Ten Thousand Losses - No Birds

Episode Date: January 24, 2024

The birds are dead. Long live the birds (the Ravens). The lads talk about asshole cops, special education law, the Birds losing and why Sirriani should be fired.  Leave us a voicemail! (give your nam...e and pronouns): 267-371-7218 Support us on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/tenthousandlosses  Follow us on Twitter: Podcast: https://twitter.com/tenklossespod Liam: https://twitter.com/notliamanders0n Tom: https://twitter.com/tohickontpain 

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Starting point is 00:00:00 He is actually going to eject a fan. Because bad things happen in Philadelphia, bad things. The fan jumped into the penalty box area. Joy doesn't come to Philadelphia and stand here and dodge an ice ball. We, the Dallas Cowboys, have a sense of John Cooney. I'm going to have to be very vague about this, but those of you who were on Twitter might have noticed me talking about trying to get out of this party
Starting point is 00:00:44 without punching a cop or punching a chud and I had the unfortunate fortune the misfortune of being seated next to a state trooper at a party
Starting point is 00:01:00 and the thing is and we're full ACAB here but there's cop and then there's cop. Right. You can get a cop who acts like a normal person outside of their job. This was not one of them. Oh, no. I talked about being a teacher.
Starting point is 00:01:18 The guy talked about how all these kids are punks and wishes he could beat them up. And you can tell who's going to be a delinquent at two years old. There again. And he's a developmental psychologist. That's why he's working as a cop. Yeah, exactly. Yeah. And just the entire party ruined. My mood was ruined. And I know that I'm prone, like part of the ADHD complex. I'm part of the emotional dysregulation at times i was like fuck this i'm going on my phone the rest of this party i'm gonna make myself look dumb in front of the people i'm with but what a great way to like start a party to have this this fucking dips shit um stady um i might not believe that whatever i don't give a shit um this fucking
Starting point is 00:02:10 piece of shit this asshole's never gonna hear it like just like you you can be i i know the job self-selects but you don't have to be like that you don't have to to to make like he's the kind of guy who lets everyone know he's a cop i think he was telling stories about where he was like talking about how one of he wants to fight people. He wants to fight his kids' teachers. Maybe you should be a cop, dude. Maybe you should, I don't know, do something else. Do anything else.
Starting point is 00:02:32 Yeah, literally do anything else. Maybe you should be, like, a, I don't know, a ditch digger. The dignity of all labor except for cops. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. You would actually have to upgrade for you, dude. Go be a fucking custodian that's actually important you know you know the guy was saying oh well you know we're all we're all upset someone in the cop and screen just got shot okay i mean what's that we want us to do it yeah yeah dude i'm sorry i guess i guess you're I'm sorry your bro got shot. And, you know, okay, cool.
Starting point is 00:03:06 Maybe, I don't know. There's people who aren't going to be upset with that. It's like, I got to keep my mouth shut. Right, of course. I mean, there was like the time the two Stadys got killed by the trunk driver they had pulled over and they stopped because they were trying to help someone off the highway. Like, there are kind of like unfortunate things where you're like, ah, yeah, maybe this person's chance at redemption would have came later in life. I don't know. But I'm not, you're not getting sympathy from me.
Starting point is 00:03:36 So I really had to fucking fake that shit. It was like, well, you're a cop, dude. It's part of the job. You guys don't get shot, by the way. Like if you look it up, what's the most dangerous job? It's like fucking crab fishermen yeah garbage collector is really dangerous yeah i bet you teacher is more dangerous than cop yeah i wouldn't be shocked i wouldn't be shocked either especially at title one school um because you're you're you're like the front line
Starting point is 00:04:00 you know right you're the guy um shit yeah so fuck fuck cops we've been talking for like what almost like a half hour at this point just like dawn before we hit the record setting yeah yeah it's it's a it's a snow you know what let's get good let's vibe reversal here it's a snow day we're off work we're all off that if you have work today you got scammed leave now although you'll be hearing this uh got scammed. Leave now. Although you'll be hearing this like a week later. Still leave now. Still leave now. Leave work or take a really long shit.
Starting point is 00:04:30 Yeah. Because the boss makes a dollar while you make a dime. That's why we show company time. Not me though. No one where I work makes any money. No, right. Yeah, yeah, yeah. That's, that's, that's.
Starting point is 00:04:43 Yeah, my boss don't make that much yeah i'm a teacher my my boss don't make that much more money than me either um you know department head doesn't i can tell you right now my uh my my boss doesn't make that much money i know what he makes well no no one goes into the the helping professions the helping professions to make money yeah um that's what my mom always told me no no don't wouldn't be nice to make money it's like i guess i don't i don't i have a podcast oh yeah uh yeah i mean hey look well i have a pension probably maybe yeah that's nice peasers is nice you're doing hopefully you're doing god's work uh yeah or whatever deity you ascribe to.
Starting point is 00:05:26 You can say the gods, I guess. I knew what you meant. I'm not offended. I was talking to my mom, who was a psychologist for many years after being a... She founded a York, Pennsylvania's first domestic violence
Starting point is 00:05:41 outreach and shelter. We were talking about the dignity of all human beings and sometimes you've got to do it through clenched teeth. People come in and they're just yelling at you and you're like, hey man, I just fucking work here. A lady came in and obviously I'm not going to give names or anything like that but a lady came in and she was trying to get immigration services for her daughter,
Starting point is 00:06:08 which we don't do where I work, but I do know who does. Right. And I, and I was able to call them and we were able to schedule an appointment so she can get her, her, her papers. Uh, and, uh, I guess on the pathway to citizenship and then her grandmother starts crying and i'm like why are you crying i just made a phone call like it's not and i'm just like she's like hugging me and like kissing my cheek i'm like everything's fine like it's all fine you just you were there to just like bridge that you know like to provide that you know um i when you do get that it is so um i've i've had
Starting point is 00:06:43 i get super vague like things with students where know, their parents will come up and, you know, they're like crying with happiness after, you know, we get stuff squared away for these kids and stuff like that. Why are you putting the work? Yeah, it makes it worth it. It makes it makes the getting. Yeah, Mr. Tom, why do you why? Why can't you teach us some real shit? I think. What do you mean?
