The Adam Friedland Show (Cumtown) - Ep. 169 – Big Bitch

Episode Date: August 22, 2019

Can you tell me how to get, how to get to big bitch street...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Late. Nick, you're late. Nick is one minute late. Adding it to the spreadsheet. I have one Tardy. I have one to the bathroom. I have two. I don't have two. No, I have two. Stav has one now. Nick has one. One due to traffic. That is true. What do you mean it's only been my fault? There was traffic, but Nick, you said that we still should be on the list just to keep it there. Yeah, yeah. Because there's going to be a fight about it. For traffic. It's for traffic. Parentheses traffic. You got a T a little T. You don't have a parentheses. You're fucked. What the point is, folks, is that we're incredibly business. We're making this a business. It's all trying to be business like about this. We're wearing Giorgio Armani
Starting point is 00:00:40 suits. Oh yeah. I am anyway. Stav is. Stav's wearing a bathing suit. That's right. Nick and I are in three piece. I got I got to get more Adidas shorts. Yeah, they're great, dude. With the zipper pockets. What is this? Yeah, these are the terry cloth ones with the zipper pockets. The good shit, dude. And I get points back for buying when you buy Adidas three times points on Adidas shit. Did you select one thing you get three times on? Do you know about this? No, you go to chase. You go to ultimate rewards page. Yes. Then you go down to shop through chase. And then it was some of that shit is like you get 12 bonus points for every dollar spent. Oh, yeah. Adidas three to one. Adidas is three to one. Oh my god.
Starting point is 00:01:22 It's better than travel. It changes. Yeah. Some of them. It's like six to one. Good Lord. Good fucking Lord. That's amazing. Yeah. I bought a bunch of toner. I have 10 years worth of toner. Your laser printer for my laser. Not ink. What is toner? It is ink. It's just what they call it for a laser printer. Oh, it costs like $70 a fucking. It's a rip off. I might actually buy some from you secondhand. What toner from that box? You got too much. There's going to be a markup. I'll give you. I'll give you a couple of bucks on the package. There's going to be significant. What do you mean significant? I'm for seeing significant market forces acting. I bought a printer to be more business like and it's just been sitting
Starting point is 00:02:05 there looking at why. What the fuck do you need to print? Oh, you know, needs to stop text a list of guys that you want to have sex with who needs to stop texting you. Vinny. I'm so excited to be alive. It's like it's just nothing, but he's like it's all this like he's so happy that like he got some people are paying attention to it for two seconds. Oh fuck, dude. Go buy his shirt. Does he's trying to sell? What does this shirt look like now? It just says scumbag Vinny. Oh, yeah. Salute, man. I kind of tighten the industry. I would take one for free and wear it. I would wear one at cost at cost. You can't trust what Vinny says cost is. That's true. I want to see research. Oh, I'm making
Starting point is 00:02:55 like one dollar on these shirts. It's a great deal. I thought he had a shirt that was like something about big mouth or something like he's from our podcast. The joke. Now that's getting sad. Now this is making me whatever, man. Would you expect it more out of scumbag Vinny? No, I guess not. You know how Vinny said bagel boss should keep fighting people to keep his profile up? I thought that was a good idea. There was another one. Some guy attacked him in a casino. It's him kicking some drunk guy in a casino. But it only had like 200 re-tweets. I know. He fights the way I would fight like in like you fight in elementary school. Yeah. Which is chasing someone around kicking their shins being like
Starting point is 00:03:36 do something. Yeah. Well, that's a product of his size, right? Yeah, I guess. He's like four foot eight. But dude, this is going to be so sad. He's maybe an inch or two shorter than you, Adam. Yeah, you guys are pretty. You said shorter. At least you said shorter. Yeah. So you're five feet tall. Me and Stov are six. Well, it would be four 10 if he was four today and Stov together easily seven and a half. Yeah, together. That is true. But we're I mean, individually, you guys are seven and a half foot tall friends that go out for lunch. Yeah. We're two. We're two eyeline. We're two strong to seven foot. We're together, seven foot. Yeah. Yeah. It feels good to be tall. Yeah. To be tall. I just went to Moscow
Starting point is 00:04:21 and I told the exam doctor of whatever happens. I want the glasses to make me feel tall. So I'm wearing the wrong prescription now, but the ground looks so far away and I feel so powerful. Oh, okay. It's like zoomed out. It's like looking through binoculars the wrong way. Yeah. I ran over a family driving home. They were sent off because of and the police let me go. Yeah. Because you're wearing a disability because I have glasses on. You have body dysmorphia. Yeah. Yeah. I put on the Vanga Boys song and I told them I was the Six Flags guy. They're like, it's an honor to meet you, sir. Sir. Thank you for your service. I was one of the men who died in the towers and I want to say it's an honor
Starting point is 00:05:06 to meet you. That could be a career goal of your stuff, like to lose the weight to be the new Six Flags dancing old man. Yeah, maybe Job that's got officer Pantaleo or whatever they got to kill their gardener and she got fired or whatever. I would love if he did like a like a public statement. He's like, fine, I guess I'll just go die in the towers. Then he goes down to like ground zero and just like increases his the pressure in his head until trying to kill himself. I bet you could do that. Yeah. If you're if you're in Italian with high enough blood pressure. Yeah. No problem. I guess I'll just die here then. Then will you respect me? No. No, we won't. Yeah. I was like I was driving in.
