Ten Thousand Losses - Mental Health

Episode Date: November 6, 2021

The Birds looked good! Are the flyers good? Death to Baseball's unwritten rules. Plus, mental health and masculinity! Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/tenklossespod Leave us a voicemail: 267-...371-7218 Support us on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/tenthousandlosses

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Starting point is 00:00:00 . Accused of punching a police horse. . CTE, CTE, CTE. . Those negative fans. . Make himself vomit.
Starting point is 00:00:20 . Go Bears, go Bears.. you gotta think the fanatic's gonna go down to her and give her a bunch of hot dogs or the snowball starting to come they'll boo us but they won't let anybody else boo us Hello, and welcome to episode four of 10,000 Losses. Somehow, Tom and I have not murdered each other. Nope. Still alive. I got my booster shot a couple days ago. Still sort of recovering.
Starting point is 00:01:04 He got his 20 minutes ago so yeah midway through the pod when you hear him slumped dead over his keyboard yeah that's what happened when my t-cells start screaming and like ah shit not this again we already had two motherfucker yeah i'm tired yeah then uh but i i had kobe back in de December So my brain cells were like Oh fuck So my brain cells were like fuck We don't have any more IQ points to spare Go Phillies
Starting point is 00:01:34 That's all I can cram in my fucking neurons now Just go birds I'm going to become the go birds kid That's just not going to talk Accidentally Oh god you're going to have to go You're going to have to live somewhere out near media talk to me about how you actually live in the city uh the flyers calf tattoo that's happening
Starting point is 00:01:53 nice no that's that's fucking rad that'll have to happen uh yeah i'm getting a bruins tattoo because i'm the worst philly sports fan hey Hey, at least you have claim to it. Like I said, there was a guy growing up in Philly that had a Cowboys rat on his truck. And the only reason he drove that shit around was just to piss people off. Objectively, the worst people are people who live in Philly or South Jersey and are Cowboys fans. Oh, yeah. My boss at Pep Boys was born in South Jersey jersey uh no born in philly and a cowboys fan the fuck yeah he fuck yeah it made no sense he's like well they're america's team like that's
Starting point is 00:02:34 not a fucking defense no it's they're not god has a hole in texas stadium so you can watch his favorite team play football no fuck you no they haven't been relevant since the fucking 90s. Yeah, okay. They're good this year. They're producing miracles. You know what they're going to do? Lose in the second round of the playoffs. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:54 Yeah. If we can't experience joy, no one can. Welcome to Philly. Yeah. Do we say our names? I said I'm Liam. Oh, I'm Tom. That's's tom our pronouns are both he and him yes um man you know speaking of fucking suburbs i just gotta say this today because i'm already
Starting point is 00:03:14 fired up we just had our uh off year elections and as a teacher i love to see a republican sweep of every single scoreboard in fucking Bucks County. Because they're the only fucking ones running for it, dude. Yeah, and they're the only ones who vote. All politics are local, you dumb assholes. I'm going to say this. If you're listening to this and you're one of the leftists, I guess I'm losing my communist credit here If you're one of the leftists who Refuses to participate in any form of election Whatsoever
Starting point is 00:03:47 Do not complain to me About why your kid has to Now read why both sides on the Holocaust Or some bullshit like that Because that's what's coming with this goddamn Right wing Critical race theory bullshit They don't even know what it fucking means either
Starting point is 00:04:04 They don't know what it means When I learned about critical race theory Is. They don't even know what it fucking means either. That's the worst part. They don't know what it means. When I learned about critical race theory is when I took fucking, you know, at Temple, 400 level history classes. Go else. Yeah, go else. Professor Harvey Neptune,
Starting point is 00:04:20 shout out to you if you were there. Oh my God. Yeah. You changed my mind about everything. You turned me out from being a libertarian without even realizing it. Good job, Harv. You're still alive, which, holy shit.
Starting point is 00:04:33 That dude fucking rocked. Yeah, no, same thing, man. Getting on Twitter, there's just a bunch of people and you're like, yeah, this shit actually matters. All politics are local. That's how the GOP got power back in the Obama era, was focusing on local races, and you're like yeah this shit actually matters all politics are local like yeah that's how the gop like got power back in the obama era was focusing on local races and you're too stupid to realize it yeah i understand that i'm also losing my my anarchist cred here but what i don't fucking care
Starting point is 00:04:55 no listen to another podcast go listen to barstool if you hate it so much yeah yeah go listen the fucking first time long time which stole our podcast name. Fucking rat bastards. It's shit like, yeah, you lose by four fucking votes, and then you have the QAnon. It's the difference between having a Doylestown wine mom versus the guy. Full-blown QAnon. Yeah, the QAnon guy. Oh, Jesus Christ. Yeah, I'll take the wine mom. She's an annoying lib, but you know what?
Starting point is 00:05:23 I'll take annoying lib. I'll take annoying lib every day. I'll take annoying lib. I can live happily with it. Yeah, I'll take the wine mom. She's an annoying lib, but you know what? I'll take annoying lib. I'll take annoying lib every day. I'll take annoying lib. I can live happily with it. Yeah, any day. All right, well, now that our blood pressures are elevated, let's make it worse and talk about the Eagles. Eagles, yes.
Starting point is 00:05:36 And I put something slightly Eagle-ish, because it's football, in the outline here. It just says, LOL Temple Owls. You lost 49- 7 to the university whoa okay i am on record as saying temple should contract their football team um and bring and bring back their baseball team yeah bring back the baseball we have no business having a football team we're never gonna cincinnati was number two in the country all year long and now is number six for the college football playoff temple's never gonna cincinnati was number two in the country all year long and now is number six
Starting point is 00:06:05 for the college football playoff temple's never gonna make the college football playoff not when penn state has the same state as we do uh just contract the team maybe go fcs and uh and and focus on recruiting for the goddamn basketball team yeah which actually has one stuff yeah yeah it's i i don't know all time i think it's like in the top five all-time wins for college basketball i mean connecticut lumbers along with a football team but they managed to do both so yeah i'm tired i'm tired of getting waxed by my dad who did go to yukon that's yeah oh it's embarrassing man it's embarrassing this connecticut's not a real state oh i like connecticut no i like parts of connecticut i like parts of connecticut too
Starting point is 00:06:51 but it is not a real state it should be part of a bigger state folded into massachusetts i can hear the screams from here just just uh with uh right fucking was it it Ann Hutchinson or whatever? Massachusetts Bay County. Just like I'm going to be haunted by a wraith tonight for making that statement. Yeah. Yeah. Sorry, buddy.
