The Adam and Dr. Drew Show - #1934 The Hobnobbers

Episode Date: October 30, 2024

Dr.Drew starts off the week in New York City, almost getting swallowed up by this past weekend's Trump rally at Madison Square Garden, Adam describes the "high school bully talk" amongst grown ups, th...ey then discuss comedian, Tony Hinchcliffe's recent remarks, and the reactions from Tim Walz and AOC. Then, they take a call on the woke mind virus, Drew explains the backfire effect of recovering from all the brainwashing, and they listen to a voicemail on bed wetters. Leave us a voicemail: OR Click the microphone at top of the homepage,

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I love reality TV on Pluto TV. Same, and I love that it's free. It gives me the freedom to watch Bravo's Real Housewives Vault Channel. I'm totally free to watch Bad Girls Club. I'm free for Jersey Shore. Love and hip hop, I'm free all day. Survivor, I'm free all night. With hundreds of free reality shows, you are totally free to watch what you love on Pluto TV.
Starting point is 00:00:24 Pluto TV. Stream now, pay never. Hey fans of freedom and open discussion, I'm heading over to Substack and there's an ad-free audio and video version of the Adam Perola show that's going to be waiting there. In the near future, you'll even be able to watch ACS live unedited as we recorded participate in the show via live chat that'll be coming up very soon. You also get an ad free version of the Adam Carrell and Dr. Drew show. You also get an exclusive to my new podcast beat it out where I share unpolished ideas with my
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Starting point is 00:01:39 Dr. Drew Pinsky. You're listening to the Adam and Dr. Drew Pinsky, you're listening to the Adam and Dr. Drew show. Yeah. Get it on. Got to get on the, but, uh, Dr. is board certified physician. Big smash, big out there in New York city. Yeah, man. I, uh, walked into the middle of, uh, unthinkingly I had to go pick something up near Penn
Starting point is 00:02:02 station and I walked into the middle of the rally Oh, yeah, there's a go. Yeah, it was quite a scene man mostly scary because of the Contancorous pushbacks, you know what I mean? It wasn't the Trump crowd that was scary It was the people attacking the Trump crowd that made me uncomfortable. But there we are. This is where we live in. Well, you know, you and I spoke about this over the phone in a different context the other day, which is nerds versus the jocks, you know,
Starting point is 00:02:37 and it's always bizarre. So it's an interesting time we're living in where they go, these MAGA bullies, red meat eating, Harley Davidson riding, tough guys trying to intimidate everybody, scared of people who look different than them,
Starting point is 00:02:59 this whole thing. And it's all this kind of high school bully talk it's a it's an extension of that you and I pointed out that the bullies in high school bully the jocks bullied each other the jocks didn't bully the nerds they didn't know jocks weren't aware of the nerds which is is sort of worse. They didn't know they existed. They just busy shitting on each other. No, right, right, right. You would rather have the prom queen, if they said to the prom queen, David Pinsky,
Starting point is 00:03:48 that's what used to go by back then, right? Yeah, yeah, well, yeah. If they said to the prom queen, David Pinsky, and she went, oh, I hate that guy, that would be much better than who? Yeah, yeah. The worst thing you can get in life is who. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:06 I mean, or professionally. You know what I mean? I would rather someone go Adam Carolla. Not funny than who? I don't know that name. Do you know what I'm saying? Yes, it exists. Non-existence is the worst thing for humanity.
Starting point is 00:04:18 The reality for the jocks and slash bullies is they didn't know who these people were but the the painting of the bully right so yeah so Trump and then his advocates are these bullies that just want you know they hate women and they hate minorities and they and they don't like people that make less money than them you know what I mean look they only like rich people. Well, I was funny. I was just listening.
