The Adam and Dr. Drew Show - #1967 What's Yours Is Mine

Episode Date: January 29, 2025

Adam & Dr. Drew open the show by talking about the construction peculiarities of Dr. Drew’s home that Adam is living in, why Trump’s history as a builder is driving his urge to rebuild L.A., and t...he decision by a Wisconsin town to fly the LGBTQ Pride flag year round. Support our sponsors: Leave us a voicemail: OR Click the microphone at the top of the homepage,

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Live at Corolla One Studios with Adam Corolla and board certified physician and addiction medicine specialist Dr. Drew Pinsky. You're listening to the Adam and Dr. Drew Show. Dr. Drew's show. Oh, in New York City. It is beautiful. Condominium, I can tell by the light fixture that hangs like a halo above your head. You're a frequent visitor here. This is good. You live in all my... in all my homes.
Starting point is 00:00:36 I know. You live in... he's a permanent resident in Pasadena now, which is awesome. And he's a frequent visitor in New York, so... That's right. Do you have a, oh, you have another, you have a beach home I haven't frequent in in a while. That one we own with somebody else. So it's not really technically mine. So I want you to have mine is yours. I talked to that person. They said it was okay. I called them from the phone at your house. How is my house? Everything good? It's very comfortable. It's very nice compared to the hotels we've been staying at. I'm going out
Starting point is 00:01:17 on the road now. By the way, I guess I should have some plugs up there. So We'll be we'll be gone Heading out ourselves Florida way Kind of look look forward to it So before you say another word I just want to remind you of the time you took aim at my property and called it some shitty 80s construction as opposed to the quality Construction that you were restoring in Hollywood. Well, look, I want to say this, by the way, they added an early show to Boca Raton.
Starting point is 00:01:54 That'll be tomorrow night. They sold out the later show, so they added an early show. So we'll be doing that. Maybe get some of those tickets because the late show sold out. doing that, maybe get some of those tickets because the late show sold out. Look, I'm gonna try to be delicate. No, I know what you're talking about. I know what you're talking about. I've never experienced or heard of a luxury home with hollow corridors. It's unthinkable. It's insane. It's a bizarreity that you would even endeavor to construct a luxury custom home and then put hollow corridors on it. I don't know who does that. I'm guessing certain nationalities. It is a bizarre thing. It's sort of, you can kind of tell when you're staying at a cheap motel, the door is hollow.
Starting point is 00:02:47 You know what I mean? Now, not the front door, the front door's never hollow. It's the interior doors, but the notion, first off, you know me, I don't like regulation. I'm no Jane Fonda, but if I was in charge, you would have, okay, we have codes for doors. Your garage door, the door that leads from your garage into your home is an inch and three quarter solid core door with a two hour burn rating on it because there's internal combustion vehicles
Starting point is 00:03:23 parked in the garage with gasoline. A regulation that we both approve of, by the way. Yeah, first off, who are these people that you're like, look, I want to get these illegal criminals. You want to get a nine-year-old girl and her dolly who never did anything. Yeah, okay, that's what I want. You know what I mean? Mockery, mock them. I know, I mock them all the time.
