The Adam and Dr. Drew Show - Ryan Holiday, "Diamond" Dallas Page and The NBA Being Super WOKE (The Adam and Dr. Drew Show Classics)

Episode Date: June 22, 2024

On this episode of The Adam and Dr. Drew Show Classics, Adam and Drew have author Ryan Holiday on to talk about the fear mongering that happens in our society. "Diamond" Dallas Page joins the fellas t...o talk about DDP Yoga and Adam has his thoughts on the "woke" society in the NBA and how it's affecting the product.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome back to the Adam and Dr. Drew Show Classics. I am your host, Big Brother Jake aka Jake Warner, bugger in the name, and we are ready to bring you some of the best clips from the past. So let's get to it. First up for today is episode number 1137 titled Ryan Holiday, which aired on August 22, 2019. Author Ryan Holiday came on with the fellas to talk about our fear-based society and how we operate in said society.
Starting point is 00:00:33 So take a listen. So good news. Ryan Holiday is in studio. He's a bestselling author. He's got a podcast. He's sold millions of books he's a motivational speaker he speaks to professional sports franchise makes the NFL owners I mean he is a real deal stillness is the key it's available for
Starting point is 00:00:57 pre-order now on Amazon out October 1st good to see you again my friend yeah thanks so the Corolla staff already raving about it. Yeah, that was very cool to hear. They talk to you? Yeah. Yeah, they are into it. So I assigned them a couple more books for yours. Really?
Starting point is 00:01:12 Yeah. Oh man, that's the best. I made the obstacles the way, he goes the enemy. It's time. It's time for these guys to read this. So they can really start to adopt some, Adam is sort of passively a Stoic. Yes. He doesn't know it. They will line
Starting point is 00:01:27 up more with your philosophy, I think. 2. He's a natural philosopher. 3. Natural philosopher. 4. What is a Stoic? What's the definition of a Stoic? 5. Calls himself a philosopher warrior, but a philosopher king sometimes. But go ahead, tell them about Stoicism. 6. So, Stoicism is an ancient philosophy. It comes from Rome. We think epicurean means a hedonist, we think stoic means has no emotions, both total misreadings. So, there are four virtues of stoicism are wisdom, justice, temperance, courage.
Starting point is 00:01:57 That's the whole thing. It's basically the idea that we don't control the world around us, but we control how we respond and that's what we should focus on. So, do you remember how I met Ryan? No. Oh, no, let me think. Ryan, when he was on my podcast, said he met you at 16, I think. 18.
Starting point is 00:02:18 18. 18. My brain is weird. I remember odd and even. So, if you would have said, if you would have said not 16 I was said at 18, but I would have never said 17 or 15. I I know odd or even anyway He were um he approached you at an event. Yeah at that age Yeah, and they're reading that when I go well. I'm not sure you want to read this stuff It seems pretty boring, but if you're ready for it
Starting point is 00:02:44 I was reading the end Caribbean by Epictetus, but I don't remember where the event was or what? No, no, it was in Los Angeles. It was the weirdest possible event you could okay. It was a It was a conference put on by Trojan condom right for carless. Yeah and it was Was what's her name there too? Was there a woman with me? 05.00 No, it was just you. 05.00
Starting point is 00:03:10 Just me, okay. 05.00 All right, sorry. Being a Stoic is what values again? 05.00 Temperance. 05.00 Wisdom, justice, temperance, courage. So self-control, wisdom, so intelligence, courage, bravery, what am I forgetting?
