The Adam and Dr. Drew Show - #1742 Calibrate the Data

Episode Date: July 7, 2023

Adam and Drew start this episode by talking about COVID deniers and the impact on the education of future generations. They discuss news we get that requires us to look deeper at other sources of info...rmation for the news, especially from those that have been canceled. Finally they discuss the mental gymnastics we see from the people at the top and the suppresion of information. Please Support Our Sponsors:

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Starting point is 00:00:01 Hi there, I am Johnny Lieberman and I'm Ed Lowe and we are coming to you from MotorTrend with our new podcast, The Inevitable, back for another season. We have a great group of guests for you this time out. Very special guests. Ed, who is it? Franz von Holzhausen, chief designer, creative director, man of myth and legend. What company does he work for? Tesla.
Starting point is 00:00:21 Tesla. Max Koff, director of vehicle dynamics at Rivian. Daniel Wu. What's up, guys? Designed the cars, the supercars of our youth, of collectively the youth of the world. This is Motor Trends Podcast on the future of the car. Where are we going? How are we going to get there?
Starting point is 00:00:36 What are we going to do when all these cars are software-defined vehicles, SDVs? So if any of this sounds interesting to you, please check out The Inevitable on or wherever you get your favorite podcasts. Or for the video version, head over to Adam Carolla and board certified physician and addiction medicine specialist, Dr. Drew Pinsky. You're listening to The Adam and Dr. Drew Show. Yeah, get it on. Got to get on the trust. We're going to mandate.
Starting point is 00:01:14 Get it on. Dr. Drew's board fertilized specialist and a six dicks and fertilizers and herbicides. This has been your theme this week. What's going on, man? It's all the talk of additives and mayonnaise. Mm-hmm. Oh, my goodness. But, yeah, to emphasize that again, seed oil.
Starting point is 00:01:36 Last show. Yeah, last show. It cannot be emphasized enough, the evidence against seed oil and for butter and tallow and all the things that – and fats like that that are, again, in that list. Dr. Kate. Is it Is that her website?
Starting point is 00:01:52 Something like that. C-A-T-E. Dr. Kate with a C. Yeah, with a C. Dot com. Dot com. Kate Shanahan. She's a biochemist.
Starting point is 00:02:00 She's a family practitioner, physician. She was the nutritionist for the lakers for a long time remember and she i met her in here she came in on our show how did you find her uh maybe vinnie oh yeah i can't i can't recall no that'll be it that's for sure it's there is the undesired you know what would work on women you can't call it vegetable oil you have to say there's a form of liquid poison that is in everything because they're trying to kill your kids yes and you need to check the label because vegetable sounds good that's soy oil sounds good sunflower's got the word sun and flower in it.
Starting point is 00:02:45 Canola. Corn oil. It all sounds pretty good. You know what I mean? All the bad stuff. Yeah. Now, as I've said to- As opposed to tallow and lard. Every woman I've ever spoken to and anyone else, I did not discover any of this.
Starting point is 00:03:04 This is not my research. This is just people who spent a lot of time working on it. And then they gathered the information and then they told me. And then I went, thank you for this information. Because I now know something that I did not know and I can now move forward accordingly. I did not get angry at them. Right. How do you know you're getting good information?
Starting point is 00:03:36 I think that would be where people get kind of. There's a couple. Okay. Here's how you know you're getting good information. I'm glad you brought that up, Drew. Yeah. getting good information i'm glad you brought that up drew yeah you know you're getting good information first and foremost when the person does not have a dog in the fight yeah they do not work for the sunflower oil conglomerate they do not work for the peanut oil conglomerate they're not a rep represent they've not been hired uh because uh safflower oil is uh
Starting point is 00:04:09 suing olive oil and they're an expert witness i it the first things first with everyone agenda is there an agenda what is the agenda assess the source. Be able to be objective about the source. Yes. Every doctor that spoke out against lockdowns, what is their agenda? Right. Presumably getting fired. Right. Well, that doesn't seem like much of an agenda.