Starting point is 00:07:11 Yeah. You know, Sir Walter Raleigh's. Speaking of the early Americas, early European contact with the Americas. Sir Walter Raleigh's widow carried his head around in a bag for the rest of her life. Normal behavior. Like his severed head the rest of her life. Normal behavior. Like his severed head, just carried it around. Normal behavior. Can you imagine fumbling that at a market and being like,
Starting point is 00:07:32 ah, that's not what it looks like. Oh, yeah, no. Don't worry about that. Oh, God. I'll do one more fun fact because it'll bring us back. Some of the soundings in the Delaware Bay, which those of you who don't know what I mean by sounding, I mean the depth of the bay, not the other thing you're thinking of. Sure it does. We're taken by Henry Hudson.
Starting point is 00:07:58 Oh, neat. And they haven't been like double checked. Oh, good. That's great. And Delaware Bay, bay you know comes from philadelphia and uh we trust them yeah and it runs past where the eagles play football so let's talk about the eagles what a transition all right you want to start us off on lane johnson yeah so if those who didn't see it lane johnson has who's the uh who's a lineman for the eagles was out for a
Starting point is 00:08:24 couple of games uh did he play the first game of this no, was out for a couple of games. Did he play the first game of this season? No, he was out, I think, of the first five. Yeah, and he's come out and said, hey, it was his mental health, and it was anxiety. There was a report I saw that he and Brandon Brooks would wake up at 5.30 a.m. on game days and both throw up. And I feel really bad bad not happy at all but i
Starting point is 00:08:48 feel relief that brandon brooks and lane johnson have talked to each other about it and that i assume lane johnson sought some knowing that brandon brooks had spoken on it uh and knowing that they woke up at the same time to throw up as like the start of a really shitty cop buddy movie yeah we throw up on the same cycle uh yeah it it's interesting because and those of you don't know what he looks like if you could he's a big boy he's what six five three twenty yeah uh some people say i look a little bit like him uh you know my beard's not they say that yeah they say that? Yeah. I don't have the beard or the majesty or the 6'5", 320
Starting point is 00:09:29 pounds, whatever that is. They think all ginger bearded bald guys look the same. That is true. And Lane Johnson is interesting because you listen to him talk, you think he's like a MAGA dude or something like that. He has that kind of vibe. I don't know what his politics are. He grew up in Oklahoma.
Starting point is 00:09:46 Yeah, there you go. I think he went to Oklahoma as well. Yeah. But, you know, opening up and saying like I couldn't show up for anxiety. And in the little interview that they had with him, he was talking about, you know, hey, this is a gladiator sport. You're not supposed to talk about being weak. He's like, but it's not being weak. It's incredibly important that we understand
Starting point is 00:10:08 mental health is the same as your physical health. I thought it was really good that he actually got out there and spoke about it and was honest about it now that he's dealt with it hopefully. Right.
Starting point is 00:10:24 It's good i mean that's someone uh who offered also suffers from anxiety depression and like someone who's also been a little wary uh of of people who have sort of you know who who talk about it in these sort of neat little foo-foo terms where it's just like, oh, your mental health is important, but, like, don't back that up. Right. Or just, like, you can reach out. And it's like this dude, like, took him five weeks and, like, I want people to remember that it's not as easy as telling people,
Starting point is 00:10:58 oh, just reach out. And, like, Lane Johnson also has access to the best medical care on Earth, hopefully. But, you know, obviously if you are struggling with it, you know, I don't want to just repeat myself and say, oh, just reach out. I know it's not that easy. But, like, it does, as someone who has long suffered mental health issues, if you treat it, it does get better. And I know it's a hard place to start, obviously because you're starting from rock fucking bottom but i can confirm that if you're willing to uh you know do hard things and you're able to do hard things and
Starting point is 00:11:37 you're not progress isn't linear is basically what i'm trying to get at and i know definitely i'm not the best at talking about it either because i don't want to get too far into it but you know for someone who who does who does actually hear and see things uh yeah not the greatest use of language but i'll take it yeah yeah yeah and and in the in the video if you watch it he does the interviewer talks about his own anxiety and he he's using a metaphor he's saying like well when you hear those voices what does that say he's using a metaphor. He's saying like, well, when you hear those voices, what does that say? He's talking about when you feel anxious, what is your anxiety
Starting point is 00:12:09 kind of telling you? But as someone who has situational anxiety, I also deal with having ADHD, which is a real thing and if you don't think it is, I will fight you. We'll both fight you actually.
