Ten Thousand Losses - Dangle the Owners from a Ledge
Episode Date: May 3, 2023Tom complains about things being expensive at CBP while Liam flexes dollar bills at the last Flyers game of the year. The boys complain about the Phillies sucking ass and the then-upcoming Nets-Sixers... series and finish by going into the mailbag. Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/tenklossespod Leave us a voicemail (leave your name and pronouns): 267-371-7218 Support us on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/tenthousandlosses Lyre interlude from Grendelcynn.
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He is actually going to eject a fan.
Because bad things happen in Philadelphia, bad things.
And a man jumped into the penalty box area.
Joy doesn't come to Philadelphia and stand here and dodge ice balls.
We, the Dallas Cowboys, have assassinated Don Kennedy.
Okay, the thing I have to fucking talk on, we'll talk about later, is Josh Harris, who owns the Sixers, also owns the Devils and is going to own the Commanders.
That doesn't feel good from like a Philly perspective.
It's like, oh, yeah, I own a division rival of your fucking team.
Yeah, that's a weird combination.
It's very like nomadic billionaire shit in a way that really pisses me off.
So I guess we're breaking news.
Not to break anymore.
Yeah, it won't be breaking by like the friday saturday this goes out whatever um we don't have a schedule it just i shit it out my ass all right
yeah so uh we'll get there but i i actually yeah do you have any any banter or rants for me?
Well, you said you were spooked and you didn't give me enough details.
Oh, today I went to Fort Mifflin with Roz.
And we went to the spoopy inside of the fort, which was very spoopy.
And it's sort of a bring your own light program
in a way that uh i didn't love also i went to the airport ruby tuesdays for lunch
and watched a guy in his the guy a little older than me i drink four beers and take a shot of
whiskey i why were you why Ruby Tuesday
at the airport?
Because that's what I wanted.
Did you have business
at the airport?
It's near Fort Mifflin.
That's true.
Got some good plane photos.
I was going to say
if you were past the security
for some reason that Popeye's in there is really good, even though it's like there's no service.
Service doesn't exist.
It's not a concept that exists, but the food is good.
For some reason, that's a better Popeye's than other places.
But yeah, Fort Memphis, I remember going there as a kid on a field trip and them really playing up in that dark room.
Like the casement or something like that?
The casement.
They have the powder magazines.
I can't remember if it was the powder magazine or the casement that's supposed to be on it.
It's all on it, dude.
They were really selling it thick.
And it was like April.
So, yeah.
It was not like an October tripober trip oh in the spooky season you
know we should talk about uh the justification of philly's fans in throwing hot dogs yeah because
the phillies fucking stink yeah speaking about the speaking of speaking of the airport i think
it was baseball and who said imagine like the pilot landing at um International Airport,
seeing the sign from Citizens Bank Park that said,
please stop throwing hot dogs.
That's amazing that we were throwing the hot dogs.
I mean, they deserved it.
I think the Phillies deserved it.
They stink.
And the hot dogs are kind of in a conical, but not conical,
like a football-shaped package that are easy to throw.
Yeah, but the hot dog riot, there was a guy apparently who dressed up like a hot dog.
Did you see that?
What? No.
Yeah, so him and his buddies had a hot dog costume.
One of them got kicked out, but he took off the hot dog costume
and managed to get back into the park and continue
throwing. That's something I saw.
That's something I saw online. I'm not sure if that's true, but
if that is true,
you can use a hot dog costume,
come back in like a master of disguise.
Oh, like the
Phillies have done.
But not the Phillies. Who was it where the manager
got kicked out and then came back?
Oh, what was his name?
Yeah, I know what you're talking about.
And he wore like a Groucho Marx.
Eyeglass nose thing.
Who was it?
Was it the Mets?
Bobby Valentine.
Bobby Valentine.
That's a good one.
Yeah. The hot dog riot of 2013, never forget.
This is just a fucking shit show.
That dollar, I can see why they're like reticent to hold dollar dog nights.
I mean, it's not like the dogs are any good.
Dogs aren't good.
The lines are terrible.
Should I just go into my Citizens Bank Park ranch?
Should I just do it here off the top? Oh, someone's sleepy. aren't good the lines are terrible like should i just go into my citizens bank park ranch i just
do it you're off the top oh it's almost sleepy yelling um um so i went i went i went on sunday
to to watch them lose that top of the ninth inning uh to the fucking cincinnati reds right and
i mean i didn't know inflation was 25 i guess that's why the parking went up
by five dollars like the the beers some of the beers are fucking twenty dollars now you're joking
no no for like a big a big like yeah what was like eight maybe like seven you can get like a
beer for like maybe 12 or 13 now that's like the cheapest beer though yeah and and it just doesn't make it like why is it so fucking expensive i mean i understand
why but but fuck off like yeah the whole point is that i should be able to go with my family
and not bankrupt myself yeah i mean the is is the ticket still reasonable sure but it's a fucking
expensive like ass ballpark,
and we've talked about how the Atlanta Falcons
made it so that it was like a $5 beer
and a $2 hot dog,
and they fucking started more concessions.
