The Adam and Dr. Drew Show - Only The Best (The Adam and Dr. Drew Show Classics)

Episode Date: March 11, 2025

Adam and Drew open the show discussing moral satiation and the belief that every child should have the best and only the best of everything. They continue talking about education and revisit the inte...rview Adam did with Gavin Newsom on The Adam Carolla Show. Later they take listener phone calls on a having a hyper sexual partner and how to approach a relative about their weight issues.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is Corolla Digital. Hey, I'm Adam Corolla. I'm Dr. Drew. And we are here to ask you to do us a little favor. If you like what you hear, share it with a friend. Nice. Keep the pirate ship afloat, right? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:00:23 Well, that's the only advertising we got. But it's the best kind. It is. Word of mouth. It is. Whose mouth? Yours. Not yours, theirs. Theirs.
Starting point is 00:00:30 Theirs, yes. That's right. Thank you in advance for telling a friend and enjoy the show. Recorded live at Corolla One Studios with Adam Corolla and board certified physician and addiction medicine specialist Dr. Drew Pinsky. You're listening to the Adam and Dr. Drew Show. Yeah, get it on.
Starting point is 00:00:52 Got to get it on. No choice but to get it on mandate. Get it on. Welcome to the program. Good day, Dr. Drew. I say good day, sir. How are you? I mean, good day.
Starting point is 00:01:01 Like, not good day. Good day, yes. It's a good day. Yes, good day. Where are you heading today? What's going on? You mean why am I dressed like this? Well, you know, not good day. Good day, yes. It's a good day. Yes, good day. Where are you heading today? What's going on? You mean why am I dressed like this?
Starting point is 00:01:09 Well, you're usually dressed differently. Like you're going to do, no, no. You're usually dressed like you're going somewhere, doing something, going to be on some show. Yeah. What's going on? Normally. Do you have a hairiest something? No, no.
Starting point is 00:01:24 Hold on. Slow down. Normally, I wear jeans and a t-shirt on Tuesdays. Wednesdays I'd be dressed like this because I do see patients. But my wife's getting an award this afternoon. You mean Thursdays? Yes, yes, yes. And your wife's getting an award. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:01:37 She's getting an award from basically Pasadena for doing community service and the charity work. That's nice. Yeah. I wonder, you know, it's funny because when I see those kinds of awards, I always just think, well, that's a person who can afford to do that. Oh, absolutely. They have free time to be able to do so. But thank God people do it, they have free time to do so, right?
Starting point is 00:02:01 I know. It's a weird thing. I've always said I don't really care where the library or the rehab center comes from, as long as it comes from somewhere, or what the motive was, or who the guy was. They do a lot of, oh, well, that guy is a rich guy and he just wanted a tax write-off and then he just wanted his name on top of a building. It's like, all right, but it's still free rehab for veterans. But now that there's this, there's a lot of ink spilled about what's going to happen to philanthropy because women who were attached to men who gave them leisure time would be
Starting point is 00:02:38 doing all the philanthropic work and now women are all working. So who is the philanthropist left? Who's going to do that community service work? And it's working out. It's going to be all right. Yeah. It's just one of those things where it's funny the amount that is given by a group. Which is to say, like I've always said, my mom, the biggest hippie complainer on the planet, has never done anything like what your wife does, yet never stops bellyaching about the plight of these people and the plight of those people and how we need to give more and do more and be better and all that kind of stuff. But it never really... There's this thing.
Starting point is 00:03:20 Tell me, Drew. Yeah. Interesting. Dig. Because I come from this group, and you tell me how we're wired. There's a sort of moral satiation. And what I'm saying is, and meaning is this. If I'm hungry, I can't just talk about a roast beef dip, like a French dip sandwich.
Starting point is 00:03:44 That would drive you crazy. It would drive me crazy. And it doesn't quench me. I'm not satiated. I can't just talk about a roast beef dip, like a French dip sandwich. That would drive you crazy. That would drive me crazy, and it doesn't quench me. I'm not satiated. Like, well, I talked about that dip sandwich for long enough. So I'm good. I'm ready to just undo my belt here, sit back and watch a little Sports Center. No, it drives you nuts.
Starting point is 00:03:58 But there is this moral satiation, if I'm saying it right. Which I believe my family engaged in. Yeah. Because my mom did not want to give any money to charity or to the Guatemalan chick that was helping her in and out of the bathtub, but she did want to be morally on the right side of this argument. So she would make these proclamations and my mom, my grandma would do the same thing. You know, she'd do these things. We've talked about it before. Like Delia has no breakfast
Starting point is 00:04:32 table in her very small apartment where she raises her four kids without a man. She'd make those proclamations to me. And then a month later, she'd be like, deal is bucking for a raise. She wants to go from 91 cents an hour. She's now looking for half of minimum wage. I don't think I want to give it to her. It's like, well, you want her to get that coffee table or you want her to feed her kids, don't you? Well, not. But she was satiated morally by making the proclamation.
Starting point is 00:05:03 There's a lot, I'm noticing there's a'm not going to be a president. I'm saying that I'm not going to be a president. I'm saying that I'm not going to be a president. I'm not going to be a president. I'm not going to be a president. I'm not going to be a president. I'm not going to be a president. I'm not going to be a president. I'm not going to be a president.
Starting point is 00:05:19 I'm not going to be a president. I'm not going to be a president. I'm not going to be a president. I'm not going to be a president. I'm not needing to give money or time. Because I've given lip service. Well, I would say that's satiation in the sense that I don't need to eat the sandwich now. I've made the comment about the sandwich. And the emotional system or the emotional sort of posture you're talking about is self-righteousness.
Starting point is 00:05:43 Self-righteous satisfies moral indignation. Yes. End war now. All right? Done and done. I'm done. Now I'm gonna do some rails off this hooker's ass and go eat a nice diamond Jim Brady big cut of beef. Yeah, I mean, yes, end war now. Well, that's good, But then there are the people that are in there fighting to actually, in the battle, trying to end the war. And there's a piece here, this is the part I wanted to bring up for you, when you talked about your mom declaring whatever she was declaring about, you know. All people of all races and all strides and all sexual should all have the same amount
Starting point is 00:06:24 of, you know. Those poor, let's just take what you said, which was those poor abused kids, we need to help them. You need to go out and help them. People have such a little understanding. They don't have the training or the insight or having spent time developing skill to understand what those kids need or what it takes to end war or what it takes to not interested in those details give Dillia a table what do we have with study that
Starting point is 00:06:49 did my work I announced that war should be ended Dillia should have a table and that all kids no matter what your background should have the right to the best education the best healthcare, the best chiropractors, the best masseuse, the best spiritual healers, the best personal trainers, and the best fluffers on the planet, okay? That's where I stand. Anyone have a problem with that? That's where I come from. That's what I believe. I believe that every child, every child, every color, every race, every religion, all of them should have access to the best. Not second best, not medium best, not top tier, not even the top percent, the top 10%.
