The Adam Friedland Show (Cumtown) - Ep. 141 – Na Trioblóidí

Episode Date: February 7, 2019

stavs back baby. baby back ribs. bbq sauce...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 fuck it baby we're live what's up everyone we're back in the booth no headphones no headphones mind them so really hope the sound's not fucked up wild west on this one but if it is hey suck my fucking dick you know I will Smith on wiki wow wiki wiki wow wiki wow wild wild breasts were you mad about me eating on the show I'm not I'm just finishing up some Chinese food I had from yesterday what is that no no it's not it's from yesterday so it's fine well it's you ate yesterday I'm just saying I'm having I'm just finishing something up from yesterday okay that
Starting point is 00:00:41 makes sense I'm not you're not eating I'm not well it's not like a new yeah starting new meal I'm not having I didn't like start cook something you not no I'm just wrapping was just wrapping something up that's great because you weren't eating for probably the 40 minutes we've been here seemed like a good opportunity to have dumpling well I just I wanted to just finish something up yeah really I said something I gotta take yeah you just had to finish it up no I don't think I get that that makes sense so we're back I'm back from California Arnold style Arnold style California California that's Arnold
Starting point is 00:01:25 baby I don't know personally here of mine I don't know about you guys Schwartz Schwartz that you know in German that that means no no no well in German it actually means say the end no it doesn't mean say the end words for it says like also the whole it's just double people point that out double the n-word yeah which is fun if you're gonna have the n-word name don't pussyfoot around it go double n-word although Germans hated Jews in the first part isn't that the n-word in he's Austrian or whatever it's in Yiddish which is kind of German yeah oh Yiddish is a type of German Schwarz it just means black okay how about shit
Starting point is 00:02:08 ish that's what I call it take that with your bullshit language wait Yiddish is sort of German slam German sort of Hebrew slam dunk kind of ironic huh mm-hmm I gotta get a timer going here sorry why do you think I don't know the big German the big Jewish modern Jewish like a black guy doing blackface like a Chinese guy like a Mexican gets employee of the month and never sleeps he's got an eucalyptus isn't it ironic like a Jewish guy who's bad with money racist a lot of spores like in the end he's not a creep and he's good with women shots out to racist a lot of shots out the Liam Neeson oh yeah got a friend of the show
Starting point is 00:03:27 Liam so yeah he said that he was racist 30 years ago yeah yeah I found out somebody's shoplifted some bazooka joke for my friend store and I was fooled with a rage I was fooled with a rage that sent me out under the streets just hoping some black bastard would ask me what time it was so I could clock him over the head with a show lately what the fuck did he say what was he a caudal what no yeah he said some sort of weapon that I didn't know what I don't know some cuz kind of like gay like weapon that's only used for hate crimes yeah right well son and then we use this one though the Chinese first moved your great
Starting point is 00:04:15 grandfather my friend my friend told me that black bears was placed upon her by a Chinaman I went out on the streets that night with a wand hoping to stab some Chinaman in the eye just my eye-stabbing wand like every Irishman I have an eye-stabbing wand yeah that's that's an Irish bar mitzvah this is your first hate crime yeah that's all Markey Mark was doing man of course black guys are in Ireland there's the guy from thin Liz whoever plays on Celtic there's probably a center back I went out trying to beat up the guy for oh what yeah whatever I went up trying he tried just looking for the guy yeah he was
Starting point is 00:04:59 trying to beat up the guy man I don't know man I don't know man yeah Liam Neeson fucked my ass tonight what a funny thing to say in an interview I know for no reason by the way it didn't feel like they pressed him on it well I know and it's because it's like Liam Neeson has been at home watching all these things happen in the culture like saying to his wife or whoever he lives with he's like his wife got got by the Lord oh really she yes she died and I think that sent him down she got murdered by God yeah but when everyone died anyone dies they get got by God my wife was killed by God I was so mad I
Starting point is 00:05:34 went out looking for the first black bastard I could find just a smash his face in my my Gula Brecht there's my Irish pet rock that I used to throw through the fucking warbler bone you really didn't need to say that but what do you do if you were racist 30 years ago you say you weren't racist 30 years ago and then they find out you're racist you can probably say look we're celebrities we get it yeah as you know as celebs as celebs you have this impulse to chime in mm-hmm and it is never the correct I never make my opinions on anything known yeah I have none I'm dumb as shit
Starting point is 00:06:17 have I considered a hate crime you'll never know I don't know maybe a couple opinions known here's the thing you can say you should be racist don't say that you would try to the street is like the outrage about what he said was that like he went on the streets hoping some black I would provoke him so he could hit the guy back and like no one's I at least I haven't seen it mad at like the implication that black people just go around assaulting whites right they're mad that he says he would have retaliated yeah yeah yeah so it's like the implication that that would happen is worse than like him saying he would beat
Starting point is 00:06:56 something he's just describing defending himself yeah and that is a very meathead thing like that is a very I wish a motherfucker would yeah you know that's a all Liam was there with me yeah but I mean I wish your mother fucker would is fucking everywhere every group of people that's what I mean that's what the internet is is sitting online saying I wish your mother fucker would yeah he's just verbalizing that yeah that's very in fact he's if anything he's stealing Guido culture yeah that's very yeah bro would you would you say bro mm-hmm you look at me bro yeah that's the moment he was wishing for well it's funny because
Starting point is 00:07:31 his Liam thing is keeping that Jussie's smallest story in the news why because they kind of they work in tandem because like the whole argument is that like nobody's just going around looking for like gay black guys to beat up and then Liam Neeson is like I went around looking for gay black guys I would take any kind of I was hoping for a gay one because they'd be easier to beat up I had read online that there is a week as they're called Young Bucks yeah I was hoping it was rare gay black man trying to rape his way into straight them going to like a fucking black hospital
Starting point is 00:08:16 someone on chemo to fucking look at him funny take that black that's for a brand hospital with black people it's an all-black hospital maybe like an HBC so hospital people all over the world how you doing I'm Dr. Don Cornelius welcome to Seoul Hospital where the only medicine is flavor come on man I just need insulin please stop dancing just stop dancing at me man just give me the insulin and our guest tonight is Peebo Bryson got the system featuring Shaka Khan
Starting point is 00:09:02 Universal hospital welcome to whole train busy all over the world I would love to I'm I'm Dome Dome Cunt Edie you some of the finest flyest pussy Eden and dick-sucking there is an entertainment today it's just a bunch of people clapping and like sucking each other's it's your birthday so what's your name who your crew so that's what happens to the black is like what the fuck is going on they're just dancing what is this rape which one of you is the rapist how about a