Starting point is 00:05:55 I was waiting in traffic. The other day man is never gonna have to buy a fucking deli sandwich on Long Island ever again. Yeah, I was waiting. He's gonna have a nice retirement. Yeah, I was waiting in traffic and I was in the second to leftmost lane and there was just like mad traffic and the lane next to me was open. So I go to like, you know, switch lanes into this dead stop. There's a guy in a fucking like AMG behind me and like we both go to like go into that lane at the same time, but I'm just in front of him. Right. Obviously everyone's going to try and go in. Yes. And this guy loses his mind and starts speeding through the bike lane and then I was on a surface and it's like, all right, you were
Starting point is 00:06:34 in for what you did. Absolutely nothing wrong. He cut and then he's like freaking out in his car in his middle, but it's just some fucking Italian guy and he starts spitting out of the window laughing at him. He's like, mom, fuck him out of the window. Incredible dude marking his territory in Boston. I almost got shots out there when he came out to Boston. By the way, thank you. City side comedy that shit rocked. But on my way there, I don't know how fucking shitty the traffic is in like downtown Boston. Also, if you brought one of my shirts to stop show to have him sign it, you owe me extra money. No one did that. Yes, they did. I heard from numerous people. No one. What did you sign? I signed
Starting point is 00:07:21 nothing. I signed just nothing. I'm like, here's my thing. Here's what I'll sign. Double D's with my tongue. Oh yeah. I have a happy Gilmore style. That's right. But I, I got some fucking fat old man tried to cut me off in Boston and I fucking lost it on his ass. But he was just a fat bald man in a Hawaiian shirt. It was just me fighting with future me. Yeah. A lot of screaming. A lot of screaming. Well, he was, he didn't want the smoke, dude. He could tell I was an alpha, dude. Yeah. He did. He could see me, dude. He could tell I'd taken a couple of yoga classes. I miss driving that truck because like you would just cut people off and then watch them have like a fucking meltdown and it's like, go
Starting point is 00:08:05 ahead. I'll hit you with this truck. I do not give a shit about this truck. If you want to get into a game of, of lane chicken with me, I will run over your car. I'm not even technically viable and then I'll get out of the truck and the damage and be like, I guess I'm off work. I guess I finished work early today. Yeah. Didn't you guys do some damage allegedly? Nick allegedly did some damage when we were picking up a second truck. Well, the first time I ever worked that town, the first time I ever worked that job, I was working with a guy and like we were pulling out of the lot and he's like, you know, you hit something. He's like, you're supposed to stop like as he's saying it. He takes the corner too hard
Starting point is 00:08:57 and just destroys the back of this minivan. He's like, ah, okay. Well, I guess maybe I'll pull over and then he's like, looking at the mirror as we're driving, we're just, we're just continuing to drive away. He's in the mirror. He's like, Oh, I guess a couple of people saw they'll take care of it. What do you mean? They'll take care of it. They probably got the plates and stuff. They got the plates. It's all right. They'll get the info back. I took a mirror. I took a side mirror off. I was driving a van full of children. Yeah. I volunteered in college. Yeah. I was like, nobody snitch. Yeah. And they loved it. Mm-hmm. They loved being in on some criminal. Yeah. I mean, all them kids that would happen like
Starting point is 00:09:49 all the fucking time on the truck is like mirrors would come off. Yeah. And that's like, you know, I mean, nobody's nobody's stopping for that. I talked to one of the guys I worked with. I'm like, do you stop? And he's like, Yeah, one time I, I hit a guy. That's the threshold. Yeah. He's like the mirror fucking like knocked. It's knocked some old guy out. Oh, my God. He's like, I got out. I'm like, Oh, I'm so sorry. And he was like, Oh, it's fine. I was like, All right, later. I'm sure he does. It's fun. He didn't stop. He ran over that old man. They got is dead for effect. Yeah. Have you ever been in a car accident like a fucking, I got in a car accident the day after I got my car. I've been in a bunch
Starting point is 00:10:38 of car accidents. Really? Yeah. What are some of the most memorable ones? It's really scary, dude. No, not really. You're just a yeah, I guess that half a second where you know you're about to crash to us. I okay. All right. Pussy. Pussy. You are French pussy. My name is that I feel with the beller cheese. My name is Jean Carlo Pussy chance. And I roll my dice made out of diamonds to decide whether or not I take a pussy at one point. If it was one through three, she will be taken. The rape dies. Yeah. Antonio Woosley. Maybe all my rape dies. I just want the boy and his mother. I just the boy is a Jedi and I just want him and the freedom of his mother. Well, the boy you can have, but maybe I rape
Starting point is 00:11:34 first. I will roll my rape cube. You will not rape. Do not rape him. Do not rape the boy. Do not taste his ass. Your Jedi man tricks don't work on me. Why didn't they work on him because he was Jewish? Yeah, it's we're impervious to Jedi mind tricks. Qui-Gon. What's the problem? The boy is owned by a man named Jeffrey Epstein. Oh, I thought of a, I thought of a cover a Jeffrey Epstein song. Yeah. Oh, that he wants was sex with a baby. Yeah, he's Jeffrey Epstein. Jeffrey Epstein. Oh, that he wants is another baby. Oh, that's good. That kind of thing. Also, are they, I saw, I didn't read it at all, but I saw a headline that ace of bases Nazis. Is that real? They're Swedish. I don't know. They were Nazis. Could
Starting point is 00:12:37 be dude. Or is it like a thing where it's like Nazis think they're like, no, I don't think because they're not the kind of thing that Nazis would think. It's all a bunch of shit. Like they're Aryan. Yeah, you know, their songs are, that might be the funniest band to be secretly Nazis. Maybe bear naked ladies. Yeah, funny. They had too much rap. You know, that's true. What would be the funniest band to be Nazis? Let's see here. Sorry, look at that. What? Nothing. Sh funniest band to be. No, I see. Gooster. Guster. Guster. I mean, I don't know. Wean. It's funny because neo-nazis say the Holocaust didn't happen, but they also want it to happen, right? Oh, I don't, I don't know if there's an overlap
Starting point is 00:13:41 there. Shouldn't they be proud of it? That's what I'm saying. Yeah. Yeah. Deniers should be like, yeah, we got you, motherfuckers. And we're going to do it again. But it seems like they don't want that. Yeah, that does seem like those two things run at all. I want to take your boy to a whites only compound in the woods where he can use his powers to fight against the dark forces in the universe. This is, this would, this is we, the Jedi were Nazis. No, we're the, but we're good now because we live in a world with white slavery. So now we are a force for good. No, they had Samuel Jackson. They were my original name was, uh, Brendan Johnson, but I had to change it to Qui-Gon Jin, the trick, the Chinese.
Starting point is 00:14:34 Yeah, that wasn't a Chinese name. Yeah. No, the whole name is quite gone. Yeah. Damn, I never considered that. I thought it was Jedi, but if I met a fucking five, four guy, those, yeah, George Lucas was like, how about we do diversity by having the main character of this movie be another fish, Japanese, be some kind of octopus that speaks in heavily accepted Chinese. Yeah, you wouldn't have to get away with this. Right. Like, no, let's just put a normal person in there. You can keep the dumb name, but yeah, what the fuck a Qui-Gon Jin. Damn, I forgot my mom's a JFK right now. We're doing one girl's going to Greece. Yeah. Are you going to see her out there? I will. We're going to link up
Starting point is 00:15:29 lovely. Um, yeah, I'm excited. My cousin's in a play. Dude, I'm about to see my man on the stage in Greece. Yeah. He's in the play with like a really famous Greek comedian, the Greek comedy is like trash. It's like they still do blackface. Like the guy's biggest character is a gypsy and he literally puts on like light black and he plays like a woman in a gay guy. It's awesome. Oh, he does characters. Oh yeah. He does very, very nuanced characters. When I was in Montreal, when that night we stayed at the hotel, I saw a kebek was and up and there was a guy that just had like a belt with six beers on it and he's just speaking French and everyone was loving it. He's like there. I guess they're Larry the
Starting point is 00:16:22 cable guy. Like the cable. Yeah. The cable. It is really cool to see redneck speaking French, you know. Yeah. You assume that they're such a refined people based on how the French are depicted. Yeah, that's interesting. Because the French high society seemed like pedophiles, but what about the rednecks? Probably it goes. So it goes all the way down and all the way up. Yep. And they all hate Muslims too. French people. Mm hmm. They got all those paintings and they're racist. Yeah. Look at gay as paintings all day. How are you going to be racist? Yeah, they smoke cigarettes, talk about existentialism, do bisexuality. Yeah. You know, yeah, they said they probably suck their wife's boyfriend's dick. Everything's in black and white. Mm
