The Adam Friedland Show (Cumtown) - Ep. 241 – la la la

Episode Date: January 6, 2021

cant get u outta my head...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Oh, yeah, you heard me up. Hell, yeah. Ladies and gentlemen. Welcome. Time to come town. 2021. The official Kylie Minogue podcast. You're not allowed to sue us because you're Australian. That's right, beach. A woman. Yep. No rights over there. We've got a new law that says shillers. You can't do lawsuit because you're a cant because you're a fucking cant because you're a cant. Woo. Damn, dude. I want, can I say something? Fucking can. Kylie Minogue absolutely could get it. She could get it. Yeah. I definitely beat
Starting point is 00:00:46 off to her more. So when she was older, when I was 12, I beat off to her. You say more. So when she was older, I say the same. So in a different fashion, she's aged. She's like fine one. Joanne's boomerangs. Joanne's didgeridoo. I know what you're saying. Just getting your dick sucked through a didgeridoo. That's probably that's probably the funniest hate crime. They're all funny, but the funniest one is sticking your dick in the end of a didgeridoo. Is that a hate crime? While an aboriginal is trying to play. Well, hold on. Wow. Wow. Wow. And then you just put your cock on there. Is that right? I guess that's some kind of assault. Putting your cock in an instrument somebody's playing. Yeah. Because that's not, you know, like if I put how long does the instrument
Starting point is 00:01:34 have to be where it's not sexual assault next time we go to Australia, we should find a guy playing a didgeridoo and be like, Oh, what is this? Oh, it's a didgeridoo, right? And you're like, Oh, with an end? You're like, No. All right, cool. All right. Well, that doesn't. That was the bit. That was $15,000. But but it was worth every fucking penny. Absolutely. Oh, yeah. Let's get it back. Can't get my penis hard. It hurts when I think about what I should control. I should do the levels on the phone. I love it. We got a cord. We got a cord that puts out fuck. I just got right. Yeah, I just got a Charley horse. You need Adam to massage you. I'll give you a little rub. Dude. I'm the rub. I'm the rub guy. You can't rub for shit. Adam
Starting point is 00:02:23 knows. Stop gives incredible massage. I have beautiful. Any of the 12 girls listening stop gives me beautiful hands and they're just as good on a shoulder as they are in a pussy or around the titty. It's true. You know, it's crazy. That's strong. Gifted hands. Actually, I have sued Ben Carson because gifted hands is that was your thing. I told you, I thought that the name of his book was I was trying to remember it and what popped into my head was if these hands could be a pussy. Yeah, that's right. It was just beautiful. Which is really good. It's crazy that he died from Corona. Yeah, he'd already miss him. Dude, I miss his pizza. Yeah. So good. Dude, his wife is a piece of ass. We haven't done this in so long that I'm like worried
Starting point is 00:03:07 that this is just not recording anything. Everything lights are on, but here's what we should do. We'll just record the audio on my phone and release the shittiest audio of all time. We finally switched podcasts. So I'd like to say thank you to Shout Engine for years of thank you to Shout Engine. They stood by our side for years. They stood by our side and never charges for bandwidth. And then we had to switch just because I guess we need better stazers. I forget why we did it. Well, I think it kept crashing. Got the first bill from the new host fucking $1,100. Nice. Yeah, I love it. I mean, we're going to have to switch the phone audio. Dude, but yeah, it feels like there's no way they pay that much like anywhere close to
Starting point is 00:03:59 it's got to be like fucking 10,000 percent. We should get we should get littler audio files. Yeah. Well, that was the other thing. Shout Engine like compressed all your shit. Like they would do it for you. I was like 30 megs or something. Yeah. And I think it's clear how does audio work? If I haven't, if I hadn't, is it like a reverse of a hard car? If I haven't learned at this point, the thing audio engineering is kind of like cooking and to be good at you have to be like kind of like a like a homo sort of. Yeah, I wouldn't say that. Bobby Flay gets a lot of pussy. Yeah. Well, he fucked January Jones. I believe he fucked Ari's wife from on to us. Yeah. Who's Ari's wife? She wasn't given her name in the show. She was called Mrs. R.
Starting point is 00:04:42 Seriously. But who was the camera? Who's the actor? She's hot. Let me just check. She's hotter, older, actually. I'm feeling a little January Jones right now. Yeah. That's right. Welcome to 2021. 2021. I'm ready to start doing drugs. Really? Well, I did a lot of drugs in December. I actually only became addicted to Kratom. Yeah. Nick was texting me. Oh, yeah. I'm pretty high. Kratom withdrawals. Well, it's a gold. She does have a name. You liar. They gave her a name. I think in the entourage movie. I think for seven seasons, she doesn't have a name. Her body's way better than her face. Yeah, she's got her a tight body. But you know, her face has a nice little charm to it as well. Who's Meg the Stallion?
Starting point is 00:05:26 Oh, she's so hot. She's fat as shit. She's not fat. She's not fat. I don't know who she is. She's hot as shit. She's got big ass titties, a big ass. She's a rapper. She's a good rapper, too. But she's fat as shit. No, she's not fat. She's got big titties. She's not like another Lizzo. She's not a Lizzo. Not even close. Lizzo like mentioned that she was like going on a diet and all these fat women are losing their minds. I was one of them. She betrayed us. She betrayed the community. This is violence. This is violence against me personally. How dare you. Wow. I can't believe how many people are sharing this fucking body negative bullshit. It is pretty funny. It is pretty funny. I a lot I that's why I don't
Starting point is 00:06:11 keep my you guys you can say it but I have lost 400. I've lost 150 pounds. I've lost 150 pounds. I don't have the surgery and the surprise but and that's why I keep it secret because the imagine the the beautiful little fat boys that would be crying into their pillows if they knew they lost their their biggest hero and inspiration. Yeah. So if you have a fat son who's listening your skin looks better than it normally does. Thank you. I actually have been I was the 20,000 step bastard in December. I took 20,000 steps every day. It's like nine miles. And yeah, I've been eating fish a lot of fish. Yeah, I really fucking destroyed myself in December. No, you look fun. No, I am in pain. You I don't know how you feel but you look at your body looks nice.