Starting point is 00:04:40 And by the way, the crazy response to the lockdown questioners was there's something wrong with them. They're interested in harming people. Right. So I don't want schools locked down. What is my agenda? You're interested in killing teachers and children. Right. Okay. Or you don't give a shit about teachers. You don't give a shit about teachers. Yeah. Okay. So what's my agenda? Okay. No one's less interested in school than me. I don't give a shit about teachers. People call on it or something. You don't give a shit about teachers or whatever. Yeah. Okay. So what's my agenda? Okay. No one's less interested in school than me. I don't believe it really helps anybody anymore.
Starting point is 00:05:11 I was on my son last night. No, Drew. Okay. I was on my son last night, and he was explaining they don't need SATs anymore. Yeah, I know. He was explaining they don't need SATs anymore. Yeah, I know. By the way, say what you will about the SAT.
Starting point is 00:05:36 Statistically and scientifically, it's the best way of assessing someone's future academic performance in college. I'm sure. Most tests – the reason somebody invented testing is so we could figure out if people knew shit or not and how they would perform. How they would perform. Yeah. So anyway, that's gone the way of the dodo. Yeah. Because that's –
Starting point is 00:05:51 It's racist. Yeah. Okay. So I was like – Will a white kid get excused from SATs or – We have to figure this out now. Yeah. Which is sad.
Starting point is 00:06:03 Yeah. He said – Or could he use the SAT if he wanted to kind of thing? I had a funny conversation. I said, no SATs. Like, no. And I'm like, nowhere? Like, nah, just regular colleges, no.
Starting point is 00:06:18 But maybe if you want to get into a lead school or something like that. I was like, wow. And I was like, I stopped and I went, but your smart friends have taken the SATs, right? He's like, oh, yeah. I was like, okay. I thought 10 seconds ago they were gone. But they're still around, but they're for the smart kids. Okay.
Starting point is 00:06:36 So you don't need the SATs anymore, which I was like, well, I never took took them so look at me now in terms of information what does the person have to gain through this information what are they doing you know when um oh god what's her cunt over there the head of the teacher's union? It always drives me nuts. Weingarten? Yeah, Randy Weingarten. When she's up there cooking numbers and hanging out with Rochelle Walensky and telling her to change her story and shit like that, I'm like, okay, these are school unions. She wants more money or more whatever, more funding.
Starting point is 00:07:22 I mean, it's clearly there's an agenda for her. It doesn't even mean you're wrong all the time. It just means I'm now curious as to what's going on. You can have an agenda and be right. So I look for the agenda. I look for like what's in it for the person. And I look at a sort of a kind of a common sense part of it. Like, you know, Europe and, you know, Italy, you know, they cook with olive oil. They've always used olive oil.
Starting point is 00:07:57 They eat tons of pasta, but they also have tons of olive oil with the pasta. And they never seemed historically to be fat or whatever. And kind of there's that sort of side of it, you know, just kind of looking around. Yeah. Kind of part. Yeah. And then there's a part where, like, things are counterintuitive, which is interesting. Like, you're like, oh, vegetable oil is worse than lard?
Starting point is 00:08:26 You know, and you go, yep. And you go, wow, I've always heard it was the other way. And they go, yeah, we all thought it was the other way. But now here's what it turns out. And then there's the data part. When you heat it up, the molecule changes and it turns into this, that, or the other. And then I'm also looking around since we got rid of the aloe in terms of McDonald's and French fries. And we changed them out with peanut oil and vegetable oil.
Starting point is 00:08:52 The tallow. Oh, sorry, tallow. Sorry, different substance. The tallow. Well, now, everyone's fatter. Well, we swapped the oil to be healthier. Why is everyone fatter? So it's like that.
Starting point is 00:09:04 And then you add them all together and you go and you talk to the person and lots of talk about inflammation right inflammation inflammation yeah but you're not you're you're asking how we discern we're not we're talking about covid we're talking about oil we're talking about everything you know who who blew up the nordstrom pipeline you know i mean? Find people that are consistent, that seem intelligent, that have thoughts, that have a history of being correct about things they've said. And then we tend to listen to them versus, you know, government agenda, lobbyists and all that. And then it's pretty easy. I mean, when in doubt, when you're shopping, go for the smaller brand label thing rather than the huge brand label. Just in general.