Starting point is 00:17:13 hmm. Yeah, they suck their wife's boyfriend's dick and they still don't and they still think a job should be banned. There's a sex scene in a movie that took place in France France that I jacked off to often grow. Let's hear it. It's called the dreamers. Oh my God. That's a all timer. That's one of the best sex scenes in it. What? I have a green and yes, I have a green brother. Did you have Harry armpits in that? I forget. But you can see your entire she fucks her brother and she fucks the guy. That's the weird part about the three. Yeah, I had no idea what the plot was. Yeah, I didn't know the plot. You liked that there were two guys. It's so funny that we all watched panic. We all watched the Bernardo Bertolucci movie
Starting point is 00:17:53 at like 13. Let me be clear. I did not watch the fucking movie. Not I watched clips on the Internet. Very famous. There was no way. David Green was perv. Seven and a half feet tall watching clips. We had no time for watching a whole. It's a good movie. But it's not a bad movie. Bernardo Tucci movies. A Bertucci's movie. Yeah, we were dunking. I watched beating off the clips and dunking. I watched another one of his movies recently with about a mother in the sun and they hook up. So this man just wants incest to happen. He's a yeah. What did Ava Green do? What is she like in something big? And then that can and then everyone's like, Oh, by the way, she fucked up on girl in a movie. Yeah, she was in a quantum of
Starting point is 00:18:36 solace. Yeah. Hell yeah. I forget what I watched that in theater. She was fine though. I definitely jacked my little pecorino. Pecorino Romano. No, very small. Your your penis is Raymond and mine is my tiny little cornichon. That's fine. Like everyone loves my penis. Everyone hates your big stupid penis. Yeah, I would rather have a tiny beloved mind. Mine has his own comedy club now in Las Vegas in Las Vegas. So what do you how about that? Yeah, I guess I'll settle for my little penis being a millionaire and shit. I got back into that. That fucking Hanway guy recently. Who's Hanway that you know, the practical unboxing Katana video. I can't get enough of that. That's when the internet was good, dude. Yeah, it's
Starting point is 00:19:32 still good. Now everyone's arguing about Antifa with each other. I don't know. That's what everyone's doing. I don't think most people know what Antifa is, right? Well, I think a lot of like parents listen to you have to do the obligatory chop video. I have to make a video of me using actually using the sword. I have to use this sword. He's Dutch Homer Simpson. Tape. Yeah. Fucking gay family. What? What? What is the outside of the box? Say, Evan, wait, his family's his mom is making his little brother, right? And his little brother's there. And he's mean to me. The little brother. Anything little brother says, like, Tyler. I mean, he was probably 17 years old when the video came out and he already
Starting point is 00:20:27 looked 38. Yeah. And he's like still uploading videos. Still making them. He's still making videos of him like playing Pokemon Snap. What's the channel looking like? Yeah. Does he have traction? Does he make a living off YouTube? Who is a YouTuber? No, I don't know. But that original video probably has like 10 million views. Oh, damn. It is a truly legend. What do you get if you monetize that like $37? If he does ads on it? He probably does all right. Like a couple hundred bucks every couple months. You think so? I don't know of one video. I dated a girl once that got her head. No, you didn't know. Do you remember when girls were shaving their heads on the side like and with cancer? No, it wasn't. Adam
Starting point is 00:21:15 had to suck his penis to make him feel better about the medicine. The chemo. That's not what happened. It's not making up shit. Did you really do that? It's being shady now. Oh, hold on. That's shady. I just got a call from St. Jude's Children's Hospital repeating things that I've it was actually not even a man with cancer. I'm repeating stuff I read on The anti smoking, you know, smoking is bad for you to get cancer like this guy. He did Adam to suck his dick. That's rude and shady. Don't smoke and Israel controls the United States government. Those are the two things we cover here at is that smoking kills and Jeffrey Epstein was a Mossad agent that was funded
Starting point is 00:22:11 by U.S. tax dollars. What is bit his girl? Giz Lane or whatever the fuck? Yeah, it's Golan. They don't. Yeah, none of the you don't pronounce any of the letters. Does she does she merit announcing her name correctly? You know, it's funny. You saw that picture of her in and out. Yeah. Yeah, with the books fake. It's not real. And not only is it not real. You can look at archived pictures or archived copies of that article. And when it first went up, it was like horrifically photoshopped. You can really. Yeah. There's like the all of like the brick behind their back in the second picture is all glitched. That's crazy. And then there's in the background, there's a picture of a bus stop and people
Starting point is 00:22:49 found where that in and out is because it's in the article or whatever the Valley and they in the bus stop, there's a poster for the movie Good Boys and somebody went there and they're like, well, that poster isn't there. And then they called the company that manages that that bus stop advertising thing. They're like, yeah, we've never had a poster for Good Boys there. So that was photoshopped in there. And it's just this weird, like disinformation campaign. It was way too on the nose. The day before that, because I didn't know they said eating a fucking book about CIA guys getting killed. It's like, this is not real. Yeah. Well, the day before it came out that she was in Boston living with a tech guy.
Starting point is 00:23:27 Hmm. She could get it, though. Just late. I would let her suck me off. You know what? Because of her connection. It's a weird disinformation campaign. But really, all she would have to do is be like, Jeffrey manipulated me. Yeah, I was a slave too. I would be on stage with Kamala Harris in like three weeks, you know, doing whatever dances, doing whatever stupid shooting, whatever dumb dance they think is going to win the election this time. That's what we're going to try again is a new dance. Yep. We're going to we're going to sing Old Town Road with all of Jeffrey Epstein's associates on stage. You have Prince Andrew singing Old Town Road. You got a remix of it with Prince Andrew. And it's kind of like a band aid thing.
Starting point is 00:24:13 Yeah. We're doing like a live aid sort of thing. And Alan Dershowitz and Prince Andrew and Kamala Harris. Who's Prince Andrew? Jesse Smollett. He's the son of the queen. He's what's his face? His little brother, Charles Charles. I think he's a little bro. I think he is. Yeah. And he's a child. Never going to be king or he will when she dies. Charles will be king. And then his son, William will be king. Nice. And then the baby. So Andrew is Chuck's bro who fucked kids. Is that who he is? Yeah. Andrew fucks kids. Andrew's too is like the Buckingham Pal. He retired from public life and Buckingham Palace had to release a statement which is like they're the royal family. It's not like they have to worry about
Starting point is 00:24:57 a real. They can just say like never happened. Yeah. No, they can just say like he likes fucking kids. There's nothing you can do about it. He's the prince of England. What do you want to do? You're speaking the language that our family forced you to speak. Anyways. Yeah. So but no, he's like, oh, he was appalled by the crimes. Jeffrey Epstein's accused. Yeah. Well, there's a picture of him at Jeffrey Epstein's house after all the charges, waving to an underage. I saw that too. I thought that was a joke too. Blurry. Bye bye. Damn, dude. If you if you like getting your dick hard normally with not children with not children, but you can't instead of fucking kids, maybe try a little pill. That's right. To be clear. We're
Starting point is 00:25:58 asking the people. Here's who we're asking to use this product. Maybe it's just a pedophile and Prince Andrew had tried Bluetooth with with adult women or men. The systematic global rape of hundreds of children because they weren't doing it for sex. They were doing it for power. They're doing it for power. Yeah. You know, so if you want a powerful cop, that's what that show power is about. 50 cent raping people, raping children. Yeah. 50 cent. Yeah. You know, the show's called power because it's not about, you know, sex. It's about, you know, how's he like clenches his teeth? Yeah, he took like this. That's pretty good. A little bit like this. Well, not yet. No, no, I lost. I lost it for a second.
