Ten Thousand Losses - Comrade Kelce

Episode Date: September 23, 2024

The boys are back and here to talk about Jason Kelce's newfound communism, Three Mile Island being hooked directly into an AI data center, Tua's third concussion, the usually Philly sports recap bulls...hit, and listener messages.  Find out bonus episodes and Discord at: https://www.patreon.com/tenthousandlosses  Follow us on Twitter: Podcast: https://twitter.com/tenklossespod Liam: https://twitter.com/notliamanders0n Tom: https://twitter.com/tohickontpain  Shoot a message or leave us a voicemail (leave your name and pronouns): 267-371-7218

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Starting point is 00:00:00 He is actually going to eject a fan. Because bad things happen in Philadelphia, bad things. The fan jumped into the penalty box area. Joy it is to come to Philadelphia and stand here and dodge an ice ball. We, the Dallas Cowboys, had a sense of making time to do it. And we are live. Live. Recording a podcast.
Starting point is 00:00:41 Here we are. Here we are. I don't think we settled on... Here I am. Here you are. War don't think we settled. Here I am. Here you are. War to the Turks. We're providing, we're warring on the Turks.
Starting point is 00:00:49 Yeah, we can do that. Shit. I don't know if we have the budget for that, but no. Shout, shouts out to the failed coup that, that tried to like take down Erdogan though.
Starting point is 00:00:58 Yeah. That would have been nice. That would have been nice. Yeah. That would have been nice. I do. I would love to go to istanbul though in there have you listened yeah i mean first off they have the cats they do the cats i love the cats yeah it's a beautiful city it they recently passed a law too that if you fuck with the cats
Starting point is 00:01:20 you're executed on site hopefully not on site but uh four to six years you should probably execute it on site i i would agree um yeah i love cats too much i'm i'm all down for for executing people on site they're fucking with cats yeah uh that south philly guy i hopefully you didn't see that i i did i didn't watch the video obviously no i wouldn't i would never no i i can't stomach that shit yeah just just yeah am i even gonna bleep it just you should be executed that should be the firing squad yeah yeah um yeah that's uh that's just what i think the puncher should be but anyway let's not talk about that let's talk about i don't know banter rants oh istanbul yeah so yeah i would love to i would love to visit um
Starting point is 00:02:02 you know the i'm kind of amped. Here at Gamer Chat, there's an expansion for Crusader Kings 3 coming out, all about Byzantium. Nice. So I'm amped about that. It's not coming out until next week. But, you know, that's pretty good. Love you too.
Starting point is 00:02:23 Yeah. Brynn came in for a visit. I was very happy to see her. As you should be. She is my wife, and I do love my wife. That's how it's supposed to work. Yeah, as far as I know, yes. Yeah, so Istanbul.
Starting point is 00:02:40 What else, Spanner Rance? What's going on today? It's been a week for both of us. It's been a week for both of us. We were both in the helping professions and are therefore very silly people. Yeah, don't do that. Unless you really care. Do whatever you want. We can't stop you. We're trying to figure out which one of a mutual became a betting account. What a grim life. What a grim thing to do yeah that that's just it's also this late in
Starting point is 00:03:11 the game right where you're just like now i i manipulate this but it's like you can't win dude like shut up you're just you're just you're just getting click uh like click referrals that's all you're doing like Come on, man. It's just fucking sad. Let's see. It's Friday. We usually don't record on Fridays. Oh, we should probably talk about that. Recording on a Friday. It's nice after work vibes, though.
Starting point is 00:03:37 I'm digging it. You managed to escape the assassins squad. The wet work squad. Yeah. Yeah. Oh. to escape the the wet work squad yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah oh oh do you want me to bleep that uh yes
Starting point is 00:03:53 actually well yeah yeah yeah yeah so sent sent by someone someone yeah who we don't know who we do we do know who but we can't say it on air you can't say it on there. You can't say it on air. Yes. I was hoping to just put this one out without having to listen to it, but god damn it.
Starting point is 00:04:09 I had to listen to the first five minutes. Oh, yeah. Hey, it's been working out. It's been working out the last three months. Remember when I edited it? Remember when I used to edit it? Remember how much fun that was? 500 megabytes. Why should anyone get anything nice?
Starting point is 00:04:24 I love to brick my fucking phone because i'm downloading it over over fucking cell cellular my phone overheated because i wanted to listen to a dumb sports podcast sucks to suck assholes yeah especially those early ones where there was no there was no noise gate i i don't know anything about that i had to teach myself and i remember i thought i had it good and then ross is like tom you should you should get a noise gate i was like i i thought i did oh buddy it's i mean i i think it's in a good place now. I haven't heard any complaints. Any complaints? That's good. But Jesus Christ. Yeah, you almost got assassinated.
Starting point is 00:05:12 We were supposed to record yesterday. I held out against the Wetwork squad. Yeah. Good for me. Yeah. Yeah. Although it wasn't before it was too late. I did end up falling asleep at 8 anyway.
Starting point is 00:05:25 Nice. Yeah. I couldn't because I was like trying. I did end up falling asleep at 8 anyway. Nice. Yeah, I couldn't because I was like trying. I was like, I'm going to stay up just in case it happens. I was like, I hope it doesn't. I hope it doesn't. It did at like 8, but by then I had already had date night. No, that was too late. I was so tired I couldn't read my phone i was like okay clearly
Starting point is 00:05:45 i need this this is this is this is what i need this is what my body needs right the so yeah fuck that um oh i uh i i gotta message you because uh i will not be around uh for a bit no i'm going i'm going abroad yes I'm going to miss like two weeks worth of recording. So you're going to have to get a guest or just go fuck yourself, I guess. Considering it's a good trend of late, I think we'll get a guest. Yeah. Yeah. Get Roz or something.
Starting point is 00:06:16 I don't know. He's not doing anything. I mean, he's got a fridge now, so he might be. Yeah, he did. He did get a fridge. Roz, if you're listening. Yes. No, that was the joke.
Starting point is 00:06:28 Oh. I just totally fucked up the delivery of it. Totally blew it, man. Well, I was imagining the video he made because we asked him in the secret discord to put the beer can on the hot dog roller and he did it for us.
Starting point is 00:06:44 So I was just thinking about that. I like the secret discord to put the beer can on the hot dog roller and he did it for us. So I was just thinking about that. I like that. I like the secret discord that we can't tell you about. Can't tell you about it. Not cool enough. Sorry. But you can go to our discord if you're a patron of our podcast. Hello.
Starting point is 00:06:56 Welcome to that episode of 10,000 Losses. The only Philadelphia sports podcast that exists. You should go fuck yourself, bud. And fuck Spike Eskin. Although Spike Eskin did make a good take that I retweeted the other day. Oh, did he? Yeah, what was it? I couldn't tell you.
Starting point is 00:07:11 I retweeted it. Yeah, retweeted it. You know how that retweeted goes. Hybrid theory is definitely better than Meteora. Okay, alright. Yeah, that's...
Starting point is 00:07:26 That was a good take. That was a good take. Slaps, dude. Yeah. I thought you would get mad because at one time you did tell me that Meteora was better than hybrid theory. No, I don't know, man. I haven't listened to Linkin Park like meaningfully now in years.
Starting point is 00:07:41 You know what I mean? But I like him. Yeah. Yeah. No, I mean, you know, broken clock, i i like him yeah yeah no i mean you know broken clock right oh thank you not you spike eskin oh yeah you're better than a broken clock come on thanks buddy yeah you have some takes um i do have some takes some of them very bad whom's among amongst right who amongst us exactly excuse me yeah so i'm your host tom pain my pronouns are him yes yes my pronouns are co-host yay liam hi my pronouns are he him yes don't allow guests no announcements although we will be recording a bonus soon what we hope yeah i think we'll be able to get that one out.
