Tetragrammaton with Rick Rubin - Dr. Jack Kruse and Bill Gifford

Episode Date: March 13, 2024

Dr. Jack Kruse is a neurosurgeon who had an awakening in 2007 after suffering a torn meniscus. This led to his study of physics, light, magnetism, and electricity. He ultimately concluded that modern ...medicine lacked a deep understanding of how humans function in relation to the natural world. Kruse lost 150 lbs. using his newly acquired understanding. He is CEO of Kruse Longevity Center, a health and wellness company dedicated to helping patients avoid the healthcare burdens typically encountered with age. Bill Gifford is coauthor, with Peter Attia, of Outlive, a current New York Times bestseller. He is a veteran journalist and editor who has written extensively on science, sports, and fitness for Wired, Businessweek, Men's Health, Men's Journal, Slate, and The New Republic. He is also the author of books like Ledyard: In Search of the First American Explorer and Spring Chicken: Stay Young Forever (or Die Trying). ------ Thank you to the sponsors that fuel our podcast and our team: Squarespace https://squarespace.com/tetra ------ LMNT Electrolytes https://drinklmnt.com/tetra ------ House of Macadamias https://www.houseofmacadamias.com/tetra

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Tectogrammeton. Tectogrammeton. Tectogrammeton. Tectogrammeton. Tectogrammeton. Tectogrammeton. Tectogrammeton. Tectogrammeton.
Starting point is 00:00:16 Tectogrammeton. Tectogrammeton. Tectogrammeton. Remember what the purpose of part one and part two really were. Rick wanted to have his friend Andrew sit down and understand Jack's perspective. And it was really a talk between three silly monkeys that could speak. It was meant as a friendly discussion. It wasn't meant as really a teaching session.
Starting point is 00:00:45 It was really just guys sitting down and talking shop a little bit. And you know, it's true scientists getting together. Well, but Rick also knows a lot about this stuff. What are you talking about? I don't know much. No, but I mean, you know about my stuff.
Starting point is 00:00:59 As much as I can understand. Right. You know, a lot of it's over my head. I've followed. You get out in the sun all the time. I follow the methods. Yeah, that's it. But I don't always understand why it's good.
Starting point is 00:01:09 But that's why I like you. Why? Because you know how I always... I use cliches. The cliches, you know, with circadian biology, it's simple. I don't have to teach lines and hippos, you know, quantum mechanics. That's actually how Rick came to me. And he's always maintained that issue
Starting point is 00:01:26 Uberman could not take that he had to understand a little bit deeper and the real problem is is to understand me deeper You do need to have a Little bit of knowledge of where these ideas come from. Like they're not my ideas. These are ideas from other people that have published them in the literature. The problem is nobody reads this stuff. You know, it's like in Rick's world in music, you know, I often think about this. When I think about part one and part two,
Starting point is 00:01:59 you actually have to be Rick Rubin Young, just hear the guy that are making music in the NYU room. And he's going, I've never heard anything like this before. This is so different. It's crazy, and this and that. But you know what? I need to do something with this. For you to want to come down right now and sit with me
Starting point is 00:02:20 and say, Jack, I got questions about this, that, the other thing, can we talk about that? That's what I think part one and part two is really about. I wanna say one other thing about what you just said about, they're not your ideas, they're old ideas, or they're little known old ideas. Your genius to me is that not only do you do the research and find these little known old ideas,
Starting point is 00:02:44 but the way you put them all together, even the people who wrote those books don't have the vision you have. No. Your strength is stringing the dots together. Right. It's the Da Vinci code when you see all the pieces and parts come together. And my job right now, like with you, Bill, is to make you understand that innovation. Like how do all the pieces fit? Like I'm thinking about when I say that it's the tool song.
Starting point is 00:03:11 You know, I know how we fall apart because I know where all the pieces fit. And I think you as a science journalist, you know bits and pieces of a lot of this, but it's the parts that you don't know and how they fit in. Like the other day when you asked me the question about cholesterol and sunlight
Starting point is 00:03:32 and how I explained it to you, I thought that that was- Which we can go over again today. But it was a pretty cool way that I think about it because you know how other people think about it. You've done projects with other people who think about it differently than I do. But I want you to understand the way I come to almost everything
Starting point is 00:03:50 to get the framework that Rick just said, it's always about thermodynamics. I'm always the first, second, third, and fourth law. That's where Jack Cruz usually begins. And then the symphony starts. When you get a new piece of information, do you always think, how does this relate to thermodynamics? Always. Always.
Starting point is 00:04:10 That's always the measuring stick. Well, the reason why is because that's how nature works. Everything doesn't matter. I don't care what it is, whether it's Metallica, you know, Bill's airplane flight, you know, Bill's bank account. Entropy. Yeah. That's what it's about. I mean, he said know, Bill's bank account. Entropy. Yeah, that's what it's about. I mean, he said it, that's the word.
Starting point is 00:04:29 And the crazy thing is, you know, we talked a little bit the last couple of days about like Bitcoin, just a very little. Guess what, even in Bitcoin, entropy is a huge topic. And people don't realize that at the core of most things in our life, it really is about thermodynamics. And I look at entropy, the word is probably a metaphor for someone like Rick.
Starting point is 00:04:52 He's like, well, tell me what entropy is. It's randomness. It's things decay into chaos. Chaos is randomness. And people don't realize when you try to explain entropy to a lay person, I always tell them, think about your refrigerator. We cool things down in the refrigerator,
Starting point is 00:05:10 but the way we do that, burn the energy, if you put your hand behind the fan in the back of the fridge, that entropy is getting turned back into the kitchen. So that's kind of how life is on earth. We're the refrigerator, and we are doing something very special in our tissues. We're the refrigerator and we are doing something very special in our tissues. We're creating order.
Starting point is 00:05:28 Correct. The way Rick understands is the source code creates order from chaos. And that is how when Rick says to me, I don't understand something, I try to distill it. And then he yeses me and I'm like, okay, he's got it. Now, when I throw other things, like when you ask me another question,
Starting point is 00:05:46 this is almost like an equalizer. You give me another variable, then guess what I'm doing? I'm throwing that into the DaVinci code. And then I wanna give you a code you can answer so that, you know, not only do you understand what I'm saying, but I want you to understand that in my framework, this decentralized framework that I have, there's almost nothing you can't throw at me
Starting point is 00:06:07 that I can't make some sense out of. I know it. I've seen it happen where I'll ask you a question about something you've never thought about before and you can answer it clearly because you see the way the machine works. Correct. Once you see the way the machine works,
Starting point is 00:06:20 you know how all the parts work because you know how the machine works. Correct. So it's a fascinating thing to see you know how parts of the body work that you've never thought about before and that you never learned about necessarily. Well, the big thing is it's funny. I guess the universe is actually doing some magic on me now.
Starting point is 00:06:40 Last night before I went to bed, I was on Clubhouse talking to somebody. I heard that there was a big shooting, you know, in Maine. And people were asking me about, you know, what the general surgeon would do for these type of injuries. Cause apparently one of the guys in Clubhouse had a friend that was shot. And I explained to him like how to take care of a kidney injury, how to take care of her liver injury, how to do this.
Starting point is 00:07:02 And somebody finally said to me like, dude, you're a brain surgeon. How do you know this stuff? I said, it's not that hard. And it goes to the point that I'm trying to make to both of you, that when you have a centralized framework, that's your DaVinci code, you can't do this. When you have a decentralized framework, it becomes much easier.
Starting point is 00:07:21 And do I believe that everybody who is centralized can do this? Why? Yes, because if I did it, anybody can do it. And you started centralized. Absolutely. You were a product of the centralized medical system. I was the worst centralized person in the world
Starting point is 00:07:36 because I was arrogant, ignorant. I mean, I defined the dis-explaining effect. Let's explain what centralized means in your definition. So you kind of have two aspects to it, right? Centralized is number one sort of central control, funding, dominant paradigm, NIH. One single thing. In other words, the IRS controls tax collection.
Starting point is 00:08:00 That's centralized. The EPA controls the environment. The president controls the executive branch. Now, nothing in biology is centralized. Everything has coupled system meaning there's the minimum is two. So for example, the question that you started this off with, Jack, let's talk about circadian biology. Why is it decentralized? Light and dark. Perfect circle. Okay, right. So many people when they talk to me, they want to focus on the
Starting point is 00:08:32 light part like what we're doing now sitting in the sun. But they don't realize that what happened at nighttime just important. No, it's it's very important. In fact, many people this is the side that's broken. So for example, the lady that I told you that I saw last night, her problem was this side. Okay. The dark side. Right. So patients can come to you and the first thing I'm thinking about, okay, which side
Starting point is 00:08:57 of the circle do we need to focus in on? The light or the dark? Right. And then light or daytime? Right. And then, then the real complex one is when they have multiple issues Then they can be both and then that's what makes them the most difficult because you have to figure out You know, it's almost like buying a Ferrari and getting it from Ferrari and it's in 500 boxes
Starting point is 00:09:17 And you're like yeah, I just bought a Ferrari, but I can't drive it That's actually the thing about medicine that gets me the most excited. Because I feel like I'm a mechanic of nature. And I have to look at the disparate pieces to understand how the whole works because everything in life is not reductionist. Like the centralized mindset looks at things, like they look at biochemistry and say, oh, because this enzyme is out,
Starting point is 00:09:44 that's the reason why this happens they look at molecules it's reductionism you have a deficiency in this molecule so put in that molecule to help fix the problem that's not how biology works right so it's actually we could say that's the problem with almost everything that's wrong correct is looking at it my opi yeah myopically It's like you think if this is the issue and you make the issue small and fix that issue, you're not fixing the whole issue. Let's just think about it. It's the man with the elephant.
Starting point is 00:10:15 You got 18 guys that are Hindus feeling all one part of the elephant. In the dark. They can understand what the hell the elephant is. And they don't. They have an ambient awareness of what an elephant is because of the part that they understand because you have to realize PhDs know a lot about one thing and not a lot about others. They don't understand how the things fit. See the thing is if you don't know the cornerstones then your app to make mistakes like when you're say down the pike down the subway station and The thing is I don't think
Starting point is 00:10:50 It's a bad thing to point stuff like this out to those people because When they see it for themselves, then they start to go how many things do I think I know that maybe that kind of mistake is built into the To the system Rick actually was the beautiful Person that said this is why I don't believe science He goes because there's no there's no light controls at any of this and then what did I just finish saying? We have melanopsin everywhere in our brain You tell me one study that is light controlled and you know what the answer is? Zero. So Rick's opinion of what he said on the surface sounds crazy
Starting point is 00:11:32 but it's not because guess what quantum mechanics says? Everything is based on probability and that is the science of nature. So it's more probable than not, if you have melanopsin in your central nervous system, that guess what? This is the cause of more things in chronic diseases. And then you sit back and go, as Rick said, what are the implications of that? So, okay, so here's where I jump in.
Starting point is 00:12:03 I need to know something that probably nobody on your flight tonight is going to know. And that is, what is melanopsin? They're not even going to know what it is. So maybe we can back up and talk about the second part of your decentralized framework, which is the light and the dark, and maybe walk us through that model, right? It's the morning, you're getting sunlight. What happens when we get some? Chiasmatic nucleus.
Starting point is 00:12:28 How does it work? The clock that's in your eye, remember, centralized doctors believe the eye is a camera. Yep, just like on your iPhone. Turns out it's more of a clock than a camera. But because our experience is more about sight than timing We don't get that feeling in nature and that actually is built into us by design Now the clock is an optical lattice clock. What does it do? It uses light to tell time
Starting point is 00:13:05 That's fundamentally what it does now operates even in blind people. Absolutely. Even in blind people. That's amazing. Yeah, it does. Well, there are some blind people where the clock runs free, meaning that it doesn't work. Thankfully, they're rare. And guess what? They get chronic neolithic diseases sooner and they die sooner than people does called non 24.
Starting point is 00:13:22 Is it only the eyes or is the skin play role as well? Skin plays a role, but the dominant clock, the center clock is the single most important thing. Now, what makes the clock so important? There is two pathways in the retina that go direct, no synapses between the environment and not, I should say inside. That's the super cosmetic nucleus, that's the clock.
Starting point is 00:13:51 Right, this is the first one, the left and Milano court and pathway goes to directly with no synapses, it's the giant fiber optic cable. What does it mean it's got no synapses? Meaning that there's no brakes. I think about it, I'm, do New York city, get on the subway, every station is a stop. This one is an express train straight through.
Starting point is 00:14:09 Understood. The number three. Understood. So the first stop that it makes for the clock is the SCN, which is the I-Clock. The interesting one, the one that Andrew I think is kind of interested in now, and I think you are too,
Starting point is 00:14:23 it goes directly to the Habanero and the Nucleusibanero nucleus. Hibanero nucleus is Grand Central Station. And that's related to mental issues. Correct. And so that's crazy. So Grand Central Station connects to the two lobes in your brain that make you different than your clade. Your clade is primates. We are silly talking primates, okay? So this is the reason why when you see a monkey and you look at their face, their face is flat, they don't have the two big bumps that we have over here
Starting point is 00:14:54 because this is where our new real estate is, the frontal lobes. This is probably what makes us more human than anything else. So when you see this organization, you go, wow, nature's trying to tell us something. It doesn't make any synapses for light until it gets to these two important
Starting point is 00:15:14 Grand Central Station stops. So the first question you should ask yourself as a decentralized person, why is that? And it turns out that's where all the information channels go. So now the mindset I want you to get is fiber optic cables. The fiber optic cables are sending the light show to different places and then the light show is distributed and further refined. In other words, the information is now being parsed. Okay? What is the number one thing that's doing the parsing? There is no number one thing.
Starting point is 00:15:49 Remember, that would be a centralized idea. Light, melanin, and water are the big players, but then the non-visual photoreceptors, that would be like the traffic lights in the tunnel, thinking about it in a subway. In other words, when the light passes, that changes green to red or to caution, okay, like yellow. And then if the light happens to stop there because say there's a melanin waystation,
Starting point is 00:16:18 the melanin absorbs all that, and then does something different. Why? Because that's what the physiologic requirements of that particular fiber optic circuit is. Okay? Okay. Now, the way the brain was built from octopus, because that's what Andrew likes to study,
Starting point is 00:16:38 and this is the most important, probably idea that I can give you in this analogy, is Andrew loves octopus because when you go see them in a tank they're creating a light show in the water. It looks as cool as shit, especially if you turn the lights out. But the funny thing is if you came into surgery with me and I opened up ahead and you guys were there and didn't pass out, you notice that there's no light show. So what is the idea there? Well, octopus or cephalopods went
Starting point is 00:17:07 from they came into being 500 million years ago. We are now two to four million years. So in 500 million year time frame, evolution has built a much more complex system inside the fiber optic cables to retain the light. Now what are some of the key features that I want you to pay attention to when you listen to part one and part two? I mentioned to Andrew, I was also stunned about this, that everyone knows when an octopus or a cephalopod is attacked, they emit ink.