Starting point is 00:04:47 I mean, I liked a tweet. I think it was Tim Walz talking to AOC about Tony Hinchcliffe's Puerto Rico joke. And they just start going down this road of these people. They look down. You know, when they're at the restaurant, the person that brings them their food, they look down. You know, when they're at the restaurant, the person that brings them their food, they look down on those people. The person-
Starting point is 00:05:09 They clearly don't know who Tony Hinkley is. I know Tony very well. You do. His dad was a mob, he was the kept, the love child of a kept woman at the behest of a low level mafioso in Satin Island. That was his life. Yeah, well, they don't see, but here's the thing. It's all projection once again. Like, who's going to the Hollywood parties? You know what I mean? Like, why is it death to say you're Trump voter in Hollywood?
Starting point is 00:05:46 Well, the answer is no more parties with Brian Krantzen and Tom Hanks. No more parties. Right. And so they are the hobnobbers of the group. They like, look, I'd rather hang out with George Clooney than a guy who folds clothes in the back of a gap in Arlita? I admit that, but who are the hobnobbers? You know what I mean? When who does come out for, well, it's Beyonce comes out and Lady Gaga, I mean, who's playing?
Starting point is 00:06:19 Who are, if you're a Democrat and you're looking for someone to play at a rally or at your inauguration, your list is 30 A-listers. If you are on the right, we already got Ted Nugent, Scott Baio, can he play a guitar? Kid Rock. Kid Rock. Kid Rock is basically what you got. So, this notion that they're bullies is funny and it's also projection. And then it's also, it's just anecdotally, when you go to places, let's just say, you go to the campus of the Daily Wire in Tennessee, it's palpable how polite the young people
Starting point is 00:07:13 who work there are. It's palpable. It's respectful, polite, respectful. So it's insane. But I would also say that when you go into redder areas, like parts of Orange County versus Los Angeles or San Francisco or something like that, people in general are just more polite,
Starting point is 00:07:35 I would say, more civil. So the reality is is that people doing all the pushing and the screaming are more mostly women on the left. Did you see that video of the woman screaming at the baby in the stroller during Kamala's rally? Yeah, that's kind of my thing, but I'll play this AOC Tim Walz reaction. Also, you do get, during these kinds of exchanges,
Starting point is 00:08:07 they're just sort of having a live dialogue via Zoom or something, responding to Tony's joke. Yeah. You also get an idea of how dumb AOC is. Like when you hear, when you hear- Also how Tony, you should know who Tony is if you're in the public. You know, he should have a sense of Kill Tony.
Starting point is 00:08:32 But nope. No, she knows who he is and he doesn't. But I don't know where to, but you know when someone is dumb when they go like, just stop, just stop it, okay? Like stop, you know, they just say, it's like, just stop, just stop it, okay? Like stop, you know, they just say, it's like, oh, by the way, that's what, that's how kids talk, right? Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:54 They don't really make a point in here, but all right, we'll listen to it, it's kind of funny. They're terrifying. Absolutely wild times, it really, really is. And you know, there's a lot going on. Like, I don't know if you guys know this, but there's literally a floating island of garbage in the middle of the ocean right now. Yeah, I think it's called Puerto Rico. Okay,
Starting point is 00:09:18 all right. Okay, we're getting there. Who is that Jack Wad? Who is that? Actually, I think that's Tony Hinchcliffe, which is super disappointing. I mean, he's a comedian. I'm disappointed. I'm disappointed. I don't follow this like, career very closely. This issue with Puerto Rico again, I saw it.
Starting point is 00:09:36 This was what... When he went down after Helene, the horrific hurricane, people there, everybody coming together, we sent helicopters down from Minnesota and personnel. You know, that's how you do this during this. And in the first hours, Trump complaining about the response. Does anybody remember how he responded to Maria in Puerto Rico? He did. It was absolutely horrific. Down there insulting people, throwing it.
Starting point is 00:09:56 Throw paper towels at them. Remember that? Look, I know that people... Throwing paper towels at them. Remember that? Oh, yeah. People in Puerto Rico are citizens. They pay taxes, and they serve in the military at almost a higher rate than anybody else. Yeah, I mean, it's like super upsetting. Obviously it's super upsetting to me.
