The Adam and Dr. Drew Show - #1711 Adam vs UTLA

Episode Date: April 26, 2023

Adam revisists the Twitter war he got into with the Unified Teachers of Los Angeles about school closures. He then questions who won in the long run with the new data we know today. Please Support ...Our Sponsors: and use code: ads50

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Recorded live at Corolla One Studios with Adam Corolla and board-certified physician and addiction medicine specialist, Dr. Drew Pinsky. You're listening to The Adam and Dr. Drew Show. Yeah, get it on, got to get on, got to get it on, Dr. Drew's board-certified physician, addiction medicine specialist. What's going on, Drewsky? Couple of things um did i mention to you that you know we spent a lot of years talking to a lot of young people on uh
Starting point is 00:00:32 loveline and i would say for the first time um what has caught my ear is the frequency and it's not overwhelmingly frequent but it seemed like a pattern change a young man are talking to me about frequenting prostitutes yes you know you've brought that up but we brought that do we do that off the air on the air uh we did it both okay i i don't know i i you know it's just it just keeps i just thinking about how, and it's not that topic per se I keep thinking about. What I keep thinking about is how when we keep pushing people's, let's call it biology or nature down, it comes back. It springs out somewhere else. You can only do so much of that kind of damping down before it goes some other direction
Starting point is 00:01:26 and i feel like we're going through this massive sort of um preoccupation with denying how people are damping people for being a certain way and then they come out in other ways that are often not about worse than what people are worried about controlling, but no less problematic, that's for sure. Well, we've definitely lost our sense of humans and motivation. sense of humans and motivation yes nature nature and men and women and differences and we've we've lost it it's it's almost it's as if we've it's gonna say went backwards a hundred years but it's but but it's it's a two thousand years you what I mean? We've gone on new to something altogether new and different, but also harkens back to 2,000 years ago in terms of lack of understanding. Right. So here's my example. You know, many years, hundreds of years, more than hundreds of years, we've understood very clearly sort of how to domesticate an animal.
Starting point is 00:03:01 We didn't invent this shit 50 years ago or eight years ago. This was worked out a thousand years ago right more you know what i mean like you sort of oh you get the horse when it's young and you uh reward it with some feed and if it strays you hit it with a stick and you put the fence up and then you teach it that you know whatever you do with a horse whatever you do with a dog, whatever you do with a dog, you know, in modern day era, just be a dog. What do you do with a dog? Well, you get them when they're young and you teach them that that's not right to go to the bathroom inside the house. And, you know, when they do the right thing, you give them a treat. And when they make a mess, you lock them outside.
Starting point is 00:03:41 So, you know, let teach them that whatever. You lock them outside. So, you know, let teach them that whatever. And, you know, you see people kind of walking their dog and they tug the leash, you know, and they give it a little treat and they go heel. And it's pretty universe, not pretty universal, just universal. And and that's what we understood. And we still understand it. understood and we still understand it but then something happened with people where we used to you know you have to teach the young boy the difference between right and wrong and that he'll be rewarded if he does the right thing and he'll be disciplined if he does the wrong thing and
Starting point is 00:04:16 that was all worked out too it wasn't it wasn't disputed any differently than we did with the domesticated animals. It was just a young child was a puppy, was a young horse. You know, it was all kind of the same, same stuff. A little more nuanced with the kid, but not really. The same basic sort of reward. You know, you want the carrot or the stick kind of thing, you know, fine. And then in the last 20 minutes, we went nuts. And, you know, you have thousands of kids in Chicago running in the streets, punching people and kicking people. And then you have politicians saying, well, these people are impoverished and they have no other outlet.
Starting point is 00:05:13 And, you know, they have their neighborhoods are impoverished. And this is their form of protest. And it's like they're beating up random people that are walking around tourists around Chicago. That's bad. And these kids are on a horrible trajectory. And when you start asking, where's their dad? Where are the parents in this? I got a 16 year old.
