Ten Thousand Losses - Fighting Your Dad

Episode Date: February 18, 2022

We have a banter-packed episode for you today, folks! Tom and Liam talk about coaches fighting other coaches, how they absolutely could have gone pro, recap the Super Bowl, the Harden/Simmons trade, a...nd talk about some genuinely serious mental health stuff. Please do not mix uppers and downers, that is how you die aspirating your own vomit.  Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/tenklossespod Leave us a voicemail: 267-371-7218 Support us on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/tenthousandlosses

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Starting point is 00:00:00 He is actually going to eject a fan. Because bad things happen in Philadelphia, bad things. The fan jumped into the penalty box area. Joy just come to Philadelphia and stand here and dodge ice balls. We, the Dallas Cowboys, have assassinated John Kennedy. We are live. Hello. Hello. And welcome to 10,000 Losses, your only labor-centric Philadelphia sports podcast.
Starting point is 00:00:49 My name's Tom Payne. My pronouns are he, him. And with me is Ye. Liam Anderson. My pronouns are also he, him. Well, how's it going today there? Fuck, fuck, dude. That's how it's going. This is the second of three podcasts i'm recording for this week uh thank god uh joe is in armenia or i'd be doing five oh yeah it's uh it's it's rough but i'm here and i'm happy to be talking about sprats yeah sport sports ball sport i i all right so you hate that too yeah i mean it's it's
Starting point is 00:01:27 a shitty joke right it's just like oh like it's like just let people fucking enjoy things like we all know how shitty and corrupt it is we don't care yeah i don't i get it you don't like sports i get not special for not liking sports it Just like we're not special for liking them. And I hate Marvel movies. So, you know. Hard same, dude. Yeah. So, you know, sports ball is a very Marvel-esque sort of dialogue, too. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:01:56 Oh, did that just happen? Did they just do a sports ball? You know? Yeah, they did do a sports ball. And next, they're going to bomb your fucking house. You heard it here first. Liam is going to uh bomb gal gadot's house uh we'll see how she likes it uh all right there they go to the levels uh all right uh i was gonna cut that out you leave that shit in that was a bagger uh it's sort of the the list i was so i was listening to the first 10 minutes of
Starting point is 00:02:32 the latest wtyp episode on the way home today and how you had to delete a potentially podcast account destroying tweet and just thinking about how like yeah we'll take k losses we yeah we don't fuck around we're hardcore it wasn't even that it was that i i wrote a uh and i have a comment on from the wtyp youtube account uh that was basically like if you hate the audio so much like you you can pay to fly alice over here and we'll all record in one room and our levels will be terrible so clearly you don't actually know how audio recording works um it's like yeah man like if i'm like i i uh no disrespect to dan mcquade former guest of well there's your problem like his his episode's terrible because the audio is so bad but like the content is good yeah the the discussion is great
Starting point is 00:03:31 he was recording on a tin can on a on a field telephone yeah yeah um and at some point i'm gonna i'm gonna redo that episode not as well there's your problem but probably on this on here sure yeah we can talk about the process yeah the um and we'll get him a microphone made in in this century yeah that would be good uh you know i we probably don't have too much room to talk. I mean, you, you sound good. I have weird mic issues sometimes cause I record on a gamer headset. Hell yeah. Or, or a, a conference microphone,
Starting point is 00:04:10 which is the one we did together in, in same place. I guess that was appropriate for that episode. Cause we were both in the, in my podcast COVID room, but then isolation ward. Yeah. Um, but then again, like i can't fuck like there's nothing i can do if we talk over each other or you know i want to fade to something
Starting point is 00:04:35 but you're right in the middle saying something like like you can't do anything so like people your problem does that all the time we constantly talk over each other like it would be unlistenable if we were quiet if we recorded in one room right and the whole i think that i think the charm of that podcast is that and that's why you have like such a strong parasocial sort of thing it's like like you're hanging out with your smart friends. And I think that's the appeal of the podcast as opposed to something that's like overly slick produced, um, like, like radio lab,
Starting point is 00:05:12 that podcast sucks ass. I hope I get canceled for that. Um, I don't know if you, if you like it or not. I don't, I don't mind it, but I don't like,
Starting point is 00:05:22 I, I also very rare, like my thing with, there's your problem. And my thing sort of with this network of podcasts is that we're sort of intentionally very DIY like Roz. Roz produces TYP. And that's that's how we've done it. That's how we're going to keep doing it. You produce this.
Starting point is 00:05:44 You know, I I think that that's how we're gonna keep doing it uh you produce this you know i i think that that's a lot of it is that like and i've from like i've heard from like you know close personal friends like yeah it's it's very diy and i like that about us and i i think we would suffer if we decided to like suddenly be professional and cut all the jokes out because yeah fuck that because we'd just be a history channel documentary yeah well that's what i like especially like earlier on i don't i don't want to belabor this too much but like you know just be like wow that i just imagine they sound like ben shapiro like you know like wow you know this podcast would be very entertaining and enjoyable but only if you know you just cut out the leftist politics and just stuck to the facts.
Starting point is 00:06:26 You did it the way I wanted. It's like, okay, well, I'm not going to do that. Do your own. Yeah, do it yourself if you hate it so much. So I want to apologize to Devin. I said he. Pronouns are they, them. They're pronouns.
Starting point is 00:06:44 I said that last episode, and I didn't realize that and then I saw Devin post Devin Devin's very handsome person and looks like they could kick my ass please don't kick my ass but still we're still
Starting point is 00:07:00 going to come after you because you haven't unblocked this podcast which is fine we're just going to get bigger than because you haven't unblocked this podcast which is fine we're just gonna get bigger than you yeah and then it'll be our name yeah um i'll do a philly uh takedown whatever the fuck that is you just beat them to beat them to death with a uh i don't know a bottle of uh of like sprite like half a hoagie you've been just sitting on make make devon eat 30 cheesesteaks until they explode oh who's handsome now there pretty boy yeah yeah you want to hear something
Starting point is 00:07:32 fucked up for my youth sure i might cut this out if it's too grim um uh when i was a kid i want to say first grade uh another kid my, another kid, my age, uh, pushed my brother. So I grabbed the back of his head and slammed his forehead into a, uh, the, the, the bumper of a car.
Starting point is 00:07:53 And I don't remember seeing that kid at school again. And I never got in trouble. That's acceptable. Yeah. Um, I don't, I genuinely don't remember if that kid ever came back and I never got in trouble for it.
Starting point is 00:08:11 Oh, there you go. Well, you didn't kill them presumably i hope well yeah i i hope not but like i think about it sometimes and i'm like god like like there's there's some you know this is like my therapy session here uh i thought i dealt with this but goddamn you know growing up kensington is not exactly the nicest place in the world no we've all done idiotic shit in our lives that's something now uh i don't know if this is the space where like yeah i mean i i have fucked up pretty grandly in my personal life before and uh i've been lucky enough to be forgiven by people who love and care about me and you know i i know that not everyone has that grace but i like you have to be able to forgive yourself or you're never going to get better like there's a time to like admonish yourself and be like i really fucked that up and take accountability for your actions but
Starting point is 00:08:59 you have to also learn to forgive yourself and care for yourself in ways that aren't destructive because like i said you're just never going to get better you know that's that's a lot of it You have to also learn to forgive yourself and care for yourself in ways that aren't destructive. Because like I said, you're just never going to get better. You know, that's a lot of it. Oh, absolutely. I mean, I've been through probably, I want to say, three years of pretty intense therapy for the shit I went through growing up. Yeah, I'm in therapy now. And as recalcitrant as I am to admit it, it's working. It's helping.
