The Adam and Dr. Drew Show - #1955 We Love Rules!

Episode Date: December 18, 2024

Dr. Drew starts off the week by getting into the recent changes in prescriptions policies at your local pharmacy, Adam explains the science of sink peeing, then they discuss the recent school shooting... in Wisconsin. Plus, they try to figure out the sudden opposition to metal detectors at schools and take a voicemail on the Finnish passion for coffee! Leave us a voicemail: OR Click the microphone at the top of the homepage, Please Support Our Sponsors:

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Starting point is 00:00:23 Pluto TV. Stream now, crime never pays and neither do I. Pluto TV, stream now, pay never. Hey fans of freedom and open discussion, I'm heading over to Substack and there's an ad free audio and video version of the Adam Carolla show that's gonna be waiting there. In the near future, you'll even be able to watch ACS live unedited as we record it, participate in the show via live chat. That'll be coming up very soon. You also get an ad free version of the Adam
Starting point is 00:00:54 Corleone Dr. Drew show. You also get an exclusive to my new podcast, Beat It Out, where I share unpolished ideas with my comedian buddies. The first series of episodes is going to be J. Moore. You'll get all this and more for the low, low price of nine bucks a month of pittance for all we're going to bring you. Subscribe now at slash sub stack and I'll see all of you in our new speakeasy called Substack. Recorded live at Corolla One Studios with Adam Corolla and board certified physician and addiction medicine specialist Dr. Drew Pinsky. You're listening to the Adam and Dr.
Starting point is 00:01:45 You're listening to the Adam and Dr. Drew Show. Yeah, get it on, got to get on it. Dr. Drew's board certified physician, Diggs medicine specialist. Yeah, baby. What's going on over there? You know, as I'm complaining about the inefficiencies in the medical system, in California, you're not allowed to call a pharmacy for a refill. So the old practice of me saying, you know, you want a refill, call my office, my office, text me, I go, yes, or times two, whatever.
Starting point is 00:02:12 She calls it in, she spends the 20 minutes talking to the pharmacist. Oh, no. Now everything must be done electronically by me. Yeah, yeah. California, I mean, this is the crazy part, but the rules, the rules part. I mean I can't remember if I told you or not, but when I went to vote, I sat down and handed the guy my license and he said, I can't take that. And then he proceeded to ask me every single thing that was on my license, you know, address,
Starting point is 00:02:43 spelling a name, and he kept screwing it up, and I kept telling him, just take my license, and look at my ways that I can't do it. And I just thought, you know, and you know, I would say here would be California, like there's certain things that just sort of encapsulate California, right? And I've told you that California would be the tip
Starting point is 00:03:10 of the spear in terms of forward thinking, environmental, you know, when you think solar power, you know, you think, you would think California. But when this California resident attempted to install solar it couldn't be done because of the regulations and the and the sort of Realistic sort of oh you got to dig a trench 200 feet long and put it make shutoff switch outside of your main gate You know and and and then they do this, they always do this wherever, and I don't even know if that's California or a Los Angeles thing, but at some point,
Starting point is 00:03:51 somebody goes, they don't do that anywhere but here, you know what I mean? They go, they go everywhere else, they just put a main shut off at the breaker box, you know. Here, Los Angeles is the only municipality that requires one outside of the gate not at the breaker box And you're like, but don't the firemen know to come in and just hit the main, you know The the main breaker box it the the main service and they go Yeah, I know but LA requires it outside of the gate and and I'm like well It's too expensive to transfer 200 feet for this and they go. Yeah, I know but la requires it outside of the gate and and I'm like well
Starting point is 00:04:25 It's too expensive to transfer 200 feet for this and they go. Yeah, okay bill maher wanted solar too It broke him. You know I mean so What do you want and the answer is is we want rules and regulations? Well, what do you want to look like? We wanna look like we're into solar. Okay, but what do you really want? Well, we got all the rules. And then there's, look, if we can do all the rules and solar, that'll be great.
