The Adam Friedland Show (Cumtown) - Ep. 213 – Lord Jesus They Hadda Do It

Episode Date: June 25, 2020

Milwaukee PD said somebody suck that baby dick and they brought me back to shout down Satan...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Bill and Heads, excellent. Bill and Heads, excellent. Get sex. Get sex here. Well, you know what? Sometimes, boys, you know, you get to a point in your life where you put as much as you can into a thing and, you know, you feel like it's kind of grown stagnant, there's nothing you can do, you know, you feel at odds with the world, sure. And you say, well, it's better to burn out or to fade away. Neal Young. You look at the Neal Young poster on your wall, you say, Neal, I need some guidance here and, you know, you're nude. Yes, exactly. And so is Neal. Neal's naked. I remember that poster. He jumped out of the poster. Yeah, Neal Young and Crazy Horse. The poster, the
Starting point is 00:00:46 album cover has got the huge horse stick. Yeah, that's why the band was named that. I'm surprised there was no musician that ever did that. It's like, yeah, let's put Neal on the cover naked, but my penis is, let's make it real. It's huge. Well, the peps used to wear tube socks on their dicks to make them look. Yeah, but there's to go full album cover just completely out artist rendering of your very photorealistic penis. It looks like your penis, but anyways, there's a Rolling Stones album where you try. You see guys cock. It's Andy Warhol's boyfriend's cock print through jeans. I thought Andy Warhol didn't fuck. But yeah, but he had boyfriends. He just licked the penis from outside. He used to
Starting point is 00:01:26 lick jeans. Licked the penis. You never got your jeans licked. I've never got my jeans licked by an older gay man. The way he fucks is the way the owl from the Tootsie Pop commercials. Anyway, sometimes you try to try to quit the podcast and walk away. And then what happens? Milwaukee PD done fucked around and had a check and child sex ring. My boy, my boy needs a broadcast. They suck me right back. Just when I think I'm straight. The octopus. They fuck me in the ass. The octopus reaches its long tentacle out and says remember. Remember this. Remember how the world works. What's the story that they were running a child prostitution ring? Yeah, it's like it's so funny. It's because it's like people are like calling for like
Starting point is 00:02:10 community policing, right? Yeah. And it's like, well, what would that look like? And the first crime they that the community solves is underground child sex protected by the police department is number one. Number one. Not like not like loitering. Not none of those bags. They got rid of all the fireworks. We're gonna do community policing. And then fucking these Democrats, these Democrat elites are like, Yeah, that's a good idea. We'll get it. That's a concession we can make. For the most part, we think that means private police and all of the institutions that we really want to protect or just hire remain intact or whatever. Blackwater and the community police are immediately like Brian Singer, David Guettner, Bill Clinton. And they're
Starting point is 00:02:56 like, bump, bump, bump. Whoopsie, Daisy. We've arrested the pyramid with the eye on top of it. It's going to suck when all the community police in Milwaukee kill themselves by shooting themselves in the back of the head. Yeah, accidentally. Those videos are fucking wild because it's like broad daylight. There's all these people gathering outside the house where this like girl is these abducted girls are supposedly at. They trace their cell phones there. And then you can see there's one guy is a video. There's just people like shooting out of the house. And like this guy's like, come on, y'all get get the kids out the way. Let's let's see what's going on. And they're just like walking in the gunfire. They're
Starting point is 00:03:33 like, get these get the kids down the street. Holy shit. Make the kids go down the street. Big respect. Yeah. Let's walk over to where the gunshots come. There's live got live ammo rounds. Yeah. But just like the nonchalant way that I mean, it's like that in every like hood video where the gun comes out. Yeah, there is one. There's like that. You saw the one like two months or maybe six months ago is this two fat black girls. And she's like she's she fit and roll up here. I'm gonna beat her ass. And then the car pulls up and the woman in the car immediately just shoots the other one. And then one of the one of the one of the one of the one of the fat women is just on the ground and she's like, you know, oh
Starting point is 00:04:12 yeah, doing the shot. She got you. I got shot in my ass. Oh, I shot her. And then the other girl's like checking her hair and she's like, I'm about to get off live. I got to get off live right now. I shot. She was so chill about getting shot. Yeah. Yeah. I've seen that video. I would be crying. Yeah. The community police are way more chill than the regular police. Yeah, they're chill blokes. Yeah. But they have like a flak jacket song or guns or uniforms. I think that's against the that's not the point. The community police. Well, the community police in this instance is literally just a mob. Yeah. I mean, the flip side, if you just if you like had to, you know, say, you know, play dip because first of all, I don't
Starting point is 00:05:00 care what the situation is, you know, you care about the pedophilia, which it may be a case where it's not. It could just be a lone pedophile. Sure. Who abducted some girl and she's in the house. Now, the police should go in and rescue the girl or whatever. But if it is, this is just some lone pedophile that abducted a kid. It's like, I'm not really at the point where I think like, you know, just a mob of people should drawing up the pedophilia draw and quarter. Lynch somebody in the streets because they trace the cell phone. I agree with you. But I will say if we had if you had to in a perfect world flip one group of people for innocent black people getting lynched by police pedophile, you could
Starting point is 00:05:42 do a lot worse than pedophile, I'd say. I don't think it should happen. But I think that's progress. If we trade black teenage teenagers getting going to the convenience store, I don't know if it's even trade like that, though. I think I don't think it's even trade. I think in fact, we're winning the side of justice wins. Now, again, let me highlight. We shouldn't. There should be due process. But what happens? The police give the pedophile to the real police. I don't think justice exists. Neither does the truth. Really. And that's something that you know, I mean it. And really, like if you if you accept the idea of like community policing and mob justice as like the like corrective
Starting point is 00:06:19 answer to like a system that is fundamentally broken. And it's a system based on presumably truth and justice and due process and all this. But really, the whole thing exists to protect, you know, pedophilia rings. Yep. Yeah, that's I mean, and that's property and pedophilia. That sounds like hyperbole. But no, at the source of everything, if we really, really get down to it, really. And that's, you know, Epstein kind of gave us a peak of that. And that's why, you know, killed himself or didn't right. Wink, wink is is that at the base of the whole thing, it's like, look, you can have truth and justice. But the cornerstone of the whole thing is like generational wealth going back hundreds
Starting point is 00:07:00 of years, incessantly raping and sacrificing children to Satan. I do. I don't know about the Satan. But yeah, everything else. I'm with you. No, it is Satan. I don't think it has a religious overtone. That stuff is one of the pedophiles. No, he's not very powerful as we know, himself. You're pulling a crystal here. Stop the old money. Yeah, I yeah, my my family's one of the one of the store, the Halkus family going back to Athens, going back to Plato. They're sucking and fucking their cover of your dad's carpentry practice with feral cats. Perfect. Well, I mean, it's entirely it doesn't need to be old money. Well, I think in entertainment, you did because here, look, I'm easily manipulated and I don't
