The Adam Friedland Show (Cumtown) - Ep. 212 – Handing It Off

Episode Date: June 18, 2020

Was gonna go take a break from the show this week but ended up fucking up my hand real bad but the did the episode without me anyways. It's probably a good one jamel is on it...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 That's a great point and that's why I'm glad I finally got to come I came to come town for the geopolitics y'all y'all really y'all really paid attention in social studies class. Oh yeah. That was my best subject for sure. Social studies was my shit. So I was I was a fucking I was a little I was a little AP history slut. Oh yeah.
Starting point is 00:00:24 That's nasty. That's me. I was I used to sell candy for model UN. I wasn't in model UN. Respect you just want you had a couple points on the package. Yeah. Yeah. Nice.
Starting point is 00:00:40 Then one time I did get robbed niggas took all my candy that's fucking hilarious. Big respect for that you know so what you were you faking were you setting up like a fake we try to get people that wanted to support the model UN you wanted to divert funds. I mean I think I was more trying to divert funds I was trying to get some slush money for myself. I see. Yeah. You know but then I ended up getting robbed before I even I had to I had to hit him off
Starting point is 00:01:09 I had to pay him back for the pack I lost. That was always I used to love when the was I should call the wolf something Wolfson's or what the fuck was that oh y'all y'all had some different shit up there but I know what you're talking about just school little bars school school chocolate the Easter seals pack of chocolate bro when I realized that there was no like there was no like cosmic justice that meant you had to get a dollar every time you took one out when I realized I could just eat as many chocolates as I wanted and the pressure would be on my father and my mother to pay the difference dude I'm I fucking cranked like yeah we might as well
Starting point is 00:01:50 be I fucking cranked like 11 fucking crank like $11 with the chocolates they had a toffee flavor jibber jibber and bezel from the school the school a chocolate fund Adam no I my mom would just take it to work and then sell all my shit for me just jigging my free this was chocolate that kind of shit wow Virginia diner peanuts any y'all have Virginia diner peanuts yeah I was they had a selling confederate peanuts guys so I could go on a band so I could go on a band field trip wow cancel those motherfuckers the you know I'm saying they're what were they called confederate what it was Virginia diner peanuts but come on just having Virginia in the name that ain't of course you know there's a rebel peanuts yeah school of the
Starting point is 00:02:45 burning cross was a confederate I went to evangel where you go you went to what I went to evangel christian polytechnical no very nice urban gurring high they had they changed the name of one of the elementary schools I went to when I was a little kid he was like a confederate I love I love that they even they continue to name it it was like the most minor confederates of all time got middle schools and shit just like the guy the guy who would like the guy who like prepared the whiskey for yeah yeah he's the one we're gonna Jefferson we're gonna stamp him when we uh molding the youth of America you ain't fooling me that's right Beauregard pussy thin the 42nd we're gonna have we're gonna have Beauregard
Starting point is 00:03:43 polytechnic Institute anyway folks listen we might as well why don't we just introduce introduce everyone see what's going on look you've been asking for it we heard you an episode without Nick every we can't we can't we can't get enough DMs where you're like I'm tired of hearing about them time time for Adam to shine I want to stop do something other than laugh yeah and here's about damn time episode and he's about him die we've seen me and Adam Union I we actually sees the means of production and the word the labor the working class has stolen it from fucking Mr. I know we make fun of a lot of guys on the reddit that were like if in real life Adam knew me he wouldn't even be friends with
Starting point is 00:04:30 Nick or soft you know there are a lot of those kind of guys and it's true I probably would be friends with you you know that's true well okay next a little joke the reality is Nick called us and he was he had shortness of breath he was having trouble yeah it seems like he's been talking way too much shit and he got the damn COVID-19 so awesome would it be with that motherfucker had Corona it would be like when he lost all that money in Bitcoin honestly it would feel just as good when I seen him with the tarantula beard I did begin to wonder oh no that's a brain thing that's not a rest okay I was like that I thought that was COVID-19 he got into Bitcoin and when we were in Japan we were like on vacation that's oh yeah I forgot
Starting point is 00:05:24 it was you stayed in the Airbnb the first two days to day trade and I was like do you want to go see some temples or something he's like he's like you guys don't understand money he's like honestly you guys and then like three days later he's like I just lost a hundred thousand I don't think it was that much but yeah well listen he did this look you gotta spend money to make money Michael Douglas that's also true he he was wrong he was walking around Japan in a fucking double pleated suit looking like boiler room that's right yeah so anyway yeah we prayers up for Nick we hope for a quick recovery and anyway in the meantime here's it's it's it's the boy it's the fucking what's it's not a classic we got we need we
Starting point is 00:06:17 need a new you and Nick are the dark alliance it's a minor classical you feel me it's like when the classical is in the little like the copa del Rey you it's like this is twist this is like this is like when Sprite Sprite cranberries oh a ruba jam that's a ruba jam yeah yeah absolutely this is like the most of the people hate it but there's a weird minority that it's they fucking can't get it this is I thought we were gonna go on a tour of the three of us the the triple XL boys of comedy the king it's still on the board and we was gonna have a little tiny Bernie Mac in the corner yeah I would just be a suit yeah with my eyes poking out of the that's right that is true we are going to be the triple XL boys we meet me and Jamel
Starting point is 00:07:08 we've talked about opening up a fats only consignment store I'm still building it's happening and it's about you know what it's about time because Nick has this is what's happened about he's talking about starving yourself it's time we made a plus size a plus size episode this is one for the fatty um for the fat yeah yeah yeah I got some big joints slits slabs about 50% of we're the we're the chunky percent of our audience are larger women that do enjoy uh having sex a lot you got the numbers on that you got that I was surprised but big bitches makes up yeah I love that big booty hose that's what the lips in printout says it has been damn I wish that were true I would I would love some top of douche Leo
Starting point is 00:08:06 right now oh Jamel has your penis broken quarantine look man uh as a member of the like I don't have to answer that question that's why I'm a US senator dog you can't ask me that on a on a private podcast you want to text it to me I want to respect bro we I think we all look he pled the fifth we all know yeah you know yeah come on man my don't press the man lawyer right here my lawyer told me not to even do the show because this the last white thing I'm doing first I'm not doing no more white shit after this period yeah well I yeah that makes sense we actually the last thing I I've actually been investing my money and thank God I bought a lot of bottles of out your mime of pancake mix I bought a lot I'm stockpiling that
Starting point is 00:08:59 I'm gonna go hit up I'm gonna go hit up the fucking the red states and just make a fucking fortune selling the last remaining racist pancake mix there is go nuts man get that get that Wyoming get them Wyoming dollars I've been going other I got vineyard vines I got the vineyard vines and that's cheese I'm trying to flip on these niggas I'm thinking vineyard vines is gonna be the next the next the next wave actually you think that's the next wave I knew this kid I think they came to the live show that met that male model the first night I met him that kids about the first night I met him he was like check out the fucking drip dog I got the fucking vineyard vines hat vineyard vines polo oh yeah I remember that shit though yeah you were there that was it I wasn't
