Ten Thousand Losses - UNLOCKED: Bonus Ep. 4 - Relitigating the Process

Episode Date: January 1, 2024

As a New Year's gift for you, we've unlocked one of the bonus episodes from our archive for everyone. Think of this one as a sequel to the WTYP bonus episode on The Process. Tom and Liam air their gri...evances against extremely online Sixers fandom in a conversation about what the Process actually was, if it worked, and what its legacy is on the league today. Featuring some of Tom's finest anti-Reddit takes. Leave us a voicemail! (give your name and pronouns): 267-371-7218 Support us on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/tenthousandlosses  Follow us on Twitter: Podcast: https://twitter.com/tenklossespod Liam: https://twitter.com/notliamanders0n Tom: https://twitter.com/tohickontpain 

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Starting point is 00:00:00 He is actually going to eject a fan. Because bad things happen in Philadelphia, bad things. The fan jumped into the penalty box area. Joy doesn't come to Philadelphia and stand here and dodge ice balls. We, the Dallas Cowboys, had a satisfaction with John Kennedy. Alright, hello there. Hello. Welcome to the bonus realm.
Starting point is 00:00:46 We don't have a special voice or anything for bonus. Although Delirium has said it. So ready to start it? Yeah, Delirium has said it. I just ate, so like now I'm full. I'm trying not to make gross noises on air. All right. But we never do that on this podcast.
Starting point is 00:01:01 No, no, no. I'm celebrating by drinking the Mark Zumoff beer you gave me for my birthday. Oh, good. It's tasty. I liked it. It smells good. Concha Hawk and Brewing Company actually make some decent stuff. Although they also make some stuff that I feel like they're all right, but they're not great.
Starting point is 00:01:21 Yeah, no, it's decent. It's better than I can make. Yeah, exactly. Fair enough. but they're not great yeah no it's that's decent it's better i can make um yeah exactly fair enough uh they're the the definition of like your mid-range local brew it's not like your shit one right like where it's just absolute ass i'm trying to think uh evil genius evil genius uh do you ever go to the cold spring brewery in in Cape May? No. It's a bad one. It was. I was like, do I say, hey, guys, listen.
Starting point is 00:01:51 Put me back there. Yeah. Actually, you guys, I'm a beer judge, and I just want to let you know that I've detected a lot of ethylene or acetaldehyde in your beers. And that's not really appropriate for something a brewer should be putting out. Like, just fucking pull out my BJCPc only if you do that voice that voice higher time yeah i don't even know who's channeling with that voice uh we get we got voices on we got voices voices galore on this episode maybe i don't know you're gonna do your joel and beat impression no that just feels racist i I'm not going to do that. I know. I know.
Starting point is 00:02:27 Can you imagine that? Just like that. We would get canceled and we would deserve it. You would deserve it. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. No, don't do that. I look as a teacher, I'm known as like, well, do wacky voices to keep my students attention. Sure. And but they'll be like, well, do wacky voices to keep my students attention. Sure. And but they'll be like, so I'll do the Italian. I'll do the Irish. The Irish one is actually probably my best one.
Starting point is 00:02:51 And then, you know, the bad English, like the bad ones, they're there. But they'll be like, you do a Chinese one. I'm not doing a Chinese one. I can't. I will be fired. I can't. I can't. Can I?
Starting point is 00:03:01 Yes. Will I? No. You don't like yourself, but you laugh. Yeah. Am I am I am I capable of doing it? Did. Will I? No. You don't like yourself, but you laugh. Yeah. Am I capable of doing it? Did I teach English? Was I a writing tutor at Community College of Philadelphia, which had a lot of students from China?
Starting point is 00:03:13 Did I learn how to pick up their voices? Yes. But I'm not doing that. All right. Everyone, shut off your cell phones. We're about to get real uncomfortable. Yeah. All right.
Starting point is 00:03:23 Yeah. Who the fuck? What's the audience for that what am i doing that for i'm not gonna make fun of chinese people i'm not an asshole actually that kind of that that that wraps up nicely that segues us nicely to kind of starting off what we're talking about because this is a bonus episode and we're talking about the process now you may be thinking but guys i listened to the other podcast shut up yeah which we have to say shut up yeah we're relitigating the process we're doing it this
Starting point is 00:03:51 we're doing it with this is an argument now yeah yeah we're apparently arguing about the process i'm going to pretend that i like it um you do like it you've sent me a text that was like dude i can't wait to defend the process to you and our listeners. I can't wait. I cannot wait. I thought it was a little weird, Tom. Yeah. Well, I love the process. I'm on Reddit.
Starting point is 00:04:12 So being a Redditor. Yeah, you keep doing that and I keep telling you to stop. My normal account has like 200,000 karma. I've had it for a really long time. And I was like, all right, I need to nuke this shit because if someone sifted through it like it's got my politics pre bernie in there oh somewhere yeah yeah yeah yeah sorry yeah so do you guys like libertarianism and new atheism well you too bad you don't have a choice i i complaining that that I got a D in Daniel Chomps's class at, not Nome, Daniel, who I think is his nephew, class at Temple because I wrote everything as a libertarian. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:57 You got to learn to play the game, Tom. Yeah. Well, unfortunately, you know, I lost my virginity and I'm not libertarian anymore. Oh. Yeah. Yeah. Well, unfortunately, you know, I lost my virginity and I'm not libertarian anymore. Oh. Oh. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:08 So I haven't been a libertarian for three months. And. Oh. Are you right? Yeah, that was really fucking funny. All right. So I, I, I, I, every so often I actually try to write jokes and I, I tell them to my wife and she's like, no, no. But I thought that one would actually if that was in front of a crowd, I feel like that would that would get laughs.
Starting point is 00:05:32 I liked that a lot. Oh, thank you. But the tag made you choke on your dinner. So so so speaking of Reddit, there is a there is a place on reddit called rmba don't go there don't go there cannot emphasize this enough really and we're recording this at the tail of march and there was a bit where of discussion daryl morey who's the sixers gm uh so elton brand isn't the gm anymore Oh, shit. Hold on. Alton Brand's the GM.
Starting point is 00:06:08 He's president of basketball operations. So Alton Brand's the GM. Okay. Current general manager of the Philadelphia 76ers. I'm looking at it. Check. Five minutes. Who's Daryl Morey? He's the president of basketball operations.
Starting point is 00:06:24 I got it mixed up. All right. We're going to cut all this. Don't leave it. Leave this shit. They're paying the heroes just be painfully wrong. I was right.
Starting point is 00:06:38 You're talking about me. It's like when I say us when I'm talking about sports teams. Yeah, I kicked ass about sports teams, it's like, yeah, we had a real good game last night. Yeah. I kicked ass personally. Yeah. So Reddit NBA,
Starting point is 00:06:52 and there was, they were talking about Daryl Morey, who, Daryl Morey, epic bacon, Daryl Morey. He's an Eppen, he's an Eppen Hecken freedom fighter.
Starting point is 00:07:03 Uh, Narwhal bacon, bourbon,ache Wax. I'm going to die. Oh, they did the math. Oh, they did the monster math. Oh, I'm going to tag all my friends. Stop it.
