The Adam and Dr. Drew Show - Jo Koy, Diamond Dallas Paige and Judd Apatow (The Adam and Dr. Drew Show Classics)

Episode Date: April 6, 2024

The fellas revisit when Jo Koy, Diamond Dallas Paige and Judd Apatow joined the show and all three didn't disappoint. ...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome to another episode of the Adam and Dr. Drew Show Classics. I am your host, Big Brother Jake aka Jake Warner, my government name. Let's get it cracking. Up first, episode 548 that aired on March 30th, 2017, legendary wrestler Diamond Dallas Page stopped by to talk about his career, yoga and the meaning of life. I could be lying, but find out for yourself. Diamond Dallas Page in studio.
Starting point is 00:00:33 Good to see you my brother. Great to see you guys. Look how high you made my mic. Well, I want you to sit up straight. So you're yoga instructor. DDP Yoga, this stuff is amazing and the app is available on iTunes and it's just a great story. I don't know if you saw the doc the resurrection of Jake the snake drew but it is boy talk about a transformation.
Starting point is 00:00:59 So diamond Dallas page was beat up by many many years of wrestling and so are many other guys by many many years of wrestling and uh... it's it's probably the most unnatural thing you can do to your body i mean honestly when you fall for the first time like you gotta fall flat right the first thing you want to do is bring your arm back like that's what everybody does you start falling off your chair you bring your arm back when you bring your arm back you're gonna
Starting point is 00:01:24 whack your elbow or throw your shoulder out. So they make you do like the craziest thing. Like the guy's on all fours and you bring your hands on his back and you get your feet up in the air and then you just fall. Right. Yeah, I have. I remember I went to wrestling camp once with Jimmy.
Starting point is 00:01:41 I remember doing a whole bunch of unnatural stuff. Jimmy, if you see that bit, he got thrown at the end and he got jacked up. He did not get up quickly. Nah, I felt bad for laughing. It made for good television. But yeah, it is one of these things where it is unnatural and people look at it as, this sort of you know violent ballet or something but these guys are taking a beating. That's it I mean what's natural about ballet though? Walking around on your tiptoes man but it's an art you know and really what we do is an art because we're trying to get you and just
Starting point is 00:02:20 get that element of disbelief like it was like those two like we were me and Randy Savage who yeah the much you man you know that guy snap into his limb gym like he was amazing and he was a god for years when me and him wrestled together we were the feud of the year in 1997 and I'd have people come up to me all the time and go you know I know this it's wrestling a lot of that stuff's fake out there, but you and Savage you hate each other I loved him. Yeah, but I hate him on TV. Well, it's it's a Andy Kaufman thing right?
Starting point is 00:02:52 About a group though Drew I mean you hear about NFL interior lineman and you hear about the abuse of painkillers and the life after the NFL and so on and so forth but I don't know anyone who has a worse batting average in professional wrestlers in terms of drug abuse, joint stress, you know, I mean these guys I I more than it's funny because you think well football now there's a sport or whatever but you take football, you baseball you take basketball you take bull riding you take boxing you take MMA you take any sport and you show me the average guy ten years after he got out of the sport I don't think there's any guys worse off physically than wrestlers well they
Starting point is 00:03:37 first of all we have no season I remember being when whoopie had these Hollywood squares so I was out for one of those and someone's like hey did he pee? When's your season? When's your off time? When I'm injured. When you're injured you gotta take pain pills and go out. And like see today the WWE's wellness and I'm not blowing smoke I'm shooting here. They have the best wellness program with anybody because you can't even take a pain pill unless it's like it goes right through them But back in our day That's how we did that and Jake in the movie. You know, he's addicted to everything one night. We're out I
Starting point is 00:04:16 Became like Jake's gopher like I would do it whatever Jake because I wanted to learn from the master and one night We're out after working and he throws a Percocet in his mouth and he chews it up. And I think it's a Percocet but I'm not positive because they taste horrible, right? So I said, Jake, was that a Percocet? He goes, yeah. I go, why would you chew that? Those taste like shit. He said, goes right into your system. I've seen you take a few. How many you take it today? I don't know, nine, ten. Like not even thinking about it. Like that might have been 15 or 20. And I said, why are you taking so many? He said, they lose their potency after a while. So remember,