Starting point is 00:09:42 there when it was in LA but y'all told me about you went to a uh what was it uh it was like a Saudi prince themed party I left Jamel's birthday party to have an evil night yeah ended up being like the worst kind of evil we were you know what I'm saying that's that's what happened when you try and do cocaine off a butt off your own ass we got a text that there was an Arabs and models party in the Hollywood Hills that's ridiculous I was having a fun time with my friends and you left it don't be with Arabs and models I was at Jamel's birthday and then I was like talking to LA comics I was like yes I agree intersectionality is hilarious um but I gotta go to this party in the hall you shouldn't have to deal with that my bad you know I'm just kidding I'm trying now it's
Starting point is 00:10:33 true son I be on my l political man I've been I watched a lot of madam secretary so I'll be trying to like of course bridge the gaps but it was Jamel's been binging the Michelle Obama documentary in quarantine yeah he has a notorious RBG poster in his bedroom I'm a Hillary guy I'm an RBG guy personally you know I like it when they say that bad bitches RBG like it's like a like a gangster kind of thing I'm a Madeleine Albright guy she always looked decrepit was ever appointed Madeleine Albright's life where she was like not even just hot but just young looking no she probably looked like it but she but she was probably slinging the pussy oh yeah that's why she was secretary secretary of state she was just fucking and sucking all over the globe that's what it's
Starting point is 00:11:23 it you know she had a very wrinkly pussy by the way if I had to bet my money on anything it would be an abnormal amount of flaps on Madeleine Albright extra flap everybody got a taste that's nasty everybody got Al Gore's I got one cheek one pussy cheek yo Bill Clinton's got the other if Al Gore was striking Madeleine Albright oh my like a VW this cock VFW my cock that feels good Madeleine take it to the balls you flappy whore this is solid you rounded it that got it got good thanks man thank you bro shucks out I just want to say the end of that models and Arabs party is we get to the Hollywood Hills it's like 1 45 a.m. the place is surrounded in Los Angeles police department surrounded and then we just waited we took ubers so they dropped
Starting point is 00:12:25 us off and then we were just waiting outside like a high school party like waiting for the cops to leave and then like we saw there were like girls inside and there and there were like can we just go in I like went up to the door it was like this rich dude paid for security and I was like he does have something in common with Arab lords you know what I'm saying they're tasting boots that how they wear they boots he dresses a lot like a fucking yeah like a like a Iranian man like an Iranian oil he's obsessed with money exchange yeah money exchange for sure it was a lot of fukak and Armani exchange kind of yeah any dude who wears the see-through tops you know how the shirts be like kind of like yes sheer yeah I was my that was my uh that was my summer uh vision
Starting point is 00:13:31 board actually I was gonna go net open shirt wife beater underneath but COVID if you went up from it if you started doing like Jamaican like gang like single mesh top yeah I want to go slashes in the eyebrow hair net yeah you're all your nets everyone you're magic net hair this thing is like a tuna dressed like a tuna caught I love that let me get some pussy let me get some pussy just talk like that shonda paul kind of aesthetic shonda paul upon the replay anyway we leave that we wait another uber comes 20 minutes later we're waiting we're not let being let in I told the security at the at the house the Arab security guys I was like I left my inhaler inside and they were like excuse me I was I was ready
Starting point is 00:14:43 inside of my inhalers in there I could die and then yeah that's bold of you I like that that's bold of you to double down on being Jewish and I was like I just want to say I respect the emirates I respect the Saudi royals please let me in because my inhaler isn't there I left it in a girl's pussy and uh wait so we leave the uber comes takes forever to get up to the to the Hollywood hills we get back down like to sunset it's 2 a.m. la fucking sucks every bar closes at 1 30 a.m. it's like not like new york that is weird I do find that we go to bed I don't get why but you want so some of the people who are with were like we go to their apartment and they're like oh we might have a bottle of wine at the apartment we get there zero alcohol everyone
Starting point is 00:15:36 hysterical all anyone has is cocaine so soberly soberly doing cocaine with 19 year old no he was he was the he was the he was the 19 year old but everyone else was was around our edge but but uh anyway 19 year old male model gets a text right we're soberly doing coke just everyone's hitting jewels so hard just like pacing around this like one bedroom apartment is awful yeah it's like 4 a.m. I was like I would kill someone just for a beer I want a beer so bad and the male model like gets a text he's like yeah my fucking boy is downtown there's a warehouse party he's like after hours they got drinks there and so I was like let's fucking go I gotta we gotta fucking go you know yeah you're you're gacked up I was like like get it let's go I get
Starting point is 00:16:34 there so the air ever listen yeah the police were surrounded outside the whole time we never got it we never got it so we get we get to the warehouse party it was me and Brandon Wardell walk in they're like um I had a $100 bill they're like covers $20 I was like I don't give a fuck brands like um can I then my and and I was like oh god okay fine right so I pay for Brandon and I the rest of the crew were with her like we we don't have cash I was like I just have to get a drink I get into this fucking rave it is the scariest place I've been in my entire life it's like the it's like the Zion rave but like from hell there was I remember I walked in the first person I see was a fucking amputee there was a guy missing it's the I don't know if I was like fucked up it seemed
Starting point is 00:17:32 like everyone was injured it's like it was terrifying the invalids ball music was horrific and I was like Brandon let's go to the bar I just need one drink and then we go home and Brandon's like I don't like it he I scary I so we go to the bar you niggas is at Walter Reed hospital oh by the way like I met so just putting fuck just putting fucking strobe lights on and stealing all the fucking oxy that that that recent war veterans were giving those kind of parties also I taught I was in the uber with the male model and Brandon and one of the person my friend and I was like so you're but a boy and he's like fuck no dude I'm not a but boy and I was like no no you're just a boy and he's like he's like yeah dude like me and my mom moved here when I was 16
Starting point is 00:18:38 uh from fucking Phoenix so I ain't be a fucking model you're gonna be a model son you know that has just nothing else was her beautiful boy uh you're so gorgeous I'm glad I tricked that NBA G league player into nutting inside me so we could have you oh man she wearing leopard it's like a lot of leopard she's like dresses like she's like 16 so I love this yeah this kid is my bathing with him but it's a miracle he's not gay this kid he came to funny moms and stop absolutely destroyed him from the stage oh yeah yeah I did roast him he will again he will get molest like I don't want it to happen but there's a not there is a I would say 95% chance that some powerful gay man will make him will make the game the the producer will suck his dick for money
Starting point is 00:19:40 that's what's gonna happen politician gay you know saying that he's my type of gay boy I really like I really fuck with that kid he's a cute kid he's a cute kid but no he's he's fun I mean so that I was like so why do you live in LA not New York like isn't there isn't New York better for modeling he's like yeah dude like I got dropped by my New York agent because I took a picture wearing a make America great again hat because I thought it was funny and anyway we get to this fucking rave it's terrifying and we go to the bar yeah everyone there is like it's like like uh like fishnet like arm sleeve kind of like that kind of raver like early 2000s raver culture it was like so weird yep guys with Chris Kirkpatrick 100% sink hair 100% yeah yeah it was like yeah that guy