Starting point is 00:07:44 have any bearing on reality. So maybe the powers that be tricked me some way into forming the podcast with you to elevate you. And I'm just some sort of vessel being used by the elite elevate me to get to this point so that you can say there's no such thing as global pedophilia. That's not what I said. I said, I don't think it's Satan. I don't think there's any religious thing. I just think the rich people like to fuck children. But they probably have have adopted imagery to because everybody everybody like likes to look cool. Yeah, every secret club like the KKK, like they have their little costumes and, you know, biker gangs have like little emblems. So I'm sure pedophiles have their own little costumes, but the KKK
Starting point is 00:08:29 apparently copied the burning. How funny would be? How funny would be who from birth of a nation like DeMille thought it was or who is it? Was it Cecil B? No, it was. Yeah, it was. It was Billy Wilder. Billy Wilder Holocaust. I thought it was the it was. No, what's his name? The other but birth of a nation. They thought it was like a cool image to burn across. Wait, really? And then the clan was like that is really tight. Yeah. And then they start doing it. Yeah. I'll never forget. Tom Myers started a comedy group called the heathens of comedy and they had a burning crosses. Yeah. Awesome. And it's like what's funny? It didn't even occur. It was atheism for Tom. It was it was like Bill Maher style
Starting point is 00:09:13 atheism that he thought he was being a part of. He thought he was. God, Tom rocks. Yeah. Yeah, I though I probably agree. Delia. The other thing about Delia is that his dad was like a Hollywood producer. Was he? Yeah. So you know what you've seen the video of Delia saying? Oh, yeah, it's like Snapchat. No, no, no, no, not the snap. Oh, that's the one I'm talking about. What do you think they have these parties? Yeah, he's like, oh, yeah, sure. So all of these producers, they admit to it with each other and they have parties where they're just OK. Yeah, sure, pal. Or maybe you're just bored. And then he goes like, ah, he does like some weird yelp. Which is like, Chris, you're literally spelling
Starting point is 00:10:02 out what literally happens. Yeah. That's the most classic. Like, oh, didn't who had a joke like that? Maybe Joe List, somebody who they were like, just admit to whatever he did. But sarcastically, he's like, oh, yeah, I fucked your sister like that. That's what Chris Delia did. Yeah, damn. He really thought that was a word. It is funny, though, with all these accusations against Delia. There's like a couple of women that are like, yeah, just throwing my throwing my story out there. And then they posted a screenshot of them DMing him being like, let's hang out. I'm 25. And being like, all right. And then other women being like, this is sick. Well done. Thank you. Yeah, I'm gassy. Yeah, really, white women
Starting point is 00:10:49 just cannot. They just think they really cannot just stop. They see the Black Lives Matter thing and they're like, yeah, black lives matter. And then they try to like, you know, get in front of the protests and then they kind of get pushed off the side shielding like victimization is like, it's like a big fat pregnant dog with a bunch of nipples. And white women are like the runt, you know, just trying to get the one of the nipples to suck on the teeth of victimization. What about me? Yeah. Yeah. I mean, you know, and that puppy's name, fuck some children. Yeah, but not that. Not that. Yeah, you're talking not that lady. Yes, not this. There is a specific style of lady. There's a way I'm not defending
Starting point is 00:11:35 crystal. When you said white women are hopping on victimization, it did seem like every woman. No, there's he's saying that they're women. I know. Yes. The ones they're like trying to smash Chris that now we're trying to be like, yeah, exactly. Yes. And let's make this clear, too. The reason I'm not defending Chris Delia, I have not looked into the accusations at all. I have not fucking really paid attention to it. People said he fucked underage girls and it's like, sure, whatever, I don't care. It's because I don't think he's funny. 100 percent. The bottom line for me is I don't I've seen like maybe 30 seconds of his stand up and it seems like bullshit. It's always seemed like bullshit. You know, I fucking
Starting point is 00:12:22 have no interest in maybe maybe kind of that M&M impression I thought was funny. Pretty good. I mean, I'm pretty not bad. That one was all right. But outside of that, I don't, you know, and it's like it is it is like a superficial thing. But like, he's got a hateable fit. I mean, I don't understand. You can look at that guy and be like, this guy seems cool. Right, exactly. And yet so many people did this guy doesn't seem because it's comedy for shitheads. Right. It's fucking like, you know, I mean, he's very popular with fucking. Yeah, like a fliction t-shirt, MMA guys. It's it is very much mainstream fucking pop garbage. Yeah, you know what I mean? Yeah, exactly. Unlike our show. Yeah, we're the fucking
Starting point is 00:13:07 we're underground. Yeah, we're black. I'm Niko. But the good black bitch. Mike Vowley black flag. Yeah, the kind of beats people up for calling him the skater fag. I don't I don't think I've heard. I think I heard like one or two black flag songs. The flag is pretty cool. They got a couple cool images I've seen. What is that? That's like an Antifa style band. Right. Yeah. Henry Rollins. Henry Rollins is Hank Rollins annoying. Why don't you go by your name? If you're named Henry, you got to go by Hank. I think he has autism. Does he? I think people they spent 20 years speculating whether or not he was gay. And the question they should have been asking is, is this man severely autistic? Yeah, that's
Starting point is 00:13:55 true. That is true. You don't you don't typically think of an angry guy is autistic. Yeah, but he's he can he has an angry autism perhaps. Right. That's what he's that's what he's autistic for is yelling at people. Yeah, the man that looks like the flat mouth emoji. That's true. Yeah, that's his vibe. Yeah. His whole vibe is that he's vegan, right? But buff. He's one of those guys. Is he vegan? I think I don't know. Maybe I'm wrong. Who cares? Sounds like you know a lot about him. You want to kiss him? I don't want to do you want to kiss him? No, dude. So I want to kiss Hank. I went to the a gay beach. And I saw a lot of beach that you go to as a gay beach. No, I saw a lot of a lot of those guys there. And what
Starting point is 00:14:42 do you mean? Hot guys? Incredibly hot guys. Oh, yeah. John Cena guys guys with their cocks out. It's pretty flaccid tanning their cocks. Did you go yesterday? I went to Yeah, I went on. No, I went. I came home yesterday. I want to go. I voted. Yeah, I voted for Jabari and Bernie. Yeah, I just I marched in. I said, tell me who the non black characters are. Just loudly yelling at that elementary school. Show me the non black mask. Yeah, excuse me. I want to know who the non black the non black candidates are. Don't try and sneak a Chinese in there either. Yeah, don't sneak a Chinese guy named Todd in there. I miss voting in China time because the ballots were maybe this one was to and I just didn't pay attention.
Starting point is 00:15:31 But I mean, definitely the candidates, the local candidates in China time were all like, well, well, yeah, we get a lot of you have Greek people running for you. Well, I put it against the assembly. I put it against. Wow. There's a little it's our of Ella Simotas. Yeah, I was like, hit the fucking bricks, bitch. I got my boy, Zohan or whatever the fuck his name is. You got it. You got that one. Yeah. Is he chill? He's good. I voted for that guy in Jabari. He seemed all right. I think he lost. No, I think they're waiting on absentees. Oh, really? Big. Yeah. Yeah. He was at least at least last night and early this morning. Yeah. Oh, I think that because this time around so many male. Yeah, there
Starting point is 00:16:16 was like an like an unprecedented amount of mail. Yeah. No, there was some hard dickery going on, though, for sure. Mm hmm. The guy in the Bronx who fucking beat. Did he win angles, bitch ass? He won. Yeah, he won. He smashed his little pussy hole even with Hillary. So funny, Hillary. That's the only guy that she endorsed the incumbent. Yeah, dude. She's fucking Chris. Oh, for fucking 12. When's the last time she got a dub? Hillary needs a dub, dude. She can't catch one. She can't. Yeah, no, it was it was for real. What is the last race? I can't wait to see what second term Donald Trump looks like. God, dude, I hope you know cool uniforms. Yeah, he's going to stop. They're going to be horrible, dude.