Starting point is 00:03:23 05.00 Temperance. 05.00 Oh, temperance, so moderation. Right. Well. And justice. And justice, so do the right thing. I don't mind being wired that way, or being wired the way I'm wired. The thing is, is when you get hit with frivolous lawsuits, which I do get hit with, I don't
Starting point is 00:03:43 get angry, I get confused. I'd be like, and there's claims of racism. And it's like, how could you do this? How can people say, I don't know how people can do it. I get those like, I kind of get Al Qaeda. But when I have like a neighbor try to sue me and get $10,000, I'm like, you're a 44 year old professional guy. How can you do this? I'm sending a letter000. I'm like, you're a 44 year old professional guy. How can you do this? I'm sending a letter like I'm confused. Did that guy sue you? No, he kept threatening. I've had a bunch of these. But the point is, is I'm mostly
Starting point is 00:04:16 I'm confused on two ends. I'm confused that there's an adult who lives next door to me who is threatening this. I'm adult. I'm confused that there's another professional adult who's an attorney who's willing to write the letter for I'm confused by like I literally it doesn't make sense to me. But I'm angered by to some degree, but I'm mostly like I have no idea. What are you doing? Why would you do this? Like what do you do? Do you have mirrors at your fucking house? What happens when you pass one? Like how do you how do you used to get that way when when? Medical students wouldn't follow the directions or fall through on the things I asked them to do I'd be like what? Yes, I like I told you what to do. I know I have that too. This is even worse, but sorry go ahead Ryan
Starting point is 00:05:00 No, I was just gonna say are you are you surprised? Actually, like given everything you've seen in your life. Are you actually surprised? I am surprised I am discouraged how weak people are how how they have a Million and one thoughts and then someone tells them you can get eighty five hundred dollars for free and they go fuck it It's all out the window. I'm in whatever we got to write whatever we have to accuse I mean we just had on ACS two weeks ago I had Sean football player in here we'll figure it out the movie damn it Gary I'll figure it out.
Starting point is 00:05:41 Brian Banks? Not Brian Banks? Sorry Brian Banks sorry I have too names. Brian Banks is in here. Brian Banks... Brian Banks was an all whatever football player at the high school level. Cal Poly Long Beach. There's a movie out now called Brian Banks. And he's a phenom and he had a verbal commitment to go to USC in the 11th grade He was a big-time guy. He was going to the pros at some point
Starting point is 00:06:09 he eventually did first he had to go to prison for five years because a Classmate accused him of rape and he did not rape her. Yeah, and That's it. And she accused him of rape and he went to jail and this phenom athlete was pulled out of the 11th grade and sent to a prison. And she got 1.5 million bucks from like the school system and later on, like years later when he got out of prison, his parole and stuff like that, she was like,
Starting point is 00:06:40 yeah, I lied. I didn't lose my virginity until, you know, after what, you know, our little encounter and everything. But, you know, my worry is I don't want to give back the 1.5. So that's my dilemma. And I'm like, I am astounded that this person exists and that this person can watch this blue chip athlete rot in prison while he should be a star at USC and you just go about your day. Like I'm confused that there's that many of those people. Not stoics. She's not a stoic. What was it again? But in a way, in a way, hold on, was a lying cunt one of the virtues. I didn't, I ghost off a way, in a way, it was a lying cunt. One of the virtues I didn't I dosed off a
Starting point is 00:07:26 little I tuned out a little. But but but the almost the courage required to exist in such an insane world baffles us, you know what I mean? Like, like, how do you hear things like that? And then wake up and go like, I'm gonna be a good person today. When you know what people regularly get away when you know how low the actual standard of behavior as a human being that you could get away with is, I think it says something about us. We should be mildly pleased that more people are not just heinously awful.
Starting point is 00:07:58 Jesus. Yeah, I am. I'm also, again, seemingly decent people willing to transition to sort of semi-hanus for a couple of dollars is really insane. I mean, the other ones that get me all the time talking about football, but Ray Carruth's son is Ray Cruz coming out of jail. He's out of jail, probably, Ray Caruth. His son, I think he's a junior, sadly is very disfigured and in a wheelchair and can't operate, blah, blah, blah, because when his mom was, I don't know,
Starting point is 00:08:35 eight, nine months pregnant with him, she was shot multiple times. Because Ray Caruth got his 22 year old girlfriend pregnant and did not want to deal with her. And they launched a little plan where they would go to a movie and then they would make sweet love. And then they would get in the car
Starting point is 00:08:50 and they'd like, he'd follow her to her house and they'd stop on this dirt road and this other car come pulling up, trap the two cars and unload a clip into the car and kill the 23 year old who was pregnant nine months. Now, the part about the whole story that freaks me out is. All of it? No, the Ray Carruth part I'm not bothered by.