Starting point is 00:04:56 I'm 36 years old at the time. I've just started. Like I started at 35 and a half. I'm thinking, I need those things to work and the reason why they don't work as well because you mix them with booze. They don't work as well because you get tolerant to them over time and you just have to escalate the dose until you stop breathing and then you die that's it. So we have a lot of guys go. Diamond Dallas Page basically you know how do you keep the weight off well then so then it becomes this horrible negative cycle, which is your joints are killing you. So you can't move. So you put weight on and now
Starting point is 00:05:32 it's more stress on your joints. So how do you keep the weight off? How do you exercise? How do you get mobility back when you don't have mobility? And so DDP yoga came about about which I just think sort of ingenious because that was the only way guys like you and a lot of these other guys who are essentially bad you couldn't hit the treadmill but you know for me it was all out of necessity because I'm that guy who wouldn't be caught dead doing yoga the first 42 years of my career in my life period but when you start wrestling so late I'm the first guy to ice my body no one in professional wrestling iced their body for years and they're watching me
Starting point is 00:06:09 do it put the ice on my knee wrap it up put it on my back what are you doing taking down the inflammation and they laughed at me I mean they had played a lot of fun with me on that today trainers they got it all. But back then, when I got to 40 and my career took off in 1996, I was on 270 nights a year hitting the mat. And it would be the equivalent of the main event mat that I was wrestling in, five, six car accidents in a match. And my body is taking a serious beating, but the adrenaline of that 22,000 people and just the living the dream at a whole different level. And it got to a point where now I'm like top guy in the world and I blow my back out.
Starting point is 00:06:56 I just signed a multimillion dollar three year deal. I don't get paid if I don't wrestle. So three different spine specialists told me my career is over. Now this is where DDP yoga comes from. And depression, you know, the whole deal. But I pull myself out of that because I don't stay depressed. I get depressed, but I don't stay there. I find that way to attitude of gratitude to get myself out of that hole.
Starting point is 00:07:18 Okay, what are we going to do? And I was married at the time and she was like you really need to try yoga. It could help you. She knows how I feel about it. So reluctantly I went down and she showed me a cup. No, I'm not doing that one. No, not doing that one. And I find the power yoga.
Starting point is 00:07:34 Okay, I'll try that. I can't do anything. I can't do the moves. I'm so inflexible at the moment. And I keep doing it though. And I figure out the modifications and in less than three weeks I start to feel a significant difference. Now I'm doing the rehab too and I've had both shoulder surgeries, both
Starting point is 00:07:53 knee surgeries, so I know a little bit about rehab and breaking up scar tissue so I mix the rehab with the yoga positions. Then I throw in old-school calisthenics, slow burn movement because I can't go up and down. I can't hit the weights. I'm doing them on my knees. The push-ups where I lower for three, hold for three, come up for three, lower for three, hold for three, then go into Cobra and the Down Dog. Eventually, I get off my knees. Eventually those three seconds become five, five become ten, ten becomes sets sets of ten My body's getting stronger like I can feel like I'm gonna get back in this ring Less than three months. What is today? No DB yoga. I'm back in the ring
Starting point is 00:08:32 I feel the same way I'd say I feel about yoga the same way I feel about medic meditation, which is everybody It's easy to make fun of but everyone would benefit from it and we talk to people all the time They're like I'm supposed to get back surgery or I'm whatever and it's like just start getting into yoga start stretch and start Start something but anything but just go under that knife the worst thing man And the Hulk has had eight back operation now the guy who I've been reaching out to today big time though Tiger Woods one of the greatest athletes we know ever, greatest golfer. He has had bad back problems and he's had three operations. Like if I'd have got with him before he had that operation, I know I could turn it around
Starting point is 00:09:15 because I just know what I'm doing and I've figured out a way to. I don't I it's it's a I mean, it's weird. But I do I look I don't have back problems with everybody we've talked to that has them. I just don't know anybody who wouldn't benefit from this versus the knife. You had them when you were depressed, remember? I did. I did have them when I was, I had a combination of being depressed and working on a roof all
Starting point is 00:09:42 day and being bent over. And you'd fall off a scaffolding with a power saw. No, I haven't. I have not had a back ailment since I started doing what I wanted to do. That wasn't wrestling. I was doing comedy, so I didn't have to worry about it so much.