Starting point is 00:07:18 Stop it. Stop it. No, no. I told you this was going to happen on the bonus. Well, fucking Reddit NBA guys. Well, E Reddit NBA guys. Well, Eppin Heckenmory did a Hecken-based move, which was to defend Hong Kong or something.
Starting point is 00:07:34 I don't give a shit. He tweeted, I think it was just stand with Hong Kong. Stand with Hong Kong. And I'm not going to get into that here. The NBA handled it very badly, I will say but ty recently ty loo said like yo dude just shut like he said like he could have just shut his mouth and we'd have made all this money which okay that's fine i think there's a lot of people i think there's a lot of people at this actually leads me to a thing uh within sports media like especially kind of steven a who are very much like you owe your
Starting point is 00:08:07 employer everything and like you don't fuck with the money right like steven a came out very strongly against daryl morey's uh tweet i remember that and his perspective was like you're an employee and like you don't do anything to fuck with the money and you know i understand that like as an employee of redacted you know uh yeah i'm not held to the same standard as as more agents that's me that's me that's me that's why the checks never come uh yeah i think that that part of it is like there's been a lot of you know the, the NBA blew that, I will say. Like whether or not like you agree with Maury's tweet, I think it's fair to say that the NBA handled it much worse than they could have. Right. And so like any of that stuff aside, like it's a multifaceted thing because like, you know, that China is like a burgeoning market for basketball and all that.
Starting point is 00:09:11 And, you know, but now Ty Lue is by the heck in baseball or the heck in NBA guys, you know, who really, really love cats. And we're fine when like Pop criticized Trump and when Steve Kerr criticized Trump. Oh, based Pop, all that shit. Based not going to the White House. And we said the McDonald's White House.
Starting point is 00:09:38 It's under the parking garage. Don't worry about that. So now Ty loses CCP shill and he's like oh oh lebron chairman lebron oh you know xi xinping is winning the pooh that's not yellow face racism oh like like like oh negative thousand social credit. Like, like these guys. I could hear the psychic damage you're taking right now. This is un-fucking-forgivable. Yeah. I'm marching on.
Starting point is 00:10:11 Let's do it. Yeah. Oh, my God. Yeah. So these fucking like, so, so there's a type on Reddit, the NBA Reddit, and they fucking have all these dumb takes on the fucking, on the fucking basketball. And it's like, there's no room for nuance or anything like that they all think they're fucking they they all know everything it's i i told you i said this yesterday to you in a text and i i feel like it's actually true it's like that there are
Starting point is 00:10:36 there's the comedy of where which is like well there's your problem where or trash future related kind of things there's other podcasts out there too that are like that where you have really smart people saying absolutely just dumb shit yeah and it's funny because you'll listen to wtyp or something and then like alice makes like a dick joke that involves like the fifth battle the asanso river and you're like where the fuck did this come from versus a reddit which is dumb asses who think that this shit is like the epitome. This is like I'm in the salon, you know, in Paris. Right.
Starting point is 00:11:11 And let me pontificate to these fucking people. I'm making jokes. I'm just like fucking Hemingway. Oh, you know, I love cats, too. I'm depressed. I'm depressed like Hemingway. We're all depressed. You're not special yeah this is gonna be the airing of groovance's episode if that wasn't made immediately clear
Starting point is 00:11:31 and and i i there's a particular basketball fan i fucking hate and and it's a lot of this process shit which we're going to talk about we're going to relitigate, like we said, involves the fandom that... Galaxy brain shit. Right. You don't hear these takes on WIP. Because that's dumb guys making dumb takes, and they're funny. This is morons trying to be smart. And it's just pitiful. It's shameful. So this all comes down to like, you know, you have a liberal NBA dad, right?
Starting point is 00:12:15 And the liberal NBA dad is this guy, right? Who thinks, I mean, they probably have a fucking like Zelensky avatar picture right now. Yep. Yeah. Oh, like what a, what a hecking freedom fighter. What a, what a lame-o chud uh putin is and it's like dude like like hey we we both don't support neither of us supports putin right like you know no we have yeah it's uh our takes aren't just read it i don't know like it's it's that it's that shit where like you know you
Starting point is 00:12:47 read sort of you think you're a fucking sports genius because you read uh like enough bleacher report in the morning or whatever and you watch john boyce videos and like yeah and you don't have a fucking ounce of nuance and that is not a criticism of john boyce i want to be very clear on that oh no he's cool no no it's like it's the i i as a casual observer of basketball i'm also a stat head and like let me tell you about billy fucking bean and money ball like we all didn't read fucking money ball uh well that's that's going to come into that is going to come into the meat of this of this episode is you know same hanky did a money ball yeah i mean if you want to talk
Starting point is 00:13:27 about maximize yeah i mean we i think to your point i do want to talk about we've talked about it before sort of in passing but like fans as gm where like fans believe somehow they because of their access to like player data and whatever other else believe that okay right believe that that they're basketball geniuses right and like they're as equipped as people who do this for a living and have worked their way up the ranks you know right they're they're just as smart and as qualified as those guys like like i could very easily like based on, oh, I do a sports podcast and I watch an NBA game or two a week. And I used to play 2K like crazy, like pretend I'm this guy. And it's not hard to – it's like you know the shibboleths.
Starting point is 00:14:18 Like you know what to say to make yourself sound smart. Right. Well, that's like – bring it back here. But you don't actually have the deep knowledge. Right. is like a surface level take and you pick up these things and you somehow think that that makes you an expert right like i i i got into again a mile wide but an inch of depth right and that's like and that's that's something like hey as someone with adhd i kind of feel that way sometimes but there are some things i actually do know what i'm talking about but but that's that's beside the point but like i go you go on reddit like i'll go on things where because there is like there is something about the website i do like this isn't the reddit episode by the way but anyway like i'll go on to like the linguistics
Starting point is 00:15:15 reddit where because i'm a language nerd and the you know you'll see people like will link to stuff where like people will be confidently wrong about so much shit oh yeah you have when you have like a when you have like a closer-knit community you know it's like it's like us watching a like a like a movie and they get the philly accents wrong it's like it's like no we actually know what the information is and we're laughing at someone passing themselves off as an expert when they're actually just a fucking idiot right you know so like like yeah like i saw someone today they were like well english is a really easy language it's very simple you know like unlike german which is a latin language and i'm like i you just no you're wrong on every fucking point there right the famous german
Starting point is 00:16:01 german latins famous german latins i mean they would have a sense of humor in germany if the romans if if uh yeah yeah well known the germans so their sense of humor if if varis hadn't betrayed the fucking what's his name at the tudorberg forest um yeah i i also want to talk about sort of and then we can get it no we can't do it but fan as gm when it applies to like dehumanizing players right and seeing them only as assets to be traded and negotiated with and bought and bartered and that's right which fucking sucks like it fucking sucks it sucks to watch it sucks to like you know listen to people not just assume they know better but like treat these guys as especially as especially like essentially disposable assets right and use the word assets yeah and like that's all these like in a lot of cases kids are to these freaks right so so something like like we have
Starting point is 00:17:00 like franchise mode and 2k where most sports 2k is actually this is probably the best of all the sports or you or you play a game that's even more in depth like out of the park baseball where if you're not careful you start aligning your way of thinking to the perspective of that you're managing it and the thing is is that you listening to this podcast are the average human being is not a manager they're a worker right they're just a guy right and you're not viewing you're suddenly now viewing these players like you said as assets but you're divorcing yourself from the reality of like their labor right and that things think you know know, I mean, look, could the, could the players unions show a little more solidarity with like the fucking
Starting point is 00:17:47 teamsters or whatever? Absolutely. Oh, that'd be sick. Yeah. Yeah. They're, they're, uh, one of the tipping pitches episodes. I talk about like, like imagine the MLB PA coming out in support of a teacher's union. Oh dude. I would, I would honestly got to cream my pants. Yeah. Yeah. Cause that, cause that, cause, cause honestly, oh dude i would i would honestly god cream my pants i think yeah yeah because that because that because because honestly the sports players have so much cachet in our society that them coming out in solidarity with labor struggles would actually be a major fucking thing that'd
Starting point is 00:18:17 be so sick but yeah so the gm mindset has has you view all the thing – it's not on purpose trying to make you sympathize with the owners, but it's unintentionally making you do that. But you do. And you do, yeah. And when I play out of the park baseball, do I make decisions like a fucking baseball team GM would? Absolutely. But it's a fucking game and I understand that. Right. But you have to be aware and if you go on reddit or something like that there's a profound lack of
Starting point is 00:18:50 awareness about anything or twitter where people view view these things and you hear this shit on on sports radio too where you take everything from i am a consumer of the product. I want owners who make best product. But you're not considering at all that these are players. And tying this to the fucking process is that when you view players as assets, when you view running a team as acquisition of assets and don't think at all about the human factors. I'd say, for example, not wanting to play on a shitty ass team that fucking sucks and it's not winning on purpose you know that's fucking demoralizing it is it sucks imagine training your whole life for that but you want to earn you want to get rings dude like like what why does anyone else play right because otherwise what's the fucking point of playing the sport like if it's just like i'm i'm here in, like at City, no one's made me feel especially welcome.
