The Adam and Dr. Drew Show - The Feelings Hopper, Medicine Is a Dialogue and Jillian Michaels (The Adam and Dr. Drew Show Classics)

Episode Date: November 11, 2023

In this episode of The Adam and Dr. Drew Show Classics, the fellas break down religion and if it should be reintroduced into American Society, they discuss elected officials and their narcissism and J...illian Michaels stops by to talk about her lifestyle and what Adam and Dr. Drew can do to be more healthy.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hello and welcome to another episode of the Adam and Dr. Drew Show Classics. I am your host Big Brother Jake aka Jake Warner, mug over the name. Let's get into it. Up first, episode 1270 titled The Feelings Hopper, which aired on May 5th, 2020, Adam talks with Dr. Drew and they have a deep discussion about religion. And they asked the question, should religion be reintroduced into American society? Well, let's take a listen and see what they say. Is there a way or should we, based on what we were talking about on Monday,
Starting point is 00:00:44 should we be bringing back religion? Oh yeah. How do for me but yes no i've really been thinking about it it's it's the i think it's the cause of a lot of this thinking how do we do that i mean you gotta remember in the remember in the 80s when there was a lot of religious fundamentalism and that wasn't so great either you know You know, well, all right. First things first. It's easy to cherry pick what's negative about religion and or what's positive about religion. What I'm looking for is the the net, not the gross. You know, I just whatever comes out the other side. If society
Starting point is 00:01:27 is 2% better, then so be it. Okay. And then, you know, people kind of go, well, what about these pedophile priests? And I'm like, okay, we'll factor that in. You know what I mean? There's a factor. I don't know. It's like, look, you take something like the Boy Scouts. We've decided to basically get rid of the Boy Scouts. Okay. Now you can say, well, the Boy Scouts do this and the Boy Scouts do that. And we disagree with this and we disagree with that.
Starting point is 00:01:55 And I'll go, okay, but what's the net of the Boy Scouts? Is it a good thing or is it a bad thing? And they'll go, well, they do these five bad things. And I'll go, right, right. But they do 18 good things. So I'll live with the Boy Scout. Their plan is get rid of everything that disagrees with that. That's the death of math.
Starting point is 00:02:16 Yeah, that's the death of math. Math is gone in a cancel society. Right. One misstep, cancel. No matter how much good. Right. One misstep cancel no matter how much good. Right. So if the net of religion is good, then I'm fine with it. Which I believe it is. How do you bring it back, though? I don't understand how that will happen.
Starting point is 00:02:37 You know, I don't know. Maybe these UFO spottings will somehow bring it back. UFO spottings will somehow bring it back. I don't know. It's kind of an interesting thing. It's funny because Dennis Prager is a deeply religious guy. And sometimes people will say to him, well, what about your buddy Adam? He's an atheist. How do you square that? And Dennis just kind of goes, he's an atheist how do you how do you square that and
Starting point is 00:03:05 dennis just kind of goes uh he's okay like he doesn't need it like he doesn't need religion he's got his own it's kind of the ultimate compliment he's basically saying that guy can govern himself he's fine he's a good guy he's not going to hurt anybody uh i take it as a compliment anyway. My feeling is, is I like people feeling like they have to answer to someone or to something for their life or lifestyle or behavior. Yeah. And I don't really mean it in a, you know, very nuts and bolts kind of way.
Starting point is 00:03:40 I just mean like, have some faith, have some, have some thoughts. You know, Again, as we talked about on Monday, I think, you know, I just feel like it's easier to say goodbye to Nana if you think she's going to be reunited with grandpa. No, we've sort of been through it, but I don't understand how you reignite it. I mean, this country has been through these things called the Great Awakenings. Like there's been, I believe, three of them. And where there's this suddenly these religious revivals
Starting point is 00:04:09 and they're unique to America. I don't know whether they grew out of episodes like this or was it something else? I mean, people were already pretty religious even before the Great Awakenings, it seems to me. But it's like we have to bring back something, you know, from nothing. Yeah. It also kind of makes you wonder where the government's at with this,
Starting point is 00:04:34 you know, because when you think about religion is we're looking for sort of big protector, somebody to protect us to a degree. And I feel like in a way, government is the competition of religion. And you look at the way the government treated churches and synagogues and places like that versus, you know, liquor stores and fast food places. And they had a little different approach. You know, they were cracking down hard on and I'm not talking about, you know, crackpot preacher from Florida told the flock they're all going to get together and join arms i'm talking about guys in their car
Starting point is 00:05:25 doing you know tune into a am 11 90 and i'll preach in a mr microphone and you guys can listen in your car cops were showing up and breaking that shit up too like they seem particular i got a stringent i guess on churches and synagogues and religion and a little more catches catch can with some of the other aspects of this quarantine. And it's it's it is interesting to me. Also, I heard it's anecdotal, but I heard some woman who was running kind of a bootleg haircutting place. You know, you're just driving people underground. People it's not like people will not get haircuts. They'll know a guy who knows a guy show up at the guy's house like a speakeasy.