Starting point is 00:03:50 But it's like, it's a weird way to make an argument. You want no regulation so people can just live in danger? No, I want sensible regulation. And a sensible regulation is if you are going to park an internal combustion vehicle. Now I would argue, Drew, these codes were made long before the technology of today. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:04:19 They were your dad's Pontiac with a four barrel carburetor. You know, my dad's Pontiac with the four barrel carburetor. You know, my dad's VW Bug, my dad's VW Bug, it was a great source of comedy for the Corollas that the car would diesel while we were walking away from it. Now remember that? They called it, it's technically called dieseling. My dad's VW bug would continue to run long after we were in the house
Starting point is 00:04:51 You know spark plugs got hot the heads got hot. I don't know air-cooled vapor lock who knows but it can do like Duff-duff-duff-duff-duff funny. Yeah, funny. Okay, don't see that anymore That the difference between that and a modern Honda Accord are night and day now Something funny. Yeah. Funny. Okay. Don't see that anymore. The difference between that and a modern Honda Accord are night and day. Now that hold on. The chances that my dad's VW Bug would go up in flames were slight, but they existed. The chance that a new Camry or Acc Cord would do it are non-existent. Now, but the idea that one should have a two-hour solid Cord door
Starting point is 00:05:35 that separated the internal combustion engine and the fuel from the main house is fine. And, Drew, if you had a bedroom above the garage then they would require that you do double the drywall on the ceiling for the burn rating on the ceiling of the thing in front and who's against that? not me. Because you keep solvents in there and all kinds of stuff that combust when you talk's the grind not gonna happen but fine more work more expense but fine Yeah, but but I'm saying you guys want to get a soils report and figure out an indigenous You know indigenous people's impact report because of ancient Indian burial grounds and that holds things up for two years And that's what I'm not down with
Starting point is 00:06:25 anyway, Drew if I was in charge, I would pass a regulation that said, whether it's a hotel, a condominium or a luxury home, you cannot put a hollow core door to the bathroom. All that does is take whatever sound is going on in that bathroom and reverberate it throughout the house. You need a little, you need the sound deadening of a solid core door. So yes, your home is a lovely home and we're enjoying it, but I've never heard of someone building a house like that with hollow corridors. Because hollow corridors are free, they're just 32%, they're 30%, 25% cheaper
Starting point is 00:07:15 than solid corridors, which over the course of that house would have been $2,800. Thank you. So one thing I'm gonna ask of you, I want you to walk up the stairs when you come in this evening. I'll go all the way to my bedroom and look at the door to the bedroom,
Starting point is 00:07:35 the door, in fact, the series of doors, and the door to my bathroom to the left. Because I announced that any upgrades to this house, whatever we do, in any room you're upgrading, got to replace the doors. That's it, period. We're not doing it. So I'm on to this. The other thing, the guy that built this place, did this great skeleton. It's poured concrete upstairs and it's very huge beams. And it's clear he ran out of money at some point because the electrical and some of the walls on the back side, we've had to replace it.
Starting point is 00:08:09 We've had to systematically replace everything in this house. And it's taking time. And I haven't gotten rid of all the Holocaust doors yet, but I hate them. I hate them. They hate them. Not only that, a Holocaust door in your hand sort of feels like a baseball mitt that's made of nylon and plastic or something. It's too light. It doesn't
Starting point is 00:08:32 feel right, you know what I mean? You know what? You know what? I've been obsessing about this for a couple years because of that door to the pantry in the kitchen and that door to the dining room. I'm getting rid of those You know, the only thing they're good for is punching I know punching through I Left a custom house in La Cunha very recently all the interior doors Were solid core and they were exterior thickness, inch and three quarter. So my guy went the next level, right? I think I may have that upstairs.
Starting point is 00:09:12 I'll look tonight. I made such an issue of it. It's a pretty heavy door. All right. But hold on, but I saw you on Billy Bush talking about these kinds of issues and embedded in these issues, of course, as your disdain for the California state government,
Starting point is 00:09:28 particularly our governor. And we saw the President of the United States meet with our mayor and she announced, so you can go in in a week, you can go. You're gonna help people clean up, no stop. Where are we with that? That was about a week ago? How we doing?
Starting point is 00:09:42 Yeah, they're not gonna let you do anything. Here's... Well, a friend of mine went in they're not gonna let you do anything. Here's. Well, a friend of mine went in and they had to get in a full hazmat suit. Right. This is like out, here we go COVID again, everybody. Here we go. All right, so let's just, something that you and I,
Starting point is 00:10:00 something that you and I discussed off the air drew. Well, OK, so Karen Bass, the mayor, was trying to do the. Yeah, but safety, safe, safely, safely first. Safety, Uber, Alice, everybody, just like the German government and the French Revolution government. Right. Right. Right. And the Committee for Public Safety. Oh, well, we. And- Committee for Public Safety, everyone. We just got, well, when I was grilling Gavin Newsom about shutting the beaches, it's like, we didn't understand fully at the time.
Starting point is 00:10:33 Okay, shut up, safe pussy. Okay, here's my whole point. You choose to live the life of a coward because you are a pussy. I am not a pussy and you're imposing your cowardly life upon me. See what I'm saying? Yeah, pussy rehab, we need it. We need to get some rehab going. It's an interesting concept.
Starting point is 00:10:58 By the way, it never really, it doesn't translate into real safety. Real safety is a fully funded fire department and aqueducts that are filled with water and fire hydrants that never run dry. That's what real safety is. You have some sort of word salad safety. No one's safe until everyone's safe.