Starting point is 00:07:06 This is English class. We're learning English. What do you want me to learn? Why don't they teach us financial literacy? Yeah, you have that class. You just don't pay attention because you're on your fucking phone the whole time. Get off your phone. Get off your fucking phone.
Starting point is 00:07:23 You want to see how far I can punt this phone? I can punt it over the building, and I fight me i'm bigger than you uh um uh what were you gonna say sorry no no no i was i was just i was just talking about like uh it's really funny because you come in if you come in most days i'm on my phone because like that's thursdays because we're really busy on thursdays uh and people are just like having like i i i sometimes have this very grim laugh where you know we have domestic violence walk-ins who are just like i don't know what to do and i'm like my life is in danger which is very hard yeah and then you can you imagine coming in and seeing me in my fucking Carhartt camo hoodie and being like, it's this or nothing.
Starting point is 00:08:08 Yeah. Oh, fuck. Yeah. That just shows looks can be deceiving. I'm a large bearded guy too. Sometimes you get a certain...
Starting point is 00:08:26 People think a certain thing about you. They assume a certain thing. It's actually good to show that there are men who aren't fucking assholes. Right. I learned from my dad that he taught me that being a lawyer was just like knowing how and when to be an asshole the rest was just filler it combined combine that with a judge i worked for who said when i was uh thinking about becoming a lawyer i i interned and he uh said well to become a to become a lawyer all you really got to do is learn how to read. It explains a lot. I've known some lawyers in my day.
Starting point is 00:09:07 That's not high bar. I've met some people who are lawyers. Some of my friends are lawyers. It's just like, you? I've seen you black out a lot of times. I think about it sometimes.
Starting point is 00:09:23 If I didn't have the student loans maxed out, basically, I would think about it sometimes. If I didn't have the student loans, Max style, basically, I would think about going to law school and becoming like a – go to law school so that I could play for Temple. Because I really thought about that. All right. I mean, I'm on the Tom crazy train. Yeah, let's hear it. Yeah, let's do it.
Starting point is 00:09:41 All right, I'm going to try out and get my 36-year-old fullback. If BYU can do it yeah let's do it all right i'm gonna try out get my 36 year old full back if you why you could do it you could do it there's a kid at miami who's on like his ninth year of eligibility oh fucking awesome uh and then and then what i think would be a good a good um track would be like a special ed like consultant kind of like suing school districts when they very clearly do it oh very clearly do my dad's my dad's partner uh dan fennec used to do that and uh he when my when the school fucked me over and threatened to fail me junior year uh and had violated my giep a thing i definitely knew i had uh he was just like you're in violation of these terms and we're gonna take you to court and they
Starting point is 00:10:23 were like can we i I remember getting an email. My dad got an email from my guidance counselor that said, we're willing to talk. Can we do this without lawyers? Oh, wow. And I was just like, the mere threat of a lawyer. Well, you know, and this is actually kind of just from the life advice to anyone who's listening.
Starting point is 00:10:44 School districts, the shitty ones. And you could have a great school district that has a shitty special ed supervisor. And most of them have a couple. The smaller ones might only have one. But they will. This is sort of like an unspoken hidden secret, is they will, if you're like a single mom or you're poor and they know that
Starting point is 00:11:09 you're say you have a kid who um so you got a kid with a disability they're like um you know autistic support level two or something where they could be included but they have needs so they need like a one-on-one or they'll need like occupational therapy they would rather just send them to some placement and be washed their hands of it of course much like paunch's pilot yeah and then that's cheaper than paying the higher like a like a like a rbt like a behavior tech or having a dedicated instructional assistant and getting the consults from the behavior stuff and then getting an occupation like getting related services are called in they would rather just oh we don't have those kids at our school and but if it's a family it's if they literally will call them a high profile family that's a code word for
Starting point is 00:11:52 a family that has money or a family that has political connections they'll get they they won't get this treatment but if you if you're just some nobody you're an immigrant family you're a family um like i said you're poor a single mom you don't speak english that well they'll just know you um right and it depends on the it depends where you are um i i i i don't want to say what districts uh i know of that do that but um they're they're definitely in bucks county i know of one that's that But they're definitely in Bucks County I know of one that's in Bucks County That definitely does it
Starting point is 00:12:28 Well I'm shocked dude in Bucks County really Yeah yeah there's at least one But it happens everywhere Yeah yeah yeah If that does happen If you are You can find lawyers that will work pro bono To fuck over districts
Starting point is 00:12:43 Oh yeah there There are, there are, there are still lawyers who are just like, I am willing to do a lot of stuff for you, uh, for the love of the game. Yeah. Yeah. Oh yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:54 This just out of like, if I was a lawyer, that would be my game. Yeah. That would be, oh, oh, just to make this,
Starting point is 00:13:00 this, this school, this fucking special ed supervisor who thinks he's got a big swinging dick uh just cry because you violated an ip or you but you know shit like not having uh they'll do like reevaluation reports and there won't be like a like he clearly didn't have the psychologist do it right or you know which is which is a violation of federal law or you know because and you know law a lot of law is like intent right like like did you make a mistake by accident or did you make a mistake because you're trying to fuck them over because you're an asshole right yeah i'll tell you this pennsylvania the standard of pennsylvania law
Starting point is 00:13:41 is the special education teacher if you you held that certification, you are considered an expert in special education law. And so ignorance of that law will not work as a defense if everything goes to due process. And they go, well, you put that in there. Was this like, was this, oh shit, that was a typo versus, oh, I didn't know that I was supposed to do that. Well, that's too goddamn bad. That won't work. Yeah. Good luck with that. Well, that's too goddamn bad. That won't work. Yeah. Good luck with that.
Starting point is 00:14:08 That's how you lose your certification. So, I don't know. I'm like rambling on like... That's okay. We got time, my guy. If you got a kid with special needs and you're getting fucked over, don't let them fuck you over.