Starting point is 00:06:19 Give this give the knock and get the haircut in the guy's garage. You know, that's what you're going to do to people. You know, you you you install prohibition and people start making booze in their bathtub. That's kind of that's that's the way it's going to work. But this woman was interviewed and the question was asked, like, who are these people? Who are your clients? Like, who is showing up? Like, who are these people?
Starting point is 00:06:43 Who are your clients? Like, who is showing up? And she said it's mostly conservative religious people that are showing up. That's interesting. They seem to, because they have two things. I think a slightly different relationship with fear. Death. And a different relationship with the government. Oh. with fear and a different relationship with the government. Oh,
Starting point is 00:07:05 so when Gavin Newsom tells a super hard left guy, lock it down, he says, done and done. When you tell someone who's a little more right wing, maybe a little more religious or even a freer, just, you know,
Starting point is 00:07:22 you could, you could think libertarian type, lock it down. He goes, fucking, I'm taking a hike on that trail. Yeah. Right? It's like it's a different relationship with authority. I think what happens is if you're deeply religious, then God is the authority.
Starting point is 00:07:39 If you're an atheist, then Gavin Newsom's the authority. Right. Why do you think that, like, for instance, Western Europe does not have a lot of religion, but they also don't have these same psychological issues that we seem to have? You know, is it that they didn't have the same destroyed family systems and childhood trauma?
Starting point is 00:08:00 Or what do we think it is? I can't figure that out. I think, and I've never thought about it before, but Western Europe, religion, it probably took them longer to wean themselves off of religion. Just a theory. I don't have any numbers to back this up you mean in terms of their overall history yeah i feel like we came off religion faster well they they
Starting point is 00:08:36 fought a bunch of wars around religion too i think they burned themselves out you know we we came off of religion in like the last 10 minutes yeah yeah you know so we got the bends i we we came off of religion in like the last 10 minutes. Yeah. Yeah. You know, so we got the bends. I mean, we came off. I think I think you can. I don't wean is not the right word. But what I'm saying is, is if you slowly transition from a religious culture to a sort of an atheist culture, you can slowly transition to that. If everyone's parents were religious and we're not, the next generation are all atheists. That's going to be a little more chaotic. Right. And I think that's kind of what we're experiencing when, when we, when we grew
Starting point is 00:09:21 up in this country, I don't know, 70% of people said, yes, I'm some form of religion. Now it's 21% or whatever. That's a fast turnaround. Yeah. And because people, you know, I think we struggle like we struggle with soccer, you know. They go, why can't people play soccer it's like because our granddads didn't play soccer you know this is too new for us it's gonna take a little while you can't get used to it well i mean just just think about think about
Starting point is 00:10:02 what percentage of the country was religious when you were your kid's age and what percentage is now. And it just keeps dropping. So there's going to be changes. We went through an uptick for a while, it seemed like, in the 80s and 90s. And then it just, that was the end of that. Yeah, I guess. I don't know if there was an uptick or those were just big televangelists or on TV or like I don't I've never been religious, so I don't.
Starting point is 00:10:30 I don't follow it, but I do sense there's this great. Saying that I'll paraphrase here, but like when you stop believing in God, it's not that you believe in nothing, It's that you'll believe in anything. I wish that was mine. But my point is, is, yeah, all these people sort of worshiping the environment and food and veganism and, you know, Greenpeace and all this good. This is this all become anything now. It's its own.