Starting point is 00:11:20 Yeah, feel good safety. So it's funny. So Karen, but here's the interesting thing as we discuss that. Okay. There's two kinds of heads on it. And I know this because I come from this and I've lived both sides of this.
Starting point is 00:11:47 Trump is a builder and he's a developer. And as I told you off the air, Drew, builders are always in a hurry. They're always like, why is this taking so long? You know what I mean? And the reason, I mean, it's kind of a wiring, you know, your dog Rex and my dog Phil are both dogs with tails and paws and everything, but my dog Phil is content to lay around the house all day and do nothing, and your dog Rex is running around hurting everybody and everything. Right? All right. They're both dogs.
Starting point is 00:12:27 Your dog has a motor. My dog is good on a cold night. If you just want to have some brandy and sit by the fire and even want to do nothing, then that's a good dog to have. It's not running around, it's not barking, it's not doing anything. It's just running around, it's not barking, it's not doing anything, it's just keeping you company. But not a good dog come Monday morning when you're trying to get something done. I realize, and I've told you this quite a few times,
Starting point is 00:12:56 so Donald Trump is a builder and a developer, but so is Rick Caruso. And so those guys are very nuts and bolts. What's going on? How much? How long? You know? And building is very sequential.
Starting point is 00:13:13 So building is like, we need to get the grading guy in here. You need a grading permit for that, you know, and a soils report, we need to do that. Then the caisson guy comes in and drills the thing. Then the concrete guy comes in and does this. And then the framer show up after that guy. It's schedule schedule schedule. Where's the HVAC guy? He can't come until the electrician comes and puts the panel in or whatever the thing is, right? It's just sequence sequence. It's literally like saying
Starting point is 00:13:40 Well, when do we hang the curtains? Well, you you hang the curtains after the guy grades the land and then the slab is poured and then the thing is framed and then the thing is thing and then the drywall is hung and the flooring is done and the paint is dry. It's like it gets it ends at the curtains, but it starts at the beginning. And so what guys like Trump want to do is they want to get from the grading permit to the curtains as fast they can.
Starting point is 00:14:09 Okay. Now, some of it, a lot of it's financial and a lot of it's just a spiritual thing. Like, let's go. What are we doing here, people? And I have lived in that world a lot. Like, I've walked in and you see like one guy carrying one two by four at a time from the back of the truck
Starting point is 00:14:32 to the side of the property. And you're just looking at him going, what are you doing? I'm bringing this stuff. Can you handle three or four two by fours? Like I could probably, okay, three or four, go ahead each time. You know what I mean? Like I could probably, okay, three or four, go ahead each time. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:14:45 Like let's go, let's get moving. And I've lived it. Now, conversely, there's my mom. Now my mom doesn't want to do any of this stuff. Now nobody says, meaning Karen Bass or whomever, they don't go, look, I want to just talk about stuff until my term is over and then leave and get nothing done. They don't say that. That's what they want to do. I don't even know if they want, if they know they want to do it, but that's what they want. They want to sit and talk. So Trump is going
Starting point is 00:15:27 What's going on? Yeah, she seems to think she's behaving as though she thinks this position is sort of honorary. I'll go to Paris I'll go to represent Los Angeles in Africa But it's right. No, no, no, no, no, we need governing right needs somebody to freaking govern Oh my god, right. So Trump as a builder is No, no, no, we need governing. Right. We need somebody to freaking govern. Oh my God. Right, so Trump as a builder is sitting there going, what's going on?
Starting point is 00:15:52 And Karen Bass is- A week is a long time, he said something we were revealing. Right, as a friend of my mom, and also she'll say anything, like when he's like, come on, let's get the people to clean up, she'll go, while Trump is there four feet away from her, she'll go, yeah, let's get it going. And then he'll leave, come on, let's get the people to clean up. She'll go while Trump is there four feet away from her. She'll go, yeah, let's get it going.
