The Adam and Dr. Drew Show - #1880 Weapon or Soap Dish?

Episode Date: June 19, 2024

This week, Dr. Drew starts off by bringing up the recent Mark Cuban tweets that have caught his attention, Adam gets into the incidents that occurred on January 6th, and they discuss who is really is ...deeply psychologically scarred. Plus, the curious case of one way lies, and broken narcissism explained. Leave us a voicemail: OR Click the microphone at top of the homepage, Please Support Our Sponsor: or enter code ADS before checkout for 50% off

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hi, it's Kellyanne Conway. And I'm David Plouffe, and we have some surprising news. We're teaming up for a brand new podcast, the Campaign Managers. I know what you're thinking. Why would Plouffe and Kellyanne do this? Because frankly, Kellyanne, we disagree on just about every issue, except about what it takes to win a presidential campaign. Kellyanne ran Donald Trump's campaign.
Starting point is 00:00:20 I ran Barack Obama's campaign. We understand things like early vote. We understand how to leverage an opportunity and how to play defense when you've made a mistake. 2024 is an election like none other. And David Plouffe and I are going to take you behind the scenes like no one else can. We're going to lean into our one of a kind experiences, really
Starting point is 00:00:40 educate our listeners about what to keep an eye on and discuss the current strategies and tactics that both campaigns are deploying on the campaign trail. We're going to disagree, we're going to dissent, but we're going to deliver. You won't want to miss this unique pairing. Join us by listening to The Campaign Managers with Kellyanne Conway and David Plouffe.
Starting point is 00:00:58 The first episode is out May 22nd, available wherever you get your podcasts. Star, Titanic, or The Wolf of All Street. No matter your vibe, download the Pluto TV app to spend summer doing what you love, watching endless movies. Tell me that's not the deal of the summer. Summer of cinema on Pluto TV. Stream now, pay never. Hey, it's Adam Carolla. June 19th, mark it on your calendar.
Starting point is 00:01:42 Irvine Improv, 1.30 p.m. We're gonna be premiering a very powerful movie, Sound of Hope from Angel Studios. I went to their studios and I've seen this and it's a true story and it's a powerful story and we're gonna have the cast out there, lots of good names, and it's free. So just go to
Starting point is 00:02:03 and pick up your free ticket to a very powerful movie and we'll see you June 19th Irvine improv 1 30 p.m. recorded live at Carola one studios with Adam Carolla and board-certified physician and addiction medicine specialist Dr. Drew Pinsky you're listening to the Adam and Dr. Drew Show. Yeah, get it on, got to get it on, just got to get it on. Get it on.
Starting point is 00:02:32 Dr. Drew, board certified physician, dyslexic specialist. What's going on there, Drewsky? Oh, I'm obsessing about lots of things. Let me start with this. Did you see the tweets by Mark Cuban that I found utterly confusing? Emmy, I should have sent them to you. I apologize. Why do you do that, Drew? Why do I? You get out of the gate with something and then you go,
Starting point is 00:02:57 oh, we don't have it. It's easy to find. But if you want to get into it, send it to him. Well, I didn't know I was going to get into it, so I was busy filling out your lab forms, dude. All right, now I feel bad. Go ahead. But he actually didn't know I was going to ask for this tweet, because there's only one thing about it that I found just vexing, and that was he was comparing, I guess, it was even hard to interpret his tweet.
Starting point is 00:03:21 BLM riots, where I guess one person was hurt versus January 16th where five people were killed. Six. Six people were killed. No, no. January 6th. What did I say? January 5th? No, that was... We're just having a... We had a senior moment and a who's on first moment where you said compared to January 16th where five people were killed and then I said January 6th
Starting point is 00:03:47 and I said six and you went six people killed. So that's a who's on first there. Yeah, look, we're getting into some realm here that's an interesting realm. Okay, but here's, there's a whole bunch of shit with January 6th, so I'd like to get into, there's a couple, there's a whole bunch of shit with January 6th, I'd like to get into all that for a second, Drew. Okay, okay, for the record,
Starting point is 00:04:13 one person was killed during January 6th, during the actual event. A young lady was shot in the face. Ashley Babbitt was shot in the face at pretty point blank range by a black officer. Now, that's no good. Now. No good?