Starting point is 00:07:41 A new slogan, to each the best. The best education best Education everyone for everyone No, the children but and their parents and any teens and only the best only the best and We can't no one can have less than the best everyone Will have the best all the kids the best education I Believe that every child, healthcare, that's not a special on the menu of life, on the dry erase board of life as you enter
Starting point is 00:08:16 the restaurant of life, no, that's not a special, that's a bread stick, that's tap water. That's a menu. No, it comes, it's already at the table when you get there, it's like a candle. It's a breadstick. That's tap water. It's a menu. It's already at the table when you get there. It's like a candle. It's a napkin. The best education, the best healthcare, wait a minute, I'm going deeper.
Starting point is 00:08:36 Prenatal! Of course. In the womb! Before you're born! I believe the people that aren't born! Can you hear me unborn? Ovum care. ovum care ovum care the best that's what I believe that's where I stand that's where I come from okay now I'm gonna go beat off and nap all right I'm not paying any taxes fuck it but you, you got your marching orders, right? And when the history books are written under my name, I will be the guy who goes down to
Starting point is 00:09:11 history declaring I want the best for everyone all the time. Especially the kids. Only the best. Education. That's what I believe. I like when people go, I believe. You believe. Fuck what you believe.
Starting point is 00:09:22 Go do something, dick. So let me finish that thought about technique and skill and understanding what you believe. What the fuck would you believe? Go do something, dick. So let me finish that thought about techne and skill and understanding what people need. I support a place called Hillside Home for Children. Please check out my wife's Twitter. It's at First Lady of Love, and she has all the stuff up that you can buy to contribute to it. It's like buying celebrity clothing and celebrity shoes that are signed. It's paraphernalia that supports the Hillside's home.
Starting point is 00:09:44 And this place is, you've been there Adam and I used to support together Pasadena yeah it's in Pasadena it's a it's a living environment for kids it's a therapeutic environment an educational environment and they treat families I shabby it's ideal for what should be done for kids that are families that are a mess and kids are abused and neglected and then they get them as adults they keep they keep after them and get them to the workplace mm-hmm yeah cost a fortune to do that for everyone. When a real really solve this problem you talk to Lieutenant Governor Gavin Newsom he's got some real insight. He'll
Starting point is 00:10:11 straighten it out. He's got some insight. Oh boy he knows he knows the the road. You need to bring him back. If you'll come. That's funny because people say you gotta have Gavin Newsom back on your show I'm going do you think he's coming back on this show? Do you think you know really? He's heard what you said probably somebody has one of his people no one no Politicians coming on a show where they're gonna get slaughtered they go on short-form shows with an understanding They have an understanding what whatever side they're on Like the wily coyote and the sheepdog, they understand there's a job, it's a symbiotic sort of relationship
Starting point is 00:10:54 they have. If the host, even if you're a right-wing host, if you piss off your left-wing guest too much, they ain't coming back. You need that for them to come back. You have to treat them like a guest. You have to treat them like a guest. So never, no matter how much you disagree with them or how strong your views are from one side or the other, they still must come back. And so you treat them with a certain amount of decorum. When I say decorum, I was nice to Gavin Newsom. I
Starting point is 00:11:21 just did a long-form deconstruction of him where he had zero answers on anything. Hey Gary, would you put the link up to Susan's Twitter and the Hillside's charities and stuff? Yeah, thanks. Yeah. It'll be on the website. You can build, sorry, bid over to Hillside for a chance to come and see this warehouse and tour and meet both of us. What?
Starting point is 00:11:43 Wow. Yeah. I know you didn't know you agreed to that, did you? Well, no. I agreed to every child having first class, no, world class health care. No, no. The best. Yeah, the best. World class implies there's something better maybe somewhere. Okay, sorry. No, my bad. The best. I did not agree to showing up here and walking through my warehouse with strangers. That, I, I... with strangers that I I yeah yeah it was we're listening to Gavin Newsom the
Starting point is 00:12:08 other night on my show because somebody tweeted me a thing that basically just said Asians are kicking our ass so he said no no he wouldn't he didn't say that the Asians are making twice as much as everybody they're twice as educated as everyone and they're working twice as hard as everyone. And it isn't Whitey and then the Asians, it's the Asians and then there's a pretty big drop off and then Whitey and then other groups came below them. And I use the Asians as an example with Gavin Newsom when we were arguing that they focused on education and they focused on the family but especially education and thus they're doing better than we are. And
Starting point is 00:12:49 he disagreed. That's a complex issue, Adam. How dare you distill it down to one thing? It's very complex according to Gavin Newsom. Yeah. I don't know. Why don't you play that for Drew just to have fun? He's the Lieutenant Governor of California. I get your world, Adam, which is a little bit more clean-cut and idealistic, a little less pragmatic in terms of the world. It's wildly pragmatic. They have a problem with family. They have a problem with...they don't focus on education. That will get them out of the problem they're in.
Starting point is 00:13:16 I don't think there's any community that cares more about education than the Latino community. Wow. I don't know... Hold on. Stop it there. I said to check the test scores. They're last in education. But caring about education and executing are different things. So I agree with him. I agree with him. They do care. Oh, sure. But nobody. Well, then nobody.