Starting point is 00:11:05 It's anything. I mean, really think about that. Welcome back. And thanks for tuning in to the Adam and Dr. Drew show classics. Up next, we go to episode 1457 titled Medicine is a Dialogue. And that aired on August 5th, 2021. Adam and Dr. Drew go straight to the phones and have a discussion regarding elected officials and how many of them may be, wait for it, narcissistic. Check it out.
Starting point is 00:11:38 All right. Let's see. We got some phone calls. Yes, we do. We should get to. I'll just go to the top. We got some phone calls. Yes, we do. We should get to. I'll just go to the top. All right. Roll down.
Starting point is 00:11:48 Pablo, 31, Houston. Yes, mijo. Mijo. I just want to say long time, first time. It's absolutely awesome being able to say hi to you guys. You guys are rock stars. Thanks, Pablo. able to say hi to you guys. You guys are rock stars. Thanks, Pablo.
Starting point is 00:12:07 I was actually listening to the CDC figures. They were talking about Michelle Lewinsky just as an add-on. Probably also ties in with the question, but for context, I was on their website, and effectively the COVID-19 pediatric mortality rate data from January of 2020 to today is still less than the total influenza amount of the 2019-2020 season for kids. And it looks like they define kids as being from 0 to 17. 0 to 17.
Starting point is 00:12:40 Well, good to know. I guess you turn 18, you're an adult. Right. Gary was able to double-check those numbers from Wednesday. All right. What's going on, Pablo? Thank you. Yeah, I wanted to ask
Starting point is 00:12:54 you guys, like, you know, the theme of all roads lead to narcissism, and as we think about public policy and effectively electing our leaders, like, you know, what are your thoughts on, you know, should we be looking for candidates that essentially have low self-esteem? And, you know, might that be a better indicator of, you know, people in leadership positions? Yeah, I think so.
Starting point is 00:13:19 I mean, the first thing you have to, the first thing, you have to be able to go, well, here's what I think, but I'm not sure. Right. That's my impulses to do this. This is the problem with the world right now, this unwillingness to grow and be objective and to listen and change your opinion. That's weird that people don't do that. Yeah. Like the highest self-esteem person that's running anything is is laurie lightfoot of chicago like she makes she says insane things and then somebody questions her and then she gets
Starting point is 00:13:54 angry and then doubles down on it right that's her that's her deal she seems like the most self-assured insane angry but that's Narcissism because underneath that hard surface is a deep doubt. Oh, there better be. Everything she says is wrong. Yeah. Yeah. They just can't adjust. They can't be flexible.
Starting point is 00:14:18 They can't sort of learn. Yeah, yeah. They get exposed to shame and all kinds of things very easily. Right. Pablo, thoughts? Yeah. What are some of your techniques or maybe just observations, right? Like you guys are surrounded by tinsel town, right? So I'm sure you maybe encounter more of this behavior than, I don't know, places in middle America, right?
Starting point is 00:14:42 So, like, you know, when you come to, you know, think about D.C. and the policies that come from there and electing leaders over the whole country, like, what are some of the things you look for to, like, tease out, you know, these kinds of traits, right, which, you know, denote a narcissism and that, you know, they're probably, you know, they don't have the populace's best interest at heart, right? And maybe that's already a telltale sign that the vote might be casted elsewhere. To me, one of the telltale signs that gets missed is that they have nobility. They're coming to aid the homeless people and leave them alone.
