The Adam and Dr. Drew Show - #1743 Loveline Nostalgia with Superfan Giovanni

Episode Date: July 10, 2023

Adam and Dr. Drew welcome back Superfan Giovanni to discuss all things radio, LoveLine, and nostalgia. Adam deliberates on people in modern society and their predilection towards apathy, and why not ...wanting to be wasteful is prudent and considerate. Please Support Our Sponsors:

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey, this is Adam Parola. Let me tell you about my podcast. We do it every single day, so you can subscribe and there'll always be a fresh one waiting for you. It's about two hours of topics, topical topics, and news and guests and comedians and, of course, my own vitriolic take on just about everything that's going on in the world. Plus, we get a lot of really interesting, notable people who come in. We'll get politicians. We'll get the tastemakers. We'll get stand-ups. We'll get authors.
Starting point is 00:00:36 We'll get pundits. We'll get, what did I say? Well, I think about covers of all celebrities as well. And we'll do some really interesting interviews with them. You can get The Adam Carolla Show wherever you download your podcast. and board-certified physician and addiction medicine specialist, Dr. Drew Pinsky. You're listening to The Adam and Dr. Drew Show. Yeah, get it on. Got to get it on.
Starting point is 00:01:13 Dr. Drew's board-certified physician, addiction medicine specialist. Super fan Gio is going to call in soon, and we'll talk to him about some some uh great loveline bits and beyond you know it's odd that we're having this conversation today because i was sitting at a restaurant on the street in new york city last night and the gentleman and his dog came up to me and freaked out he he did not know us from anything except classic loveline and he goes i listen to it every day i'm a hugest fan i've learned so much and the guy he was about 40 years of age and uh he just could not stop talking about classic loveline i said you should send a note
Starting point is 00:01:59 to geo i mean he'd appreciate it i'm sure his name His name was Nick. I wonder if Chio knows him. Yes, a lot of people discovered. But, I mean, it's sort of like, you know, my kids and all their friends, they watched The Office and Friends, and we watched I Love Lucy. So, you know, but not in real time. That's what I'm saying. Yeah, so reruns. Well, reruns. Watch Gilligan's Island diligently in reruns and in real time.
Starting point is 00:02:26 You know what I mean? I don't know. It's weird how we do that through time, isn't it? Yeah. Now on to sadder subjects. Uh-oh. I have this thing in life where I get slightly fixated. Slightly?
Starting point is 00:02:44 Slightly. Okay. Wheels? Wheels? Well, I have thoughts. But I get slightly fixated on things I don't want to happen. And then I really kind of think about them hard. And then I'm like, but then they happen anyway.
Starting point is 00:03:06 And I couldn't prevent it from happening. Yeah. And I'll give you an example. Okay. All right. I'm in Malibu and there's some leftovers in the refrigerator. leftovers in the refrigerator. And one of them is an expensive and interesting sort of tuna ceviche kind of lettuce wrap thing. You know, there's three or four pieces of lettuce with the raw tuna sort of, I don't know, low carb sushi, something, you know, and it's expensive.
Starting point is 00:03:46 And I'm leaving to drive to Las Vegas to spend the weekend in Las Vegas doing shows. Right. Yeah. I don't want to throw away this food. Right. Yeah. So I think, well, now what am I going to do with this food. Yeah. Right. Yeah. So I think, well,
Starting point is 00:04:05 now what am I going to do with this food? Because by the time I get back to Vegas from Vegas, I don't think it's going to be in very good shape, but it's $15 worth of food and I don't want to throw food away. But, but good news. I have Roberto, one of the guys who works for me coming over to touch up some paint and do some odds and ends
Starting point is 00:04:26 right and I think good news so I take the buffalo cauliflower and the ceviche tuna and I put it out on the counter and I call Roberto over and I say, Roberto, lunch. I got you a lunch here. Now, he'd probably like a carne asada burrito. But there's still 20 bucks worth of free food. And it's good. And I go, here it is. And you can put the cauliflower in the microwave if you want. Or you can take anything from the fridge and mix and match
Starting point is 00:05:05 whatever you want, but here's your lunch. And I think to myself, good problem solved because I'm not eating it at 10 in the morning before I leave. And I gotta be wheels up in an hour and it's going to get consumed and it's not going to be good by the time I get home. And so I just set it out on the counter in the takeout. The takeout box is always with things being wasteful or wasted. That's the obsession. That's the obsession. This will not be wasted.
