The Adam and Dr. Drew Show - #1701 Prostitutes Over Partners

Episode Date: April 3, 2023

This week, Dr. Drew's remote from Austin, while Ace shares his travel schedules, and the changes in physical ability at a later stage in life. Drew tells Adam about a rise in young men preferring to h...ire prostitutes over seeking a romantic partner and they hear from a caller who wants to talk about the spiritual differences between Adam and Drew. Please Support Our Sponsors:

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Recorded live at Corolla One Studios with Adam Corolla and board-certified physician and addiction medicine specialist, Dr. Drew Pinsky. You're listening to The Adam and Dr. Drew Show. Yeah, get it on. Dr. Drew's with First First Generation and addiction medicine as a woman of color. What's going on there moving yeah yeah where are you at i've been austin texas oh that's right yes i've been working my ass off all day i'm sorry you called me a couple times i could not pick up
Starting point is 00:00:39 craziness how are you doing good busy yeah you know. Yeah. You know, yeah. And then you had, you had, I don't know if you've shared this with the world yet, but that, that schedule you were sharing with me that you did with Mike was a sort of worthy of note. Yeah. I talked about it on my show. I haven't talked about it on this show. It was just a lot of getting up really early, doing a bunch of travel and then doing a bunch of travel, and then doing a bunch of shows, which generally I can kind of power through. But it did kind of throw me off my game for the following couple of days, my schedule, sleep schedule, that kind of stuff.
Starting point is 00:01:21 I just – It was insane. It was, but it also really makes you understand the power of sleep and schedule and how important that is and and how you immediately come undone you know they always go the you know the human body doesn't need water for four days and it can go without eating for two weeks but two days of shit sleep and i'm fucked up and i gotta say it's just a lot worse when you're older humbly man i used to be able to power through shit like that when i was 25 i can't do it just just fucking fall apart yeah i think i it's it's sort of analogous to the physical
Starting point is 00:02:07 part you know they're just shit you could do when you were 25 that you might be able to do now but you would feel the repercussions of it in the following days and i I felt the same way with sleep. Although I'm, I'm, I'm less sensitive than you are. And Mike August is less sensitive than an iguana in terms of like how he processes things. He's reptilian and how he processes things. So I'm pretty close to him with that. So I can always kind of push through. I've always been that way. Kind of a, you know, it's kind of a mental, oh, we're just going to drive all night
Starting point is 00:02:54 instead of stop at a motel and get some sleep. I've always kind of been able to do that, which is, it's a gift. You know, I had a roommate who wasn't a comedian but he he said to me years and years ago he just said chicks can't rally and i thought yeah that's true because you you couldn't do that stuff with a woman you'd have to do it with mike august because a woman would do the i can't drive and you got to drive, you know, I got to sleep, you know, like I have to X, Y, or Z.
Starting point is 00:03:29 You know what I mean? I do think bigger picture, there's way too many people making proclamations and kind of underselling themselves. Like they go, I could never, you know, you'll see with guys where, you know, you'll talk about some building project or something, and they'll go, I could never do that. I'm such a klutz.
Starting point is 00:03:56 Like I just, I could never. We're all, you know, guilty of it to a degree. You know, when somebody says like, whenever I see a band where the drummer's singing, I think, oh, I could never play the drums and sing and not have it be attached to the drumming.
Starting point is 00:04:16 I could just drum over here and sing over there like they do. I couldn't do it. But I don't need to do it. You know, there's a lot of people that go, I could never, you know, as it pertained to some COVID shit or as it pertains to handling your shit or taking care of business, they just go, I could never.
