The Adam and Dr. Drew Show - #1704 Dolphin Harassment Hoax

Episode Date: April 10, 2023

Dr. Drew shares Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.'s thoughts on the failure of the US Neocon strategy and Adam appreciates his concise ideas. Next, Adam calls out a TMZ headline about dolphin harassment and show...s Drew why it was an empty story. Please Support Our Sponsor:

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Recorded live at Corolla One Studios with Adam Corolla and board-certified physician and addiction medicine specialist, Dr. Drew Pinsky. You're listening to The Adam and Dr. Drew Show. Yeah, get it on, got to get on, Dr. Sports, what's going on? Oh man, what is going on? Oh, man. What is going on? I almost don't know where to start. But I do feel like this upside down we've been in for quite some time is sort of – I don't want to say it's writing because that is certainly not the case.
Starting point is 00:00:40 I think more people are understanding they're living the upside down rather than some version of right side up. You know what I'm saying? And so as a result, I'm hopeful that there will be some sort of change, but I don't know what. You know, one thing that caught my eye recently, I tried to have you read this the other night, but I think I'm going to have to read it now, at least part of it, was Robert F. Kennedy is going to, I guess, run for president, RFK Jr. And he's been an outspoken, essentially drug company critic.
Starting point is 00:01:17 He's morphed it into COVID vaccine criticism. But his big thing is the connection between the FDA and the drug companies. And he all of a sudden started making some really interesting statements about the international situation. Can I read this to you? He's not a dumb dude. He's an attorney and he gets – he's an attack dog. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:01:41 The thing about him, I've interviewed him. You've interviewed him, I suppose. Yeah, I have a couple times. Yeah, maybe me a couple times, too. He's a very earnest guy. He's as serious as a guy gets. You know, there are people, sorry for filibustering, but there are people, you know, Dennis Prager. Dennis Prager's an earnest and a serious guy, but he's jovial.
Starting point is 00:02:07 Yeah. And Tucker Carlson's an earnest guy, but he's jovial. Yeah. You know what I mean? Jimmy Kimmel's earnest, but he's jovial. You know what I mean? Kennedy, he's not. He's serious.
Starting point is 00:02:22 He's fucking serious about everything all the time. It's kind of a weird intensity he has. And I would say that he's super smart, does his research. becomes a little bit like what we don't like on the other side of the aisle, which is you've decided that there's a climate issue and now you're going to go find it. Yeah. You know what I mean? And so he does that with vaccines or big pharma or something. And it's not that he's wrong.
Starting point is 00:03:00 It's that it seems like he's not just sort of buoyantly sort of coasting through life looking for the truth. He's going, you know, Ralph Nader. You know what I mean? He's going after these car companies, you know. He's an attorney building a case all the time. Right. That's how he strikes me. Like he has a case to build.
Starting point is 00:03:21 And you know how attorneys are. Their point of view is the point of view, period. But he brings his receipts and he's very good at what he does. So go ahead. Sorry. So he essentially is worried about what's going on with Saudi Arabia and China and Iran and he says China has displaced America. Over the last decade, our country has spent trillions bombarding roads, ports, bridges, airports.
Starting point is 00:03:48 China spent the equivalent building the same across the developing world. You said bombarding before that? You mean building? Bombing. No, we've been bombing. They've been building. Oh, they've been building. Sorry.
Starting point is 00:03:57 The Ukraine war is the final collapse of the neocon, which I don't really know what he means by that. Short-lived American century. So you're going to see a case against neoconservatism. That's what's coming. So neocon projects in Iraq and Ukraine have cost $8 trillion, hauled out our middle class, made a laughingstock of U.S. military power, pushed China and Russia into an invincible alliance. I thought that was an interesting frame.
Starting point is 00:04:22 Destroyed the dollar as the global currency, cost millions of lives and done nothing to advance democracy or win friendships or influence. It sounds very Kennedy-esque, doesn't it? Strangely, I read this, I thought, interesting frame, interesting assessment. I think I could vote for this. You know what I mean? And that's me. I imagine a lot of other people would feel this way too.