Starting point is 00:17:42 I don't think that he knew that the ink was filled with 70% melanin. And I said, do you realize? That's why it's dark. Correct. I didn't know that either. Right, but guess what? I didn't know that.
Starting point is 00:17:52 The thing is, what is the animal doing? The animal is using melanin in a unique novel way that was important 500 million years ago. How do we use it? Oh no, we internalized it, and now we keep it inside for a reason. Next question you ask yourself. Why? I have a question. I think of melanin as something that appears on my skin when I get a tan. What the hell is it doing inside my body?
Starting point is 00:18:15 I just answered the question for you and you didn't realize. Say it again. The octopus emit the light, you don't. The melanin is keeping the light inside the system. I'm not sure I understand that. Well, you do. It's keeping light inside. Well, Rick's car, his color of his car is dark. If he puts the cell phone on top of it, does it get hotter or colder compared to a white car?
Starting point is 00:18:37 Anything dark absorbs light. Sure. There's your answer. And melanin happens to absorb every frequency. Remember the frequency that we operate with one Octave of the electromagnetic spectrum. There's 73 octaves But we for some reason Tied to the story. We're laying out here. We just like that one
Starting point is 00:19:00 I have a feeling by talking about melanin on the skin, it's a distraction because that's not the show. You mean for me? No, for everybody. It's like when we think of melanin as being on the skin, I agree with this. It's a false premise. So rudimentary. But it's the only experience of melanin most of us have. That's where we hear about it. Right. What Jack is saying is the body is filled with melanin. Correct. The skin is showing us something that's going on inside the body everywhere. Is that correct? Right.
Starting point is 00:19:31 And you got it. And the simplest thing is think about our cladding in. Bill's struggling with this, and I guess other people will struggle with it, but I want you to think about our nearest relative, the chimpanzee. Most of their melanin is on the outside in their skin and their hair. Most of ours is exactly opposite. What's one of the distinguishing features of us? We don't have hair all over our body.
Starting point is 00:19:54 We do, we're mammals, but not like a chimp. But yet our DNA is like literally, we have the same amount of genes. In fact, we have almost all the same genes. In fact, 99% exactly. Point something. I mean, people are stunned that even our distant cousins,
Starting point is 00:20:11 the gorillas, they got just about everything we got. But you look at them and they are radically different than us. So you need to realize from this basic observation of sight, realize from this basic observation of sight, what makes us human isn't the genes. It's got to be something in terms of the way we're organized inside. Wow. Okay. And that is the story of Melon. That is the story that I brought Rick and I brought you from and I told Rick, I said,
Starting point is 00:20:43 Rick, what I'm going to tell you, this is the greatest story ever because it's the story of us. And let me tell you something, every branch of science has always been interested in us. I mean, even the famous Richard Feynman took a year off to come out here in California and learn biology. And he walked away as a brilliant guy and said, this is too hard. I mean, think about that. It's wet, it's messy, complicated, doesn't make sense.
Starting point is 00:21:12 But it's the greatest puzzle in the world. I agree. So the light that comes in through our eyes is seen by a lot of what's going on inside of our body. Is that correct? Oh yes. That light coming through your eye? It doesn't end in our brain.
Starting point is 00:21:32 Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. Look, remember the other part of part one and part two, this is where you gotta know a little science. Brain and skin, and you know, remember the retinas part of the brain, they come from the same tissue when you form neuroectoderm. So these things are connected. So that's the reason why when you said to me, everybody gets sidetracked by melanin and skin, realize that your skin is a solar panel for your brain. That's the reason why they come from the same part of
Starting point is 00:22:00 the embryo. See, that's part of the decentralized magics that I want you to understand, because that's not what the centralized guys tell you, because if you had this basic rudimentary understanding that I'm giving to you guys now, you immediately as person in the public should go then, why the hell would we ever want to put sunscreen, clothes, or listen to anything a dermatologist has to say if this is our accessory solar panel to our eyes. And then I back it up by saying, tell me what other wild animal comes out of its mother and looks like any three of us right now.
Starting point is 00:22:38 And then the second order question, what's the nonlinear collateral effects photonically of making those decisions? See, and therein lies where I like to be. See, for me, this basic stuff, we wanna understand the basic stuff. Sunlight 101. Sunlight 101. So much of today's life happens on the web.
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Starting point is 00:24:20 Visit squarespace.com slash Tetra and get started today. Of all of the melanin that we have in our body, what percentage is in our skin? Skin's the largest organ in your body. So I'd say most of it is probably in your skin. But the interesting part is the melanin that's inside of you, there's a lot in there, but it's concentrated in certain areas. It's not in other areas. And where it's located tells you about the tissue physiology.
Starting point is 00:25:00 Where is it located? Well, let's give you the simple low-hanging fruit one, because I think everybody knows this one Sorry, nobody knows any of this. Yes, they do. They know about Parkinson's disease. Okay. Okay, so Parkinson's disease you shake You get expressionless face. Yeah, you can have movement disorders You can even have cognitive function, you know depending on where it goes The reason why the symptoms vary is because it depends where the melanin is destroyed. But if you talk to any doctor, any patient,
Starting point is 00:25:30 or any family member that has a family member, they generally know that it's a problem in the brain stem called the substantia nigra. Now, why does it have that name? Substantia, meaning this is substantial. It means it's important. Nigra, because it's black. Full of melanin.
Starting point is 00:25:49 You got it. And it's got a special kind of melanin, okay? Because there's different kinds. And neuromelanin is the darkest substance in the world. It is so mysterious, we don't even know the true atomic lattice structure of the melanin that's in the substantial nigra. Wow. So I want you to think about that. We're pretty smart as a species. We've been doing science for 5000 years and something that is in a key way station, a place I would call probably Grand Central Station, we don't know the
Starting point is 00:26:29 basics of that relay station, yet we act like we do in the centralized world. So the point that I want to make to you, many neurons have melanin. The one fact about melanin that I did not get to discuss with you that I really always wanted to, is the fact that our five senses, the sense that you're a master of is this one, I want you to know between the sense organ and the brain, there's always a sheet of melanin.
Starting point is 00:27:04 Think about that for a minute. In the ear. The ear's got the biggest one. The always a sheet of melanin. Think about that for a minute. In the ear. The ear's got the biggest one. The biggest one. All of them. Every sense of organ. Every sense of organ. Even smell.
Starting point is 00:27:12 Remember, smell is one of our oldest things evolutionary. Like if you do evolutionary biology study, it's called the paleocortex. Okay, it's very, very old. There's melanosomes in the olfactory nerve, even in humans. Every mammal on this planet has it, but it turns out like one of the mammals you guys like, dogs, they got a lot more than we do. That's why they smell better.
Starting point is 00:27:35 A hundred times better. Absolutely. But it's because of the melanin. Correct. Because the melanin allows the transduction of energy so that more thermodynamic energy can be placed in that tissue Because it's a semiconductor Everything is a semiconductor. Let's talk about this with smell because this is interesting because up till now We've been talking about it as light
Starting point is 00:27:58 So are you saying yes, I am I know exactly what you're gonna say We use light to smell. We use light to smell. We use light for everything. We use light to hear. We use light for everything. You are, you are a being of light. Yes. A sonic being of light. This is great. Yeah. So the being of light. Would you say we are solar powered? Is that what it means? I think that's 100% accurate. solar powered, is that what it means? I think that's 100% accurate. And the solar power is driving all the functions. Just like it drives all the functions
Starting point is 00:28:33 and everything else in the nature. Nothing exists on this planet without the sun. But somehow, centralized science has been given the pass to that very basic issue. And the story that I brought to Rick and Uberman was the story of the KT event. The KT event is when all of a sudden a big environmental extraterrestrial issue gave us a brownout. Meaning an asteroid. Correct. And what happened? It affected everything of the basic wiring
Starting point is 00:29:10 that we're talking about right now. It caused such a huge shift in the clade of mammals that everything began to change. Morphology changed, size and shape change. The animals that could survive then, you know, could then do some other things because the thermodynamic givens and the environment changed. Not only that, the predators that kept the little rodents under the ground were gone, so then the mammals could come out so
Starting point is 00:29:39 that their melanin could do, the exterior melanin could do something different. In other words, they were less like an octopus and more like us. So it killed all the dinosaurs in a cataclysm, sent up this huge layer of earth debris into the atmosphere. Particular, I mean it's so... Sly pollution. It was dirt that caused sly pollution.
Starting point is 00:30:04 It was like a I mean it's so slight pollution. It was dirt that caused like it was like a dust bowl darkness It's like LA right now More than this, but you know, you're asking me to make this simple Yeah for someone to get so since we're LA. Do we know how long it was dark? No hundred to a thousand years That's what you did decades to a few centuries. I don't believe that though No, I don't I that though. Centuries. No, I don't. I know it doesn't seem possible.
Starting point is 00:30:27 It's not possible. Well, but there's a layer. Because then there wouldn't be life. Correct. There's a geological layer around the world. Yeah, it's called the KT layer. We don't know that. But that's what.
Starting point is 00:30:36 It's really skinny, it's black. But we don't know how long it took. And the bottom line is what Rick said. There's no chance that it was a real long time. How did I try to tease that out in the part one and part two? That's when I gave you the idea that I got when I thought about it. So I went and got an African American patient with vidiligo and I said, oh, this migration of melanin can happen because guess what? So Rick said, I'm not a skin doctor. I don't mess with vidiligo, you know, in my centralized training when I was a total asshole.
Starting point is 00:31:06 So I got her and I said, let me see how this goes. And guess what happened? In a couple of weeks, I was able to get pigmentation. So what did I know right away? Melanin reacts to UV light immediately. I have a friend who just started having Vitaligo on his hands. Never had it before. No one in his hands, never had it before,
Starting point is 00:31:25 no one in his family's ever had it. So what'd you tell him? Tell him that you got to do some research. No, the defects in his environment. Well, he's a film editor, so his hands are on a computer all day. Hello, hello. With Boo, like, shining on his hands.
Starting point is 00:31:41 All right, so. So Rick, you're a decentralized, look, you keep saying you're not a scientist. Dude, you know this. And you know what? I'm telling you, this is the thing that probably will frustrate you. The more I teach to people, the more I want you to realize you become a teacher. I want you to tell your friends, don't be afraid.
Starting point is 00:32:01 You know, tell them, say, look, the defect isn't in you. I'm going to connect them with you look, the defect isn't in you. I'm gonna connect them with you. But the defect isn't in you. The defect is in the environment. See, that also is a decentralized mindset from realizing that everything is a coupled system. And see, the idea in centralized medicine
Starting point is 00:32:17 is that, no, the defect is in your genes. See, they go right to 1953 to Watson and Crick. Yeah, the genes and molecules dominate the paradigm for sure. But we already established, didn't we, that it didn't because gorillas, chimpanzees and us have exactly the same amount of genes and they don't look anything like each other. Do they? And they don't have the same problems, do they?
Starting point is 00:32:39 No, they don't, but I want to stop here because this is really important for Bill to get. Yeah. He glossed over this like Wayne Gretzky over the ice You have a duty to me to say yeah, why is it that I didn't pick up on that little nuance and that That is what I'm trying to tell you about The decentralized mindset you have to be a curious observer of nature and you will miss so much when you don't watch it. Like I can sit out here in Rick's backyard and listen to the stuff on the PCH, watch the birds come through, see the helicopters come by, and I'm going to tell you every single day that I do this whether
Starting point is 00:33:26 I'm in El Salvador, Louisiana or here or in Portugal, I'm picking up some other nuance of nature that I actually ignored and didn't realize. I mean, it happened to me last night. I mean, I'll share it with you. I think I said it. I thought it was remarkable that in a matter of 24 hours and met three people who are physically fit in the fitness business in LA all have pancreatic cancer. I Finally brought it out to somebody and I said, you know, it's kind of funny I've been back in trauma call and gained probably 30 to 40 pounds
Starting point is 00:34:00 Back to pay my legal bills. I'm 60 years old, I don't take any medicines. But you look at my facade, and you look at your facade, and you know, you've got 9,000, 100 million people following you and you're making millions of dollars on the internet. No, I'm not talking about you. I'm talking about the people that, but you got this problem.
Starting point is 00:34:23 But because your facade looks the way the propaganda wants it to look, I'm like, this is a centralized problem. People in the centralized world need to say, yeah, why is it that all of a sudden now, the last 50 years, that people who look like rock stars are falling apart on the inside? The answer is what the question you asked me before, because the organization of the melanin on the inside is the problem.
Starting point is 00:34:48 So you're talking about awareness of your environment, basically, big picture, and being more aligned with finding the correct environment also. I'll add something to that, which is because you've been taught something to not assume that that's either correct or the whole story. See, that is huge.
Starting point is 00:35:07 Right. See, I was just going to say, I know where he lives, he told me, but I know he's been in other places. Just think about what you said to parse this out, to why I have a problem when people say this to me. Does a tree pay attention to its environment in the autumn? Isn't that why we get colors on the tree? Does the tree move? No, but guess what? It's paying attention to what's going around it better than we are. Why? Because it's stuck in the ground and its canopy is
Starting point is 00:35:38 in the sun. It doesn't pay attention to anything but nature. Right. But you are the animal on this planet, living, sent in being, that moves across the tectonic plates, that moves across the canopy, and can do shit that a tree can't do. But guess what? The tree changes.
Starting point is 00:35:57 Do mammals' coats change? Do their cell membranes change in the environment? Just because you can't see it, Bill, doesn't mean it's not so. That is the point that I'm trying to make to you about the people that are out there that have this idea well you know if the facade's bad that you're a train wreck and I'm gonna tell you you told me two days ago that near Barzillai is one of your heroes and you really respect him. I do too. And part of the interesting thing is that his super centenary work in Einstein in
Starting point is 00:36:30 New York, one of the things that he's found that I think is absolutely remarkable, it goes against everything that the longevity of experts tell you, these guys are short, generally short, little guys that have high leptin levels and they're dumpy. Nobody looks like Michelangelo's David Right. He did a he's done surveys. He studies Ashkenazi Jewish centenarians And you know, they they break all the narratives of the centralized in a really exercise We see Italians growing over a hundred who smoke all day Rick think about what you just said If we see it all over the world today, like a tree sees the changes,
Starting point is 00:37:07 why do we believe that looking like Michelangelo Zidane is exactly what our species should be striving for? Hard stop. It's all I'm saying. That statement that I just made is absolutely congruent with nature. It's not incongruent. And I think the people that really need to be questioned
Starting point is 00:37:27 are the other ones that tell me I'm wrong. But they're never questioned. Why? Because that's a want need and desire that humans seek. Therein lies the difference. Why? Because the Greeks, the Romans made statues that are in the Louvre that we go see.