Starting point is 00:09:23 Yeah. And you look like you're posting pictures. You're all happy to admit it it's working it's helping yeah and and you look like uh you look like you're you're posting pictures you're all happy yeah it's definitely helping you got nice sneakers going on you like like yeah it's like it's like i see it me being kind of quasi clinician mental health being a teacher in special education i'm like all all right, man. So I guess this is our version of dad chat from a hell of a way. I guess we're about 10 minutes in almost. I could put a warning in the beginning. So some dumb take that we saw on the Twitters today was,
Starting point is 00:10:04 I don't know who it was. It was, it was you, you responded to it. Um, some, some, uh, fucking just, who was it? Like a reporter. So this person tweeted quote, here's the debate. If I were to play the entirety of each game for a team in the NBA, when I scored 20 points in at least one game, assuming my team is feeding me, I don't have to play defense. This seems like an easy success to me. So this person, again, I'm not going to totally pile on.
Starting point is 00:10:35 They're an analytics nerd. Right. They I based on their their Twitter profile are not that imposing physically. Right. So, so yeah let's talk about it uh no you couldn't right and and i want to say my big flat out no you couldn't absolutely and the and my big beef with this statement is the last sentence i assume it's easy right that's that's that's essentially what he says nothing in professional sports is easy uh so so yes no you could like hypothetically you are first off you're being fed passes so you're
Starting point is 00:11:18 you are going to be handling the ball in the nba right so you'll just get it stolen constantly like you're gonna get posted like you you know you're gonna the shot clock's gonna run out because you got you know uh you get you get posted up like you know i i don't every time you try and pass it they're gonna knock it down like it's like what do you think's gonna happen you're gonna run it for a layup like yeah yeah they further clarify they don't know that he's doing this and they assume he's just a player on the team i don't play defense so i will stay on the offensive side of the court the whole time the only time in which it's in which it's physically possible to score is that like either what they'll do is go four on four yeah
Starting point is 00:12:05 in which and you just hope that the dude chucks like some dude does like a 90 footer rainbow to you every time which like that's not going to get you 20 because that's simply probable probabilistically there we go yes doesn't happen
Starting point is 00:12:22 all that often and like you know it's it's so this is the thing that always drives me wild because i always see this take and i talked about it about how people like well hypothetically like what if like alabama played like the worst nfl team like they would like they would like the agreement seems to be that like the worst nfl team would win but it would be close and it was like no it wouldn't be close close. Like the Alabama kids would be like dead on the ground by the third series. They're not grown men yet. They're not, they're not 25.
Starting point is 00:12:50 You have 25, 28, 30 year old men. Right. You know, like, and like the thing I always want to say to people is like pro ball, any sport, like including baseball, including hockey moves so fast. Like, that's the thing about being in the nfl is like every dude in the nfl is the fastest dude in the world oh yeah like you've got 350 pounders running like four 840s like those those are big men they've they've been doing this their entire lives like that's their job they would truck you yeah like even if you played in alabama like could alabama get a field goal
Starting point is 00:13:26 on an nfl against the nfl team yes would the score at half be 85-3 yes yeah yeah i i have a friend who who was a minor league baseman and he played first base and you got drafted playing first base right so so he was like a guy who's like you know i'm gonna be a first baseman i'm gonna be a pinch hitter i'm gonna be a designated hitter if i get drafted to an al team which actually he did um and we would every so often have this like sprint competition that we kind of because i was trying to get get in shape and i was doing sprints and stuff like that and i was back in my peak physical form and i was lifting pretty regularly and running pretty regularly um the dude out of shape blew past me right because all his life he's been running 90 feet as fast as he could without hurting himself right and you know clearly had
Starting point is 00:14:27 had like like a second and a half on me for like a for like a hundred foot sprint like and that's a minor that's a guy who didn't make it past uh you know um a rookie advanced which doesn't exist anymore but right not not even single lay ball. So that's a professional athlete. That's a guy who's no longer in it as an amateur but has dedicated their life to it. So this guy, like, yeah, I'm not going to play. So you're just going to do half court press, like full court press and just hang out there? So if they're feeding you the ball like let's let's let's indulge you they're feeding you the ball all right you're
Starting point is 00:15:09 there so they're just gonna play five on one right and they're just gonna like it's like and i'm not even thinking like this dude playing against you i'm thinking like this dude playing like isaiah joe or somebody right he's still just gonna smack you around it's it's the game moves so fucking fast you wouldn't score against a g leaguer no you wouldn't you know the and basketball you know the barrier to entry in terms of like hey i'm a pickup guy who i play with my buddies at the y once a week like hey if you want to learn how to play basketball go do that right there's pickup teams you can learn how to play you're gonna you're gonna have to be humble you're gonna get your ass handed to you but you can learn how to
Starting point is 00:15:54 be like you know a decent serviceable league yeah you know where you're not playing against guys who are seven feet two and 300 pounds and i can like the the top response for a while was you would die in the first quarter of the first game and that's what like i believe too is that like the like and we hadn't talked about this but like the conditioning oh absolutely like you're just a guy like these dudes are training all the time their bodies are as close to perfect as they can be did you ever play basketball in any team capacity like yeah i played yeah yeah uh because i was i was a taller kid um by the time i was playing like competitive like meaningfully competitive sports so i had stopped it
Starting point is 00:16:39 um but like i was a tall kid so i could i could sort of bully the other kids around right right so then you understand like i played point guard for like two years on like a private like team i was like a fourth or fifth grade right and that was i was winded you know being being before i i discovered what chicken wings were uh i you know i was a fairly you know thin kid with quick you know uh you know like i still say i could still do a pretty decent head fake from those days yeah i i have i have broken ankles of kids like just every once in a while then i have broken ankles and i feel bad because i missed the layup right after that but um but yeah no like like like the the conditioning is just insane um so so that led me to the whole idea is could either of us um make a roster given sort of like a perfect circumstances of any of the major sports and if we could would
Starting point is 00:17:46 we be able to score in some way so i'll say that like we have to so i played football in high school and i do have the build you want for a linebacker i have incredibly broad shoulders i'm six one six two like i like my body is physically ideal like i'm talking about like if i had gone to a d1 program and had you know not injured myself right and all the the the special goodies they give you right uh do i think i could make an nfl roster uh yeah like just and i'm i'm basing that simply and i'm like you have to make so many assumptions like you have to assume that i didn't get hurt playing high school ball you have to assume that i got a d1 scholarship which out of the high school i went to would have been
Starting point is 00:18:36 next to impossible uh again there is video of me on the internet i'm not going to link to it of myself getting flattened by a clemson recruit uh the uh i would have had to gone i would have had to stay in love with the game i would have had to get through four years and i would have to get i would have to get drafted and i like i would never my skill level i know myself would never have been like an Alabama. Like I would have, I do not have the hand. I like, I would have gone to a mid major program and it would be like, maybe I go to temple and then maybe I get drafted out of temple. So I'll say like,
Starting point is 00:19:18 even under like, and I'm giving myself so many perfect circumstances. I still don't think I like me. I squeak onto an, uh, uh, like a practice squad roster. Maybe I get lucky.