Starting point is 00:19:46 And my team loses 72 fucking games a year. And we're the laughing and people are like laughing at me. Like, right. That's not a good feeling. It's not a feeling that, you know, I have I'm kind of an anti process extremist in the sense that, like like i believe the sixers should have been punished like either via loss of graphics or some other factor that i mean that's that is a way you deal with it you the league has to say this like this is anti-competitive right which it is and i've i've said uh actually for a while that i believe essentially that, you know,
Starting point is 00:20:25 teams that suck for X number of years should start facing penalties because it is anti-competitive in a sense. Right. It is. And at the end of the day, the league, you know, it's entertainment supposed to put out a product that's entertaining. I think there should like, you know, you talk about like fiduciary responsibility to shareholders.
Starting point is 00:20:45 There should be an entertainment responsibility to – You have an antitrust exemption. Yeah. Like you – like the fans union bullshit that the MLB was trying to ask for was one thing. But like yeah, like fans have a right to like their team. Like injuries happen. Shit like that happens. Like I'm not saying you know blah blah blah but
Starting point is 00:21:05 right yeah like you shouldn't have to endure your team having like 15 straight losing seasons or something right right and all right so i think i think talking about tank i think this brings us to you know what we're gonna we're gonna litigate here or re-litigate if you really litigate for a million time if you've heard the episode, the WTYP bonus episode on the process. But we got to ask the question. I'm going to do Roz's here. What is process? What is process?
Starting point is 00:21:39 Yeah, what is process? Soccer Tom. It's like soccer days. Do you want to define the process or you want me to uh why don't you define this as i asked all right sure so we can define the process as tanking writ large uh an era of sixers basketball that lasted from the 20 from 2013 2014 to around we don't know uh there's sort of differing opinions on whether it's over on whether the process has been completed whether it's still going i'm personally of the opinion that it's that the process has ended uh the process was the brainchild of sam hinky who has an mba which would tell you everything you need to know about Sam Hinckley.
Starting point is 00:22:26 Not a real degree. Not a real degree. And, you know, he basically had come to the conclusion that, you know, the Sixers being not great at basketball. Right. For a number of years. You know, they had gone to the playoffs and stuff but hadn't really been consistently good since what iverson left would you say right yeah they kind of like a bottom third tier team yeah right just fodder yeah that's a good word for it yeah yeah and and so this nba he reads a book maybe we don't sure sure yeah money ball he reads He reads a book. Well, he watches the movie.
Starting point is 00:23:05 I don't know if he reads. I don't think he knows how to read. I think you're allowed to read and get an MBA. I think. No, they actually, they actually shoot you for that. Tom.
Starting point is 00:23:13 They do. I'm not joking. You get an MBA. I mean, look, that's what the Chicago boys did down in Chile. So anyone who could read was shot. So God,
Starting point is 00:23:26 this is the bonus. We get the deep cuts. shot. So, God, this is the bonus. We get the deep cuts. Yeah. So basically, the theory, the sort of tenet of the process is that it's impossible for the Sixers to get to land top talent through free agency because they suck. You have to draft top talent you have to draft a superstar um and that will enable you to uh win a championship that way through through the draft but the way sam hinky went about same uh is the controversy uh there's a lot of criticisms to be made but that sort of that's that's how the process was supposed to work.
Starting point is 00:24:07 But Liam, he was, Sam Henke was a heckin' epic genius. Yeah, there are people in Philadelphia who do believe that because we live in the dumbest city. It's funny, because if you listen to like sports radio at the time, a lot of the old heads like
Starting point is 00:24:26 that would call me would be like this is fucking stupid i mean it was fucking stupid like yeah this yeah yeah i don't know whose hanky kid is but because i this is this is uh this is all this is dumb and they don't they can't explain it but at least they had the sense whereas you did have like a lot of people who got bought in who were who were like the liberal nba dad right yeah and the people who had like this is a real thing that happened in philadelphia a watch party for the lottery when the sixers had the right got the number one these are these are people who who saw the dumpster pool and thought it was the coolest fucking thing right these are the people who who moved here in 2017 and say keep philly weird yeah did did i ever tell you my dumpster pool guy story?
Starting point is 00:25:06 No, you didn't. He's a giant asshole. That does not show. I watched that guy drive high on his motorcycle, park it, and go, oh, man, I'm surprised I didn't kill anybody. Cool. Anyway, so yeah. So these – yeah, it's like – like I said, I keep talking – I keep going back to this liberal NBA dad thing where it's the well-intentioned – Nice white liberal. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:32 Suburban white liberal especially. White liberal means either suburban or someone who moved into northern liberties, like child-free kind of type um and they well i said child-free kind of type either that or they have kids and they make sure they they i've said this before they go out of their way to let their kids like poc friends know they're an ally to like it's like it's patronizing like if anyone ever says anything you just let me know you Right. No. They're not horrible human beings. They're just misinformed. And they're guys who are from Sam Hinckley's class. Like... A lot of this does have to do with class solidarity.