Starting point is 00:10:06 sequel called Schindler's pissed goes around he's under the impression that Hitler was black he's like I've he killed six million of my friends I rode Germany and now I'm going around Germany black bastard but some sort of weird Irish charm brick with Gaelic scriptures I don't know I don't know what that word was yeah I didn't even read enough all that I just saw the headline yeah it's enough for me man that's how I take my news in yeah eldest eldest said no facts only feeling baby that's it I like the sense so I'm the reverse bench of Piro baby I don't even make it all the way through a headline anymore
Starting point is 00:10:50 I'm half the headline that's right unless there's tits at the end of it you know I'm saying I don't know this just the smaller thing it's like insane no so what is it I missed I've missed every anything that's happened last week I've been on drugs for so I haven't in la la dude I've been on yeah I'm gonna I'm gonna be sober after this I do my brain got too much shit going I was on edibles every day I was doing acid and shroomies fun time by the way shots out to everyone who came out to see me in LA them shows rocked my cock off the large room shouts out my boy Grog off thank you for that shit well if you want an update
Starting point is 00:11:30 yeah what happened so well the initial story was that he got jumped by two guys screaming this is maggot country dressed in all black he couldn't tell what race they put a new surrounding they put a news around his neck beat him up broke broke his ribs damn so then the police are involved and it seems like the Chicago Police Department from the jump was like this was bullshit but because it's so politicized they're like we're gonna just investigate the shit out yeah yeah yeah prove without it religion prove without a doubt that this guy is lying before they even like suggests that really yeah that seems
Starting point is 00:12:04 very blacks rule like that what that guy that guy that graffiti that blacks rule graffiti so they pulled all this security footage and there's like a 60-second window where he's not on camera there's nobody else like there's two people of interest that they were looking for who are just the only other people that happen to be in the area anytime not wearing the hat yeah well there was never a claim that they were wearing the hat no no one ever said they were wearing the hat somebody said that they or the report was that they yelled this is maggot country which was corroborated by his manager who was
Starting point is 00:12:41 supposedly on the phone with him at the time of the assault and he the manager heard the guys say this is maggot country over the phone Chicago is that's what they said that's with these guys yeah Chicago this is maggot country anyways there's like 60 seconds or less that he's not on camera so he disappears from camera and then reappears like 60 seconds later still holding the sandwich from subway walking into his you know hotel with the noose around his neck they're like the rope just sort of draped around his neck oh he kept his sandwich though he kept his fucked up looking is his face fucked
Starting point is 00:13:15 up I don't they never released the only video that's been released is that's still image of those two persons of interest he wouldn't like show the police his phone records to prove that he was on the phone with the manager and because he's like not under investigation they can't I mean they would have to get like a subpoena to get phone records which I wouldn't be surprised if they're like just doing right because it puts it like it puts the Chicago police department in a difficult position because they're racist and they like yeah had a secret prison where they torture black so for there to be
Starting point is 00:13:53 like a major hate crime on a celebrity in Chicago and the CPD did like instantly say this is a hoax right you gotta do you do they also can't like even like intimate that from the get-go but it's also like I wouldn't put the pat put it past them to investigate this with the intention of like disproving that it happened right that's why like you can really only look at the evidence in the in the case and so far what they've like you know pulled up is that there's no there's like no evidence of this attack yeah that'd be tough to go back to with the Indian guy and this guy these both being what that'd be that'd
Starting point is 00:14:31 be a tough back-to-back on the liberal shit you share it really stories it really wouldn't drum guy to this guy because a couple tough they won't acknowledge it if if like they prove without a doubt that it was a hoax the media won't acknowledge it there may be like a small correction but this will be a thing because the the thinking is going to be like well we won't address this because this will give like you know creed install this like fake news stuff or whatever and just be thick throwing gas on the fire but it doesn't matter because they've already lost all the people that are like observing this
Starting point is 00:15:03 casually like a lot of people think this story is bullshit you know a lot of people don't but like all I've seen is that I didn't even like it seemed weird to me but I didn't look into it at all and it seemed like it was real from the amount of people you thought this was real I mean I didn't know what the fuck was going on it just what I'm saying is prayers up yeah it seemed like some guy got fucked up and I didn't look into it at all so it appears that it's real from like yeah it just seemed yeah it just seems like because it real people are talking about it and I wasn't paying attention to it at all like I said I was
Starting point is 00:15:35 I mean I know it's like a garbage metric 2 a.m. and it was negative 20 degrees outside and they had a noose and bleach on them that's what he said yeah that's that's a lot going on so wait the guy didn't get fucked up or he did get fucked up or what the only the only image of him fucked up is him like FaceTiming somebody it's a still image of a FaceTimer there's like some small cut under his eye which doesn't look like it's there when he's in concert like three days later where he also had to like clarify that his ribs were never broken and he was never hospitalized so those parts of the story got walked back
Starting point is 00:16:14 like immediately so now there's no there's no like brutal beating anymore oh interesting and he's saying he bit they bit him that's now the story is that he was he bit him they said this is maggot country let me get a little taste of this though this is a maggot country but I would love it if there was a racist going around biting people like a like a six-year-old get out yeah this is our country home but yeah that's a weird story yeah that sounds fake yeah no I mean it definitely sounds fake it's just that like but then the that there's no real evidence that it is fake though I mean cuz it's like to say like oh wow
Starting point is 00:16:59 there's only 60 seconds where he's not on camera it's like getting your ass kick can happen pretty oh very very run up and jump somebody that's like 15 seconds yeah if you count that out in your head it's like not is really long time it does not take that long to run up fucking stomp somebody's head in yell something and run away and if the guys like shook from that happening I can see him just getting up and like taking his bag and going into his hotel room yeah there's no reason why he would need to you know people like he didn't take the new stuff right away all of that I buy you know if that were to happen yeah
Starting point is 00:17:30 it's just it like what are the odds that it's this fucking short window and it's also the if it's fake original details of the case it's like you know some guys would wander around Chicago you know about it like if he was being stalked for a while maybe it was the other thing the neighbor said she saw like some redneck you know wearing like hunting socks with a rope you know hanging out his apartment like hours earlier a couple hours prior well the police look into that there's zero surveillance footage of the guy the description of the person hanging around the apartment doesn't match the one Elmer Fudd it's