Starting point is 00:09:58 But boy, there's a couple things with the back. When I hated my job, and I hated it with a passion I would wake up Monday morning at 615 and go I can't turn my head my neck felt like it's filled with poison I that's what it felt like we will say though What do you feel like I felt like there's poison in my neck like I can't if you stand behind me and say boo I have to walk around to see who you are. I'm not gonna turn my head Drew knows I'm not a puss my head. I've been there. Drew knows I'm not a puss. I have a high pain tolerance and I was immobile.
Starting point is 00:10:30 And I was young and strong. It's just that's where my mind was at. And the second I met Jimmy, the second I got on the radio, the second I started doing comedy, I've never had another back. And I've continued to box and be active and do stuff. The way this stuff is really perpetuated today is with the painkillers Right guarantees it as you said more than two weeks We were talking about that the other day more than two weeks of painkillers. You're on it's game on now Yeah, I wouldn't well by that. I was so poor and whatever I didn't even have a aspirin at my house. So my neck didn't work
Starting point is 00:10:57 I just lay back on my futon and hope to die like that. That was it This die like that that was it in there but this again like yoga is right up there with like meditation like if everybody just carved out a few minutes every day to do a little this and a little that we'd have a much better society and everyone's back would be better I can sign on to that welcome back and thanks for tuning in to the Adam and Dr. Drew Show Classics. Up next, we go to episode 447 where the one and only Judd Apatow made a surprise appearance and it was funny because it's Judd Apatow.
Starting point is 00:11:37 Come on now, take a listen. Judd Apatow? Yes, sir. Hey, Judd,etow? Yes sir. Hey Judd, how you doing? I'm doing good. You know I was on Twitter because you know I'm addicted to Twitter. And it said you're taking calls and I thought I'd call in and find out how not to be addicted
Starting point is 00:12:01 to Twitter. That's very funny. We had Bean call in last week, I talked about it today on K-Rock. Of Kevin and Bean. I don't want to be a one-upper, but Alec Baldwin called in once doing the same thing. So evidently there's a lot of celebrities that are just hanging around on Twitter. See, Trump is right. Twitter is a great communication mechanism. Oh my God, it's totally ruining my life. I do the same
Starting point is 00:12:25 thing every night. I'm in my room and I'm on Twitter and then I'll go to my 14 year old daughter's room and she'll be on Twitter and I'll go get off of that. It's ruining your life. I check the tweets I got while yelling at her for being on Twitter and then that cycles for hours. Do you get horrible tweets also? Like, the rest of us are all pretty nice. I love the horrible tweets. As soon as someone tells me to screw off, I'm like, here we go.
Starting point is 00:12:55 It cannot be anti-Semitic enough for me. I love it. I love it. I was thinking about it, I think, because I want to dominate. Like, I like knowing I'm smarter than somebody So if they're awful to me, I'm so happy Yeah, is it Judd and then don't let me graft my personal feelings onto you
Starting point is 00:13:14 But tell me if this rings true at all for you Andrew The part where they go. Hey your dickhead and your your mommy's bad pussy or something I go I don't care but the part where they misquote you, you know when they go What about that? You're such a hypocrite and you're like you're always talking about this and you're like I'm never talking about that like the part where you're miss quoted or misunderstood that gets me. Does that get you Judd? Well, what gets me is when they're when they like criticize me and they're correct oh like like like we'll be debating Donald Trump and they'll go well your movies are eight minutes too long I probably
Starting point is 00:13:59 shouldn't give I should not tell people this but since I've said it ten times I'll say it in 11th. I told people all the time if you want to screw with me and somebody recently did this I read a review of some movie I did on Amazon I go if you really want to get to me here's how to do it don't go minus 10 stars I hate that guy and I wish his kids would die go I'm a big fan usually love all his stuff this wasn't his best effort two and a half that's brutal that's the most brutal right cuz the minus a thousand stars you go we just got a hater yeah here better to start
Starting point is 00:14:37 with I normally like judge work hate that yeah I. It's painful when they're accurate and then somewhere deep in your soul you know they're right. Yeah that's where they get you. I'll give Judd by the way a little plug. Judd Appetow and Friends Largo Theater. Oh that's tonight. No no no it's oh it is tonight. Yeah it is tonight as you as you hear this. Judd who are the friends and what are you doing? And I know you started, well, I should say when you were doing train wreck, we were talking about you getting out and getting up and doing stand-up, I believe. Is this part of that?
