Ten Thousand Losses - The Sexdotcomcast ft. William Jefferson Clinton

Episode Date: March 26, 2025

Liam has been activated from the IL and returns to Tom at the turn of the tide to talk about the Phillies' Opening Day lineup, the free navigation of the sea, and Liam's Dad's culture-jamming.  Find ...our bonus episodes and Discord at: https://www.patreon.com/tenthousandlosses  Follow us on Bluesky: Podcast: https://bsky.app/profile/10klosses.bsky.social Liam: https://bsky.app/profile/wtyppod.com  Tom: https://bsky.app/profile/tompain.bsky.social Follow us on Twitter: Podcast: https://twitter.com/tenklossespod Liam: https://twitter.com/notliamanders0n Tom: https://twitter.com/tohickontpain  Shoot a message or leave us a voicemail (leave your name and pronouns): 267-371-7218

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Starting point is 00:00:00 He is actually going to eject a fan. Bad things happen in Philadelphia, bad things. The fan jumped into the penalty box area. Joy doesn't come to Philadelphia and stand here and dodge ice balls. We, the Dallas Cowboys, had a says in it, John Keene. And we're live. And your shirt, it says, well, it's hard. It says a slur. It does say a slur.
Starting point is 00:00:43 It does. No, it says it says many slurs. I have it says Mike Hunt. You've you've heard of the robe of many colors. Now get ready for the hoodie of many slurs. Yeah. It's every like every slur at the same time. Micro print. Yeah. It just it's shimmering. It's like a sour man's robe in the.
Starting point is 00:01:01 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. If you read Lord of the Rings, there's a nice little, there's a little bit of Gandalf sass where Saruman, who's supposed to be Saruman the White decides that- Racist. I'm the Saruman of many colors and his robe is like, you know, given off. And then Gandalf is just like, I liked white better. And then it's just like a one-off line. It's a good example of a snark. How many times have you read Lord of the Rings?
Starting point is 00:01:31 I would say maybe six, seven times all the way through. Just curious. Genuinely. My favorite fantasy book is Harry Potter. Oh yeah. Do you have that on constant repeat next to like Captain Underpants or Wimpy Kid? So here's the thing. I read biographies and like a lot of them. Yes. Yes, we know. We're plowing through Henry the fifth right now. Oh, yeah. We talked about that. Did we? My bad.
Starting point is 00:02:02 Not too, like a couple weeks ago. You starting it. Yeah, it's good. I mean, we, I, someone, someone's like, is that, I was talking to my mom about We talked about that. Did we? My bad. A couple of weeks ago. You starting it. Yeah. It's good. I mean, someone was like, I was talking to my mom about it and she was like, is that how you pronounce Agincourt? And I was like, yes. She's like, I always thought it was Azencourt.
Starting point is 00:02:15 And I was like, no, it's Agincourt. Sorry. I think it's sometimes you'll see it's spelled with a Z. Yes, you do. You do. But the Z I think is like the Zha as you call as in call Can you can you I mean the Wikipedia says as you to court? Let me find let me find some fucking
Starting point is 00:02:35 Wiktionary and that Wiktionary shoes or Agin see oh you're T Oh a g i n c o u r t um oh it doesn't it doesn't have uh good so and tom's phonetic spelling hour comes in a brunt halt oh french french yep as a call as a call as a cue as a cue Azekor? Azeku? Azeku? Azeku? Azeku? Azeku? Yeah, I never speak French, Azekor. Did you say my name in French is Azekor? Yeah. Yeah, uh, je m'appelle Liam.
Starting point is 00:03:18 Le mais... Le mais... Le mais... Arsoul? Du Azekor? I remember maybe 20 words of French and I took it for six years. I'm not very good at French. I can sort of limp it, but... No, I could just be offensive and... I can limp Spanish now, thank God for me. No, I'm going to keep talking.
Starting point is 00:03:37 This is the Liam hour now. You've been killed. The radio stations have... I'm not dead. Yeah. Congratulations. You've cut down the tall trees and you've seized control the radio stations.
Starting point is 00:03:49 Oh, man, that's dark. It's those look grim. Well, you know, it's like, yes, it's a Monday. Grim times. It's Monday. Do you ever read Shake Hands with the Devil? No, you should. That's a really good. It's the Rumi of the Lair.
Starting point is 00:04:06 Basically how everybody fucked up the Rwandan genocide. Oh, that sounds really fun. It's real grim. Yeah, it's up there with what is that fucking book about Leopold? Oh, Ghosts of the Congo or something. Yeah. Is it Ghosts of the Congo? I don't think so. King Leopold's Ghost.
Starting point is 00:04:26 King Leopold's Ghost, yeah. Yeah. Oh, that's a great, that's a good fucking book. Yeah. I think I've read excerpts from that when I was in college. Yeah, I had to take that for a history class, I think. We did an entire unit on the genocide just in Africa. There are a lot of them.
Starting point is 00:04:47 Imperialism bad, folks. Actually, while I'm here as the resident anarchist on this godforsaken show, genocide is bad no matter who's waving the flag. Yeah, I don't think anyone supports that. Yeah, I don't think there's any genocides that communists are typically in favor of. Might be class liquidations. That's different. Cool Locks had a comic.
Starting point is 00:05:11 I don't know what else to tell you. I mean, they did. You hoard grain. I mean, like what the fuck? What the fuck? We agree on certain topics. Yeah. I mean, wherever you go, the Petit Bourgeois, you know, the most reactionary class.
Starting point is 00:05:26 Right. Because they want to keep their 1920s Chevy dealerships. On the Victoria 3 Reddit, I saw someone- Stop going on there. So, but on the Victoria 3 Reddit, they're like, how can I stop the Petit Bourgeois from becoming fascist? I saw them on Twitter. Yeah. Yeah. It was going pretty violent.
Starting point is 00:05:46 So yeah, no, you can't. Tale as old as time. Yeah, that's that's you really got to you really got to clamp down on that shit. Were you to take over? Yeah, add that shit to I know Brace Belden has like they have a list of true and non rules. Yeah. Like never get in the small aircraft or helicopter. What's the other ones?
Starting point is 00:06:08 Never always secure the interior ministry. Never participate in prisoner exchanges. What are some other there are some other ones. Never go to a second location. No, that's also John Mulaney bit. He probably stole it. I don't think that he did. I remember being told when I was a kid, if there was never an abduction, if they try
Starting point is 00:06:33 to take you to another place, that's where they're going to kill you. Yes. Your odds of coming back from a secondary location are slim to none. Unfortunately, I find John Mulaney very funny, unfortunately, I'm a normie. Yeah, that's fine, that's fine. The Irish Catholic from Chicago, we're all the same here. I mean, you got your Dane Cook, you know,
Starting point is 00:06:57 and your, who is the joke thief? Oh, Carlos Mencia. Carlos Mencia, the joke thief. Um, Oh, Carlos, Benzio. Yeah. Yeah. Just, just his punchline is doing his bad impression of like someone with intellectual disability. But, but, uh, have we talked about my least favorite comic in the world? Have we ever talked about the fucking, the, uh, what is this?
