The Adam Friedland Show (Cumtown) - Ep. 227 – Vote Him Out

Episode Date: September 30, 2020

we have to stop him...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Feel my dick in your ass We should be good to go here Feel my penis in your bungee We're playing a dangerous game here Playing it fast and loose We're playing it fast and loose The SD card files So you might not ever even hear this episode We just recorded a banger Oh it was really good And we need to make sure that And every time we do that we lose it because we're dumbasses But this time we took some precautions Yeah, we offloaded it, saved it on the SD card anyways
Starting point is 00:00:30 So maybe this one will disappear No, it'll be fine No, it'll be good It'll be sexually fine It'll be good, I'm a gay guy Because we didn't format it, right? So it's slow Feel the rain on your dick Feel my, the size of my dick Feel my penis in your bungee Ray Charles would actually feel women's penises to see how big their socks were That's right He would be like, oh, you cannot, man, I plead, what am I in the fucking guitar seat here?
Starting point is 00:01:04 You're sitting in a guitar seat I'll move the guitar I'm multiple guitars What the hell is this guitar? What is this guitar center? Is this guitar center? You know it's not because Adam's not trying to talk you down on the price of that guitar I don't know what to tell you, man It's fucking telly I get paid $10 an hour, so Can I please go home? That guy was so annoying We'll never live without him
Starting point is 00:01:32 It costs 200 bucks to get Jonathan Frakes to say, and how about the story about the Jewish guy at guitar center? He's on Cammy Is he? Yeah, I thought about doing it, but then I, it just, I was too lazy to click a couple It was like, I wanted to sign up and then I did and then my phone was like, do you want to switch to the Atom like, you know what? Fuck you! You know what, dude?
Starting point is 00:01:55 I'm going to go back to laying nude on the floor of my bedroom that I've thrown all the furniture out of and have no plans to replace I do love that look I like your new setup You're fucking living like a samurai I am Sparse He's doing tea ceremonies alone The no pussy zone Oh, that's right I pull my dick out and then I put like a bandana on and I open the window and the bandana or the, it blows in the wind Yeah
Starting point is 00:02:22 Like snake and then with my own dick I shove it into my ass like a ritual Japanese suicide You're committing straight seppuku Yeah You're killing your straight pussy thirsting self and now you live as a gay samurai alone Yeah A homonin A homonin Roaming the countryside trying to suck guys off What color is the bathroom at the McDonald's in here for sure? He had, he had Sean Bean sweating Yeah
Starting point is 00:02:52 I don't remember what the color of the bathroom is But I promise I'm gay Pull it up show me a penis Show me a penis Show me a penis Show me a penis Let me see a penis now What color is a black man's penis It's purple Trick question He was light skinned There's different colors, they got all different kind of colors Yeah They got a mocha Yeah
Starting point is 00:03:17 Only some of them have cocks that look like the lips You think if Robert De Niro was gay he'd like to fuck black men? Cause he likes to fuck black women Do you think there's some kind of question? It would be funny if he was gay just to hear what the president would have to say about him Yep Yeah He got this guy, he's playing a mobster, meanwhile he's sucking cock He's in his dressing room and he's got, this is true
Starting point is 00:03:42 They're on the set of Goodfellas, they had to stop filming because he's in his trailer and he's getting fucked in his life This is true folks We've just, Al Qaeda has just blown up the Freedom Tower and he's like Robert De Niro This guy was sucking so much and they used to shoot on film Thousands and thousands of dollars every time they had to say cut Thousands of dollars they're wasting So this guy, and look, that's your choice, that's your life Those are your choices to make Like are you gonna react to the terrorist
Starting point is 00:04:18 attack? Three thousand people have died And he's down on his knees That's a disgusting question It's a disgusting question, you're a disgusting person you should be fired and killed And Robert De Niro, he would suck the cum out, this is true I'm not, I know, it sounds bad But I'm not making this up I'm not making it up folks He would keep the cum in his mouth and they'd say he would spit it all over the craft services table I don't mean, come on
Starting point is 00:04:43 That's for working people Now for me, that's too much It's for working people You know, the Democrats, they say they care about working people Here's Robert De Niro spitting cum all over the Capri Suns And electricians get it come by He doesn't even have health insurance He can barely figure out the straw in the fucking thing And then he's got a bunch of cum in his face From Robert De Niro, it's a lot of boffin up the game Because Robert De Niro is gay A second plane to set the towers
Starting point is 00:05:15 Undoubtedly one of the darkest moments in American history We go live now to the president who's still talking about Robert De Niro being gay on the set of Casino A sad day in American history Oh fuck dude Oh gosh Yeah, but I do wonder if there's some kind of mathematics like if you like to fuck Asian women if you became gay would you, I don't know, what's, do you fuck Asian men, do you fuck, I don't know, Hispanic men? It's called the devil's prism for a reason You know, if you were a straight man that
Starting point is 00:05:55 wanted to fuck Asian women and you became gay, then you would want to fuck little boys Oh interesting That's in the gay community, children are the equivalent of Asian women So you're gonna put, so you consider pedophiles I'm not making this up, I'm not making this up It's the devil's prism No, I'm telling you, it's Billy Bush, it's true Billy Bush, he interviewed Robert De Niro and Robert De Niro was saying to him, I used to like Asian women, I tried out being gay but now I fuck children and it's 100% true You tell me, you tell me Anderson Cooper Okay Mr. President, we have to discuss the terrorist attack that's being committed in
Starting point is 00:06:43 New York City Al-Qaeda is claiming responsibility, 50,000 people are dead, they detonated a hydrogen bomb in the middle of Manhattan and 8.3 million Americans perished last night and they're saying that our projected GDP puts us on par with Kuala Lumpur We have now descended to third world country status, CNN is going out of business Good, you should go out of business, you know these lies you're telling about me, when you should be reporting on Robert De Niro having gay sex Joe Pesci almost killed himself This is true, last year CNN did 862 million negative stories about me, we added it up, we got somebody from the Office of Accountability and the Post Office, something like that,
Starting point is 00:07:39 they added it up, 832 trillion times, there was a negative story about me, one story about Robert De Niro having gay sex with the margin of error of one It's not fair, it's not fair, it's not fair Just why, why, oh yeah, that is correct Well the elections coming up, 19 million Americans are dead, the average household income is now $3 a year, people are trying, 500 electoral votes to 3 Donald Trump is down 800 million points in the polls, so it looks like it's going to be an easy win for Joe Biden, well it's election night and Donald Trump won 100% of the votes,
