The Adam Friedland Show (Cumtown) - Ep. 283 – trigger treat

Episode Date: October 27, 2021

knock knock mami...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 What what get your fucking papers at what is it cuz she dreams and what Say again, get your fucking paper. I'll get the stack out But I'm gonna be people don't like when I'm rifling through papers, you know at the beginning of a read They like people don't like what I tell them not to don't like That's fucking true. Let me fucking let me make some perfectly fucking make it on and make it honestly clear to people Don't like your stuff that when I say don't like it They fucking like it anyway, so you know why because they do they do what I fucking say. Is that clear enough for you? Yeah, that's true crystal
Starting point is 00:00:34 Yes, right crystal clear crystal like Pepsi right oh like right oh skipper crystal light Pink lemonade crystal light like you're a fat bitch Like you're a bitch going through menopause or me when I was 11 years old you're listening to the fat bitch judging podcast today's episode fucking Name of that I don't know I'm blanking Jones I've already I'm too far. I'm five. I'm five words into this sketch and I got
Starting point is 00:01:06 Carney Wilson Granted granted the writing prompt is extremely difficult to mama cash mama cash Mama cash this bitch watch he choked the death on a ham sandwich. Yeah, maybe it should have been a diet sandwich Yeah, maybe if it was a diet crystal Pepsi. Yeah Then how about mama? Can I see your ass? That's a great question about mama das? And you know in the book I'm reading Chaos Which me and Nick have read I've only I've only read the intro to that mama cast
Starting point is 00:01:41 Stay tuned actually guys if you go to slash come town Probably one of This weekend Yeah, now you don't you're not gonna take pre-emptive Fat women This happened an hour ago in this little shit weasel I love getting out of the side scum I watched the Alex Jones doc. Oh, yeah, but pre You went to the premiere. Well, not the premiere. Did you wear a gown? Did you wear a gown?
Starting point is 00:02:18 I wore a gown me and Dasha were gowns together matching gowns, that's awesome, and then we you know, did you say tax the rich on it? We're both Tax the rich tax my bitch right my bitch. You're both who are tax the rich I'm on succession also by the way. You got on it, too. Who do you play? No, I cousin Greg fucks in the ass chance. It's delicious That Kendall raps through a series of contractual Weaselings takes ownership of Brian Cox's ass
Starting point is 00:02:54 That show is too white, you know, I gotta be honest I've never watched it. It's too white. That is not up my alley. I've watched like three scenes of Just like snappy fucking dialogue. It's a pretty good show. I'm not doing this. I like that show I need shows where people talk slow and dumb and they say yeah, like or dead wood Fast dead wood snappy. I've been thinking about getting back But it's a different type of dialogue soccer more different. Yeah, different type of cocksucker I also like when someone's dying a lot in this like this is kind of like metaphorical deaths. They're all Business weaseling. I like when there's a gun and someone gets shot in the fucking head. Yeah, that's I've been watching the show
Starting point is 00:03:38 Banshee every show she's in fact. I was banshee. It's a fucking rules, dude I never heard I watched so I was done with watching Bosch, which an incredible show damn the man had in in Brooklyn Bridges or shut down right now over you have vaccine protests. Oh, nice brother municipal. Thanks for being here with us, Nick This sucks. I was fucking protesting shit. Yeah, I will never go to a fucking protest in my life other than to like take pictures of fat people there and post them on social media and being like Maybe we should have protest should have died. Maybe it looks like the fucking enemies. Looks like we looks like we're at a stampede It's not a lot of like more like black lives
Starting point is 00:04:23 butter Okay, and then I ride my bike home. That's awesome. Yeah Fuck dude. I've getting home is gonna be annoying. I'm gonna be pissed off Is that why traffic was bad on the way here? It might have right a bike back took me an hour 15 Yeah, we'll ride a bike back actually. It's really nice out. It's a good day But found found found me bad by Bob really have it at bar clays there is a good budget people were like let Kyrie play a bunch of people was a KYRE not give a fuck about Kyrie at all Understand that to be that is an insurrection
