The Adam and Dr. Drew Show - #1799 Further into the Upside Down

Episode Date: December 4, 2023

This week, Adam's caught a cold, they dissect the science of fasting and contempt. they then explore the future of college censorships, the link between fear and narcissism, and what lies at the cente...r of a hero. Please Support Our Sponsors: The Jordan Harbinger Show - Available everywhere you listen to podcasts

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is Below Deck's Captain Lee. Listen to my new podcast, Salty, with Captain Lee. Um, don't you mean our podcast? Uh, yeah, I guess I do. Anyhow, listen to Salty with Captain Lee, co-hosted by my assistant, Sam. And we will be talking about the latest pop culture news and all the gossip every week. So does this mean we have to talk by ourselves, about ourselves, or can at least have some guests on? I don't know, I find myself pretty interesting. But yeah, we can have some guests on,
Starting point is 00:00:33 some of our reality TV friends, and some stars. Works for me. Listen to Salty now on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or wherever you get your podcasts. now on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or wherever you get your podcasts. Recorded live at Corolla One Studios with Adam Corolla and board-certified physician and addiction medicine specialist, Dr. Drew Pinsky. You're listening to The Adam and Dr. Drew Show. Yeah, get it on. You have to get on it.
Starting point is 00:01:06 Doctors, board-certified first physician, just fertilizer specialist. Yeah, man. What's going on? How are you feeling? I've got a cold. Had it for a while. Never heard your breathing before, but I can hear your breathing across the room. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:01:22 And I thought, hmm, maybe we ought to use an inhaler. Maybe that would be helpful too yeah i'm fine i got mucus you know i mean yeah you do i do um and a little fatigued you know but what are you gonna do good times yeah yeah i don't really have, you know, I used to have jobs where you could just sort of call in sick, but I don't really have those kind of jobs anymore. And it kind of forces you to soldier on. so much emphasis for physicians not to work when sick, which is contrary to how I was trained, which was shut up, just show up wear a mask if you have to.
Starting point is 00:02:11 Yeah. Well, they do that with students too. If your kid has the sniffles, you know, stay home. But that's a new thing. That's a new deal. Yeah. Safety, safety, safety. Remember?
Starting point is 00:02:24 Safety of others. You know, it's a lot of whatever others. I don't subscribe much to it. I mean, I get where their head is at, but it's all narcissism. It's just if you're sick and you work for me and you're sick, I would prefer you show up. That's the way I think of it. There was a – do you know that John Campbell, that British nurse, PhD educator who has been, you know, raising questions, just asking questions about why questions aren't being asked essentially. And he had a pathologist on a couple days ago. And she was really interesting. on a couple days ago and she was really interesting she um i'm going to interview her in a couple of weeks but she she chronicled the history of this notion of masking and six feet turns out it goes
Starting point is 00:03:15 all the way back to like madam curie goes back to when people were trying to develop the germ theory yeah there was a politicized movement that no you're just wrong you can smell the infection it's this what do they call it miasma and you can smell it and it's airborne and the people that were pushing so hard on the airborne nature of infectious disease and skipping the body fluid part which is is very important, they literally shamed everybody once it flipped. So you weren't allowed to contemplate that things were airborne. Okay. First off, I was thinking about starve a fever and feed a cold.
Starting point is 00:03:59 Somebody told me, oh, you got a cold. Yeah. And I'm just like, yeah. You got to eat. I'm like, I don't think that's a thing somebody said it right oh no no starve a fever feed a cold and it's like all right i'll i'll carb load and that'll do what make it go away yeah you're generally i think your body performs a little better in generally when you deprive it of food.
Starting point is 00:04:27 Well, there are people that definitely feel that. In fact, there are people experimenting with cancer treatments with heavy duty fasting. Yeah, I believe we eat too early and too often. And remember that stupid thing. Remember the other thing? You know, it's 20 years old now. So no, no, no. What you need is a bunch of very small meals all through the day.
Starting point is 00:04:52 You have to just essentially snack. Well, but then, but remember, then it was also, and make sure there's lots of pasta in each of those meals. Yeah. Don't eat that steak. Oh, no, no, no. Oh, my God. You got to carb load before the big game. Yes, in general, you're better off by just eating less.