Starting point is 00:15:19 Yeah, you know, I've been doing stand-up consistently for about the last two and a half years. And I do benefits at Largo once or twice a month. And this one, it's a 10 o'clock show with an old friend of mine. I'm not allowed to say who it is, but you know who it is. Adam Sandler. Well, I can't say. Who knows? Maybe it's Rob Schneider.
Starting point is 00:15:44 But you know who it is. Judd's such a sweet guy. By the way, Judd, you know what? I was thinking about you the other day, and the reason I was thinking about you is I have a movie that's coming out, another documentary, and I'll get you a copy if you like. Very well, man. And I was just thinking thinking geez, it's weird
Starting point is 00:16:06 You sit around, you know all these guys, you know Jimmy Kimmel has six million Twitter followers and I was sort of sitting around going well We're gonna do this movie on our own and but I said but I was probably a few people I could reach out to And ask them hey, could you just shoot out a tweet? You know let people know where to go to get the movie or whatever it is. And I was doing a stand up show in New York and I asked Judd at the time if he could do a little shout out a little tweet out in my in my behalf. And he was like, absolutely. And I was just sitting in my desk thinking about what a mensch Judd Apatow is just the other day just popped into my head.
Starting point is 00:16:43 Capitao is just the other day just popped into my head So you don't have to reply to that just let it wash over you Judd and let it Well, I think that's the most fun thing about Twitter is out of the blue for no reason at all I can aggressively promote Todd Barry stand-up And you must get how many followers do you have, Judd? I'm 1.7 million. So that's a lot. Drew, you got a lot. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:13 What do you got? 3.2. 3.2. But if he shoots a tweet out right now, no one will answer him. No they'll answer with a bunch of hate. With a bunch of hate. With a bunch of hate. I only have 500,000 and I must say, I don't get much negativity, but if I go on Jimmy Kimmel Live and I do the angry tweets thing, they'll find them. They always send it, like, they have a baker's dozen to choose from.
Starting point is 00:17:40 I feel like I've muted everybody that doesn't like me. Well, you know what? It's funny you said that. I thought I'd put up a new policy and start blocking these people. They find tremendous joy in it and then they inspire 50 other people to start firing at you to try to get blocked too. Oh really? Oh.
Starting point is 00:18:01 Just like, come on. I've never blocked anyone. I don't know how. I blocked one person about three days ago and I've just been under fire ever since. Drew, you like come on. I've never blocked anyone. I don't know. I don't know person about three days ago And I've just been under fire ever since true. You like it I I get very little like it like it used to be I would say something negative about Trump But I'd get hundreds of tweets and now like Nothing one guy, you know, but Judd what what other than the live show?
Starting point is 00:18:21 I mean your guys always got ten projects going at the same time What's next? What's coming out next? What what do we should we look forward to? Well, the main thing right now is I produced an off-broadway show With for this great comedian Chris Gethard and it's called Career Suicide and it's about his life. It's a one-man show and he talks about his alcoholism and his mental problems and his suicide attempts but it's also really funny and very relatable to people who've just had serious mental issues. Sounds like a laugh man. Relatable to people who've just had serious mental issues I think I'll ask goes it's kind of oddly Hysterical because he just has a funny perspective and he's really reaching out and opening up about it
Starting point is 00:19:12 So you can get tickets to that at a career suicide show Dot-com but it's great. He got a rave of the New York Times. He has a talk show on the diffuse channel He's really great, but that Judd, that's kind of becoming your thing, and I don't mean that in a put you in a pigeonhole kind of way, but taking, you know, Amy Schumer and taking her life and taking all her foibles and then putting them out there in a comedic way. Yeah, I mean, I like to be the first person to try to figure out how to crack the code on how somebody would be in a movie or a TV show.