Starting point is 00:14:21 Right. And I don't know any lawyers that do that shit, but you can find it out. Find out. I'm sure we could find... If you DM the podcast, we can at least crowdsource it. Hey, does anyone want to
Starting point is 00:14:36 fuck over a school district? Especially a good... Rich ones like to do this. Rich ones. Love to do this shit. We're making money this year our schools you know so we could build a new stadium for the fucking football team no one cares we're not in texas quaker quaker town they did that they're building a new stadium they just built a new stadium like 10 years ago it's like who gives a shit you're fucking quaker town no one goes there i'm sorry that's have you been to
Starting point is 00:15:05 quaker town have i yes yeah it's not a good like i there are good people who live there don't get me wrong nah there are they're the poor they're poor people they're poor people they actually live in the town oh true yes yeah okay yeah they're actually hard-working people who live there uh Immediately surrounding it Is nothing but confederate flag Fucking idiots But in the town itself The people who deserve
Starting point is 00:15:32 A reopening of the Quakertown branch Bethlehem branch, actually We're going all the way to Bethlehem Now I'm starting to sound like Trump We're going to open the lines Not just to Quakertown Up to Bethlehem Bethlehem is a nice city
Starting point is 00:15:46 It's a Christmas city Very nice Christmas It's very pretty The lights at night They put a tree The tree is so nice They think a big tree One of the biggest
Starting point is 00:15:56 You can't count how tall the tree is Billions of billions of inches Are you done? That's the advantage That's the advantage of my trump i don't hit any point really well but i can do the ramble that's where i can do because my brain fucking works that way i'm proud of you is that the word i want sure um absolutely my brain's just like Trump's. No. Ugh. Yeah. No, thanks.
Starting point is 00:16:28 Holy shit. All right. Well, we killed 16 minutes talking about random bullshit. That's not bad. Hello and welcome. Good for us. Yeah. Yay. Yay us.
Starting point is 00:16:37 I got to import the clap effect. Hello and welcome to another episode of 10,000 Losses, the only Philadelphia special education and social work podcast that exists. I'm your host, Tom Payne. I liked that one. I'm your host, Tom Payne. My pronouns are he, him. Willie's my co-host, yay. Liam, hi. I'm Liam Anderson. My pronouns are also he and him. Soon to be Liam Anderson, master of social work, doctor of social work. That's right, because I'm foolish, and I think going back to school is a good idea.
Starting point is 00:17:14 Do you know what I used to think LLD was? What? Legal law degree. Oh, buddy. Oh, buddy. What did I thought INRI was? In Nails Really Something. Okay.
Starting point is 00:17:32 I remember the priest going, okay, basically, yeah, but good try. That's Latin. Well, you know what? At least you were curious, right? At least you wanted to know. Yeah, and he didn't make fun of me. He was like, I can't be too mean to this kid.
Starting point is 00:17:47 He's big and he can help me move kegs in the beer hall. So I don't want to bully him too much. Also, he's the smartest kid in the class and we don't want to lose him. Oh, and so humble, too. So humble, too. I got an award. I don't know why. See, I never took any of that pencil.
Starting point is 00:18:03 I got a scholastic medal from taking what See I never took any Like the pencil Because with all capsules I got like a scholastic medal From like Taking a test Like a legit medal Uh It's in my mom's house Like Wow
Starting point is 00:18:11 Yeah it was like a medal Like this big It's like Made out of like bronze Or something like that But it was like For doing so well On this like
Starting point is 00:18:17 Scholastic aptitude Right Not the SAT But um I don't know if it was The California Or the Terranova Or
Starting point is 00:18:24 Catholics The Catholics are weird They don't know if it was the California or the Terranova or... The Catholics are weird. They don't do the Keystones or whatever. I didn't know that. Oh, yeah. No, they don't. They don't do the PSSAs or Keystones. Okay. It's so funny. I have students who are like, what was it like when you took the Keystones?
Starting point is 00:18:40 I don't fucking know. Shit. I don't know. I went to Catholic school and it was $1,000 a semester. Shit. I don't know. I went to Catholic school when it was $1,000 a semester. Sorry. Sorry, guys. Sorry, guys. Anyway.
Starting point is 00:19:01 So I guess this is a sad week. It's not Go Birds anymore. It's No Birds. Well, it's Go Birds, but the birds are the ravens. Yeah. This is officially a Baltimore Ravens podcast. We're going to crush some natty bows, get some raccoons, some McCormicks, going down the ocean.
Starting point is 00:19:16 Down the Ocean City. We're going to Secrets down Ocean City. That's our first live show for... What would a Baltimore sports podcast be like? Exactly the same, but with more natty bow. No, the name of it... our first live show for... What would a Baltimore sports podcast be like? Exactly the same, but with more Natty Bow. No, the name of it. Nay Bow
Starting point is 00:19:31 Boys, Patapsco... Bow Boys? Patapsco... Ray Lewis is innocent. Ray Lewis did nothing wrong. Ray Lewis did nothing wrong. You listen to Ray Lewis did nothing wrong. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:19:47 You listen to Joe Flacco on limited express podcast where we talk about Joe Flacco, all things Baltimore sports, but mostly just about how Joe Flacco should be back on the Ravens. Yeah. Well, Joe Flacco got his ass beat by the Texans. So I, I, I, I would, I, I don't want to channel comedy spirit without giving credit. Um,
Starting point is 00:20:07 if you look up comedian, Cyrus Hawkins of X come down, uh, look up his Dundalk guy. Um, which is like my Delco Dave kind of voice. Uh, that's the Philly version of his Dundalk guy,
Starting point is 00:20:21 which is brilliant. And it's talking about Lamar Jackson. Yeah. Too much flash. You gotta get a steady guy. What does that mean? He nails it. And, you know, Balmer in Philadelphia
Starting point is 00:20:33 being brother cities, sister cities, same accent, some of the same dumb shit in the fucking suburbs. It's very similar sort of analysis. I haven't even turned on fucking wip because i don't even want to know what the shit they're saying about hertz no you don't um i don't listen wip for for the same reason oh speaking of which our enemy is back
Starting point is 00:20:56 spike eskin is back on wip i why if you heard the news. What's his name? Marks? Marks? Retired? Marks and Reese. So like Ike Reese and what's his name? Marks? I don't know. I don't care. But yeah, go ahead. He was the midday show guy.
Starting point is 00:21:12 And they actually were like the best. Like they actually were reasonable guys. They weren't like hot take machines. And I like Ike Reese. So Spike is now Eskin and Reese. They got Spike Eskin. You guys got to call in. See if you can get past the screeners.