Starting point is 00:19:29 Right. And, and being, being a, a linebacker, you're not really scoring points unless you grab a fumble or, or pick, um,
Starting point is 00:19:39 which, which if you play Madden, uh, the linebackers make most of the, uh, picks for some reason, cause that game sucks ass. But, uh, yeah. but uh yeah so so um i was thinking like that like had i and this is again it's very similar had i listened to my coach did the conditioning program that my mom's friend who
Starting point is 00:19:59 was a guy who trained baseball players right and did all those exercises and didn't chicken out and really actually tried out for my high school team and played and learned, maybe learn some pitches or, you know, just stuck at it or learn second base. I, I genuinely feel because, you know, I'm not, I'm just under six foot. I naturally broad-shouldered pretty – I've always been like a – if you're a fitness nerd, what's the mesomorph? I'm a big guy, but I've naturally always put muscle on really quick. And I feel like had those – again, all those circumstances went perfect. Hey, I went to school with a guy who was drafted. He would play for the Athletics and he died.
Starting point is 00:20:48 He died young because he's the same age as me. He was. And Sean Murphy, if you want to look him up. And he was the guy on the baseball team. Right. Because he was like, that's like the best guy. Right. So the school actually had scouts at North Catholic. So I probably, I think, maybe had I not gotten injured, had I paid attention, possibly had gotten, you know, a scholarship to like, you know, what's like a lower tier program like LaSalle and maybe have gotten drafted.
Starting point is 00:21:28 Now with baseball, 40, that was a 40 round draft then. So maybe I got, I get, I'm in for two years and, you know, I blow out my, you know, arm or something like that, maybe. But scoring a point, like in a professional, unless you put me on second base in an extra innings game where I'm the extra runner, I am not scoring. No, I'm not scoring in any sport unless I recover a fumble. But like I, you know, when I was the other thing, it's like when I was playing high school ball, I still wasn't all that fast, which leads me to believe like I would not.
Starting point is 00:22:08 Have I would not realistically have been able to because that selection that's for they want like every sport wants explosive speed. Right. Not not just being like like you have someone who's like trying to think of like a real fast baseball player who's just fast, like Roman Quinn. Right. And he's kind of got to expose his feet versus someone who's like Mike Trout, who's not the fastest guy, but he gets to his maximum fast. And that's like the same way, especially like NFL, man. You've got to be able to go from zero to 60. And then 60 to zero real quick. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:43 So, I mean, and that's like a realistic like you know there was the other guy uh last year who was like you know i think i could hit a major league home run and it's not you would cry they would just throw fastballs up and in no i couldn't you cry i couldn't i i i know that about myself i couldn't i i i almost cried with a guy who pitched like 85 in eighth grade and he was a submarine pitcher and it kept looking like it was going to hit my face, but he had like a cut on it. So it ended up going to the strike zone. It's like,
Starting point is 00:23:12 what the hell did you do that? Right. Imagine, imagine, imagine, uh, what's his name? You,
Starting point is 00:23:18 you're going up against Jake. Like we just teleported right now. And Jacob, the ground was on the mound and he throws 102. I'm just ducking. I'm laying on the ground. Yeah throws 102 right i'm just ducking i'm laying on the ground yeah i'm like i'm like i'm looking at the catchers like jesus christ how do you catch that how does that not hurt your hand i uh that's actually a big big big thick mitts
Starting point is 00:23:37 it's you know that uh i don't know if you notice about catchers they all have micro fractures in their catching hand that doesn't shock me you'd have to their hands are all fucked up yeah you're just abusing the shit out of them 280 days of the year yeah uh so um so so that's like a more realistic assessment and and we're we're being very favorable to ourselves right we're being we're we're basically breaking the rules of the question right uh we are not assuming that it would be easy that's but that's the key point because it's not easy it's one of the it's one of the most difficult things to do is to make a major you know it's different but like like getting on some local beer league softball team or rec league basketball um it's it's entirely different it's it's competitive and professional all right uh so uh with we're at
Starting point is 00:24:28 the 24 minute mark and we have yet to actually talk about things that have happened good for us man um i don't know if you want to announce the bonus thing and uh hopefully it's ross next week yes and we will be talking about baseball stadiums um specifically Philly, weird Philly ballparks. Yes. One hopes it works. Yes. They are rectangular. It's a strange city.
Starting point is 00:24:53 Yeah. Someone said, speaking of strange city. So someone sent me a tweet today that was like, it was in my DMs. It was like, someone sent you an image. I'm like, oh, God, whose dick is this? Right. And it was kind of funny because this morning I sent Liam a text saying, I just heard an 11-year-old scream, get my dick out your mouth to an adult,
Starting point is 00:25:18 which I did. I heard that today. And then in the DM, it was a tweet where a woman was driving in Philly, and there was 11-year-olds riding their bicycle. Oh, yeah. I saw this. Yeah. Riding their bicycle super slow. And she lies and says, I'm pregnant. And the kid is like, yeah, with my kid. Philly, baby. Philly, yes.
Starting point is 00:25:44 It's a different breed, man's that 100 checks out i've seen shit like that happen i had i i uh was was riding my bike um from temple on 13th street where the old trolley tracks are and there's that school right there and i uh the kids were getting out and i kind of got stuck you know stuck my uh bike wheel in the track and it fell over and like ripped my knee open. Oh no. And the kid starts just like calling me like the F slur and all this stuff. And then I, I got up and you know, I get, I was like the best shape of my life at the time.
Starting point is 00:26:19 And I picked up my bike with one hand and he, he, the kid thought must've thought I was swinging my bike at him. I was like, I at him. He ran. I was like, I didn't say anything. I just got back on my bike. It was like, I fuck,
Starting point is 00:26:31 I gotta go home. It's a goddamn kid. I hope you learned a lesson though. Don't, don't, don't talk shit unless you're willing to get hit. Cause that is Philly rule. Number one, most people who talk shit are willing to get hit.
Starting point is 00:26:43 That's, that's how I, I, I, I live my life. When the bar is in Fishtown, I'm just like, yeah, I'll get in a fight at any given time. I always have to. My wife's like, if you get arrested, you have to report it. It's part of the Pennsylvania Code of Defense.
Starting point is 00:26:59 I know what it is. It's worth it. All right. So we have a voicemail this week this one i thought was pretty good uh so let's hopefully the volume's not crazy all right hello fellas sorry this is you're breaking your 3 a.m roll but i got work in the morning so a few quick questions first one i am a native born wisconsinite and i do actually own a stock in Green Bay Packers. So my question is, should I be able to beat Aaron Rodgers
Starting point is 00:27:31 with the giant cheese wheel without any legal repercussions? Question two, if you could put any two team managers, regardless of the sport, in a steel cage match a la Mankind and Undertaker. Who would they be? And three, this one's mostly for Tom. As an accidental landlord, how likely am I to survive the coming revolution? Thanks, fellas. Enjoy your podcast and have a good night.
Starting point is 00:28:03 Okay. All right. All right. night. Okay. All right. All right. Manager. Okay. So I want to start with the manager with, with the manager question, work backwards.
Starting point is 00:28:13 I want to see Bella check. Yeah. Fight. Oh God. What's his name? I want to see him fight Daryl Morey. Oh, Daryl Morey would, would Daryl Morey would collapse.