Starting point is 00:05:33 Roberto shall enjoy it. Right. Now people think I'm a dick or they think I'm cheap, but I'm not. I just want it used. And if I can save Roberto lunch money, then I'll so be it. By the way, this is a fucking magnanimous thing that I'm trying to do. Yes, I'm trying. I don't know why I'm looked down upon for this trait. Who does everybody if more people had this fucking trait then there would never be litter there would never be waste there wouldn't be any of these things no global warming there'd be no global warming because i shut every light and turn off every spigot and
Starting point is 00:06:16 do everything but somehow i'm the fool in this equation so i I look at Roberto and I go, all right, you're going to have this is your lunch. And he goes, yeah, thanks. Okay. Now, I don't tell Roberto I'm going to Las Vegas because that's neither here nor there. My feeling with Roberto is you got your punch list of things to do in this condo and when you're done you just lock the door and pull it shut the part where I'm gone for a few days
Starting point is 00:06:55 is neither here nor there it's extra information that he doesn't need and it opens the door for you know, Roberto's going to pop a bottle of tequila and watch a little sports center and hang out for the weekend, which he would never do. But why even enter this into the official record? Right.
Starting point is 00:07:17 So here's your lunch. Pull the door shut when you leave at the end of the day. Come home Sunday night. Open the door shut when you leave at the end of the day. Come home Sunday night. Open the door. Smells like tuna. Oh, boy. Both containers have just been sitting out in the heat for two days. Just in the exact same place I left them.
Starting point is 00:07:39 The exact same place I left them. Untouched. Uh-oh. This is a sad story. Sad story. But the biggest part of this story is why? Why can't I achieve things? Why?
Starting point is 00:07:55 I've tried everything I you know, smells like fucking rotten tuna. Open the door. I gotta pack it. I gotta throw it all away. It's liquefied and stinking. And by the way, then you have to take the trash out because you can't leave the shitty tuna in the trash can. You got to walk it down the stairs. The sad part is not that people don't comply with your desire to avoid global warming and be sort of cautious with loss and excess,
Starting point is 00:08:27 you're punished for it. Yes. No matter whether you are punished, whether it's the rotten food or people judging you, it's not just something that goes unappreciated. You're actually punished. So I was like, what the fuck? Like, why wouldn't he eat it?
Starting point is 00:08:46 All right, if he didn't eat it, why not put it back? Like, now he didn't know I was gone for the weekend. So he thought you were going to eat it or something? He thought I would return ostensibly later that day, in the evening, in the afternoon, later in the afternoon, possibly. I'm sorry, but if you're gone for an hour three hours six hours put it away if the boss isn't back by the time you're leaving now put it away i i did see him the following monday morning i said roberto the the food why didn't she eat it he's like man i didn't want it i was like okay but can you put it away next time he's like
Starting point is 00:09:28 yeah sorry but i just thought that's that's the state that's it and by the way there's no i cannot plan around everyone's lethargy or apathy do you know what i'm saying like I try really hard to like work with people's apathy and lethargy and it just you can't get around it no it it it punishes you every time that's right all right sorry Adam it is a sad it is a sad woeful tale it's sad in that I say I don't want this to happen I don't want this to happen. I don't want it to happen. And I work hard not to let it happen. And then it happens. And not nine times out of 10, but four and a half times out of 10, but it's also easily remedied.
Starting point is 00:10:16 You know what I mean? Yeah. I remember one of my great ones, Olga's 50th birthday party or something we're having at our house. And I remember us planning it, you know, and I know Olga and her ilk enjoy a Corona. And I remember announcing to everyone who was working on the party. I have cases of Corona over the shop cases, cases, because we'll throw a Christmas party. Someone will get two cases.
