Ten Thousand Losses - Real Therapy Hours

Episode Date: May 29, 2024

Tom & Liam talk about how dumb they are for getting into the helping professions, the K&A "cleanup", talk about the usual bullshit, and answer listener messages.  Follow us on Twitter: Podcas...t: https://twitter.com/tenklossespod Liam: https://twitter.com/notliamanders0n Tom: https://twitter.com/tohickontpain  Leave us a voicemail (leave your name and pronouns): 267-371-7218

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Starting point is 00:00:00 He is actually going to eject a fan. Because bad things happen in Philadelphia, bad things. The fan jumped into the penalty box area. Joy it is to come to Philadelphia and stand here and dodge an ice ball. We, the Dallas Cowboys, have a sense of the time. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.
Starting point is 00:00:39 And we are fuck. We are fuck. How was your day, Tom? Dude, it was pretty fucking bad, dude. Yeah, me too, dude. Yeah. We're not bringing the good vibes on this one. No, we're not bringing good vibes.
Starting point is 00:00:55 I found out someone whose books I read is Joe Paterno. The Joe Paterno of the heathen world. What a weird sentence to have. Yeah. Turns out... Don't shelter sexual abusers. Yeah, don't...
Starting point is 00:01:14 Also, don't sexually abuse children, please. Yeah. Social work is... I don't know. Rewarding doesn't feel like the right word to use. It is rewarding. I have to send you word to use it is rewarding I I should I have to send you to the it can be I have to send you the the letter that the kid uh wrote for me um for teacher appreciation day it's the only time I've ever gotten a letter and it's like the
Starting point is 00:01:38 sweetest thing I've ever gotten the kids like you remind like it was like my I haven't teared up thinking about the letter. I might now because I have no emotional barrier left. But it was like you're like when you ask me if I'm OK, when I come in the class, it's like it's like you're my dad. If I had a dad, if my dad wasn't missing, I was like, oh, my God. I'm so I'm like, like, it's like like i'm glad that i'm filling that role like but you also should have a dad why are we in the helping professions dude why do we do this the wise man's heart is seldom glad as i accidentally sent you but You did. My body feels. You feel it.
Starting point is 00:02:26 I feel it in my bones, dude. It's a weight. You feel like a heaviness on you. I gotta do a good job for these people because no one else is gonna fucking do it. Yeah. Yeah. And, um...
Starting point is 00:02:41 Shit. You know, you do it because it makes the world better. Because I hate money. You hate money too. Yeah, fuck money. Oh my god. Well, this is really going to be a very listenable episode.
Starting point is 00:02:57 Sorry folks, we'll get into talking about dogs as soon as we stop being so sad. Welcome to therapy. Welcome to 10,000 dongs. 10,000 dongs. Can we get a dong? 10,000 dongs. Oh my god. Dong.
Starting point is 00:03:14 Oh, Bryce Harper hit a grand slam. That was cool. That's good. Dongs for us jackasses who went to the helping professions because we're stupid. Yeah. Got hearts of gold and no money and no rules.
Starting point is 00:03:30 Yeah. It feels like we're recording this on the 9th, the day after they cleared out Kensington and K&A. Yeah, we should talk about that. I want to talk about that. Yeah, I've seen some pretty gruesome shit go around go around uh facebook not facebook i'm not on facebook anymore with twitter internet in general people are just like well they needed to do something it's like this is worse than nothing this doesn't make any
Starting point is 00:03:57 fucking where these people supposed to go and i can tell you where they're fucking going it's to where i work because they're just like hey i, I have no food and I need social services. The, the, you know, I understand if you live there, you use K and a, I understand that you see that and it's bad. I understand that.
Starting point is 00:04:16 And you work there and you see that where you transit through, you live there. I understand that. You literally do. You're from there. Yeah. I, I we've talked many many times about my time at kna like how i would wait for the fucking 60 there and all the crazy shit i would say but it's not that kind of shit it was like weird philly shit not depressing oh my god
Starting point is 00:04:39 is that person's leg rotting kind of shit um yeah i was talking to my doctor about that where she was like because she knows i used to use hard drugs and she was just like uh i apologize because she was doing a test on my feet and i was like sorry my feet are really gross which they are and here's a bit of levity for you and she was like nah people are doing trank now and i have to treat that these are not that bad i was like oh that's fucking terrific you're like 26 years old that sucks ass yeah or how old doctors are now i don't fucking know that sounds in the in the older doctors i don't know i don't know they're for whenever the so 20 late 20s when they graduate and then what when did they crash their plane like 45 uh excuse me oh that was fucking delightful
Starting point is 00:05:29 thanks for that thanks yeah we're really informed we're sad we're sad already and we're burping already sad we're burping baby it's it's what we're good at um i you know listener long-time listeners know that i have severely curbed my drinking um to where it's like three or four drinks a week i'm having a drink today. I know it's not the best coping skill. I would take it. That's my advice. Yeah, I'm going to have one and that's it. Then I'll be done. Remind me
Starting point is 00:05:53 that I have an M.2 SSD for you. I just had an extra. Oh, shit. Yeah. Alright. Appreciate it. I got to wipe it though, so I might not get it to you tomorrow. That's right. Yeah, well, we're going it though. So I might not get it to tomorrow, but that's right. Yeah. Well,
Starting point is 00:06:07 we're going to do, dude, we're going to take out this anger in the pit, in the pit. I got to talk to you about that, how we're getting there and all that shit, but we'll do that after we record. Do that live on the air.
Starting point is 00:06:18 Let's figure it out. Yeah. We're seeing insomnia, which we'll have seen and be killed by. Yeah. By the time this goes live. Hopefully my earplugs arrive. Yeah, I gotta find my... I have a pair of the shitty ones.
Starting point is 00:06:35 Yeah, I've got those. That's all I got. Bouchers d'Orel. Uh-huh. Yeah, that's in French. One second. One, two! Daddy. Oh, I gotta blow my nose now yeah all right it's a daddy sneeze it was a daddy sneeze hang on i'm looking to see if i buy these earplugs if they come tomorrow or when they're gonna come overnight uh i don't know if these are nice but they look kind of stupid.
Starting point is 00:07:08 The good ones cost more than the fucking tickets. Yeah, I'm seeing that. Jesus, these are $40. I lost mine. I mean, I already have very severe hearing damage, which should not shock anybody. Yeah, I can't. I'd like to preserve what little hearing i have i i can't afford anymore
Starting point is 00:07:25 and i i would like to hear just sweet mellow death riffs as long as possible yeah um i would yeah i was uh when you when you told me that i was like oh yeah shit like like yes fuck i i didn't know they were still making music i thought they haded. They just came out with a new album like last year. Yeah. About witch hunting in Sweden or whatever. Oh, yeah. And none of these bands are racist that we know of. That we know of. But we'll probably be proven wrong because that's the fucking day we're having. I don't think they are.
