The Adam and Dr. Drew Show - #1732 Go Have Some Asthma!

Episode Date: June 14, 2023

Adam and Drew take a call from someone taking HCG who is worried about a testicular cancer relapse and another from someone whose daughter is about to start medical school. Next, they break down a from 'Less Than Zero' and Drew wonders how Kim Cattrall's character in 'Sex and the City' looks now in retrospect. Please Support Our Sponsors:

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I'm John Glover. Emmy award-winning researcher John Glover and I'm Marissa Pinson. Critically unacclaimed TV writer Marissa Pinson. And we're the hosts of the new podcast On Brand with John and Marissa. Join us every week for an exploration of the world's most interesting and iconic brands, like Walmart. Do they still have the old people who say welcome to Walmart? No, they got rid of them. You just want more old people in the store? I want every staff member to be over 90. And Heinz.
Starting point is 00:00:28 Heinz. Heinz. Heinz. I say Heinz. I'm a German dictator. And while you learn about these legendary brands, you'll also learn a bit about us. Hey, John, do you still sleep in shoes? I would say probably three times a year I fall asleep in shoes.
Starting point is 00:00:44 You told me the thing that you should never look under a Costco chicken. Well, I don't think you should ever look under a chicken. So tune in every Wednesday for a brand new episode of On Brand with John and Marissa. Available now wherever you get your podcasts. See you there. recorded live at corolla one studios with adam corolla and board certified physician and addiction medicine specialist dr drew pinsky you're listening to the adam and dr drew show yeah i get it on my boat one from the last few weeks. But, you know, I got a bunch of stuff.
Starting point is 00:01:32 I got so much shit I want to get into, but let's just take a couple calls just so they don't have to wait. Okay. I'm going down the line. Justin, 35, Ohio. Yeah. Yeah. Yes, hi. Yeah, my question is, I got a history of testicular cancer,
Starting point is 00:01:51 and one of the things that they check for with that is HCG in your blood. And I started TRT about six months ago, and one of the issues with that is, you know, your balls shrink. So I only got one left. I want to keep it as big as possible. HCG, if you take that as an injection, will keep it full size, I guess. But seeing HCG, you know, with my blood work in the past, I'm worried about the correlation with me taking that HCG
Starting point is 00:02:20 and it triggering something with getting cancer again. HCG, human choriogranatotropic hormone. It's what placentas create, but certain testicular tumors also will put that out. Why are you taking that? Because of the? No, he's taking it because he wants to try to. You're doing two things wrong, really, Justin. I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:02:41 Really? But A, you're taking too much testosterone. That's why your balls are shrinking. And then you're going to try to boost your own testicular production up by giving it HCG. Who's managing this? TRT clinic. And they're suggesting maybe how about just dialing down the testosterone, seeing what that does. What's TRT?
Starting point is 00:03:04 Testosterone replacement therapy. Oh does. What's TRT? Testosterone Replacement Therapy. Oh, okay. Or HOMO Replacement Therapy. You know what I mean? It just seems like it's weird that they've overshot on the testosterone, and now they're going to give you another medicine to jack up the production and the sort of the tissue in and around your testes. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:03:24 I'm looking up whether it can cause cancer. I've never heard of it causing cancer. HCG levels outside of pregnancy can stimulate the growth of cancers, testicular cancers. So there you go. I'd never heard that before. So the HCG injection might cause a relapse of cancer, you think? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:03:47 Again, how long ago was your testicular cancer? I had it 10 years ago, and then another relapse five years ago, and now I'm about five years old. To me, again, what's up with this clinic that they're not contemplating this? Again, I can't stand this. It's just bad medicine. So I don't know the risks. You'd have to probably talk to an oncologist to know for sure,
Starting point is 00:04:11 but, Jesus, I would be extremely cautious with this. And so we have a small testy. Who cares? All right. Let's talk to Elliot 52 from Sunnyvale, California. Hey, guys. How are you doing? Hi, guy.
Starting point is 00:04:25 Hi, guy. Hi, guy. Hey, this question is a little bit more for Drew than it is for Adam, but I'm in. My daughter just got into medical school. Good. And so she'll be starting in July. And she also has a long-term boyfriend. Just wondering what to tell her to expect. With medical school or with the relationship? Both.