Starting point is 00:04:55 But if not just all the rules and no solar, I've been talking about peeing in the sink, how long? 35 years. Okay, that's talking about pain in the sink. How long? 35 years. Okay, that's talking about. Ask me when I start. The day I hit six foot. I'm a sink bear, always been a sink bear. Now, certain places like my place,
Starting point is 00:05:19 the thing's too high and the thing's too whatever, but if you give me a pedestal style sink, that's it. I'm pissing while I'm brushing my teeth. I've always been a sink pier. And then everyone always makes fun of me. Point of my market distinction. And always been a sink pier. Always been a sink pier.
Starting point is 00:05:36 Everyone makes fun of me, but now they're coming out with sinks and urinals combined because it saves water, tons of water, gallons, millions of gallons of water, right? So there are these combination, urinal, I love a urinal, and I love a sink urinal, and so basically what you do is you urinate whilst you're washing your hands or brushing your teeth and then the water is used, it's used twice.
Starting point is 00:06:06 Okay, perfect. Who never stops beating everyone over the head that we're living in a drought area and California's a desert, we have to conserve water. To the point where if you see your neighbor using his hose to hose down his driveway, you're supposed to report him. That's right. And or washing his to hose down his driveway. You're supposed to report him That's right and or washing his own car in the driveway. Yes. Okay, that's that's how
Starting point is 00:06:32 Strident stringent we are That's what's called totalitarian. Yeah in in common, but that's how motivated California is for you to save water. Yeah, I Ordered the sink urinal. They ship everywhere, but where, Drew? California. That's right. There's a lot of stuff like that in California. We got rules.
Starting point is 00:06:52 Now, okay. My bet is there's some sort of weird lobby around sinks. No, there's a rule. There's rules. Whatever it is, there's rules. I said, can you ship to New York? They go, yep. It's being shipped to Nevada and driven here.
Starting point is 00:07:08 But here's my point. Do you want to save water? Yes or no? Yes. Do you like solar? Yes. But let me explain. Oh, slow down, mister.
Starting point is 00:07:19 Slow down, who do you think you are, mister? Above all that, we love rules. And so, with overregulation, we don't get what we want. So I would argue that you're putting your finger on the fundamental- And then Jane Fonda comes in. Right. What? 300,000 rules?
Starting point is 00:07:39 That's not enough? Well, maybe they're there for a reason. We need them. Yeah. So, the fundamental difference between the left and the right that people need to understand, and the left doesn't have to be this way, but they are this way for some reason, is that this is centralized authority versus distributed authority. Freedom versus totalitarian is the final pathway there. And the fact is,
Starting point is 00:08:06 people on the left feel that humans are not to be trusted, they are bad in their hearts because they're bad themselves, and they need a benevolent, centralized authority to make the decision for them. The right just says, hey, freedom, Adam will figure it out, and then guess what? Other people will see what Adam does and goes, hey, I'm gonna do that too. We'll have solar. Yeah, but you're moving past something you're incorrect about.
Starting point is 00:08:28 Oh, tell me. They do not feel like people are bad. Okay. Well, the inner city black child, this just sort of fell through the cracks and had access to firearms. And the school system let him, he's a good kid, he just punches people on the subway. They do not think that, they don't think criminals are bad.
Starting point is 00:08:51 You are. Well, no, no, I'm greedy and I will hurt people and the land and myself, I will take advantage of these things and sort of fleece the land. That's bad, but okay. Yeah, but they don't, yeah, but they're greedy. So they look at violent criminals as good, but misguided, and the system kind of pushed them
Starting point is 00:09:18 into that direction, you know what I mean? We need to fix the system, yeah. We have the school to prison pipeline. That's not really your fault if you trip and fall under the pipeline. You get sucked into it and thrown into a prison. Then we have sort of the prison corporate system. They do a lot of this prison corporate,
Starting point is 00:09:38 it's like saying, yeah, they do that with drunk driving, but you don't have to drive drunk. You're not gonna get a DUI if in fact you're not drunk. Yeah, but they got these checkpoints on every corner. It's like, yeah, they do, but you still can avoid it by not driving drunk. You know what I'm saying? One could avoid prison. Even if it's an industrial complex
Starting point is 00:10:12 You could still not commit crime, but they but you're you're compelled to commit crime because of your environment Alright, so they don't think criminals are bad The rest are greedy and need to be regulated because they're not to be trusted, right? It's not It can't be between me and the company that makes the sink urinal. We can't have a relationship. You must get in between, intervene, and do something otherwise someone's going to get hurt or someone's going to screw up the environment. Well, again, when you start going down this road, you very quickly start to worry about speech and all kinds of things. And you were doing the opposite of what this country was founded on very quickly. Yeah, but it was founded by bad white people.