Starting point is 00:17:04 I hope we don't even are not. These won't even be Hugo boss. We'll have like fucking an old Navy. I hope he starts wearing Nazi military style uniforms. Oh, yeah. That was a great ball. That's the picture of him looking sad after the rally. So funny. Helicopter was pretty sick. And I like he has a hilarious amount of like Tanner on. Yeah, it's like on his collar. Yeah. Yeah, good. I think you should just go straight up blackface for the second time. Would be fun. That would be just fucking just completely black. He's like what you said I thought this is what you wanted. I said this is gonna be he's gonna he's one of the darkest presidents we've ever seen. You see me look he's beautiful. It looks like
Starting point is 00:17:47 a fresh or she kissed. I'm the blackest president you've ever had. And Obama this not even sure he's black. That would be cool if that was what Bertha is. You know, he says he says he was born in Africa. There's no evidence. He's Hawaiian. He just flips. I'm Hawaiian. We saw it. He had a birth certificate. It's made out of Lua, Lua petals. It smells like coconut milk. I don't think they have any coconuts in Kenya. Maybe we could get Latina. You want to check on that. Tina's gonna check on it. Oh fuck. Oh yeah. I feel you know he's gonna be sad dude because he loves crushing it rallies dude. Yeah but I think I think once they work around doing zoom once they work around. I started doing zoom comedy shows
Starting point is 00:18:43 once he works around the tick tock kids sabotaging his rallies. That's so funny. He gets it's back firing. The most retarded people in the world thought that 4chan made him win the election last time around are now making the mistake of thinking that K-pop stands are going to be the reason that he loses. Also like the same exact shit as 2016. Yeah we're fucked mate. Yeah it's going to be pretty fucking horrible. Biden just keep that motherfucker in a bunker. I don't understand what the fuck are K-pop saying. How is this like I don't know. But I don't understand how that's like a cohesive like coherent like description of a type of group of people. I think they I think they're like 12 year old kids that
Starting point is 00:19:28 just constantly lost pictures of Korean boys. Yeah but it's not even it's like one it's like it's such a large genre. It's like oh well fans of rock and roll stop. Yeah but I think they all behave the same way online. Yeah there's a code of ethics. But I'm saying it's so alien to me. I guess I don't you know I'm not going to be on tiktok either. That'll never happen. Yeah that's really sad seeing comedians get on tiktok. Oh brood. Yeah comedians who were like you know because I'm old now and the guys that were like young new comics who are now old old and they were old when I was new that makes any sense. Yeah they were like 28. I mean like guys that are yeah guys that
Starting point is 00:20:12 were like in their early to mid 30s when I was like 21 22 just starting to pop off God now they're all old guys. You know I'm old but they're old old and they're getting they're getting on tiktok and it's like let's let's just kill comedy like lip syncing. Yeah like they do one thing. It's one thing. Some people just posted their stand up and that's bad enough I would say. But whatever. I don't give a fuck. But if you're fucking doing the dances you don't be a fun compromise. Brutal. We should get rid of the police. All community police are abolished. Right. Yes. Community policing. But then we also abolish 90 percent of the entertainment industry. That's great. Yeah comedy is done. Absolutely. It's fucking
Starting point is 00:21:00 gone. Yeah. All of the clubs are gone. You're not allowed to run a bar show. You're not allowed to do a zoom comedy show. You're not even allowed to have an Instagram. You're not allowed to put comedian in your Instagram. In fact you can be you can be on Instagram but you're not allowed to indicate that the things you're saying or doing are supposed to be funny in any professional or marketable capacity. Right. And then people can just read your dog shit post as the thoughts of a regular person and there is nothing to distinguish you from your aunt. On Facebook. Yeah. Literally not a fucking thing. Yep. It doesn't automatically make it content. Right. Yes. Because because you won't be able to put comedian in your
Starting point is 00:21:39 phone. Oh my God. Yeah. You'll just you'll just be a fucking guy who writes way too long of fucking comments. That's you'll be your descriptions will be too long. People be like oh great pun people roll their eyes. Oh yeah. The next. Delivered. Tell us how we did your Panasonic K K. G. B. S. one and a loop C size battery adapters have arrived. Congrats. Oh my God. What are those for. If this. I have a I got a tent and an air mattress and the air mattress takes D cell batteries like the thing that inflates it and everything in my house I use in a loop pro rechargeable batteries. OK. Because I don't buy fucking batteries but they do not make D cell rechargeable batteries adapter. So I had to get the adapters so I
Starting point is 00:22:30 could put my rechargeable batteries in the fucking air mattress instead of just going through a million fucking D cell batteries every time I go. You're going to go camping. I am going to go camping. You're going to go glamping. What do you mean glamping. You're going to set up a power strip in there. No power strip. No power strip. No. I'm going to go hatchet hunting. I'm going to go hatchet hunt dogs in the woods. Yeah. When you were when you were when you were fucking 11 years old you let puppies out to the wilderness. Yeah. And now it's time to get a hatchet hunting speaking Chinese of the dogs. I'll stop them from the tree top tree line. My dog in the trees at Central
Starting point is 00:23:27 Park. Yeah. Yeah. Just fucking hatcheting a bunch of fucking wiener dogs. Yeah. Yeah. They're fucking doodles. Some fucking Lambert doodles. Yeah. Asians were trying to pull a little pull a little they were they're next on the list after white women. They were trying to hop on BLM. Dude that fucking retard Brian Yang trying to drag Megan Amram. Do you see that. I saw that. I did not. But I saw it on Twitter. All these like dog shit Chinese comedians. I don't know how to fucking else say it. But it's he is stand up. Who is who knows. I don't know who he is. Here's the bottom line is that the fucking Megan is one of the best joke writers there is. Right. Yeah. Megan is extremely fucking talented.
Starting point is 00:24:16 And I don't know. I mean you know she absolutely does not want me defending her right. Not at all. Does not help to have me fucking defending her. But like like you know for for somebody to in retrospect look back and say that wasn't fucking funny when you've never produced anything even as close to being as funny as that. And and and recontextualize it in 2020 and say oh this isn't OK now and not even not even check your own tweets. Incredible. That's incredible. See like well let me just let me give a bunch of shit. Oh you didn't see it. I really didn't know. I saw his name and I saw that he was off but I didn't know what. I mean it was way beyond because I thought he was the guy. A lot of people. No no that's
Starting point is 00:25:00 Bowen. That's Bowen Yang not Brian Yang. That's the only this is the only racist thing that's happening. That was you're the only racist. I'm sorry. I apologize. I'm listening. No I'm listening. Yeah. That guy's funny. But yeah. Yeah. No his old tweets were fucking like I mean because this has happened a lot and so people kind of know now. But he his shit was just fucking like that's incredible. You know like the fucking Jews control. So he is funny. So he is funny. He was just like yeah. Just that's delicious. Yeah. To do to be the kind of person it's like first of all it's like OK well she apologized like what do you want from her. You want her not to fucking work like what do you what do you
Starting point is 00:25:42 mean. He's just trying to catch a little clout off. He's trying to catch clout off and he's like you know saying that Megan's my friend and so it's really disappointing to see this from her friend. He's like what the fuck you know trying to establish himself as like a colleague of Megan's in this call out and then people dig up his old tweets and then he's going he's like I'm doing the work. You're right. It's fucked up that I wrote that. It's like no one cares. No one cares about your shitty jokes man. They're calling you after being a hypocrite. Right. And the only way he can respond is by being like you're right it's fucked up. I did the work and I'm going to continue working to not be to question
Starting point is 00:26:18 myself and it's like this is and you know what it's ridiculous. It's crazy because it's like I remember when this when this bullshit started happening in 2012 2013 I thought you know am I stupid naive mind. I thought well eventually it'll come full circle and it'll bite these people in the ass and then they'll learn the lesson like oh maybe we shouldn't cancel people. Right. I thought that's what would happen. And no now this whole new cycle has emerged where he doesn't need to apologize for being a hypocrite. It's like he kind of benefits from that happening. I mean he doesn't because he's a fucking moron. But like you get now now all of these all of the people that are a part of these established institutions
Starting point is 00:26:59 so somebody like Megan who again I do think is funny and I don't think she's like a TV writer. There's nothing's going to happen to me. Yeah. Even if her old tweets actually were offensive and they were like you know you know Chinese people should be gasped. Right. That's the tweet. Right. There's no joke. That's it. I just want to be serious here for a moment. Right. Right. I feel like we should push all the Chinese people off the cliff. Yes. The biggest cliff directly over the ocean. We should. We need to round up every Chinese person. Put all the Chinese people on the edge of a precipice and then inflate a bouncy castle in front of them until they're pushed off the edge. And that's
Starting point is 00:27:38 I'll get back to jokes in a second. Right after this we're going back to jokes. Now let's hit the jokes and jokes starting now. Everything I said was I meant literally even if that had been the fucking case. It's like Megan's protected by the fucking industry. She creates a lot of value. Yes. She's valuable and it's it's it's a talent. Always fall back on that. Yeah. And so she is insulated by virtue of being you know just has value to the fucking industry. Right. And so for her to be caught and now apologize it benefits her. It's almost it's better because now she has more of a leg to stand on somehow through some twisted logic. Right. Right. Right. In the future when somebody else gets caught she gets to
Starting point is 00:28:21 chime in as the person that grew as the reform as the I I was disappointed. I'm even I'm calling this out or whatever. It's bullshit as someone who used to behave this way. Right. This whole thing is just fucking bullshit. So it's like there's no way out. I mean it's just like that's the way it works now. Yeah. It definitely seems that everybody just fucking says an apology and says how horrified they are. And it's like you weren't you weren't at the time. And it's like yeah it's fucked up. But it's like what you're not you weren't a piece of shit for making those jokes. You weren't just fucking the world's different now. Fine. You won't make those jokes anymore. Same shit with Thirty Rock. Right. Thirty Rocks