Starting point is 00:04:58 That was an insurrection remember when Kanye? Said that slavery was a choice and then a bunch of they were a bunch of conservatives or like let him be a slave We love Kanye. Yeah. Yeah. We love his we love the Yeezus It's tough when you try. Love the chant. The we love how how how he went there on the Jesus record. That has happened a bunch where it's like clearly racist people have gotten behind like Nicki Minaj when she said her cousin's friends balls got big. That was the best one. We loved her verse on monster. She killed it. She really killed it on that track. Jay Z Jay Z owned it in the Jay Z track. She killed
Starting point is 00:05:36 it when he says goblins goblins goblins spooky things and also Rick Ross. His his verse doesn't get talked about enough. It was also really good. It was overlooked by the Nicki verse. But the point is on devil in a new dress which is one of the most underrated tracks. It's got to be hard for Kyrie though because he like he's trying to be a hotep and now Republicans are getting in on he's trying to be like high at the top of the pyramid. They're just the real black republic. That's true. The most but they but but they don't want to like you know they don't want to be with white. Well I guess Kyrie's not that level of hotel. Yeah they want they want their nationalists. Right. Right. That is they're just they're I guess
Starting point is 00:06:22 that's inherently right wing. They're kind of like Japan or that's why that's why the hotel like there's no bad blood between the fucking the frog guys and hotel because they have that they they're basically identical. You stay with yours. We stay with ours type of thing. Yeah. Basically. I wonder if Kyrie's going to play the Nets got their ass cheeks shellacked by the fucking Hornets and they lost the opening game too. Oh yeah. It wasn't about it was for Philly being a fucking mess they be own three. Dude the Hornets it was fucking wild. They just they beat them with ish Smith. It wasn't even Lamella was on the bench. I saw the Nets defense looks like dog shit. And you know that was the day of
Starting point is 00:07:01 the protest. Dude I'm going to go out and protest for Kyrie though. Yeah. Although he's not helping that defense out. Oh boy. No but he might have had a little scoring punch. You know what I'm saying. I know what you're saying. I know there's no way ish Smith was stopping Bruce Brown. So what's the deal. They're going to. So he's just not allowed to play or is he fired. No he's allowed to play. So technically it's New York's laws that are stopping him from playing right. Theoretically he could play on the road but the Nets were like look to California and a couple other places. No no it's weird. It's just New York. It's just your home market. They can't stop you from playing as a visitor
Starting point is 00:07:36 which makes no sense. You think the vaccine mandates are going to go away. They're just going to fucking give up on that. I thought they said that Corona was going to go away once we got Biden. I thought the kids would get out of the cages. What the hell. No more Corona. Yeah. They're like you'll be hearing about this Corona stuff but the second Trump so no more virus. Well that's because they thought the vaccines would work. Yeah probably. But yeah I guess this is going to be the next couple of years. Well it's so and the Nets were basically like look we don't give a fuck but you can't be here half the time. So like you can't just be a half time member of the team which if I was him it's just like I would
Starting point is 00:08:17 just get the fucking vaccine. Because you know it's like you see your friends they all have it. Why would he just get even if you're pissed off. And also he's losing like 16 million dollars. Why would he just go on Photoshop. Make a fake one. So true. Go to jail. Go to jail. Make a vaccination card. This is spelled wrong. I mean do you even like go to jail for that shit. They just fucking they say you can go to jail. I figure you go to jail if you're trying to get in the country. Yeah but they say like if you rip a thing off a mattress you could go to fuck. Yeah exactly. $25,000 fine. Like using a government seal without permission is a federal offense. Right. So literally so it's fucking touching someone's
