Ten Thousand Losses - Fighting in the Boy’s Room

Episode Date: April 30, 2022

Sorry these podcasts are late, whoever uses the WTYP Zencaster account is doomed to have an existential crisis now and again. Tom & Liam saw the Phillies together, so the lands talk about Tom almost g...etting into a fight in the bathroom at CBP, share fight stories, celebrate the (then) imminent Sixers defeat of the Raptors, and respond to your urgent pleas for the Union content. Featuring a big ol' Tom rant at the end if you're into that sort of thing.  Subscribe to Tom's TF2 map: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2497643783 Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/tenklossespod Leave us a voicemail: 267-371-7218 Support us on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/tenthousandlosses

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Starting point is 00:00:00 He is actually going to eject a fan. Because bad things happen in Philadelphia, bad things. The fan jumped into the penalty box area. Joy doesn't come to Philadelphia and stand here and dodge ice ball we the Dallas Cowboys had assassinated John Kennedy and go so I was reading this
Starting point is 00:00:44 I was reading this thing unfortunately i'm on r slash hockey because i can't stop myself either no and someone put up on the jumbotron uh one of those read the first letter of each word things right and it spells out fuck the fuck the knights beautiful it's amazing there's like a term for that i should know that because i'm an english teacher it's like an acrostic poem i think that's yeah yeah too funny dude yeah that i was worried it was going to be something else when you told me about this story i was like like, oh, no. Knowing hockey. Yeah, I know. Oh, Jesus.
Starting point is 00:01:31 You know, since we talk slurs... I know we just started, but pause it. Dude, I have to blow my nose. I don't have a tissue in here. Better out than in. That's a lie I always say. All right. So, as I was saying before you needed to blow a booger out your nose uh you know we like to sometimes talk about slurs as we start the podcast and uh
Starting point is 00:01:57 do we get in trouble no no no we didn't get in trouble but i was just thinking of you know how they they have the pitch calm thing on the – they don't call signals, some of the catchers now. Yeah, yeah. They have like this radio. And just thinking of something we missed when we had Shox on was – like what do the Red Sox have as their co-words? Oh, you know what it is.
Starting point is 00:02:21 I wonder which one's the fastball. You got Mocky Mock saying. Yeah. Gee, I don't. I can't even. All right. Well, which one do you think is Cracker or Cracket? Cracket.
Starting point is 00:02:39 Cracket is a slider. Cracket is a slider. What's the most white guy pitch possible? A knuckleball? A knuckleball. Well. Go Sox. Sure, why not? Why not?
Starting point is 00:02:57 Except for Tanner Hoke who can fuck himself because he's not vaccinated. Dude's a dick. He lost them a game last night. Yep. Speaking of losing games. hello welcome to another episode of 10 000 losses the only thing the only thing that exists now the only thing in the universe really we really ramped that up way too early because we're gonna have to like it's gonna like by episode of a it's going to be like some Lovecraftian you know the only
Starting point is 00:03:28 fourth dimensional podcast unspeakable horror of podcast which you know most days this kind of is and being Lovecraftian the slurs are still relevant he was an asshole look at what he named his cat oh yeah
Starting point is 00:03:44 poor cat. That's not cool, man. Don't do that to the cat. Nah. So I'm your host, Tom Payne. My pronouns are he, him, and with me is my co-host, Yay. Liam. Hi, I'm Liam Anderson.
Starting point is 00:03:55 My pronouns are also he and him. So if you're listening to this, which you probably are. Maybe you're wondering what happened to last week's episode tom uh i just didn't get the it just didn't mental fortitude to listen to myself for an hour oh i understand that yeah so i'm gonna release this one as a double and the bonus will probably be uh i'll force myself to do it on Friday. And so it'll be out. Don't worry, because the bonus is too good not to release.
Starting point is 00:04:30 Yeah. I feel like there's some sort of curse that's just, no matter when we record the bonus, it's going to be out the last hour. The last hour of the last month, the last day. Yeah. It's funny because we do that for World of Nature problem where Roz wakes up on the 29th and is like, oh, fuck, I got a bonus to edit.
Starting point is 00:04:51 And I don't know if you revealed the title of your upcoming bonus, but I get to see this, so that's nice. I'm not going to spoil it. What's up? If you revealed the title, the content of your next bonus for Will There's Your Problem. I'm not going to spoil it what's up if you if you reveal the title like the content of your
Starting point is 00:05:07 of your next bonus for Will There's Your Problem what's my next bonus I don't know it looked like I don't know if it's a bonus or another episode what are you talking about
Starting point is 00:05:15 I'm not going to say the name I don't know if you talked about it you recorded it with somebody you can talk about it the Black Death one oh the the the Crusades episode oh is it crusades
Starting point is 00:05:26 with dr eleanor oh i just did i misread it no you can we can talk about that uh i i don't i absolutely don't care uh we don't we by and large you know we don't have spoilers because we just don't care well like this is a podcast it gives away its bonuses for free and whatever else but uh i will say the next uh oh god well there's your problem bonus it's my turn and uh it's spencer hall uh who you may know from twitter and you know exactly what he does but he does some cool stuff. I should know this as he's going to be my guest and I made him come on. He does a lot
Starting point is 00:06:11 of sports writing and he's on SEC Network. And he does Channel 6, which is like a sports blog website. And I forget just all the shit he does because he does a lot of shit
Starting point is 00:06:25 but i'm gonna have him on for the death to the ncaa episode lovely uh and and i think i just leave the black death episode that would be i uh we talk about the black death but i i want to do a black death episode as we could we can just keep going back to the dr alinor mine yeah no she because she rocks uh leftist medievalists uh need your support so um yeah buy their books there's way too many fucking weirdos out there oh that's the damn truth dude there's there are some freaks in medieval history. Yep. So this has been your paid. I guess since we use the same Zencaster, you're allowed to plug your podcast.