Starting point is 00:13:33 You know what? But listen, hold on a second. All right. Well, then somebody's having a lot of difficulty because if this is your number one priority and you're last. Well, but if you've never been exposed to what good education is and the system sucks, you're putting your kids in. Caring, caring, Drew? Nobody? You don't think the Asians care more about education? I do think they do. Oh! Well, what do you know? Well, that's one group. But I'm just saying, I'm going to blast somebody for not caring. How about the Jews? I didn't bring up care. He brought up care. I said they weren't doing
Starting point is 00:14:01 well because they're not focused on education. No grit. He said nobody cared. Educational grit. He said nobody... I didn't say care. He said nobody cared. I get it. Education in the Latino community. Wow. I don't know. I'm gonna check those test scores. No, people aren't... I mean, come on. That's not fair. They care... Look at this school system. Hold on. It's not fair to check the test scores. All right. Drew, you know. You don't care about your kids' test scores. No, that's all I care about. Oh, what?
Starting point is 00:14:28 Well, when it comes to education, how else should we do? Get a core sample from the kid? See what kind of marrow is in their bone? This guy's got smart marrow. I'd say test scores are about the only yardstick we have to measure education, unless we just kick kids in the shin, kind of get a vibe off them. Yeah, like a tuning fork. Yeah, it's not fair. It's not fair to use test scores. No, no, no, no.
Starting point is 00:14:52 This is your lieutenant governor, everybody. All right, here we go. Look how lousy the system is. Look how lousy the system is. Well, that, stop, stop, stop. Stop. Now you agree with that. Well.
Starting point is 00:15:02 See, that's my point. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. No. First off, yes, system's, that's no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,
Starting point is 00:15:10 no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no Why don't you stop giving into the teachers unions that are bankrupting the system? Here's what I can tell you Drew. Yeah You have this system you have a whole bunch I'll ask you a Question here drew. All right I'm going to paint a hypothetical two schools for you. I'm going to my a hypothetical. Two schools for you. For my kids? Yes, for your kids. I'm going to leave out nationalities and ethnicities and religion and everything else. Just two schools.
Starting point is 00:15:54 Right. Alright. One school, state-of-the-art, computers, teachers, good teachers, good computers, good equipment, good facility. Okay. A lot of glass. Floor and ceiling glass. Glass everywhere. A lot of natural light. Nice.
Starting point is 00:16:10 Kids will be happy. Yeah. And a nice intercom system in the whole nine yards. The other school, middle of the road, maybe a little run down, a little deferred maintenance. Teachers, they're teachers. Nothing spectacular. Not every kid has a laptop computer. There may be a library or two with a couple computers in it, but the kids have to sign up to use it. Now, the state of the art school has parents, broken families, parents that
Starting point is 00:16:38 don't give a shit, dads living in Florida. And shitty test scores. Mama. No. Okay, I'm sorry. Can we, can sorry true can we can we can I just I'm asking you what good please don't jump in and shit on things I'm asking you what school you want your kids to go to all right one school state-of-the-art with fine computers and a lot of glass and good teachers but no parents no parents broken up mom's around she's working two, three jobs, three, four other kids, dad's in Florida.
Starting point is 00:17:05 Okay? Now, my school, deferred maintenance, one computer, middle of the road teachers, super motivated parents, together, intact, and focusing on education, homework, and the family. What school do you want your kid to go to? Do I get to have the test scores or do I have to surmise what's going on? There's no test scores, Drew. I'm not bringing, I'm giving you- So There's no test scores, Drew. I'm not bringing... I'm giving you... So there's no reputation or nothing just
Starting point is 00:17:29 based on you? I'm giving... Okay, that's what I'm asking. Well, I'm... Drew, I'm giving you the A or the B. You have to decide. I want the share of the school. Why? Because I don't give a shit about the environment or the computers or the... Or not the system that's broken. Theoretically if the parents are actively involved enough. Ah, ah, ah. Well what about the broken system? System not broken if parents stay together and focus on education. So you Dr. Drew who are into nothing but education and turn your back on the
Starting point is 00:17:59 school that has a laptop for every kid and floor-to-ceiling glass and good educators simply because the school state-of-the-art simply because the family's not doing well interesting hey it's Adam Kroll from the Adam Kroll the show bet online is the world's most trusted betting platform and your number one source for online betting from the earliest odds to in-game live betting. BetOnline provides you with all the action and the ability to watch and bet on games as they happen with the largest selection of odds on everything from football, NBA, college basketball as well.
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Starting point is 00:19:10 interesting look how lousy the system the system's not here but it doesn't suck if you have parents that are together with an emphasis on education ever they care deeply about education care deeply about health care they care about these okay well then why do some groups do so much better? I mean what do you mean by groups? A lot, almost everybody's struggling in some way, shape or form. There's a huge difference in academic performance between Asians and Hispanics, yes or no? There's certainly examples within the Asian community. Yes or no? No, within the Asian community there are examples, Chinese community in particular, other members of the Asian community. Yes or no within the Asian community. There are examples Chinese community in particular other
Starting point is 00:19:46 Examples, they should be South Korean Koreans. Generally. That's generally true. Okay Why is it finally? You know what? I'm not a sociologist. I'm not someone perhaps you can explain why I've told you why why they have a family It puts an emphasis on which is a noble thing and a lot of Latinos have families that put enough Which is a noble thing and a lot of Latinos have families that put emphasis on education. African Americans have put emphasis on education. A lot but not enough. Their families are broken up. Okay, Gavin, I get it. Everything's the same. Not everything. Everything's the same.
Starting point is 00:20:14 You're a problem solver, isn't it? Because the percentages are challenging. Right, because the families are broken up. Well, I think the issue of family is profoundly important. Thank you. And I agree with you, as I did when we began the conversation. Well, you cannot agree with me. It's the number one problem they're having. I think it's among the challenges.
Starting point is 00:20:35 I don't think it's the number one. I'm not willing to accept that. What's the number one problem? I think there are a lot of challenges. What's the number one? I don't know. I've not countenanced and sort of organized one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, one two the family is not the number one problem in the black community what is the number one there are a lot of problems that's not but that one's not the number one one could make that argument oh well it's tough to lie for 20 minutes he's just sliding around he's
Starting point is 00:21:03 trying not to take a categorical opinion. Well, do you feel like any problems are going to be solved by him in that realm? I don't know. I don't know how these guys solve problems from up there. We certainly can't solve a problem if you don't recognize the cause of the problem, can you? Well, these guys would not make good auto mechanics, would they? Right, no. Imagine if we were just talking about cars. Yeah. And I just said, there's
Starting point is 00:21:31 water in the number three cylinder. So it's got to be a head gasket or either the head's cracked or the block's cracked. And he'd go, Whoa, whoa, whoa. Not so fast. There's many parts to a car. And I go, Yeah, but we're talking about the number three cylinders got water in. There's exhaust, there's suspension, there's brakes. That guy, by the way, if he was a mechanic, first off, he'd be beaten to death with a wrench by his fellow mechanics. Secondly, he'd just be thrown out.