Hey, you can't stop someone
from bringing food into the ballpark.
That won't-
You know, that hoagie gate,
you'll get hot dogs thrown at you, John Milton.
But we will bring our own food in for most games.
Every once in a while, I'll get like a a sandwich or kielbasa or something like that but fucking i would eat there more regularly if the
food was reasonable but it's ridiculous that burnt and cheese but i'm not fucking gonna like yeah
that burnt end cheese stick what was it like 15 last year it was new it's like 21 now you're
fucking kidding dude no it's expensive as fuck
it's like a hundred dollars a person without alcohol if you wanted to get like a full meal out
like it's just it's supposed to be a family thing i i get i get like i get sent a survey after every
game like when you buy tickets through their thing and i every single fucking time i take the time
be like it's too fucking expensive.
I'm not buying anything.
God damn it.
They don't give a shit.
But you would have more people buying food if you stopped making it so
fucking expensive.
They don't give a shit.
I know.
Which is so fucking frustrating.
And apparently, affiliates have always been this way.
I actually did a little research on this.
Like 10 years ago, we were the eighth most expensive ballpark jesus like you're you're i know philadelphia you know we're not we're not fucking new york or
chicago or la but you know you're paying those prices here at our ballpark actually at least
fucking the dodgers have the all you can eat section yes god bless them yeah you can all the
dodger dogs you can eat um which I don't know what the record is.
I know someone on the tipping pitch of Slack went there,
and they were able to eat five, which sounds like a reasonable amount.
I actually – let's do the intro real quick,
and then we'll talk about my food experience in South Philadelphia.
So, hello.
Welcome to another episode of 10,000 Losses, the only Philadelphia sports podcast that exists.
Yeah, fucking suck my dick, writes Ricky Sanchez.
We got to find another one, too, to start a rivalry with.
Oh, birds with friends or those motherfuckers?
I'm your host, Tom Faye.
My pronouns are he, I'm with respect to the host, yay. Liam. Hi, Liam Anderson. My pronouns producer he and wizards my co-host yay
liam hi liam anderson my pronouns are he and him yep uh announcements oh there's your announcement
um uh bonus with patrick will be out before the sun dies uh voicemail call my 267-371-7218
give us your name and pronouns patreon.com slash 10,000 losses
it's a dollar don't be a cheapskate
I guess you want to go ahead with
your experience your food
yeah one second please I'm trying to figure out
if I can get tickets
to something because apparently
they sold out trying to get tickets to
the Saturday and uh this game no yeah so what was i talking about oh my experience
yeah with food in south philly yeah uh so i uh i went to uh bruins flyers
uh which was great fun uh the bruins set the nhl record for wins um which was pretty fucking sick
they uh more recently than set the nhl points record uh also pretty fucking sick but i i paid
i will say a a good bit of money for the tickets on the glass. I don't really care.
It was fucking sick.
It was an anniversary present.
Corinne and I did.
Hang on one second.
I'm trying to do it.
I can wait.
So I paid three fifths of face value.
I am not going to say what face value on those tickets was.
It was not cheap,
but it was...
The tickets
did not sell out. She's just dumb.
Fucking stupid people.
One second, I have to buy a metal ticket.
Yeah, doing this live on air we'll do it live
oh yeah so someone used the the the gif of liam at the game and use that to find out how much the
tickets cost yeah i i actually will say what the tickets cost uh i will do it the tickets were 289 each that's not too bad like it was not too bad uh but uh it was uh
so it was really cool uh sorry for the distraction everybody yeah the sound on the glass but the so
the sixer that's not the sixers the flyers have introduced i guess the sixers and flyers together
i've introduced it's called the shift four club is like, it's their like super VIP.
But because of the way they built it, you have to go up and down and around like the bowels of Wells Fargo Center.
In order to like nap.
So like you go down a staircase and like that's where the food is. Um,
and they have unlimited drink.
Super cool.
and the food's really nice.
And it was great.
Cause we get there,
you know,
like I said,
this is a special occasion,
so on and so forth.
We get there and we're like,
can we get two beers?
And the woman looks us dead in the eyes and goes four.
And we were like,
She's like four.
