The Adam and Dr. Drew Show - #1714 Vegas Hotel Fires

Episode Date: May 3, 2023

Adam and Drew compare Gavin Newsom and Justin Trudeau and how charming candidates getting elected are a product of chick think. They get into how COVID was an aerosol virus and the history of Vegas fires. Please Support Our Sponsors:

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Recorded live at Corolla One Studios with Adam Corolla and board-certified physician and addiction medicine specialist, Dr. Drew Pinsky. You're listening to The Adam and Dr. Drew Show. Yeah, get it on, get it on, get it on, get it on, get it on, get it on, get it on, get it on, get it on, get it on, get it on, get it on, get it on, get it on, get it on, get it on, get it on, get it on, get it on, get it on, get it on, get it on, get it on, get it on, get it on, get it on, get it on, get it on, get it on, get it on, get it on, get it on, get it on, get it on, get it on, get it on, get it on, get it on, get it on, get
Starting point is 00:00:19 it on, get it on, get it on, get it on, get it on, get it on, get it on, get it on, get it on, get it on, get it on, get it on, get it on, get it on, get it on, get it on, get it on, get it on, get it on, get it on, get it on, get it on, get it on, get it on, get it on, get it on, get it on, get it on, get it on, get it on, get it on, get it on, get it on, get it on, get it on, get it on, get it on, get it on, get it on, get it on, get it on, get it on, get it on, get it on, get it on, get it on, get it on, get it on, get it on, get it on, get it on, get it on, get it on, boop. What's going on, Drewski? We've finally gone all the way there. So another thing I wanted to talk to you about is there's some interesting stuff going on with some of the COVID perpetrators, I guess I would call them. The people that brought the lockdowns and the heavy handedness. They're starting to say things that are, of course, they're not apologizing. But they're starting to say things that are sort of denying their role in things, which is at once interesting and infuriating. So you've got Justin Trudeau now saying, I didn't tell anybody to do anything.
Starting point is 00:01:04 What are you talking about? He's tyrannical, that guy. He's horrible. Horrible. Horrible. I don't understand what's wrong with the Canadians. That's what bothers me. Gad Saad is a friend of mine.
Starting point is 00:01:14 Have you interviewed him before? Yes. And I said, what the fuck, dude? Is he Canadian? He's Canadian. And he lives in Montreal, I think, or Toronto. Montreal, I think. And he said, he literally goes to, or Toronto. Montreal, I think.
Starting point is 00:01:27 And he said – he literally goes to me. He goes, he looks right. He looks the part. Oh, no. He's so dreamy, he said. He's so dreamy. I said, oh, Jesus. No, yes.
Starting point is 00:01:37 He's Gavin Newsom to the north. Gavin Newsom, though, speaks a language of some of our friends and endorses some of their ideas. He's an ideologue. Trudeau is just a tyrant. I don't understand even what he's doing. Yes, but we – so – and this is the era that we're in and it's frightening it is it is it is a frightening era which is um he looks the part and then he puts on a couple of wooden bead bracelets and a couple of bracelets and he explains his daughter made the bracelet for him and then he starts talking about LGBTQI, you know, whatever, over and over. And people vibe with it.
Starting point is 00:02:28 They like it. First off – They vibe with it. Well, what they – they like it because he looks like a leading man. Yeah. And they kind of do the same thing with Gavin Newsom. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And they –
Starting point is 00:02:48 Oh, look at the two of them together. Right. But dreaming up ways to oppress more and then simultaneously talk about freedom. You know what I mean? Well, that's the part I find so bizarre. And then denying – well, there's some – I'll let you finish your thought, but I'm going somewhere with this. Want me to keep going? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:08 Okay. So Fauci did the same thing now. He's now saying, well, something clearly went wrong. We did something wrong. We didn't do something wrong, but something went wrong. And so a lot of – I don't have a fully formed hypothesis on this yet. But it makes me wonder, do they not – these – particularly an old man like Fauci and to some extent Trudeau who seems more predatory but whatever. Do they not understand modern media?