Starting point is 00:21:32 I think I'm blocked, by the way, from WIP. Did I tell you that? What? Yeah. How? Because every time I've called, I've gotten the busy signal. But that would mean that either I got banned somehow without knowing it. Like, I called in.
Starting point is 00:21:50 Right. And it said 10,000 losses rule Spike Eskin drools. Or I was really drunk in my 20s and don't remember. Which is very much a possibility. Attaboy. What are you going to do, right? Call in to. What would you do with with wip space now call it call the wip shit we were like doing howard stern stuff call in to wip uh talk about
Starting point is 00:22:17 10 000 losses see how they uh see if you can see if they like us yeah see if they like us yeah i don't think they do. I don't think they know who we are, but that's not the point. No, no. Yeah, I don't think Spike, we register. I don't think we do. I mean, they might, someone on their staff might know of you guys. Right.
Starting point is 00:22:39 I guess that's true, but still. Yeah, so the birds lost. Yeah. Pathetically like 32 to 9 32 9 against the buccaneers which we're not having a great year i mean a good year they didn't they weren't they didn't have the record that we had we still had 11 wins nope baker mayfield man hey you know what good for him i genuinely do like baker mayfield i do i like him he's a likable guy uh he he balled out he did he let him but he balled out like yeah he looks good i don't know how well that's gonna go but yeah yeah i mean the defense that we put up was was nothing listless, couldn't tackle.
Starting point is 00:23:26 We had surrendered the game before it even started. What really fucking bothers me is like, and it's something we talked about, like the offense we've always felt like we won by the skin of our teeth, but the offense kind of like was able to come from behind. We're a second-half team. I don't know. When did our defense just die?
Starting point is 00:23:50 Get figured out? It was pathetic. I don't remember it being this bad at the beginning of the season. Maybe I'm wrong. I don't remember it. Not me either. Obviously, the offense has problems. They folded. Defense wins games. Right. No, me either. Obviously, the offense has problems. They folded. They just folded.
Starting point is 00:24:06 Defense wins games. Unless you're Corrine, who doesn't believe that. How did you grow up in Philly during the what's-his-name era? I always forget his name. Defensive coordinator. Under Andy Reid. Okay. Fuck. I know who you're talking about, too.
Starting point is 00:24:25 Eagles. Let's see. Jim Johnson? Johnson? Wasn't it a... Yeah, it was Jim Johnson. Yeah. He was a blitz-heavy, smash-mouth guy.
Starting point is 00:24:37 Yeah. How do you grow up in the Jim Johnson era and not realize defense wins games? We got Weapon X, Jeremiah Trotter, all those guys. Yeah, you have Jeremiah Trotter. Yeah, exactly. You have fucking Brian Dawkins causing mayhem back there. wins games we got weapon x jeremiah trotter all those guys yeah you have jeremiah yeah exactly you have fucking brian dawkins causing mayhem back there like i maybe it's because i had to i had to point out like the 2000 ravens anybody like yeah dude that's that's i mean i played i was like lower on the depth chart as a fullback than i was like i was like the third string
Starting point is 00:25:03 defensive end so i actually got to play in like a game a little bit like so i've always identified with defense i don't know but ed reed and fucking ray lewis just just that era of nasty which you show i show i show my students sometimes like highlights like i've got five minutes left you guys want to watch have you guys ever heard of mike allstott or you guys ever heard of Ed Reed? They're like, no, who are these old guys? I'm like, no, no, no, no, no. Show some respect, goddammit. Show some respect. All right, let's go watch Mike Alstott truck Ray Lewis because
Starting point is 00:25:33 he did it. They both got concussions probably from that. That era, and they're like, well, they're doing horse collar tackles. I'm like, yeah, that was legal back then. You could do that back then. You could do that. You could suplex someone. Can't do that anymore.
Starting point is 00:25:51 I have Urlacher highlights in the other window. Urlacher highlights in the other window. He was, yeah, they're like, no, this sucks, this sucks. It's like, no, no, no. This is that version, though.
Starting point is 00:26:06 Mike Altstadt. Like, come on. Like, dude was a fucking just truck. That dude rocked. He was so goddamn good. No one has a, I literally said, dude, guys, do you know about fullback, like, Mike Altstadt best fullback?
Starting point is 00:26:21 The only fullback I can think of is that boy on the Niners who went to Harvard. Yeah, they go, what's best fullback. The only fullback I can think of is that boy on the Niners who went to Harvard. What's a fullback? What? Do you guys not play Madden? Do you not fuck with the playbooks? I don't think you can edit playbooks anymore.
Starting point is 00:26:37 You don't know what a fullback is? I thought you guys were sports fans. I don't know. The young kids. Yeah. I guess I'm at that age, right? Kids these days don't appreciate
Starting point is 00:26:54 smash mouth football. They want it spread and the option and they want rugby tackles. How's that team with fucking... Oh my God. Sean King was on that team? I think, that
Starting point is 00:27:07 Buccaneers team? Oh, yeah. That team was... Talk about just downhill. Fucking, who else was on that team? Fucking Dwight Smith. You remember him? Was it 2000, Buccaneers? 2002. Dwight Smith was
Starting point is 00:27:24 safety at Akron, then uh played for the bucks and then i think he was like the saints or the vikings or someone we're gonna do remember some guys because we gotta pat this one out let's let's uh yeah yeah sean king mike altstadt michael pitman pitman was on that team was he joe keyshawn johnson joe jurevicius reggie barlow um derrick brooks was on that team yeah derrick brooks was nasty on that they had five tight ends on their roster good can't get away with that anymore no um i remember guys who like tried to try to simeon rice warren sapp war Sapp, that's right. Al Singleton.
Starting point is 00:28:08 Jesus. Derek Brooks. You're taking me back, man. John Lynch, Brian Kelly, Dexter Jackson, Rondé Barber. That team was disgusting. Well, that's what, yeah. Dexter Jackson was on this team? Yeah. Yeah, he was.
Starting point is 00:28:21 He was super. Oh, I forgot about the. Yeah. He was the safety. He was the safety. He was nasty. that. Yeah. He was the safety. He was nasty. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:28:29 Because he had two interceptions, right? Yeah. He had two interceptions in that game. That was. That team was. That's the murderer's row. You know. That and the fucking 2,000 Ravens.