Starting point is 00:08:33 not a single person voted for it and we go live now to poll exiting voters and see what they think, we're here in, I don't know, Wisconsin, who gives a shit, you know, I voted for Barack Obama, you know, we liked him, maybe it's time for, you know, what was he Spanish or something, I thought that was good, but you know, a lot of people, I don't know how you feel about Donald Trump, but he is the president, you know, and if I'm going to vote for somebody, I figure voting for president, and one of them is the president, so, I mean that seems to be, you know, that makes a lot of sense to me, yeah, for me it was Robert De Niro being gay, they kind of swung me in the right direction, I didn't like that he said that,
Starting point is 00:09:27 but you know, you look into it and it's actually true, you know, initially I was pretty mad at the president, but then there's another clip that they don't show you on CNN, they played on Fox News, and we go live to the clip now, not only is he gay, but they found this out, his real name is William Wilhelm, he's not even a time, he made it up, he made it up in college, when he started reading Karl Marx, he thought, oh, if I had an Italian sounding name, I'd be able to be in gangster movies, even though I'm a cock-sucking homosexual. Mr. President, you're not answering my question, just, oh, okay, okay, Mr. President, there's now been a 35th plane, they're down to flying plane, they've run out of buildings, and they've
Starting point is 00:10:20 flown a plane into the Barton Springs pool in Austin, Texas, the Royal Farms Arena in Baltimore City has been destroyed. This is why everyone needs to have their own private plane, I fly private all the time, this is never going to be an issue for me, and I do it, and what do they say? The climate, oh, we're starting the climate, what is that? It's invisible, the air, now that's how bad they think I am, that I can hurt the air, you can't even see it. Folks, these are sick people. Meanwhile, Robert De Niro, he's burping and farting, come on. What's his carbon footprint? Do you know how many chemicals it takes to clean up, come? How do you measure his carbon footprint? What size women's shoe do you measure
Starting point is 00:11:11 his carbon footprint? Answer me that, Anderson Cooper. You know De Niro is actually only a quarter Italian. Is that true? It's fucked up, dude. Mr. President, I should inform you outside of my responsibilities as a journalist to never put myself into the story, but I am in fact a homosexual. Ew! Don't say that about yourself, Anderson. I understand we've had our differences, but I think very highly of you. I think you're a good guy. You don't need to throw yourself under the bus just because I'm here. I appreciate what you're doing. No, I'm a gay man. No, you're a good guy. You're a good guy. And that's why I'm here to unite people. We're going to bring everybody together. You should think highly
Starting point is 00:11:59 of yourself, Anderson. Look, you made it all the way to the top of the TV. You're the king of the TV. You're the guy on the TV. You're all the way up here in TV City. And where's Robert De Niro? Down on his knees on Fifth Avenue. He's sucking some guy's cock up. Damn. We think the turning point. Tonight on Frontline, how Donald Trump swept the election in 2020. We initially thought giving Anderson Cooper a 17-hour interview with the president immediately following the worst terrorist attack in the history of the United States would hurt him. But apparently he's made out of Teflon. There's literally nothing the president can do that will be perceived as bad by the American people. And that's partially our fault. What have
Starting point is 00:12:53 you got his dick sucked on camera? Trump? Yeah. Would that help or hurt him? I don't see that hurting. Then it's like a disclaimer. Due to threats to our funding, Frontline is lost editorial control of the show, which will now be handled by some woman that Donald Trump met at a car wash. Robert De Niro. Gay and not Italian. Tonight on Frontline, we look into the star of Casino's cock-sucking exploit back in his Ulster Scott days on Fifth Avenue. Gay and not Italian. It's your one. It's just Dexter Filkins being like, oh, you're sure you don't want to just ask me about Iraq? They're like, no, just call Robert De Niro, just say he's gay. We need to just ride out this administration. Once it's over, we'll
Starting point is 00:14:01 go back. He's got four more years. We'll do 35 episodes on Robert De Niro and how Eugene Carroll has schizophrenia. We're doing all of his political enemy attack shows. We're just going to get it out of the way and then we can start to keep going back. We can do another another 100 episodes on how Isis is either doing good or bad. Frontline kind of fell off for like a period. Dude, I don't know. I've never watched Frontline. Frontline rocks. Yeah. Frontline is great. The one on Putin is really good. But then they had like and the one on Isis is really good. There's a million on Isis. I feel like it's like in the one I saw. Wait, is it a weekly show? I don't know. No, it's like once every like
Starting point is 00:14:48 six weeks documentary series. Okay, I see. They're pretty good. You learn a lot. Never seen you should watch the Firestone one. You probably like that one. What's Firestone? The tire company. Yeah, Firestone. They had a rubber plantation in Liberia. Oh, shit. That's where they're chopping people's hands off and shit. Yeah, they were like fucking. They basically like funded this guy Charles Taylor's like death squad. Yeah. No. He was out there just fucking genociding motherfuckers. Yeah. Fuck that would suck tonight on front line. Did Robert De Niro fund Charles Taylor's genocidal campaign? Yes, he did. And he sucked his cock. And he's gay and he's not.
Starting point is 00:15:28 Dude, I burned my fucking thumb grilling. Yeah, I was getting this lucky out of the shit. And I touched the wood was right off the grill. And I heard my fucking thumb meat sizzle. That should never happen to you. Yeah, it's just the moisture on your finger. Dude, it was fucked up. No, look, and it smelled probably too. Yeah, it tasted so good. Your thumb, you were tasting human, like perfectly charred human taste for human flesh. Now, dude, I'm like a fucking bear that ate a woman. Another bear. Oh, yeah. Then you can't it was fucked up. I don't like your my own fucking skin. Go. I think that is a good conclusion to your life is that you just eat yourself. Slowly barbecue. You don't eat other stuff. You just
Starting point is 00:16:22 like one over has a donut. Yeah, eating his own head. I used to drive to draw a donut at home or all the time when I was a kid. Oh, yeah. I don't know. I was obsessed with drawing home with it. That's a good one. Yeah. Donut at home or rocked. And also a tourist. Also at home or in the chocolate city. Yeah, when the Germans take over the plant, of course, Mr. Simpson, after all, we are from the land of chocolate. And I'm sorry, you were saying something about chocolate. That was 10 minutes ago. God damn, I would love to be in a land of chocolate. Yeah. Yeah. So anyway, we got a plug and plan our Puerto Rico vacation, you know, yeah, we've made a big decision about the show going to winter in Puerto Rico. We're
Starting point is 00:17:13 going to be snowbirds like all Jewish people going to warmer weather climate. We just get a fucking mansion, dude. Living single in 90s kind of world. Living single. That would be cool. So I can pussy. So I can pee. So I can pee. So I can pee. Tonight's episode of in living single has been purchased. In living single living single. It's been purchased by Donald Trump, the distribution rights has been edited to reflect the official positions of the White House. We're going to get black people on board. We're going to put up episodes of living single. You say you get the black foot. You tell them Robert De Niro, he's actually a cocksucker. It's the blacks. They're like me. They don't like gay. They don't like it.