Starting point is 00:28:29 Yeah, no, Belichick played football. And he, like, I know he's 70 or whatever, or he's going to be 70 in April, but, like, he is, he's still, like, I don't know. And something about Belichick, I feel like probably knows Krav Maga. He carries himself like a guy who knows how to throw a solid, you know, a solid straight and doesn't have anything to prove. Yeah. He he I just want to see like Belichick because even when he's like angry he's still relatively calm
Starting point is 00:29:05 but like i want to see him like absolutely like just just you know bare knuckle uh balls to the wall trying to like fight his way out of a cage uh i would have to say charlie manual um you know he just had like uh surgery like on his on his testicles. And I was on Reddit and I said, yeah, they had to like he had to get a ball reduction. Charlie Manuel is another guy who would just lay out. Charlie Manuel is old school in a way that like there's no reason to believe he wouldn't like just go swinging yeah he's got that country boy energy he's he's like apparently like a like just a big teddy bear but again a guy who would very easily like he's been hit and knows and knows
Starting point is 00:30:01 how to get hit i i also think a sneaky pick is terry francota okay i think i think terry i mean he's from he's from south fucking dakota like you know i i honestly believe i know he grew up like in the pittsburgh suburbs and those dudes love to just oh yeah oh yeah fight all the time shout out john for pittsburgh yeah who fought all the time i mean i like fighting i'm from central pennsylvania i fucking love fighting i think it's just a pennsylvania thing period yeah i think it is yeah especially now that i live in philly i'm just i'm just always trying to fight uh i want to see jerry jones in a fight yeah give me charlie manuel and jerry jones range in a cage oh oh i like that um because there's a lot like a lot of the younger guys
Starting point is 00:30:54 like thinking like nfl i wonder i wonder how like with pop do you think pop could uh could uh pop can fight yeah pop can fight like pop pop i think uh does the the warrior monk thing very well but like i have absolutely he's six four dude like i have no reason to believe pop can't fight yeah it's like i guess maybe it's a generational thing because like sean mcveigh would never win in the fight no uh what's his name uh our nick sirianni would not win a fight no but like pop went to air force like yeah pop can fight coach k can probably fight yeah because he went to uh army right doc could probably lay someone out coded army yeah i mean if you played the sport yeah you could fight it's it's you i i think of these older guys i think of when uh buzz aldrin laid
Starting point is 00:31:46 out that uh that moon truther guy yeah it just just just one straight that's all i needed because yeah because you keep boxing it and uh what was it the air force yeah yeah yeah yeah coach k went to went to army like i have no reason to believe that dude couldn't fight. And if you give him those giant Q-tip things that they use in the army. Yeah. Oh, shit, you're done. American Gladiator style? You would watch that.
Starting point is 00:32:16 I'd watch that. Oh, yeah. Old men fights? You know who else I imagine can fight, even though he's not young? He's 56. Billy Donovan. Okay, yeah. Billy Donovan could probably fight. I he's he's not young. He's 56. Billy Donovan. OK. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:26 Billy Donovan could probably fight. I mean, he's Irish. Yeah. He you know, he went to Providence. So he's a good Jesuit boy. Yeah. I like I don't have any like again, a lot of it is I don't know how great they'd be at fighting. But like I know like Tom Thibodeau can fucking fight.
Starting point is 00:32:43 Right. Well, Billy, Billy Donovanovan, he's fought his dad. He has that face. Yeah, Billy Donovan came home one night at 17 and was drunk and started running his mouth. And his dad said the words, is today the day you take a swing at your old man? And he fucking did. And he did. And I think in Billy Donovan's case, he got laid out and then straightened them up yeah
Starting point is 00:33:05 uh for those of you who aren't familiar with this joke uh i i have a theory that is i have a hundred percent success rate with so far that at some point every irish catholic boy has tried to fight his dad um i'm not irish catholic but i have tried to fight my dad I have tried to fight my dad. I have tried to fight my dad. I'm not Catholic, but my dad is Irish Catholic. What's your dad, Irish Catholic? We're not Irish, but we're both Catholic. We're Catholic, yeah. Good enough.
Starting point is 00:33:34 You tried to fight your dad. Yeah, I told him we didn't actually fight, but it was – well, if you're like – he was being a dickhead, and I said, well, drive your car down here and see what happens. Come over here and you say oh yeah come over i'll kick your ass and uh you never did but uh uh i have one we should probably move on but i have one more chauncey billups can fucking fight he coaches he coaches the uh the the Blazers right now. That dude can fucking fight. He was on the title Pistons team. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:34:13 Yeah, that dude has gotten in a fight at more than one bar. No problem at all. Whoever he fought is currently occupying a dumpster. Oh, Chauncey Billups. that whoever he fought is is currently occupying a dumpster oh uh Chauncey Billups that's like a that's like a Philly Street fight kind of kind of yeah energy yeah definitely you just see it on his
Starting point is 00:34:34 face he it's again it's his confidence yeah it's that dude knows he's the shit he won finals MVP like if you've ever looked at like he seems like a nice like respectful dude, I guess until you push him, and then he'll absolutely just wreck your shit.
Starting point is 00:34:50 Yeah. Speaking of wrecking shit, the Aaron Rodgers part of the question. Yes. And then we'll get to the landlord part. Should he be able to just beat Aaron Rodgers with a wheel of cheese? Yeah. I mean, Aaron Rodgers is a little shit. Yeah, I think so. Aaron Rodgers definitely can't fight. aaron aaron rogers can't fight i mean aaron rogers
Starting point is 00:35:09 thinks he can fight because aaron rogers does perceive himself as like one of those warrior monks yeah but like he's not uh tom brady would lay you out because he knows like weird weird like tom tom brady knows things from the shadow realm yeah you are not prepared to experience yeah um um and uh i'm not going to go into quarterbacks you can fight because that gets a little shitty uh but um you know it's kind of interesting to presume that the anarchist is supportive of landlords. Oh. What? Because did you – that part of the question, this question is more for Tom, but as an accidental landlord,
Starting point is 00:35:50 what happens to me when the revolution happens? And it's like assuming that you are okay with landlords. I'm not. Well, as an accidental landlord, I try to exploit people as little as possible. Yeah. Don't. Take the absolute minimum.
Starting point is 00:36:10 Don't make a profit off of it. And I would say put all of their rent that's not bills into escrow. Into escrow and give it back to them. And give it back to them. Yeah. You want to do that? You should not own. I think this is something we both completely agree on. You should not own housing and rent it out to seek a profit.
Starting point is 00:36:35 Correct. If you might have a shore house that you could invite somebody to, I'm sort of undecided uh uh you know a vacation property is something different uh you know um that that's another question for another day but sure yeah accident landlord yeah i think we have to know more about the situation but it's not looking good for you, bud. Yeah, I mean, so, you know, I believe in redemption. So you could... Give us your house is what we're saying. You don't get the wall. You got to do something.
Starting point is 00:37:15 You got to touch the wall. Maybe we just put it in your leg. Yeah, we've talked about this before. I get in arguments with people sometimes about like the military. They're like, oh, well, you know, anyone who was an imperialist stooge and joined the military, they get the wall. It're like, oh, well, you know, anyone who was an imperialist stooge and joined the military, they get the wall.
Starting point is 00:37:27 It's like, shut up. They were 17. Shut up. Yeah, they were 17 and they were trying to improve themselves and someone's repentant. Joe Kasabian is one of my best friends. You're going to tell Joe gets the wall? No, Joe doesn't get the wall.
Starting point is 00:37:44 Right. He knows how to drive a tank, do you? No. I don't know how to drive a car, Tom. Well, you know how to drive a car, but one speed. Yeah. Very fast. Very fast.
Starting point is 00:37:59 All right. So we should probably talk about sports. We should probably talk about sports. Yeah. Super Bowl. It was good, but the ref ball at the end was terrible. I mean, it ruined the fucking game for me. I can't find a more obvious example in recent memory. If you swallow your whistles for 58 minutes,
Starting point is 00:38:23 you have to swallow them for the last go. let the the the bangles get away with that outrageously clear face mask yeah that was opi that was absolutely opi um you you a little bit of holding because you you kept giving them more and more more goal line stands. And that was a fucking... That was, all right, we're going to let the team that has... We're going to sell more fucking... And also, weren't the Bengals slated to win, betting-wise? I don't know. I don't pay attention to betting, but I know that the Rams were favorites.