Starting point is 00:15:17 And they feel so gratified by their own nobility that they're going to kill people. Well, the first, yeah, okay. own nobility that they're going to kill people well the first yeah okay if you start hearing the currently unhoused instead of homeless once you start hearing those buzz phrases it's done yeah because we know they're full of shit yeah now you're actually pushing away from the solution that way well what what you're doing is you're working some semantic argument instead of you know it's it's basically you know it's the contractor saying the foundation of your house is shot and then you say every home deserves a good foundation you know what i mean yeah listen i would just shot and you go i want to live in a world where there are no foundations it's like all right now i i can see you have no
Starting point is 00:16:04 interest in solving this problem i just entered of an author your answer needs to be what's wrong with the foundation what's it going to take how much it's going to cost how long is it going to do not explaining to the contractor that he shouldn't that using foundation is can be considered hurtful right once you start going down that road then we're no longer in the problem in the realm of problem solving we're in that so anyone who wants to discuss the language they're out because you're not into solving the problem yeah there you go these illegal aliens these are uh uh temporary uh unhoused and unemployed um uh indigenous people like all right oh we're not into problem solving yeah why would we be we're look i don't go i go the other fucking shop
Starting point is 00:16:53 and you know sean goes uh we gotta do something with this uh with the headers on the portion i go exhaust manifold okay now now we're talking about it's the same thing. He called it a header, I called it exhaust manifold. But I want to keep talking about exhaust manifold and why he needs to start saying it, because it could be hurtful to those who don't have headers, but who only have exhaust manifold. Whatever it is, we're not on the problem. The second the language kicks in, you're off the problem. Now we're talking about the language, which is their plan. By the way, they're not.
Starting point is 00:17:29 Look, you know, what have I told Eric Garcetti or Gavin Newsom? The city's going to get an extra $10,000 a year for every homeless person you take off the street from the federal government. Don't you think they would do something? Yes. Yeah. They do it with kids in schools. They do it with homeless.
Starting point is 00:17:51 They just, they're not motivated. The second you hear language, that person is signaling that they're not into the problem. I just interviewed an author who chronicled very clearly that the homeless rise is associated with the mass distribution of meth. And I started thinking, that's exactly right. Because everything is meth fentanyl on the problem. I just interviewed an author who chronicled very clearly that the homeless rise is associated with the mass distribution of meth. And I started thinking, that's exactly right. Because everything is meth fentanyl in the streets. Everything. Right. It's something like 80% meth now. And the meth will take you to the streets in about
Starting point is 00:18:15 two to four weeks. Right. And is anyone talking about meth? Is anybody discussing that? No, because the face of homeless is a mother who was gainfully employed for 30 years. And she has three children. And now the factory closes. She's forced to sleep on the sidewalk.
Starting point is 00:18:31 Too likely forced to sleep on it. I'm curious, like, as a thought experiment, what would be your thoughts on, and I know this is like, you know, no silver bullet. But, like, imagine if any, you know, kind of public serving official was unable to run for reelection, right? Would that already change the incentive structure, right? That now it's about your legacy. Right. And not about what are we going to do from day one to get reelected? Well, we just, like I said, Gavin Newsom just got 2 million bucks from the teachers
Starting point is 00:19:03 unions. You think, you think they're in the habit of just giving away money? By the way, should public unions be giving away money to Democrats or Republicans? Yeah, right. Doesn't seem a little weird. Yes. How about you let him make policy and you teach kids? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:19:19 Why are you paying him? Yeah, it's true. I mean, this isn't a truck driver's union. It's a public union. Yeah, it's one thing that, it's one thing if he wants your votes, but now you're handing him money.
Starting point is 00:19:35 I don't know. Maybe, Gary, you can find that story. Go ahead. Yeah, I've got that. It's right here. Knocking Doors Down, everyone. The Knocking Doors Down podcast aims to end stigma around addiction, recovery, mental health, serious mental illness. Caitlyn Jenner, Ric Flair, Bam Majer, experts, everyday people share the stories of managing addiction and serious mental illness with humor, vulnerability, honesty. Host Jason Lachance is in recovery from alcoholism. He also had a history of trauma in childhood.
Starting point is 00:20:02 He came from a home of addiction, sexual and emotional abuse. His co-host is Mike Narocki, who has managed substance as well and recovering. For a weekly dose of positivity, humor, and uplifting stories from those that have lived through the recovery of serious mental illness and addiction, subscribe to Knocking Doors Down, K-N-O-C-K-N-I-N-apostrophe, doors, D-O-R-Z with a Z, doors, knockingdoorsdown, wherever you get podcasts, or All right.