Starting point is 00:21:56 They go, listen, you're an imbecile. We're talking about a problem. The problem's in the engine. I know there's many components to a car. There's the dome light, there's the turn indicator. Not what we're talking about. We gotta focus on the engine. There's either crack in the block or crack in the head
Starting point is 00:22:10 or blown head gasket. There's water in the cylinder. That's how that happens. So we need to focus on that and see if we can fix that. Ho, ho, ho, what about the tail lights? Well, let's do break it down a little bit then. Because let's say it's broken families. Let's just say, for taking our argument. It is, what do you mean, let's say it's broken families. Let's just say, take an argument.
Starting point is 00:22:25 It is. What do you mean, let's just say? What else is there? But broken family is a complex group of problems, right? Everything from addiction to cycle of abuse to previous broken families. Sure. It begats itself. Okay.
Starting point is 00:22:43 Then there is the fact that kids that come from disturbing circumstances are shown to have cognitive effects. They don't do well cognitively. It affects their development, affects their ability to focus on school. Then you don't have the people actually focusing there in a structured way, the way you need sustained over time. Even for a kid that's cognitively, you know, behind the, you know, sort of being weighed down by emotional issues, you still need that focus. You ain't even got that.
Starting point is 00:23:10 Right. Then you have a family system that may never have been exposed to education, may not even understand whether they think their kids are getting good education. They trust the schools to pick up that piece because they don't know. So, so. They know that the kids not coming home with any homework or doing any homework or reading any books. They may not understand what's necessary, you know, what the spectrum is. Well, I don't know what year it is and what country we're living in. But go ahead.
Starting point is 00:23:32 Well, okay. But the point is there's multiple layers to it. That is not one problem we just described. Well, it's a multiplicity of issues. No, no. It's mama and dad stay at home. Let's say they stay at home. Dad's a crack addict.
Starting point is 00:23:44 Mom beats the shit out of dad and the kids. Okay, now what do we do? What do we do to solve that though? Now if just keeping them together is not the solution. What we don't do is... I bet I'm not a cat's dispersion. What we don't do is call me a racist for pointing out the fact that it's a problem. It's a problem.
Starting point is 00:24:03 And by the way, you know... We don't have... What we don't do is elect guys like Gavin Newsom who do nothing. So do we leave it to the system? No! The invisible hand just to weed out everybody? No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. The first thing we do is we start judging. Okay. We start shaming people.
Starting point is 00:24:27 Start shaming people. Yes, we don't shame people like me. Well, we could. Well, that's the plan we're doing now. We're trying to shame me for judging. We're now shaming the judges. We're judging the judges. It's an insane world we have.
Starting point is 00:24:44 So we need to just shame the people you judge. Yes. So basically, you know, you want a free lunch, we want to know why you need a free lunch. You need a free breakfast, why? Can't get up a half hour early and make breakfast for your kid? So we need to be shitty about it on. I don't want to know what's going on. Until you shamed into doing, taking some actions. First thing, my belief is that you get rid of the stuff and people just do it. People just do. I mean. So that's not shaming.
Starting point is 00:25:12 That's just an invisible hand again. That's an invisible hand. Look, I don't know, you know, I'm paraphrasing, but in, you know, the Netherlands, they had five years worth of unemployment. And at the end of the fifth year, people got a job. And at some point, they cut it down to three years. And at the end of the fifth year people got a job and at some point they cut it down to three years and at the end of the third year people got a job and then if they cut it down to six months at the end of six months the people would get a job that's kind of how
Starting point is 00:25:35 people are wired unemployment pay and payments you mean yeah you said they had unemployment you didn't play insurance yeah that's sorry that's i was implied. But yes. Yes, that's what that's what I meant and People tend to we like to survive. Yeah, we like to eat. We like to fuck Those are the things we like to do survive eat fuck Those are our motivational system. Basically you those are the three priorities don't give somebody breakfast and They'll find breakfast. There's a certain point certain point. That's the way it works. Or you can breakfast, lunch, brunch and dinner and they won't. That's what we need to do. But Gavin's got his finger on the pulse there. He's going to correct this problem. Although
Starting point is 00:26:21 I don't, it's unclear that it's a problem to him. That's that's the problem You know and we're all suffering Drew. Did you know that? Is that what he said? Now you said it a few times he tried it's to try to explain that everyone was so you know It's interesting except for Asians don't seem to be suffering so much except if you're an Asian mom you're really suffering They might but society's okay The that that is a joke by the way. I'm no cast spook. Please. I'm nobody here. Please.
Starting point is 00:26:47 But here's an interesting thing. Dig this. The economy is recovering. And that's becoming like a PR problem. Because everybody... I went to a comedy club on Friday night, and it still jokes about unemployment. Nobody has a job. And the comedian sort of asked, how many people need a job here? Nobody.
Starting point is 00:27:05 How many people have a job? Everybody. Wow. And it was like okay so now that's not a joke it's not a punchline anymore. What's the what PR campaign is the government going to hang their sort of policies on in an economy that's recovering and unemployment that's- we still have an issue with unemployment don't get me wrong but like you know I was hearing in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, it's like it's 2%. In Peoria, Illinois, it's 11%, but many, many parts of the country, it's fully employed. Right. What are we going to like, when is our psychology going to change, is I guess my question. Well, we got hope and change, baby.