Starting point is 00:04:50 So – With the relationship. Well, obviously she's going to get her ass kicked in medical school. That's just part of the deal. Yeah. And that goes on for many, many years afterwards too. I mean there's the five to seven years of post-medical school training plus early in her career,
Starting point is 00:05:06 she'll get her ass handed to her for a long time. So it's a 10-, 12-year deal. But in terms of the long-term relationship, and by the way, in terms of directing this towards me and not Adam, there's nothing Adam can't comment or complain about. So I'm sure he'll have something to say. And also, her school is going to be in Chicago, and he lives in the Bay Area. Well, let me just tell you my experience.
Starting point is 00:05:30 I don't know. Again, it was a long time ago. It was the 80s. And here was the data for my class. In my class of medical school, I think there were three, there might have been five marriages and probably a dozen long-term relationships. Zero marriages, zero long-term relationships made it to the end. So that was my experience. And as I watched that, I thought to myself, well, of course not.
Starting point is 00:06:00 First of all, you're gone all the time. But you change a lot during this training and so it's people just change their whole you know everything changes and so yeah it's probably less rigorous than what you used to have to do it meaning that they are not asking so much of them these days which is true well i mean it sort of, it's gone the same way as probably football practice. Yes. You know? Yes.
Starting point is 00:06:27 There's a great... No, they have hours. They're only allowed to work certain hours. You have to drink, have to hydrate. You know, you can't run people till they die. You know, that's... There's a great... Thanks, Elliot.
Starting point is 00:06:40 I don't know why I was watching NFL Football Channel. I watch a lot of it. You know what I end up doing as they replay Super Bowls, like the 1989 Denver Broncos? You and I were watching something like that, a playoff game at a bar in New York. Remember? The Jets thing? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Joe Namath behind the set?
Starting point is 00:07:00 That was a little before my time, but the Super Bowls are – I know where I was during that Super Bowl. Yeah. And I know – and anything from the 80s, any Super Bowl you would have played from the 80s, I was not in a good spot. It was always bad. And like the one – like if you pick one from like 1985, I was like, oh yeah, I remember that.
Starting point is 00:07:29 I had my one bedroom with my three roommates. I'd drive my piece of shit truck. I was making eight bucks an hour. I know exactly where I was when that stuff was all going down. But there's a clip from 1989 where Dallas coach Jimmy Johnson was at practice, and there's this great clip. He goes, you know, Johnson, aren't you with this group? And you hear the guy off camera go, I got asthma, coach.
Starting point is 00:08:01 And he goes, asthma? The asthma field's over there. Get! Could you imagine oh that would make you have to run laps on things saying something like that right what are you talking about i mean they'd punish you if you brought up something like that often no i'm saying could you imagine idiot could you imagine a coach disciplining someone with asthma now? No, I agree with you. How fast they'd be. No, but you're not.
Starting point is 00:08:31 You're saying they would make you run laps. They wouldn't make you run laps if you had asthma. They would call you a pussy and tell you to go sit over, you know, get out of here. They wouldn't make you run laps. If you told them you had cramps or bad knee or something, they wouldn't make you run laps. They'd just go, okay, lady, go have a seat over there and think about your knee. Yes.
Starting point is 00:08:50 It's just... Yep. All right, here's a clip, sorry. The stories are legendary. Him waving the kicker with asthma, sending him off to the asthma field as he cut him. Son, are you part of this group? Yes, I am, sir.
Starting point is 00:09:05 Asthma, my a**. Get over there on that other field and have some asthma. Get out of here. But have some asthma. Have some asthma. Now, that's where I come from. Yes, me too. So when employees not coming in and I go, where's Bobby?
Starting point is 00:09:25 And they go, he's celebrating his half birthday. I'm like, are you kidding me? What the fuck? Go have some asthma. Yeah, it was survival of fitness. How do we get through all that? Well, look, what people don't. And yet people weren't dying on the field very often.
Starting point is 00:09:46 No. So here's my whole thing. When I'm trying to discuss things with people, have some asthma is where I'm coming from. I know that. They're coming from sort of this fucking self-esteem movement thing where everyone's a champion and no one is anything. Have some asthma. Have some asthma is where I'm coming from.
Starting point is 00:10:14 Yes, yes. Listen, you had it just in football. Well, I guess you had it in construction. So I had it in football and medical training. You had it in football and then construction, right? Yes. Construction was football, an extension of it, depending on who your foreman was. But it was very hot. It was always hot.