Starting point is 00:20:34 rocked when are we canceling him for having those weird Patrick you're on the side we're stealing the rhymes yeah your time is coming Chris walking around with that fucking pineapple triple extent tassion you don't think we'll notice oh dig it y'all all the time you remember when Jeremy Lynn but hold up he was out the league he was out of the league though and remember he was like crying and he was like yo they kicked me out because I'm Asian and then the next week he had cornrows like I was like I was like what the fuck did you want him man his way back in he was trying to be like uh hello fellow african americans anyway we get to the bar it's these two like yeah maybe in their 50s like flannel
Starting point is 00:21:26 butch lesbians and I'm like can I have you're in good company and I was like can I get a tequila soda and then the woman just looks at me she's like like Charles like speaking in tongues like on pcp kind of like and I was like and I was like tequila soda and she's like we don't have that we don't have that we don't have that I was like what do you have what do you have and she's like she points to this like bottle of brown alcohol I was like two shots of that oh yeah and then she's like and then she looks at me she goes 60 dollars for two what are you gonna do about it for two carlo rossies two carlo rossies mind you two carlo rossies in a fucking mind you I had a hundred dollar bill I paid for brand and I had to both get in brand it clearly does not have money for the bar
Starting point is 00:22:18 so I paid 60 dollars I've I've spent a hundred dollars in about 30 seconds and then we take a shot and then we leave yeah but it was a whole experience cost a hundred dollars to go to hell I really thought I really thought that night was going to be the best night ever keep telling you man turn your life over to christ man I know man I know I know you could do that yeah you know what you fucked you know where you fucked up adam is you were looking for alcohol when really you should have been looking for some smoke oh products I think I think that's what we can all do kaboom yeah I think we have a sound effect we're yeah hold on a second uh-oh look at that check the board adam you what you need to do is relax right now with some of
Starting point is 00:23:13 cushy dreams smokable CBD smoke your CBD because you can um look man I know I know I know there's a lot of people in the world that love the way we taste but hate getting high I think we can all agree that's you know you like to smoke big right look dude I don't blow big no more I don't do that no no more I'm running for public office I'm a Christian comedian I don't blow big no more but I would love an alternative I would love well I would love to hit the fruit without my mental getting all scrambled well well how would you like some something that looks like high quality marijuana feels like high quality marijuana and tastes like high quality marijuana mr. johnson I mean the attention to detail is noticeable in every beautiful flavor oh y'all better be sending
Starting point is 00:24:04 me a half pound of this shit for free for even doing this you're getting wrapped up you're getting internet radio show you're better you're better fold it up send it on down get you're getting a quat brother hello we thought the exposure from being on such a big platform would be enough but yeah thanks for the drink tickets guys drink of course dude I gotta be honest I have this I no joke have I literally I've been smoking so much weed I've been getting I've been getting so fucked up off edibles that I can't even remember whole slew a slew of days and I literally went to my bodega and bought some like very shitty dried out CBD literally I brought it I bought a pre-roll and just gave myself a fucking headache but we're talking it's not cuz that was before we had this
Starting point is 00:24:51 fucking beautiful new sponsor cushy cushy nightmares homes I was having cushy nightmares over it over at the bodega but I got cushy dreams now they got smokable CBD motherfucking flour okay they got the private reserve they got the ultra premium they got the premium unleaded you think there's just premium no bitch there's also ultra premium that's right you know what I'm saying it's like they got it's nitro nitrogen sealed for nitro oh my god they got gnaws all right yeah they put a nitrous in that bitch if yeah if paul walker was smoking cushy dreams he'd still be alive today bro I'll tell you that was sad um they got pre-rolls each pre-rolls a fucking gram bro okay okay whatever the fuck you want they got sativas they
Starting point is 00:25:40 got into cuz it does not get you high but it gives you that body effect brother um yeah they got relaxed peace create hustle if you're trying to you know I'm saying I need to flip some work done yeah yeah if you're trying to sell other people drugs while smoking something legal fucking fire up a pre-roll a hustle okay they got dream that's my shit the night I love hybrid puts me right of the hustle do a little wake and bake rise and grind and you see like thc opens up your third eye but cbd cbd is a body thing so it opens up actually your third heart so so actually you get you you get a third hole in between your dick and your asshole exactly a hole that if you get fucked there you're not gay it's it's a it's a loophole it's not gay that's a loophole you gotta
Starting point is 00:26:33 smoke enough cbd to have a a a mythical pussy a straight pussy wow and that's how you're getting fucked what a strange angle to get fucked at but I get it makes sense to me and it hits you right in the back of the ball so it feels great it hits the back the back balls penetrate your back balls did this company write back balls and if you're a woman they there's another there's a even smaller pussy inside your pussy that you get um so that's great if you have a guy I was working at a summer camp once feel good and one of the other counselors uh looked in the campers confidential medical records apparently one of the campers apparently one of the campers had three pussies not lying father son in the holy spirit you know what i'm saying that's a catholic style pussy
Starting point is 00:27:39 we up one for your husband one for yeah you said that's gotta be come in handy you save one pussy for your husband that's the husband the whole you know what i mean you got one pussy for the weekends you know what i'm saying wait there's an episode of tyra banks when she had a talk show do you remember that she had so she she had a woman on who had had multiple pussies and then a bunch of people wrote in and then the next episode i'm butchering what the opening line was but it was um before you 10 women on stage and 30 vaginas i want to dream set me loose brother by the same listen she put on a third i thought you about to say she put on a three pussy suit like remember she had the fat suit she went around town with a camera social experiment see how people treat
Starting point is 00:28:36 me when they find out i have three pussies three pussies she just said she just said a subway ordering a sandwich like i have three pussies by the way anyway listen well you if you're ever in that position and you find yourself in a room with 10 women but 30 pussies what you're gonna want to do is smoke a whole fucking eight a whole 3.5 grams of cushy dreams create the sativa dominant date wait you can have a sit you know i'm saying or the hustle or the energy yeah that's right yeah brother they got high they got it in the couch cbd you can have a couch cbd so smoke that hustle fuck with your one penis fuck all 30 of those pussies and open up your own little little ball pussy open up your third hole open up your little ball pussies get it fuck big time when are they
Starting point is 00:29:29 going to do a cbd for pcp i want to smoke dust but it only makes me feel like i'm strong that's right you don't think that the devil is trying to kill you but you get just yeah i'm just i just you lift car i love that and from what i understand our friends over at cushy dreams are working on that right now uh but for the time being what you're going to want to do is go to that's k ush y dreams with the k cushy dreams uh and then check out you're going to use promo code come town for 20 off your first order i can't believe you niggas got promo codes oh we got most you know i'm saying smoke your cbd smoke your cbd because you can okay uh so i'm with you though jimel i think you're in a really good i think you're you're making a really good point