Starting point is 00:26:42 He's not like these. No, he's not like me. I'm using you from Bluetooth. Yeah, if you're designing your Bluetooth, do not be a pedophile. Don't be a pedophile. Because I took a Bluetooth and she said my penis is so hard, I must want to get full. She fuck my ass and say, look how much your little penis likes. Okay, Miguel, we're real sorry about that. But did you take the Bluetooth? But she said it was candy. Case dismissed. This man dismissed. So if you're a woman who wants to rape a man, you could also buy a Bluetooth. You like sex. You love. You and your partner will love taking a blue chew pill. That's what they call that. That's what they called it in a case like that is there's the perpetrator and then their
Starting point is 00:27:40 partner in crime, the PIC partner in crime. But yes, to reiterate, actually, we don't want the people to pay us to endorse a product to do any crimes. Yeah, don't do it. A philic or like sex, you'll like blue chew. It's a performance enhancement for the bedroom. Remember Enzite Bob? Yeah, that was fake. That was a fucking lying piece of shit dangerous chemicals. And that guy ended up you know what happened to that actor? What happened? He killed himself. Yeah, the guilt of fucking what a tragedy. So many people with soft cocks. You had to blow his brains out. The telltale soft cock. He was investigating a story. And then in the last minute decided to kill himself. Yeah, rather than me with the sources. You know
Starting point is 00:28:31 about that? So there's a guy named Danny Castellaro. No, that he was researching this story about the State Department stealing this like software from this guy who accused the State Department of stealing it or whatever. Doesn't matter. So this guy, but like the case opened up and this guy Castellaro is looking into it. And then it implicates like these deep state actors and like some pretty shady shit. So he goes out, he starts getting threatening phone calls. His housekeeper is like, yeah, no people are threatening to kill him all the time. And then he's like, he's like, you have to go to Mardsburg, West Virginia to meet like a source for the story. And while he's out there, he checks in his motel and he's like, you know what,
Starting point is 00:29:09 I'm going to slash my wrists and not leave a note. Yep. So that's how that story ends is he decided while in the middle of doing something. Yes, he's like, let me just put this off for a second and kill myself. If only Danny Castellano or whatever had had blue chew, they've only as Danny would have fucked a pretty woman in his hotel and not killed himself and suicide is on the rise in this country and 45% of it is related to a soft cock. There's having a soft penis because they know that once you die, you're a cock goes. Yes, there are only orders that you can be taken on a full and empty stomach. They know that because during the autopsy of Danny Castellaro, they found all he had
Starting point is 00:29:50 ingested was blue chew and his penis was completely hard. Oh, he had taken it. Yeah. Well, the online physician consult is cheaper than the other two by Agrincy Alice. It only takes a few minutes to connect to the blue chew dot com affiliated physician. If you qualify, you get prescribed online quickly. They actually will send the doctor to your house to prescribe you whatever you like. He'll put your cock in his mouth. Yeah, the doctor gets you hard. The doctor will suck you off. This doctor is a head expert. Dr. Adam Friedland. What are you talking about? No, my parents would be so happy. Yeah, if you're a doctor, people's doctor. Yeah, Adam's got a job as a doctor now. The saying he's a died needs money for
Starting point is 00:30:35 knee pads for his new doctor job. Medical school sucked him dry with finances and he needs to needs to borrow my rollerblading knee pads. As you know, as Adam's father, I roller blade everywhere I go. Yes, I never stop rolling worried about his carbon footprint. Why shame a man for I would love this being a mission's free. Your dad berating you in full rollerblading gear, just gliding back and forth, sitting at the dinner table wearing rollerblades and full rollerblading the helmet on. You've got to change your life choices in the years you spend. So Dr. Adam Friedland will come suck your dick. Yeah, Bluetooth ships directly your door and discreet packaging and chewables from Bluetooth are prescribed
Starting point is 00:31:27 online by a doctor and made in the USA. Unlike fucking, you know, other dick, other Chinese you want to fucking take. Listen, before I had Bluetooth, I used to take Indian research chemicals that I got off the Internet and they gave me the worst headaches of my life. Now, Bluetooth, my cock gets hard. Very little headache. Very little dick. No headache. Chew it and do it, folks. So here's a great deal for you guys. Visit and get your first order free when you use promo code come town. Just pay $5 shipping. That's B-L-U-E-C-H-E-W .com promo code come town. Oh yeah. And listen, if your dick is going to be hard, bring it to Oakland on the 24th this fucking weekend. I'm coming by your ticket. slash
Starting point is 00:32:19 tour and then I'm in Seattle on the 29th Portland on the 30th just announced Philly on the 21st and then Fort Wayne and Indianapolis on the 27th and 28th of September and go see my boy Adam. We got a second show. First show sold out. So get tickets for the 9 30 at the large room. I'm a 29th. I'll also be at the whistle stop in San Diego on the 28th. I don't believe there are pre-sales for those tickets. You got to get tickets at the door. Adams at the whistle stop, the whipping boy, chain gang, the whistle stop. It's a bear mountain. He's at secrets and secrets and whispers. He's at Redcox. He's at the dangerous rainbow. He's at bearbacks. Did you hear that Epstein had a controlling stake in secrets in Ocean
Starting point is 00:33:06 City, MD? Shut up. He did. No, he didn't. He had no no touch of anything. Don't say that. Don't besmirch the name of Ocean City, Maryland. It's true. You take it back. It was an illusion to all the secrets that the global satanic pedophile. No, no, no, no, not a funny thing to joke about. It's not. Some things are off limits, man. Some things are off. So I'm so secrets is it's a pun. We might come down. I know because it's next to the sea, but it's also there's secrets. You don't know. You don't even know. You just realized it because you just I knew that it was SCA. I didn't know that. Everyone knows it. You've never been there. So how did you know? I've been to Ocean City, MD. Of course,
Starting point is 00:33:44 there's secrets. Yeah, it's got sand on the ground. No shit, motherfucker. Everyone knows that. It's the coolest bar in America. You're fucking lying and don't ever besmirch secrets again or I'll fuck you up. I wasn't besmirching anything. Yes, you did. I think they should include like a parrot head theme at Gettysburg. I think that would be good for Gettysburg is if they did reenactments, but there was also like a Margarita feel to the whole thing. Yeah. The Confederate soldiers have like Hawaiian shirts on. Okay. Yeah, like a chiller version of the war. And you get drunk. The Civil War is so nasty. You know, it's like everyone has had trench foot. You know, there's guys that show up to those enactments that are
Starting point is 00:34:22 just blasting the N word and they're like, that's the way it was done. History. That is how they this is all they cared about and talked about always back then. I'm on the gray team. Yeah. I fucking love history. Well, if you want to be that accurate, why are you wearing rollerblades? Because in South Africa, where I'm from, everyone does this. I don't make me break character. You're making me break character. I'd never do that. You're frustrating me and making me break character. I'm supposed to be Stonewall Jackson, except I have rollerblades and a lightsaber. Well, where was I? I was wondering if anyone could massage General Jackson's body. I've become so faint from the wall. That would be funny.