Starting point is 00:04:41 You know what I mean? And that's me. I imagine a lot of other people would feel this way too. Well, I mean, we're at the point, I'm at the point, and it was something I was saying to Tucker Carlson on my show, which is like, I will vote for anybody who has sort of concise ideas. Saying concise ideas. Please say it. ideas. Same. Now, please. Well, I, please say what I, what I'm saying is, is, you know, he had a Vivek Ramaswamy on his show, right?
Starting point is 00:05:13 And I look at that guy and I go, he's 37. He's Indian. I can barely pronounce his name. You don't like him because he doesn't look like you. I have no idea what he does. He doesn't look like you. So he's no good. He's in the tech industry or something.
Starting point is 00:05:26 And then he starts talking. And I'm like, okay, I would vote for that guy. I've just heard him talk for four minutes, and I would vote for that guy. Versus the kind of weird pablum era that I always say we're living in now, which is we're better, we're better together and everyone needs a seat at the table and stuff. And, you know, homeless need to be treated with dignity. You know what I mean? Like, I don't know what that means. I want to hear the plan. Yes. But it's so weird that we've morphed into some world where it's like, well, we don't really care what the plan is or even that there isn't a plan. We want homelessness.
Starting point is 00:06:06 We want the homeless treated with dignity. You need look no further than the wonderful golden state upon which we live. I know. It is insane what our governor says and then doesn't do. And he does these ads about, you know, living with love and living in dignity. Freedom. And freedom. Freedom. about um you know living with love and living in dignity and freedom and freedom and of course the oppression of the red states that are oppressing everybody except for everyone is moving there because they want freedom right because they don't want to be oppressed it's it's i mean i guess maybe people are experiencing oppression differently you know what I mean? I'm more in your camp or come around to everything is projection. Now, I'm now starting to realize just everything just seems to be projection.
Starting point is 00:06:56 Well, but 100 percent it has been and will continue to be. But these assholes, the politicians, are then using that, I think consciously, just using that projection as an instrument. Yes. Look, pay no attention over here where I'm oppressing you and have the state closed for two years. Look at that guy in Florida. He's an asshole. And yes, who had, you know, you've told me about this, but I was just reading an article about it recently about, you know, basically how California fared with COVID versus Florida. It's all basically the same. But Ron DeSantis was having experts and having roundtables and discussing a plan, whereas.
Starting point is 00:07:43 And he'd read the literature that they gave him. I talked to some of the people who were at those roundtables. His command of the literature was crazy. He asked great questions and understood what the issues were. Newsom was arresting surfers, you know what I mean, and shutting down Tin Horn Flats. So as far as freedom goes, I have no idea what he's talking about, but how about freedom But how about freedom?
Starting point is 00:08:05 How about this? How about freedom to choose a school that you would like for your child? We don't have that in California. Isn't that sort of the ultimate when we talk about freedom, like a parent being able to send their kid to a decent school of their choosing? It feels like freedom to me. But we don't have that. Also – That's impressive, though.
Starting point is 00:08:28 It's one of those crazy – how everything we always talk about that's in the name of anti-racism is racist. Well, yeah. It's really – where I see it the most acutely is intolerance in the name of tolerance. Right. Right. Yeah. 80% of black families are for school choice and like 45% of white women want school choice. So the group that they're trying to help that would be helped by school choice wants school choice.
Starting point is 00:09:02 And then you middle-aged white women in Santa Monica, you're against it. It's weird. Well, who's racist in this equation? You know what I mean? And then the person, then the governor or whoever's running for governor of California who is saying, if I'm elected, there will be school choice. That guy's labeled racist by the L.A. Times.
Starting point is 00:09:25 It's upside down world. I mean, obviously. Upside down. And yes, you cannot keep this going for any real length of time before people start going, this is nuts. Now, people like me understand this is nuts early with most everything. Yes. For everyone else, we have to wait till the declaration of masking up in between bites before it starts to dawn on them that it's nuts.
Starting point is 00:09:57 I knew it three weeks in. It took them two years to figure it out. And then at some point, the populace figures out. I actually don't think the populace has figured it out until recently when there's no COVID and people are wearing masks. And it's Omicron anyway. And everyone's had it. And everyone's vaxxed. And we're still wearing masks.