Starting point is 00:18:04 You know, everybody's saying I'm stuck in the past. These guys go to a barbershop. They would talk to a black guy. The thing's coming out of his mouth. It's like it's 1880. He's talking about I can't wait to get a telephone. I can't wait to try out one of these telephones there. I can't wait to order something from the sea. It's coming. So true, Mr. President. The way they talk, it's like it's 1830. It's n word this and n word that. It's like, pal, one of them is going to hear you. You got to say quieter. You got to be quiet. You got to do it. Can't say that word. I say in the dressing room at Bergman Goodall. Yeah, whatever the fuck that place called. Didn't somebody say they had audio of him saying it while
Starting point is 00:18:56 he was on the apprentice? Um, yeah. Well, he had a good reason to say it. Oh, he was kicking Omarosa off. Yeah. What happened to Omarosa? She was in the administration and then I think she she tried to switch switch up and snitch on him or something. It didn't work. I don't think she's fucking Teflon Don. She didn't get yes. I'm sure she was adopted by the resistance for two days. It's going to be so funny when he wins. I hope he doesn't. But he probably will. It's going to be so tomorrow night's the debate. No, for real. Yeah. Tomorrow night's debate one. We should have saved you. Are you serious? We should have saved saved. That's going to be. That's going to be a fucking battle. Honestly, it's
Starting point is 00:19:42 going to. It's going to degenerate into just name calling. No, no, Trump's whole thing right now is that they're probably going to visit. You know what? Here's how Joe Biden wins the election. He beats him up. Like buck on him because Donald Trump will back down. No, I think Joe Biden does have that energy. He really does. He wouldn't get in a fight. Yeah. What if Joe Biden was just kicks his ass in his face and he's like, do something? That would be awesome. I mean, I really know that said that he would win the election easily if he made sure we're like a pussy. If he just fucking got in Donald Trump's face and said, do something. No one's tried that yet. Honestly, it should have been, it should have
Starting point is 00:20:21 been Joe Biden should just be like, he's like, listen, Jack, listen, it's also like, what do we have to lose? Culturally, politically? Oh, no, it's already a super embarrassing. That's what people are tuning in for. Anyways, there's no chance we're getting like health insurance out of now. That's not even going to be discussed. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Absolutely. All we can hope for is that it's slightly. I mean, Donald Trump's going to bring like a sample of, of Joe Biden's son's brain cancer on stage. No, no, no, no. Donald Trump's whole thing right now is that he is demanding Joe Biden take a drug test because he's drug addict. He keeps tweeting about how he's like Joe Biden is a drug addict. Look, I know this.
Starting point is 00:20:59 Given Robert De Niro, they've been doing poppers. They've been doing pop. It's a drug. It's only gay people allowed to take it. How is, how is that fair? They got a drug that only gay people allowed to do. And they say they want equality. Well, how come? Here's, here's where we were 1950. You know, some people say this is an equal. Other people say, well, maybe there's a little, a couple more things we could change. Okay, okay, go ahead. Change a couple of things. But then they go way too far. They've gone too far. Now gay people have special drone drugs. They got special job prep poppers. Meanwhile, I'm in the White House and I'm shooting heroin with my daughter. She's beautiful. I'm having my beautiful daughter
Starting point is 00:21:42 shoot heroin into the last vein in my penis. I had to go, I had to go to Thailand to get new veins put into my penis so I could shoot heroin into my penis before the debates. I mean, Trump's definitely on Adderall though, right? That's, they say he snorts Adderall, but I don't buy it, dude. I think that he's just a weird guy. You don't think he's on Adderall? The one thing I have heard is that he's really indefinitely on Adderall. I think it's Sudafed. Sudafed is kind of fucking pathetic. What if he's in the blue chew? Take it away, boy. Oh, he's probably, if he was in the blue chew, then he would be in a fucking beautiful place because I, let me tell you this much. I'm in the blue chew and I have
Starting point is 00:22:25 a fucked up little penis. Now, when I take a couple fucking blue chews and look, they come in six milligrams, they come in, I want to say, maybe even they do a 15 milligram or a 12 or something like that. Here's the thing, they tell you to take one, you could take as many as you want to make your dick even harder. One will make it hard, two will make it real hard, three will make it throbbing hard. You don't have a pretty bad headache the whole time. Yeah, for a couple days on it. But your dick will stay hard because with the doctors of blue chews say is that it's either fucking, it's the same exact shit as Viagra. It's the same exact shit as fucking Cialis. But this time it's in a
Starting point is 00:23:04 candy form. And I don't know about you, but eating candy at him makes makes that I'm already halfway to fucking hard. Exactly. It's kind of like sweet tarts are smart. They make it in a flavor that any child would adore. Exactly. You can give it to a child and it's little cock will get hard. It reminds me of going to my local candy shop and the old man there giving me some blue raspberry style candy. Oh yeah. That just made my dick make you dick hard. Insanely hard. He's like why don't you I have even better candies in the back room and they take you back there. He locks the door and then you wake up 20 minutes later. You're eating a hot dog on a park bench and you're confused how you got there. Here's
Starting point is 00:23:42 the thing about our president. I don't think that he would use a blue shoe. I think that he would go in soft and just tell the woman that his dick is hard. Yeah. This is not what your face said that he kind of slid his his little ass. He didn't have that big a dick and it was semi soft and he slid it in there with a lot of pubes. Who knows. Stormy Stormy Stormy said that. Well, that's you know I trust her anyway. You go to You fucking talk. You don't have to go to the doctor and say doctor please my dick is soft. Which I did. I tried to ask my doctor in Baltimore when I was like 22 years old for dick pills. At the time I was lying and just wanted to get my dick even harder. He
Starting point is 00:24:23 gave me some samples because he was Italian. He fucking his name was Vincenzo and he rolls like that. You don't have to do that though. You don't have to be embarrassed. Right online. You fucking have an online consultation and you say look how fucking lit my cock is. They ask the last girl you fucked. They text her. Was his dick hard? She'll say no. You get her to say no. And then they mail you some fucking Sadael filler to Dadaelofil. I can't get enough of these fucking Mandarin oranges. Yeah, I won't go out of your home. Yeah, you've been, today we've been hanging out. You've had what four of Adam's oranges? I've had like nine. You're gonna have some wet shit. I'll tell you what. I can't shit
Starting point is 00:25:02 anymore. Nick's ass is already leaking. I can smell it from here. I can't. My shit don't work. I need Blue Chew for my ass. They're rolling that product. They're working on Blue Chew for the ass. My name is BB King. You may know me. You may know me as the mascot of Blue Chew. Blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue. They should get Butcher's Butcher's golly and they name him Blue Chew, Blue Chew, or golly. Well, that's what BB King's first name is. Did you say promo code? No. No, you'd like sex. If you like sex, you'll like Blue Chew dot com. The same generic ingredients as Viagra and Seattle. It's set up. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:46 So lad in the Deville and to dollars. I mean, come on with the fucking names. Yeah, just what about what happened to her? To dick to the to dick to the hard fill Steve Phil Dick LaFille. Phil Dick LaFille. Uncle Phil Dick. Oh, Phil's dick. Oh, Phil was gay. Philip was a bachelor's name. Jeffrey, the bachelor's bachelor's. Look, I got look, you don't understand. I need to just let my mind. I'm sorry, man. Go for it. Just go in your float. He's got to flow out. I think he's levitating and his eyes are rolling in the back of his head. He's got his legs crisscrossed applesauce. I got a fucking exploding six feet above the earth. Another plane to see my way through this. All right, we're with you, buddy. A lot of