I will say flyers games
are expensive too and the flyers are also not very good i paid a lot of money but like i didn't
really give a shit about the food i gave a shit about sitting on the glass for the bruins breaking
an hl record right uh i you can see that gif of me getting by i i have a uh uh what i had was a black cherry Bud Light seltzer, right?
And Connor Clifton gets just checked into the boards.
And my beer comes flying into my lap.
We sat with a row of entirely Bruins fans, except for two Flyers fans on the end, who left by midway through the second.
Understandable. flyers fans on the end who left by like midway through the second uh understandable and the the
bruins fan we sat with was with his parents because he had done three tours of duty in
afghanistan and two in syria and the bruins flew him down apparently and were like go like represent
us which i didn't know teams did like and i'm like obviously not a big fan of the united states
war machine but like you do five tours of duty and you're a nice guy.
I'll go run and get you a beer.
It's free.
I don't care.
You've heard it here first.
Liam bringing beer to the troops.
And the troops' moms.
Because to be an ideologically committed leftist, you have to be an asshole to everyone who disagrees with your opinions 100% of the time.
All the time.
It was very funny.
His mom was like, can you get me a – I was like, yeah, me and Craig are going to give you a beer.
We had been talking for a while and his mom was like, oh, can I have a Stella?
And she goes into her little pouch wallet, her little fanny pack wallet, and her son's like,
Mom, it's free.
And he has been repeating
this. I've heard him
repeating this for most of the events.
He's like, Mom, it's free.
It's free. What are you doing? And she's like,
Oh, I forgot. It was very
sweet. That's funny.
I was telling my friends about this. I was like,
Yeah, we spent a good amount of money, but face value for the tickets was like 500 each, and we didn't pay that.
Anywhere near that.
Anywhere near that.
Like I said, it was an anniversary present to each other.
And my friends were like, dude, what we're going to do right is we're going to go there.
My friend Derek is going to turn 32 in September.
He's just like, we're going to do all right.
We're not going to eat anything all day, right?
We're going to go to Flyers Island at 1 p.m. on a Saturday, right?
And we're going to leave that building in a fucking ambulance, right?
And I was like, we're going to be the first people ever banned from the VIP section of Wells Fargo for not doing something racist.
That's bold of you to assume.
That's a bold...
When you start hitting your 30s, man, that's a bold
goal. That's
Oh, my God.
I didn't even know you could get kicked out for doing
racism. I thought that was encouraged
at Flyers games.
I got to send you a a link no is it is it racism is it what no okay uh there you go um
yeah it was a lot of fun highly recommend it uh i didn't see the bruins my entire section was bruins we did a
yankee suck chant at one point nice yeah we were it's nope that's something we all can get it good
we can all get behind fucking hating the yankees oh yeah they yeah i'm glad you had a good time
i had a blast dude i uh i only got harassed for wearing it. Because I was wearing it. I didn't wear my Pasternak jersey.
I've started to get a little uncomfortable.
Like, I know, like, it's an 88 jersey.
And, like, in this climate, I'm just like, he's one of my favorite players.
I saw him get drafted.
Do you know what the really cool thing is?
When he got drafted, that was the year the NHL draft was in Philly.
And I went with my dad.
So I saw him score his uh i saw him get a
hat trick uh and the bruins set a record in the building he was drafted in uh that's pretty cool
i mean that's fucking cool i you know a player who's number 88 that i mean it's different if
you had that versus like your own name right you know right i but i wore i like
my poppy or jersey uh or my word jersey uh i i for those of you who don't follow me on twitter
what are you doing but also my dad has been conducting this one-man campaign uh that bobby
or is the greatest hockey player who ever lived including wayne gretzky yeah like it's just like dad maybe like i but like i've
started to kind of believe it oh yeah you could make that argument and like like back myself into
a corner uh you want to talk about the playoffs and the sixers who are going to take the brooklyn
nets and fire them into
the fucking sun.
We're definitely going to beat the Nets.
So the Sixers made it into the playoffs.
Third seed. Third seed.
Same as it always is.
Milwaukee, Boston, Sixers,
and then grab bag.
They'll definitely beat the Nets. That won't be
an issue.
Are they going to beat the next team?
I do think...
I really believe the Sixers will probably make the Eastern Conference
Finals and then get blown out.
By the Celtics?
Or the Bucs?
Milwaukee's the one seed so let's see yeah it would be
oh we might it would be us
it would be yeah conference
semi finals if we beat Atlanta it would be us
yeah yeah
I actually think that Philly might
win that I mean Embiid
Embiid is playing out of his
fucking mind right now yeah
I don't know how you can play better.
What more does this man have to give?
Yeah, I know.
He's MVP.
Anyone who doesn't think that is a bad and fucked up human being,
it's Embiid or it's no one.