Starting point is 00:04:33 Well, it's no good if you're forming a narrative. If you're not forming a narrative, then it just is. Just is, yeah. You see what I'm saying? Oh yeah, it just is, as far as I'm concerned. So, if a trans person goes into some Nashville Catholic school and shoots it up and then leaves a manifesto about trans and revenge and killing Catholic people, that's no good. If you have an agenda, it's no good. If you have an agenda, it's no good. Now, if it just is, then it just is. So then
Starting point is 00:05:07 you would just release the killer's manifesto like they do with all of them. If there's a hoax where a black student puts a swastika on his dorm room door with feces, that's good. If we find out later it wasn't a KKK member who did it, but it was he who did it, then that's no good. So we'll figure out what's good and what's no good thematically. And we'll do it, by the way, we'll do it with the COVID lab leak,
Starting point is 00:05:36 we'll do it with masks, we'll do it with social distancing, we'll do it with vaccines, Hunter Biden's lap got, we'll just figure out what the theme is, and then we'll figure out how to pursue it. So January 6th is a tougher theme for them because the case starts off strong and then erodes and erodes and erodes.
Starting point is 00:06:00 It's the same thing. And if you look at the theme, look at the theme, look at the theme, Hunter Biden's laptop, Fauci, lab leak origins or whatever, it gets out of the gate real strong. No, but I mean, anyone who thinks this thing came from a lab is a science denier and a right wing nut job.
Starting point is 00:06:21 And this thing was a insurrection, blah, blah, blah. It gets out real strong, right? Yeah, and then as we move forward The truth comes out in dribs and drabs and it just kind of trickles out and this thing That seemed pretty good kind of gets unraveled like a sweater with just a loose piece of yarn and someone just continuously tugs on it. So one person was killed during the actual event. One person, other people were roughed up
Starting point is 00:06:55 and got sprayed with moose spray and stuff, but one person was killed during the event. Another person, and by the way, she's on the wrong side, so we don't count her, and the guy shot her was black, so, okay, bad, horrible optics, bad. Okay, there was one shot fired during January 6th. During the insurrection, there was one shot. Who, which direction was that bullet going? Oh was going toward the crowd not from the crowd toward Nancy Pelosi. Okay, that's number one number two
Starting point is 00:07:32 There were no weapons now You can count trash can lids and flagpoles as weapons in which case we all live our children's rooms are filled with weapons Because there's furniture you could throw a chair. Hmm chair or you could swing a lamp at somebody. Okay. So yes. And yes, you can take a flagpole and jab somebody with it or bonk someone on the head with it. I'm not saying it can't be used as something, but if you walked in your kid's room, would you say it's furnished with weapons? No. Okay.
Starting point is 00:08:05 Okay. If there was a soap dish that your kid could throw, would you call it a weapon or would you call it a soap dish? Soap dish. Okay. So no weapons. Well, actually, one weapon, the one the black police officer killed the white diminutive woman with.
Starting point is 00:08:21 He had a weapon. Okay. That's the only weapon that was fired. So there were no weapons. Now there we go. One person died. Another officer died later on in his office. Stroke.
Starting point is 00:08:33 Of a stroke, which you guys said was blunt force trauma from a fire extinguisher. Strokes aren't caused by blunt force trauma. That lasted for a few moments, and then you turned the page and said he got hit with bear spray. Mind you, then we laid a flag, the president laid a flag in the rotunda in his honor.
Starting point is 00:08:54 Well, he's also standing next to George Floyd's brother at the Juneteenth ball, so, you know, they're a little dubious sometimes who they pick out. Okay, nobody was killed except for one woman on the other side. Other people killed themselves later, on later dates, six months later, eight months later, however, killed. Officers.