Starting point is 00:12:24 Yeah. I've done way too much research on it. thing and if you don't think it is i will fight you yeah we'll both fight you actually yeah um i've done way too much research on it anyway uh yeah anxiety doesn't make you hear voices i mean you think irrational thoughts definitely i mean anxiety by definition is not rational i mean there's usually a trigger that that's understandable right yeah but i want to say like you know it's a four minute little thing that they put out um and it's important because men do not talk about their mental health no like i think i think uh culturally it's you know a lot of these things have been not necessarily aimed at women but they have not been aimed like at the dudes who are watching football no definitely not so that's what that's why it's like super important right absolutely to like
Starting point is 00:13:11 get into those spaces and say you know more than more than sort of pageantry and uh platitudes but i think late them releasing the video was a huge deal because it's not just oh look reach out for help it's him talking about this is what it actually fucking feels like yeah and if that and if some eagles fan in a basement bar in delco it's like oh i feel like that yeah you know it goes home to his wife and says maybe i should see a doctor about this then they've done their job yeah oh yeah it shouldn't be to see someone who looks like lane Johnson, sounds like late Johnson to talk about it is like, all right, man,
Starting point is 00:13:48 like, like good. Like, like maybe someone who looks and sounds like him is going to go get the help because mental health is something that affects all of us. Yeah. Regardless of your background that, you know,
Starting point is 00:14:02 and yeah, it's the inevitable comments of two white men talking about mental health fuck off fuck off in advance uh hey yeah i'll listen to anybody's but you know mental health yeah it's it's universal as it turns out look i being being my, and you're not that much younger than me, you know, you know, I grew up on the tail end of the suck it up kind of generation. And, you know, I played football in high school. And, you know,
Starting point is 00:14:36 that kind of shit, you know, wouldn't fly. You know? You're being weak. You know, we have shirts that said, pain is weakness leaving the body oh my god so the chicks dig scars but glory i know yeah scars heal chicks dig scars glory lasts forever it's been an honor sharing the field of battle with you great fucking movie yeah yeah you know yeah so so the attitudes then and and i, it's not like perfect, but yeah, you bottle it up.
Starting point is 00:15:06 Right, exactly. I mean, not to belabor the point, being a teacher who works with kids with a lot of emotional disturbances, it is just heartbreaking how many times I'm the first man that they've talked to who will talk candidly about mental health. Right. Well, I'm proud of you for doing it. Yeah who will talk candidly about mental health. Right. Well, I'm proud of you for doing it. Yeah. Oh, I mean, it's important for them to hear it. Oh, for sure. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:15:30 And it's, you know, I try to be a resource to my friends and say, you know, like, because I get it. And, you know, remembering that it is in a rational response to rational things is, you know, just ways to calm yourself down stuff like that um so yeah uh if you are listening to this and frankly you can just dm me uh if you're listening to this and you want to talk about anxiety and mental health i'm here i got nothing going on i'll listen to you yeah i mean it likewise if you feel like you need um i i can i can listen to you i'd be like yo what's up but um if you need resources that's something that i can i can pull you in
Starting point is 00:16:12 the right direction you know absolutely uh all right now let's talk about things that are not good for our mental health which is believing in the birds again. Yeah, just when they take me out, they suck me right back in. 44-6, baby. It's good because good teams run up the score on shitty teams and the birds did that. Yes, because it gets your boys rest.
Starting point is 00:16:38 You don't have to be fighting the entire game. I like how you have Tom is vindicated here at all caps. Oh, yeah, because I have been saying this for a long time about Jordan Howard. Why the fuck
Starting point is 00:16:54 is Jordan Howard on the practice squad? They said it last year, and I remember one of the responses on WIPA was like, well, you know, Doug knows something that we don't know. I don't know about that because Jordan Howard's a fucking beast and he can run it up the gut and he doesn't fall backwards.
Starting point is 00:17:09 We brought him up because Miles Sanders is hurt and I guess they decided to finally listen to us. I mean, I think we should take credit for it. They must have listened to our podcast and started running the ball. You're welcome. We're available at consulting for $250 an hour.
Starting point is 00:17:27 Yeah. I have to tell you the story about the email I sent to the Phillies once. Because it'll probably – I think I used my real email. Anyway. So running the ball, it works, folks. It works folks it works When you are a team That everyone thinks is going to pass And you start running it up the gut
Starting point is 00:17:51 With a guy like Jordan Howard Who can't fall backwards Or a guy like Boston Scott Who has proven himself to be a pretty good He's a good runner He's a smart runner Good route runner Follows blocks well he sees holes open up He's a good runner. Another good running back. He's a smart runner. Yeah, good route runner.
Starting point is 00:18:06 Yeah, follows blocks well. He sees holes open up. Did you see the – there was a meme that went around last year with the Eagles – or two years ago the Eagles were making a miracle run to the playoffs, and it was Boston Scott as Baby Yoda. That, like, the entire city's homes are resting on this one five, six man. Yes. Oh,
Starting point is 00:18:29 I love, I love the short Kings. Um, that, that, um, cause, cause he was kind of filling the shoes of what's his name.
Starting point is 00:18:36 Oh man, you're going to kill me for not remembering his name. He was like the scat back guy we used the Superbowl. Oh fuck. Um, the guy we got from the Dolphins midseason. Real tiny dude. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:49 Oh, God. Oh, man. Fuck. We're not a very... Jay Ajayi. No, not him. No, Jay Ajayi is six foot. Yeah, no, the tiny guy. He was old. Tiny, old him. No, JGI is six foot. Yeah, no, the tiny guy.
Starting point is 00:19:05 He was old. Tiny, old guy. Eagles. Fuck. Oh, man. Oh, shit. We're going to have to edit this out. Yeah, we're going to.
Starting point is 00:19:19 Yeah. Corey, not Corey Clement. No, he's 5'1010 not LeGarrette Darren Sproles there we go there we go 5'6 190 pounds out of Waterloo Iowa born in 1983
Starting point is 00:19:35 oh my gosh he was that scat back and you throw him in screens and little short routes and he would just like run underneath guys yeah I'm fairly certain he dove between someone's legs like uh so yeah boston boston scott uh you know another short king like darren sproles you must always have a tiny running back yada they're they're the best and uh it's so much fun to watch especially like around their linemen who are a foot taller than they all are.
Starting point is 00:20:09 Yeah. But you know what? That game was fun to watch. It was a fun football game to watch. I didn't get bored. I was like, oh, shit. Stuff's working. Who could imagine?
Starting point is 00:20:24 Imagine having fun watching a Philadelphia Eagles game. So I feel like I'm indicated. I feel like the podcast should be credited for influencing Nick Sirianni. Because I guess he is. His chlorophyll is running on all cylinders. Good for him. We are rising like a mighty oak. So other stuff looked good there was that little flea flicker play that i thought was fun that was sick yeah uh shit like
Starting point is 00:20:53 that don't work if you're not running the ball no uh john uh is it is it john sweat or josh sweat josh sweat uh uh joshat is continuing to have his quiet career career year career year he looks fucking sick dude two sacks in the first half and
Starting point is 00:21:17 he's consistent too I like the rest of this goddamn defense yeah cause Barnett hasn't looked any good we've signed Sweat to the extension. Barnett's contract's running up, so I think I know who's staying. But here's something else. 25% of plays had a five-man rush.