Starting point is 00:04:39 And it's like, stop, stop saying that out loud and stop saying what everything does to you. You know what I mean? Like, oh, man, if I eat this food or that food, you know, I immediately, you know, it's like you're setting yourself up for failure. It's funny you bring that up. I've been getting a big dose of that just incidentally around that special forces show I've been doing where people they either start with, oh, my God, I would never do that. Or how is that possible? Or why would you even, why would you bother? There's a lot of, why would you? Right. And that's kind of an interesting next level to it. Right. I don't, it's, it really goes, I don't want to, all of it is, I don't want it. Yes. I don't want it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:22 Yeah. I mean, if you do dancing with the stars, you'll get that. Like we would go, oh, man, I could never. It's like I am. It's it's not exciting. Most, you know, rehearsals and repetitive stuff. And I get it. You're just sweating and sweatpants. But you could do it. You should challenge yourself to do it. do it and you should challenge yourself to do it. Well, it's interesting that you would get a dose of this from on the construction side, because I have that feeling all the time, like, whoa, I couldn't do that. But I'm so far divorced from it. That's why I feel that way. And if I had been sort of reared in it even a little bit, you get you get more of a feeling of, well, if I applied myself, I guess I could. But it is sort of an interesting thing how disconnected we are from all sorts of things we could be doing, you know? Yeah, and they all kind of begat each other, which is once you do enough, Because once you do enough, and I suppose it could be in the form of a second language or an advanced degree or writing a book, sometimes even travel that can be complicated or long. Once you do enough of that stuff, then it sort of gets ingrained to you like, yeah, we could do that. You know, I could figure that out or I could handle that. There is another weird side of this, which is the flip side that I experienced a little bit. When you master a task that is really difficult, like being a physician or a surgeon or something,
Starting point is 00:06:56 after you do that, you know, and particularly when you, it took years and years to go through the phases of mastery, you start to think, well, I can do anything, which is just not true, which is also not true. But you always feel like, well, I could do that. Why can't I do that? I'll just work at it. But that's kind of that's sort of a delusion also. the mechanical side of doing a project, you know,
Starting point is 00:07:28 you built your own home theater or something, um, or you rebuilt the car engine and your old Chevy pickup truck. And then you kind of do get a, and it, and it, it may be correct. It may be incorrect, but you do get momentum toward it and it it may be correct it may be incorrect but you do get
Starting point is 00:07:46 momentum toward the next project you know you that may not be engine building or home theater building it just may be another task you know and and you also take whatever lessons you've learned in the last task and you bring them to the new task so you could rebuild that Chevy engine. And then at some point someone could say, would you like to open a small restaurant? And you would totally different tasks, but you would take the same sort of skill set and kind of transfer it, you know, bring it with you as sort of beginning, middle and end, you know? Yeah. I mean, that's kind of why I had so much faith in education, because I feel like if people could master certain stuff educationally, they could then sort of transfer that. I was sorely, overly optimistic about that, unfortunately.
Starting point is 00:08:40 Well, you used to say, but it, you know, education or college taught you how to think. Yes, and write and read. And it really taught me some important skills that I could continue to use. Right. But I guess that's a big problem now because they're not really teaching you how to think. They're sort of teaching you what you don't like. It doesn't seem like it. It seems like it's all about some sort of weird menu indoctrination, which was the opposite of how I was trained.
Starting point is 00:09:15 You know, I was talking. It was interesting. I had a long talk on my streaming show yesterday with a couple of physicians. We were talking about the advent of what are called clinical pathways. So it used to be that there was a lot of variability in sort of how people approach certain medical problems in the hospital. So the hospital started putting down recommended pathways or clinical pathways or suggested pathways.
Starting point is 00:09:40 Well, those became standards of care because they were sort of voted in. And then for no reason, there's no there's no there's no sort of science behind it being a standard of care, just sort of voted on. And then it became mandated. It's really odd. I mean, and then then that just made medicine algorithmic. You just had to follow these these these algorithms, these clinical pathways, which is the opposite of everything we were trained to do. Yeah, I, you know, it's funny. I think the disconnect, and it's a refrain that I'm
Starting point is 00:10:16 familiar with, and I repeat quite a bit, but I was watching some news this morning, and they were talking about, I don't know, college kids protesting governor so-and-so showing up at the commencement or graduation or whatever it was. And then I was kind of thinking about the Stanford law students and that big say of course there's some far left protesters that are going to you know x y and z at these things but there's far right protesters so do the same thing and you kind of go okay but then you're saying that everybody in the Stanford law class is far left because I don't, I, this is where the problem lies. They're not far left. They're the standard. You're calling them far left to kind of fog over the point here. Those are just students at Stanford law, right? That's not Greta Thunberg.