Starting point is 00:30:19 about we need cbd for a fucking for all kinds of drugs yeah you know cbd for pc cbd for shurm i want yeah i want some i want some uh some spice cbd oh man some spice pd you yeah i love that that's that's a great idea adam um damn three pussies yeah one of the camp i feel i mean that's fucked up to know that's not that you're on your delia shit knowing this and i did not hack into the medical records i was just told and it wasn't a hack i think he was read some binder damn what happened to christilia why i'm offline these days but he's a bunch of like oh hell yeah he was he was sneaking some fucking the little old 16 bitches in the club or something yeah he was snapchatting 17 year olds and being like
Starting point is 00:31:17 can i see your pussy like that what the fuck man that's my delia impression it's not my one bed thank you um yeah he there's also he also it's really funny because there's like a clip people fucking circulated where he was like yeah dude hollywood there's a big secret pedophile ring where every all the producers are passing around kids yeah for sure dude oh wait he was a denier oh come on bro just don't speak on it why would you say that if you fuck kids oh no oh yeah yeah but so since you moved outside like you you've uh encountered any uh pedophile rings you know fuck no digga you know i don't go outside man no nothing you're gonna rouse have you ever been propositioned for sex in in the entertainment industry
Starting point is 00:32:18 once but you know you ever get cast in couch no i had two couches in my apartment though that was that was close i got to that what if i try and fuck me man i think i think me and adam crashed i slept on that couch yeah i had a little sleepover that was fun yeah there's gotta be people that are out there fucking sucking and fucking the plus-sized boys what i mean trying to get casting count for sure but i was you know look dude i i don't even want to be successful i'm trying to like i'm trying to stay below the poverty line and you know i mean just fucking get these little comedy dynamics credits pay my life of course brother yeah that would be great if there was like brian singer pool party
Starting point is 00:33:14 but it was only for big boys just like yeah that'd be awesome come in there dude just boy just wearing speedos that would be fun oh yeah dude oh gold speedos yeah i'm in a james james gore come on james gore come on james gore you got all the fat four sex rig yeah you have to change into his drawers when you get there yeah that would be great today we're going to be doing uh glorial karaoke yeah where you put james core is just waiting outside high schools like getting boys to carpool karaoke in his car with him he's checking out the jv football teams see it see it which d lineman get cut from jv when they're at their most vulnerable fantastic nose tackle would you like to come in
Starting point is 00:34:07 and have a an ice cream cone in mind my escalade you know the migos was sitting here just the other day oh dude i'm pretty sure james gordon is smooth down south if he had if he had any version of genitalia he would have he would have caught the case by now no y'all got my man cordon fucked up well you're a cordon apologist la is so political jammel you can't talk shit about james cordon we're on the same intramural basketball you hoop with cordon i hoop with cordon so back off i'm trying to i'm trying to do you stand well once stand-ups over now so who cares yeah i know what we'll be back uh 2022 it's not happening bro no i'm a performer nothing
Starting point is 00:35:04 but podcast i'm about an oxygen tent they're they're gonna let me in you're gonna do it from like a hyperbaric like michael jackson chamber that'd be so sick that lyric hype we all become bubble boys that's not a bad idea easily wait this is crazy holy shit guys nick is calling into the show huh yeah yeah he is nick what's going on man do you have anything you want to tell the people i'm a gay man oh really yeah i do you're a gay man yeah well i think that's really nice of you to finally admit that which is fun like i agree with that i know it's good that you agree that's what i'm saying hey real quick how many inches is your penis zero really but can you repeat that you're in your penis is how many inches zero but that doesn't account for millimeters though he
Starting point is 00:35:58 got so he has a dick though oh um can you answer does that account for millimeters nick no oh you do have a dick so i do but it's but it is zero inches zero okay cool that's what i have um but real quick what's um what's what's your favorite thing to download off of the internet child porn i really man so i do where it splits yo get split cider on the phone somebody hold up are you i'm calling them yeah we gotta get we gotta get some guy that did three open mics to write a profile on nick's child pornography dude i think it's wrong i think it's wrong for a man to have sex with children actually wow that's dude you're honestly this is pretty fucked up europeans are pretty fucked up right now is this do you have anything else you
Starting point is 00:36:57 want to admit to the people i murdered 37 infants to make fried calamari out of their cocks okay that's really gross you need it all of him why why the odd number what a weird diet man that's fucking wild do you have any other favorite foods baked beans with little pieces of child pornography you get it he's chopping up the hs tapes and putting it in his beans that's you know what wow i'm glad that he's he's you know feeling better at least i don't know yeah are you feeling better nick yeah i do okay i'm happy for you have you ever had sex with a woman no okay just had to check never you've never had sex with a woman no okay just forget for the record but a guy yeah dude okay nice well thanks for calling in dude and are there any final things
Starting point is 00:37:52 you'd like to confess to even the things i love like being gay he loves being gay and he's gay and a pedophile so i do oh i guess that's true so you're gay and a pedophile yeah dude interesting interesting okay again any last confessions you know what and i've said this before and everyone thinks i'm joking but i'm a gay man okay very interesting triple down and it's pride month right so hey right on top so i'm doing wmba season right around the corner that is so true but you uh so coronavirus is real which is fun like i agree with that oh okay all right i guess you're changing us too um anyway always good to hear from you nick and i guess you're gonna go back to what are you what are you gonna be watching at home child
Starting point is 00:38:50 pornography interesting okay uh we're good to hear from nick i hope he's doing okay he sounded all right fuck man i've been watching a lot of sopranos it's so it's so awesome the best that shows honesty as a fat it's it's the best for a lot of people but as a fat watching a fat man get pussy and act erratically and eat eat delicious italian meats there's not a better show made for me i don't know it's definitely what it's all about and it's what it's all about brother what i don't understand is i feel like black guys and italian guys and in fact i i feel like we all have the same goals in life but there's this like divide i don't get it all we want to do is you know i'm saying it's such an ass and that's what racism the cold cut racism separates those people from one another
Starting point is 00:39:45 that's so true and we have to stop it you gotta be kidding and aunt your mom is the first step we gotta get it we got who's gonna be the new maple syrup lady it should be a canadian lady with big fat tits if you ask me i mean just they should just make miss butterworth that they should just give her ass shots i think that's a good that's a good option so stay with miss butter but update it a little yeah yeah give her the ass shots bring the tip you know i'm saying put her in some fashion nova and let's get it let's get to it yes absolutely get make yeah start paying people for their work get cardi b to be to be miss fucking butterworth i love yeah you gotta make miss butterworth half latina at a minimum what about the creamer we got he's out