Starting point is 00:10:39 You were never – you're always outside just covered dirt working. Not everybody worked for mike stromatt yeah well mike stromatt stromatt mike stromatt was a have some asthma guy you know like he he put you in a hole and you'd be digging in this hole like all day and you know he he had some he had a couple of memorable moments like i here's what i remember from mike's event a couple highlights on a monday morning he got all the kind of labors together mind you i was a hard-working fucker man like i you told me to dig. I dug. I didn't sit. I didn't fucking make excuses.
Starting point is 00:11:37 You would not catch me if you're on that job site and you told me to move plywood or something or dig or move drywall. You would never turn your head and see me sitting down or resting or anything. I would not let that happen. or resting or anything. I would not let that happen. I was scared shitless that you would turn around and I'd be like just going, I'm taking a break or I'm just resting my back here or something. You would see me moving that. If you had 50 sheets of drywall in the front of the house
Starting point is 00:12:01 and you got in your pickup truck and said, I'm going on a lunch run or whatever, put the drywall, bring it all of the house and, and, and you got in your pickup truck and said, I'm going on a lunch run or whatever. Put, put the drywall, bring it all into the house. My thing would be like, when you come back, all that drywall is going to be in the house.
Starting point is 00:12:13 Like I'm going to do it. You're going to come back and go, what the hell happened to the drywall? I go, it's all in the house boss. Like that. That's why when I told Matt to clean up the parking lot and he did nothing, nothing. And then I said, Matt, what's parking lot and he did nothing, nothing.
Starting point is 00:12:25 And then I said, Matt, what's going on? I did my best. Like, I'm like, have some asthma. It doesn't compute to me. I know. So and it shouldn't compute to anyone. But we we've figured out some sort of thing where it's like then people come up to me and they go, no, that's the way we do it now. And it's like, all right, so the way we do it now is the boss asks someone to do something.
Starting point is 00:12:49 Then they don't do it. And then when he asks, why didn't you do it? He then says, I did my best. And then you walk away, like ask these guys to clean their office over here and they all quit. Like, is that that's the way we're doing it? It doesn't sound super effective. By the way, it's not good for them. It is in evidence.
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Starting point is 00:14:12 I was getting $7 an hour. We would work 50, sometimes 60-hour weeks. There was no overtime. there was no overtime. But if you work past a 40-hour week, taxes would eat up the next 20 hours, the overtime hours for some reason. The taxes, which would be removed from the paycheck,
Starting point is 00:14:37 automatically would eat it up. So, you know, I would make $7 an hour for the 40 hours and the taxes would take $1.65 out of that per hour. But once you got past $40 and into the $50 and $60 hour, the tax would take like $4 out of it or something. So it's like I end up working the next 20 hours averaging $3 an hour. And it was fucking hot and it was dangerous and it was dusty and it was shit. And I just happened to stumble onto my very first job, which was a miserable job. There's, there's some jobs, you know, I've worked jobs in construction where like I worked at a house in the hills of Malibu and I was like doing finish work the whole time.
Starting point is 00:15:25 I mean, I had a skill by then. And we would eat our lunch like out on the patio on the back and just look at the view of the Pacific Ocean. And by the way, I live close to that house in Malibu now, and I walk past it all the time. I just look up at it. I actually look up. You know what I look up at? I look up in the hills of Malibu. There's a tennis court that like cantilevers,
Starting point is 00:15:50 like a poured in place, you know, in the side of the hill. I worked on a house up on Rambla, whatever, up above it. And I used to just stare down at it when we ate lunch. I was like, who's got a tennis court? Right, how do they do that? How do they do that? I still have questions. at it when we ate lunch. I was like, who's got a tennis court? Right.
Starting point is 00:16:05 How do they do that? How do they do that? I still have questions. Yes. There's a gazebo out there. You know, the house is stately manner. It's just staring at it. And I see it all. Whenever I walk through Malibu, I do all the time stuff.
Starting point is 00:16:17 I just look up at the bottom of the tennis court. Remember, remembering the view from above, being completely destitute and poor. But there were jobs that were, you know, you could luck out and get on to framing a house in Simi Valley on an avocado ranch. You know what I mean? It was okay. Yeah. This was Silver Lake, digging caissons by hand, brutal fucking buckets of dirt. This was a shit show.