Starting point is 00:09:17 Keep that up there. Officers killed themselves, others did. Other January 6 participants killed themselves as well. Interesting. Well, you're sitting in your farm in Nebraska and you know the FBI is coming through the door and you're gonna be dragged through this kangaroo court and they're gonna throw the book at you
Starting point is 00:09:39 and you're 68 years old and you're going to jail for three years in the gulag, yeah, you might consider that. Might consider killing yourself. Okay, so January 6th, cops, a couple of them killed themselves. Okay, but also, cops kill themselves at a much higher rate than firemen or folks who work at Trader Joe's. It's an almost common occurrence that cops kill themselves.
Starting point is 00:10:11 My theory is because they have a suicide machine strapped to their hip. Tell me about this. Called a gun. Oh. To fucking retard. Tell me about the suicide machine. What the fuck are you talking about?
Starting point is 00:10:25 Well, strapped to their hip is the part I thought would help. Got it. The Kvorkin's van is strapped to their hip. Yes, they have access to a gun. If I had a gun sitting on my coffee table all day, every day I would have killed myself 129 times by now. I would have never seen my 26th birthday. Right.
Starting point is 00:10:42 You would have killed yourself 35 times. You'd have a pistol sitting on your, and you hung up the phone with your girlfriend out of control, and she's going, I love another man! I gotta end this now! Oh my God. It was literally, you just had a pistol in your right pocket.
Starting point is 00:10:59 Yeah, you're right. You never would have seen your 30th birthday. 20th would have been a stretch. Or 20th, that's right, that would have been a stretch. All right, they commit suicide at a high level. Okay, so what have we learned so far? No, it was not an armed insurrection. It was not a deadly insurrection.
Starting point is 00:11:20 Also, can we say this? And at the risk of sounding sacrilegious, all these guys who were probably former military guys, able-bodied, sort of semi-strapping, good-looking guys with the Army Ranger beards and stuff, Navy Seal beards, they haul these good looking guys with the army ranger beards and stuff, Navy Seal beards. They they haul these guys in front of the microphone and they basically break down explaining why they've been psychologically destroyed by that afternoon. And it's like, look, first, okay, first things first, if you were in battle, if you saw any kind of combat overseas, in Iraq, Iran, you were in country,
Starting point is 00:12:08 wasn't it two years of deployment and going out and looking for bouncing Bettys and mines and I mean, you see the movie Sniper, American Sniper, you know what I mean? You're getting shot at. This sort of out of control, fat bearded guy with the American flag pushing at you and yelling and getting spittle on you. Well, nobody would look forward to that in terms of an afternoon's work. I would argue that, look. My question would be why. Let me say this, hold on. There's guys who work as paramedics, you know what I mean? And your jobs a paramedic, I just got ambulances are going down PCH all fucking day and somebody turned in front of a guy on a
Starting point is 00:12:51 motorcycle and the guy went over the handlebars, he's laying there, he's got a compound fracture. You got to mop that up. Now, I'm sure it's not something you look forward to seeing, but you do see it and it is your job. All the people, all the cops during the Black Lives Matter summer of love where guys were on the roof of their cars kicking in their windshields and rocking. Why weren't those guys traumatized? Why weren't those guys? Those guys were traumatized day after day after day. Why weren't they destroyed?
Starting point is 00:13:19 There were lighting cop cars on fire. Why weren't they destroyed? The same way. Emotionally. Yeah. I don't know. So those same way. Emotionally. Yeah. I don't know. So those guys do not get destroyed. Those guys are fine.
Starting point is 00:13:28 But a few hours in the rotunda, that destroys somebody. All the cops that were like locked in the precinct in the chop zone in Portland when they were starting fires around it and locked down for three days or whatever, those guys are fine. The guys who had to push with the grandpa bikers for an hour and a half in the middle of the day
Starting point is 00:13:48 with no weapons, those are the guys that are so deeply psychologically scarred. And my deal is, hold on, what's your job? You know, you're a cop. You didn't get caught in a skirmish. You wear a uniform, you have gear, and there was a riot, and then you train for riots, right? I mean, what about every single cop
Starting point is 00:14:14 on every single campus with the big fucking Hamas uprising? And they got some bitch with a bullhorn screaming in their face, and they're standing there, and they're throwing water bottles. Is every one of those cops cops just and that went on for days and weeks and months. Are they all permanently damaged and should we look into it or is it just the Capitol Hill police who were in the skirmish for two hours? And I'd like to know what has the impact been on their functioning? Like what are those guys doing now? They're touring around Being professional victims, which is so sad. I mean it really is when I see those guys get up there explain that they're broken
Starting point is 00:14:54 because of this it's like Pushed I'd like to see beaten shoved. You know what I mean? Yeah, what do you think goes on in a rut? how many cops in America between Hamas protests, college campus and summer love BLM burning everything down, how many cops experienced this to a greater level than you? Because it was prolonged over days and they'd have to go out night after night and deal with the BLM stuff and the Hamas supporters.