Starting point is 00:03:44 Do they not understand how they come across? They do not understand the impact of what they say, right? When Fauci goes, I didn't close schools. It's like, yeah, you told them they should close schools. Well, let me explain ChickThink for a second. Oh, interesting. ChickThink, I was explaining explaining i think on this show i'm looking at emmy now but i was i don't know i did it on acs but i can't remember if i did on the show but i was watching
Starting point is 00:04:16 tmz a few weeks back and they were telling the story about the rapper who ordered the Taco Bell. Did we do it on this show? Yeah. Okay, good. And at some point, one of the chicks in the peanut gallery said, oh, yeah, you know, I ordered 100 bucks worth of stuff and me and my friends passed out and food went bad and we had to pay the bill. Everyone said to her, well, you ordered the food and then you passed out. And she sort of said, well, you know, somebody else should pay the bill or whatever. And everyone sort of looked at her and said, yeah, but why is that fair to them? Like, do you think that they should have to cover the cost?
Starting point is 00:05:02 And at some point, and maybe we'll find that again, but at some point she just said, somebody should do something. You know what I mean? That's Chick thing right there. Somebody should do something. Just shut up, Matt Damon. Yeah, not me. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:16 Not me. Yeah. So understand when something like COVID hits and you got a guy like Trudeau or you have a guy like Gavin Newsom, Chickthink, which is very pervasive here in California, there's a lot of people going, somebody's got to do something. And so you go, yeah, but closing schools, closing beaches, closing playgrounds, they need to do something. You see what I'm saying? Yes. That's the thought. That's? Yes. That's the thought.
Starting point is 00:05:45 That's hysteria. That's hysteria. What is the origins of the word hysteria, Drew? Uterus. Women. Like hysterectomy? Like uterus, yeah. Hysterectomy.
Starting point is 00:05:57 Hysteria. Hmm. Yes. So, when you have... And men can be hysterical. Let's be fair. Men can be hysterical. We have be fair. Men can be hysterical. We have lots of evidence.
Starting point is 00:06:07 Justin Trudeau is more chick dink than any chick I've ever met. Right. So now you have a large, I don't know if it's the majority. I'll say the majority in California of chick dinks who yell someone's got to do something. And so they start closing down horse trails and they require you wear masks outdoors and they start talking about having thanksgiving outdoors and sitting eight feet apart and you know using a t-shirt cannon to shoot mashed potatoes at your uncle and and and it all falls on the heading of someone has to do something.
Starting point is 00:06:45 But what I hate even more than that thought is the fact, in retrospect, they use the same logic. What do you want? They had to do something. What do you want them to do? They needed to do something. Right. Right. So it's basically, you go, this factory is failing, but don't worry.
Starting point is 00:07:02 I purchased some magic beans. And the people in the factory go, okay. He bought those magic. He traded the cow for some magic beans. That satiates hysteria. Someone's got to do something. Hysterics, yeah. Yeah, so that's what you're dealing with.
Starting point is 00:07:21 So the governor just starts yelling to do a bunch of stuff that doesn't make sense, but it satiates the masses of hysterics out there. And then the hysterics also get angry at anybody who pushes back or has an argument the other day. And also, hysterics aren't interested in data or numbers or no any any risk they certainly don't care about risk reward you know like okay well maybe you save a couple of kids but what if they all fall behind two grades you know you know what i mean it's going to depression and put on 30 pounds you know what about that so i could kill themselves not interested that's oh that's who you're dealing with yes so gross but it could stop or if not stop be slowed down by normal people saying normal shit often well and not not getting whipped up with the hysterics.
Starting point is 00:08:26 It doesn't help the hysterics to be whipped up. Right. But who wants to live with a hysteric and then walk into the room and yell at them, calm down, shut up, I'm in charge. You don't know what you're talking about because that's going to be a horrible life for you.