Starting point is 00:10:47 Corona. No one likes Corona. They drink everything else. I go, I have cases of the Corona at the, at the other. So make sure go get those cases and bring them over to the house. Because,
Starting point is 00:10:57 you know, of course you smash cut to the case showing up at the house. Where'd you get it? I got it. Trader Joe's, you know, like why I was told to bring corona yeah okay yes you were told to bring corona but i said it was at the i heard just get
Starting point is 00:11:12 corona and that's all it is right yep now it's just it's sort of it's not really stupid it's more like i don't care wait roberto didn't want the food bottom line that was the end of the process right somebody somebody said the word corona and that was the end of the process right right okay that's where we're at. Geo? Well, is Geo on line one? Let's see. Oh, I'm trying to hit that. It's not potting up here. Try this one. Huh.
Starting point is 00:11:56 It must be at the board. Oh, okay. Maybe they pot them up. It's not lighting up on my keyboard, though, which is a weird one. We're going to fix this now. We're going to figure it out. There's like a wire that's intermittent, Drew. There we go, Gio.
Starting point is 00:12:14 There we are. Yes, my lord. Yeah. What's going on, Gio? Working. How are you guys doing? By the way, if you were to travel through time and hire me from 10 years ago before I got old, have me be your czar for tuna. And that never would have happened.
Starting point is 00:12:27 It would have been back in your fridge. And also, Kalen probably wouldn't have knocked up his girlfriend. That's good. Those are two things that would have never happened. Had I been house-sitting, I would have stayed in your front room because I presumed I'm always on camera. I always act that way. And you would have found a pizza box, but a bit of a decoy pizza box to show you what a party guy was. And I slept on your couch and I was totally copacetic.
Starting point is 00:12:46 You wouldn't have found a bra in anybody's bedroom. Where are you working now, Gio? Same place as always. Dillow Factory. I don't say it online. Used to work at Hoffman Travel. It's something like that. Mm-hmm.
Starting point is 00:12:56 That was my kind of thing. Where do you work? He's just making a joke. I work for Drew's favorite airline. And Drew knows what it is. He'll need to say it out loud, which he's going to do because he's Drew. Yeah, he can't help himself. So, Gio,
Starting point is 00:13:09 thank you for keeping the flame going with the Loveline and classic Loveline and stuff, and all the people have discovered it long after it went off the air. What attracted you to that position, Gio? The show itself saved my life. We've talked
Starting point is 00:13:30 about this before. New fans probably don't know. I was the first guest on this show, episode nine. I crushed it. You were asking about an episode of Loveline, and I knew what it was before you could finish asking what the details were, and I kept telling you what the episode was before you could even ask Drew what the episode was. And then also, I came up with Emotional Chiropractor, which is what you are for everyone around you, incidentally. It's a great episode. Check it out, episode nine. But I started listening after I found the MTV show. All my friends were deadbeat pieces of crap.
Starting point is 00:13:55 And they weren't going to end up doing much. And you guys, like, sparked my interest. And your comedy struck me immediately. It wasn't just the taboo part of the show. And then I found the radio show. And then we realized as fans that nobody was keeping this radio show. It was disposable. And all of your art and your work in how you save these people was just being thrown away,
Starting point is 00:14:12 mainly because it wasn't written into a contract. Nobody thought of the idea of doing royalties for radio reruns because nobody's going to listen to that. And for years, I just wanted to get into the museum of television radio. And I was fought at every step of the way by every single person who exists. And then there's these fan recordings. I mean, this dude, Uncle Penny, Adam Dristle, a young man abandoned in a dumpster in India as an infant, found, brought to America, younger than me, also found Loveline,
Starting point is 00:14:38 listening clock radio to his head at night, 12 years old, religious parents, couldn't be caught hearing it. He's really good with people. I am less good with people who have tapes and just won't send them to me, even though they're not ever going to transfer them because they have some fantasy in their head they're always going to do it. He would get the person who agreed to send them. We'd pay the money to pay for the shipping, digitize them super fast, 100 tapes a month. It was when my job was first outsourced, so I was really able to crack those down. This is 10 years into archiving the show with recordings we'd find online. And then after years of doing that, 2013,
Starting point is 00:15:06 Norm Pattis decides, after all the attention, he's going to put on an official classic Loveline podcast on Podcast One. And they start releasing one or two episodes with Anderson running things, and we know how that probably went. So I contacted Norm and Anderson, worked for free. Norm put me in charge. Rest in peace.