Starting point is 00:26:16 Certainly. Middle management class solidarity. It is always class solidarity in the end. I also want to say that part of it... The way the process works specifically was basically to suppose like on paper it was to kind of copy what the 90s spurs had done before anybody else which was to look for talent sort of deep in the drafts you know the spurs were out there drafting euro league guys before anybody else was and like
Starting point is 00:26:46 evaluating you know evaluating talent sort of that other people would overlook but the sixers didn't give a shit about developing that talent right where the spurs in the 90s certainly did and the spurs are you know the record this year might not indicate the Spurs are an incredibly well run organization. Yeah. The only thing in San Antonio that actually functions. Oh, is that. Yeah. Oh, did you say something or are you mad at me about San Antonio?
Starting point is 00:27:17 No, I'm not mad at you about San Antonio. Oh, OK. I didn't hear anything. So is it sure if the audio got messed up or something no no we're good uh i only knew one person i i know people live in saturday they're all assholes yeah it's it's a riverwalk and nothing else yeah oh no one cares not not going actually i think that might be dallas i don't give a shit about texas uh fuck the cowboys gotta get that one go birds you gotta get that one in uh yeah so that that's you know kind of the way i've always felt about is like that's kind of fine and dandy
Starting point is 00:27:53 but like then you're not properly using that you're just right using these kids as a means to an end in a really nakedly sort of grotesque way. Like their assets. Right. There's nothing at all wrong about using young black teens as assets. As fungible labor, yes. There's no precedent in this country
Starting point is 00:28:18 that's ever been set about that kind of shit. No, it's super awesome to do that and tell everyone how progressive you are while you do it. Right. Cause yeah. NBA fans are the most liberal fans of all the major sports. So they're all,
Starting point is 00:28:32 like I said, you know, epic, epic hecking guys. Yeah. Epic, epic hecking bacon guys who just Sam Hickey did let epic, whatever.
Starting point is 00:28:42 Yeah. Like, like, and when Hickey was, was there, I mean, you know, the same, there's a reason I keep coming back to, right. These are the same guys posting like, oh, I'm totally Ron Swanson from Parks and Recreation. No, you're not.
Starting point is 00:28:57 I'm totally this cool guy. No, you're not Nick Offerman, by the way, who actually has decent politics. Yeah. Nick Offerman always seemed like a relatively cool dude. Yeah, he's making fun of libertarians. You must be so upset. Yeah, I was so mad when I found out. There is somewhere on the internet a picture of me buying a 36-pack of eggs and putting it up like it's like a trophy i hunted with like my shotgun
Starting point is 00:29:26 and my rifle and like give me all the packing and eggs you want like like i literally was like i'm making fun of my old my past so that's a shame tom oh i'm i'm i was epic i was art of manliness epic dude i mustache wax i'm i'm i have nothing to say except i'm sorry yeah well like i'm being sincere yeah i'm mocking myself like that's why i'm getting so mad it's like and i wasn't i wasn't into the processor i wasn't super into sports during that time but right um i kind of took a layoff from it because i like the girl who didn't like sports and i'm an idiot uh foolishness yeah um although your wife has some pretty interesting sports opinions, all of which are bad.
Starting point is 00:30:09 Does she? She likes the Dodgers, Tom. No, she doesn't like the Dodgers. They're her favorite team, Tom. She, I like, yeah, it's like, well, I like the team that wins. It's like that. Shut up. That's not how sports fans work.
Starting point is 00:30:22 You have to suffer. You have, you either are lucky enough to be born in that fandom. Hey, it's Liam. Yeah, yeah. At least you're not a Yankees fan. Thank God for that. That was me growing up. Phillies and Yankees.
Starting point is 00:30:37 Oh, out of here. Yeah. All right. So we want to talk about fucking I don't know. Do we want to talk about how this we don't know do we want to talk about how this we talked about sort of how like the philosophy of same yeah the process is doing a money ball is doing a money ball yeah yeah uh which work has worked out so well for the oakland athletics right um famously 19 time world series champion the oakland athletics famous famously
Starting point is 00:31:01 might not be in Oakland for much longer. Jesus Christ. Can't wait for Las Vegas athletics. Jesus Christ. I don't like I don't like any of that. That's what it's going to be. At least the Tampa Bay Rays might go back up to Montreal. I'll be the X.
Starting point is 00:31:15 I like that. I was actually kind of annoyed at the league for not letting us have the bizarro world split the team in half plan. That I thought was a good idea. I was like, that's quintessentially MLB, right? That's just so fucked that it's almost good. Yeah. Because if you have a good team in Montreal too, like anytime you can sneak weird Quebecois shit into a sport, it's good.
Starting point is 00:31:41 It's objectively hilarious. Yeah. Like, oh, we have a new mascot. His name's uh tabernak and his name is his name this just says free quebec on it yeah yeah jenna soviet it's like you know it's like oh they must really like going to church it's uh yeah they yeah i just love that the the i mean we kind of both have a love for kvick the kvick we do we are diseased people and and this is the fact that every like if you say i'm going to go to church i'm going to get the chalice and uh which is in the tabernacle you just like sit you just called somebody the
Starting point is 00:32:17 worst slur yeah like it is every curse word is like a name of a place in a church it's yeah french the french are fascinating people really yeah or the quebec why i should say so the quebec why except for the part where they're like quebec nationalism also is like anti-native yeah it's super gross and right wing and they're really proud of it oh and the haves will never win another cup let's just say that now yep there's there's like we have enough quebec wild listeners that there is a strike team getting assembled oh they're gonna come try to assassinate us but we'll be able to tell because we'll smell the cheap cologne and cigarettes ha ha uh boston bruins hockey program i am uh the great fan i don't even know what sl great fan slur
Starting point is 00:33:06 extra slur smells like diesel my wife she does not wear top on American beach you say sexual repression you say sexual harassment I cannot pronounce H How do you say sexual advancement?
Starting point is 00:33:26 I cannot pronounce H. We have H's to abs. They literally don't. They can't pronounce H. What's wrong? Okay. That's Corinne. Corinne.
Starting point is 00:33:44 I love the process. She loves the process. That's the woman I'm gonna marry ladies and gentlemen my wife apparently likes the dodgers your wife does like the dodgers did she tell you that in secret like no no i'm just making fun of you oh okay it was no because i have expected like when we were at the at the yards that she was like hey just so you know i'm a dodgers fan i really like the dodgers clayton kershaw am i right yeah um i like the dodgers don't like the dodgers i fucking hate clayton kershaw my wife does i have vocal fry but she she does she does like the dodgers it's unfortunate but yeah what are you gonna do well uh bernie sanders used to like the dodgers yeah uh it's unfortunate but yeah what are you gonna do well uh bernie sanders
Starting point is 00:34:28 used to like the dodgers too so what's that bernie sanders like the dodgers that's true back moving away turned into the communists uh so yeah so let's talk about so let's talk about sam hinky yeah and did actually get through this uh 20 however many 34 minutes in that's great yes uh yes sam hinky uh went to stanford we talked about that uh we talked about your first mistake there having some yeah he talked about there's an nba and a stanford nba right and uh his coach was brett brown uh brett brown's gonna become uh so like sam h. We also have some other guys, the Colangelo's. Yes. What's his name?