Starting point is 00:07:24 Fuck Jeff Dunham. Yeah. Oh, he, this? Fuck Jeff Dunham. Yeah. Oh, he that guy deserves to be flint. The skin peeled off of flinting knives. Yeah. Death by a thousand cuts. Yeah. Like real. As I was reading, like I said, I was the biography of the fifth. They were talking about one of the various methods of torture because this is 40. This is 1415. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:44 Yeah, this is the late middle ages. Yeah. Early modernity. Bad stuff happening. This is where shit gets bad. Bad stuff happening. High middle ages actually surprisingly chill. Late middle ages, early modernity.
Starting point is 00:07:54 That's all the fucked up shit. Bad thing, take cover. Mm-hmm. What are you drinking? Black cherry seltzer. Giant brand. Ooh, you get the polar.zer, giant brand. We get the polar. Yeah, bougie.
Starting point is 00:08:08 Oh, man. Excuse me. All right. Recording this on a Monday. Sleepy boy. I am sleepy. I had a real I had a real bad last week. We're talking about. Yeah, last week. You did. You did. You.
Starting point is 00:08:20 I got it. Boy was struggling. I had like three to four hours of sleep every night. That's good That's good. Cuz you're what 41 Yeah, I turned I've turned 47 tomorrow. I Don't know how old you are. I think you're 36. Yeah, I'll be 37 tomorrow Yeah, no, happy birthday. Happy birthday Tom Eight minutes in yeah, sorry. Happy birthday Tom. Yeah, Eight minutes in. Yeah, sorry, happy birthday. Tom.
Starting point is 00:08:47 Yeah, you could just say Tom. Tom. Okay, I have a robot voice I could put in sometimes. Can you say Tom, just like me saying happy birthday? Like just put that over to Tom. Yes, that's exactly what I'm gonna do. It's like, happy birthday, Tom. Happy birthday.
Starting point is 00:09:03 Microsoft Sam. You can't say that on YouTube. What? That's my favorite Devon bit is that they go and they're just like, when they censor us now. You can't say that. You can't say that on YouTube. We can't say that. I thought you say you can't say Microsoft Sam.
Starting point is 00:09:19 Oh, am I Microsoft Sam? Oh, I remember the 90s. Do you remember Kermit Learns Windows? No. Haven't listened to the farming bonus, have we? No. I've been bad with podcasts. I've been bad with everything. I've been bad. I look, I haven't tweeted, I didn't tweet or blue sky for like six days. I actually had someone from like, like what are the Anglo-Saxon history discords I was relatively active on.
Starting point is 00:09:46 They were like, hey man, you just like dropped off. Are you okay? I was like, yeah. That's sweet. Yeah. No, it was nice. We got friends everywhere. We got eyes everywhere.
Starting point is 00:09:57 Yeah. Oh, I got shooters. Yeah. I'm sure you also literally in your case have shooters. Oh yeah. The Bucks County boys. Yeah. Yeah. Go. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:05 I got to make a flag for that. I was going to say it was. I don't want to have to buy a gun. You don't have to buy a gun if you don't want to. No, I'm going to buy a spear gun. Just buy a spear. Buy one of those spears you can get at the. Spear gun.
Starting point is 00:10:18 Like that scene from Thunderball. That's how I'm going to do it. Well, you're not underwater. Doesn't matter. I'm going to recreate Thunderball. Listen, I can tell you something. If someone breaks in your house and you got a fucking spear, they're going to run. Unless they got a gun. Just waving my speargun, shouting no duty to retreat in my underpants.
Starting point is 00:10:39 No, no, no. A fucking spear. Not a spear gun. What the fuck noise was that, bud? It was a burp that came out partially through my nose. It burns a little bit. Ah, you got that black cherry. Got them seltzer burns, bro.
Starting point is 00:10:55 Dude, a spear, like, first off, it's the most useful weapon for the majority of human history. I'm not, I'm not. Now, the most useful weapon is definitely a 1911-45. Combat axe, yeah, combat axe. I'm doing this like the Vikings. I'm doing like the Vikings, you know, because I can chop wood, I can chop limbs.
Starting point is 00:11:14 Yeah. I can chop limbs off wood. You know, I can do lots of stuff with an axe. But my dad has a machete. I mean, I mean, that kind of goes with the old Malice Third Worldist. He does have a machete. He got it for five dollars at Walbarts. How third world is that?
Starting point is 00:11:28 But so so we were saying we were talking about your dad on the on the episode with Bobby Alex is like, is your dad a third worldist or is he just a regular just a regular, regular Maoist like like a Xi Jinping thought Maoist? No. Oh, so he is a Maoist. He's not a no. So he so he thinks that that Deng Xiaoping was like a like a right deviation. Yeah, like a traitor. OK. Yeah, it gets it gets weird in a hurry. OK.
Starting point is 00:11:54 Yeah. I mean, I think I think at the end of the day, like China's foreign policy kind of has some like even that like internal stuff, I think they've done a decent job, but their foreign policy kind of stinks. Yeah. I mean, it's imperialism with another flag, right? It's just like, but it's a lot of soft power, which is, but like- The soft power stuff doesn't bother me.
Starting point is 00:12:16 Well, it shouldn't. I don't know, man. I also don't know a ton about China's foreign policy with regards to Africa. I know that it's not great. I'm just thinking of them helping like, Soraka put down Mao's. But you point out like, hey man, every time the British come, we get a lecture. Every time the Chinese come, we get a hospital. Right.
Starting point is 00:12:36 No, the soft power shit I actually fuck with. If you're going to build infrastructure for people, that is a good effective thing. Right. If we have to live in a world where nation states Exist you could do a lot worse, but my thing is like I'm not a fan of China or the Chinese government like I've made that clear Without getting too far into the systems is a sports podcast and also because I don't want people in the discord to yell At me because I'm a very sensitive boy. Mm-hmm But I firm belief is that a pure listen pure listen bad no matter who's doing it
Starting point is 00:13:04 And also I'm gonna I'm gonna lecture you now and the United States is right to navigation But my firm belief is that imperialism is bad no matter who's doing it. And also, I'm going to lecture you now on the United States' right to navigation. This is going to take four hours. All right. So let me get the charts. Are we going to be talking coal rigs? Get me the charts. Are coal rigs coming into this? Yes. OK. Are we doing an exclusive economic zone discourse?