Starting point is 00:07:57 Melodeth scene is pretty chill. Yeah. It's not like black metal. No, black metal is just a cesspit. Yeah. Yeah. It's not like black metal. No, black metal is just a cesspit. Yeah. That'd be good. Oh, dude, I should reach out to Kim Kelly. See if she'll come on just to
Starting point is 00:08:15 talk about fascists and black metal for no fucking reason. I'd listen to that episode. Well, you would be on it. I think I broke this enclosure. Because I do shit live on the air. Because I'm an idiot and I never learn. Oh boy.
Starting point is 00:08:32 It's alright. Did you hear that? What? I bumped something and it went off. But it's fine. I am good, I think. I think I permanently fucked up this ssd enclosure oh that's fine um i'm trying to i'm trying to i'm trying to think the the one band that's going to be there
Starting point is 00:08:55 you know angry metal guy uh no i do not uh the the reviews they they like it's more than one guy it's a bunch of people um and not all of them are guys um i feel like they got like a five point they rarely give out fives um out of fives and i feel like omnium gather room had gotten like good reviews before i'm willing to see anybody obviously yeah because they're they're the one they're oh i think they're opening. We're going to be here forever, obviously. Yeah, let me... Is Death Metal like this? We're fucking doing this live.
Starting point is 00:09:33 Yeah, we don't care if we've had that kind of day. Don't fucking listen to it if you don't like it. But Insomnium, if you've never listened to Insomnium, what's the one with the birds? That's my favorite album of theirs. Shadows of the Dying Sun. Yeah, it's a Great, terrific album. The riffs.
Starting point is 00:09:49 Punishing. The riffs. Soaring and punishing at the same time. I've been trying to listen to them and she actually didn't hate it. Nice. Okay, I've got an SSD for you then. I just formatted it. Sick. Enjoy your new terabyte SSDsd sick i will now have three i just bought a i bought a uh a second one for microsoft flight
Starting point is 00:10:15 simulator um dude i didn't tell you about that speaking of speaking of i gave myself an anxiety attack microsoft flight simulator i'm not gonna getulator. I'm not going to give you too many details, but I tried to do a live flight with real people, and I had a panic attack. I actually had a panic attack. Like, legit. I'm not fucking lying. Why can't I find it? Well, here's an Insomniac review where they give... Oh, they give Shadows of the the dying sun only a two and a half
Starting point is 00:10:46 you're fucking insane fucking angry metal guy fuck you um bullshit that album fucking slaps dude oh man let's see how they reviewed the new album. Angry Metal Guy. Did they do it? Give it a 3.5 out of 5, which I'll actually take. For them, that's pretty good. To be clear, I believe that band Fellowship that I talked about, where the guy's singing like this, they gave that a 5. Oh, okay. I mean, that's just someone just brought dio back from the dead yeah uh dio had more grit than this guy um we talked about him a couple
Starting point is 00:11:33 episodes ago yeah yeah we did uh 1906 uh you found that metal injection oh they got eight and a half yeah i'm gonna have to oh they have a they have a one called the the white christ Rejection. Oh, they got eight and a half. Yeah, I'm going to have to. Oh, they have one called the White Christ. Some heathen themes there. That's something to do with how they sold. They sold Jesus to the pagans. Something about the Hevit Christ.
Starting point is 00:12:00 I don't know. I'm going to rock out of my skull, baby. Yeah, I'm just going to put just the entire album in the middle of it. The fucking... We're all going to get arrested. Yeah. Did you hear Dawn Raid broke up? Did I tell you about that? Did not.
Starting point is 00:12:18 Eh. They were anarchist... They broke up mid-tour. Oh, that's always a bad side yeah but they were like an anarchist English black metal band they were pretty fucking sick always a good
Starting point is 00:12:34 side when you break up in the middle of it yeah with like 17th century themes it was pretty sick this is metal hour here century themes. It was pretty sick. This is Metal Hour here. Whatever. Yeah, turn it off now if you don't like it. Metal therapy.
Starting point is 00:12:52 Because we don't have metal therapy. Because we're sad. Metal therapy! Why? Why have you done that? I was trying to get death metal and black metal. Oh, okay. Failed. Yeah. Exactly. Death metal and black metal. Oh, okay. Failed. Yeah. Intaculately. Ah! Ah! Pfft. I texted you. I said 80% therapy, 20% sports. Yeah, you did. All right, so get back to KNA.
Starting point is 00:13:27 Yeah, go for it. Those who don't know, it's like the current epicenter of heroin. In the United States, really. Yeah, honestly, in the East Coast. An open-air drug market. It used to be Kansas City and Somerset. They used to have a couple camps on the Conrail tracks. One of them was when Dr. Oz
Starting point is 00:13:50 walked through in 2017. Oh, I remember that. Pretending like, oh, I've never seen anything this bad. Which, it's bad, but there are... You've never seen anything this bad? You've never seen anything this bad, dude? Really? There was some semblance,
Starting point is 00:14:06 especially in the, the camp furthest closest to, to the cramp ship here in the, the graffiti pier. There was like a kind of anarchist sort of self community organizing thing going on. Yeah. And I think we mentioned this before,
Starting point is 00:14:18 like they fucked with the Conrail, uh, police, which you never fuck with real police. They have universal jurisdiction. And they... That was the end. Right. They moved the...
Starting point is 00:14:30 So that's Kensington-Somerset. And the Kensington-Somerset gets clamped on. It's close to gentrification. That gets cleared out, what, 2021? 2020? I think so. During the pandemic? I think it was.
Starting point is 00:14:45 I don't... I honestly don't recall. And I feel like it was in the during the pandemic. I feel like it was when I was in the SRA still. Because I remember people trying to help people out then. Then it moved up to K&A. And so they cleared it out. At first, they were supposed to have social workers there first, which
Starting point is 00:15:06 the other times they did it, they did have social workers there. They didn't this time. I guess Cheryl Parker doesn't give a fuck. No, she doesn't. I know with the Inquirer, I mean, the Inquirer will call out the cops when they fuck up. They did say that the reporter
Starting point is 00:15:23 who was there, I read the article, said they didn't see cops roughing anybody up and they did say that the reporter who was there i read the article said they didn't see cops roughing anybody up and they hadn't heard any reports they but they were also bringing the streets apart with spring water so yeah that's real humane right there and they didn't do anything for them then they're just like all right yeah fuck off and there's people with open wounds and shit and yeah so this is a dispersed people supposed to fucking go yeah it's going to disperse into the neighborhood apparently like they had started cracking down early and it went from like a couple hundred to like just less than about like something like 75 80 people by the time yes uh on the the eighth the morning of the eighth and then yeah so where are they
Starting point is 00:16:03 going to go because they're not solving anything they don't want to ever have any safe injection sites right they're just like oh we're going to keep it a secret which is an insane thing to say and do and and and what do we do they they consistently fucking dude i i would just love to just buy a buy a plot of land in northeast and just make it a drug house to make every cop mad. Every fucking Blue Lives Matter shithead in fucking Fox Chase just real, real upset. Because that's what they think is going to happen.