Starting point is 00:28:42 2,000 Ravens. Yeah. 2,000 Ravens. Honestly. That Joe Jurevicius. Trent Dilfer in at quarterback for some fucking reason. Yeah. I'm trying to remember.
Starting point is 00:28:56 There was a throw. I remember being the first time as an Eagles fan. I was like, it's over. There's no chance. It was like the fourth quarter. And McNabb did his classic overthrow by 20 yards to James Thrasher on a fade route on the left side. And I was like, that's it. It's over.
Starting point is 00:29:12 It's done. Because we had like, we, and then there was the interception. And Rondé Barber, it was a pick six, like 90 yards or some shit like that. And it was like, no, done. That's the nail. I might be mixing the games. Because we had a couple games against the Bucs who deservedly are Eagles killers.
Starting point is 00:29:33 They deserve that reputation in the playoffs. Damn, remember some guys, dude. There was like a psychoticness to that team. My favorite sports team that I've ever watched, and I know I texted you a discussion question we have when we're remembering some guys. My favorite sports team that I've ever watched. Let me ask you this.
Starting point is 00:29:55 Take out the obvious Eagles. Yeah. What's your favorite sports team or era to never win a championship? So like the best team that's never won a championship? Yeah. That wasn't like the Eagles? No, your favorite. Because mine is the 2017-2018 Boston Celtics,
Starting point is 00:30:12 where they were just trying to fight anybody. Marcus Smart fucking Jason Tatum and Jalen Brown were little rookies. What's his name? Jay Crowder was on that team. And they were just like it was just like bully ball they were just like constantly isaiah thomas they were just constantly trying to get in fights oh man just trying to think of the muse on this for a minute um didn't win a championship because because immediately i would go like my favorite era of sports would be that late 90s, early 2000s NFL.
Starting point is 00:30:47 Right. But the Ravens and the Bucs both won. I think those teams stood out to me or in my memory. Those were really good. I wasn't too into basketball yet. Because part of me wants to go, well, Sixers under AI. But obviously it can't be the Sixers. The Eagles and the Phillies are all like.
Starting point is 00:31:11 Oh, no, it could be the Sixers. I was just, I was excluding the obvious answer, which is the McNabb Birds. Yeah, the McNabb Birds definitely like would be that. I try to think what other like decent teams of that era never had any success. Like postseason wise. And that's bothering me that it's like floating in my memory. Oh, yeah. Breaking news.
Starting point is 00:31:34 Oh, Sports Illustrated has laid off significant other, possibly all of the News Guild represented workers at Sports Illustrated. Oh, fuck Sports Illustrated. Yeah. So I don't know what the fucking deal is with that. The top comment is, go woke, go broke. So I'm going to find where this dude lives in Toronto and beat him unconscious. How was Sports Illustrated woke? They district clickbait anymore.
Starting point is 00:32:10 Yeah, I know. That's stupid. That's stupid. Stupid. And fuck you, Sports Illustrated. Now there's literally no reason to support you. Like, they just were, they're just going to use, because I guess they can use ChatGPT to generate their articles now, right?
Starting point is 00:32:24 Right, they do. I was just having a discussion with my wife about ChatGPT, about how they're pushing it in education for speeding up some report writing and stuff like that. I was like, you've got to go through it anyway. You've got to go through it and edit it, because it's going to spread out bullshit. But, yeah, fuck you. Fuck you, Sports Illustrated. Yeah, it's bullshit. Power to bullshit. But, no, that's, yeah, fuck you. Fuck you, Sports Illustrated. Yeah, that's bullshit.
Starting point is 00:32:48 Power to Union. It's always Union season. Publisher lays off entire staff. I wonder if they're going under. That's possible. Yeah. Well, that, I mean, that magazine, it's been around for a while, since the 50s or something like that. Yeah, 70 years, I think.
Starting point is 00:33:07 I used to, until yeah i used to uh read that all the time that was big although um my mom um when she was in her um born again christian phase oh boy not sports illustrated sports spectrum christian sports magazine which i wonder if they got rid of the rainbow in their logo. Probably. If you go on a Wikipedia article for an athlete, and if it tells you they're a Christian, that citation will
Starting point is 00:33:35 be to Sports Spectrum. They'll literally... Someone goes through and adds that. That's weird. That's a weird thing to do. Yeah. So, yeah. Fuck those guys.
Starting point is 00:33:52 All right. So I'm trying to think. Going back to that question. I was trying to think. The Packers had that one Super Bowl. Bark Bowl? Yeah. Were you talking about the 2010 Steelersers 97 yeah yeah but then after that they
Starting point is 00:34:09 sort of fell off and they had like a resurgence in like the early 2000s and they had donald driver and darren sharper all those guys and they never had much success in the playoffs um i think they only won like a wild card game but I guess that doesn't count since Favre did Welfare Fraud Welfare Fraud and Tidal he's got those two things I guess
Starting point is 00:34:34 so yeah you had your Celtics yeah also my beloved Boston Bruins and the cup they lost to 2019 took a rest. It was a farewell tour. But yeah, no, I am a Bruins fan, and therefore I just get misery.
Starting point is 00:34:54 You can't support teams that are always winning. You can't be a Yankees or a fucking Dodgers or Lakers fan. You need to have misery. The Bruins are good because they get to the playoffs every year and then just break my fucking heart. This is where we're at with the Eagles now. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:35:15 They're bringing it back. What's the problem with the Birds? Let's talk about it. It's seriotic. Let's get that. Let's just say it. It's ser's get that let's say it's syriotic right like that's the obvious fucking answer because like brian johnson was a good offensive coordinator before he had to work for syriotic like the defense obviously needs a lot of help and probably needs a new coordinator but the offense just looks figured out why are we still running these bubble
Starting point is 00:35:39 screens what are we doing i was about to say how many bubble screens did we see them throw towards the end of the game? They're trying to make up those points. They're doing a fucking bubble screen. Right. And then these long pass calls on third and two. They'll never predict it. No, they will. Yeah, they will because they know what our defense does.
