Ten Thousand Losses - Rock Hammer

Episode Date: August 25, 2022

Our 40th episode! Tom complains (as usual) about something work related. Then the boys talk Phils, some Mets fan nonsense, and listen to two drunken emails.  Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com.../tenklossespod  Leave us a voicemail: 267-371-7218 Support us on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/tenthousandlosses 

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Starting point is 00:00:00 accused of punching a police force CTE! CTE! CTE! those negative fans make himself vomit GO BAN! GO BAN! you gotta think the fanatic's gonna go down to her and give her a bunch of hot dogs or the snowball starting to come they'll boo us but they won't let anybody else boo us Thank you. we're very professional this podcast that's us i wasted all my fucking professionalism on choose your own adventure what teacher training i don't even know what the fuck that shit was it was social emotional learning which apparently the the right right wingers hate
Starting point is 00:01:40 they hate emotions yeah i don't know but i mean it's coming from a good place it's just just dumb most things are dude yeah so i've i've i heard that you might have encountered some dumb things possibly maybe i don't know are we are we recording yes oh we are they moved it they fucking moved it into the top left i'm used to having in the top center yeah so we were coming back from from richmond and i tweeted about it where so there's a an official policy that you're not supposed to drink beer that's not from the cafe car on trains and i have been taking amtrak for many many years certainly at least 100 times since i turned 21 and i've never once seen that enforced and i've never i haven't taken the train as much as you
Starting point is 00:02:35 but i've never seen that enforced and on the way back from richmond we're about to pull into union station so they're about to do a crew change anyway because they do like they swap the uh locomotive to electric and then they do a crew change at dc and guys like if that's a personal beer like finish it don't open another one and ross and i were both kind of stunned and it was like dude it's not gonna be your problem in 10 minutes like i get it but what the fuck and it was just like it's like dude it's it's like it's a wednesday like what are we gonna do that's gonna be like you know we're not in the quiet car and the thing that that really pissed me off is like amtrak sells beer so it's like so hypothetically like you know i could just get a bunch of nine percent beers from your train car and that would theoretically be fine but like because you know it was just like i you're within your rights to enforce the rule but it was like
Starting point is 00:03:36 don't be a dick man like i'm exhausted he's exhausted let us just drink our beers and like pass out yeah i i've never seen it enforced i've never ever seen it enforced yeah i mean fuck on the on the uh the surf liner we were we were drinking wine that we brought on and the fucking conductor saw was like cool like didn't care they just watched us open them yeah i mean it wasn't a big bottle like i wasn't like opening like a magnum right um but yeah and bras was drinking like i would i would understand it to a point if if you're if you're talking about like a 40 or something right which i know sounds classist but i'm just thinking okay high volume of beer high volume of beer high gravity like that i i sort of get like ross is drinking a fucking vienna lager dude
Starting point is 00:04:26 it's a devil's backbone vienna lager it's four eight maybe like yeah and it was just like 10 minutes before we're gonna do a crew change like just let it go so yeah that that that's stuck in my craw uh which is a phrase apparently corinne has never heard oh really you've not have you heard the phrase stuck in my craw i've i've heard it yeah it's not something i've heard used a lot but yeah you know i've heard it there you go uh yeah i understand you are wearing your grumble trousers today oh yeah. It's just that there's dumb, dumb. I probably have ranted about this before, but the fact that we as educators don't use all the pedagogy that we have to fucking make interesting goddamn professional development. I am like, and if I had to do another fucking Zoom training, I'm going to throw myself out the window.
Starting point is 00:05:26 I don't I don't think you're crazy for that. It's just seven hours, man. Like, over... Playing videos over fucking Zoom, man. Like, what the fuck? Just have us watch it. That's not training. That's not helping you be a professional. That's not helping you learn. And the one video, the guy starts coughing.
Starting point is 00:05:42 And then you watch him, and he goes to turn it off. and then it's done and he never and there's no like part two where he picks up for where like like dude there's it's less amazing than this podcast amazing less editing i would love to know what your employer paid for that dude i i did you know what you know what we got to do this is the next script after the podcasts are all gone we're gonna we're gonna write a uh like a a curriculum that we're gonna go sell to school districts and it's gonna be some honestly i'm here for it yeah like like we'll just present it as like this is like the this is this is going to make sure your teachers don't don't leave we'll be like class traders or something like that but yeah we gotta eat too yeah yeah like you know
Starting point is 00:06:33 edge you slice and we're gonna come in and we're gonna talk about how you know you got to take time for yourself um in this time that you could be using actually to set up your classroom but but now yeah no it's because you you have to check the boxes and you know pretend you give a shit about your employees when you fucking don't obviously and the other thing too is is like what's funny is i i gotta say like you know as an educator my greatest skill is able to like connect with my students and like like get their emotions and it's like i you have to teach that to other teachers like and i know there are teachers out there who don't really get it as much you know but that's what they're teaching me like i could teach this one you know it's like hey why don't
Starting point is 00:07:21 you go on the internet see what a meme is so that maybe you you could you could you could fucking have something common with your students sorry i just i just uh watched a video of the phillies broadcast team and in the background this dude is packing what looks like half a log like like half a half a tip dip this is one of the fattest lips I've ever seen and he's got his shirt has like it's got like a wizard hat, a heart and then like are those like katanas
Starting point is 00:07:56 or like bow staffs or something or is they like shovels holy shit I mean that is a lip dude that is gargantuan oh my god jesus croc was probably like at that during the break he's like hey could you pan some of that down dude you know it's bad when you got to use three fingers to pack that fucking thing in is it three hang on let me let's let's go to the instant replay. Let's look at this. I like that we're looking at the
Starting point is 00:08:26 same tweet, but that's funny. It popped up because I'm dumbass on Chrome and every so often likes to be like, oh, do you want notifications? And I accidentally hit allow. So now I'm like, got fucking notifications on Twitter.