Starting point is 00:35:08 What's the Jerry Colangelo is brought in basically after the Sixers start one in 21. And we don't know for certain, but the NBA, Adam Silver probably held a gun to Sam Hinckley's head and said, you have to stop doing this. He remember he said something about like not being happy about what the Sixers were doing and I'm sure if you said that publicly that there was much more pressure right privately yeah because it's because again it's it's it sets a bad precedent for the league Sixers fans it sucks for you it sucks for the players it's who was it like who wants to get drafted and go to the the tanking team right exactly and that's that's that's an issue i actually want to talk about is like you know in terms of gm brain like one of the things we we forget is a lot of these kids are 19 fucking years old yeah they did
Starting point is 00:35:55 one year of college they have you know they're in a new city so they don't know what to do like uh and and the sixers franchise treated them as disposable and they didn't keep around any vets to like guide these kids and help them not fuck up like i'm thinking of uh jaleel okapur drafted number three and i think 2015 uh got busted trying to get into a bar and uh it's like if this if this team can't even tell it's underage players where they won't get caught trying to drink. Right. Yeah, dude, just text Allen Iverson and he will tell you.
Starting point is 00:36:31 The River Tuesdays on City Line. TGI Fridays. TGI Fridays. TGI Fridays. Okay. Yeah, you corrected me in stereo. Thank you. Oh, that's staying in. It wasn't free appetizers.
Starting point is 00:36:42 It wasn't? Okay. Oh, there was something free for uh alan he brought the strippers that's fine oh yeah strippers gotta eat uh so basically the sixers uh you know essentially start the the process by drafting fucking michael carter williams who won rookie of the year because somebody had to do it. Right. Yeah, he actually led like rookies in all statistical categories, I think, except for maybe blocks.
Starting point is 00:37:11 But he's not in the league anymore. So how good was he? I was yelling that at Corinne. Yeah, not at the listener. No, not at the listener. But also, but Carter Williams was not good. All right. I have to bring this up.
Starting point is 00:37:27 Actor-ass name. Guys love to be called Michael Carter wins. That's like you're going to be an actor. Right. The Sixers also trade their best player, Drew Holiday, and the 42nd pick in the draft to the Pelicans for New Orleans Noel and the Pelicans first rounder uh drew had been that had been drew holiday's best season he's coming off his best season uh and new orleans noel had
Starting point is 00:37:55 an acl tear so he wasn't even able to start uh the sixers finished that season. Uh, I believe that's 2013, 2014. Uh, they have a 26 game losing streak and they finished 19 and 63. Yeah. Great. Terrific. Awesome. Yeah. So I'm sure the concessions, you know, sales are great.
Starting point is 00:38:22 Yeah. Uh, yeah. Uh, Corinne went to games in the process period i had season tickets to here they went 10 and 72 well your dad had them it was amazingly fun yeah i got free stuff and a handwritten letter every time i showed up good for you handwritten letter oh yeah that was uh the joel and bd right uh so 2014 they draft at number three joel the process and bead uh who is not able to play consistently for like four years i mean now he's gonna win mvp right no that was a good pick but you know i don't want to step on the what
Starting point is 00:39:04 we're gonna say later i don't want to step on but like you know hey how about you just have a decent team and then you trade for that traffic right exactly uh so uh they also traded for dario sarich if you remember that yep super dario yeah super i loved up he's on the Suns and now he's good. Yeah Roku comes later Yeah, they did use some more trades They got do you remember Luke Mba a mute a I Do not yeah, he sucked
Starting point is 00:39:41 He was the 20. He was the heats 2015 first round pick So that actually leads after that they have two years with three years of experience or more on the sixers so that's one of my criticisms is that like that's when you sign vets on cheap deals someone who's been there guys tell you how to act act like you've been here before that kind of shit right that is critical at holding a team together right and the sixers didn't do that, and that's always been an issue I've had with them. So... No, instead they were spending time
Starting point is 00:40:12 writing letters. My dearest NBA fan. I write you today as we struggle. Pause it for one second. Alright. So, the draft as we struggle. All right. Pause it for one second. Yeah, no problem. All right.
Starting point is 00:40:25 All right. So the draft, Joel Embiid, do some trades. All right. Do the voice. Do the voice. I'm not. Do it.
Starting point is 00:40:34 Stop recording. So they start this season. I'm Joel Embiid. That is actually how he talks. It's crazy. He doubles as a circus cloud uh so the sixers start the 2014-2015 season going oh and fucking 17 love it they trade away michael carter williams uh for javel mcgee isaiah cannon and picks um they finish at 18 and 64 um so they get the third pick in the 2015 draft and they use it on ja oka for and this is another issue i want to bring up is like
Starting point is 00:41:16 you already fucking had a set like you now have a backlog etc so why even fucking draft this guy well we collect players we collect we collect assets yeah but like they're doing if you're doing that then like surely the smarter thing to do would have been to like trade down like all right i'll trade down from third to like 25th and you give me a couple more picks instead of selecting john ogre when you already supposedly have a set now there's an argument that they never expected joel and b to even play uh there was a lot of belief that he would never play in the nba so if they if they did think that you can see why they drafted job but like uh the sixers go on the sixers this is the season they go fucking, I think, 18 and blah, blah, blah.
Starting point is 00:42:07 I think they go 10 and 72. This season they do. Yeah. And this is when they hire Jerry Colangelo. Famous, famous, normal human, Jerry Colangelo. Who definitely does not have, still have burner accounts. No. Well, that's his kid, Brian.
Starting point is 00:42:23 Oh, oh, shit. Remember, I got Jerry Colangelo's kid. Yeah, Jerry's his kid, Brian. Oh, shit. I got my philangelos. Yeah, Jerry hires his own kid. So they hire – they trade two second-rounders to the Pelicans for half a season of Ish Smith. Sam Hinckley resigns April 6, 2016. If you haven't ever read his resignation letter it's 7 000 words long and it is a coup de grace of crazy oh yeah it's it's it's it's it's it's nuts uh so later that year they get the first overall pick in the 2016 draft and select out of lseo ben zimmons yeah well that's what you do when you're
Starting point is 00:43:06 thinking about thinking yes which is a line from the resignation letter yeah uh the necessity of innovation the longest view in the room a contrarian mindset are you reading it i'm just reading from it i'm just i'm just coming these are like the section headers. A healthy respect for tradition. A reverence for disruption. This is NBA brain. This is like his letter was just like, I'm just going to randomly pull something out of the letter that you would expect is about basketball, right?
Starting point is 00:43:40 Sure. New Zealand's flightless bird, the moa, measuring in at 10 foot 400 pounds, had the life tramping about the South Island for a great long run. Then the first Maori to explore was wash the shore in canoes, and that was that. Wow. Awesome.
Starting point is 00:43:54 Basketball. What? Yeah. Investment objectives. Starting position. Goals. Draft. Free agency. Trade. Did you have your seizure yet? A larger quiver i'm gonna light my i'm gonna light my own house on fire i i'm do i i'm recording this podcast i came up with in under duress what is it in baseball where you uh play a game under protest yeah they
Starting point is 00:44:21 fucking got rid of that which fucking sucks that sucks because you could just be an angry asshole and he won't you won't have the pine tar game um where i'm not even gonna talk about it because it'll add an extra 10 minutes to the podcast but yes you should be able to we're potting under protest so basically what you're saying is our own podcast yeah so when we finish the the commissioner podcasts, we review our case and let us rerecord it or play from the point of protest. I that that is, you know, baseball has some stupid, idiotic like traditions and rules. That was a good one. Absolutely.