Starting point is 00:10:50 So what is it you would like to do? Uphold their wishes? Greedy white people, greedy bad white people. Oh, slaveholders. Slaveholders, yeah, slaveholders. Slave owners, not holders. They don't hold them. They own them, Drew.
Starting point is 00:10:59 It's a difference. Don't hold them. Language is what you do with your young child. Hold that child hold that language. It's what you do with your young child. Don't hold that child, but owner! It's what you do with a mule. You're right. All right, school shooting, Wisconsin. Good times.
Starting point is 00:11:14 Terrible. Well, what I never really get is, we're gonna lecture about guns, but what's the plan again? Because there's a great clip of the Wisconsin police chief. Did you see that? No. Oh, it's great.
Starting point is 00:11:30 I like tweeted, I liked it, I mean, somewhere, but he just explains that someone goes, was there metal detectors? And he goes, no, we don't need metal detectors. It's a gun-free zone. And I thought, I think he about summed it up. That is a, it's a middle-aged black dude, but that is 1000% chick think and 1000% progressive think.
Starting point is 00:12:00 Like, why would you need this? It's that. And it's like, it's perfect. We It's perfect. Yeah, we got dead people Because it's a gun-free zone Which it is to the people who follow the rules, right? But for the people who don't It's a zone where no one has a gun but them Which they like Okay, we can play the clip. Have you seen this clip? I cite gun related policies if any were in place at the school and did the school have
Starting point is 00:12:29 metal detectors? I'm not aware that the school had metal detectors nor should schools have metal detectors. It's a school. It's a safe space. Thank you, person who stops crime. That's awesome. The gun freedom. It's safe with dead people. Well, listen, I would argue that office buildings and subways and city streets, a subway should be a safe space. Oh, yes.
Starting point is 00:12:55 Every arena should be a safe space. Everywhere, every workplace should be a safe space. Did you see Mayor Adams talking about this? I heard some stuff. Yeah. It is weird. It is interesting now that there's 55-year-old men who've been completely pussified because the system has been intact long enough that they passed through the pussification process.
Starting point is 00:13:23 You know what I mean? Like you used to See we used to go of these kids with their crazy fucking ideas these college kids You know what I mean, but we were saying that in 1999. Yeah It's 25 years on. Yeah, those crazy college kids are 48 year olds that are fucking fucked up now This guy's a 61 year old guy with a soft head who got pushed through the pussifier. And he's a police chief. I almost wonder if he's using a little irony to make a point.
Starting point is 00:13:57 Like he's the opposite of pussified. He's trying to make a pussification joke. Right? Like, why do we need med detectors? You've made it a gun-free zone Well done everybody. I'll watch it again. I don't think this guy's got this kind of chop I'd also like to say it must be nice to not have metal detectors since we've had metal detectors since 9-eleven in New York Oh, I'm going to school metal detectors. There's also by the way no such thing as Playing a clip Where you don't hear a backup beeper in the background
Starting point is 00:14:31 There's always a beep I woke up this morning at 715 to me fucking garbage truck like Drew have you ever gone two days without hearing me me it's so fucking ubiquitous yeah all right sorry what sort of gun related policies if any were in place at the school and did the school have metal detectors I'm not aware that the school had metal detectors nor should schools have metal detectors it's a school it's a safe space now he's pompous dumb dumb and arrogant. I wish he was fucking around. He's not capable of that. Do you see he got righteous about it?
Starting point is 00:15:11 Okay, well, no metal detector. So then they shouldn't. By the way, you know, bridges that go over freeways should not have those fences that go all the way up and around so people won't jump off and land on moving traffic. They shouldn't. Because people shouldn't jump. No, they should not. Right?