Starting point is 00:35:23 If we showed up, he shows up as Scarlett O'Hara. He's just yeah, just an effect the Stonewall Jackson wearing rollerblading gear. My mama, my asshole could use a massage. I just need these strong Southern gentlemen to massage my body. I was thinking we could I've become so very tired from rollerblading around the battlefield. No, do not besmirch his good name. Wow. Now who's looking who's using the word besmirch? Well, it's made some member of my of my immediate family. Okay, let's be very clear about the hierarchy of things that you can and can't joke about. Secrets. Secrets is number one at the top and Ocean City MD and the culture of Maryland. Don't make us list counties culture. We go back
Starting point is 00:36:13 through those list those again. I wonder I wonder how people like that. I loved it. Who doesn't like to hear about why Comico County? We hear an Arundel County, Queen Anne, Calvary. Can you imagine how fat and Arundel must have been? Nice. Yeah. Well, I volunteered with the library and I attend the Renfest every year. I post on r slash wizard cats. It's a Harry Potter cat themed fucking something. And my pussy is in Hufflepuff and I'm a big bitch myself. Myself. I'm a big bit. If I had to describe myself, I would, I would say first and foremost, I am a big bitch. Instead of Big Bird, it's a big bitch and it's just some huge fat woman that sits in a nest next to the trash cans. Just a fat nude woman trying
Starting point is 00:37:24 to figure out what triangles are, big bitch. Well, that's very nice, Elmo. Why don't you come over here and I'll explain them to you. Don't go. She'll try to eat you, Elmo. She's a, she's a benevolent. She's part of that. No, it's just Big Bird, except it's just some huge bitch that has a nest. So the nest, the bird theme is kept only through the nest. Yes. And then it's a huge bitch that's got a big boa, a big boa feather boa. Yes. Yeah. Okay. She nude. Hey, big bitch. What's she wearing like a cardigan? I don't know. I haven't really thought about it to be honest with you. Whatever it takes. No, I can make it through. I was thinking about what if, what if your balls had nipples on them? Oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:38:22 I feel like pleasure them. I saw your tweet about it. It'd be pretty cool, wouldn't it? You could feel nipples on your nuts. What's the point of a nipple? I guess to get milk. Oh, I never considered that. But yeah, but we have men have them and they're like just extra appendages. Yeah. What was for the nineties? In the nineties, man got nipples. Yeah. That was like a nineties thing. Not before that. No, no. That was like a cool thing is guys who get, you know, like their bleach tips and they had nipples. That's the beginning of that metrosexual. Yes. That's a very metrosexual thing is to have little milkers. I'm still metrosexual, dude. I wear boot cut jeans, low V's extra low American apparel V's. I
Starting point is 00:39:09 wear what else? Ed Hardy type shit. Is that metrosexual? No, that's not get hardy and you can't do it. Get hardy and you can't even, I'd like to wear get hardy. That's a t-shirt idea for you, Nick. Your penis is not. Yeah, dude, you should do a get hardy. Yeah. It's like a dragon that's like can't get hard. Who's got a little limp cock? I got to figure it out. I might have to switch over to fulfillment for some things over the way fulfillment for some things with those shirts. I can't handle the water. Yeah. It was a lot of work. You did the other day. Yeah. Well, it was the other week, the entire week. Yeah. I got another 600 or so shirts coming. They're supposed to be here Friday or today. They still haven't
Starting point is 00:39:55 showed up, but it'll be another round of that. And then what I want to try and do is get some kind of fulfillment going in Australia and the UK so you don't have to pay $15 shipping for all that shit. Oh, damn. You know what, they'll fuck foreigners, dude. Fuck them. No, I'm going to take over France. I'm going to do a bunch of sweet Charlie parody shirts. You could do a big Osama bin Laden with a dick nose. I'm going to break bust into the French market with the most anti-Semitic muzzy fucking cartoons on shirts. What if muzzy was anti-Semitic and it was a shirt? Wait, who's muzzy? Muzzy was you'd learned French from, he was like a cartoon. I thought you were saying like a slur for Muslim. No. No,
Starting point is 00:40:47 muzzy was like a French cartoon. Interesting. They'd sell the tapes on TV for people that wanted their kids to be gay. Well, how many, so your parents bought a hundred tapes? Yeah, I was, I was watching a lot of muzzy growing up. Yeah, I bet you did. Yeah, what's the premise? He's like a big monster. He's like a monster. Yeah. And he's friends with a lot of little kids. Fuck him. There's Madeline too. That was also the French. I fucked with Madeline. But that was in English, like the cartoons. Yeah, but she was a French bitch. I fucked the nun from Madeline. You fucked nun of the women. No, you fucked no one. No, the nun. You've never had sex. From Madeline, the cartoon. Before she took her vows or after.
Starting point is 00:41:39 She cheated on God with me, dude. Damn. I cucked God. Does that count as cucking God if you fuck nuns? Because don't nuns, isn't that the idea that they fucked God? They're married to God. So then God will be fucking, fucking terrified of you, dude. God is sitting on a chair with his arms folded looking sad while I fucked these nuns. There's got to be some hot nuns, dude. There has to be a couple. And if you catch them just right, you might be able to get ahead from them. Are they allowed to leave if they want? Do you think nuns should shave their pussies? No. Probably not, right? I think they should bring back to catch a predator but do it with like adult women rather than like children. So guys show up
Starting point is 00:42:23 to a house and they're like, how dare you try to have sex with a woman? How dare you try to hit on a woman in the DMs? Oh, you get to catch a predator for like flirting too hard? Yes. For any type of flirting online. Yeah. Which should be, you know, that way we can cut down on people creeping in the DMs. That is technically the definition of a predator these days. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. That'd be a fun show. It's guys being like, what the fuck? I didn't do anything wrong. I asked her if she wanted to go see Midsomer with me. Wow. Yikes. Yikes. Yikes fam. That's a yikes for me. We're gonna get you screenshot in every city in America. Yikes. Big yikes. Big fucking. He tries to leave and there's
Starting point is 00:43:16 just a bunch of fat women in the bushes yelling at him. Yeah. Sorry. Yeah. Yeah. Sorry. Damn. Tell me how to get how to get to Sesame Street. If you guys like underwear, I'll tell you what you really nice. What do you mean really? Are we doing another one? Yeah. Nice. It's been 40 minutes. Hell yeah. That's how that's how it goes as you go. That's how the cock cookie crumbles. That's how the cookie sucks muck being this. You got a mac. Which cookies would you think we give the best head? Thin mints. Why? No. Because the thing, because the menthol and the mint. Yeah. It's like a whore that's been smoking for smoking new port menthol. All right. Let's get it over with some 110 pound woman. It's all knuckles
Starting point is 00:44:14 and veins. I see. I would be a soft baked cookie. There you go. Sweet odd. Maybe something like a fucking month like a Sausalito. No, I didn't start off like this. I had a wife. Yeah, sure you did. Everybody did. I tried. I wanted things to go normal. I want to end up in a fucking motel paying for blow jobs. Well, I know meal cream pie isn't technically a cookie, but it would definitely give good head. Yeah. Anyway, you can find out at mac welden dot com. Who is Mac Weldon? You ask. Well, he was the first man to fuck a cookie every cookie because he initially wanted to start a cookie company. Yeah. But he his wife was like, what the fuck? Like, why have you ruined all your underwear with all these