Starting point is 00:05:12 Your body will perform better. Your mind will be better. Everything will be better just with less, number one. Number two, you don't need nearly what you think you need because what the fuck are you doing? I try to tell people all the time. You get in your car, you drive to work, you fucking get to work, and you sit down. What is this fuel? You act like you're a fucking steam locomotive and you're shoveling coal into the burner,
Starting point is 00:05:38 but you're not moving down the tracks. You're just sitting in the station. You go from one air-conditioned environment to the next air-conditioned environment and you sit down. So I do not subscribe to the fact that I have to fuel myself all the time. What is it exactly that I'm doing? You know, I'm not a professional mover. You know, I'm not going inside some panel van and moving boxes of books, like to the second floor of the library, like all day. I'm walking around and essentially sitting.
Starting point is 00:06:10 Yeah. And then I walk some more and then I sit. So, A, don't know what the fuel is for. B, I've been doing a little bit of fasting and you don't feel any different in 24 hours of not eating than you did before you really don't better it's mostly psychological yeah i i would say to anyone i would i would i would take the same vodka challenge that i offered your wife they go because people have gone batshit crazy and they're all, oh, no, I drink Stoli. You know, I know what I you don't know the difference between any vodka. Here's the challenge. I would I will ask you how you feel the morning after a 24 hour fast versus a day of regular eating. And if you do not know that knowledge, if I hide it, just like I would hide the vodka labels, you can't tell me which day you fasted on and which day you had regular eating patterns.
Starting point is 00:07:16 You will not feel any different. You will not know the difference. And you probably won't even be more hungry on the day of the fast in the morning than you would on a regular eating day where you ate a big meal the night before. Intermittent fasting controls my appetite. It down-regulates the appetite. Yes. I'm not disturbed by this constant, like, I'm hungry, I'm hungry, I'm hungry.
Starting point is 00:07:41 There's that. constantly there's that uh then there is the concept of evading and avoiding germs and whatever society has to offer um i reject it i always rejected it first off it's bad for you yep secondly it's not doable you think you're gonna run serpentine to the mailbox and avoid COVID or the flu or whatever. This whole thing of I'm going to get away from something that is invisible, airborne and abundant is a false premise if in fact you live in this society. Now, if you're a group of indigenous peoples and you live amongst yourselves and some Westerner gets off a boat and he has smallpox, that's a different situation. If that person then walks into your tribe, something may happen. But what we're talking about in our society and in this metropolitan society we live in in where we take airport shuttles and crowded flights and live amongst our neighbors and go to work with coworkers, not avoidable.
Starting point is 00:08:56 So good news, I don't try. Everyone else as well I'm going to do is I'm going to pull my shirt up over my head before I and I'm not going to breathe you know like you know our great Garcetti our great mayor of Los Angeles who he would take he would go to SoFi Stadium he would not have his mask up he would take pictures with Magic Johnson but he wouldn't breathe
Starting point is 00:09:18 he would hold his breath you know he's a fucking idiot you know what I mean just the fact that they float shit like that out there, it means they almost have contempt for their constituency. Well, I mean, it's insulting. Well, now you're you're on to something there. So let me two points. One is that this pathologist was doing a lot of research and showing that 60 feet is a more reasonable
Starting point is 00:09:45 distance for these aerosolized viruses. And in fact, that 60 feet may be a gross underestimation in terms of how long it sticks around and how it floats. She was quoting things showing up in Antarctica and stuff. And it's like, whoa, this thing was getting around lots of different ways than just sitting across from somebody. Number one. But number two, this issue of contempt, I think it's a hot button issue right now. I think people are not articulating it, but I think they're feeling it. I think they feel that businesses have contempt for them, that their employer has contempt for them, that the government has contempt for them.
Starting point is 00:10:26 It's just a general thing where people now have kind of a motivation to deploy or to go towards businesses that like them and want to serve them and government officials that have respect for the populace. It's weird. It's a very odd time. When I think you're right, I don't think they understand that feeling of contempt that people are sick of. They're sick of it. Well, I mean, we can always harken back on a few watershed moments,
Starting point is 00:10:57 like whatever the douche you ran so far was explaining. Yes. Don't eat. They're watching you. Don't nurse that bucket of popcorn. That was contempt. We see you. Yeah, we're watching. It's contempt and arrogance.
Starting point is 00:11:13 You're asking us to pay $80 for parking and $200 for a ticket to come into your stadium to watch an event and you're wagging your finger at us the whole time and you're wagging your finger at us the whole time and you're selling the popcorn. Fucking idiots don't sell the popcorn.
