The Adam and Dr. Drew Show - #1882 No Cruising

Episode Date: June 21, 2024

To end the week, Adam would like to help the masses in how to interpret people's rhythms, he explains happy & sad profiles, then they try to figure out levels of motivation. Plus, the triggering stree...t signs of Los Angeles, the syndication of Riki Rachtman, and summoned memories. Leave us a voicemail: OR Click the microphone at top of the homepage, Please Support Our Sponsor: Health Hacks Podcast with Mark Hyman, M.D.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Let me ask you a question. You have a best friend? How big would it shock you if somebody told you that your best friend just killed somebody? An Anuloma? Is there an emergency? Someone on the line said they kidnapped my son and they're demanding $500,000. On September 12, 1995, 12-year-old McKay Everett disappeared from his home in Conroe, Texas. It was a crime that shocked the community because the suspect was so unlikely, so unexpected. Former high-ranking police official, he'd run for sheriff at one point.
Starting point is 00:00:34 Law enforcement personnel were pretty much split down the middle over whether or not he actually did this. And to this day, McKay's mother Paulette still feels that justice was never truly served. I've asked myself so many times what in the world happened. Ransom is available now. Listen at or wherever you get your podcast. It's summertime and with Pluto TV's Summer of Cinema, the streaming is easy. Stream hundreds of free movies on all your favorite devices all summer long. Chill out poolside with Mission Impossible and Transformers. Or stay cool inside watching Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark, Titanic or
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Starting point is 00:01:38 The new animated series created by Adam Carolla and brought to you by The Daily Wire. Featuring Alonzo Bowden. Hell yeah. He catch you doing something wrong? He chuck a screwdriver at you. Megan Kelly. I'm getting into being an esports mom. It's like being a soccer mom.
Starting point is 00:01:54 Who can stay in your pajamas? Kyle Dunigan. Mom, it's heated, does acupuncture, and can insult my competitors in 20 languages. Danny Trail. Sharing this moment with you makes killing all them guys worth it. Patrick Warburton. Real Men Stuff Feelings Down with Red Meat Cigarettes and Violence.
Starting point is 00:02:13 And Roseanne Barr. Hello Mr. Burcham. Go to and enter the code ADAM25 to sign up for a Daily Wire Plus annual membership and receive 25% off. Check it out today, Recorded live at Corolla One Studios with Adam Corolla and board certified physician and addiction medicine specialist, Dr. Drew Pinsky. You're listening to the Adam and Dr. Drew show.
Starting point is 00:02:46 Yeah, get it on. Got to get on the trust. We're going to mandate. Get it on, Dr. Drew, board certified position and Dixon specialist position. Yeah, buddy. All right. Profile. Oh, profile. I just want to, I would like to help people okay, and I'd like to help them with my With my words and I am telling you everybody You've been told not to judge cannot judge and you've been told not to profile
Starting point is 00:03:21 Those are two of the most important attributes you'll ever have. So it's like saying, look, you can't sleep and you can't exercise. Oh, that'll be good for me. You know what I mean? No, judging and profiling is the most important, well first off, profiling is built in to humans. Profiling.
Starting point is 00:03:49 It's built into you. Every single time a dog is coming toward you on the sidewalk and you're walking and you have to pass the dog, you must profile the dog. Tail wagon, what's the breed? The breed is a profile. People have breeds as well. So we need to profile.
Starting point is 00:04:12 But you also kind of have to learn people's rhythms and eccentricities and ways and things. You know what I mean? And you have to try to sort of gauge who they are so you can figure out what they're capable of and what they're not capable of. And it'll help you a lot. And just before we got on the air, Trish,
Starting point is 00:04:40 the Nevada realtor's name came up. And the reason it sparks a memory is, I was telling Drew off the air, but on the air, I have been dealing with Trish for several months and have had several interactions with her and have profiled her. And the profile- Profiling can be good or bad. This sounds like good profiling.
Starting point is 00:05:06 You're in charge of your own profile. That's the other thing that people say all the time. Like, oh, don't judge me. Well, how about you present something that's good. You know what I mean? Like, instead of telling everyone to stop judging you all the time, how about you go achieve something or do something that's positive and then we'll judge you in a positive way. You know what I mean? Like, well, you can't judge me. It's like, I do.