Starting point is 00:13:23 We can. I got time. How about the Jones Act? We have talked about the Jones Act. I've been on your podcast to talk about the Jones Act. I know about the Jones Act. We got a haircut. Yeah, I've been actually... You did or I did? I did. You can't. Well, I mean, I've been really... The one thing for some reason I've really been good at keeping
Starting point is 00:13:46 this keeping the ball. I don't know, dude. I was two weeks. I really fuck with how you do your your your your facial style. Old like you like the beard trim. Yeah, you look because you look tough, right? You look like you do look tough. You look like a tough guy.
Starting point is 00:14:04 And I admire that about you. I don't mean that sarcastically. Like I think you're very handsome. Oh, thanks. I know I can put on a real like mean mug if I really need to. It's like, you know, I just dropped my eye. I have the eye. I think I have the eyebrows for it. My late uncle was, oh, you know, we got the, we got the eyebrows the eyebrows, real tough, take a punch, you know, coverage. Yeah, real Neanderthal brain going on here. Yeah, my favorite thing is I look like a tough guy. I am not a fucking tough guy. I just have the benefit of being over six feet tall.
Starting point is 00:14:39 I mean, it does help. Big boy, Susan. I got wide shoulders. That helps. No, that helps too. Big boy season. I got wide shoulders. That helps. Yeah, no, that helps too. Yeah. Jesus Christ. I feel like there was a thread there we lost.
Starting point is 00:14:53 We were on some, we were talking about books. Yeah, we were talking about books. Then we went to China and then like my dad's endorsement of Mao Zedong, which he will never repent for. My dad's Twitter bio says unrepented leftist. I mean, that's true. And then it says something about inject yourself with bleach. Oh, well, I mean, that or I've read you my dad's Twitter bio. Hang on. P a old guy, retired lawyer, unrepentant leftist. If you want to treat your COVID-19,
Starting point is 00:15:21 AKA bad cold by injecting bleach, Go ahead. It is your constitutional right. I mean, he's not wrong. He's not allowed on Twitter anymore, per my mother. Oh, really? Well, I mean, was it getting them agitated? Yeah. Yeah. I mean, I barely won there.
Starting point is 00:15:40 No, I mean, I try to stay. It's like the only thing is like there's a bunch of people I follow who haven't quite navigated to Blue sky and like this sports information. I can't really get on blue sky I know but I'm like, I don't want to be on here anymore. I'm trying to be more active on blue sky because I Just not see shit Every comment is not shit. Not to shit. Not to shit I posted something about regretting my vote enthusiasm for betterment and like three fucking turf showed up and I told the one old lady that she would not see the gates of heaven
Starting point is 00:16:09 She won't because what did I say? If you don't restrict my if you don't respect my trans homies, I'm gonna identify as a fucking problem. Yeah. Yeah That's not that also I'll change your pronouns to wasn't more. Yeah. Yeah that I'm willing to get in the fight over See that time I got banned on Twitter because some asshole took exception to be well Yeah, to go fight him on fight him was your workstation. I was gonna fight him at Somerset Somerset. Oh, yeah Yeah, I'm gonna fight him at Somerset next to the smoking was a summer. Was it Somerset or Kanae? Well, I don't know cuz my fucking Twitter got banned
Starting point is 00:16:44 Yeah, no or KNA? Well, I don't know, because my fucking Twitter got banned. Yeah, no, I can't believe I took a ban for that. That's ridiculous. You had to warn before you. This was because I quote, I quote, I quote, to that Pat Toomey, fuck you, whichever Hitler, you've filtered, wrote this. Yes, yes. Yeah, I remember that. I remember that they said they must have called to said you need to.
Starting point is 00:17:03 I wonder what are the insurances? a stroke of genius, by the way. Of all the tweets I don't regret, I don't regret that one the most. Yeah, you definitely can't regret. I mean, I still don't regret my... Put this on the bingo card, Tom and Liam saying shit they said before, but my tweet to Grant Linehan, which was, I'm glad that Dermot died so young so you can see what a fucking bigot you have become. And it was just, oh, you can't view his profile. Fucker.
Starting point is 00:17:37 I know I got you. I got you. I got you mad. Yeah. I said to someone with a bunch of bunch of followers they sick them on me it was a bunch of turfs because I said that it was good that you're You're you're whatever. They were married to someone who transitioned and they were like, I'm a widow and I was like they should have dumped this they should have dumped dip spit on you on the way out and they
Starting point is 00:18:00 Set their followers at me and then blocked me and I was like what that's not even offensive No, I. Just dump a spinner right here, not you, because you don't like spit, but. No. Sorry. It's okay. I don't like spit either.
Starting point is 00:18:14 Have you ever once felt intimidated by a turf? No. I feel like I could do a run. I'm 6'1 and 280 plus, dude. I feel like I could do a run on turfs. Even the Graham Lennon in the title. I mean, I could give that guy a swirl. He could do anything. Yeah, dude. I feel like I could do a run on TERFs. Even the Graham Allen and the Italians, I mean, I could give that guy a swirl. He couldn't do anything.
Starting point is 00:18:29 None of these people are physically independent. Like the thing that I think we do well, as like whatever, two straight white guys, is just like, we can be really scary when we wanna be. And like, as I've said to you, which always is very darkly funny, but makes you laugh, when people come in, survivors of domestic violence, and they're here for counseling on the worst day of their life, or they're in EP, and the first asshole you see when you cross the door is fucking
Starting point is 00:18:52 Liam. Yeah. But then they learn that you're there. You're stopping someone from following them. Yeah. I'm having a hard time getting out of my brain, the idea of like a bunch of British, like Guardian, like columnists. Nerves.
Starting point is 00:19:11 And like, I just over in the UK, you know, like, you know, yo, what's up guys? You know, I'm not locked in here with you, you're locked in here with me. It's like, oh no, you know. Yeah. Suddenly they become dandies from the 18th century. Fair enough. Yeah, I mean, listen, man, like, my favorite thing, and we may have to censor this entire bit.
Starting point is 00:19:37 OK. My dad has Lexus Nexus. I used to respond to people on Facebook, here is your home address. And then he had to stop doing that. Yeah, yes, it's a divination. That's not, he's 78 years old. What is there to be divin-
Starting point is 00:19:53 He can't walk real good. How did they know? He could be spry. Well, he took a week suspension from Facebook for posting his colonoscopy video. Oh, nice. Which is bullshit. He could have a fucking gun cane or he doesn't have a gun. Well, that we don't have to try to buy him on my monkey's overruling me.
Starting point is 00:20:12 Yeah. Well, he's not actually he's going to actually point at something. He's going to set it off. Yeah, he's going to. He's going to shoot somebody. Yeah, he's like pointing. He's pointing at a menu. If someone's outlisting, he just shoots the menu off the wall. The other day when I was picking him up from his doctor's where he waved his cane at somebody and I was like, why is your ass writing checks?