Starting point is 00:08:56 mailbox. Yeah. It's like you know but show me a jury. I put the I put that seal with wax over my foreskin. Yeah. Oh nice. So a girl knows my dick is off limits. Off limits unless you're a government worker. Yeah that's respect. I'm trying to get my dick sucked by a bureaucrat. Dude I would love that. Some some middle manager. They probably sucked off by bureaucrat. I don't think I have. They probably want people to lie about it. That would be an easier way out for like public health authorities if people are just lying about it. Yeah. You don't think it'd be like oh we have 100% vaccination and then it doesn't matter what happens. That'd be cool. Yeah. It's like then they don't have to do this
Starting point is 00:09:35 thing where it's like oh it's like actually the unvaccinated this fucking shit. The way the level of like how they know everybody just seems like disinterested in what's going on now. Yeah. Which is like yeah. I don't fucking care anymore. Yeah exactly. I don't care at all. It doesn't seem like the CDC cares either. They're just like yeah it's fucking it's up or down. I don't know. We stop tracking this thing and you know I do I mean just do it please or whatever. You think Fauci got any like of the worst pussy of all time through being the CDC? Yeah. He got pussy from Randy Rainbow. He got pussy up from Randy Rainbow. What's going on with him now? People are mad about the dogs. What? Randy Rainbow fucks
Starting point is 00:10:19 dogs. No. The dogs they left in Afghanistan. So apparently part of the money that like so Fauci said that they were not sending any money. Oh Fauci. Other were talking about Randy Rainbow. But then it turns out this just came out this week that Fauci sent a bunch of money to like China to do like include beagles in recipes I guess. Really? That they were like. He was financing that. Yeah all this research he got new ways to like do flavors and stuff. He wanted pangolin fettuccine. Yeah. So he paid for that. They've been eating beagles over there and figuring out how to put them in the lo mein. Interesting. And then he was Fauci was feeding them to people to tell him to death. I hadn't heard that.
Starting point is 00:10:57 Really. Yeah. In front of those nasty works of art that he has. Yeah. What is Tony Podesta? Tony. He is like all pedophile. During the pizza gate stuff. Yeah. That was like the first. These are real pictures of Tony Podesta's house and it's like a child a statue of a child getting fucked in its ass. It's crazy. It's truly shocking. Yeah. Foyer. Yeah. Spirit cooking bullshit. Yeah. I'm telling you I mean you guys witnessed it but that the pizza gate stuff I used to be a normal person. True. And then the pizza gate stuff I had a morbid curiosity. It was it was the pizza gate stuff. No that is what got that. You were never a normal person. Yeah. But in terms of like conspiracy. Yeah. Yeah. I was like yeah maybe
Starting point is 00:11:38 the government did 9 11 but I don't give a shit. Yeah. And then the pizza gate stuff which started off as like just sort of like a morbid curiosity and then also like you know like with as far as like 4 Chan memes stuff because I was like sort of as far as like comedy is concerned a turning point where it's like OK well liberals like clearly just dog shit a comedy. Now after like a decade of like thinking that comedy was or humor was ideologically bound and that like conservatives were incapable of being funny but all they were exposed to is like you know he's like some rich asshole that had a writing job like 25 years ago that's like starting the Republican daily show. Right. And then hire
Starting point is 00:12:16 a bunch of like shitty open micers and it sucked. Of course. You know but then like you can't really compete with like a bunch of like children making memes. Of course. You don't know how to do that yourself. And so Pete's a gate. I always took as like you know half joking half serious. I just like like the but then you start looking at what they're like some of that stuff. And it's like OK. Well this is insane. Yeah. This is OK. There's no explanation for this and this is fucking insane. And it's not just insane but it's like the kind of thing where somebody who didn't even have didn't give one single fuck or was scared that they might get caught. Yeah. Like they were so brazen with that shit.