Starting point is 00:10:09 My family is from Puerto Rico. I'm Puerto Rican and like, the thing that is- Wait a minute now, hold on. Hang on. Because my understanding is, I've been to Puerto Rico. I wasn't aware of this when I was there, but apparently they have a really huge problem with, I'm hearing, this may or may not be true, of disposing of their trash and garbage.
Starting point is 00:10:36 And this is like a island-wide issue there. And anyone who actually had been to Puerto Rico would know that this is a concern of the people there that Tony is a concern of the people there that Tony's making fun of. All right well good point did not know that. And I love that there's no greater insult than. I'm disappointed. I'm disappointed. I used to like you until. Yeah. I'm disappointed. Sad. By the way he's a roast comedian making roast jokes and but if you watch the whole thing in context, he makes fun of everybody, but okay, she's very upset.
Starting point is 00:11:08 Neither one of them gives a shit, by the way, but go ahead, it's just funny. It's funny as they get granular and just drift off into other lands here. Here we go. The thing that is so messed up that I wish more people understood is that the things that they do in Puerto Rico are a testing ground for the policies and the
Starting point is 00:11:34 horrors that they wish to and that they do unveil in working-class communities across the United States and I need people to understand that when you have some a-hole calling Puerto Rico floating garbage, know that that's what they think about you. That's just what they think about you. It's what they think about anyone who makes less money than them. It's what they think about the people
Starting point is 00:12:03 who serve them food in a restaurant. It's what they think about the people who serve them food in a restaurant. It's what they think about the people who fold their clothes in a store. Like, dude, are you serious? Like, are you serious? All right, hold on, just to hear her process, you know what I mean? Like, you know, when you see people who think bad
Starting point is 00:12:27 and they see, you know, the people bring them food and the people that fold their clothes and they think bad of them. And I mean, it's just like, are you serious? Like, are you serious? Okay, bitch, form a thought. Would you please make a point? Please make a point, please.
Starting point is 00:12:49 I told everyone if this chick was fat and in her 60s, no one would listen to a fucking word she ever said. And everyone attacked me and I told them to suck my dick because I've never said a truer statement in my life. Okay, keep it going. You're right. Are you serious? Dude. Like, are you serious?
Starting point is 00:13:14 The privilege of being on this campaign is traveling across the entire country. There are hundreds of thousands of Puerto Ricans across in battleground states that need to send them a message on this. Need to send them a message. I want them to like... You gotta vote. Roll that. I want everyone in Philadelphia to see that clip.
Starting point is 00:13:31 If you live in Philly, why don't you go and see that clip? Or Redding. Yes, across the street. If you live in Redding, Pennsylvania, which I was there, I was in Redding last week. If you're in Redding, if you're in Philly... Great community. Great, great people. look at that trash. Like, what is trash is people actually just thinking of other human beings that way. Are you actually
Starting point is 00:13:58 for real? And the thing that gets me is that these people rely, their entire lives rely on working class people. If you have someone that's not there to harvest the crops that show up in your grocery store, in your Arowan or your Whole Foods or wherever it is that's showing up, if you think lesser of If you think lesser of working class Americans, of people who... Caring for her children. Yeah, you think lesser of working class... You don't like... Aren't people sort of tired of this? Isn't this seem old timey to people?
Starting point is 00:14:36 It's like an old time political maneuver now. It's 15 years old. It's old timey. Well... She's too young to be doing this. The weird thing is they have a toolbox with one tool in it. And you keep saying, go back to your toolbox and pick out another tool. This one's not working.
Starting point is 00:14:55 And they're like, this is all we got. This is what we have in our toolbox is rich people don't like poor people and white people are scared of other people and they want more money for them. Hey I'm Adam Kroll that's Brad Williams and Jay Leno. Hey everybody. Over there we're doing our third annual comedy, Fantasy Camp. That's gonna be January 23rd through the 26th right in Hollywood, California. Where else would it be? These guys are gonna be there. Remember, two out of every three comics, make it big.