Starting point is 00:21:33 Crazy how that works. Wow. So, again, we were talking about that last week. I was going to put on my North Catholic helmet and analyze plays. We were actually rushing and getting pressure. Now, of course, it's the Lions. You should beat the Lions. You should blow the doors
Starting point is 00:21:52 off the Lions. I believe they're winless this year. They are winless. There was a lot of trepidation. They would beat us. I went to this game worried if we lose to the fucking lions like it would be it would be it would be par for the course to have the lions
Starting point is 00:22:12 beat us uh just like you know phillies needed to beat the pirates and we lost the pirates and uh our world series uh spot was taken from us. We'll get to that later, I guess. Well, there was no World Series. Yeah, that's right. Didn't happen. Nope. So the offense, like I said, running the ball,
Starting point is 00:22:36 it seemed to be something that everyone got on the same page. It worked. It worked. They had momentum. They were aggressive on the defense. Overall, I hope that this is the kind of game where the team takes it and is like, all right, this is our motivator. Part of me worries, though, you have in things that look bad, Jalen's accuracy and decision-making,
Starting point is 00:23:01 if we're taking the ball from his hands. Yeah. Jalen's accuracy and decision making if we're taking the ball from his hands yeah uh that's um there's sort of a I am also a New England Patriots fan as discussed there's sort of a similar yeah shut up six Super Bowls there's sort of a a similar narrative uh up north where Mac Jones still has the training wheels on yeah and Belichick is coaching really conservatively and i don't think they're exactly the same because jalen it feels like has been giving the keys to the offense more than mac jones has right but it's it's yeah he still looks rocky yeah and and i get it he's still a second year but he truly his rookie year oh truly his rookie year that's right yeah by ben simmons rookie logic uh yeah if you go by baseball rookie logic too that makes sense uh he still seems to
Starting point is 00:23:55 when he doesn't see his first guy open that that it it's and there was that one play where he was just like running back running back running, running back, running back. And it was like, oh shit, this is going to be like a 35-yard loss. And he was able to get it away. You know, I almost think that... But you're not always going to be able to get it away. Right. And I think the thing with Hurts is that he is so strong. And he's able to break most tackles that are one-on-one that he's kind of relied on that
Starting point is 00:24:28 that's almost like a crutch yeah that was the same reason that like when manziel went from college to the nfl his weird scrambling just didn't work right and like and i'm talking purely from a football perspective right like that and his weird like half throwing motion thing he did or the three quarters throwing motion yeah like i remember watching me and like that's that's sort of for me like the worst case scenario with jalen hurts is that but like his ability to scramble just doesn't work out right it shouldn't be something that they're expecting because they're just gonna uh for those who don't know what it's called a quarterback spy where you just have a basically a linebacker who you know he's either going to commit or he's like oh i think
Starting point is 00:25:16 he's going to just like i'm just going to follow the quarterback he's my man like you would you like you would a receiver and it seems to me that other defenses are spying him a lot. And when he doesn't make that first read, yeah. Yeah, so you cover who you think is going to be the receiver on that play. And you know what? So you're going to be right 25% of the time, 33% of the time. You're going to be able to blow up that play. So it's definitely a concern.
Starting point is 00:25:49 And I hate it because I genuinely think that he's like an awesome dude. Yeah. And I think he will get better. I'm not worried about that. Yeah. No. They definitely can build a team around his skill set. I'm not doubtful of that.
Starting point is 00:26:13 But it does have concerns for me. Is this guy your franchise quarterback for the next 10 years? Or is he the guy until his rookie contract? The placeholder, right. Yeah. And I don't know. I hope the best for him because he's genuinely by all accounts everyone who i've ever heard of everything i've ever read he's a good dude and he's like a real leader so wow uh but so that we brought so derrick barnett like we said hasn't been very
Starting point is 00:26:40 good just racking up penalties and totally fucking undisciplined that's understated like if you are getting the production like to offset your penalties i get it but this year he hasn't right and there's a for comparison there's a there's a cornerback not a quarterback a cornerback who plays for the dallas cowboys named trayvon diggs he has seven interceptions to one touchdown allowed and someone was saying well oh heceptions to one touchdown allowed and someone was saying well oh he has the one touchdown allowed and he allows a ton of yards yeah and he has seven interceptions right like you'll you'll you'll you'll take that trade yeah but Barnett is not making a trade you know it's not offering a trade that's worth it right now right and it's and it's
Starting point is 00:27:21 fairly simple with all I mean comparatively with a cornerback and like if you were trying to do some sort of advanced statistics and try and say well how many points average is a interception worth right i mean seven interceptions definitely adds up to more than one touchdown right but you know how many tackles how many you know how many times did you break you put pressure on the quarterback even if you didn't get a hit you know how many tackles, how many times did you put pressure on the quarterback even if you didn't get a hit? How many sacks is worth a point? You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:27:50 If you're trying to break it down that way. His penalty yards given up have far outweighed any benefit that we're getting from him. No, if you could just restart a drive at least two or three – it feels like two or three times a game. Yeah. Because Derek Barnett is going to make some stupid decision. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:28:11 Yeah. That's a calculation you have to make. Yeah. Because holding is not real, but offsides of all start is. Yeah. It's not all start, but yeah, offsides. Yeah. He just looks totally fucking lost out there uh gardner
Starting point is 00:28:27 minchell uh two for 11 god yeah so uh back of the future baby bunch bench jalen now yeah that mini quarterback controversy we were talking about last week uh yeah i think that i mean it was it was it was garbage time at the end of a blowout, but even so, uh, but you know, it's good. He got you on off the field and get him some rest, especially at this point in the season. Hey, you know what?