Starting point is 00:15:38 Yeah. There's tons of stuff that they shouldn't have to have it, but it's there. We shouldn't have the razor wire on our signs all over Los Angeles. Yeah, there shouldn't be any of that stuff. But here we go, right? Okay. All right, let me tell you about Shopify.
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Starting point is 00:17:03 I think the problem with Olympic fencing is the outfits they dress like x-ray technicians with a spaghetti colander on their head they should be forced to wear the outfits of their country swordsman from back in the day right? France would have a musketeer, Japan would have a samurai, United States, a homeless guy with a machete. He's got a load in his sweatpants. Subscribe to slash Adam to get exclusive access to the full dry bar comedy special Adam Corolla comes clean.
Starting point is 00:17:50 Hey, it's Adam Corolla from the Adam Corolla show. BetOnline is the world's most trusted betting platform and your number one source for online betting from the earliest odds to in-game live betting. BetOnline provides you with all the action and the ability to watch and bet on games as they happen with the largest selection of odds on everything from football, NBA, college basketball as well. BetOnline has NHL, MMA, and championship boxing all your betting needs in one place. Head to BetOnline today to get in on the action with America's most trusted site for online wagering. So have some fun, make
Starting point is 00:18:39 these games and these events and these combat sports a little more interesting with bet online bet online The game starts here All right, so let's just say school shootings What currently What would be an effective deterrent from school shootings? You don't want schools to have metal detectors. You don't want them to have armed guards and you don't want teachers trained with firearms.
Starting point is 00:19:17 You've made yourself clear. As the amazing op-ed in the LA Times wrote many years ago, what difference would it make if one teacher with a gun was able to shoot back? So two people are dead instead of 18? Yeah, that would be a difference, and that would be. Effective. Well, look, if you had a construction company,
Starting point is 00:19:39 you built large-scale commercial projects, bridges and high-rises and stuff, bridges and high rises and stuff, and 13 people died last year, but this year three people died, then that would be a great stride in the right direction for your company. Or whatever the business was. Or the military.
Starting point is 00:19:57 Whatever. Okay, but that's not how the LA Times sees it. So, okay. What is a deterrent? Well, eliminate guns. Okay, that doesn't exist, so we need to move on to the next, whatever the next one is. That's, your suggestion is impossible. Right. Okay, so we can eliminate that. Now what? Answer is they will be against everything except for the one which doesn't exist
Starting point is 00:20:30 and can never be executed. But isn't that what we've all been through in the last four years, eight years, which is anything unrealistic is what we're going for. So what do you wanna do? Nothing to do with reality, we're gonna do it. Right, all right, so. Because it's the right thing to do, Adam.
Starting point is 00:20:43 I'm gonna look into my crystal ball and I will predict these will continue but not at the private schools that have the security and let's remind ourselves not one Has been other than a seriously mentally mentally ill kid Yes, whose treatment has gone sideways for some reasons usually related to the law. All right there's a article about cooking oils. Yeah shocking everybody. The seed oils and the corn oil is not good for you. Turns out. I thought the New York Times said it was good for you. Yeah it turned out yeah that there was no there wasn't evidence against the seeds but look just
Starting point is 00:21:22 stay with the tallow and the butter just do it. There wasn't. It the seeds, but look just stay with the tallow in the butter. Just do it. There wasn't easy evidence Avocado olive oil say there wasn't evidence against the seeds study links. No, this is that's the New York Times Well to be fair to the New York Times Somebody who Trump is trying to appoint said the oil with the seed oil was bad there it is to be fair to the New York Times so they just had to say the opposite of whatever whatever they say yeah which is not a good way to do journalism what how you it's done the problem with doing journalism that way is you tend to be wrong a lot because someone would say I don't think masks are effective ever I think that be
Starting point is 00:22:04 connected to the truth being wrong these things don't think masks are effective. Remember. I think that the- Being connected to the truth, being wrong, these things do not matter. Well they do and that people don't listen. They don't take that into account. Would you, let's do a thought experiment. Whatever the Biden administration has to say about the drones on the East Coast, would you listen to one thing? No. If Mayorkas got up there and said, would you listen to one thing? No.