Starting point is 00:19:49 It's not as much fun to be the 20th movie for someone. It is sometimes with certain people. But it's really fun if someone's never starred in a movie to go, how would they be a movie star? Why would I want to see them? What is it about their life that they should talk about? You know that is the most fun. I think that's interesting. Well and Being I don't know I should say you know But fairly responsible for this phenomenon known as Amy Schumer like I mean obviously she was out there
Starting point is 00:20:18 But I think Judd was played quite a quite a pivotal role in her You know she is so brave in her writing. You know very few people when I sit down with them to work on a script have the courage to really dig deep into their emotional issues and come up with a comedy about them. And that's why I think the movie came out so well because I said to her what what what are your issues why are you having trouble you know meeting a nice man and having a healthy relationship and she just told me and then she put it in the movie well i was just watching on cable and laughing the other day and uh...
Starting point is 00:20:54 it's it's it's got quite a nice uh... rotation on i don't know if it was hb or short time i was watching on but anyway hey so judd uh... i'll tell you what since you got stuff up and out and coming around and stuff Why don't you come around and do my show and do Drew's show and come in and do it do it in person When you when you got some idea I'm happy to talk both show business and all of my physical problems Judd I will I will have my assistant Matt send you out a Blu-ray of the new documentary I think you'll enjoy.
Starting point is 00:21:31 And I have to ask a cryptic question that I was going to get pissed off about, but that last thing you and I were talking about, any change in that? No, sadly no. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. Got it. That's a rough one. And I got a new one to talk to you about. All right. Give me a call. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. Got it.
Starting point is 00:21:45 That's a rough one. Yeah. And I got a new one to talk to you about. All right. Give me a call. So, I will. Yeah. Animal doesn't let me communicate with the world until he's done with me.
Starting point is 00:21:53 So, it'll be a couple hours now. Yes. Okay. All right. Take care, guys. All right. Thank you, John. We'll be right back with more of the Adam and Dr. Drew Show classics. Joe Classics.
Starting point is 00:22:05 We are back with the final clip of this episode, so let's get right to it. We check out episode 317 with the great Joe Coy. Yes, that dude's funny as hell. He joined Adam and Dr. Drew and the laughs didn't stop. Here we go. Joe Coy in the studio. Good morning, sir. One of our favorites, Joe Coy.
Starting point is 00:22:26 He's got a new podcast, Coy Pond, everyone, that premieres this Tuesday, March 15th on Corolla Digital. Subscribe now on iTunes. First guest, Angela Johnson. I'm guessing it's Angela. Yes, it's Angela. Okay. She was on your show. She has that crazy nail salon bit that's got like 50 million.