Starting point is 00:10:18 Right. So I'm on people. Come on, people. I remember talking to Richard Belzer. We played it on my show when I interviewed him in like 06, 07. And he was explaining how his wife travels with the medium-sized dog, you know, because it's a seizure alert dog. And I was saying, sounds like she wants to travel with her dog. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:10:46 And he said, well, no, it's a seizure alert dog. And I'm like, it reminds her to take her medicine or what? I don't know. Anyway, I'm on to it in 06, 07. Everyone else is like, yeah, it's a seizure alert dog. And then this other, now we have a comfort companion dog. And we have this dog. And we have a comfort companion dog and we have a this dog we have a that dog and then it gets to peacocks yeah then it gets to 2019 and there's peacocks and um goats goats on planes and then and then the populace goes what the fuck is going on
Starting point is 00:11:19 this is bullshit right but it took over a decade of me going early. Like, what the fuck is this? Yeah, this doesn't exist. This is bullshit. And this will lead to goats and peacocks. Yes. And then me being told to shut up. Yes.
Starting point is 00:11:39 Right. Because I'm not sensitive. You don't understand how this works. The science of seizure alerts. You don't know the nuances of it. And then generally you're sort of a bad person that doesn't want disabled people to be able to travel with their comfort pets. Well, let's break this down because this is a really interesting topic. The problem isn't the seizure alert job – dog, rather. The problem is the pendulum.
Starting point is 00:12:03 dog, the problem is the pendulum. And you and I both hate the slippery slope, but it is, maybe we need a new metaphor for these things. Like when progressives get over their skis, when the pendulum swings, it doesn't stop at the seizure dog. And including myself, no one knows that. Right. Why do you know that? Well, like any prognosticator, whether you're working on Wall Street or you're a good NFL front office guy who's like looking at rookies and draft choices and stuff like that.
Starting point is 00:12:45 I'm just experienced in prognosticating. I happen to know. Pattern prognostication, yeah? Yes. Or any prognostication. Well, I don't need to see a long line of stuff. I just see the one thing, and then I know the rest of the story. If I see somebody's automobile and it's filled with junk, then I go, that person is not a disciplined person.
Starting point is 00:13:11 And I'm sure their apartment is full of junk as well. And I'm sure every I'm sure other facets and most facets of their life are this way. And it's not just limited to this automobile. And even if it is the automobile, maybe the tires aren't in great shape. They haven't been checking his tires the way you should or something. They're not – there's other things to be aware of and avoid as a result. Even if it isn't. I guess what I'm trying to say is so I would see the guy with the junk in the car and I
Starting point is 00:13:38 would think, oh, obsessive-compulsive, you know, I think about all the different psychopathologies that add to that. And I would think, oh, that person is not servicing this car either and uh maybe it's you know at a higher speed you want to stay away from that car yeah yeah yeah i i agree so i just also know i'm very acutely aware of the foibles of people and where things go, and they don't go down a sort of self-disciplinary and sort of righteous way. You know, it's sort of like – But here's my point, though. The rest of us – all right, me – need to see three points on the graph before we have a delta, before we have a slope.
Starting point is 00:14:22 You don't – you seem to – even if you're looking at three points, they're much closer together temporally. While the rest of us need to see it over a bigger timeframe or something. So I'm trying to break down how those of us like myself can do a better job of seeing it earlier and be right about it. It's hard because you're afraid. You're like, ah, no, it's a seizure. It's a seizure. Dog. It's all right.