Starting point is 00:05:31 If I see a homeless person, I think of them differently than the UPS driver just hopped out of his truck and is jogging up the steps to drop off a parcel. Is that okay with you? That I can think differently of those two people and activities? Can't judge. So Trish, I have profiled as a very responsible, very prompt, and when Mike August and an architect and his assistant and myself,
Starting point is 00:06:05 even a fifth person, were going to meet her at the Nevada property because we were 10 or 15 minutes late. I'd already deduced that she was there. That we can do that. Based on your profile. Well, of her. Look, there is no, if I go out to meet Kevin Hench or Chris Morgan for dinner,
Starting point is 00:06:30 they are physically there when I get – or you. And we say 7.30, if I show up at 7.25, which I never do, but if I do, I might think I don't know if they're there yet. If I show up at 7.30, they're there. You're there, Hench is there, Chris Morgan's there. Then there are others who I know won't be there. And then I might even build in 20 minutes to be late myself to compensate for me profiling them.
Starting point is 00:06:57 Okay. So Drew got a happy profile and other people get a sad profile. Trish gets a happy profile. So I know she's there and she's through the electronic gates that then lead up the long driveway to the property. A lot of these developments in Nevada, they got the gate at the Homeowners Association
Starting point is 00:07:20 stuff at the bottom and then it's just a long strip of asphalt that go up to vacant lots. Right. It's not like they put the gate in first. That's finding the heat walking up those kinds of streets. Well, presumably you get to drive up those kinds of streets. Usually.
Starting point is 00:07:35 Yeah, but you gotta be able to drive through the gate. So then I say to Mike, who's driving, or communicate, Mike has orchestrated this thing which is great I say I guess we need the gatecode and he says Trish never gave it to me and I think hmm now I have a nominate weird crossroads because Trish is a very responsible person who I've profiled is responsible. On the other hand- And you, by the way, with your, it's just patterning. And you with the patterns are very, very astute, solid.
Starting point is 00:08:15 On the other hand, I've not heard anything from Trish either. And she has given it out in the past. Perhaps she's thinking, pull up the old email or the text I sent you a month ago or something. But also I'm factoring in Mike. So Mike is telling me she didn't get it to him. Back to patterns. Now Mike does say erroneous things a lot,
Starting point is 00:08:43 but he's not a liar. No. Unless it's to defend something stupid he said. But I still don't file it underlying. What's in it for him? He doesn't want to walk up this driveway. You know what I'm saying? Right.
Starting point is 00:08:58 So. That's an important piece. And he has his phone on him. And he's explaining that he's heard nothing. So I go hmm Well, that's unlike Trish and my profiling of Trish but It's nothing it's nothing and now here's where I'm at you ready. Yeah Trish isn't out of it She's not gonna go I'm gonna ask her why didn't we get the gate it. She's not gonna go, I'm gonna ask her,
Starting point is 00:09:27 why didn't we get the gate code? And she's not gonna go, oh, fuck, sorry dude, smoked too much pot. She's gonna say, I sent it to your assistant or something and I thought they would forward it along and I guess they didn't. Or even your thought about the previous information. It won't be I whiff.
Starting point is 00:09:47 It'll just be oh I send it to Mike a week ago, maybe he forgot, or something. So I'm prepared for that because she's a responsible person, but now I'm thinking maybe not quite as responsible as I'd put her. There's go from a nine down to an eight. You know what I mean? Like, mm, yeah. Maybe she was putting her best foot forward previously. Maybe this is a more relaxed approach.
Starting point is 00:10:17 Maybe, probably should have texted Mike the gate code on the way in, just to double down on it or play it safe. But all right, okay. But then there's Mike. Well then there's Mike. But also what's Mike's motivation for walking up the driveway in 108 degree temperatures? Zero. He must.