Starting point is 00:08:42 So when you know, tweeted something. Hang on, I've got a full screen of this bitch. Yeah, this is amazing. Two fingers. Go look at it. That camera was right on him.
Starting point is 00:08:59 Well, he was within the field of vision. So definitely one purpose. So shouts out to um our cowboy he's not cowboy i don't know what the fuck that shirt is probably a band yeah uh good for him packing a lip yep uh enjoy your your nicotine while you can because uh i guess the planet's gonna melt anyway yeah doesn't matter uh i don't use nicotine anymore but if you do i don't give a shit um probably shouldn't start if you don't but
Starting point is 00:09:32 i don't give a fuck um my cousin who was in uh iraq he he smokes a shitload and his mom tells him to stop all the time and i'm just like like, listen, I will never tell you not to. The shit that I know that you went through, like you've earned cigarettes the rest of your life. Right. I have no, what the fuck am I going to tell you? I mean, you can't smoke in my house, but you can smoke in front of it.
Starting point is 00:09:58 That's him. Anyway, this is apparently a podcast. Ostensibly about sports. Yeah. Hello and welcome to another episode of 10,000 Losses, the only Philadelphia sports podcast that exists. I'm your host, Tom Payne. My pronouns are he, him. With me is my podcast.
Starting point is 00:10:18 Wow. Woo. With me is my co-host. With me is my podcast. Yay. Liam. Hi. Hi, Tom. How's it going there buddy hi podcast uh you're here joining me on my co-host uh that sounded okay all right
Starting point is 00:10:34 all right uh yeah we're taking a turn here that we got a lot of positive response for this last fiction episode so we're we're taking a weird turn with things. Yeah, we're just going to get real weird with it. Yeah, so we don't have any announcements. This is going to be a pretty straightforward episode actually. Yeah, we don't have any announcements. I fucked
Starting point is 00:10:58 up no August bonus thing, although we did technically publish a bonus in August, so fuck it. We've had a bad day. Yeah yeah it's a dollar a fucking month i'm coming back to school um i'm learning guitar my fingers sore is that why oh yeah we gotta talk about that offline because your uh calendar is now synced to my calendar wait wait wait my Google calendar? Yeah. How the fuck did that happen? Yeah, you had a guitar lesson last night at 6.15pm.
Starting point is 00:11:33 Oh my god. How'd it go? You were only there for half an hour? Alright, don't actually say where it is. No, I'm not. I'm gonna have to bleep the time, too. I don't know. Fair enough. This place is in bleep the time, too. I don't know. Fair enough.
Starting point is 00:11:46 This place is in the middle of nowhere, man. Oh, shit, dude. Yeah. Dude, you know what? Is that what the family calendar is? Yes. Oh, I thought that was the iCloud. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:58 I actually have something really funny. I have a story about that, actually. Genuinely. Oh, okay uh back in college so i went from i went to college from 2010 to about 2015 uh because i was on the on the you know victory lap plan yeah and no judging for me seven years of my bachelor's seven years of college down the drain might as well join the fucking peace corps anyway uh i had two friends google calendars synced to my google calendar and they were unaware of this so like january this year my buddy was like yeah like you know blah blah blah and i was like yeah
Starting point is 00:12:43 you went here like with this girl like i know he was like what and i was like yeah like you know blah blah blah and i was like yeah you went here like with this girl like i know he was like what and i was like yeah you like went ice skating from like six to eight like i know what are you talking about i know and and he's like what the fuck are you talking about and i was like yeah for the last 10 years our google calendars have been synced together like i've i've known what you've been doing and been up to for a decade oh i know when your bills are due i know how much your bills are like and and both of them desynced their calendars like within those five minutes but it was just like i i fucking love that like i got away with that for a decade because they were too lazy to change calendars that's so fucking funny i'm genuinely like like like i have mirth right now like like this
Starting point is 00:13:31 i was using that one that's so that's so fucking funny uh i was not expecting that i don't know what the fuck else i put in there but uh that's all I've seen going to the dick sucking factory? I thought he was a teacher uh same thing honestly ooh oh wait we have that in here don't we uh yeah oh lost connection to server
Starting point is 00:14:00 attempting to reconnect um what the fuck does that mean Zencastr bad yeah are we still it's still recording though it's still recording well at least we're recording locally i'm gonna you know i'm thinking of getting i'm thinking of getting that internet over power line oh yeah yeah uh ip whatever internet protocol over yeah power whatever it's called. Yeah. So, or Ethernet over power. I think PoE power. Yeah, something like that. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:31 Poopy. Voicemail. Call in. Leave us a voicemail. 267-371-7218. Please give us your name and your pronouns. Patreon.com slash 10,000 losses. Now let's talk about the goddamn phillies yeah uh my eye just started twitching when you said that uh i dude absolutely fucking uh bryce harper looked
Starting point is 00:14:56 great in triple a ball last night that was a sweet swing that the the iron pig was one last night on a walk-off too i yeah we did although we should like like we keep shitting our pants uh yeah and giving up leads but i mean it's good that the guys like have like this this like oh yeah we can come back right it's been like young dudes like it was like was it nick mayton yeah yeah yeah um who he's he's been he was good all this year. Then he strained his shoulder, landing hard on it. But the Mets series, that was... Bad.