But yeah, obviously I want it to be the Boston Celtics
just because I want Corrine to suffer.
I love you.
You heard it.
Your kids are going to be Sixers fans.
My kids are also going to be Roman
Catholics, so who fucking cares anymore?
You said Sixers fans
They'll have strong
social justice.
That's right. i do hope that
the fucking the the calves win and knock out the bucks and then like suicide bomb themselves
expend all this energy to to knock off milwaukee but like i don't know man i i i never count out
the heat i know they always manage to.
Yeah, I have a very well-coached, well-playing team.
They have their problems, but you never count out Jimmy Butler.
The dude's real good at basketball.
I mean, I think that was one of our first episodes.
We talked about how much we fucking love Jimmy Butler because he's got sociopath energy.
He's got Michael Jordan energy.
He's really good at basketball and he can and he's good enough to to will uh a team to victory maybe not an entire series like lebron can but individual games jimmy butler can take over
yeah absolutely and um yeah yeah that that it would be that would be uh it'd be fun. I mean, yeah.
NBA players are always fun.
I mean, the East always has these great rivalries.
So it's at least going to be fun if we beat Brooklyn, which we probably will.
Hopefully, I just – I don't know. Maybe this is Philly's year that they're going to get to the finals and lose.
And I don't know.
There's that energy going.
Makes you worried about the
birds next year.
I've had that same thought that
oh shit, we're going to regress.
Yeah, fuck.
No, I think
it's going to be fun. They have the first game Saturday.
Should be good. The first game is Saturday. And yeah, it should be good.
We're kind of all out of order.
I do want to talk about how fucking awful Dan Snyder is as an owner real quick.
Soon to be former owner.
Yeah, soon to be former.
One of the most shameful dudes in sports.
For those of you who don't know, snyder and the the commander's organization were
investigated for numerous complaints of sexual harassment by congress uh his tenure has been
dated by just pettiness maliciousness shittiness bad at football bad at tickets bad at everything
he's incompetent and cruel uh he is a very strong example of of of why uh labor needs to uh go
into the owner's box and dangle them over the edge with a gun to the back of their heads
and say we would like some ownership i mean not that blink that if you have to i don't care
yeah yeah i'll make that it'll that's not us doing it dangle the can we make the episode
titled dangle the owners over the ledge yeah absolutely thank you thanks bud yeah i know
we're we're sort of plowing through it uh this is sort of a an interesting week because the week
itself is sort of slim until we get to like next week we're doing a bunch of previews and shit yeah like it's it's
hot as balls right i'm hot you're hot yeah i had to put the ac on um i yeah i'm sweating um
i don't know it's a weird it's been an odd week at school too it's been off i don't know i mean
it's come back from easter break it's hot ahead of time which is never helpful Yeah and I'm okay with the heat
But it's just like alright we went like 30 degrees
It's tough though
Like 82 or some shit like that
Right it's 88 here
Yeah and we'll have
Yeah I think
Next week we'll talk more about like the NFL draft
And yeah we'll have a little more to talk about
But I mean the Philly stuff Do you want to switch that? Next week, we'll talk more about the NFL draft. And yeah, we'll have a little more to talk about.
But I mean, the Philly stuff, do you want to switch that? You want to talk about Bryce?
Yeah, you want to talk about Bryce real quick?
All right.
So the last podcast recorded, I was like, oh, Derek Hall probably out with day-to-day
with the thumb spring.
Surgery on his thumb.
He's out for two months.
Yeah, the Phills are just going to limp.
Yeah. they're so
ornate they they can't win on the road the the bullpen is is visibly horrible horrible and and
uh i do i do like the guy so now that i'm like a season take a hold i'm like getting to like i
already started getting to know the people that sit near us and let's we're watching they start
doing the wave the guy's like the fucking, the fucking wave. The fucking wave.
And this was during
the top of the ninth inning.
This is the Sunday game
against the Reds.
And the wave gets behind
home plate
and Sir Anthony
throws the ball
and it was like
one of the hits.
And he's like,
the fucking wave.
I fucking knew
the fucking bullshit.
Fucking wave distracted him.
You goddamn pussy.
Stop doing the wave.
All right.
I respect it yeah and and
and the the guy make sure you take your liberator though grandpa yeah yeah yeah it was grandpa and
and the security guard came over he's like buddy buddy you know you gotta there's kids around like
you want you first first warning you know it looks like be chill he was chill the whole game except
for that but um uh yeah so I mean, the hitting has been
actually pretty good.
I mean, Canisianos is playing well.
Bryson Stott has become a beast.
Alec Boehm's hitting well.
Oh, Bryson Stott has a 12-game hit streak.
I don't know where Schwerber
or Romuto are.