Starting point is 00:07:14 Oh, yeah. That's how you. Yeah. All right. Yes. Yeah. The PowerPoint for the Crusades was called Lads on Tour. That's putting it very mildly.
Starting point is 00:07:32 And so bringing it back locally, fuck the Father Judge Crusaders. Yeah, and the Holy Cross Crusaders. I'm glad my uncle dropped out after a semester. And the Lansdale Catholic Crusaders. Oh, I forgot Lansdale Catholic was still the Crusaders. Yes, Jesus Christ. Yeah Catholic was still the Crusaders. Yes. Jesus Christ.
Starting point is 00:07:46 Yeah. Let's yeah. Let's yeah. Fuck that shit. Give call us. Give us leave us voicemails to six seven three seven one seven two one eight. Subscribe to our Patreon at Patreon dot com slash ten thousand losses. I want to talk about all the all gas.
Starting point is 00:08:03 No brakes. Phyllis. Yeah. Hey, I want to talk about the all-gas, no-breaks Phillies. Yeah, who currently have two wins in a row, I think. Yes. Yeah, because we got swept by the Brewers. This could have been you, Chris Bryant, you dick. It could have. But it's not.
Starting point is 00:08:20 You lost 10-3 last night. And then 8-2 the night before. Yeah, good. Yeah, so I feel like the bats are heating up, and me saying that maybe is going to stop it somehow. But yeah, the bats are heating up. The Phillies are looking... They're playing below their ability level,
Starting point is 00:08:40 but no, they're looking better. And our boy Boehm is hitting well. Boehm is hitting really well. I regret to inform you that last night's hero was Adobo Herrera, who I hope was struck by lightning. There's a funny
Starting point is 00:08:56 account out there on Philly's baseball Twitter called Baseballin, and she was donating money, encouraging people to donate money to, I think it's the National Domestic Violence Hotline for his home run. Yeah. So if you want to do that, look her up, baseball on, and do that. Because fuck Adubo.
Starting point is 00:09:18 And we were there because we were kicking ass in section 125 last week. We were. Just absolutely destroying people. Yeah, we cleared the entire row out. It was wild. Yeah. Except for that one old man who kept getting closer to us. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:33 Yeah. Maybe he saw something in us. Maybe it was my long-lost father. Your dad's dead, Tom. I mean, sometimes in the movies, they come back. Oh. Angels in the movies, they come back. Oh. Angels in the Outfield. Which, by the way, you've seen Angels in the Outfield, right?
Starting point is 00:09:52 Yes. Right. The premise, being now as an adult who teaches and is quite familiar with emotionally disturbed children and the whole, like, premise of how, like, the, you know, child abuse and how it's reported. He just drops his kid off. He's like, I'm just going to give my kid a foster home so that I can go find myself on a motorcycle trip. As you do.
Starting point is 00:10:15 They don't take kids out of people's houses with parents who actively abuse them. What the fuck? Whatever. We got to watch the Phillillies that was fun um i had someone try and start a fight with me in the bathroom yes he did you want to talk about it yeah you know uh we were in the bathroom there was no line there were plenty of stalls and i go into the one stall and the guy goes, hey, did you just cut in front of me? And I turned around and said, excuse me?
Starting point is 00:10:48 And the guy behind him was like, yeah, you just cut in front of him. And I told the guy, I was like, all right, sorry, dude, you're good now. Or you're good. And he's like, yeah, I am good. And at that point, I just walked into the next stall. I thought it was a little weird how you took your dick out and pissed on his shoes yeah yeah well you know that's how it's good that's how you get the leather uh you know you got to keep those jordan's white that's the best way to clean them yeah yeah you know how it is yeah fuck yeah so i don't understand people are fucking weird
Starting point is 00:11:24 if someone says now you're good like that means that they're sorry and they actually said i was sorry so like what the fuck man like fucking asshole i don't understand the the you know i understand it because i live in philly but the like i'm trying to fight anyone at any time and a film game even though the stalls are well we saw a guy i don't know if you were with us, but we saw a guy who was like belligerently drunk and trying to fight. And like everyone had to basically hold him back.
Starting point is 00:11:54 And this dude must have been like 5'6". And I was like, where are you going? What are you going to do with your tiny hands? Oh, I wonder if that was the same guy because the guy who was trying to fight me was like five six it very well could have been and this was right outside the bathroom so i would not be shocked if it were the same guy and you're i mean you're you're you're a you're a pretty solid built dude uh yeah i mean i i've i've seen better days but i could probably pick
Starting point is 00:12:24 i'll pick this guy up and threw him. The trash can. Oh, yeah. I could have given him a swirly. Like, why do you... Don't pick fights when guys are bigger than you. Don't pick fights, period.
Starting point is 00:12:37 But also, don't like... Especially... I don't know. I've gotten a lot of my like anger issues and shit out like that's is that really something you want to do with some guy who's like being nice yeah exactly that's the guy i want to fight it's the guy who's been like nah dude it's okay go ahead yeah no i don't i don't get that i i remember like i remember the one time i was at a bar, I think with Roz.