Starting point is 00:05:40 It's 1 a.m. And they're just beating the crap out of some chick is trying to get in her apartment building. Where are the parents in this equation but we're not doing that anymore we've gone on to some new world order where well
Starting point is 00:05:55 the puppy just took a shit on the shag carpet but that's because it's misunderstood and it's a black lab and it feels discriminated against and it's this is it's protest and it's a black lab and it feels discriminated against and and it's uh this is its protest and and it's it's like okay you can talk all you want what are you going to do with this dog well we're going to talk about it that that we have to have a symposium on this lab. And it's like, no, the owners are not training the dog correctly. And you're not helping the dog.
Starting point is 00:06:33 That's the big problem. The bigger problem is the dog's ruined now. Right. I know you guys feel good about yourself. You're already elected to office. You have a home. You have a car. You're fine. guys feel good about yourself you're you're already elected to office you have them you have a home you have a car you're you're fine what what about the pups and we decided that there was some sort of new way of doing things which is basically like saying well i have a new fitness regimen that doesn't involve diet and exercise.
Starting point is 00:07:06 And it's like, OK, lay it on me. Let's hear it. Good luck. I'll talk to you in a few years to see how many pounds you've shed. Right. And that's the problem, Drew. It's bizarre, magical thinking. And I don't know whether they think it or not.
Starting point is 00:07:28 Oh, they do. But in the face of in the face of what results? Where are the results? Yeah, as we've talked for years, the results seem to beg no issue to them. It's the opposite of pragmatism. It's the satisfaction of ratifying that urge to to champion a certain ideology that's what makes you feel good who cares in the outcome it's it's good ideology it's goodness it's good walk around the chair three times as we were talking about on That makes you good. Yes.
Starting point is 00:08:12 And the whole thing is like, first off, you know, it's like, well, their neighborhoods are impoverished. So what do you expect them to do? Well, not beat up tourists downtown. Also, who's in charge of Chicago their neighborhoods are junk there's nothing to do there's no programs oh okay
Starting point is 00:08:33 is that Trump's fault who's fault who's in charge who's been in charge who's been in charge and who is in charge who's been in charge who's been in charge and who is in charge who's been in charge for 50 years at least who who's who's watches us under yeah it's always uh it always cracks me up i love that clip of uh gavin, like, standing in a pile of trash by some train tracks. Oh, I remember that.
Starting point is 00:09:07 What's going on? Yeah, who's in charge? What's going on over here? What's going on is you're not running your state correctly, and this is what happens. That's what's going on. But anyway. That was the weirdest thing of all. So people know what we're talking about.
Starting point is 00:09:24 A train's several, several several um trains were being robbed yeah filled with all kinds of uh merchandise were robbed and in the process of robbing sort of byproducts and and merchandise itself was strewn all over the boxes i don't buy products I don't know. Byproducts. Well, I mean, all kinds of boxes and stuffing. I saw clothing and all kinds of shit out there. The point is, it was a huge disaster. Like, it was just an unbelievable amount of stuff strewn all over the place. And by the way, at what point do people stop saying, they have insurance?
Starting point is 00:10:04 Do they understand that's not how society works, that you can just do whatever you want and then insurance just takes care of it? It's the same thinking that says that you don't worry about the economy because the federal government can just print more money. Just print it and send it and then we're fine. Yeah. That is a bizarre way of thinking. bizarre way of thinking this is the same people that when you know walgreens or cvs or sprouts market or something like now rei rei just pulled out of portland packs it up and leaves they get angry at the company yeah yeah yeah yeah it's doomed and by the way let's look it works both ways,
Starting point is 00:10:45 Adam. Then you've got people like AOC get angry at the company for trying to move a factory in. Try to move in. They're angry with, for that too. Yes. Stay out of here.
Starting point is 00:10:57 Well, she's on my Mount Rushmore of chick. Thank Drew. She is. Who else is up there on the mount rushmore you need some dudes up there well newsome newsome's up there garcetti mayor garcetti is definitely up there too i mean when these criminals are paroled we owe them our gratitude you know what i mean it's like yeah that's a lot remember when garcetti was like, open your home to a homeless person.
Starting point is 00:11:28 Like, let the person just move in to the back room, the guest house. I never heard him say that. I can't believe he said that. Oh, there was. Get out on the effing street, dude, and see who's out there. Ben can find something about Garcetti saying that, you know, if you have a spare room in the back, you know, like a guest house or something, you should open it up to a homeless family or something. They always do that thing where they go, homeless family?