Starting point is 00:16:47 And Mike showed up, Mr. Matt, and he just got all the laborers together. He got me and three or four other laborers together, and he just goes, like Monday morning, like 7 a.m., we're all getting $7 an hour. He goes, I'm going to ride you guys so hard this week. I guarantee one of you is quitting. I guarantee. I'm looking
Starting point is 00:17:11 at four of you guys right now. One of you is not making it through this week. I guarantee it. And I will be disappointed if one of you don't quit. Because I will look at it as not doing my job. And he just rode the fucking shit out of us for no good reason.
Starting point is 00:17:30 I worked. First off, you didn't have to knock me down a peg. That's where I lived, you know, and I was just fucking trying. I was like trying to survive. And I was never like, oh, giving some lip or, hey, Mike, I'm taking a break. It's hot. All I I was never like oh giving some lip or hey Mike I'm taking a break it's hot and I all I did was work I I was scared to death for you to spot me not working on a job site and there was no cell phones or personal canteens or whatever so like I'm gonna sneak out around the side and smoke a cigarette and call my girlfriend or something there was none of it it was just work that's all it was but yet he felt the necessity to tell us he was gonna break us so weird
Starting point is 00:18:11 yeah i know and and i remember german prison guard yeah i was like man and and also i was also like really like i can't this is my life like I have to get stuck with everybody all the time doing the worst shit all the time. Yeah. You know, just another quick sidebar. The idea of the tennis court had a whole different impact back in the 70s, maybe into the 80s. Remember? That was, oh, that's what if you had really arrived that's the that's what you did pool and a tennis court yeah now it seems like why why
Starting point is 00:18:53 do you have a tennis court the tennis court was sort of the the jet plane of the day it was the conversation that like when when you had a rich dad yeah and the son was not doing great he's like i gotta i gotta borrow some money from dad where is he he's out hitting balls you know and then the rich guy'd be on the tennis court he'd be hitting balls and the kind of broken down son is like god dad is this about money is he he returning the ball machine? That was the number one rich guy activity, which is ball machine on that side. I'm returning and I'm hitting and I'm not looking at you. I'm returning from the ball machine and you're saying, Dad, if I just get a couple extra bucks.
Starting point is 00:19:39 About the last time I gave you money, smash, return the ball. You think it grows on trees. You know how I got here? That was a rich guy, number one rich guy activity. Playing tennis. Alone. Had to be alone. Ball machine. Weird. For me,
Starting point is 00:19:58 I could remember like seeing those movies going. They'd have a ball machine and they'd have the water dispenser on the side. Yeah, yeah. Who has this kind of money that you could have water outside? Just water. Just with a bottle.
Starting point is 00:20:16 Yeah. With a thing. They bought the water, too. The ball machine. That's got to be $300. Holy shit. How about all the balls? You got to buy the balls.
Starting point is 00:20:25 So many balls. You got to buy all those tennis balls. Yeah, I know. I know. My family, they coached me well. All right, let me tell you. Now it's all pickleball. It's all pickleball.
Starting point is 00:20:37 All the might have fallen. Yeah. Yeah, there's all the scenes. You can find, you don't believe me, find in the movie Less Than Zero, a drugged up, broken down Robert Downey Jr. Showing up to his dad's rich guy house, wanting him to like pay off a drug debt or something, something like that while dad is playing tennis. All right. I'll tell you guys about fast growing trees from shade to fresh fruit. Breathe some life in your backyard this spring with fast growing trees.
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Starting point is 00:22:15 off your entire order that's 15% off at slash ads you've been watching any love boat a little bit i don't know that I've seen one. Oh, wait. I already got the tennis clip. Oh, my God. Here it is. I got the tennis clip. Ball machine.
Starting point is 00:22:34 Yep. Thousand balls all over the course. Rich guy. Dad. What do you want? I'm hitting balls, son. Just a couple minutes. you want? I'm hitting balls,
Starting point is 00:22:43 son. Just a couple minutes. It looks lame. Yeah. For somebody who's working on tennis so much, there's not much of a stroke. My God, you look terrible. I was wondering if I could stay at home tonight. I just really would love to wake up and know where the hell I am for once.
Starting point is 00:23:08 It would be a nice change of pace for me. I can't do that. I've got to hit my balls. Sorry, boy. I've got to hit more balls. That's a little different, though. I wouldn't ask, except it's just that my options are real kind of limited right now. He's a drug addict, right?
Starting point is 00:23:23 Yeah. We've been through this a hundred times. I know. He's still a rich guy dad hitting Yeah. We've been through this a hundred times. I know. He's still rich guy dad hitting balls. Yeah. Still that. You conned your way through rehab.