Starting point is 00:20:31 My fists are going to have to cash. Oh my God, dude. That is that that's old man Anderson peak shit. Is he like, you wonder where I got it from? That man, no human being in the history of mankind has ever loved running his mouth more than my dad I can't stand like like both my mom and my wife Yeah, I've had and now I've extinguished this behavior in both of them if I'm in that car and you start go Hey, fuck you fuck this. I
Starting point is 00:21:03 You are gonna get me into a fucking fight with this guy because if he gets out of that car and starts pounding on the window, I'm getting out of the car. I, yeah. Yeah. I, so please. I give them the thumbs down when I get cut off or do something in traffic because that hurts more than a finger. Cause well, I like my wife's the Arabic insults, like, like guys, maybe in
Starting point is 00:21:20 Gaza is like, that's like the worst thing you can say is your shoe is son of a shoe, like, you know, yeah, yeah. Binta calbers like you fucking like son of a that's literally son of a bitch. So the dog. Yeah, I, I have I dot in a long time, but I have had to. Cash checks and other people's mouths have written. Learn, learn, learn. I mean, if you call someone, yeah, Cal Maffin, like they're going to know that's not nice.
Starting point is 00:21:47 It means lovely dog. There's a lot of dog in there. Yeah, I can tell. Yeah, shoe, dog. What's some, what's, what were some other ones that she told me? But I can't remember, but there's some of them are like- Isn't cultural exchange beautiful? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:58 Some of them were like, um, you, your, uh, like your, your family, your family were, uh, uh, your family are trash men. I got a story for you that I absolutely can't tell on air, but I'll, I'll text it to you. You have to tell you. So, so, so in Egypt, there's like a, a, a subaltern group of people who are like, it literally translate to like the trash people. Oh, that's nice. And they're like, yeah, like it's sort of like, you know, like, like gong farmers or like night soil people back in the Middle Ages. And and yeah, so like saying that your family has like trashman and it is like a nasty thing to say.
Starting point is 00:22:41 That's that's brutal. Yeah, that doesn't feel good. There's a lot of like class based shit like it's it's. That's brutal. Yeah, dude. That doesn't feel good. There's a lot of like class based shit. Like it's. I will say as someone who has met your wife, I would not like to get on that. That side. Oh, the bad side.
Starting point is 00:22:55 Yeah. No. She is alarming. My wife is also alarming. It's what are you so mad about, sweetie? In the eyes too. Oh yeah. It's when someone with are you so mad about, sweetie? In the eyes, too. Oh, yeah. It's when someone with dark eyes goes after you, you're like,
Starting point is 00:23:08 Oh, I should probably write my will. Your your pupils. I can't tell where your pupils are. Yeah, I don't like this. Yeah, this is I'm scared now. All right. All right. Let's let's talk. Oh, it's 22 minutes in. Hello.
Starting point is 00:23:21 Twenty three damn near. Hello. Welcome to another episode of 10,000 losses. The only thing I'm back baby. He's not dead. He's not dead. I like how you were, you were hurt in a torrenting accident. The only Philadelphia sports podcast that exists. I'm your host, Tom Payne.
Starting point is 00:23:36 My pronouns are he, him with who's like cohosts. Yay. Liam. Hi, I'm Liam and my pronouns are also he, him. Stop burping. I burped off, off mic at least. I heard it. We don't have any guests, fuck you.
Starting point is 00:23:49 Announcements, none. Announcements. Come to the Well There's Your Problem live shows if you somehow don't listen to that podcast, but do listen to this one, which is possible, I guess. Yeah, there might be. Yeah, go do that. I'm sure there's tickets somewhere.
Starting point is 00:24:03 A few. Yeah, there's not many, but there are a few. Speaking of trains, that just reminded me. My digressions are really hurting your soul today, aren't they? No, no, you're good. I have time. I just, it's six o'clock already and I haven't eaten and I am going to resort to cannibalism in a minute.
Starting point is 00:24:23 Well, I mean, you're just going to start eating yourself like that. Like the great, the world's greatest sausage, whatever was in the. The fuck are you talking about? Oh, scary stories of telling the dark. Oh, okay. It was a guy was like eating his own arm. Dude, that book was fucking crazy. Anyway, no, for this thing I can't really talk about because it would dox me.
Starting point is 00:24:43 They're sending me one of the S. Ella. They're paying for the business class because I elect it not to fly to a certain location on the Northeast corridor. What's that? I can't hear you. Maybe read my fucking read my fucking lips. Are you serious? Read my lips read my fucking lips. Are you serious? Read read my lips. No new taxes. Ah, no one happened Whoops, I mean it's a Clinton. So who's the song? Boys males call in two six seven three seven one two one eight Don't that. Give us your names and pronouns and if there's any delectable females or female identifying.
Starting point is 00:25:31 Don't say female. Female identifying because I don't discriminate. Any holes of gold, I always told Hillary. Patreon.com slash 10,000 losses. You don't have to be like this. If I find any bonus episode. You really don't have to be like this. Including my famous bonus episode is the one where this last one, ladies and they, they
Starting point is 00:25:59 talk to- The fuck bonus episode are you talking about? You know, the one with all, oh, oh am I on ten thousand losses podcast? I thought I was on I don't know sex dot-coms by cast Sex and jazz that guy. I don't know. I'll be out here. I'm dying There but They have a podcast I'm sure they they have a podcast.
Starting point is 00:26:25 I'm sure they do. Everyone fucking does. We have, I have two. You're listening to the sex.com cast. I fucking hate that porn voice. I hate it so fucking much. I got, god damn it. Anyway, you're going to start eating yourself and die in a good way.
Starting point is 00:26:44 So let's talk about sports. No, I don't want to. You know what? You want to talk about sex.com? Cast? No, no, no. I'm a Puritan. All right.
Starting point is 00:26:54 What do we got? Well, you wrote this. You wrote Sixers Dead. I mean, we're not attracted to it. We don't care anymore. I hope they lose and they get it a lottery. We gave up. They're going to get a good pick. It doesn't matter.
Starting point is 00:27:05 Blow this team up. Get whatever you can get back. Trade everybody. Bring back for Concord, for all I fucking care. I hate this team. I hate this team, man. And I just, the Celtics sold for $6.1 billion. That's crazy.
Starting point is 00:27:21 That's a lot. But you know what? I mean, it's a pretty marketable. That's a lot easy that's a lot but you know what I mean it's a pretty marketable that's a good team yeah I like the Celtic yeah you want to fucking tell you want to talk about I love the Celtics what about it I mean sorry I like teams that are good tell me racist what I mean I like teams that didn't hold out to the end the absolute last possible moment to have a black player.