Starting point is 00:08:42 So then you who may be a non-hysteric, get sort of, you know, sort of forced to sit on the sideline and shut your mouth. That's basically what it is. The hysteric has a bat and starts swinging it. Well, what the hysteric has is... And an army. The hysteric is like a crying kid
Starting point is 00:09:05 in the backseat of the car, and it's not about right or wrong. It should be like that. It should be like that, but it's not when adults get weapons and power and armies. Oh, well, yes. Here, yes, you will be canceled. You'll be removed from your job. You'll be fired, sent out to the cornfield,
Starting point is 00:09:21 wished out to the cornfield. Yeah, that's what we're dealing with. But if you want to put a dent in it, you need a bunch of people sort of creating a unified front, which people were not willing to do. It's how we deal with it in the psych hospital. When somebody goes off, you have a unified, stable, calm presence. Yeah. Who, what percentage of recognizable names in Hollywood took a stand against, you know, closing schools or beaches or whatever? I can't think of any.
Starting point is 00:09:56 Did somebody? Did Matt Damon? Many people talk about him again. No, there was. Maybe Tim Allen. I don't know. Who? Nobody.
Starting point is 00:10:08 Kevin Sorbo or something. Dean Cain. You know what I mean? There's a handful of fringe people. Nobody. Why not? Oh, well, they're – but they're a clique. They're cool kids.
Starting point is 00:10:22 Yeah, but they want to keep their job. They want to keep their job for sure. Too. Yeah, for sure. So that's essentially what happened. Yeah, so let me give you a great example of what we're dealing with. I was staying in Vegas, and I want to get back to you on the hotel fire because I researched it. Oh, interesting. But I was staying in Vegas and no one was wearing masks in the casinos or elevators or whatever. Pretty much no one.
Starting point is 00:10:54 But as I pulled in to check in to the hotel, I did notice that the three staff members standing behind the partition, they're all wearing masks. I found a higher percentage of black people wear masks and I found a higher percentage of black women wear masks. Interesting. Along with Asian, I guess. But that they were kind of grandfathered in. But anyway, I'm looking and I'm noticing everyone's wearing a mask. So I inquire.
Starting point is 00:11:23 I say, are you guys forced to wear masks or is this a regulation? Because I can't – I'm constantly trying to figure out like what are the rules anymore? Do they just require everyone to work at the hotel? And she said with a little attitude in her voice, she said, I choose to wear a mask i said okay she was nice enough and we're just taking care of business but i did notice her colleague and this is part of the problem with being me 10 of the people who wear the mask, as was her colleague, have the strap twisted. Oh, perfect. So it creates the figure eight.
Starting point is 00:12:07 Yeah. And then it creates a seven-eighths air gap. Yes. It pinches the mask. The mask bunches up like an accordion door. And there's literally seven-eighths of an inch of daylight on her cheek. Yeah. on her cheek yeah so i said you know uh your colleague over here wears hers with the twisted loop and that just creates a big gap yeah and i i just don't think it's effective yeah and she says
Starting point is 00:12:36 her the mask doesn't fit her face properly so she has to wear it that way. That's a non-answer. And I thought, this is who we're dealing with. This is who Fauci is speaking to. This is who Justin Trudeau is speaking to. Just complete and utter non-thinkers. I could have pursued it a little bit. She would have got angry.
Starting point is 00:13:03 It was a paper mask. They already don't work. This is what we're up against drew we're up against this yeah this is insane yeah it's a paper it's a useless paper mask and i her description of her friend who was not the elephant woman. She was a sort of average size, average age, average faced woman. This paper mask wouldn't fit her face right unless she twisted it in some way that made it. It's like someone saying your belt is twisted halfway down the small of your back. That's the only way it holds my pants up. Really? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:45 I interviewed an environmental engineer. Her name is Megan Mansell. I don't think the pod has even aired yet, but she is an environmental engineer. It's at Mamasaurus Meg, I think is her Twitter handle. And she reviews the science. She's an exquisitely careful environmental engineer, and she just reviews all this. And she brings up these sorts of issues all the time. And I think people have to understand this is an aerosol-delivered virus.