Starting point is 00:09:57 If you're buying chips or you're buying mayonnaise or you're buying ketchup, you know, just sort of go. I'd rather stick with the kind of ma and pa size things. You know what I mean? I think if I buy a six pack of beer, I might buy a smaller micro brewery than Coors or Budweiser or something like I think this will be a little different. Enjoy it. And then you can get little rules of thumb, like make sure it comes in glass. you can get little rules of thumb, like make sure it comes in glass. If it comes in glass, you stand a much better chance of the contents of being healthier on average than plastic and squeeze bottles. And you miss the PFASs, the forever molecules kind of stuff.
Starting point is 00:10:37 To me, it's both. Yeah. But let's go back to it because I think something that has been lost. I was watching an old video of someone about success, and he was saying, first of all, you cannot do this alone. You're on the heels, on the shoulders of others, mostly, though, your people who are giving you advice. And this is back to that question of who do you take advice from on any topic, whether it's what career path you're on or what to put in your mouth, I think people have lost track completely of how to cultivate mentors and sources
Starting point is 00:11:14 other than the internet, right? So the internet is what they trust, while the real source, the real wisdom, is in the minds of others. Because it's not just about information. It's sort of a wisdom. And that's a different thing that the internet does not provide. You might be able to get it from a podcast or something if you have a continued relationship with someone on the podcast.
Starting point is 00:11:36 But nothing beats in-person guidance. And I've noticed a resistance to that of late, like real – like almost a distrust of it it seems like. And so the question I have is how do we help people who don't have experience with this do that, understand who to trust? Again, it's look around you as Adam is saying and look at their track record. And if it's somebody who's been successful, it's probably a good hint or somebody who is like, would you want to take advice on RFK Jr. and nutrition and working out? Saw him with his shirt off. It's like, well, he might have something to tell us. Right.
Starting point is 00:12:15 Right? It's pretty intuitive, right? Mm-hmm. Yeah. It's not a great science endeavor. Yeah. Look, you have COVID, and you have Jay Bhattacharya and all these guys, Great Barrington Declaration. How anybody doesn't understand that Jay is somebody to listen to. And then you have the ladies from The View.
Starting point is 00:12:39 And you have to decide, because they're saying two different things. So who are you have to decide because they're saying two different things. So who are you listening to? It's pretty easy for me. He's very consistent, very smart, and seems very accurate. And then there's them. So it's easy. I didn't manufacture any of my – the only thing i manufactured from covid was age early that that that's me by the way now it appears that the entire thing revolves around age yes that
Starting point is 00:13:15 appears to be the major organizing problem in the narrative that they're trying to maintain right i said age eight days in. Yeah. Okay. We listen to CNN many times talk about people not being able to play checkers anymore. He liked to make balloon animals at the local tavern. Yeah. That was early. That was by March, I think, or April.
Starting point is 00:13:41 He liked to play chess at the local tavern. It's like, okay. None of these people are going to be missed. Yeah. Not by society. But okay. that okay don't even get me started on that the point is is um i listen to myself a lot because my instincts are good i have told every mother fucker on the planet that excessive cleaning with Purell and sanitizing and all it was going to have effects. They weren't going to be good.
Starting point is 00:14:10 This was not something we needed to do. And it would have a detrimental effect down the road. Now the data comes in. Except for I said that in 1996. Okay. These are all things I know. So a lot of it is I trust myself because I'm calibrated correctly. Number two, I go find people that are being deplatformed and criticized by the
Starting point is 00:14:37 mainstream, by the sort of big pharma, big government, big union, big everything. This is your version of craft on the media scale. Yes. If you're attacking the little ma and pa dairy down the street, I want to hear what they have to say. Yes, that's my instinct too. It's interesting. Right. As soon as somebody's silenced, I want to go talk to them.
Starting point is 00:15:01 I figure they have something to say. What is scary about their idea? Well, their idea is it competes with your idea, and thus you need to destroy them. Jesus. But if somebody's telling me, I think this thing came from a lab, and they're essentially risking their tenure at Stanford for saying that. They're at risk of being ridiculed, fired, deplatformed, demonetized, and all of it. If they're saying it, I at least believe they believe it.