Starting point is 00:16:35 And you get these Port Richmond types and the Bridesburg types who feel the same way. So your neighborhood's shitty too, just so you know. Yeah, exactly. It's just porn white. It's porn white in a different way, yeah. Yeah, exactly. We're all... Like,'s just porn white. It's porn white in a different way. Yeah, exactly. We're all like, if you don't think
Starting point is 00:16:48 that people aren't doing heroin in your neighborhood, you are out of your damn mind. Sorry. Yeah, I fucking did cocaine in the post office. Like, before it burnt down, which I'm sure wasn't an insurance scam. You know,
Starting point is 00:17:09 dude, yeah. sure wasn't an insurance scam uh you know yeah dude yeah i i'm real upset about i don't want this kind of stuff happening in our good neighborhoods like bridesburg next to fucking roman haas like it's a shitty shitty neighborhood they're all shitty neighborhoods you fucking live next you're living chemicals yeah yeah it smells like that It's not supposed to smell like plastic. Don't worry about that. It's not supposed to burn your lungs when you breathe. No, it's infuriating, dude. I mean, they made it clear that they don't give a shit about Kensington or the people who happen to live there or anything that happens to the people who live there.
Starting point is 00:17:42 It's just bullshit nonsense. And it's evil. And I keep saying it's evil and Sheryl Parker's evil. And people are just like, well, what do you want them to do? And it's just like we know – we have research on this. If you could do a good job, you should try it. She just doesn't fucking want to. So 300% increase in funding for social work, safe injection sites,
Starting point is 00:18:06 safe and clean shelters where people can go and places where they can fucking detox. That's what you fucking need. It's not just chasing them away. It doesn't work. We know it doesn't.
Starting point is 00:18:24 That doesn't work. It know it doesn't, that doesn't work. No, it's just going to be, you know, I, my prediction is going to move up to Tioga because there's a nice overpass there. Um,
Starting point is 00:18:35 it's a little, it's, there are drug dealers there. Um, I know, um, what's it called? There's a Glenwood Ave.
Starting point is 00:18:42 Yeah. We're talking about. So we're Glenwood and kensington are there is fucking just i'm fucking doxing the drug dealers right now uh and of course drug users i have complete empathy for but i i know enough about these shitheads they're fucking assholes um where is it glenwood at east glenwood ave there's like a fake there's like a chop shop um and oh they're calling it harrogate now yeah they are um and so that there there's i know there's been i don't know if they're still selling shit out of there but we used to be like a mid-level distribution place in there. Yeah. Next to Shawty's Fly Beauty Bar.
Starting point is 00:19:28 There is a good, there used to be a good Dominican place there nearby. But the Tioga stop is definitely sketchy. There's a lot of prostitution there, kind of like what used to happen down in K&A. This is all very close to my alma my alma mater my former alma mater i guess all right okay yeah yeah i can't wait for it when it moves up to fucking uh eerie toursdale i think it's a little too open i don't think they'd be able to do it there um just got insulting to basic human decency yeah if you if you live in frankfurt they're gonna they're gonna just chase them up the fucking hell that's what they're gonna do right exactly i'm just gonna get i'm just
Starting point is 00:20:08 gonna sit here and pretend like they're doing something that matters and they're fucking not and it's i don't know very bad luck for us as a city very bad luck for us as human beings yeah and uh you want to fucking you know first off start start decriminalizing some drugs at least the fucking use of it um you can take power away from drug dealers you know and i like i heard like hey they're going to move pot to schedule three which is which is which is it should be scheduled nothing but um it should be the same status as tobacco it's actually less harmful yeah actually the alcohol should be said it should be scheduled three well yeah we don't want that though because that's accepted right like but it is alcohol does more social harm than weed we know this um everyone knows this is just like a thing we accept um yeah um i i don't know i don't't know. Those people need help.
Starting point is 00:21:05 Yeah. And they're not. This is not working. And we know it's not working. And we know that people can recover. Yeah. Hi. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:19 And so now everyone who's a fucking junkie is, you know, is worthless. You know, I fucking hate that. I hate the word junkie at this point. It's just. Yeah. Calling them zombies and shit. It's just like they're fucking human beings. They're deserving of dignity.
Starting point is 00:21:33 Either they are or no one is. They're addicts. They're addicted to a substance. Yeah, exactly. And they need help. And this is my job. We're going to give it to them whether they like it or not. Yeah, they don't always want it. You know, it's true some some of them don't just like all right motherfucker hold still
Starting point is 00:21:49 and that's that's you know that also reminds me of this fucking talking point where you hear oh well all these homeless people like most of them don't want any help and you're doing anything to manage it anyway yeah well one that's not necessarily true they might not want the help that is available because they've tried it. They got their shit stolen at a fucking shelter. Yeah. It happens a lot. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:14 Or worse. Or worse. Because, you know, sometimes it's safer to be on the street than it is to be in a shelter. Yep. Dude. Oh, man. It's fucked. It's fucked. So fucked up.
Starting point is 00:22:30 And I guess sports are good. Yeah. Well. Hello. Welcome to another riveting, happy episode of 10,000 Losses, the only Philadelphia sports podcast that exists. I'm your host, Tom Payne. I'm going to punch that guest in the face.
Starting point is 00:22:44 Yeah. I'm your host, Tom Payne. I'm your host, Tom Payne. My pronouns are he, him, with who's my co-host, yay. Doesn't really feel like a yay day, but yay, Liam. Hi, I'm Liam McAnderson. My pronouns are he and him. Yeah. Feeling pretty grim today, Tom.
Starting point is 00:22:58 Yeah. Go listen to the bonus we did, If You Want Happiness and Joy. That was the funny that was like the most fun i've ever had recording i think that was so dumb you want to listen about mrs red leg getting rejected from the suicide girls because there were white supremacist tattoos you want to hear us talking about the uh coming no hands with Gritty. Yeah. I have to re-listen to it. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 00:23:26 That's pretty good. Shouts out to Dono and Audrey. Double shouts out to Audrey for editing it for me. Editing my podcast is my love language, so I really appreciate that. Especially when I was going on vacation and I didn't have a lot of time and I stayed up all of the previous night to edit the regular episode
Starting point is 00:23:51 that we had with the Tip of the Vicious guys and so I got on that plane I was delirious on that fucking plane sleepy baby yeah, although I don't sleep on planes especially now on 737 Max me either, I don't sleep on planes. Especially now on 737 Max. Me either. I don't sleep on planes.
Starting point is 00:24:07 My wife is a sky tyrant. Skyrant, if you will. Skyrant? In making you sleep or keeping you awake? Keeping me awake. Yeah, I can't. The most I've slept on planes is maybe like two hours.