Starting point is 00:15:33 I mean, the Mets are the best NL team. Right. Well, second best, I guess, after the Dodgers. Well, the first of the NL East. Yeah, they're really fucking good. They're very good. And we almost split that series but we didn't but no uh we shit our we shit our little pants yeah and the mets have rocked us this year they have
Starting point is 00:15:54 they've owned us no more games against them this year but they own the shit out of us if we get them in the playoffs like that that's a good arc you know if if such things second best team in the in the nl they're seven and a half games back of the Dodgers but we're the fifth best team in the NL and we're merely 17 and a half games back behind the Dodgers
Starting point is 00:16:15 that just shows like the disparity between it's nuts dude yeah so in the basement of my beloved Boston Red Sox yeah poor Red Sox that's what you get for ripping apart a team that you could absolutely bankroll i can't feel too bad for boston fans no we've we've had enough you've had you've had success how would you like to root for the new england patriots tom uh yes you would throw my patriots't rebuild, they reload. How are the latest class of white wide receivers?
Starting point is 00:16:48 We branched out. Now we have one Hispanic man. Nelson Aguilar is here. Yeah, but is he a non-white Hispanic? Nelson Aguilar is doing the Michael Jackson surgery, so we will have our tiny white undersized receivers again. Yeah, a real lunch pail guy. Scrappy.
Starting point is 00:17:10 Yeah. We got a guy named Gunnar Osleski on this fucking team. Oh, boy. That guy. He went to the Steelers, actually. Okay. I was going to say that guy. That guy's growing up saying slurs.
Starting point is 00:17:21 Yeah, he's from Minnesota. He went to Bemjin State or something insane. So speaking of slurs. yeah he's from minnesota he went to like benjen state or something insane so speaking of slurs uh yeah go for it uh yeah which ones we want to say the uh so the double header against the mets on uh last saturday from this recording um was the worst game i was ever at um that i could well besides the time that i was a kid and the guy shit in the sink of veteran stadium well that was kind of cool in hindsight right that's a good story at least yeah uh dude there were so many mets fans and um they let a mets fan throw out the first pitch. That's embarrassing.
Starting point is 00:18:09 And I was like, is this a skit? Is this like one of those fanatic things? Like where they get like a fake umpire or something. And then like, oh, like the Galapagos gang is going to eat him or he steals the keys to like the fanatic thing. Right. No, it was just the head of this group that I never heard of called the Seven Line Army. Oh, I've heard of them. Oh, dude.
Starting point is 00:18:27 Did you see the first pitch? Did you see a video of it? I thought it was terrible. He missed it by a good 20, 30 feet. 20, 30 feet, yeah. Yeah. Like, Jesus Christ. Like, dude, I could throw a strike. Like, you could throw a strike you just you know it's
Starting point is 00:18:47 not that hard you don't have to throw hard you know like tom they'll sell you a party time one piece women's bathing suit you can get it for your wife uh it's a mess the seven line the seven line yes oh is that come with or without the transphobic slurs? I don't know. Let's hear the transphobic slurs. Those are our favorites. Yeah. Yeah, so this dude who threw out the first pitch is like a major transphobe. Of course he fucking is. I mean, after the Pete Rose thing, you can't do a little bit of damage control.
Starting point is 00:19:18 Dude, you can't fucking have a policy where you go, oh shit, they're Mets fans. No, sorry. Yeah, exactly. Apparently they originally wanted to have Mr. Mets throw out the first pitch, which at least would have been funny. I mean, I recognize the game here, right? That's funny because you found a dumb
Starting point is 00:19:38 policy. The Nationals used to have something like that. They got rid of it when Phillies fans took advantage, trying to buy block seating. And then they tried to make it like, oh, you can only buy so many tickets if you're not from a certain area. It's like no one in the Phillies business office would be like, hey, can we just double check this? I'm pretty sure we could find a way to turn this down. And John Milton's is like, all i understand is money i'm not very bright yeah i just
Starting point is 00:20:08 i'm counting my money and then like the um the the people i have died for my dad's tobacco company um yeah those two he's good at counting um like like like what the fuck like that's a fucking disgrace
Starting point is 00:20:24 wait it's such a like what do you think the hell you think I felt for the players? It's such a fierce rivalry. Why are you in my fucking house? Dude, and they were doing chants. Castle doctrine, but for CBP. I honestly felt that way. So I went to the bathroom, and I actually went to their side of the fucking ballpark. Apparently now it's like a fucking soccer stadium where you have like sides for what fans and guys like oh well age
Starting point is 00:20:51 before beauty and i'm like look at it was like the dude like dude you're 20 years older than me like that that doesn't fucking work like that how is that funny like you're you're a 50 year old man like i what what like at least make your joke be funny like you know i don't know You're a 50 year old man. Like I what? What? Like, at least make your joke be funny. Like, you know, I don't know. I fucking hate Mets fans. I do. Oh.