Starting point is 00:14:44 Whatever. And you don't immediately see the peacock. It's very hard to imagine the peacock. Because you're afraid. You're like, oh, no, it's a seizure. Seizure, dog, it's all right, whatever. And you don't immediately see the peacock. It's very hard to imagine the peacock until you see the peacock. I was also ranting on my show about this story that came about a week or so ago and it was it was the headline was that these swimmers these young kids white kids in hawaii were harassing a uh herd or sorry a pod of dolphins yes yes they were harassing them and i don't know if i talked to you about this or not but uh i it was like um there it is. How can these humans who Michael Phelps swims at six miles an hour and a spinner dolphin can swim at 30 miles an hour. How are they harassing them if they don't want to be harassed? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:15:39 If they if in fact the dolphins feel threatened. They'd be out of there. They'd be out. If the dolphins felt threatened within four seconds, they would put 100 yards between them and the swimmers. The same people that want to make this harassment are the same people that go on about how dolphins play with humans and how social they are. I see dolphins sort of – my dog does that all the time. He just wants me to follow him, and he'll always look behind me, you back there? Come on, let's go follow me. He's not really going anywhere. But back to being
Starting point is 00:16:14 clairvoyant. I heard the headlines, and I said, oh, bullshit. Is that bullshit? Well, everything they do is bullshit. It's a pretty good thing. Right, right. And the person that read me the headline went, how do you know? How do you know? Because a dolphin can swim 30 miles an hour and a person swims at two miles an hour. Right. That footage came out and it was people swimming, I would say leisurely. Gently, yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:53 Just sort of doing a breaststroke at two miles an hour behind a pod of dolphins who didn't seem to know or care. But if in fact the dolphins did care, the dolphins would leave immediately. Dolphins are clearly playful in this whole thing. Clearly. Well, I don't know if they're playful. They're just not leaving. They're not leaving, and they're in open water.
Starting point is 00:17:19 So if they wanted to leave, then they would leave. Yeah. Which is how wildlife sort of works. Right. Like if you walk. Well, interesting. In the forest behind a deer and the deer just kept walking and you just kept walking behind it, then then the deer didn't fear you.
Starting point is 00:17:36 If a rabbit did that, if a rabbit just walked in a field and you just walk. But the second the rabbit feared you or felt aggression or harm or something then the rabbit would just leave but so knowing that i then know the story i don't need to see the weird how footage people have fucking convinced themselves that you can tell any story you want yes you can make anything into anything yes that's that's the our press Right. And I reject most of it, and I can tell what's bullshit in advance by what the headline is. I still want to, after you do your business, I still want to see if there's a way that those of us that aren't so clairvoyant can, it's like some tools, like some things we can follow. I don't know. Yes, Jeff. It's like some tools, like some things we can follow. I don't know. Yestra.
Starting point is 00:18:28 Back to the sort of the slope. And I don't even want to contemplate it as a slippery slope. It's just a slope that you perceive. Can you help any of us mortals see that slope so early? Are there a series of – because here's what comes in the way of it is frankly sort of – I'll call it compassion. Like if somebody wants to do that, it's important to them, let's let them do it. I don't want to see the slope. I don't believe there's a slope. I believe people that they just need this help and we're going to help.
Starting point is 00:19:07 You know what I mean? I can't get past that if that makes sense. It's hard to be – it's really hard to be harshly objective when somebody has a reasonable, I get it. And particularly the way they frame it is you kind of – how are you going to say no to that? All right. So the first thing you have to do, I think, if we're talking about any situation or any story, yes, is when they start framing it a certain way, like these students were harassing these dolphins and intimidating these dolphins and stuff like that, you have to go, all right, dolphins and intimidating these dolphins and stuff like that.
Starting point is 00:19:49 You have to go, all right, well, or, you know, COVID, you may be fine, but you bring it home to your grandmother and you kill your grandmother, whatever it is. So understand that there's a story and we're supposed to, through the text of the story, decide what side we want to be on the happy side or the evil side yeah of every story yes who all right dolphins are being attacked and harassed and bullied well that sounds like the happy side of that story is to be on the side of the dolphins and not on the side not defend these kids that are attacking the dolphins. Right. So the first thing you have to do or, you know, COVID, you know, well, yeah, you close the school down because the kid goes to COVID. The kid may be fine. Sorry, it's school.