Starting point is 00:15:22 Great dude. I ran the show from 2013 to 2016. Loveline ended. They ended the classic Loveline feed. I moved it over to my podcast feed, killed my other show, just so the fans could continue listening somewhere else, kind of like what Adam did with the podcast and the radio show. And it kind of fell upon me because nobody else was going to do it. So I was passionate.
Starting point is 00:15:38 I love you guys. And nobody else was going to do what I was going to do or devote their life to it. And probably a complete waste of my existence in the sense of all the stuff I missed out on and how nobody cares. But then for all the new listeners who find it, you guys saying kind things is really all I get. How did it go trying to get into the radio, television, radio museum or the Hall of Fame? I never...
Starting point is 00:16:00 It started back in 2000. I never... Let me just... We didn't have any. Started back in 2000. Let me just sort of set the table with, I believe, Drew's sensibility and mindset, my sensibility and mindset. I would never in a million years think about being in the Radio Hall of Fame. It's never crossed my mind, even though one could make an argument for me, one could make an argument for Loveline, but I'd never think about it. But now that you brought it up, I am kind of interesting what the response was.
Starting point is 00:16:35 Well, you always say this, that you wouldn't imagine that. You guys broadcast it live from there. They're honored to have you do so. Back in the 90s, it's a thing. They would have welcomed you, but they couldn't get tapes. And this also happened with another thing that makes me far more sad to get into. So I tried for years to get them. They wanted official tapes. The lie was
Starting point is 00:16:51 we don't keep official tapes. Anderson and everybody behind the scenes, there was an organized lie. They lied to the fans. I finally got Anderson to admit the truth on my show in 2011 or 2010. He was like, I'm sorry, do you want to be on the line for years? We have tapes. We just can't give them to you. Couldn't get those until 2013. Norm Pattis gave them to Anderson.
Starting point is 00:17:08 Anderson transferred them all. I was in trouble with them. Show ended. Anderson sent them all to me because his wife got mad and didn't want them in the house. So I possessed them all. And now it's just a matter of you basically contacting and saying, we'd like them in there. There's no ownership of these tapes.
Starting point is 00:17:19 I own them. There's never any rights built into the CBS contracts to the intercom sale. So nobody knows these exist. Most of them are fan recordings. I've pieced it all together. Out of 2,365 episodes with Adam, we have about 2,300 now. I've recovered almost everything. We're down to the very little bits. We have video, of course,
Starting point is 00:17:35 security camera footage. It'd be perfect to think we have all of Drew's archives pre-Adam now. We have tons of stuff from the 80s we're getting. So it's basically, we can make this happen. It's just a matter of Adam and Drew saying, yeah, we'd like this, and then me getting Oh. Oh. Is that us?
Starting point is 00:17:50 No, I think that's him. Well, we'll try to reconnect. I will say, in terms of people making tapes, let's not forget Alec Baldwin was a huge Loveline fan because his driver made tapes. Oh, wow. Yeah. All right. We'll take a quick break.
Starting point is 00:18:10 See when get Gio back on the line right after this. Well, let me tell you about Shopify. Selling a great product on a garbage platform is like doing stand up with no mic. Reach your business's audience like never before with Shopify. The commerce platform revolutionizing millions of businesses worldwide. Whether you're a garage entrepreneur or IPO ready, Shopify. It's the only tool you need to start, run, and grow your business. That's right.
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Starting point is 00:19:16 Right, Emi? That's right. Sign up for a $1 per month trial period at slash AdamandDrew, all lowercase. Go to slash AdamandDrew to take your business to the next level today. Shopify dot com slash Adam and Drew. All right. So, yeah, Alec Baldwin's official driver who would always drive him when he was on any film set in Los Angeles, he would come to L.A. to shoot a film and he always had the same driver.