Starting point is 00:21:22 But Bobby Wagner called me a erstwhile Phillies fan, which I was like, I think that you're threatening me because erstwhile means former. So I don't know i don't i but like i like you dude but i think you used that word wrong um but uh on the on the tipping pitches twitter uh or slack i uh i found out of like there's a lot of mets fans there unfortunately and they sure kind of they were all like oh yeah these are these are the worst of the mets fans i mean i guess i guess my fans are the worst of the mets oh we lost connection to the server again at least at least they're not braves fans that's the one like that's damning thing praise like right yeah exactly because at least that i had a guy the guy fucking sitting next to me was a mets fan and he's talking about how how zach wheeler's racism like I'm pretty sure Zach Wheeler's not racist
Starting point is 00:22:06 and he's like oh it might be no I'm like I know he's an anti-vaxxer I don't know I never heard of anything about no racist I have no reason to leave my house please leave my house and then like stop doing the fucking chant like like like please like this weird strikeout chant like shut the
Starting point is 00:22:21 fuck up like oh my god I dude. Fucking. And of course the Phillies couldn't have like answered them. Like, like please make them shut up. Right. But no,
Starting point is 00:22:32 you can't do that either. Like, of course we did have the drunk guy run on the field. So that was funny. Congratulations. He was really drunk. We didn't get the video before he ran over the dugout first. Oh yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:44 So I was like, Oh, you're going to get it. You're dugout first. Oh, yeah. So I was like, oh, you're gonna get it. You're getting charged tonight. Oh, that's funny. Why does it say not even a fucking year on football? Uh, Deshaun Watson. Oh, yeah. 11 games.
Starting point is 00:23:00 Pathetic. 11 games. Absolutely pathetic. Fucking eat my ass. fucking not robert well robert manford too roger goodell bud yeah you go for them he does his job very well he's a very he's he's kin fodder that's what he's for and he does it well so the ownership because the owners want him to play because of yeah i uh i know we have a voicemail about it but uh i i just i can't fucking stand this shit dude like i had to watch there's the eagles and dolphins are joint practicing right now and apparently got a little chippy and i had to keep reading about tyreek fucking hill dude
Starting point is 00:23:39 who's now on the dolphins i'm just hoping our d line just absolutely fucking turns them into dust and shit like uh dislocate your shoulder that yeah okay his shoulder i'm not saying that we should do that i'm saying the eagles defense is not that tall we could probably do it he's fast though we're not fast we're not built for speed we're built for sheer raw power uh i mean i i can i can close distance faster you think it's like me and me and Kyle Schorber were both like that. I thought of you last night when I was watching the Fells when Schorber was up to bat. I'm like, my boy is caked up. Dude, my wife is like, there's something wrong with you.
Starting point is 00:24:20 I'm like, I just like big dudes like that. I'm like that. I like that. I mean, I'm not I just like big dudes like that I'm like that You know like I like that I mean I'm not like that I want to be like that But that's how I see myself So give me steroids it's gender affirming Yes I actually believe it or not
Starting point is 00:24:37 I saw takes it where they were like no that actually is gender affirming And you should have it so To our trans friends out there who say that I thank you i agree with that legalized steroids for everybody free sex change whatever the fuck you want i don't give a shit um and if you say slurs uh you should not be allowed to throw the first pitch affiliates game you should be you should don't something you should be helped you know the the fanatic should dress up as the guy who shot mussolini and you'd be hanged by the galapagos gang
Starting point is 00:25:06 the actually they actually eat you that's funny yes uh i like that um did you watch so the first preseason i don't watch preseason as a rule i i don't i and and i i had at least not for the birds i've watched a couple preseason games just like something to have on in the background but i had the jets one just while the first series is happening right yeah i don't give a shit i don't care it's it doesn't matter right it's not real football it's third string guys i look i like football a lot i watch watch every Eagles game. Yeah, exactly. I don't watch the fucking preseason. It doesn't matter.
Starting point is 00:25:48 It's truly irrelevant. As someone who watches spring training baseball, not every game, but I will watch spring training baseball. I do not give a shit. I'm watching week zero college football. So, you know. When does that start? Saturday. Saturday.
Starting point is 00:26:07 Going to watch Nebraska and Northwestern live from Dublin. Oh, are you going to Dublin, Ireland? No, I'm no. I wish I was, but no, I'm just going to watch it. Yeah, I. Oh, shit. The game's in. Dude, I'm a fucking idiot.
Starting point is 00:26:22 The game's in Dublin. I thought you were going to Ireland and I'm like, oh, shit be fun yeah or dublin pennsylvania oh i do want to talk about real quick uh it's on the outline but uh as we're talking about college debt forgiveness which hashtag team better than nothing did he did he uh come out yeah it's official what is it uh ten thousand dollars uh unless you got a pell grant in which case it's twenty thousand dollars okay as long as you make 125 or under and there's a lot of action there's a lot of meaningfully good stuff in capping interests and payback rates good um okay okay i do it you know's. This was the best we were going to get. And my stance is basically like I live in a swing state. I'm not thrilled about voting Democrat, but I am happy as shit to vote for Fetterman as a big boy, as a big boy.