Starting point is 00:28:51 I'll take that. We'll take that. Yeah, definitely. Uh, there's, there's not too much. I mean,
Starting point is 00:28:57 we, you can nitpick different things, but, uh, overall, I think it was a good win. It was good that we ran up the score. It was important that we ran up the score i was gonna say good teams blow out bad teams yeah um yeah learn that baseball yeah bad bat flips are cool as fuck yeah exactly if a guy hits a grand
Starting point is 00:29:18 slam and it's already 13-0 let him run it up oh we got to add that to the potential bonus episode list is uh unwritten rules of baseball that'd be fun yeah because uh some of them are some of them are correct but some of them are absolute bullshit yeah run up the score and professionals if they can't handle what they shouldn't be playing flip that fucking bat exactly yeah we should have music that you know you have a home run song you should should. All right. Maybe run the bases backwards. Who knows? Or if you play MLB the show, you can actually set up like home runs
Starting point is 00:29:51 where your dude just levitates across the base. Good. We should have that. Yes, exactly. So anything else on the Detroit Lions game before we move to the transaction of the week? No, we can move to the transaction of the week. So the NFL trade deadline has come.
Starting point is 00:30:10 And gone. And gone. And so we got – what's his – I put his last name. I think it was Troy Vincent Jr. Oh, man. Something different. Why do you do this to me? Harry Vincent Jr.
Starting point is 00:30:22 There we go. I started with a K. Troy Vincent did play for the Eagles. Yes, that's where I was going. He's from Trenton. Hell yeah. Trenton makes the world takes. Shout out to Trenton. Shout out to Taylor's Pork Roll.
Starting point is 00:30:40 Please watch the podcast. Give us one, please. We traded a six-round pick for... please watch the podcast. Yeah, please give us one. Please. So, yeah. So we traded a six round pick for, or yeah, we traded a six round pick for a seventh round pick. Cornerback. Six round.
Starting point is 00:30:56 Yeah. Okay. Yeah. So we got, we have a cornerback, but the thing is, it's dude is like crazy fast. So it's interesting to see both the trades that we made this year.
Starting point is 00:31:08 We picked up corners. Not a great sign for our existing corners. Yeah. Although they have, you know, they could be worse this year. We also do have a shitload of draft picks. So, yeah. So, I mean, he's never played for the he never played for the broncos who's yeah to buy it's a bit concerning and the trend yeah he hasn't played for the broncos and the and the trade kind of was well we would have to waive them anyway yeah
Starting point is 00:31:40 apparently uh yeah yeah so, I guess we'll see how that goes. But, you know, it's interesting that both were cornerbacks and late round picks. Yeah. That's...
Starting point is 00:31:59 Yeah. I guess we'll see what happens. You know, I guess the hope is that these kids show up and you don't have to draft a cornerback in the first round next year right but like the entire defense needs retooling yeah i'm not sure if this sort of what feels like a stop gap is the best approach but the eagles do have a shitload of draft pick so i guess i get it yeah uh yeah i suppose i suppose time will tell i mean he might not even play so i'll enjoy the
Starting point is 00:32:32 practice squad uh you want to move on to the sixers yeah sure uh although i will say uh speak we talked about temple basketball for a half second in the beginning. It starts on November 10th. So we're now on Alice podcast, I guess. Sorry about it. Yeah. I don't think we're going to be as bad as last year was. No, we can't. Please, no.
Starting point is 00:32:58 That was a COVID short season. The team didn't have any chance to practice. I'm tired of my girlfriend who went to sink shows of all fucking places, holding it over my head. And honestly, I would like the reason to go down the attempt to the Lakehorse Center and it was a draft horse still opening.
Starting point is 00:33:15 You get drunk there. Nope. Fuck. Yeah, it's closed, buddy. They auctioned it off and everything. Shit. The bagel hut. Now the horse. Yeah, the horse is gone. I would know. Shit. The bagel hut. Now the, now the horse. Yeah. The horse is gone. I would know I was permanently banned from it.
Starting point is 00:33:31 Song for another time. Yeah. I, I was wrongly bad, but I was bad. Yeah. For reasons. Anyway.
Starting point is 00:33:42 Good, good. You deserved it. Yeah. We do have a late addition, which is that Tobias Harris has COVID and is out. Even though he's fully vaccinated, he got COVID and he's out for at least the next 10 days. And this offense is already running pretty slim. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:34:02 If you get the COVID vaccine, you should get COVID. Shut the fuck up. 96% is not 100%, baby. Yep. Do math. And I'm not a math teacher. I'm telling you, do math. Which is funny because we're the top offense in the NBA. It looks so fucking good right now. What the fuck?
Starting point is 00:34:20 It looks good entirely out of spite. Andre Drummond is apparently a god yeah george niang fucking the other other night was phenomenal uh the the game that um against portland and it beat was out with the sword so he was hurt yeah yeah so those rumors were correct you know the the hawks got blown out fuck you trey young nothing against him personally just shave your head um i'm so tired of his dumb fucking face i just dumb ass shooting motion just the shit my whole thing is just dude just just shave it it's fine just give up hey. It's okay. I gave up at like 22. One of the quotes
Starting point is 00:35:10 was apparently one of the minority owners was like, you only had $105 million on the court last night, which I want to say, first of all, fuck you for talking about players like that. Because they're human beings. They're not just their paychecks. But it was an interesting game.