Starting point is 00:10:37 He wants to go in. He wishes he had the gate code. So I do look at motivation a lot. Sometimes Mike will definitely lie or say something that's untrue or whatever if he's motivated, you know what I mean? If he wants you to get there early or to do something, he'll just fudge it to get you to do it. But in this case, it's the opposite.
Starting point is 00:11:04 He's motivated to have this because he doesn't want to walk up the driveway any more than we do in the heat, right? But there is a interesting little tiny layer of motivation, which was you asked him, he declared. And once he's declared, that's whole other motivation. Well, his motivation shifts into defending his declaration. Yes. And even if he has no idea of his declaration is accurate, not he's lying, he just doesn't know for sure he's accurate. Well, this is a major global problem.
Starting point is 00:11:35 People make declarations and then defend their declaration, even if it's inaccurate. So then their job becomes not to find a gate code but to defend their declaration of no gate code. And then the emphasis shifts into not finding something because now the win is defending your declaration versus getting the code. But it's interesting, we were talking last show
Starting point is 00:12:03 about the Cuomo-Dave Smith interaction and that's what that was In his head, he'd made some declarations and now he's being shown evidence Maybe maybe not maybe that right he's still trying to make sense of it. So I then wonder out loud and then we all Pile on Trish a little bit like I well why wouldn't she send you the gate code? And he's like, I don't know. And then he'll go, how'd she expect us to get through the gate?
Starting point is 00:12:31 You know, I go, I don't know. That seems. I think that's impostering to maintain his position. Peculiar to me. And then I go, well she drove through the gate and she's up there right now, but how do we get through the gate? The gate closed right after she went up there. Yeah, so I said do you have a contact number? I didn't have a contact Mike didn't I said, okay
Starting point is 00:12:52 I said one more time. I said Man she's a real responsible person. I just seems peculiar that she wouldn't send that gatecode Don't have it because now Mike's defending his inaccurate declaration. Did you ask him to check his phone or anything? Is there any point at which you got to that? This is a problem I have with the communication of people, with communicating with people. with communicating with people. Like later on that night when Mike ordered eggplant parmesan at an Italian restaurant. But no, this is my fault.
Starting point is 00:13:36 I say to Mike as we're ordering our dishes, his is eggplant parmesan, I say, does that come with pasta? And to which case Mike says, yes, it comes with pasta. And I go, what kind of pasta? And he says, whatever the pasta is that's in the eggplant parmesan, which doesn't have pasta in it, and then goes on to explain how, then he goes on how to explain how lasagna works, but because there's a noodle in there.
Starting point is 00:14:19 So basically what I'm saying is, Drew, it's my fault, because if you and I were eating at Buca de Pepos, right? If you and I were eating there, and you said, I'll have the lasagna, and then I said, does that come with pasta? I should say to you, does that come with a separate side dish of a type of pasta that is not included in the lasagne?
Starting point is 00:14:50 But I don't. I say, does that come with a side of pasta because I think like a sane person and there's no other way to interpret that. You have inflated expectations of people and then you get the defense after you question it. So when I say, did Trish send you the gate code? And you go, she sent nothing. And I go, so she didn't give you the code, didn't text you or send you the code.
Starting point is 00:15:18 And it goes, no, I don't go, does she send it to you, did she send it to you on your mobile device? Which is my fault, and I also didn't say separate plate with pasta in it. I just saw that you ordered eggplant parmesan and asked if it came with pasta. Which comically it did come with a separate bowl of pasta.
Starting point is 00:15:43 But Mike interpreted that as, if I was asking, well no, he interpreted it as, yes, it did come with pasta that was inside of the- Yes, he interpreted it as lasagna, not eggplant parmesan. But even the answer for lasagna would have been an insane- It would have been at least excusable. Technically, but still under the realm of insanity. Also. Not understanding what you mean.
Starting point is 00:16:12 Do not know who I am. Right, right. What do you think? First off, I'm Italian. Do you think I'm asking what eggplant Parmesan is? Or what, how lasagna works or something? But also, here's the next thing too, Drew. When you eat at Italian places,
Starting point is 00:16:30 you often get a side, as Mike did, of noodles. Yes. Sometimes they'll tell you and sometimes they won't. It just kind of comes with some pasta over here. So sometimes when I'm ordered, they go, oh, the veal scallopini. I go, does that come with pasta? Yep.