Starting point is 00:20:34 I'm going to roll some more calls there. One, two, rolling. Got a parenting question from Chicago. Hi, Guy. Hi, Guy. Hey, so I'm getting married uh she has a 12 year old son from a previous relationship and we can't get seem to get him to get involved with his peers he has no friends. He's had no sleepovers. And he's not antisocial. When we take him somewhere, he has no problems talking to adults, children, nothing. And it's just becoming apparent that he doesn't enjoy being in situations unless he's number one, he's in control. You know, we ask
Starting point is 00:21:23 him if he wants to go do something with one of his friends and he's just not interested how uh i'm not sure how is this is any of this covid related you're in chicago so you got the fucking retard light foot no it's chico california oh you're in Chico. Okay. Oh, okay. That's Kaylin. You're in Chico. Well, you're in California. Everything got shut down here, too. Is it any of that? Well, we're pretty free up here.
Starting point is 00:21:58 They were shut down for about eight months in the schools, and yeah, that had a big thing to do with it. They had an eight-month summer vacation to do yeah you know they had an eight month summer vacation to do nothing my son was starting to spend way too much time in his room sleeping in you know hanging out i mean kids can fall out of that they can fall out of that schedule like like like grandpa slipping in the tub you know what i mean like you go from spry to cling into life yeah fucking fast yeah it is you know it's it's kind of a crazy i'm going off on a on a philosophical whatever here but
Starting point is 00:22:33 it was interesting i was out in front of my uh condo the other day and it's like i looked at the some cacti that i'd planted small and's small. And they all look dry and shitty and whatever. And it's like, oh, man, I guess I need to water these things. They look fucked up. And I hit them with the hose. I hit them with the hose maybe two times. And I went down there this morning. I looked at them.
Starting point is 00:23:00 I was like, oh, they're back. Right. Like, it doesn't take much one direction or the next like nature's like you can go down fast you can pop up it's funny we were talking i think last show about how language is being manipulated and people are going so far in this weird direction i thought okay what is it going to take to get back i asked you that i think of the show and then i actually at the time was thinking to myself if we just lay up we'll automatically go back.
Starting point is 00:23:26 We'll go back to reality. Reality will always kind of push through. What do you mean lay up? Stop with the language bullshit. Just let go for five minutes and just – it won't stick. Yeah. So, all right. We're digressing. But the point is, is Mike, my son went down and he was like too much time in his room and getting up real late.
Starting point is 00:23:43 And he was like too much time in his room and getting up real late. And the moms, for some reason, I haven't figured it out. But as far as the neighborhood kids, it was the boys were in lockdown and the girls were not. Weird. Don't know. And your daughter was more anxious about it. Yeah. But they were out playing and slumber partying and doing everything. But the boys were like, so-and-so's mom won't let him out.
Starting point is 00:24:09 A lot of that. I had girls at my house all the time, but the boys weren't able to come over. So interesting. We'll be right back with more of the Adam and Dr. Drew Show classics. We are back with the final clip of this episode. We go to episode 1485, which aired on October 17th, 2021. Former Biggest Loser host and trainer Jillian Michaels stopped by, and she talked with the boys about how to live a healthier life.
Starting point is 00:24:40 Jillian Michaels is our guest. Dr. Drew, there's a coaster for you because I know you're not a coaster-oriented dude. I have to see a coaster. It's got to be in my field of vision. I understand. Yeah, you can't close your eyes and picture a coaster. No, I can't do that. That's too hard.
Starting point is 00:24:55 What do you see? Like clowns? When I close my eyes? When you close your eyes. Like if I said coaster and you close your eyes, you see waves. Waves, yeah. But not a coaster. Not a coaster.
Starting point is 00:25:04 Couldn't picture it. coaster and you close you see waves yeah but not a coaster not a coaster picture so if i told you draw me a picture of a coaster you couldn't do it unless i actually showed you like a coaster modeling or something like that all right sorry jillian no no i had to follow his example previously when he was like i'm just gonna put my water on my coaster and i was like oh yes yes yes modeling i was like aha modeling behavior is very powerful Jillian is is dutiful that's what we call her uh there's an app called the fitness app that's Jillian's app available for your iPhone or any of your phones at the app stores Jillian of course you all know Biggest Loser and all the fitness books and all the videos and everything else the
Starting point is 00:25:42 podcast as well uh so let's talk So let's talk a little fitness here. Oh. Let's talk about diet. Whenever somebody comes in from your neck of the woods, I always kind of go, I like to just go breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Okay. What do we think? Okay, so what do I think for everyone else, or what do I personally do?