Starting point is 00:18:04 just yeah it's just the neighbors just like making shit right you know and then the ropes she described like like different significantly from like the one in the you know that they collected and brought into abbey it was a sweet right here the rope she saw was awesome I am the only one that gives a shit about this story yeah nobody fucking I don't care but whatever who gives a shit if he made it up he's good he's fucking no one will talk to me about it I have to force people to listen to me this is Emmett Till all over again right yeah well that bitch made it up yeah no I know I know I'm just I was I was saying
Starting point is 00:18:51 like maybe he just sweetened it maybe it was like they did fuck his ass up but they weren't like where would he get a country well now the cops are like he was just carrying around a rope the cops are going through security footage from like every hardware store in every place that sells ropes like yeah we're gonna figure out who bought this rope dude I would be if I was him and I made this shit up I'd be like nice it's actually all good well I mean he better hope they don't find him because if like the cops are going to the extent if they think that he's lying yeah and they're fucking wasting the resources to go
Starting point is 00:19:27 through all that footage yeah to find somebody buying rope at a hardware store it's like that's not the kind of shit that they just might have just had rope right what do you mean so the guy who did it could have just had rope that's the other thing too is that you come in from the other angle it's like I understand like like even like the the Sadie Doyle shit where you go on Twitter and you're like I was on my way home and three Bernie Bros came up and called me a slut obviously that didn't happen I just happened to walk past a Bernie Sanders rally and they were chanting kill all women you know like
Starting point is 00:20:04 that's one which is why I support him by that's that's one thing yeah like saying you got beat up and jumped and calling the police and involving all these other people like that doesn't make sense yeah it doesn't show it isn't saying it's fucking way too much effort yeah yeah yeah he probably I don't know I don't care I'm saying I probably get fucked I think it was probably I think I think and I think this is you use Occam's razor here yes you had the rope as he was kidnapping a young boy to rape as we know all homosexuals are pedophiles he was kidnapping the young boy who bites people children yeah he
Starting point is 00:20:42 got bit he was on the phone with the manager who was like describe his body let me hear more about this boy that we're taking back to the island and you know the boy ran away or whatever and that's why it doesn't show up on camera because he's so small little right he's so tiny yes absolutely yeah he was trying to say grandma but it sounded like maga yeah right you know start a second podcast like a serial style podcast dude I was just saying this the other day I would love to do extremely high production value true crime podcast yeah where I go like I pick up some small town and I've picked some
Starting point is 00:21:22 unsolved mystery and I fucking interview everyone and then I just accused them all of being child rape every single person I interviewed but there was something off about Mark something in his demeanor is it possible that he rapes children the grieving father serial yeah in the next episode of serial I just never gonna see her grow up I mean we're not gonna did you rape your daughter what the fuck I was in a rock when it happens but we looked it up we get that Don Shipley got yes I looked it up it's true not only was he in Iraq he is a Navy SEAL he is in fact a Navy SEAL I don't know that guy
Starting point is 00:22:13 don't you that you see no Don Shipley is the the guy that does like stolen valor of it oh yeah the former Navy SEAL who's like hairline starts like on the bridge of his nose yeah I'm jealous yeah no his hair starts it's like right above it's it's it's I mean it doesn't make any sense no not like him burns Kim Burns is a little doll wig we looked into this guy and it turns out his story is bullshit he's got this like weird like central PA it is so funny when they just just a clearly retarded person in a bus yeah yeah I was on the Navy SEAL yeah there's like an inch that's weird inch and a quarter that's a wig
Starting point is 00:23:02 that's no it's not a wig he just has a low hairline no that no one's hairline looks like that Don Shipley's does dude don't fucking are you saying don't just Valor don't disrespect stealing he's stealing first of all getting a hair piece is not stealing Valor yeah okay if I'm first of all I don't have one and I never will I'm just saying philosophically speaking yes there is nothing wrong with put you know augmenting your natural state with a wig or you know you comb your hair don't you yeah you let you care about how it looks right I don't comb it you comb it no you wash it now we got a letter from
Starting point is 00:23:45 a viewer that said that my hairline is stolen Valor so I looked into it I don't think it's here you shut up well you think that I do you think that if someone prefers a man with an uncut dick do you think that I could say that that's ableist yes right yes is my disability is that I have Jewish I'm without foreskip you're Jewish well you can bet on it at bed yeah you can bet on on whether or not having a foreskin is ableist and by the way let me say something I've never no one has ever preferred it there's people have been like well that's fun and one girl refused to suck me off Jewish by the way
Starting point is 00:24:29 because of my foreskin what a bitch wasn't she was a bitch I heard somebody wouldn't suck off my fat friend and his tiny uncircumstitiously and I went out looking for the first black bastard avenge me avenge me Liam avenge my dryly jacked dick I went out to beat up the first black bastard yeah you can bet on that shit though bet the the premier sports betting website over 20 years in business mm-hmm folks Don Shipley here this is not a celebrity impersonation nor is Don Shipley a celebrity he is an individual who I'm a YouTube account with a YouTube account who I'm claiming is here
Starting point is 00:25:21 right now at the using his likeness without permission bet the si completely supports the use of Don Shipley's likeness without his permission it'd be great if it is a guy that goes around like outing fake Navy seals just as somebody pretending to be him that is not the real Don Shipley my name is Don Shipley the real Navy seal I'm gonna make an account outing Don Shipley that is the fake Don Shipley I am the real Don was he a Navy seal yeah he was a Navy seal okay that makes sense allegedly that would be such so lame if he wasn't in the army at all and he was just like it would make more sense the Army seals baby
Starting point is 00:26:06 the Army seals dude if he was a liar he was trying to out off the other lie yeah that'd be perfect no man snitches dude fuck snitches I would just I'm waiting for him to just like go political you know yeah he's like today we check to see if Christine Blazy Ford is stealing Valor I pulled her military records turns out she was never even in the army everyone knows that women only get raped in the army don't leave Don it's you know certainly it's one of the preferred destinations well that's it for today's episode yeah and you can put money on it you can bet money on that's that money
Starting point is 00:26:50 on it at the wounded bet money on the wounded warrior project at bet the si com they got 24-7 customer service call them up bitch hey I just wanted to say you never have any reason to because their service is perfect perfect and they pay out winners got an award-winning mobile app didn't use it anywhere live in game winging automobiles even in a heat of combat I remember using the bet the si app when I was 20 20 feet underwater playing explosives underneath the Chuck E cheese and Bowie and Wilmington Delaware they got one on the waterfront we planted explosives under the ball pit why were you doing