Starting point is 00:23:31 You lied. You stole. And look what you've done to our family. I know, but why don't you just give me a break? I just need you to be my father for one goddamn day. Just. Gotta hit balls. Just help me. It's very accurate this is so
Starting point is 00:23:47 classic drug addict stuff yeah i mean can't you tell when i when i'm telling the truth no impossible no yeah all right there's the scene first thing hitting balls alone can't you tell when i'm telling the truth he can't tell when he's telling the truth. That's the thing about addiction. Yeah. Yeah. It's a pretty good movie, actually. I've signed off on the principles here.
Starting point is 00:24:12 Very 80s. Yeah. You should check it out. All right. What's on your list there, Drew? Well, I got a lot of stuff. But the one thing I was thinking about that sort of fits into this cultural stuff we're talking about. If you notice, Kim Cattrall's out, sort of, there's stories about her now.
Starting point is 00:24:28 She's 66 years old. She's using all these fillers and things. And I think ultimately they're sort of making fun of her. I haven't really read the articles, but it seems sort of cruel, frankly. But my point is I have been railing on Kim and the character she played for 25 years in that what I'm interested in now is how that character looks in retrospect. I mean do people see through that craziness now? I actually spoke to the woman that wrote the original stories about Sex and the City, the book Sex and the City. the original stories about Sex and the City, the book Sex and the City.
Starting point is 00:25:07 And what she told me was that the Kim Cattrall character, Samantha, was based on a friend of hers who became – was a drug addict, sex addict, and died. And that's – who behaves like that, the way Kim Cattrall is behaving. And it went down at that era as just a liberated woman having her day in the city whenever she wants. I'm wondering how that looks now to the younger generation. Have you thought about that? No, nobody's thought about that. Well, the fact they're making fun of her now
Starting point is 00:25:31 sort of led me to think that maybe... Who's making fun of her online? Yeah, the sort of online stories and stuff. There's something... Okay, first thing. She is essentially, her character is what gay men think would be the ultimate life if you were a female. Yeah, that's right. So it's sort of like, it's not through the eyes of a feminist or a female it's it's a gay fantasy of if you were a
Starting point is 00:26:09 chick this would be what you did and and the gay man wrote the movie the tv series the movies oh he did yeah oh okay that's but i i didn't know a gay man wrote it but it is her character is a caricature of a gay fantasy. If you had to be a straight female. Yeah. You would be drinking martinis every day. You would be fabulous. You would be celebrated and you'd be having indiscriminate sex partners all over the place and loving it because you'd be fabulous.
Starting point is 00:26:39 Yes. And so her character is a gay man with tits. Yeah. Essentially. It's a gay fantasy of what a heterosexual female would be. Yes. That's very interesting. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:26:57 Yes. And no one's ever said anything like that. I think that's kind of interesting. That's why I get the big bucks. That is why. Because I have insights. I knew we'd get something out of that. Yes.
Starting point is 00:27:06 And there is something that bothers me about her. And I don't know. But I'm not basing it on a lot. On the actress or the character? The actress. Yes. I'm not basing it on much. I'm just bothered by her.
Starting point is 00:27:22 Likewise. I saw years ago she was asked a question on a red carpet. She wouldn't answer it. I hate it when people don't answer questions. Yes. I hate it. Yes. I hate it.
Starting point is 00:27:33 I don't know why. Yeah, I'm with you. And then there was like, had issues with Sarah Jessica Parker or something. And I was like, it seems like she who had the issues. And was so sort of unrealistic about this character that she was portraying. I, my, the gift horse in the mouth thing is a big problem with me. It's like, you're on a show, the show's printing money, you're getting compensated. Just fucking show up, get along, read your script and go home.
Starting point is 00:28:04 You know what i mean like what is all like i need to be treated this way right now i i don't get any remember go have some asthma that's where i come from i i don't need to be treated kim go have some asthma i don't need to be treated anyway i just need to show up it's it's work yeah it's a job show up you work you get paid you go home i it's there's something wrong with her i just don't know i've never really thought about enough to put my i wanted to she identified so strongly with the character i i don't know i wondered you know again remember the the character had a borderline personality the actual person who the character was generated from, borderline personality, drug addict, sex addict, died young.
Starting point is 00:28:46 All right. All right. The other thing, have we talked about RFK Jr., you and I? So your thoughts on him? A little bit. So now he has been sort of endorsed by Jack Dorsey over Twitter, and he's coming on kind of strong. by Jack Dorsey over Twitter, and he's coming on kind of strong. I've noticed that a lot of the free speech advocates like Schallenberger and Taibbi and stuff sort of seem intrigued with him.