Starting point is 00:16:07 And then he'll leave and then she'll meet with our department of whatever and they'll declare it a hazmat, a danger, a danger. And so she wants to talk about danger. But it is not so much, Drew, about danger as it is about a mindset. Remember, all famously, my mom, and you can tell me, but my mom had a decrepit driveway,
Starting point is 00:16:37 and it was asphalt, it was from the 50s, and it was a crumbled gator-backed mess. It was just an eyesore and a mess, you know? And at some point I became successful and I said, let's get this driveway cleaned up. Let's demo it and let's get a concrete driveway put in here. And I said to my mom, quite simply, go get three estimates for a concrete driveway
Starting point is 00:17:07 and I'll pay the difference. I mean, I'll pay for it. I'll pay for the middle bid. Now, here's how it works. There's companies that just do this. And you schedule it and a dump truck rolls in on Tuesday and they clear the old asphalt and they form it off and they run some screen and then the next day is Wednesday, that's the pour day and the truck backs up
Starting point is 00:17:33 and they just pour it and the finishers come in and finish it. It's a two-day project. This is 50 years in the making. I said, all right, get the middle bid and that'll be that. And then three months later I saw her and I said, what's going on with the driveway? And she said she hadn't had a chance to look at the stuff or talk to the people or get the bids. And then three months went by again and I said, mom, I'd go over there for dinner every several months and I would just go, I's, I drive up the driveway, of course, you know, with the potholes in it, and I just said, what's going on? And she said, I don't know, I haven't had a chance, got around to, I said, you're not doing the driveway,
Starting point is 00:18:15 you're just getting a bid, and then I'll pay for the middle bid. There's nothing, really nothing to do, a couple of phone calls, and she got a little defensive about it, and about the third time I brought it up, she got defensive and then got angry, and about it and about the third time I brought it up, she got defensive and then got angry. And at some point, you know, a year had gone by and I just went, hey, mom, look, I'm going to pay for the driveway. Just get the bid. Have the guy come by the house, schedule it.
Starting point is 00:18:36 She got angry and defensive and I ended up saying, fine, I won't pay for the driveway then. I don't care. It's your driveway. And it never got built. And, you know, several years later, she sold the house't pay for the driveway then. I don't care, it's your driveway. And it never got built. And several years later, she sold the house. Here's my whole point. What did she want?
Starting point is 00:18:51 What does Karen Bass want? Do you know what I mean? Because I know what Trump wants. I know clearly what Trump wants, and I know what I want, but what does Gavin Newsom want? What does Karen Bass want? I believe Karen Bass is much closely, more closely wired to my mom than she is to Trump, right? She wants to hang out until I stop bugging her.
Starting point is 00:19:16 Right. And so if you make that, if that connection is accurate, mom, Bass, Newsom, none of these people want to work, nor do they necessarily really know how to, like work, like really do. I don't think she knows how to work. She's just a career bureaucrat. That's right. So Trump is seeing everything through the eyes of a guy who does big scale commercial developments. Yeah. You know, big scale commercial developments,
Starting point is 00:19:45 you know, large cast commercial developments. And so he's looking at rebuilding the Palisades in Malibu through the lens of a commercial developer. Karen Bass is looking at it through the lens of my mom, who just sort of like, let's just hang around and talk and we'll have a committee. And you know, a lot of it is, look, we're not moving forward until we get our report back
Starting point is 00:20:11 from the hazmat, whatever. And then at some, what they do is they just go into the, kind of the four corner, like we're just gonna run the clock out until you guys leave us alone. Or there's a new administration that shows up who kind of agrees with us. That's sort of their move. It's like keep, like, burn you. The way insurance companies work too,
Starting point is 00:20:28 just burn you out till you give up. No, that's what happened to Suzanne Summers and Alan Hamill. They got so burnt out by the Coastal Commission that they threw in the towel after seven years and they just left. That's kind of their plan. I think that's sort of the plan. Yeah, they kind of game on that. It's really pathetic. It's the opposite of representing people. It's the opposite of governance, opposite of getting things done. It's just it's really sad. I did you see what's going on with the president of Columbia and Trump's, which I find kind of humorous. Yes, I do. I don't
Starting point is 00:20:59 know what the make of that or where it's going. He's a crazy socialist is his letter was rambling and bizarre. It sounded intoxicated to me. It just seemed like he was on some of that Colombian white powder or something. I don't know. He was derailed in that one. It's also so, and again, we keep running into it. I'm going to have to ask Byron or Joe, are we doing a break on this show or not? And if if not Yeah, yes or no, okay that should be articulated before the show Yes Come on, Drew. Take a break. We right back after this do it
Starting point is 00:21:42 Rocket money the start of the New Year is the perfect time to get organized, set goals, and prioritize what matters most. For me, well, that includes my finances. Thanks to Rocket Money, my goals feel achievable. They never really did in the past. They show me all my subscriptions right in one place and help me easily cancel ones that I forgot or Forgot that I've been paying for which is really what you don't want because that's what's going on It's just a slow leak of your wallet Rocket money is a personal finance app that helps you find and cancel your unwanted subscriptions Monitors your spending and helps lower your bills so you can grow your savings. Rocket Money has over 5 million users and has saved a
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Starting point is 00:23:35 of movies and shows all for free. Pluto TV stream now pay never. So you are a Colombian, Colombian neighbors. What do you make of that, the president? Look, there is a system that they are, that is maybe dying on the vine or finally going to slough off of this sort of weird socialism somethingism thing that they keep pushing for that just centralized centralized, you know global centralized everything's centralized a benevolent trustworthy power. Oh sure. It just never works. It just never works. I know it doesn't work. It's efficient and it never works. Both. It's weird that it's attractive to still so many people. This thing. It's something that humans do, but you must study history to look at how many times they've tried it and it does not work. Right. So the New World Order is the the my way or the highway, tough love. It's all, it's what we've talked about the whole time, which is the negotiation part is gone. It's all just Newsome closes the beaches, we all should have taken the day off and went to the beach.