Starting point is 00:39:02 Don't lie to me that you don't pay attention to betting. I don't. were favorites don't don't don't lie to me you don't pay attention to betting i don't i really don't because if i started paying attention to betting i'd have no money tom all right i was gonna say because you knew that my uh my wtyp would go from ten dollars to two it'll come out in the wash of this pocket i i think yeah that's uh my money from this podcast pays for my for your other pictures yeah that's how that's how i do it um um oh yeah that yeah but it sucked right like it was i i don't care about the rams i think they're a boring i mean they're a boring team like that sean mcveigh was interesting when he came into the league because he was so young and like but i remember them getting like i remember the patriots ram super bowl where the patriots played this agonizing style which i liked because i i
Starting point is 00:39:58 like defensive games but like even for me it was just like holy shit belichick score or do something man this this was a good game that then was just ruined uh i yeah i don't care about the rams ref ball still sucks uh um i mean uh hey pennsylvania native aaron donald cook good on you for getting a ring yeah yep so uh that's cool um that's probably uh i think there's a temple guy on the team too i'm not sure i don't think so but um i will say that like the bangles are going to be back here um joe burrow is genuinely as exciting as hell yeah and young and young and the bangles assuming they can shore up that O-line, are going to be in good position for a long time. Absolutely.
Starting point is 00:40:50 Yeah, I think that's fair. You know, and the whole Super Bowl, it's the whole production. And, you know, people talk about anti-spectacle action. Oh, there was Chris O'Hara. Chris O'Hara was a coach who had been – is a Temple alum. Oh. Chris Muriak went to Temple and was on the Bengals. Okay.
Starting point is 00:41:16 I knew there was someone related to Temple on one of the teams. It got in my brain. So yeah, people like to – got the spectacle of it. Look, you know what? It's a cultural thing you know what's funny because because you and i uh you know we interact with humans in real life on a on a regular basis right and uh so sometimes it's nice to have things to talk about with other human beings that engage in the sort of culture at large and the superbowl is one of them even if even people who don't like football
Starting point is 00:41:45 watch the super bowl and again if you don't like the sport cool cool but it doesn't make you virtuous it's entertainment i want your bread and circuses because you know what you need circuses sometimes like it's it's not a distraction it's not a deliberate distraction from like it's like like it's it's just a fucking product it's an entertainment product that's what it is right and i think like we've gotten uh you've gotten dms uh that say you know like uh i can talk to my dad about sports now like yeah exactly like it like being into sports is helpful for being able to navigate the real world yeah you don't have to follow it obsessively and it sucks when people do and like shame you for
Starting point is 00:42:31 knowing less but yeah oh yeah don't be an asshole don't be either way yeah just don't be an asshole if someone isn't into sports cool if they're into sports cool um i i've said before sports allows you to temporarily sublimate your current you know needs worries um concerns and put it onto this team for the half hour you know three to three hours whatever it is you're watching and that's that's all this um but uh yeah so so we don't care about the rams that the celebs the halftime show is actually good i think it was like millennial very millennial oriented so that was kind of like our wheelhouse like hey millennial remember this music that you listened to when you were you know 15 years old but um yeah and you know stupid commercials i'm yeah uh if you want to listen
Starting point is 00:43:23 to leftist talk about commercials, listen to the Chapo episode. I guess we're going to get canceled. Well, you don't listen to them. We'll get canceled for that. For mentioning. Dirtbag left. Whatever. Any other football stuff?
Starting point is 00:43:39 It's over. We haven't signed anyone. I will say as two people who went to temple yeah i i'm i'm on the hype train like i at this point like yeah i'm just on the hype train uh i like it's a it's a g5 team like we're not gonna get to the natty but uh uh if nothing else i i desperately want temple to just start like i don't think they've released the schedule we'll just start knocking off top 25 teams like i want to see like some app state shit all right as long as they don't uh channel that
Starting point is 00:44:19 success into some sort of like displacement of north philadelphia residents still don't give temple a stadium in north philly no no they can they can they can play at franklin field they can play hey uh north catholics sold field they shouldn't be paying the eagles a million dollars a season to play at the link though no they shouldn't you don't need the fucking money um bring back uh what was it uh the the stadium before the vet um shit they used to have a like a fucking pennsylvania railroad express that would stop right there for like the army navy game and part of me wants to say jfk but i know it's not jfk because isn't that dc uh the uh wasn't it just franklin field no franklin franklin fields were in penn right um are you talking about connie mac nope um it was a stadium it was the first
Starting point is 00:45:19 stadium down at the in uh where they are now yeah where they are now um municipal stadium municipal stadium there we go which it uh it was like a kind of like a soldier field type thing like a half state like um oh it was called jfk at one point that's where they uh it it um was demolished in 1992 right and they had uh like live aid there but they they literally put um when the army name game was going on they put a prr station there and uh there's like a picture out there with just like with all the gg1s yes yeah the sexiest locomotive to ever exist absolutely if you disagree uh fight us yeah please i welcome you yeah um i'll clean that up uh all right um you want to move to basketball because there's a lot there and uh yes yes let's move to basketball tom and and we don't listen to i'm sure you don't
Starting point is 00:46:15 listen to well there's a problem after you're done recording it so i'm sure you don't listen to this i don't listen to it after it comes out you know oh i make her and listen to it oh do you yeah sometimes oh all right i have not been successful enough my wife's like oh you sound nice thank you yeah yeah oh you guys sound so nice on there um cool all right i'm gonna go back to reading you know some you know nice literature. Well, we look like assholes. Yeah. We look like dumb idiot assholes.
Starting point is 00:46:52 And I put in, I actually put in, in post, a little like, you're going to listen to us and we're going to be idiots. So, yeah, we were, we literally said this trade was not happening.
Starting point is 00:47:05 Yeah. And like the next day we, we literally said this trade was not happening. Yeah. And like the next day we – We ate it. So if you're keeping score at home on things that we've said and been wrong on, this is like the 100-point version. So, yeah, James Harden's on the Sixers. Holy shit. Ben Simmons is on the Nets.
Starting point is 00:47:25 Holy shit. Ben Simmons is on the Nets. Holy shit. So the trade itself, this is genuinely a great trade, I think. There's a few problems maybe, but okay. So the trade itself is that the Sixers trade Ben Simmons, Andre Drummond, and Seth Curry. And two picks, right? A 2023 first rounder and a 2027 first rounder. Two first rounders, yeah. Two first rounders for James Harden and Paul Millsap.