Starting point is 00:09:12 I'm bothered that he just found a guy. They would pack the car up. It was, he paid him like $4,500 and the guy, it's just a random 23-year-old who was nine months pregnant. It's like, yeah, well give me the 4500 and tell me what street we're meeting on. Like that guy, that's the scariest human being on the planet.
Starting point is 00:09:31 The Ray Carruth one is bad, but not as bad as just like, huh, what are we doing? Well, yeah, from movies you think hitmen are these sort of elite assassins that could paid hundreds of thousands of dollars. There's this like agency that sets up the hits and then it's usually a like okay someone for fifteen hundred bucks and and then they're they do a horrible job also it gets you get what you pay for
Starting point is 00:09:52 but i mean you literally for five for the price of a very used pickup truck you can get somebody killed it's insane that you're just folks floating around well one percent of the population has psychopathy One how much 1%? Explain that and then explain how temperance works into the whole psychopath is is a genetic biological phenomenon where people Literally don't have the usual connection with emotions or don't have emotions
Starting point is 00:10:23 Particularly not empathy and then you put drug addiction and all these other things on top of it, right? One person doesn't sound as good as three million Americans. They interviewed the guy. It's the same number. Right. Three million people are running around out there. The guy who, Gary knew that when he was going in, the guy who shot her like five times, she got to the hospital, they took the kid out,
Starting point is 00:10:47 the kid was severely damaged. She was there alive long enough to go, Ray Carruth did it. Ray Carruth showed up to the hospital with his new girlfriend to visit her. Oh my God. And the guy they interviewed, the guy they interviewed, they said, do you have any regrets? And he's like, I should have put a bullet in the bitch's head.
Starting point is 00:11:11 I just shot her five times through the car, but I didn't put one in her temple. If I put one in her temple, she wouldn't have been alive long enough to mention the name of Ray Carruth, or this was set up, or whatever. She felt like this wasn't an accident. That was his answer. Thanks. By the way, I know no one likes the death penalty. I'm in love with the death penalty.
Starting point is 00:11:35 I want this guy killed. Is that okay? Is that okay? We got him. He admitted it. It's him. That's what he did. That's what he does.
Starting point is 00:11:43 You're not rehabilitating that guy. No. The only argument against the death penalty in that case is the whatever percentage of the time we just get it totally wrong and we accidentally execute the wrong person. Yes, by all means, let's vet and revet once we've vetted. That's it.
Starting point is 00:12:02 I don't know what we want out of that guy. Conjugal visits? Welcome back to the Adam and Dr. Drew Show Classics. Up next we have episode 548 released on March 29th, 2017. The one and only Diamond Dallas Page joins the show to talk about the benefits of yoga and how it benefited him. Here we go. Well Diamond Dallas Page in studio. Good to see you my brother. Great to see you guys. Look how high he made my mic.
Starting point is 00:12:40 Well, I want you to sit up straight. So your yoga is water. DDP Yoga, this stuff is amazing and the app is available on iTunes and it's just a great story. I don't know if you saw the doc, the resurrection of Jake the Snake drew, but it is, boy, talk about a transformation. So, Diamond Dallas Page was beat up by many, many years of wrestling and so are many other guys by many, many years of wrestling. And it's probably the most unnatural thing you can do to your body. I mean, honestly. When you fall for the first time, like you got to fall flat, right? The first thing you want to do is bring your arm back. Like that's what everybody does. You start falling off your chair, you bring your arm back. When you bring your arm back like that's what everybody's you start falling off the chair You bring your arm back. We bring your arm back
Starting point is 00:13:26 You're gonna whack your elbow or throw your shoulder out so they make you like do like the craziest thing like the guys on all fours and you bring your hands on his back and You get your feet up in the air and then you just fall right? Yeah. Yeah, I remember I went to wrestling camp once with Jimmy and I remember doing a whole bunch of unnatural stuff. Jimmy, if you see that bit, he got thrown at the end and he got jacked up. He did not get up quickly. Nah, I felt bad for laughing. It made for good television. But yeah, it is one of these things where it is
Starting point is 00:14:03 unnatural and people look at it as, oh, this sort of violent ballet or something, but these guys are taking a beating. That's it. I mean, what's natural about ballet, though? Walking around on your tiptoes, man, but it's an art, you know? And really what we do is an art because we're trying to get you and just get that element of disbelief Like it was like those two like we were me and Randy Savage. Oh, yeah, the much old man, you know that guy