Starting point is 00:27:45 No, you're talking about the socks, dude. Last year, integrate last year and integrate the boss. Red Sox was at the Celtics, the Celtics. They had Bill Russell. What are you talking about? Sure. OK. All right. All right. They have one. OK. Oh, and he hated the city of Boston. Everyone's fucking racist.
Starting point is 00:28:02 I'm sure. I mean, this is this is a city in the Northeast corridor that had to do busing in the 70s the city is racist as shit my dad not included but like also like grandmother Agnes Super racist my granddad super racist so racist my dad does not miss him and has never visited his grave. That is a fact Look, I I have family members whose graves I'll never visit either. So, I mean. I haven't been to my dad's grave since the funeral, which didn't really exist. There was no funeral. He's only getting colder. I don't know what to tell you.
Starting point is 00:28:36 Well, he's spread across the St. Lawrence River. That's right. I knew that. Yeah. Yeah. So he is only getting colder. I mean, who knows where that water is now I mean, maybe you're eating a fish That's got his balls. I'm not I'm not eating fish. So well, you're not it can be me shit
Starting point is 00:28:56 alright Out of your ADHD beds, huh? Yeah That was not a taunt I I was really upset. No, no, no. I haven't fully recovered from the sleep debt yet. I'm doing better. But do you want to go into Phillies? You want to talk about everything else first?
Starting point is 00:29:16 Talk about everything else first. I think the Phillies are going to be the bulk. Every single hockey team we care about is in the gutter. Bruins are not making the playoffs. Flyers are not making the playoffs. It's cool to watch a Veshkin chase Gretzky. That is all I got on the hockey front I have nothing nice to say about the Bruins front office. I have nothing nice to say about the Flyers run of us I have nothing nice to say about towards I have nothing nice to say about Any single person on either of these teams?
Starting point is 00:29:39 pasta excluded Yeah, fuck them. I got three flyers tickets for $17. That's not bad. Our beloved Temple Owls are blowing it up. Batty, our lead scorer, I believe, for the last year, has said it's in the transfer portal. So I'm on Twitter right now harassing every transferring student with a Temple Owl trying to recruit him.
Starting point is 00:30:04 Yeah. Come to North Broad. You definitely won't regret it. You can withdraw from the transfer portal guys. They can withdraw. Hey, you know, hey, guess what? I think the football season starts to get to UMass in August. Oh good. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:30:24 You got LOL Nova. I haven't been following at all. Nova lose. Uh, they just weren't invited to the NIT or the NCAA tournament and they fired their coach. Nice. Let me pull the bracket up. Oh, we're at the sweet 16 now. Yep. My any teams I care about Ole Miss. Do you care about Ole Miss? I mean, I care about. Oh, my God. I don't even know. I watched all these games. I don't I don't support any southern team. Man, you might give a shit about Maryland.
Starting point is 00:30:58 I mean, Maryland, I guess I have all the teams in there. Maryland, I'd root for. Yeah. I mean, of all those teams, I guess it's now. Or Michigan State. I actually kind of impartial to Michigan because Phil Martelli coaches there as an assistant. And I have a coworker who's Iranian and her daughter's visa got approved and she's a researcher at Michigan now, so go blue. Oh, sick.
Starting point is 00:31:22 Yeah. Well, Michigan's a good, like a very good research university. Yes, yes. It's a good school. I mean- It's R1, unlike some idiots we know. Yeah. I mean, it's also in the North, which is also good.
Starting point is 00:31:32 So no, they, I mean- I mean, Maryland was a slave state. Knowing. Yeah. It's all bad states. I guess Michigan State could be fun. Ole Miss Michigan State's going to be a fun game. Was Michigan the Iron Brigade?
Starting point is 00:31:44 I believe so. Oh, man. Ole Miss, Michigan State's gonna be a fun game. Who is it? Was Michigan the Iron Brigade? I believe so. Oh man, those guys fucked. Civil War, yeah. I, oh, so MLB the show came out 25 and you can play college now? No. Through what?
Starting point is 00:31:59 Was that Wisconsin? Wisconsin, Indiana, and Michigan. Okay, all right. The big one is the Michigan one, though. That's the one everyone thinks of. Right. So MLB, the show has only a few colleges in it, but you could play college career if you want.
Starting point is 00:32:15 It's not the whole career. But I think it's Tennessee, Vandy, not Arkansas, Tennessee, Vandy, Texas, UCLA, and then, I don't know, Cal State Fullerton. Cal State Fullerton is a baseball school and I don't know why. Yeah. Watch I picked because they give you the most development points for your player, as opposed to going to fucking Texas. Yeah. I mean, it's really funny to watch college baseball, which is a fucking abysmal sport to watch But I watch the college world series every year because it's fun to see regionals that are like Texas Vanderbilt Ole Miss and then also like Central Carolina State, baby. Let's fucking do it
Starting point is 00:32:56 Yeah, there's some nice there was one there was a college University of Middle Tennessee in Murphysboro. Oh, this is I just saw this yesterday on the baseball Reddit. The worst college baseball game of all time, Yeshiva versus Leeman, they have a combined losing streak of 124 straight losses. Great. Take a look at that and then look at the pictures. I don't want to.
Starting point is 00:33:23 Look at the two guys. I'm not going to. You need to see you need to see what both I don't Know you have to see what these guys look like a little later Yes, here's you Shiva. Oh, no. Oh Yes. Oh, yes. That's basically me bad. Oh, yes. That's a that's a settler right there There's a head oh god, it's like looking into Megamind's eyes. Oh, no, a that's a settler right there. And there's a head. Oh, God, it's like looking in the mega mind's eyes. Oh, no. And there's their picture.
Starting point is 00:33:50 Look at it. Look at that large. That's a husky man. He's husky. That's a husky picture. I think his fly is not fully holding on. That's not. And I think I think I think the right fielder is the hill. Who is that? Oh, Robert Prince Fielder. I miss Prince Fielder. Oh, fuck. Yeah. I love Prince Fielder. Well, we were on the record.
Starting point is 00:34:12 Baseball needs more husky guys. Yeah. So his big boy season. Oh, gosh, Robert got fucking trim, man. He fucking he dropped all he's like just muscle now. What a waste yeah Alright, well, I guess that's a good lead into what we're gonna talk about the Phillies So this will be out before opening day opening days on the 27th We're at the Nats
Starting point is 00:34:37 Yes at the Nats which the Nats Yeah, I mean they they suck fuck time and them and all their lanyard bro fans And all their people who live in the Navy Yard for 3,500 bucks a month gentrification my fucking dick Oh, that's there is nothing that isn't gentrified within like you know fucking blows. They ruin the city man DC used to be nice and cool and weird now. It's fucking ruined Yeah, dude. I haven't I haven't spent time in in DC proper geez I don't even think I was married six or seven years. And dude I can you still can you still get like robbed because I remember going like north of the capital and it was like oh this is sketchy
Starting point is 00:35:22 but this is where like the good coffee was. No, they've, they've, they've, they've, it's all cleaned up. Yeah, it's all cleaned up. It's all gentrified. Yeah. It's all, it's all a bunch of white girls living in Adams Morgan for $3,700 a month that you live with six other girls. I don't fucking know, dude.