Starting point is 00:08:27 Because it's got to be before you depart. Depart, our beloved, right. Get on a jet plane. And I'm never seen again. Yeah. Well, let's hope that doesn't happen. Yeah, I would like that not to happen. I would like to be seen again. Yeah, that would be nice. You would like to be perceived.
Starting point is 00:08:44 Well, let's slow down. I would like to be seen again. Yeah, that would be nice. You would like to be perceived. Well, let's slow down. I would like photons to bounce off of me once more. It's been a week, folks. You don't want to go into an event horizon. No, no. Spaghettification? No, thanks. Although, this is
Starting point is 00:09:04 something that they lied to us, because I was rereading the Wikipedia article horizon no oh no spaghettification no thanks although although for this is this is something that they lied to us because i was i was reading i was rereading the wikipedia article in black holes the other night and apparently the spaghettification really you you wouldn't perceive it because you i mean that makes sense your your frame of reference is is never changes right that's the fucky thing about relativity. I have got my hand around relativity. I don't know math, but I do know that your frame of reference is always your frame of reference. Right.
Starting point is 00:09:33 And so time dilation is relative to other people's perception of you, but not your frame of reference. Oh, weird. I don't like that at all. So they'll watch you spaghettify, but to you, it's over like that. Right. That's fucking insane right and that's why the speed of light the limit of speed of light is the same no matter how fast you're going i don't i don't like relativity at all man no it hurts it hurts my
Starting point is 00:09:54 brain i don't know the math behind it but i've had it explained to me in like a sufficiently like layman's way sure that i i kind of get it and sure it hurts it hurts it hurt no jaylen hurts we're gonna talk about that yeah so oh i guess we have jaylen hurts on the podcast oh wow hi jaylen um i'm not i'm not even gonna try no i that would be we can't do that man like we have limits you know yeah i yeah like I could try. It's going to be racist. It's going to be racist. Which is fine.
Starting point is 00:10:32 I mean, yeah, you let me do the other one. I do let you do the other one. I probably shouldn't, but I do. Probably shouldn't. If you have a great Jalen Hurts impression, call in 267-371-7288. Why not? Give us your name and pronouns or don't.
Starting point is 00:10:49 Yeah, probably don't actually do that. Now that I'm thinking about it. God damn. Yeah, patreon.com slash 10,000 lawsuits where you can listen to our bonus episodes. If you want those. We're working on one with the Brigham Young guys about Rudy. Rudy, yes.
Starting point is 00:11:04 Although, I don't know, maybe I can get Jordan on cause he wants to talk about temple being bad. So temple sucks. Yeah, that might be a, we'll get there. We'll get there. That might be,
Starting point is 00:11:12 that might be a future cohost. We'll see. I'll talk to him. Sure. Um, so yeah, um, I did the fucking net click thing.
Starting point is 00:11:21 Shouldn't do that. I've been really good about that. All right. Alright. Yeah, so as we were wont to do, we'll talk about the Phillies first. How you feeling about the Phillies, Liam? Bad, man.
Starting point is 00:11:35 I'm honestly feeling bad, dude. We got dunked on last night. We did. 7-3 when I last checked it. I don't know what the final was. In the 6? Was it in the 6? Jesus, dude. Hold on't know what the final was. 10-6. Let me double check. Come on, man. The game tonight is on fucking Apple.
Starting point is 00:11:54 10-6, yeah. At least we got Sanchez starting tonight. Yeah, I know. But even so, right? Yeah. Yeah. Just please do this. You stupid assholes. You got to win one more game to clinch the playoffs.
Starting point is 00:12:08 Yeah, exactly. It's all you got to do, man. We beat the Mets before. It's not impossible. It's, it's not impossible.
Starting point is 00:12:14 Just fucking do it. Taiwan did fuck it up. Like that wasn't, that was on Taiwan. And, um, as that guy, Matt on Twitter said,
Starting point is 00:12:23 I hope he has a lot of time to be really sweet with his family next year. Yeah. And do his LGBT youth. Not wrong. I like the guy on a personal level, but you just aren't producing. That sucks. He's cooked. 89 mile per hour fastball sometimes.
Starting point is 00:12:40 Not the spitball. Maybe he should adopt the spitball. Honestly. The splitter isn't doing it um shit's hanging bad yeah mop up guy in the bullpen yeah it sucks but that's the reality on the ground that's that's what it is you know hey it is what it is i mean there's nothing more to say about it time time comes for us all and you know um sometimes you you fucking eat shit on a contract. It's not Armani who gives a shit.
Starting point is 00:13:07 Right. Go get another go get a five next year. His ERA is something like 9.3. Oh, fuck me, dude. I'm not sure if that's in his last couple starts or his seasonal starts. Let's see. It's 6.9 on the year.
Starting point is 00:13:26 That's not good No Pretty bad I mean Pitching overall has been decent this year Especially starting pitching He's been a weak spot And yeah Hopefully we can clinch it in Queens tonight
Starting point is 00:13:42 I hope so There's no reason we can't. We've got Sanchez. I know he's better at home than on the road, but just get it done. Just please no September bad thing. I might be able to say it.
Starting point is 00:13:57 No September bad thing. No September bad thing. It's just a matter. It's late in the season and it's just a matter It's late in the season And it's just a matter of getting it done I don't know Speaking of not being able to get it done Oh talk about
Starting point is 00:14:15 Birds What is this defense fucking doing dude What is this defense Fucking doing dude Not stopping the run. That's for sure. Yeah. Huff is
Starting point is 00:14:31 a leaky sieve. Yeah. Bring Hassan home, please. Yeah, bring Hassan home. Listen, I know how you thought he was going to win on that one. Brain genius and didn't. Right. Did not win on that one. Sorry, dude. It happens. Bring him back. He's a team who didn't. Right. Did not win on that one. Sorry, dude. It happens. Bring him back. He's a team who...
Starting point is 00:14:48 Yeah, he sucks. He has 1.5 assisted tackles. Yeah, please do not play him on running downs. Yeah. Please. Please. We don't ask for much here. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:15:00 Put him in. Put Graham in. Just... That game was frustrating uh I was there I think you were there yeah it was the fourth and full four in the first quarter oh dude come on Nick like I I I feel bad for even saying this but like I I would be quite pleased if the Eagles kind of dropped like like started 1-4, because I think that would mean Sirianni gets out.
Starting point is 00:15:28 I think he's the worst part of this team by far. I agree with you. We've been saying it. We've always been skeptical of the guy. If you want a Super Bowl, great, but you're not going to. We were calling for his head like the sixth weekend. We are off the Knick train. I was making fun of him like his head like the sixth weekend. We are off the Nick train. I was making fun of him
Starting point is 00:15:47 like his first press conference. Because he said some dumb shit. He's a golden retriever. Well, he's getting demoted. He's going to become like a Japanese chin. His tinier brain. Yeah, he sucks, dude. He sucks and he's exhausting.
Starting point is 00:16:04 And you know the Saquon thing at the end? You know what? Like, all right, he dropped it. Like, that's not... He's been balling out. I don't have any criticism of Saquon. Oh, sure. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:16 Sometimes that happens. It does happen. But you don't want to put your team in the place where... Where it's allowed to happen, more or less. Yeah, like, you know, if we make that first down there, the game's over. Game's over, right, exactly. And that's why...
Starting point is 00:16:36 It shouldn't have come to that point in the first place, though. That's why you play that run-the-clock-down shit, and that's why you do go for chip-shot field goals sometimes. Right. Just to, especially the first quarter. Just get the points on the board. Because that's what they did. They got the fucking points on the board.