Starting point is 00:22:25 If Mayorkas got up there and said, here's what I'm saying about that. I just go, I have no fucking idea. But some independent journalist, somebody from Substax got to fucking figure this out because there's no way. Kareem Jean-Pierre or whatever. If Kamala Harris goes, I want to tell you what's going on with the drones. Would you listen? What do you even sound like? What would it even sound like?
Starting point is 00:22:45 I'd just be like, obviously they're lying about everything all the time, everywhere. So period. So there's nothing you can say. But same with the press. Right, right. I wouldn't listen to New York Times. But you're saying, see, I'm saying, Drew,
Starting point is 00:22:58 they gave up their only currency. Yeah. Which is a huge mistake. Oh, yeah. But good, good, we know it now. Hopefully more people know it. Oh, yeah. But good. Good. We know it now. Hopefully more people know it. So cooking oils.
Starting point is 00:23:08 I'm sorry. This... Okay. Can I say this? Yeah. You know, avocado oil... By the way, Kate Shanahan is... You should go to her book, Deep Nutrition.
Starting point is 00:23:21 She's been... Just follow her on Twitter. Kate Shanahan. You can get... C-A-T-E....may made with olive oil. Or avocado oil, both. Sorry. Yep. Avocado oil. I know, I tend to see it with avocado oil more. And it tastes 100% like mayonnaise. 100%. There's no fall-off, knock-off, not even a few percentage points. Mr. Kensington, I think, is the branch you like. Yes, they even, there's even a vegan version of it, which tastes exactly the same as well. So the point is, is don't do it.
Starting point is 00:23:54 Just- Why? Firstly, we know for sure that heating up these oils is associated with, is a carcinogenic. Right. Which is well established. Right, not the corn in there, it sounds like, yeah. Yeah, but we moved all the tallow over to those in the fryers. oils is associated with is a carcinogenic, which is well established. Right. And guess what? Yeah. But we moved all the tallow over to those in the fryers. Well done.
Starting point is 00:24:10 No, we didn't move the tallows. I mean, we got rid of the tallows. Sorry. And moved these in. Yeah, moved these in. And now here we are. But not unlike the food pyramid and not unlike many of the other things that the government got motivated by. They were either wrong or adjusting COVID, you know, or lying about.
Starting point is 00:24:33 Something interesting is happening on this front as it pertains to R.F.K. Jr. I noticed he was doing an interview a couple of days yesterday or the day before where they were like, after you were in Samoa, there was 83 preventable causes of measles and, and they go on about it. And, um, he's leaning back in the chair. The gins cherry just goes, that story is just untrue. This is false. It's not true. It's not what happened. He's, he's not even angry anymore. He's just tired. I'm tired of saying you motherfuckers are on, don't know what you're doing. Don't know what you're reporting reporting just complete fabrications
Starting point is 00:25:07 Just not true. Here we go. Let's get with it. It's gonna be interesting when he gets into position of authority what he does well, I What they have done is They have Offered so much have offered so much plausible deniability through their inaccuracies, meaning the legacy media, that everybody is now covered. So let's let's pretend study links common cooking oils from corn and sunflower seeds to increase colon cancer risk. Right.
Starting point is 00:25:49 All right. Okay. Let's do a little hypothetical mind game. Let's just say Trump takes power and in year number two, Woodward and Bernstein and whoever the talking head guys Brenner and guys like that from the FBI explain to us there's another Russian situation with Trump and now now he is a cat's paw and he can we can prove he's Putin's puppet no one's gonna listen now now he could be. It can be a true story. It's a boy who cried wolf.
Starting point is 00:26:27 It's that story. Right, right. Is there anything about RFK that you would believe, any Trump, first off, anything Russia? No. Anything Russia with anybody? No, that for sure. Pete Hegseth turns out, made trips to the Kremlin,
Starting point is 00:26:43 and we got a tape with peepee on it Ever since gonna go hey, hey, shut the fuck up. Yeah now what I'm saying is is it is It's a good time to commit that kind of crime because No one would believe you anymore. Yes them. Yeah the folks's go to Russia, Adam. Let's take a trip. Now is the time to go there and commit some fraud because no one will believe you. If we gotta hear Russia one more fucking time in the same sentence with Tulsi Gabbard and Russia.