Starting point is 00:29:00 fucking they didn't take the blackface off. And it's like OK. Well is it your fault society was fucking like that back then. It's not even. Yeah. Exactly. I mean it's like everybody talks about things in terms of systemic problems. Right. Right. Like OK. Well then what are these systemic problems or are they are they individual problems and personal problems. You can't have it both ways. Yeah. It's one thing to say. I'm not going to do that shit anymore versus like yeah that's what the fuck that's what was happening even fucking 10 years ago. Yeah. Like 30 Rock was on NBC. They were doing blackface crime. Yeah. So funny. It was like it was like the joke was Jen as a fucking idiot. She's the kind of person who does blackface
Starting point is 00:29:40 but that was acceptable back then. It's a whole idea with all these statues being torn down as conservatives were like well first today they're tearing down the statue of the guy that invented raping slaves. Yeah. That's a part of our history is Jeremiah slave raper who came up. He said well not only can they fucking make the air conditioner work which was the number one use of slavery. A lot of people don't think it's cotton. It was actually they see. They blow on big big blocks of ice big old lips blow on a block of ice all through the house. That's where jazz came from. A lot of people. Yeah. And they never even thanked us. Yeah. That was air air air conditioning is where it started with. Anyways anyway that
Starting point is 00:30:26 guy Jeremiah slave raper came by and he said well what if we fucked him and and that's all that's that's all the state and we're getting rid of history and that's all the statue means is that it's cool to be cool which was the expression at the time and that's just part of history or whatever. And they're like well so what if we have an 80 foot monument to him. Yeah. City hall. Yeah. And it's like OK. Well first of all I don't I can't imagine giving a shit about any statue. I mean it's like who who can't. It's a fucking it's for birds to shit on. Yeah. They're put in the middle of like traffic circles which if you look at that statue you'll get into an accident. Yeah. That's they go in the ones in DC Lafayette
Starting point is 00:31:10 Circle. They go in the middle of the most poorly designed type of interchange on roadways and that's really what I want to talk about. Yeah. Is that we need to get rid of traffic circles. That's that's a monument we need to get rid of Masonic Lodge bullshit. There we go. Satanic pedophiles though. Exactly. Yeah. We're not talking about the traffic. I was laughing about like National Treasure five once we've like fully just let like the epstinality of the world like filter its way through the markets where everyone just not only accepts that there's nothing you can do about the pedophile global rings but you accept it as a necessary part of life. All right. And it's just Nicholas Cage just being
Starting point is 00:31:53 like on the back of the Declaration of Independence. Sir Nicholas drew a child's pussy and taught Thomas Jefferson how to fuck a child in the house. And this is and then it's just like rated PG 13. That's like a PG movie. Anyways. So yeah but conservatively like oh well we tear this statue down what's going to happen when we want to turn on George Washington and people are like oh that's never going to happen. And then of course it's happening now they're tearing up George Washington but it's like well you will have to get rid of every statue eventually. And it's like well then there has to be we should only have one statue and it should be one guy. Who do you think. Christopher Donner. Yeah. Chris Dorner
Starting point is 00:32:36 because it satisfies everything. Right. The the I mean troop military. He's a he's a military guy. He's a black guy. He never had slaves. I mean there's any there's so many different entry points into Chris Dorner that he is. He may seem like a radical but he's actually the perfect compromise of what he's both authority and anti. He's like a John Brown figure. More he's more actually black. He's more than John Brown because like yeah there's that white guilt element. Christopher Dorner and I said before is the only American hero that's ever lived. That's right. There's a lot of people with good ideas. But he's the only one that's a hero. I agree with that. I hit the manifesto the other day. Anyone
Starting point is 00:33:15 can have ideas and feelings. That's meaningless. Sure. It means absolutely fucking nothing to have principles. Sure. It means something to have guns and tactical ability and kill police officers. And I think they're family members. He had he wrote manifestos and he shot cops. Yeah. That's what I know. He was a poet and a warrior. Have you read the manifestos available. I love manifestos. Yeah. What about street light manifesto. I got a man for you. If you like getting fucking high off CBD oil. Oh my God. Not oil. Flour brother. Flour. That's what they call it. I personally I think it's gay to call it flower. No. You give girls flowers so it's almost like you're getting pussy if you smoke it. Anyways let's put it
Starting point is 00:34:03 this way. There's a company called cushy. Oh my God. It's flower for God. Let me say this. I'm sorry Nick. I don't mean to cut you off but we do a lot of we have a lot of advertising. Right. And we're not going to say that we don't because we've been paid money. We're not going to say that we don't think a lot of them are good. We love and respect every service. But I will say this about cushy dreams in the what they have sent to me. I am a fucking CBD smoker believer. I fucking popped a little bit of the fucking chill. That's the other beauty of this Nick. They have a lot of strains. Yeah. You want to get your day started. Boom. We got energy. Right. You want to calm down. We got fucking
Starting point is 00:34:43 we got chill. Uh huh. Well I'll say this because I fucking hate weed and I try I try to force myself to smoke weed. I put it off for days on end. I remember you were texting us about it. Yeah. I'll just put it off because I don't want like I don't like the idea because if it's not if it's not good then I'm well fuck now I'm just high. A lot of my friends have stopped smoking weed because they just are in their head and they get anxious. I just get anxious. It doesn't I can't fucking do it and then it's like now I'm high. I can't think I'm like I have shit that I need to do. The thing is like weed is for fucking children. Yes. I like to smoke weed to completely turn my brain off and start and like fast
Starting point is 00:35:21 forward to the next day. But when you're fucking puffing on cushy dreams anyways but the point is this I can do shit. I've done I've taken the vapes the CBD vapes and gummies before and it was bullshit. Didn't do anything and I had kind of like concluded for myself personally that CBD would only work if you've never once smoked weed. Right. We've thought. Yeah. That was a hypothesis. Yeah. So I do fucking because I mean it is funny. Ultimately what this company sells is just bullshit weed. It's. But you know what that's where I am in my life. I'm an O'Doolls weed guy. I'm kind of a man. But I tell you what I do like is the satisfaction of having when I'm finished being high where I'm like well I'm not high anymore and it
Starting point is 00:36:07 kind of leaves you just burnt. You know for the rest of the day where you just feel kind of got a nice little baseline buzz. And I guess I didn't realize until I smoked this cushy dreams bullshit that all that is is just fucking like CBD CBD. So you take one of these like pre rolls to the I love the pre rolls. Yeah. That's what I did last night. I smoke the fucking nice little fatty boom. Yeah. No I hit the pre roll and then I fucking I hit the so right. I get it. They're not a sponsor. Sure. But that shit fucking. Well no it's definitely like I don't know what I don't know what it is about like we I have no idea. But like there's something that makes it like easier to like you know how when you
Starting point is 00:36:49 smoke and if you have like a paper cut you're like hyper aware of it. Sure. Or a bug bite. Yeah. It's not necessarily it doesn't like hurt more but you're just aware of it. Yeah it's annoying. So when you combine that like that with like working out trigger points in your back it's like easier to figure out where they are and apply pressure to the spider man. Yeah. I just like close my eyes and I'll spend like an hour on that fucking thing. You're in your body more. Yeah. Yeah. And it feels great. Yeah. So that's a combination of the two cushy dreams who sponsors us and so right who should because I'd like one I'm disabled. Yeah. Stop would like one. You might turn your life around. You could save
Starting point is 00:37:29 my life. So right. You might be too big for them. Well you know I might be but let's find out until you start your own fat guys. Yeah. You know what. This is so fat. That's that's all right. No. That's all needs to come. That's all right. That's a rule. That's always such a great one. I got nothing against that. Yeah. I'm a man who understands the power of words and I know when I see a fucking nice class word because it sounds Italian. What's up fat so fat so Rizzo from the old neighborhood. That's a fat so it's a fat jazz man. Yeah. Definitely throwing a fat so like a woman complaining online. Oh that's yeah. That's bullseye real quick. Mine piping down fat. It's so funny. Some women would like fifties
Starting point is 00:38:22 those fifties like arched glasses. Get pointy at the end with rhinestones. Who's that woman that's like I want to blaze with Joe Biden. Yeah. The Blake had Blake had one of this is that dumb bitch. I know he's probably Jenny. She's some sucks. Probably pre Twitter but Blake one time was saying that he's like it's so funny how every bitch that tries to look like Betty Page absolutely does not ever. It's just they all they're like I'm gonna aim as low as possible and then still miss the mark. Anyways cushy dreams specializes I think it's a good look if you're hot. I mean that's that's with any look though. Extraordinary CBD rich hemp flower. OK. But in pre role CBD joints love join the group of adults who
Starting point is 00:39:07 are sick of vapes. I think that's important. You probably have to be over 18 to buy this shit. Yeah. It ships legally to all 50 states. Don't know the laws. You should look into the laws yourself. Yeah. Just check out the law. What the fuck are we your fucking lawyers. Yeah. What am I Donatello lawyer Vichio lawyer Racheo. I don't mind fucking lawyer Racheo looks like high quality marijuana feels like high quality marijuana and tastes like high quality marijuana. It really does. It is very funny though that it's like because nobody could have seen this coming. It's like technically everyone sold this in high school to their retarded friends. Yeah. It's mids. Yeah. Actually mids used to give you a headache.