Starting point is 00:16:52 And it mattered. Their first nine points were all field goals. Yep. And that was what gave them the lead. I mean, exactly. Offense looks all right. I mean, A.J. Brown not being in there sucks, but Hurts looked like his old self running.
Starting point is 00:17:09 Looked like they were giving him some options. I don't know what this shit was with the RPOs. I guess that's the thing. They're going on this go-around. Yeah, like every year they pick a penalty they really want to. There was a fly. No, no problem. Yeah, a penalty they really want to go after. Oh, no problem um yeah a penalty they really want to go after and oh yeah where they say oh yes that you know we're targeting it or something i forget how
Starting point is 00:17:32 they explain it but it's just like increased like yeah it's it's bullshit i mean it's bullshit like yeah i mean rp rpo that's sort of that is what happens in an RPO. Because you have to the line does have to move forward. The line doesn't know what the decision is by the quarterback. If I can go up, Mr. Bob. Indeed.
Starting point is 00:17:58 So they were calling that a lot. That brought back some good plays. Right. If Jalen Hurts can keep playing like that, if Devonta can keep snatching shit out midair, and Saquon can... Not drop passes like Tom fucking Brady, yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:15 Yeah. I mean, Saquon running has been disgusting. It's been nasty. The run defense looks like absolute suck shit. That needs to be shored up. That needs to be shored up How about Britton Covey Fucking Getting the most catches ever in his fucking life
Starting point is 00:18:32 That was funny too They actually played But Yeah I It just didn't need to go that way It was a winnable game They lost
Starting point is 00:18:47 It sucks You're going to lose a game We're not going undefeated They were 1-1 to start the Super Bowl season That counts for something I suppose We're playing the Saints next Sunday Super Bowl contendery
Starting point is 00:19:05 for some reason. They'd look very good. And so Alvin Kamara is going to be... I think he's licking his chops thinking about that run defense. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It sucks, dude.
Starting point is 00:19:24 It just sucks. Speaking of other things that suck. Are we going to talk about Temple? Yeah, I will. But hold on. As I'm watching, my Ublock Origin blocked things counter keeps going up. Oh, good. On Zencaster. Is it the AI again?
Starting point is 00:19:38 It's up to 203. Jesus. No wonder this shit fucking crashes. Yeah, that's... I hate Facebook, Google Tag Manager, Rudder Labs, Stripe, Zen.ai. What do you need
Starting point is 00:19:53 Stripe for? In case I decide to buy AI on here. Okay. I will never buy your fucking AI. Oh, that's something I meant to mention. They're restarting Three Mile Island to power a Microsoft AI data center. Yep.
Starting point is 00:20:10 Saw that too, huh? I'm pro nuclear, but I'm not pro nuclear for that. Yeah. I mean, I guess it's better than hooking up to a coal power plant. I suppose. But this is what we're melting the ice caps for. This is, can we please move on from this?
Starting point is 00:20:25 Please. Yeah, I completely agree, dude. It's exhausting. That's just an aside. But yeah, talking about things that fucking suck. The Temple Owls. Horrible. Horrible. Horrible fucking team, dude.
Starting point is 00:20:37 I got to say, the least bad game of the year. Evan Simon looked decent. He looked decent in the last track of downs. What are you going to do? They almost came back. They almost came back against Coastal Carolina, who also runs the triple option. Yep.
Starting point is 00:20:55 Yeah, Evan Simon looked decent. I think that they should go with him going forward. I think if he stays and goes with Morris Brock, that's malfeasance. The Temple defense is not the worst. No, they
Starting point is 00:21:11 do play hard. Yeah, they play hard. And if, yeah, I think Evan Simon, I think you can win some games. Obviously this is not going to be a bowl contending team. Unless it is. Unless it is and we're horribly wrong which would be incredibly funny and i'll brand for us actually yeah that would be and i you know
Starting point is 00:21:29 i would encourage that um yeah maybe the the three temple owls that have their own podcast you know if you guys want to come on and laugh at us um feel free to sell out yeah um yeah we're playing uh we're playing Utah State next. Yeah. The Aggies for home and home, right? I think we did that. I like how we got all these home and homes when we were good.
Starting point is 00:21:55 Yeah. Now we're bad. Now we're bad. Now we're putrid. We're putrid. We're awful. Not that the Aggies are a great team but okay i guess yeah they're one and two right now um but they play they played utah though so like yeah i think they played utah they played uh no hold on george's that's last year. They played Robert Morris, USC. Oh, okay. And Utah.
Starting point is 00:22:28 Drive to hell. I mean, that... Yeah. So, I mean, if they could beat Robert Morris, they'd probably beat Temple. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Team fucking sucks ass, doesn't it?
Starting point is 00:22:39 Yeah, they... I don't... I guess... Yeah, let's start getting the NIL money. I don't know. Yeah. They getting the NIL money I don't know They're going to get kicked out They're going to get kicked out of America Yeah they're going to get kicked out of America
Starting point is 00:22:51 They're bottom feeders Maybe we need to go to FCS for a little bit Honestly What's it called REL Pro Yeah Pro REL Pro REL yeah Then we'll just become a University of Delaware team What is it called? REL Pro? Yeah, Pro-REL. Pro-REL, yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:08 Yeah, and then we'll just become a University of Delaware team. Yeah, we'll be the giants of FCS football. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, there are D2 schools that would beat us, and convincingly. Oh, absolutely. And, I mean, Delaware, obviously going up to FBS, but consistently gets more. And Flacco went to Delaware. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:30 There's legitimate. They fill their stadium every game. They do. And even if it's only like 30, I think it's like 25, 30,000. That's more than we fucking do. That's more than we get. We get like three. Three. And it's us. we get we get like three three and it's
Starting point is 00:23:45 us yeah no literally just three three of us in the end zone yelling john was it was a heretic he was yeah as as as smu just just curb stomps us yeah right right right into the fucking ground we're fucking horrible dude it's it's actually kind of unreal how bad we are yeah it's i don't i don't know what you do like maybe you get a new head coach and you i don't i don't know that this program is kind of even worth saving at this point bring back baseball fuck it yeah fuck it yeah do that i mean maybe if they had do you think if they had a stadium on campus it would help no i don't at least get people in the stands. We were so bad, we got kicked out of the old Big East, man.
Starting point is 00:24:30 I know. We were independent. We were in the MAC. Yeah. Is the Big East still exist in FCS? Or is that Mid-Atlantic Conference? What's that? Does the Big East exist in FCS?
Starting point is 00:24:45 They sponsor football in FCS, yes. There we go. We can go return home. Hang out with Villanova. Yeah, all the Catholic schools. They're all Catholic schools now. Marquette, Brayton, Butler, Xavier, DePaul. Well, well.
Starting point is 00:25:03 That might be the only way. Yeah. I bet if we played Villanova we'd lose Oh we played them and lost A couple years ago That's sad As you do Well speaking Speaking of the city of Philadelphia
Starting point is 00:25:21 Which Villanova isn't It's not it as we know You don't pay wage tax. You don't get a say. Mayor Sherelle D.U.I. Parker. You should just have said Mayor D.U.I. Yeah, that's what I did put in the notes. I saw that.
Starting point is 00:25:36 So she's okay with the Sixers Stadium deal. Yeah, which we knew, right? Yeah, that's gonna happen. They're not gonna let the team leave they're not gonna let the team it was always gonna go this way um yeah um they're gonna they're gonna what demolish most of the fashion district yep um the town yep and then china town yeah it's Yeah. Basically be dispersed to the...
Starting point is 00:26:06 Right, exactly. And they don't give a shit, right? Like... No. It's kind of predicated on them not giving a shit. They don't... And I know this is divisive. We've said this a million times every time we talk about this.