Starting point is 00:37:43 Or in Florence. Or in Florence or in Florence The guy the guy that I saw that started me on this path Michelangelo's David The nuance that I'm trying to explain to you is be an observer of nature And if you want to get the Da Vinci picture in your head, I Think it's an absolute requirement to be curious, observant, but never stop asking questions. Like curiosity is the key fuel to understand
Starting point is 00:38:15 the difference between centralized and decentralized. When people ask me, you know, you said something to me on this trip that I really appreciated. You said the thing I respect about you, Jack, is that you don't sell anybody anything. Right, you're not trying to sell me a supplement. No, what I'm trying to sell you is on a new way to think. Because I know that when you begin to think
Starting point is 00:38:39 in a decentralized fashion, Bill is gonna come to me and say, you're not crazy. We are. And now I understand why you're so frustrated because this really is this blatantly obvious. It's not that difficult to go out in the sun every day and live the way we're supposed to live like the lions and the hippos. The problem is we've created a world that makes that inconvenient and then we've layered on this big layer of mayonnaise of propaganda and it's a huge problem. I mean this is the
Starting point is 00:39:15 problem that I have to face and I fight against it. I mean Rick knows, he said something in the podcast the other time, he goes, he stopped everybody, jumped up and said, I know why Jack is the way he is. I just thought about it. And I'm like, I like what he said, but I don't think that's the whole essence of it. I think what I just told you is the other soft white underbelly that really, really, really gets me angry. electrolytes. Have you ever felt dehydrated after an intense workout or a long day in the sun? Do you want to maximize your endurance and feel your best? Add element electrolytes
Starting point is 00:40:13 to your daily routine. Perform better and sleep deeper. Improve your cognitive function. Experience an increase in steady energy with fewer headaches and fewer muscle cramps. Element electrolytes. Drink it in the sauna. Refreshing flavors include grapefruit, citrus, watermelon, and for a limited time chocolate medley which you can enjoy hot. Formulated with the perfect balance of sodium, potassium and magnesium to keep you hydrated and energized throughout the day. These minerals help conduct the electricity that powers your nervous system so you can
Starting point is 00:40:54 perform at your very best. Element electrolytes are sugar-free, keto-friendly, and great tasting. Minerals are the stuff of life. So visit drinkLMNT.com slash tetra and stay salty with element electrolyte, LMNT. Let's go back to the light coming in through the eyes. There's the direct pathway. What happens next?
Starting point is 00:41:30 Well, then the light show gets distributed. Why is frequency relevant in that equation? I'm just going to say that that's how the system is built. So before I can answer that question to you, certain frequencies aren't supposed to be in a certain spot. And what's that design in the system? Believe it or not, that's actually where the RNA and DNA come in because it's designed to put it in certain places. For example, the question I'm trying to post to you, why isn't the substantia nigra right behind the eye? Why
Starting point is 00:41:58 is it in the midbrain? I don't know the answer to that. But my belief is through morphology over 600 million years, that's actually how nature found it to be the most thermodynamically favorable position for it to be in. That answer I know is axiomatically true. Like when in the first two podcasts, when I asked Rick the question and Andrew the question, does nature ever make mistakes? It gets to the core of what we're talking about right here. Like I don't question, when you ask me, Jack, why is melanin where it is? Because nature said it is. And the first person I think of when I say shit like this,
Starting point is 00:42:37 is I think of Feynman. When he would teach people at Cal Berkeley, he goes, nature is absurd. Do not question or just accept her. Yes. And really, sometimes I give people answers like this, and I think it does frustrate them, but when I tell you what I just told you,
Starting point is 00:42:55 I embrace, I don't need to know that. Sometimes some things that we think we need to know, they're just superfluous. And this is one of those things. I just know where the Substantion Niger is in humans, and I know what it's connected to, and I know where it goes, and then I know exactly what it's important for, and what key frequencies are there, and what it does. And then that's where we have the next discussions.
Starting point is 00:43:24 Okay, after the array, then why does this happen? Well, because the array post-melanin in substantial Niagara goes to the motor tracks. That is the pre-foreigner cortex. That's part of the territory in the two lobes that make us special, that controls our motor ability. And we are losing control when we lose melanin in the substantia nigra. That has huge implications because guess what? Can you get a version of Parkinson's when you'll never get diagnosed where there's no movement?
Starting point is 00:43:58 But guess what? You are no longer an extreme athlete. You can't perform. I'm going to be honest with you. That's exactly what happens in the NFL really absolutely that's a damage to that they get a concussion if it affects that tract yeah this is the reason why like I'll give you an example and I know probably neither one of you great football fans there's a really great linebacker I'm not fly Eagles fly all
Starting point is 00:44:23 right there's a well then you'll appreciate this this is a great linebacker. I'm not. Fly Eagles fly. All right. Well, then you'll appreciate this. This is a great linebacker for the Indianapolis Coast. His name is Darius Leonard. He's a small guy, fast, phenomenal, came into the league, did great. But he's gotten a lot of injuries the last two years. He had some pretty bad concussions over the last two or three years. He's gotten back on the field this year. He doesn't look like the same player. And the reason why, he's slow to react. So let's think about this for a minute. If we took him out of the game
Starting point is 00:44:52 and the Indianapolis Colts took a look at him, you know, the best way possible, say that we have in Cedars-Sinai, you would never find any deficits. You know why? Because you don't have any resolution power in centralized medicine to find out how many neurons in the substantial niger have been popped.
Starting point is 00:45:12 In other words, they no longer work. The fiber out of the cables are not functional. But how do we know as a decentralized physician this is going on? Because when Darius Leonard is placed in the Colt's defense, he does not react as fast. In other words, there's a time delay. Now, I want you to listen to this,
Starting point is 00:45:32 because this is very important. Do you remember what I told you, the light coming through the eye? Remember we talked about the optical lattice clock? It controls time. Do you know whose principle that works on? General and special relativity of Einstein. In other words, time is relative. So melanin allows us to keep proper time so that the motor function happens and it's coordinated with the rest of
Starting point is 00:45:58 the band in the head. By slowing down the signal so that the gaps are... Now I have a question for you, Rick. If you understood what I just said, if Metallica came in and Hatfield was off, say half a second, how would Metallica sound? Not so good. That is Parkinson's disease. You know, it's interesting. I've got a couple of interesting thoughts.
Starting point is 00:46:24 You know, I'm interested in aging and it's really interesting to me how aging shows up in athletes Because they're they're in this crucible of performance Shows up much earlier, right and they're 30s. Yeah, you notice the difference between say no rent a family 40 year old Tom Brady and 30 year old Tom Brady so I think, potentially we could learn a lot by studying those subtle changes that happen due to injury or just due to aging. But you can as an NFL player because guess what?
Starting point is 00:46:55 You're paid to be on the field and perform. And the problem is they're in, they're the modern day gladiators, they're trading time for money. And the thing is, they don't realize what they're doing, but a lot of them do because all you have to do is look at, you know, like Junior Sayo killed himself or Dave Doerson killed himself.
Starting point is 00:47:12 You know, the NFL doesn't like to have this stuff out, but what we're talking about here, so you understand how this is going on. Like I remember when Tua, the quarterback for the Dolphins last year on national TV Gets popped and he stands up and you could tell that he was at concuss like you could be a UPS worker in Idaho and know this is going on but somehow the Dolphins doctors didn't and put him back in well
Starting point is 00:47:39 Yeah, you know what the issue with that was it was performance. We got to win this game and he gives us our best chance Because our backup quarterback sucks. So let's not lie to people, but guess what? I look at that situation with the Miami Dolphins, like centralized medicine, because that's exactly what goes on in the clinic every day. We need to understand that we need to be solar powered beings of light. And if you're going to participate in high-risk things like performance athletics, you need to be more solar powered than not.
Starting point is 00:48:15 In other words, the reason why Rick has found the benefit that he's found, as he's aged, just like me, I told him, you need more sunlight, you need more grounding. Are you fully circadian? Like, do you go down when the sun goes down? Absolutely. I know he does. Absolutely.
Starting point is 00:48:30 But you gotta remember, I'm here. If I watch anything, I'll be wearing red glasses. All that light in my house is red. There's no, there's no white slash blue light anywhere in my home. And see, I'm here, I'm here for a different reason. You guys know where I'm here. I broke just about every one of my rules to do this,
Starting point is 00:48:50 but why did I do it? Because I know that what could come out of what we're doing could affect millions of people. Guess what? I don't have that reach in my clinic. You know, when I fix somebody with Parkinson's disease and refer them, you know, to say a functional neurosurgeon to get, you know, a DBS stimulator put in, you know, the treatment, this is the most ironic part of this whole story. It's electric.
Starting point is 00:49:14 It is. It's an electrode that goes in the substantia nigra that replaces the sunlight they don't have. Yeah. Isn't that psychotic? Yeah. Considering the sun's outside. Well, look at us right now. And then when you tell somebody,
Starting point is 00:49:27 family who has this, all you need to do is go to El Salvador and sit outside with your feet in the beach. They look at you like, it can't be that simple. I mean, Parkinson's develops over a long time. That's why old people... That's not true. Okay, so I have a...
Starting point is 00:49:41 You just made the mistake of forgetting Doug Wallace's axiom I have a close family. I remember plasma Raises fast in that part. Okay, you can go like that. That's true. You can get it at an earlier age I was gonna say I have a close family member who's been diagnosed with Parkinson's and You know this person spent Decades working in New York City. What kind of job?
Starting point is 00:50:07 Working late, lawyer. Okay. Corporate lawyer. So he's in Midtown. Wall Street. Okay, gotcha. Yeah, and long hours. In a blue light space.
Starting point is 00:50:15 Well, not only that, but in the city never sleeps. That's very blue light. They would go on vacation in Greece every summer for like a month. But listening to you and doing the reading I've done, I start to wonder like, could that environment have kind of sort of overwhelmed him eventually?
Starting point is 00:50:34 So fast forwarding to now, every day, he goes out with his partner and they go out and walk in the sun for 20 minutes, right? First thing in the morning. But he's doing it in New Sun for 20 minutes and right but he's doing in the morning All right. Nope. He's in I think he's in Chicago So outside Chicago fry and pan to the fire See, that's the problem. I mean the Sun shines You've better than the Sun's not the same every week. Tell us where this tell us about the Sun well before we get there
Starting point is 00:51:02 Okay, but I do want to know where the Sun is best. We got to finish this. Because it goes back to the initial question we asked. I'll explain this to you. The Sun, the Latitude, the Chicago and New York is the same, but remember the population density is there. The way electromagnetism works, because remember light is electron. Now we're getting into electromagnetism. I know. We have been there. Okay. I see that's not a fair statement from you. You know that sunlight is part of the spectrum, one part. Sure. I'm going to tell you, there's a difference between New York and Chicago. It's a major difference and it's not just a lot of two difference. It's also the light that gets through it.
Starting point is 00:51:37 The population density where you live affects how much light you can absorb because of how many electrons you have. But here's the most interesting final touches on the Parkinson's story. So remember how we talked about the light coming through the eye, okay? Getting distributed, going to the substantia nigra. Part of the podcast, part one and two, I mentioned to you, Brunner, and we skated over it like Wayne Gretzky. Do you know that people with Parkinson's disease have higher incidence of melanoma? Do you know that people with Parkinson's disease
Starting point is 00:52:09 have higher incidence of hypothyroidism? So I want Rick Rubin, a hard stop and good Jack, explain this to me like I'm a third grader. I already told you the answer. Remember, it's a fiber optic track filled with semiconductors. The first train stop past the supercosmatic nucleus is the pituitary. So this is the reason why when the light show is disrupted at the SCN, then the inputs before
Starting point is 00:52:38 the substantia nigra are also affected. This is the reason why the incidence of hypothalamic disease is higher, the number one one, which is thyroid. So that's the reason why hypothyroidism is a big feature of Parkinson. If you know anything about thyroid function, T3 controls neuron function and motor function. Well, guess what? Now you begin to know why their expression change, why their cognition changes. In other words, it's not always about the light and dark cycle. Now we're in the collateral effects. The cascade. You got it. Yeah. Now, the melanoma part,
Starting point is 00:53:16 you already know and I've established for you that the substantia nigra has lost the neuro melanin there. Well, why did they get melanoma? Well, if you don't have it there, Rick, from what I told you in part one and part two, what do you think their skin looks like? They got none. So, and what do they do? He just beautifully put the icing on this story.
Starting point is 00:53:37 He's a corporate lawyer in New York in blue light. What did I tell you gives you melanoma? Boom. So your friend, your story, the simple podcast. I just explained to you something that is well documented in the literature that if you walked into a neurologist's office, I can almost guarantee you 90% of them do not know that melanoma and hypothyroidism are features early on of Parkinson's. Interesting. I did not know that, but to put the cherry on it. Now wait, now the doctor in the NFL?
Starting point is 00:54:12 But you go to see the doctor, the expert. To know this. Yes, yes. And if they don't know this, there's no way they could see the big picture. So because they're looking at a small picture. Myopic. The dozenist. They could see the big picture so because they're looking at a small picture myopic what ever yeah, whatever they Tell you they're only dealing with a small
Starting point is 00:54:30 aspect yeah in other words of the situation that it's not a holistic approach. It's the exact I don't like that word It's the exact analogy that you guys used early about the elephant centralized medicine is touching the tail, okay, feels like an elephant because I felt a lot of tails. But it turns out there's a whole other story here. And the reason I'm stopping you on this, you guys think I'm gonna go off in a tangent? No, I'm still on the same thing we've been talking about,
Starting point is 00:54:57 light through the eye. All of these ideas, we're using one disease to explain how all these other things go because when you wanna see this Da Vinci code thing, I'm explaining to you right now when a patient comes into me, West Parkinson's, you know the first thing I'm doing? I'm looking at their skin. I'm looking at their thyroid function. I'm looking at all these other things that other neurologists and neurosurgeons never
Starting point is 00:55:17 look at. And then they wonder why when they put the pallidotomy into their brain, why this person isn't getting better. Because you only fixed the suspension, Nigra, you didn't fix the other problems. Welcome to the house of macadamias. Macadamias are a delicious super food, sustainably sourced directly from farmers.