Starting point is 00:06:59 Some happens the arms are looking jacked these need this part of my knees are her whatever this bone. Oh, that fucks me up all the time. It started hurting. So I started like I started limping. Hell yeah, putting more weight on this leg and now this needs fuck. Yeah. So I just look like a pirate. You should get fucking knee braces. I just have like rickets. Yeah, dude speaking of did you see the fucking the the Tom Segura video dude that guy got his shit fucked up. It's it's insane. It's brutal. His arm snaps before his even his arm. He goes to like dunk and then his knee just breaks his knee approaching the hoop. Yeah. So his knee just gives out and then as he falls to the ground, he snaps his arm like snaps, bro. His his arm is the wrong
Starting point is 00:07:44 way. Just fucking Ben and his body just disintegrates. He's in a little Asian a fucking not even from trying to dunk because what if you realize that it falls apart when he's considering that dunking is an option. It's the first time he was body was going to even sort of explode at all the first instance of building towards explosion for a dunk. Is this and it all happened on like a live stream. Yeah, it's insane. Pick up basketball games have killed more comedians than code. Yeah, but this happened to Tom Segura. This wasn't like a video here. No, it had and that's what's that's the irony is that like the guy that fucked up videos. Yeah, and it's like he became one himself. My gosh. It's actually poetic. Although I'm feel sorry for the guy. Yeah, poor guy. He
Starting point is 00:08:28 got fucked. I mean it's it's it's brutal to watch brutal in a way that doesn't even make me feel like it's also like nothing happened to me because it's just like seeing somebody like dribble a ball twice and then just I know just fall apart. I'm not even joking. I am if I will not play basketball until I lose 70 pounds. That's the next. That's the next time I'm playing basketball. I love it. It sucks. But yeah, shots out to Tom Segura prayers up for Tom Segura. I think he's fine. No, he's fine, but they literally had to fucking is he in a body cast, bro. They literally he showed his x-rays like he posted that shit. Like it was a part. It looked fake. It looked like a cartoon like it snapped and they had to put nail like fucking eight nails in his fucking arm to get his
Starting point is 00:09:18 shit like it's crazy how much like I did not even know an arm could snap that much from that kind of injury. I was laughing about like a trans person getting their surgery and then they have a cast around their penis and older friends are signing the cast. Have a great summer. Have a great summer. Can't wait. Can't wait to see this thing in action. Yeah, but you're gonna have such a cool penis in fifth grade. That's good. It's gonna happen, dude. Once they start giving the kids the surgeries, uh-huh. That's awesome. Biden's proposing. We're gonna get the kids. I'm even further away than I was. The kids are gonna. I got a damn. I got cock surgery. This is awesome because I don't remember anything from any of the episodes. They're probably gonna be so pissed. I also don't remember exactly
Starting point is 00:10:11 what Biden even like. I don't care. He hasn't talked in a month. He hasn't. He hasn't said shit about fucking $2,000. The only thing he said is like, the situation on the border, you're gonna need to buck your britches, Charlie. Exactly. The only thing you're gonna need to slow your cookies. He said Charlie. He thinks the Vietnamese are coming. I don't know what he said. There was some like reporter that's like those the stories about your son. Do you still think that's Russian disinformation? He's like, I can't come on, man. You're just nothing but a you're a two-time you're a two-time jolly jolly Sunday. You got a one horse, one horse, Davey. Yeah. Does he call somebody a one horse pony? That's awesome. It is going to be hilarious how fucking
Starting point is 00:10:55 horrible he's going to be a president. Things are gonna be so much worse. And it's I don't know. This is probably just projection. But like, in my own head, it's like, you know better than to know that like, the election and then the change of the year isn't suddenly going to make anything light up. Yeah. But no matter what, like, at least internally, only on an emotional level, you still like there's still some idea of like, no, it'll be a new year. It's gonna be great. Yeah. And then as soon as like, but yeah, Biden's like, yeah, we're gonna keep those kids in the cages. Yeah, we're gonna. We're gonna. We're hiring the same. I don't even mean politically. I mean, I just like fucking everything. It's like, no, the whole world. I know nothing's gonna change.
Starting point is 00:11:33 No one's getting any fucking only getting sad. It's only getting worse. More businesses are going to close. They're not going to give people enough fucking money to survive. I'm gonna day trade my way out of it. Oh, yeah. You know, for Wall Street, that's been my month, guys. I want to be a fucking real estate mogul. I've decided. I think it's not a bad idea. I'm gonna buy every house in Greek town. I was looking at real estate in New York, and it's not getting any cheaper. It's not what I would assume because it's all going to be bought up by fucking like, you know, you know, those guys. Yeah, it's gonna be the people that get Chinese food on Christmas and the people that sell it. That's who gets all the fucking houses and everything's gonna be
Starting point is 00:12:12 Chinese food restaurants. That wouldn't be bad. Wouldn't be bad. That's a consolation prize. If every golden age of the gold, the golden dragon happy tower, every huge fucked up. You know what I miss? Chinese buffet. Dude, I was just thinking about the other day. Oh, I was thinking about because I don't really give a shit about Chinese food, but that like going to Chinese buffet as an adult, that's like that's David Buster's for you. Dude, getting higher than draft pussy and going to fucking just the shittiest Chinese buffet, something that costs you $9 to get in and just go seeing a fucking getting so many chicken tenders and chicken wings and low mains. When all this opens up, I'm gonna open a Chinese buffet place,
Starting point is 00:12:58 but like as you eat tickets come out of the table. That's awesome. So the more you eat, there's a there's a scale on the table that weighs how much your food is. And it as the food comes off, you get more tickets to exchange your tickets for prizes. Yeah, you get a heartburn medicine, you get diabetic socks, vampire teeth, but also real replacement teeth. Yeah, dude, all I want is to be crushing my fifth plate while watching a Hispanic family eating crab legs. Remember that like the we know the basketball game, but it had like the rocky music. The rock music. If I had a basement, I put one of those the super shot because back would rock. I would want one of those in an NBA jams. Yeah, console or a Simpsons console.
Starting point is 00:13:54 They're like a cabinet. Yeah, yeah, yeah, cabinet. That would be cool. I got half a mind to buy a fucking recent. We used to go to pinballs in Austin. I remember going there with someone who will not be named on the show or ever given a shout out again, other than to call him a piece of shit. I'm going to give him a shout out. But years ago, many years ago, before I like to imagine I'm Obi-Wan and he's a Jedi that never got good at the force at all. Yeah, he wasn't even good stuff for the dark side of admitting that it was a lack of talent. He decided to rebrand himself as a public intellectual instead of a Jedi. But back when we were friends, yeah, yeah, we were going to like pinballs him. I remember there's one that we just like stored a bunch of beer
Starting point is 00:14:43 and like the fucking like the newspaper thing out. Oh, hell yeah. Family. We just go, you know, like outside and drink beers out of the newspaper thing. That is such a tricky thing to do. Yeah, really. That's so trailer park voice. Yeah. And then just go because you couldn't have beer because it was literally a children's establishment. Yeah. Well, I remember like bitching about there being children there. And then he's like, that's like the most Austin statement. You're going to fucking pinball arcade and bitch about families being there. Well, you're trying to get trash. You're trying to break the rules and get drunk and parking lot next to the, you know, whatever. Yeah, get trash. Play the Sopranos pinball game.
Starting point is 00:15:28 Oh, hell. God damn dude. RIP to the creek in the cave. That's true. That is kind of gay. Yeah. I heard Rebecca started doing only fans toward the end and they changed the name to a peek at my cave. Really in the, in the basement, in the basement. Yeah. She would just show her pussy. She would show her pussy. She would sit on the open mic stage and show her pussy to a camera set up on the far end of the room. She would go on only fans and you'd be looking at a woman 35 feet away. Right. Just opening her pussy. That's awesome. There could probably be an open mic of only fan. There's enough people like open mic was to do only fans that you could probably is that a thing? Everyone does only. Everyone's got their titties out for money.