Starting point is 00:27:39 We don't need to change anything. I got the hope. We got the hope part and the change part. All right. You know what I'm saying? We have to have a new punchline. We have to have a new PR campaign. We're going to get everybody working again, unless we give them stuff where they don't need to work. Then they can be working. Well, as I always say, who's good at their job is out of work. I don't know anyone who's
Starting point is 00:28:02 good who's out of work. If you want to know if you're good, see if you're employed. If you're not, you're not any good. Well, there's also people that are not, wait a minute, there's also people from really genuinely shrinking industry or places where there just aren't jobs and they aren't willing to step down to something beneath them. Well, yeah. And I don't blame people for doing that, but that's really a big problem. No, I blame them. No, that's a problem. I don't blame them for wanting to cling to what they enjoy and what makes them feel good,
Starting point is 00:28:27 not wanting to be a barrister at Starbucks. I get that. Here's the whole thing. I always just take my former business, Carpentry. It's very catch-is-catch-can. It's on to one job, off to the next. You want to talk about something that's unstable. You finish a job every three weeks or something. You're off to the next whatever
Starting point is 00:28:46 It's a constant process of lining things up and being in demand You know our friend Ozzy is a horrible carpenter thus. He's always out of work Ray is a good carpenter as flaky as Ray is he's always working Now that's how desperate we are rain is flip-flops and his underpants is still in demand. Well, at least he's got a tool belt. Point is this, he's in demand. Okay? Ozzy is constantly out of work. Why? Words out. Bad carpenter. He's a horrible carpenter. So if you're bad, you're out of work. If you're good,
Starting point is 00:29:26 you're not out of work. And he could do something else while he's, you know what I'm saying? He could try, he could find other ways of making a living. He could, he just wouldn't like it. And he wouldn't know he could be a better carpenter is what he could be. But he does two hour lunch runs. Yeah. And the words out and thus he's unemployable. He's only unemployable by new, he's only employable by new clients. Who don't know. Which he don't, there's no referral. Right.
Starting point is 00:29:51 The referral is don't hire him. Right. He's bad. But I think a lot of unemployment is something to do with shifting around and people not wanting to shift to other kinds of employers. Well yeah, but listen. And again, you can't fault people for that. Yes I can.
Starting point is 00:30:05 Look, if you are in a falsely inflated job, if you have a job in Dearborn, Michigan making shitty cars for $37 an hour and you have nothing but a high school GED. And you've got a big retirement plan and you have health benefits on it. And you're just sitting there using a stamp punch or something that a guy for eight bucks an hour could do. Eventually somebody's going to figure it out. And especially when the Japanese come in with their efficient cars and this, that and the other and it's time to tighten the belt. Well, guess who's getting cut? The guy who's getting 37 bucks an hour. And then when that guy who's getting 37 bucks an hour says, I've been working at GM plant for 17 years,
Starting point is 00:30:49 making 37 bucks an hour, and what am I supposed to do? Flip burgers now? Because that's all I'm qualified to do. Well, if that's all you're qualified to do, that's the position you put yourself in. Well no, you would say you should be grateful for those 17 years. You really, woo, you made out.
Starting point is 00:31:03 I hope you socked away a lot of that money that you didn't really deserve, because the market has now come down to bear on you, and this is what you're worth. Secondly, I would have gotten a little side training, little weekend something, a little, get my real estate license, we're doing a little weekend work
Starting point is 00:31:22 on one of those many days off. When you think of those stories that doesn't make you sad You don't have any feelings about that. I don't I don't here's what I don't feel I don't feel that that person's entitled for GM to create another plant and give them a falsely inflated wage. I Feel bad for the guys family whatever I always know that just the guy's family and whatever. I always know that just beneath that sob story of, I got 23 years at the plant, I was making 40 bucks an hour golden time on weekends and blah, blah, blah.
Starting point is 00:31:55 Just beneath that story, there's a, did you have to buy two boats? It couldn't have just, you had the one boat, you had the two, you bought two boats, one for bassin, the other for water skiing. And like, there's some story there where the guy was not, it's just like homeless. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:32:10 This person's out on the street. You know, like, yeah, punch your old lady. You know what I mean? Started boozin', jumped the wall at rehab. Like, you know what I mean? Out on the street, what? Told everyone in your life to fuck off so that you couldn't crash out on your buddy's sofa? I mean, you know what I mean? Out on the street, what? Told everyone in your life to fuck off so that you couldn't crash out on your buddy's sofa?
Starting point is 00:32:28 I mean, what does that really mean? I know we like to focus on the, he's out on the street. Is there anyone you know, any decent human being that you know that has been decent to their family and decent to their friends and their community who just be out on the street, like living literally out on the street. No.
Starting point is 00:32:50 I know people with certain psychiatric conditions that propels them in those situations. That happens. But everyone else I know, no matter what happened. And by the way, even some of those, their family takes care of and keeps them put somewhere. Yes. So there's that story of he's homeless. He can only get a job at McDonald's after 27 years working at the Dearborn plant at GM making pine. Okay, let's hear the rest of the story. Where's the savings? Where are the investments? Where's the planning for
Starting point is 00:33:19 the future? Where was the training for the future? Where is to be the GM was supposed to care that they'd have their retirement plan? Well, that's why I don't feel sorry for them. All right. But also, now it's time to get yourself a job McDonald's. But I wonder if somebody studying how long it takes, there must be sort of a time course on how long it takes somebody to capitulate to that. Like is it two years where you finally go fuck it, I'm gonna go to McDonald's. Well, when you run out right Right? There's gotta be a time course to that. When you run out of benefits, that's when you run out of the unemployment insurance or whatever, that's when you step up.
Starting point is 00:33:55 Even then, I bet there's still a time where you stay resistant and... Well, look... And that's natural, right? It's natural like when a kid says, I'm going to hold my breath until I get my way. And then they go, all right, now what's the average time they take a gulp of air when they need to? That's the answer. It's not five minutes.
Starting point is 00:34:18 It's not five seconds. They get to that point, which is, I'm hungry. I'm getting up. I'm going to go do this. So if that's your model, what would you do to help people flourish? Well, the first thing I do- Because you want people to do well, right? Absolutely.