Starting point is 00:35:35 Oh. A live or dead, but never DC. And I say that as somebody's parents who both lived in DC across from the Soviet embassy. They did. We're going to find out some shit after after your parents, you know, a couple of years shuffle off this mortal coil. Yeah, we're going to when the when the documents come out. Oh, there's going to be documents.
Starting point is 00:35:55 Yeah, there's going to be documents. There's going to be a whole FBI file. My dad, my dad actually tried specifically in the 60s to get on the FBI's file to waste their time during the Vietnam War Yeah by creating a fake cult called roll fast This is also related to the time he pretended to be a church so that he could get robes So he and his buddy could exercise the the armed forces recruiters You could just buy robes. You don't have to be you, you can go to the robes store. He wanted to defraud somebody.
Starting point is 00:36:26 So that was 50 years ago. Who gives a shit? All right. But yeah, he was he started a church and then that's that's tax fraud. And then he and his buddy would walk around you, you come and DC trying to exercise the recruiters. Hmm. A real thing my dad did.
Starting point is 00:36:45 Yeah, I had a professor who was drafted to Vietnam. My dad burned his draft card twice. He got sent to be a recruiter, so he was fortunate. But he refused to recruit anybody. And they're like, your quotas are low. He's like, I guess I suck at recruiting. Yeah, my dad gained a bunch of weight. He was like, I ate nothing but milkshakes and cheeseburgers for like three weeks and
Starting point is 00:37:06 then I burned my draft card anyway. It was amazing. Did I tell you I had- He has amnesty now. Well, I mean, yeah. I had a family member who was one of McNamara's 100,000. Yeah. I looked it up. It was very, very not kindly also called McNamara's morons, which is not nice.
Starting point is 00:37:31 Lyons did an episode on, I think that it was on. I don't remember. Yeah. He didn't fight. Right. He wasn't in for long. That makes sense. But if those of you who don't know, it was basically they tried to find people with
Starting point is 00:37:46 dropped a lot of the standards and people with intellectual disabilities. One of people with intellectual disabilities, because they thought they could be Forrest Gump. People they could exploit, basically. That's what Forrest Forrest. That's why Forrest Gump like that's what you're watching. You're watching. Why do they have these guys in the military? Oh, they were that was they thought they could mold them because they wouldn't question and they wouldn't think it's military? Oh, they thought they couldn't mold them because they wouldn't question and they wouldn't think.
Starting point is 00:38:05 It's like, no, they just have disabilities and they're not as able in some ways to do stuff. And it turns out being an infantryman, actually, we joke and says that you could be stupid, but it actually does require some ability to- Yeah, no, they exploited them. And it was grotesque and gruesome and the art man's basically never admitted wrongdoing because why would they?
Starting point is 00:38:29 Fuck. Yeah, and a lot of them, a lot more of them got hurt and stuff like that. The casualty rate is not your friend. No, especially if you're, I mean, knowing this family member, he was pretty low. All right, that's a, he was pretty low. Yeah. Yeah. But anyway, let's talk about baseball. How about it? So Phillies have our open.
Starting point is 00:38:51 We have our opening day roster. Let's we're just going to walk into this rotation, baby. Oh, yeah. So let's talk. Let's talk about it. So I was dead. So I'm just going to go through by position. So we have a change in backup catcher. Stubbsies is on that option. Stubbsies got a big AAA.
Starting point is 00:39:10 And Marshon's up. Marshon would have had to have been like DFA, I think. So, someone would have picked him up. He's a decent supplier. Stubbs had a good spring, but Marshawn, he can hit. It's good to have that depth and if it doesn't work out, they could always throw something out. Right. But yeah, Stubbs, he is like the kind of like, he's one of those good locker room guys, but yeah, he's not like a great offensive. There's also what you can do with a great locker room guy, yeah. When you're batting like 160. Yeah, he's not like a great. There's also what you can do with a great locker room guy. Yeah, I mean, when you're batting like 160.
Starting point is 00:39:48 Yeah, I know you kind of you kind of want a guy to be a little better than that. I mean, not that not that fucking short, but didn't hit 50 home runs, batting like 190, but you know, yeah, breaking the other stuff, too. You need the OPS to be there as well. Yes. I mean, obviously first basically Bryce Harper. We talked a bit last week about the milk situation. And it's a legit concern that, and they think that they're probably going to probably not
Starting point is 00:40:23 let him drink a lot of raw milk during the season Right because you need to be able to play the game, please Yeah, if he if he if he's out with gastroenteritis But we're fucking bird flu from drinking right like Amish Lagos your county raw milk Yeah, I think that would be the last time it happens. I agree. Because they're going to kill him now. And rightfully so. Yeah. Stoddy over at second.
Starting point is 00:40:54 Good defensive guy. Hopefully he picks it up this year. That'd be nice. Let's see. There's not really many surprises. You get Trey Turner at shortstop. Trey's fast. That's still good. Do we know what's going on with the batting order yet?
Starting point is 00:41:12 He might be the leadoff guy now. I saw that. I don't know. If short is... Hey, if we go one, two, three and it works, I'm fine with it. I just... You got to try something, man, because like like that middle that sort of upper middle of the lineup which is not
Starting point is 00:41:27 doing what I think I think if you have like like If you have Trey batting first, but you have right behind them Harper or or Schwerber That's gonna force them to throw him strikes I think so because they don't want to walk them And if he gets on base, he's going to steal second. Especially with the two, you only get two pickoff moves. Right. So, I think that's a good strategy. You get him on base and he was really good in the first half last year and then dropped
Starting point is 00:42:04 off. Right. So, yeah, let's, I would like to see that. Boam, and we talked a bit about this last week. Boam, I think he's probably going to leave before, I think he's going to leave at the trade deadline. I think so too. So, he's going to be a starting third baseman.
Starting point is 00:42:26 Right. I. I think I hope he plays well so that we get a good trade deal for him. He's not he's not my favorite player. I think he's a headcase. Yeah, I think he beats himself up too much. I don't think he's going to get any better. I think he could be a very solid guy. But I don't think I just don't think he's going to get any better. I think he could be a very solid guy, but I don't think, I just don't think, even if he plays well too, I don't think it's like consistent.