Starting point is 00:16:14 Which respect? I wonder if I could have one if gay men would pay to see my balls and how much probably could. I heard celebs are going into it now and not like showing dick. Yeah. Cardi B has one and like Michael B. Jordan's getting one. Really? Yeah. Yeah. To show the, but not showing the penis. So what's he showing? I'm trying to see Creed's dick. I want to see his cock. It's so funny that we've landed on a world where everyone's convinced that not only should you, but it's also good to whore yourself out on the internet. That you should just be like a fucking bottom dollar prostitute. It's a new way to connect with your fans that that's like normal. Yeah. Yeah. I know exactly. I was thinking about
Starting point is 00:16:57 this because it's like, I mean, and I don't like, I don't give it to whatever you fucking want. Well, you don't have to be a prostitute. I guess you just get to show nudes. Yeah. You sell your nudes in a, in a, you know, special. I mean, that's clearly if that's not a sign that society is crumbling. I don't know what is. Yeah. It's just like you literally have to fucking, I mean, we have one of the, that's us and them are the last two jobs in America. 100%. And Bo and that what they do is so much more valuable to society. I mean, it is pretty humiliating to do something because it was a hobby five years ago. That literally the only reason it started is so that when we did stand up, you could like kind of string together like a consistent audience. 100%. Yeah. You were just
Starting point is 00:17:43 like, that'll be fun. It'll help our numbers to reach new fans. And then I mean, I guess I got writing work and so stand up fell by the wayside anyways, but like now stand up doesn't even exist. I know. Now it's just, now it's just this thing, which is even further removed from being any kind of like creative output than stand up is even, which was already pretty fucking lazy. 100%. It's the easiest one. It's like, cause even if you didn't feel like writing, you just get on stage and be funny. Exactly. If I did it, I just, I just, I didn't work at all for the last few weeks, but I fucking called somebody. I went to work. Yeah. Yeah. And I clocked in and clocked out. And then you think of one like one new joke and you had, you're like, I did it and it's like, it's
Starting point is 00:18:29 25 seconds. You did it 25 seconds of work. And then you're like, you're like, yeah, I got some new stuff and you're just working on that bit for four weeks. And this is like, I don't even, I don't remember this show happening. What do you mean? I don't remember. We do it and I don't remember. No. Yeah. Anything I've ever said on this. No, this is complete bullshit. It's crazy that this is what has made our lives so easy. We just have never, it was really funny when Jake did the show, Jake head, and he was like, damn, I mean, I didn't think you guys had a fucking script. Yeah, man, we just fucking talk for an hour. Yeah, that's all that's all a podcast is and people love and these fucking and everyone fucking eats it up. And you know what, me too,
Starting point is 00:19:20 I would listen to basketball, but I mean, I listen to a ton of podcast, but I don't listen to any fucking comedy podcast. I listen to one soccer, one basketball podcast. What's your soccer pod? It's the it's the it's an arsenal podcast. Why is that embarrassing? I don't know. He's pretending to be embarrassed. Yeah, I like it. Yeah, they're pretty cool. Why was that couch that way? I don't know. That's just how I say I was expecting to be like, God, it's a couple of pedophiles. It's the gay guys only listen to soccer podcast. I listen to soccer pocket. Oh, it's embarrassing. It's the one for the team. I like it's a good. It's a good podcast. Your show. What are they called? Give me the arse blog
Starting point is 00:20:05 podcast. There you go. They're pretty funny. They're pretty funny. Sometimes they do. They they have jokes in there. Sometimes there you go. I listen to a bevy of basketball pods. Mm hmm. Fucking the athletic low post. I listen to low post as well. Dunked on is very good. Hollinger and Duncan. I never have a thought. I'm always listening to a basketball podcast. That's cool. Or just talking Sopranos, which is the best podcast. You know what? I have to say. I have to say that podcast makes me understand what's the Michael and Perioli podcast. No, it's it's the talking. So you should be on. Can I say something embarrassing about the one time I listened to it? Yeah, I felt like I knew more
Starting point is 00:20:53 about Sopranos than you're so wrong. What the fuck? I felt that's I just felt like you're so. I felt like I knew more such a piece of shit. I know it's I said that's the embarrassing thing. It could be true. I mean, I haven't listened. Well, we're like analyzing stuff and I'm like, all right, you got half of the point. I guess. Okay, but the point is actors. They're just act. They're just the people involved in the fucking project. Yeah, but they're not. Michael and purely wrote for the Sharon Ford like famously despises Star Wars. Yeah, Star Wars. No, no, I don't yeah, but they love the show and purely wrote for it. They've done a live show. I listened literally to half of an episode. Well, you just said
Starting point is 00:21:32 offends me. Yeah, it is. It was very obnoxious and it shows what a piece of shit you. I feel like a piece of shit to say. I shouldn't say my apologies to you. What if you're a piece of shit in your dick doesn't work? Oh, here we go. I got the solution. We're pleased to announce that our good friends blue chew have returned as a sponsor of the show. And that's great. Twenty one and I got to say the new pack. Mm-hmm. There's a little difference in the packaging fresh. I finally have to read up their fresh because I had my shit. I had my shit on like fucking I need nine pills a day. Yeah. Years by like $200. Yeah. And then quarantine happened. And then then I had this like stockpile. Mm-hmm. And what I've now found that if like if
Starting point is 00:22:16 there was like we were like the bunker down, there's any kind of nuclear holocaust. Mm-hmm. I would need to fill the bunker with blue chew pills. Yeah. To keep your dick hard. Because yeah, because I started going through. I didn't realize because you're right. The old packaging, there's like too much packaging. Too much packaging. Yeah. And so you think you have way more than you do. Absolutely. Wait. I love the new pack. It's in a like a. What's it called like a? You know what it is with the cock head on top. I haven't. Yeah. Yeah. You get a hard cock. I haven't gotten it in a little bit. They they're shaped like they're in like a min-toes tube now. Yeah. My dick sucks. It doesn't work. I'm only thirty years old and I think
Starting point is 00:22:55 those two get hard. My dick doesn't work anymore. Min-toes. You're gay. Blue chew. Just admit you're gay. Just say you're gay, blue chew. You don't need this. Stop living the lie. You're a piece of shit. Anyway, if you are in the closet, like like me and Nick, I had him over here. My big, big fancy walking closet. Oh, it's a really nice closet. Oh my God. The shoe rack. We're doing our makeup in there. They were like, oh, time to take a blue chew and have sex with a girl. Everything's color coded. Why can't I just be with a guy like Elliot Page? Can I just be gay and have sex with Elliot Page? A man. God damn. I really want to just shove my cock into Elliot's pussy. His male pussy. Does Elliot have a cock? Pussy is still. I don't know. I haven't asked. Is
Starting point is 00:23:52 he trying to get a cock? I wonder. I didn't say anything about that. Can you imagine a letter? How would a brave thing to do to come out for the ninth time? That is, yeah. Well, yeah, he has done it a couple of times. Although now it's like that song. Let's twist again like we did. It's like this is the same song. Now I'm gay again. I'm a different kind of gay now. Like I was last summer. I'm gay again. I'm still queer. But regardless, whether you're a man with a penis or a woman with a penis and you want to get it hard, you got to go to our friends over at Bluesue. And like I said, the fresh pack, it's getting my dick harder than it has in years. It's even. I don't know if they
Starting point is 00:24:47 change the formula. They have a new pharmacy. I don't know what it is, but my cock is screaming right now. It's coming at harden for you ever whistle. You ever see those for the baseball from major league? You know how it's got the flames in their face and it's screaming. That's what my cock is like now. Your dick is the wild thing. Dick is a wild thing and it's going in there and I don't even have to sometimes with the old packaging or maybe it was because I was even fatter and doing more drugs. My dick would even need a little kickstart even on a Bluesue. Now folks with the new pack, my dick, like I said, harder than it's been in centuries. And if you want your cock to be like that, and it's not like we're selling you fucking, you know, random herbs.