Starting point is 00:12:00 You know, there are no homeless families, you fucking idiots. They're junkies. By the way, homeless families are already on somebody's couch or in somebody's back room. Yes. You know what I mean? Of course. They figure that out. Yes. The non-drug addicted, non-psychotic ones have figured it out.
Starting point is 00:12:20 Yeah. Nobody sleeps outdoors unless they're severely addicted or psychotic that's all of the homeless let's put it this way certainly not more than a few weeks i'll give you i'll give you a few weeks of something who knows what but i i refuse to after that to accept anybody lives out in the street i'm not i'm not giving it a few weeks yeah Yeah. I wouldn't give it that. Emmy, do we have my LA Unified tweets from the last show we were talking about? So Drew can have a laugh. This is me.
Starting point is 00:12:58 Don't look at your phone, Drew. They're not showing me. I don't get to see it. Well, I'll read it to you. Here we go. Here we go. Here we go. February. February.
Starting point is 00:13:07 February 21. LA teachers either don't want to go back to work or are cowards. Those are the only two options left. They didn't like that. That pretty much is spot on. That was February 21. Yeah. But most people don't understand the weird that the fact that look at this headline. Give me a break.
Starting point is 00:13:28 But the fact that they were still closed in February 21. Think about that. Let's read what the United Teachers of Los Angeles wrote back to me. Who is the coward? Who is the coward? The teachers who dare confront government officials and powerful business to fight for the health of their students and families. Or you who sit safely in your La Cunada mansion, criticizing what apparently you don't even understand. Teachers are working. I sit safely in my mansion. You don't even understand. Teachers are working.
Starting point is 00:14:07 I sit safely in my mansion. Fucking idiots. Well, let me ask anybody from Unified Teachers of Los Angeles. You guys are smart. You're all educated. You're all learned. And you all went to college and got your degrees. Was it a correct thing to do to shut down the schools and to do it for as long as you did it? Who was right and who was wrong in this equation?
Starting point is 00:14:35 I said. In February of 21, open the schools and you called me a coward and said that you were fighting for the health of your students who are all committing suicide now and put on 20 pounds and clinically depressed. So in the big picture, let's not take my word for it. Let's just check the data, United Teachers of Los Angeles, who was correct over two years ago and who wasn't? Produce the data. Should we have opened or shouldn't we have opened? Because I said we should open and you said we shouldn't. And you guys are the teachers. So you have the information. So who was right and who was wrong? Can you get back to me, you fucking pussy cowards?
Starting point is 00:15:27 I don't think you're going to. Come on, United Teachers of Los Angeles at UTLA now. UTLA now. Please hit me with another tweet. Coach me up. Let's go. It's been two years. We studied the data. Now, follow up with your tweet. I'll be sitting in my mansion safely, counting my money. I'll be sitting in my mansion, and then you send me a tweet, and I'll have my butler read it to me. Go ahead, UTLA.
Starting point is 00:16:06 Where are we? You got some data? Show me the article. Oh, by the way, how's the academic performance going? Yeah, show me. Was it a good idea? Was a bad idea? Or are you cowards just going to be silent now?
Starting point is 00:16:18 Because you're all fucking talk when everyone's on your side. But now that the data's in, you shut up. Compare it against schools that stayed open. What is their academic performance? What is, in other states, I don't know, Florida, Tennessee, where they stayed open, what is their academic performance and how is their mental health? How's it different?
Starting point is 00:16:35 That's all. We have control groups. It's awesome. Yeah. Send me a tweet. I'm all ears. Read your response to the UTA, UTLA. I wrote back.
Starting point is 00:16:48 That's untrue. I called them cowards from my mansion in Malibu. Well, that's the only way to respond to these fucking pussy. I know. Entitlement blinds you, Adam. Oh, wait. Then they come back again February 20th. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:12 Teachers are working. Yeah. From their home where they're not being effective. Anyway, teachers are working, Adam Carolla, but entitlement blinds you. Teachers are working, Adam Carolla, but entitlement blinds you. Many of the communities we serve have COVID-19 levels 15 times greater than those in La Cunada public schools. Sorry, La Cunada public schools are a reflection of the communities they serve. Your wealthy community has been spared the devastation our communities feel every day.