Starting point is 00:13:05 And this was, like, probably right after college. And I bumped this guy. And I bumped him hard because I truly didn't see him. And it was, like, dark. And I was, like, and he spilled a drink. And I was, like, yo, yo, my fault. Like, I'm really sorry I spilled your drink. Like, let me get you a new one.
Starting point is 00:13:22 Like, it's totally my fault. And the dude's, like, man, fuck you. And I was one like it totally my fault and the dude's like man fuck you and i was like i'm i'm trying to make this situation right like what is your problem like i'll like i'll buy you a drink like shit happens where there's 900 of us in this like 30 square foot like box like what's your fucking deal and i'm i buy him the you know i was like dude like fuck off let me like let me buy you a drink and I'll just, we'll just, and like, I was not like, I fuck, we'll go home. This fucking dude follows me outside to like, this dude is, and I'm being generous here. Five, seven, five, eight.
Starting point is 00:13:59 Right. I am significantly larger than that. Yes. And this was that I was in much better shape too. And this dude like is like screaming at me and I'm like, all right, dude, like I'm like,
Starting point is 00:14:12 I truly am like 15 seconds away from like dropping you on the sidewalk. And, and he shoves me and I'm just like, all right. And like, now I'm like, all right, like you want to do this?
Starting point is 00:14:23 We'll do this. Like, I don't give a shit. Like I'm out of the bar. I paid my tab. I don't really, all right. Now I'm like, all right, you want to do this? We'll do this. I don't give a shit. I'm out of the bar. I paid my tab. I don't really fucking care now. Roz is just like, come on, no. Thank God one of his friends basically
Starting point is 00:14:36 comes over. His friends I guess knew that he was inclined to do this. They grab him and Roz is like, come on, let's go. The dude takes one more step at me and i and i just cold cocked him i was like yeah and everyone's like what the fuck and i was just like oh it's not the best thing i've ever done like he didn't like go unconscious or anything i didn't hit him that hard and i wasn't like aiming to like
Starting point is 00:15:05 do permanent damage i was just like yeah this this is like the classic like this dude needs to be punched in the face right and and as a civil service i will give it to him hey he wanted it like he wanted to fight and you gave it to him yeah you want you want to fight i'll give it to you i'm like everyone's like what the fuck what the fuck and i'm like and i'm like all right like i'll help you get back up like you wanted to fight dude you like come on like and we just we just went home and it was so funny because i was just like what like dude i'm a good seven inches taller than you what are you doing seven inches easily 130 pounds on you like what is weight classes are a reason in combat sports yeah weight classes are a reason like again i'm not in the i'm now at 30 i'm not in the best shape i've ever been in but like i still firmly believe like if i needed to i could oh yeah i wouldn't
Starting point is 00:15:57 want to get punched by you thank you yeah you could you could you could cock one back i was speaking of fights because this is a sports podcast. In Philadelphia podcast. In Philadelphia podcast. I remember my dad a few years ago was telling me a story about how he got in a fight in high school or something. And my mom with a look of horror in her face was like, I didn't know that. You used to fight? My dad was like, it was 55 fucking years ago
Starting point is 00:16:25 yeah i used to fight i grew up catholic in boston like that's what we did for fun my mom was like did you fight all the time like who'd you fight like why'd you fight them and my dad was like i don't know because they were being annoying because i could because it was radio out like yes because that's what teenage boys do they just they just hit each other a lot my mom still was vociferously denies that i would get in fights on my block like with the other kids and it was usually involving them being an ass on my brother and she's like you guys you never you never got fights what are you talking about it's like yeah yeah no i did well how come i never heard about them it's because a lot of the times they were they were trying to tell on me and i kicked them off the stairs
Starting point is 00:17:12 yeah so it's what happened so i was like crazy white boy for a long time but yeah no it's like it's like you you i don't know i i got one more here then then we'll move on. I got in a fight in high school where this kid was trying to fight, and he was an angry kid, and I was an angry kid, and we just rode the same bus. I was 15 or something, or 16
Starting point is 00:17:40 before I got my car. He was like, okay, get off the bus and fight me like i don't you know right i was like all right i'll do that and he like and my friend thankfully was like there to like vouch for me basically and i i he shoved me and i cold cocked him and it was and that was when i was playing football so like i was in art like one of the two times in my life i've been in like the best shape of my life right and laid him out and then went to school like walked home like went to school the next day like did not you know did not do anything further i got called into the principal's office and he was like and he was like
Starting point is 00:18:19 but your friend named redacted here says it was totally in self-defense and you know we're not going to punish you but like probably don't do that again i was like yeah yeah i won't do that again but it was just like i love the principle of being like yeah don't don't fucking do that anymore yeah yeah you you get principals or teachers or whatever when it's in school when you're in school and you And they kind of understand it. There was a kid who was fucking with my brother at my grade school. And I don't know if I told this story, but I just backhanded him real hard. I didn't punch him.
Starting point is 00:18:57 I just backhanded him because he stole my brother's Game Boy. Right. And yeah, I took it back from him and then I backhanded him. And I got called in and the teacher's like thank you for doing what we have been wanting to do for years uh so you're not getting in trouble well and then they like you know gave me like a detention you know i wasn't like suspended or anything but you should have been suspended for this. But he had it coming. We've kind of been wanting to smack the shit out of this kid, too. That's it.
Starting point is 00:19:31 It's like I'm too old now, and I've got injuries that piled up. But I always kind of wanted to do MMA. Yeah. I was just like, I like fighting. I've said this to karen i was like i like fighting like i like physical like even sparring or something and my uh i won't say his name but i will say my my crin's sister's brother or not brother jesus boyfriend is is like a six foot one noodle boy and he he must weigh like 160 soaking wet yeah he's he's very thin you know no he's he's he's very lanky and uh i was like would you be interested in like sparring and he was like yeah and then he like and then you see the thought go through. He's like, no.