Starting point is 00:16:46 Because it's a normal. It's often the case. Not always, but often. Right. So I asked, did Trish send you the gate code or give you the gate code three times? But I didn't say on your mobile device or look at your phone right now and do it in front of me.
Starting point is 00:17:06 I simply said, did she send it to you? In which case I would assume you would consult your phone at that point. So then, I'll just button this up before it. We all get out of our cars in 106 degree temperature, we truck up this hill in pants and dress shoes. And we get to the top and I see that Trish is sitting there in her Tesla standing out standing
Starting point is 00:17:31 outside her car she wouldn't be in her car she would be standing outside of it because that's what an attentive person would do a normal person would sit with the air conditioning inside their car until they saw us yeah she saw us at the bottom of the driveway got out of the car to stand there to greet us in the heat. And then she said this, why are you guys walking up the driveway? And I said, because you did not send us the code. And then she said what I profiled her to do, which is I sent you the code, I sent Mike the code. To which Mike said, I did not get,
Starting point is 00:18:17 you didn't send me the code. To which I- He's still going. Oh yeah. And he goes around again. He has to go around. Isn't it so Mike? And so- And then I go, here's, you might know the beauty of me.
Starting point is 00:18:30 So I'm standing in between two people. One person said she sent the code. The other person said he didn't get the code and he's got his phone in his hand. Yeah. What do I know? She sent the code. So then I go, well, I don't know why we have to do this, but Mike, get your phone out, and now let's Google me right. Then Mike looked at his phone, and I said, Trish, you sent him the phone? Yes, I did, I texted him the, all right, Mike,
Starting point is 00:18:56 take a look at your phone, and Mike looked at his phone and said, oh, here it is, and then said nothing after that. That was his. Now. Moving on. Moving on, my my profiling work pretty pretty well Moving on you gotta move on you immediately move on There immediately move on Did she say anything? No, because she's an attentive nice person and also she didn't just truck up the hill with us
Starting point is 00:19:26 She didn't really give a shit. We're the sweaty ones who walked up the hill in the heat storm. Oh My god, well speaking of heat and health here's health hacks if you want to prioritize wellness make informed choices Examine latest health trends understand science check out podcast Health Hacks with Dr. Mark Hyman. Dr. Mark Hyman is a wellness expert, provides some science-backed guidance on how to live longer, healthier lives. Of course, these days sarcopenia is a big topic, as well as visceral fat. He addresses all insulin resistance, as many different things that- Are you saying insulin resistance? Insulin resistance is an important thing these days. Dr. Hyman helps you wade through all the health fads and sound bites by bringing you the latest science along with practical tools to make informed decisions.
Starting point is 00:20:10 He is a physician and he is speaking from a point of knowledge. New episodes every Tuesday on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, wherever you get your podcasts. Just search for Health Hacks. It is Health Hacks with Mark Hyman, MD. All right. So, you know, we were talking about the distortions of memory too recently. I don't mind the distortions of memory, but they can't all serve you. Well, I had a really interesting one, my own one, and I wanna follow my sort about it. So somewhere along the way, I started remembering that,
Starting point is 00:20:47 or I had started saying that the history of Loveline included me being very concerned about HIV and AIDS, and Dr. Fauci encouraging us. By the way, I talked to Rachman when he came in here, and I was like, we syndicated basically when I showed up. That's when we started the syndication. And he was like, we've been syndicated all from before that. I said, I really remember showing up,
Starting point is 00:21:13 we were 91X in San Diego. Like, the first one. Yeah, me and 91X, those were the three, two. Right, he was kind of painting this picture that was broadly syndicated, you know? And I said, no, I showed up and then we became broadly. And he was like, nah, it's not the way it happened. And then later when I talked to him off the air,
Starting point is 00:21:28 he's like, oh, maybe it happened that way, but I like this story better. It's like, I know you like the story where we're in 150 markets before I got there, but we're in 150 markets, I built us into that. After television, that's when it started. Right, but I get that you like this theme. Yeah. Yeah. But is that just how we roll now? Yeah. Okay. Everybody? Well, I always have to correct
Starting point is 00:21:51 myself. So here I'm going to correct my history. So that memory of, which is accurate, that I was, that Fauci was saying get out there and educate and I was very admired him greatly and I was very involved. During AIDS. I was very involved in treating HIV and AIDS. Giovanni, Giovano sent, Giovanni, Giovanni, I have a Giano and a Giovanni. So Giovanni sent me a tape from 1984 of a show that I actually remember vividly because it was painful. It was Angeline and Nina Hagen. Oh yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:22 And it was interesting. So listen to the show, and to my astonishment, I didn't mention HIV. I didn't mention a condom once in the whole show. And I thought, well, that's not my memory of this, because by very soon after that, I was definitely, I was tripling down on that. And I thought, oh, yeah, I guess it wasn't,
Starting point is 00:22:46 when I was a senior resident is when, actually when I was a chief resident is when we started putting committees together and really having these public conversations about HIV and AIDS. And so it probably was a couple years later when I actually started really getting into those conversations.