Starting point is 00:48:00 I think that this is going to be weird in a way because the Sixers have been a defense- focused team and and James Harden can't play defense um but like you still have Matisse you still have obviously of of all world player in Joel Embiid um you lose Seth but you lose Andre Drummond who I think is value who was valuable to soak up some minutes especially down the stretch as Joel needs all the rest he can get. Yeah. But you turned a guy who was clearly never going to play in the city again into James Harden. That's not a bad trade. No. out of the like all the different permutations of the trade the um it was the least like
Starting point is 00:48:47 how do i phrase this the different permutations that had like uh matisse that had maxi um those really worried me i don't like uh letting go of seth but you do gain a perimeter shooter. So as much as I like the guy and he was really meshing well, and we both have stated our love for Andre Drummond, our, you know, our big chunky boy, our chunky replacement level chunky boy,
Starting point is 00:49:21 you know, you know, it's the best option you treat you don't want to trade tc you want to get rid of that perimeter defense you don't want to trade max because holy shit that kitty is going to be like like he's special he's special this is first year right uh second second yeah i mean holy shit like imagine him in two three years no exactly i mean he's i'm looking at his season stats right now 16.9 points per game 3.6 rebounds a game 4.6 assists per game the dude the kid is special meaningfully special and now and now you got uh you got hardened to feed right my concern is that like harden plus and bead on the court at the same time
Starting point is 00:50:05 for two dudes who are super ball dominant. Yeah. The thing, though, is that you can just do a million times a game. Dylan Embiid drives and kicks out to an open Harden. Three. Yeah, so Maxie, I think you have to get him. This is a little inside strategy-wise. So he's kind of like a swing guard.
Starting point is 00:50:25 He can play point and shooting guard. You want to have – if he's like the starting five, clearly he's going to be the point guard. I would imagine. Watch, we'd be wrong on that. So he would be feeding those guys versus having like a, you know, something in the second or third where he's spend some of his time with, with the bench set where he's the shooting guard and, and, and,
Starting point is 00:50:54 and being able to do that is a good, yeah. And you were, you, you, this was a conversation we had when it happened, you know? Right. I'd like this James Harden is second in the league in assists. Like'm not saying and i'm not coming out the like oh james harden is a bullhug blah blah blah i because i don't think that's demonstrably not true this season i just like he's always been good at passing yeah he's he's terrific at passing it's just like uh i worry about how imbeed and harden are gonna mesh just because they're two sort of radically different play styles yeah where like imbeed is bully in the post you know i think it but the the best play the the sixers ran historically was that jj read a can off to imbeed right um
Starting point is 00:51:41 and i you could replicate that and and obviously go swinging for the fences at that point i i think i think they complement each other because you finally have what everyone has been saying we need which is a perimeter threat because now you have the insight who well if you double up and bead now you got your perimeter threat double up up your perimeter threat. Well, toss it to Embiid in the post. Exactly. So I think that knowing their mindsets, like Harden is a competitor. I really dislike the whole like ball hog sort of, sort of, there are players where that's applicable to,
Starting point is 00:52:22 I think like Russell Restbrook. Yeah, I don't think harden harden doesn't often take bad shots yeah he's got the best step back jumper like yeah and it also one of the things i want to talk about is that it drops tobias harris from a second threat to a third which i think is sort of where he should be absolutely less pressure on him less pressure on tobias harris like that's a great way to go get 20 a game. Yeah. Because now if that if the starting five looks something like Embiid, Harden, Harris.
Starting point is 00:52:54 Green and Maxi. Green and Maxi. Or green and tees. Like, yeah, that is a hard starting five to get. Yeah. And that was sort of the same thing with my – one of the things I have is like they still don't have meaningful bench depth. They've got a couple guys on the bench who are really good.
Starting point is 00:53:14 Like Shake is fucking good. George Niang is good. And then we start getting into like Virkan Korkmaz. Oh. I mean, we could talk about that. but like he's he's he's started second guessing his shots i know like firkan i need you to not do that i need you to let it rip every time listen i it is joyous to watch you shuck 30 footers listen uh there i have important information on the location of Gulen.
Starting point is 00:53:49 We will get Joe Kasabian to say things about Armenia if it means that you'll be hitting those threes again, not going two for six. Yeah, it's tough. Two for six is an improvement over, you know. That was just, that was uh but yeah so i um obviously you know you uh you don't think this team is going to the finals you you had said that i don't know if you've changed your assessment i think we're a conference final team this team gets to the conference finals assuming everyone's healthy assuming assuming imbeed is healthy because the sixers have played this game before where they get to the they get to the playoffs
Starting point is 00:54:29 and imbeed's hurt or simmons is hurt and they get and they get run out of the fucking gym right um yeah you know it's we yeah we'll get we'll get fucked by the bulls or the heat um or the boston celtics perhaps oh uh i i said this on twitter this is 100 true i was on a meeting i said i didn't say this i said uh in my brain i'm gonna go check the score because uh i want to see if harden was playing which wasn't um right and uh i saw it was you know 48 to 27 and i was like holy fuck and i i my microphone was on oof and luckily it was even it was not a teaching meeting but holy shit um that is embarrassing yeah Yeah. It's a. I mean, it's an outlier game. I think it's important to say the Celtics had a historic shooting night.
Starting point is 00:55:37 They're not always going to shoot fifty five point six percent from three. I mean, Al Horford still sucked. Al Horford is listen. Yeah, he did. There's no reason to have him on this team. His plus-minus was plus-28. I mean, that's cool. Yeah, well, he's the Embiid killer. You know, he always fucking.
Starting point is 00:55:55 He is. He is. He and whichever Gasso brother. Oh, man, that was, that was, it was the seventh worst blowout in Sixers history. It was the best victory by the Celtics over the Sixers ever. Are you saying that objectively or subjectively? No, no.
Starting point is 00:56:13 The previous apparently was like 34 points. That's insane considering how long they've been rivals. Right. This is Dallas Cowboys-Eagles, if you're not a basketball fan. This goes back. The Celtics also shot. They hit 25 threes. They're not going to do that every game.
Starting point is 00:56:34 No. And yeah, was it Tatum and Smart were just lighting it up? Brown. Because Smart rolled his ankle. Yeah. Fucked his ankle pretty bad tatum and brown and then two of their bench dudes also just had like one of them had like an 18 point game he had like a fucking 16 point something like that yeah uh aaron a smith went uh for 18 and then derrick white off the bench went for 11 yeah so like holy shit like when your seventh man is he's scoring getting the double digits like that i mean it's worth noting like i'm looking so i'm looking at the
Starting point is 00:57:12 box score right now i mean philly attempted 17 more threes of 17 more free throws than the sixers than the celtics did and i mean this game was not over by the end of the first it was over by halftime uh it was oh it was it was over in the first yeah it was just it was brutal uh as a celtics fan uh watching corinne come back to earth was a lot of fun uh okay it was it was great joy to watch the suffering of the home crowd. This is the woman you intend to marry. Yes, and I rubbed her face in it. Not maybe.
Starting point is 00:57:51 Certainly. What a mean thing to do. You're horrible. Yeah, I am. But yeah, the Celtics, this is not going to happen again, right? The Celtics, the Sixers aren't going to shoot like 22% from three every night just a bad loss you get bad losses it's it sucks it sucks it sucks to come against a rival it sucks to come at home uh with everyone so excited about you know harden and the all and like the you know he come back from the all-star break um it does show though that like i think the attitude at least in philly was like we're the favorites and
Starting point is 00:58:25 like then you then you immediately lose by 48 is not a great look yeah so um uh you might be a little more up to speed uh is harden gonna play the next game or is he still out he's out he's out to the till the all-star break is over okay so they play the sixers play the bucks thursday uh so we'll see but like i you know it'll be a good game uh yeah we'll see uh but i i don't think you can crown their asses quite yet oh no no it's it's it's the sixers are a a pretty much a playoff lock, I would say. Yeah. But we're fifth right now. But it's, you know, it's a tough
Starting point is 00:59:13 league. It's a tough season. Harden is definitely going to be a well-welcome... Turns out Giannis is really fucking good at basketball. Yeah. Just to this side, how do you feel about the whole, oh, Giannis always gets penalties called against him unfairly. Do you have any thoughts on that or counter that?