Starting point is 00:19:48 That's part of the contract. You know, the guy, blah, blah, blah. And the driver was a Loveline fan out of Arizona, I think,
Starting point is 00:19:56 and would record all the calls and would start playing them for Baldwin. So there's precedent for recording love line episodes is what i'm saying yeah i got a million questions if we get geo back but yeah he now see what kind of traffic it gets where do you go to listen where now where do you listen i mean where do people listen now is just back i'm on a digital connection it's's bizarre. Where did I cut off? What do you want to hear from me? I get a bunch of questions. So where do people go if they want to hear the show, number one? And number two,
Starting point is 00:20:31 do you keep track of the traffic? Has it gone up recently? So both those questions. Certainly. Well, first, the number one source is Loveline Tapes. It's It was a website made by another dude named Jeff. He goes by Spinfly, which he was actually a taper.
Starting point is 00:20:48 So he's one of these guys who recorded the show. Mostly dudes, but there's a lot of women, too, surprisingly. There's so many different sources. I could list them all for you. And there's actually guest doctors who recorded who are all rad dudes, too. You know them all. So anyways, they would provide tapes. This guy Jeff wanted to make a website. I was burnt out on it because
Starting point is 00:21:04 all of the websites I worked on were shut down because it was always interpreted as piracy because all these other fans would put up a PayPal link or something they'd host my work and go I need money
Starting point is 00:21:12 I have a bad foot it's like dude you can't do that we have to lose money and be like make it clear to the parent company we're not trying to steal from them
Starting point is 00:21:18 we want to give this back to them I don't want that and so there's currently a lot of people who still pirate the show there's something going by the name of the podcast which I won't say it's the word classic in front of the name of the show
Starting point is 00:21:28 on youtube with like 13 000 subs that's a pirate channel they actually made a fake adam and drew channel a fake adam carolla show channel and choppy gal those shut down years ago nobody shut this one down so there's like basically stealing three hundred thousand dollars off my blood sweat and tears my channel is just called love light on youtube the love between the two hosts i'll give you a link for it also love wine tapes that's the place you go and operate to the loss guys probably lost tens of thousands of dollars running the past decade it's kept people from killing themselves because they find the old shows uh it's because we've done all kinds of great work for people to the public service and is it has there been an increase? Because I
Starting point is 00:22:05 was telling Adam, a guy just walked up to me on the sidewalk yesterday. I was like, oh my God, I listen to these constantly. And that kind of thing has started happening more lately. Is your traffic going up dramatically? Yeah. I mean, the people are taking clips and they're chopping them up now and putting them on TikTok or small ones on YouTube. So it's spreading everywhere. It's far past me where it's all this stuff I put out there. Now people beyond pirates, just people are like, oh, this is funny. I'm going to share this.
Starting point is 00:22:33 It's going everywhere. So it's just the different avenues of social media, probably different awareness of you guys from a new generation. So it's a multitude of factors. But these downloads have been there since the 2000s. I mean, when Adam was doing the podcast and we were switching over, he had a radio show podcast that I called into the show about in 2008 to tell him, hey, man, let's get 40,000 downloads a day, but they're not telling you. You've got to maintain it, and we did. We got Choppie there.
Starting point is 00:22:56 The whole thing that led to the podcast happened with Choppie, right, things by the seas, and going to Kimmel. But Adam's always had these kind of downloads. Same with you, Drew, with these Loveline files. So we've been doing millions a month for decades. There's literally over a billion downloads that are trackable and a billion views probably on YouTube alone. We might be like two now.
Starting point is 00:23:13 It's crazy. The most depressing part for me is now that I've acquired all the tapes and I have footage of Adam lighting his farts. I have the entire Pennywise security camera footage with the SWAT team coming in and Adam putting on their beards saying he's leaving at midnight no matter what because he's ultimately a badass. I have Adam on your birthday lighting his farts in the Metallica I Disappear Bumper. So Anderson's so fed up with the farts, but then by the end of the show,
Starting point is 00:23:38 he's like, fine, and he even cues Adam to make sure he hits the fart where the music drops, and Adam perfectly moves your mind. You guys are doing that behind the scenes with the brakes. We listen. Adam and I both watch that and listen to it. Oh, I heard. You missed some of the best timestamps because people couldn't find it. It's the best.