Starting point is 00:42:52 I don't know. I think he can get some guy, I think he could be part of a package where you send some guys who might be expired, team controls expiring and you can get some guys back. Oh, we'll see. Alfield. We got Big Dick Nick. Max Kepler, another left-handed guy who can't avoid strikeouts. Brandon Marsh and Johan Rojas. I like Rojas a lot. I accept that.
Starting point is 00:43:20 Yeah. If he can just be okay, he's an insanely good defender. If he could just be okay, that's all you need. You don't need him hitting 300. It'd be nice. But if he could just be okay. Then of course, we got Schwab's. There's DH, we talked about him. Then our utility guys,
Starting point is 00:43:46 Cody Clemens and Namundo Sosa. Yep. Clemens said just got signed. Yeah. I got no problem with. Yeah. Yeah. Who loves Sosa?
Starting point is 00:43:56 I just love Sosa. And then, all right, here's our, listen, and I know that you are conditioned to hate our pitchers. We're projected to have the second best starting pitching in the league after the Mariners. Right. Zach Wheeler, then they're going to have Jesus Lizardo, might be second second and then Nola Sanchez and then Taiwan Walker. Taiwan Walker.
Starting point is 00:44:30 Now, Taiwan Walker is not gonna be- Hot ass. He's not gonna be there the whole year. No I know. He's gonna be a swing man. I know. Suarez is on the IL. I know.
Starting point is 00:44:43 Yeah. Man. Suarez is on the IL. Last week we talked about this a little bit as well. Suarez and they're hoping Painter will be up maybe by June or July. Between Suarez, Walker and Rain, Painter. You can kind of get a decent fifth starter out of that. I see the vision. Yeah. And then, yeah, our relievers. This is where the most changes are, but still, we're kind of still running the back. We got Alvarado, Tanner Banks, Carlos Fernandez, Orion Kirkering, Jordan Romano, Joe Ross, Jose Ruiz, and Matt Strom. Strom should be good to go from what I saw.
Starting point is 00:45:31 Yeah, Kirkering's been good. Jordan Romano, we'll see. He was a pickup over the offseason. But again, I think we have a solid bullpen. I think the Eagles are good. Or the Eagles, the Phillies are good. Yeah. The Annalise is tough.
Starting point is 00:45:52 Except for the Nats. Yeah. I mean, even the Marlins had a showing last year. Yeah. But yeah, I think I'm looking forward to this year. Hopefully they come out hot, but not too hot that they burned it all out. Right. All right.
Starting point is 00:46:13 Let's go to DMs. And I'm not going to read the whole, like, what was sent. Right. I'll go through this. We have a DM for machine. Hey Tom, yay Liam. Some fresh Jimmy Dome news for you courtesy of Dave Di Natale at WKYC.
Starting point is 00:46:33 So here, let me scan through this real quick. Fucking has-ems. Oh, so the, the debate is continuing to go on. It looks like Cleveland's not willing to spend public money. Fund the stadium, yeah. Yeah. I'm glad that the trend against public money saves. I know we're supposed to have Roz on for a bonus on this.
Starting point is 00:46:57 Yeah. I'm going to have to write this up. I'll text him. Yeah. Oh yeah, we need to figure out a bonus for March because March is ending soon. Get Roz in, I'll text have to write this up. Yeah. Oh, yeah, we need to figure out a bonus for March because March is ending soon. Go right to the next spot. All right. We'll get them.
Starting point is 00:47:11 Even if it has to be the first week of April. These these these people who listen to this podcast are used to that. Yeah. Yeah. And apparently the mayor or someone. Oh, Cuyahoga County executive. Just call him fucking mayor. I like your hair. Thank you. It's risky bet with public dollars.
Starting point is 00:47:37 Three point four billion. Yeah. Two point four billion. No, it's not. But build your own fucking stadium. Exactly. You are worth so much money. Yeah. And then Roisin continues, other than that, Cavs unfortunately had their franchise records.
Starting point is 00:47:51 Worth $8.5 billion. Yeah, they can afford a new stadium. Had their franchise record 16 game win streak snapped by the Magic on Sunday and lost to the Clippers Tuesday. They play Sacramento tonight. This little hookup in the Cavs, Roisin should hopefully be right at we could sail on through to the Clippers Tuesday. They play Sacramento tonight. This little hookup in the Cavs machine should hopefully be ready
Starting point is 00:48:06 that we could sail on through to the playoffs. The Guardians got their asses handed to them in both split squad games today. It's spring training, Rasheen, do not worry. But the home split squad against the A's, the dagger was driven by none other than pinch hitting designated hitter Miles Naylor, hitting an RBI single right in front of his
Starting point is 00:48:26 brother, Bo, the Guardian's primary catcher. That's it for now. Go Cavs. Oh, I can't see it because your thing's over it. Go Cavs, go guards, go birds, fuck the Browns, fuck Jimmy Haslund, fuck Penn State. What was I going to say? The athletics are not, They're just the athletics. They're not Oakland.
Starting point is 00:48:46 They're not Sacramento. They're not Las Vegas. So until they move to Las Vegas, they're just going to be the athletics. It's not fucking stupid. That's so fucking stupid. And in MLB, the show, someone was playing like Road to the Show, which is like your player's career. And then it said someone holds up a sign that says like last name. We'll see you in town name soon. So it was like says like last name. We'll see you in town name soon.
Starting point is 00:49:06 So it was like whatever this last names, we'll see you in. And it's just blank. Terrific. Because they literally they couldn't even put Las Vegas or Oakland in. Like, come on. That's so lame. And they took the stadium away, too. So you can't even like because you can edit edit the stadiums. So you could even put the stadium in the fucking game.
Starting point is 00:49:27 The old stadium. They took it out of the game. Yeah. I might do a, I might do a live stream at some point of me playing. I got, I got drafted by the white Sox. Oh, sorry. I'm the cat. I'm the cat. Yeah. I'm a catcher for the white Sox organization. And a friend of the show, Dante, on the tipping pitches slack, said, please, please make my team good. Please bring me out of the darkness. No, you're never coming out. I'm going to try and get traded to a good team as soon as I can. So good luck.
Starting point is 00:49:56 Yeah. Maybe to the Phillies because they have an agent catcher. All right. I did get drafted in the first round. Look at you. That's what happens when you play for Cal State Fullerton. I just sort of buy a Cal State Fullerton shirt. People like, oh, yeah, you go there now.
Starting point is 00:50:12 No, it's just real. My avatar devil be the show 25 did. All right. We got three voicemails. We got Wayne, Wookie and Charlie. Oh, I didn't upload them. Hold on. I run it because I'm getting very hungry. I know I'm getting I'm getting lightheaded. All right.
Starting point is 00:50:29 All right let's listen to Wayne. Hey Tommy and Liam it's Wayne. Brought out to him. Was with Charlie today we just want the. Show you where the operation. London or Derry. I and It's minute Rangers come back, next score the Whitby, the Starby winning goal. They did a double on Celtic, even though Celtic may have, probably will have enough points to win the Scottish, the Scottish league.