Starting point is 00:45:02 You know what? I don't want to fucking do this. Like, oh, it's it's that. That's why it's know what i don't want to fucking do this like no it's it's that that's why it's the king of sports i keep telling you this it's it's full of weird obscure shit that it's just just dudes rock nonsense and i love you had an official like uh i don't want to fucking be here yeah rule yeah no this you could be a little bit like this fucking umpire stinks ass i'm i don't count this game. And that's literally what has happened in the past.
Starting point is 00:45:31 Yeah, that was good. And now it sucks. Yeah. Baseball's for chuds, though. Chuds who eat their own poops. It's actually the most popular sport among accountants. Wow. That's the least shocking thing.
Starting point is 00:45:46 I don't want to score the game. I want to go home. Oh, you didn't write the backwards. Okay, that guy started your score sheet. I'll kill you, bitch. His wife distracted his kids like catching a foul ball. Was there two strikes or not? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:46:04 I got to know. And daddy, look what i shut up oh all right uh yeah so basketball so they fucking yeah sam hinky god where am i uh kind of recapping the process yeah yeah so his resignation letter the resignation letter uh ben simmons uh they go uh they actually they actually did all right after that season not he's not ben simmons inaugural season but 2017 they draft markel fultz right uh yeah we should talk about markel fultz for a second uh he forgot that learn how to shoot yeah it's uh may have gotten in a motorcycle accident and lied about it depending on how far deep you are in the sixers twitter rabbit hole that that's something new that came
Starting point is 00:46:59 out isn't it like relatively recent uh no that's been around for a while okay i saw something about it recently so i uh maybe sixers uh get to the second round uh and then it's basically they get to they've they've never gotten out of the second round right uh so let's let's talk about uh let me just bring up the notes real quick. Yes. So like this shit sucks, right? Yes. Like all these draft picks, all this shit and nothing to show for it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:47:35 To me. To me, the process is defined as winning a championship by building through the draft. And like you can maybe make the argument that like, well, they did. They sort of did that. But it's like, yeah, but they didn't win a championship no they didn't because you can't win a championship with a bunch of like a collection of rookies just some dude together you know yeah we're writing letter while you're writing handwritten letters to fans right uh so i i think the process is over uh i don't know how you feel about it i i well i mean we could take the i could take the contrarian view and be like well it's you know because joel beat's still on it so it's not it's not over um but i i would say it's done especially this year with ben simmons being sent over That's sort of like to me like the quintessential end.
Starting point is 00:48:28 Because how have the Sixers been built now? It's by drafting, developing, and trading and signing free agents. That's sort of what's happening now. And now we have – we're removed. Well, we're too removed now because you had Colangelo. And then, I mean, Elmbran's still the GM, but now you have Morey who's really calling the shots in terms of that stuff. So we're removed from Henke a lot now.
Starting point is 00:48:57 Yeah. It's over. They're not trying to tank. They're trying to compete. It's frustrating because, like, this team would not be as frustrating as it was if the process didn't happen right if this team just tried like if if we were if we were winning you know 50 games maybe you do take a gamble on joel and beat like right i i am of the opinion
Starting point is 00:49:19 that they believed that joel and b would never play professional basketball. Right. When they drafted him. That he was supposed to be disposable, and it's, you know, in spite of themselves, he became a superstar, essentially. Right. Well, it's like this idea of just becoming like, getting too cute. Like, they're getting too into their own shit, right?
Starting point is 00:49:42 Like, this kind of trust the process thing just permeated the fandom. And that's like when I started. So I started getting back into the Sixers and back into sports in general. You know, the when you when you have Sarich and Covington and you have like a decent team together. But all right. Yeah. Yeah. It's a it like a decent team together. They're alright. Yeah, it was a decent team and then you had the Jimmy Butler trade and all that. And then like, I was listening to people talk about like, oh yeah, the process is about to culminate. Right?
Starting point is 00:50:16 And maybe it does culminate if fucking what's his name, didn't hit the dagger. Kawhi Leonard. Yeah, Kawhi didn't just destroy all of us with a triple doink like i i don't know like like we might be speaking from a place where like oh it ended up working because then they went on to win like right so but that's not what the that's not the universe we live in so i would say it's over i may maybe maybe the the way to be poetic about it, it isn't the Ben Simmons trade.
Starting point is 00:50:47 It's that three. I'll take that. Yeah, because that was a team built conventionally shooting over. And that was the Sixers, I think, best hope at a championship run, at least until the Harden acquisition. Yeah, and I think the best chance of the championship is not going to be this year. It's going to be next year. Because I think there needs to be there needs to be a few more guys and you can't just you need you need another you know another shooter you know right
Starting point is 00:51:15 so we should talk about the i think the mindset yeah of sixers fans which is like people who believe that like sam hinky is basically the risen christ yeah like he's like he's like that's that's nba fan brain turned right all the fucking way and and you had it there's like two different there's two different like sort of currents because you have philly old head right not not happy with it but some of them bought into it not not all of them but a lot of them did because a whole like a lot of the rest of the fans got sucked into it and it was like it's like peak like tech bro brain like we're gonna we're gonna disrupt the national basketball league and we're gonna hack the league yep and yeah like it's it's like you you put a you put one of these like soft bank dipshits in charge of a basketball team who thought that he was going to do do all this
Starting point is 00:52:12 so he could outsmart everybody else and you're not smart and everybody else dude you're just you're just a guy with went to fucking stanford like you're not that smart dude um uh yeah that that that sort of... So all these people had... I don't know. It kind of was indicative of that era, too, just in general. What do you mean? The whole process thing taking place at the tail end of this kind of weird,
Starting point is 00:52:44 Philly optimism that was brought on by a lot of transplants and like the pope visit at like 2016 was supposed to be the year of philly yeah yeah yeah like like like sam hinkley's trying to gentrify the nba right like like and that's you know oh we're gonna we're gonna go to the interstate draft house and watch the draft like, like, that bar actually can recommend it. That's not the one that was ripping off their bartenders, was it? Please, no. Oh, let's find out. We got it.
Starting point is 00:53:17 We got to check before we recommend. Drat abs is extremely my shit. But I don't think so. OK, one of one of those one of those one of those in fishtown was doing that was ripping off their bartenders i'm not sure which it was um i'll have to i'll have to find out so uh hold off your bad reviews and death threats yeah for now uh fish all right you know what fuck it fish town bar rips off employees bottle bar east bottle bar yeah yeah yeah yeah fuck fuck that dude i don't go there yeah uh but yeah i mean they were having watch parties there's joel and beat has named himself the pro nicknamed himself the process
Starting point is 00:54:02 he's like trademarked that yeah and he he he there's a lot of like sam hinky died for our sin sort of thing yeah i mean it's just fucking gross did you ever listen to the rights to ricky sanchez podcast i refuse to on principle is it just because of his bloodline or yes oh because i will listen to howard eskin just because i know that he's an act sure just imagining the trolling that's gonna happen because he's so fucking stupid one purpose right so ricky sanchez was a very pro hinky podcast from very pro i mean they still say trust that they i mean i haven't listened to it a couple years but they used to say like trust the process as like their like outro so um yeah that was that was the whole thing. Trust the process. Philly Sixers Twitter is irreparably broken.