Starting point is 00:22:47 Oh, yeah. She's great. Comedian Angela Johnson. Yeah. That's that Angela. I'm obsessed with her spelling of her name and always say to anyone, just write Angela the way God intended Angela to spell Angela because I'm looking at now it's got to be Angela but you can look at it Drew and tell me what that here's the problem we're living in a world of insane Angela Angela yeah what I'm saying is we're living in a world of made
Starting point is 00:23:19 up names yes which is now what here's what people don't really realize drew you tell me this. Yeah When you bring this up it affects that yes I just had a conversation with Gary where I said like if we got a plug and The plugs says Friday just say tomorrow if it's tomorrow right or Friday slash tomorrow Yeah, and he said yeah, but it's Friday, you Friday. And I said, yeah, but oftentimes we have this problem where we take the plugs from a Adam Carolla show from three days ago and we slide it in. And then it turns out where I go tomorrow or Friday
Starting point is 00:23:57 and someone goes, oh, no, this is Saturday, sorry, no. So what's it do? It puts a thing in your mind. Where you doubt everything doubt everything we just have a little kernel of doubt about did that happen or we doing this? Yeah now It didn't happen, but now that we're living in a world of made-up names when when I see Anj El ah I Think well, maybe this is a made-up man could be Sheila sounds like Angela But it could be could be something so I would I'd like names to be just like words
Starting point is 00:24:30 Yeah, but just having wherever way to spell I hate it when I sign autographs and it's a basic name and then you misspell it cuz you're misspelling it by Writing it the right way and then they sigh like you were supposed to know that it wasn't spoke that I had a girl said her name was Amy and I wrote M E that's the one where I thought oh we've gone off the rail yeah Amy was told AI and EE that's a true story I am why she went like this because it was on a t-shirt she went ah yeah what she goes into AI MEE I go no one smells it like that I did you tell me this when I grabbed the Sharpie? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:07 Well, why do I give you a new shirt? Why do we need two Brian's, an I and a Y? Why? Split right down the middle, by the way. Split right down the middle. Exactly. If somebody says, make this out to my son Brian or my grandfather Brian, well, grandfather's with an I.
Starting point is 00:25:24 For sure. If somebody says, make it out to my friend Brian, or my grandfather Brian well grandfathers with an eye but for sure if somebody says make it out to my friend Brian you okay I'll go here I'll flip a coin on on the coin I'll have a capital I on one side and a Y on the other and I'll just go right it that way because I have no idea because we have decided to take a name split it right down the middle and do it to where Catherine with a C Catherine with a K with a Y R Y and I N E Carl Carl with a C Carl with a K Mark Mark pisses me off too it's got to be a K what yeah well first off it's Mars if it's with a C it's insane that we have two different spellings for the exact same word yes Yes, word. I'm calling it a word.
Starting point is 00:26:06 You're calling a name, I'm just saying it's a word. At a certain point, it's a word, and it's Brian, or it's Mark. And then I like this part, too. I like when they get a little falutin' about it, and they go, ha! You think I look like a Mark with a K? Oh. I'm Mark with a C! And it's like, no, you're Mark with a D, which is douchebag, you asshole! Like, what are you talking about? Go ahead and you put that in your bit Put that in your routine like when people do it you can have that one But they literally go did it do I look like a prime with an eye?
Starting point is 00:26:34 It's like I don't know what you look like I've never seen you before. There's not a particular look with that name There's not a particular I why look if there, I'm not perceptive enough to pick it up. Maybe somebody, maybe we can get Yuri Geller in here and he can figure out how to fucking spell your name. It drives me insane. What is this, Drew? It's retarded narcissism, right? Yeah, who starts the names though, the parents, right?
Starting point is 00:26:59 The parents, yeah. I've got this kid, this special kid, has a special name. You know, I'm going to make up a name because he's so special. I will tell you this. It started with sunshine and you know, stupid crap like that. But at least you can spell that. Now there's something. Autumn. The point is that seasons. The black people do it, but it's just you don't know how to spell their name. But then they still sigh. It's like, it's Sonequa with a Q. But they don't apologize. They go all the way to the end zone with it. Oh yeah. So that's fine.
Starting point is 00:27:26 No, look, that's just a way to correct. See, some people do it to correct you. Yeah, but the parents are the ones setting the kid up for that, right? Yeah, well they've ruined their kid and now they were ruined and now they're going to ruin their kid. So a lot of people just give crazy names so they can explain to you how to properly spell their name. It's right up there real quick. When you go, the person was, a horrible thing happened or is a rape victim, rape survivor. It's just correction. The angry left likes to correct.