Starting point is 00:15:35 I don't believe Rochelle Walensky believes what she's saying, and I don't believe anyone on CNN believes what they're saying, but the guy's going to get fired? I don't believe anyone on CNN believes what they're saying, but the guy's going to get fired? If you're on CNN and you're telling me this thing came from a wet lab. Wet market. Sorry, I combined the two finally. We met in the middle. Maybe it's both.
Starting point is 00:15:57 We met in the middle. All right, you're telling me it came from a wet market. If you're on CNN, if you tell me it came from a lab you'll be fired so you're telling me it came from a wet market which it may have come from but i also know that if you say it comes comes from a lab you're going to be fired right so i'm factoring that in right and if you're the guy over at stanford who says it came from a lab and is getting fired, I go, well, what are the two motivations for the two folks that are – the subject is where did it come from? I want to know what's motivating these two. And now I'm leaning toward the guy who is basically at risk of being fired for having an unpopular opinion. Isn't it weird that those were the people whose motivation was being questioned?
Starting point is 00:16:48 Isn't that weird? Yeah, their motivation. Yeah, isn't that weird, though? Yes. I mean, their evil motivation? Yeah, they don't want a two-year-old. They don't think a mask is effective on a two-year-old. It's an evil person?
Starting point is 00:17:01 Don't like kids. Don't like teachers. The other thing, thing too is when people start misunderstanding and misconstruing things and miss whatever now i realize they're lying you can uh there's a great clip of uh corinne jean-pierre she's being i was telling she's being asked about transgender athletes competing with male female athletes and dangerous and she just completely twists the whole thing up and spits it back it's dangerous and you get uh set the clock would you Emmy please uh sorry not Emmy Ben
Starting point is 00:17:38 um that when I hear people here here's what I'm saying. Here's what I'm saying. You ready? When you say, hey, Joe Biden, seems to be some mounting evidence that your son and your family is involved in some shady foreign business dealings. What do you have to say to that? And I go, me? Look at Trump. Look at his foreign business. Well, now i'm wondering yeah
Starting point is 00:18:06 because if you said that to me hey adam carolla seems like you and your son were traveling around cashing checks with some shady foreign business dealings i'd go really show me an email yeah show me bring a receipt show me one thing yeah where'd you get that from? Where'd you get that from? Yeah. Who told you that? Where is the evidence? Please present the evidence or be quiet because I don't know what you're talking about. All right. Where's the click? Let's see.
Starting point is 00:18:35 All right. Let's watch, Kareem. Now, here's the other reason I know people are lying. When they take a question and then they twist it somehow into into something else because if you're just being at least obfuscating if you want to answer the question you can answer the question yeah yeah remember i told you that it was insane that joe biden was saying i have never talked to my son about any business. I said, I said, if my son had a Froyo shop in Pasadena,
Starting point is 00:19:10 I would talk to him about it. It's insane not to. Especially when it's all about a father's love. Yes. He's never talked to a son about, but then that makes you kind of a bad dad. Cause you should be. I drove with my son last night.
Starting point is 00:19:25 I said, you got a good job. You do this. What are you interested? Like we he doesn't even have a job. We talked about it. All right. Sorry. John Pierre.
Starting point is 00:19:35 And this issue with the president say to parents out there who have daughters, say from high school, for example, who are worried that their daughter may have to compete against a male, a person born male, and there could be directly physical athletic competition and worry about their daughter's safety. So look, what you're alluding to is basically saying that transgender kids are dangerous. It sounds like that's what you're saying. Well you're saying that their safety is at risk. Yeah, but you're laying out a broad, kind of broad example or explanation of what could potentially happen. A broad example. That is dangerous. That is a dangerous thing to
Starting point is 00:20:21 say that essentially transgender kids we're talking about are dangerous. And so that's something that I have to call out. And that is that is that is that is irresponsible. I had just laid out how complicated this issue is. I just laid out why it's complicated. And so anything that you have any additional questions, I refer you to the Department of Education. I'm going to move on. I know there are other people.
Starting point is 00:20:48 That was just one. That's a liar. So I would watch this person and I would go, I would tend not to believe many things this person said. Now, this is transgender, but she screwed the pooch on every point intentionally. First off, she said the word broad five times. He was very specific. He was, you have a daughter in high school. There's someone who was born a male. Transition is now competing against your daughter. By the way, the question was, what would the president say? Is this what the president would say?