Starting point is 00:12:53 That's why the Tony. I want to see some of this art man. It's it's it's pretty gross. How Tony Podesta Washington power broker lost it all. Yeah. And just how long those people have known each other. There was like there's pictures of the Podesta brothers with Denny Haster as like teenagers in like 1967. It's something like a wrestling coach. Well they all went to they went to some like fucking State Department like Young Spooks camp on some island in Japan where they train. Really. Yeah. They train like because you know they do that like these like aristocratic kids get grew like of course but they're like born into this system. Yeah. And yeah there was some weird in one of those Podesta emails there
Starting point is 00:13:37 was a weird email from some Japanese guy at a toilet camera. Watch you shit and put that in the moment. Oh it's it's an OK. Hold on. According to the Times Podesta's former false church home had a closed circuit video camera installed inside a toilet allowing users to observe their bodily processes from a unique angle. That's so funny. What's the deal. The artist responsible for the work is Pipilotti wrist who's known for sometimes uncomfortably boundary crossing work. She's an artist who doesn't accept conventions about anything says Podesta. And I have a long admired her work. This is so smart dude. Just like just like fucking pretending it's art that you're watching some fucking woman shit. Respect.
Starting point is 00:14:31 It's crazy that that guy Dennis Haster got away with it for so long. This is an email from some of this Japanese guy to somebody. But John Podesta's ccd on it's a dear Mac. Can't believe it. It's almost 50 years since Camp knows. I've stayed in touch with Denny Haster and Jan adult and Andy Dolan all these years. It's wonderful to reconnect with you or you posted in New York love to see you blah blah blah. But yes it's from all these like Podesta emails but their connection. I can't. This is now going back like two years. I don't remember the details in the specific but this Japanese guy like all of these like he speaks perfect Englishers videos of him but then in the emails he's posting like broken
Starting point is 00:15:10 English and stuff. And then and then yeah also that with that fucking napkin email that one was like what's the what is the explanation of that. I found that I found a napkin with a map on the back that seems pizza related and I thought it might be yours. Like yeah you know get back to me as soon as possible napkin from a pizza restaurant. But there's a map that seems pizza related like a map like how strong bullies are. Yeah how to get to the pizza restaurant. Damn I want a strong bully. People used to draw maps. What the fuck is strong bully. Calzone. I know. Yeah that's one is open one is closed. I believe a strong bully is open and a calzone is a closed circuit system. It's all it's all contained. Self
Starting point is 00:16:00 contained. It's like a what do you call it. Empanada. Big Empanada. Yes an Italian empanada an Italian empanada. Well we got to the bottom of that one. I could go for a strong bully. There's also two at that time like any like like I guess repository for information on like the Podesta shit and pizza gate like this is websites would just be removed from the Internet. And I feel like there was like there was this weird like you know void in which shit like that was happening that no one was really paying attention to it. Where has it happened now. Like I feel like people are more concerned. I agree with rich people can get anything taken off the Internet. Not anything like Harvey Weinstein had that
Starting point is 00:16:43 video of him beating up the reporter like wiped like really quickly and that shit came out. You don't think you can find that. I don't know. I mean like can you find pictures like you fucked up a lot of these guys hire those like ex-missile like security firms and they know about and they just know how to wipe shit. Yeah. Interesting. Which I'm having done after the show. Yeah this is so here's we get come down. Wipe. Here's Politifact as of last October pants on fire rating four years later there's still no evidence to support the Pizzagate Theory. And it's like so we just ignore the whole Epstein Trial Epstein. Yeah. Epstein. What do you mean. It means that it was the basement of a pizza restaurant.