Starting point is 00:24:23 I think that's about my record and that that was with an edible and in the Xanax um that'll do it and it was that was a transcontinental flight um yeah but normally I never sleep not even on fucking red eye I just don't do it yeah yeah I just I can't I don't know. So I guess we got to talk about sports. I guess. I guess. Well, you know what? If you want to listen to that episode, sincerely, it was so much fun doing that episode with
Starting point is 00:24:52 them. We'll have to get them back on someday. It's about how fuckable mascots are. And we go through 30 of them. So there's a lot. Plus some more. There's a couple extra. lots of kinks mentioned so if you're one of those weirdo no just kidding we don't shame uh it's it's uh it's it is the most arranged like i said the most arranged we've ever
Starting point is 00:25:20 done uh go to patreon.com slash 10 000 losses for that and voicemail uh colin let us know what vascots you'd fuck two six seven three seven one seven two one eight uh yeah uh oh oh so sports news sports news i'm not doing a fucking deep dive today. We're doing just sports. This is your bullshit fucking sports recap because even though it's only been like I think two weeks, it feels like it's been way longer since we last recorded.
Starting point is 00:25:56 Let's, alright, so you put some of the Bruins. Let's delete that. They lost 6-1, but won the first game 5-1. So who's to say if they're good or not? I don't know. You don't know. They're in the playoffs, which is more than the fucking Flyers got.
Starting point is 00:26:11 So Flyers, that was first round exit. Or no, Flyers didn't make the playoffs. They did not make the playoffs. They had that collapse. The Sixers. The Sixers had a first round exit to the Knicks. Tobias Harris is dead. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:26:27 So I got it. We, we have a classic drop for Toby. You secured the bag, my man. Goodbye. Goodbye goodbye and thank god for that dude please use that money to buy someone who's not going to age horribly um i don't know who it is give us six points in 25 minutes or something you know what's funny is the the the total score differential in that series was five points.
Starting point is 00:27:06 It was actually a good series. It was. Toby could have changed that if he scored more than six points. Yeah. It's not our money, but it's good. It's not our money. But goddamn. They fought.
Starting point is 00:27:22 Embiid has no knees. I thought they fixed it. Tyrese tried. Tyrese did his best. Had a miracle takeover in one game. Just wasn't enough. If the wind was blowing a slightly different direction, that game seven. And I think we talked about this.
Starting point is 00:27:41 That game seven. Game six. I thought it went to seven. It went to six, bud. All right, it went to six. this. That game seven. Game six. I thought it went to seven. It went to six, bud. All right. It went to six. Okay. That game six.
Starting point is 00:27:51 All right. We were trying to go to game seven. That's right. Yes, sir. All right. It went to six. That game six. First off, you got to win the next one.
Starting point is 00:27:59 But I don't think we survived the next series. No, we don't. They burned so much of their reserve energy. Yeah, exactly. You could see how tired they were. Yeah. That's why the Knicks are going to win this series and then flame out the next round.
Starting point is 00:28:14 The injuries are starting to pile up. Mm-hmm. Dude, every round being out of seven in the NBA playoffs, it's too much. It should be three, five, seven. You don't need that much basketball. I know the players get paid. It's great.
Starting point is 00:28:33 But it's too much. Let's do what baseball does. Best of seven for everybody. That's just. Hockey's even worse. Second season, baby. When the Bruins won the Stanley Cup they put that every series went to seven which is insane if you think about it how many how many rounds do they have four four oh jesus that's a lot 28 games on top of
Starting point is 00:28:58 the 82 games you already played yeah that's that's that's that's a fucking slog. Yeah, that's just ridiculous. Yep. Oh, we're doing so good. Well, you know how you get those ominous warnings in the corner on Windows? Yes. It just said big news. Oh, no. And then I clicked on it and it was Biden's threat threat to halt u.s weapons to israel draws gop
Starting point is 00:29:26 blowback okay yeah that's not we know that's not gonna happen what do you want me to fucking do about that man yeah please no big news i don't think the phillies are playing tonight are they no they're not no we're gonna do some weird shit we're gonna go fucking play the marlins for two games and play the mets for two and two home and home. Okay. Isn't that weird? That is weird. We're going to play two in New York and then two back in Philly.
Starting point is 00:29:54 Okay. I don't like this new schedule that they're doing. No? Did we talk about this when the MLB decided that they were going to go into this um new every team plays each other at least once which i'm okay with that i actually like that i'm okay with that they they fired there was like a couple
Starting point is 00:30:17 they were like older they would they did every team schedule by hand yeah they like they like fired them it's like can we like how much did that cost kept them on It's like, can we not? How much did that cost? You could have just kept them on payroll. Can you just... Baseball's all about fucking tradition. Can we fucking have something? Dollar Dog Night's gone. Those two are gone.
Starting point is 00:30:39 Good Pants, they're gone. Yeah, we're seeing a lot of dongs. A lot of dingers and dongersgs a lot of dingers and dongers dingers and dongs well i mean they the mlb it's funny this this is how fucked up shit is the mlbpa filed a complaint they blame nike because they the mlbpa has fucking money in fanatics how the fuck does a union own a share what the fuck yeah what the fuck is a good is a good question there can is my teacher's union you gotta gotta share in fucking scholastic now like what would be pretty funny but
Starting point is 00:31:11 i i guess like it's it's they view it as like similar to how pension funds invest in everything sure i don't i guess i don't know man i didn't invent it Who's the Do we even have any Do we use the fucking Sherman Antitrust Act anymore No we don't you know that Fucking please Biden My people are starving We have bad jerseys As much as I want to see
Starting point is 00:31:39 Dick Cassiano's cock getting given Tuesday night Oh did you see that picture Charlie sent us? The fucking pepperoni nips poking through? Yes. Jesus Christ. Thanks, Charlie, for that, by the way. Thanks. I mean, I appreciate it. If that's real. Why can't we just have dignity?
Starting point is 00:31:58 Jesus Christ. We've been talking all week about dignity for human beings. That's a pepperoni pizza right there. Yes, come drop and pepperonis. Dude, that is a fucking Tom of Finland fucking nipple right there. My nipples are pretty weird looking. I'm not going to judge another human being.
Starting point is 00:32:14 It didn't look like a real nipple. It looked like Tom exaggerated the male gaze nipple. Yes. The male gaze and not the male gaze nipple. Yes. Um, yeah, the male gaze and not the male gaze of women. No, it's just, what am I?
Starting point is 00:32:29 What do I just look like? Yeah. Just mantids. Um, uh, oh, so I guess, I guess,
Starting point is 00:32:39 um, yeah, we thought we should mention sixers Phillies. Those are good. Those are good now. Uh, I guess the sluttiness is paying off. Oh, yeah, it is.