Starting point is 00:25:32 This isn't fucking, you know, Chinese fucking lemongrass or moose root or whatever the fuck it's called. This is a, this is the same active ingredients of Viagra and Cialis, to dental refill and to dental refill. And it's getting your dick so fucking hard. I'm playing the music from Bluesue's video. Oh, that's awesome. Wow. Yep. Enjoy. Enjoy getting your prick. See that now. The Bluesue, they'll be like, wow, thanks for doing the audio making this sound really perfect. Thanks for that. Elliot Paine. But yeah, you, you talked to a fuck. You don't even have to know doctors visit. You're like, please doctor. I remember at one point I tried to trick my Italian doctor when I was in Baltimore. Still, I said I was pissing
Starting point is 00:26:21 all the time and I read somewhere on the internet that dick pills are solution and he didn't believe me, but he still gave me the dick pills anyway because he's a good guy. What a nice guy. You're not going to get a guy like that. You're not going to get a guy like my friend Vincenzo. Okay. A doctor with just a first name. I don't, I didn't want to say his last name. Oh, no, you know. 90,000. My dick doesn't work in Chinese. Yeah. 90,000. Why is it so slow? Because Chinese people have the language of intonation. I love this. His Arabic is an option. Oh, they won't let you. Arabs won't allow it. They won't say the dicks don't work. I'm going to be canceled by people. How dare you say what is Chichuwa? One of the most, one of the most beautiful native languages.
Starting point is 00:27:19 I don't think saying what is Chichuwa is the cancelable part. How dare you fucking ask that question? You're fired from the reservation. You're not allowed to come here. My dick doesn't work. Good old American style. That's right. Nice. So my dick doesn't work. But yeah, apparently what you want to do is go to fucking You're putting promo code, come town, correct? I believe so. And you get a very generous What do you say in French? Mon flute? Isn't it flute? Yeah, it's flute. But whatever the way you say flute, I honestly think it is. Is it? Or something like that. That's funny. My dick doesn't work. Yeah, that's a good one. My dick doesn't work. Do you have the option to make them sound like
Starting point is 00:28:20 their own fucking ketamine? No, when you hit play twice on Google Translate, it slows it down. So you can hear it. Oh, Maori. Here we go. No, it doesn't do it. My dick doesn't work. Well, that's fucked up. My dick doesn't work. Where's Greek, dude? Kaore taku diki mai. Dude, Greek. I need the representation. I don't think they have Greek. What? Yeah. Yes, they fucking do. No, it's not a real language. What the fuck? Kaore taku diki mai. What is that? It's Greek. Kaore taku diki mai. That's not Greek, dude. Wow, that's what it sounds like. It sounds like your mom. It's not a fucking, that's not Greek words. It sounds like Venetia. It doesn't sound like my mom. Anyway, promo code
Starting point is 00:29:11 come town. You get a very generous handsome first order free, I believe. Yeah, I think you just pay the shipping, right? Just shipping. Just the shipping. And you pop a couple of those and listen. Stavros, penis, is tini. No. How dare you? Wait. Now you know how to do. Well, that's your mom. Now you understand how to do it all of a sudden to do that, though. Stavros, penis, is tini. Stavros, penis, is tini, Go to and you can get your tini penis hard. Really, it's a fantastic product that we all stand behind. We all stand behind. We fucking advertise a lot of products on this show. Oh, yeah, this wire is real. And you get the fuck of Greek woman's pussy if you log
Starting point is 00:30:18 on to Yeah. Yes, promo code come town. Fuck my pussy promo code fun go fun go as I put back. That is promo code. Oh, it's promo code come time correctly. There you go. It might be come town or come town or come town. I'm looking it up now. Yeah, why don't you talk about your experience doing a video or whatever. I just did. Maybe a video. What was that 2021. Yeah, but I made it. I wanted to say that. Well, she pronounced it. How did you play it again? Okay, it's with an M. Okay, it's the M word. It's the M word. Mom, mom, they call me the M word of school. Thank God he's retarded.
Starting point is 00:31:31 Or else this would really hurt us. The moms all confused. They called you the M word. They called you a boop boop. No, no, mongoloid. Oh, oh, yeah. Well, you are fine. What's that? What's that? I thought you were getting crazy now, son, with all this political correctness stuff. I don't even know half the letters. What's that? Spell it and then I'll get mad. Spell it and then I'll get mad. You don't even know what they're saying. You got to stop having me fight your battles for you. This is the shittiest all right. Easy. It's sink or swim time already. You're in fifth grade, but I don't know how to swim. And that's part of the problem. It's promo code. Come town. It's promo code. Come
Starting point is 00:32:23 town promo code. Come town. If you like sex, you'll love your love getting pussy. That's true. They should rebrand is that what's up with Mr. Peanut? He keeps. He's dead and now he's a baby, but they brought him back. I was like, they're getting into the baby Yoda craze. I don't fucking kind of have a baby or a baby Yoda by the way. The Mandalorian is good. You watched it. I did. I watched it on acid. My father loves it. Really? He's big fan. Tell him to call me. We'll talk about want to get fucked in my ass by baby Yoda. I want baby Yoda to use the force to fuck my house. Something like that. Open up my house with the force. Maybe Yoda. No, he didn't say that. He sure he likes the show. Wow. Put best scar in my ass. I'm trying to think that scar is
Starting point is 00:33:11 the hardest metal in the universe, by the way. So that's why in Mandalorian and the Star Wars canon. You can even fight a lightsaber with it. Wow. And that's what your dad wants. It is asked by to be clear because it's not very close because it's that hard. Well, not for you, but for a gay man. Well, I guess for you, I don't know if it's, I mean, once it gets hard, you know, I mean, I don't know if you need it to be the hardest thing. I guess that's true. A hard dick is hard, but compared to metal, it's pretty soft. A hard dick is still a little, it's got a little gear has a little gear. Yeah, but welcome back. You two pipe smokers. My choppiper here. Oh, it's your pipe guy. I love this guy. Is that playing through the thing?
Starting point is 00:33:48 Yeah. Was it just loud as fuck? No, it sounds really loud. It sounds good. It's just, yeah, that pipe got some videos entitled sounds like we're in the room with him. It does. This is the kind of shit you've been watching. Dude, I love this guy. It's so funny. He just like lives in his basement. I don't know if he's like got like a family or something upstairs. Fuck yeah. I'm about to be a basement dweller, dude. I'm redoing the basement in Baltimore. Pipe smokers in. Oh, this is, this is the quote. This is it, right? What influenced me to start smoking a pipe? I have told you this in the past, but my primary reason was because of reading about pipe smokers in the Lord of the Rings.