Starting point is 00:15:28 Oh, one and a half. Do I get paid for this? Please tell me I get paid for this. Go to and get in on the fun. We actually have an interesting call online. I don't know what line it's James' on, but it could follow on to this. James? Hi, hello. Hello.
Starting point is 00:15:55 35, New York State. Hi, how are you everyone? Yeah, I guess I've got a question here about potentially the Wolk-Mind virus and is that you know from clinical perspective is that considered a virus? No. No, that's clear. Looking at like Salem-Witch trials, you know, that was kind of a mass hysteria. Well hold on one sec. Yeah yeah. If if uh yeah chronic fatigue syndrome is a real thing and Epstein-Barr is a real thing at least according to my mom in 1975 if made-up shit is is real if secondhand smoke is a real killer is real, if secondhand smoke is a real killer, why can't the woke mind virus be real, Drew?
Starting point is 00:16:48 Well, the woke mind virus could be much like secondhand smoke, it could be used as a sort of a, what's the word I'm looking for, as sort of a conveyor of a point of view that itself is false, but if we get people to sign on board, and let's be careful, you said chronic fatigue syndrome, which wokeness is a syndrome, right? Syndrome is a lot of different things
Starting point is 00:17:18 under a similar presentation. So it does fit to call woke a syndrome, it doesn't fit to call it a virus except to say he's, he's talking about mass hysteria humans do develop mass formation for sure. And there is a contagion associated with it. So there's sort of a emotional virus. It's not a virus in the sense that COVID was a virus. James?
Starting point is 00:17:49 Yeah, so that's interesting. So from that point of view then, do you think then, okay, if we have a syndrome, not an actual physical virus, you know, that it does infect, that type of thing, if it's considered in that context, what would be the right way to maybe have the antibody against it? I guess you mean yourself. Yeah, what would be the right... He doesn't, by the way, James is one of these people that will not stop talking when other people are talking. I don't think he can hear us. I don't, maybe it's that. Well, you assume it's technical, but I'm never sure if it is. Well, but it's a great way to frame this. So what's the monoclonal antibody? First of all,
Starting point is 00:18:31 can you vaccinate someone against it? And what's the monoclonal antibody against it? Well, my son got vaccinated against it because he grew up sort of with me. And we didn't talk a lot in terms of these things. He just sort of watched me, you know, and he sort of saw me take care of business and sort of, he listened to things I said, but he got a pragmatism early. And then of course, you know, he was not, you know, when COVID hit, he was probably 13, 14, you know, and he got a front row view to the fucking hysterics and he got a front
Starting point is 00:19:15 row view to me too, you know, and then he ate dinner at Tinhorn Flats that didn't die. He ate dinner at Tin Horn Flats. It didn't die. Yes, that's a good example. They were going to close down Tin Horn Flats, a restaurant owned by a family for many years in Glendale, who I went to high school with. And I took him to eat at that restaurant as a protest to Governor Newsom shutting it down and then days later it had an iron gate around a big fence around it and now it's gone. It's gone. Family had it for 50 years. By the way, ostensibly there were people in the neighborhood who liked going there and
Starting point is 00:20:01 eating there and drinking there and enjoying themselves there. But they cannot do that anymore. Where's AOC worrying about that? All the people that work there. That's all I kept talking about during COVID. What about the people who had jobs around Disneyland and the people whose businesses got destroyed? Where were they if they really are so concerned about that shit?
Starting point is 00:20:21 They don't give a fuck. But yes, I took my son and I exposed him to that stuff and now he thinks in a reasonable manner. So he's off at college but he's not getting his brain polluted, is what I'm saying. So okay, so part of the virus is this infiltration of the educational system. So there's an indoctrination. Oh, yeah. And part of it is the hysteria caused by the press and then the government leaning into that. So there's a hysteria.
Starting point is 00:20:55 There is a weird thing in the media now where you can do this to be it's almost an operating psych, op, psychological operation of kind of mind bending, mind washing. And I guess the monoclonal antibody would be to first of all raise issues early and often to try to get people to think about the things that they were indoctrinated against. The problem is there's something called the backfire effect. If you can convince them in one area, they kind of go down and double down in another area.