I guess they used up all their energy
at the World Baseball Classic.
But the pitching has been atrocious.
I mean, Zach Wheeler fought to get through the sixth.
And he managed to.
Zach Wheeler pitched a good game.
In case you want to know where we are in terms of –
So we're tied for 21st in runs, 4th in batting average, 12th in OBP, and 3rd in slugging percentage.
Then we go to pitching.
26th in ERA, 24th in quality starts, 28th in WIP, and 22nd in BAA.
And let's see.
What's our RISP?
What's our batting average running in scoring position?
Let's see.
Let's see.
We team runners left in scoring position.
Game average 3.75.
So we're not the worst.
We're not number 30, which the Mets appear to be.
Batting average with runners in scoring position,
we're really bad right now.
We're not driving in the runs. That was a problem
last year. I don't know what it is.
The base running mistakes are really fucking bad.
They're out of control. They made two
crucial ones the other game. I can't remember which one
it was.
Yesterday's game, I don't remember which one it was. Yeah. Yesterday's game
I don't remember if it was, but
they're melding together. We've had
rallies killed by
someone just stepping too far.
And the teams, I think, are
figuring out that we're being way too aggressive
on the base pass. And they're
throwing it in a little quicker.
Maybe not looking out to get that run out at home plate, maybe to throw behind the runner at first right take it to biggest step
i mean we were at the game on uh against the reds on the sunday i mean kyle schwerber literally just
froze he tried to he tried to like deke out the guy like he tried to like which way am i gonna go
which way we know which way you're gonna go go. You froze. Right. Like, you're going to go away
from the guy with the ball.
Like, that's how that works.
and I hate to be critical
of our big, beefy boy,
but, you know.
Not looking good.
So, they're talking about Harper.
Harper's been taking reps
at first base.
First base in Bryce Harvard.
Fuck it. Why not? Honestly. Why not? first base um first base and bryce harver uh fuck it why not honestly why not um i i don't
i don't see i mean if you can't throw that far sure you don't you don't have to throw much at
first base um it'll get him in the field sooner it's not gonna extend his timeline but um it'll
be able to and also that that frees up dh for for guys like schwarber castellanos
so um i uh yeah we'll see we'll see what happens with that i think um i i hope he's not pressing
himself that's all i worry about yeah um i mean we've said this before he's a very healthy man
he doesn't drink um he seems to really take care he reads reads. He does self-care.
He reads romance novels, which I don't think we talked about.
We didn't.
But that's that's fine.
Yeah. Bryce Harper reads trashy romance novels about hockey players.
I love it.
Is he getting horny?
Is he imagining himself as the hockey guy?
Is that what he does?
That's he does.
But don't worry about it. Yes, he does. But aren't they written usually from his perspective all right hey so okay all
right uh we talked about how it's expensive we talked about the dollar uh right yeah i it's
man i don't like i i i don't feel like super pessimistic i do think they'll get in a rhythm
i'm a little pessimistic but it's a long season yeah if it's like the end after april's done and we're still like you know you're four and eight obviously
it's the beginning of the season we're not we're not a 250 team or three 333 team but uh
yeah yeah yeah yeah we'll see um but baseball has been like pretty this year has just been
pretty cool there's like just been pretty cool.
There's just crazy shit happening.
You got that guy Jordan Walker on the St. Louis Cardinals
who's been fucking raking.
He's hit every game since he's been called up.
So this is a good year for baseball.
And I want to say this.
I have been on the record as saying
my opposition to the pitch clock.
I think it's part of the reason
why Phillies pitchers are getting gassed, right?
But at the ballpark,
it actually works.
It keeps you in the game.
Like, I didn't miss a single play,
except for one I had to go to the bathroom for
and my neighbor told me what it was.
Because I score the games because I'm a fucking nerd.
Yes, you are.
But I like you.
Who are we if not nerds?
All right.
But yeah, I'm actually...
It kind of sucks on TV,
but for in-person baseball,
I kind of like it.
I don't want to say it too loud.
I'm excited.
So I don't want to say it too loud I'm excited So I don't know That's your day game with Roz
Oh nice
Let me know
If you guys want to go
I don't think my wife will want to go to every game
So I can also
We're going April 27th
Oh Thursday day game So I'll be let you guys know. Yeah, just hit me up. We're going April 27th. Oh.
Thursday day game.
Oh, it's a Thursday day game.
So I'm going on.
I'll be there on the 23rd.
What was it?
We got anything else?
I got to go to the Jewish Heritage Celebration.
The Phillies are doing one.
Oh, nice.
Oh, it's the fanatic waving an Israeli flag.
Because that's Jewish heritage.
Save image, ass.
No, no.