Starting point is 00:15:23 So what are we talking about here? Yeah. And also, don't do this job. If you're so emotionally precariously wired, then maybe this is the wrong job for you. Get a job at a bakery. I'd like to know more about what those guys that are touring sort of do day in day out,
Starting point is 00:15:41 what their symptoms are. I don't think they have symptoms. Wouldn't that be interesting? Well, Emmy, you can look up, when De Niro gave his speech outside of the Trump courthouse, one of the poster kids for this, it's a bearded guy. There's also guys that they would haul up in front of Congress who weren't even there,
Starting point is 00:16:04 who said they were traumatized and stuff like that. So, okay, there's that. Then there's all the January 6 records that have been destroyed. Why? Why? Why destroy them? Why throw, also you want a bipartisan commission,
Starting point is 00:16:20 why are you throwing off Jim Jordan? Or why are you throwing off anybody from the other side who could be a troublemaker, but what's a troublemaker? We also have Nancy Pelosi, who was in charge of getting the police force out there, the National Guard, who didn't like the optics of it, so said no, don't do it. And now we have her on video.
Starting point is 00:16:39 But now we have her on video saying she blames herself because she didn't do it. So what are we really talking about here? So what's Cubans doing? So here it is. I want to go over it point by point because I don't understand. Now we like Cuban. Yeah. And what you don't understand, Drew, is the time we're living in, which is how is it that people we like who are very bright people can be so off on so many takes? That is exactly what I want to examine. That is why I'm bothered. I worry about my own takes on things.
Starting point is 00:17:18 I am. No, I mean, rightfully so when sane, successful, very successful people who you respect have bizarre. Maybe my bizarre. That's what I'm saying. I always doubt you too, Jerome. Right behind you, man. Amen.
Starting point is 00:17:38 Me and my suicide machine. We are stumpo. I thought I'd add a little flair. Thank you for that. But now, I said strap to the hip. All right, let me tell you about Cook Unity. We all have local restaurants that we love out here, and we wish we could have it at home. I know I do.
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Starting point is 00:18:22 and the yucky undone with cabbage. Udon, udon, that's the noodle. I don't know how to pronounce the udon. Yes, you don't. Oh, I said undone. But you ate them. Yeah, it was good. Yeah, and the shishito peppers and strong, man.
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Starting point is 00:19:20 by using code ADS or going to slash ADS. So you put your finger on my preoccupation. I'm literally, I just sit or I'm like, right. And let me, let me also just let everyone know. Yeah. These things only go one direction when the, you know, January 6th and the days after that, when I was saying, look, I'm not calling it an insurrection, it was a riot, whatever it was, people were going nuts. They're going nuts.
Starting point is 00:19:52 Now, eh, you know, Fauci, say shit about Fauci three years ago, people going nuts. Now it's like, well, all right, he was up to something. Hunter Biden's laptop, people are going nuts. Now it's like, ehhhh. It only goes the other direction. It never goes their direction. It never gets worse. And then they have to start actually cooking things because they built a theme. They got way over their skis with the theme, and now they just begin lying because they're like, well, here's what we said it was.
Starting point is 00:20:24 And now they just begin lying because they're like, well, here's what we said it was. Now my fear though, it is unleashed other, uh, theorists in directions that are excessive as well. Yes. Okay. All right. So now you got Mark Cuban. So as other people I respect who I'm listening to, I'm like, interesting. Oh, that's good.
Starting point is 00:20:39 And then all of a sudden they're going way into outer space. Okay. No, don't be the same as them. Well, let's not, I don't know a person that is going on the right because then what you were just saying is it now creates an equal opportunity for people to sort of sheer.