Starting point is 00:26:01 Well, we'll take both. Okay. Do you think there is a universal everyone i kind of do okay okay hold on i think that look there's some discrepancy um and that's in my personal opinion based on what i've read and experts i've spoken to we do have a different hormonal response to food um and i think that that's microbiome because there have been identical twins that have different hormonal responses to food. And that's the only explanation that I know of.
Starting point is 00:26:35 And I've been learning more and more about it because I think it's so fascinating and it impacts so many different aspects of our health. However, I get a little nervous when we start saying like oh it's different for everybody well because then people feel lost and it's like they're very susceptible to shysters and it's like look at the end of the day so there's certain things we can say generally yeah yeah and at the end of the day i can i can make it pretty darn simple and i'm not saying easy don't overeat know, don't do that. Move your body as often as you can.
Starting point is 00:27:09 It doesn't need to be bananas. Eat less, move more. Yeah. Thank you. Use common sense with your food choices. Like a Dorito is not food. I have noticed that just conscious eating, period, helps people adjust. No matter what they're trying to adjust to, just being conscious
Starting point is 00:27:25 as opposed to just putting shit in your mouth to gratify. It's really interesting to me. As I've gotten older, I've noticed that's a really significant piece of the story. It's like whatever you're going to do, even if it's just you're going to throw the calories down a little bit or you're going to lower the fats or lower the carbs, whatever it is,
Starting point is 00:27:42 just that conscious decision and doing it makes a huge difference for people. Oh, I think because you're paying attention for the first time. It's like your eyes are finally open. You're like, holy crap, there's a million calories in that drink. I mean, it's not when I hear the Taco Bell bell, I have to run to Taco Bell. Is that how we work? Well, you know, I just had this thought, but maybe I'll take the diet and I'll move it over to some things that are a little more in the zeitgeist, like, you know, politics or news or things like that, which is this.
Starting point is 00:28:17 Now we're living in an age where we have all the information at the tip of our fingers with our smartphones but we're going to have to enable it a little bit yeah it's like having access to fast food and grubhub it's all right no no that's not um this is a little more subtle than that which is if you turn on the news and you hear him saying you know joe rogan's eating horse paste to try to cure himself of covid that's your cue to stop and go what is this horse paste like is he eating horse paste like what is this thing they're talking about you take a quick 10 10 seconds on your phone and you'll you can get a clearer picture of what is going on yeah and i think so. I find there is so much misinformation out there about this stuff. There is.
Starting point is 00:29:06 It's staggering. And there's so much agenda out there. But see, to me, it's kind of in the labeling. And so I'll tie it together with this as it pertains to nutrition. When you see the nature's bounty spread, natural, whatever, butter substitute something, and it's green, and there's a you know, butter substitute something. And it's green and there's a little girl chasing butterflies on it. It's from Wholesome Valley, except for they're in Muncie, Indiana.
Starting point is 00:29:36 You know, you can turn it around and look at the label at that point. Because they're pushing you. They're kind of pushing you a direction. You know, they're calling it Nature're kind of pushing you a direction you know they're calling it nature's own green valley wholesome right spread and you got to go what are they doing like why you know like so i have found that like butter just just plain butter is it carries gold you know what i mean but it's not nature's wholesome blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. They're trying to sort of manipulate with words.
Starting point is 00:30:08 So like take a moment, read the thing, see that it starts with hydrogenated soybean oil and go, wait a minute. Yeah. Now, wait a minute. The back doesn't seem like the front. Right. And do the same thing when you turn on the news, when they're pushing this and pushing this. Like, stop and go, well, maybe there's something more to this. It's a little more nuanced. So you're sort of deputized now. You know how many people I see drinking, you know, Arizona iced tea? And they think they're just, I'm not drinking a Coke with lunch. I'm drinking iced tea.
Starting point is 00:30:43 Iced tea is what grandma made. You know what I mean? And it'll say, like, all drinking iced tea iced tea is what grandma made you know i mean this is it'll say like all natural iced tea or something like a all natural iced tea i'd be a fool to be drinking grape soda that i know is bad but this is says all natural iced tea turn it around look look at the calories see if it's any different than the grape soda or see what the first ingredient or second ingredient is on it. Like that because, you know, Madison Avenue and the guys who make all this stuff figured it out pretty quick. We're going to write natural and nature and bountiful and wholesome. And we're going to put a lot of imagery and honest, a lot of positive imagery on the label. But that should be your cue to turn around.