Starting point is 00:45:07 chocolate chips? I thought you were cheating on me. Now I think you are cheating on me and you're covering it up by fucking everything in the pantry. And that's why there's a bunch of cum and snickerdoodle all over your underwear. That's right. And it smells so bad. Yeah. And it smells bad. So you wanted to start a new a new company to make sure that all of your basics and beyond are smartly designed and shopping for them is easy and convenient. You can fuck as many cookies as you want. You can fuck as many cookies as you want with this kind of underwear. Basically, you can you can be the Otis sponkmeyer of fucking cookies. Oh, yeah. What a funny name for truly cookie company. Otis sponkmeyer. Yeah, he's
Starting point is 00:45:49 like an old pimp that smells bad. Yeah. That's his name. That's who loves to come. Right. Sponkmeans come right? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So, well, Mack Weldon dot com is I went there and I got some underwear and I tell you, it was so easy. Yeah, dude. Ask me how easy it was. How easy. How easy. It was so easy that I wanted to kill myself. That's too easy. They should make it a little harder. Mack Weldon's online shopping is so easy that you'll want to kill yourself. The second you look the second you look at your website, you're going to say this is such an easy. We've reached perfection. Yeah, there's nothing more to live. Alexander wept for there were no more worlds to suck off. Yeah, it's it's the Mack Weldon and Adam
Starting point is 00:46:45 wept for there were no more men to actually they let me in. They gave me the true story of what happened. They founded Mack Weldon because they wanted to they wanted more out of the basics. Yeah, dude. I've been thinking about that. There's not enough out of basics. I was thinking about the basics and I always question myself. How could something so essential be a pain in the ass to do? I think about that every day that I am alive every day. I think about my underwear and my massive collection of assault rifles I need in case Obama decides to try and come back. Just the basics, the essentials. And why is it such a hassle to purchase the two of them? Oh, a couple kids will get killed every three
Starting point is 00:47:23 months. Yeah, who cares? So Mack Weldon, they set out to create a simple website where you can get smartly designed underwear and assault rifles. Yeah, it was one of our fifties with bump stocks. Unfortunately, the guns didn't pan out that they're still working on it. But rest assured now that Mack Weldon is trying day and night to get untraceable AR 15 military grade lowers 3D printed delivered to you plastic. So they go through airplanes, go get through airplanes with them. You shoot down an airplane. And look, you want to kill the president. This is the website for you. Listen, you want to get a gun through airport security to fly a plane into the new 9 11 mosque yet and tell you what because they've tested all these
Starting point is 00:48:17 underwears by filling them with guns and wearing them around. And it feels like it feels like you're wearing nothing at all. Nothing. The frustration was real. And our Eureka moment happened. This is back in the department. It's not back to anything. This is just your chain of the truth. No, this is the true story. Yeah, they sent me a placemat that they pay. I mean, I this is my personal opinion. Yeah, my opinion as well. But yeah, they pay me in Chile. So I'm handed they'd say put the underwear on. See if you spill a drop of chili on it. I'm wearing a Mack Walden bib that you are and I've got covering your whole cock because it's so little. My dick that is so big that it goes all the way up to my neck.
Starting point is 00:49:01 And it's jammed into my stoma. Yep. That's why I have the stoma. Mm hmm. Yeah, I was asking about that. What's that about? I was wondering, I could it so I can put my penis in there. So you just put a little hole in your throat? Yeah, put your because your penis didn't quite reach your mouth. And that's why things like underwear, it's always such a struggle for me to buy stuff because I go in the I go in the Macy's and I have my penis shoved into my stoma. And I say, do you have underwear for people like me? And they say no. And that's why I went to Mack Walden dot com because of their Eureka moment. It happened in department store full of brands that dominated our top drawer surrounded by a mind numbing
Starting point is 00:49:43 assortment of underwear and socks. We realized consistent fit and quality became a game of roulette. This sounds like fight club. It is. It's that serious. There was all this bullshit underwear and I knew we had to do something. We had to blow up the banks and beat each other up in a basement. Yeah, why? Why did they start from scratch and engineered their own message of fight club? The underwear is nice. I got a pair. It does feel space agey. Yeah, they're it's award winning. I want a pair. I mean, I have a pair. Yeah, they have Mack Walden has an award winning mobile app. I love we made sure the design process was meticulous so you can count on the fit being the same each time we built the world class
Starting point is 00:50:25 customer service differences in the details. So they said yes, they're very nice underwear. I mean, I don't know the fuck about fabric, but it fits. They fit pretty well. They look good. Yeah, nice dick print and oh, your cock sings in those motherfuckers. Yeah, call your cock Aretha Franklin because it's hitting the high, the high notes and the low notes. Yeah, you look like an after Mark Weldon's, even though the rest of your body is dog shit. Your rest of your fat, pathetic, disgusting fucking. You'll be looking at your your nice underwear. Nobody was thinking about your fucking tits, your love handles, your big, disgusting tits. Anyways, Mack Walden is a premium men's essentials brand and believes
Starting point is 00:51:06 in smart design and premium fabrics. I mean, cover that. This seems like they sent me sorry it said there was new copy, but it seems like it's the fucking same as it. No, all that shit about the department store. I guess that yeah, but they don't want me to read that. I don't know. That's what happened. Here's a, here's a backstory of the company. They didn't like what was offered. So they did their own thing. I'm sure you could have fucking well, they want you to write to read that thing about killing the president. That's for sure. That is in there. That's just must be sad. I think that's the new copy. Back wall. Me most comfortable underwear, sock shirts, undershirts, hoodies and sweatpants
Starting point is 00:51:44 and more than you ever wear. They've a line of silver underwear. You guys know about that. It's antimicrobial, which means it gets the stink out of your pink. And if you're not paying your pink, well, maybe you should be, why don't you get the guy now? Keep it moving. You know, we're not here for anybody other than our pink dick friends. Well, I don't have a pink dick. You don't have a dick at all. I do have a dick. He's got a Mediterranean so they have a dick. My dick is olive toned and the head is green. It looks like an olive. It looks like a pimento. It's purple. That's the lack of oxygen that gets your dick. Yeah. That's not the reason it looks like a little pimento poking out of it. First of all, that's
Starting point is 00:52:25 the wrong kind of olive. No, it's the right kind of olive. Fuck pimentos. They want you to be comfortable. So if you don't like your first pair, you can keep it and they will still refund you. No questions asked. Not only does Mack Weld and underwear socks and shirts look good, but they perform well too. It's one of the only pairs. This is true. The only pairs of underwear where you can actually use that slot that you pull your penis out of. Yeah. A lot of guys, they do the penis pull challenge. They set up a Mack Weld and set up a boot outside of a school. They go to trade shows and they put that underwear on. You know, some of the other guys brand. I love pulling our peak. And we all
Starting point is 00:53:17 stand there. How does that feel? How does your car through that whole field? Picture taken with a booth girl next to a Miss Abishi eclipse. That was Mack Weld and underwear socks shirts look good to perform well too. It's good for working out going to work on a date, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. So use promo code. Yeah. No, I'm looking for the promo. Mr. Pussy. Fucking change it all the time. Anyways, yes, it's very easy. You go online. You buy the fucking underwear that's great. Oh, yeah, it is good. It is legitimately good underwear. And here. Okay, here we go. Here's the special offer only for our listeners. I love that shit for 20% off your first order. Visit Mack Weld dot com and enter promo code