Starting point is 00:34:32 Forget getting rid of benefits. Now you've got people flooding out of their old good jobs into shitty jobs. How do you move them up from there? How do you help people flourish? Well, first things first. It's like, how do you help people on death row flourish? I don't know. You know, how do you stop the starvation in Africa when you find a 52-year-old man who's 21 pounds? I don't know. It's really about the next generation. It's not the people flooding out of the factory. That's going to be tough because that's been laid down for the last 50 years. I thought you'd say maybe reduce taxes so there can be more McDonald's to develop on more corners and what guys can dream themselves. I could own one of those. I'm going to find
Starting point is 00:35:17 my way to manage your position. Well, yes. I mean, obviously cutting some of this crazy regulation back that lets people go out and start their own businesses and have their own you know this guy could have a you know so more available money for loan business loans you do that kind of thing I definitely make a climate where these people could open their own auto repair whatever like you know if a guy said look I'm out of work over GM but I'm gonna start repairing cars and I'm gonna of work over GM, but I'm going to start repairing
Starting point is 00:35:45 cars and I'm going to start doing it from my own driveway and I'm sorry, I don't want the fucking man coming in and telling them they need a permit and a business license and shutting them down kind of thing. I mean, obviously I want them paying taxes on it and reporting it. I'm not talking about an underground community, but You're not talking about fruit sales on the street. No, I'm saying if the guy wants to start his own business doing repair, I don't want them to say you're not zoned to do blah blah and blah. Obviously within reason. I don't want a whole bunch of cars parked on
Starting point is 00:36:17 the guy's lawn being an eyesore to the neighbors, but there's a balance. Right now, it's a little overregulated, my particular opinion. All right, Drew. Phone calls? First, before phone calls. Hypersexual fiancé. Oh, that sounds good. I want to talk about our friends at, this very podcast brought to you by Do you use Audible?
Starting point is 00:36:43 Yeah. I do, too. And we both of us has books on audible. It is the leading internet provider of audiobooks, more than 100,000 downloadable titles, all types, literature, nonfiction, New York time bestsellers. And for us, for our listeners, for the A&D listeners, a free audiobook, if you just try them out, you go to slash Adam Drew show.
Starting point is 00:37:05 No, and Adam Drew show and you get access to a free audio book. Well, like Drew gave me a million years ago, like Moby Dick on cassette. Did I really? Yeah. Or something. Yeah, I think I did because yeah, it was like a big plastic jacket. It's the size of a three ring binder. It was actually a lectures about and it's like 14 cassettes and It just literally did not have enough Lower body strength to get that lifted up and into the car and out of the car And it's just all the cassettes piling up and getting screwed up and like running them in the right order and everything now It's anything tangled up. There's a tape boom. You just put it right order and everything now. And they tangled it up. It's a tape. Boom, you just put it right on your phone now.
Starting point is 00:37:46 Just go to Pow. Pow. Moby Dick, which was, what was the guy, the writers, the pinhead guy, the guy that made all the horror films that you liked so much? Oh, I don't think of it. And he thought Moby Dick's a famous film writer and writer, fiction, come on guys, come up his name.
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Starting point is 00:38:42 And swap all for free you can't outrun this someone's gonna pay for all this crime Alright, back with your phone calls. Let's start with Eric from Mississippi. Eric? That one caught our eye. Yeah. Fiance, hypersexual. Yeah. I know what I got to say. First of all, Fiance, I love the show. I've been listening for many years. Thanks, Eric. My fiance, we've been engaged for about six months now and she wants to have sex at least
Starting point is 00:39:29 at least five or six times a week and i know it's kind of crazy that guys just love sex but i just can't keep up i feel like i'm running out of semen sometimes it kind of hurts to ejaculate his cheese running out he's turning inside out at him the ghost comes out like you when you masturbate so much. Eric, do you ever masturbate? Don't have to.
Starting point is 00:39:51 No. There's a semen left. I would argue, you know, like there's always room for dessert. Yeah, I get to make you a point. This is putting frosting on your belly. Do you know what I'm saying? There's always room for this. I don't have anything.
Starting point is 00:40:09 I'm drinking lots of water and everything. Hold on. Slow up, slow up. You're a slowy roll. I'm a little surprised you talk about masturbation as dessert. It was always the main course for you. Well, what I'm saying is no matter what you're getting, there's always some room. I understand.
Starting point is 00:40:23 You got to make time. You always said sex is good, it's just not the real thing. All right. So here's the deal. The real question you have to ask yourself is, is this her, A, is she trying to impress? Does she think this is what you need to kind of be satisfied, number one? B, hold on.
Starting point is 00:40:42 No. Probably not. B, is this her natural engine? Some people have a very high engine they're going. Or C, is this coming from a problematic place? Like is she bipolar? Does she have sexual abuse and she sort of? Well, so she doesn't seem to be bipolar.
Starting point is 00:40:59 Like I listen to your show a lot, so she doesn't show any symptoms or anything. The only sexual abuse that I know of, was there was one occasional, there was like a, she was nearly raped or the gas stopped and so people came in and they stopped. How old was she? I don't know. She was a freshman in college, so 18. Okay, so this may just be her natural engine. Have you brought up to her that you're having trouble keeping up? Have but she still keeps pressing for it, you know, and and and me like I don't want to disappoint or anything
Starting point is 00:41:31 So I'm kind of performing. I want to say like a half staff or anything sometimes Look It's it's no I Don't think unless there's some Troubled engine driving this sexual train or pulling the sexual train like Drew said, you know Psychiatric condition, you know Problem of an yeah of trauma or abuse if there's none of that then then you're just dealing with a person who says I Want to eat Italian five days a week.
Starting point is 00:42:06 And you go, well, look, I want a little Mexican food. I want a little Thai food. I want some biscuits and gravy. And they go, I want Italian. And now you're just kind of getting to a point where you're having to say to your partner, I want you to be happy. And I want you to have your ravioli and your meatballs and all that kind of stuff. But I have to factor in what I'd like to eat as well,
Starting point is 00:42:25 and then we'll sort of meet in the middle. You're gonna get your gravy and your meatballs, but you know what I'm saying? Right, no, you have to say, and literally it's a fiance, so you can literally say, hey, marriage is a negotiation. This is just one of those things we're gonna have to negotiate, it's just my biology, it's nothing to do with my attraction to you.
Starting point is 00:42:40 I've overwhelmingly attracted you, but I'm out of chi. I really have no fluid left in me. Or just time, but I would also argue... So let's back it down to four days a week, maybe. It's a compromise. that it takes a little bit of the specialness or something out of it. I don't know. There's... Having to be a chore every day, yeah. Well, certainly, I mean, a chore, but just that thing that you're looking forward to. I mean, the massage feels great, but I argue it doesn't feel as good to the guy who gets
Starting point is 00:43:11 a massage every day. Or who's just lying there. Yeah, right. Right. All right. Let's see. Is epilepsy? There's options.