Starting point is 00:17:28 Yeah. The focus on one hyper specific detail. Yeah. Or whatever. It's like OK. Sure. Well that's what it was wasn't it. That there were kids in the basement that Comet Ping Pong of Comet Ping Pong doesn't know that the basement was always metaphorical. That's a place where you fuck children didn't have to be the basement. It could have been. I feel like on political campaigns they order people pizzas a lot like that are like working on the campaign. I feel like it was half a joke defending these people. I'm not defending these people. I'm saying that there's a real thing. There's real shit that is documented like in the Epstein Trial for instance. But I don't think I think they're probably saying it's pants on fire about it
Starting point is 00:18:10 being in the basement of a pizza restaurant. Comet Ping Pong you ever eat there. No I went to a music concert there when I was in college. They used to have a like DIY all ages. Yeah. Puncture all ages. Yeah. Well no because I wasn't 21 yet. So look at this. It's just an outright lie. Politifact four years since Petergate became a well-known word. There's still not evidence to back up the idea that Clinton is sex trafficking children. Wow. That's just lies. That's a complete fabricated. We all know that is an outright. I might get back in. I love this shit. That was a great time. It was funny. Well you were ahead of it. If I remember correct. I wasn't ahead of shit. I believe really in the mix. I believe
Starting point is 00:19:04 Nick. Yeah you were. You didn't sleep for two weeks. Nobody's ahead of anything. The only person that's ever been ahead of anything is Amber saying that Nate Berlasky's a pedophile and that was why she fucking. Yeah she called that a shot not only because again she's not she years. She is not somebody that I have known to ever like shoot from the hip on things like that. And I remember like being because some people just say wild shit to hope they're right. Yeah. They say a hundred wild things and maybe one will turn out. And I love being that guy. Yeah. I love that. That is so much fun. That's it. I guess I don't know to what degree I should talk about the rough cut of that. That Jones thing. Oh
Starting point is 00:19:46 yeah. I mean just really like the. That is all he is. Yeah. You know and it's like it's kind of like heartbreaking to you know with the Sandy Hook thing because it's like he does seem like genuinely contrite that he like hurt these families or whatever by saying all this shit. But like he truly believes all like you know this thing happens and he's like I think this is like a false flag thing. You think he really believes it. I think he really does. Yeah. You don't think he's just doing a show. No I don't think he's doing a show. That's the other thing too is like now there's all this like grift narrative. There's this rhetoric of grift where everyone's accusing each other of being a grifter because
Starting point is 00:20:25 of us by the way because of. We're the first grifters. Yeah. Which is like this projection of this like that. It's like goes hand in hand with this like fake thing now of imposter syndrome. Yeah. I love it. Which doesn't also doesn't exist. It's just that no one is as confident as they'd like to project. You know. So and also a lot of people don't deserve things are getting them. Yeah. You don't have imposter syndrome. You're just fucking stupid. Speaking of imposter syndrome. Yes. Go ahead and read your fucking papers. Which one are we starting with. Let me see here. She dreams because she dreams because she dreams. She dreams. She dreams offers a full lineup of premium smokeable CBD. They specialize in
Starting point is 00:21:25 extraordinary CBD rich hemp flour a.k.a. Buds pre rolled CBD joins. You can join the group of adults who are sick of vapes and gummies and they want to smoke. I'm sick of fucking smoke. I'm trying to make that shit brother. And they ship legally to all 50 states. So it looks like high quality marijuana feels like high quality marijuana tastes like high quality marijuana and the CBD content is through the roof. It's 20 percent of the fucking roof you fucking it's up to 20 percent which is some of the highest in that's the amount of penis Adam has. He has 20 percent of which counts technically has a penis. That's right. In a detail is noticeable in each beautiful flower. It does not get you high. There's
Starting point is 00:22:08 next to no T. H. C. It's independently lab tested and shown in compliance and purity test grown in California and Oregon. Each plan is hand selected by a team of experienced cannabis flower experts. These are these guys are fucking they could be fighting the Corona virus but they're here. They're here making hand selected CBD flowers and it's an alternative for people that like to cut back on smoking other things. So basically here's the deal folks. You get this shit. You get this smokable CBD flower. It comes in three lines in order of quality private reserve ultra premium and premium and you can get them in a can which is a vacuum sealed in three point five grams A. K. A. an eighth. Wow. Or you can get the