Starting point is 00:20:28 He's like, I'm not going to get in a hit. I'm just going to go unconscious. And I'm like, yeah. That's what we like to hear. Not getting in fights because I'm too scary. I mean, that is a good deterrent. You know what I mean? Having grown up in Kensington, you know what I look like.
Starting point is 00:20:48 I can put a meme mug on. The average person's not going to fuck with me. And that's compared to my brother who's younger and thinner, more handsome. You're the more handsome brother. Oh, yeah. I don't think you've met that one. He definitely had more difficulties than I did because I, as my late uncle used to say, had the thick skull that made you a fighter. He's like, you have thick brow, Rich. You got thick brow.
Starting point is 00:21:24 You can take a punch. I don't think that's how that works. No, you know what? Sure, that's how that works. Yeah, I have crumple zones on my fucking skull. That's why I call you crumple stilt skin off air. I've been called worse things.
Starting point is 00:21:40 Alright, so baseball. We did baseball. Alright, basketball. all right so uh baseball we did baseball we did baseball all right basketball uh oh things are not looking too good uh in the land doesn't have a thumb he doesn't have a thumb hardens playing like shit matisse thibault believes he could raid hellfire and can't uh tobias harris is nowhere to be found we don't have a backup center uh what else is going on shake milton's getting serious minutes maxi is crashed it was crashing under the pressure uh doc rivers can't coach uh who what else we got all is being pretty good yep he's all right
Starting point is 00:22:17 except uh his turnovers suck yeah this team this team is fucking so bad with turnovers, man. The first three games, we scored enough to... To alleviate it. Yeah, but now it's just ridiculous, man. And they're going after Embiid's hand. Yeah. And, you know... This is what happens when you have joy. You get too happy at these things.
Starting point is 00:22:47 Yeah. And you lave the sadness into existence. Doc Rivers gave a press conference today, April 27th. That was basically, I wouldn't call it quite off the rails, but it was not good. He's the only coach to ever preside over more than one loss after taking a 3-1 series lead which has happened to him three times in his career uh it happened when he was coaching the
Starting point is 00:23:09 magic it happens when he was coaching the clippers twice and uh yeah uh it's it's not terrific uh honestly like it doesn't look good i i i i do think that fans in Philly will never be happy anyway so I don't know how much how much it matters I still think Doc is a good coach but I think that like I think that he's sort of lost the room a little bit but that's not his fault because Brett Brown lost the room too well in, in this video, if you look up Doc Rivers' answers about playoff losses or whatever,
Starting point is 00:23:52 the way he defended himself was like a guy who was like, hey, can you come in? We're going to do a performance review. Yeah, exactly. You clocked in late eight times this week. You weren't even here right yeah it did feel like making excuses i will say that yeah so it was it was yeah go ahead
Starting point is 00:24:11 no that's it like yeah man like chris paul didn't play the first two games in 2015 like we didn't have home court yeah you fucked up in the bubble but like the orlando like it feels like you can't get over that hill dude like that's what it really feels like well the secret to success in the bubble was buying the uh the 22 dollar coffees that jimmy butler is a fucking genius that is sociopath yeah straight straight up that's wolf of wall street shit did you see uh oh i brandon ing, speaking of straight-up sociopath shit, I read this really interesting article on Kenton, North Carolina, which is a very poor town, but it does produce a lot of basketball talent,
Starting point is 00:24:55 like the most NCAA Division I basketball talent in the country per capita. And Brandon Ingram is from there, and there's a video uh from the uh pell's son series where he says to to uh chris paul we can take this shit out back if you want to and the overwhelming response is like that man is from kitten he means what he's saying like what he says we can take this shit out back if you want to he really means he will take this shit out back uh you say kitten like like a baby cat i think it's kinton kinton all right whatever that sounds like a town like that sounds like you're is that like an
Starting point is 00:25:40 appalachian town like it's in the east part of North Carolina east part of North Carolina it just that name is too innocent sounding for the yeah that that sounds about right yeah you know so shouts out to Kenton or however it's said yeah it was it was a implicit
Starting point is 00:25:59 threat of wars with every word I really like that the overall response was like uh pomani jones tweeted about it it was just because he's from there too just kinton and uh i was like oh oh they mean it like that that dude will take you out back oh man yeah so that's that's pretty cool uh meanwhile meanwhile yes meanwhile uh you know let's let's talk about the Sixers some more. What do they need to do? What do they need to do better other than not turn the fucking ball over?