Starting point is 00:11:25 Those are students. That is the general populace of this group. Yeah. And so you do a thing where you go, well, there's extremists on both sides. Like, there is extremists on both sides. I'm not talking about extremists. I'm just talking about students. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:40 On a college campus. They're not part of a far left group. They are the norm. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. All right. What else are you thinking about, Drew?
Starting point is 00:11:56 Well, I was talking today to some 30-something males again, and I'm just consistently getting confirmation of this phenomenon I've been seeing and hearing about and sort of forming an opinion about. I think you and I have talked about it in some fashion over the last couple of years. But, you know,
Starting point is 00:12:17 there is not a lot of dating going on. There's maybe 10% of people that are sort of super hot with other super hot people that are, you know, making good use of dating apps and things and having a good time. But everybody else is not dating, not having sex, not having kids, not getting married. And it seems to be multifactorial to me. But at its core, I was talking to both some 30 something men and some 30 something females today.
Starting point is 00:12:50 And the women were like, well, we don't need you anymore. And we're self sufficient. And, you know, maybe this is how it should be. And I said, Yeah, maybe maybe it is how it should be. But if you haven't left it at that, you've been condemning the patriarchy, abusing men, making them feel flawed. They're afraid they're going to be seen as toxically masculine. They're afraid they're going to be seen as attacking or me tooing. And males have a heart. They get upset when relationships don't work. And it's just easier for them to frankly stick with porn and prostitutionitution and for the first time in in my career prostitution is coming up a bit for the younger males like that that's that's just what we're doing that's just it oh really it's been around oh yeah yeah and in fact i heard a whole long disquisition on
Starting point is 00:13:38 how they do it and where they go apparently you know these in los angeles i'm hearing uh you know these little massage parlors right the spas uh apparently you can go in and if you take your if you immediately take your towel off that's the sign that you you're you know you're a certain kind of customer uh and i thought that's interesting and this one guy was telling me that he knows you know he knows he has his favorites he knows my name. They're just like his friends. And he goes there on Tuesday and Tuesday and every Tuesday and check it out. And it's not something I had really heard about before.
Starting point is 00:14:15 At least there's something that it's solving that problem where they are not able to engage. I thought it was just sort of the wind was out of their sails. Maybe that the porn was just sort of like, they would tell me things like a year ago, like, you know, relationship porn is amazing relationships. Women, they're tough. It's hard. So I'll just stay with my porn. Now it's gone to the next level, which is relationships are impossible.
Starting point is 00:14:40 They are painful. I'm going to be judged. So I have nothing to do with it. Well, interesting. Look, I've been warning people about the dangers of building up a group because there's no such thing as building up a group without having to knock some other groups down a peg and and it makes sense i mean if you if you if you're saying look it's it's with the it i've been saying it as it pertains to the black community you know it's like when you start talking about we need to rise up because there's targets on our back because we've been oppressed because there's systemic racism and we need to be strong and we need to unite.
Starting point is 00:15:28 And it's like, well, how long before someone starts asking who's doing the oppression? I mean, like if you showed up at a meeting with the sneetches and the snarls and there's a reference. I can't remember. I'm just saying if you, if you walked into some group and they were talking about being held down not being represented systemic this
Starting point is 00:15:52 and systemic that how long before you wrote raise your hand and went well who's doing this yeah and then for sure uh it can't all just be about building you up if somebody's tearing you down. We need to stop the people that are tearing you down. Of course. Yeah. Every movement works this way. Every football team works, you know, as I always say, you can't just be a huge fan of the Steelers without eventually hating the Ravens.
Starting point is 00:16:24 And then at some point, maybe you see a guy with a Ravens jersey in the parking lot and you beat the shit out of him as a group of Steeler fans. Well, how long can we talk about women needing to band together, rise up and unite because of all the atrocities that have been committed upon them before we start taking it out on dudes? I mean, it's a logical expression of what you lying yentas have been talking about over the last 20 years. And so guys are starting to experience this and they're going, fuck it. I'm going to the I'm going to the Orchids of Asia over there in Florida with Robert Kraft. And I'm going to fucking reach around.