Starting point is 00:11:31 If you're worried about, but of course you don't want to cut into concessions. There's a big profit. I mean, a big bucket of popcorn probably cost them 69 cents with all the fake butter and seed oil you know with the orange dye number seven in it just covered in that horrible oil probably cost them 50 cents they charge 11 that's a pretty good markup for the stadium coffers so they're not going to cease to sell it but they are going to sell it and then
Starting point is 00:12:06 show contempt toward you yeah ride over you with authoritarian uh sort of we're gonna mask up in between bites of popcorn are you fucking guys nuts and what is up with people we should play that again just because that guy needs to be shamed shamed shamed and made fun of i i i have we do it i have some contacts at the stadium uh they uh work for that guy yeah they hate him and uh every time i call him a douche they love it he's a fucking asshole and by the way really like should be the way. But they really should be punished for what he did. Everybody should be punished for what they did. Not only put him in jail or something, but he should be like chain pulled in some way. He should be made janitor over there at that fucking stadium.
Starting point is 00:12:55 Yeah, we'll find that clip. Oh, yeah, there it is. It's great. First, you got the woman of color wearing the mask outdoors, which is always awesome. All right. Protocols include a mandatory mask requirement in the stadium for everyone two and years of old. He's wearing a gator. I missed that.
Starting point is 00:13:15 I missed it, too, because it kind of looks like a dickie or a turtleneck or something. Yeah, I thought it was a sweater. Russ Simic. Simmons. Simmons. Oh, Simmons. Oh, sorry, it was a surprise. Russ Simic. Simmons. Simmons. Oh, Simmons. Oh, sorry, it was cut off. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:26 A mandatory mask requirement in the stadium for everyone two and years old. 1M. Oh, sorry. Hold on. We paused it right where it cut his O and turned it into a C. Yes, yes. And we paused it right there. That's why I couldn't pronounce the word Simmons if you're listening. Russ Simmons, number one douchebag of SoFi
Starting point is 00:13:45 Stadium, who's wearing a useless piece of cloth around his neck, a gator. It's his mask outdoors. He's going to lecture us on virology. Here we go. Mask requirement in the stadium for everyone
Starting point is 00:14:01 two years of older, regardless of their vaccination status are required to wear a face covering in the stadium in the tailgate areas except while actively eating and drinking and that doesn't mean buy a bucket of popcorn and eat it for two hours actively eating and drinking we are on to you oh we're on to you the staff is on hand to remind thanks thanks number one douchebag of SoFi. Wear a mask. All right.
Starting point is 00:14:27 And it's a surgical mask. By the way. Surgical mask outside. You know he's not wearing a mask? All the illegals selling Modelo beers out front of the stadium. Right. Totally unregulated selling alcohol on the grounds of the stadium. No problemo.
Starting point is 00:14:44 There was a lot of subtle things in that thing. He sort of, as he's expressing contempt, he's like, look how clever I am. We see you. I'm so clever. You can't get away with me. It was a weird kind of evil scientist. We have a guy standing outside without a mask. With a gator.
Starting point is 00:15:03 He's got the gator, the piece of cloth around his neck. That we know does, actually may make things worse. Actually may push the virus out with greater speed at a greater distance. Lecturing us about what goes on inside the stadium that he oversees, where he will be sold. By the way, there's no fun size anything at that stadium. The popcorns come in a windsock. Like they're literally four feet long. Drinks are all 16 ounces and above.
Starting point is 00:15:36 If you buy beer, they're all tall boys. So if you're sitting there drinking a tall boy beer and you have a tub of popcorn between your legs, that's good for three quarters. Yes. Like, where are you going? You're going to shotgun the popcorn, shotgun the beer, and then pull the mask back up so douchebag Russ doesn't have a problem with it. He's saying something completely logical.
Starting point is 00:15:59 It's insane. And he's doing it in a fascistic, douchey way. Well, this is the other thing. And we listened to these people. And then I told everyone, don't listen to these people. And then they yelled at me. You used another important word here. And I caught this fucking douche day one when he did this.
Starting point is 00:16:16 Yes, this should be on a fucking loop out there. And here's the whole deal. I don't need Russ punished. I just need us to never listen to him again about anything i need us to make fun of him yes we need to make fun we need we need to humiliate and to to mock because they they need to think about this next time they want to do something like this yeah but you use the word fascistic that is a really important term yeah because what people remember we just went through two years or multiple years of it's fascism, it's fascism. Fascism –
Starting point is 00:16:51 With Trump, you mean. Well, it seemed to go well after Trump. Yeah. But the term fascism is specifically describing a government corporate union. Yeah. Which is exactly what we saw with the government doing with Twitter. It's exactly what we see with Russ Simmons. Yes.