Starting point is 00:40:30 too right that guy oh he should have been out what the fuck dude yeah i don't even fuck with rice because of that nigga dude i don't i haven't had rice in months uncle ben was definitely like a sam jackson and uh what do you call it in jango jango he's definitely incredibly loyal to his master yeah he's gotta go who what about count chocolate is he is he transylvanian is he black don't don't he's transylvanian don't insult me you don't claim count chocolate hell no you don't fuck with me for a fucking second no dog hey man frankenberry little little bitchy ass fuck no yeah frankenberries are good though what are you what do you go to cereals bro come on you know it's very very kicks talk about this very very kicks off rips uh and then of course like i'm a i'm a ctc you know i'm a i'm a simple man
Starting point is 00:41:36 yeah i'm feeling i'm feeling i've been on a real fucking i've just been eating chips dude i've been in a chip zone i'm about to get back into cereal i'm i'm fat boy relapsing i was big on them the the himalayan the pink salt salt chattel joints yeah those are those are a problem yeah once i when i found out salt was pink i thought and i got it i was like i'm so fancy right now this is incredibly fancy they did it's it's got pussy juice in it that's why the color that's why it looked like that that's the only that's the only kind of salt i eat now because it's pussy mmm i love the salt yeah essence it's the same way they flavor lacroix it's pussy essence yeah dude i took i took a fucking bluetooth the other day
Starting point is 00:42:25 just add it just to feel something okay just on some on some field of dream shit on some if you play cats with your ghost dad this nigga ate a bluetooth and then started a adult friend finder account he's like today's the day oh yeah today's the day oh baby i can't wait you were were you ever on adult friend finder jamel nah but i did one time i you know how the pop-up ads we've come up there was a girl i saw on the adult friend finder ad that had sucked me off before wow are you serious that's huge and that's how do they get them i had no idea that was the day i found out that the internet was not on our side they get their trend that's when i knew they was all that fucking that fucking when what was that nigga ran to russia that fucking the internet when they snowed yeah
Starting point is 00:43:30 that's i was on my snowden from that moment on i was like nah how's this vision my house on my computer wow i did not like it dude facebook i popped onto facebook for the first time in a while and it recommended me like there's some comics obviously but then like because i have a ton of friends in common but then it recommended me a bunch of girls that i fucked and i have no contact info for how the fuck do they tell me you don't get it's not good man we gotta fucking we gotta start farming man we gotta get off man we gotta go agrarian yeah man have you ever looked at like your um your parents facebook feed i was like looking i think my dad left his on the computer i was like scrolling through seeing what old people say on facebook insane because like they're
Starting point is 00:44:25 using it way wrong no they're like still using like 2010 internet where like people are starting beef like personal beefs in public there's like it's not like at this point internet for us is like we gotta take down systematic oppression you know it's like big concepts there's like calling out fake people in their lives but these are like adults you know yeah these are oh i know that yeah and you know like how they have like they instead of typing out a status they have it like on a background with like confetti on the back and like this one chick i was like just debora i know you showed my jeffrey your pussy in the save a lot parking lot you fucking bitch you're just like since my surgery since my surgery the pain has been intolerable and it's just like with a birthday
Starting point is 00:45:17 cake in the background yo no facebook is like it is what i kind of want to go back on facebook i don't have it on my phone i've like haven't checked it in years i think the best genre of that is uh like the divorcee of an au basketball coach just mad at women i don't know yeah just like talking about like how can i describe it to you i think tell me what what are the beefs what are the beefs with the divorcee dude well you know just like putting rumors the rest that they didn't fuck any of the kids on the team stuff like that and if they did uh he's of age now and it's none of y'all business damn were there any groomers in your community i had to be had to be but i never i was never i like i wasn't close enough to see them signs actually you know what i take that back
Starting point is 00:46:21 there was this there was this a track coach there was a track coach i knew track coach did the same shit there was a track cuz motherfucker had like a an alert on his phone every time a girl turned 18 that's nuts yeah one of the it was fun the gym teacher at the white high school i went to because i went to a black one i went to a white one and the white the gym teacher at the white one he was it's always happening at the white extra on the bitches yo white things are bad y'all don't live right y'all are pure evil to be fair my high school was mostly black and you know the people involved involved in this grooming room were black people it happens hey look i saw i saw our r kelly i feel weird i know i know how r kelly climb it with his sweatpants you know there's
Starting point is 00:47:04 there's bad in all types of places we had we had a gym coach you got who had a teacher's aide who was is insanely hot and then like one day i got to school and the news was out front and then yeah he was fired and then we all loved him because we thought he was a legend and that you know we were like damn that girl's so hot he's so cool and uh court cases are technically legends court documents everyone was like bring him back he rocked and then we had this other gym coach who like took over the rest of the year who for some reason i don't know if it was a rumor that a kid started but that he had people said that he had testicular cancer he only had one testicle so like we just completely roast him the rest of the year i don't even know if it was true
Starting point is 00:47:57 yeah i was gonna say the check i like i like the idea of everybody being like bring back mr johnson he got rocked that guy rocked bring him back we love mr johnson he was cooler than the god pussy we love that guy that girl was fired that's what i wanted to have i lost my helmet oh yeah that was too much that was too much this is the police you're gay pull over you're dick is small oh whoever this is the police you're gay come on dude that's not cool nowadays to do police voice poor taste dude come on yeah it's i ran away from the computer i just got scared it's sad too much no what about what about what about the police being mad about get their egg mcmuffin wait didn't the cops yo look at that pull over my mcdonald's mcmuffin is didn't come out on time
Starting point is 00:48:52 but also i and then you have diarrhea there's shit coming out of my pussy somehow this is the police there's shit in my pussy yeah well that's satire that is mad tv level satire i had fun in that time that was fun that was my best interaction with the police here's a question you guys think that with the rise of the protest movement that we're gonna have a return of um mid 90s conscious hip hop yes i certainly hope so yes uh we're we're weeks away from lil pump and uh uh dirk and trippy red doing their version of self destruction i want i want some completely leaned out rap yeah that's it is gonna be funny to hear rappers be like hey the cops is treating us like bullshit and i am also on liquid heroin like niggas you
Starting point is 00:49:50 can't help but mention that they're high in their social justice raps i can't wait i can't six nine needs to speak out a little bit more on what's happening so sad oh yeah so listen you're a mexican you're a mexican american that is uses the n word no one no one seems to bad not truly he's got the range yeah i'm sure the first time he pulled that off in like high school he felt six nine was my my friend brian's bodega boy when he was like 13 he used to work yeah he used to work night shift at my friend's bodega and apparently he just like made his own clothes and they were like he wear like shirts that said aids gang on it and so he was always always wild he was an irony guy she's like yeah he's a irony guy he kind of is his big something awful guy he's he's an eight