Starting point is 00:17:03 Fuck you, bitches. I'm not buying you dinner. You think I'm, you think I'm holding you down? Fuck off. I'll pay. I'll take the money. I was going to spend on your fucking dinner and get my dick sucked.
Starting point is 00:17:14 And that'll include tip. And when I say tip, I don't just mean the tip. Of course. Oh, who wouldn't do this? Thanks. Nice job, ladies.
Starting point is 00:17:29 And by the way, you don't want this. You don't want this. You don't want the black community. You don't want the white community abandoning you and going, oh, fuck that. You're on your own. You don't want... What women say they want,
Starting point is 00:17:47 what these groups say they want, look out. Ten minutes ago, the black community wanted what? Defund the police. Now there's a whole bunch of dead black people. Watch out what you ask for. You want men to stay in your lane and don't open the door for me and i have every good
Starting point is 00:18:06 you've scared them off you're fucking single and you're 40 now you're childless awesome nice job all right do not give them what they want what they want fucks them up much more than what currently exists and so what i hear from the women constantly is where are the men? There are no men anymore. Like, yeah, they're out there. They're hiding. They're afraid to be who they are, number one.
Starting point is 00:18:35 And then the males that I talk to are sort of, I wouldn't say wounded, but hurt. They say things like, you know, I really kind of wanted to be a dad and a husband. I think that'd be good at it. I'm heading towards 35. But it's just too much. I'm okay. I'm working on my career. I've got friends. I can date if I want. But I'm not going to have any relationships. Too much. It's too painful. And what I think is going to happen happen now this is going to be a really awful thing is in 15 years we have a new generation on board and they will be open for relationship and the guys will be able to have families and the women may not you know what i'm saying all right what else you thinking about? I wanted to say that when I was talking to you about or you were talking to me about guys and the sort of prevalence of prostitutes and this sort of becoming a thing, I think it's twofold. A, you're 100% right. Why be freaked out about being me too?
Starting point is 00:19:48 Or we went back to my apartment and I crossed some line that I didn't know I was crossing. I might have put my arm around or whatever that thing is. People just get, they go, fuck it. I'm going to a prostitute. But I also think that in sort of the vein of money being invisible and how kind of fucked up we all are now because money is invisible. I think there's also a correlation between the Grubhub and the Amazon. I'm just going to order shit to come to my door. Like in the past, you'd have to kind of work it out. Like you'd have to make a meal.
Starting point is 00:20:31 You'd have to get your hands a little bit dirty. That's the sort of metaphor for a relationship. You'd have to put that work in to get that thing. You don't have to bake a lasagna anymore. You just order a square of lasagna. It'll show up at your door 20 minutes later and everything becomes sort of whatever's easiest, whatever's convenient, whatever's going to take the least amount of work and whatever's going to sort of immediately gratify me.
Starting point is 00:21:00 So I can go to the store and shop and come back with all the ingredients to lasagna. But that's going to take an hour and then it's going to take another three hours to bake or I'll just order it. And I think people are doing that basically with sex. They just went, I'll just fucking grub on it. Yeah, yes, I totally agree. But they've sort of got that with porn. It is sort of a different level to you know graduate to prostitution i'm not and i am not making the case that it is widespread or massive or anything i'm just saying
Starting point is 00:21:32 i'm hearing a trend and it's it's a change it's different than something i'd heard about in the past and it just caught my attention i thought oh this is this has got to be something it's not it's not the usual story here and and again and even the guys that um aren't using the prostitutes will go will sort of like give me a very um not enthusiastic but a confirmation like oh yeah i've thought about it or yeah my friends are doing that and you know i just i'm okay though you know things are fine but uh'm okay though. You know, things are fine, but, uh, it's, it's, I wonder if somebody's got data on this. I think if, or if, if prostitutes, if anybody hears us that has works in that area, let, Michigan. Ace, man. Hi, guy.