Starting point is 00:54:50 Yeah. And for the good of humanity should be nuked. Right. It's it's pretty terrible. Yeah. There's a lot of defenses of Hinckley and of the gross transactional way he acted. Right. It's it's it's like what do you call it. It's, it's, it's like,
Starting point is 00:55:06 uh, what do you call it? It's like sunk cost fallacy. They're like, well, we got this far with it and he got us this far. And like, like, no,
Starting point is 00:55:14 no, it's, I, you know, I'm having a hard time even coming up with like, like, like a quasi defensible, like thing to say that
Starting point is 00:55:25 there was this siege mindset. People were defending the process against process haters. Haters and the NBA and this weird QAnon conspiracy. Silver's going out. He's against
Starting point is 00:55:41 Philadelphia. No anti-Semitism there there ever no no of course not never never saw anything like that and like yeah like i i remember i was telling to talk to you as we were planning this episode like there was a reddit thread where it was like oh we got to go against against the propaganda the pro Adam Silver anti hinky propaganda they're posting on the NBA reddit like don't go there you're gonna get convinced
Starting point is 00:56:11 dude that's like that is QAnon shit yeah don't go reading books cause that's gonna that's how they're gonna fucking make you a communist yeah it's like it's nuts dude yeah don't don't don't here i'll i'll spread it like don't read that cockless by bread shit soon you're
Starting point is 00:56:29 gonna be fucking talking about no read the bread do read that yeah yeah go ahead read that read all of it it's all good shit uh yeah like like but yeah like don't read that like uh they're all right i the big the the fucking derangements kicked in i'm reminded of a story this is again reddit brain a story relayed on reddit that had like three thousand three hundred thousand of votes was like yeah i was told that in the soviet like my mom's friend our old neighbor whoever grandma she came from the soviet union she escaped and they said they wouldn't teach you how to read maps so that you couldn't find your way out of the out of the out of the union and people were like upvoting it like oh my god so brave for getting out i can't what a
Starting point is 00:57:15 based woman you know like oh like it's like that's not true like right like like again but i think i think it's like it's like emblematic of the time like there's like i don't know i'm gonna have to come up with this like this theory of of brain of this kind of brain that would defend the process would think sam hinkley is a heckin woofer well i think too you think you're in on something which is like why a lot of this like happens that's conspiracy shit you think that you're in on the fucking secret right yeah like like like like and then it's all wrapped up and like it's like the same guys who think elon musk is good the same like like the same guy who think mark cuban is is awesome the same people who think that fucking uh dolly parton is is this noble philanthropist. Like it's the same fucking people, the same brain where you just – I can't put it fully to words.
Starting point is 00:58:15 But it's all this – it's like all boiled up in the same – I don't know if I used this in the beginning of the episode where we were talking about it, the zeitgeist. No, that was before we were recording, but yes. Yeah, there's this zeitgeist of the end – the tail end of the Obama administration coinciding with this, coinciding with extremely online nonsense that a lot of the dirtbag left, which unfortunately we're kind of attached to. At least tangentially, yeah. Yeah. i mean it's just the way it is like the rise of that is a reaction to that and so to come back to like a point like there are people still out there defending that are kind of still holding on to this shit and i don't know if i've sufficiently made my point but or if you have anything to add to that like this this reterminate online sixer brain no i mean that's that's exactly what it is and i think we've hit on something with like it does feel very
Starting point is 00:59:17 q and nani yeah yeah it feels it feels conspiracy because like they they – They don't want the process to succeed. They hate the process. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Just like they hate Trump or whatever stupid thing. Right, right. And there's different kinds of conspiracy theories. There's like, did the CIA kill Kennedy? Probably.
Starting point is 00:59:38 I don't know if we agree on that universally. We do not, but that's okay. There's enough weird shit in there that i'm like there's something or aren't you the mafia is that your theory oh yeah mine's the mafia okay i yeah i think it's a little both um but um you know versus or the dumb moon landing ones like like like one conspiracy theory is reasonable like hey there's something deeper than the official story on the JFK assassination. Right. Then there's like, no, the towers never existed.
Starting point is 01:00:11 They were holograms. Not what I like. Yeah. Those are those. And the sinky, the sinky, the same hinky. Sinky. Sinky. Same hinky trust the process shit like revolves around a sort of like again like like conspiracy
Starting point is 01:00:27 theory communities where you think you're part of an in-group and then you like like you circle the wagons around your own right belief and if anyone betrays like dude like go on i dare you any of you listening to this go on nba reddit or no go on sixers reddit and say unpopular opinion because you got to do that the Sixers were the process really was a mistake it didn't work out you will like you're it will you'll be downloaded to nothing
Starting point is 01:00:53 you'll lose all your karma or whatever dumb shit they have on there right because that's the that group is still there they are still living in 20 you know 14 or whatever you know they can't wait to vote for obama like that's that's that's where they are it's maddening yeah uh it truly is maddening yeah well this was an airing of grievances i'll tell you that yeah that's what
Starting point is 01:01:18 we're here for yeah uh so let's let's start to wrap this up and answer one question answer our first question which is did the process work to which i answer or maybe we already started that but no no i i would not no it didn't work yet did they get some good picks yes like like did the tanking have an effect yes like the effect of getting a better draft picks yes did it did hinky did epin bacon woofer you know sam hinky did he did he disrupt and hack the nba to make a winner no he didn't right no he didn't no and because like the league's interests were like fuck this shit we don't want that we don't want this nonsense you know actually like the commissioner of the nba doing that is like that's what a fucking commissioner is supposed to do right um as fucked up as that you know the whole sort of institution is on its own that's a that's what you expect that's the point right yeah so did it work
Starting point is 01:02:15 i guess we both say no so that's two out of two that means we're 100 correct that's right um yeah we're not wrong uh there's no we've never said anything incorrect on this podcast not even in this episode. Nope. No frantic Googling from us to figure out if we know what we're talking about. Yeah, who's the fucking GM of the goddamn team? All right, so it's effects on the league. How about that? I mean, they changed it, right?
Starting point is 01:02:39 They changed the draft lottery. Yeah. Yeah. Because remember, the Knicks were supposed to get Tyon Williamson and instead the fucking Pelicans did oh poor and poor Nolans um but yeah no um you know did have any other teams tried this like tried something similar not as obviously yeah because there's because there is I mean the kings suck but like they're not doing it on purpose they just suck the kings my uh my father-in-law's like oh yeah like they're like uh they're like the only arab family that owns a you know nba team they're good right i'm
Starting point is 01:03:16 like no they're not my man the magic are terrible like they're not good i'd like the oklahoma city thunder are like i think sort of a contrast like they are trying like they've got a bunch of 19 year olds running around but like they brought in chris paul they brought in like right you know they have you know guys that haven't been in you know the league a million years but like shai gildas alexander is in his third or fourth or maybe even fifth season they have like mike wascala and that like yeah bucknell grad philly philly legend like yeah well i think it goes to show it's like in any sport i mean basketball with its like with its shorter or smaller um rosters is like where the where a newly drafted player can make the most impact
Starting point is 01:04:01 right every draft is still unreliable you You can have the draft picks, but that doesn't guarantee they're going to work out. Right. It doesn't. There you go. It's not having it. You don't have to do scouting by your logic. Right. Right.