Starting point is 00:53:58 come town 20. That's C-U-M-T-O-W-N two zero a checkout. And this is sorry. This is this is not new copy. It's more technical information that just confuses me says there. I must include a clickable your URL over the video. I don't know what video. I don't know. I think they just resend the generic like, you know, sponsor stuff in here. That's I thought this was there was specific stuff in here that I needed. Look, you know the deal. Come come 20 20 C-U-M-T-O-W-N 20. I don't think it's case sensitive, but just in case through all caps for 20% off. And then if you don't like the underwear, they just refund you and you get to keep the underwear. It's a perfect crime. There's nothing to lose. You can try it out. You know, and then you're
Starting point is 00:54:53 probably going to whatever you're wearing, you're going to throw out. If you're wearing the trash, I want actually, I talked to a guy who's the first responder. It listens to the show. And he, he, I, I, I, I, D guy, his, his little, little Jeep was blown up. Oh, 9 11. Oh, and his Wrangler. And so he's, he's chronically just pissing and shit. He was in Iraq for his first responder. He came back over here and his wife had to quit her job. So she should clean, clean up all his asses, leaking all day and shit and constantly while he's just a nightmare, more punisher tattoos on his limbs, don't work. And he's been in diapers and he went on the Mack Walden dot com and he got that pair of underwear
Starting point is 00:55:35 and he put them on and instantly stopped his legs. His legs grew back. Yeah. His legs grew back and he stopped pissing and machining themselves. And Jennifer Garner is actually producing a movie about it now because his, uh, when his, his, his dick and balls actually said they met God while they were working, they met Jesus. Yeah. And his dick actually started talking and it's the feel good movie of the summer. It's so I saw an advanced screening. Kevin Sorbo as the veteran and Jennifer Garner as his wife. It's cleaning up his piss. He's Kevin Sorbo is covered in piss and shit. Yeah. The whole yep. At first we see him in Iraq and he's just like, I'm just a 19 year old kid. He just wants to be a watch model. Once
Starting point is 00:56:17 I get back for, I want to pick up my dad's watch modeling business when I get back from this mission here in Somalia fighting child soldiers. And then he boom, bang, boom. Yeah. You know, scary. Then he, yeah, roll the truck rolls and they're like, they're like, welfare check. Everybody's, everybody's, everybody's saying your dick good. Mike's like, my dick's good. Oscar, Oscar, Oscar, Dick, Michael Bravo. You know, and then Kevin Sorbo's like, Oh God, my, my dick can't get hard and I'm pooping. So wait, where's his wrist blown off? Is his wrist blown off? Do you want to be a watch model? When does his dick meet God? So he's in a, this is still the aftermath. Okay. And then he's flown back. He's dragged back behind
Starting point is 00:57:07 the truck because the army run have ran out of money at this point. And so they drag him back to America and he's just, his body is dangling, pissing and shitting itself. And he's just reading the Punisher comics on the way back home. So he's just waiting to meet his wife. Yeah. And he gets back to Jennifer Garner is like, Oh my God, what happened? And then he's like, I have my dick died in Somalia. And then so, you know, the pissing shit and they're trying to get their life back together. And then she's like, I'm allergic to shit. I'm allergic to shit. And she's ruining our Christian. So I can't get a divorce, but I might cheat on you with a different type of first responder, a fireman. Oh yeah. And
Starting point is 00:57:52 he's like, you know, I hate firemen. You know, I'm more of a police kind of guy. Anyways, he goes back home back home and then his dick comes back to life. And he's like, tell you what, folks, while I was up there, I met the big fella. They're like, how do you dick and talk now? He's like, not only can I talk, I met Jesus. Not only can I talk, but Jesus told me we should be banning Muslims. No, I met. I met Jesus. Joe Mackie is the day. Kumail Nanjiani as Kevin Sorbo's dick. I saw him. He's like that. Not really. He's got a little bit of it. Yes, but slight. I don't know. It used to be worse. It did. It got worse while he was in heaven. Now his dick is Pakistani. He met the Pakistani. Then it turns out that
Starting point is 00:58:54 Jesus was Muslim. Oh, and then the guy kills himself. And then the guy kills him. He goes to hell where Jesus is. Kiss me. Let me see your little ass dick. I want to suck it off. I'm gay. So fuck me. Yeah. That's the movie. Kiss me. Pissing my ass and mouth. Oh, I'm gay. Yeah. Damn. I had another good one, but I forgot it. Yeah. Something about being gay again. Oh, but I was laughing the other day about going to see peanut butter falcon. Yep. But then laughing in the theater like, like fucking Robert De Niro and just with a cigar. Everyone's trying to watch the movie. Excuse me. Do you mind? They can't kick you out of a theater for less. Let's just go to another movie. Counselor. Like what's that guy's deal?
Starting point is 01:00:36 I told him he shouldn't make fun of retarded kids 14 years ago. Now he's got a vendetta against me. Damn. Is that what Cape fears about? Yeah. A guy just says a thing in a movie theater. No, we talked about this. It's about a prosecutor. That's so funny that you think we talked about that. We literally talked about the movie last week and then you think damn, is that what it's about? A guy that says a thing in a theater. I don't know. He could be crazy or something. Yeah. I don't fucking listen to look dude in one ear out the other. That's the best way to stay centered in this crazy life, dude. In this crazy life in this crazy La Vida Loka, dude. Yeah. La Vida Joker. Second La Vida penis. Oh, that
Starting point is 01:01:17 should be a song on the new Joker soundtrack. Living La Vida Loka. He's crazy. Ever coming out. I know what the fuck. I don't know, but I want to see it. I wish they would do like a Joker movie where his back story is he's like, he's either like a green beret or like a CIA special activities division guy, you know, and he gets back from Afghanistan. Uh-huh. And then he becomes the Joker. Yeah. Oh, I've seen people tweet that shit or say that that he's clearly a veteran and he was not only a veteran, but he would torture people. And they say that because he knows Batman's interrogation tactics that he's a veteran. So he can't be broke that water board. He's at Jules suck dick enough guy who on Twitter. Jules suck.
Starting point is 01:02:11 Oh, yeah, that guy with the mustache. So dick or off. Yeah, that's his name. Yes. Jules suck. That guy's guys. I might be pronouncing wrong, but he's like, like, and I don't give a shit, but like it's fucking like heating Antifa for fighting fascists. It's like hating the fire department for fighting fires. The something, something for, I don't know. That's the last one. Then the last one is Batman for fighting crime. And it's like, if Batman were real, he is fascist. He would be a he's a fascist. He's a millionaire that just decides who gets to right. Antifa is legitimately breaking the law. They're going around like assaulting and I'm not like pro, but in that in the in your world where Batman exists,
Starting point is 01:02:57 he would absolutely be fucking Batman would hate it. He would be beating up and the Joker were the or Bane. Yeah, I don't think I've said this on the show before. Yeah. But Bane would be like, not only have you not said it on the show before, it's your original take. It's something that you deduced yourself. It's something that I never read or saw in numerous were heard someone say at a bus stop or a public venue. Yeah. I am Antifa, dude. I'm put on fucking Ninja outfit and I'm going to fuck up some proud boys. I just think that like that's not what fascists are bad, right? But they're just other poor people. Why don't they fuck up rich people? Why doesn't Antifa kill the Koch brothers? Okay, that's true.