Starting point is 00:32:48 Dude, they're a fun team to watch. I don't like feeling optimistic about the Phillies. No, it's kind of terrifying, right? We are number one in the NL East. Yep. Do we still have... Yep. We were briefly the best team in baseball.
Starting point is 00:33:04 We are two games up on the Braves Let's see 26-26-13 We're the best team in baseball We are the best team in baseball I don't like saying that I worry for what that means come playoff time Just don't get ahead
Starting point is 00:33:18 Yeah Oh what the So I click Phillies and it says Trey Turner imposter scammed 70-year-old Phillies. I saw that. Yo, what? Yeah. All right.
Starting point is 00:33:31 Trey Turner needs to... Give this woman all his money. Yeah. And they need to find... If you scam an old lady out of 50 grand, you should be... Shot. Executed. Oh, I was going to say thrown off a bridge.
Starting point is 00:33:47 Yeah, fine. I don't care. Yeah, hanged from a bridge. We're going to out-creak you. That's, yeah, you will not meet your ancestors in the afterlife. No, sorry. You will wander forever aimlessly. Man, Jesus, we are dark today.
Starting point is 00:34:07 Can't use sad boys. We already used that as episode title. I think therapy. Therapy is going to be the name of the episode. Yeah, so the Phillies are good. That's supposed to bring us joy, I guess. Let's look at some. Trey Turner's out for six weeks. That sucks.
Starting point is 00:34:22 Yeah. But let's look at some philly stats here because i want to pull up just some of the stats right now oh excuse me um you you have oh man everyone except for cassianos and rojas is an ops. Wow. 100 would be average. Bryce Harper. Alec Boehm's OPS is 175. Yeah, dude's hitting like 500 right now. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:34:54 We were talking about him being like, hey, maybe low-key trade candidate kind of thing if we needed to. Yeah, we were wrong and we're sorry. Yeah, I'm sorry. Cassiano still sucks. I say trade him for Reese Hoskins. But even Kyle Schwarber, I mean, he always has a low batting average.
Starting point is 00:35:15 But at least he's above the Mendoza line. Yeah. But fuck, I mean, Rojas isn't really getting on base that much, but at least he's a A guy batting 216, the O.M.B.A. is not that great. But, hey, his defense makes up for it. Oh, my back hurts so bad. Do you do...
Starting point is 00:35:38 Do you, like, clench when you're stressed? Yes. These guys are, well, I could look at Bryce Harper, OPS 156. We could do it again. For that. Yeah. Stoddy's even picking it up because Stoddy started off slow.
Starting point is 00:35:57 Man, Brandon Marsh. Best team in baseball. What was it on Sunday Night Baseball? Marsh, it was like, stay sexy or something. Stay loose and sexy. Dude, I wish I had Brandon Marsh as my personal hype man.
Starting point is 00:36:13 Yeah, exactly, right? Coming into the classroom. Yeah! Yeah! Yeah, Tom! Tom, you're going to fucking fuck this lesson. We can't use that in front of all right, what does that mean?
Starting point is 00:36:25 We can't use that in front of the kids. What does that mean? Oh, yeah. You know what it means. You guys are going to raw dog some information today. It's like, buddy, you got to stop saying that. Please stop saying you're going to raw dog knowledge. Which I appreciate that.
Starting point is 00:36:43 Yeah. Zach Wheeler. Lights out right now. Dude, his ERA plus is 248. Wow. Meaning that he is 148 times better than the medium player. Jesus Christ. Yeah, dude.
Starting point is 00:37:00 His whip is 0.892, which is insane. Anything below one is good. His FIP, which is ERA, independent of fielding, is 2.31. Dude is having a Cy Young year so far. Knock on wood. Yeah. Knock on wood. All of them have been good.
Starting point is 00:37:24 The worst pitcher right now is fucking Nola. Um, what? Oh, and the rotation Turnbull has been good. Uh, they haven't needed the bullpen because everyone's, everyone's pitching for seven innings.
Starting point is 00:37:37 Yeah. Don't ask me about time on Walker. No, please don't. Uh, but, uh, it's the bullpen,
Starting point is 00:37:43 which was projected to be the best of the league, has kind of been mediocre. Not mediocre, but some guys. Jeff Hoffman's been really good. Strom's been pretty good. Sir Anthony. Greg Soto. Jose Alvarado.
Starting point is 00:38:00 Guys, you can't let these white boys outshine you. You got to pick it up for the honor. Can't do that. We need more sick Latin beats. I look forward to any time these guys come at the bullpen because I fucking love that music. Oh, yeah. Slaps. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:38:16 I got real into that when I was on vacation. I was listening to lots of reggaeton and shit. That's awesome, dude. Yeah, I drunkenly DM'd our friend Noah. And I was like, I'm now on board with full Spanish language Cuban communism. Oh, okay. Let's do it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:38:35 That was his response. He was like, cool, buddy. I was like, I'm very drunk. I drank so much rum. I bet you did. Have you ever had Flor de Caña? Yes, it's delicious. Isn't it fucking good?
Starting point is 00:38:47 It's so good, dude. I wish I tried to get it to bring back. I have some more Botrin, though. Botrin is really good. You can't really get that in the States either. Dude, shouts out to South American Spanish style rum. I've always been a British rum guy. And I'm discovering the
Starting point is 00:39:05 Dominican Guatemalan Honduran rum is just pure sex. Diplomatico is really good. Who makes that? What country that is? Is it Dominican?
Starting point is 00:39:24 Venezuela. Venezuela. Venezuelan? Fuck yeah. Really good. Guy in the newsroom is really good too. That's more of the British style but it's still good. Florida Caña if you've never had to try and get it it is and there's no dosage.
Starting point is 00:39:40 They don't add any sweetness to it. I'm doing the chef's kiss. They can't see it but it's so good. I feel like, I feel like that was vaguely racist. We started talking about Spanish, Latin American players. Then talk about rum. Apologies for that, but that's where my brain went.
Starting point is 00:40:01 Oh, it's okay. Yeah, so Phillies are good. I guess no complaints there. The Union are eh. We got Charlie. Charlie will update us on that. They're not that great. They are what?
Starting point is 00:40:17 3-5-2. Not good. Not bad. But after making it to the final last year. Semi-final. Didn't make it to the final last year. Semifinal. Didn't make it to the final? We lost to LA United.
Starting point is 00:40:29 Two years ago. It was the same year that the Phillies went to the World Series. Yes, yes, yes, yes. They lost in the semifinal just like the Phillies did last year. But they lost in overtime with a goal scored with 10 seconds left. And it was an offside. It was clearly offside. And there was no way for them to address it.
Starting point is 00:40:50 All right. You got on here. You said Villanova, Nix. I guess you're sick of fucking what's-his-name's face. Dylan Brunson, yes. Yeah, and Dante DiVincenzo. Yes, I am. Yeah, so I don't want to go too far back in the basketball.