Starting point is 00:17:56 How many UTLA kids died in those? Oh, according to this tweet, it's got to be thousands. But I'm even I'll even I'll even accept this and say, OK, in those areas where it's 10 times greater, lock down those areas for a few weeks when it goes up. Okay. All right. And then go back to school. But UTLA only services impoverished communities. They don't handle all of Los Angeles. They just go to, like, Calcutta and set up a dry race board.
Starting point is 00:18:26 Like, there's not good. There's not. Okay. Anyway, that's my privilege. I have privilege. Uh, and then I wrote back teachers unions in California are corrupt cowards.
Starting point is 00:18:40 Okay. I'm standing by all my stuff. What's up LA teachers union. You heroes ready to be the last people in America to go back to work? All right. It went on for another six months after that, didn't it? I don't know when they reopened. Look that up. When did L.A. Unified Schools reopen?
Starting point is 00:19:01 At that point, they'd been closed for a year, right? Didn't they end up closing for two years? I don't think it was two years. It was over a year, but I don't think it was two years. Maybe it was 15, 16 months. I'm just curious because that's a number in my head. God, I love those tweets.
Starting point is 00:19:21 You know, this is interesting. Maybe you can ask AI or chat gpt or something because google does not give you an answer uh it definitely was closed spring of 2020 and you're and that was all 21 right yeah it had been a year at that point. Yeah, and I cannot find the... It looks like spring 2022. Spring 2022. Two years. It's two years.
Starting point is 00:19:54 Oh, is it? Wow. Spring 2022? Is it two years? Schools reopen amid COVID surge. Surge surge it's got to be la times la usd requires testing before spring classes yeah when is that i don't know the date of this article is but it's reopening yeah january 2022 i mean it's approximately two years. Close to two years. And by the way.
Starting point is 00:20:27 Was that a good decision? Was that a good decision, Drew? Didn't they go on strike like six months later? Oh, no. Didn't that happen? They care about the kids, man. They care. They're all about the kids.
Starting point is 00:20:36 They're all about the kids. So was it a good idea to shut L.A. schools or not? I guess would be the question. Right. I said no. They said yes. Now we have data. Who was correct? So anyway, please
Starting point is 00:20:50 shoot me some... Do some follow-up tweeting, would you guys? Send me some tweets. I feel a Twitter storm coming from Adam, so you'll see his... You'll feel his wrath shortly. I don't have anything to say. I said everything I had to say.
Starting point is 00:21:06 Well, you could say it in a tweet, you know, exactly what you just said. Who was right? Who was wrong? Yeah. How good do you feel about your decision to keep schools closed for two years? Hashtag academic performance. Hashtag mental health. Here's the thing.
Starting point is 00:21:22 Hashtag entitlement. Here's the thing that these pussies do not understand yeah you cannot shame me with my entitlement or my 7.3 million dollar mansion you cannot do it because of my history and my background and my upbringing right it's impossible right it only works on people who were given shit who had college paid for them whose parents were involved who helped or were involved with the process of you know starting the business or whatever. It works fine on them. It doesn't work on me. So I'm not... What they do
Starting point is 00:22:10 is they go to the entitlement rich guy sitting home safely card and they just pull it like they're pulling a get out of jail free card. They go, oh, we'll just... We're not going to argue any statistics
Starting point is 00:22:24 or any facts. We'll just call the, oh, we'll just, we were not going to argue any statistics or any facts. We'll just call the guy racist or we'll attack him for living in a huge house. And then that'll shut him down because once people find out he's got a big house, that's going to shut him down quick, you know? So a couple of things. I've said this, Drew, to you for 25 goddamn years. Can't wait. I'm in fucking show business. I'm supposed to get paid. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:54 Just because other celebrities pretend they're poor and don't talk about it. Doesn't mean they're not multimillionaires and we all know it. Do you know what I mean? Conan O'Brien is not going to brag about his wealth, but he's a very wealthy man. Don't you think people understand that Bill Maher and Conan O'Brien or whomever, whatever, Howard Stern, whoever, yes, they're rich. They're successful
Starting point is 00:23:25 celebrities that's what happens this notion of like I don't have anything it's an insane premise it's no different than saying oh that guy runs
Starting point is 00:23:40 Nabisco or Pepsi or something and go he doesn't have anything yeah of course he has something it's a very powerful guy runs Nabisco or Pepsi or something and go, he doesn't have anything. Yeah, of course he has something. It's a very powerful job where he gets paid multi-millions of dollars. Isn't this why they double down on their positioning? Who? The wealthy celebrities. Yes.