Starting point is 01:04:13 Just because the mock draft big board has you taking somebody doesn't mean you're going to – like, you know what I mean? You actually have to do the fucking groundwork. You have to develop them. Right. And you have to develop the players. You have to train them. Like, college basketball is drastically different than the nba you're playing
Starting point is 01:04:28 with men like you're not a kid anymore you know or something like like yeah so it shows that that you there's a reason that traditionally you do this rebuild right where you do you trade away players on expiring contracts maybe a player to a team that's a contender, and you get their picks. And maybe you take those picks and you package it for a higher pick. But you try. Because every sport, every single sport, there's always a team that spends the money and puts out at least a decent product every year. And are perennially in the running. Right. And puts out at least a decent product every year and are perennially in like in the running. Right. And that is something that like the Sixers would like, like the Sixers should have done as opposed to the hinky brain, which is like, let's cut money.
Starting point is 01:05:19 Let's let's let's downsize. Let's let's become a more nimble and agile organization and disrupt the industry. And I remember when the Celtics were sucking, they genuinely brought in dudes on cheap deals and developed their rookies. Yeah, develop them. Go ahead. No, that was it. Just as in the rest of the fucking industry, anytime someone's going to downsize or make something lean or agile, it's a code word for things are going to suck ass. And that's what Hinky did.
Starting point is 01:05:54 He made the team suck for a couple of years. And I guarantee you that if they didn't go to the tanking route, they probably, I mean, I doubt they would have been a fucking team. They probably would just be like fodder. But like, it would at least have a – It's not dehumanizing. Yeah, it's not dehumanizing these players and treating them like – like looking at them purely by their rookie contract.
Starting point is 01:06:14 Like this is their numbers. Or what can I get for this pick? Right. You know, as opposed – like because guess what? When you develop players, you can take a guy who might not have been a high draft pick and make him good right and and they had some hits like that that robert covington like and then you had like and then you had guys who who were the first round picks it didn't turn out markel fultz right or all the ones before a beat right or even ben simmons like you know right Right. Exactly.
Starting point is 01:06:45 Ben Simmons was a guy who didn't develop. He played the – his game was the same, you know. He got a little better defensively because he got a little smarter to the league. But that was it, you know. Yeah. What else we got? So was it worth it? Was it worth it?
Starting point is 01:07:03 No, it sucked, dude. No, it sucked. 10 and fucking 72. You fucking kidding me? I remember when I first did the process Twitter tweet storm from the podcast account. Yeah. I was like, you tell me. When they went, I don't know, 24 and 58.
Starting point is 01:07:24 I was like, you tell me if that's worth four years of this bullshit. Oh, it's not fucking worth it. Like, Jesus. I was very proud of that. Yeah. Yeah. I fuck that shit. This is an anti tanking action podcast.
Starting point is 01:07:38 Hell yeah. Yeah. You're going to get your fucking car flipped. The hinky mobile is going to get their car car flipped antifa is coming or anti-ta not to be confused with anti-tanky action which i'm not going to participate you're on your own for that one cuz it's just me holding a banner that says i don't like this very much me rise and your dad are like on the other side like come on dude just come over we know it's you we got the mask on we
Starting point is 01:08:14 know it's you dude i'll never surrender oh man that's too fucking funny uh so what did we learn what did we fucking learn about this bullshit uh fuck uh yeah this shit sucks don't tank the real the real success of the nba is the friends we made along the way uh sure why not uh trade uh jim jim we could have should have kept jimmy butler should have kept jimmy butler traded fucking toby harris yes yeah fire brett brown bring back jimmy butler on the max and that's what we should have done just i didn't think we should have fired brett brown i uh well if you want to be butler you had to fire brett brown that was yeah yeah that was the condition yeah uh you're the innocent main boy uh yeah I just I thought well no they oh yeah I forgot they they hated each other yeah I think well Brett Brown I I have mixed thoughts because I feel like that he was a good
Starting point is 01:09:21 like you know his coaching style was very personable um very very you know just like someone like i don't still think like he would have been able to handle like there was a person that clash with jim butler probably needs a coach who slaps him across the face yeah reverse latrell's pretty well yeah yeah like get the fuck out there you fucking coward like and just like like you know starts kicking lockers and throwing shit around. That probably would get some going. Honestly, probably. And Brett Brown's going to be like,
Starting point is 01:09:52 no, I'm going to you know, hey guys, I had some L.L. Bean. I'm going up there. Do you have anything you need returned? Jimmy Butler's just throwing jackets at his head brett brought him like chocolate color uh main blueberries
Starting point is 01:10:11 jimmy just throws them these are like fucking shits yeah uh i'm gonna feed these to your dogs. Jesus. Oh, fuck. As he rides a bicycle back to his apartment over Delilah's. Fucking dweeb. Jamie Butler, Philly legend for three months. Yeah, I like him. I do like him.
Starting point is 01:10:44 I think we both share a love for the kind of psychopath shit. What did we learn? Don't tank. Don't tank. You can't just hack your way into being good. You can't disrupt your way into novel solutions. If someone tells you they're getting an MBA, pull out a 226 and end their misery. Oh, man.
Starting point is 01:11:04 Well, have you seen what people who get MBAbas look like you could do that with a with a fucking uh bruger uh like a derringer 10 22 yeah 10 22 takes care of that and it and it's in its subsonics and no one hears the crack the p226 is the official gun of 10 000 losses sure why not is that is that is that nine or 40 uh nine i think all right. As long as it's a 9. Yeah, you can get it chambered in either. If you're fucking dweeb and get it chambered in 40. You can get it chambered in.357, which is fun. I like that. Sure, why not?
Starting point is 01:11:36 It's like shooting my shotgun with the short, with like the fucking, what is it? The federal minimum barrel. I tried to go skeet shooting with it. Hey, guys. Yeah. I hit yours. I hit everyone else's skeet. Scatter!
Starting point is 01:11:53 Yeah, two meter wide spread at three feet. You're dead. You're dead. You're dead. We'll end this on a gun story. A little short one. I was scooting. We i was scooting we are doing good people i was shooting skeet i was my cousin i was scooting skeet yeah with scooter yeah i was in the pine barren so i guess i should do like a random voice but uh uh i there were so we're waiting for our turn to go shoot and i like a fucking giant flying mantis landed uh flying mantis landed on my leg.
Starting point is 01:12:28 Like I want to say the thing, the fucker was like eight feet long. And I had my immediate urge was to take the gun and blow it off my leg. Smart. Like I had to stop myself. Like I literally like get my hand moved. Uphold Tom Thott. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So shoot your
Starting point is 01:12:45 fucking shoot mantis mantises whatever the plural is off your leg with a shotgun and don't tank all right well thanks for joining us for this bonus guys yes thanks uh i had a lot of fun yeah that was fun hopefully it's fun to listen to. All right. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye.

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