Starting point is 00:14:31 Snapping to his limb gym like he was amazing and he was a god for years when me and him wrestled together We were the few to year in 1997 and I'd have people come up to me all the time and go You know, I know this it's wrestling A lot of that stuff's fake out there, but you and Savage you hate each other. I loved him Yeah, but I hate him on TV. Well, it's it's a the Andy Kaufman thing, right? Yeah, we want to talk about a group though drew I mean you hear about NFL interior lineman and you hear about the abuse of pain killers and the life after
Starting point is 00:15:06 the NFL and so on and so forth but I don't know anyone who has a worse batting average in professional wrestlers in terms of drug abuse, joint stress you know I mean these guys I I more than it's funny because you think well football now there's a sport or, but you take football you take baseball You take basketball you take bull riding you take boxing you take MMA you take any sport And you show me the average guy ten years after he got out of the sport I don't think there's any guys worse off physically than wrestlers. Well they first of all we have no season I remember being when whoopie had
Starting point is 00:15:42 Well, first of all, we have no season. I remember when Whoopi had these Hollywood squares. So I was out for one of those. And someone's like, hey, did he pee? When's your season? When's your off time? When I'm injured. And when you're injured, you got to take pain pills and go out. And like see, today, the WWE's wellness, and I'm not blowing smoke, I'm shooting here,
Starting point is 00:16:03 they have the best wellness program of anybody because you can't even take a pain pill unless it's like it goes right through them. But back in our day, that's how we did that. And Jake in the movie, you know, he's addicted to everything. One night we're out. I became like Jake's gopher. Like I would do it whenever Jake because I wanted to learn from the master. And one night we were out after working and he throws a Percocet in his mouth and he chews
Starting point is 00:16:30 it up. And I think it's a Percocet but I'm not positive because they taste horrible, right? So I said, Jake, was that a Percocet? He goes, yeah. I go, why would you chew that? Those taste like shit. He said, goes right into your system. I seem to take a few. How many are you taking today? I don't know, nine, ten. Like not even thinking about it. Like that might have been 15 or 20. And I said, why are you taking so many? He said, they lose their potency after a while. So remember, I'm 36 years old at the time. I've just started. Like I started at 35 and a half. i'm thinking
Starting point is 00:17:06 i need those things to work and the reason why they don't work as well could you make some with us boos ever look at you get you get tolerant to them over time i mean i just have to ask the dose until you stop breathing and then you die that's it so we have a lot of guys going on in dallas page basically uh... you know how do you keep the weight off? Well, then, so then it becomes this horrible negative cycle, which is your joints are killing
Starting point is 00:17:31 you so you can't move. So you put weight on and now it's more stress on your joints. So how do you keep the weight off? How do you exercise? How do you get mobility back when you don't have mobility and so DDP yoga came about which I Just think sort of ingenious because that was the only way guys like you and a lot of these other guys who are essentially bad You couldn't hit the treadmill But you know for me it was all out of necessity because I'm that guy who wouldn't be caught dead doing yoga the first 42 years
Starting point is 00:18:01 Of my career in my life period period but when you start wrestling so late I'm the first guy to ice my body no one in professional wrestling iced their body for years and they're watching me do it put the ice on my knee wrap it up put it on my back what are you doing taking down the inflammation and they laughed at me I mean they had played a lot of fun with me on that. Today, trainers, they got it all. But back then, when I got to 40 and my career took off in 1996, I was on 270 nights a year hitting the mat. And it would be the equivalent of the main event mat that I was wrestling in, five, six car accidents in a match. And my body is taking a serious beating, but the
Starting point is 00:18:46 adrenaline of that 22,000 people and just the, you're living the dream at a whole different level. And it got to a point where now I'm like top guy in the world and I blow my back out. I just signed a multimillion dollar three year deal. I don't get paid if I don't wrestle. So three different spine specialists told me my career is over. Now this is where DDP Yoga comes from. And depression, you know, the whole deal. But I pull myself out of that because I don't stay depressed. I get depressed, but I don't stay there. I find that way to attitude of gratitude, to get myself out of that hole. Okay, what are we going to do? And I was married at the
Starting point is 00:19:24 time and she was like, you really need to try yoga. It could help you. She knows how I feel about it. So reluctantly I went down and she showed me a cup. No, I'm not doing that one. Nope, not doing that one. And I find the power yoga. Okay, I'll try that. I can't do anything. I can't do the moves. I'm so inflexible at the moment. And I keep doing it though. And I figure out the modifications. And in less than three weeks, I start to feel a significant difference.