Starting point is 00:50:45 channel his on yeah on twitter his his name is the n word sayer that's one of those guys um you know i think you're right mid 90s conscious hip hop is coming back but also shaving your penis that is definitely on the way back because as much as a way back as a demand for an end to police brutality people are also demanding uh a shaving solution that doesn't nick the testicles you don't absolutely not gonna put those together huh jamel you know i believe you said this to us convention you said this to us before we started recording i'm quoting you conventional i yeah i remember i didn't know the zoome razors brutalize my balls the way the police brutalized the african-american community i was speaking to my friends listen now it's on
Starting point is 00:51:37 the record i was speaking to my friend now it's on the record i asked you if the zoom was recording you said no well now it's on now we're alive the good news is the good news is manscaped which i got right here which i shave my balls with this is the abolish the police of shaving your nuts okay this isn't reforming this is not reform the police this is defund them all right it leaves your nuts smooth all right shave your nuts and and abolish or 3.0 abolish cubes and the police i cannot stress with the law no or 3.0 this is the last one you said we could say all this i i cannot i will repeat it again manscaping accidents are finally a thing of the past folks okay when i'm telling you premium
Starting point is 00:52:30 this motherfucker we mean premium we got the quiet stroke technology okay which is how i fuck i kind of yeah i like that stealth bomber you know you hear that it's barely you can barely hear that that's like a tesla that's the exact it's the tesla of fucking nut shavers all right trim your fucking cock like it ain't nothing all right i've nicked my balls in the past big time okay it's hard for me to even hear that word right now now yeah nick balls makes me sick to even think about it nick have you ever trimmed your balls yeah i do yeah have you ever sucked the man's balls really do you like one of my man's balls or harry no so you would love it if they so you think every man should use the lawn mower 3.0
Starting point is 00:53:20 which is fun like i agree with that that's what i thought that's what i thought and and just again how many inches is your penis zero uh so anyway it works on tiny dick too it works on a little zero inch penis which nick has he just admitted that um so what you're gonna want to do guys to trim up your balls is get this fuck go to okay get 20 off plus free shipping with the promo code come town all right it's water resistant it's got a little light you can trim your balls in the dark that happens to me a lot at um you know i go to a lot of basement sex parties where it's completely black and it's just hands and penises touching each other but sometimes i need a quick shave on the go of course because you're that's the thing you have no you you have
Starting point is 00:54:11 a hard time growing facial hair that's because you're not to grow at an alarming rate your nut hairs are all you have five o'clock shadow my testosterone is kind of manifested in a very strange well that's not why i'm probably high t in certain areas my body you have low t but you do have it's actually because you have a lot of pussy cells around your balls and put you have the amount of pussy hair yeah yeah it's like like ions the ions don't match so exactly thank you jimel thank you jimel you're a natural scientist i've always said that that's right that's why i got this hard so mm-hmm and uh look man you're just gonna you're gonna love this shit all right it's gonna your nuts are gonna be smooth as hell you're gonna get 20 off plus free shipping
Starting point is 00:54:58 i'm so i'm talking go to go to promo code come town 20 off plus free shipping and get the smoothest nuts you've ever fucking you've ever experienced in your fucking life uh i love i love a nice smooth sack my dick is gonna be clean as fuck when i fuck after this you'd be really shaving your nuts for real with the manscaped i have yeah 100 i thought about it when i did not used to i know i've never cleanly shaved my nuts in the past but i'm scared i don't want like i'm not trying to have razor bumps well now with the mans that's why you gotta get now doing this one hour 3.0 the first lawnmower 3.0 and that's a 3.0 meaning there were two lawnmowers before that the first being an actual lawnmower right what was the motherfuckers doing in the 50s
Starting point is 00:55:46 like because like dudes is probably shaving they were straight razor and they go to the barber with straight they go to the barber that the barber yep get a hot shave put a hot towel around their nuts the barber's dude get one of those little fucking brushes yeah you have to go to the barber they'd have four-part harmonies you know show us your nuts oh that's why they did the songs because they were shaving people's nuts exactly to keep their mind off of the demeaning work they were doing they picked up they picked up singing this isn't gay we're paying the bills the bills yeah um yeah dude i don't think i don't know when people were shaving their nuts i bet you artists what were shaving their nuts but i think yeah egypt did everything bushes used to run wild
Starting point is 00:56:44 not in not in france not france the france part one that france had the wild bush i mean they was off the bushes now i'm talking about back in the day they was probably the original back in the fucking you know i'm saying like the in the 20s maybe yeah i like the 1400s i think they was oh really way back you're right they had powdered they had powdered yeah yeah yeah that shit they had rouge yeah that they told me on their notes that Beethoven era shit and then they came back suck on my balls because they're clean they don't have hair suck on my nuts i'm fucking gay please suck my dick i'm fucking gay my dick is small yeah that kind of stuff yeah yeah i'm with you you fully understand yeah we're on the same fucking we're on the same motherfucking wavelength like
Starting point is 00:57:43 that background whose house is that this is my this is tony soprano's house okay straight to it i'm trying to manifest this shit it was on the market for 3.5 milli and i don't have it right now i'll be honest yeah i do not have what i can't put it down but you gotta put up 350 racks to to put a downy on that for a 3.5 million i would guess 700 or something yeah i always thought it was the same as bail money i bought a house in greece town it was very easy they almost they give you they they just tell you like yeah you showed up with coles cash and they gave you that house i had a couple fucking i had a couple chick-fil-a coupons they're like we will take this thank you for the do you remember those coupon books you have to sell for like for your school also yeah of course
Starting point is 00:58:33 we know they'd be like 20 000 dollars worth of savings inside and it would all be for tcby even though it wasn't a fucking tcby in the fucking town three mile three malls not a not nary a tcby ten pages of this book is frozen yogurt coupons i don't think i've been to a tcby in my my entire life exactly because that shit is trash-ish yeah i don't think i i've ever been to one either do you miss the mall jamel you love the mall i'm a mall guy you haven't been able to go to the glendale galleria in a while i'm sure yeah that's i'm i'm anti-american i love the galleria i'm anti-americana i'm pro-galleria wow a controversial stance i'm not as up on this but it certainly seems like there's a a burgeoning online movement the problem i heard that there's a man there's one
Starting point is 00:59:26 retail clothing retail store apparently in new york that's open right now that opened early apparently jimmy jazz on fulton is open i want to say this publicly if anyone needs if anyone needs uh jordan socks or whatever you know yeah dude don't fuck with jimmy jazz they have a grace selection that's can i get them like a lebrons steinway can i get them like a lebrons over there yeah oh you certainly can sure the the fucking the fucking uh the fucking sweatsuits are looking good over there i'm just trying to go to jimmy jazz just because i want to go to a store it sounds fun i need a new fucking wardrobe because i'm fat as shit you know what i'm saying it's all a line for shoe palace out here maybe i'll see what's up