Starting point is 00:55:56 Macadamias, a rare source of omega-7, linked to collagen regeneration, enhanced weight management, and better fat metabolism. Macadamias, are healthy and brain-boosting fats. Macadamias, paleo-. Cheeto and plant-based. Macadamias. No wheat, no dairy, no gluten, no GMOs. No preservatives, no palm oil, no added sugar. House of macadamias. Thy roasted with Namibian sea salt, cracked black pepper, and chocolate dips. Snack bars come in chocolate, coconut white chocolate, and blueberry white chocolate. Visit HouseOfMacadamias.com slash tetra. Why don't you like the word holistic? Because it has a negative connotation through propaganda. So when centralized scientists hear the word holistic,
Starting point is 00:57:01 immediately they think pseudoscience. I see. They think woo woo. And let me just tell you something. I see. They think woo-woo. I see. And let me just tell you something. I mean, Rick, you're my friend. Yeah. You know a lot about me.
Starting point is 00:57:11 Dude, I'm as far away from pseudoscience and woo-woo as one can get. Yeah. I believe the people in centralized science are the guys at the shamans. They're the ones dealing in bullshit. Yeah. This, what I just told you today,
Starting point is 00:57:25 this is a life changing beginning of this podcast for somebody who's got Parkinson's disease. I hope your friend, your family member, goes out and listens to this and then realizes what Jack's saying, going from New York to Chicago, he's never gonna replace the melanoma in his skin to suck it back in. That's the problem.
Starting point is 00:57:47 I'm gonna call this person and say, maybe you should move to Florida, but. I don't think you should do that at all. I think what you need to do is have Rick get this podcast unedited to your friend right away. You can do that. You shouldn't tell him anything. You know why?
Starting point is 00:58:02 You're the wrong guy, because you're the skeptic. But you know what you did? I'm a semi-skeptic. But you brought me his problem and I actually performed exactly what Rick said in the beginning of this podcast. He said, you just put all the pieces together right then and there.
Starting point is 00:58:19 And then I made a comment to you that offended, like going from New York to Chicago is going from the frying pan to the fire. What I said was absolutely accurate. And guess what? Was it in part one and part two? Yeah, you know where it was when Rick said, you know, Jack, it's funny.
Starting point is 00:58:33 When I go from Costa Rica to LA, I lose my tan. Hard stop. On the plane. Hard stop. Guess what? Does that not play into this story? Like, again, we're Da Vinci code now. We're trying to put the pieces together.
Starting point is 00:58:48 I'm trying to show you how I think. So you were an inside guy for decades. Yes. Lived inside. Yes. You were like an underground mammal. Yes. With sunglasses.
Starting point is 00:59:00 Yes. And now you spend, I'm gonna say, a substantial amount of time outside. And you can kind of do that. You know, you don't have to a substantial amount of time outside and you can kind of do that. You know, you don't have to be at the equator to do that. But also thinks about what else he does that we talked about. He actually pays attention to the dark.
Starting point is 00:59:13 Yeah. I see it hinting to the light and the dark both. Yes. I think that that you need to realize that's a big deal. And the other thing, the other cliff that I think you're at right now that you're getting ready to fall off is you're making the assumption, that I think you're at right now that you're getting ready to fall off Is you're making the assumption do not think about Rick the way your friend is when your friend Has a substantial
Starting point is 00:59:35 mitochondria problem due to the smell and loss They are now on the deck of the Titanic. Yeah, they need to do something like they shouldn't sit down and have a discussion with Bill They need to jump in the goddamn boat and save their life. In fact, you know what the big mistake Bill is in centralized medicine? People don't realize that time is the most valuable asset that they have and people piss through it like it's going out of style. And the problem is when they get told
Starting point is 01:00:01 that they're close to not having the time that they want, then they don't realize that they're fully capable of doing things to get it back. But guess what? Those things are just like the Titanic. Do you get in the boat or do you listen to the music? And I'm going to tell you the paradigm that disturbs me doesn't put that variable in to their decision-making process and patients never get that the only time it really happens is if somebody comes into my office like with a GBM, you know, Glioblastoma or you know, pancreatic cancer or
Starting point is 01:00:41 somebody gets shot in the head Then guess what? It's so blatantly obvious. People don't have a problem with that. But when somebody comes in who's saying NFL player and says, Jack, I just don't feel right. I can't think this and that. And then you think about what I told you about Darius Leonard.
Starting point is 01:00:59 You realize that before they walked in the door, just from me knowing what they did and having an understanding, okay, now sit down with me and tell me other things. Tell me other parts of your story. What are you doing? What are you doing? Right, no, but you're adding variables that, guess what?
Starting point is 01:01:16 That I'm putting into this framework, this thermodynamic framework to make sense of it. Then what do I do? Sometimes I do test on you to see if I'm right or wrong. Like I'm not doing the test to actually help you. I'm actually doing it to see. If you're hunched. No, not only my hunch, but I'm eliminating.
Starting point is 01:01:34 Like it could be this, let's do this to get this out the mix. What's the essence there? Why am I doing that? Some people who are centralized that'll listen to this and say, well, that's a waste of money. No, it's not because that's via negative. You're removing the superfluous. I don't have to focus a lot of your money on say, okay, this potentially could be, I don't know, TARDIS dyskinesia. It's not TARDIS dyskinesia. This is a movement disorder. And that becomes important. See, in centralized medicine, they take a shotgun approach.
Starting point is 01:02:06 And the time course is different. So back to the Titanic, the Titanic was warned that there are icebergs in the area. Could have avoided the whole problem by changing course a little bit. But they didn't. And so I think one of the people that survived jumped in the boat, the people that didn't listen to the music. I think one of the flaws in what you call centralized medicine is that they wait until the iceberg is right there dead ahead and they don't think about it earlier. But isn't that how the system is built? Don't you think that's how the system is built?
Starting point is 01:02:42 That's how the system is set up for sure. We spent more customers. We spent more treating cancer than preventing it. Right. It's all about customers. Or detecting it. But you have to realize, you know the other part that we haven't talked about here? What's the patient's duty in this system? Don't you think it's the patient's duty? The thing is, I'm thinking about what you said to me about like your partner, your friend, the lawyer. What's their duty? Their duty is also when I sit down with them and tell them, look, you're part of the problem.
Starting point is 01:03:16 The way you thought about this issue, like I'd like Rick to talk about this. Why? Because he's actually lived this when he's 400 pounds, he's a vegan. He's got the sunglasses on. 400 pounds, he's a vegan, he's got the sunglasses on. Something had a trip in Rick for him to say, I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired. What did it? The question you have to ask people when they come through, at least I do, do you realize that you have your undone and career effect,
Starting point is 01:03:39 that you haven't been wilded, you haven't been doing anything that you should do? And then here's the key. Why should I give anybody 100% when they only give me 10? See that's how a doctor burns out. And people don't realize that when acuity of sickness goes up because the system's bad or people's thinking are bad, the doctor is getting sick. Now, don't think that I don't think about this.
Starting point is 01:04:09 Is lifestyle the key to everything, would you say? Not everything, but I'm gonna tell you, it's a huge factor. The mitochondrack mindset, the decentralized mindset, is always looking in the environment for the defect before you look for the defect in you. The cool thing about the defect in patients, I think the cool part is,
Starting point is 01:04:30 part one and part two told you how I think, I'm always looking for the melanin problem. Why? Because the melanin problem always tells me whether thermodynamic losses. Is it light? Is it water? Is it darkness?
Starting point is 01:04:42 Has the tissue itself started to break down? And see, I can figure that out. Okay, let me get an MRI. I can see white matter changes. You know, you and I talked about that the last time we were here, but after the podcast, I said to you, you know, bring me this, bring me that. Let me see. And you're like, wow, you can really do that. You can do it. And I think I told Rick this story. I had a farm member that I saw probably six, seven weeks before I came out to see Rick in March. And he went to see the Raiders doctor and the Rams doctor out here.
Starting point is 01:05:14 He's a wealthy guy from California, Southern California. And he was having horrible pain in his hip. And he kept telling the doctor this, he went to see both of these doctors and they both told him, look, when your pain gets enough, let's just do hip replacement. That's it. That's what he got told. So he knew enough because he's one of my members. Can you tell me about, would red light help this? And they looked, I'm not red light won't help this or that. But guess what? The million dollar athletes in the Rams and Raiders get that, but this guy doesn't get it, even though he's also a million dollar player. Hard stop.
Starting point is 01:05:51 So he comes back to see me, we do his farm visit, and he tells me everything just like you're telling me about your friend, and I'm looking at the whole thing, I said, but you know, you got this, that, and the other thing, he wanted me to do an MRI of his hip. I said, will you just humor me for a minute? Can I do an MRI of your brain. I said, will you just humor me for a minute? Can I do an MRI of your brain? And he goes, yeah. So I do one and guess what I find right close to where the caudate nucleus is? It's one of the outflows of the substantia nigra. Okay. White matter
Starting point is 01:06:19 leads and changes right there. Those go right to the motor cortex to his hip. Now, now I'm going to give you. So his hip issue originated in the brain. Brain. But guess what? Two experts that are hired by the NFL, you heard what they told them. So what I tell them, I said, get on a plane, go to El Salvador, which he did. He went there for three months. Three weeks ago, I got a phone call from my hip pain is gone. He goes, I can't believe it. The experts were orthopedic. Of course. Right. I'm not a hip doctor. What am I? I'm the guy that knows how the body plan works.
Starting point is 01:07:00 That's decentralization. Remember, I'm a neurosurgeon. The centralized part of me. I don't want to say holistic, but you're looking at the whole thing. Look, I'm a neurosurgeon. The centralized part of me... I don't want to say holistic, but... Well, you can say what you like. Look, in this podcast, you guys can say whatever you want. I'm trying to tell you that, like, when I do podcasts or you interact with me, if you use terms that I don't like, expect me to bite you like a great white shark. Why? Because I think that we're not going to get the changes that we need if I get lumped in with people who are pseudoscientists. It's a trigger word. It's like a third rail kind of thing. No, I think it's inaccurate.
Starting point is 01:07:33 See, put all the metaphors on you want Bill. It's inaccurate. And what am I passionate about? The truth. That's all I care about. And the truth is an approximation of what we know to be true today. So there is no real truths. Because it changes. It's always evolving. And guess what? How do I know that's true?
Starting point is 01:07:54 Because octopus changed into humans. The truth is that the truth is an approximation of what may fall within the sphere of tetragramatin? Counterculture, tetragramatin, sacred geometry, tetragramatin, the avant-garde tetragramatin, generative art, tetragramatin, the tarot, tetragramatin, out-of-print music, tetragramatin, out of print music. Tetragramatin, biodynamics. Tetragramatin, graphic design. Tetragramatin, mythology and magic. Tetragramatin, obscure film. Tetragramatin, beach culture.
Starting point is 01:08:34 Tetragramatin, esoteric lectures. Tetragramatin, off the grid living. Tetragramatin, alt spirituality. Tetragramatin, the canon of fine objects. Tetragramatin, muscle cars. TETROGRAMATIN, ALT, SPIRITUALITY TETROGRAMATIN, THE CANON OF FINE OBJECTS TETROGRAMATIN, MUSCLE CARS TETROGRAMATIN, ANCIENT WISDOM FOR A NEW AGE Upon entering, experience the artwork of the day Take a breath and see where you are drawn.
Starting point is 01:09:27 Tetrachramadint.com It's the way you think. It is totally the way you think. And you don't realize that light coming through the eye and the skin creates the way you think. And it's the truth. And it is so hard for people to accept because I think people think, oh no, the way we think is tied to our mother, our father, or this or that. No, the way Rick thought when he was 400 pounds with sunglasses on, it's totally different
Starting point is 01:09:44 than the Rick Rubin That's sitting at this table right now. I know that he's told me that But you know what the problem is it's so hard Because you see the world through your own eyes and you don't realize that your eyes change and When your eyes change your thinking changes and that's why I always say when you change the environment you can change your thoughts I was just reading this morning a review that talked about how skin is a neuroendocrine organ that responds to the sun going back to what you were talking about skin and brain are connected. Norectoderm. These molecules essentially they're molecules
Starting point is 01:10:20 of emotion, right? No. They're actually entangled. See, here's the... Data Anderson. No. That affects your emotions. No. It's vitamin A and vitamin D. And vitamin D. Guess what?
Starting point is 01:10:33 Vitamin A is made in the brain. Vitamin D is there. Guess what? Vitamin A and vitamin D actually interact together. That's the reason why one can't be toxic in one or the other when those are totally controlled by circadian biology. Do you know how you do on the Yocum? Take vitamin D tablets or eat too much, you know, cod liver oil. That's how you screw the whole system up. People don't realize your body already comes with an owner's manual.
Starting point is 01:10:56 You need to understand the owner's manual before you go tinkering with it. When you start tinkering with it, guess what? You'll never figure it out. Because everybody in the world sees it, oh well if you have a vitamin D of 30, you need to take 20,000 IU a day with vitamin K2 and that's it. And then all of a sudden you come back in three months and nothing's changed. Why? Because the photonics in the system hasn't changed. No one told you that going from New York to Chicago was the stupidest thing you could ever do. But guess what? There is the wisdom, okay?
Starting point is 01:11:32 The anger in me is because this isn't that hard to get because of what you just said. You did a simple little Google search and found out that Jack's right. The skin and the brain are connected and they're connected in ways that the endocrinologist doesn't even realize. Connected in ways that the internal medicine doctor
Starting point is 01:11:51 doesn't realize. And that the skin doctor doesn't realize. Totally, that one is completely clueless. But guess what? The reason that they're clueless is not because they're bad people. No. It's because the propaganda that was uploaded
Starting point is 01:12:04 by the Flexionion Report into medical school keeps it that way so that you keep running to the pharmacy. So that you keep putting sunscreen on. So that you keep having the propaganda in the system that makes you a patient. You know who has to break that? You. And guess how you break that?
Starting point is 01:12:24 I just got finished telling you how you think. That's why you come to me. That is really why you come to me, because I will teach you how to think. And the way you think, right now, you're becoming a much better journalist by sitting out here in the sun with me. He is way better at his job now than he's ever been. He knows that. He's been doing things.