Starting point is 00:19:53 Now I'm doing the rehab too, and I've had both shoulder surgeries, both knee surgeries. So I know a little bit about rehab and breaking up scar tissue. So I mix the rehab with the yoga positions. Then I throw in old school calisthenics, slow burn movement, because I can't go up and down. I can't hit the weights. I'm doing them on my knees. The push-ups where I lower for three, hold for three, come up for three, lower for three, hold for three,
Starting point is 00:20:18 then go into Cobra and the Down Dog. Eventually, I get off my knees. Eventually those three seconds becomes five, five becomes ten, ten becomes sets of ten. My body's getting stronger, like I can feel like I'm gonna get back in this ring. Less than three months. What is today known as DDP Yoga? I'm back in the ring. I feel the same way. I tell you, I feel about yoga the same way I feel about meditation, which is everybody... it's easy to make fun of, but everyone would benefit from it. And we talk to people all the time who are like, I'm supposed to get back surgery or whatever,
Starting point is 00:20:52 and it's like, just start getting into yoga, start stretching, start something, but anything but just go under that knife. The worst thing, man, and the Hulk has had eight back operations. Now, the guy who I've been reaching out to today big time though Tiger Woods one of the greatest athletes we know ever of greatest golfer He has had bad back problems, and he's had three operations like if I had got with him before he had that operation
Starting point is 00:21:16 I know I could turn it around because I just know what I'm doing and I've Yes, figured out a way to I don't I it's it, I mean, it's weird, but I do, look, I don't have back problems with everybody we've talked to that has them. I just don't know anybody who wouldn't benefit from this versus the knife. You had them when you were depressed, remember? I did. I did have them when I was, I had a combination of being depressed and, you know, working on a roof all day.
Starting point is 00:21:46 You fall off a scaffolding with a power saw. No I haven't I have not had a and I haven't had a back ailment since I started doing what I wanted to do. That wasn't wrestling, I was doing comedy so I didn't have to worry about it so much but boy there's a couple things with the back. when I was when I hated my job and I hated it with a passion I would wake up Monday morning at 615 and go I can't turn my head my neck felt like it's filled with poison I that's what it felt like we will say though what do you feel like I felt like there's poison in my neck like I can't if you stand behind me and say boo I have to walk around to see who you are. I'm not gonna turn my head.
Starting point is 00:22:25 I've been there. And Drew knows I'm not a puss. I have like a high pain tolerance and I was immobile. And I was young and strong. It's just that's where my mind was at. And the second I met Jimmy, the second I got on the radio, and the second I started doing comedy, I've never had another, back then I continued to,
Starting point is 00:22:43 you know, box and be active and do stuff. the way those stuff is really perpetuated today is with the painkillers right guarantees it as you said more than two weeks we were talking about that the other day more than two weeks of painkillers you're on it's game on now yeah I wouldn't well by the I was so poor and whatever I didn't even have a aspirin at my house so my neck didn't work I just lay back on my futon and hope to die. Like that was it. Been there. But this, again, like yoga is right up there with like meditation. Like if everybody just carved out a few minutes every day to do a little this and a little that, we'd have a much better society and everyone's back would be better too.