Starting point is 00:39:50 Yeah. No headache. Mids would ruin it. Yeah. No this shit is I woke up and I smoked the whole thing the other day and had a coffee and it was like the perfect dude. That's what it is. It's something about it's also the ritual the pre role that I love because it's like you want to kick back but you don't want to get so fucking high. There's nothing like just smoking a fucking pre role on your balcony. Yeah. Just like yeah dude I prepped like no joke but probably somewhere in between 40 and 50s breakfast smoothies because I took you know I went off the diet and then like this is like so I everyone I missed I just quit the podcast for a week. Yeah. And it's honestly is the first time in like three years
Starting point is 00:40:29 that I just I was like because if I was like I'm not going to do it I was like I'm going to go on a vacation. I'm like I'll get out of town. Yeah. And then it's like but even that felt like oh I should get out of town. I had to like really just get in the headspace of like just fuck off and do whatever you want. Just fucking nothing. Yeah. Which is a very difficult. It's hard dude. And it's like it seems stupid. I love doing it because it's like you know it's so easy for me. There's people that are like as a small business owner I never stopped working and I'm like totally but those people like own a break shop and literally are there are working. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Not just thinking about
Starting point is 00:41:03 a riff. Yeah. Yeah. If you really can't get out of the headspace of like constantly you know you can't really like check out and it's like well I make $15 an hour. So yeah. That's my life. I'm just going to play Xbox. There's no like real punching out. It's just you're always like thinking about what's next. And so I really just let myself completely fuck off. Yeah. And eight like I had one day where I ate an entire. I love this. Skippy jar. Probably something like 14000 calories. Just a peanut butter in one sitting and just going through the whole thing being like fuck it. I don't give a shit. I finally watch Kong Skull Island. How was it. I mean it sucks. But it's that's the thing is like that's
Starting point is 00:41:49 what my life used to be as I watch a movie that was dog shit and eat way too much peanut butter in two bags of popcorn or the face or whatever. Nice flavor just butter. Cattle corn. Two cattle corns two cattle corns back to back. Respect dude. Respect. No just not brushing my teeth not doing shit. I don't care. And it was nice. I mean it was I was like work to get there but I did. I broke through. That's your staycation right there. Got to like OK I'm I'm back. Love that recharge or whatever. Yeah. But I don't know what this has to do with this. So yeah. If you want to do that kind of shit but smoke CBD if you can't if you can't just fucking stop and you the CBD definitely helped me with that. Oh
Starting point is 00:42:32 yeah. It says here it does not get you high. It has next to no THC which I beg the differ. I'm going to go ahead and counter the copy here. Right. Countering the copy counter the copy doing the doing the opposite of what we're paid to do. No you don't get high but it really does feel like you feel something because it's a little buzzed douche. They say it's a body. All these CBD products to try and I guess maybe it's a legal thing but they have to strike a balance between like it absolutely has no effect whatsoever and it cures cancer. Right. Makes you feel like the cancer. Yeah exactly. But it has no effect. You know. But now it really is. It really it like I did take having to smoke the fucking shit because
Starting point is 00:43:16 that the vape has never done anything for me. I agree with you. Some there was something different to me about spoken that fucking pre-roll grown in California by Oregon Cali but California and Oregon not by Oregon. Oh yes. Each plant is hand selected by a team of experienced cannabis flower experts. Oh hell yeah. Those guys sound like they suck or whatever. Alternative for people looking to cut back on smoking other things like like pole like yeah. That seems like a kind of a homophobic. Yeah I don't know why they do that. I'll be here. It's like I guess it says here are you a fucking. Are you some just godless homo looking looking to get right with the law. You can do drugs all the way
Starting point is 00:44:06 back in the God's arms. Oh here we go. It mixes well with other things that you can smoke. Each batch is slow cured. I got imagine smoking a fucking a spliff of CBD. Well it might make sense because you know like if it's like maybe you want a little bit of THC in there. You know it's like if like you can use this shit to figure out the ratios or something. Sure. I think real weed would have to be involved personally. But yeah that's what I mean. Oh OK. That's what he says smoking a spliff. That's I meant like tobacco and CBD. You can't say you can't you probably can't say. That's why it says other things that you can write. Right. You cannot suggest that people mix this. Do not mix this with
Starting point is 00:44:51 anything. It is funny to imagine somebody mixing o-duels with Budweiser. That's what I mean. And they're being like well I'm already divorced. Yeah. Taking shots and using o-duels as a chaser. I'm trying to solve. I'm trying to get rid of the problems or the causes of my problems but I will still have the problems no matter what. So we're just going to we're going to mix the o-duels and Budweiser. CBD content is up to 20 percent which is some of the highest in the game. Yeah. OK. That makes sense because it did get me get me a little something going compared to other products. That's probably why we didn't feel like the attention to detail is noticeable in every beautiful flower. Smoking your CBD
Starting point is 00:45:32 is the most efficient and quickest way to deliver it to your system. It's not get to high independent lab testing. What are you signaling me. He was rubbing his dick through his gym shorts. No I was my clit. I was pretending to have a boy. He was imagining he was dating in the Warhol. Yeah. I was hoping I was going to lick. Getting your jeans through my jeans. I'm trying to get my dick licked through my jeans. So I'm about already they take the artisan approach. Yeah. We've got more of an artisan approach. Oh yeah. Stupid. Shut the fuck up. God damn. It's fucking it'll give you a little buzz but not get you as fucked up as weed man. Yeah. Are you trying to cut back on weed like I am. Smokes CBD. Look and
Starting point is 00:46:23 fuck it works. It does. Don't. Yeah. Don't the artisan approach. No they just fill it with the drug that's legal. It's just got a shit ton of the one that isn't illegal in it. 100 percent hand trimmed. Like my cock. Yeah. Machine trimmed. My cock is hand trimmed. And it sucks because it's like you would think that when they eventually legalize weed this is the kind of stuff that would they would no longer be necessary. Remember we all used to have that fantasy is eventually we to be mainstream. Yep. And the hotheads will have to shut up because Bill Gates will be smoking weed. Right. You know. And unfortunately no it's never going to happen. It'll never happen. Never happen. We'll just get worse. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:47:12 So every other time we'd Somalia every every other type of culture gets stolen from the original people. It's true. You know. But for somehow the potheads held on to their shit. Well because I think enough of them stole selling weed for black people. You're right. That's what they're all in prison and they get it also rustic culture. Yeah. I saw some article the other day. Let me let's finish this. Yeah. Cushy dreams dot com slash pussy hole dot org. They got two. They got two product lines. The smokable flower. It's the the chill and the energy. This is fucking insane. No they just they have eighths and they have fucking pre-roll. I should have taken a look at this before. But it's cushy
Starting point is 00:47:56 dreams dot com. That's K. U. S. H. Y. Dreams dot com promo code come town all capital letters C. U. M. T. O. W. M. one word for 20 percent off your first order. Wow. That's a great deal. Here comes their tag. Smoke your C. B. D. because you can. I know. So wow. What marketing. So good. So true. So fucking good. This is like use our product because it exists. Yeah. Having a product that works. It's like being hot basically. Yeah. Oh yeah. Where you just don't have to do a fucking thing. Yeah. You think you're good at something because you're hot. I know true. I saw I saw somebody tweet like it was like some sexy guy some sexy gay dude. He was like he was like I be like in quotation marks. I don't get notifications