Starting point is 00:21:22 I don't know, but that's not a broad question. It's a specific scenario, an example. Anyway, so when people speak this way, then especially when they like shut you down at the end and go, no, no, no, no, follow up, whatever. I'm like, all right. I'm not listening. I'm not tending to listen to other things they say about other matters. Could be any subject. All right.
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Starting point is 00:22:54 and control you need to weather any storm. slash ADS. All right. Yeah. But it's also a... Can I say this, Drew, about the liars and the sociopaths and the whatever? Joe Biden was asked a reasonable question, which is completely historically easily documented. Have, you know, what is your dealings with your son's business, right? Now, he has been overseas with his son on multiple occasions. It's in the flight logs.
Starting point is 00:23:48 You know what I mean? There's pictures of him everywhere with business partners playing golf and things like that. So you say, oh, well, of course, we've had discussions about business like every father would have with his son. And some of this involves, you know, doing business with companies overseas and things like that. I generally stay out of it. I'm not on the board. Those are his decisions.
Starting point is 00:24:13 But yeah, we've had discussions about it like any father and son would on a plane trip back from Ukraine or whatever it is. But he does the, I have never, I've never had this discussion. Yeah. And like a sociopath, you know what I mean? Well, that's what a child would do, you know, just, and now, okay, now everyone's just magically going to go away. Right.
Starting point is 00:24:36 Because you said never, ever, and you never let it go. And now you've sort of modified it to, I wasn't in business with my son. By the way, always listen for the downgrades and the modifications and the what happened to never. We were never for a long time. Now we didn't form an LLC together. You know what I mean? And then what does this mean, I wasn't in business?
Starting point is 00:25:03 You and I have talked a lot of business, maybe done a lot of business, but we're not in business. I'm not in business. I could say, if someone said, are you in business with Dr. Drew? I'd go, no, I'm not in business with Dr. Drew. Yeah. So be careful when things change. You know what I mean? But I think that's how they manage it.
Starting point is 00:25:25 The slow roll. I guess, but it is sociopathic. It's insane. It's all, by the way, all this stuff is obvious.
Starting point is 00:25:41 It is obvious. Now, it's not obvious to... I used to sit in here with Mark Garagos all the time, and he'd go, how'd you know about this? Or how'd you know about that? I'd just watch Fox. It'd be on Fox two years before it would be out. Not that they get everything right, but I'm just saying, they would be on to something. Tucker Carlson is interviewing Tony Bobulinski two years ago or three years ago.
Starting point is 00:26:09 Three years ago, he's talking to his partner. The partner's going, oh, yeah, Joe was there. He was at the meeting. Did this business all over the place. Yeah, the big guy, 10% for the big guy, that's Joe Biden. That's three years ago. I watched it and I went, oh yeah that's that's what's happening this is pretty easy i don't know you got to look it up ben like i mean
Starting point is 00:26:32 tucker carlson more than that no sorry um i believe it would have been like august you know 2020 or something it's three years ago he sat down for an hour the guy just went and i just went well that's the guy's totally credible because everything seems accurate to me and then then you know and then you know 10 minutes later uh 51 intelligence asked for a sign off and i'm and i'm watching it going no yeah interview the guy at the mac store the guy has the laptop let's just interview him and i go oh yeah that's what happened then he pulls the receipt out and i got the receipt who interviewed him who did that he was on fox of course i mean he's not going on cnn he's on fox and then you go, okay, so this happened. And then three years later, CNN's like, you know, it may have happened.
Starting point is 00:27:28 It's like, yeah, it's been. And the view's talking about it's a sign of the love of the father. I would say it was probably August. I mean, we're literally coming up on three years of the whistleblower, essentially, Tony Bobulinski, his business partner, saying, here's what we did. I went to the Beverly Hills Hotel or whatever, and Joe Biden came by, said hi, when I was having a meeting, business meeting. Look, this is what we did.