Starting point is 01:12:48 He's got famous when he was a shell of himself, but that tells you how much innate talent is inside of him. Now he's looks to optimize it and he says, look, you know, if Pearl Jam or Metallica don't like that I'm not available after 630, that's their problem. I'm doing my thing because if I'm not good enough for myself, who am I good for? Can I be good for my clients? Rick has that ability and belief and so do I. You feel better at 50, whatever, than you did at 30, whatever?
Starting point is 01:13:26 For 20, whatever? Absolutely. Yes. And guess what? He's got a fake hard valve and an A-warder and this and that. And guess what he's telling you? That may be artificial, but everything around me is now tied to the source code. In other words, there's a lesson here.
Starting point is 01:13:43 You can have a bad thing happen to you and it doesn't mean you're life's over. Doesn't mean that, you know, if you get an amputation or say you get a meningioma and it gets removed, it doesn't mean that you still can improve the tissue redox everywhere around it and still win. Still be, I don't wanna say as good as you could have been, but you will be the best version of you at the present moment.
Starting point is 01:14:10 Why? Because the theory of relativity, everything is relative. And if everything in you is better than it was when you came out, and this flips back on itself too, if a mother and father have a bad sperm and egg, can a baby be born with a retinoblastoma? Is it the baby's fault? No, the baby doesn't choose who decides to have sex after being an attorney,
Starting point is 01:14:34 and I don't know, working as a Google patent attorney, or being infertile and then going to somebody to take clomid, and then all of a sudden, the kid is born with autism or retinoblastoma. I mean, you picked a disease. Right. But guess what? That's the interesting part of this. It's not just the post-mytotic form where these ideas flip.
Starting point is 01:14:54 No, this explains why we get some of the diseases that have exploded out of nowhere. I mean, people don't realize the first paper in autism showed up in 1940. Autism is a neolithic disease, meaning it's come out of the blue. So is Alzheimer's. The first paper in Alzheimer's, 1911. But you know, we act like, well, everybody's had this. No, they haven't. And right. And diabetes was unknown or rare. Well, diabetes until sugar appeared and then it was a disease of the aristocracy. I'm gonna reject Bill Gifford big time right there. Why?
Starting point is 01:15:30 I wrote a blog a long time ago that tells you that diabetes is an evolutionary adaptation. It's not a disease. Explain that. Well, it turns out that when humans left the East African Rift and they're highly melanated, went all the way up to the top, there's a huge advantage when you use your melanin to make glucose access any freeze in your blood so that you can tolerate high latitude living
Starting point is 01:15:52 That's the reason why okay people in Finland have the highest rate of type 1 diabetes Who did I discuss this with yesterday? Is a lady who Rick knows who had me on her podcast who guess what? magically got type one diabetes after she took a Moderna shot. And she was like, I don't know how this happened. And I'm sitting there on her podcast. And of course I didn't tell her anything.
Starting point is 01:16:14 I'm telling you guys, I'm going, I know, I wrote a blog. Now it's all there because guess what? When she got the shot, it lower her redox. What else does she get? A neuroendocrine tumor in her pancreas. I'm like, hello? Do you not think these are related? You know, and yet you look at her for sod and she looks beautiful, but she's not beautiful on the inside.
Starting point is 01:16:36 She's missing melanin here, there, and everywhere else. Why? Because she likes LA. She likes being in the business she's in. See, it's that thing again. Once, needs and desires over, are you a lion or a hippo that lives in your environment? And no, it's not good enough for you to say, okay, let's talk about the Ginex. No, I need to know your haplotype. I need to know your Fitzpatrick skin color.
Starting point is 01:16:59 I need to know your relationship with nature. Those are the key things. And then I want to know about your mother. Why? Because you get your engines from your mother.rial DNA you got it that that we haven't talked about yet That to me is huge. Why because that's where the light show begins. Let's talk about that Through metabolism you make light Now I didn't discover that you know who did Fritz pop and Fritz pop discovered that. You know who did? Fritz Pop. And Fritz Pop built machines, took every living creature out there that you know, insects, flowers, plants, human
Starting point is 01:17:31 cells, and he found that they emit extreme low-frequency UV light. What were his machines called? They had a total multipliers. Total multipliers. Yeah. Guess what? So you captured the photo. When I told Andrew, Andrew didn't know that every living thing emits extreme low-frequency UV light. Neither did I. Hard stop. Well, if we admit that why is the Sun toxic? So you have to ask yourself is the Sun really toxic or is the source of the UV light somewhere else? You may not believe it, but it turns out it's actually true and you need to understand that
Starting point is 01:18:07 out. It's actually true. And you need to understand that that pathway, that rabbit hole you jump down is important. I told Rick and I told Andrew, probably the single most important thing in my opinion, if I was to do an M&M of part one and part two, because I said it, but I don't think people who listen to it, the onion skin experiment of Gerwitch in 1923, when he cut the onion in half and put the glass and the quartz between it, you get no mitosis in the other side if you put glass. If you put quartz in between it, by definition that one experiment told you everything you need to know about biology. That UV light stimulates mitosis. You cannot grow, you cannot evolve without mitosis. So yesterday, Bill made me really happy.
Starting point is 01:18:53 He sent me a paper and he goes, son of a bitch. He goes, it's right there. You said it in part one and part two, but I didn't believe it. If Jack tells you something, I promise you, I didn't pull it out of my ass, okay? I'm telling you, the answer is there. But you know how I found the answer, Bill?
Starting point is 01:19:13 Because I asked the question, I said, wait a minute, if Pop found this in the 60s, is this from the sun or is it from inside? And guess what the answer was? Yes, on both sides. Both, it's both. And then I said, okay, well, I need to learn a little bit more about this.
Starting point is 01:19:31 And that is kind of where I started to understand leptin a lot more. Well, I said, this is a semiconductor NUS that has these unusual properties. It absorbs all frequencies of light, like everything. Even stuff that this, you know, this doesn't come from terrestrial sunlight. And I'm going, why in the hell would we put it inside of us? Are we making light that's stronger than
Starting point is 01:19:54 the sun? And then I got the answer myself. I started looking at the absorption and emission spectra of the most important proteins in our body. And I started to see 200 to 400 nanometer light. I'm going, we don't get 200 nanometer light, but yet tryptophan absorbs that. You know, tryptophan makes up melatonin. And I'm going, these are the decentralized questions that change your thinking.
Starting point is 01:20:17 Just to sort of connect some dots, you started this by you're dealing with a weight issue and you were trying to solve it. 360 pounds. And the prescription of eating less or eating differently and moving more. No, I ate more. Actually, but I lost the weight. Okay. But I eat oysters. Okay. I ate things loaded with electrons. Okay. Which is why Rick put a lot oysters in front of you the other day. And those were delicious, by the way. Rick knows.
Starting point is 01:20:46 But basically you found this connection between sunlight and melanin. Well, no, it was electrons first. Sunlight electrons, leptin. These are all the pieces that started out with the beginning of this podcast where the light comes through the eye, goes through the leptin-melanochorin pathway.
Starting point is 01:21:04 Now we're getting to the core issue. Okay, what does leptin do? What does melanin do? In this type of system, these were the questions that came up when I started to see the organization of the eye, the retina, and the brain very differently than I was taught in neurosurgery. I will tell you. That's the key. Right. And the interesting part is I was taught some things in neurosurgery by, I always talk about this guy because he's a, I think without him, I don't make this quantum leap. Nicholas Bazon, he's an ophthalmology researcher from Argentina. Okay. Yeah. Who took eyeballs out of cows and shine light through them. And he found out that
Starting point is 01:21:46 it wasn't true. It was in the ophthalmology books that actually UV light does get through the eye. And as soon as I heard that, I was going, okay, then that makes sense. That's why melanin is an RPE. Like I never understood why God or evolution put retina, I mean melanin behind something if no UV light got in there just made no sense to me at all and Then when I Got to read his papers, but he got to be my teacher the teacher taught me Look just because it's not in the book doesn't mean it's not true, and I'm like whoo. That's a new one No one's ever told me that before
Starting point is 01:22:22 Certainly not in medical school. No, but this was in medical school. I know that's what I'm saying. It's unusual. You got lucky. Well, I think the reason why, I'm not gonna say I got lucky. Remember the story I told Bill the other day about Peter Seltlow and cholesterol?
Starting point is 01:22:33 That he came in the room and said, I am paid to teach you this, but I don't believe any of it. Yeah. There's guys still like that in medicine. In fact, I'm one of those guys now. And I think part of the reason I'm like that is because of Buzan and because of Sallow. There's others.
Starting point is 01:22:50 But it was cool to sit down with you guys and kind of tell you how the mammalian clade came to be who they are today. That's 65 million year dance. That was cool. But like after I left you guys, I wrote a Patreon blog that actually took the story all the way back to the Cambrian explosion and went all the way.
Starting point is 01:23:13 Cause I wanted everybody to see really how this goes because I personally believe when you see that 600 million year journey, then you begin to say, okay, now my journey from zero to 60, now I see this a different way. I'm not the same person that I was at zero because of the choices that I made in my environment or the choices my family made or the choices my profession forced upon me and I allowed
Starting point is 01:23:40 it to happen. That's a totally different way of looking at your health. And certainly I think the the most myopic way of doing it is getting blood drawn and looking at your blood and think that you're gonna know anything. It's that's like the biggest myopic reductionist mistake that most people make because that's the dominant paradigm. Sure. That's out there today. Why? Because it's easy to do. Just because it is easy to do doesn't mean it's the right thing to focus on I mean, that's part of the reason why him and I I always say we're brothers from another mother because
Starting point is 01:24:11 he did the same thing in his profession and I did and he always jokes That he's not a scientist, but I think he is his brain surgery with with music right and I do brain surgery without a scalp In a dark room all night long with no windows for 30 years straight. That's exactly what my world was like, dude. People don't get it. They don't get.
Starting point is 01:24:35 I might drive home as the sun was rising and then go to sleep, to black out blinds and go to sleep. That's actually, I think, how you learn how important some of this stuff is that we're talking about. Like, I fundamentally believe like, By going to an extreme the other way.
Starting point is 01:24:52 The guy that's here with me, Dan, he's like a lover. You know, he wants to hug. He's a spiritual guy. And I'm the guy, I'm the Mike Tyson, I punch you in the mouth. And I believe fundamentally being a neurosurgeon, all this time, people don't respond well to Goombaya. They respond much better when you tell them the truth
Starting point is 01:25:11 and tell them exactly what to do and cut out all the bullshit. One of the guys that trained me at Oshner, the guy that truly made me the surgeon I am, I'm talking about the hands. Where the baseball and the football came in, when they saw me use my hands they were like, wow, you're good. You're really good. And I said, yeah, but it was
Starting point is 01:25:31 easy because I was a dentist. I used drills. You know, everything I've ever done with my hands I've always been good with. But Voris, he taught me surgical judgment is the single most important thing for a surgeon. And he said to me, I'll never forget this. He had a reputation of being a real asshole, but he was a spectacular surgeon. He said, Jack, do you know why other surgeons have to be nice?
Starting point is 01:25:59 Because they're bad. He goes, when you're good, he goes, you're good, just be good, be so good for that patient that they seek you out. And it made a huge impact on me because what did I do the next two years I was with him? Boris is the one that brought Oshar into the operating room. Boris is the one that told me,
Starting point is 01:26:19 God, you wanna stir the hornets and stuff? Go, he let me do it. And when he saw that I wasn't afraid, he goes, come on, I'm gonna teach you how to do this surgery. I'm gonna teach you how to think like a good neurosurgeon. Because neurosurgeons that are good have to think six steps ahead before you make this maneuver. You're playing 4D chest before you do the action.
Starting point is 01:26:44 That is the key to being a good surgeon. Tell me about the sun in the different parts of the world. Okay, so let's start at the beginning. The beginning is, I'm going to say the beginning of us, two to four million years ago, you're allowed to pick whichever number you like. East African Rick, primates evolve into humans, homo sapiens are around. They stay there for a pretty long time, probably two, two and a half, three million years.
Starting point is 01:27:13 They don't decide to leave until late. Why did they decide to stay? It has a lot to do with what's very unique about the equator or equatorial zones, meaning plus 10, negative 10. It's light stability. One of the most important parts of circadian biology that doesn't get enough press, in my view, is light stability.
Starting point is 01:27:36 Rick, you'll understand this really well. He may not get it. When you're in Costa Rica, don't you find it amazing that the sun rises at six and sets at six? And then when we get to December 31st, it's 630 and 630. In other words, you hardly lose anything. But when you go to Utah, you lose four hours of sunlight. So when you have the thermodynamic idea that I'm trying to set in place here in part three, do you think you're better or worse if you have four hours less sunlight? Worse.
Starting point is 01:28:09 There you go. And see, it's not that hard to get. I have a question before you continue. If you could go somewhere where in the summertime you got four extra hours instead of the six or 630, would that be beneficial? Rick, you already answered your own question. This is not fair. What am I trying to do? I just told you that I had legal battles
Starting point is 01:28:31 that cost me a lot of money. People are trying to take my license away, you know, through COVID because I won't comply with anybody. I'm trying to reverse all the things that I had to do to get to this point, to be with you and Bill today. So any benefit to being in more sun more hours of the day is a good choice. Well, for me, remember, I'm talking about my problem. Yes.
Starting point is 01:28:52 I told you I have no medical problems outside of probably an extra 40 to 50 pounds that I didn't have before this process started. That will go. Why? Because now I'm on the opposite side of that. So did I already start the program to do what I just told you? The answer is yes. And you happen to know that I've ramped it up because I just went from Destin in New Orleans to the 13th latitude. So why am I telling you this? Not to tell you my personal laundry, but I don't really care because it's important for people to see.
Starting point is 01:29:26 But it's also important for like guys like you and Mr. Dorsey. I told you that Malibu is not good. I don't even like, you know, Europe. I don't like Hawaii, but I like 60 year old Rick Rubin where he is right now. Found out the ninth latitude. Oh, I like that Rick Rubin. The fact is that you have gotten that message and you understand it, I don't bother you about it.
Starting point is 01:29:50 We have never really talked about it. Why? Because you're the one in Hippolyte gets it. The people I got to focus in on is Bill. When I fought with Bill yesterday a little bit about Salt Lake City, but I want him to understand why that is not a good choice when you have a thermodynamic mitochondrial disease.
Starting point is 01:30:10 Let's- So I'm looking at you and listening to your story and the pieces, you're in a state of stress and that's pushed you to a place where- It's not pushed me to a place. You're vulnerable to these things. I knew I needed to go there. No, I had to go back and do trauma.