Starting point is 00:23:51 It's the top pinned comment. You can basically click on each one and go fart, fart, fart, fart, and skip all the Anderson drops and all the stuff early on. Now, was I holding – I was miking up my farts, right? Yes. In the I Disappear bumper especially, you actually lift your legs up and you pull the mic into you and Anderson actually cues you. You do the same
Starting point is 00:24:10 on the fart lighting episode. And what's the most interesting thing about this is fans will debate, what's my favorite year of Love Live? It's all the time. It's all we talk about. Whenever it comes up. I think like 2003 right now. There's different eras. You guys won't even know what they are. Like 04 and 05 are more political, more news-topic
Starting point is 00:24:26 worthy. Cipro, Pauly Perrette, denying Cipro for people for all the stuff. You guys got into a lot of that kind of stuff. It wasn't really Loveline-heavy. 2003 was super fun, except for the Hawaii cancellation. 2002, still a little 9-11-y stuff. End of 2001, the show flips right in
Starting point is 00:24:42 9-11. You can just tell. 2000, producer Ann was on maternity leave. She came back a little too early, went back out. Producer Lisa, phone screen release, was filling in. That's where the fart lighting happened. Miking the security guard happened. Drew Burke, all that stuff. It's all happening under her watch.
Starting point is 00:24:58 So now I've found in getting all these shows on video, the year 2000 Loveline is my prime spot. Just because the cat was away, the mouse was going to play. That's what happened. Yeah, well, Ann was always instructed that we needed to roll phone calls. Adam needed to shut
Starting point is 00:25:16 up. Shut up, Adam. Shut up. I never really listened. What? No. Gio, you met a lot of the players along the way here. Did you ever meet the Mason jar guy? Which guy?
Starting point is 00:25:34 The Mason jar guy. He came out of the woodwork. He revealed a little bit more about himself from Arizona. We got a little more details. Nothing that special. It was kind of this guy doing a one-off thing. And he was like, I can't believe you guys ran with it that long. And it just kind of ruined your show. It also enhanced it in a million ways.
Starting point is 00:25:49 But he gave you like an STD. He gave Love Line warts. Yeah. The punchline was an asshole the size of a mason jar. Indeed. And it was his girlfriend, right? Yeah, or it would be somebody else. There would usually be a different version of it.
Starting point is 00:26:03 And then, of course, people took it on and they just threw it in for anything. It'd be a non-sec order. Right. It would've been bogus call. I'm throwing my card to the table. I respect you guys. I may have won, but now I'm letting you know I was cheating. Yeah, it was a bogus call. And by the way, we admired it when they got all the way to that
Starting point is 00:26:19 line. Yeah. We have many examples. We have all the examples. so how many of them all there's 2300 that you've recovered out of 26 was it 2335 oh i'm sorry yeah 23263 yeah so 2635 is the number and we have 2300 of those we're missing the 335 we have 2,300 of those. We're missing the 335. We have things to do best of in the episode counts with Loveline. Because of the missing episodes, we don't know exactly how many episodes we're using best of in the holiday breaks during certain years. Unlike your show where we don't count best of. Yeah, the thing that's interesting with Geo is the memory is so flawed for so many things.
Starting point is 00:27:05 And like when we're talking about Boogie Nights and Roller Girl and when she was discussing that with me. And I can't remember the actress's name now. Heather Graham. Heather Graham. When Heather Graham came in that night. And I thought she was plugging another movie she was oh she was she was but i i was wrong about the movie she was plugging oh yeah yes because it's an unlikely movie because swingers which is a 95 release
Starting point is 00:27:37 why is she plugging that so late in the run it had an extended theatrical run that was on home video she was with ron limickston it seems like a weird thing to be plugging at that time so it doesn't fit in right brain so right so what what what so what i did and this is where the mind is flawed which is um i had swingers as an earlier movie and boogie nights is a later movie in my in my world those movies were and they're 18 months apart roughly they're separated by a year and a half and and back when I paid attention you know I I wouldn't know now which Spider-Man came out when but back then back then there was a space between Boogie Nights by the way swingersingers I saw when I was kind of a civilian. I hadn't made my way much into show business.
Starting point is 00:28:30 By the time Boogie Nights came out, I was in show business. So I look at it as a pretty big chasm there. And why would she come in plugging Swingers if Boogie Nights was right around the corner? It must have been another newer movie that came out. But then Gio got on it and said, no, it was Swingers. And I was like, that didn't make sense to me. But it does when you think about Swingers' life, which is it was rediscovered.