Starting point is 00:43:19 Go right down the line. Birth control. VJ. I like this guy with his father. Jeff. Jeff, what's going on? Missouri? What? Fat Dad Missouri. I know. We broke the mold. Hey, I'm a big fan of both of you. Yeah. Show me your belly steak. Show me your belly steak.
Starting point is 00:43:38 Yeah. That's right. You got it. Alright. My dad's 57. He's always been kind of a pudgy guy. Hardest working guy you'd ever meet. This guy goes out in the sun and puts in 14, 15 hour days all, you know, his whole life. Doing what? Eating. Running drill rigs. They have an outdoor buffet over there.
Starting point is 00:44:00 Yeah. He drills water wells and he would drill like a three mile island he run the run the drill equipment that will go down and Take soil take soil samples and you know Wow Corban. Yeah, I Drew I cannot figure out the guys. I do see fat guys. You're just working all day Yeah, just like up on a roof, you know Put you're taking piles of roofing material off a conveyor belt and stacking it. And it's like, where'd that, how do you maintain that?
Starting point is 00:44:27 Well, that tells you, that tells you all you need to know about how people lose weight, not through exercise and exertion. You take in less calories. That's how you lose weight, period. Right, right. You can burn a little more here and there, but you bottom out, you'll eat more if you're burning more. And a little how you build as well.
Starting point is 00:44:44 So, Jeff Jeff what's this guy's diet like light breakfast occasionally work and then pig out and pig out at night what's his light breakfast what is his light breakfast oh you know a couple granola bars or something from the quick stop on the way to work already not a light breakfast, right? That's a high carb, high sugar. He needs a high protein. Anyway, whatever.
Starting point is 00:45:10 Yeah. Look, here's what I have found. There's this thing where you go, you think, you see, to the meat eaters, to guys like Jeff's dad, the compromise, the diet is the brand muffin. It is the granola bar. Those things are just a whole bunch of sugar and carbs. They're not educated about what they need to do. Somebody said, oh no, no, no, no, no eggs and bacon.
Starting point is 00:45:36 I had this big brand muffin and followed up, then went to Starbucks and got a latte, whatever, whatever. Whipped cream on it. Yeah, with whipped cream on on it the green, you know Green whips or a something, you know, and it's like no no no There's a couple things that people that here's how I would educate your dad Dad's like look I used to drink a diet coke and have a couple eggs and bacon for breakfast now I have a big glass of orange juice and a brand muffin It's like that's a ton more sugar and a ton more calories. You got in the wrong direction. But we never knew this. Remember all the carb stuff?
Starting point is 00:46:08 Oh, pasta is the right thing. Pasta is the right thing. Pasta, everything. And that pasta shit went well into the 90s. Where's your pasta? I want apologies from all those people. I'll get my mom on the phone. It's a lot of like, you don't eat steak, you eat pasta. So the good news for your dad, I would say to your dad, and I know guys that do this, it's wildly satisfying. And you have to check, you know, make sure his arteries are doing okay and if that's okay. Well, that's what I was going to say. Start with his doctor. And maybe you go with the doctor and say, hey, you know, what does he need
Starting point is 00:46:45 to do? I'm worried about him. He's probably going to be hypertensive. He's definitely got what's called metabolic syndrome, which is sort of an insulin-mediated phenomena where you can talk about how do you manage a diet to reduce all that insulin output that puts the sugars into fat. And that's about proteins, what you're about to talk about. Right. So.
Starting point is 00:47:05 But it can be meaning you can go for breakfast and you can get yourself an omelet with cheese and kielbasa and onion and bell pepper. And then only thing is no home fries. And then manage your portion, like maybe eat half of it. Yeah, yeah. Try to lose weight. I mean, you can get a lump of cottage cheese and cut up some tomatoes on top of it. And then have your omelet.
Starting point is 00:47:33 Just don't go with the toast and the home fries. I was thinking about this. Everybody I have breakfast with now is like, no toast. I wish I could, but no toast, no toast. They don't reduce the price, by the way. There's got to be some kind of, this has got to be great for the restaurant. I mean, it's not, you know, it's $7.99. You get the omelet, you get the home fries, and you get the toast.
Starting point is 00:47:57 But since half the people now are just going scrap the toast, and they're not deducting the price, it means either toast formerly was free, or they're just going to be left with a bumper crop of toast. Either way, I think it's all getting filtered into a big sandwich. But anyway, I would say go with him to his doctor, talk about it. Tell him you're worried about it. He's older now. He needs to really pay attention to these things and bring it up in front of the physician.
Starting point is 00:48:23 That's how to do it, I think. And just as a parting shot here, the worst thing you can do when it comes to this is thinking you're doing the right thing, struggling to do the right thing, and calorically, metabolically not doing the right thing. I had that, like I said, there was a time in the mid-90s when I was like, no, no, no, no, stay away from that steak. I'm going to eat a big bowl of pasta and really be healthy for dinner tonight. I need a huge bowl of pasta.
Starting point is 00:48:55 And I was thinking, this is the way. I'd love to have this pork chops, but I'm not going to. I'm going to eat this huge bowl of pasta because oh my god somehow My mommy's talk about this but somehow there's carb loading and whatever and this thing started and everyone just went to pasta and Here's the thing Why do we not have science in the 90s or the 80s where we would do not aware of? How the body works like anything with Anything with diet always goes too far. You understand? Mm-hmm.
Starting point is 00:49:27 We always go, we always, you know, we take, well, cholesterol gets laid down in the arteries through use, you know. Therefore, nothing with cholesterol ever under any circumstances. Right. It's like, wait a minute, it's actually fats, it turns out, that determine the cholesterol. So it's, you know. I'll tell you what is one of the easier things though and one of the keys to success everyone says first off knock off the soda, knock off the drinks, knock off any caloric
Starting point is 00:49:51 drinks all the juices and all the smooth so-called smoothies and green drinks. Generally you do better when you eat your calories as opposed to drinking. Number one. Number two, be surprised that you could probably get away with 5 eighths of the portion size of what you're eating. That second helping that part, I do it all. Portion management is the big part of this.