There has never, ever been any other type of Jewish anything.
It's only been Israel, which has existed in the same place.
It exists now since time immemorial.
There's never been Jews anywhere else.
Who are Sephardi?
What is that?
Never heard of them.
Don't worry about it.
So, oh, I guess guy on Reddit, you can be happy we talked about sports for most of the first decade.
They did say they liked my episode.
They did comment.
They're like, I was like, oh, I'm sorry you don't like it.
But our most popular episodes are the common dick jokes and like 25% sports.
And they're like, well, I did like you when you were on, when you talked about the Merchant of Free Enterprise.
Okay, thanks.
That's the same podcast though.
but, uh,
imagine not liking the banner.
That's the best part.
I know.
all right.
Get into voicemails.
This is a slim one.
Let's just get into it.
All right.
First up,
we got Bobby from Western Maryland.
Hey, Tom. Yay. we got Bobby from Western Maryland.
Hey, Tom. Yay, Liam. Bobby from Western Maryland. He, him. And sorry for those last few messages.
Yeah, we blew out our levels.
Too many beers in to recognize. We love you, Bobby.
Also, sorry to the great Charlie for claiming that I was the first caller from an MLS supporter section.
My deepest apologies.
So just a couple of quick questions.
I'm going up to your city in July, and I was honestly just wondering the best way to get around Philadelphia,
where my lovely lady and I are taking train up.
And so,
we're not going to have a,
a vehicle and just one of the best way to get around.
And also would appreciate any recommendations for a nice little anniversary
dinner spot.
Thank you.
fuck Penn state and go red socks. Thank you. Fuck Penn State and go Red Sox
I would say
some sort of technical or armed ATV
because if you watch Fox News and they're
pretty accurate and unbiased when it comes to
Philadelphia. Except about the buses.
Except about the buses.
You want a nice little anniversary spot?
Giorgio is on Pine.
Don't worry about their politics.
I was going to say Zahav, too.
Also, don't worry about their politics.
Yeah, also don't worry about their politics.
Zahav is a little more expensive, but that's like...
You can go to...
You can.
If you do, you might run into me.
Well, cut that, cut that cut that cut that cut that
because apparently
that's giving away where I live
yeah yeah yeah I'll cut that no worries
we'll cut it
can you just bleep the name of the restaurant
and say you might run into me
so they have to guess
yeah thank you
that's usually funnier anyway um no i i zahav like my every time i've
gone there for our week that's like our anniversary spot and like every time we go like they over
serve us like wildly yeah so uh you will definitely especially if you're not driving
um but yeah no septa buses are nice. Eve Fisher's good, but way too expensive.
Ooh, excuse me.
Was the bike share any good?
I haven't done the bike share.
Yeah, it's alright.
I also haven't taken the L in a while.
I'm losing my cred.
What else is good?
I've always wanted to go to Laurel
in South Philly.
That's a French BYO because I like French food because i'm a bad person yeah yeah i guess i guess yeah
now they have booze they used to be a byo now they have booze yeah like what genre of food um
french yeah uh for for their romantic dinner uh i guess Yes, yeah, French. Everyone likes French.
I like French.
Yeah, they pump in, it's like Abercrombie and Fitch,
they pump in cigarettes and the body odor.
Sneering, just sneering at you.
Just mumbling in French.
Yeah, something about being ungrateful they're not speaking German.
Yeah, there's a guy in a kepi in the corner just vaguely looks like a golf.
With a FAMAS just sneering at you.
Oh, yeah.
But yeah, definitely.
And like if you need DM.
DM us.
One second.
I got to use the bathroom.
I ate too much pork, ironically enough. lingas elen thremedon.
Oft sild sæving
sæthena threitum
moneium maithum
merosetla oftea
eisore erlas.
Sithan elres verth
fiasceft fundin
idas throvre iabad viax unde vulcunum Stop it.
I don't know what you're doing, but stop it.
Play Wings.
Stop it.
Stop it.
I'll kill you.
That was good, Koenig. All right, I'm done. Play Wayne. Stop it. Stop it. Stop it. Stop it. Stop it. Stop it. Stop it. Stop it. Stop it. Stop it. Stop it. Stop it. Stop it. Stop it. I'll kill you. That was good cooning.
All right.
I'm done.
Thank you.
I had to kill the air.
Fill time.
Thank you.
Instead of like pausing the podcast and being normal.
All right.
We did Bobby.
We need Wayne.
Hey, Tom.
Hey, Liam.
It's Wayne again.
Pronouns he, him.
Basically, this is probably the farthest call you'll ever get.
I'm over in the UK.
That's our Blue Bell Railway.
Didn't we have a German?
A bunch of crazy stuff went down.
I thought we did.