Starting point is 00:27:19 You know? Oh, yeah. I do want to talk about real quick. Nick Saban got a raise the nick saban for those of you who the coach the coach of the university of alabama through 2030 a year through 2030 the year he uh he's gonna make something like 28 000 basically a minute uh which is it's gonna cost more than like room and board does at the university of alabama that's fucking insane yeah he makes uh when you the amended deal runs through february 2030 and we'll pay him an average of 11.7 million a year
Starting point is 00:27:59 jesus christ yeah uh not for profit though it's all for yeah exactly so like that's that's one of the things that i think we we should talk about we we you know obviously we'll let your problems cover the ncaa uh but i just want to talk i want to just get the number 11.7 million a year in front of you for a college football coach. That's lunacy. That's a fucking lot of money. Yeah. We really are good at allocating resources in this country. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:28:34 Very good at it. I don't really want to hear about how the kids are irresponsible for taking on loans at 17. Right. The University of Alabama is willing to pay a football coach $11.7 million a year. Yeah, you could fund a lot of free rides for that. You could open a new department. Or actually take all your
Starting point is 00:28:57 adjuncts and make them tenure. Exactly. It's just... I just don't want to hear it. JJ Arcega-Wh white side is now on the Seahawks problem. We got, what, a fifth rounder for him? Something. And then like some,
Starting point is 00:29:14 didn't we get some like dude too? Yeah, who we just traded right before we went to air to the Titans for a seventh rounder. Oh, okay. Cool. He lasted nine days here in Philly. Howie, gotta collect them all, Roseman. Brain genius.
Starting point is 00:29:30 Brain genius. Oh, collecting those draft picks. You know how valuable the seventh rounder is? That's like asking, just like, dude, look, I gotta get this desk out of here. She's gonna kill me if I give it away for free. Just give me 20 bucks. Yeah, exactly. it. She's going to kill me if I give it away for free. Just give me 20 bucks.
Starting point is 00:29:45 Yeah, exactly. Jeff is going to get real mad at me if I just let you take them. Like, you have to get, you have to take, just $20. Seventh rounder. It's, it's. There's some good pickups in the seventh round occasionally. You get some decent linemen, but they're always going to be like a second string lineman. Wait, wasn't Kelsey fifth or sixth round rady was sixth round my lot of my lot of was pretty low yeah um no i mean not not saying you
Starting point is 00:30:16 can't but like it's just i don't know i find it amusing but what was the team that traded traded somebody for a meal they traded somebody for a meal. They traded somebody for promises sandwiches. Oh yeah. That was baseball, wasn't it? Might've been baseball. I mean, you could trade someone for cash considerations and a player to be named later player to be named.
Starting point is 00:30:33 There's a baseball podcast that I've never listened to, but I like the name called podcast to be named later. Uh, that is a, that's a good name. Uh, yeah. So,
Starting point is 00:30:44 uh, it, so it is pronounced Arthaga. It's not Arsega, it's Arthaga. So is that like Spanish? Like Castilian? Yeah, I guess. I don't know. Arthaga.
Starting point is 00:30:59 Bartholona. Oh, he's from Spain. He was born in Spain. On Christmas Eve, 96. He moved to from spain he was born in spain okay on christmas eve 96 he moved to south carolina when he was six cool um yeah he sucks and if and and i'm not saying this to you because i never have told this linguistic story to you but to you the listener if you heard the story he interned with condoleezza Rice so critical report retracted insofar as that he can sabotage
Starting point is 00:31:30 the Seahawks but if you believe the story that the entire nation of Spain started a lisp somehow because the king had it you are the most gullible person I've ever met in my life
Starting point is 00:31:46 and I haven't even met you you tell them yeah that how do you believe that I know someone who fucking believed and got mad at me when I told him I was like there's no way that's true there's absolutely no we have in English too you know we actually have two versions of it
Starting point is 00:32:01 alright linguistics right over Tyrus Max who was in the booth dude We actually have two versions of it. All right. Linguists right over. Tyrus Max, he was in the booth. Yeah, that dude. How could you not like this guy? Did you? I really I saw the thing that was like, yeah, I like to go to games.
Starting point is 00:32:27 I love to go to 76ers games, but sometimes I got to sit between James Harden and I was just thinking they are basically on a bench like yes i was just like tyrus maxi is a is a a thin man like yeah and those two boys are caked up yeah and and harden's like now getting it well well have you seen the photos of harden and bead they're both like leaned the fuck out like yeah dropping body fat oh dude Embiid's gonna be a fucking monster like like Embiid is like doing a Giannis transformation to like like dude like what the fuck are you on man um
Starting point is 00:32:55 but yeah dude him and John Kruk hit it off because Kruk's apparently a huge basketball fan like he watches every Sixers game so they were just talking the entire time like this is a new friendship I love it it's just not because he's such a he's just such a like a like I don't know how you say it like Ernest that's what I always think of Tyrese he's very earnest and very earnest friendly sounding like he just seems like a cool
Starting point is 00:33:19 dude like I I really like that he just seems happy as shit to be there. Yeah, that's the way. He just seems like, he said, I get to play a game for my job. I was like, hell yeah, dude. Alright. Plus, he's fucking really good at basketball. He's really good at basketball. He was absolutely a steal.
Starting point is 00:33:39 Did you see the interview? It may have been his second or third game starting where he Kate Scott, who's the one of the play by play announcers of the Sixers, is doing the postgame. And the mic cuts like his or his his earpiece cuts. And he's just going, is Kate? Yes. Yes, Kate. It's like over and over.