Starting point is 00:29:14 Do you understand what his basic sort of platform is, his focus, the thing he sort of really wants to go after? Are you aware of that? I've interviewed him before. Yeah. He strikes me as very substantial. Yeah, smart. Very substantial.
Starting point is 00:29:33 Yeah. I've also interviewed Marianne Williamson, and she's a fucking doofus. And I'm much more in sort of between obsessed, interested, enthralled with. I have no idea what this sort of doofus attraction is. Like Marianne Williamson. Like I like Marianne. She doesn't say anything. She's a fucking dingbat who has no fucking – her thoughts are like pie in the sky nothingness.
Starting point is 00:30:09 You know what I mean? But in a world where RFK is crazy substantial and then there's Kamala Harris, who says nothing. But people, I'm realizing that people can't process stuff. They don't know the difference. Like, people be like, you know, sometimes people would say, oh, you know, growing up, like, were you funny? Did your family know you were funny? I'm like, no, they didn't know I was funny because they couldn't process. your family know they're funny i'm like no they didn't know i was funny because they couldn't process they weren't funny enough or or smart enough or interesting enough to process what i was saying and i think that's where we're at yeah i think we're just a lot of fucking dumb fucks
Starting point is 00:30:58 listening to kamala harris talk or michelle obama going yeah i guess I like her I'm like but she didn't say anything she didn't say anything it's like I like her and and so Kennedy says things and I at this point I don't care what you say as long as you got some fucking brain cells to rub together. Yeah, I told you I was talking to Gad Saad about Trudeau. Gad is the evolutionary professor up in Canada, very outspoken dude. And I said, what's with Trudeau? And he goes, he's dreamy. That's it. He's dreamy.
Starting point is 00:31:40 But what I don't, where we're at, and it's become sort of a left-right thing, but it doesn't really have to become a left-right thing. I mean, RFK is on the left or is it running as a Democrat? Like it doesn't really have to become a left-right thing. I mean, RFK's on the left, or is it running as a Democrat? It doesn't have to be this. It's just Gad Saad says things. He's like a thinker. And then Gavin Newsom doesn't say anything, and we'll all vote for Gavin Newsom. And we'll all vote for Gavin Newsom. And more and more, the non-thinkers are on the left.
Starting point is 00:32:10 But I don't know why. I mean, unfortunately, they got pushed into a corner where they have to say nonsensical things because the platform and the data don't support what they're saying. Right. So they're just start, then they start rolling into platitudes about everybody of every color having a seat at the table because they don't have any plan. It all becomes, it's not plans, it's platitudes.
Starting point is 00:32:37 But, but an RFK guy, I, he sat here for an hour and I was like, this guy's a major league thinker. Yeah. And then people go, what about his crazy vaccine shit? I go, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:32:49 I'm telling you, he's not dumb. And at this point, I'm just looking for not dumb. He's, by the way, he's the leader of the free world. He's backed off his vaccine stuff to just saying, look, I don't like that the organizations, the corporations, the pharmaceutical giants have so much control over the research. Is there anything that would suggest that it's any other way than what he's saying?
Starting point is 00:33:11 Right. And so he's like, I don't know if vaccines are good or bad. I'm just saying the research needs to be done differently. And I can sign off on that. And then I think I told you this. I mentioned to him, I said, you know, I think I have gelman amnesia as it pertains to the rest of government because I understand what you're talking about with editorial processes in medical journals and in terms of the overreach and capture of pharmaceutical industry in medicine. But I didn't realize that it affects every aspect of government because it's everywhere.
Starting point is 00:33:38 There's corporate capture everywhere. And that's what I'm going to go after. I love it. All right. Go to I'm traveling all over the. I love it. All right. Go to I'm traveling all over the country doing stand-up. What do you got, Drew? Dr. dot com, Dr. dot tv.
Starting point is 00:33:50 Check it out. Until next time, I'm M. Crow for Dr. Sam. Ahala. Stream hit blockbusters that will have you laughing during popcorn summer movies on Pluto TV. that will have you laughing during popcorn summer movies on Pluto TV. Go on a hilarious journey with Tropic Thunder or join Queen Latifah in the beauty shop. Plus, Pluto TV has hundreds of channels with thousands more movies. Available on live and on demand.
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