Starting point is 00:26:33 I think better shots. They're not getting any better shots. Toronto shot like 51.2% last game. They're not getting anything. Harden is clanking 30 footers. Like, I feel like just be smarter with the ball in general like i feel like they're panicking like one loss is i feel like i feel like after the imbied buzzer beater in game three they sort of took their foot off the gas and were like okay
Starting point is 00:26:56 well like slept walk through game four and then scared themselves into game five and now it's like just calm back calm like you have 24 seconds on a shot clock like breathe just breathe well i i listened to most of game uh four on the way down to the phillies game we were at and i've never listened to basketball on the radio before that is it was an experience oh the squeaking yes no just just how fat the guy just i don't know when they breathe it's no it's it's insane but it was like you know max he's you know push up the court you know and he shoots and he missed the layup and it's like just it was just there are a lot of layups there are a lot of missed layups and like i don't think that's a doc rivers that like one of the things i i genuinely believe is that like coaching in the
Starting point is 00:27:46 nba is kind of irrelevant in a lot of ways because like the players are so fucked like in in the same way that like a coach can help you sort of see the game maybe a little better because he has a different view but like these guys are also elite they know how to like run a play and put a fucking ball in a basket like right and i'll truly elite teams like the warriors do not like have demonstrated they just don't need a fucking cut like they don't need a coach like if they didn't have to have one they wouldn't but like a coach is helpful at making adjustments and like calling out like hey maybe do this a little better but like the guy already knows that like he's a professional right you know i so i'm always hesitant unless you've got someone like tibbs where you're running derrick rose on one leg for like 45 minutes a night and just being
Starting point is 00:28:34 like can't believe he's gassed for the playoffs uh you know i uh like definitely like here's how we're gonna attack okay they're doing this so we're gonna attack that like but like i i truly believe the players themselves know most of that and maybe just like all five opinions need to be coalesced into one but yeah i uh i don't think i'm i'm hesitant to blame doc rivers because doc rivers isn't out there missing 28 footers. Doc Rivers is telling them to take shitty shots. Yeah, I don't. I don't.
Starting point is 00:29:16 I mean, it's really hard to truly, like you said, dissect this, especially since at this level, the players. You could have a player coach, and there have been player coaches. Bill Russell. Yeah. LeBron, to an extent extent I would say yeah I just think the roster overall just still has too many holes the bench is not strong um you know if we can get Drummond back next year um that would help we need a backup center we need some guys off the bench who can shoot and you know besides the ink. Right. I think that's it.
Starting point is 00:29:52 I think there was so much jubilation when Harden came. There's people like, oh, the Nets won the trade, which like, well, the Nets aren't playing anymore. So did they? No. Ben never suited up for him. So did they? No. And Ben and his bench fashion and all this ridiculous shit.
Starting point is 00:30:08 Swept. Yep. That makes a nice segue. Let's talk about the Boston Celtics. You have 30 seconds. Marcus Smart, defensive player of the year, and my beloved Boston Celtics set the Brooklyn Nets to hell. Four-game sweep.
Starting point is 00:30:25 They were one of the two most favorite teams to win the title, and they're out in the first round. Kyrie Irving can suck my dick. Kevin Durant can suck my dick. Steve Nash can suck my dick. Andre Drummond, I'm not saying that about him. I love my chunky boy. Who else do I hate?
Starting point is 00:30:41 Who else is even on that team? Bruce Brown. Bruce Brown held the Nets together for as long as he could. And if you're relying on whatever Bruce Brown to keep your team together, things are not going well for you. We don't hate Seth Curry. We don't hate Seth Curry. No, we don't hate Seth Curry.
Starting point is 00:31:03 He's a hell of a shooter. Seth Curry is, if you took Seth and Seth. Yeah, you did like the Voyager thing. Put him, he had a transporter accident. I mean, like this team, like, you know,
Starting point is 00:31:18 I don't know. I think like, yeah, a backup center and like just stop turning the ball over so fucking much. But yeah. Yeah. And stop forcing shots. They're going to win this series. But like, then they have to play the heat and the heat are going to have
Starting point is 00:31:37 Jimmy Butler back. And if there's anything Jimmy Butler wants and we'll feed off of, it's a revenge narrative because Jimmy Butler is a crazy person Jimmy Butler's gonna like chew and beat some offers I think Jimmy Butler low-key is probably my favorite NBA player because he's such an unrepentant sociopath yeah like he like and he seems like a funny enough guy but he also seems like just like if this dude weren't playing professional basketball he'd be a serial killer yeah or a ceo of some sort of company that dumps toxic waste and he would be unrepentant about it he would be like well it's got to go somewhere yeah yeah it doesn't make anything it just dumps toxic waste right lands or something jimmy baller toxic waste dispensing
Starting point is 00:32:22 do you really care about these frogs just coming to congress like being held in contempt before he even before he even testifies yeah oh the senator from minnesota can blow me backwards yeah and then he gets kicked out he walks out he's like hey it can't be perjury if you were never on the stand like they wouldn't let me up there that's that's a. That's a win for Jimmy Butler. I'm just here so I don't get fined. That kind of attitude. Oh, the Dodgers scored. It's 1-1 top of the eighth, two outs, one man on
Starting point is 00:32:56 base. I have a new tradition of watching daytime baseball as we record this. Daytime baseball is phenomenal. I want to normalize teachers playing daytime baseball is phenomenal i want to normalize like teachers playing daytime baseball in their classrooms make the afternoon go by faster uh normalize normalized daytime baseball yeah uh yeah uh i have to look up this the, but apparently the NL West is like 88 and 33 collectively. Jesus.