Starting point is 00:34:04 I was like, oh, I, i i i love tyrese maxi i remember i picked up a tyrese maxi jersey for 40 fucking dollars nice uh like his rookie season or something when when there were rumors that he was going to basically be immediately traded yeah he yeah no i love him uh he i love him I will say about the Sixers even if they don't win the championship they are so much fucking fun yeah they're very likable team
Starting point is 00:34:35 they're very likable team Joel Embiid just absolutely like very Philly player in the sense of like I'm just gonna like annihilate dudes and be a fucking dick about it. Yeah, I have irrational confidence this year in Philly teams.
Starting point is 00:34:53 Yeah, dude. Dude, this whole team... One second. Ooh. Got to cut that one. Yeah, no. Start got to cut that one yeah start start of the fall soon
Starting point is 00:35:10 what was I going to say no like Embiid has like imperfectly embodied like the Philly guy who sits the corner bar who who's like yeah everyone calls me a dickhead because I'm a dickhead and he just like like he's just an asshole but he's like, yeah, everyone calls me a dickhead because I'm a dickhead. He's just an asshole, but he's
Starting point is 00:35:27 a lovable asshole. And he can also back it up. Right, yeah. And a good guy. I won't forget this and I'm sure the employees of Fargo Center won't fucking forget how... Josh Harris.
Starting point is 00:35:46 He basically bullied them into paying those people during the pandemic. Yes, he did. So, fucking good guy. And you know, you never hear anything like, like, like about his private life. It seems like he's like a pretty private dude. He has a son? Yeah. Yeah, now he has a son. He's got like
Starting point is 00:36:01 a long-term... Brazilian model girlfriend, maybe wife now? I'm not sure. I think that's like son. He's got like a long-term Brazilian model girlfriend, maybe wife now. I'm not sure. I think that's like when you get drafted, like you get your suit and then you get your Brazilian girlfriend. That's like just how it works. Standard issue, Brazilian girlfriend. Standard issue.
Starting point is 00:36:17 You get your like sick-ass plaid suit that... I want one of those so fucking bad, dude. I wish that I could look good my dad wore one of those to my parents wedding allegedly he wore a red and blue checkered suit to my parents wedding
Starting point is 00:36:34 to his own wedding I should say not like a Pennsylvania tuxedo that would also be cool uh to fucking Kevin Durant staying in Philly or staying in Brooklyn.
Starting point is 00:36:50 No, he was never going to come here. And I didn't want him. And anyone who wanted to trade Maxie or fucking idiot, the dude the dude I just don't think he'd mesh, honestly. I mean, he's great, but you have no guarantee he's going to be there for a long
Starting point is 00:37:05 time. Exactly. And if he's going to get hurt. And if him and Embiid get in a fight, you know, over some dumb shit, you know. Which they will, because those are two massive egos. That's a lot of egos to wrangle. Yeah, so basketball
Starting point is 00:37:21 is a very, I mean, it's a team sport, but. So lives and dies on individual talent, right? Right. Almost more so than any other sports. I agree with that. So, yeah, not cool. The Brooklyn Nets can implode. I don't give a shit.
Starting point is 00:37:37 Go Sixers. I have convinced my wife that we need to go to see a couple Sixers games this year. Sounds good. We'll have to do that. No to go to see a couple Sixers games this year. Sounds good. No one gives a shit about the Flyers. I put a penis in there. You just put a dick there. I put a dick in there. I, dude,
Starting point is 00:37:57 Bruins, one of our prospects helped Sweden to a third place finish at worlds so that was pretty cool uh patrice bergeron's coming back for for one more go
Starting point is 00:38:14 oh he stopped hosting america's funniest home videos shut up they they re-signed crazy uh because basically i said this in the last episode but there's been no movement uh posternox still doesn't have a contract I love those on Fat Tuesday
Starting point is 00:38:29 shut up the union beat the shit out of DC United that's fucking funny you deserve to suffer six to nothing since we comment on every team's name let's see DC football what is it is it DC United okay 6-0. Since we comment on every team's name, let's see. DC Football.
Starting point is 00:38:47 What is it? Is it DC? Oh, DC United. Okay. Are there multiple football teams? Did they merge? Yeah. Yeah. They had the Tom Payne sucks and the Tom Payne eats butts.
Starting point is 00:39:00 And the fighting Tom Payne's. And now there's DC United. DC United. DC United also lost the Bayern six to two. That's a friendly about Bayern. They're not us, but not on the not on the parent. We really have two voicemails from Charlie from Roxborough. Yeah. All right. Well, just get it.
Starting point is 00:39:19 We have we have like nothing to cover today and I got to record. Well, there's a problem. So I guess we just get through the voicemails and DMs. Alright, so let's see. I think they're in order. Let's go. Hey, guys. Yay, Liam. Hooray, Tom. This is Charlie.
Starting point is 00:39:37 See him again. Union, still in first place after another big win at home. Seems like they keep doing that. Just rolled Chicago fire. 4-1. Another crazy game. Down in Chester. Still in first place again. Still losing ground to LA.