Starting point is 00:34:33 Yeah, salute. Yeah. Big, big salute to this. Fuck yeah. Dude, that rocks. That guy's cool. That guy is cool. Welcome back, YouTube pipe smokers. Munchop Piper here. Munchop Piper. Well, the title of today's video. All right. I guess I should do my job. He's pretty cool and said, yeah, this guy rules. It's like, there's no way that you've been letting the pipe fly. Yeah, I got a, I've been just smoking the pipe in the apartment. You smoked it in my apartment and it smelled like pipe for a couple days. Yeah. Yeah. It smells good. I don't know. After a couple days. It smells great. Yeah. You can't smoke a pipe in another man's house, man. Yes. You know, I mean, we were doing
Starting point is 00:35:38 you're smoking other stuff. We're smoking dust. You're smoking angel. But I also came over just started smoking it casually, right? Even outside of the context of that. Yeah. Yeah. That's a move. Did you bring your pipe? Yeah. That's wildly just going to start smoking someone's home. It's fucking 1942. It's a heavy smell. Yeah. There's a weight to the smell. Yeah. A cigarette. That doesn't smell. No, you can't either. I wouldn't like. Yeah. I would not smoke a cigarette. And somebody I would not let me be very clear. I don't either. I'll say a cigarette. I mean, maybe it's the volume of smoke, but a cigarette wouldn't last as long. That's probably fair. One cigarette. It's I had growing up one of my best friend's parents were smokers that just
Starting point is 00:36:19 ripped six all day indoors. Yeah. Yeah. Smell the horrific dude. Yeah. You went into that guy's house. You're close mode like cigarettes for fucking I went. Yeah. I went. I got a fucking for the credenza off of Craigslist ones from these two sisters that smoked in their house for like 50 years. That's awesome. And you wiped the soot like the soot that came all of that. No, they were both dead of emphysema. The kids say it again. Say it again. Emphysema you don't pronounce it like that. You don't. You don't say emphysema. You know you've never heard anyone say that. Just don't be funny in that moment. I wasn't trying to say that. No one says and I wasn't saying it to be funny. Your brain is like I should say a joke here
Starting point is 00:37:10 and it lands on. I'm going to say a word dumb on purpose. Don't do it. It's not even how I say the word. You've never said it that way. I've said that word to you. But where have you heard it that way? Where did you learn to say it that way? Well, we used to live when I was growing up. We used to always that how they pronounce it in Las Vegas. That's how my dad used to pronounce it when we lived by all these old ladies. That's only because he would. He thought he was pronouncing emphysema. Maybe he called the house Chateau. How do I have emphysema? I'm drunk off zema and I can't stop emphysema. I'm effing man off zema. I've got emphysema. That's a stretch. That was a reach. They keep stretching me. They keep reaching into my ass.
Starting point is 00:37:58 I'm stretched. They've got a new cards called a stretch limo because you can put it in your ass to prepare yourself for Bastille day. The storming of my castle. How do you celebrate best emphysema motherfucker? You know exactly how we say it the way everyone in the fucking world says it the way you've heard it said in an American in an American accent. Yes. Emphysema. Even even your dad doesn't say it that way. He says he used to call emphysema Shaq say like that. So emphysema. Maybe that's all. Well, here's the thing. I say words wrong all the time. Not as big, but sometimes I do to it to be a little quirky, but not in that context. I was a horrible way to. That's a horrible character trait. They want to make it really
Starting point is 00:38:48 bad. I go in the kitchen and whipping us up some rice. Crispy tree. I don't know. That would be awesome. I can't. I have to. I have to be. You guys are on about this counterpoint rice. Crispy trees. That's what I did do over winter break, which we've talked about. Stay my favorite and whip up a little drawing of snap, crackle and pop having sex with the pet boys. Yeah, there's a three on three kind of sex way. Who's fucking who in the end? Where's that Brady Bush? They were all guys. Yeah. Yeah. And then the guy met another guy and then they were all gay. And then the sun's like each other. And then the sun's also the gay guy. When it was called again, the gay guy bunch, the gay guy, the gay guy bunch.
Starting point is 00:39:39 I mean, that was possibly the dumbest one. One of the smartest ones also fucked each other's balls one time or got met another guy. And that guy also had three sons and the two guys had sex with each other. And then the sun's also had sex. They were all gay. They were all gay. They were all gay. It's pretty funny. In retrospect. So anyway, you were you were at an retrospect. Retrospect. You were in shadow and Fizeme Adam Retrospect member. Oh, I did over winter break. Make the banana pudding with the nil wafers inside of it, which we've been talking about for months. Big respect. I always keep a bit of I think I might have yellow banana cream pudding mix. Yeah, my in my cabinet, the powder ready to put that shit and fucking anything
Starting point is 00:40:28 so make it taste five. These. Yep. Yeah, absolutely. I do think I might have some in the fridge. I don't know how long it lasts. Destroy everything. No Liberty Mutual. Now you're ruining bits. Now the phone is interrupting. This is someone's fault. Someone else's fault. My dick suck. My dick suck. My dick suck. My dick has the worst commercials. Yeah, they got very good guy from fucking whiplash. It's funny because if Geico probably has, you know, in the world of advertising, probably the best ads. Their ads are like totally random. Yeah, them and skittles. Yeah, you know skittles are good and then old spice old spice become a meme into itself. It's kind of like I'm never mad adult swim kind of style. It's one of those things that was good.
Starting point is 00:41:20 He might be annoying now, but it was good. Yeah, I was all right. They had Terry Cruz doing that stuff with Terry Cruz. Apparently he's like. What's going on with that guy? I don't know. No, he's like his whole career is like black women or something. I thought he said he got raped and he did get rate or some guys, some Jews got jacked him off or something. Some big fat Jews just touched his cock at a party or happy Hanukkah, but then I don't know. Black people seem to not like Terry or what's his name? Terry Cruz. They don't like him. Terry Cruz. I don't know. Terry Tay was the office linebacker Terry's cool. Terry Poos. No, I think Terry Cruz was a football player too. Wasn't he? Yeah. Back in the day. I don't
Starting point is 00:42:02 remember Terry Cruz did some shit over a couple months. I just remember it and one day then somebody sucked my penis. Terry Cruz is one thing is that it turned out that it was a man. It was Adam. No, and I was game. No, he was worse. He had a worse game. It wasn't me. If you had to have you go on, you had to choose one. If you had one gold brick that said the golden metal that said gay, you can only place it around the neck of one. You can only adorn one. Yeah. Adam would get them. Adam would get it. Who gets the metal and even though you might be sort of gay and then at that point I would become jealous and give him the metal but then take the ribbon part for myself. You wanted the ribbon. I want the ribbon. Well, the ribbon is actually the gay part.