Starting point is 00:23:01 So that's, again, me distorting my memory of that period. Long time ago, 30 years ago, 40 years ago. Memory distortion is baked in, and it has to happen, and that's fine. And there's no, I don't judge anyone who has a distorted memory. Everyone's distortion, violently serving themselves is the problem I have.
Starting point is 00:23:32 You should have memory loss, especially if it's stuff, like I said, I don't, well, it sounds self-congratulatory, so I'll make it fast, but when I said to Amy's mother-in-law years ago, and I've told you this, but she's like, I wanna sell my car, what do you think I can get for it?
Starting point is 00:23:53 I go, I don't know, what'd you pay for it? She goes, you bought it for me. Okay, I forgot I bought her car. That's low self-esteem memory. That's not a self-congratulatory memory. Look, it was only four years after I bought her a car, I had no recollection of it. I know I didn't, because I asked her straight out, where'd you buy it? Where'd you pay? So do, I want to get into this topic, do the broken narcissist always go their way? Broken narcissists go, I bought you a Cadillac.
Starting point is 00:24:26 Well, it seems like the grandiose. It was a Camry. The grandiose narcissist would do that, right? I'm trying to get these different categories now. I can't figure it out. People have this, it's unethical. It's just unethical.
Starting point is 00:24:43 They memorize things or they summon memories of things that are super favorable to them that and then by the way aren't favorable to you because you're involved in their memory, you know? And it's oftentimes unflattering, sometimes it's criminal behavior, you know? And it's oftentimes unflattering, sometimes it's criminal behavior, you know? I mean, there's a, I mean, not this isn't memory, but there's a, you know, Spanish Soccer Federation president now facing criminal charges for kissing someone on a podium for a tenth of a second, you know? I mean, you can destroy lives with your horrific – with your memories. You know what I mean? I mean, the McMartin preschool, you know what I mean? Or daycare, whatever
Starting point is 00:25:31 it is, big case, look it up. But I mean, it's a bunch of kids having memories about being molested that were never molested, and they destroyed an entire family business for 50 years. You know what I mean? I mean, it's a big, it's a big deal. And we're seeing it, you see it now all the time, but what I'm saying is, is it's unethical to have these grandiose memories, because the problem with the memory that are grandiose is it's not, you know, when Joe Biden says
Starting point is 00:26:03 that he walked arm in arm with Martin Luther King over the bridge in Selma, Alabama, or saved 100 people in the public's pool, you know, or his dad sat down and talked to him about two fellas kissing in 1957 at Scranton, and that was a good thing, you know, and all kinds of, those are sort of, they're kind of grandiose and they make you a narcissist,
Starting point is 00:26:26 but they're not destroying somebody else. Right. You know what I mean? That's just you and your own narcissism. Yeah. But there are a lot of memories that are like, that guy ran up and punched that guy and ran away laughing, you know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:26:39 Like, well, we gotta find that guy and put him in jail. Right? Oh, I'll never forget that one. I told you about the woman in the station wagon with the little league kids in the back who looked left and a woman was riding a bike on the wrong side. You never told me about the little league kids in the back. I'm overstating it.