Starting point is 00:40:04 But five up. again. Still losing ground at LA, but, you know, five up are our Francophone friends, Quebec, Montreal, in second place now. As for, you know, I really don't want to think about Pete Rose's
Starting point is 00:40:22 two bubblegum pocket balls. Probably would just a rock hammer. You know, whether it's going to be more awesome. I think it's the first time I've done a bleep of a caller. Think about, you know,
Starting point is 00:40:41 his silly putty that fell on the carpet that's got hair all over it. What? Once a nonce, always a nonce. Don't defend nonces. You don't have to hand it to nonces. Don't have to honor them.
Starting point is 00:40:56 Don't have to bring them for alumni games. You know, the Phillies did the right thing in 2018. I don't know why they did, but four years later, you know, backslide on that, but you guys already talked about it. You know, you've got
Starting point is 00:41:12 to keep it up. You know. Talk about the Phillies can't be hit for any runs against the fucking Nats, but. Yeah, I know. You know, they've got another big game, it's a big week. They've got two road games. It's a big week. They've got two road games.
Starting point is 00:41:26 They're going to go. We, Dallas Football Club, have killed John F. Kennedy in midweek. Then they got a trip down to D.C. at the German
Starting point is 00:41:40 Auto Club Stadium down there. The new one next to the stadium. It's going to be a tough week. You know, they got the win on Sunday, Saturday. They got two big games Wednesday and Saturday on the road. So keep the momentum going. All right.
Starting point is 00:41:57 See how drunk I sound on the podcast. Later, guys. Thank you for our weekly UD coverage because we outsource this not not too not too bad on this one um yeah and and we're not gonna have the egyptian man lose my basement do football coverage he's too busy grinding my transmission into dust okay uh let's see uh Fuck. Oh, yeah, it's Charlie again. That's right. Let's see how drunk he sounds. Hey, guys.
Starting point is 00:42:34 Charlie from Roxborough again. There's the old guy. You know, did it to DC again. Beating their ass again. 6-0, you know, they brought in Wayne Rooney. They brought in a bunch of new players from July, and they put up one last goal. Would have been funny if they did a 7-7.
Starting point is 00:43:01 But, you know, got to, you know, only put up 13-0 in two games. Julian Carranza getting a second hat-trick against the same team in the same year. Yeah. Crazy stuff.
Starting point is 00:43:20 Big win after losing to Dallas. This is the D.C. one. Is that a cap? big win after, you know, this is the DC one. But, um, is that a cap? Yeah. It's a stone first place.
Starting point is 00:43:31 Yeah. Going, going into a, you know, going into home of Colorado next Saturday. So doing good. You're going to go, uh,
Starting point is 00:43:45 listen to what there's your problem. That's a good podcast. That does sound like a cat. Is that cat in distress? Well, both Liam and I are cat people. Oh, I love cats. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:43:59 I'm trying to talk myself out of buying a Hassan Reddick jersey at the moment. Did I ever tell you my cat? It's a kind of shitty cat story. So we're driving. This is like trigger warning for animal abuse. Oh, no. I don't want to hear this.
Starting point is 00:44:16 Do you not want to hear it? I actually genuinely do not. All right. I won't tell it. Thank you. All right. Trigger warning. Resend it. All right. Trigger warning. Resend it.
Starting point is 00:44:26 All right. So we have one more voicemail. Not from Charlie. No. Thank you, Charlie, though. We appreciate the union coverage. It's Aaron in Michigan, not from Michigan. Hey, this is Aaron in Michigan, not from Michigan again.
Starting point is 00:44:46 Or is it Jared? I can't hold my pronoun. As a Cubs fan, I have to call in and comment about the field of dreams game Thursday. Oh, yeah, we forgot to talk about that. And how fucking creepy it was to have that. Yes. Scary hologram. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:45:02 Hologram. On the broadcast thing in the sentence it was like shirt like lines on it from like moving to shit on whether or not they're going to bring more
Starting point is 00:45:16 horrors like that yes they will have a good day so thanks yeah we forgot to talk about the Philadelphia Dreams game Which won't be Happening next year because Frank Thomas
Starting point is 00:45:32 Bought the field and he's just like Turning it into like a baseball complex So much for that Rural idol But yeah So they had instead of just Playing the video which they do at Cubs Games apparently they had instead of just playing the video which they do at Cubs games apparently
Starting point is 00:45:46 they had a hologram of Harry Perry which I guess they rigged I guess it was just a 3D model they rigged in the blender they didn't show it for very long on the podcast and but yeah dude like he like when he bent his like like his arms like you know the creases
Starting point is 00:46:03 in his shirt moved and shit like that and it's just like dude like i don't know like how long how long is it going to be for like harry callous you know oh yeah they're gonna do it dude yeah they did they did a babe ruth and one of the one of the uh it wasn't in the broadcast like like at the stadium but it was um like like one of like the fucking pre god damn was one of the fucking pre... God damn it. One of the bits they made, the intro bits, and it had a CGI babe roof that looked fucking freaky.
Starting point is 00:46:33 And it's like, alright, just stop. Just stop. Imagine this is the idea. We're in a cornfield in fucking Iowa, and we're going to have the empty booth. Haunted. Suddenly a glue appears. Ha appears I don't like that
Starting point is 00:46:49 he died 40 years ago this very day announcing a ball game you know like like Jesus Christ this is like you know we're tempting fate you know we deserve everything that's coming to us for
Starting point is 00:47:05 things like this. You're going to have Harry Callas. I mean, might as well just have, what's his name who just died from the Dodgers announcer? I can't remember his name because Vin Scully. Why not have his corpse like get up and do like a Charleston or something like that?