Starting point is 00:48:46 on this app on Tinder to get phone numbers. And it's like no you're not tricking anyone. You're a hot guy. Yeah. You just have to say can I have your number. Dude. Yeah. I saw I saw the one of the funniest things I've ever seen real quick though. It's C. B. D. flower. These are the two main product lines of the pre-rolls and then the smokable flowers so you get a little tin with the buds you put in a bowl or you get the pre-rolls. I love the pre-rolls. Every pre-roll is one gram. The smooth rolls featuring optimal burn experience your desired effect from six choices of strain specific full flower rolls. They got one called relax one called peace fuck with relax hustle energy and dream and I've been in dream dream
Starting point is 00:49:25 rocks to this is the kind of shit I think is bullshit. I've been handing out piece of the cops. I guess. Yeah. I don't get the protest. C. B. D. Petsy and a C. B. D. I remember after Eric Garner Nick said he was going to go to Union Square with legalized stuff not knowing it was a black. It was a weed rally. Well that was happening at Occupy when I lived in L.A. like there was Occupy was going on and that there is like I guess there was a bunch of people living in a house but there was a guy that was like 20 with like an older girlfriend and he's like yeah we're going down and it's like it's all about everybody's like they're finally going to legalize it dude and he like
Starting point is 00:50:05 just thought Occupy was about that. Like protests were like weed. I think it has something to do with the banks. I think it's a bank thing. Anyway so relax is an any time hybrid pieces in any time hybrid. Create is a daytime hybrid dominant daytime sativa energy is daytime sativa and dream is a nighttime that in the car. This kind of shit is like astrology to me. I think I think it's real. Yeah. Maybe it is. I don't know. Definitely it's real in terms of regular ass weed because that shit will fuck. I mean there is I have had strange fuck me up in different ways. Oh really. So I and listen I've been doing the Indica heavy fucking hybrids. The Indica. Indica is right before bed and they work brother. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:50:59 So listen I got I got half a mind to start using my own fucking money to buy fucking cushy dreams. That's how much I like it. Separate from what they sent us the very the very nice care pack. I don't think that's going to be one of those things are regularly get free shit. Which whatever would be nice if we did. Yeah. I'm still pissed blue. I'm still pissed blue tube makes us fucking pay. Yeah. I'm over here. Tell I'm one of your fucking most high profile. You've evangelized the product. Yeah. And it's it's that's it's not supposed to be that way either. They're fucking we have like an internal code that just stopped working. Yeah. Just stopped working. But you still we still are getting which fucking
Starting point is 00:51:39 I don't care. I use the product. But you know it would be nice. Well because of quarantine I now have this massive stockpile. I was gone for three months. The only thing if there was like a nuclear war or something and then they fucking like went into the homes afterward and they're like oh this is so many this guy. This guy was so soft. He has 15 years worth of stamps and then big pills and then he's out of everything else. And there wasn't a nuclear war. He just sort of died because he didn't. There was a myth that there was a toilet paper shortage. So he started wiping his ass with his hand and got a horrific infection from his hair cutting injury. Yeah. Shots out the cushy dreams. Yeah. Thank you cushy
Starting point is 00:52:27 dreams dot com promo code come town 20 percent off. Smoke your CBD because you can't because you can't. I saw when I was on Fire Island. That's right. You know people like oh you just for you. You just do a podcast. You don't do anything. You just sort of like talk which is true. Yep. Very easy job. But so is every other job that you know where you sit down. There's not a single real job that has a chair besides. Yeah. I agree with that. They're all fake. Yeah. We work in an advertise. You ever see for some reason every time I'm on a plane I'm sitting next to somebody that works in like copywriting and they're just like wiping their brow writing individual copywriting is just podcasting on paper just sitting there
Starting point is 00:53:12 just somebody even less effort writing individual sentences for the entire flight that's like just that basically Mercedes cars that drive. Okay. Technical writing too. That's all you're doing and you make no there has to be a bit. Yeah. According to your dick being little and how you need dick pills. I had one job one of those truck jobs are either drive a van and it was one of the either the client or some client agency person and it was either like like one of the big make up companies or the agency that was handling it and I was driving this woman back to her hotel room and I talked to her and it's like just fucking like clearly this person has never been uncomfortable for a single moment. Yeah. No sell their entire
Starting point is 00:54:04 life just just nothing like you know. Right. Just not even the hint of adversity has just been like rich the entire like just fucking inordinately this job is fake. Right. You don't understand what anything meat like you just like you know and you think you've earned it. Right. She thinks she's she's worked so hard working so hard she's done nothing like bitching at P.A. is about like coffee orders not even because it actually bothers her but because that's indicative of the stressors of her right her fake position. They got the latte. You have to I'm I'm helping her. I'm teaching her by giving her a hard time. Damn. Just one of you should have kidnapped her. I did. I pulled the van over. I showed
Starting point is 00:54:49 her where the real world. Fucking van right over. You know how you taught that PA a valuable lesson about coffee. Yeah. I'm going to teach you a valuable lesson about who's car you getting to the doors lock. Surprise. I don't even need this job. I got a podcast. You thought I was some PA you could boss around. Nope. I sell Chris Benoit T-shirt. Fuck dude. Yeah. I didn't do it. I might do it. You know I'm not going to say I'll just I'll just sell it keep it as a surprise. Because I don't know if I'm going to do it or not. Yeah. Then don't get the people wet for it if you're not going to do it. Well somebody else could easily do it if I say it. Oh yeah. Don't say it then. But it's I don't even know if it's a good
Starting point is 00:55:40 idea. It's one of those things where it's like it doesn't make any sense and it's it's because it doesn't make any sense. It seems like it might be offensive but you can't really pinpoint why it's offensive which is my favorite type of thing in the world. Yeah. You know absolutely which is you know it's very like I'm not touching you sort of move. Yeah. Which is the ultimate move. Absolutely. Right. You should always put yourself in a position of I'm not actually touching you. Uh huh. And the confusion that it caused the confusion that it causes. I'll tell you guys the idea later. Yeah. Now I'm curious. Fuck. Because you want to do something that pisses people off and then when they have to explain why
Starting point is 00:56:16 they're mad they can't. That's the ultimate. Yeah. I don't know if that's comedy. No that's the apex. Or just severely anti-social behavior. Yeah. No it is definitely there's an aspect of just bothering as many people. Yeah. Yeah. Bothering people. Being as an asshole on it as efficiently as possible. That's why Dola's all rocked because she bothered like woke people and racist people. When I was in school as a kid. Whenever it was very quiet. A legend. The perfect troll. When we had to have like do a test or something or very quiet. I would sometimes try to just like. I would like try to make the faintest noise possible. Yeah. And if somebody asked me to stop it like I don't know what you're talking about. Of course.