Starting point is 00:26:27 people listen to show don't know that I go to bed at 7pm now and wake up at 3am. He's on a new schedule. He's on the Mark Wahlberg schedule by no choice of my own. It just happens like that now. I don't know what the fuck happened. He wakes up screaming. Yeah, praise works out. Let me start. He has to go to promo code come town promo code. Penise code. Gary, Penise. They're going to send it to you in discreet packaging. Yeah, man. This is actor Gary Penise. What is this? That is what Gary Penise sounds like. Gary Penise. Scary Penise. How the fuck did it take him so long to get to Gary Penise? I think we've said it before. He's a Hollywood Republican. Yeah, my name's Gary Penise. I'm here for
Starting point is 00:27:16 I was wondering if any of the people listening, you listeners at home might have a penis. It doesn't work. What does Gary Penise sound like? I don't think so. I can't even visualize his voice. I can visualize his face, but not his voice. I remember when I was a kid and I saw that Lieutenant Dan was having sex. Oh yeah, it's promo code come town. Oh, is Gary Penise Lieutenant Dan? Gary Penise here. When I was a kid, I was like, how is he doing that? He doesn't have legs. Gary Penise here for Yeah, so it's very confusing. When they made me cut my legs off to play the retarded guy in Forrest Gump. I don't know if he was retarded. That movie was all about different kind of
Starting point is 00:28:03 retards. Hence the box of chocolate speech. A mental retard, a racial retard, and then a body retard. And Jenny was a gender retard. That's what a woman is. I can buy into that. And then everybody gets AIDS. And the moral of the story is don't fuck your disabled kid's principal just to trick him into it. That's right. I mean, how sweet is it? The only benefit of being retarded is that you don't have to go to school. And the ping pong too. And then your mom uses her pussy to make you do homework. Fucked up. That's a bad mom. That's a shitty mom. I would fuck Sally Fields though. To let the kid into school? Fuck yeah, dude. You know, I fucked Sally Fields. Gary, just stick to the, just stick to the copy. Can you stop
Starting point is 00:28:55 doing a Jack? It's not my fault. I don't know what I said. Why the hell would you hire Gary Sineese to do VO for your commercial, your cocktail commercial for your blue shoe dot com commercial promo code come promo code come town get 20 what is it 20% off 20% off promo code come town doesn't work. Try come town 20. It's one of the two. It's probably one of those. And my phone died before we started the show. So I don't have the copy in front of me. I can't guarantee what the promo code is. But it's either a come town or come town 20. I am Gary Penise. I'm Gary Penise. May your penis get hard. I also want to say real quick this weekend and let your penis your penis get hard. Mr. Spock, do that thing with
Starting point is 00:29:48 your hand and say the thing about my cock. Live long and let your penis get hard. Yes. I love it. You did it again. I love it so much. Come see me this weekend in Philadelphia. I'm at the punchline in Philly's went with get that one off early five shows Thursday Friday Saturday's not Sunday. So that and then I'm in Worcester Saturday. What's the Worcester mass. And yeah, that's it. Keep getting your dick hard. Also, Souljoll's tent in Royceford PA later and then McGoobie's on Halloween weekend. Very nice. But bring bring the blue shoe bring your dick make your dick hard. Who was asking him to do in the act that Nick? Who was asking Spock to say that? Captain Kirk. Captain Kirk. Mr. Spock,
Starting point is 00:30:41 put your hand in my ass. Do a V. Do that V thing in my ass. Mr. Spock, maybe on the bridge and do the V thing in my ass. This is brand new territory for this show. If you're just tuning in, we've never done anything like this. Is this still funny? Oh yeah, dude. The V thing for me to the V thing in my ass. Yeah. Come on. That's very funny. The show is finally funny to me. It's funny to me. It's never been funny to me before, but the idea of spending years Garfield friends Garfield and his boy friends. Yeah, the cats are like Monday. They're like, what's wrong with Monday? And then it's 20 minutes of the cat being violently fucked by a bunch of guys and you're like, oh, poor cat. Yeah, that's why I hate John.
Starting point is 00:31:48 John comes down. He's like Garfield. It's Monday. No. And he's like, we're in the speech bubble. Oh, great. John's friends are just fucking giving us sarcastic smirk. Hurry up, fellas. I brought lasagna for everybody because I'm Italian. He fucked the cat. He did Anderson. It was a cat named Garfield. No, he was friends with John Arbuckle. They would all get together. Everybody knows Robert De Niro. Robert De Niro. He would drink lasagna and John Arbuckle and Robert De Niro would spit roast a big orange tabby. Because in the gay community, orange cats are like they're Asian women. That's what it is to them. Mr. President, 20 minutes ago you said it was children. Look, Anderson, I don't tell you how to live your life. You're
Starting point is 00:32:56 quite literally doing exactly that right now. I don't make the rules. I just play by a man. I don't make the rules. I mean, that is my job as president. I come up with all the rules. I decide what they're going to be. I think it would be really funny if you'd like the Democrats found like some big fat guy to accuse that Amy Barrett woman of rape. She took advantage of me. We have to act like he's brave. Right. And then there's just like a Senate being like how did it make you feel? She sucked my dick. She sucked my little dick. We got it. We got it. It's indelible in the hippo campus is Amy laughing at my tiny penis as she sucked it in front of the entire football team. And they all laughed and said there's fat titted
Starting point is 00:33:48 baby dick Eric getting his dick sucked by slut Amy. Oh, we got to start doing what happened to believe all women. What happened? What happened to believe? What happened in believing victims? Nobody believes Eric Custard. Nobody believes Mr. Eric Custard when he says that Amy raped him. Why did they believe Christine Blasey Ford? We got to start Jacob Wall style high drinks. Exposes. Yeah. But for the left, what is Jacob Wall trying to like be a jiggalo now? No, he's not only fans, but he just shows himself shirtless. He never shows cock. I don't think he shows cock. What about in like briefs? You can see that kid. That kid rules there. Every every idea he comes up with fails immediately. Yeah, rich or something. I think
Starting point is 00:34:40 his dad's rich or something. Yeah, he looks like a rich kid. Who is the bitch that they're about to put on the Supreme Court? That's Amy Barrett. Amy Barrett Coney. She's got fucked up eyes, dude. Yeah, she's super Catholic. Yeah, she's 48. She was a judge for two years or so. Are you serious? Yeah. What if somebody sniped her? Or what if she raped an obese kid when she was in high school? Yeah. If I was only the right age, I would be down for that. How funny would it be if like they just got Christine Blasey Ford again? And she's like Amy raped me. Wait, did he rape me? Christine Blasey Ford? What did he do? He like held her down while he was drunk. Yeah, he almost raped her, but he didn't. Oh, damn. I think
Starting point is 00:35:26 his endist friend was laughing at them. Yeah. But yeah, no, stop. I think you should run a honeypot operation. I will do it. I'll get her to fuck my ass with a strap. Bad news. God damn it. Stop. How did you eat metaphorical honey? I don't know, but I was fucked. I wanted honey. This was our chance to hear the expression arose by any other name. This was our chance to say you called something honey and I had to eat it. I wish my brain worked that way. We got a book or a hotel like in hook where they could just think about the food. Yeah, I remember that. You know how much of my body is thinking about a movie like hook that sounds like hook. The name of no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,
Starting point is 00:36:20 not that. I think we've we've brought attention to it before, but you do look like the little black kid from hook. I was just fat with the floppy hat. No, you both have a nice or we have fat cheeks, chubby cheeks, a nice smile. You get excited when you imagine those hats on fat black kids again. Yeah, that was an awesome little newsy cat. Loppy newsy. Yeah, awesome. That was a good look. Yeah. Actor Jeremy chocolate started 13 before passing away at the age of 13. I love it. I love seeing that whole fucking machine. He's great. He is really enjoying whatever racist thing he's thinking face of Satan. Just a master of tricks. Oh, man. You know, Glenn Close was a pirate in hook. Really? Oh, don't get me started.