Starting point is 00:47:22 Like, why not do that? This is how we used to dance back. You you know I can't do Vince Scully's voice like it actually wasn't that bad I was trying to do like a like a fucking old-timey like ragtime guy yeah yeah my go-to impression that's for some reason
Starting point is 00:47:40 always sounds like FDR the did you Vince Scully I didn't know that he once broke on air just to talk shit on socialism he's like yeah he's from Venezuela and uh yeah communism has failed like it always will it's like alright
Starting point is 00:47:56 alright dude uh cool thanks for letting us know that uh oh uh both Liam and I both signed on the dotted line we agree with everything that Chavez
Starting point is 00:48:12 did and Maduro has done complete agreement yeah fuck alright put a bow on this bitch we have one DMm hello metric mike hello yay liam and tom with the league settlement over deshaun watson's punishment now known and the just
Starting point is 00:48:34 embarrassing handling of it by him and team quote leadership because jimmy haslam has to be our fucking team owner this honestly raises a question was a replacement cleveland browns franchise a mistake i don't mean this rhetorically that's the question was it a mistake to re-establish the creed of the route for the 1999 expansion yes it was a mistake to move them though anything uh yeah it was a mistake to move the colts out of baltimore too but i talked to my dad about that oh is he a colts fan no he was but he lived in baltimore at the time and the colts uh because the city threatened to seize ownership of the then baltimore colts they moved them out to indy in the middle of the night with mayflower moving trucks i knew that they moved them out in the middle of the night and my dad every time to this day he sees a mayflower
Starting point is 00:49:19 moving truck he flips it off oh your dad rocks um oh fuck that yeah i fucking moving teams around arizona doesn't deserve a team like we're on the record fuck the ohio state university yeah what is that what is the deal with that is there is there a reason why they have to put the definite article uh so it's funny because i know for a fact they were actually chartered after Ohio University, but I believe they are chartered as the official as the flagship university in their charter. I could be wrong. I'm sure metric Michael read it and tell me. But yeah, it just seems like no.
Starting point is 00:50:00 Yeah. I mean, congratulations. You're no longer relevant. I mean, you'll be top four you'll get into the playoff and then you'll get won by alabama 49 13. who gives a i do you think i did think those were pot leaves on the helmets for a really long time yeah me too uh i was very confused oh man i'm like what would go over the highest enough about blazing nothing else to do in col Columbus. That's how many weeds they smoke that season.
Starting point is 00:50:26 There's nothing to do in Columbus. Oh, fuck. All right. Shout out to our North Catholic tier patrons. All caps. Stephen D. Sean. Stephen D.
Starting point is 00:50:37 Stephen D. Is new. Oh, hi, Stephen D. Thank you very much. Steve. Sean P. Patrick M. And Corvid Cultusus and our new 700 level
Starting point is 00:50:46 patrons don k and cory t uh i gotta wrap this bitch up voicemail 267-371-7218 again please give us your name and pronouns and in charlie's case uh let us know how drunk you are and if you got home safe and if you got home safe and let us know about the cat uh dm make sure the cat's all right man follow us on i forget what your handle is t-hick car pain to hook and t-pain to hook and t-pain and i'm not liam anderson with the zero because i'm late uh patreon.com slash 10 000 losses uh well well there's your problem lines $20 20 000 less apparently in loans i have to pay but i still congratulations no that i've still got six figures so uh fuck i maxed out dude i don't know there's a thing you could do oh they let you know uh
Starting point is 00:51:37 fuck uh other pockets 20 000 i guess no i'm not gonna dude is it gonna get on my taxes do we have to pay taxes for that here's a tax oh good okay all right you know i'll take i mean half like this is like an eighth of a loaf is better than no loaf but yeah i know um uh biggest economy in the world uh f-35 baby the fucking i i we weren't talking at this time. The fucking new Ford air carriers, they were put into service without working elevators.
Starting point is 00:52:12 Yeah, I know. Fucking magnetic elevator. How about one with a cable? That works. That's a technology that's not new. Fucking stupid. Alright, whatever. I know you gotta go. there's a private recording episode today what are you recording on uh
Starting point is 00:52:28 you remember that cable car that got snapped in italy by i think the american jet plane the cabaret's cable car crash yes yes dude i went on a cable car in italy once uh in fucking in uh coppery and it stopped
Starting point is 00:52:43 working halfway up and it was about 10 minutes and I was like I'm gonna fucking die what in my fucking mind possessed me to go want a cable car
Starting point is 00:52:52 don't do it in fucking southern Italy don't do it yeah yeah don't do that uh what are the other podcasts
Starting point is 00:52:59 uh that one senior script 10,000 laws yeah that's this one 10,000 laws that's this one 10,000 posts uh yeah uh That's this one. 10,000 losses. That's this one. All right.
Starting point is 00:53:05 Bye, everybody. 10,000 posts. Yeah. You know what they are. I'm stopping my recording now. All right. Bye. Bye.
Starting point is 00:53:11 Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye.
Starting point is 00:53:13 Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye.
Starting point is 00:53:13 Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. We're from Philly, fucking Philly. No one likes us, we don't care.

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