Starting point is 00:23:18 I can sign on to that. We'll be right back with more of the Adam and Dr. Drew show classics. Last up for today, we have episode 1179 titled, Uh-oh, Woke People, released on October 24th, 2019. Adam and Drew discuss how woke the NBA has become and how it's not a good look. Hey, I'm wondering if you had any thoughts about LeBron and NBA and China and all that stuff. Yeah. I mean, my general thoughts is I've been saying for a million years
Starting point is 00:24:14 Businesses corporations entities whatever Nike Volvo the NBA, you know, I've been really studying commercials advertisements is sort of what they're putting out there all the time, you know, and it's like Subaru No longer does car commercials. They do commercials where dogs just drive their cars to a puppy farm and everyone puts daisies in their hair. And I was pointing out that Subaru also makes military attack helicopters, okay? So where are all the vibes coming from?
Starting point is 00:24:44 You know what I mean? And Nike and everyone's where all the vibes coming from? You know what I mean? And Nike and everyone's down with the vibes. But I keep saying these companies, they don't have personalities. They want money. But they want you to think they're down. With what you're down with. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:57 It's us. They're gonna lick their finger. They're gonna stick it in the air. If good vibes are what's on tap and we're not talking about rust proofing or power train Warranties or anything then we're gonna talk about the cars are all kind of the same. They're all kind of good, you know, right? What price range you're looking at? Right? So the NBA is is down with you know being active socially active and the NBA, you know, uh,
Starting point is 00:25:24 if you're Steve Kerr and you're starting five players who are African American, you better be down with the cause or Popovich or whoever. I mean, if you're an NBA coach, I don't want to say NBA carry, 13 guys, 12 guys, 13 guys. If you're an NBA coach or an NBA owner and you're carrying around 13 players and 11 and a half of them are black, you better be down with the cause, you know?
Starting point is 00:25:54 And when Kaepernick takes a knee, you better take a knee too. It's a lot of that going around, right? Just good business, you mean? Yeah, it's just these guys are on a team, they gotta play for us. They're talking about they They're putting a fist in there 15 total 13 active. Okay, so 13 out anyway
Starting point is 00:26:13 most NBA teams if there's 15 guys on the team 11 or black so when there's black causes and you're the middle-aged white coach, what are you gonna do? Sure. So I get it That's that's business and then the NBA that's that's kind of business and you could even put a less Sinister spin-ons. These are his friends are working with every day supporting his body Really putting a sinister Inhuman spin, you know You got to get along and you they got to listen to you and you got to go to work every day
Starting point is 00:26:46 And yeah, sure. Okay, right. Okay. Oh look you live in California Yeah, would you put a Trump bumper sticker on your car? No, no, cuz it'd be you know Someone throw a rock at it. You got to get along. I get that and that's part of business. Yeah, so then the problem is Yeah, so then the problem is the problem is is a lot of the stuff you talk about is human rights and human dignity and Brutality and Oppression and all that by this state the United States by the United States, but
Starting point is 00:27:26 No one when they're talking about human rights or women's rights or gay and trans rights or whatever, they don't go limited to the contiguous United States, Alaska and Hawaii. They just go, I'm for all gay rights, I'm for all human rights, I'm for all women's rights. And then you go, okay, but what about female genital mutilation that's being performed routinely around, how come you're not whipped up about that?
Starting point is 00:27:54 And they're like, I don't know enough about that. It's like, all right, well, it's called female genital mutilation. How much you need to know? It's kind of right in the bumper sticker there. So should you be outraged at the region of the world or the countries that participate in that? I can't judge that.
Starting point is 00:28:10 Right, cultural relativism. Right. Now you're letting me know you're not as into it as maybe you said you were. Because if you're just into it and you're just consistent, then you're more outraged by female genital mutilation. I think you will find people justify that unjust position by essentially saying, well, I only have control
Starting point is 00:28:33 over my country, that's all I really understand, and no, and I gotta take care of my own thing, that kind of stuff. But you're right, if they really just cared about women and their rights, you should be outraged. Right. So the NBA is woke and the players are woke and many of the fans are woke, just like many people by Subaru are woke.