Starting point is 00:25:01 Yeah. But the whole idea of, well, I'm gonna go talk to the city council and see if I can get them to think logically about closing outdoor dining. No, no, we all should have just opened outdoor dining at once. There is no more. It's weird.
Starting point is 00:25:16 The notion, I mean, it's like negotiating with terrorists. It would be nice if they wanted it, but that's not what they want. You know what I mean? Whatever it is. They say they want they don't want so there is and now it's just cut them off Dry them up punch them in the face. Sorry. That's just right mockery. Yeah, whatever whatever that thing is that's And it's also it's not What you're looking for sort of micro or macro. You know what I mean? Like, I don't want to defy the government. I don't want to mock the powers
Starting point is 00:25:54 of me. I don't want any of this stuff. But it seems like pretty much the only path with these people. You know what I mean? And in the past, there would have been a thing where we would have sent money to Columbia and given them some vetting authority or something, and now it's just like, well, fuck you, we'll destroy your economy, then it'll be on you. And hopefully your people figure that out,
Starting point is 00:26:23 not elect or support people like you in the future. Which is all we're at. It's kind of interesting that we get a front row seat to this. So we're going to get it with Trump. With Biden, everything was kind of slow motion, didn't know what was really going on. Lots of double talk. We still don't know who made what decisions, how, what was, it just was bizarre. All we knew they did was that we have evidence of their censorship state. We know what
Starting point is 00:26:58 that was now. We've got it all, it's all on the record. Yeah, yeah, the virus may have come from a lab, Drew. What? How's that possible? The lab, oh no, it's right next to the market, okay. It's always funny. The thing that's funny about the New York Times is they come out with an article four days ago, like turns out this thing may have come from a lab.
Starting point is 00:27:25 I'm like, yeah, I knew that four years ago, New York Times. Why did I know that? How come you didn't know that New York Times? I don't have any problem with them not knowing it or having made an error or they're better on the wrong description. But to attack everyone who had a different opinion, that's where I I need some sort of retribution something well deep apology something where you acknowledge what you did and
Starting point is 00:27:52 how wrong you were that's it I don't know I don't need I don't need legal action I just need an acknowledgement of really the damage you did and take a sincere take a lap take an apology tour. Well, look to be fair to the New York Times I've told you this a million times You can't just do the opposite of what Trump says You're you're gonna be wrong a lot of the time, right? You got to make your own independent decisions I know Trump said it came from a lab and you hate Trump Hmm, but that doesn't mean it didn't come from a lab.
Starting point is 00:28:26 Right. Idiots. But they deserve whatever they got because you just saying the opposite of whatever Trump's saying is not you being a reporter or you being a news outlet. That's you saying the opposite. My aforementioned long departed mom could have done that. She would just do the opposite of whatever Trump said. It's you being hysterical and hysterics and delusional and both must stop. I've been talking about it for five years, it must stop. Or you can keep doing it,
Starting point is 00:28:56 but no one's gonna listen to you. Go, good luck. Which is, we're already there. Well, you wouldn't listen to anything the New York Times said, would you? No, I'd at least a love reading that paper? We'll not pick it up them. Yeah now I would tend to believe them when they say something they don't want to say Like Ivermectin may work or the lab leak or you know, whatever whatever that whatever that is
Starting point is 00:29:19 But it's a good point when and it's something they clearly don't want to say, then you can kind of believe them. All right, fair enough. Yeah, so there's going to be a new world order. And then there's sort of Trump the Builder versus the hippie. Look, the reason Newsome and Karen Bass are attractive to my mom is because of this enzyme they have of let's hang around and talk about everything. And let's have another panel and another discussion.