Starting point is 01:30:23 He's treating himself. Yeah. He's treating himself. Yeah, he's treating himself Yeah, I mean I'm using the same things that you guys are trying to put on film and audio To try to reverse what I caused. I know that I caused this you're doing surgery you're back in yeah doing trauma surgery Okay up 24 7 for seven days so you're back in the last week that I did back in that Bastard you could ever imagine. They kept me awake for four straight days. I was ready to kill them.
Starting point is 01:30:49 No sleep, bad light. No. All the things that were killing you to begin with. Hail. Interesting. Hail. Sounds horrible. Oh, it is.
Starting point is 01:30:57 It's probably confirming. Right. Well, if I don't do that, if I don't do that, I never get to Rick and Uberman. I never get to what we're doing today. I never get to what we're doing today. I never get to what we may do. Yeah. But what's my real goal?
Starting point is 01:31:10 My real goal is to change the centralized medicine. That's my real goal. And I don't believe that anybody's changing it from inside. I think the change is gonna come from outside. I think it's kind of like what Buckminster Fuller said. He goes, instead of trying to improve something, he goes, just blow it up and start over. I think that idea is probably very accurate, but it's also very inconvenient. I mean, imagine like Rick Rubin telling Eddie Vatter, yeah, that song sucks, you just need to start over. I know Rick's not going to say that, even if he
Starting point is 01:31:42 thinks it. But, you know, he may say this, that and the other thing. And then get Eddie to go, this really does suck. You know, it's no different than when I sit down with a patient and say, okay, you got a GBM. You want to live four or five years because the book says you can't. Okay, this is what you need to do. And then they look at you like you want me to leave New York City. Do you know who I am? You know, do you know what I do?
Starting point is 01:32:07 Do you think I care who you are? Do you think I care what you do because you're nature? Correct you you are you that wild animal that's no longer wild and Nature is telling you you got a big goomba on your head Because you're paying the biologic toll of making bad decisions. Well, that's not my problem. I'm not, I can't move away. You know, I'm a famous, you know, movie producer in Los Angeles.
Starting point is 01:32:35 What do you mean you want me to move to El Salvador? Who do you think keeps the lights on here? Dude, I hear that every day, Bill, and I look at the person, and what am I supposed to do? They're allowed to lie to themselves. You know who they're not allowed to lie to? Me. You are paying me to tell you the truth. Now, you may not like what I say.
Starting point is 01:32:59 You may not even like how I say it. For sure they don't like how you say it. Right. But that's also okay, you know why? Cause the lesson comes from revolution. That's why you have extinction events. Nature doesn't sit down with you and have a discussion because you like your job. It doesn't, like it tells the wildebeest,
Starting point is 01:33:22 you gotta cross the Nile River and by the way, this 30 foot crocodiles are there. And guess what the wildebeest you got to cross the Nile River and by the way this 30-foot crocodiles are there and guess what the wildebeest do? They do it because they know they must because that's where the grass is and without the grass everybody dies. So guess what? A few die for everyone. That is a decentralized story in nature but guess what? That's not how humans think. Humans think everybody gets a trophy. We need to save everybody. No, we don't.
Starting point is 01:33:52 People who give 10% shouldn't get your 100%. But the thing is when you decide to have a baby, when you decide to have a wife, then you're sacrificing part of yourself for them. That's a different ball game. It's a totally different ball game. I find when we talk about this, I can't tell you how important this is,
Starting point is 01:34:17 especially in my world, maybe not in yours. Maybe this is the difference between being a journalist and being a doctor. Well, you're like an all or nothing guy. It seems like you're like, you gotta go all're like... No, nature is all or nothing. Is this part three? Nature is infinite variation. This isn't about Jack Cruise. This is about the science that Jack Cruise believes. Nature
Starting point is 01:34:35 drives all of biology. Your opinions, your emotions do not matter. Your intent does not matter. Neither does yours, none of us. We are following the light. Source code. That's it. That's it. And guess what? Has nothing to do with us.
Starting point is 01:34:59 No. We can follow it or we can fall off. We're a result of the choices that we make. Choices are the hinges of destiny. How are the Inuit alive? Very simple. They live when, before we ruined their environment, they were able to live perfectly fine, why they were completely connected to the environment.
Starting point is 01:35:21 They, walruses right out of the ground with blood all over them. They stayed out How did they get their vitamin D? They the whole animal including the eyes where the vitamin D was They're able to persist at that level. They cold part one and part two. What did we talk to you remember? What's the fastest way to make endogenous light light stronger than the Sun being the cold? What are the inno it's did you got your mitochondria? light stronger than the sun, being the cold. What are the innowets did? You got your mitochondria creaking away. They're creating massive heat through metabolism.
Starting point is 01:35:48 You're making light, you're making light. And you're burning a shit ton of calories. More stronger than the light here, the 34th latitude. That's how your design work. Look, nature has a plan. I try to use this analogy, Bill, in a podcast I just did recently, and hopefully you'll like this here. Think about the boreal forest.
Starting point is 01:36:05 The boreal forest ends at the 60th latitude in the north. We don't have one in the south because Antarctic is on the bottom. But remember, the boreal forest stops. Do you know why it stops? Because photosynthetic yield collapses above that. So what did I just say? Trees are here. No life. Yeah. No trees. No photosynthesis.
Starting point is 01:36:24 In other words, there is a kill switch for nature. What did I just say? Trees hand-leave. No life. Yeah. No trees. No photosynthesis. In other words, there is a kill switch for nature. Our kill switch? Well, nature takes different forms and it's less robust. No, I would tell you, I would tell you, I'll put the polls, there's nothing. Well, you were at the park before.
Starting point is 01:36:40 That's why people don't live there. Where we were all at the rift. Oh yeah. And then what happened? We left the rift 70,000 years ago. Why did we leave? No one knows. My belief it's probably tied to food. I think food changed because the planet changed. Climate changed. The East African rift, I don't think it was climate change. I actually think it was tectonic plate shift. But when we innovated from the monkeys, East African rift, there's three tectonic plates that are connected to this landmass.
Starting point is 01:37:11 As the tectonic plate shifted, that shifted magnetism. What was a consequence of these maneuvers? India crashed into the bottom of Asia, pushed up to Himalaya Mountains. Himalaya Mountains was 29,000 feet, blocked all the hydrology cycle. This eventually, over time, created the Sahara Desert. The ocean went away. How do we know that? We drill holes down in the Sahara Desert in this freaking seawater there. We drill holes, we find seashells. So we know. So my belief, because the desert is there right now, that humans, two to four million
Starting point is 01:37:45 years ago, were affected by this. And what do they do? We believe they left Africa by waterways. What's the best evidence? The reason why there's no true missing links is because if you know anything about human bones, put them in salt water, they dissolve. So that's the reason why we haven't found Sasquatch, so to speak. So when you understand this, where did the story change?
Starting point is 01:38:07 Like how do you get to the mitochondria story, the decentralized story? It's where Doug Wallace comes in. People who live in East African Rift at that time, two to four million years ago, they're what we call tightly coupled. They're L0, L1, L2, L3, they also have dark skin. Meaning the proteins in there are mitochondria?
Starting point is 01:38:24 Yeah, but I mean it's the coupling. What does it mean? You eat less because you don't need to eat. Right, they're more efficient. They don't need to make heat. So when we started to leave the East African and radiate all over the planet, we went to higher latitudes, the sun's not as strong,
Starting point is 01:38:37 it's colder, right? What did nature do? We got to change the mitochondria. So what did it do? It started to innovate different coupling systems. What does that mean? It releases free heat so that we can live in those environments colder. Now, some of the other primates that innovated from the chimps, guys that you know, Neanderthals, Neanderthals are a form of us, Homo Neanderthalus. They seem to have died out at the 51st latitude. This
Starting point is 01:39:07 gets back to the boreal forest story. Why? They had bigger eyes in us and 125 grams more brain. So what does that tell you? Needed more energy. You got it. And when you get above the 51st latitude, that's the same story as the boreal forest. It's slim pickens. You got it. So why is that important to understand this story? Every time Jack talks, I know that the photosynthetic quantum yield of that plant
Starting point is 01:39:31 behind you is 39%. The photosynthetic quantum yield of your ATPase nanotouric engine, 100% in the mitochondria. Right. So guess what that means? You, when you're a human, you are wholly dependent on that, which makes the guys that talk about skin cancer why you need to absolutely not listen to them. Skin cancer related to sun exposure. Yeah, that's ridiculous. Let's talk about that. Well, let's finish this story. So once we get up there, in the end of those, find that it's a thermodynamic constraint
Starting point is 01:40:04 to live in cold weather. So what did they do? They start living in caves. Okay. They wear animal skins. They start covering their skin. So what was the effect of that from part one and part two? That's actually the first time that actually melanin got destroyed into dopamine and the Homo species started to become more creative. Most people think creativity is an evolutionary adaptation that's positive. I'm here to tell you it came because we got dumbed down
Starting point is 01:40:36 because melanin broke down. And people forget that when you have hypoxia, what happens to melanin? Hypoxia is low oxygen tension. That means melanin turns into dopamine, neuroadrenaline, and adrenaline. What's the difference between Neanderthals and us? Our frontal lobes are filled
Starting point is 01:40:56 with those three neurotransmitters. Neanderthals are no longer on the planet. They could not go higher. They couldn't go to Scandinavia. So when Homo sapiens went even higher, the story that I told you guys before about evolutionary friend or foe, diabetes became an adaptation to live at the highest latitudes. What was the constraint on our brain? What happened? We kept losing brain tissue. No one knows where the brain tissue went, but the two big things we know about Neanderthals and us
Starting point is 01:41:33 smaller eyes and smaller brains. That eye clock is a big deal. If your eyes are shrinking, you're starting to go, wait a minute, this means that light had to be changing tremendously. We don't see any artwork at all, any dopamine creation until they go inside in a cave with fire. What's the first artificial light for our species? Fire. That ruins melatonin.
Starting point is 01:42:00 Believe it or not, it does. Really? I didn't mean that. Yes, it does. And it's a problem. It's the first of toning. Believe it or not, it does. Really? I didn't mean that. Yes, it does. And it's a problem. It's the first time that we began to cognitively de-evolve. But remember, and this is all common sense, Sufferick, you've been to the Museum and not trust you like I do.
Starting point is 01:42:17 You don't ever see cave paintings outside the cave, right? You don't. It's the first time. And when you and me or kids in New York, we thought that this happened just like 10,000 years ago. Turns out, we now know that the first cave paintings were in the end with all time, 65,000 years ago. So this marries to Doug Wallace's idea about the out of Africa hypothesis at 70,000 years ago. Okay? So as we go higher, what did Homo do?
Starting point is 01:42:48 We start uncoupling through the proteins in the mitochondria, make more heat. What is the consequence of that? We have to eat more to persist. So when you live at higher latitudes, since you have to be inefficient, you have to eat more. So can you imagine what would happen if, say, those Northern Europeans migrated to a place where the environment changed?
Starting point is 01:43:11 Would they be more or less likely to get fat? That's Jack Cruise. I just described to you my leptin-melano-courtain problem through this out of Africa thing. That's how I figured out the leptin prescription. So the interesting thing, that's where my train stopped. My train stopped was bad at the leptin receptor in the hypothalamus, but that's not where the substantia nigra is.
Starting point is 01:43:36 Like I don't have Parkinson's, I don't have hypotharotism. My problem is that one problem. So you run a setting basically optimized for scarcity where you had to eat as much as possible. Yeah, but I will tell you, in my opinion, I came into the world with this. Why? Because I think this was in my maternal line for a while.
Starting point is 01:43:54 That's what I think. And if I don't pay attention to light cycles, I don't eat that much. I mean, you can ask Danny, he's been with me. I eat breakfast and that's pretty much it. I am pretty efficient. And if you talk to any woman that's ever been with me. I eat breakfast and that's pretty much it. I am pretty efficient. And if you talk to any woman that's ever slept with me, they'll tell you I am a radiator.
Starting point is 01:44:10 Like I radiate heat. You're one of those hot sleepers. Well, I needed cold. Like I need it really cold. I like it 60 to 62, 63 degrees. And I sleep buck-ass naked. But remember, that's a consequence of my thermodynamics. I know that about me and I've learned that.
Starting point is 01:44:32 I sleep hot too. Right. So you and I, that's what I said. There's a lot of things that we have in common, but I want you to understand the reason why they're in common, we're not genetically related, but guess what? We are mammals that are uncoupled that need to do these things. Now, remember, the guys that are one degree north in Nairobi, these guys have purple skinned. They are so thermally efficient that they can go run endurance races and then take a flight over to Boston to kick everybody's ass.
Starting point is 01:45:01 Or they can be like Usain Bolt and run on the volcanoes at the 20th latitude, eat chicken nuggets and kick everybody's ass or they can be like Usain Bolt and run on the volcanoes at the 20th latitude, eat chicken nuggets and kick everybody's ass. Their mitochondrial efficiency is much higher. Totally different. If you really want to know the truth, mitochondrial biology is actually cheating. It's actually... So it's doping. It's like blood doping.
Starting point is 01:45:20 But it's... You don't get penalized for it because that's actually how nature works. But I don't think people realize that the same story that's in the boreal forest is in us. And I used in the antithesis to show that. The thing that was an implication of our first two talks, I think this stunned a lot of people when I wrote a whole blog on Patreon about dopamine. Why?
Starting point is 01:45:43 Because you know that when I came out the last time I had read your book, I wrote all my notes in the book and I knew that you would be stunned at why I think some of the people that you do work with are really, really creative because they're actively destroying their melanin. This creates dopamine and they are really creative but their creativity stops.
Starting point is 01:46:05 They get past the critical dopamine level. And it's the same story that I told you guys in the beginning about the substantial nigra, isn't it? Like you don't have the disease until, okay, I've lost. And the same story is present in creativity. I don't understand how destroying melanin creates dopamine. That all you need to do is open up a textbook. Because that's something that- Explain it.
Starting point is 01:46:32 Explain it. We don't have a textbook. That's how it forms. When you take melanin, it breaks down to dopamine. It breaks down to L-dopa. These are biochemical stuff in the past. You're talking about dopamine like it's bad. Like that sounds good.
Starting point is 01:46:43 No. Well, you look at it as good as the connotation. What am I trying to tell you? I'm trying to give you the evolutionary perspective. It wasn't good, but we used it positively. In other words, there was- A dopamine is something that helps make us human. Well, again, helps make us human now.