Starting point is 00:26:55 There were some kids in the car. You've always just said it was in Pasadena, it was a woman, another woman's crossing with a bicycle. This woman's in the station with some kids in the car. Oh, okay. At least that's my memory. But I would remember Little League. It wasn't Little League, it wasn't.
Starting point is 00:27:10 And the bike was coming down the wrong side of the street, she looks left appropriately, turns slowly to the right, the bicycle essentially runs into her car, and people jumped out of their car when the cops arrived screaming, I saw her, she looked right at that woman as she drove into her. And I thought, I was right next to, I saw exactly what happened.
Starting point is 00:27:30 How could you, how could you say that? And that's now the memory. That's it. That's it. Oh, that's the memory. Yeah, and like I said, we're all, nobody is above remembering things, but...
Starting point is 00:27:46 Misperceiving things even in the moment. Oh yeah, but listen, you cannot, you cannot season them with your agenda. Right. And or just lie. It's a motivated reasoning though, people have that. It's a known, well-common cognitive bias, cognitive distortion.
Starting point is 00:28:07 Just it is. Yes. You have to be careful these things. All right, something on our hit list over here. I don't know if you saw Nithya Raman out tearing down signs for U-turns. I love it. Cause I hate those U-turns. I'm gonna do U-turns now in those areas.
Starting point is 00:28:22 It's perfect. It's wonderful. Right. But can I say something? Oh well, we'll play the clip. This is the, now she blamed Toyota for this? Or who's she blaming for the U-turns? Because she had to prom with the catalytic converters being so easily stolen.
Starting point is 00:28:40 So now she's out of her community service by eliminating no U-turn signs. All right. We'll play the clip. LA City Councilmembers Hugo Soto Martinez and Nithya Raman were on hand today to help remove the signs. They say the no cruising and no U-turn signs were put up in the 1990s to prevent people in the gay community from prevent people in the gay
Starting point is 00:29:05 community from meeting up with other gay people. I was also surprised that these, um, these U-turn signs were still. Maybe a girl. And at first, you know, they seem a little. Pause it for a second. Oh. Look, that, they don't put U-turn, no U-turn signs up to prevent gay people from meeting up with other gay people,
Starting point is 00:29:27 you fucking lying cow. What are you talking about? Who put that in a prompter? The signs aren't there from, if you put it in a gay bar, would it work? No. No more butt fucking. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:29:41 You've seen the sign, fellas. Turn it around. What does it even mean? What's the? Okay. I know what it around. What does it even mean? What is it? What's the okay? I know what it means. So here's what they do. They so I heard the whole history of this, right? Originally there was no cruising right which is was often like young males Creating trouble. That's what I know. No, no. Yeah low riders. Low riders, yeah. Right, okay, there was no cruising. Because people were trying to drive down
Starting point is 00:30:11 Sunset Boulevard or Hollywood Boulevard on a Saturday night and a group of low riders was just circling. Well, that's the U-turn part. Well, no, no, no, just listen to me. There was no cruising. Yeah, got it. No, no, just listen to me. There was no cruising. Yeah, got it. Okay, so listen, if a whole bunch of us just went down to LAX and got in slammed in polis
Starting point is 00:30:34 from the 60s and just drove in a slow circle around LAX for a prolonged period of time, I think someone rightfully could say, hey, there's people trying to make flights here. You're clogging up the traffic. No. You know what I'm saying? Yeah, yeah, oh yeah.
Starting point is 00:30:49 Okay, so originally these rules, no cruising was for guys in low riders who were cruising. And by the way, the people who lived in the houses and the apartments and stuff along the cruise line didn't want it. All right, so then they put a no u-turn because gay guys Were walking up and down the street and other gay guys now It's the gay cruising you go from the Mexican cruising to the gay cruise. Okay different crowd
Starting point is 00:31:19 Those guys were cruising down the street driving at five miles an hour checking out assholes they're out assholes. They were kicking assholes. And at some point, they'd see some asshole on the other side of the sidewalk that they wanted to fuck, and they would turn around. And so the people drew, anybody. What if this went on on your street? You know what I mean? Like it's fucking Friday night, it's 10 o'clock, Drew, anybody, what if this went on on your street?