Starting point is 01:00:12 i'm about to go to target oh dude i'm pulling the trigger on friday by the way boys i'm going to the surfer word store wow oh neil i have a word store it'd be a surfer dude this is a joke i used to tell but i really would love to see if you did this you should walk around all summer in the black wetsuit with tim's on bro that's new york style that's new york style you you need king of the rockaways a double a double appropriator king of the rockaway no i'm you know i'm gonna be out mahalo mindset on those waves with the yankee fitted i'm gonna be looking great at rock at far rock away you're gonna surf and then i'm i'm planning on getting good you're not going to the rockways get good there i then i go like maybe deeper along island
Starting point is 01:01:05 montauk and then by by next time by the winter nor shore hawaii pipeline masters kelly slater i'm gonna be in competition dude yep you're trying to get absolutely no surfing statin island then go that's an island dude of course start an island the island vibes up on oh i love that's an island maga men maga make america great again mate oh jesus stop stop remember when i remember when i did your fucking call and show and just called in it was like uh my friend shot an old black man what but but i love him but i love him and i don't know what to do is he in jail yeah his man is the dude who shot the boy committed a hate crime that's a joke he was like i don't know what to do yeah and he can't
Starting point is 01:02:03 no the story was real i don't think so because i hung up on him and then our producer was like hey this guy keeps DMing us and calling back he says it's real and it was and i just yeah should have known she was fucking this guy i had this guy that was like writing like insane comments on like all my instagrams like you fucking kikes you know whatever and then i like i was like who the fuck is and so i checked dms i was like i'm sure he's dmb in the past and you know you see a bunch of like those kind of messages and then you scroll back to the beginning and the his first message was like hey man you mentioned that you had bad dandruff and you were doing something about it and i was wondering if you could like help me out jesus you created this monster dude you pushed him
Starting point is 01:02:52 into the arms of right wing anti semi by not helping his gentle soul with his dandruff by being greedy yep by being greedy which i guess i guess i suppose is right i suppose is right yeah i'm gonna i'm gonna rip this binger one more time do the cvd dude but fuck it yeah yeah yeah i'm jealous dude i wish i was i wish i had some delicious cushy dreams right now i threw away all my weed yesterday guys you gave it away you smoked it no i mean i threw it away because it sucked i just was tired of smoking you're smoking the same weed like well just for a couple weeks man just a pay period yeah of course i just gotta i just have to approve i can be alive without it once that's i know that's you you need that reset just you smoke the big you smoke the biggest out
Starting point is 01:03:42 of anyone i know yeah and things are going pretty good but i got so high i forgot that uh the cops was trying to kill me that's true that's true ronald reagan ronald reagan wants you to be getting high yeah yeah that's why that's why i smoke i smoke so much weed i smoke so much weed i thought affirmative action was it was a terrible idea you smoke you were so high you're retweeting those videos where the cops are doing the name yeah you're between the electrics before did did you see saint the rapping cop there was a cop in baltimore who was rapping oh my god before before all this jumped off and somebody shot saint the rapping cop that's right baby be more don't try that shit don't try that so good oh man god damn saint
Starting point is 01:04:47 to the rapping i'm pretty sure it's saint the rapping cop and he got he got hit with one i think he's still alive the cool cop industry has completed that yeah i hope you didn't have stocking that really that's not that's fuck no cops playing basketball fuck off yep nope none of that sorry to sorry to the pal sorry the police athletic league i do want it on the record that i was uh i was the first i uh i do have ridiculousness segments making fun of the police there you go i was the i was the first one doing that we're all doing our part you know what i mean this is how i went this is how i went oh yeah we never said it jamel is jamel's room some of the best segments on rob deer dick's ridiculousness oh yeah every every one of chanel west coast
Starting point is 01:05:36 lines that's me chanel west coast going that's crazy i i write those in calligraphy on a scroll on a papyrus scroll what that's gotta hurt yeah i've been down season 13 a segment called turn in your badge bitch that's me well done it's so funny that show is literally like idiocracy out my balls it's like literally it is a thing yeah it's out my balls but you know it's hilarious like since i've been employed there there are people who think the show has become more liberal like we had people write in it was like i don't like i'm not watching this for the fucking politics yeah i don't like the direction the show is going i'm like yo i saw somebody puke on a niggas nuts two seconds ago what are you talking about i'm watching to see people hurt
Starting point is 01:06:35 their fucking penises what about black or black that is so fucking awesome that is so fucking good man that's great oh fuck if only yeah i'd like a writing job like that you know where i could really steer the is deer dick chill telling you is he a cool guy i mean it's fine enough why don't you try to be his new bit of black that sounds terrible it seemed like they were best friends i don't even like the way you said that take that riff back take that riff back return that riff why don't you try to the riff sorry i'm sorry jamella obviously i don't want you getting any new friends you still got the tags on that riff right you better take that i have the receipt of course i have the receipt good he keeps the receipt even if he was gonna he was gonna even if he
Starting point is 01:07:27 didn't in three years he was gonna try and return it after course it's Costco they take anything that's how adam does i've returned things from 1997 to Costco uh fuck dude i'm sweating my fucking little titties off over here yeah i got the air pumping in here good for you this helmet hot is are you still in this apartment but it's like no no i'm around i'm around the hollywood like legit like east hollywood-ish little tymenia okay oh you're in the tie tie zone yeah yeah i'm in the tie zone oh fuck my bicycle seat has been delivered boys oh i'm about to be i'm about to be a little bicycle slow oh my god down the lewis i got some fancy shit because i'm i'm so fact that right i can't ride my bike
Starting point is 01:08:19 three days in a row huh whoo you have to break it in a little bit it has like molds your ass cheeks i know in a in a couple weeks it's gonna be perfect a little mold pal those are the best um i can't i can't ride a bike more than three days because my the pressure of my ass it hurts my ass so i literally bruise my cheeks if i ride three days in a row so i'm excited for this new saddle i'm gonna be fucking tearing up queens trying to get a little basket i'm gonna ride on into the next town i take my bag and ride my horse stop is riding his bike to get fat you don't need to you ride a bike get fatter oh that's true that is true i love i just walk my shit up hills and then lie down i like the wind in my hair you know what i'm saying um i might start riding the bike
Starting point is 01:09:19 to brooklyn and literally walking up any challenging parts of just crews and all the other ones i mean you should you should hit the cemetery man they got some crazy hills i've been chilling at the greenwood cemetery he's not goff i just because i'm going yeah i chilled at the cemetery yesterday so sick i will only go to the cemetery if i'm gonna get top it's a good it's a good date spot i'm serious bring a picnic to the cemetery i'm serious inside a crypt style in there getting yes i'm trying to get well when i was in the cemetery yesterday i was like wondering what i want because there's like different options obviously you have the simple you know modest headstone that's not me then you have some guy had a fucking pyramid which apparently nick cage has