Starting point is 00:37:25 Yeah. For real. I think she might have even been the guy in the hole or something or she was she was definitely in a pirate. You know, else was a pirate. Really? Look, you think you can just fuck me and leave? There's all children. Ma'am, ma'am, this entire world is filled with children. If you could just keep your isn't it pirates and children. So it was the whole thing just a fucking metaphor for rate child rapist. It's all named after what was going on at fucking Michael Jackson's house. Yeah. Yeah, they named Neverland Ranch came first. And then the book and then the movie was like, Oh, what about a movie where there's a guy who's sort of a child. And and then he gets to go to a fantasy world with
Starting point is 00:38:19 different laws. Michael Jackson trip to Thailand. You could be there and they don't have there's no kind of a thought into investing or no oversight into what happens in the tribe land. There's a group of literal boys that are lost to have nobody nobody to answer to them, dude. For real, though, whatever English motherfucking wrote that up. That's a sick guy, dude. Didn't Johnny? Yeah, there's a movie with Johnny Dove. That guy's got a fuck kids. Captain Captain for kids. No, but he knew kids named like Peter and we'll go to the Caribbean. He really find boys. Sex with the boys. Imagine guys at home. Nice shasheng while we're doing these voices. Oh, man. I was I was just trying to do Johnny that was trying to like figure out
Starting point is 00:39:21 a Johnny Depp impression the other day. And I just kept saying like my mom got fat when she found out Arnie was retarded. Well, after after my dad left, my mom found out Arnie was retarded. She got fat as shit as soon as Arnie came out retarded. The first couple of times they gave Arnie a math test. It's clear he was retarded. And after that, my mom, she just became just fat as fuck. She got out. You can't fucking cow. Fucking bitch. You got fat as hell. Yeah, Arnie's retarded. He's so good in that movie. Who's sucking Gilbert's cock? That it's like one of the only not only because first of all, so many actors that are talented otherwise have fucked up being retarded. You mean Leo is so good
Starting point is 00:40:12 and Leo is a Leo is amazing in that movie. Yeah, that is a fucking that is like a like one of the best performances of all time. Yeah, I haven't seen it because it's like, you know, like they get like is like a hack joke, but the tropic thunder thing of like don't go full retard. Yeah. Why that joke so funny is because it's 100% true. Everybody that fucking like it's incredibly fucking hard to do and have the character play like let let alone authentic but even sympathetic, right and not just to see the actor doing a bad right as a boy. I am Sam is fucking disgusting. The other sister is disgusting. Giovanni Robisi is fine, but he's just playing himself. Yeah, you know, I mean, his range
Starting point is 00:40:55 is like you can play. You just use your normal voice. Finally, Giovanni. I don't understand the scripts about like a guy that rapes a retarded girl. They're like, yeah. Yeah, that's it. So just keep doing that. And that'll that'll read fine. Mm hmm. That'll be that's exactly what we want. More of this energy is just what should I do to get into character? Nothing. Stay pushed. The cameras are good about it. Yeah, we're getting a lot of good stuff. Yeah. All this is going in. What should I put on makeup? No, should I dress different? Yeah, you're perfect. Should I turn off all my marching band music? Not at all. I wore my dog costume here because all my other clothes are covered in heroin. I spilled heroin.
Starting point is 00:41:50 All my other clothes, all my other jeans, every other pair of clothes I have, I spilled heroin. What's what's Giovanni been and where's big when he was young? Boiler room. Arnie and Arnie and what's eating? Gilbert Grape is a fucking great performance. I would love to see, you know, it's a shame that they made peanut butter Falcon instead of Shia just playing a retard. Yeah, they really should let him. Shia is shocking. He hasn't Shia. If Shia made that movie where he plays the retarded person and then he cast a down syndrome actor as the normal guy, that would be awesome because that would be you couldn't criticize because Shia would nail it. Yes. And it would be the greatest performance of all time. That
Starting point is 00:42:36 would be the greatest piece of acting that anyone has ever produced. That's right. And then people will be like, you know, what about on the waterfront? You'd be like, no, bullshit. What about that movie where Shia LaBeouf was retarded and the retarded guy was normal? On the waterfront, more than Brando and then they were afterwards going around sucking each other's cows. So I said, the best actor of all time is Shia LaBeouf because he did a movie with a retarded guy. You're not even aware of it because Shia is so good. It's even more retarded even acting with him. He somehow elevates the other guy. So he extracts his talent is so expansive that it crosses over into this other person and embodies him.
Starting point is 00:43:21 Is it possible, Mr. President, that the man with the answers were Mrs. also talented? Not a chance. Don't be ridiculous. It was all Shia. It was Shia that did everything. I know he did that. He will not divide us thing, but he would. He is the makings of a great Hollywood Republican. He would be awesome. He's not though. If he was like if his politics were like reactionary, it would be he would rock just because he's cool. He's what you're saying. No, because he's like a little crazy. The Hollywood Pomegans are fucking Bruce Willis. Clint Eastwood. Clint Eastwood, of course. Gary Sinise. Gary Penise. Who else? Fucking James Woods. Oh, that guy. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, it's not. Why is Shia
Starting point is 00:44:06 is why is Shia is such a good actor is because the real Shia doesn't exist. No, there's no there's nothing there. I mean, he's in pain. He's did you see honey? Well, whatever. I mean, he's just he's like a he's a very an extremely talented person that is like layered himself and all of this talent. Do you see honey boy? It's a very good movie. It's very good, but as there is no real Shia there. What's about the real him? No, it's it's still like that. It's that you know what that movie is actually a good thing in Nick's favor here because you make a movie like that. You're like, I'm gonna make something powerful, but you don't even really give a fuck. I'm gonna make a movie where I play my dad. It's it's
Starting point is 00:44:44 an autobiography or whatever. I mean, it's like a fictionalized account of his own life. But even like the real details of his life he has to insert himself in right and like because he's just he's like like a reflection of himself and the real self was never there. Oh, shit. Hell yeah, brother. Exactly. I'm telling you, there's no fucking that's what makes him such an allegory of the cave. I don't know about that. I never understood what that meant. It's like, it's like, it's like, they got this cave, Robert, you know, he's got this game. It's telling you the shadows and too afraid to leave the cave, but they're not real. Yeah, they're just shadows on the cable. What the fuck. So you're like, you know,