Starting point is 00:14:12 Aerosol. Not droplet. Not spit. Not hands. Not body fluids. Aerosol. You could potentially kiss someone with COVID and not get it if they don't aerosolize it and get into your nose. And so the only thing that has any chance of protecting you or other people is an N95, properly fitted, worn 100% of the time.
Starting point is 00:14:39 I was at a – What about in between bites? Yeah, right. Look, I was at a conference in Washington a couple days ago, and this woman, one woman wearing a mask, reminded me of your mom, which I thought was really interesting. And she gets up to ask a question. She walks into the aisle and pulls her mask down.
Starting point is 00:14:57 Oh, yeah. And I thought, well, it's over. The aerosols go 50 feet. The six feet thing was nonsense. It was just invented of the whole cloth. It was nonsense. And I guess brainwashed, people are brainwashed.
Starting point is 00:15:11 People have religious beliefs around these things. Yeah, no, non-religious people. Yeah. Religious people don't. This becomes their talisman. It becomes their sacrament. It becomes the religious impulse
Starting point is 00:15:23 being played out sort of around health and politics right which is we got a lot of that these days i and i'm hearing that religion is making a little bit of a comeback it'd be nice i i'm hearing they you know who said that i think it was like was it rage against the machines guitarist i saw it on gutfeld last night he's he said i'm i'm rebelling now i'm going to church and I'm being ultra conservative. Yeah. That's funny. This is terrible.
Starting point is 00:15:47 Yeah. As far as the fire goes, this is an interesting thing. This is the MGM fire. Drew and I were talking about fire. And I have this vague memory, although my vague memories are usually really dead nuts on, but it's still a very vague memory of a Vegas hotel fire that was started by a staff member sort of with a gay encounter or something and maybe some alcohol involved in a cigarette. Right. And I grafted that onto MGM fire, which was the big one. But the MGM fire was a malfunctioning, like, cooler display case for cakes or something.
Starting point is 00:16:34 Kitchen thing. It was a kitchen deal. It's interesting. They didn't say kitchen fire. They said, you know, electrical malfunction on, like, a dessert thing. But yes, in the kitchen or around the kitchen or dining or something. There was that. Then I was like, so what am I thinking of? And I scoured the internet. And it said there was a fire at the Aladdin.
Starting point is 00:17:01 I believe it was the Aladdin. And it was a while ago, so I could have got them confused. And it was caused, and this was sort of where I was at. I think it was caused by a cigarette being thrown down a laundry chute. Ew, crazy. Which was sort of half of, but I didn't get the other half with the gay relationship and stuff. And I just kept looking and I couldn't find anything more. And then I was also kind of wondering, is this being scrubbed now?
Starting point is 00:17:33 Because I didn't make it up. Yeah. I heard it on the news. Where would that be? And I wouldn't have made it up. But the cigarette part, I didn't make up. But I remember it was caused by cigarettes. Was it definitely a Vegas thing?
Starting point is 00:17:47 Maybe that's the problem. I'm pretty sure. And now they got a look. And this is like the website I went to. Pre-dawn smoky fire at the Aladdin. Sparked by a lit cigarette in a laundry chute. Caused the evacuation. And that's what it was.
Starting point is 00:18:03 But who threw the lit cigarette in the laundry chute caused the evacuation. And that's what it was. But who threw the lit cigarette in the laundry chute? And where was the laundry chute? And it was this. This is the one I was trying to figure out. And I just kept looking. But I wanted to say to you, Drew, you were right. They were all the same time frame, too, which is weird, right? Yeah, they seem to happen.
Starting point is 00:18:24 They seem to happen in the early 2000s and thereabouts but there's there's no more i can find about this aladdin fire other than this brief thing and then i would start looking it up i i went you know aladdin fire a cigarette gay you know it's like we got nothing for you. And it's like, but why are there whole articles on this? And then how come, how'd I hear about this? And then what is it? The thing about
Starting point is 00:18:54 the MGM fire that's weird to me is I remember I was, when was the MGM fire? Do you have a date on that? I feel like I was in New England when that happened. I think it was like, I thought it was like later 90s. Was it 90s? Okay. I can't remember. I looked at so many dates.