Starting point is 00:17:13 It is literally, by the book definition, fascistic. Yes. All right. We shouldn't have listened. But those were the people yelling fascism at the same time. Everything is projection. Everything. It's all the upside down.
Starting point is 00:17:31 We are weirdly in the upside down. But first, before we go further into the upside down, let's hear from our friends at Angie. Homeowners, you know how much work it takes to maintain that home, whether it's everyday maintenance or repairs or just taking on a dream project in addition to your home. It can be hard to even know where to start. All you need is Angie, your home for everything home. Find a skilled local pro who will deliver quality and expertise. Over 20 years of home service experience. Bring them your project online or with the Angie app.
Starting point is 00:18:02 Answer a few questions and Angie can handle the rest. Nothing could be better. It's so confusing, particularly for people like me that are, let's just say I'm a little challenged. Take care of just about any home project in just a few taps. Download the free Angie mobile app today or visit Again, that is Angie, A-N-G-I dot com. Yes, I think everything's projection.
Starting point is 00:18:26 Now, I hear Newsom talking about freedom a lot. A lot. Fantastic. All he talks about is freedom. Come to California. By the way, what part of freedom is wild overregulation if you're trying to run a business or start a business? Does that feel like freedom to anybody? Go fill out this form, write this person a check, go stand in line, fill out another form, write this person a check.
Starting point is 00:18:52 Does that feel like freedom? I would like to start a business. I mean, you could argue in the United States the ultimate freedom is being an entrepreneur, just going, I want to start my own business. That's nearly impossible in California. But that's, but freedom, what kind of freedom does he speak of? Well, his freedom is the freedom to love. You can love who you want to love.
Starting point is 00:19:18 Freedom for good vibes. He just says you can be free to love who you want to love in 2024. Well, speaking of freedom, did you see that USC professor that said essentially that I don't care if they kill all the Hamas terrorists. And he got just destroyed by students coming after him violently, I understand, who claimed he was saying kill all Palestinians. He was put on leave. And there will now be a giant lawsuit. And that's the kind of thing that's going to have to happen to square the institutions, I think. Yes. They're going to have to feel it in some way.
Starting point is 00:19:57 I talked to Garagos yesterday. Like I said, I interviewed him on my streaming show, and that's kind of what he was saying. Things are going to – there's going to be some action. And he's looking forward to it. The other thing he said, interestingly, this is off topic a little bit, but he said he listened to the entire presentation to the – I guess it was the Court of Appeals in the Washington District about Trump's gag order. And he said it was nothing, guess what, nothing like the way the news reported it. Yes.
Starting point is 00:20:31 Shocking. And that he said Trump's attorney was sort of brilliant and did an amazing job really calling at issue with this thing. And Mark is one of these guys that he is shocked about the upside down. Yes. He is really shocked about it. He's like, wait a minute. I used to fight against these assholes and now they're the ones fighting me? Yes. Well, it proves the point that too many folks are just for their side.
Starting point is 00:21:06 Mark's intellectually honest, you know, Bill Maher, there's many people. The rest are just claim to have these principles, and then when their side does it, they're all in. And don't point it out and don't say anything about it and support it and cheer it on. Like you said, your mom would support the FBI and big pharma now, which is what? Yes. And is there is there anything from big pharma to FBI to any of these subjects? Does your that is not turned out to be basically what we thought it was going to be? Oh, not we. I mean, we but not what we thought it was going to be. Oh, not we. I mean, we, but not what people thought it was going to be.
Starting point is 00:21:49 But I mean, you know, just you hear something, you just take January 6th and you just immediately go, OK, what are they going to say? What's it going to be? What are they going to say? What's it going to be? Or, you know, George Floyd, any of it, Hunter Biden's laptop. Didn't it? It's all Fauci, COVID, lab leaks, wet markets. Isn't it all just going that way?
Starting point is 00:22:14 Yeah, it's all fabricated. Well, what I mean is. You go with a certain thing and that becomes real. That's it. Whatever the certain thing is. whatever the certain thing is. Yeah. Every mainstream media narrative of the last five years has been wrong.
Starting point is 00:22:32 If you really think about it. Yeah. And or sort of skewed or morphed into something like every, if you take the five biggest topics of the last five years, maybe you start with Russian collusion and Steele dossier. And there's a tape. There's a pee pee tape. You know what I mean? OK. You roll it all the way through COVID or George Floyd or, you know, whatever.