Starting point is 00:20:57 Just unleashes a little bit. Okay, but let's really do this. Can we do this? Yeah, yeah. I have not heard a voice on the conservative side of the aisle who said, this never happened. Right. And I've not heard anyone say, it was a good thing.
Starting point is 00:21:14 And I've not heard anyone say, well, it's just some guys milling about. Sometimes when they're using hyperbole, they'll go, they rested grandma for milling through the holes. But I know but I've not heard anyone justify it I've not heard anyone defend it all I've heard is people go look you claim that Donald Trump dove through the window of his armored vehicle and tried to get the driver to steer it toward the Capitol. That's third-hand information from some chick who wasn't there.
Starting point is 00:21:46 Okay, we have the actual Secret Service guys who are in the vehicle. Would you like to subpoena them and hear what they have to say? No, we would not. Oh, well that sounds curious. Curious. So you wanna hear what the chick has to say
Starting point is 00:22:01 who wasn't in the car, but you don't wanna hear what the two Secret Service guys who were in the car has to say who wasn't in the car, but you don't want to hear what the two secret service guys who were in the car have to say. Now why don't you want to hear what they have to say? Oh, because they would say it didn't happen. Oh, not good for the theme. This is my time, Mr. Carolla, this is my time. Not good for the theme.
Starting point is 00:22:20 So pardon me if I'm a little dubious, don't you? You guys put together a committee where you're gonna get to the bottom of something that you don't wanna get to the bottom of. So you're describing propaganda. Yes. So we have propaganda all over the place. But there's nobody on the right that I have heard
Starting point is 00:22:37 that is trying to make January 6th into something other than what it was, but the propaganda is they're trying to be accurate about what happened. And that becomes propaganda when you have nuts like Mark Cuban. And that guy, that, Amy, you can still find that. Are you looking for that thing?
Starting point is 00:23:00 Update me on the screen if you have something or don't have it. I would argue though that the right does tend to, like if you watch Fox News, there's a propagandistic kind of quality of some of that stuff, but what they don't do, but I never see them do, maybe it happens, I just never see it, censorship.
Starting point is 00:23:16 They're not censoring people with other opinions. They're going, bring it, bring it on, let's go. Yeah, and I don't think it's, you know, look, you could say, well Adam, you know you argue with want women Yeah, you got your side and they got their side and everyone's got their side and I could go Yeah, okay. I argued with women all through kovat. Mm-hmm. Yeah my side in their side your home in my home. Yeah and Sometimes others. Okay. Yeah, he's doing what he's doing, he's doing it, fuck, she's doing CNN. Yeah, okay.
Starting point is 00:23:48 Who was right? You want me to wear gloves at the supermarket to touch the handle of the shopping cart. Who was right? You want me to take my shoes off so I wouldn't track COVID into the house. Who was right? You wanted me to get the 14-year-old son vaccinated. I didn't. Who was right? Who was right. You wanted me to get the 14 year old son vaccinated. I didn't. Who was right? Who was right? So you know he said, she said all the time and Fox is
Starting point is 00:24:11 doing what Fox does. But when you take a look at about the last five big scandals we've had in this country, well Fox here ought to be right. So I was reading some tweets by a physician who I was reading his pedigree. I'm like, oh man, this guy's awesome. He's done all kinds of service all over the place. And then he goes in and describes a day in the ER and he describes essentially kind of a routine ER day with like, like Homeric descriptions of the horrors that he had to wash everything off in order, which also was, he was describing
Starting point is 00:24:46 going through rituals that were unnecessary, that were put upon him by hysterics, and about some awful medical situations that you deal with all the time in the ER, and I thought, oh man, this whole thing has this hysterical blush. So you're right, at home there was hysteria. Hysteric is narcissism. Hysteric is narcissism. Well, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, not, narcissist oftentimes are resistant to fear because they feel like they're above it, that things don't get exactly. Well, maybe there's a new strain of narcissism. There is a new strain. This is what I wanna dig into.