Starting point is 00:57:07 Just because it's like go ahead. Tell on me. Right. What are you going to say. He's doing something. You can't make a very high pitch sort of. He's kind of making a noise. I can't do it. And I would just be like I don't I don't know what you're talking about. I don't know. Damn. They must have been so happy when they moved you to special. The rest of the kids like thank God. Just so he's not even he's just annoying. He's so annoying he's retarded. That's so good. It's a good move. What if we piss into each other's mouths. I'd be down by ourselves sometimes. There's no dripage. I'd be down. I just don't want his splashing around my apartment. We buy ourselves some time brother. Oh yeah. What I wanted to say
Starting point is 00:58:10 about Fire Island. Yes. So I was on the we're the gayest beach. Was the beach open. The beach was open. I I don't think it was. I think they just reopened. Maybe almost reopened and I was I was I was getting my teeth cleaned today. Apparently he's he's saying anybody who's not in the tri state and comes back to the tri state has to quarantine for two weeks. Otherwise what exactly they're going to get. They're going to get fined. But who's going to fucking tell him. Yeah. Exactly. Yeah. I have to get a I have to get a fucking covid test to go out and see. I can't wait till the new girlfriends were family for Fourth of July. The New York City. New York City fireworks fireworks police are going around
Starting point is 00:58:51 giving me my god tickets for coming back from Africa and not quarantine. A fireworks police bar. Yeah. No. We're new. Yeah. No. This is community police. We're the fireworks police. I grew up around here. I grew up on Bedside. Bedside do or die. Yeah. Oh yeah. So you know we're on the beaches. All these fucking perfect body like John Cena guys. Yeah. And they're all in like you know speedos looking incredible. I felt so so fucking invisible. It was kind of awesome. I'd like that. We could have a perfect body as John Cena. No. I mean they were just like they had put so much work into their bodies like they were just like you know and they all look like that. They didn't hang out with with like dweebs at all. Oh yeah.
Starting point is 00:59:40 You know the most. Tell me there was one fat elite athletes. No there was one twink who was so small. There was one that had earned their respect because the fat gay guy is a newer type of gay guy. Is it. I think it's just a subculture. No. And they always have like shorts that are sucked into their ass. They're very like right. They're very nasally and they're always complaining because they're dressing the same way as the hot gay guy. Yeah. They're at the beach. You're like oh but stuff and stuff you could bring the chips but then he didn't bring the chips and I was like OK well are you bring the chips you not bring. Well there's older there's older gay guys and you notice that there was a change
Starting point is 01:00:20 in gay culture. But like the older guys those are the fucking heroes who all their friends died in like 1981 and they're like so happy to be alive. You know. And they like appreciate life and they just want to be happy and like live life to the fullest. But all those guys talk like old Jewish women and then something happened where Valley Girl became sure that is a great point. There was like a sea change that occurred. But wait so there was this one guy that looked like fucking Bill Goldberg. And also there's this. Everyone was sticking their asses out. There were some tremendous legwork. Cheeks. They were not respecting the gym. They were going into secret gay gym. I think for sure. The gays are hogging all
Starting point is 01:01:03 the posture. I don't know how you fucking look like. It looks like they have scoliosis. They walk around. But I get you. But I bet you technically it's perfect. Right. It looks like it's I try to do with my ass. Like your body is not my body is built for it. It hurt my back. They look like British POWs trying to maintain their dignity. They pop a lip chap. Yeah. Anyway, they don't let the Cambodian see you like that. There's just this one Bill Goldberg guy in a fucking rhinestone bikini respect. Big respect. Walking down the boardwalk. Goldberg meets gold dust. And the only thing he was carrying. I don't know why it was so funny. But the only thing he had with him is settlers of Catan.
Starting point is 01:01:47 Jeremy said he was going to bring sellers of Catan. So we don't have to bring settlers of Catan. Which is fine. Just walking alone on the boardwalk. I don't mind playing Jeremy's copy of Settler of Catan. But his board that all the octagon pieces are folded up at the edges. I don't know if you're a humidity. I'm not a scientist. So I told you have the expansion packs. I told Jeremy and then you could at the very least bring the expansion packs and he didn't. And I'm sorry. Excuse me. But I'm the fat guy. So it's my job to complain if you want to complain. Maybe you can complain later. Yeah. It was a cool cultural experience. Yeah. Did you get sucked off? No. I was like I was saying like I my my girl
Starting point is 01:02:37 friend I could just start having sex in front of those guys. No one would have known. Literally she got stepped on. She got she was that invisible. Yeah. Yeah. It was pretty cool. The water was spectacular. Really. Yeah. It's it's really nice out on the beach. We got to get started going. I just got the surfboard. You saw the surfboard out in the hole. Oh my god. No dude. I'm I'm fucking I'm Locos only vibes. I like the way I go to the beach which is drive there. You zoom out to the far end. You just stare at everybody and you set a timer for 20 minutes on your Apple watch and it goes off and you paddle back in and get back back up. Not even pack up because there's nothing to pack up. Nothing to pack up. You
Starting point is 01:03:19 didn't bring a towel. Your shoes in the car. Yeah. Stepping on hot asphalt to sand until you get to the beach to the water. You went swimming fully dressed. Yeah. You got khakis on. Damn. I think I don't think I would. I love going to the fucking beach but I don't think I'm too sketched. I don't see. That's the thing. You know why I don't like going to the beach and I realized last year is because I don't have any friends. I mean it. There's no no really. That's it. It's like I don't know how to rent a locker. I've never done that. But it's like I can never leave my shit out on the fucking beach. Right. You know. You're right. A beach is like you take a little party like the best times I've had at the
Starting point is 01:03:56 beach is like me. Eldest is girl. You know I bring a girl. We got a fucking. I could go to the beach. We meet a friend. I could go to the beach now because the iPhones are waterproof and so is like you know I don't carry cash. I got just the fucking bridge was waterproof. They're they're what they've been waterproof since the fucking six and people don't know that really is my phone in the shower all the time. All the time. That's amazing. I don't even trust it enough. I was talking to this girl and she was like sending me pictures from and this is back when the iPhone six you suddenly like pictures from like in the shower and I'm like aren't you gonna fuck up your phone. She's like no
Starting point is 01:04:31 the phone's waterproof. Nice. Hell yeah. And from that day on. Hell yeah. I don't know. I'm like you know I'm in there hours. Yep. Texting. Texting just pruned up. Yeah. Prune sexting. You know multiple nuts in the shower. Yeah. Your water bill is unbelievable. Yeah. That's right. Well I do fuck with the beach though. But I'm just I don't know. I don't want to be around crowds dude. I'm still sketch that about that shit. What do you mean. Just because of the fucking virus. Oh right. Yeah. Sorry. I moved on. I know I moved on the black lives. Well you're a better guy than me. What can I say. My friend of mine posted on Instagram that like a picture that said black lives still matter even if your feed's gone back to normal
Starting point is 01:05:16 and it's like it's so funny that that's just how this is going to go. It's like in three weeks nobody's going to be posting the black lives stuff. I wonder what's going to happen. Maybe he's going to come back and they say they want to do a bunch of they're going to they want to fucking do a bunch of shit. No they're all just they're just going to they're just going to slowly move away. The things it the fever pitch that things reach which not that it wasn't like justified but like to a certain extent it feels almost like you don't when you make a dog howl. Yes. You can make a dog howl. You just keep howling and eventually a dog will start howling and then once it gets going you stop and the dog almost
Starting point is 01:05:55 doesn't know what it's doing. It's like confused as to why it's howling. Right. And I feel like that's what happened to everybody over the last month. Yeah. I mean I hope I hope some of the energy can be fucking directed into some some good shit. I mean a bunch of people like a bunch of athletes started a I mean I think people are looking at voter suppression now and I think people are actually getting involved in some local shit. I don't know. I hope I hope some shit pops off from it. I think it'll it might something might happen and then the election is going to be it'll be interesting to see what happens. The election is just going to be a vortex. It's going to be wild. All the attention is
Starting point is 01:06:31 just going to go back to Trump and and like people. I bet you they're fixing to do some real nice voter suppression. Yeah. In Georgia you just can't vote. This will probably be the last election that we have that isn't just like a sham sham until it gets to. Yeah where it's like basically fake where we start having like it's Putin style elections. Yeah. This is probably the last one. Damn. It's about to be some better get some AKs. If they take away the debates then I'm going to be so pissed. I'm the only good part. I'm going to I'm going to fucking eat the dementia off. Give me one at least. I need four. If I don't get four I'm going to fucking I think they should have to play gay chicken. I don't think
Starting point is 01:07:21 there should be debates. I think it should be and create rounds of higher stakes gay chicken. I honestly think Biden can win gay chicken because he doesn't know where he is. Trump is at least aware of what's gay and what's not. He probably really hates Biden. I could see him doing some gay shit on accident a bunch of times. Yeah. They should. I mean it's it's it's like such a superficially important contest anyways. Right. That I mean it should yeah no it shouldn't. I mean what the fuck could you possibly get out of those debates. I can't believe I can't. Some people watch it and go you know what that's my guy. I'm not sure who I'm going to vote for. Do swing voters even exist anymore. No I can't understand.