Starting point is 00:33:28 So the NL West is like the hot, like even the Diamondbacks are playing well. And they're the basement team. So, all right. NL West baseball. Like, all right, cool. Oh, all right. Sorry. So I guess we already got our little nets fans in yeah yeah the nets
Starting point is 00:33:49 the nets fans saying we want boston and then getting swept two weeks later yeah it was pretty fucking pretty fucking fun uh i don't really so i uh it's not a matter of disrespect like i disrespect toronto's fan base but like i don't believe that there are real nets fans because like yeah what's it unless you grew up in north jersey like which is probably sucked when they were in north jersey they suck now too but because because you would think like your typical because all right so like if you break down some of these fandoms a lot of it is based on what part the team represents. The Mets are like Queens
Starting point is 00:34:26 and Long Island, and the Yankees are the rest. The Knicks, you would think that someone who's a Mets fan would also be a Knicks fan, just like you would just assume. You would assume that the Jets and the Yankees might
Starting point is 00:34:43 be more of a Nets fan because of the north jersey thing um just just as well i i don't know i could be talking on my ass well yeah well the giants because like the giants are sort of as far as i know about the fan base it tends to be sort of the old stodgy like old money uh lawyers and shit are giants fans and sort of everyone else is a jets fan yeah like like the like one of the guys i know from from up there ways who who was a and shit are Giants fans and sort of everyone else is a Jets fan. Yeah. One of the guys I know from up there who was a working class guy growing up was a Yankees, Jets
Starting point is 00:35:13 fan. It was Yankees, Jets, Knicks, and Rangers, obviously. Right. So that was like his sort of North Jersey thing. I don't know. I don't know. I guess it's like Brooklyn hipsters.
Starting point is 00:35:28 It's all like the people whose podcasts make way too much money. Oh. They have the two zeros more or one zero more or whatever. Thank you. Yeah. Which is a lot more money yeah no like it's like your chapo trap house like it's like your like your brooklyn like transplants are like i'm gonna you know some guy from like fucking indiana goes who goes to
Starting point is 00:35:56 brooklyn moves to park slope and it's like i guess i'm gonna be a new yorker now i love watching the sopranos and like yeah yeah exactly i'm like they're all wearing durant jerseys and i'm just like if one of you even has like a jason kid jersey i'll respect it a little more if if if and if durant moved next door you wouldn't know what he looked like and you would call the police right yeah no absolutely yeah uh ben simmons didn't play uh because he was we called it but the fans the fans who listen to this without listening to last week's episode first won't know that we called it yeah yeah ben simmons basically woke up uh felt soreness in his back and didn't play uh there was apparently a lot of hope and expectation that he would at least log limited minutes which he did not so yeah he stayed
Starting point is 00:36:45 on the bench uh cool cool jacket though cool jacket though uh you want to move on to football sure football uh draft talk uh draft is on thursday so tomorrow april 28th we'll know what the eagles have done sort of next week and we And we'll break that down and evaluate it for the first couple rounds because we're not evaluating a six-round linebacker out of Northwest Tennessee State. No, you can look up draft boards. I was hearing talk of trading up after we've already traded down. Yeah. Jamison Williams seems to be basically now the consensus pick is that they're going to take an offensive player and a defensive player. Williams played with Hertz at Alabama.
Starting point is 00:37:32 He has sort of the same build as Devante Smith. He actually, I don't know if he played with Jalen Hertz at Bama, but he did play with Dev with davante smith that offense would be so fucking fast dude is he the same size as smith or is he a little bigger he he is almost exactly the same size the problem is that he's coming off a torn acl uh so who knows if we'd see production right away but yeah i mean he's really fucking good yeah i i do want him to get like a taller guy um you can have these tiny dudes you can have like two two of them that's fine but i'm begging davante smith to like eat a milkshake he's gonna get that that like um leg lengthening surgery that
Starting point is 00:38:28 like weird incel types get because they think that being tall is the only thing they need to attract females I don't know if you've heard about that shit they break your legs put you in traction for like six months alright so yeah so tall guy we need but we'll take other short
Starting point is 00:38:44 guy cool take the other short guy yeah so tall guy we need but we'll take other short guy cool take another short guy yeah so uh hockey ah all right let's do it so the bruins clinched a wild card spot last night now mathematically they can move up to third but it's probably not likely uh flyers suck and these idiots really do think they can rebuild this team that they're sort of just a couple pieces away no that's genuinely like i just read an article about it on espn it was just like you know like alan yo who's not going to be capped uh after this season uh is i don't know if it was him or like the team president who was like i'm reading it right now uh yeah the gm has spoken about an aggressive retail in the offseason,
Starting point is 00:39:27 but leaving there are enough pieces on the roster with some augmentation to contend next season. Like, no, that's crazy. No, no, no, no, that's stupid. That's like toeing the company line there. If they really think that they're no they're that's that's a couple of pieces away okay that's it that's a 19 you know 98 phillies thinking they're a couple pieces away that's a lot of f's i will say yeah that's delusional um but it looks like
Starting point is 00:40:02 it's just not real oh excuse me a team that will not be named looks like they clinched a wild card spot i don't know who that could be oh wow definitely not something with a b in its name oh well you know i will say your wife from what i understand is a a big bruins fan. Likes that big spoke to be and who can blame her? Wild pitch. The backs just scored two one bottom of the eighth. All right. This is my new
Starting point is 00:40:33 favorite thing to do. And it won't make me mad because I like baseball Union still top of the league. We're going to add a union section we clearly have to enough of you idiots care about soccer we will add a union section have you stopped fucking dming me yeah so you've got to dm yes i wonder who it is this is a guy who has like dupe shit
Starting point is 00:40:59 all over his uh it's actually not that guy it's a different guy shouts out to that guy because i think he has called in maybe uh we will talk about the union okay uh whoever it is who always posts the same the same uh uh fucking dave dombrowski gif or picture that dude rocks yeah and then there's the one guy who just always posts the same noise that's That's the dude that's all duped up, who always is complaining that we don't cover the union. We're going to. Which we should. Which we should. We're going to.
Starting point is 00:41:32 You're correct. We're going to. Fine. All right. Yeah. It's an hour game. Like, you know, there's no ads. So, I mean, it is kind of enjoyable.
