments all right so you can wear them all in your belt your kilt belt like a fucking weirdo all right person who knows will know who I'm talking about. Yeah, I'm into public safety. Yeah, you are. You're into having eight pages on your belt like a dork.
Starting point is 01:00:12 You're tall. Yeah. Oh, did I ever tell you about the time I rappelled down the side of a burning building? No one cares. No, I just met you. Well, I'm sure you will. Fucking whackers. All right. So Impostor Liam called in again and had a correction.
Starting point is 01:00:28 So let's see if he corrected his mistake. Hey, Liam again. I do want to issue a couple corrections. One, saying Philadelphia tears the city apart is an obvious exaggeration. No, it's not. I don't want to sound like a dick, so I do want to say, specifically people sliding down greasy poles is really funny. Tearing the city apart is a
Starting point is 01:00:48 little extreme. And also, it is 5.46 my time here in Central Time Zone. So to say Fetterman has quote-unquote one is a little bit of a stretch, but fuck it. I mean, the only districts that have left the road really
Starting point is 01:01:04 don't have enough people to swing it back to Dr. Oz's favor. So, fuck that guy. Go birds. Gay Fetterman. Gay Liam. Congrats on the engagement. Fuck, I didn't even mention that. I got married a couple weeks ago or months ago and I didn't even mention the last two times
Starting point is 01:01:20 I've called in. Gay Liam. Congrats. Holy shit. Way to go, guy. Okay. Go birds. Goodbye. The shit. Way to go, guy. Okay. Go, birds. Goodbye. The Google transcript says gay Fetterman. Oh, yeah. Gay Fetterman. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:01:34 You thought you'd do a Dom Daddy top before we told you we've unleashed gay Fetterman upon us. Gay Fetterman is the bottom. I don't want to see the other guy J.D. Vance Just point that out Oh man
Starting point is 01:01:58 Yeah John Fetterman literally spent more of his life In Appalachia However the fuck we want to say it, than JD Vance ever did. Silicon Valley running away. Fuck, fuck you. Yeah. So.
Starting point is 01:02:15 John Fetterman has seen a mountain. Yes, yes, yes, yes. I mean, they both left for college, but one came back. Yes. Yeah. And it's funny it's like one's the son of like a Well off insurance salesman Veteran who then decided to
Starting point is 01:02:30 Help working class people and then the other is like a Actual kind of quasi poor kid Who just decided to shit all over poor people Once he got a hint of that coke money So you know Gotta pull up that ladder Yeah pull up those bootstraps Go listen to the Troubles When I talk about him Gotta pull up that ladder. Yeah, pull up those bootstraps.
Starting point is 01:02:47 Go listen to the Troubles when I talk about him. It's like half their episodes. Alright, we're hitting an hour here, so I got three quick DMs. We'll go through and then we'll say our goodbyes. So Dave F., this was during the World Series. W2F, I think I'm probably late to the party, but I did not know Bryce Harper is a Mormon. Yep. He is a Mormon.
Starting point is 01:03:10 He's a Nevada Mormon. Yep. Think he's wearing underwear, the underwear during the game. Hmm. Hmm. Do you think he is? Maybe? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:03:20 I don't know, man. If he was, it didn't work. I don't know. He, you know, his batting average is 400 so i think he probably was honestly on average it worked but it didn't work when it counted i know that he does drink coffee he doesn't drink alcohol uh but i do know he drinks coffee so maybe he's he's uh you know half jack morm, I guess. I don't know. Long time commoner, Metric Mike. Hello, Tommy A. Liam.
Starting point is 01:03:52 Hello. Did you two see the NASCAR race at Martinsville 30th October where Ross Chastain gunned it along the wall in the final lap and went from 10th to 5th place? Using a maneuver he learned in NASCAR 05. In Nintendo. Yeah. He learned it on Nintendo. Is the PIT He learned in NASCAR. Oh, five in Nintendo. Yes. He learned it on Nintendo.
Starting point is 01:04:09 Is the PIT maneuver legal in NASCAR? You should watch that fucking video. It is insane. I'll have to look it up. Uh, great. It's so good. Uh, as always,
Starting point is 01:04:16 fuck that state, fuck Ohio state. Also take a moment to life at the Browns cause well, and then in the text here, so there's gestures at the Browns. Yeah. Hello Browns. Uh,
Starting point is 01:04:31 no, I'm gonna have to look that up uh like mario kart did he do the power slide he held down r you know he went right on the outside of the wall yeah without steering yeah um and just use the wall to guide him around while flooring it oh Oh, hell yeah. I'm going to have to look that up. And then we have Anonymous. They asked to not give their name. So, hey, y'all. Name redacted. I'm using the reconstructed proto-Indo-European animate pronouns
Starting point is 01:04:59 because they're the only pronouns I can do that doesn't have a gender. My fucking god. Keese Keese. Keem. All right. They actually had an adjective plazav in Proto-Union European. So we thought it did.
Starting point is 01:05:14 I'm going to punch you in the face. But I'll give you an adjective plazav right back. I enjoy the linguistics. Stop it. We should have more linguistics in podcasts in general. Roz, do you want to do a conlang with me a what a constructed language come on i don't i don't have enough time for that right now we'll work it out later all right all right yeah yeah yeah we'll do a podcast where we i read i read in my conlang to you and you figure it out or something or we could just learn Proto-Indo-European, shouts out if
Starting point is 01:05:50 you like this shit, listen to History of English podcast, it's pretty good alright so Keith Keem here, I picked up the podcast a few weeks ago and I've really been enjoying it, your conversation has been helpful for me getting back into sports,
Starting point is 01:06:06 having a clear through line on what's going on week to week. Not always week to week, but, you know, we're trying. It's refreshing to have two people that know what's going on in the sports world talk in a way that's accessible to the general public. Well, thank you. I didn't know that we knew what's going on, but I appreciate it. Congrats to Liam on the engagement. I wish you both the best.