Starting point is 00:27:36 that so yeah I don't know I don't want it that's top secret civilian lives were taken there that's tier one class or you want official orders operation risky business listen shut up for a second here listen okay sorry man yeah award-winning mobile app they got 24 7 customer service the website is bet the si that's one of the key pieces of information about them one of the one of their website one of those interesting things about them it's actually bet is that that you can go to that side you don't have to put in WWW no what happened to WWW or the HTTPS colon backslash backslash whatever I
Starting point is 00:28:30 feel like that that shit they used to tell you to do it mm-hmm well you can bet on everything and they offer live in-game wage ring you can make plays throughout the entire games and events wow here's what we're going to be betting on this week the you got the Lakers miss so when you sign up make sure you come 120 so they know we sent you that's CUM 120 when you sign up you've got some options you can just play and cash out or you can take the bonus money which is like getting a casino cop up front before he played at the table 1600 cash it has a roll over requirement but it's free cash so if
Starting point is 00:29:09 you're going to be in the sports book which is where we like the game love to gamble we love gambling in there if you use promo code CUM 120 CUM 120 up to a thousand dollars are going to give you 60% bonus cash which return a thousand dollars in the 1600 to play with so once again that's bet the CUM 120 let's start the show. So Lewis is telling people I'm dead I guess. He thinks that's a good prank. It is a good prank. I don't think it's a very nice prank at all. In the sense that it's annoying. Yeah I guess it's a good prank. Yeah guess what Lewis Jay Gomez is dead 1971 to 2019. He was what is that making 40 loses dead loses dead and we
Starting point is 00:29:59 enslaved his son. He's dead his son dead son. No son is our indentured servant. He's my son. He's my son. Cancel the last real podcast last minute to do a voiceover audition. Oh yeah which like we're all trying to we're all just trying to pair a rent. We're in show business. Scraping. We're just scraping by out here. But also yeah fuck that. We're multi disciplinary. You know I need you know I need that hummus commercial. Sabra hummus great supporters of the state of Sabra. Yeah. Thank you. You just like the commercial starts and you hear like the sounds of like a riot at the border like like you know like oh these these rocks taste terrible. They're like to dip
Starting point is 00:30:46 it in some Sabra hummus and like I guess they taste better now. Like why are you eating the rocks. Who cares. Let's just shoot these children. Sabra hummus. Let's just shoot these children. Let's just shoot these. You got the spot. Well they said please just really like please just say it's like no I brought my own copy. Yeah. Any time like I do a commercial audition where they're like yeah just feel free to play around with it and improvise in this. I always go holocaust Joe. He's like fuck you because what that means is like yeah feel free to just write our commercial for us. Right. Right. Right. Yeah. Yeah they just like six million. Right. Sounds a little high. Yeah. Feel free to try and get our company
Starting point is 00:31:30 in trouble because we didn't want to do the work. Yep. Sabra hummus. Take that you little rocket rock thrown piece of shit. Well I mean you can't say that they're innocent. The last time around they were flying kites with fire in the fire kites fire kites. I know. Yes there's nothing scarier. Yeah. Dude then a fucking if I imagine the people of Israel like a weaponized Pogo stick. Yeah. You know that's the kind of shit Israel. My favorite shit is like they're like no they're this is a propaganda by hummus. They're using children as human shields. It's like then don't shoot the human shield. No you mean Hamas not hummus. Did I say hummus. Yeah. Well you got hummus. You got delicious Sabra hummus. I'm brand
Starting point is 00:32:13 loyal you know. Once I'm well look once I'm trying to sell somebody's product I'm in the fucking zone you know. So it's me you this is a message that any any advertisers out there. Yeah. They're looking for a revolutionary new style of marketing that we're introducing yes called destroying your brand's image. So you can get your your company's name in front of like roughly a hundred thousand mostly racist teenagers. Right. Yes. We don't have any money of their own. Don't but are willing to steal from their parents are willing to spend their parents money on dick pills. If your demographic is 17 year olds with erectile dysfunction. Let us sell them stuff. Yeah. Bitches. Yeah. They need stuff to drink. We
Starting point is 00:33:04 don't have a cool. We don't have some kind of beverage sponsor. Yeah. We should get we should get into partnership with Nelly. Bring back pimp juice. Yeah. You should have an alcohol that we sell. We should it's a rock. Yeah. Yeah. I'm selling. We actually have a special come town liquor that's just hypnotic mix with Nutella. Yeah. Chocolate. Yeah. But get this folks. You're not allowed to make it at home. If you do you're going to kill you. We're going to fucking have a gun and we're going to bring a gun to your house and kill you and your family. You and your most loved ones. It's a patent to the secret. We're going to be like who do you love the most. And then we shoot them in the fucking head.
Starting point is 00:33:42 Yeah. We put a gun in your baby sister's hands and make her shoot your parents or we put a gun to her head and say we're going to kill you if you don't kill your parents and your parents through tears have to beg your baby sister to kill them. Yeah. She has so much life to live. Yeah. Yeah. Mm hmm. Anyway. So don't don't make the drink at home guys. We don't want to have to do that. Yeah. Yeah. We will. But if you if you want to go to come town liquor dot com. We are selling our premixed. See you. Not a Nutella W. N. L. I. C. K. H. E. Yeah. Every single dollar goes to every single dollar after profits goes to charity. That's right. Yeah. That's the strippers name. Yeah. You know who it was. Oh that's right. That
Starting point is 00:34:34 was a hilarious weekend. Our beautiful fucking adventure through Canton. Yeah. Yeah. I love it man. Mm hmm. Damn. Yeah. Have you ever have you ever have friends. It's nice to be a lot. You have stuff. Actually this. Yeah. You have way more friends than we do. Do you ever reminisce. Well you know I've got a lot of friends. I guess it's just me that doesn't have. Yeah. It's actually you. Most comics don't have friends. So I've been I are weird that we have friends. Yeah. We from childhood you mean. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. The boys. It was fun going out there going to L.A. and just doing drugs with it with the squad. Yeah. You have a lot of George Eldis. Mm hmm. Good. I'm glad I was on a nice trip. He did. He you
Starting point is 00:35:22 know what Eldis's take on the Liam Neeson thing was. What was that. He was keeping it real. I agree. And can I be honest. He truly was. Why is keeping it real. Not allowed anymore. Why is that. A buck. My man. Fully 100. It's like I mean it's literally what you're saying is true though. I know. Neeson just spoke honestly. I asked what I was saying earlier. Pretty normal like a human reaction to something. You know it's like what the fuck does it. And then like the point that he was making was about like all this rage and like online aggression or whatever. And it completely fell on deaf ears of all these people. Yeah. Right. It's the world is ruined. Yep. You know you just got to hang out with your boys. Uh huh. You