Starting point is 01:08:09 I think they're just all Republicans. I think there are also people that are like so low information they find out that the there's voting for president in a week like a week before there are and I think there are a lot more people than you'd realize that just like sure are completely I don't know what they're doing. Like that's what yeah that's why Ken everyone's talking about Ken Bone. It's like he's a fucking idiot. He's a person that was undecided up until like a couple of weeks outside of Trump. Right. I think he did. Yes. Although I believe he had a wife that was hot or something. Did he. We talked about this years ago. Oh. He's jealous. No. Yeah you're jealous. I'm not jealous of Ken Bone.
Starting point is 01:08:49 Jealous of Ken Bone. I'm a better fat guy than Ken Bone. What do you guys think of the Budweiser is jealous of me. I don't even bring up being a fat guy. That's I told you that story about being in that fucking restaurant in like Van Horn or Fort Stockton or some shit. It's in West Texas. I've been on the road for like 15 hours. 8 p.m. I checked into my hotel and I went to like the only restaurant in town. It's like the middle of fucking nowhere. Right. And it's like this wood paneled restaurant. Love it. And on the wall there is one of those. Yeah. But it was Budweiser Mirror. Budweiser Mirror but with Dale Earnhardt on it. And there was a. This is a beautiful Clydesdale. Yeah. And there was like a teenage couple like
Starting point is 01:09:32 the table next to me and they must be the only two teens in town. So naturally they have to date each other. And the girl looks up at the Budweiser Mirror and she's like I love that. I love it. Yeah. Oh my god. I love that. That is so good. Yeah. I heard a good one too. I was getting off the bus the other night. And which the bus is free by the way. Do you know that? What? Like in Brooklyn? The whole fucking front of the bus was like, did they open the back door and you could just ride the bus? Oh yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Why? Because no one wants to ride the trains. Yeah. Well they don't want to interact. Yeah. They don't want to interact with the bus driver. It was kind of free before when I moved here and I was broke as shit I just used to get on.
Starting point is 01:10:19 Yeah. But don't try that on the select bus service. No they get mad. They will tear you. That's the special bus. What's up with that? What's the why? I don't know man. Anytime if you go on the bus service and you try to use a regular metro. Oh yeah. They're pissed about that. That's Nazi Germany. Don't you read the goddamn sign. No. I've gotten yelled at so many times on the SPS. Like confusing system. Yeah. You have to get a special metro card. You have to go buy a special metro card so that the bus doesn't suck. Yeah. There's no you know it's looking into the other day is the Amtrak auto train service. What's that? What's that? It's it goes from Lorton, Virginia to I think Sanford, Texas. Jesus. Sanford, Florida. Sanford, Florida. Sorry.
Starting point is 01:11:09 All the way down the east coast. You drive your car into the train and then you don't have to fucking drive to Florida. Do you sit in your car the entire ride? That would be pretty cool. No, no. You can get a sleeper car. You get a regular coach seat. Very nice. But like it's so funny. If you go to buy a ticket on Amtrak's website, it does not show you the cost for parking. It just says just $89 plus the cost of your vehicle and it won't you get you can't see how much they charge you to put your fucking car on the train. They decide when you get there or something. I think so. It depends on like the size of the vehicle, but I couldn't find any price. That's crazy. There's not even like some there's like a fucking thread on some website that tells you. Yeah, but none of
Starting point is 01:11:49 the like the real like bullshit information is right up front, which is that like so the train only leaves at 4 p.m. from DC or Virginia or whatever. Yeah. And then it takes like 1415 hours. But you have to get to the train station in between like 11 a.m. and 2 p.m. Jesus Christ. So you drive. Yeah. You have to wait an entire fucking day. That's just like the Amtrak station. And then they give you like a comped hot dog. And then it takes like four hours for them to get your car off the train. And then on top of that, it's killed like six or seven people in the last 15 years. How is that still going on derails? Yeah, it's funny to train derailments keep happening. Yeah. Really? Yeah. I mean, like planes don't even crash. The trains barely. Yeah, they still
Starting point is 01:12:39 fuck up in derail. God, they're Malaysia. Well, they should go back to back. We so fucking funny. Yeah. That guy. Like put it on Instagram like oh, oh, Malaysia. Hope I don't die and he died. That's going to be me. That's such a Ryan Dunn kind of way to die. Yeah. Truly. Truly. About to drunk drive. Oh, my God. I'm Steve Oh, and this is flying Malaysian aircrafts. Oh, fuck, dude. I'm Steve Oh, and this is touch artwork in North Korea touch. Vinnie keeps taxing me. Yeah, he wants to go to Disney's bro. You got to have me on the podcast so I can threat I can make illegal threats against Ban Marjorie. You got to have I got to come on show, man. I got to fucking incriminate all of us. Honestly, shout out to Vinnie, though. The first
Starting point is 01:13:36 laugh I had after my mother died. Oh, my God. Where do you hit me up to do his podcast scum town? And then he hit me back like an hour later and said, I didn't realize that your mom just passed right. Yeah. He's timing is unbelievable. He probably he's probably the first person you were in contact with outside of your immediate family after your mom's friends. I saw like a message from scumbag videos like I might as well just open it. Less than a couple hours after your mom passed. I think it was the next day. And then I was like, really, just the first time I've smiled like the gift of Vinnie. Yeah. He's been hitting me up to go down and do a comedy show with people from Comedy Central and B.E.T.
Starting point is 01:14:26 at Disney. People from Comedy Central and B.E.T. I've kind of come around on Sean King. Oh, yeah. You're you're where were you? You know, he sucked or whatever. But now he's become so much of a scumbag. He's a scammer completely. Right. Yeah. That it's endearing. Now I'm pro Sean. I saw that someone screenshot a tweet where I think she put him on a put him on a Twitter list fake fake. It was called pretending to be. I don't trust Tariq and she anymore. Well, the way he kind of lost your trust the way he framed this Milwaukee P.D. thing kind of got me what he said. He's an eyebrow. I got to look at it again. But the tweet is like, it's sneaky. I mean, it's probably not by his design in any way. But like, kind of like glides over the implication that the police
Starting point is 01:15:18 department was like involved in this. Wow. He is a sigh. Yeah, it was more it was more framing. It is like, they're incompetent, you know, or they're like protecting the house, which is like, this is a guy that goes hard all day long. Right. This is a guy that's fucking does not need even a shred of evidence. Three days ago, he was posting a video of some black child molester beating a gay man in Macy's for no reason and saying like, that's what he gets. This is what's coming to you, white people. Nobody does not get shit. But with this one, he's like fucking like, oh, yeah, well, you know, you know, and he wasn't like excusing anything, but just the framing of it was weird. It was very tricky. That is alarming in a way that makes
Starting point is 01:16:05 me say, is he possibly part of the part of the ring? You're on the list. Yeah, you are on the list. We got an eye. We're keeping an eye on you. We got an eye on them. Yeah. Oh, fuck. Well, check out come dot town. I got some new shirts that are up. Fuck with those. Check out. We solved your problems Friday, 6 p.m. And then this Saturday, my little brothers wanted to raise a little money for some Baltimore charities. So Saturday at noon, we're doing a lift, a thon, an art auction. And my little brother is going to try and lift a bunch of weights. I am going to do a peanut M&M. I'm going to dollar. I know I'm going to do push up last time. You're gonna do pushups. He ate 15,000 peanut M&M. You can sponsor me for a pushup. I will probably only do around
Starting point is 01:16:53 eight. Stop actually eight. You're going to raise eight dollars. No. Very important. No. Some people could do 20 bucks. 35,000 Reese's mini cups. Black Logs matter. I listen. It's up to you. I guess I'll eat candy if you want me to. Whatever you want, I'll do. My other brother, George, will be auctioning off some of his artwork. So anyway, all of it will go to Baltimore Safe Haven, Baltimore Action Legal Team and Youth Empowered Society all in Baltimore. So that'll be kind of fun to do and just fuck around with my brothers. But yeah, that's pretty much it helping out the community. All right. Until next time, folks, thank you.

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