Starting point is 00:59:37 I don't know, man. I'm not hesitant to criticize refereeing necessarily, but the game moves so fast. And Giannis, I think part of it is that like the dude's wingspan is so big. And he plays an incredibly physical brand of ball. And that's not a criticism. So doesn't be like. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:59:59 It's just a very aggressive brand of ball. Like for better or worse. I'm just thinking of that guy who we were talking about earlier. Just have Giannis in front of you. Yeah, Giannis or Joel Embiid. Like, every fucking shot gets blocked into the strategy. I'm actually more afraid of Giannis. Not because of saying anything against Embiid.
Starting point is 01:00:22 Giannis is also quicker than Embiid. Yes. And Embiid, Inis is also quicker than Embiid. Yes. And Embiid, I mean, Giannis is a nice guy. Embiid is a certified good dude. He just is a shit talker. Right. You know, it's like a physics question.
Starting point is 01:00:38 Like, Giannis moves faster and he will take me out and he will not think anything of it. You know, Embiid might actually troll me on twitter which is good um i don't know do you is there anything you want to say about ben uh we didn't about him on the nets you know i i here's the thing is that like i i did want to say something which is basically like there's been a lot of Philly sports commentators who are saying like, oh, he made the whole thing up. Which is nonsense. Which is nonsense.
Starting point is 01:01:08 And also like I think what it does is devalues like for someone, for the two people on this podcast, both of them have mental health, mental illness issues. Like it says like, okay, well, do you believe me? Like you can't see my illness. Do you believe me? Yeah. You can't see my illness do you believe me yeah you know i think it's an incredibly shitty thing to do and it's like it's also ended at the end of the day it's a fucking business he's not on your team anymore just let it be done yeah um i i i uh you know made the mistake of getting it on Reddit. Sorry. Where I'm like, no, not Joel Embiid.
Starting point is 01:01:49 Ben Simmons does have mental health problems because it's not normal for an adult to get upset about these things. Right. That's an indicator that he does actually need mental health. I don't think he's lying when he says this. So I hope the dude gets his shit together and is a worthy competitor. You know? It is what it is. I don't know when he's playing.
Starting point is 01:02:17 He's not going to be playing on March 10th in Philly. No, he's not. And all those people, because we were looking at getting tickets. We should... We'll have to talk about it. We should definitely see a game before the season's over but um uh 180 fucking dollars for a goddamn general mission bullshit ticket um no no no he's not gonna play all you like all you idiots who think you're gonna like boo him like he's not gonna play
Starting point is 01:02:44 and they're gonna play the frost the mr softy music and all to boo him. He's not going to play. And they're going to play the Frost, the Mr. Softy music, and all this kind of stuff. He's not going to play. He probably won't even be on the bench. He'll be hanging out in his whatever new gamer pad is in Manhattan. Or Brooklyn, I guess. Yeah. So I don't know.
Starting point is 01:03:09 Do you have anything uh on the owls i i have been negligent in my uh duties in my covet adult mind well they're still not gonna make the fucking bubble but they're not gonna make the tournament for ruckers might that's what I've got oh there we go Rutgers might uh 10k losses road trip to uh god help us Rutgers this season has just like with regularity like lost dumb games and then beat the number one team that that number one Purdue they just knocked off Michigan State they knocked off they do they're giant killers this year they have no business doing it like um they beat they lost to like penn state who's horrible they lost to northwestern who's horrible and then they beat three top 15 teams and well three top 16 teams in a row they beat that 13 michigan state 16 ohio state 14th ranked w they play Illinois tonight who's number 12
Starting point is 01:04:05 like Rutgers if they can keep it together is gonna fucking get in here and their head coach is probably like oh man Rutgers Rutgers is absolutely fucking hilarious like no business being
Starting point is 01:04:22 here like oh it makes my heart happy hey you know what i got accepted to rokers so and i know you uh finished off there so yes sir uh no we we are a uh while we love shit talking we do not shit on the official working class university of new jersey so yes um go to hell princeton yeah is the temple of new jersey yeah uh oh uh temple is a dumpster fire they lost at tulane they lost to tulane and south florida unless they can do anything in the tournament the season's over um uh that's uh that's what it is it goes the way it goes uh oh man all right All right. So let's skedaddle to hockey here.
Starting point is 01:05:08 I had Olympics. I think I fucked up. I'm not sure if it's the men's or the women's that's playing on Friday against Canada. Yeah. No, the men lost. Yeah. So I think it's the women's are playing on Friday against Canada. Shit. New York against Canada. Shit.
Starting point is 01:05:28 New York Times article. Fuck. Back off. Back off. Support our U.S. women's hockey team. It's not just guys. Yeah. it's it's not just guys yeah um and the best thing about um olympic hockey is it doesn't have the fucking long ass as long a period um as the uh professional hockey does um but no i've
Starting point is 01:05:58 always i've always found olympic hockey fun it is fun especially because like it is interesting that they weren't playing nhlers this year because they couldn't yeah um yeah so uh yeah so women's women's hockey us gold medal game um against i think it's canada i believe so yeah so uh fuck yeah um we are not you know nationalists by any any means we are kind of just supporting hometown you know you know just it's more geographical than political right and well I mean we can shit on Canada a little bit
Starting point is 01:06:37 although we do have a lot of Canadian listeners although shout out to like the one Brazilian we have a Brazilian we have a brazilian uh we we have uh there's a couple aussies nice um we have several germans too which i wonder is thanks guys military that would make sense yeah i uh i won't do the german voice oh thank you yeah um but uh um hey listen you guys don't know everything about beer no you
Starting point is 01:07:08 don't no you don't that's all i'll say we learned yeah you know what i'm talking about that's all we learned yeah there are many kinds of taps right there's not just the german tap um i oh i oh speaking of beer uh i know it's decided we're going long. We'll cut baseball a little short. If you happen to be listening to this and are going to War of the Wurts to judge beer, I'm doing Porter and New England IPAs. Nice. I got some good ones. New England IPAs in the morning.
Starting point is 01:07:43 Nice, dude. That's awesome. Yeah. Beer judging is morning. Nice, dude. That's awesome. Your judging is cool. Baseball. Oh, we didn't talk about the Flyers. Jesus Christ. They fucking suck.
Starting point is 01:07:56 They're not free-falling anymore. They're not free-falling anymore. That is true. So that's nice. Yeah, they still got time to blow up the entire fucking roster, boys. When's the trade deadline for that? God to do. Yeah, they still got time to blow up the entire fucking roster, boys. When's the trade deadline? God damn it. I just looked this up.
Starting point is 01:08:11 Is it soon? It's soonish. Fuck. March 21st. Still got another month of this. All right. So, yeah, we'll see. I guess keep Clodger around
Starting point is 01:08:24 the trade. I'm trying to the Bruins. Give us. So, yeah, we'll see. I guess keep Claude Giroux around. Trade him. Trade him to the Bruins. Give us Claude Giroux. No. Give us Claude Giroux. Get that, Boston. Yeah, they've lost three in a row, but they're, you know. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:08:39 Oh, they choked away against the Penguins last night. They were up 4-2 and lost 5-4. And the Penguins were like, is this our 500th goal against the flyers yeah no it was crosby's 500th goal oh it was just oh jesus christ that was like a fucking it's insane you know we talked about longevity on the last episode but some of these hockey guys i i don't know how you stay around so fucking long in such a physical sport 17 17 years, dude. It's insane. Is it just good enforcers? It was his 50th goal against the Flyers.