Starting point is 00:23:02 Kyle Rittenhouse or whatever. Whatever the story is, whatever the theme is, Hunter Biden's laptop, whatever it is, they've been wrong. And not wrong sort of around the edges, you know what I mean? Because there's always wrong around the edges. They've been flat out fucking wrong about all of it. That's the part that's bizarre to me. flat out fucking wrong about all of it. I don't think they're aware of it. That's the part that's bizarre to me. That part isn't as bizarre as if you were to talk to some of these people that reported it,
Starting point is 00:23:33 they would be sort of confused. Do you remember what a big deal the Jim Eagle was over there with Jim Crow 2.0 in Atlanta? I mean, Major League Baseball picked up the All-Star game and moved it out of Atlanta. That's how big a deal it was. Okay, what happened? Record rates of black turnout in voting. And two years later, there's nothing. They're moving the All-Star game back there.
Starting point is 00:24:03 No one says anything. What happened to Jim Crow? What happened to Jim Eagle? Where is it? What happened, CNN? What did they do? Did they modify these rules and whatever? How did this happen? And by the way, was it ever a thing? Did you think it was a thing? Here's what I'm saying. And by the way, was it ever a thing? Did you think it was a thing? Here's what I'm saying. I've said this a million times.
Starting point is 00:24:27 Sorry. I have things that I feel strongly about. I fucking hate red turn arrows. I talk about every 10 minutes. It drives me nuts. I've not stopped bringing up for 25 years. Jim Crow 2.0 in Georgia. Biden, what happened?
Starting point is 00:24:46 It's still a big deal? Are you concerned? Major League Baseball, why are you moving your All-Star game back to Atlanta with all the Jim Crow? Do you care? CNN, how about an update? What's going on with Ivermectin? Update us. I don't think they ever, they don't care to begin with.
Starting point is 00:25:09 That's the part that people don't get. Joe Rogan is taking a horse race. They don't care. Rolling Stone doesn't care. CNN doesn't care. Joe Biden doesn't. They don't care in the first place. That's the crazy part.
Starting point is 00:25:25 But they do care enough to scream about this stuff in the moment. No, no, they don't. For what it does for them. But they don't care. They use it. They use it, exactly. To get something. But somebody's got to, I would love a montage. Just dumbos. Just watch that shit and go, oh my God, what's going on in Georgia?
Starting point is 00:25:37 Somebody please take a montage of this. It could be so brilliant. Oh, there's many montages of these people just being wrong over and over and over again. I don't know. I feel like they could be like a little like a three minute reel could really. I've seen it with the COVID. If one's not safe, nobody's safe. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 00:25:54 That was the crazy. I want to play that over and over again just so we can mock and shame them. All right. Let me tell you about my friend Jordan Harbinger. You're about to hear a preview of the Jordan Harbinger Show with Ishmael Beah, who at the age of 13 was forced to become a child soldier. The first day that we went to war, I think it was the most terrifying thing that ever happened to me, just on the way there.
Starting point is 00:26:18 There was an ambush, and then we started exchanging fire, and there was a kid that, when we were training, had looked up to me. He was next to me, and there was an kid that when we were training had looked up to me he was next to me and there was an explosion and his body flew and he was scared there was blood all over my face and everything and I just lost it and I started shooting shooting to kill when you go and take out another life and dehumanize it in reverse you dehumanize yourself, your own spirit, your own being. And it takes a lot of undoing. I was once a kid who loved hip hop, run DMC, LL Cool J, learned Shakespeare, wanted to be an economist. And then I became a soldier. To hear about life in a war zone where he fought for three years before being rescued by UNICEF, check out episode 622 of The Jordan Harbinger Show.
Starting point is 00:27:04 Yeah, weird times. Yeah. Weird times. Yeah. But it's really the populace who's at fault. They're at fault. Look, they go, look, we didn't... I would tell the populace the same thing I told the guy from the doctors, you know, when I was telling them, you shut the beach. We didn't know.
Starting point is 00:27:22 You didn't know? Why didn't you know? Yeah. The information's out there. Yeah. What do you. We didn't know. You didn't know? Why didn't you know? The information's out there. What do you mean you didn't know? Go find the fucking information. And I would say that to everyone who's listening.
Starting point is 00:27:35 Sorry, we didn't know. We didn't know. Okay, don't sit and watch CNN lie all day. Go fucking find some information. Well, the one thing I'm hearing honest people say lately is, well, I was scared. Like, okay. Okay.