Starting point is 00:45:26 those are monsters that are keeping me in the cave and then you leave the cave. You're like, Oh, there were never any monsters. And what did we say at a different episode we're saying the matrix was that? Yeah, that's what the matrix is. Is that so the outgoing came is about like shit you're worried about not being a big deal at all. Well, just like the things that you're yeah, I guess so the people that you can certainly place a bet on. Yeah, where are you going? Yeah, I'm taking the bridge off. Take a break, dude. I don't know the copy. Listen, I don't know. Well, you know what I do because I love gambling gambling. So we got what's his name? D'Angelo Russell
Starting point is 00:46:09 Russell is on the Raiders. And we got a we got some hot picks for you coming up and we're we're placing all of our hot picks on Marcus Lajaxon for 12 over 15 reception. Yeah, in the website we're talking about is my what is it my bookie dot age. And it's the best place to place your bets. And it's where we place all of our place all our wagers on my bookie dot h e and they pay you fast. You they you will win if you sign up you get a bonus and they have live in game wagering. You can bet on people's fans for a thousand dollars and master fucking the project up to a thousand dollars. Tony, you fuck. Oh, yep. A thousand dollars to master the product. My bookie dot age is my bookie dot age. I mean
Starting point is 00:46:59 one thousand dollars to match your deposit. I mean, well, it's not telling you this fucking I only recommend the service of my fans. They've been good to me. Yeah. No bullshit. No fucking bulls. I'm on this fucking website betting every day. We've never lied to you. Every dollar I fucking have Nick's quite jubilant his money. He's rich as fuck. I'm rich as fuck, dude. I bought us. I bought a wife. Oh, yeah, straight from Laos. She's so sick. My house from Laos. But I just me pronouncing ho. Yeah, in a weird way. Mm hmm. She's got it in funny and tax messages. If you check it out, I got a text to me, a CEO of my bookie dot age day. Mm hmm. Yeah, I'll pull it up now. What to see. Yeah. Ha ha ha. We're not
Starting point is 00:47:49 giving any money back. That's so funny. Yeah, of course, we're going to the show. Mm hmm. Up above a bug at 50% of all money steal from the fans. Oh, here it is. Yeah. Laos. Well, I guess that you know, doesn't really work. It's not as funny as I thought it was. But the point is she's got a really nice pussy. And he borrowed he bought it with his winnings. He got my winnings from my bookie dot age. And by which is an incredibly legitimate domain ending. Right. A G. A G is what you want. That's how you know it's all good. It's an anonymous offshore company. Yeah, you have to have an anonymous offshore company to even get that domain. So it's you know, that is trustworthy. But off of what shore we're not
Starting point is 00:48:41 quite sure. It doesn't matter. Offshore. It's a country that doesn't even have shores. There's somewhere in the middle of the ocean on a boat. And yeah, we we recommend it to all of our. We love it. You could do betting on fantasy. We got the NBA freaking finals coming up. Lakers versus the put your money on the freaking as far as absolute. So put your money on the freaking Lakers. 50% 50% parlays against the spread. I love that stuff. I love that. That's great. It sounds cool. I'm just gonna start saying things that they have. They got the point. Got a couple points on the big. Yeah, you could definitely parlay kind of like a proposition Joe sell parlay. But you can press bet on the overs on unders. You
Starting point is 00:49:27 can bet on the fucking this prop bet. I have no idea who's got the biggest cock. You know, what we see what we see bam out of bias cock pop out of a short or something called a solid bronze cock one super spots, right? Yeah, super contest or something. I don't know. How does NBA betting? Do you have like minus 500 and plus 75? I don't know what those numbers mean at all. It means like, I mean, if there if those motherfuckers are minus, they're huge minus 500. They're huge underdogs of what are huge favorites. Yeah. But why is I mean, it's not like that in football. It's like minus seven because like, no, no, no, they're expecting money by seven. Plus that's different. You there's two totally different. All right,
Starting point is 00:50:11 whatever. The point is go to my bookie dot a g my bookie dot a g up to $1,000 will double your first deposit. Play bet win get paid get sexy get a lot of allow a lot of you get some loud should have all of my trail make me promo cut you can sit behind your fucking volume. No, it hasn't. I literally just assembled that trail mix yesterday, and it hasn't been sitting behind my body. Well, I need it to think. I don't have a cop in front of me with my fucking phone died. All right. It's probably charged by now. Newly assembled. I have to eat nine. I just want to put that on the record. Put it on. It's probably charged by now. You know me. I'm a voracious. I know nine. Clementine. I'm just gonna have to start locking
Starting point is 00:50:58 up a snack. One thing sure about me is I'm a voracious either because no respect for my snacks and a voracious sucker. I'm fired up. I'm in a few right now. And I love these nuts and I love my bookie dot a g and I love my fucking dumb wife from China or wherever. And if you go to this website, China's layover, use promo code come town or come town 20. Again, I cannot remember one of those. It's definitely one of those to come town or come town 20 and maybe case sensitive. Go play around. That's part of the fun. That's part of the fun of a gamble. Part of the game is figuring out what the promo code actually is. That's right. You can always email their 24 seven customer service. Yeah, some of the
Starting point is 00:51:47 customer service. I think their email is open 24 seven. That's right. Your email is open 24 seven. They're never rejecting emails. No, anytime in the night, you call him up on the email. He said, what's problem is over the compound? They'll say, I don't fucking a fuck you fucking piece of shit. I'm calling about that guy's Chinese boy. Can I get there? Like we don't know the promo code, but we can show you a picture of that guy's wife's pussy. How about Al Capone? Oh, yeah, that's good. And you have syphilis and you're going insane. He's like, hey, fucking mama me. Oh, where's the fuck it? How about 20% off with the Al Capone code? But that you guys even think about that? I don't think they did.
Starting point is 00:52:34 Did any of you even consider you fucking idiots? Did you even did it even cross your mind stupid little fucked up mind is fucking to think of something along the lines of Al Capone code. So again, done that again, it's come down or come down 20 and figure it out and Nick can't go to the next phone to get his now fully charged phone been charging for an hour. What am I supposed to just walk away during which you've done it twice to get me under an orange and to eat my child. You've done it for snacks twice in the bathroom once. I mean, it was mostly to get another man. All right. I'm not mad. I'm not mad. I barely pissed. Although I did. So Adam admitted that he sleepwalks and he pissed all over his bathroom.