Starting point is 00:41:41 It's fine. It's 90 minutes. We'll have to do, like, a like a live commentary like secret bonus episode with my father-in-law where he just like complains about things yeah about how american players suck or something like that that's fine yeah i'll do that no uh but five two1, which is not what you think it means. No. I got it. I got it. It's confusing. Yeah. It's five wins, two draws, and one loss.
Starting point is 00:42:12 5-1-2. That's how you say it. I get the logic of you put the draws in between because that's like zero points or whatever and how the points fucking work. Or it's one point instead of two. However, they calculate that shit. Whatever. It's not a European football league.
Starting point is 00:42:29 Exactly. No pro-rel. You need pro-rel to be really European. Alright. We got one voicemail this week from a different yinzer. Alright. Hi, this is AchillesF6 aka Zach from Pittsburgh. just want to say thanks um
Starting point is 00:42:47 10 000 losses for introducing me to philly sports um also thanks tom for giving some encouragement as i got finally used to my voice editing my own podcast and liam thanks for the hours upon hours of content for well as your problem has really um eased up my workload um yeah so my question would be what is one thing about philly that like everyone complains about in the city itself that you think this gets overblown a lot like in pittsburgh people complain way too much about how cloudy it is i actually don't mind the cloudiness of it. Anyway, that was my question. Go IUP, hail Pitt, fuck Penn State, and fuck Villanova.
Starting point is 00:43:34 All right. Well, Zach there winning our good graces with the fuck Villanova. Fuck Villanova. He does his audience, man. Yeah. It's like Buck's, not Buck's, Delinda S. Carthago, Delinda S. Nova Delinda.
Starting point is 00:43:48 Oh, we should mention Jay Wright retired. I don't know if we talked about that. He's got, dude, he's going to come back for a godfather offer in the NBA. Are you ready? Are you ready? Doc Rivers leaves. Jay Wright becomes a sixer. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:44:02 They're going to gun for it, especially if they lose this round. I that would kind of be interesting. Bucks County legend. We're famous for two things here in Bucks County. Jay Wright in that Huntington Valley Bay. Yeah. The NFT bank's trash future, which, by the way, not to delay the answer to the question, but I have students who were doing a banking unit in another class.
Starting point is 00:44:29 And they were talking. They were just like, oh, Mr. Tom, what's the bank we should use? I said, well, I'll tell you this. Don't use Huntington Valley Bank. They invest in NFTs. And about half the kids were like, oh. And the other kids were like oh that sounds cool no it doesn't no it doesn't no it doesn't no it doesn't uh so so so the question was what's what
Starting point is 00:44:53 do people from philly complain about too much that's overblown uh i i'm gonna get real controversial here oh here we go this is actually going to be a spicy ass take gentrification and let me let me be clear what i mean let me be clear what i mean there i mean white people talking about gentrification okay i mean white people talking about places that have always had wealth like say fairmount or whatever and saying well you know this new like i saw something that the giant at broadenspring garden that's going up is gentrification oh there was there was like there's like a fresh grocer up the street,
Starting point is 00:45:45 or is that where the fresh grocer used to be? No, the fresh grocer's up at Temple. Oh. Oh. Bronspringer. No. How's the gentrification? Thank you. It's kind of already part of Center City.
Starting point is 00:46:00 Thank you. Thank you for proving my point. Yes. And I've spent many hours in that area and like i give me the college i agree that like there are parts of that like kensington getting gentrified or whatever the fuck they're trying to do to it is ridiculous but right you know there's there's there's these neighborhoods the the term gentrification just meaning something you don't like as applied by people that moved here two years ago uh i think that's that's not specifically a philly issue there's a there's a lot of weird psychonimmies in philly that uh the the weird urbanists yeah i'm not i'm not very loved on urban phl and or numtots uh and you know what it's the the whole
Starting point is 00:46:49 like that whole community because i'm just like not super clued into it i'm just like i like trains and i like transit and i think transit's cool and we should have cool mass transit and then there's like weird takes where people start arguing over like very specific things i'm like all right, cool. So I don't know like all the little divisions there. I think one of the other things is that Philly, it's sort of like Boston. Remember what Shox was saying about like there are Boston weebs? Yes.
Starting point is 00:47:18 I think there are Philly weebs too. And I think that cultural cachet is overblown to a it's just philly man oh such a city yeah i so yeah i mean gentrification just like to double back on that like if they if at third in indiana they i don't know put up a fucking, I'm trying to think, a Whole Foods. Right. And like a craft beer bar, you know, called like O'Shakies or something. Something heroin addiction related pun. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:47:58 You know, like I could see that. But like a giant fucking Brody's Friend Garden is not a fucking gentrification. Yeah, exactly. You see my disagreement. Yeah, it's just using the term that doesn't apply. Right, it's using it to just
Starting point is 00:48:16 mean something you don't like at this point. And there's a lot of people who actually could use an affordable food store in that area. Right. Okay, so I would say the crime the crime yeah the crime is violent crime going up yes but so is it in every city it's not like krasner's fault it's not krasner's fault it's a shock wave of the pandemic it's a shock it's a shock wave of the conditions that we live in people don't have any fucking money right and you know
Starting point is 00:48:46 you you are not very likely to be a victim of violent crime if you're not involved with drugs the stuff that's going on on transit again that from what you you know the the regional rail is still fine the broad street line is mostly fine you most of the stuff you hear is the marker frankfurt line which is going through a place that's like mostly fine you most of the stuff you hear is the marker frankford line which is going through a place it's like literally the epicenter of the opioid endemic on the east coast right like it's literally the worst and if they were if they built a fucking safe injection site like they said they were going to a lot of these problems would just not be here no but some fucking south millie mom who deserves to move the fucking Cogswood's going to cry about about it in
Starting point is 00:49:25 shred her fucking garments. Do it. Do it. Wear sackcloth and ashes because they put it within, you know, you could, a school might be able to look it up on Google Earth from a fucking school computer. Goddamn idiots. Fucking morons. You don't know any of this shit.