Starting point is 00:26:18 There are people who otherwise, like, we agree on everything with pretty much that are pro making it downtown. Right. And I don't want to relitigate that but i'll relitigate it fuck it well we already litigated when we had rosalyn i don't think anything really has changed no that's true um you know it's gonna happen and and and i thought i thought that the hero of the people, Jason Kelsey, he did say that he felt the 76ers owner was strong-arming the city. It does feel like that. I think he was right to say that.
Starting point is 00:26:54 It certainly does feel like that, man. But it's also like leadership has just capitulated. Yeah. Well, it's like what? Mayors think that losing a sports team is the worst thing that could happen. The worst thing that could possiblyulated. Yeah. Well, it's like what? Mayors think that losing a sports team is the worst thing that could happen. The worst thing that could possibly happen. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:27:10 And, I mean, they would rebrand the Sixers. They move them to Camden. There's no rebrand happening. Right. They're not changing into the New Jersey 76ers. The Camden Sixers. Yeah. The Camden River Sixers.
Starting point is 00:27:24 Yeah. The Walter Rand presents Sixers. Yeah. The Camden River Sixers. Yeah. The Walter Rand presents 76ers. No. I mean, that's already where their fucking office is. Yeah, exactly. They $400 million or whatever that fucking facility cost. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:27:38 Whatever. That's fine. But, like it's, it's just, yeah, they want to have their fucking stadium. They want to have it in market East. Sure do. They think that, that SEPTA is going to suddenly run all these trains as they're,
Starting point is 00:27:57 as they're talking about having to cut, like, you know, all the way down to like the, the totally bare. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Like nothing between Walnut Locust and and the stadiums.
Starting point is 00:28:13 I would have to get on the train at Lansdale instead of Doylestown. Right. So there goes my. Thanks, Josh. Single seat ride. Yeah. Thanks. You know, thanks. Honestly, I thank the fucking Republicans in the in the state legislature.
Starting point is 00:28:24 You're not wrong. Yeah. Fuck those assholesholes like the state is gerrymandered as hell the the democrats are the the largest political party um they they're in the sit in the state they have something like 45 so why is the pennsylvania uh assembly majority republican i don't know that doesn't make sense it's almost like it's gerrymandered and almost like it's almost like it is dude i love i love to have some dipshit from fucking potter county um determining about larry krasner yeah yeah yeah and and tell and and defunding the primary economic driver of the state. Right. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:29:09 Like you're like the shit, the services that are paid for in your County are paid for by Philadelphia citizens and Pittsburgh citizens. Exactly. The Delaware Valley is you guys, you guys don't even have to play for policing. Like, yeah,
Starting point is 00:29:22 yeah. That PA state police is, is brought to you by us by us for what you're welcome yeah it's like it's like 75 us 20 pittsburgh and then the rest like this is it's fucking it's fucking insane um illegitimate government if there is such a thing as a legitimate government. Yeah, there's not. Yeah. So, well, when I text you about Jason Kelsey,
Starting point is 00:29:50 we got into a debate of, is Jason Kelsey Republican? I don't know, man. I really don't know. I feel like you are probably right that he is basically apolitical, but will vote Democrat because if he doesn't, his wife will berate him until he's dead. Yeah, I don't.
Starting point is 00:30:08 And plus, you know, his brother, Steve Taylor Swift, you know, she's clearly liberal. Yeah. I don't think he's a fucking. He's not like a socialist.
Starting point is 00:30:19 Right. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. You know, none of these people are secret communists, but we can dream
Starting point is 00:30:25 Jason Kelsey is too intelligent Well spoken One hopes He's got a bag for 100 milli I don't understand He's not a trumper There's no way he's a trumper No, no, no
Starting point is 00:30:40 I think spending enough time around Lane Johnson will do stuff to your brain. I mean, as far as the sports go, it's not like an NFL locker room is 100% Republican. It's not like a baseball team. Right. Where it's 200 Republicans and Kyle Schwarber. Yeah. Which who might just be a never Trump Republican?
Starting point is 00:31:04 Honestly, like he probably is, which is very funny to me. Yeah. Well, Taiwan's probably Democrat. Yeah. Why do you have to suck, dude? Why can't you be good? Why can't you be good for us? As I saying this, as I'm like emphatically not a liberal, but a socialist.
Starting point is 00:31:21 Right. Can we have one? I mean, Spencer Stratter, but he's on the Braves. He is on the Braves, unfortunately. a socialist right but um can you at least be like can we have one i mean spencer shredder but he's on the braves he is on the braves unfortunately but he is he is he is a lefty sean doodle no longer in the league and uh yeah there's a handful of them i guess lucas giolito what about shohei how does shohei feel about uh about um i don't i i don't think i want to know how shohei feels about anything is it what's what's what's the the dominant party japan's like liberal democratic party japan or something like
Starting point is 00:31:50 that i think they're basically fascist right yeah i don't i i don't know if he has uh what's that shrine the war oh the oh hold on yeah of course take your time yeah i don't want to say something offensive war crimes shrine just look up war crime shrine it'll come right up yeah yakis yeah yasukuni shrine yeah peaceful country shrine i like that i can say uh uh war crime shrine and google knows what i'm talking about yep google's broken and sucks but like that's pretty funny yeah but do you remember the war crime shrine denial guy the japanese war crimes denial guy that was like in her comments like yes three years ago yes yeah because if you if you type in like if you post on twitter like nankig massacre the bots will come for you oh yeah they'll get real mad and try to argue that chinese Chinese aren't people or some shit.
Starting point is 00:32:46 Like, all right, dude. That's psychotic. You need to, like... Go away forever. Please, please just stop. We don't... Japan's cool as shit, but, like, you don't have to. You don't have to behave like this.
Starting point is 00:32:59 No, you don't have to do that. Yeah, so, I mean, shit. There's nothing that we could do about it i guess except for direct direct action no we're not endorsing direct action yes we are oh god um we are absolutely parody satire with our whole chest doing it yeah um i did and what kelsey actually said at the end he goes it's it's gonna probably damage chinatown i mean people will probably like the stadium will probably look nice yeah i i i it's gonna it's gonna destroy china he was right he's right about yeah he is right and and i i do think the sixers have been playing like have not been have not been like i don't know forthcoming is maybe not the word, but the Sixers, it feels like have been very, oh, it'll be great.
Starting point is 00:33:49 And we know we can steamroll it through. Yeah. Which is a very cynical way to me. The resistance is not affluent enough. It's not like they're trying to bulldoze a union league. Right. Where you would actually get some people with money. Right. affluent enough you know it's not like they're trying to bulldoze a union league right where you would actually get some people like with money right unfortunately chinatown doesn't have the
Starting point is 00:34:10 same capital met anyone with from the union league those people are intolerable no several although there is one who is tolerable and i don't know if he still fucks with them al schmidt al schmidt yeah the only republican i ever voted for when i was in the city yeah um but uh and who got fucking death threats from trumpers because yes i remember that yes yes yes because he's like nope i am i like uh you know i like rockefeller and i like rules and i'm a republican but i'm social like he's socially liberal so it's fucking that's the kind of nerd he's fine yeah you can certify the elections. You'll make sure the boxes are ticked. He's just a dweeb.