Starting point is 01:47:03 Now, right, but it didn't back then. It actually changed the primate clade, is what I'm trying to tell you. And the effect is still seeing us now. Why? Because when we lose dopamine, that's where depression comes from. That's where mood disorders come from. But that's also where Parkinson's comes from. The point that I'm trying to make to you, you need to understand the slide Because guess what? Everything's good. Everything's good. Everything's good till everything's bad. That's an illithic disease Okay, understand now Yeah, okay good
Starting point is 01:47:36 So we're talking about where people migrated to so when I do 23 and me and probably the same for you I get 99.2% Northern European. Yep. So my people are all up there with the Short winter days low angle sunlight. Oh, I'm pretty pale, right? Well, I get sunburned, you know, light eyes. Light eyes, yes. No melon in your eyes. Blonde hair. So you're designed to absorb as much light as you possibly can.
Starting point is 01:48:10 Inside. Inside. Out on the outside. Through the eye. Through the eyes and the skin too, no? Yeah, it's in the skin, but he doesn't have as much melon on skin. Think about what he just said.
Starting point is 01:48:20 If you are at Reykjavik, do you need as much melon on your skin? No, you need all the melanin on your skin when you live in Nairobi. Because it's doing a different function. So protect, essentially. Well, not only protect, but absorb. You need to absorb it and use it. Remember what I told you about nature? It's a thermodynamic game. Nature doesn't waste energy. It's the most efficient way to do it. Exactly. See? It comes back to the original decentralized idea in this podcast, part three. Don't ever forget, thermodynamic efficiency is the key to all decentralized systems. Once you get that axiomatically tattooed into your frontal lobes,
Starting point is 01:49:00 most of these things that we're talking about, you'll be able to figure them out without me sitting in your living room or without listening to me do a podcast. But now when you do listen to me on a podcast, you're going to say, I know why Jack's saying that. And now I get where he's coming from and I won't have to explain it to you like you're a third grader because you're like, this is all about efficiency.
Starting point is 01:49:23 Like nature, the reason there's no boreal forest, nature says there can't be. The reason why we don't have pineapples and coconuts in Boston is because it's impossible. But we know today it is possible. And when you eat them, you're paying a toll for it. Because it's impossible. Correct.
Starting point is 01:49:40 Remember what I told you about quantum mechanics? Yeah. There is no cause and effect. Everything is based on probability. As hard as that is for people to swallow, what I just told you is true, but if something doesn't grow in that environment, you eat it, you are creating chaos
Starting point is 01:49:54 at some level in your body. You may not believe it. Neither may your doctor, neither may any of your friends, but it's true. And not because you're saying so, but because nature is saying so. Right. Like I said, some of the advice that you get from a dermatologist,
Starting point is 01:50:10 this is how bad it is. It'd be equivalent to them saying, I think you should buy 100 acres in the Yukon territory and grow coconut trees. Remember how many times I said to you? Growing a coconut and eating a coconut. No, but I'm trying to make The leaf for you you keep tripping over these things. Yeah growing and eating are linked. It's the same The whole food web is tied to photos. It's all the same. This is the same thing But I don't even think when you ask me the questions you realize
Starting point is 01:50:43 The centralization propaganda is deep in you. It's in deep in everyone. That's why you don't be mad. I'm not mad. I'm just like, look, everyone, see this. Everybody sees it. Nobody sees it. It's just obvious to you. Nobody sees it. Like for example, see that over over there Bill. Here's the perfect example M&M me yeah M&M gave that tree to Rick look at the size those grapefruits. They're not ready. They're not right But you know what Rick now knows M&M gave me that tree since the grapefruits grow I can actually eat that at the 34th latitude because guess what the tree hasn't died
Starting point is 01:51:22 That is the story of food. And guess what? We are the tree. The basic story of food, it's an electromagnetic barcode of what is possible at the latitude in the environment you live in. If it is possible, then you can eat it. If it is impossible, you should not eat it. So Eskimos shouldn't eat a salad. No.
Starting point is 01:51:44 How the fuck are they gonna eat a salad? Where does a salad come from? Colorado. A miracle of modern global food transport. We're getting very farmed a table here. Well, to me, it's just because you can do something. I mean, I'll never forget, 2011, I'm the keynote speaker at the Paleo Advice Conference
Starting point is 01:52:04 and Emily Dean's a Harvard psychiatrist. I got into her with her huge about this issue. She's like, well, I eat bananas every day. I'm like, tell me where the banana tree grows in Boston. I said, you got a Harvard education. And this is in front of a group of people. This is like the first time people got to see the difference between
Starting point is 01:52:25 me and the paleo guys. And I'm like, you don't even realize the mistake you're making. And you're a highly educated Harvard trained person, and you think I'm the one that's batshit crazy. I told her, I said, mark my words with time, you're going to be shown to be the one that's batshit crazy. And don't you think didn't take five six years? Nobel Prize comes out for circadian biology. There's now papers out there saying yeah If you feed mice and rats things that are outside their circadian Mechanism they get fat they get sick outside of their circadian cycle. Yeah, like if you feed a mouse something That doesn't grow at the latitude. They get fat Even if it's considered a health food by the paradigm.
Starting point is 01:53:08 Do you know what I tell you? Because health food is only health food where it grows. Food is, food is, this is it. This is the story of food. It's got to be coupled to light and dark cycle. It's a circadian story. Food is not proteins, lipids and carbohydrates. Food is an electromagnetic barcode of where the sun is in relation to the Earth and the moon.
Starting point is 01:53:30 And that's not how we think about it. But that's exactly... I think Midoff and Steiners might have talked about that. He's the closest, but I will tell you, just think about this. We're talking about decentralization and mitochondria. Think about what a mitochondria does. There's no protein, lipid, and carbohydrate transporter for mitochondria. It's electron chain transport and use protons. Okay. So tell me how Jack Cruise is wrong. Even the textbooks say I'm right.
Starting point is 01:53:54 If it all comes, blows down to electrons, does it matter where they come from? Yeah. Are all electrons created equal? I'm going to steal my bananas. But are all electrons created equal? I don't know. Richard Feynman says they are. But are all electrons created equal? I don't know. Richard Feynman says they are, but are they? Quantum biology says it's not true. Why?
Starting point is 01:54:10 Because electrons get excited by light. So let me ask you a question. The electrons in bananas, are they more highly powered or not than say electrons in pumpkins? Interesting question, huh? Turns out that electrons are different when they're in different forms of matter So guess what? What's the most electron dense thing on the planet? Turns out it's not something that actually grows here It's an oyster So out there in the ocean, you know why the ocean is filled with water. What is water a sea of electrons?
Starting point is 01:54:44 Hmm The ocean is filled with water. What is water a sea of electrons? Hmm So do you understand now? I jack like food tasty beyond location in other words No, it's still it still has a circadian biology, too It does it does so if you live in a place, mm-hmm where oysters don't grow. Yeah, you probably need to stay away Is that true? Yeah, but you know what there's other things there like conch I feel like shellfish grows everywhere. They kind of it kind of does But not in the modern world like if you go up to Boston, they killed the fishery the perfect here said that ocean I mean, I'm in California is terrible. Yeah used to be like you go down a paradise Cove
Starting point is 01:55:17 You see all the pictures of the fish they used to plot and there's nobody fishing out there now now They just have these algae things coming up out of the ground. But that's consequence of us. You know, we did that. Now, as you go down to Mexico, there's fish everywhere because they didn't do what they didn't saw in California. But that's neither here nor there. The bottom line is food is also a light and dark story.
Starting point is 01:55:43 Food is a circadian story. I'd buy that, of course, yeah. And you know, you're allowed to eat something that's out of the system, but you need to realize that you're paying a toll for it. So what does that mean? Since Bill lives in Salt Lake City and likes bananas, that means that Bill needs to do probably CT
Starting point is 01:55:59 over in the sun a lot more. So Bill should not have this on. Have the sleeves and the long sleeve shirt. Yeah, I would say do that or just get more of it because then you can offset the chaos. Here's what I do do since I've been acquainted with the Gospel of Jack Cruz. Every day at some point, mid-morning, sometime between like 10 and noon, I'll go down out of my office and stand out in the yard or sit out in the yard, take my shirt off and just kind of... That's good.
Starting point is 01:56:31 With a hat over my bald spot, I will say, and just kind of meditate and absorb the sun and just soak it up. I tell you what, I feel great. I want Bill to learn about solar callus. I want Bill to learn how to turn on the solar callus in his body. Solar callus. Because it links to what we just talked about. I've got a callus on my ass from riding the bike a lot, so tell me about the solar callus.
Starting point is 01:56:57 Solar callus, the way I like to describe it, especially when people come in, either guys or ladies, use the Louis Vuitton store. You go in the Louis Vuitton store with your wife, she looks at the shoes and she goes, oh baby, these hurt my feet. And then Rick turns around and said, baby, you get those shoes wearing five times around the house and you'll be fine.
Starting point is 01:57:17 We know how to break shoes in, but we don't know how to break our skin in. So when you're a white boy like me, actually all three of us, we all have skin that fits Patrick one or two from high latitude. What you need to know is the program's still in you, you can still make melanin,
Starting point is 01:57:30 but you have to turn Pomsae on. So how do you do it? Pomsae. Pro-Opio-Milano cordon. That's also from part one and part two. That's the basis of melanin story that's there for Alpha MSH. So the key there is you first thing you
Starting point is 01:57:47 want to do to build it up, eat a lot of shellfish. Why? Because the chitin, the exoskeleton in that has a lot of chromophores that help the skin. Okay. Is it in anything else or only in shellfish? Oh no, it's in other things like for example tomatoes. Okay. You'll also find it in some some fruits. I'm trying to think of a good one macadamia nuts. Macadamia nuts. You should like that because I know they sponsor your podcast. And I like macadamia nuts as a nut. I do too because I have high DHA. The other one I would tell you the second step is that I want you to think about the circadian biology of the sun. In the morning, this red is really powerful. There's no UV. So you get a lot of red light. Red light preconditions the skin to make more
Starting point is 01:58:30 UV. In other words, it helps everything in your skin, the fiber blast, the collagen, the water, it energizes it. And as soon as the UV comes out, the palm seed that's buried in your skin turns on, you begin to make melanin. So melanin biology becomes upregulated because of those three things that happen. You're putting substrates in the body, which are basically proteins that allow you to assimilate light, meaning they have an absorption factor. Then you're using red light to get all the collagen ready. And then when the UVA starts, that's the stimulus to turn on Alpha MSH. Then slowly, if you do this over
Starting point is 01:59:10 four to six weeks, you will create your own mel in your skin. That's the story, the idea that I got with the African American lady with Vidal Igo. That's exactly what I did on her to actually stimulate it. And I wanted to know how fast it can happen. It happens quick. And then the flip side of that story is what Rick brought in part one and part two when he told us about when I go from low latitude to high latitude, I lose it pretty fast too. So what's the story there? That links to how long was photosynthesis really blocked, not as long as we think. And that's where that idea could have survived that. Really. Not without the sun because we know that's where that idea could have survived that. Really.
Starting point is 01:59:45 Not without the sun, because we know that the sun is the basis of the entire food web. Yeah. You know? I have a friend who I knew back in my old life who saw me and he said, I didn't know you could get tan
Starting point is 02:00:00 based on how white your skin had always was. Really? I didn't know it was possible for you to have any tans. And you know why I'm glad he just said that? Because Bill, that's the teaching case. Does a high latitude Northern European who's got Fitzpatrick type one skin, has Rick proven that what I just told you, where with blue eyes,
Starting point is 02:00:24 has Rick just proven as the hippo and lion He knows how to do it now Now that he also is so in tune. He's like Jack when I fly home I actually know that I lose it and guess what's not anything. I don't have to talk to Rick anymore. He knows I Don't have to tell him again. It's interesting like going back in the literature, you find these studies where people did experiment using light as a medical treatment for like Rick, it's obviously for vitamin D deficiency. But then also there was one that I think you would like to or you'd sent me or something using light in the context of a mental institution per side mental
Starting point is 02:01:06 hospital. Yeah. To treat people's mental disorder. I told you the direct tract through the leptin-melanochortin was to the habanero nucleus and I told you that way station basically was the gateway to the frontal lobes. That's the reason why that connection being direct tells you a lot. All mental illness, I don't care what one it is, that's where the defect in melanin is. It starts at the hematoma nucleus and then it goes all the way. They're also using very powerful magnets for mental illness now. Yeah, transcranial magnetic stimulation.
Starting point is 02:01:38 I just actually talked to Dan about that. You know who else we're using it in? I use it in some of my NFL clients. Like the guy who told you about Darius Leonard, he's the perfect candidate to have that. I actually think that's something that every NFL, NHL team should be employing after someone has a concussion. Like literally, they should take you out of the game
Starting point is 02:01:58 and they should put a transcranial magnet right over the top. And they can do that based on the neurologic exam. Assuming the neurologist or the neuros do that based on the neurologic exam. Assuming the neurologist or the neurosurgeon is good. We've barely touched on the magnetism side of the story, the electricity side of the story, Robert O. Becker. I think we touched on it though. It was just a skiff, but we touched on it when we talked
Starting point is 02:02:23 about Parkinson's. If you have any questions about it, ask. Yeah, so like we know the brain has got a lot of electrical stuff going on. It's got a lot of magnetic stuff, too. A lot of magnetic stuff. We just don't talk about it. We just don't talk about it. Yeah. Because you know why?
Starting point is 02:02:38 Centralized science isn't interesting. Why did I know you were going to say that? They're not. The brain is chemical, right? It's biochemical. That's the model. It's chemical, biochemical, but that. They're not. The brain is chemical, right? It's biochemical. That's the model. It's chemical, biochemical, but that comes after the electromagnetic. So why do you want to talk about train station B when we haven't even figured out A?
Starting point is 02:02:54 Because without A, B never works. The electromagnetic system is the... Primary. It's the... Source code. It's the source code. More than that. No, that's it. It's it's that simple. What is light called Rick? It's called an electromagnetic wave. What does that mean? The waveform, okay, the electric field goes one way the magnetic field and the light wave goes 90 degrees. It's called orthogonal. So for the camera, that's what it means
Starting point is 02:03:26 is 90 degrees, it's called orthogonal. So for the camera, that's what it means. So you have an electric field, that's the one that most people... It's like two waves. Right. Most people focus on, that's what we do, EGs, EMGs, or EKGs, that's looking for electrical deflections. But the magnetic side is also present. When we use machines that almost no hospitals have outside of places like where Andrew works at Stanford, they're called Meg machines, Magneto and cephalographic machines. We put that machine over your head. We can measure the magnetic field coming out of your chest, 22 feet. Wow.