Starting point is 01:10:08 for when he dies respect there are there are a ton of obelisks there are a ton of dudes that that put up obelisks and uh but i think i'm i think i'm gonna go crisp honestly i think i'm gonna go it's the way to go it gives it gives you a lot more you can fuck around with it i'm gonna actually be buried in a in a fucking replica of the soprano's house actually that's tough or maybe the body being like lego size maybe maybe i have maybe i have a fucking one quarter the size body being that i die and anywhere it says body being i love that for you whoo yeah yeah because that's too much oh yeah that's clean i'm thinking with but it's still the bitch with the titties i'm gonna go i'm gonna go i'm gonna go cremated and then just pour my shit center court
Starting point is 01:10:57 capital one arena after washington after a twelve and yeah yes after our eighth straight wmba championship alaina delad on to do a lebron like to do a lebron powder toss now listen whoever dies first i promise if it's me if it's if it's you i'll smoke your ashes in a big blunt in the hopes that you will come back take the high high high scores yeah yep except it'll be yeah except it'll be it'll be great segments for ridiculousness yeah yeah you'll come back from the grave to tell me to tell me how to write yeah yeah you'll find funny internet clips about uh the imbalance of power in america jamel jamel wrote most of the machine gun kelly episode i know he's being i know that is modest right now it is true all that feet stuff
Starting point is 01:11:57 also me you're right most of the feet material yeah yeah are you and jamel you feel i love that nah i tried i tried it out for a little while i've been leaning that wasn't thinking about because i've just been thinking about like comic view like every black comic in the 90s had a bit about it so true sure and i was like i like comedy yeah there's i think it is something that happens when you get older but i don't know man call me old-fashioned i'm a breast guy you just like you like tit still i still like titties i got nothing i asked asses have grown on me the more i'm a mature man i'm a arm or i've actually fucked instead of theoretically i'm a armpit guy having said that i still a knight there's nothing like a nice tiddy yeah
Starting point is 01:12:47 give one of these i love a little smooch i love giving us a tiddy a smooch i love i only blow i blow kisses at titties i don't touch them and i'm putting my dick in or i'm a armpit guy i'm putting my dick in a armpit so i think jones is the best because you got the space the space in between the arm and the armpit it's like it's it's concealing but yeah it's like that it's like it's like madeline albright yeah to bring it all full circle it conforms and i saw a video on on uh porn hub once which was like a bodybuilder chick and i think in in muscle girl videos um they fuck in between the the bicep the bicep and the forearm yeah so they fuck like the inside of the elbow yeah that's good have y'all seen this shirt you know what i've seen on porn hub the
Starting point is 01:13:44 other day they're doing these like it's like porno wrestling matches yes i think i saw this and it was like it was perplexing to me yes i i had a short period in my youth where i would jack off to those um that is called i believe it was called it's it's one of the king but it was all like two girls it's it's it's it's it's in the family for sure they're like legit reco roman wrestling and then we'll just take a break and like somebody and then suck the guy off and then go back to like really trying to pin see see the mixed the mixed sex never did it for me and i like to watch wait do they have a guy fighting and then one yes that's what i saw but to me it takes it takes me out of the moment each other it takes me out of the moment because let's be honest the guy
Starting point is 01:14:40 is going to win in reality but when it's two women then i can at least you're forgetting that he's walking around with a hard dick man that's hard to fight in a wrestling singlet yeah i never understood how they awarded points because it's like sometimes sometimes they would like sneak a finger pop or like suck jack them off real i don't understand what with the point that's what i'm saying i couldn't i put my dick away i didn't get it it yeah i just like to know that's to see again to me if it's girl on girl i understand even if i don't understand the points i see how the match is going you know what i mean i can tell the the the direction of the match and i like to see and then they strap on and it's like yeah
Starting point is 01:15:29 you lost and now you're getting fucked and you deserve this okay but you know i like that it could be either one of them whereas what happens if the girl wins they peg the guy i don't think that happens i think they're always gonna fuck yeah there's nothing at stake in the heterosexual one i'll put it that way and also i feel like i'm jacking off to the state and it also seems like if you win you should be the one getting fucked i like you don't do the work yeah absolutely yo you strap on bitches y'all ain't fucking nobody for real y'all don't know shit about fucking pulling up short pulling that hammy that's right absolutely 100% you're you're so you're that's so correct dude if i won a wrestling match against a woman i would like to lay back eating a bowl of popcorn
Starting point is 01:16:16 get pipe yeah get me yeah i like to do no work whatsoever and just lay back and just get my little prick my little prick adoro serviced make just text are you gonna send me the file tonight always working yeah yeah bitch yeah yes of course we'll send you what the fuck do you think we're gonna do just record for you want a wav i'll send y'all a wav file yeah send us yeah send us a wav um i love the back no but look that's good boy meets world jock my guys they did the same oh true true terrible they don't have the jeweler terrible dude it's fucked up what they did um all right well i guess we should probably wrap it up anyway um nick we will we'll have it we'll have it soon is there anything you want to tell the people
Starting point is 01:17:21 you know what and i've said this before and everyone thinks i'm joking but i'm a gay man okay well you did say that earlier that's cool that's fine um we'll have the we'll have that over to you no problem um but uh for here this the episode has come to an end everyone thank you for listening jamel what do you want the people to find you brother uh jamel i got some stand-up on there uh it's called friend or foe and i might have done the same riff from the stand-up in this episode of come town and i forgot about it that's fine dude that's fine just act like it came up naturally i don't care we're professional comedians we do we tell jokes fuck them dude that's true and then you know nonprofit comic on the twitter and uh at air buds pod everywhere on
Starting point is 01:18:07 all the stuff that's right um yep just fucking come see keep listening to the podcast i guess i don't have any dates to plug because the world has ended but check out stopby solves your problems and also my youtube channel i'm posting a lot of shit over there now uh slash stopby baby so you get all the fucking pods and shit like that that i do etc etc all right uh nothing adam i will we'll uh see we'll see you again soon folks this has been a fun experiment without uh the old mold dog but he'll be back in it he'll be back at some point i guess and just as as this is officially the last white thing i do aside from this meeting i got with um bill mar tomorrow i just want to say i love y'all and adam i love you bro it was great man i love you jamel i'm
Starting point is 01:19:02 missing it was nice being friends for so long yeah but we understand that you can't do any more it's no we could be friends i'm just not doing our white fashion none of y'all yeah none of your white programs i know i'm not coming to the show to have eight niggas call me jamal no more cuz i'm up cuz i'm gonna hurt cuz i'm gonna hurt one of the niggas and it's over that's fine and you know we'll have your back if that's love you're welcome at any black things i do y'all can still come to my love i'm gonna love be at christmas i promise i'm that's a bet yo my mom been asking about you man when you go and come to church with my mom johnson family christmas every a couple times we leave a played out we leave a played out for you every year listen
Starting point is 01:19:47 dude i've been learning all the black christmas songs i know you guys have slightly different ones i'm gonna have them all we got drums on ours yeah we got 808 all right yeah i've been putting claps on my christmas songs oh my god all right are you ready to cover it yes yes bye all right folks that's going to do it uh we'll talk to you soon bye can i see your fingers

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