Starting point is 00:50:13 I do it all the time. Order a bunch of Chinese food. It all comes home in the boxes. I load up my plate. I go sit down. I eat it. And I realize, as I'm getting up to walk up to the island to load up for round two. I'm full
Starting point is 00:50:25 Yeah, but it's there. Well, not only right not only full and we all in America eat to excess But there's a weird thing I've noticed the patients where they like in a panic about being hungry like but I'm hungry. I can't you can't be hungry It's like yeah, if you're not hungry, you're not losing weight. That's your body telling you It's starting to turn on the machinery to break down the fat. Yeah. It's hunger is part of that system. Yeah. It's like, I'm hungry, that can't be healthy, I'm hungry.
Starting point is 00:50:49 Listen, it's all part of this, I had the kids in the car and the wife and we're driving out to your neck of the woods to get something to eat and there was like the kids were like, I'm hungry and Lynette was like, pull over. We think it's a vending machine by the side of the freeway like we need to eat in Glendale and I'm like I'm the one that's going Pasadena is another seven minutes seven minutes further down well we'll sit down and we'll eat you know they're hungry now yeah yeah I'm like fine they're hungry it's okay they're seven they're hungry they'll be fine they'll be fine they they're hungry. It's okay. They're seven, they're hungry. They'll be fine. They'll be fine.
Starting point is 00:51:25 They ate this morning, that was nine o'clock, it's two in the afternoon now, they eat and it's like, ta ta ta ta ta, relax. I used to go fucking whole afternoon hungry, like I'm thirsty, thirsty and hungry. I said, I'm fine, it's fine. You can be in these states. You can be horny and not fuck the first woman that you pass on the sidewalk, right? What? Huh?
Starting point is 00:51:51 Yes. Hey, by the way, I've started working on those recovery drinks that you've been talking about. I'm doing that. I like that idea. Yeah. It turns out there's an empty spot there for that, for recovery from particularly like hangovers and alcohol recovery and like for vomiting and diarrhea there's no good like product out there people that need rehydration well it's a interesting now put my call on hold
Starting point is 00:52:15 we'll get him next call on next show but let me say this two things and you jump in yeah born on the heels of the wild success of a Mangria, Drewist thought, hey, maybe I'll get into some sort of beverage game. And I said, well, obviously you can't sell booze and nobody likes near beer. But then Mike August chimed in, I think, and said recovery. And then, of course, I did 10 minutes on it, made it all seem like it made sense. So let's not forget about that when the checks start rolling in. But how should I do?
Starting point is 00:52:47 I need to sweat your beak or is it okay just to say thank you, Mr. Kroll? Thank you in the form of check. Yes. Now, here's the thing. I said, you know, there's all these bullshit energy drinks, but where's the recovery drink? And meaning recovery after your workout or recovery after your workout, or recovery after a long night, or recovery after whatever. I was at a bachelor party last weekend in Vancouver with Jimmy and people stayed up late. I got a little hungover.
Starting point is 00:53:15 There was a doctor, not because he was a doctor, he just happened to be amongst us. He said, oh yeah, you get an IV bag in you and you'll be better. Boom. Said I have one at home. Like I've done it. He's anesthesiologist. I want it home.
Starting point is 00:53:33 Well, I said, I don't know. He says he's done it to himself before. Oh, who gives a fuck, Drew, please. So he's a competent guy and he said, no, no, you get a shot of that. You get that in you. You you'll be you'll be back And then he said I think there's a guy there's this thing in Vegas where they travel around in this van Yeah, give you a shot and they get you back into whatever but I said the recovery You know you've you've and I've said well you've said well drink Pedialyte
Starting point is 00:54:02 You know get the electrolytes. Get the potassium. Get to this. Get to that. That's a shitty drink. And you. But what I think people want is a no bullshit. Forget about the color. Forget about the sugar.
Starting point is 00:54:15 Forget about the taste. We need some sugars, and you need that, actually. OK, whatever you need. But I'm not here to enjoy myself. I've got to go to work in a half an hour. As I started creating these things, I was looking and doing research and figuring out. I'm thinking, Jesus Christ, 99% of what's in all these drinks is fucking bullshit, the
Starting point is 00:54:34 rose hips and the fucking herbs. It doesn't do anything. It's not known to do anything. If you go to the hospital to get recovery, we know exactly what to give you. We're not going to give you rose hips and fucking eucalyptus, whatever. We know what you need. We give it to you. And then I'm going to put that in a drink. That's what I'm going to do. All right. All right. Let's take a little extendo break here. I want to thank you all for subscribing via the PayPal button over at the Adam and Drew.
Starting point is 00:55:04 Adam and Dr Adam and dr Drew sorry say it every time Adam and dr. Drew show Dot-com we appreciate it. We see it every week when we get the accounting and God bless you and like said therapy ain't cheap and Five bucks five bucks a month. They'll do us. That's uh, let's see. What do we do eight shows? We do eight shows a month. So, five bucks, 60 something, a little more than 63 cents a show. I don't figure that out. Gary's good at that. Anyway, less than a buck a show. It's overpaying by at least three cents. You can click through the Amazon link at, well, I just it to you,
Starting point is 00:55:48 Oh, me and Dr. Drew, our reunion tour, volume one, all the highlights from the first three big shows, Bakersfield, Santa Barbara, Denver, all brought to your beautiful home and your beautiful ears, available on iTunes under five bucks. Wow, it's 62.5 cents a show. Good job. Yeah. I got a good math mind, I think. Well, from all the measuring and you're good at fractioning things, right?
Starting point is 00:56:17 Because you had to, from carpentry. Yeah, that's what it is. But let me also say, if you go to, I have the upcoming tour schedule up there. We have three booked events, I guess, in Boston, New Hampshire, and Carmel. And the good news is, you can see us, no shows like any, if you get the three first shows, you'll see one show is like the other. We never know what the hell we're gonna talk about so they're all different. All right so go do that until next time it's Adam Carolla for Dr. Drew, Chris Max, Pat
Starting point is 00:56:49 and Gary Half-Time or are we at 916? I'll roll now, I went to 9. I didn't want to go up that fast. Sayin! Mahalo! Poodle TV has all the shows and movies you love streaming for free. That means laughter is free with gut busting comedies like The Neighborhood, Boomerang and Ferris Bueller's Day Off. Bueller. That means laughter is free with gut-busting comedies like The Neighborhood, Boomerang, and Ferris Bueller's Day Off. Mystery is free with countless cases to crack from Criminal Minds, Tracker, and Matlock. And thrills are free with heart-pumping hits like The Walking Dead and Pulp Fiction. Feel the free Pluto TV.
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