Starting point is 00:42:53 The ribbon is just something that means you're a winner. The gold. You can keep the part that says gay and I'm keeping the ribbon. Well, actually the ribbon also says gay. Then you can have both of them. But you still want it. But I want it because you're gay. Because I'm the winner. Because you're gay. Because I'm the winner. It actually turns out that both of you are gay. Then stop it. All the medals. And I didn't need them. I didn't need them. No, I saved them for you. You walked into it. Conflict was resolved. I know that you guys are both homos. And this conflict was resolved when stop ate all the medals. Okay. If I resolved it, I'm a peacekeeper. Very diplomatic. But we all know that there's another type of PC keeps inside his ass. It's the kind of piece that attaches to
Starting point is 00:43:42 a man's balls. No, it doesn't. And the rest of it's spelled P E N I S. Is what Nick sucks. P N I S only a gun point to prove how not gay I am. But he is actually holding the gun. Nick is holding the gun up to his own head. Yes. King off. That's a fucking guy because crazy move. The Joker. That's a bad man. Yeah, Jared Leto was crazy on the set. He come up to me and he would suck my dick at gun gun point, but he was holding the gun. Let me tell you something. Ever since I started this podcast, people have been asking me for betting tips. Oh, it's non stop. You got Lakers or Clippers. Mm hmm. Yeah. And I'll tell you what I tell them where you bet is just as important as who you're betting on. That's so true. That's
Starting point is 00:44:37 true. That's why I tell people to bet with my book. My book is rappers penis fuck is rock solid. And they've got the best odds, contests and promotions in the business. I love that. The only place I trust to handle my dick and balls. So true. My NBA related bets, the one sports book guaranteed to give me the best lines for the love the best lines. Great. I used to bet at a place that had horrible lines. But now with this website, the line is the money line, the money line, like the odds, you know, plus two and a half. Gotcha. Gotcha. Gotcha. I thought they meant like lines for the reads. No, plus two and a half is a line. It could also be how much bigger Adams penis gets when it's hard. Yeah. And we've all heard the Brady Bunch theme song. We all know
Starting point is 00:45:27 this already. We've all seen the class television show. Yeah. So this place, the restaurants that are failing in New York should start whoring themselves out like women are doing on the internet. Only fans. So yeah, like restaurant owners, they should, they should be, I mean, I guess sort of the peak of my cave idea, but it should apply to all of them. Absolutely. How funny would be if you go? How funny would that be, folks? I would imagine something more hysterical. Everyone wants to see Mario Batali's asshole. Well, yeah. Well, I guess he showed a lot of people. Guy Fieri in a bowling shirt and flip flops, but no bottoms, dude. Just like just his weathered Prince Albert. That's a rock star asshole right there. Look at that.
Starting point is 00:46:18 Hmm. Hmm. I'm thinking about fucking it right now. Just I got a mirror set up. We're here in St. Louis where you could take a look at my whole. Oh yeah. Dude, they've been doing guys grocery games over zoom. It sucks. How are they in a they mail them something? What do you do? You're just watching Guy Fieri eat fucking shrimp cocktail or no grocery games is the competition. Oh, right, right, right, right. I remember now. Yeah. It's chopped. I don't understand. I don't understand the premise of that show. It's like, it's a cooking competition supermarket, sweet, but you can only get ingredients at the place that has all the ingredients. No, there's little games. Okay. What the fuck is that fucking blue? I'd blue ribbon special or something.
Starting point is 00:47:05 And there's only things that start with the letter. Sometimes it seems to know a lot about ribbon recipes. No, no, I didn't say he doesn't eat medals. It's a type of game in guys grocery. Yeah. Sometimes you can't go to certain. I've never eaten all of the medals. I've never eaten the medals except to sell. Listen back to the song. This decent amount about ribbon recipes. Listen back to the song. I only ate them to solve all our problems. But you guys ultimately are still just somebody in a grocery store parking lot and they come back to their car and there's like a note on the bumper that says, I'm sorry, but I ate your autism awareness. I apologize. I thought it was a banana laugh. It was a last minute impulse by cute. I was on the
Starting point is 00:47:54 way back to my car and I had already eaten all my groceries in the parking lot. And I couldn't help myself with just one last look tasty. One last Susan G. Coman snack. Wait, what's the yellow ones? Oh, that's the troops. The troops is yellow. The troops is yellow. Didn't they see that from Livestrong? Was that land? No, Livestrong was after that. No, there was a song called tie a ribbon around the old oak tree and it was for the troops. What's a yellow ribbon? Yeah, tie a yellow ribbon around the old oak tree. You know, it's weird. It's by Tony or turn any of those ribbon sideways. It's the Jesus fish. That's true. Sure. Mm hmm. Brother, that's something that's pretty interesting. Brother, that's something I think about a lot. A lot of things you can turn sideways and they
Starting point is 00:48:45 mean something else. Oh, sir. Like a swastika. Well, I think it's the other way. Oh, then it's Buddhist. An ancient Buddha symbol warning people about dangerous parasites society. No, no, it's not that part. 98% of the world. I got to say the it's anyway, we don't have to fucking say it, but it's a cool looking thing. It is weird that 11% of the population has 100% of the gasex taken away from that. It's a very cool shape. That is taken away from one of the coolest. It's a cool shape. It's very fun to draw. But let me just be clear. The context makes it bad. It's simple. Sign up and enter promo code. What is it? My book is a come town 20. It's got to be come town 21. Let me just send me an email. So go ahead. Yeah, it's really simple. My bookie dot.
Starting point is 00:49:34 I freaking love my bookie dot AG. I love it. I don't know if they've changed or yeah. What the fuck is that? That's Switzerland. Yeah, it's somewhere. It's somewhere is somewhere where they definitely force you to pay people all the time. It's that kind of company or my bookie. Let me see here dot AG. My bookie dot AG. Library copy. Yep. Yep. That's the website. My bookie. Yeah, it's awesome. They got a 50% sports welcome bonus. Love that. They got you can bet with Bitcoin. Come town is a promo code. They got slots. They got live odds. Bitcoin doing hot right now, except for today. Yeah, hit 34 over the weekend. First deposit bonus up to 1000. So that's some really good good stuff. And you want to do that because listen, the playoffs,
Starting point is 00:50:28 the NBA, the NFL playoffs coming up. We got the NBA season. There's games every fucking day. That should deposit up to $1000. I don't know if we said that. I believe we did. I wish I knew more about sports betting. I wish I knew more about any kind of betting. You could you could get into betting. No, I can't. I'm too lazy and emotional. I only know how to I only know how that's exactly the kind of people who are into sports betting. Yeah, but I don't like doing any kind of analysis. You got to just fucking you just fire things off. And if you're wrong, who gives a shit? And if you're right, then you don't it's important. You don't gloat about it. Right. You just fucking take the fucking winning. Yeah, it's fun to get. I like guessing.