Starting point is 00:49:42 No, they don't. Anything that would benefit anyone who's poorer than you exactly looks at different exactly poor people man who didn't and a lot of these people are poor themselves but they're poor of the wrong extraction and you show empathy and half these people are fucking pretend they're goddamn religious well what does your fucking religion says says you know love thy neighbor and your brother's keeper. Some fucking assholes. That was good. I just woke up. Oh, no, no.
Starting point is 00:50:09 You want fucking lucid Tom who's not full of ums and ahs. Get me in front of some of these fucking people, and I'll let you know what it's like, you know, to grow up in a poor neighborhood where no one fucking gives a shit about you. And then you talk about that, you know, complaining about people from the wrong neighborhood coming to your neighborhood or any of this kind of stuff especially from these people like where i grew up in kensington all these fucking suburbanites in lower bucks county bristol
Starting point is 00:50:31 croydon who complain about black people moving the neighborhood or complaining about you know oh we're going to reopen the mass transit to move up their neighborhood you're the first to fucking move out of the neighborhood because a brown person moved in you straight you fucking assholes go fuck yourself say in the in the suburbs, the buck's still in dust. Oh. Beautiful. I have opinions. I got one more.
Starting point is 00:50:55 The Pats versus Geno's thing. Get a fucking steak from the corner shop, please. Yeah. Pats versus Geno's. Go there to get robbed yeah we're getting a fight with a local who's annoyed or no no get a fight with another fucking suburbanite who's coming down there to the tourist because that's that's the most dangerous person in philly is a drunk person from haddonfield yeah well yeah oh yeah yeah that's that's the most first
Starting point is 00:51:20 dangerous person is some fuckwit from Delco coming in. Acting like they know the city like the back of their hand. Yeah, because their grandpa grew up there and they moved out when they were five. You know. All right. So there you go. There's your answer. Zach, hopefully that, you know, is as innocent and playful as it's too. Yeah, that's what we did.
Starting point is 00:51:43 It's too muggy here in Philly. Yeah, there you go how's your how's your heart rate doing bud it's good no i've been i i could have used this this morning i've been i've been lagging all day i'm just gonna text you to get mad i'm gonna text you just like really stupid shit at like 8 a.m so you're ready oh get me going just yeah uh i i am i am so like like someone who's fueled with like this i don't even know what you call it working class rage hell yeah man all right uh so that was our other answer yeah fuck penn state uh yeah go IUP underrated yeah
Starting point is 00:52:26 has helped educate members of my family so I oh my best friend in high school his brother went to IUP alright what else we got anything well sometimes Liam we have a joke on this podcast
Starting point is 00:52:44 a joke we call safety third shake hands danger yeah go go go download my shake hands with danger transfer fever to map okay i'm plugging my my one mod that's on the fucking steam workshop yeah sure it's got a city named after you oh Oh, thank you. I don't know if you ever played that game. Roz has. I'll tell him to download it. No, he already endorsed it.
Starting point is 00:53:10 Oh, good. Yeah. Yeah. All right. How many Father Judge students does it take to change a tire? Just one, but they get three credit hours for it. Oh, fuck them. Fuck them. They close North. They're off Judge Open because a good die young and bastards live forever yep and we will say that every single fucking episode until
Starting point is 00:53:32 north catholic reopens yeah we're gonna reopen it ourselves yeah fight the archer we're going rogue i when i i don't know i don't know how many people saw my Twitter post that day where it was the funeral. It was my grandmother's funeral, like, not convoy, procession. Yeah. And we drove past North Catholic. And I said. I saw that. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:53:54 Two things that life took away from me too soon. I really can't say that about my grandma because she died in the 90s. So, yeah. Good run. Good run. She would have loved you, Liam. That's she died in the 90s. So, yeah. Good run. Good run. She would have loved you, Liam. That's very kind of you to say. I appreciate that.
Starting point is 00:54:10 Yeah, yeah. So, again, leave us a voicemail. 267-371-7218. DM us. Follow us. Stop DMing me about the union. We'll put it in. Yeah, we'll have to watch a game.
Starting point is 00:54:24 If we could find it on television. We can tune it, I'm sure. ESPN Plus or some shit. I have ESPN Plus. Listen to our other podcasts. Well, I don't have any other podcasts, but you do. I have other podcasts. Listen to Will There's Your Problem.
Starting point is 00:54:39 Subscribe to 10,000 Losses Patreon. Listen to Lions Led by Donkeys. Who knows the theater screw it's ever coming out um um uh i'm not i don't know uh yeah uh thanks for joining us uh if you sat through both these episodes back to back sorry
Starting point is 00:54:57 uh yeah but you deserve it you deserve to suffer yeah and pay us a dollar a month to suffer more please do yeah all right we good all right i think we're good we're at 55 minutes so uh You deserve it. You deserve to suffer. Yeah, and pay us a dollar a month to suffer more. Please do. All right, we good? All right, I think we're good. We're at 55 minutes. I think we'll call it there. See you next week. All right. No one likes us, no one likes us, no one likes us, we don't care.
Starting point is 00:55:25 We're from Philly, fucking Philly, no one likes us, we don't care.

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