Starting point is 00:34:50 People are just like, why are you doing this? Because I have to follow the rules. That's why. He's just like that. Actually, I'm fine with that. Sure, man. For an election? I want to follow the rules for the election hell yeah dude you
Starting point is 00:35:05 will well love it absolutely you could do you were on all the elections yeah exactly you want to be the rules guy you want to be the exact you can be the rules guy i don't give a shit that's you know when i when i was in leadership positions at different volunteer organizations you know when i would run into the rules guy i know exactly job for you you're going to keep the minutes you're going to make sure the meeting stops when it says it's going to stop that's exactly what your job is right that way you're not talking during the meeting and yelling at people right right right um yeah i i yeah i don't fucking know well it's it's going to get it has to get approved by council it's going to get approved by city council it's got to get it it's got it's it just will be yeah i mean
Starting point is 00:35:41 that's there's that's sort of the long and short of it. They're absolutely ready to ram this thing through. They want to. They want it. Parker thinks this is going to be a thing. Her legacy, basically. What I think is funny is people are like, this is going to make her a one-term mayor. No, it's not.
Starting point is 00:35:58 No, it's not. If she loses the primary. If the fucking progressives decide to run to run one candidate this time. Right. And not eight. Exactly. You know, and not not not what she got, like 30 percent of the fucking vote. Yeah, I know.
Starting point is 00:36:16 It's fucking unbelievable. All right. We're in the bad take section. I just I just hold on. I just saw this. I clicked on Twitter. Oh, foolish. Ex-Colorado, this is the athletic,
Starting point is 00:36:30 ex-Colorado, University of Colorado staffer pitched Saudi Arabia to be a $10 billion. Yeah, you didn't know that? Yeah. That broke a couple weeks ago, yeah. I didn't know that. That's fucking funny. Yeah, dude.
Starting point is 00:36:44 Dude, Temple. Yeah, please. Get on that. Please get the Saudi Aramco money, Temple. broke a couple weeks ago yeah i didn't know that that's fucking funny yeah dude dude temple yeah please get on that please get the saudi aramco money temple yeah uh the muhammad bin salman memorial field let's fucking go dude i fucking love it um yeah if you're bad at football you will get thrown in the meat grinder yeah i don't i don't need to Kishoggi a freshman, though. I don't like how that feels. No, no, no. Only the, well, like admin. Right.
Starting point is 00:37:12 They probably deserve it. Yeah. All right, I got to close this. Keep looking at takes. Don't do that. That's a mistake. Yeah. Mistake, take.
Starting point is 00:37:23 Mistake. Yeah. So I want to talk about, this is kind of a follow-up to what we talked about last time with the go for it dude tua uh he's on the oh that was brutal to watch that's his third and what did we say last week your first one's kind of free and then it's like logarithmically bad yeah this is three this is three yeah um he considered retiring he's gotta got to call it. Dude, be done with it. Be done with it.
Starting point is 00:37:48 You don't need it. You don't need to do this. And he's guaranteed for injury. Yeah, so take that money. Run fast, run far, bud. Get that house set up, right? Pay it off in cash. Put aside your property tax money.
Starting point is 00:38:04 Get the rest of that shit secure with some financial planners, and just enjoy the rest of your life, never having to work again. Yep. Yep. Yep. 100%. 100%, dude. This is not worth it. It's not worth going to see now at 55. No. If that. Yeah. If that, dude. It's just not worth it. And my feelings on the Dolphins organization is that basically they're criminal. Oh, absolutely. And you never want to see a guy get hurt. You never want to see a guy with that history go down like that. How many times have we seen him do the fencing pose?
Starting point is 00:38:41 Three. Yeah. At this point, yeah. It's fucking. No. Done. It's neglect right jesus oh do you know what do you know what i um i like the quote here in the ap article yeah tago how do you say last name tago valo tago valo briefly considered retirement
Starting point is 00:38:59 but instead returned and studied ways to better protect himself in the field, including taking jujitsu classes ahead of the 2023 season. What? I don't understand that. What? You're going to fucking grapple? How is that going to stop you? Patrick, please tell us. Call in.
Starting point is 00:39:22 How is jujitsu going to help you stop getting a concussion? I'm pretty sure you can get concussions doing jujitsu. Call in. How is Jiu Jitsu going to help you stop getting a concussion? I'm pretty sure you can get concussions doing Jiu Jitsu. You can. I would love to see him fucking start grappling a guy. Yeah. Yeah, I'd like that. I mean, hey, if you get a penalty, it's a concussion. I'll take that.
Starting point is 00:39:41 Dude, it's so brutal to fucking watch. It just sucks. It sucks to fucking watch just sucks it sucks to watch it sucks knowing the nfl doesn't care i was i tweeted last night i was thinking you know they were very casual about it the uh last night but they were like oh yeah some of these these guys are playing their whatever their their third game in 11 days yeah dude that's insane that's inhumane that you should you need to build a buy-in you should you can't you can't have a monday night game one week and then a thursday night game the next week you can't you can't have that but like well you get a mini buy and it's like dude they played uh they played monday then sunday then thursday that's unacceptable too too too much that's three
Starting point is 00:40:24 games in 11 days that's too that's that's that's not good three games in 11 days. That's not good enough. The NFL knows that it's not good enough and simply doesn't care because they want to get Rodgers out in front of as many eyes as possible. They don't give a shit. And we love this sport. We love this sport that kills people.
Starting point is 00:40:40 Yeah. It sucks that they are so enamored with the television product that this is how it's going to go. I think that I speak for both of us. You love baseball too, but football is my favorite sport. Football is the sport I played now.
Starting point is 00:40:58 It's my number two. We love football. Yeah. As people who love football, Tua to get the fuck out of there, but I know, I know you're a fan to, I know you're a big fan. I know,
Starting point is 00:41:11 you know, and, and, and you know what he could do? He could, he could brand up with the Hawk to a girl and it would be talk, talk to her. That's the name of her podcast.
Starting point is 00:41:19 Anyway, there you go. I'd watch that. I'll, I'll write itself, write itself. Oh, the, the grim is the word that comes to mind. I'd watch that. There you go. It writes itself. It writes itself. Grim is the word that comes to mind.
Starting point is 00:41:33 Yeah, you don't need to. You don't have to do this, bud. We love the sport, but we do also care about the players. Yes. The players save us. Makes us unique, apparently. Yeah, enjoying the sport is predicated on the players not dying. They did say this latest concussion would have been prevented if they wore the megamind oh the guardian caps or whatever they're saying which does look super it does look ridiculous
Starting point is 00:41:54 to be fair but maybe they should be making the quarterbacks wear that uh honestly i mean it does look silly as fuck but maybe maybe as the tech gets better, it'll look less silly, you know, and maybe they need some data points on that. Oh, someone on the someone is this is Jabril Peppers is I don't know. Someone is wearing it. A couple of Browns are. Yeah, a couple of the Browns are. And Jabril Peppers wore it. I'm going to butcher his name.
Starting point is 00:42:29 I apologize. Browns linebacker Owusu Kuramoa, among few NFL players wearing Guardian cap over how many games. And he'll wear it again. I'm a big fan of that. I think that, like, he said, like, I have one that looks better. Yeah. That looks better.
Starting point is 00:42:48 Yeah. I mean, you look a little silly, but, like, you look silly anyway, man. It looks better with the sort of helmet thing over it. Yeah. Yeah. Where it looks like. Because, like, you're sitting, like, a half a mile away in game anyway. No one cares.
Starting point is 00:43:03 I'd rather you wear the helmet and be able to like add two and six you know at 50 i like here on the patriots reddit reddit.com such oh oh boy i oh jesus all right get me into it what's up with jabril pepper's helmet i thought he was a character from melbrook spaceball spaceballs at first glance by glutenuten Morgan With no upvotes And the first The first comment is I'm assuming He doesn't want to turn his brain into bread pudding By the time he hits his 40s
Starting point is 00:43:33 Yeah absolutely Yeah good on Jabril Peppers I like that Really good New York Times article on it I think yeah it looks a little silly But I mean It looks better than having without times article on it i think yeah it looks a little silly but i mean that it looks better than having without the logo on it right and um yeah go get yeah secure that
Starting point is 00:43:52 i mean by by all accounts that's like an insanely insanely protective helmet right yeah yeah and i you should wear it you should wear it. You should wear it. Make everyone wear it. I mean, make everyone wear it. That's the solution. Players Union can do that. Yeah, they should. Yeah, they should.