Starting point is 00:22:27 Hi, guy. Okay, so my premise is very simple. You say, well, you're in a situation, somebody says one plus one, and you say it equals two. The person next to you says it equals five dr drew comes in and he says well let's negotiate into the middle yeah okay and that's the difference between you guys spiritually man i don't know i don't know that it's spiritual i just just think it's not, you know, Dr. Drew's been burned a few times by saying what is, is.
Starting point is 00:23:12 And he just has a sort of aversion to some of it, not all of it, but some of it. And, you know, let me just say this to everybody. Matt from Michigan and his CPAP machine. You listening, Matt? I might sound that way, buddy, but it's just my shitty phone. All right. Well, here's what I want to say to Matt from Michigan. What is your profession, Matt?
Starting point is 00:23:42 I'm a professionally unemployed white man at this point because as the covid nonsense happened i became professionally unemployed all right so you're going to make my point here which is it's very easy for people to sit in the cheap seats and talk about people need to speak their mind and stand up to this. And, you know, somebody, you know, BLM is a sham and politicians and pundits and hoes should have said something about it earlier. Push back against covid and mandates. You know, we everyone should have done that. That's easy when you're unemployed.
Starting point is 00:24:22 that's easy when you're unemployed. But when you're gainfully employed and you work for ESPN, then have fun mouthing off and taking a stand against BLM because you will be shit-canned the following day. So everyone who has no job or a not very desirable job, of course, they want to know why everyone else who has the lucrative job on, on whatever news that, you know, hosting the bachelor or on ESPN,
Starting point is 00:24:56 why aren't you guys standing up and saying something because they have a fucking gig and they don't want to lose that gig. And for some reason we've fashioned a society where people applauded the people that fired people from their gigs based on having an opinion that was turned out to be correct. So it's easy to kind of go, I would I should you could. Yeah. Until you get some sort of multimillion dollar gig that you're hanging on to with both hands. And then let's see who pipes up in that environment. That then takes the group from unemployable or unemployed 48 year old Matt from Michigan and shrinks it down very small to the amount of people that are willing to speak
Starting point is 00:25:47 the truth. And by the way, fuck you all with my truth, not fucking my truth. I speak the truth. That's not my truth. Let's not conflate my truth with your retarded, distorted version of reality that you idiots have been spouting out for the last three years. I speak the truth and you will get fucked up. Try speaking the truth about, and by the way, they go to the next subject, you know,
Starting point is 00:26:18 speak the truth about BLM three years ago. You're out of a job. Now we don't really care. Speak the truth about COVID two and a half years ago. You're out of a job. Now we don't really care. Speak truth about covid two and a half years ago you're out of a job now we don't really care speak the truth about the trans movement now you're fucked three years from now you'll be fine because you'll just be correct it's weird right it's beyond it's weird doesn't do it justice it's it's way past weird again you're pointing out not just that you're canceled for speaking the truth is that you're canceled during a certain
Starting point is 00:26:52 period of time for speaking the truth what ends up being the truth it's very weird say whatever you want about wuhan lab leaks now you're fine yeah you know what I mean? Yeah. And you're to be fair, you're not being canceled because you have a kooky theory. You're being canceled because you're correct. And that's scary to them. You can say the earth is flat. You won't be canceled. But you said COVID came from a lab two years ago. Then you would be canceled but you said covid came from a lab two years ago then you would be canceled uh it's they're not kooky conspiracy theories hate speak or dangerous theories they're accurate
Starting point is 00:27:35 and that's why those people freak out that's that's what they did with the barrington declaration right they've gotten used to using this cudgel. They wield it as though they don't give a shit of whom they harm or how bad they harm them just because they feel they should be able to or can. Yeah. It's the way it works. All right. I'm going to be in Turlock on Friday, I guess.
Starting point is 00:28:05 Yeah. Turlock Community Theater. A few tickets left, perhaps. Then off to Fresno, the Tower Theater. Performing arts. It's a fun theater. Always good. It's been a while.
Starting point is 00:28:15 So go to for all the live shows. What do you got, Drew? for the streaming shows and for everything else. So until next time, I'm Adam Carolla for Dr. Drew saying, mahalo.

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