Starting point is 01:03:43 That's fascism. I guess but there's so much fascism around us. The proud boys are fucking dorks, dude. I mean, they probably I just think it's it is weird that people seem to I'm just saying the elites, if you want to think of it in a class context, the elites want poor people to fight poor people so they can get away with doing whatever shit they want to do. I don't even think it's that complicated. I mean, it's like people need it gives them some kind of purpose in their lives. Yeah, and it gives them community to I think it's mostly it's like a bowling league. Yeah, the Antifa and the proud boys. You have a mostly secular society with a bunch of people that never really needed to be truly atheists.
Starting point is 01:04:24 They can always just have faith in fucking, you know, the system or whatever. And now that it's crumbling, they need some additional purpose in their lives. So they have to dress up like Ninja Turtles and beat each other up in the streets to pretend like there's some meaning or something that they can believe in or that they're doing something when ultimately the net result of all this like proud is nothing and Antifa shit is absolutely nothing. It cancels each other out. These are bored people fucking macing each other feeling like they're doing something or nothing. Yeah, it doesn't convince anyone of anything. And then supporting it on social media becomes a similar act of like meaningless show.
Starting point is 01:05:02 It's even more meaningless. Yeah. You know, it does work as BDS or shooting a congressman at baseball practice or yeah, or that BDS. You just not buying seltzer. You don't buy soda streams. You can still buy LaCroix. Those are made in in a head brawn. I didn't even watch the video. I just saw some still Bill Maher with him having a temper tantrum about what a fucking idiot. There's a there's a really good Dershowitz video, which is like a BDS explainer that just dropped. That's very funny. Really? It's like my man also fucks kids salute Dershowitz in the current context. Yeah. Did you see the videos where he's like, I got a massage. I don't enjoy massages personally. I but I got one. My underwear
Starting point is 01:05:51 stayed on. I've had sex with one woman since I was married. One woman. I don't even like massages. I don't I don't like the hands and the touching, but I did it. My underpants were on to be rude to my friend to Jeffrey. I kept my panties on down a massage and what kind of underpants were they? It was a banana hammock thong, a men's style, a normal style that kept my penis in. Dershowitz is a lawyer. What's he? What is his thing? He's a lawyer and a professor of law. That guy's a lawyer. He was OJ's lawyer. Really? Yeah. He was on the team. He was on the fucking dream. Johnny Cochran was the he was Johnny Cochran was the flash. Yeah. He was. He was Freddie Mercury. Bob Shapiro thought he was and then we all
Starting point is 01:06:47 saw the show. I didn't actually see the whole. It's a great show. You should watch it. I watched most of it. Um, or I watched the first two episodes. Ross Ross is Rob Kardashian. Yes. What's his name? Not Rob. Yeah. Yeah. Robert Kardashian. Oh, he's named at his son. I think he's named after his phone. Yeah. Ross crushes it, dude. He's perfect for that guy. Are they making another one of those? Uh, yeah. About something. Well, they made another one about Versa Gianni Versace. That was the same people. Yeah. American crime story or whatever, which was also pretty good. I saw one random episode of that. I kind of see the Irishman. What me too. What does that come out? I feel like I've been hearing about
Starting point is 01:07:36 that movie for seven years. I trust Scorsese. Dude, I do too. He kills you. I see the Tarantino movie. I did Nick, which one? The Once Upon a Time Hollywood. Um, I'm asking if you saw Paul fiction for a time. Yeah. He's in live before time three. Yeah. That's the one with the earth shake, right? Mm hmm. Yeah. He's gay, dude. He's fucking gay. No, I'm thinking about it. He's a fucking gay, a little gay ass dinosaur. I think they're fucking tough. Yep. Yeah, they're not tough. Talk to them. Talk to the people, man. Nah, nah, nah. Fuck that shit. Miss me with that shit. Miss me with that fucking gay ass shit, dude. I only watch cool stuff. Like what? Like die hard, like tough movies. Mm hmm. Yeah. No, people
Starting point is 01:08:29 are talking about fucking Lion Kings. No, dude. No, no, no, no. I'm going to watch the Lions. No, no, I'll be watching fucking some rated R stuff. I'll be watching rated R stuff. I'm watching interview with a vampire fucking now. Yeah. Some other stuff such as money trained. Yeah. Maybe some really bad ass PG 13 movies. Yeah, that's just that's the kind of thing I go to see every once in a while. Yeah, yeah. Where they cuss twice. They say shit twice. I just say fuck one time. Somebody like some I just overheard somebody in a coffee shop say cars three. I'm like, no, no, I've never seen that. No, I don't even just spill in coffee. What even is that? Shut up. Shut up. Shut it. Just shut up. Shut up. I'm
Starting point is 01:09:50 not gay. I am not gay. Stop talking about cars three. I don't want to see gay things like that. I've never even wanted to see it. I was watching. I haven't seen it and I've never even thought about wanting to see that. I wanted to go see you as marshals. I love that movie. The fucking sequel to the fugitive. The fugitive. Yeah. But with Wesley, dude, that was the fugitive was a good movie, man. Yeah, it was sick. Dude, he jumps off that thing. She rocks. I didn't fuck my wife. I don't care. I don't care. Tommy Lee, man. That man. I saw a Chinese guy that looked exactly like no, you can ask Amber wrote their result. Look, it's Tommy Jones Lee. Oh, good. Yeah. Quick. Where did
Starting point is 01:11:00 you see him? I still got it in Chinatown. That's awesome. Yeah, he came out and he had that like that, like this expression, but amusement. No, that like that like pained, you know, you're you've been staring at the sun and hill country. Yeah, a squint. Yeah, was the fugitive his first like big ass thing? Tommy Lee Jones. Like I can't imagine him being young. No, yeah, he was in a bunch of shit as a young man. Yeah, he's been acting since like the fucking early 80s, I think. Hmm. Let's see. Tommy Lee Jones. Tommy sucks bones. Yeah, because the fugitive, what was that? 1995. But I feel like that must have cracked him or something. I mean, I could be totally wrong. Well, he got an Academy
Starting point is 01:11:48 Award for the fugitive. So definitely that was just that probably took him to the next level. Well, let me let me see what his breakthrough was. It was tight in Japan seeing him on all those billboards. Was he in billboards? Yeah, everywhere, dude. He got like a bag for like being a coffee spokesman and coffee. I think it was coffee. Yeah, that's tight. That'd be a big ass endorsement deal. And like, yeah, just get paid fat. Have a little lost in translation week again. I would love to translation more like it. It's centauri time. I love that shit. Should we go to the show? We got to go guys. Yeah, we should always always check out come dot town to see what was his big role though. It's just listing things. Alright, well, yeah,
Starting point is 01:12:42 go to come downtown. See me and Adam on tour. 29th Lodge room. Late show 9 30. See you. See you in the Bay. See you stop in the Bay. Hopefully I'll be there soon and suck me next weekend. Alright, good evening. Bye everyone. Bye.

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