Starting point is 00:51:34 But it's not, it's not looking good. Rangers are basically on a roll. They get the win in the old firm after advancing in the Europa League. And as a further kick to the balls to me, Liverpool lose in the league cup finals United when Newcastle gets their first league, their first trophy since 1969. All these fairly to reach out the union match as i'm about to get blown away from the wind apparently it has been windy of late um yeah it's somewhat uh somewhat in the it might have been
Starting point is 00:52:13 weighing in the slack uh point pointed out rangers fans uh with fucking straight up like the the nazi skull yeah yeah yeah that said Yeah, that's it. Yeah, that's, yeah, don't do that. Don't do that. Fuck you. Fuck the Rangers, man. Yeah. Both iterations.
Starting point is 00:52:33 Yep. All of them. All right. We got Charlie. Because you need to actually, they're four and one. Yes. Yeah, they're actually playing good. Maybe they did need to fire the head coach.
Starting point is 00:52:43 I don't know. Let's see. Hey guys, yeah, Liam Hayes-Honest with Charlie from Roxboro. He had just following up after what Wayne just did. Yeah, it was a bad day for every team. For every team. I think it was the draft Lux parlay if you picked all three teams to lose today would have been. Plus all the goals they conceded probably would have been something. But yeah, I don't think we'll ever have another dollar dog night in any Philadelphia or Chester Basie 14 area team ever again after that.
Starting point is 00:53:22 Probably more likely to have a hundred dollar a dog night coming soon. At least I could say, Scepter ran great today. God be with you in the stadium. Thank you for the Philadelphia Union for showing up with one minivan to collect 19 people off of the train. Well done, idiots. to collect 19 people off of the train. Well, that's 1143 at Chester Station. Hopefully they came with two minivans for the 143 when the second train showed up today. It was a little bit shit.
Starting point is 00:53:57 Frankie Westfield, who's looked good the last couple of days, looked, you know, looked like a 19 year old with the same kind of vocal cry that me and Wayne have, going after the ball, getting beat on everything. They probably just played a little too closely and that gave them the space in behind. They just weren't finishing. They didn't really have any good chances outside of the Lucas goal that did tie it at one point. It was watching the same match twice.
Starting point is 00:54:28 Basically both teams getting pressed off of the ball at home, which is kind of sort of happened but just hoping that this doesn't become the trend because I'll be at home Saturday against Indiana Vasquez and Brian Carnel's former team in St. Louis City. It is the first. A better hell of a way to dad Darby. I'm calling you private prices whort now. You're going down on Saturday even though you really don't give a shit about fucking soccer. Later fellas.
Starting point is 00:55:03 Bye Charlie. Thanks Charlie. Thanks, Charlie. All right, last one we got is Post and Wookie. All right, so I'm sure there's some arena football internecine drama. Hit me with it. Hey, guys.
Starting point is 00:55:22 Post and Wy once again, uh, pronouncing him. I haven't really been involved with the Rambo update as of late. It's been a rough couple of weeks between work and just the overall, uh, climate of everything. It's been pretty tight. Uh, I hear that. I hear that. Eggs can go up $10 there, but they can fucking go back down $2
Starting point is 00:55:47 and Trump's the greatest thing in the fucking world. I'm fucking sick of it. Just trying to do my goddamn panel. And that is, head to the, why not a couple of weeks for arena ball? Right before the F1 season started, both Orlando and Arizona dropped out.
Starting point is 00:56:06 Um, Arizona never got their leap at the ball arena and there were no more. Um, so Orlando waited until the week of, they were supposed to travel out to Dodge City, Kansas for the first game of the season and then owner John Chaney sent, sent the league a message saying, Hey, guess what guys, I'm selling the team, the new owners don't want to play this year, sorry. And now he's facing like a $1.2 million lawsuit from the league for the shenanigans. Remember as it is that the Orlando Magic ownership group is finally buying that fucking team.
Starting point is 00:56:41 And possibly we will move into the IFLFL which the IFL needs a lot more East Coast presence that's mostly a Southwestern base league. National League League has officially started too. My Carolina Cobras finally played their first game against the Wheelin Miners. The Wheelin Miners are now 0-2 because the fucking Cobras came out, fucking did like four or five fucking goal line, fucking stops, fucking defense came out to play and then player of the fucking game, possibly league for the national arena week Tobias Taylor this fucking man Look up off the wall and
Starting point is 00:57:29 Exit or fucking to it. I'm not calling fucking X He posted a highlight this fucking man did a hurdle touchdown. He's fucking hurtled a linebacker She's a big DC fucking running back to and then he had another few runs later and another touchdown where he ran down the field and fucking did his best fucking King Henry aggression. Anyways, I'm going to head back to the post office. Keep up the laughs. Fuck billionaires in general.
Starting point is 00:57:58 Fuck Elon Musk. I hope your fucking penis falls the rest of the way off. Me too, buddy. Oh, sorry, man. Yeah, no, stuff's, stuff's, uh, shit's fucked. Shit's fucked. Um, but I appreciate a good public servant like Wookie out there, uh, holding it down. You gotta hold it down. Um, all right. We're both about to die. So, good night, everybody. Shouts out. No one's telling to your patrons. You got to do the outro for us. Patrick, Sean, Mike, Kate, Charles, Luke, Kyle, Chucklebird, Kat, no new 700 level patrons. Voice about, give us a call. 267-371-7218. Give us your name and pronouns.. DMS follow us. I'm at Tom Payne and you're just like at WTYP.com now on blue sky. Patreon.com slash 10,000 losses. Where you get every bonus episode
Starting point is 00:58:52 access to our discord. Elder pods, WTYP, BYM trash future, Beyond the Breakers, Radio Free Topec, No Guys No Matters, Kill James Bond, Hell of a Way to Dad, Take Pco's, Soco's, what? Sickos, I'm hungry. Yeah, you messed me up there. Sickos committee, Sickos committee, Self Worst, Championship Ambust, and Batting Around. Championship Ambust, bud. I know, I like Ambust better. Okay, I'll tell them.
Starting point is 00:59:20 Yeah, that member that came from, he accidentally said that? Yes, that's right. Yeah. All right, man. He's Breaking news no, no, no, we got ten seconds. I want to make it a nice even hour Especially cuz you're half good. I have to cut shit out. I Mean it's gonna be less than an hour because I've run a Gap. Yeah. Yeah. All right, bye everybody. All right, bye. We're from Philly, fucking Philly. No one likes us, we don't care.
Starting point is 00:59:48 No one likes us, no one likes us. No one likes us, we don't care. We're from Philly, fucking Philly. No one likes us, we don't care.

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