Starting point is 00:22:58 can. You can get them in pre roll point five gram joints and they come in six different choices of strain. Relax peace create hustle energy and dream. Dream is a nice night time hybrid. Indica dominant. There's nothing I like more than getting put to bed by cushy dreams cushy dreams coming in tucking me in kissing me right on I love to put it get that shit will put you to sleep cupping my balls but not in a sexual way in a way that denotes security. Yeah I like letting me and then letting me drift off into bed. I like spooning with my husband cushy dreams. That's right. So all you guys have to do is go to cushy dreams dot com spelled K. K. U. S. H. Y. And now check out use the promo code come
Starting point is 00:23:47 town for twenty percent off your first order smoke. I believe it's any order. I believe it's your whole every single order. Every fucking order. Every goddamn word. Keep using that code. Use the code like you've never fucking believe grandma's boy. Use the code grandma's boy. Use the code you can do it for twenty eight percent off. Yeah. So don't see you use come town for twenty percent off. You use the code grandma's boy for thirty percent off. But then how will they know that you listen to this podcast. That's a real question. That's a great question. How will the owners of cushy dreams dot com. No. Or you know what you go ahead and use promo code pod. Don't or the promo code pod. It's like
Starting point is 00:24:28 I don't think we have cushy dreams anymore. Each batch is slow cured for two to four weeks that guarantees maximum freshness and it mixes well with other things that you oh it's awesome to smoke. They take an artisan approach. They run every run as a small batch. They use organic farming practices. I think I hit all you hit it all baby hit it all promo code come town to check out promo code. And by the way I just want to say thank you for everyone's come see me on the road. This next week is Halloween I have off. But after that I'm going to Detroit. I'm going to Columbus. I'm going to New Orleans Tampa. And then a little hint there might be a Los Angeles show announced very soon. Keep your fucking ears peaked for that shit. That's
Starting point is 00:25:12 right for all you fake L.A. style bitches. That's right dude. I'm trying to get my fucking dick sucked by an IG by an aspiring IG model with a BBL. Dude I can't wait for this podcast to end so I can download fucking tiktok and start really expressing myself. Yes dude. You need a dancing. You need a dance fucking account dude. I'm fucking if it weren't for this damn show I'd be on fucking tiktok getting millions of years. You should do it dude. Do it right now. No. But yeah come see me. Take it to slash tour Detroit Columbus New Orleans Tampa L.A. soon. Keep your fucking ears fucking peeled. And also if you're a basketball fan I do a basketball podcast with Sam Morrell called Pog Don't Lie. And the season is hot
Starting point is 00:26:00 baby shit is fucking happening. John Moran has some of the fattest plumpest nuts he just fucked. He almost beat your Lakers Adam. Barely bailed out by Mr. Carmelo Anthony. Mellow had a fucking season. Mellow went to number nine in the all time scores list which is fucking awesome. But yeah. So listen to that Pog Don't Lie wherever your fucking podcasts are you get them. Yeah. And anyway back to Pete's gate. What are you looking at Nick. I'm just scrolling through Twitter. Nice. Not doing anything. He's waiting for the fucking read to be over. The read is done. Can I get a sushi lunch. Oh that sounds good. Yes. Off a man's body. Yeah dude. I would love that sexy guy. I would love to be your your
Starting point is 00:26:49 fucking plate. Have you ever had sushi off a woman. No dude. No it's a goal. President Biden and I released the first ever national gender strategy. What's the strategy. Fuck it. Kamala Harris is national gender strategy. Everyone gets free breast implants. Yeah. Dude let me ask a question. Can we get hormones like because if you if you were born a woman you want to be a man right. You feel you're not manly enough. What if I feel like I'm not manly enough. Look I guess some HGH shit they should need to keep experimenting on other people with the mRNA vaccines not Americans. We go to fucking Timbuktu. Well don't don't other countries really want the vaccine. They do. So why don't we give it a try doing wild