Starting point is 00:35:28 And Dame, I believe it was actually Dame's first time in Philly. I believe is what the reporting was saying. And he was shooting free throws. And people were shouting, we want Lillard. We want Lillard. I would like Lillard, too. But he's not going, man. I got 10 toes in Rip City
Starting point is 00:35:46 I I will say uh on the record that Damian Lillard is probably my favorite NBA player uh I like him a lot yeah not a bad choice at all I'd like that he uh like beyond the goofball choice which is of course for of course Frick onk boss right because frick has never seen a shot he didn't like uh which i admire and i admire that frick on cork was is just like 40 feet fuck it that's going in ferky baby like euro euro step finger roll oh that i mean no one has ever believed in anyone that's what just for a concord quasi believes in himself but like it's fucking awesome to watch dame like melt dudes from 30 like yeah like the uh the shot over paul george oh 35 paul george like it was a bad shot it's like not for dame it's not
Starting point is 00:36:39 like did you lose yes you did you did. Good shot. Any shot that goes in objectively is a good shot. If it looks stupid but it works, it's not stupid. That's exactly right. Winning ugly is still winning, baby. I had a fucked up thought. Because I like Cork a lot. Should I ask him what he thinks about Rajon? No! Let me cut you off
Starting point is 00:37:09 there. Yeah, I don't want to know. Please do not talk to his politics, Cork. At all. I don't want to know. Ben Simmons is refusing the mental help that the Sixers have arranged for him, so that's a good sign. We're just going to play this whole season without him.
Starting point is 00:37:27 Yep. And they look fine, and they look fine. It's three straight wins if they can keep up the offense. Big F. You know? There's something scary about the sentence, Andre Drummond hero ball Dude he turned it on And apparently
Starting point is 00:37:54 For George Z. Yang I think they were Channing MVP at him That's gotta be a good feeling for some bitch So apparently he told Joel Embiid and Joel's like, never let them do that again. That dude has good sense of humor. Embiid's got to be out presumably for maintenance for a bit. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:38:16 I mean, when you are as tall as he is, knees were a design flaw. So we need him to play better. You know, there's him to play better. You know, there's a myth that somehow games later in the season count more. They all count the same. And he's played a lot of good games. Take your rest now because the playoff games do count more. But I'd rather have him healthy, get some wins, and that way he doesn't feel like he has to push things too hard later in the season. You'd rather go 48-34 than 50-32
Starting point is 00:38:48 and have a healthy Joel Embiid for the playoffs. Absolutely. But the problem is that, you know, I know we're waiting to start talking about playoffs, is that if Andre Drummond can keep playing, I can't believe again I'm saying it, Andre Drummond hero ball, we're going gonna be fine
Starting point is 00:39:06 we're gonna be just fine yeah sixers nba champs you heard it here first suck it seamus it's it's hey my microphone sounds better than his when he oh yeah great dude i have nothing but respect for him but i i do love i love his newsletter that's like sixers uniforms and i'm like i'm paying for this yeah jamis uh i so i i i didn't i don't pay for his newsletter uh was he shitting on the boathouse row uniforms uh he shot the boathouse row uniforms were terrible uh all right we're at this you know you like that you you like the boathouse row uniforms they're hideous man yeah they're bad shit i like fucking brutalist shit too so yeah but the spectrum jerseys look so fucking good oh well it's not a zero-sum game no it's a zero-sum game with
Starting point is 00:39:59 those fucking jerseys lillard's not coming joeliid is yeah so hopefully the Ben situation is resolved before the trade deadline which I have zero confidence that it will be I am seeing the Sixers after this so I will get my notes got good cheap tickets pretty excited to go even though
Starting point is 00:40:20 I can't drink well you get to listen to Matt cord's uh dulcet tones i do yeah he does that man has a phenomenal voice he's the uh sixers pa announcer for anyone who doesn't know he's also my girlfriend's former co-worker's uncle oh cool uh should we move on to the Flyers? Yeah, sure. Yeah, the Flyers are good, maybe. Yeah. Who knows?
Starting point is 00:40:52 Three out of four. And getting shut out for nothing. It's pretty rough. That was pretty good. So I have a hockey, getting back in the hockey question. What's a good safe percentage? Starts with a nine, like nine, one,
Starting point is 00:41:10 five is decent. Okay. So Carter Hart's got nine, three, one. That's very good. Yeah. It's not quite Venza caliber that starts around nine, three,
Starting point is 00:41:18 five. Okay. But you can win events on like nine 40. And apparently the, the backup is Martin Jones. Martin Jones. Thank you. 941.
Starting point is 00:41:28 He played very well against the Bruins in that game I watched. Yeah. I did not get much out of the Flyers this week, unfortunately. Yeah. Myself, I had technical difficulties in 10 p.m. Games are. Yeah. They took a West Coast road trip.
Starting point is 00:41:42 And for a West Coast road road trip you'll take three out of four man the o4 shutout is bad but yeah i think the flyers and they're still not totally at full operational strength look good they look good i mean they they don't look like the flyers of last year where they'd be beating dudes you know nine zero and then losing zero nine the next game like they're still a little rocky but compared to last year they look worlds better like this is a team that assuming it can hold up with goaltending can make a run right i honestly believe that and like you just lose some games like you're gonna drop some games for four not four oh you're just gonna do it like there are gonna be some bad nights, but 3 out of 4
Starting point is 00:42:26 West Coast swing against decent teams, you have nothing to be ashamed of. Yeah. It's fun getting back into hockey. It's fun watching the team be pretty entertaining. They're honestly having fun, too. That's the best part. when the flyers are good they they are a team that have a ton of fun uh and it's been great to watch them celebrate and have a ton of fun yeah and and it seems like they and like i'm not my hockey knowledge is not where it should be but it seems like they play fast they've got some guys who are good at shooting from far away. It's a fun team to watch.
Starting point is 00:43:07 They play the Penguins tomorrow. Cindy Crosby's out with COVID. Good. And my beloved Boston Bruins are currently circling the drain right now. So at least the Flyers are worth watching, I guess. I was staying in Boston. I was staying right next to the TD Center and I put a hex on it. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:43:33 Thank you for doing that. I really appreciate that you put a hex on my team. My wife doesn't know anything about hockey or basketball. She just didn't grow up with sports. And we're walking into the North Station.
Starting point is 00:43:51 And she's like, oh, is that B for Boston? I really want to get the B. I'm like, the B is for Boston. But you are not wearing that while you call yourself my wife. Well, we're getting a divorce. You can wear whatever health thing you want. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. If you're not wearing bruins or something so um uh any more on the flyers uh no i'll watch them tomorrow get a better for it i like that we have phillies with a question mark. Yeah. I don't fucking care about this World Series.