Starting point is 00:41:08 Eagles had a draft. They drafted Flairs. They did. They got some steals. Yeah, we got Quinney Mitchell out of Toledo. He's going to be good. Yeah. Draft Moore out of the MAC.
Starting point is 00:41:22 Out of the MAC, yes. And we got a second round Cooper to Gene. So we stocked up on the secondary? Yep. Why are some of these guys in asterisks on here? I have no idea. Maybe like traded pick or something. Maybe.
Starting point is 00:41:42 We got Jalix Hunt. That's an interesting name. You called Howie Rosen big pimping. I did. Clemson running back. Never a bad choice to get a running back out of the SEC. Clemson is in the ACC,
Starting point is 00:41:58 sir. Is it now? It's on the SEC? No. How dare you? It's in the SEC in my ncaa 14 oh okay dynasty um all right so never mind uh yeah i don't think it's ever been in the all the listeners are gonna think i'm a loser um they're all gonna think you're a loser anyway. It doesn't matter. That's not a shit. All right. We got Nia Smith, who's a wide out
Starting point is 00:42:31 from Texas A&M. Then another Clemson boy. Bring him home. Jeremiah Trotter Jr. Jeremiah Trotter Jr. That's exciting. I loved Jeremiah Trotter as a kid. He was one of my favorites during the just absolute blitz heavy,
Starting point is 00:42:52 the Jim Johnson years. So I'm not typically a Nepo kind of guy with this stuff, but we'll see how he is. No, he'll be great fifth round pick right you know uh then we drafted a guard out of michigan trevor keegan johnny wilson out of florida state and then dylan mcmahon another offensive lineman out of north carolina state so um and then who was uh who so was it cooper to Jean, the John, is that how you say it? I have no idea.
Starting point is 00:43:27 Um, he's, uh, he's, uh, he's from Iowa. So, um,
Starting point is 00:43:32 he is a white defensive back. Uh, yes, he is. It's going to be a weird few years. Uh, yeah. That'd be interesting to talk,
Starting point is 00:43:42 to really talk about like how the NFL does still draft. We have this perception in our brain that somehow certain races play certain positions. It doesn't make any sense if you break it down. It's just like, it's eye test bullshit. Right. But yeah, so Cooper Des Cooper, Cooper Dejan. I'm going to say it French until I correct it. So he said he could beat Caitlin Clark one on one.
Starting point is 00:44:11 Oh, God. And Dejan, Dejarno, he did. Yo, Dejan. What the fuck am I thinking? There he goes right there. I know. He's like, if she did beat me, it'd be close be close it's like no no no no it wouldn't no were you were you two completely different skill sets dude yeah um he played basketball but i don't think he was like uh was he uh
Starting point is 00:44:37 oh he never played in college so no yeah no yeah two. Completely different. One on one. She's got smoky, dude. You're great. You're going to get just I would love to see it. Please do it. I would love to see Caitlin Clark
Starting point is 00:44:54 smoke him. So. And he did kind of backtrack kind of saying like, you know, it was all good fun kind of shit. I think you actually
Starting point is 00:45:02 believe that, dude. You do believe it. You're 21. You're stupid as shit. Your brain hasn't finished forming. And you play football, so it might never finish forming. It probably won't.
Starting point is 00:45:16 Anything else on the Eagles or sports in general? I can't think of anything. Oh, I wanted to see. Hold on. Did Phoenix get draft? Phoenix?
Starting point is 00:45:29 Yeah, he went eighth to the Falcons, who just gave Kirk Cousins like $140 million. Make that make sense. I'm looking forward to the Phoenix jerseys. I know it's Phoenix. You got to change that last name, dude. Or if not, fuck it, roll with it. Fuck it. But Penix Jr. is a very
Starting point is 00:45:48 funny. I'm sure a million dumbasses have made the same joke. But it is very funny. I haven't looked at the overall draft. What's his name go first? Caleb Williams? Yeah, I went first to the Bears. Okay. I love to see the so uh welcome to
Starting point is 00:46:08 uh he'll be on the panthers in three years yeah and we're the jaguars whichever one you like one of those uh sorry for your bud yeah that, that's tough Sorry, man Listen, we were all rooting for Kiss and Titty Strabisky, too Oh, God, they traded up to draft him I know That sucks Oh, man
Starting point is 00:46:37 All right, I'm starting to get lightheaded You want to listen to voice emails? Yeah All right, we got Wayne Let's see what Wayne's talking about Hey, Tom, it's Wayne. Let's see what Wayne's talking about. Hey, Tom. Hey, Liam.
Starting point is 00:46:47 It's Wayne. Pronouns he, him. Calling to basically update, like, everything going on in the world of sports. Of course, probably the biggest one in the NHL is the departure of the Arizona Coyotes. After 20 odd years of trying to make hockey work in the desert, the NHL has officially decided to pull the plug and force the owners to sell to the owners of the Utah Jazz. So the team will be playing next year in Salt Lake City. Definitely got a feel for the folks who are going to be let go within the next couple of weeks.
Starting point is 00:47:30 And then an update in terms of the whole Open Cup fiasco. Of course, the U.S. Soccer Federation gave Major League Soccer exactly what they wanted. And, of course, nothing ever exists in a bubble. So several days later, the English FA is basically about to pressure from the Premier League in England to basically scrap replays for the FA Cup. And that's gonna be a loss of financial money for lower league teams
Starting point is 00:48:02 and basically cause more financial instability in terms of soccer in England. Anyway, hope you guys are well. And as always, go Rutgers and fuck Penn State. Right. Thanks for the
Starting point is 00:48:19 update, Wayne. Yeah. Fuck Penn State's extra part today yeah um yeah i uh i i got a little distracted um uh when my uh secret heathen discord just someone posted this picture right and it says how i feel driving across state lines with a bag full of cicadas and I'm very confused so I guess the cicadas are out in the south
Starting point is 00:48:51 apparently thanks again Wayne for calling in yeah sorry we're having a bad day yeah yeah sorry for asking how we were if you're listening to this episode you already know it is Europe day in the European Union. Roll the next one.
Starting point is 00:49:08 I accidentally opened Wikipedia. God damn it, dude. It's just like a reflex. All right. You got Kyle. Hey, gang. This is Kyle from Cleveland. First time caller.
Starting point is 00:49:17 Go down and see him. So I'm just going to start out with a bit of a hot take, you know, a medium hot take. So here in Cleveland, well, here in Ohio, I guess, we got two big hockey teams, right? We got on the AHL, we got the Cleveland Monsters, really, really good team, love them, love them, love them. And then we got that shit team down in Columbus, the Boo Jackets. I mean, they just consistently suck, and I really don't like having to go all the
Starting point is 00:49:46 way down to fucking Columbus just to see an NHL game. So, I'm thinking, yeah, swap the two. All of a sudden, the monsters go to the NHL where they belong, and all of a sudden, Cleveland, a good sports town, they got all four. They got all the big sports over there,
Starting point is 00:50:01 and, well, I don't know, fuck Columbus. I mean, they got OSU. They're fine. So, yeah, just do that. You know, bring the monsters up to the National League and see how that goes. And then going on from there, I actually do have a question for you guys.