Starting point is 00:27:20 Nobody's listening. You can say anything. Hillary Clinton could say anything. Tulsi Gabbard's Boris Yeltsin's listening. You can say anything. Hillary Clinton could say anything. Tulsi Gavre's Boris Yeltsin's daughter. Illegitimate bastard daughter. And everyone just go, shut up, you old bitch. No one's listening to fucking shit anymore. And it could be 100% true.
Starting point is 00:27:37 That's what I'm saying. So they fuck themselves. Oh, thank God. All right, we got a voicemail here We do here to listen to Dominic from New Jersey Get it on guys Dominic 45, New Jersey. I wonder if you've ever heard about Any correlations between Finnish people and I guess sort of a strange relationship with coffee and alcohol Yesterday I had a doctor over the house. He was a surgeon in Russia and now he studies genetics. He was saying that when they look at Europeans, they look at Finnish people and then everyone
Starting point is 00:28:13 else. There's different reasons for that. Sort of an isolated population and dark half of the year and light half of the year. And I know with me, I could stop drinking alcohol in 2008, but I could only drink like once a week, but I would stay up until like five in the morning and really not feel the normal effects that people had in terms of intoxication. Like I wouldn't throw up, I wouldn't black out, I wouldn't have blurred speech, I would get into various trouble, which is why I stopped. But with coffee, I could have like a quarter cup of coffee and be like intoxicated and feel great for an hour and then I'd have like anxiety. And so I don't drink coffee
Starting point is 00:28:57 either. And I'm just wondering what that what you think that correlation, if there's a correlation between Finnish people and sort of my inability to process coffee and my inability to really be intoxicated by alcohol. I have a theory. All right. When you write the word Finnish, like finish your test, that's one N, two Ns? Not sure. Really?
Starting point is 00:29:27 Well, if you have a vowel separated by one consonant and then another vowel, it makes the first vowel long. So that would be finish. Finish is one N. No, finish people. So no, finish is two Ns. Finish people, okay. And then finish your test is one end.
Starting point is 00:29:46 Okay. But see, I don't read well. So I'm looking down on this paper and it says, finish relationship with coffee and alcohol. And I'm like, oh, this guy's trying to quit booze and coffee, because it says finish. I would argue that it's a rare ish word that we're starting this thing with the sentence with and I would go ahead and write Finnish people I'll just add the word people because it just says Finnish Relationship with coffee and alcohol finish is not enough Puerto Rican right Irish if you just said Finn, F-I-N-N. Could be a name.
Starting point is 00:30:28 That's true. Could be Irish then. Just saying a little more clarity. All right, so what, Drew? So when they've studied the genetics and tried to figure out what qualities children of alcoholic parents have that gives them the potential for this illness. It's resistance to alcohol intoxication that predicts the gene for alcoholism.
Starting point is 00:30:52 So he's just describing alcoholism. And we know for sure the Vikings carried lots of alcoholism forward across Europe. And that's what he's talking about. And my alcoholic patients also talk about how coffee just drives them berserko with anxiety. So he has both treats I hear about all the time. So resistance to alcohol intoxication is an alcoholism trait. And notice he said, I got into trouble,
Starting point is 00:31:16 I had the issues, I had to stop. And that's alcoholism, that's all. And it's a certain form. Yeah, but I didn't know the coffee part. They complain, the thing about, one of features of alcohol is there was unregulated anxiety And ADD features and alcohol for whatever reason coffee sends to accelerate their anxiety quite a bit and they usually are sensitive to it Hmm, not not overly not they don't complain about it the way they complain about the alcohol, but they are sensitive to it
Starting point is 00:31:42 All right. I'm gonna be at Kimmel's Club, doing a show there with some friends. That'll be January 9th and then 19th, me and Jay Moore are actually gonna be out at Solana Beach. Fun club, belly up, it's like a music club, fun. Covina, Naples, just go to for all the live shows. What do you got, Drew?
Starting point is 00:32:03 Subscribe at Rumble, ask Dr Drew, AskDrDrew, and also Check it out. So, until next time, Adam Carrell for Dr. Drew's saying, mahalo. Pluto TV is a place for movie fans like me. And TV fans like me. They've got something for everyone, and it's free.
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