Starting point is 00:29:55 They like it, you know what I mean? And it's weird, it's like they're attracted to it. You know what I'm saying? And even on a sort of cosmic level, like I like the way she talks, but she's not saying anything. Yeah, but that's what I would do. I would just talk, like I've been telling you.
Starting point is 00:30:15 Well, you know what? There was really something really interesting here. This requires more conversation, but I gave a talk in a high school about 15 years ago, and one of the STEM faculty pulled me aside and said, hey, they didn't respond to your authoritarian style. I was like, what? What are you talking about? I was like, first of all, I am an authority when I'm talking about there.
Starting point is 00:30:35 So we've been through this weird thing when somebody with an authoritative authoritarian style is hated for some reason. It's really pushed back against. I don't know what that was, but I think it has come to an end. Well, it has to come to an end because it doesn't mean anything. Maybe I'll ask Joe. I liked a tweet from yesterday, Joe, that was like the Wisconsin, some town in Wisconsin
Starting point is 00:31:10 doing the city whatever. It was they were going to fly the gay flag and they were going to stand up against injustice and stuff. And it's also a weird thing, which is what year is it in Wisconsin and what's going on with the gays? Is there something going on? Yeah. All right, I'll play you this just to make you, and it'll make you laugh because here's what I'm saying. It's all word salad, double talk. I don't know what they mean and this is where they're focused. But as somebody tweeted back to me, As somebody tweeted back to me, every minute you get the mayor engaged in decisions
Starting point is 00:31:48 about the gay flag is a minute they don't have to put into fire prevention. Right. All right, here it is. Yeah. Right now, Verona is taking the symbolic step of flying the Progress Pride flag for the entire year. It's partly a protest of the Trump administration. JT Siskowski asked Verona's mayor if the
Starting point is 00:32:08 city is planning any more direct resistance to the federal government. Verona mayor Luke Diaz tells me that the city is trying to actively avoid picking any fights with the incoming Trump administration because the city still wants to receive subsidies and grants from the federal government. But he says recognizing marginalized communities with the Progress Pride flag was not an area he was willing to compromise. The flag's presence outside of the Verona City Center and other municipal buildings
Starting point is 00:32:37 is a direct reaction to the incoming Trump administration, Diaz says. Powerful people clearly targeting a community and I think that can send the message to people who might also want to target that community that this is okay, that's acceptable, and this is our chance to push back on it. At this December meeting, the Verona Council. I'm being positive, but I don't know who's targeting the gay community in Wisconsin in 2025, but he's got an opportunity to push back on it by hanging a beach towel on a on a piece of extruded aluminum You know what I mean, Drew? Yes, that how you prevent this stuff sure
Starting point is 00:33:13 It's a prevent violence against some marginalized communities. Yeah. All right, there it is fucking idiots. All right, so Hopefully the days of this are numbered because they don't do anything. Right. That's right. You're flying a beach towel and a piece of extruded aluminum does not solve whatever this problem that you say exists, but here's the good news, Mayor, it doesn't exist. And so you can do symbolic things because there's no real problem. If there's a real problem, you can't do symbolic things. Okay.
Starting point is 00:33:48 Solvable. All right, Drew, thanks again. All right. For putting me up at your pad. Cheers, anytime. I told you, mi casa es su casa. Yeah, feel that way, brother. All right, Boca Raton, Naples, off the hook.
Starting point is 00:34:04 A bunch of shows there coming up in the next few days after Boca Raton, Sunday shows, 6.30, 8.30 shows. Let's go to for all the live shows. What do you got, Drew? Dr. com,, check it out. So, until next time, Adam Kerl for Dr. Drew, saying, mahalo. Hey, fans of freedom and open discussion. I'm heading over to substack and there's an ad free audio and video version of the
Starting point is 00:34:32 Adam Corolla show that's going to be waiting there. In the near future, you'll even be able to watch ACS live unedited as we recorded participate in the show via live chat that'll be coming up very soon. You'll also get an ad-free version of the Adam Kurl and Dr. Drew show. You'll also get an exclusive to my new podcast, Beat It Out, where I share unpolished ideas
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