Starting point is 02:04:02 22 feet. Yeah. And out of the head, it's usually between 6 and 10 feet. 22. 22 feet. Yeah. And out of the head, it's usually between 6 and 10 feet. 22 feet out of the chest. Yes. That's the reason why we like to have sex chest to chest. That's awesome.
Starting point is 02:04:13 Because you're entangled. Because you're entangled 22 feet. You're entangled that way. And you believe or not, there's certain parts of your body that have more magnetic flux. I told you this. In men, the glands penis, in women, that clitoris, all humans to tone, which is the reason why, you know, we, we like oral sex. This is the reason why sex is even electric electromagnetic story. But what's the fundamental issue with magnetism? Magnetism
Starting point is 02:04:42 is just another force of nature. It's really, I mean, there's a lot of people that will tell you that it's its own separate issue, but it's fundamentally related to electromagnetism, which is a photon. So every light ray that comes in has both electric and magnetic power. And guess what your body does? It harvests both sides. Centralized medicine only focuses on that part of the elephant. Uncle Jack, both sides. So what is the thing that captures most of the magnetic flux from the sun?
Starting point is 02:05:30 Come on. Water. Water is a magnetic dipole. Rick, when you open up that textbook that you don't like to look at, when you look at mitochondria, what's the end part of mitochondrial respiration? You create CO2, right? We breathe it out and we create water. Deuterium depleted water. Do you know that deuterium depleted water has a different magnetic moment than water that comes out of your tap? Do you think that might have something to do
Starting point is 02:05:57 with why mitochondria make that type of water because it absorbs more of the magnetic fields from sunlight. They understand now why people that have mitochondrial diseases might be interested in understanding how deuterium depleted water works. That's why car batteries used to have water in them. Correct. It held the charge. You got it.
Starting point is 02:06:20 Held the charge. See, I told you, you're a scientist, man. Okay, so they create this water, deteriorated and depleted water to help maintain the charge differential. No, it absorbs the charge. What water is an electromagnetic capacitor? So would you say it's like a battery? It's absolutely a battery. That's what a capacitor is. So water in us is a battery. It absorbs it. Well, guess what else is about it? What's the best battery in us? Melanin. And guess what melanin is always next to?
Starting point is 02:06:48 Water. And they work together? All together. This is, remember how we talked? They're doing different things though. Yes, they are. But they're doing some things the same, but some things different.
Starting point is 02:06:58 But they are working together for the same common cause to improve the thermodynamic efficiency of the system. Okay, that's what band members do in a band too. They are trying to be as thermodynamically coupled as they can at that moment to create something from chaos. So in some ways if we were to focus on melanin, we miss the story because it's the melanin and the water together. Correct. And they work together. Correct. And light and magnetism together. Correct. And the same sunlight comes in and it goes into both of them where they're collecting different aspects of that information. But they're harvesting the energy and they transform it.
Starting point is 02:07:49 Remember, energy can't be created or destroyed. That's thermodynamics 101. It's the first law. It can be changed. But it can be changed. And that's exactly what we're expert in doing. So you were saying before that Parkinson's is an example of the, of a melanin problem. What's an example of the of a melanin problem.
Starting point is 02:08:06 What's an example of a water problem? Most autoimmune conditions, like let's talk about the most common one, multiple sclerosis. How do you know that I'm right? You do an MRI, right? You see an MRIs with me. See all these white matter plaques all over the brain. What are those? Those are aqua for pouring gates that are
Starting point is 02:08:25 broken. They don't allow the water in. Most people don't even know this. Most neurocertans don't even know this. Every time an action potential, meaning an electric signal goes down a nerve, water is released. I like that. And where does the water release come from? mitochondrial function. So if you're mitochondrial, and I ain't good, will you release water? You don't release water. You think that may have an effect on the bio photons that are created in the system? Of course. Everything's related. Then in college, you know, you learn about mitochondria and water is just like this byproduct. Oh no. And it's so funny. We learn about all these things are byproducts. They're not really byproducts. Because it's efficient, everything has a function. Right. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:09:05 There is no waste. There is no waste. That's the essence of decentralization. There's no waste. And the funny thing is Albert St. Georgey, he was really the father of decentralized thinking. He was insightful. Yeah, he was. And he said, he goes, we are studying biochemistry completely wrong. He goes, we take out the water and we just look at the boxcars and think that we understand everything. But remember, he was so wise that
Starting point is 02:09:30 when he did take the boxcars out, he looked at the boxcars and he goes, you know, these boxcars all have an electronic substructure. This tells me they're probably semiconductors. This is before anybody's making semiconductors in Silicon Valley. This guy says this from just looking at what he found in the boxcars. That's brilliance. That is absolute brilliance. But guess what? When I repeat it now, I'm an idiot. I don't know what I'm talking about.
Starting point is 02:09:58 You know, there's no semiconductors in us. I mean, Jack said that. I heard what he said in human one and two. He said hemoglobin was one. He said collagen was one. You know, chlorophyll was one. Robert O. Becker proved it. Orthopedic surgeon from the 60s and 70s.
Starting point is 02:10:15 I read his amazing book, The Body Electric, and he found that bone was a semiconductor and he found it. He found out that people with difficult fractures could heal better if you put a small current, right, through the bone. It's true. It would start making new bone and knitting together. These fractures that were right, pretty bad. It's a great take home that you got.
Starting point is 02:10:39 There's only one problem with your take home. Use one word that was wrong. Heal. Did they heal? Did you read it carefully? No, they regenerate. I seem to. Okay. They regenerate. I'm using. No. Is that semantic? Or is that? No, this one is, this one is a real difference. Why? It's one of the few tissues in humans that completely regenerates. So what we call the healing process of bone is bone regenerating.
Starting point is 02:11:04 No. When we cut our skin and it heals, that's healing. That's wound healing. Bone has the capability to regenerate whole. There is no scar in a bone once you break it. There's a scar in your skin. That is a very important decentralized thing to remember. What does that tell you? That each zip code, each tissue in the body has different potentials, different electromagnetic potentials. And it also tells you that
Starting point is 02:11:36 what Bill was trying to highlight that Becker is the one that found that our bone is a light emitting diode. It actually emits. It's got a p-type and an n-type semiconductor. There's no question about it. And the semiconductor and bone is collagen. Collagen is the number one protein in our body. So when someone who centralized tells you that we're not solid state, you should immediately walk out of the clinic because you know that person's an idiot. You can stay if you want, but you may wind up like my patient that gets told to just have a hip replacement
Starting point is 02:12:09 because there's no chance that the hip can regenerate. See, I brought you right back to it. You guys think I'm being funny, but you don't realize they give you the real world's example of what happens if you listen to an idiot. You're gonna get a hip replacement. And what am I gonna do? I'm gonna teach you, Becker's work,
Starting point is 02:12:26 how it works at the beach in El Salvador. And guess what? I'm gonna save you that nasty scar on your hip, and you're gonna be able to go and ride your bike and get a bigger, a callous ass than you can imagine. You'll be happy. Can't wait. You'll just be happy.
Starting point is 02:12:42 Yeah. You know, we are amazing creatures. Totally amazing creatures. We just have to get out of our own way. In the centralized medical world, the perception is that the doctor cures the patient. In the real world, the doctor never cures the patient. the patient is cured through nature, always. Always. There's never- The doctor's job is to get the patient to nature.
Starting point is 02:13:12 That's it. Hippocrates said that. And then be patient and watch nature do its magic. Yes, and it set the stage to allow nature to heal the person. There's things that the decentralized clinician can do though to help facilitate nature's job. Right.
Starting point is 02:13:31 It's kind of like I would say putting nutrients in the ground for the same... I'm saying all medicine works that way. It's just not acknowledged. Right. The apocrates knew that. He said nature is the healer of sadness. He did. He did.
Starting point is 02:13:43 Bill's right. They didn't have drugs. He did say it. But the thing is, it was obscured in the discussion when I tried to convince you both that propaganda is the opiate of the truth. That's the truth. I mean, what basically did Kellogg, Rockefeller,
Starting point is 02:14:01 or Flexner all do in the unison? But basically just got people out of nature. They did everything possible to do that. Then they started giving them chemicals that affected the main systems in the body. Like anything that lowers oxygen tensions, highly destructive for our system. We are designed to use oxygen as a terminal electron
Starting point is 02:14:24 receptor, So that's a real problem. How do you feel about things like hyperbaric oxygen? It depends. For certain people, it's good. Like, I have a friend who's got cystic fibrosis who looks like Michelangelo. It's the worst thing in the world for him. It's a great way to kill him. What about like... And think about what I just said. He can't breathe and you're saying, well, Jack,
Starting point is 02:14:45 hyperbaric oxygen gives you oxygen through the tissue. That should be better. Turns out, oxygen through the tissue has to be quantized. What does that mean? Has to be tied to the light cycle. So what's the better answer for someone with six-stick fibrosis? Go buy a Christmas tree farm in Mississippi and go outside it. And that's exactly what he does. He was told he was gonna be dead at six years old. He just turned 40. Why? Because UV light creates higher venous O2 on the side, not the arterial side, the venous side.
Starting point is 02:15:17 That's when it's going back to the heart. So what does that do? It actually reduces the thermodynamic load on the cardiovascular system. So counterintuitive for people to understand, but you know what? Doctors understand it the best when I tell them this anesthesiologists. Cause what they do is they'll take post-op patients, put them outside, put a pole socks on them and they'll go, Holy shit. So, and then I tell them, do you realize why people who have neurodegeneration
Starting point is 02:15:44 don't do well when we operate on them? We put them in the freakin PICU Because they're under all the blue light the nurses are waking them up. So you put those people outside they'll wake up way about her and This is so counterintuitive for them because they don't really understand the wiring diagram of Amida, Kandria But when they see it for themselves and they have a pulse ox on them
Starting point is 02:16:06 and they look at it, something they know, and they can't explain it, like Jack's right. I don't know how he's right, but I know he's right. Ultimately, a lot of them are kind of like you. They're not signed to see there. They're just following algorithm. But when they see that I'm right, they're like, okay, now they're like, I want
Starting point is 02:16:25 to, I want the PICU to have windows that open. And I just start laughing. I'm like, and guess what? The hospitals are all made. They don't open. Do you see what I'm saying? Even the design of the system, you can't open the windows. Think about that for a minute. Because what's outside is bad. Right. And remember, protect yourself from what's outside. And the food that we're going to give you is made in a lab. The most unhealthy food on the planet is found in a hospital. It's by design. All of these ideas, hopefully you begin to understand
Starting point is 02:17:00 some of the madness that's in my head. It's not that mad when you actually strip it apart. It's actually pretty simple to get. I just want you to know, you just need to think about it. When you think about it, you go, hmm, this doesn't sound like it's a real problem. Not like that, it doesn't really cost me anything. The only thing it may cost you
Starting point is 02:17:23 is some time to unlearn to relearn. That it will take. And like I appreciate guys like Bill where he took 65%, right? That's what he told us in the beginning. And he goes back and starts looking and he goes, wow, that's true. That's true, that's true.
Starting point is 02:17:42 When he starts seeing there's a lot more truths than not truths, then he's gotta go back and say, okay, what are the collateral effects? It's like, it's the Eddie Chang moment. Eddie said 50% of what's published is bullshit. What did I say? 95 to 100%. And you laughed because you agreed with me.
Starting point is 02:17:59 You're like, yeah, I don't believe any of it. And you're closer to right than even Eddie. And I know Eddie's a brilliant guy. But when we say that in part one and part two, you know, your friends, you know, his friends, like, oh, these guys are wackadoodles. Well, William Oxlars said the same thing, right? Of course.
Starting point is 02:18:17 He said half of what we're gonna teach you. Most people today alive don't know that. Half of what we're gonna teach you is not true. We actually don't know which half. I don't know how that's any different. I mean, I see it as an evolving quest for the truth that we'll never arrive at. But you have to look outside the circle of the flashlight. I believe we know anything.
Starting point is 02:18:37 I'd be honest, I don't think we're evolving the right way at all in centralized medicine. I think we're, in fact fact going exactly away from the truth. So there's so many more studies, you can go on PubMed and there's a shit ton of studies saying basically similar to what you're saying about how important light is to various parts of the brain. A lot of that stuff's been confirmed, like there's like nature papers.
Starting point is 02:19:01 So that's not as crazy as it sounded like 25 years ago. All right, so then tell me what is the most craziest thing. So that's not as crazy as it sounded like 25 years ago. All right, so then tell me what is the most craziest thing? This is, I said this yesterday, I said it to you two days ago, I'm gonna say it again. Cause I think this is- But it's not crazy yet, if you were to go to a dermatologist,
Starting point is 02:19:15 they would tell you, You have to wear a hat and you have to cover yourself, you have to cover yourself and protect yourself from the evil sun. So guess what? See, this is why I have problems with people They'll say this but they don't realize what the reality is in the clinic That's not what patients are getting told. Oh, I know and and the issue is patients need to know that the stuff that I'm teaching you
Starting point is 02:19:39 This this is not BS. There's deep science behind what I'm saying. The problem is it's your job. It's not the doctor's job. It's your job to see if I'm right. It's your job to go look things up and just realize even when you get the papers that Bill's talking about, there's still no light controls. This tells you how powerful the effect really is because it's that strong.
Starting point is 02:20:01 It still shines through. That's something that most people don't even think about. You don't even think about like the light in the lab as being a factor. It's like, again, the wire for the fish. I always have, so you're different. No, I'm not, because I'm a neurosurgeon. I do spine surgery on people.
Starting point is 02:20:16 What's the number one? You ever do it outside? No, they won't let me. What's the number one light we use in surgery? X-ray. You think doing X-rays on people are any good? Like, for example, we used to do open surgeries. We'd cut you open, put medical screws in your back,
Starting point is 02:20:33 but we'd only have to take one or two X-rays. Today, people like Meditronic and J&J have convinced neurosurgeons that making small little holes to put the stuff in, but X-ray them constantly, oh, this is a minimally invasive surgery. It's maximally invasive because you're using the strongest parts of electromagnetic spectrum.
Starting point is 02:20:51 And do you not think that those T-shirts have changed? Hello? You know why you don't think about it? Because you don't measure it. That's an amazing one. Come on, that's an amazing one. They're not measuring it, they're not seeing it. Never heard that one before.
Starting point is 02:21:04 Yeah. That's a mind blower. Invite me back. They're not seeing it. Never heard that one before. Yeah. That's a mind blower. Invite me back and we'll do more. How about you come to El Salvador and we'll do it on my roof. That will likely happen. All right. Music

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