Starting point is 00:31:29 It's sort of like you fly the air. We fly coach. It's like, do you want comfort plus? There's a crazy euphemism. It's coach. Your seat reclines another 360 and so on. There's nothing comfortable about this. it's it's it's coach when your seat reclines another three sixteen seven inches there's nothing comfortable about would we put it under the general heading of things being too on the nose
Starting point is 00:31:50 yeah i mean it's like death protests too much it's just too much it's it's on the nose it's like it's it's you know again the flowers and the girl chasing butterflies i bet if you took the nose for me what's really going on i bet if you took 10 products that we would all sort of, or Vinnie Tortorich or whoever would endorse or sign off on, and you looked at the labeling, a lot of it would just be the name, the name of the company. Not a bunch of
Starting point is 00:32:15 overcompensation. And then the other ones that have all the sort of pretty words on there, there's a reason. They're compensating. It's really the whole topic of headlines. Right. It's headlines.
Starting point is 00:32:28 Headlines are a fucking mess. Right. Whether it's on your butter or on your news feed. On your butter. Yeah. See, I like to tell people what to look for, but in some cases it's inaccessible. So, for example, I'm like,
Starting point is 00:32:43 oh, when it comes to your dairy, I want you to look for the organic seal. Because then we're removing a lot of the bad stuff. But when people can't afford it, then you've got to take that education a little bit deeper. But you can sort of
Starting point is 00:32:57 there's what to look for and what not to look for. If you have the luxury of what to look for, grass-fed, organic, and then calories, that's my dairy game, check. But when you don't, it's definitely a little more complicated. You got to be way more savvy. What's your breakfast, lunch, and dinner, or is there even breakfast? Because a lot of people nowadays skip breakfast. I know, right? So for me, I definitely do a 12 hour and sometimes 14 hour fast, not for weight loss. I don't even understand it as it's not a weight loss thing unless you just have a shorter window to eat. So you eat less food.
Starting point is 00:33:37 But I do it for anti aging so that my body isn't processing food. I've you know, I've listened to everybody from like David Sinclair talk about it. I've been able to interview lots of great scientists on it. So I create a 12 to 14 hour window where I don't eat. You know what? That's interesting because I heard plenty of people fast for aging, but I don't hear people very often using the 12 to 14 hour window as an aging, but it makes perfect sense that it would be helpful.
Starting point is 00:34:02 I can't fast. I can't do it. So there's also, look, there's the science and then there's who you are so to me i'm like i can't make it like i will literally fall apart um so i think to myself like if i create it's enough stress 14 hours probably enough it's you know i've there's studies that say like it's all beneficial um so i'm how did i do I can't get to 16 even, but I didn't even have to cheat to 14. So I don't do the MCT oil,
Starting point is 00:34:29 but it was explained to me that when you trigger the metabolic pathways that are triggered by protein and carbohydrates, that will throw you off, but fat doesn't. So I'll do heavy organic whipping cream, little bit in an organic coffee in the morning and that gets me to 14 hours yeah then i i do have breakfast by the way check for us yeah we're all in three in agreement on that yeah oh good okay um which is interesting
Starting point is 00:34:56 right and then i get all three macros uh and every meal so it it could vary. Sometimes I have organic yogurt with like, and I go a little, you know, cocoa nibs and walnuts and cinnamon on top. And the manuka honey, like I'm a bit of a nut with the food. The fitness, I'm not the food.
Starting point is 00:35:15 I'm a bit like, I like my food to be really clean, especially like as I've gotten older, um, it's more and more important to me. That's all for this week. Thanks for listening to the Adam and Dr. Drew Show Classics. I've been your host, Big Brother Jake, host of the Big Brother Jake podcast here on the
Starting point is 00:35:33 Podcast One Network. Remember to check back each week for new episodes. And while you're at it, don't forget to like, subscribe, and rate us five stars wherever you get your podcasts. Deuces!

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