Starting point is 00:23:59 So they don't get sniped at. It's like, it's, it's, remember remember i'll never forget when michael moore oh yeah who has to dress like an out-of-work lesbian trucker so people like him got when he was on howard stern and howard stern's like well you're worth millions of dollars right i mean sicko or fahrenheit whatever this movie's gross millions of dollars, right? I mean, Sicko or Fahrenheit, whatever. Those movies grossed millions of dollars. I'm like, oh, I'm not a million. I don't have a million dollars.
Starting point is 00:24:33 And he's like, but you're a millionaire, right? He's like, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. I've just made documentaries that have grossed hundreds of millions of dollars. But no, no, no, no, no, no, no. And then Howard just kept going. He goes, but you're a millionaire, right? grossed hundreds of millions of dollars you know but no no no no no no no and then uh howard howard just kept going but you're a millionaire right and it's like oh no no i know this is this is years ago and he said well you're at least worth a million dollars right and michael moore And Michael Moore went, well, maybe with the houses. Like, be liquidated. Be sold as three houses. That's how committed they are to this bullshit ruse.
Starting point is 00:25:12 Now, my thing is, remember when I'd say I'm a millionaire and I'd say literally a millionaire? Yes. Yes, you are successful in show business and you get paid. That's how it works. I don't, I don't know why we begrudge people that, you know what I mean? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:35 As a something I've, or where'd you get the, where'd you get the $31 million house in, in Beverly Hills? If you're not, you make $163, 000 a year well how much was the down payment for the 37 million dollar house you just bought in malibu right don't you have to put 20 down how you like pulling that seven million dollar down payment off but the income yeah you're to put more than 20 down well you Well, you put 20% down and your mortgage is $86,000 a month. Yes. Think about that. $86,000. How about
Starting point is 00:26:13 your California property taxes? They're going to be another 10 a month, something like that, right? Yeah. So how are we pulling that one off if we're not multimillionaires? $100,000 a month. Think about that. All right. But that's – all right. So anyway, teachers' unions, I appreciate it. Act like somebody picked me up in high school and dropped me off at the $7.3 million house in La Cunada where I could sit safely. I sit safely at home.
Starting point is 00:26:47 All I did was go on the road during COVID. I know. Sitting safely at home. See, all their arguments are shame-based because they don't have any arguments. Look, I called you guys cowards, and I said, get back to work. Go to school. Get back to work.
Starting point is 00:27:01 They feel shame. Right. So they're going to shame me. But what I'm saying is you guys are academics. Hit me with some data. Nope. Nope. You just want to shame me with my own success.
Starting point is 00:27:20 All right. Well, that's an interesting angle. It's always worked before on you. Oh, yeah. Oh, Adam, you're so tall and your penis is so wide. Now shut up. Idiots. The scary part is how dumb all these people are, isn't it, Drew?
Starting point is 00:27:40 Yeah, but it's factual. You want these people molding youth? That's the problem is we've been talking about it straight across the last couple of shows, which is the lack of understanding of humans and human behavior and human dialogue and who people are or are not. They just don't seem to get it. And by the way, the last time this happened was like 1968 to 1976 i'd say maybe 1978 maybe that 10-year period all right we always laughed at it because it's such a fucking disaster but here we are again all right uh you can find me in vegas coming up may 11th and then oklahoma city that'll be uh may 19th through the 20th in New York
Starting point is 00:28:25 City at the Sony Hall. May 26th, 27th is my birthday, so come on out. Bring me a present. Go to for all the live shows. What do you got, Drew? for After Dark and other pods. DrDrew Podcast for the streaming show.
Starting point is 00:28:41 3 o'clock, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday. So, until next time, Adam Kroll for Dr. Drew saying, Mahalo.

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