Starting point is 00:21:27 So it's, I think, unfortunately, they will have to be some sort of consequence or change in the law. So people can't do this again. That's your monoclonal. That's your vaccine. And there's got to be enough time of reeducation. It's like reeducation camps that people get back to reality aren't so fucking brainwashed by the media.
Starting point is 00:21:52 Yes. Yeah. No, thank you so much for that. And I apologize. I was trying to shout over AOC. I don't want to throw anyone in the bus, but I was still getting that pumped in my ear and I was just trying to chime in there. So I really appreciate this conversation.
Starting point is 00:22:04 Thanks James. Yep. Thank you. there. So I really appreciate this conversation. Thanks James. Yeah, thank you. Do you want to take that? We have a voice message also as long as we're in the response mode. Do you want to take, I think it's Phil? We've got a voice message from Phil. Hi guys. Hi guys. This question is actually for Dr. Drew. So we have a five year old daughter and recently she began getting up in the middle of the
Starting point is 00:22:30 night and peeing on the floor. She gets up out of bed, she leaves her room, she walks towards the guest bathroom which is the bathroom that she goes in. First time this happened she did it in the bathroom on the bathroom floor. The second time it happened was two nights ago. And my wife and I here get up in the middle of the night, it's probably one in the morning, she walks in the living room and just pees on the floor. And both times we've approached her during the situation, she's pretty groggy and it's
Starting point is 00:22:58 clearly some type of maybe sleepwalking situation. So I guess my question is based on that loose information, do you think it is a sleepwalking situations. So I guess my question is based on that loose information, do you think it is a sleepwalking situation? Is that a common thing to just pee randomly? She never does that. When she's coherent, she always goes to the bathroom or the toilet. What, is there anything we can do about it?
Starting point is 00:23:18 I guess is the back half of that question as well. You guys are the best, keep up doing what you're doing. Okay, I got it. Does this guy's voice sound like Emmy? But okay, I got it. Does this guy's voice sound like Emmy? But Emmy's child's a little bit younger than that. Hey, wait a minute. My child only pees in his diaper. Okay.
Starting point is 00:23:32 Like I said, it's too young. So Enuresis, it is still Enuresis. It's a specific version of it. Why don't you ask the expert? I've got an expert sitting next to me. That's right. Well, it's kind of interesting because I've heard me scream about this a bunch, and it has a bigger, could be used as a metaphor for the time we're living in, which is I was a bedwetter and there was a lot of theories about why I was a bedwetter and
Starting point is 00:24:06 At some point I think my son was a bedwetter, you know longer than he should have been And then there's lots of discussion about You know psychology and therapy and you know Technology what about a sheet that detects urine and sends an alarm and I was like Or we can do what my grandpa did was he would just wake me up at 1 30 And I would piss in a bucket next to the I say next to the bed, but it was a sofa. I slept on because he only had a one-bedroom house and
Starting point is 00:24:40 Then I would pee in the bucket and then I would go to bed. And then I would never, he didn't want, it's one thing to have your bed wet in the spare bedroom, but it's another thing to have your sofa peed on in the living room, which is not what they wanted. And it was like felt too. It is weird as I think about my childhood, sort of zero to 25, spent most of that time on things that weren't bets.
Starting point is 00:25:13 Which is weird, it's weird when you grow up poor with poor people mentality. A bed is a thing. Like nobody in my, nobody had a bed in a bed is a thing like nobody in my nobody had a bed and a box spring you have you would have a mattress I had a mattress and most the places I was at it was a mattress which is weird no one no one in my entire family ever purchased a bed, a mattress, and a box spring. Much less a bedding set or end tables or anything. It was just boxes and stuff on the floor.