Starting point is 00:44:18 It's it's do that. Speaking of like things that people don't care about. god yes hit me with it the the lawmakers are wow i'm reading the article without introducing it ironically on espn.com where it says sports betting with a dollar sign on a book i see that yeah it's an article um because they are congress is talking about collegiate sports would be banned. Self-exclusion list is good. Ads would be banned.
Starting point is 00:44:47 Ads during games would be banned. Oh, I missed this. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. The Safe Bet Act would prohibit gambling operators from running advertisements between the hours of 8 and 10 p.m. and during live sporting events. It would put an end to the practice of offering customers bonus bets, no sweats bets, or other similar incentives.
Starting point is 00:45:03 Right. It would also prevent more than five bets from a single customer within 24 hours. No credit card deposits require gambling companies to conduct affordability checks on customers before they place wagers of more than $1,000 within a 24-hour period. Then the prop betting would be banned as self-exclusionless, which gamblers would have to check before accepting wages, and also no use of ai no i don't want to go to espnbet.com please god damn it this this this um law should be passed yesterday yes um 100 and i would say no sports betting ads period they should not be advertised whatsoever you should have to have to find out
Starting point is 00:45:46 by word of mouth yep it should be like cigarettes yep i mean i'm okay with them going the route of i guess it's better than nothing going the route of like beer ads like right like nobody in the safe harbor whatever like that but right um yeah absolutely not and they should not be advertising it by the league nope no there should be no official sports book or partner of the nfl that sort of shit yeah keep it legal but don't advertise right because i mean you don't want to drive it underground again no exactly i think i may have accidentally sent the article to you because i was talking you know i sent it to zach okay i need to send it to Rin. Thank you
Starting point is 00:46:26 for bringing this to my attention. I hadn't seen this. So, honestly, go encourage your congressperson. I'm going to go contact Brian Fitzpatrick and say this we should be all in on. I know that you and I
Starting point is 00:46:41 have a mixed history, Brian. Yeah, we do. I feel like I can call you Brian because have a mixed history, Brian. Yeah, we do. I feel like I can call you Brian cause I have no respect for you. Um, uh, I think you should pass this law. Yeah. I,
Starting point is 00:46:53 and I, and I know that, um, I know that, I know that, uh, Brian B fits is a, is a big, is a big,
Starting point is 00:46:59 uh, contributor to the Patreon. Yeah. Um, you know how it, how it goes, uh, raking in those dollars
Starting point is 00:47:05 seriously please stop canceling your subscriptions yeah it's getting annoying yeah i hate those notifications and that i turn it off yeah the exit survey just says post balls already like you know all right i mean that's not that they're not that great that's like not i got i mean i'll thighs yeah yeah you got good thighs you do have good thighs oh yeah i'm getting the uh i'm getting the definition at the bottom of them where you get that little teardrop yeah it's nice very good yeah but uh yeah fuck fuck fuck sports betting fuck sports no i mean fuck sports betting that's that's sort of the end of it right like it sucks dude yeah and there's a. Oh, here's an article today.
Starting point is 00:47:46 It says, the NFL NBA supporting federal betting weight regulations wary of other restrictions. Uh-huh. Let's see. Let's see what they say. Uh-huh. There might be some unintended consequences. Consequences. Consequences.
Starting point is 00:48:00 Oh, his tongue got too big. Yeah, he got a hoagie mouth. I did used to have some sometimes my my uh tongue would get stuck like that oh buddy yeah i had the surgery i didn't know that yeah now i do um it was it was only when i was talking too fast got excited but right um yeah i got you know why i got that surgery though It wasn't to fix the lisp They call you a cunning linguist They do
Starting point is 00:48:31 In many ways I don't think anyone has ever said that No but you know I know my way around It's not so bad I know my way around the alphabet Liam Let's just put it that way Congratulations you freak
Starting point is 00:48:43 Yeah let's just say I'm way. Yeah, congratulations, you freak. Yeah, let's just say I'm probably going to get... Oh, it was so loud. Let's just say I'm probably going to get throat cancer, if you know what I mean. Why did you blow me out twice? Yeah, that's what she said. I'll turn you off. I don't care.
Starting point is 00:49:03 I don't know why the volume is so high on the drops. I like that we don't know. We can't fix it. No, that's a Zencaster problem because I have the drops in Zencaster. I don't have a soundboard. Right. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:19 The sort of gist of this article, though, to finish it is the NBA and the NFL are kind of saying, well, it would be nice to be like a single set of regulations, which I guess makes sense. Which does make sense, actually. Yeah, it does. It does make sense. The same with the fucking when SpaceX is like, yeah, we should probably get the FAA more money so they can do their job in a reasonable amount of time. Obviously, there's a... There's motivation there, but it is true.
Starting point is 00:49:49 The FAA does their funding. Same thing. That makes sense. So maybe if the industry agrees, they can get... They're waiting for the big one. It's going to happen. It is.
Starting point is 00:50:01 We already had it in the NBA. Right. But it wasn't with a fucking app right you're talking about michael jordan no with um the the the ref oh yeah the guy yeah i know you're talking about irish mick mick mick mick thank you thank you for insulting my people yeah oh oh mick oh oh i'm putting the fucking bats out there every day. Well, now I'm offended. Yeah, I'm offended.
Starting point is 00:50:29 I've been told. The Irish told me that's actually not a bad accent. Oh, man. We actually managed to get to 52 minutes. I do like that. I text everyone who I know. Like, it feels about sports betting one way or the other. And the response I got from Matt, I don't know how to pronounce your last name and I'm not going to start trying now. But friend of the show, Matt.
Starting point is 00:50:54 Yes. Just texted me, please. And Zach had texted me, hooray. Also, let's maybe not make an ESPN betting app. Yeah, please. It's pervasive it's disgusting get rid of it fucking goodbye goodbye yeah they're they're taking your bets they're putting them all over the place get rid of them um thank you yeah i had to get trump for there somewhere actually i had a student request that I do Trump.
Starting point is 00:51:25 Oh, great. They wanted me to say the dogs and the cats thing. No, I don't like that. I was like, well, if you do all your work, I'll do it. They don't like Trump. They don't like Trump. They just think it's funny when I do it. I would hope not.
Starting point is 00:51:36 Yeah. Guy sucks. He probably hates the fucking blows. Yeah. All right. We got a couple DMs slash message. Actually, these are text slash Discord messages. So first, Bobby from Western Maryland, who does have a very short voicemail, but we'll get to the DM first.
Starting point is 00:51:56 Right. Hey, Tom. Yay, Liam. All caps. All right. This is Bobby. Once again, blowing down my levels again. I love when you do that.
Starting point is 00:52:06 It makes me so happy when you do that to me. It's revenge for when you use the other rig and I just hear crunching the entire time. What are you talking about? The portable. Oh, yeah. It's your audio. Yeah, no, you deserve to suffer. That's a good thing that I do to you.
Starting point is 00:52:24 I'm just getting my revenge. All right. Bobby, Bobby, Bobby from Western Maryland. I feel like Bobby of weapons, mass destruction. I think that's a little better. You think he had? Yeah, he had. Sorry for being a sore loser.
Starting point is 00:52:38 Not going back after the Packers. The Pack is the Pack is what are you? Pack is fat L. I don't know why I did that. That was accident. Faters. Fat L. I don't know why I did that there. That was an accident. Fat L to the Eagles. I don't know if it was that fat, buddy. You guys are in it for the most. Slow down.