Starting point is 00:36:10 know pretend to be Don Shipley. Ever tell me to do your own high production value true crime podcast as Don Shipley trying to find his own rapist. His own rapist. Yeah. I'm Don Shipley and I was right. Going around the country confronting fake Navy seals. Did you write me. You don't want to get it. Is ceiling acronym. Yeah. What is it. Extraordinary as she clicker. As she clicker. Sexy and always look sexy educated athletic leisurely. Single single educated African lady. I want me some seal. I'm Don Shipley. A single educated African lady. I'm looking for a man's that wants to help raise my son. I'm not looking for a boy. What I want is a man's. I'm tired of all these fake ass man's that are unwilling
Starting point is 00:37:18 to raise my son. Latredus. Latredus. You ain't my daddy. Latredus. Don't talk to him like that. He could be. His name is your son after where you piss. Portapodius. Yeah. Portapodius. Don't be doing that. Are we going to talk about this blackface shit. Yes. Yes. There's another blackface Virginia. Another Virginia. Another Virginia governor having his free speech attacked. Yeah. Okay. It's dragon culture. You can't admit that you did blackface and dressed up in a clam. The best part was we medical school your book. Hilarious. It wasn't even like a high school. Man. Our society is kind of racist. The thing is is you can still do blackface. You just have to be like yeah it's funny to me. It was funny for me
Starting point is 00:38:22 to do it. I think the last doc. No you don't understand. It's not racist. It's funny. It was a good bit. It's hilarious. No you don't get it. I'm not actually black. I put on make up the look like a black person and that's it's a joke. Downey Jr. is going to be go down as the last that past that society is ever that is a big will grant poll. It's the last one. Well I told you I read that interview with him where he like didn't get it. He didn't get the bit. He he's saying things brilliant. The movie is great but he's saying things in I got to pull it up but he's saying things in the interview where he's like it really I really started to like feel like a black person like he's like being. Oh no. He's
Starting point is 00:39:06 talking. He's doing what the actor. Yeah. What the Kirk Lazarus guy would have fucking said. Actors are so stupid. They are so stupid. Well no. Not as smart as fucking us. Yeah. Just geniuses. The best part when we talked about it off Mike was that someone asked him if he could still moonwalk. Yeah. And then he was about to truly was thinking about it and then his cunt wife told him not to dumb bitch Rob the fucking whore of the best clip of all time. It would have been a man in his black face conference moonwalk out of black face at a black face news conference to do the moonwalk while trying to save face and say that you're not resigned. But if he had done that he would have been the absolute
Starting point is 00:39:50 boy. Absolutely. He should run for president. That would be that would be that they would create the fissure in culture. We say all right boys over here. Yep. Everybody else off. Yes. And then we take that guy we ride. I'm riding for that man. Always. Blackface society. Listen if you do moonwalk at your blackface conference. I don't care. I'm sorry. The blackface was bad. I will set up a walk 30 years later. I will set up a tax system and contribute to it to set up a separate government with that guy at the head of it. What if he just stood up at his press conference. He's like ladies and gentlemen I'm a wager. Okay. I've been away this whole time. Okay. I like to pretend to be a black guy. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:40:32 Oh yeah. I walk with a pimp strip. Yeah dude. What if a moonwalk was so what if he hit it so clean. Everyone was like we're good. What if he did like this smooth criminal. What people. People have been screaming for the last like six years and they never shut up. So like no normal people have been able to say anything. And what people are under the impression that normal people are just like internalizing everything they're saying and taking it as like the truth. You may not argue with it but it's like I guess if that's what you say it doesn't mean it resonates or like clicks with any anybody. So for a guy to be like yeah 40 years ago I wore a blackface costume like I can like how you don't understand
Starting point is 00:41:15 why that would like like be not okay but like there's an explanation for it. It was 30 fucking years ago. Yeah. Yeah. It was the 80s. Yeah. It was the fucking 1980s. Ted dancing. There's a 1984 years after that. Yeah. You know Billy Billy Crystal was huge and it's a Halloween costume. You got the jazz man. Yeah. Yeah. I mean yeah. People were doing blackface Halloween costumes until like six years ago. The jazz singer out 1984. I believe Al Jolson. Yes. Definitely contemporary. It just it had just come out. He was doing Al Jolson cosplay. Yeah. Yeah. I mean I think people are just mad though that like this month. Yeah. He's a he was a fucking medical school in Virginia and this motherfucker were on to become the
Starting point is 00:42:03 governor. Then he was like I wasn't me but I did it before and he got confused. I think it was all like a weird that he wasn't in the blackface or the clan robe which is technically you can't you can't know if it was him in the clan. Yeah. Yeah. There was clan robes involved. I don't know man. It's pretty fucking racist. I mean I know what you're saying that it makes sense how he would end up there but it's yeah but it's it's it's yes it's racist but if it's racist in the context of like it's a Halloween costume and they're like how about a blackface guy hanging out with the Klansman. It's like it's no if it's meant to be like a funny Halloween costume. A pimps and hails in comparison to like everything
Starting point is 00:42:44 we say and do on this show constantly. I you think it pales in comparison dressing up like a Klansman to everything we do constantly. Yeah. Because it's 20 fucking 19 and we make these fucking jokes and we say these things and like dress up. Let me put it this way. Do you think that that guy hates black people. Maybe. Maybe. Yeah. Okay. All right. I mean if that's how you feel then then. Okay. He has to say like he did like he's in the crosshairs because he came out in favor of the late term abortion bill. And that's why like I guess are backing him up. No. Trump is like yeah. Trump's been tweeting. He's like I saw his press press conference pathetic. He should resign. Yeah. I would never do black. It is
Starting point is 00:43:29 kind of fucked up that that's like in a medical school. I don't know. There's something worse to me that it's like if it's high school they're dumb Virginia kids whatever but it's like okay maybe let's say he doesn't even he's doing it as a bit. Somebody in that fucking medical school is racist and they probably it's probably affected. I see it's probably affected the care of like a black person at some point. I mean that's such like a huge jump. Is it. Yeah. Yes. Or in Klans robes and shit to say that because this guy did blackface in medical school it's affected the quality of care that a black probably has their fucking racist someone in that fucking Virginia school. If there's like a person who's like it's all
Starting point is 00:44:11 in that spectrum of racism where it's acceptable is no one's like damn this is kind of weird that you're in Klans robes that like that was just acceptable. There's the most racist. There's probably a lot of races. No but you're removing it from the context of it being again a Halloween costume where you're lampooning something. Yeah. But there's only one way to actually know if he's racist or not. And that's to see how good the moonwalk is. Yeah. There's no other way to know we have to get him on the horn. He hits that if he hits it perfect if it's smooth enough 10 10 you know I rescind what I said not a racist bone in his body. Yeah. I thought he was like a kind of a corrupt like a blue dog to have a crack.