In the States and here.
Saturday, New York GAA in Gaelic football beat Latrum
for their first win in any competition ever.
And then I saw Liverpool versus Arsenal.
That's cool.
Liverpool was a crazy comeback from 2-0 to 2-2.
That's the thing about Arsenal.
It's always trying to walk in.
My voice is still incredibly shot from that.
And come on, Liverpool.
And support, critical support to the Rutgers Union.
Fuck the Rutgers University president.
Pay up, motherfucker.
Uncritical support.
Uncritical support to the Rutgers Union. And did you see the squad of himbos they have
like the prep rosters
I was like fuck it
they don't want you to know that himbos
are on the side of justice
and workers rights
that's fucking wild though
that's pretty cool though to be able to go over
and see a footy match
especially at Liverpool they're the ones that had like the socialist coach right That's pretty cool to be able to go over and see a footy match,
especially at Liverpool.
They're the ones that had the socialist coach, right?
I think it was Liverpool.
I think so.
But thanks, Wayne.
And then we got, of course, we have our correspondent.
Our best friend.
Yeah, union correspondent called in because I think the union are doing pretty far up in the
whatever it is. Let's just listen to what Charlie
has to say. Hey, guys.
Hey, Liam. Hey, Tom. That's Charlie from Rossboro. Not currently in Rossboro, but
from location redacted. That's Charlie from Rossboro. Not currently in Rossboro, but for a location redacted.
That's why I'm not yelling into the voicemail.
Another week of beloved blue-collar boys action.
They went to Cincinnati on Saturday and continued their very poor form in the league,
you know, losing 1 the league, you know,
losing 1-0, you know, held Cincinnati well defensively, very, you know,
very well as a completely different lineup and set up formation for that game, but still led in the oddball.
The, you know, Pat Noonan, former assistant coach of the union,
still is still eating Jim's lunch, especially in Cincinnati.
Nothing worse than an ex-union man team of scabs over in Cincinnati.
But the union picked it up midweek,
going to Guadalajara,
putting the orange filter onto the lens
and getting a big result.
2-2 draw.
That puts them through to the semifinals
of the CONCACAF Champions League,
where they'll meet the Los Angeles Football Club
in the semifinals.
At least this will be two legs.
But knowing them, they'll tie
on goals, they'll tie on away
goals, they'll go to penalties.
But hoping this
time the Union will at least get to the final
where they'll play Tigris
or Lyon of League Amex. You know, the Union will at least get to the final whether they play Tigris or Lyon of
Liga Amex.
You know,
the Union Twitter running into
thinking they
could just do two fans with the
Atlas fans and
you know,
realizing that
MLS Lander is
no match for Liga and that's actionable threat.
Yeah, I wouldn't fuck with that.
Going to Chicago to finish up the week
and, you know, hopefully they can
be on a heavy rotation again
and hopefully they can get a result
at a very empty Chicago stadium.
Want to say hi to Meredith
and all the Chicago Sirens.
Hopefully, you know,
they'll have a good game out there.
See you, him. Later, fellas.
Thanks, Charlie.
Well, they tied with Atlas yesterday,
but it's a two-way.
They advanced on aggregate.
Yeah, because they beat them the first time.
Second leg, right.
So now they're going to the Champions League semifinal
against LAFC,
who you'll remember we lost to.
Dude, we need to have this Champions League. We need Charlie to bring in a breakdown chart for us.
Yeah. Well, I was saying we need something like this for baseball where all the best clubs play.
That would be sick.
And then we're playing.
Get stomped by some Cuban side.
Yeah, but in the middle of the season, so it's confusing.
No, the World Baseball Classic, that was fucking amazing.
I can't wait for the next one.
It should be every other year, not every fucking three or four years.
But yeah, put it in the middle of the season.
Make it confusing.
Make it so that...
Yeah, we got a series in Cincinnati,
then we're flying to like, yeah, Guadalajara.
We don't know, and you don't either.
But yeah, I would not go to Atlas, which, where are they from?
Are they in Guadalajara?
No, that's a different team. Atlas, Liga. Maybe they're in Guadalajara atlas no that's a different team atlas liga i
thought maybe they're in guadalajara yeah they are guadalajara jalisco uh yeah jalisco yeah
they have a fuck they have they have ancom colors i do and i'm just not fucking with guadalajara
like i'm i'm sorry like philadelphia fans were crazy and we're tough
but uh we haven't had to go through the shit that people in that city have had to go out through uh
they will fuck us up yeah yeah it's pretty bad like that's okay now if there was some sort of
alliance between the proletariat of guadalajara and philadelphia then that's unstoppable that's
called class you know class solidarity um that's what they that's
what things like like sports right they they they're a opiate of the people distract you from
the real important things right like like uh murdering capitalists all right dangling the
owners over their own box yeah dangling the owners over their own box um uh shit where did i
i clicked the wrong thing okay here we go uh yeah but thanks yeah
thanks charlie i appreciate that it sucks at this unions and then like so the phillies kind of suck
the union i know and it's disappointing i'm worried i'm worried about the the fucking birds
um the they're gonna regress i think um yeah but we'll talk more about the birds next week before the draft comes up.