Starting point is 00:50:19 So the USFL, well, the newest version of it, I don't know about it, man. Like, they've only got eight teams, and they're all based in the South. Like, you guys think if maybe they get some new teams from the North, maybe double the amount of teams they have so it's not just, like, a shitty little league? You think it can actually be worth some – it can actually be something worth looking into?
Starting point is 00:50:42 I think it's a little bit too early to say, but hey, you know, you double it up. See how it goes. You know, we might have something to listen to while we wait for the kickoff. Aside from that, I want to throw out a... I want to give a shout-out to the Cleveland Guardians for having a stupidly good start to the season.
Starting point is 00:50:59 Josh Naylor, Andre Smith... Not as good as the Phillies. They're doing amazing fucking work. You guys are actually going to like Josh Naylor. He reminds me as good as the families. Oh, you guys actually in a life. Josh Naylor reminds me of a kind of swerver a lot, just a little bit more swarthy. And, uh, I think that's it.
Starting point is 00:51:14 Plus I'm about to go on. I got to go back to the bridge. So, uh, I'll see you guys later. Uh, Penn state, uh,
Starting point is 00:51:20 go guards and, Oh, fuck everybody from the South, I guess, but, uh, I, go guards and oh fuck everybody from the south I guess but I I Swarthy? Swarthy?
Starting point is 00:51:35 Okay Ben Franklin complaining about the Swarthy Germans Jesus Christ maybe don't get your descriptions out of Lord of the Rings when it comes to skin color. He's a little dark. Yes, he's a little dark across the board. I do agree.
Starting point is 00:51:49 He's a big boy. I do love a big boy. We do love a big boy. Josh Taylor is a big boy. Maybe a different word for that. Please. Please. But we'll give you that one.
Starting point is 00:52:01 Yeah, you get one. Not anymore, though. Can't be swarthy posting. You actually get shot. Sorry. So first off, hockey pro promotion relegation, 100% for it. Fucking send it right now. I would love to see the Lehigh Valley Phantoms get sent up as the Flyers get sent down.
Starting point is 00:52:26 The Hershey Bears, baby. Ooh, Hershey Bears. Yeah, fuck it. Why not? We both are fans of Pro Rel. So, fucking do it. I got some bad news about the USFL. It is folded with the XFL into what is now called the United Football League,
Starting point is 00:52:45 which has the most boring logo I've ever seen. It does. Is it owned by... I don't know. I agree with you. I thought the USFL was boring.
Starting point is 00:53:04 They have teams named after cities, but they never played in the city. I don the USFL was boring. They have teams named after cities, but they never played in the city. I don't give a shit. I think it doesn't matter because there's other sports on. I'd rather watch another sport than watch shittier football. Trust me, I sit through a lot of shitty football.
Starting point is 00:53:19 Yeah. I honestly would rather watch college football. I understand the appeal is it's an offseason. Me personally, I'm a baseball guy, so I'm not going to be watching football during the baseball season unless it's later in the year when the Eagles come on. Yeah, so I don't know what the fucking xfl ufl merger shit's going to be oh there's a usfl conference and an xfl conference there there is no philly team the philly team
Starting point is 00:53:55 did the philly team fold i stars i have no idea um i guess they did win away when they merged? I don't know. I guess so. We got Birmingham Stallions, Houston Roughnecks, Memphis Showboats, Michigan Panthers. That's USFL Conference. Arlington Renegades. DC Defenders. The Defenders are still there. The San Antonio
Starting point is 00:54:19 Brahma's. Yeah, no. They killed the Philadelphia Stars. Yeah, St. Louis. At least they play in the city they're from. I see defenders do, too. I saw one of their first games. Oh, the Brahmins are owned by Dwayne The Rock Johnson.
Starting point is 00:54:40 I'm so tired of seeing that asshole. Oh, he's a fucking narcissist. And by the way, he's a fake natty. He denies being on gear. He's 100% on gear. Like, just be fucking honest about it. I don't. Okay, why are they called the Brahmins?
Starting point is 00:55:00 What's the name? Is there a large Hindu population in San san Antonio that I have no idea and I'm trying to figure out where it comes from oh the American Brahmin a hybrid species crossbred from sacred zebu and American cattle that Johnson has apparently long used as a personal mascot ah that's fucking stupid. That's stupid. Why are you named after a fucking cow? I hate doing the Rock Johnson dude. Dude, he's so annoying. I know.
Starting point is 00:55:33 I don't. Who's They have a kicker named John Parker Romo, no relation. Okay. I'm looking at their team. I'm looking at this. Hines Ward was their coach last year.
Starting point is 00:55:49 Rob Corral. Oh, he's already in the UFL after being drafted in 2022 by the Panthers. That's tough, man. Their starting quarterback is Luke Barku. Lukeman Barku? Sure. Barko? Who played for Grossmont College and San Diego State
Starting point is 00:56:12 running back. Oh, these are current NFL players. So these are guys who played and then aren't in there anymore. So they got a... This is a cool name. Tease Tabor. Give me the next one. Give me the next voicemail
Starting point is 00:56:29 Yeah yeah yeah I was just trying to see if there's any Temple Boys on here One second It doesn't look like it We got Maryland Mississippi State Alright we got Bobby from Western Maryland Called in so let's listen to Bobby.
Starting point is 00:56:46 Hey, Tom. Hey, Liam. This is Bobby from Western Maryland. I just want to call in about a couple of things. One, happy Play Pro. Go listen to Boone to Pista. I believe one of the hosts is a Flyers fan. I saw him on an episode recently.
Starting point is 00:57:02 And then the second thing, I fucking love Jose Alvarado. That sticker is disgusting. That's it. We love him. We love him. He loves his mom's cooking. What can you say?
Starting point is 00:57:14 The Packers and the Eagles are playing in Brazil. I'm sure you've probably talked about it at this point. I really wanted to go to that game in Philly because it was slated to be in Philly this year. And looking forward to going back up there and seeing your city again and rooting on my pack. But you know what? I'm also happy that my fellow Packers fans in Brazil get to see the team play. It's going to be awesome to watch. But I would just like to throw my name into the drawing
Starting point is 00:57:48 for the 10,000 losses trip to Brazil to see the Eagles in week one giveaway. Please don't take note of the team that I'll be rooting for in that game. And if you need any more information from me, just let me know and I can send it to you on Twitter or whatever. So yeah, fuck Penn State, fuck the Bears,
Starting point is 00:58:04 fuck the Yankees. Go Pack Go. Have a good one. We should go to that game. Are we going to die in a favela? Yeah, probably. I saw a fucking sign. It was like, please do not hike to the
Starting point is 00:58:19 Crystal Redentor. You will be robbed. Oh, okay. As I take the drink. Okay. I guess I won't hike up the fucking mountain. Wasn't going to anyway, but thanks, boys. Yeah. Appreciate the heads up.