Starting point is 00:20:34 But then the kid gets COVID and he brings it home to his grandparents. You know, teachers die and stuff like that. So I would say the first line of thought is, what are they trying to get me to do with my thinking? Yeah. What are they trying to get me to do this. The January 6th was an armed insurrection, a violent armed insurrection. And many, many officers were slain that day. And not since Pearl Harbor has this nation been under attack. And you go, oh, I guess they'd like me on this side of the story. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:21 Right. Yeah. side of the story yeah right yeah or um kyle rittenhouse got his m16 and was driven by his mom to with kenosha to go on a killing spree yes town he never has no connection right he knows nobody there the first dad lives there but anyway then you go oh what are they trying me what are they trying to get me to do oh this 16 year old kid from a christian school got in front of an ill indian elder and smugly preened it is you know you're showing us white supremacy it's like okay you're the first thing is is what are they trying to get you to do with this headline yeah yeah and the answer is they're trying to get you over here. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:13 Well, the first thing in evaluating the truth is I'm not going where you're trying to pull me by just because you're trying to pull me there. I might end up there, but I'm not going there initially. I want to see. So you said an armed insurrection yeah how many weapons were confiscated from that group that was arrested zero oh no wait a minute two guys had a flag fire extinguisher and no one got no not a fire extinguisher one guy had a helmet oh yeah that could be used as a weapon. Sure, with horns on it.
Starting point is 00:22:46 Right. Ruth Buzzy could use a purse as a weapon, too. But yes. Timely. Okay. No, but a car jack stand could be used as a weapon. Yes. A wrench.
Starting point is 00:23:04 Brow tweezers. Anything you put in your hand should be used as a weapon. But so first things first, you guys said armed insurrection and then you found no arms. So that's a little dubious. And then you said cops were slain except for no cops were slain. Oh, no, we're counting cops who committed suicide later you know you know what that seems dubious you know so now let me tell you things are dubious you're right but the average person literally i because i would do this to myself talks themselves out of it well they must have found something they must how they? They wouldn't really say that if it really was nothing. You literally, the wilder the narrative, the more you convince yourself it couldn't be.
Starting point is 00:23:53 That couldn't be it, which is the world we live in right now. Which is why next show I'm going to play an excerpt from something that you and I did on the Greg Gutfeld show where I thought you were spot on. It's why you should believe nothing, these people say. Nothing, ever again. A lot without a long, long record of them reestablishing themselves. Well, it doesn't mean they're incorrect. What do you mean?
Starting point is 00:24:20 I mean, if Rochelle Walensky or Fauci or whoever from the WHO and IHO or whatever, the initials things or the or whoever, the FBI, former security who signed the paper saying that the that this laptop had all the earmarks of Russian. It doesn't mean they're never right, and it doesn't mean I wouldn't listen to them. I will now have to vet everything they say. I would be very doubtful of everything they say. They would have to have a long record of being accurate before I'd be back. a long record of well being accurate before i think back start talking about monkey pox or some you know leopard flu or something you know a year from now and i would go all right now let's find out if he what he's saying is true well that's a bad i i would like some apologies or at least some acknowledgement of the previous errors then i I would be inclined to sort of – because everything they're doing has been shown to be – what's the word I'm looking for?
Starting point is 00:25:37 Non-transparent strategies that are not in relation to the truth and are not in anybody's best interest. Therefore, they are capable of that. Then maybe it was an ancient strategy that worked at one time, but there still seems inclined to that strategy. I will have none of it. Thank you. Well, I'm generally with you. Look, the most important thing you can have is credibility.
Starting point is 00:26:03 And when you lose your credibility, then you've lost the most important thing you have. Particularly when you're a journalist or a public health official. Oh, the journalist. I mean, why do we listen to them at all now? L.A. Times, New York Times. It doesn't mean anything anymore. Washington Post. It just doesn't mean anything.
Starting point is 00:26:22 It means certain people seem to get off on it. The New York Times reported on Russian collusion for three years, then won a Pulitzer and then it turned out to not have happened. Give the Pulitzer back. Sure. Or at least
Starting point is 00:26:40 defend yourself or acknowledge or something. Something. I'm looking for something. It's incredible. All right. I'm going to be in Las Vegas at Jimmy Kimmel's Comedy Club April 20th. And then again May 11th and May 15th.
Starting point is 00:26:57 And Oklahoma City, Bricktown Comedy Club. That'll be May 19th and 20th. And NYC, Sony Hall. That'll be May 19th and 20th. And NYC, Sony Hall, that'll be May 26th and 27th. Come celebrate my birthday with me. Just go to for all the live shows, Drew. Hey, go to, get the Family of Pods and for our streaming show, which I think the Corolla faithful really did. So, until next time, Adam Crow for Dr. Drew saying, mahalo.

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