Starting point is 00:19:11 Oh, Drew's right again. The MGM fire in 1980. Yeah. I was in New, I would think I was away. I was in New England. And it was the first time I remember, with the image I have in my head is people on the top floor is waving sheets and things and a helicopter trying to get them. And it was the only time I saw it. That's the only frame of reference I had when 9-11 happened. And I was like, well, why don't they do what they did at the MGM? Why aren't they going getting a helicopter and go get them? And I was sort of surprised that didn't happen.
Starting point is 00:19:40 I still don't know why. Yeah, I agree. I'm trying to think of how many people were on the roof or got to the roof. At the MGM? No, on 9-11. Oh, yeah. I don't know if you could get up there per se. Right.
Starting point is 00:19:55 Anything about that Aladdin scene, that was the weird one to me. I have my conspiracy theory now. But it was weird. It was a fire. People died. But I couldn't find any articles on it. And supposedly, I can't remember the details, but like Kirk Kikorian, the guy that built all those early hotels, was sort of a hero in that fire somehow. Like he did something
Starting point is 00:20:14 very proactive and ran in there and pulled people out and saved some lives. Good. Yeah. All right. What else, Drew? So I was actually thinking about saving this. Well, let's do it now. It's sort of what – where we think the news is going. I feel like the Don Lemon thing and the Tucker thing and all that is –
Starting point is 00:20:40 these are substantive changes in what we think of as broadcast news. And I feel like people don't really know the history of all this. There was nightly news. For 30 minutes, everyone gathered around Walter Cronkite. Or who was the guy at ABC? I can't remember his name. I can see his face clear as day. Dan Rather?
Starting point is 00:21:04 Dan Rather on CBS. And Peter? Peter Jennings, yeah. And that was it. That was the news. And they would just sort of report, we thought, the facts. So now that we sort of see how distorted everything is, you really start to wonder how much that was really factual.
Starting point is 00:21:21 But there was not a lot of opinion around it. The opinion would show up in the opinion section of the newspaper. Yeah. The thing that I find interesting about it is when I was watching MSNBC last night, they were getting into Tucker Carlson being a racist for like 20 minutes but one of the things what they do which i find bold is they'll do and all his lies about january 6th oh yeah all his lies about covet yeah you know it's like well okay let's examine yeah what you said about january 6th versus what tucker carlson said about january 6th yes you said it was an armed insurrection, but no one had arms.
Starting point is 00:22:06 You said several officers were killed except for no officers were killed. You said that, you know, these guys were attempting to overthrow the government. Just the fact that you're calling it an insurrection is a lie. Let's check the batting average on COVID in January 6th, your version versus Tucker Carlson's version. But it takes a lot of temerity to point out January 6th and the lies that he told. Are we including him showing security footage of guys wandering up and down the hall? And I do love the out of context.
Starting point is 00:22:47 Well, I don't know what the context is, but Chewbacca man is walking around the halls being escorted by Capitol Police. I don't know what the context is, but I'm looking at this. He's cherry picking. But I'm looking at this. He's cherry picking. Yeah, he is cherry picking because there's 400,000 hours of tape and his show's only 60 minutes long. And he is making a point. If Mark Garagos was defending you and you had a ring doorbell camera, he would cherry pick the tape where you answered the door politely and then shut it when you're accused of assaulting the UPS guy.
Starting point is 00:23:28 He would. But he wouldn't use the tape that ran from the day before. Yeah. He would cherry pick. Yeah. Yeah. Without contact. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:37 It's kind of nuts, right? Oh. All right. But we're supposed to look at January 6th and COVID as an example of Tucker lying, which is interesting to me. But anyway, from the network that lied about all of it. So then we went from these nightly news where newspapers and Newsweek magazines and to some extent the NBC and ABC News had outlets all over the world. They had bureaus. And Ted Turner had the idea of, let's have our own bureaus and report from those bureaus
Starting point is 00:24:13 24-7. As things happen, we'll be there as it happens 24-7. We'll call this cable news network. And then CNN hits, and people kind of realize there's not enough to fill around the clock news. So they start throwing in celebrity stories and that becomes cheaper. That becomes better ratings. They start closing their bureaus all around the world. All the news agencies do.