Starting point is 00:53:19 All right. It's more involved than that. I thought of we, I thought of me. I will. Apparently I got up. You'll the folks at home will be pleased to know that he has the scent of a cat. No cats. What happened was I got up. There's a mirror, like a big mirror leaning against the wall in my bedroom. I thought it was a door. So I ripped it off the wall and then my girlfriend was like, what are you doing? And I had already pulled down my boxers. So I had my dick out and I was holding a mirror and his girlfriend's like, oh, you also have a penis because I do. That's rude because I'm a man. No, that is what happens. That's rude. You can bet on it. You've seen her multiple times. That is rude. If you
Starting point is 00:54:01 just say on the show, I've never seen your pussy. No, we've seen your pussy. I know. Okay. So your boyfriend, we've only seen you. Let me finish. Okay. So my boy. So my boyfriend was like, all right. So my boyfriend's like, what do you want? What are you doing? And apparently checkmate in my sleepwalk. In my sleepwalk. I said doing the math to make you as not gay as possible. Stop it. Well, making sure on the record, you have a post making it gay. It's not gay. You have a pussy. You're a woman. There's not a single direction you can take. Well, you're not gay. I have a I have a penis. I am not gay. I am straight and you have a pussy. I woke up in the middle of the night. I pulled down my boxers. That's
Starting point is 00:54:43 that's true. I thought that's very true. All right. All right. I guess I didn't consider those options. I'll talk next episode. Anyway, so and then she was like, what are you doing? And I said, apparently I said it broke. I put the mirror back. Adam, tell your girlfriend to shut up. I put them. Who's that girl, Adam? You told me it was just us boys tonight. It's me. My boyfriend. It's an Easter egg. Yeah. Yeah. Next episode is an Easter egg. I want to pay attention to term. Mr. Anyway, and then apparently I found the real door and I woke up in the morning and the bathroom was just covered in piss on walls on the floor everywhere. Instead of a little image of Jack Skellington going in a clearing in the forest
Starting point is 00:55:42 with all the different trees, but then there's one that's just like with a hole for his cock. Yes. Standing there with his hands on his hips, getting his dick sucked through the tree for like 12 hours. And then it's just him running back to the Halloween village like guys. You got it. You got to see this fucking thing. They're like, does it bite off your dick? And he's like, no, it doesn't bite off your dick. It sucks it. They're like, how's that scary? They're like, maybe on the other side of the tree is a man. He's like, no, I'm pretty sure it's a hot girl on the other side of the tree. Maybe it's a hot girl that becomes a man. And then you're actually gay. Oh, spooky scary. You're actually gay. He's
Starting point is 00:56:32 like, I guess they'll never understand. It is called getting your dicks up before Christmas. Getting your dicks up before Christmas. There it is. Swish. Getting your dicks up before Christmas. It's a kids movie. That's awesome. That's a very good one, man. Respect. We are fucking gay. We are fucking gay. Nick is music. This is the happiest I've ever seen in my life. 18 months. I'm juiced up on trail mix. You got to get a new thing of a trail mix every episode. Build him trail. I mean, it's a home assembled trail. I don't know why playing the hits feel so good. Sometimes you're reeling in the years. I guess they'll never understand the magic of a glorial of putting your penis in a hole. These stupid
Starting point is 00:57:49 Halloween assholes don't will never appreciate the magic. They'll never know what it's like. Maybe it's just the mental image of Jack Skellington like his pants still running through the snow and woods back to Halloween town. Mm hmm. Everyone, I've got great news. What is it? Jack? Is it a dead baby that got fucked through one of its eye sockets? No, God, even for Halloween. That's a little much. I mean, God fuck dude. Couldn't have been like a pumpkin or something. Oh, my bad. Yeah. Well, your girlfriend is, you know, a Frankenstein that gets fucked by your dad. Touché. That's a good point. Touché. Very true. That's in the spin. But the pussy is wild. Yeah, the pussy is it's got a zipper on it. The pussy
Starting point is 00:58:50 is too big. You can sip it down a little bit. Jack, you're back. I thought maybe we could fuck in the tower. I'm a little suck dry, Sally. These bones are dry tonight. In fact, I've chafed my penis bone. I'll tell everyone about it at the next town meeting. Jack, there's only 300 more days till the next Halloween and you've been getting your dick sucked in the woods. Mr. Mayor, if you could just please understand, it's more than about just getting your dick sucked. There's a hole and you don't know who's on the other side of it. How's that better than just getting your dick sucked? You already have a pretty hot girlfriend, Jack. It's the spirit of Christmas or something. That is the spirit of Christmas.
Starting point is 00:59:48 Getting a dick sucked before Christmas. Yeah, we kidnapped Santa Claus. Why? Oh, I guess we kind of forgot what movie we're in. That's fine. Why don't we put our dicks in his mouth? Mr. Boogie Woogie kidnapped Santa. Oh, I'm filled with come. I never saw that movie. What? It's a fucking classic. I looked too scared. I was in a group chat. I can't remember where it was. I might have even have been on that fucking subreddit. Somebody added me in a group chat on the subreddit. Oh, when you're on the reddit? It's still one of the funniest things I've heard in the last five years, but they were like, yeah, there was a kid in my middle school that wore all this Nightmare Before Christmas shit and was obsessed
Starting point is 01:00:37 with Nightmare Before Christmas. Then we found out that he hadn't even seen it because his mom thought it was too scary. Oh my God. That's unbelievable. The kid pretending to have seen a night poser for Nightmare Before Christmas. So gay. That's rough. Yeah. He was trying to get some fucking some, some proto golf pussy. Getting your dick sucked before getting your dick. That's what all the kids in like the, the like gay straight alliance in my high school would wear. Yeah. Yeah. That and like invaders and of course striped a lot of, a lot of stride. Yeah. Long sleeve shirts. Yeah. Under. Yeah. Under like a black t-shirt, a striped black and white stripe shirt. Mm hmm. There'd be like a black girl. I'm with
Starting point is 01:01:24 there like straight down. Yeah. A black girl that's into screamo with like, yes, yes, plugs. Yes. Yeah. Like your low plugs. Those kids looked like they were having a good time. The best time. Yeah. In hindsight, they were ahead of the curve. They knew who they were from the jump. Yeah. You know, a character I enjoyed doing on the show was the preacher that got really into the Joker. Had to point out that he understands it's very similar to his Nightmare Before Christmas face. Now, friends, I'm sure a lot of you are thinking how is this any different from your Jack Skellington era? And I hear you on that. But the Joker represents. It's only church. It's so different. That's very funny. My dick can't get hot.
Starting point is 01:02:20 I am gay now. So I guess this will be the day after the debate, but I hope everyone enjoyed it. Hopefully Joey B came through fucking fist fist fought Donald Trump. I would be so mad if that happens and then this episode goes up after. No, but we're time stamping it. It is Yom Kippur right now. It is Monday, Yom Kippur and the debate is tomorrow night. We shall see, sirs. We shall see what happens. You've been getting into saying sir. Yeah, I'm bringing it back. You say sir a lot on text. Yeah, I think it's nice to say it to your friends. You heard a black kid instead of dude. I hear a black kid say that. I gotta be honest. Adam, I hate it. You hate when I say I hate it. All right. Listen, I don't
Starting point is 01:03:07 want to. Okay. I feel like I was saying bro too much. And now I'm saying sir a little bit more. I don't know. It seems like my sir went to the bodega. Why would I hear a black kid say my sir? I have no idea. It is the opposite of what they would. I had no idea. But that's what happened. All right. There is all right. You have one. There is a couple of kids, a couple of kids on the way to school. No, as a matter of fact, I've run out of those kind of ideas because I'm not taking public transit anymore. And so therefore I cannot copy what black kids are saying and wearing. That's a good point. He's got you there because I'm too afraid because of the coronavirus to ride the train. Counterpoint. You're gay.