Starting point is 00:27:49 Be scared alone and shut the fuck up. That's what I would say to you, Cowards. You were scared. I would say you better fucking – some of these people are doctors and politicians and you were scared and you allowed that to dictate your cognition and policymaking, you need to fucking think about that because scary shit happens. And you're supposed to be leading us and making good decisions. Fear should not be your sole motivator. That to me is, I think that's a really serious thing people need to be thinking about.
Starting point is 00:28:22 Oh, my God, yes. Fear. I know. So motivated. really serious thing people need to be thinking about oh my god yes fear i know so motivated there's fear and denial of biological reality i'm not i that's called narcissism it's not fear is narcissism yes it's one it's because it's me it's me it's me fear is the purest form of narcissism i really think it's the purest form. It's me. It's me. That's... It's... Fear when you...
Starting point is 00:28:49 You know, if you could dehydrate... You know... Sorry. If you put it... I'm trying to think of the words. It's not dehydrate, but when you make dried fruit, you just take a big plum. Yeah, you take it down to its core.
Starting point is 00:29:09 You just take it down to its core. That's narcissism. That's what fear is. You don't get called a narcissist, but I always think of you as a narcissist. And that's why I've always had a big problem with fearful people. I think of them as narcissists. Well, cowering with fear, for sure. Cowering with fear.
Starting point is 00:29:30 Like, again, back to this interview I saw with this pathologist. She admitted, she goes, I was scared. She goes, like everybody, I was scared. I thought, I wasn't scared, but okay. You were scared like everybody. And then she said, and then I thought about it. It's like, that's the job. I'm okay if you get scared.
Starting point is 00:29:44 That's okay. You can have a reaction's like, that's the job. I'm okay if you get scared. That's okay. You can have a reaction and then stop and do your job. Right. Yes. What do heroes say when they go into the fire? They don't say, I was scared shitless and I just, I had to overcome. No, they went, it's my job. I did it.
Starting point is 00:30:01 It's just, it's not about me. It's about doing my job. It's the opposite of narcissism no i i i agree and i i don't think it's a coincidence that we're calling everyone heroes these days while we're cowering with fear in the grips of fear i think it's more projection because everyone wants to feel like a hero while they're caving to their narcissism. School teachers are heroes, you know, staying at home for a year. All the nurses are heroes.
Starting point is 00:30:37 Like, we've done a lot of – by the way, it's not just that. It's like, oh, this 15-year-old girl with multiple piercings, she's a rock star. She's a hero. She's out there telling, you know, believe me, it's something I've been thinking about the use and the sort of destruction of the word hero, the destruction of the word hero in while commensurate with people becoming cowards is more projection. Well, let me just say that hero at its core should be selflessness. Yes.
Starting point is 00:31:13 And you are not pointing at selfless people when you're calling them heroes. Right. Yes. It is. It's an interesting time. People should wake up a little bit. I hope. People need to be made fun of like Russ Simmons.
Starting point is 00:31:31 We have to do that. Seriously, we have an obligation. Like we have a, all of us. Everyone needs to do that. And they should not, by the way, when CNN, you know, the next time Anderson Cooper has some idea about something or Wolf Blitzer lets you in on some breaking news, have one eyebrow raised and your arms folded because it's probably not what they said it was. Now, if it has something to do – if there's an earthquake in Ecuador, fine. But if it has anything political attached
Starting point is 00:32:06 to it at all do not listen to them yeah anything anything think about every single major race based story that has come down the pike in the last five years i've been wrong all of them have been wrong so newsom uh hired a guy out of prison. He had he killed it. He rendered a girl paraplegic or quadriplegic and he shot at six people and he had 140 year sentence and he served eight years. Then Newsom hired him out to hear this guy. No. And somebody said, hey, man, we have a new pipeline. It's prison to Sacramento prison to job pipeline. Wow. All right. I'm going to be in Las Vegas at Jimmy Kimmel's Club.
Starting point is 00:32:48 That'll be Thursday. Then Rancho Mirage, Agua Caliente Casino. Yeah, two shows. First show sold out, but we added a second show, so you can come on out. That's December 16th. What do you got, Drew? for us. Check out After Dark.
Starting point is 00:33:02 And don't forget the streaming show Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, 3 o'clock Pacific time on Get it at as well. What's up? Until next time, Adam Kroll for Dr. Drew saying, mahalo. Hold on to your jingle bells. Pluto TV has all your holiday favorites for free. Enjoy Christmas classics like Scrooge with Bill Murray or Last Holiday with Queen Latifah. Enjoy Christmas classics like Scrooge with Bill Murray or Last Holiday with Queen Latifah.
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