Starting point is 00:44:51 Yeah. I mean I don't fucking know dude. Again I don't know anything and I don't look into anything. I don't know. I think it's just like jumping from like tasteless to this person is killing black people with bad medicine because I think this is kind of a stupid train that we're going on. Right. What do you mean. I don't think like you can prove that but it's also like should he be the governor. It's weird man. That's all I'm saying. I've known the state of people voted for him. I mean that outside of that it's like I don't fucking give a shit. I think also there should be more of an attitude that you can have the wrong opinion 50 years ago and like still not get dragged for it. Like Liam Neeson can
Starting point is 00:45:32 be a piece of shit 30 years ago and then be honest about it. That the Liam shit is much more. I think he just again and I didn't read what he said. He was looking to murder a black person. Yeah. You compare that to blackface. I think like murdering one. Yeah. It's probably worse. Nobody didn't murder anyone. He was mad. I mean whatever. Who cares. I just think that my I don't know. Clans robes are the things that put me up. But you're right. It was a costume. But I don't know man. That's just some like that's just weird. Any time I've seen a robe or some shit like that it makes you know at the meetings and stuff like that when you're at the I'm like I don't know guys. Do we need the robes. Why are we still
Starting point is 00:46:11 doing this bit. You know what I don't understand. You get caught doing that. You just be like oh I was a ghost. Exactly. Yeah. What the fuck are you talking about. I'm sick. I was being a ghost. It's a it's Halloween. I'm wearing a ghost costume. Stupid asshole. That guy was being my shadow. What if they transitioned from clan robes to burkas and then you think that Muslim women were doing the KKK. That's pretty good. Yeah. That's actually good rebrand. Yeah. And not KKK keep. Yeah. Exactly. Yeah. What I mean. I just think that you know people are really into retro nostalgia. Yeah. What's more retro. What's more down home. Apple pie American a lynching then a white person putting shoe polish on their face. I wasn't going to
Starting point is 00:47:05 say a lynching. Yeah. It sounds like you're doing it. You're yeah. You're doing the act out. Yeah. Do you think Norman Rockwell ever painted someone in blackface. You know people in Norman Rockwell paintings were going to lynchings. Uh huh. You know I mean all those people smiling and shit. Yeah. What is it. People just like they were doing some racist shit. Yeah. Whatever dude. I'm not one for paintings. Yeah. I'm more into movies. Oh yeah. Yeah. Well the criterion channel you can sign up now. And oh sorry. Never mind. Hemp Bombs is a CBD company. Let's go. I sorry. I thought that CBD stood for criterion Blu-ray distribution distribution. But it doesn't. It stands for cannabinoid. They didn't
Starting point is 00:47:57 put that in here. I don't look. It's some chemical that you should put in your body. It doesn't matter what the name is. Yeah. Don't worry. It's not regulated by the FDA. There's no government oversight on any of this stuff. But it's it's a medicine that Louis Shagomez has been telling people. You want to check out hemp bombs. Today's show is brought to you by hemp bomb CBD. They have the largest selection of US grown CBD products on the market. Whoa. So we got they got some shit called Max Chill. I love that. I took that and it's like let me tell you something. Whatever that shit does it works. Oh yeah dude. When I took it I was like damn I can feel this. I'm feeling this whatever whatever it's supposed
Starting point is 00:48:45 to do. That is the effects are kicking in. You can say I'm peeking on whatever whatever the fuck bullshit they claim it does. Whatever the fuck whatever it's supposed to do. I'll tell you. There's actually the right there. That's all the shit that they said. That's all the shit. So that's their product line. Drop a bean. They had a lube that I used to beat off with. Nice. Was your dick relaxed. It was. Stoned. It felt exactly like fucking my hand with a bunch of oil in it. I love that. And you know I wasn't as nervous as I was doing. Yeah. Yeah. I'm always apologizing myself sorry this never happens. I can't I can't get it. I'm quietly locking the door as slowly as I can so you can't hear the click
Starting point is 00:49:35 of the lock tumbling over. And I didn't need to do that this time. I just beat off with the door open. Wow. Not worrying about the other prisoners catching me in the library making me pay for my sins. So would you get your head replaced with a pussy. That'd be cool like Ash and Evil Dead with a big fleshlight. But just a pussy hand. Yeah. Would there be a protective case. I'm going to rip off your head and suck up your dick. I'm here to kick ass and jack people off. Yeah. Maybe I guess I would consider it. Well tell you what that sounds pretty fucking chill. And if you want to chill out you can use the bombs. They got capsules. They're great for anxiety during the day. I love that. You're nervous. You
Starting point is 00:50:24 know. Nervous and you're fucking Looney Tunes fitted cap isn't working. Well you can just pop a bunch of fucking usually bugs protecting your thoughts. Yeah. Yeah. Sylvester the cat tall tee with the Superman logo around his neck. Is it working for you. Pop some CBD pills baby. It's great for anxiety during the day. Do you wish you could smoke weed but court ordered you can't for the next six months. You can't guess what you quote unquote killed your son. You can use. Yeah. You can use. They don't show up on drug tests. 99% CBD purity domestically grown. This isn't you're not supporting China. No. OK. These are hard working hard working blue collar white guys like your father. You know the father you
Starting point is 00:51:23 don't talk to anymore. The general contractor from Central P.A. is disgusted that you're an intern at a podcast. Yeah. This week is from the Philadelphia area. He's the kind of guy that makes the CBD real union guys here domestically grown. It's 100% legal. No field drug tests biggest product selection on the market. They got tattoo aftercare and beard oil tattoo aftercare. Yeah. We eat on your tat. Yeah. Fresh tat. Yeah. So if you want to make sure that Proud Boys tattoos completely fresh just rub some CBD or hemp bomb CBD tattoo aftercare. You want that giant mural of Johnny Depp is the mad hatter on your back. Right. Beautiful beard oil. That shit down. You know you want CBD beard oil.