Starting point is 00:28:55 And so they want to cater to their woke crowd. So when something comes up like holding the All-Star Game in Charlotte or something and they voted down the third bathroom Then they go we're not gonna do this because we believe in rights and transgender rights and whatever now look the average NBA owner is a white billionaire who's 67 and four months. I don't know how strong his feelings are about the third bathroom and Don't know how strong his feelings are about the third bathroom and canceling the NBA game I'm guessing he's just going along It's a good business ride more the good business that you were talking about earlier But you're right to build that case I get that which makes me assume you're hypocrites
Starting point is 00:29:37 But also assume Subaru's full of shit as well, but that's just me but unfortunately as well, but that's just me. But unfortunately, Subaru doesn't really have to prove it. And the problem with something like China, and is it Hong Kong? Yeah, Hong Kong and the China situation is, uh-oh, woke people, now you have to prove it. Now you have to take this super oppressive regime because you're into human rights and
Starting point is 00:30:07 you hate the oppressors and remember you're super sensitive to this. Like I'll admit it, third bathroom, I don't really care. I'm not that woke. I don't like, you know, kids being separated from their parents at the border. Like, I'm not a fan. I understand what they're doing. The kids needed to be treated well. But I'm not so woke that I'm comparing it to Nazis and the Holocaust.
Starting point is 00:30:35 So I admit, I'm about a two and a half on the woke-o meter. But you guys are super woke. So whatever's going on in China, you're gonna blow your top. You're gonna be outraged because we've set the table. You're for human dignity and you're for human rights and oppressive regimes, guys like Trump, you've spoken out. So now when we get to a real oppressive regime,
Starting point is 00:31:05 you're gonna get a bullhorn and we're gonna hear your words echo from the valleys. But then you don't say anything and then you apologize. Didn't LeBron start by saying something and then had to apologize in words? I didn't even know the latest. I know one guy makes an innocuous tweet about standing with Hong Kong and he has to apologize
Starting point is 00:31:26 and then everyone has to apologize. And now I'm starting to wonder, is this about money? What? How could that be? But I thought you guys were woke. But Subaru, why do you make attack helicopters when you make puppy transporters? Hmm, how do we reconcile this, Drew?
Starting point is 00:31:52 Well, what this podcast has figured out is the NBA likes money. And if being woke gets them more money, then woke they shall be. Now, woke, when it comes to getting money gets them more money than woke they shall be now woke When it comes to getting money here in the states is great woke as it pertains to losing billions in China Well now we have a little different situation
Starting point is 00:32:17 Hollywood super woke Little sleepy when it comes to China. Yep, they haven't heard a thing, have they? No, because guess what? They like money. Just like they're super woke when it comes to paying taxes and paying more and everything else, but they all fly out of town and go to Atlanta. I mean, you know, the wokest of the wokest Samuel L. Jackson. I did a comedy gig there in January
Starting point is 00:32:46 His room was next to me. We're in Winnipeg He was shooting a movie for six months in Winnipeg all in Canada Okay, I get it your business and you should go to Canada and save on taxes or or save on Unions or save on whatever or save on unions or save on whatever. It's all fine. Spare me the fucking lecture. Spare me the fucking woke lecture where you're better than I am morally. Shut the fuck up, take your money from China,
Starting point is 00:33:18 take your money from Canada, take your money from New Mexico or wherever you're filming. Just shut up. Stop with your virtue signaling and hammering checks. So now you're put in a weird position. So now you're Steve Kerr who has opinions on everything except for you don't have any opinions on this.
Starting point is 00:33:38 You don't know. Steve Kerr was like a deer in the headlights. He pops off constantly about all the oppression here, but he really hasn't studied China. Well, they have gulags, they take Muslims, and they put them in camps, and there's like a camp with like a million Muslims in it. They're horrible, Steve Kerr. Now your turn. Still need more info?
Starting point is 00:34:07 Not enough? You know all about bad cops, you don't know anything about bad nations? Huh. And you readily give your opinion on everything. But this one you have to study up on. And by the way, you're going to study up on it and get back to us? Or you're just going to study up on it and never say another word about it? That's all for this week. Thanks for listening to the Adam and Dr. Drew Show Classics.
Starting point is 00:34:35 I've been your host, Big Brother Jake, host of the Big Brother Jake podcast here on the Podcast One Network. Remember to check back each week for new episodes. And while you're at it, don't forget to like, subscribe and rate us 5 stars wherever you get your podcasts. Deuces!

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