Starting point is 00:36:01 Because they've seen the tape. Why don't you do the fucking tush push? Broly shove, the ass slam, whatever you want to call it. The fucked in my ass. Blue for the two, fuck my ass! I think it's serious.
Starting point is 00:36:19 Do you remember when we were pretty new and he was at a press conference and he just sounded like a complete idiot yeah he did like he said some like you know part of winning the game is being a good team you gotta win you gotta like it was something stupid i listen to your brain yeah that's and that's when i first first said that. And it hasn't changed. I think we said the last episode, like, yeah, this guy's probably a great presence when they're doing well, but can't do shit when they suck. Right.
Starting point is 00:37:02 And it's funny because, like, you know, talking at work, I'm getting, like, people are like, oh, well, don't go so hard on him because it's his first losing season. I think it was his first season, like, quickly on his first season like yeah it's the first season he had difficulty and we were saying this is this year was going to be regression um yeah what was he yeah he was a offensive coordinator for two years yeah that's maybe not give the guy the keys. Everyone wants to hire fucking Sean McVay, but maybe we don't need to do that. Yeah. Not an especially good Colts team, too.
Starting point is 00:37:35 And he didn't call the plays. Frank Reich did. Right. So I think Sirianni taking the reins from Brian Johnson, I'm not shocked. Wasn't there an article that came out saying that he was interfering with the play calls? I don't know how much, because you know how sports dominated our media here. We're talking about kind of Jalen Hurts, maybe not a fan. Jalen Hurts regressed. Jalen Hurts certainly regressed. He regressed too. He's playing hurt. He's playing hurt. Hurts, maybe not a fan. Jalen Hurts regressed. Jalen Hurts certainly regressed, too. He regressed, too.
Starting point is 00:38:05 He's playing Hurt. He's playing Hurt. Hurts, if you will. I think they took freedom away from Hurts. They're not running the RPO stuff. Right. I think they put a leash on him. I think so, too.
Starting point is 00:38:18 To use a kind of shitty phrase. You're not wrong. Yeah. It feels like Sirianni is very risk averse and you can't do that in the nfl anymore it's risk averse when it doesn't matter like he's risk averse because he's not he's fine throwing the long ball for no fucking reason on third tail with with some weird route like you know like a triple move right like yeah i'm gonna have aj brown like run to the sideline then run like a flag and then do like a triple move post
Starting point is 00:38:53 and then i'm gonna have like no one open underneath right when you could easily just set that up like the tom brady belichick offense where it's just like sometimes you just need to hit a guy underneath for eight yards. Yeah. You just need to get – just get the first down. Just get the first down. We don't need to go fly grouts every time. I mean, I've always been sort of like the West Coast offenses.
Starting point is 00:39:21 That's sort of where I think – if I was to be an NFL head coach, which I'll never be, I would want that to be like a base offense. It's like, all right, we're going to, when we go to, we're going to go for high percentage stuff. Right. Not afraid to throw the ball deep, not afraid to do some, some cool shit, but the possession, maintain that possession and just wear them down with eight,
Starting point is 00:39:45 10, 12 yard passes, five, six yard runs and just make them stop us and then oh shit now they're trying to stop like the slants are going man coverage now I can get my speed up on the field I sound so smart having never coached
Starting point is 00:40:03 anyone except for the let us do it. Yeah, why not? Fuck it. Why not? The 23rd – I just didn't have a dad who was a football player. If I had a dad who was a football player, that's something that – You'd be in.
Starting point is 00:40:14 You'd be in. Yeah, I'd be in. Yeah, sure. That's all you need. I could pass the Wunderlich. Do they still do that? Yeah, they still do it. Do you remember in Madden, like, 06, you actually had to take the –
Starting point is 00:40:27 Yes. When you did your creative player, and I was like, oh, my God, I could definitely – I could qualify for quarterback. It's like, well, you're 5'10", so that's not happening. Drew Brees is 5'11", or so. Well, 5'11", now. It wasn't then. Oh, boy. Yeah, that was the problem. Too short. Wasn't, uh, wasn't then. Um, oh, boy.
Starting point is 00:40:45 Yeah, that's, that was the problem. Too short. Wasn't the undiagnosed ADHD. What are you going to do? Um, yeah. Uh, anyway. Yeah, I think it's, I think Sirianni is the, is the issue. Obviously, like, like, Hurts regressed.
Starting point is 00:40:58 But, you know, the guy, we had guys who would ball out if you give him a chance. I don't think he was willing to get guys chances. What it sounds like is that Brian Johnson would call some plays, he'd see some success, and Sirianni would take over in certain situations. I think he needs to not be calling the offense, honestly. No. Be involved in the planning, in the schemes. But if you're going to give a guy, if you're going to
Starting point is 00:41:28 let your OC call him, let him call the games. Let him be the guy. One of the things about leadership is give someone room to grow, let them develop. And if you pull away from them whenever they get stuck, they're not going to ever succeed. It's like that saying, nice weather never made a good sailor. It's true. See what the fuck he could do. It's 32.
Starting point is 00:41:56 We're down 14. If he fucks up, he fucks up. Look, we're ready. Fuck it. See what happens. See if he figures his way out of it. It's exactly what the Rams did with Jared Goff, right? Where they kept the training wheels on and they were like, oh, Jared Goff sucks. And it's like, no, you're not letting him, like, develop and fuck up.
Starting point is 00:42:14 You learn by failure. Like, it sucks that that's how you learn, but you learn by failure. Yeah, I guess I'm like a return guy. Like, the struggle is what matters. The struggle is what matters yeah uh it's it's a struggle that we are no no no that's what i'm saying but but we do learn through failure and you do have to like you know we let those neurons fucking fire see what happens um i i'm done with siri it doesn't help that he has a punchable face. Does not. He sure does.
Starting point is 00:42:47 I don't think I would ever like him and that matters. But if I'm annoyed by him by his facial expressions, by his demeanor and I haven't even fucking met him he's got to be rubbing some guys the wrong way. He's got to be. I don't think he's got the locker room.
Starting point is 00:43:07 I don't think he does either. I think it would be. I don't think this guy's got the locker room. I don't think he's got it. Don't seem like it. You can see the guys on the fly line. It looks like they're bored and disinterested. They sure did.