Starting point is 00:44:26 Yeah, I don't care about the Braves at all. Nope. I guess I'm margin. This is the conflict, right? You have the Braves Astros World Series. The Astros are cheaters, and they have an abusive organization that has a lot of issues with harassing women. The Braves are racist. Like, the name's racist.
Starting point is 00:44:48 And they moved to the nice white suburbs out of Atlanta and fleeced the county to do it. Yep. And they do a fake Native American tomahawk chop, despite the fact that they were saying they're not doing it anymore. Oh, they don't care they absolutely don't fucking care and during this world series of which i i ventured a few views i didn't watch it last night because i i genuinely didn't give a shit about either team
Starting point is 00:45:16 you know if it was the red sox dodgers i would have watched every game but uh no no it was the the two worst teams like, fuck, fuck you. And they're doing the, the Tomahawk chop with, you know, the whole chant and they're just like doing panning shots of it. And it's just absolute, like,
Starting point is 00:45:38 you know, Hey, it's current year. Like, I don't understand how we're still doing this no it's it's fucking embarrassing and it's one of those things that like the league wonders why like no one no young person wants to watch it it's like for me personally it's like your commissioner is a dumb piece of shit like like i i like you still allow a team called the cleveland indians with
Starting point is 00:46:01 chief wahoo that you like well The Indians aren't changing their name. Right. Yeah. Right. And like, you know, we don't get... We don't market nationally, only locally. Yeah, that's one of the reasons your league sucks so much ass. Yeah. Well, I like how he fucking finally admitted that they don't have any
Starting point is 00:46:17 national marketing plan. Because those of you who are not baseball fans, baseball is the only sport that has blackout rules on its app. So if I want to buy MLB TV because I want to watch the Phillies, I can't watch the Phillies in Philadelphia. I have to pay for NBC Sports, whatever fucking thing. They do that for every team. And if you live in a place like Iowa where you're technically in three different teams' markets, you're fucked.
Starting point is 00:46:44 You can't watch either Chicago team. You can't watch the Royals. You can't watch the fucking Rockies. No one watches the Rockies anyway. But it's asinine. Manfred, who's out of the sports. And I'm saying this as someone who has a deep blood, blood red, my blood gets red thinking about fucking Goodell. I fucking hate that guy.
Starting point is 00:47:15 But Manfred is worse. Manfred wants to kill his sport. He legitimately is working on killing baseball and you know they moved they moved the all-star game out of atlanta to denver because of the voting rights bullshit that was going on down in georgia and he even said oh well we don't get political except for that one time exception we made and we don't want to make that exception and it's like manfred they passed a law a couple years ago called the save america's pastime act where you got an exemption for minimum wage for minor league players what the fuck are you talking about you're not political
Starting point is 00:47:54 everything you do exactly and uh i think one other thing that he said was that i didn't put on the outline was that something about native americans in atlanta support the chop which is like you just you literally are lying you literally made that up that's not true uh like what the fuck like every time every time that anyone says i actually you know know know a native american um personally and I had a colleague say, oh, well, if you look at the statistics, most Native Americans don't care about the Washington
Starting point is 00:48:31 football team or the Cleveland Indians or whatever. I was like, do you want to talk to my Native American friend? And of course, they never want to actually... Yeah. Hey, actually talk to somebody who knows, who's involved in this stuff. It's just fucking absolutely i think this accounts as the dumb take of the week from
Starting point is 00:48:52 fucking manfred like it's just absolutely asinine it's it's brain dead it's there's a reason who does not care about the future of his yeah that It's a guy who has no problem admitting it basically out loud. He simply does not care. No, he doesn't care. And a commissioner of baseball hasn't been in real office since the guy before Bud Selig. There was like an owner's coup. And they basically took full control of the league. There was actually a degree of impartiality by the commissioner before then.
Starting point is 00:49:26 But that one commissioner, and I'm drawing my blanks on baseball history here, I'm going to get my whiteness taken away. Where they kind of sided with the players in the 80s, and then the owners picked a new commissioner. Faye Vincent. Was that the guy before Bud Seelig? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:51 The guy before Faye Vincent. Giamatti. He was the last one who was the genuine actual, somewhat impartial. I don't think people understand a thing about commissioning in sports leagues. They do the owner's bidding. Right.
Starting point is 00:50:08 Roger Goodell, with Jerry Jones, the owner of the Cowboys, calls up. He listens. No, that's why. That's fucking why. That's honestly why, like, I view Goodell as, like, kind of a backdoor genius,
Starting point is 00:50:22 is because he takes all the heat off the owners all that's his job but all of it all of it they never like there are very few people that ever criticize owners we are some of those people but like it's yeah i mean it's it's it's it's crazy man they uh just they they hate the fucking sport dude they hate the fucking sport, dude. They hate the fucking sport. They're not interested in seeing it grow. They were here for revenue. Yeah, and fucking Steve Cohen, the owner of the Mets,
Starting point is 00:50:54 is talking about opening a casino right by fucking Citi Field. It's like, I think I said this last week or the week before, you have guys banned for life from baseball for betting on games. And now you want to have this shit going on? They were talking about putting something in Wrigley Field, like a sportsbook in Wrigley Field. There's a sportsbook in the Wells Fargo Center now. Well, fucking Shoeless Joe and Pete Rose might well i mean pete rose is a giant asshole uh but i guess he deserves to go in the hall of fame if if betting isn't a big deal anymore
Starting point is 00:51:33 it seems like that's fine just be consistent right right you know yeah i have conflicting opinions on on betting on sports. I understand. But, you know... I'm not a big fan. I'll be honest with you. Gambling is the one addiction I never picked up. I hate seeing it blasted at me 30 times a game. Oh, honestly. And I actually have family members who have been affected very strongly by gambling.