Starting point is 00:24:40 They're just not a business model the same way they used to be. And then that doesn to be. And then that doesn't work. And so they start filling it with outrage. So now it becomes just opinion. At least the shows that anybody watches. And I feel like
Starting point is 00:24:58 this move is the beginning of the unraveling of that because that's not really working anymore either. And so there seems to be an attempt to kind of bring things back towards something i talk about for cnn for cnn with don lemon and for fox news even i feel like they their model i'm sure it's kind of faltering a little bit well they're getting good ratings so i don't they're getting good raising with a comedy show you know and uh you know what i mean no i mean I mean, I don't check the overnights. But Fox does very well in the ratings.
Starting point is 00:25:30 Now, I don't know if their ad sales are down. I don't know all the nuts and the bolts. So here's the challenge. CNN needs to change their format. I don't think Fox is planning on it. But when you add CNN and MSNBC and what's the other one that they have? What other sort of left-leaning one is there? You add those all together, you get similar ratings to what Fox is getting. Fox, though, can't get advertising.
Starting point is 00:25:58 You notice all you see is MyPillow and the juice gummies. That's it. You know what I mean? These were nature's way or whatever. Or maybe laxative ads or something. Oh, yeah, yeah. They can't get advertisers. So it's like, huh, how does this all sort out?
Starting point is 00:26:19 Well, it seems to me the only way it sorts out is by going back to the news. You could do a comedy show for sure. I feel like that will always play. And you can do a sports show. That will always play. But the rest of it's got to kind of be news if you're going to try to fill a cable news network. Right. And everything else is going to go to these opinion outlets like Ben Shapiro and The Blaze and the outlets.
Starting point is 00:26:46 They're going to go to places where people can go and pay who they want to hear to hear their opinion. Yeah. And I think that's how this is going to kind of play out a little bit, no? Yeah. I wouldn't argue with that. The real question is what percentage of Americans want the news versus their version of the news? Yeah. Well, they can get their version.
Starting point is 00:27:11 They can go to wherever and get it. That's the new world. It's a new world order. It's back to what we were talking about with Tucker going off on his own. That's the new world order. People follow the opinion makers. Yeah. I think the problem, you know know if you just take covid for example
Starting point is 00:27:26 i'd hear rochelle walensky speak i'd hear fauci speak i'd hear newsom speak and then i'd go all right let me see if i can find out what's really going on yeah which is not a good look you don't want that with your wife you know what i mean you don't want her to go um i'm i'm i'm in uh new york for one more night because the weather system is blown in and the flights are delayed. And you went, OK, babe, I'll see you tomorrow night. Then you hang up the phone and go, all right, now find out the real reason. You don't want that relationship with your gardener. Yeah, you don't want that relationship with anybody.
Starting point is 00:27:57 But that's the relationship we're having now. Certainly don't want to have it with the CDC and the WHO. But that's the relationship we're having now. I don't want to have it with the CDC and the WHO. But that's the relationship we're having now. I want to continue this next episode. But and yet that is something, a symptom of something you've been talking about
Starting point is 00:28:12 for a long time is that nobody has any character. And without character, how can you have trust? OK, go to for all live shows. Vegas, Oklahoma City, New York, Solana Beach, Nashville, Huntsville, Monterey, Pasadena, all over the place.
Starting point is 00:28:27 What do you got, Drew? Check out our streaming show, DrDrew.TV. It's at 3 o'clock Pacific time. I think you guys will enjoy that. Check out some of the back episodes, too. If you want to learn about the real facts around COVID, we have uncovered some amazing stuff. And the likes of Malone and McCullough and RFK Jr., those kinds of guys. Guys I don't necessarily agree with, but I'm willing to hear them out.
Starting point is 00:28:48 I mean, that's sort of the name of the game. And also Dr. Yarkov, follow up on it. So, until next time, I'm Adam Perl for Dr. Yersin. Mahalo.

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