Starting point is 00:43:22 Yeah, I don't think they're very good. Also, by the way, what do you think about 10,000 losses? Click. Fuck you, Spike Eskin! Fuck you, Spike Eskin! I got beat up your dad. I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:43:38 It's time for our 10,000 losses piss break. Because I've been drinking seltzers all day. Oh, you got piss? Speaking of Spike Eskin, what if it was piss Eskin and you just made a piss? That was the piss. Hello. Hello. Did you wash your hands before touching that mic? I don't want to get
Starting point is 00:43:54 piss all over this podcast. Yes, I did. In an article on the 17th of January, Eagles Jalen Hurts on if he wants Sirianni back. Owners own, coaches coach, and players play. That doesn't sound good.
Starting point is 00:44:10 Okay, bud. The picture they have of him, too. They definitely took a picture of him when he was given the most. He's like, yeah, let's get the one where he's the most like... What would you describe this emotion as? Access denied. Get the one where he's the most like... Describe that. What would you describe this emotion as? Access denied. Oh, fuck.
Starting point is 00:44:33 God damn it. There you go. Not thrilled. Yeah, not thrilled. There we go. Not thrilled. Peeved. Peeved is a good one.
Starting point is 00:44:43 Canepona fucking... Canepona, What's his name? He plays right field. He's Italian. The Castellanos kind of face. Why are you asking me this fucking question? That's a stupid question. That's a cloud question, bro.
Starting point is 00:44:59 Fletcher Cox to Jason Kelsey stood up for Sirianni. I saw that. Yeah. Yeah. I put a couple questions there like why we lose. We talked about that. Has he lost the locker room?
Starting point is 00:45:18 Obviously not everybody, but those are two guys who are on their way out the door. I don't think he stays. I don't think he stays. I don't think he should, but... Who, Sirianni? Yeah. All right, so this question, is he going?
Starting point is 00:45:32 What do you think? I hope so, but I think they'll probably keep him. I think we got one more year. Yeah, I think so, too. Apparently, as of recording, Jeffrey Lurie is on vacation. Oh, okay. Nothing has been said. I think Sirianni still has a year in his contract, at least.
Starting point is 00:45:52 But so, yeah, I guess we're going to wrap up this by saying go Birds. By Birds, we mean the Ravens. The Lions have Team of Destiny vibes. That was really cool watching the Lions win. So Lions-Ravens Super Bowl? Is that possible? vibes. That was really cool watching the Lions win. So, Lions Ravens Super Bowl? I hope so. That'd be a cool Super Bowl.
Starting point is 00:46:14 The Rust Bowl. Rust Bowl? Because they're both Rust Belt. You think Baltimore's the Rust Belt? It's not the Rust Belt, but it's suffered from deindustrialization just as much as the rust belt has fair enough philadelphia too um there uh i remember um in kensington there was like two factories abandoned factories one of them still stands the other one was like
Starting point is 00:46:40 was like knocked down and i remember uh snows the snow has jogged my memory here i remember going like sled on like the ramp of the factory it was closed down and the one the one year we go there the to sled off the it was like all the kids from like the neighborhood um and we went to go sled down the ramp and just i guess there was a homeless guy or someone else exploring in there that was sick of our shit. Just start screaming rain. Like, no, wait, I don't know what the words were. No, no. Bottle.
Starting point is 00:47:11 Four bottles. Forties. Like, we've been launched. Very good accuracy. Just, like, almost hitting us. And we're like, oh, the fuck out here. Good times. Good times.
Starting point is 00:47:22 That's snow days. Yeah, it reminds me Back in the days Kids don't really have That kind of stuff anymore Good old snow days Where some guy Fucking chases you And throws bottles at you
Starting point is 00:47:31 Kids Kids is woke Two woke Woke millennials Won't understand this Even though I am a woman Woke Gen Z's Zers
Starting point is 00:47:38 Won't Won't understand That kind of stuff Don't woke Don't broke Yeah Shit We're already at 50 minutes Sixers Are good won't understand the dad kind of stuff. They won't go broke. Yeah. Shit.
Starting point is 00:47:47 We're already at 50 minutes. Sixers are good. Phil? Yes. Sixers are good. Joel Embiid is playing at MVP caliber level again. Coaching. Think it's the coaching?
Starting point is 00:48:01 Not having Harden helps. Not having Harden helps. The coaching is better. Letting Maxie sort of bloom has been huge. But they grinded out a win against the Nuggets, and they looked pretty comfortable doing so. Tobias Harris is sort of back. He's going to earn that $180 million contract.
Starting point is 00:48:21 Yeah. Back secured. Toby apparently is a nice dude. He's he's gonna have it's a nicer guy um i'm not the i'm not the owner i don't give a shit what we pay him i just care that we didn't give jimmy butler the money instead but yeah yeah i've this this is sort of how it feels like it would have been had we kept jim. Good vibes. I want to talk about the Flyers. The Flyers went from being absolute dog shit last year to now I think... 6-1-1 in their last eight.
Starting point is 00:48:53 You have to watch them. Sorry. Fuck torts, but them's the rules. Boston Bruins are finally... More importantly, the Bruins are regaining their footing. The Bruins, they're our importantly, the Bruins are regaining their footing. The Bruins, they are first in the Atlantic. The Flyers are second in the Metropolitan Division. I hate the NHL, man.
Starting point is 00:49:18 Metropolitan Division. And the Flyers are still doing Pride Night. That's the thing we should talk about. So much of the league doesn't want to do it. The Flyers are still doing it. Good talk about so much of the league doesn't want to do it the flyers are still doing it good that fuck the rest of the league fuck yeah listen you're not if if the if the delco calf tattoo guys can handle flyers having a pride night uh fucking i don't know what's a town that's not it's like i don't know ottawa can handle it or whatever oh yeah i thought we were just naming philly suburbs yeah san jose or whoever san j. Ottawa can handle it or whatever. Oh, yeah. I thought we were just naming Philly suburbs.
Starting point is 00:49:45 Yeah. San Jose or whoever. San Jose can fucking handle it. Right. Fuck the Sharks. Yeah. Flyers. I never like, as it came up.