Starting point is 00:52:12 For some reason you still think it's 2013 and everyone has a beard for some reason. You think it's that brief eight month period where everyone thought they were going to be on Whisker Wars. Whisker Wars. Yeah. Get some fucking hemp bombs. That's what I call eating your girl's pussy. Yeah. I also call it that they've got one of the best and most reviewed brands on social media and their third party lab tested here that motherfuckers on the animals. Yeah. So everyone go to and use promo code putting this shit in chimpanzee's mouths. How much they look. I will say they send us all this shit and and I have not taken the gummies. I think I had some of the gummies that like either skank
Starting point is 00:52:55 fast or something and they taste good. You go. I want a gummy just because I'm hungry. It was nice beating off with Lou. I'm a dry jacker. I've always been a dry jacker. Me too. Well you know I would do I would do lotion when I was a teen and then but I was always worried my mom would be suspicious why my hand smelled so good. Yeah. Well you're checking your cock. You're not you're nightly cock. Well you know of course my mom would inspect my penis every day after school. Yeah. Beautiful day in San Fr Angelico. It's it's where this is my first vacation so I'm not used to having to inspect my own penis every day at 3 p.m. on Waze Your Nuts every day. Make sure you're not beating off. You know your mother usually
Starting point is 00:53:43 Waze Your Nuts to make sure you haven't masturbated. If they come up even a fraction of a gram less you're not allowed to watch Flubber that afternoon. They take away your Flubber cassette tape. You can't watch it. Love that movie Flubber. Yeah yeah yeah it's it's such a shame he passed away. What are you talking about Robin Williams. He passed away. What do you mean passed away. He died. What what is what do you mean. Oh is he with grandma and grandpa. You mean he went to the farm with grandma and grandpa. No I mean he's like physically not alive anymore. What what and then that's that's where the San Fr Angelico guys never even been explained the concept of death. Yeah we have a limited time here on earth. You know
Starting point is 00:54:32 like most people die at like 65. That's why he's so chill. What. He's in no rush. I'm 53 years old. Oh now enter phase two of the San Fr Angelico guy. No I don't want to I don't want to take his innocence away from him. Dude now it's too late. You told him about that. No I'm sorry. I'm retconning that. Motherfucker I'm the head writer of San Fr Angelico. You're right. You're right. People really hate that bit. Nobody thinks it's funny. We love it. I love it dude. I don't give a shit. This show is for us. I mean not entirely it's for everybody but that's the one thing you can't say about come town. It's a show that everybody everybody likes. Everybody. I've never met a single person that thinks
Starting point is 00:55:16 the show is bad. No. You know. Certainly not. But yeah they don't they did not like that. What's that. Oh do we have is there a promo code or anything. Yeah it's promo code come town. Okay. You get like 20 percent. What's the website. This is the pain for your shit. I think I thought about it. It actually does work. I thought about using it on my shoulder. Feels good. Dude my shoulder is fucked up. I rubbed some shit on my foot a while ago. Yeah. Felt nice. It's got menthol in it. I like that. Maybe I'll do a little dabberino on the asshole. Oh yeah. Pretend I'm being eaten out by a demon. Put a dab right in the middle of your ass. Right on the tip of my ass. Stand in front of a fan. Then just beat
Starting point is 00:55:57 off on all fours while listening to Judas Priest. Grinder. Looking for meat. Grinder. Something to eat. Suck my penis. That's a great song. It's so funny that that became a gay sex app. Mm hmm. It was perfect. It was meant to be. Did they name it after the priest? Of course. I mean it's possible. They had to dude. Hell yeah. Now we're jamming. All right doggies. Listen to the gay ass podcast. I'm Lewis Gagomez with my co-host Fag Amigo. Fag it. Fag it. That's right. Fag. Woo. Gay ass dude of the week. Gay ass dude of the week. This guy, this guy got caught sucking a million dicks. Get this when cops showed up. He sucked them off. All right Shannon, with your big gross titties, with your gross tight pussy.
Starting point is 00:57:11 Why don't you pull up some pictures of boys and take a look at them on the screen. All right. The gay ass podcast. Yeah. Zach Amigo, they call him the gay sex haver. Zach Amigo, they call him the gay guy. Zach Amigo, they call him the gay guy. She's not thinking about it at all. The fucking homo. The guy who has gay sex. Dude, I love it when the jokes are like just air balling it from half court. Just fucking chucking it and smashing the ball through the window. I'm fucking from downtown, baby. Your dad's like, come on, man, you're 26 years old. Please move out. Please move out. I keep taking the basketball hoop down. You're the reason I have cancer. Your grow room gave me cancer. Damn, I worry. My mom
Starting point is 00:58:39 had got all these fucking like fertility drugs to have me her beautiful boy. And I worry that I might cause her health problems, dude. Oh yeah. Mm hmm. That's why I'm out here providing podcasting. Yeah. Can a groom give you cancer though? What can a groom actually give you cancer? A grow room give you cancer. No way, bro, because I'm I'm growing fucking. Well, the truth is, is like everything gives you cancer and we're all overly preoccupied with this fear of death. I mean, your body is meant to be used and disposed of. Oh, you can't take your life is like a Dom and you're a sub. No, not even it's like your body. Yeah, mother nature. Use your little pussy. Your body is like your body's a pussy and mother
Starting point is 00:59:24 nature's a dick. No, your body's like a buffet. Okay, your body's like a very nice meal. I like this. You can't preserve it. You just have to fucking enjoy it. And one day it's going to turn to shit. Oh, that's good. You consume yourself. I like that. Yeah. So savor it, but don't try to save it. You know, I wouldn't want it to get cold leftovers. That's a good point. That's what an old person is. Yeah, leftovers. 89 year old ladies left over. It's a buffet with a finite amount of food. Because a buffet like you get more food constantly. It's a nice meal, man. It's a nice meal. It's not a buffet. That's what he said at first. Come on, man. It was nice. That was nice. I just got to ruin it with asking questions.
Starting point is 01:00:04 I think we can attain Zen. What do you think it is then, Adam? What do you think life is like? I think we just have to reject our egos. Do you think the guy who named Big Ben wanted to have sex with a guy named Ben? Yeah, absolutely. And he just wanted like he's like, you know, he doesn't make any sense. Where the fuck is a clock named Ben? Show me one other clock in the world that has a name. What if the guy's name? What if the guy's dick's name? How did that even come up? They're like, well, what a great clock. What's its name? Who asked that guy then? Yeah, he wanted to sit on all of Ben. Did you see my new clock that I made? Dude, I was watching Jeopardy! the other day. Did I say that video? Which one? Well, there
Starting point is 01:00:46 was two good things on Jeopardy! one that was like, and these are old episodes. Oh yeah, during the Super Bowl, you were sending us Jeopardy! clips. Yeah, yeah. There was one where it was like, uh, it's like, uh, hi, I'm Mark Giffords. My wife, Gabrielle Giffords. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. He's like, he's like to raise money for victims of this massacre in this Connecticut town. It's like, you got Gabrielle Giffords husband to come on Jeopardy to ask a fun question about same time. I mean, it's like, it's fucking insane that they would have the audacity to ask him and then he'd be like, Oh yeah, I'll help out with Jeopardy. Yeah, that'd be fun. What am I asking about Tahiti or the, right? The Capitol.