Starting point is 00:25:54 It looked like when you were squatting a house. But my grandfather, they had one bedroom, and if I slept over, which I did frequently, I slept on the sofa. And my grandfather, I'd go to bed at nine, and then he'd wake me up at one, 1.30, tell me to pee in a bucket. I'd pee in the bucket, put the bucket down under the table, and I'd go back to bed,'t I wouldn't pee on anything and I would sort of what what I'm saying is
Starting point is 00:26:30 This isn't directly Answering the question, but it would help All the you got to talk to a therapist and all the we need a sheet that has an alarm on it It's all the new we have to reimagine policing. We want to reimagine, you know, we want clean, sustainable, green energy. You know, it's like, sorry. Look at the Hungarian grandfather.
Starting point is 00:26:52 Just go old, the homeless people need to be treated with dignity and respect, and they're not even homeless, they're previously housed. You know, it's like, okay, you can talk all you want, or you can just go back to sort of old world no-nonsense nuts and bolts diet and exercise what about the ozempic shot or you could just diet and you could exercise and that would work and you could if the kid is getting up at 2 and peeing on the floor you may want to just set your alarm for 1 30 and
Starting point is 00:27:29 Just go wake the kid up and walk them over to the toilet Now that will take care of the peeing on the floor. I would suspect I May not know but I may not take care of the sleepwalking. So that does need to be reported to the pediatrician. I half agree, but part of the reason for getting up could be needing to use the bathroom. Yeah, yeah. It could be that or it could be a real sleep disturbance. So I'm saying she's got to report it all. But I agree with you wholeheartedly.
Starting point is 00:28:00 Midnight, child, get her up, pee in the bathroom, back to bed, and let's see what happens to the sleepwalking. So weirdest thing because I was going through this, I remember talking to my ex-wife and maybe, maybe Emmy's mother-in-law, the nanny, and we've just gotten to this big argument about what to do and I just kept saying, just set the fucking alarm and get up and take him to take a piss. That'll stop it. And it's like, you don't know, there are other things going on. This could be a psycho dynamic thing going on.
Starting point is 00:28:52 And it was like, and I realized anything but what works. Hey, listen, they used to blame schizophrenia on mothering techniques. So be careful, be careful. Stay with what works. I think that's a reasonable thing. Well, also, how about my experience of it working for me? That's the point.
Starting point is 00:29:17 We have an N of one here where it was quite effective and you're not the only N out there. It's just, it's not widely distributed information. I think, I think, um, Phil had another part to his question. Oh, he did. I was told there was a part two where I complained about it. In fact, I, uh, I have a sheet that says daughter ping during the night. So I'm not sure. All right.
Starting point is 00:29:37 Fair enough. All right, Drew, you done fucking up. Well, I complained about it. I said, we're going to have one for drew and one for Adam. I don't, that's going to knock. Never going to work. It's little did I know I was gonna fuck it up. Ah Well Good here's something Then I'm not gonna fuck up tomorrow night gonna be at Jimmy's Club in Vegas doing two shows over there and then
Starting point is 00:30:02 Going out again to Jimmy's Club and then I'm gonna be in Big Bear And then going out again to Jimmy's Club. And then I'm going to be in Big Bear, Oxnard, Houston. Houston? Yeah. Phoenix, Solana Beach. Just go to for all the live shows. What do you got, Drew? I've got friends who want to come see you in Big Bear. They're very excited.
Starting point is 00:30:16 Oh, good. They're coming up. Yeah. Go to ask Dr. Drew on Rumble. Subscribe there. Please join us. So until next time, Adam Kerl Dr. Drew, saying, mahalo. Pluto TV is a place for movie fans like me.
Starting point is 00:30:35 And TV fans like me. They've got something for everyone and it's free. I love free and I love Jersey Shore. For me, it's the Godfather. SpongeBob SquarePants, I am Patrick. Patrick is me. Oh, Forrest Gump, come on. Criminal Minds, solving crime after bedtime.
Starting point is 00:30:53 Whatever you love to watch, Pluto TV makes it easy with thousands of free movies and shows. Pluto TV, stream now, pay never.

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