Starting point is 00:25:31 Listen, listen to me. It's like a fragile narcissist or something. Well, it's a broken narcissist. Ooh, interesting. My mom was a broken narcissist. Ooh. She wasn't grandiose. Ooh.
Starting point is 00:25:43 She was the ultimate narcissist. It was something that wasn't going to do anything for anyone and everything was about her health. And she couldn't do anything for you because she was looking after her own wellbeing. She was broke. Well, all the people that are microdosing and going on retreats and talking about finding themselves because of trauma, everyone's trauma, that's all narcissism. Well, but trauma causes narcissism.
Starting point is 00:26:09 Yeah, well there you go. So that's true, but they might have to be resolving it. All right, so Cuban in his tweets, sorry. All right, so I want to go through this, so he goes, first thing, okay, he had five points there, and they're all, again, let's just look at them. Okay, we like Mark, we think he's bright and brilliant, and we like him. Only one person, and by the way,
Starting point is 00:26:27 I wish he'd go back onto his healthcare stuff, because he has some great healthcare ideas. All right, only one person has died during domestic unrest since January 7th, 2021, which was, okay. I don't know what that point is. Yeah, I don't either. I think he's talking about all the, I don't know what he's talking about.
Starting point is 00:26:44 All right. 25. Also, by don't either. I think he's talking about all the, I don't know what he's talking about. All right. 25. Also, by the way, listen, domestic unrest, burning people's small businesses down to the ground. Yes, you survive, because you're at home and asleep when they're ransacking your family business, but that's pretty goddamn destructive to your family. Oh my God.
Starting point is 00:27:02 25 died, including five on January 6th under the prior administration. So who were the 25 in domestic unrest? All right. At whose hands? And who were the five? I guess he's talking about four suicides? Maybe two cops, two uh... They, they count the guy who died of a stroke as one. They count the... They don't count Ashley Babbitt. At all, they don't count her at all? She doesn't exist. Oh my God.
Starting point is 00:27:27 I do not believe she is counted amongst her. Maybe they do, because they're in a weird position with her. They're like, we have to pad our numbers, but it was a white chick shot by a black cop, so leave that alone. And then they count all suicides, and they also count, I believe, an incident, if you recall,
Starting point is 00:27:48 a couple of months later, several months later, maybe three or four months later, there was an incident where some Somali guy just bashed a barrier SUV or whatever and ran over a Capitol policeman in front of a federal building that was up the street or something, do you remember that? I don't, but I gotta count that one. Yeah, they count that one.
Starting point is 00:28:11 Yeah. All right, so number two, 65 active military died in combat under the previous administration. So far, including the fuck up in Afghanistan, so he's admitting that, fewer than 30 have died under the current administration. Well, we're out of the war zone. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:28:25 Okay. These are, I don't know what kind of points these are exactly. But here's another one, number three, we do not have any active military hostilities. We are fighting anywhere in the world. Oh, well see this is, look, I think that this is kind of the problem with Mark Cuban and a lot of these people. There's like Joe Joe's fine, look at him. And I go, I'm watching him, he's not fine. And they go, come on, he's fine.
Starting point is 00:28:50 And the economy's better than it ever was. And I go, gas is six bucks a gallon, everyone I know is making less. And fuck, I can't. 30-year-olds are struggling. You can't get out of the fucking restaurant for under 100. 150.
Starting point is 00:29:05 Yeah, I went to Pollo Loco, ordered no drinks and just like a chicken plate for me and my son. It was like 35 bucks. The problem with the arguing that the economy's better, it's sort of like driving through Los Angeles. They go, we got a handle on this homeless thing. It's like, I have eyeballs. It's not good.
Starting point is 00:29:24 I'm experiencing worse. That's like I have eyeballs. It's not good. I'm experiencing worse. That's all I'm saying. And so the act of military hostilities, so I guess we're not counting all the funds and equipment and God knows advisors and things that we say to... All right. Okay. Medicare out of pocket is capped to $2,000. $35 insulin cap that was previously voluntary became mandatory under the current administration. All right. Okay. Medicare out of pocket is capped to $2,000. $35 insulin cap that was previously voluntary became mandatory under the current administration. All right. Good.