Starting point is 00:52:54 Maybe this is emotion coming through. I was up until around approximately 3 a.m. that night worried about Jordan Love, but thankfully he's mostly okay, and I don't have to rage about the Eagles and the turf in Sao Paulo all season long. GG on that one. For the fellow listener texting about their sci-fi book looking for sports tips, I think it would be quite funny if baseball were exactly the same as it is now, or if had just devolved into the new deadball era in this far-off future that that author is
Starting point is 00:53:23 creating. Because, well, it's baseball. Good luck on the book. Go pack. Go fuck the Vikings. Fuck the bears. Malik Willis is him. Malik Willis is not him. I can tell you that right now.
Starting point is 00:53:34 Malik Willis is not him. If he went to Liberty, although. Yeah. If you went to Liberty. I know I was thinking it wasn't Nick Foles trying to get an advanced degree from Liberty or some shit. Hmm. I told you, I told you theoles trying to get an advanced degree from Liberty or some shit? Hmm.
Starting point is 00:53:46 I told you the experience of the guy that went to Liberty, but he hated the school. Protestants are the goddamn worst thing on earth, dude. Yeah. I think, did I tell you about the guy? I think so, yeah. We went to his place. I'm not going to say what it is because I'll talk to myself. We went to his place.
Starting point is 00:54:02 You were there for an hour and left with Roz ross um in in june you know what i'm talking about no okay i'll talk about it in text okay that guy went to that guy went to liberty and they didn't patch those caps though um so you basically and he got through with it anyway um that's actually pretty impressive yeah Yeah, yeah, yeah. It was nice. And this guy confirmed that Jerry Falwell would drive around and try to run students over. That makes sense. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:54:34 Just that university should not exist. And that fucking name, Liberty. Fuck you. Fuck you. Yeah, exactly. You don't know shit about Liberty. All right. We have one. Non-denominational was a mistake. Yeah, exactly. You don't know shit about Liberty. Frick. All right. We have one.
Starting point is 00:54:47 Not denominational was a mistake. Yeah. From Navigator BR on the Discord. Yeah. Hi, yay, Liam and Tom. Thank you. Yay, yay, yay, Tom there. No, no, no, no, no.
Starting point is 00:55:00 Take it back. Which teams do you think will get fucked the hardest by private equity trying to muscle its way into the what a great question fuck private equity fuck lord peter handy what a fucking little hand job i could say whatever i want because fucking slander laws zanker trial motherfucker don't exist here yeah come and get them suck my dick peter handy yeah we we got we recorded an episode with gareth yesterday my dick peter handy yeah we we got we recorded an episode with gareth yesterday or two days ago and uh we we got we got some digs in i'm pretty proud to say i love it and and this message ends with long live gareth that is long live the king yeah
Starting point is 00:55:36 yeah 100 uh gareth for um you know gareth fuck Puritans, but we do encourage you to follow the model that Cromwell did set with the old choppy chop. So that was a good thing. We should not endorse any of Cromwell's other opinions. No, no, no, just the choppy chop. Yeah, the whole genocide in Ireland was bad. Oh, yeah. It funny how they couldn't catch charles ii have you ever read about that i haven't actually uh go the wikipedia article is pretty good on it just read about charles ii and how he like escaped at every turn from from the from the the forces like he was like
Starting point is 00:56:20 it just fucking around southwest england for like two weeks just funny say like hiding in a fucking train shit and basically charles ii was like a party guy and he said you could fuck with him and you could like if you were good if you were good entertainment like you would just you could just become a fucking courtier right if you're just funny and but he spent the rest of his days up until him getting like deposed by chop well charles ii oh yes yes yes okay my bad yes so yeah charles ii basically up until he got you know exiled uh during the glorious revolution uh was like his favorite thing was talking about yeah dude let me tell you about the time i almost got killed like every day for two weeks. And the only thing that saved me was Catholic priests. And
Starting point is 00:57:07 like hiding under the floorboards is a bunch of fucking Puritans were like, smells like the king in here. Where is he? Like, we haven't seen the king in years, sir. Yeah, it's actually a really cool story. And they should make a movie out of it.
Starting point is 00:57:23 Just a fancy lad like, oh, I'm hiding under the cupboards. That is a really cool story. And they should make a movie out of it. Just a fancy lad like, oh, I'm hiding in the comments. That is genuinely tremendous. Yeah, no. I'm just urging everyone, please, just read it. It is a really, really cool historical story. And yeah, so anyway,
Starting point is 00:57:42 yeah, we agree with you. So what team do you think will get fucked the hardest by private equity? Oh, man, what a terrific question. Let me think about that for a second because I think I have a good answer, but I'm not sure. Okay. Because I think maybe a little out of left field,
Starting point is 00:57:57 but I think it might be the Packers. So that was the first one that flew to my head? Right. I think there would be open fan revolt. Oh, absolutely. The other one is the Raiders because Al Davis has no money. Or Mark Davis has no money. So yeah, it could be whatever team needs a fusion of cash.
Starting point is 00:58:18 I mean, I think Josh Harris, owner of the Washington Commanders, might be open to more. I'm sure that he would be. To that kind of money. But, oh man, imagine the Las Vegas Raiders brought to you by BlackRock. Yeah. Step away from the lathe, please. Yeah. Bring them back to Oakland.
Starting point is 00:58:41 Yep. The people of Oaklandland deserves deserve entertainment las vegas shouldn't exist it's a monument to guys to it's a man's argument to man's arrogance hubris whatever yes exactly it is it genuinely is yeah it is um yeah so yeah um that that's that's the first ones that came to mind uh i don't think the eagles are at risk. It's definitely the teams that need a little money. I mean, Jerry Jones, you could see after he kicks it.
Starting point is 00:59:11 Oh, yeah. Maybe some people trying to pop in on that. Yeah, I don't think you're wrong. Yeah, the Jerry Jones chatbot becomes sentient. Oh, no. I don't like that at all. After an influx of cash by open AI or whatever. But that's not private equity, but still. Whoever's funding that. We're fucking getting there, no. I don't like that at all. After an influx of cash by OpenAI or whatever. But that's not private equity, but still.
Starting point is 00:59:28 We're fucking getting there, dude. We're fucking getting there. Dude, it's insane that you'll come across people who actually think it's like... They really have us snowed with that, calling it AI. Yeah, they do ai is um when you play uh warhammer total war and the the other side your opponent can't recognize that you are filing an enfilade at them and continues to just rotate the unit into the field of fire without moving um that's ai not whatever the fuck this is. Right. Not a chat bot. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:00:05 I remember smarter child, dude. I'm that old. It's yeah, it's the same shit. All right. We got. Yeah. If anyone else has an idea of what team we get fucked the most by private private equity, please let us know.
Starting point is 01:00:17 Let us know. We have a message from Wayne that says, I want to say I'm in solidarity with area over Aetna. My employer is trying to switch us up from Blue Cross Blue Shield and my co-workers are adamant about stopping us. Anyway, the White Sox are now four games away from tying the 1962 Mets mark of 120
Starting point is 01:00:33 losses, a record I thought would never be reached by any team. But I guess a billionaire trying to tank on purpose in order to extort a city to fully fund their new stadium idea will do that. Fuck Jerry Reinstorf. He's one of the several owners that makes the argument for pro-rel in American sports. Sorry for lack of voicemail the last couple weeks.