Starting point is 01:09:11 The 50th, all right. But like, fuck. Yeah. All right. So I'm going to order many two off. We've established I'm not good at math. It's okay. Or I'm not good at arithmetic.
Starting point is 01:09:21 I can actually do algebra. But the most useless math. Baseball. So, yeah. Guess what we don't have as a CBA. I'm wearing my Phillies jersey right now. Sorry. Because Tuesday was supposed to be pitchers and catchers report.
Starting point is 01:09:43 I saw that. I'm sorry. And it's not. And I just listen. Listen, the real thing is I want this summer to be nice out. We go to section 420. We get $20 tickets, right? And again, our partners have to drive us home because we drank too many.
Starting point is 01:10:01 Loggers or whatever. Bud Seltzers. Bud Heavies. Yanglins. Actually, Iavies yeah Yanglins or actually I won't buy Yanglins I won't buy them yards yards
Starting point is 01:10:10 pale ales whatever um and you get kicked out of the game because um someone said shit about
Starting point is 01:10:17 Andrew Knapp yeah I actually got into a debate with somebody Andrew Knapp sucks like I will not have a Slater behind me
Starting point is 01:10:24 um it was it was friendly but anyway uh so i'll keep baseball a little shorter than i was planning to sure um the dh looks like is coming to the national league so that's one of the things how do you feel about it i'm okay with it i think that seems to be the consensus, that it's about time. There's a compilation out there. I did share it on the podcast account where it's like, I will remember you, and it's just pitchers hitting worse than I would if I actually got contact on the ball. Look, if Zach Wheeler has a day off zach wheeler can hit
Starting point is 01:11:06 zach wheeler is what has a day off fucking put him in a dh right there you go um done yeah uh dh is good it's going to give us more flexibility you you know hey JT Bermuda a day off from catching and let him play, uh, let him play DH and put whoever's going to be our backup catcher this year. That'd be exciting. That'd be exciting to watch too. Yeah. I make the game more exciting is, is, is the more important point in, in guys hitting dingers. American league baseball has kind of had this sort of – this over on the National League.
Starting point is 01:11:48 The National League is like, oh, we're more thinking mans. It's like, no. There's a reason the Red Sox are fun as shit to watch because when you got someone like David Ortiz who you cannot play a position very well. No, but he – God damn, he can – He hits that ball hard.
Starting point is 01:12:03 Beat the fucking leather off it, and that's i mean what like that's always fun to watch so you know um something else they're thinking of agreeing to is expanded playoffs um and i'll just say with these negotiations there's there's some talk that people think that that this is going to be done in the next two weeks i don't know um but the luxury tax is a big sticking point we we again listen to last week if you want a little more on that um there was some mental health stuff i i know we're at an hour 12 i don't know if you want to talk about this i could just cut this all out no go for it uh so there's two mental health things related to the phillies or baseball large one is jeremy giambi and uh that giambi's brother right um he killed himself he did yeah um
Starting point is 01:12:56 he's 47 i think that was a real fucking sham um yeah that that um was a shock he did play for the phillies at one point um you know someone who they've said might have been using gear i mean his brother definitely did right um but yeah that's that and this comes now as we're talking about the Tyler Skaggs investigation is sort of coming full bore. Those who don't know, Tyler Skaggs was a pitcher for the Angels. How do I say it? He kind of did the Jimi Hendrix sort of 27 club thing. Choked on his own, aspirated on his own vomit um while he was intoxicated on fentanyl oxycodone and i think alcohol might be something else jesus yeah so
Starting point is 01:13:54 so he was someone who definitely you know was not right and this is a dark side of baseball that doesn't get much play. It might have been cocaine. Good lord. You don't mix your – folks. No. If you are a listener and you listen to hard drugs, you do hard drugs. We're not judging you. Please don't mix your uppers and your downers.
Starting point is 01:14:20 Please do not mix fentanyl and cocaine. Please. Seriously, that is not... I won't say any more than that, but please, for the love of God, don't do that. I think he's on the Orioles now, or he was on the Orioles. He was on the Mets at the time.
Starting point is 01:14:41 Matt Harvey, he was talking about... He sold stuff to tyler and uh there's some speculation that he might have been the one who sold the lethal dose of thing like like the oxycodone that he took when he ot'd and matt harvey apparently was kind of planning um you know offing himself and right you know i feel like baseball is a sport where you where you you know it's kind of it's it's not as bad as the nfl right um but it's not as far as long as like say nba you know it's just stuff that's not talked about um the league does test but like matt harvey was a known cocaine user and the team really just was like
Starting point is 01:15:27 control your shit versus like oh no you're gonna get suspended for it so i it was sort of sort of interesting you know to learn that that's sort of how it works but yeah um but he he was contemplating offing himself because because he felt culpable for Tyler Skaggs' death. That sucks. It sucks, man. And that was 2009, I believe, Skaggs' death was. It was a shock to him. Every so often, you have these shocking deaths in baseball.
Starting point is 01:16:03 But just bring it to attention. You know, we've said this before, you know, you need to DM us. DM us. Right. Absolutely. If you're listening to this and this is something or you're mixing your up and your downers, please. I will tell you why not to do it if you DM me. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:16:23 I will explain why you shouldn't do it. Because you really... Anyway. So that sounded like a downer, man. I don't even have a fucking joke. I don't feel like it's appropriate ending on that than doing a stupid joke. Which breaks the streak of jokes um so maybe we'll we'll do two next time we'll do two yeah we'll do two next week uh because
Starting point is 01:16:52 yeah i i don't feel i don't feel in the mood of of uh yeah sort of downer but uh um yeah uh so plugs um i would say go listen to the podcast that liam's recording today Yeah. So plugs. I would say go listen to the podcast that Liam's recording today. Yeah. When it's out, who knows? Well, you recorded the bonus for WTYP, right? Yes, we did. And then you said, what's the next one you're recording today?
Starting point is 01:17:21 It's a film podcast called See Her to Screw It, but it's not out yet. Yes. So listen to that when that's out listen to lions led by uh lions led by shocks lions led by liam god damn it no it's shocks now he took over listen listen uh one of yous was in ghost guard yeah but shocks eats his own poop does he really yeah he does well that's basic training it's like it's in the coast guard manual his own poop um uh we should have him on talk about boston stuff that'd be a lot of fun yeah he's he's fun but yeah listen to uh alliance led by liam's listen to uh which is aka the armenian nationalism podcast yeah we're all armenian nationalists now i have nothing to do with that um
Starting point is 01:18:06 all right well i'll mention that a different podcast uh we will uh listen to um trash future listen to 10 000 posts listen to kill james bond listen to well there's your problem listen to all the way to die listen to what else what else is out there listen to the pitches because those guys are great thanks again guys you rock um i gotta send another thank you uh they were super nice that was a lot of fun man so so smart again we're so stupid we're so smart we are dumb we are very dumb um really can't emphasize that enough yeah uh follow us on twitter please do uh call into our voicemail and uh again send me a dm if you
Starting point is 01:18:54 don't want your voice um played listen i sound like my dad on recordings and it bothers me but i still manage to plug through it um imagine my voice but someone who looks like max dad from always sunny that's what my dad looked like oh wow yeah yeah oh like like to a point where when i first watched always sunny i was like oh that's a little too much too close um so yeah uh i don't know if you have any plugs of your own i do not haven't covered covered them all right well uh be good everybody don't mix uh your uppers and your downers please don't be honest if you did it yeah uh we will we will tell you why not to and uh otherwise bye see you next time.

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