Starting point is 00:27:58 I have all the emails. There's probably video footage of it happening in the lobbies and stuff, right? Oh, God. Looks like October 2020.ies and stuff, right? Oh, God. Looks like October 2020. Yeah. October. Yeah, Tony Bobulinski interview. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:28:11 Right? I mean the videos would have to be at the hotel, right? If they still have it. Oh, yeah. I mean – but there's some shady shit out there like you know i don't know if everyone knows this but there was a picture i think the los angeles times had of uh obama like shaking hands or with a group like posing for a group photo with like um oh god one of those horrible black preacher you know anti-jewish you know whatever whatever yeah you know one of those guys i'm trying to think of who who is that picture of i don't know ben type in
Starting point is 00:28:58 obama oh come on You know the guy. I was talking about the Jewish devil. Yes. Hang on. I almost had it. Yeah. The Nation of Islam guy. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:29:14 Yeah. I think there's a picture of him with a couple other leaders, like glad-handing or posing Louis Farrakhan. like glad-handing or posing Louis Farrakhan. I think it's Louis Farrakhan, but it could be one of the other sort of fire starter black Jews or rats kind of guys. And the L.A. Times had the picture, and they're like, we're not going to publish it because it might fuck them up.
Starting point is 00:29:40 So we'll just sit on it. So they just sat on it. How did you find out about it? At some point, somebody, you know, inevitably, we're going to wait until after the election and then we can do it. It's the same thing they just did with the 51 experts and the laptop and stuff. It's like, just wait until after the election and then we can kind of say, maybe it is real. But that shit does go on. I don't know, Ben, L.A. Times controversial picture of Obama.
Starting point is 00:30:08 You don't think this shit goes on? You think the L.A. Times is a news outlet? Oh, no. They sat on it for years. celebrity news story where there was some footage that came out that showed this person in very bad light in terms of understanding what happened to that person. That's about all I can say about it. And I sat there with a bunch of producers from this, one of those entertainment type shows. They were like, well, we can't air this. Right. Because it makes him look like, not disrespectful. And it was like, no, it would tell the whole story.
Starting point is 00:30:46 People would stop speculating about what happened to that person. Just there it is. I'm trying to think. I bet Ben will find that picture. And I remember it was obtained in very odd ways, too. That was the other reason they would say, we can't show these things. If they aren't obtained by legitimate means. It could have been Reverend Wright,
Starting point is 00:31:06 who is the sort of very controversial leader from his church. Controversial minister leaves Obama. Jeremiah Wright. Yeah, but what are you looking for, Ben? Tell me what you're looking for. Controversial Obama picture, Pastor. Yeah, I think L.A. Times needs to be in that mix. I'm hitting a paywall.
Starting point is 00:31:32 Oh, hitting a paywall. Anyway, they had the picture. They deemed it would not help him in his campaign. It would hurt him in his campaign, so they didn't publish it. So get used to it, people. Is there a difference between that and 51 intelligence experts sign off on russian collusion yeah that's that's where we're at just which is fine you can go about your life but just understand it that's all i hate when people fucking tell me well you
Starting point is 00:31:59 come on it's not a picture of wine. It's a group picture. There's multiple people in the picture. This will help. And it was suppressed. Pablo, 33, San Marcos. Miho.
Starting point is 00:32:17 Miho. What's going on? Hey, Adam and Drew. Always good to say hi to you all. I had a hypothetical question for you all. How do you think your lives might have been different had you never met? Lots of different ways. Sort of a million different ways, right?
Starting point is 00:32:34 Yeah. I mean, I don't know how to answer that. Yeah, it's hard to. But not in a good way. I mean, it's good that we met. It's good and that we're like-minded and, you know, we're still together. I think, oh, I got to talk to Drew about this.
Starting point is 00:32:50 So all good. All right. I don't know, but we're out of time. Go to for all the live shows. Got a show in San Antonio, Texas tomorrow. San Antonio Comic Con and car show. That'll be tomorrow. so come say hi. Then it's Vegas, then it's
Starting point is 00:33:08 Boise, then it's Portland. Just go to What do you got, Drew? Dr. Check out After Dark there and You'll hear that streaming show Tuesday, Wednesday. There's a 3 o'clock check. While you look at the library, you'll find some interesting stuff there. So, until next time, Adam Crowler for Dr. Drew saying, mahalo.
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