Starting point is 00:52:01 And it's something where I will go to... I'm shivering thinking about atlantic city yeah once you know every three years and i'll spend twenty dollars right and it's it's just not it's not for me but the integrity of the game they're so worried about and you want to put a fucking sports book in wrigley field the integrity of the game and then saying like and then turning a blind eye to the chop or whatever and not punishing the
Starting point is 00:52:29 fucking Astros for cheating. It's like you don't give a shit about the game or the integrity of it. You just don't care. It's like, you know, and then at the same time, they want to court Caribbean, South American and Mexican and like Latina I Latina.
Starting point is 00:52:46 I don't know how you say it. I'm trying to be. Latina's fine. Latina, Latina. That's fine. Yeah, yeah. The Spanish speaking part of North America and the Caribbean. And you want to cater that audience and put like, you know, Yankees baseball and Spanish
Starting point is 00:53:02 on the fucking back plate. But at the same time, you don't realize that these people are also indigenous. And you're allowing a mockery to go on during the World Series. Yeah, they might not be the same tribe. What fucking tribe is the Braves supposed to be? I don't know. It's a very good point. Right?
Starting point is 00:53:21 I never thought of that. That's a great point. Right. It's all a stereotype. It's not actually. That's a great point. Right. It's all a stereotype. It's not actually – It's like every – You want their labor, but you don't want to pay them their fucking proper respects. Right.
Starting point is 00:53:30 At least in college, Utah Utes, the Utes actually partnered with the tribe. As did the Florida State Seminoles. Right. And used an accurate imagery that's respectful in accordance with the tribe. And when you're like, oh, we're the Atlanta Braves. Well, you were first the Boston Braves and you're in Milwaukee Braves and then you moved to Atlanta. Are you supposed to be Cherokee? Because those
Starting point is 00:53:54 are the indigenous peoples who live in Georgia. Well, they didn't do this tomahawk chop and do the stereotypical chant, which I'm not even going to try to imitate because I think it's an insult. It is an insult. What the fuck? Then at the same time,
Starting point is 00:54:11 I'm going to cater to Spanish-speaking Americans who are indigenous. Mexicans are indigenous. Puerto Ricans have Taíno in them. It's... Oh. Yeah, absolutely. And at the same time, when they come to the league,
Starting point is 00:54:27 oh, you guys are doing the cool, fun shit like bat flips. You got to stop doing that. Can't do that. Can't do that. Can't run up the score. Oh, it's 3-0. Like, don't try and hit a second grand slam in a game. That's running up the score like you have a fucking choice.
Starting point is 00:54:40 Do it. Fucking do it. I would go insane. I saw the Padres play the Phillies. I was hoping Fernando Tatis would hit a fucking home run or a grand slam and do a bat flip. Even if it was against the Phillies, I was like, fuck it. The dude's amazing.
Starting point is 00:54:52 He's a young stud. I want to see this dude do something amazing. There's just part of my baseball rant because I have such a deep love for the sport and I fucking hate the ownership and the league management. And we're looking at a potential strike this year. And since the CBA is expiring in the offseason, we're going to look at, is expiring in the offseason. Yep.
Starting point is 00:55:28 Nothing's going to really happen until the CBA is figured out, which I believe is up in December. Free agency is going to start... Well, you know, World Series is over because no one won it. It didn't happen, so it's just over.
Starting point is 00:55:44 Yeah, it's crazy how that happened. Yeah, we just gave penance to the two league winners and that won it. It didn't happen. So it's just over. Yeah, it's crazy how that happened. Yeah, we just gave penance to the two league winners, and that was it. The offseason is going to start getting around. It's late November. You're going to have early December. You're going to see arbitration deadlines and stuff like that. And teams are just going to lowball because they don't know what the free HO market is going to look like.
Starting point is 00:56:02 They'll probably collude again. They've been colluding year after year after year with no punishment. Well, they have an antitrust exemption, so what are you going to do? Right. We'll see what happens. Stay tuned. Go on strike, you bastards. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:56:16 Well, if I was in an MLBPA, I would take some sort of agreement that extends the current deal until June and then go on strike. Because then you have leverage. No. A strike before the season starts doesn't have leverage. So either extend the agreement and strike during the middle of the year or strike and do not yield until you get everything you want in the season to start. So I don't know what's going to happen. There's a great leftist baseball podcast called tipping pitches that I
Starting point is 00:56:50 recommend. They, they kind of got into that a little, a little deeper. Oh, awesome. Yeah. So,
Starting point is 00:56:56 so, so you can check those guys out, but no, you jumped, you jumped takes or you jumped plugs. Yeah. Oh, sorry about that. It's all plugs. Yeah. Oh, sorry about that. It's all good.
Starting point is 00:57:07 We're about to wrap up anyway. Yeah. I got to go see the Sixers team win four in a row, baby. Definitely not shit in its own mouth. Yeah. Well, you're a good luck charm for the Flyers. Yeah, fuck off. So, yeah.
Starting point is 00:57:29 I'm just shocked that the Bulls are 6-1 i it's gonna be a good game i hope yeah yeah hopefully yeah hopefully it's fun uh ira did dumb take of the week with rob manfred fuck him uh fucking embarrassing that's why baseball's dying uh baseball will never die the mlb is dying. Evolution. I'm going to take that take to my grave. I believe in you. So I got to ask you a question. Yeah. What do you call a man with half a brain?
Starting point is 00:57:58 You after your COVID booster? No, a father judge graduate. Incredible. He's eating so many crayons at once um yeah go listen to well there's your problem go listen to lions led by donkeys uh we are gonna have joe from lions on this show to talk about uh his embarrassment and pain as a detroit sports fan it's something we can bond over yeah it'll be fun can we have a tendency argument no i'm not gonna do that we could do that no i'm not having a tendency joe joe uh i have a bachelor's in history he's got got way more than me. So he's just gonna make me look like an idiot. So I'm not. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:58:47 Uh, yeah. So listen to their shows and, um, yeah, we'll be on the Apple podcast soon, I guess. Once we figure that out.
Starting point is 00:58:57 And the bonus episodes are coming. Oh, oh yes. But we're not going to tell you about them. No, no. You actually have to pay to find out the name before you can that's right
Starting point is 00:59:06 like some sort of scam fuck em alright bye everybody alright bye

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