Starting point is 01:01:28 Giffords said no. I'm Gabrielle Giffords. Sorry. No, no problem, man. It's okay. You see the video of the Down syndrome guy testifying before Congress? No. About making abortion, like getting rid of abortion. He's saying that you shouldn't. Well, the timing was weird because it's like, you know, he's saying, like, you know, because they're screening now for, for babies with Down syndrome. Right. But it comes at the same time as this third trimester bill, but like you can find out if a kid has Down syndrome in the second trimester, people already terminate pregnancies based on like the Down syndrome thing. So it's like, it's like odd timing, you know, but it's, it's funny because the guy wrote a better
Starting point is 01:02:11 speech than I could. I mean, did he write the speech? He's reading it all off a piece of paper and you've heard me read things on this show a million times and I can't do it. And it's like, is he even retarded? Right. I mean, I guess it's got like, he doesn't even really need to say anything. The fact that he's like reading something off a piece of paper and is way more convincing. I have never had, I've never been able to persuade anybody to the degree that retarded man is making people say, we should rethink abortion. Yeah. I mean, I don't know. Was he just late term or does he mean all abortions? He just wants people to not get abortions
Starting point is 01:02:49 because he did make it a point. He's like, I don't want to make abortion illegal. I just want to make it unthinkable. Interesting. Yeah. So just shame. Yeah, shame or I guess like, like educate people on, on like what, you know, that how down syndrome people like they can live like relatively normal lives or whatever. Oh, does he mean abortion of Down syndrome people? Yeah, I think he means down. Okay, that makes sense. Well, it doesn't because it wants you say they're down syndrome people in the womb, then you've added given person who do a fucking baby. So, well, I just mean like, no, there's no way there's no way to wait into this argument. Well, I'm saying is people that that only screener
Starting point is 01:03:28 like I'm going to kill this retarded baby. So it's a baby now and you're killing it. Yeah. So abortion is killing a baby. Yeah, whatever. Who cares? I don't give a fuck. I'll just fucking kill a baby as long as so that I can continue my life. But no, I mean, I just mean like, if you're the reason you're doing this is because you're screening for Down syndrome, then I get that argument. You're just like the same way you're like, you want if you could screen for having a sexy kid, let's kill all ugly kid, you know, so women shouldn't be able to choose. No, they should. I haven't been listening. What do you you're saying that you shouldn't? So I just be able to choose unless there's
Starting point is 01:04:06 specific conditions that you feel are like inappropriate. No, I just say I see his argument of being like, I want I don't want abortion to be illegal so that people can still choose. But if someone is doing it just to get a retarded baby out of there out of there, I'm pro abortion pro. I'm pro at all. So you're saying women should be educated before they make the decision. No, I'm just saying I see what the fuck I see what he means in terms of saying he wants to make abortion unthinkable. I guess in the case of only aborting a retarded kid or so if it's a normal person, like it's a normal baby that's healthy, that person should die. It's not a baby, Nick. I've said it's a baby. I don't give I'm not actually arguing.
Starting point is 01:04:46 I don't know why you're applying your trademark. Why are you arguing? I'm not applying my trademark internet or your style of like asking questions and following up on the things I said, prosecutorial all this kind of gay stuff. Yeah, yeah, look, I didn't I didn't force you to have a fucking opinion on the thing. You decided to offer one. I'm just no video. I'm just saying I see what the retarded guys saying. Did you see the video of fucking Kamala Harris talking about sending in DA's to have like parent teacher conference meetings and like to sit there and make them think that they're going to be prosecuted and thrown in jail. No, like the truant kids and like laughing about it. It is fucking. She sucks. Cory Brewer Booker.
Starting point is 01:05:31 Well, anyways, back to the down syndrome guy, the down syndrome guy. I will say this. Six seven. He does make one point in the video. He's like, there's studies that show that like Down syndrome people in their families experience a higher level of happiness than anyone else. Yeah. And it's like, oh, we should all have Down syndrome. Yeah. Oh yeah. But they can't like don't their families have to support them forever and shit. Who cares? Like Down syndrome people are like a lot of money, but they're the nicest people in the world. I'm sure. Yeah. Except for in that movie, Paul town, Jeff town. Yeah, that's the one guy and that's why he's that's why he's a celebrity. The way you get famous as a retarded
Starting point is 01:06:10 guy is being a mean asshole. The one mean one, the oddity. Yeah. Um, legalize it. I don't understand how we're still like re litigating abortion. I thought it's been the law for like 50 years. No, we should be able to get borscht up, man. I don't give a fuck. Let a gal choose whatever she does with her puss. That's what I'm saying. It's not your retarded guy and the inside of her pussy. Shut up, man. Every, every part of her pussy. He gets to choose about every part of why you're bad at fucking is because you don't even understand the anatomy. He's like, then you're not at the pussy and then the baby grows into grows inside the pussy. Everyone knows that the baby's hanging on to the lips. You studied
Starting point is 01:06:57 the woman's internals. I do. To me, the inside of the woman's body is even sexier than the outside. I'm studying every foot. I'm studying, you know, 5.75 inches deep at a time. You know, I'm saying we got a little submarine in there. Stop loves pissing all over his own Johnson. Oh yeah, dude. I'm not stuck until my cock is golden. I love calling it a Johnson. Just going into Dunkin Donuts. Is there any place the fella could pull his Johnson out in here and take a leak? Yeah, I was wondering if you got a room where I could pull my Jansen and pull my Jansen out. I'm trying to take a leak out of my wife's face. My friggin Johnson over here. My friggin Johnson is ready to pee. Yeah, I don't know
Starting point is 01:07:52 how to speak. I have to go to therapy. Oh, do you? Yeah. So you can eat my nuts. What happens to you at therapy? What do you mean? What's going on there? I'm just talking about my issues. But I know you and I'm like, I can't imagine what's like, I wish I could just, but Nick, there's a different dynamic between a therapist and his. I can't imagine that there is. You see him once a week and only this one context. You went to therapy more open. You're just your therapist being like, would you say that's sick or it's gay? Nick went to therapy. I would honestly say it's pretty gay that my dad, my relationship with my dad is pretty gay. I'm back in the therapy doesn't work camp. Yeah, but you're
Starting point is 01:08:39 one time there. Yeah. And you know what I also did as I started going back to the gym and I feel a million times better. You should do both. It's not one or the other. I'm going to start, dude, because my health insurance is about to kick in. Anyway, go, go see February 11th. We got a funny mom's coming up. It's also my 30th birthday. Yeah. I'm gonna have a big celebration. I'm no cake though guys. No cakes, no desserts. On February 16th. I'll be putting the boy on a diet. I will do. I will eat whatever I please. No birthday punches. You should honestly give me a month where I have control of all. Absolutely not. Give me a week. You will have no control over anything. We get so cranky. Yeah, I have to deal with
Starting point is 01:09:21 cranky stuff. He would be just such a baby about it. Just go. So you keep putting him on a diet. It'd be like a cat in heat. We just like chewing on all the furniture. I just need more. So don't leave leather around me when I'm on a diet, dude. I used to be beef. Somebody sucked on. All right. On the 16th, February 16th, I'm in Hartford. Come check that out. And then on the 22nd, I'm coming to Delaware. Come say I'm gay. Come say I'm gay with me. On February 22nd with Ian fight ants in Delaware. I'm bringing Ian's little bitch ass back to his home. Ian Viabans. Ian Viabans. Who's on Funny Moms on the 11th? Joe List. I don't know who else. But yeah, I got to go to therapy. And then we got on
Starting point is 01:10:09 the 25th Funny Moms again. Are you just leaving right now? All right. Well, that's the show, everybody. Thanks, guys. Goodbye.

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