Starting point is 00:31:45 You know what I mean? Like it's fucking Friday night, it's 10 o'clock, it's just a parade of gay guys walking up and down the street and other guys just clogging up traffic, doing U-turns to come back so they could fuck them in a hedge. Okay. You don't, oh you think I'm laughing about hedge fucking?
Starting point is 00:32:04 You've heard of hedge funds. This is hedge fucking. Ah, have you? No. Hand of God. When I used to work earthquake rehab, every once in a blue moon, I'd come home from Korea town
Starting point is 00:32:24 or I was working on a Western and whatever, shit, Berg. I'd come sometime, it was too traffic on the freeway, so I'd cut through the zoo drive, through Griffith Park and whatever, right? One time, I cut through Griffith Park, backside the Hollywood side, and goes winds all the way up, goes all the way up and spits you down in the valley.
Starting point is 00:32:46 Yeah. Four in the afternoon. There was a dude standing on every turn. Huh. This is the dude, and then another 200 feet, there's like another dude, and he's just standing there, not walking dogs or anything. And then you keep going up. And you're like, what's going on?
Starting point is 00:33:04 I'm with my buddy Chris and I'm like, what, they're not hiking, they're just standing there on the corner. And I go, what is this? And he comes up with some, I don't know, we try to make sense of it, I have no idea. Later on, I don't know who I'm talking to, but I go, this is driving up Griffith Park there
Starting point is 00:33:21 and this is just dude and another dude 100 yards up, then next turn there's another dude standing there. So yeah, those are gay guys. You cruise up, you find one you like, you stop, and you go in the bushes. Oh. I said, oh man. Did not think that.
Starting point is 00:33:37 If only heterosexual life were so convenient. Yeah. Ha ha ha, that'd be the no cruise and the no U-turn. So look, people that live there got tired of these people cruising through their neighborhood and then making a U-turn and coming back through the neighborhood to pick up gay dudes in front of their houses. So they put the city, so they complained and the city put a sign up that said no U-turns and no cruising because they wanted to eliminate this
Starting point is 00:34:05 the same way you would, anyone would, if this was going on up and down their street on Saturday night. Right? Yeah. Okay. So now hero Nithya Raman gets it removed with the gay guys because it's oppressive to gay people, but it's only gay people that are out cruising for gay ass. What I love most is we have solved everything else in Los Angeles. So this must be very satisfying for her to solve the last problem we have here in LA. She solved it.
Starting point is 00:34:31 The last one. The last one. So satisfying. Right, meanwhile, people are on the Sixth Street Bridge just firing off bottle rockets and doing bridge takeovers and pulling, stripping the copper wire out of it, doing Brody's in the middle of it. No problem.
Starting point is 00:34:46 People getting beaten on the subways. This is gonna help. So there, that's nifty. Machetes on. Yeah, that's who we've elected to run things. That's good. Okay, fantastic. All right, Levittown, New York,
Starting point is 00:34:58 Governor's Levittown, doing stand up there, June 28th and 29th, three shows, by the way, one Friday, two Saturdays, and then it's off to Oregon and Washington You go to Adam Crowe calm you find all the live shows and we'll be there What else you got true rebel channel ask dr. Drew and also dr. Com check it out also leave us a voicemail at speak pipe comm slash Adam and dr. Drew or hit the mark for the top Of the home page Adam and dr. Drew. So next time, Adam for Dr. Drew, saying, mahalo. all summer long. Chill out poolside with Mission Impossible and Transformers. Or stay cool inside watching Indiana Jones
Starting point is 00:35:46 and the Raiders of the Lost Ark, Titanic or The Wolf of Wall Street. No matter your vibe, download the Pluto TV app to spend summer doing what you love. Watching endless movies. Tell me that's not the deal of the summer. Summer of cinema on Pluto TV.
Starting point is 00:36:00 Stream now. Pay never.

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