Starting point is 00:51:07 I don't like the consequences. Good or bad. I wonder how good you would do if you just this is why I don't think with a better record. This is why I don't think that libel suits should exist. I like to guess. I like to be like, yeah, Rick Moranis molested his children. That's why I had to stop back there. It was a gas. It's a gas, right? Even though it's because his wife died. I'm guessing his wife killed herself after she caught him less and I don't believe it's a gas. And if that's why there's something, what's the gamble here? If you're right, you don't get sued for libel. If I go to court and I'm like, you prove it ladies and gentlemen of the jury, may I interest you in the game of chance cube heads. If it comes up six weeks, Moranis molested
Starting point is 00:51:50 his children. And if the cube says anything else, then I go to jail. And the judge is like, you can't. That's not how it works in the jury. He's like, we want to play the game. We want to play chance cube. Fuck you, judge. It lands on three. The judge is raped and mothered is two. What is chance cube? Just a piece of diet. It's just a diet. Yeah, it's a space dice, not a piece of dice, but a piece of a regular six sided. I can't wait to get a piece of ass in space. Dude, I want a little piece of pussy pie myself. Space pussy. I've I've I've made no secret of my desire to fuck a bitch that's green with huge tits. Mm hmm. That would be awesome. Yeah. The order of bear, I believe is how you say your name in Star Trek. The first one,
Starting point is 00:52:35 Captain Kirk is getting pussy from her. Yeah. Give me that green pussy. See your pussy. Let me get my penis inside. Now, if if your tits are okay, yeah, her skin is green. Her pussy must be a darker color. Why don't you just fucking Indian girl? I feel like that's as close as you're going to. No, it's they're all they're all I mean, kinds of colors. First of all, I would not. I would like to if any if any Indian women are out there, but it's purple. It's pink. It's good. It's kind of looks like. Well, that's what I'm saying. What color would agree? Like a dog, because it doesn't have any fur. I wouldn't go that far. You ever seen animals? This is some of its fur. They've got all kinds of spots and a surgery. Certain people's pussies are like that.
Starting point is 00:53:24 Is what you're saying? Yeah. Yeah. I'm wondering. Do you think a green alien? It's a purple pussy. It's purple. You think it's a purple pussy. That would be cool. That's settled. We all know that. So it's Barney. It's Reversal Barney. Yeah, the complementary color Barney is mostly purple, but green a little bit. I remember I remember she would be an angel. That would be cool. I would like to fuck a purple pussy working with a Pakistani woman. Every time I talked to her, I thought about how her pussy was probably purple. Literally every time I talked to her, I would be like, man, I fucking I want to see you. It's a purple. Do you really think it's purple? Maybe. I don't think so. No. I think the inside of a pussy is pink. The inside is it's pretty.
Starting point is 00:54:07 Yes. It's all the same. No matter what they're all pink on the inside. I believe is a thing. I've heard racist people have said about why they have sex with different races. Racist pussy. Oh, so I just said a racist thing. I was trying to say something. It's taking me to Dan nine and dot com. You didn't say something racist, but I have heard that. Oh, wow. And I remember thinking, well, that's fucked up because though that's true, that's purple, my friend. Oh, it might be the lighting. Okay. I guess that exact lighting. I would say darker pussy, but it's a pink. It's a deeper pink. It's a deep pink. It's purple. That's purple. That's what that band. That's that's pink. That's purple. That's what the band deep purple. They were
Starting point is 00:54:57 getting Indian pussy. Women's pussy. The bus is all purple. Um, suck on my penis. And let me fuck y'all rise. Dude, how good did it feel to play deep purple on the fucking guitar when you were like 11? It's the first play in a riff, brother. Is that Eric Clapton also? No, it's deep purple. I'm pretty sure every song is Eric Clapton. Our old pal. It's so funny that after we did that episode, all this shit came out about him being like racist and denying that we could have had no idea because God walks with the boys. That's true. If that's not a sign that God is on our side, I don't know what it is. We bend reality to our will. And that's why I'm hoping an alien with big tits comes and sucks me off. So come on off it. So come on.
Starting point is 00:55:56 Tell me the word. The Chinese line to lay down. Silly. Suck you down my dick. I got balls and my dick is all just to fuck your mouth. Suck you down my dick. Suck you down my dick. Lay down down there. Suck you down my dick. Some unplugged plan. Gentlemen, sir, Eric Clapton. Yeah, I guess we didn't. Suck you down my dick. I got balls and my dick is hard just to fuck your mouth. What song is that? Lay down Sally. I don't know that song. We're gonna pull it up. We've got the fucking. We do have the cord now. Now that they made it a federal crime to stream music on a podcast, I'm gonna break that. Is it really possible? You're trying to get us in trouble with the Fed. Dude, isn't it cultural commentary? No.
Starting point is 00:56:54 Yeah, MPR can talk about fucking music. And then they talk about it. They play a snippet all the time, and then they talk about it. That's what we're doing. We're snippet boys. We play a snippet and we discuss. They pay for all of those. I don't think they do. It's fair use. You're listening to MPR. Is that the song you're talking about? No. No, that's... Oh, yeah, yeah. Damn, I love rock. What the fuck is up? Dude, how funny would it be to be a guy that loves classic rock? We're listening to fucking Eric Clapton, and I don't know how long this fucking pandemic's gonna go on. Oh, yeah, I know this song.
Starting point is 00:57:37 Fuck my ass. I'm fucking gay. You can suck my dick and ass. You can take a shit on my chest. Let me eat your shit. Lay down, Sally. And suck you down my dick. Fuck my ass. Lay down, Sally. And fuck you in my ass. Yeah, that's a good song. It's funny. British people really were just stealing from American Black people, huh? Yeah, that's the whole stone. Because when you think about it, it's like America doesn't have really a cruel racial past so much as it was a startup incubator for the British Empire. Wait, no, let's put all the rices together and let them kill themselves
Starting point is 00:58:31 until they come up with a new type of music until a gay one of them comes up with a good music. There's a type of music. That's not the little Richard. That song is about fucking people in the ass, right? Too fruity. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. There's just something about like shit and cum or something. A little Richard rocks. That guy fucking rules. RISL going. Rest in peace. Probably getting pussy and fucking ass and getting his ass fucked with like fucking a chick while wearing a bra with awesome hair. Yeah, that guy. Sick eyebrows. A little pencil mustache. I'm gay. Dude, yeah, we're a music podcast now. Yeah. Today we're welcome to top of the pops. Welcome
Starting point is 00:59:29 to top of the top of the list. We got the top 10. We've got the best songs. Who is that? I don't know. Casey Casey. Andy. Andy Rooney. Back in my day, you just suck a dick. Now everybody wants to put it in your ass. I don't want a dick in my ass. That's where shit comes out. Being gay used to be simple. That's why it meant happy. I was happy to suck a dick. I don't want to have to stretch my ass out with a limousine. Just to learn how to keep up with the times. I don't want to have to pronounce emphysema wrong. I don't want to have to pronounce emphysema wrong as a bit. It wasn't a bit. Nowadays comedians are trying to get away with just saying words. And the ones who aren't are reinventing themselves as