Starting point is 00:58:34 Thank you. Yeah. Would you go to Rio? No. I mean, maybe. I don't know. I get like anxiety over like super chaotic situations. I'm sure
Starting point is 00:58:50 the people there are lovely. That's usually most people in most countries are lovely. I bet you the food's amazing. I bet you get like fucked up drunk and you have a good time. But I don't know. We'll see what happens. Is that the first game of the season? Yes. but I don't know. Let's see what happens. Um, yeah.
Starting point is 00:59:06 So is that the first game of the season? Um, yes. Yeah. They're opening it up in, uh, it could be a good, a good time.
Starting point is 00:59:15 Yeah, I'm sure it will be. I, dude, I, I, I'm actually kind of worried. Cause if you got Eagles fans down there, that might start something like you might get like a fucking,
Starting point is 00:59:24 like a super, like the Eagles fans down there, that might start something. You might get a fucking super... Eagles fans versus... Actually, are going to merge with the Favellas, and they're going to take over the country. Sure. I like... Why not, man? Yeah, why not?
Starting point is 00:59:38 We'll form the perfect, the new perfect nation. I believe in us yeah why not us yeah oh here we go here we go hold on
Starting point is 00:59:51 esta pronto para ver os eagles no brazil that's spanish not spanish not spanish portuguese brazilian portuguese are you ready to watch
Starting point is 01:00:01 eagles in brazil it says portuguese on there I'm reading it and I fucking said spanish like a jackass. It's not the same language. They're very similar. Give me Charlie.
Starting point is 01:00:10 All right. Give me fuel. Give me fire. Give me Charlie I desire. That's right. All right. We got two Charlies. Hey, guys. Yay, Liam. Hey, Tom. This is Charlie. Don't sound too happy.
Starting point is 01:00:25 Yeah, Jesus, man. Matching our energy. Finally lose a game after starting the season off, supposedly undefeated, even though they had four draws. Finally did lose a game at home for the first time in the regular season in over 13 months to the Brigham Young Money boys, Greg, Jordan, and Kyle. RSL came in, got the first goal. The Union conceded the first goal for the fifth time in eight games to start the season. Did tie it in the beginning of the second half with Daniel Gostag hitting a back heel after the ball pinged around in the penalty spot.
Starting point is 01:01:12 Then he proceeded to miss a couple of absolute sitters that would have put the Union ahead. And then RSL defender gets a volley goal 40 yards outside of the box to put the Mormon boys up a goal and took all three points out of Chester. They're right back tomorrow night with the resumption of the Seattle Sounders game, with a lot of people hurt, we'll see if they can get three points out of that game, and they'll be on the road on the weekend. But, yep, yeah, it's been a long first loss of the season.
Starting point is 01:02:06 Always tough. Not as bad as the Sixers, who are absolutely choking and dying as we speak. They'll probably be out by the time this episode goes up. And we've been thoroughly destroyed by the new Orange Menace, which is the New York Knicks. And may they go into the second round or even into the Eastern Conference Finals and get beaten by
Starting point is 01:02:29 an even more annoying fan base with the Boston Celtics. Hey, Charlie. Union season continuing on. Later, fellas. Thanks, Charlie. Let's see what kind of Charlie we get in the second Charlie
Starting point is 01:02:45 Do you think it's going to be a happy Charlie or a sad Charlie? It's a sad Charlie Probably a sad Charlie Hey guys, this is Charlie from Roxborough Hey Tom, yay Liam Union, after two games this week Only managed one point After going down multiple goals in the first half of both games.
Starting point is 01:03:08 They lost 3-2 at home for the resumption of the game from March 9th. Lost that game 3-2 to Seattle. Gave up three goals early. Looked out of it. Big mistakes. Got two goals in the second half to lose by one. Then went to D.C. Went down two goals early in the first half. At least got one back
Starting point is 01:03:31 from Ale Bodoia off of a free kick rolled in front of him. Scored it. And then Jack McGlynn, little C, also got a goal in the Seattle game. Got his second off of a 35 yard banger in the upper 90 to put the game tied 2-2. They just look all kinds of out of sorts.
Starting point is 01:03:57 Jose Martinez took to social media in the middle of the Seattle game before getting benched. Andre Blake took to social media the day after the Seattle game to say things aren't going well. He's also got his knee drained. He was out for both of those games. But the real news is it's still nothing, nothing. Game 7 of the Toronto-Boston series. Liam, blood pressure must be over 10,000 right now. It was, bud. The black and gold is getting pulled through.
Starting point is 01:04:33 Later, fellas. Thanks, Charlie. Appreciate the update. Things not going well seems to be a theme. Woo! Hey, but you know what? I feel a little better after doing this um so that's good and and uh better if you were feeling bad when you started listening hopefully
Starting point is 01:04:52 you feel better now uh uh let's give our shout outs we got shout outs north catholic to your patrons patrick sean mike amanda k eve charlie lukeho, Chucklebird, Kat, Robert, or Kyle. We got two new 700 level patrons, Henry and Jack. Thanks, boys. Yeah, we're at $242. Let's get that back up to $250 so we do another fucking live stream.
Starting point is 01:05:17 I was slumming it on the Liam, the Grand Duchy, Grand Duchy of Liam. And some people did not know that i had wore the balaclava they did not they were not aware of it so we'll get the word out a little more next time that'll be fine um yeah um let's see voicemail or text message 267-371-7218 give us your name and pronouns.
Starting point is 01:05:45 We need another Australian since Nuki has decided to focus on schoolwork. Terrible. DM and follow us. I'm at Tahikateepin. He's in that lineage. Zero goes late. Podcast is at 10K Losses Pod. Patreon.com slash 10,000 Losses where you can listen to our bonus episodes and give us
Starting point is 01:06:05 money other podcasts that are good well there's a problem we got trash shooter uh hellway die where's our other friends radio free tote bag tipping pitches
Starting point is 01:06:20 I feel like we're missing some fuck em the fuck em podcast brought to you by Tipping pitches. I feel like we're missing some. Fuck them. The Fuck Them Podcast. Yeah, the Fuck Them Podcast. Brought to you by... DraftFox. DraftFox. I was going to say KY Jelly or XY, whatever the fucking name is.
Starting point is 01:06:34 XY Jelly. XY Jelly. It's a better name, KY, right? I didn't think about it. Holy shit. All right, we did manage to do an hour eight so that's nice uh all right folks have a good day yeah hope it's better than ours what all right bye We don't care. No one likes us. No one likes us. No one likes us. We don't care.
Starting point is 01:07:07 We're from Philly. Fucking Philly. No one likes us. We don't care.

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