Starting point is 00:28:04 Yeah. Here's something that doesn't need correction, which is our friends at Onnit. It's just correction. The angry left likes to correct. Yeah. Here's something that doesn't need correction, which is our friends at Onnit. It's a virus-free performance, unique products, expertise from professional athletes. MCT oil dumped in my coffee this morning. Oh, yes. Every day. 100% pure coconut oil derived, quick, healthy energy. And I'm telling you something, if you have metabolic syndrome, it helps with weight
Starting point is 00:28:22 management, including coffee, shakes, smoothies, alpha brain, hands-focus, mental drive. Drew, you say you have metabolic syndrome, it helps with weight management, including coffee, shake smoothies, alpha brain, hands is focused, mental drive, memory. Drew, you say you have metabolic syndrome. I do. What is that? It's high blood pressure. It's sort of insulin resistance, high blood pressure, hypercholesterolemia, central obesity, they call it. You put your weight in the middle of your body.
Starting point is 00:28:37 And it's a certain metabolic type. And I've noticed that... Nah, that's in your head. On Warrior Bar, Buffalo Meat Bar with 14 14 grams protein, 140 calories based, you're going to love this Adam. Lakota Sioux recipe. Lakota recipe. Yeah, I'm a more of a choc-
Starting point is 00:28:53 Manatee. Right, I'm a manatee. Paprika, manatee. Alpha, titi, tatata, tototiti. We're just talking about- That's how I care about that show. Yes. All right, try them and get more.
Starting point is 00:29:04 Go to on on Slash Adam and you will save 10% on it Oh and and it get on it on slash Adam Joe Koy is gonna be in that Treasure Island in Las Vegas coming up About March 18th. So that's just around the corner and Many dates you can go to Joe J. Oh and then k coy k-o-y dot-com I don't mean to keep playing the the race card on this one on the name thing But I will say this the Chinese they just keep it to Chang and Lee That's it. It's like they have like four names to choose from they don't you don't see a Chinese guy go. No, it's chain No, I am I am the Asians
Starting point is 00:29:48 Do the opposite which is they go in your your name was Mitsuk and now it's sue Because Sally you went from Mitsuk to Sally Why'd you go from Mitsuk to Sally because you want to come here and work and get along and get get going in life And people not pronouncing your name is It's it's troublesome. Yeah, and Listen, it's why? Mike August is my hero Why why is Mike August Adams here? Why would we why you want zero? It's certainly not his replies on his emails
Starting point is 00:30:25 hero why would we why you want zero it's certainly not his replies on his emails when you say are we doing this on the 29th or the 31st and he replies with yep to be fair sometimes he'll reply excellent yeah sometimes they'll say excellent it's not for that Mike August is my hero because Mike August is last name is Spelled his real last name is Tame Eri LL. Oh, yeah, I E LL I E LL Oh and guess who got tired of trying to tell people how to spell his last name Mike August did. Guess
Starting point is 00:31:05 whose middle name is August? Mike August. So Mike August, I go through life with that guy because every time we check into a hotel, every time we go on the road, every time we get on an airline flight, every time we just walk through life and you'll just see him. Now at the airport because of security, it's got to be in his name, but everywhere else he comes in and he goes, you have a car waiting for us? Yeah. Name? Mike August. August is in the month and then he hangs up the phone.
Starting point is 00:31:35 Now if it was Tamarillo, all day, it'd be all goddamn day and it'd be confusion. So guess what? Mike did it for Mike, just like mom and dad'd be confusion. So guess what? Mike did it for Mike just like mom and dad of Mitsuk did it for little Mitsuk who's now called Sally because we can get to F on with our lives and we can be successful. And for some reason, as I've said, it marginalizes people in that you don't know it. you think you're carving out some unique whatever We did an episode of catch a contractor black family and the daughter had a crazy name Do you remember I have no idea I think it I?
Starting point is 00:32:27 Think it was either sizzling or nachilla Those are two of the worst things. Who would think that their kids would sizzle? That's bacon. That's bacon. That's a Phil Henry joke. That's Phil Henry joke. I give him credit for that. I'm crying right now. My sizzling. That's so stupid.
Starting point is 00:32:41 That's all for this week. Thanks for listening to the Adam and Dr. Drew Show Classics. I've been your host, Big Brother Jake, host of the Big Brother Jake podcast on the Podcast One Network. Remember to check back each week for new episodes and while you're at it, don't forget to like, subscribe and rate us 5 stars wherever you get your podcasts. Deuces!

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