Starting point is 01:00:49 I'm trying to get everything ready to move. And I told him on Discord, yeah, don't worry about that, dude. Good luck. I appreciate the message either way. Yeah, dude, that's fucking wild with the White Sox. You should not be allowed to let your team be that bad. You should lose your franchise Nick Castellanos thinks the same thing
Starting point is 01:01:06 yeah Nick Castellanos is a fucking labor hero yeah I mean he knows man he knows Rise and Tide lifts all boats yep told you he's low key smart
Starting point is 01:01:22 yeah he also believes that Scooby Doo is the best superhero so let's not go that far. His mom follows a lot of hard right wackadoodles on Twitter. And you. I know she follows you. She liked one of your posts. Yeah, yeah. Good enough.
Starting point is 01:01:38 Yeah. Yeah, that sucks. Well, you know, my dad if he was alive, would have. But he's not. It sucks to be you, dude. Okay. Anyway, we got two voicemails.
Starting point is 01:01:58 We got one from Charlie and one from Bobby. So let's listen to Charlie. Hey, guys. Hey, Liam. Hey, Tom. It's Charlie from Roxborough. He, him. Re, Liam. Hey, Tom. This is Charlie from Roxborough. He, him. Recapping two Union games.
Starting point is 01:02:14 Two out of the three in eight days, they did go down to Miami after the international break. And we're short-handed. And Leonel Mesty did put – got two goals after the Union did score the first goal in two minutes into the game. He's really good at soccer. Win that one 3-1. And the Union midweek went to New York, to the Bronx, to the baseball stadium. And again, for the second time in this year, go up into New York and take all three points from the other New York
Starting point is 01:02:45 team and YCFC, five goals to one. Goals by Erivo Uragazdag off of a howler on Matt Freeze. Then Gleznes and Jose Bueno all get a goal
Starting point is 01:03:02 to put the Union over the line as of now in the ninth playoff spot. And then they'll have a team chasing them for that last playoff spot. D.C. United coming to the Subaru on Sunday. If the Eagles don't decide to shoot the bat again. You know, the very much up-and-down year continues. Missing key players tonight with Blake still injured with a groin injury and Jack Elliott out with yellow card accumulations. But they did get the win.
Starting point is 01:03:45 We'll just have to see if this form continues against D.C. and they can stumble their way into the last playoff spot. The only way out is through. They're going to have to be chipping the chair mentality the rest of the way. Later, fellas. All right. Yeah, thanks, Charlie. Yeah, I mean, they won 5-1.
Starting point is 01:04:13 Yeah, hopefully they can pick it up. You can tell how happy Charlie was from that. He sounded real thrilled. Yeah. No, but he was very happy in the Discord. There's all sorts of memes cup snakes channel i know you're very active on there too i i i lurk um don't dm me i will not respond yeah don't i hate when people dm without people dm me about the double literature problem
Starting point is 01:04:39 discord so now i'm just set to invisible people people d DM me sometimes to try to get to you. Really? Thank you for not giving into that. I was like, sorry, you're going to have to ask them. If you want to suggest some shit, go. Whatever fucking mechanism they got for it. All right. We have...
Starting point is 01:05:04 Oh, Bobby. Bobby, again. This time it's voicemail. It's very short. There. Hey, Tom. I'm Gabe Liam. This is Bobby from Western Maryland.
Starting point is 01:05:13 Shoya Tani, of all time, by a mile. Sure. Fuck Penn State. Yeah. Shoya Tani is the best player to ever play baseball. Yeah. I can say that. Yeah, we can say that.
Starting point is 01:05:24 He will be the best player of all time Yeah dude Holy shit And he's so handsome too Just like you We're all handsome So fucking good You know what I like though
Starting point is 01:05:38 I like that he's Not a skinny boy He's got a little chunk Yeah yeah He mass moves mass man And he fucking moves mass He's not a skinny boy. He's got a little chunk. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Mass moves mass, man. And he fucking moves mass with that. He's fast.
Starting point is 01:05:51 He is fast. He's genuinely no shit fast. The first 50 home run, 50 stolen base. Yeah, how can you? I mean. Genetic freak. Yeah, incredible. And he is apparently on every fucking ad ad in Japan I would be too
Starting point is 01:06:05 So get that bag dude Awesome Enjoy your 700 million dollars or whatever it is And I think His ex-interpreter gets sentenced I think next month He's looking up to 33 years He's not going to get that
Starting point is 01:06:21 They think in maybe 3 or 4 years Which seems appropriate 33 years for a little fraud Right People There's cops who kill people who get less Right The last thing I want to mention
Starting point is 01:06:36 Before we do our outro Is the Bucks County SEIU 668 did a one day strike today today bucks county will not fucking um giving them a decent contract the last contract that they they offered was a 19 cut in benefits so bucks county's really trying to fuck them over and especially that so good on these guys for for for this environment is is is for at least until january we don't know what's going to happen then but it's a good nlrb it's a good environment for labor um you know fucking if you see them fucking let them know you support them um oh yeah they went on strike just a one-day strike today
Starting point is 01:07:15 um and uh yeah there's about 500 people it's all it's all people in the helping professions it's all mental health children and youth 911 dispatchers it's all that in the helping professions. It's all mental health, children and youth, 911 dispatchers. It's all that shit. So, yeah. Bucks County, fucking pay up, dude. Pay up, motherfuckers. And do that. The county commissioners, we have Democrats now, too. So, like, what the fuck?
Starting point is 01:07:38 They hate labor, man. They hate labor. Yeah, they fuck, especially when it's, like, their labor. I love it when it's other people's labor. Yeah, so, labors yeah they fuck especially when it's like their their labor right i love it when it's other people's labor um yeah so um yeah support them fucking pay up motherfuckers motherfuckers um all right with that said thanks shouts out to a north catholic tier patrons patrick sean mike kate charlie luke kyle chuckleburg and cat uh no new 700 level patrons. Uh, voicemail two, six, seven, three, seven, one,
Starting point is 01:08:05 seven, two, one, eight. Give us your name and pronouns. DMS follow us. I'm at to hit the teepee and he's at not Liam Anderson with a zero cause he's late. And at 10 K losses pod for the podcast,
Starting point is 01:08:14 patrion.com slash 10,000 losses where you can get every bonus episode and access to the fucking discord. I am relatively active on there. If you need to know my takes and, uh, Oh yeah. that reminds me before we talk about other podcasts indefinite hold on the
Starting point is 01:08:28 on the NCAA live streams because the HDMI on my fucking Playstation died and now I gotta spend $200 to get it fixed fuck you Sony that's brutal and it's like it was like a month out of warranty
Starting point is 01:08:43 and it's their fault because they can a month out of warranty of course it was and it's and it's their fault because they can't they they fucking cheap down the solder right um so fuck you other podcasts i might try to figure out how to stream that it's also an ncaa 25 oh yes absolutely i can stream it to my computer but i can't like like it's gonna be laggy that's what i did last time so i guess i could technically stream but it's gonna be be laggy. That's what I did last time. So I guess I could technically stream, but it's going to be real laggy. Um, all right. Other,
Starting point is 01:09:09 other podcasts. Uh, well, there's your problem. Trash future. Kill James Bond. Hellboy did that. Uh,
Starting point is 01:09:15 tipping pitches beyond the breakers. Radio free to, but I got to start writing these down. Yeah. but who else, who else, who I'm myself worst, which I was on, uh, a few months ago and i think
Starting point is 01:09:27 that's actually it okay yeah oh no gods no mayors that's november's new one oh yes listen to that wait that are they gonna uh not they is she gonna do a episode on rizzo at some point yes i'm gonna be on that yeah Yeah. Thank you. Fucking love to make this man shame this man internationally. Yes. I don't want to put that. Yeah. Alright. Thanks for listening, everybody.
Starting point is 01:09:56 Have a great weekend. Or week or whenever the fuck you listen to this. See you next time. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye.

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