Starting point is 01:06:25 Congrats again. Yeah, congrats on the Phillies winning the on the engagement. I wish you both the best. Congrats again. Congrats on the Phillies winning the NLCS. Good luck in the World Series. Fuck the Astros. We'll agree there. I have two hockey questions for today. First, I went to my first East Coast Hockey League. That's the equivalent to AA game last week.
Starting point is 01:06:40 What do prospects look like for an EHCL player getting pulled up to their AHL or NHL team? That's question one. Second, what do you think about this year's reverse retro alternate jerseys? Check the link at the bottom for ClosableL32. Thank you for doing this podcast. Keep up the good work. Go Phillies. Go Birds. Both Eagles and Jacks. Go Redding
Starting point is 01:06:55 Royals. I don't... Oh, that's EHCL? Yeah. Go Fighting Phillies too then. Fuck the Astros. Fuck Kansas State, I guess. I have a stake in that. I don't know if you got answers to those hockey questions.
Starting point is 01:07:12 What do prospects look like for an AHCL player getting pulled up to AHL? Here's the thing, anonymous. My maternal great-grandmother went to K-State, so I i'm gonna have to disagree with you there uh from galena kansas anyway uh yeah i i looked this up and it's like 600 players
Starting point is 01:07:35 have made nhl rosters from echl so like your prospects are decent, I would say. Not bad. I think a lot of it is once you get out of sort of the youth, like the youth leagues, basically, like, you know, if you're starting to commit to playing it full-time, like, your chances aren't, like, your chances are so much better, I would say. So, I just, I don't know the ratio of double-A players that make it to MLB, but. I don't know the ratio of double A players that make it to MLB but
Starting point is 01:08:06 I don't know the talent pool is also a lot smaller double A baseball is a lot of times guys will jump straight up it's sort of like the holding tank for the prospects where it's the triple A guys or mix of journeymen
Starting point is 01:08:24 and vets and a couple guys who usually pitchers who are you know kind of this way you can fill the entire NHL with just dudes they've gotten from the ECHL gotcha 23 man roster 32 teams Roger that and do
Starting point is 01:08:40 you have any do you have any thoughts on those reverse retro I did that math wrong that's fine I don't give a shit um yeah uh the bruins looks uh hideous and i love it it's got the poo bear on it uh i i like them at least they're doing something with them uh i like the flyers one last year too but we don't we don't talk about the flyers the flyers one last year too, but we don't talk about the Flyers. The Flyers one looks like it's just pretty standard. Flyers looking like it's not super, you know. The Winnipeg Jets one looks cool though. My math wasn't that bad.
Starting point is 01:09:17 You would be off by like 50 players, but that's fine. Oh, okay. That's why you have a degree in math. All right. Any other final thoughts before we wrap up? Yeah. Fuck Mitchell Miller again. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:09:36 Yes. Yeah. Yeah. Please, please just die. Yeah. A little faster there, bud. Yeah. Shouts out to North Catholic to to your patrons i think we only
Starting point is 01:09:47 have three now so i might have to bleep one of these names h steven d sean p patrick m new 700 level patrons i'm not sure if i got to you in the last episode i can't remember mike k derrick m ryan g because they were upgrades they weren't new uh plugs voicemail 267-371-7218 give us your name and pronouns or we will assign pronouns for you using proto inter-european reconstructed uh language um i will give you i will give you animate pronouns if i like you it will give you inanimate pronouns if you suck i like that yeah um i think the inanimate pronouns were just it. Like I was like, all right. Uh, the DMS to follow us. I'm at to Hickey pain.
Starting point is 01:10:27 Uh, he's at not Liam Anderson with a zero cause he's Lee. Uh, and then our guest, uh, where, where can they follow you? Oh,
Starting point is 01:10:35 I'm, uh, I'm, uh, who underscore shot underscore JGR on Twitter. Hmm. Uh, yeah, go follow, go follow, um, the, the not anti Justin, the real Justin, shot underscore JGR on Twitter. Yeah, go follow the not anti-Justin,
Starting point is 01:10:48 the real Justin. Yes, the real me. Patreon.com slash 10,000 losses to listen to the bonus episode we're about to do in like 10 minutes. Go listen to... Yeah, so you do a podcast, I heard. Yes. As it turns out,
Starting point is 01:11:04 we're still on the up and up, but I think we may do well in the future. It's called Well, There's Your Problem. It's a podcast about engineering disasters with slides. Yeah. Go listen to it, please. I'm with Liam, actually. Hey, it's me. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:11:24 I've been known to slum it with you guys once or twice. Only Liam it's me. I've been known to slum it with you guys once or twice. Only Liam's been there. Yeah, well, you can't. It's like too much energy. I gotta poop before I do the bonus. Okay. Singing your praises there, man.
Starting point is 01:11:38 Thanks, Tom. Listen to WTYP. Listen to Trash Future listen to what are the other ones Lions Love My Donkeys Hell of a Way to Die listen to Trillbillies
Starting point is 01:11:54 listen to The Fitches listen to what's the other ones I probably missed a couple of them alright guys Liam has to poop so we gotta end it now bye off he goes

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