Starting point is 01:00:22 public intellectuals. Back in my day, comedians used to suck a car. Oh, fuck. You gotta suck it slow. You gotta suck the dick slow. There's two balls. There's a young ball and an older ball. And the older ball is gay. And the younger ball was straight. And there's a bunch of cows down in the field. And the younger ball says, let's go down there. Let's run down there and fuck all those cows. And the older ball holds them down and erases them. He says, shut up. You're gay now. Okay, cut. No, that's, you got the star. I got the star by the way. I won it, Mac. Listen here. Listen here, dick, dick cock. I got a bunch of spiders shoved up my ass. They're making cobwebs up there. Yeah, by the way, shout out to Hunter,
Starting point is 01:01:30 dude, he's doing art. He's copying you, Adam. Hunter Biden is doing an art exhibit. Hunter sucks my cock. Hunter, my son does what he needs to do to suck my cock. I saw there's in the is it in New York? Can we go in the? Does he have a show? He's got to show somewhere. Oh, I'm trying to go. I'm trying to go for sure. I got to the ledge so much. Hunter the ledge. Biden. Yeah, he's doing cocaine and having sex with Malia Obama. That's what yeah. There's a picture. They say that 16. There's a picture that says from the from the laptop hack that has a line. I'm 16. I like getting my pussy. I want to get fucked. I want to get fucked and do cocaine. I think she's like 21. Not that I've been tracking. Mr. Adams been
Starting point is 01:02:24 googling me. He's trying to work my pussy. You can't. You can't just Google me to find out if I'm of age. You gotta fuck my god. Take a chance. Wait a hundred. He took a chance. He didn't know. He thought I was 16. Such as God. Dude, if Hunter got pussy from the movie from the Obama. He just has to fuck. He's like the guy from California Cation. Yeah, he just has to fuck everyone. And it's David Dukovani. Just do that to get some pussy. Yeah, he went to sex rehab. Somebody has huge tits on that show and she's somebody's daughter. Yeah, I know. I remember
Starting point is 01:03:08 that scene. Is it Susan Sarandon's daughter is huge. I think it is because those puppies probably run in the God damn family. Big old sweater puppies. Good Lord them shits were delicious. Then when I saw them. Oh yeah, it was someone's kid, but she had a huge jumbo yum yum. I want to fuck Scully so bad. Oh yeah. And she gets to get she gets good pussy too. She's still hot. Actually. Oh yeah. She fucked Megan Fox. I saw a picture of them all about to have sex in real life. Yeah, they were they were like leaving a club and they both love to watch lesbian with each other. Scully. That sounds awesome. That's tight. That's so cool. That is cool. Scully and I got hard of no joke. Thinking about candy man era. Virginia Madsen and fuck each other while I hold
Starting point is 01:03:52 a gun to my head. It's like a guy's cock. And now we're going to play a game. They're like, okay, well, we're just going to leave if you're just going to point at your own head. I'm going to kill myself. I'm going to kill myself. We don't care. That's such a funny visual. Can I at least see your pussy? I'm gay. Why do you want to see us fuck? Just do it. Just. I didn't really think it through. I didn't consider how any of this would go. Fuck. God damn. That's a good one. What are we going to get for lunch? What song is that? It's the band. Yeah, but now I'm confused. No, it's not the weight. Yeah. Oh, I'm thinking there's a song that goes the weight or is it the work? No, it's the spring. So you take a load off Sally is the work the work or some shit. The
Starting point is 01:04:58 weight weight. What song is that? Oh, my shit. No, let's take a load off Annie. Take a load off any man. Yeah, there's a fuck the word. He says something over and over again. This is definitely a song where somebody says something over and over again. It's Bruce Springsteen. It's I think it's the weight. The weight. The weight. I mean, it's the work. We'll figure that out for the next one. What do you guys want to get lunch? That's a great question, mate. I've been I've been maybe a nice sandwich. I don't know. Are you guys on diets these days? I mean, I'm I'm I'm but you know, I'm just not going crazy. Yeah, we'll just have a response. I was going fucking wine. Oh, yeah, dude. I was I was fucked up from like December 20. I know. I would get like
Starting point is 01:05:45 a box of those rich frosted enemies donuts and eat the entire thing myself respect. It's like, I love donuts for the whip back some fucking penis touch my penis in my ass. So what do we got? Movie reviews? We got a bunch of shit that come out recently. Yeah, Wonder Woman 1984. I didn't see it. Here's my review. It sucks. Looked like shit didn't see it. Who cares? I didn't see it either. My father called me up to say that it was a piece of shit. Wow. He didn't like it. Interesting. Let's see. Let's get some damn lunch. Yeah, I'm hungry now. Buy my calendars, folks. You still got time. You have a couple left. We got the year. Yeah, we got go to 11 and a half good months out of that calendar. No more than that. It's the fucking with the
Starting point is 01:06:40 what? Is this the sixth right now? So four. Well, you know, when it comes to the fourth and then yeah, we got shirts fully restocked. I love it. Come that town. Love it. It's everything should be in there and then probably we'll do a roll out next month. Maybe a couple new. I don't know if we're gonna go more more hoodies or something because it'll be winter for a while. That's so true, man. Maybe we'll offer a couple more of those. But everything's in. You get that slurple brain hoodie. Everyone was demanding it. They said, bring that thing that you never said on the show. That was a thing he texted. It was something that I thought maybe was on the show. I don't know. But that's really what you want is because nothing on come dot town is a podcast shirt.
Starting point is 01:07:29 You should never wear a podcast shirt. I saw a girl wearing a pod save America shirt the other day day and I almost pushed her onto the train tracks. Well, I think a nice amount of the shirts on there are podcast shirts, aren't they? No, none of them. Literally not a single one says the name of the podcast and it all works outside of the context of Andre Stakehouse. If somebody sees you wearing that, they're like, what is that? If it's a black person asking you like, I don't, it's just some restaurant. It's a really good restaurant. It's just closed and here's your cover. He closed down Corona virus because the owner died of Corona virus. Oh yeah. My favorite restaurant closed down. I just found out if it's a white person asking you to take sandwiches. Sammy's
Starting point is 01:08:07 Romanian Steakhouse is now closed. I wanted to go with the boys. We never went. I wanted to go with the boys. I said I'd do my birthday there last year. Fuck. The virus shut it down. I want to do I was trying to do a show for like a like a like a one of those car dealerships. It's like, you know, like Bob Poon Honda. That's good. Ken shits. Ken shit Toyota. Ken shit Hyundai. Yeah. Dave. Dave asshole. Fuck. Mm hmm. Scion. Scion dealership. Michael pussy. Scion. That's a great idea. Well, go to come back and figure out the style. Come down town for trees. Listen, you can not play around with respect. It takes a while man. Hey, you know, there's things I spent months on and then I get I get close to being done. I'm like, no,
Starting point is 01:09:02 this is the mark. It's not going to go right in the trash. Get the fuck out of here. I had when I was doing all those dudes rock summer shirts, I spent a month doing Mount Rushmore with fucking Don James Dorner WPA style travel poster shirt with Dorner Don Simpson, Michael McDonald. And then I forget who the last one. Oh, Paul Newman. Oh, yeah. That's a good that's a good lineup. I think we're cool. Those are some cool guys. Those are some cool guys. That was it was Mount Rushmore and I spent a very long time on it. He threw it away. I threw it away because I couldn't get the likeness right on fucking Don Simpson. All the rest of them was fine. You got to swap out done. No, no, I couldn't do it. That's
Starting point is 01:09:45 Nick's Mount Rushmore. Yeah, those are your guys. Yeah, who are your guys, man? All right. All right, folks, stop by the biz for the calendars. We'll talk to you soon. Bye.

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