Starting point is 00:49:55 25-14-6, which is actually really impressive. They're two points behind the Rangers. They've played one more game. You know, they're not, but they're like in striking distance of like i mean they're in a playoff spot right now they're they look really fucking good like the east is is is a is a very competitive it's very competitive right now yeah like it looks like fuck the rush of the yeah or uh the blue jackets oh. Oh, the Port Jackets. They're dismal, dude.
Starting point is 00:50:28 Apparently they fire a cannon off inside the building. They do. That's kind of sick, although I imagine that would hurt. It doesn't happen very often. Let's see. It's only happened 37 times this season. If that's how the points work i don't know uh it's two it's two points for a win and one point for an overtime loss uh no points for a regulation loss do they only fire the cannon when they win
Starting point is 00:50:55 or they fire when they score a goal i thought they fired it when they won okay yeah then that's no that's 14 14 times pretty rough yeah they. Yeah. And they have nine overtime losses. So they are, like, if you want to go, like, winning percentage, they're very bad. Yeah. And let's see. What's the timer on here? You know, Reese Hoskins hasn't signed with anybody yet.
Starting point is 00:51:26 I do know that Maybe The homecoming I don't think he got a non-roster invite Pitchers and catchers Report February 14th So we have less than a month Thank God
Starting point is 00:51:42 Full workouts for the Phillies start. Oh, this is 2024 yet. Full workouts start the 19th. So as of time recording, we are one month away from baseball news. We're going to have to get the boys back on. Bobby and Alex, now that Alex is a fucking Phillies fan. Let's see. Oh, and speaking of Phillies, did you know Chase Utley was on his first Hall of Fame ballot?
Starting point is 00:52:12 I did. Yeah. So if you are a member of the Baseball Writers of America listening to this podcast and you haven't turned your ballot in, why don't you go put one in for Chase? Put fucking Jimmy Rollins on there, too. Why not? It seems a little racist to not have Jimmy Rollins on there too. Why not? It seems a little racist to not have Jimmy Rollins on there as well.
Starting point is 00:52:31 That's my opinion. If you only like Chase and not Jimmy, fuck you. They were a duo. They worked together. They were symbol of what this country could be. Remember when we had hope in 2008, 2009? Yeah, I remember that.
Starting point is 00:52:44 Things were trending up. We all been like, country could be when we had remember when we had hope in like 2008 2009 yeah things were things were things were like trending up and we all been like oh shit shit's getting shit's gonna get better man and then it didn't it didn't yeah it all started with right now we're rupturing his fucking achilles it was all downhill from there thanks nothing Yeah. Set the tone for the whole nation. Fuck. You got anything else? We got one voicemail. We got Bobby from Western Maryland.
Starting point is 00:53:16 Yeah. Hey, Tom. Hey, Liam. It's Bobby from Western Maryland. See him. It's Victory Monday. I had to wait to call you guys until today. I had to make sure I wasn't dreaming about that package. Holy
Starting point is 00:53:29 fucking shit. Fuck the Cowboys. There's not really anything to say. I mean, we all saw what happened. George Love should be in the MVP conversation. He is him. Fuck the Cowboys. I guess
Starting point is 00:53:44 we get to fire Mike McCarthy twice. This is... That was so much fun. And we had zero expectations. Oh. My. God. And it's just...
Starting point is 00:53:58 Oh, my. Fuck Dallas. That was phenomenal. That's about it. Good luck to your Eagles tonight. I hope that you guys move on and can kick the shit out of the Lions in the divisional round. And maybe we beat the Niners. But who fucking cares?
Starting point is 00:54:14 I don't. This is already like a million cherries on top of the season. Have a good one. Happy New Year. I guess it's still technically New Year's time But fuck Dallas Fuck the Bears
Starting point is 00:54:30 Fuck Penn State Go Pack Go Have a good one Yeah Go Pack Go I guess that's all I have Yeah In terms of playing the fucking Cowboys
Starting point is 00:54:41 Yeah Thanks for that Jerry Jones crying We'll never not get a little Dak Prescott never showing up for the playoffs. That's too bright, baby. Maybe he should get some more Navy Seal cop tattoos.
Starting point is 00:54:54 Is it not working? I guess not. I guess he doesn't have tier one operators. He doesn't have that dog in him. He does not. Maybe he should get a tattoo of a dog. He's sedated for that, too. Yeah, because it hurts too much. I have tattoos.
Starting point is 00:55:11 I don't, but I would never be sedated for it. I've not been sedated for them. And you got them in spots that would hurt. Yeah, they did hurt. Yeah. Yeah, so... Yeah, fuck the Cowboys eternally forever goodbye losers uh uh shit i meant to hit the thank you oh god so loud that was very loud um yeah uh
Starting point is 00:55:40 all right let's give shouts out shout outs or shouts out to, is it like attorneys general? I don't know. Sure. Yeah, it doesn't matter. North Catholic tier patrons, Patrick, Sean, Mike, Amanda, Stephen, Kyle, Coho, Chucklebird, Kat, Chris, Luke, and Charlie. Voicemails. 267-371-7218.
Starting point is 00:56:09 Give us your name and pronouns. And tell us what you would do with Nick Sirianni's penis. Tell us. Yeah. Real graphic stuff. Don't put anything on a voicemail that could eventually be tied to you. Yeah, please don't. DM us and follow us.
Starting point is 00:56:30 I'm at the Hick and T-Pain. He's at 9 Liam Anderson with a zero, right? I always fuck it up because he's late. We're at 10KLossesPod. Give us a rating on iTunes, five stars only. Patreon.com slash 10 000 losses um listen to our friends listen to wtyp listen to trash future listen to radio free tote bag the
Starting point is 00:56:54 episode that was on is out so if you want to hear me talk about the meat and fuck extended universe please do that um oh and uncle's Uncle's giving you Titty calendars That was a fun riff Yeah My buddy's a mechanic He's got these titty calendars, you want one? So I'm 16, so yes
Starting point is 00:57:17 Where are our friends? Halvaway Tim Pitches. Batting around. We have too many friends. I guess it's a good problem to have. We have friends. People like us. Yes.
Starting point is 00:57:32 With that said, friends, bye. Bye, everybody. Bye, everybody. No one likes us, we don't care. No one likes us, no one likes us. No one likes us, we don't care. We're from Philly, fucking Philly. No one likes us, we don't care.

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