Starting point is 00:29:49 Five, just two cabinet members in the line of succession have left compared to 14 previously. Okay. Again, don't understand the point, except Trump's management style was wild and unpredictable and difficult to tolerate. Yeah. People don't like working with him. Okay. Well, also they're running the show. Why should they leave? management style was wild and unpredictable, difficult to tolerate. People don't like working with him. Well also, they're running the show.
Starting point is 00:30:07 They leave. I don't think Biden's running anything. Well, right. And this is the other thing that I have learned. I was talking to a guy named Paul Alexander. I'll tell you the story. He's a scientist, really high quality guy. He's the guy that told me about the six feet distancing.
Starting point is 00:30:21 He was there when that decision was made and he was like, what are we doing? He was like, we're just gonna do it. We know, we know, there should be 30 to 60 feet, but they won't agree with that, so we'll just do six. Well, look, the reality is there's no distancing because you can't do 30 feet. Right, so he, well you can't,
Starting point is 00:30:38 and there's no evidence that that would even do anything. Oh, okay, but you can't do 30. You can't wait in line at a bank and do 30 feet. But it's not even clear that that's worth it. So, because you can't stop these kinds of viruses, you can't do it like that. So, in any event, he's a Trinidadian guy with a heavy accent, and he looks like he should be
Starting point is 00:30:57 a left leaning guy, and he was in a party once. Oh yeah, I see, cause he's black. He was a party once, and he was, it was a state department party, and a bunch of middle level bureaucrats were there, and they came over to him, they started speaking more honestly, and talking shit about the government,
Starting point is 00:31:12 and elected officials. They said, look, we run things here. We're the guys, we're here all the time. We run this government. These people that are elected, they're just passing through. We make decisions, we decide what happens here. And I thought, fuck, the people that actually do
Starting point is 00:31:27 run the government don't give a shit about the duly elected officials and the will of the people. That is a mess. That is a horrible, horrible, horrible thing. Agreed. All right, so maybe we'll have that tape for the next show. You found, now is it a black guy talking or a white guy talking?
Starting point is 00:31:43 Because there's a white guy with a beard that's sort of the poster child for the January 6th guards that have been so emotionally destroyed by that afternoon. The other bearded guy is standing right behind De Niro. Okay, what they do is they take these guys and they trot them out. They do what Glory Allred does. I'm gonna try to get you some money you
Starting point is 00:32:08 claim you got diddled and you stand behind me and pout okay and then I get checks okay that's how we get our way all right so I want to zero in what Emmy or Byron what could have happened, no security guards were killed or badly injured. I say badly. There's people that got pepper spray and pushed around and bumps and bruises. I'm talking about badly injured. What is so different between that and any fucking weekend
Starting point is 00:32:40 where shit breaks out during a Black Lives Matter rally? What is the difference? Bumping, pushing, yelling? Yeah, you don't look forward to it psychologically, but so broken that you can't return to your post? And then compared to what, Afghanistan? Like what, what are we comparing it to? Ugh, but you can't, by the way,
Starting point is 00:33:02 you can't speak like me anywhere, there's gonna be trouble. Right, oh yeah. But you can't, by the way, you can't speak like me anywhere. There's gonna be trouble. Right. Oh yeah. All right. You can go today down to the Irvine Improv for free. See a show at 1.30, Sound of Hope.
Starting point is 00:33:17 Very good movie. We're gonna screen it there. Q&A after with the cast. I'll explain when you're there. But it's free. And it's 1.30, so come on out. Levittown, not free. Governor's Levittown, stand up.
Starting point is 00:33:30 January 28th and 29th, three shows over there. And heading to Oregon after that, and Washington, and just go to for all the live shows. What do you got, Drew? Snowqualmy. I love those Indian names. Snowqualmy, yeah, Washington, yeah, Casino. Go to Rumble, subscribe? Snowqualmie. I love those Indian names. Snowqualmie. Yeah, Washington. Yeah, Casino.
Starting point is 00:33:46 Go to Brumble, subscribe there, ask Dr. Drew and check out Dr. So, until next time, Adam Crow for Dr. Drew. Sorry. Huh. Can I say this? Yeah. Leave us a voicemail at slash
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