Starting point is 00:29:02 Oh, yeah. It had a second life. He had Favreau on in 97, also kind of plugging it. He hadn't done anything else. He was doing comedy sports. And you kept calling him a director, but he hadn't really directed much yet. He's like, but you could have directed Swingers. He's like, I guess.
Starting point is 00:29:14 But he was kind of insulting his friend. He's like, my next movie is going to be Leatherheads. My dad went down and researched it for like six weeks. We got all these details in his book. We're producing a screenplay for Leatherheads. And you're like, Leatherheads, the next movie. He's like, I don't know, Adam, don't promote it that hard. And it turns out Leatherheads came out like 11 years or 12 years later.
Starting point is 00:29:29 Yeah. It was a Clooney movie. It had nothing to do with him. I don't think he's even credited on the screenplay. It was one of those other examples of weird Loveline stuff people don't remember. We just got the Favreau episode weeks ago, and it's from like a month before he went on the MTV show and freaked on Drew. from like a month before he went on the MTV show and freaked on Drew. And you know, it reminds me of the show
Starting point is 00:29:45 also, we had the entire cast essentially of being John Malkovich, including the director. That's an amazing thing. Right. Wilson Bean was in there. You got some old dude in there, man. It was rad. Yeah, he was amazing. He was great. Was Malkovich in there?
Starting point is 00:30:01 No, he was not. Well, because when you said entire cast. I know. I meant nearly. I was like, I don't remember that. But I will not put anything past my memory anymore. You had Catherine Keener. She's pretty unlikely for Loveline. She was rad, too.
Starting point is 00:30:16 Yeah. Keener. No Cusack. No Malkovich. No Cameron Diaz. We got Orson Bean. I think it's Spike Jones. Oh, right. Spike Jones.
Starting point is 00:30:23 Yeah. Yeah. And that's the infamous episode of what happened, Dr. Drew? What's that? That's the infamous episode where what took place, Dr. Drew, I'm cuing you. Oh my God, he's doing this to me. What took place after what?
Starting point is 00:30:37 Weren't you setting up that David Arquette came in the studio and said that Adam shouldn't talk shit about him anymore? That was during the Malkovich thing? That was during the Malkovich episode? The Being John Malkovich cast episode. That's the one. Adam was like, yo, David Arquette, he's crazy. And he was happy to be coming over to Lakers game in a limo.
Starting point is 00:30:53 He's like, hey, stop at Love Live Studio. And he ran in and Adam lost his shit on air. He's like, oh my God. He burst in the door. Well, as I recall, Arquette's name came up i explained the conversation he was crazy and i think drew or somebody said aren't you worried he's gonna find his way to the studio and kick your ass or something and i said he couldn't find his way to the studio he's too crazy and then he walked right through the door.
Starting point is 00:31:26 He was a five-time guest at that point. He came on once with Minnie Driver, who he was dating. They were doing a project together. They were dating, and they were kind of like canoodling on Love Live the whole time. He came in so many different eras of the show. He loved you guys a lot. Probably still does. Yeah, I like Arquette, too. I thought he was a really fun guy.
Starting point is 00:31:42 But it was insane to see him walk through that door. And what you said was, why do the crazy guys always play the straightest character? Why are they always the security guard or the cop? That's what you were saying, as I recall. I do not recall. You'd have to ask Gio for that. That was exact contact.
Starting point is 00:32:01 Gio, let's give a plug out to you. Where can we go to support you and all all the work you've done i got a website superfan it's got a link to everything i do all the old love line a remaster however you want to get there and if you want to go to slash the love between the two hosts or just search for love line with no other word in front of it see michael nairn's artwork. That's where you'll find me. Just type GIO for a while. You'll find me.
Starting point is 00:32:29 Thank you for doing the Lord's work for all this time, Gio. Thank you. Go to for live shows in Vegas, Boise, Idaho, Portland, Honolulu, Nashville, and beyond. Drew? Go to for the podcast and check out that streaming show. Lots of good stuff. And until next time, I'm Amcrow for Dr. Drew and super fan Gio saying,
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