Metric Mike, I made a comment about women's college softball.
Metric Mike, longtime correspondent, text correspondent, left this.
Women's college softball gets major viewership numbers in college sport above men's baseball.
Yeah, I have watched more women's softball than men's college baseball.
I think it's third behind football and men's basketball.
That tracks, I would say.
ESPN started investing in major coverage of it in 2021.
It's not a bad time to jump in.
They're mid-season right now.
Fuck Penn State, fuck Ohio State.
Also, Eisenhower gets it for the interstate highway system fair enough
yeah so um i guess that's why he's not um i'm assuming this is nate anti-interstate highway
system yeah interstate railroad system should have nationalized the railroads
national nationalization is good commanding heights of the economy. I agree.
I had some weird thought today.
I'm not sure I remember.
It was about Biden doing something.
I don't know if it was a dream or not.
Is it the selfie he took with Gary Adams?
That's pretty sick.
That's pretty funny.
What was I going to...
What was it?
I'll cut that all out.
Yeah, no. It was something to do with him
doing something that was unusually
Maybe it was a dream. I've been having weird...
I had a dream that I was driving a boat and Donald Trump
was trying to get into
the boat, like the pilot house. It was like,
let me in. Let me in. I want to drive the boat.
I want to see how the boat moves. And I wouldn't let him. I was like, let me in. Let me in. I want to drive the boat. I want to see how the boat moves.
And I wouldn't let him.
I was like, Mr. President, Mr. President, please.
Like I was like trying to like, you know, please, please, his ego.
And what was the other one I had?
That's fucking crazy.
I don't know.
I have like these crazy, I have like full on lucid dreams.
Oh, I remember what it was.
I had a dream that I, so that I that I got – I went to Russia, right?
And they took my password because they thought I was a spy.
And so they're like, well, listen, you're – we're going to hold you, right?
We're not – you know, if you want, you can learn some Russian or something like that
so you have something to occupy your time.
Like, we can give you – and I'm like, shit, I know it's like propaganda,
but like maybe I – yeah, hey, I know it's propaganda, but maybe I...
Yeah, hey, I like languages. I'll try and learn Russian.
Fuck it. Why not? Sure.
And then it comes out that they're
using me as propaganda. Like, oh, American
spy turns and is becoming a Russian spy. I'm like, no!
And I'm trying to write letters home and
my wife's ignoring me and all my friends are ignoring me.
And then I woke up.
I was like, I have
insane dreams. It was pretty funny, though.
Anyway, so let's shout out to North Catholic to your patrons, Patrick M.
Sean P., Mike S., Amanda B., Stevie D., and New 700 Level Patron.
I think I missed them.
HJD Transit.
Thank you.
Thank you.
It's cool to have a train be a sponsor or a patron.
So that's nice.
Voicemail, 267-371-728.
Give us your name and pronouns.
DM us, follow us.
I'm Matt Tahika T-Pain.
He's at not Liam Anderson with a zero because he's late.
He's late.
Patreon.com slash 10,000 losses.
Bonus to Patrick on MMA, which is a good one.
It's just taken me a long time to stitch together
because i think it took us like five parts but that one is i'm enjoying putting it together it
is i'm glad yeah yeah there's there's some there's some good shit in there uh we also just released
the bonus that we did with etienne uh we talked about the olympic stadium so go if you want to
listen about um it's basically a wtyp episode without roz and alice um but we talk about the foibles of
uh the olympic stadium up in montreal and uh i think it's like i just i am like shooting
jokes just to see if they'll stay sure yeah um and other podcasts uh let's see well you got yours
Well there's your problem
You have the sad building collapse
Just out
Let's see
Anything else we should listen to
Fuck you
Trash future
Not fucking rights to Ricky Sanchez
No don't listen to that
I don't know what good if there's any cool Phillies baseball podcasts out there.
They probably aren't as cool as us.
They're not as cool as us, so it doesn't matter.
All right.
I think we'll call that one a day.
Call it a day.
All right.
All right.
Bye. We're from Philly, fucking Philly, no one likes us, we don't care.
No one likes us, no one likes us, no one likes us, we don't care.
We're from Philly, fucking Philly, no one likes us, we don't care.