Starting point is 01:03:45 All right. Sustained counselor. Yeah, that's bullshit. That was that you're young. I'd like to file a motion. No, no, no. Yeah, I'd like to similarly file a motion to call the approach. Approach the bench. Yeah, well, you can't come on sustained. I would like it stricken from the record that the defense is a straight man. I don't believe that that's founded. This is not part of our so filed prior to today's hearing a motion to suppress his identity. The only thing suppressed is is the other count. Shut up. The other count. Objection. You're gay. It's not your turn. I have this counselor, Nick. I have the gavel. Okay, well, now we're on Lord of the Flies. The speaking conch. You're on
Starting point is 01:04:35 it. I would ask you to use your tiny hammer to silence the other guy. You're on it. May I approach you a big chair thing? Yes. No, I just forget a lot of the law stuff. That's why I have I'm just a good I'm a good I'm a slick talker. You know, that's why they have me that I do the closing arguments. They come closer. I actually I was removed from the bar. I've been disbarred. I was disbarred probably 15 years ago. On account of my reckless driving in my Cadillac El Dorado BR it's which I drive. It's just what I like to call slightly toasty, where I have 13 brandies and then I smoke a blunt. I drive around the great town of Jackson, Mississippi. Yeah. I go for a little toasty ride in my old Dorado BR it's
Starting point is 01:05:35 and they bring me in for closing arguments because I'm smooth and velvety. But I don't know that law shit anymore. I don't drink the law right out my head, your honor. Ladies and gentlemen, I don't even know what we're here for right now. But I see a man sitting right there. And they said he did what? What's it say? What's the charge? 15 counts of possession of child porn? How the fuck you gonna have 15 counts of child porn? How you gonna how you gonna just have 15? He's just crushing. Yeah, my man said what 15 counts by the time you done adding it up the girl 75 years old. That's that's just big defense. Could the members of the jury stop clapping and whooping? Yeah. Please show some decorum. All right, Joseph
Starting point is 01:06:38 Dick Suckham. Just Matthew McConaughey loses that case to the drunk to the drunk guy that close the crushes with black club comedy. Yeah, look at my man laughing. The Mariana Rivera of Jackson, Mississippi. The sand man. Now, if you excuse me, I've got some getting trash to do in my old Dorado BRX. Oh, fuck. Is that a real style of El Dorado? Yeah. Are you saying BRX? Because BRX is a surf town and be at each in France, I believe. Shut the fuck up, dude. You know about surfing. I'm just playing in my next life after the show. You're not a surfer, dude. You're not gonna move to a small surf town. You're not deciding between a couple right now. What are the other options? Puerto Escondito, Mexico. How about Puerto
Starting point is 01:07:38 your dick in my Azucito? Okay, that's come on. Puerto. You're inviting me to have sex inside my Azucito. All right. Yes, I just want to find a small surfing. Delicious. Very good. Just somehow trick Joe Biden into thinking those are the words. One of my favorite songs is actually Asshole Cito. His word the dick go. And this is my Azucito. Look, you got kids, they're growing up inside different ways. Inside 15 different, you got a guy driving down the street saying that he's looking for a job. Well, the jobs, they're looking, they're coming up every which way from Sunday. Suck my pee hole. Suck my ass off. Biden should tell Trump he's acting a little gay. If I don't know any better, I'd say Donald was
Starting point is 01:09:08 gay. If you're from Scranton, from my town, that's what a gay guy says. Is he from Scranton? Yeah, he's from Scranton. That's what he says, but is he from Delaware? Yeah, he's the, he's the president of Delaware. Well, that's all the same place. We really shouldn't have a president. We should have a general secretary. Okay, I think we should have a general lisi most. Should be Debbie Wasserman Schultz as the general, the general secretary. Let's bring that chick back. Fuck that bitch. She said my man Bernie up. Stop throwing shells don't tell me what to do. Get the shells out of your fucking house. We've done two episodes today and we're getting into silly season right now. We're throwing shells. We're calling
Starting point is 01:09:50 each other home. This is the good part of the vacation vacation. We take the pranking too far is to get my dick. You put sand in Adam's contact. I was mad. There was a in Sydney, Australia. I was like I was mad at Nick. What did I do? You're just you're pranking too hard. Yeah, it does go too far. I get he got a little it was like, come on, bro. I can't even open my mouth without you being like, faggot. And I was like, it's day four. But I'm like, it's day four of this. Yeah, just crushing him with the car seat. What was that? Yeah, yeah. I'm like, I don't know how it works pushing me into things in Japan stomping on his feet in the train. Well, that was because he started it. But that was hilarious
Starting point is 01:10:37 because you know that on me, you were trying to fucking hook my ankle. It was funny. It was funny because I was doing a man. I was doing a sand man. There was a lot of there was pranking going back and forth. No, but what I'm saying is you kicked the hornet's nest and he was like, all right, you got to be on the road with me for a month. Here's what I'm saying, though, is Adam thought wrongly that Nick would respect Japanese code of ethics. Yeah. So he hooked your he hooked your foot right before we got on the train thinking once we're on the train, you're going to respect how orderly. Yeah, because he's supposed to be respected on the train. We know that we know that we know the rules. Nick had Nick
Starting point is 01:11:16 was out for blood and he started stomping on your feet. And every Japanese person was horrified. There was a homeless guy. There was a homeless guy on his knees on a cushion masturbating into a bento box and he was like, I cannot believe these people have no respect. The best I remember there's one time I was on an escalator and I was like leaning over to shove my ass in someone's face. Yes. And there was a Japanese like an elderly Japanese woman right behind us. It was so fucking bad. Disrespecting these people in their own country with your ass. Yeah, but like, you know, when then what's she doing on her way to buy a hentai or something? I don't give a shit. Yeah, but yeah, this pedophile old ass pedophile
Starting point is 01:12:03 bitch. I mean, she's going to buy some hentai. I could have been getting tea, but I probably was buying a gift for hentai without tea. That's true. You know, just the one letter. Yeah, just it is funny to imagine them over there like sitting cross legged on the floor watching hentai. Well, no, they probably just go to the rental place, jack off to it. Yeah, that one place that wouldn't let us in. Remember? Yeah, when was that? You weren't there. You weren't there. The way we went to the porn show, you went out, you left town with your girlfriend that you you made us all go to Tokyo and then secretly planned a separate trip. We went away for one night. Quiet. This whole Tokyo was there for eight. Make the V thing
Starting point is 01:12:49 in my ass. I don't have to defend that anymore. All right, that's going to do for us, folks. Just do that. You should put the V. Mr. Spock, put your hand in my ass and do the V spread by ass a little bit with the V thing. Anything for you, captain, whatever you say, captain. All right, go to Come see me on tour this October. We're in Philly this weekend. As a Vulcan, I don't see a reason not to do homosexual acts because it's just bodies. What's I had a guy had a bisexual guy try to make that argument. He's like, it's just bodies. It's just pleasure. What the fuck does it matter? It's like, yeah, it doesn't give me pleasure. Well, it's like, okay, well, then have sex
Starting point is 01:13:40 with your mother. Got him, dude. I did. Now he's not gay. No, he's straight. This is back of my Christian Christian days. He's straight. And he's been fucking his mom back on a good door to door fixing people, debating people. And like, are you a Jew of his witness? No, actually, I'm a Judeo Christian logician. All right. All right. Bye folks. That skateboarding guy is now asking people for money. Tony Hawk, the tick talk guy that lip syncs to the Mexican guy on the skateboard that I guess he's talking about. That's the show. All right. Bye guys. Take care. Yeah, the record.

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