Starting point is 00:27:35 shit and just rap will advance the human race maybe 500 years in the span of like 18 months just by just doing massive experiments. And then we get an mRNA vaccine that can turn people in Dr. Manhattan. That would be fucking cool. Yeah. I want antlers and I don't care how many fucking people die have to die. I really don't give a shit. We're gonna fucking pump Africa full of those vaccines. Give them all kinds of cancers all India wants them right. Fuck up the Indians with the mRNA vaccines until we figure out how to code that mRNA shit so that it like I get keratin deposits on the top of my skull and I grow antlers soft in the spring and then the outer velour covering sheds you know in the winter every year I
Starting point is 00:28:24 grew a growing new set of antlers. You got to fight other antler guys. Would that be painful for a woman's honor. It'll be excruciating. And also it'll be able I'll be able to withstand temperatures up to maybe 15 30 degrees colder without my shirt on which I can already do pretty basically zero degrees sure Celsius Celsius. Well yeah 30 32 freezing. I'm good with no clothes on out in the woods by my zero zero 32 three yet zero Celsius through cold showers I've got my fuck. I've also switched to the metric system and so you're telling me these motherfuckers have negatives all the time. Their shit makes more sense because it's freezing is 32 degrees. Wow. Yeah. Freezing every every but now. Freezing
Starting point is 00:29:10 is zero. Yeah. I'm boiling is 100. I guess that actually doesn't make a lot of sense. It makes more sense. Wait. Boiling is 100. Yeah. Celsius. So what's a really hot day over there like 45 40 50 degrees 50 half the way to boiling. Yeah. Your nuts your nuts are starting to that's like a hundred twenty to twenty degrees or something. Yeah. What's boiling three sixty two twelve two twelve. Depends where you're at. Anyways look let's just get back on topic. All right. Thank you. Once a year I grow them the trade off the country Indian people Africans whoever we did all that shit on they come to America they're legally allowed to hunt me. But they won't do they get a prize. Well they could cut my
Starting point is 00:29:57 head off put on wall. They'll get like a cash price. So they're only allowed to like non non guns. Legally I would be considered an animal. I would be legal game. So what about having sex with your ass. Would that be bestiality. Also the spirit of the forest. You'd be like kind of like a middle stage animorph like not all the way to. No no because middle stage animorphs. They don't have to be happy to find so I'd still be handsome. He has one just fine. Yeah. And I have a trade. Yeah. I also have a cool scar on my face and a tattoo of an eight ball on fire. That's awesome. Pretty. So that's what I could do now. But don't you think the eight ball kind of takes away from the spirit of the forest. No I don't
Starting point is 00:30:37 think so. Another one over here of a Harley Davidson and it says fucking it says Merrick New York never never forget. Long Island. Yeah dude. OK. I think that is a pretty good look. But don't you think if we did that somebody in India would get the antlers first. We'll kill them. You'd have to kill none of them. No. No. They don't get antlers. OK. Not get antlers. I like six arms maybe. Oh they get to be fish new. And that's how we figure out the Dr. Manhattan shit is we're turning these blue. We're turning them blue so that you know some whoever wants to be Dr. But then once you make someone Dr. Manhattan you can't stop them. Yeah. Well that's why they got a big blue swinging cock. They got energy.
Starting point is 00:31:28 Yeah. They can fly to the moon. You can be alone. I wish I was really funny to do Dr. Manhattan but make the dick just like slightly too big. Not like you know cartoonishly huge but just like just just a bit too big. Just nice. Well because it's just where it starts to be funny. Right. You know that's the way to go. Yeah. You got a lot of options here. Of course. You make your dick too small. Right. I mean just having a dick out is funny. Funny to begin with. Yeah. A regular dick. I feel like Dr. If I don't if I remember correctly his dick is a pretty nice size but not just closer to normal. Right. Yeah. It's a normal day. I mean they didn't make it to me. It's really small when I see that day. Well in the in the
Starting point is 00:32:09 show the H.B.O. show though there's an old lady that wants to fuck him and she takes out a huge blue cock. Oh she has like there's a doctor man hadn't brand cock. They have a show. Did they have a show where Dr. Manhattan is just naked constantly. I don't know. I didn't see the funny show on HBO. I never watched the man's penis is out the entire show. That would be awesome. It's blue. The entire show is just dick is out completely. Yeah. It's body paint. So you know like the hair and makeup had to apply. Yeah. The paint is with cocking balls every day and his ass for that matter. Yeah. I would have gone to prosthetic. Just a giant prosthetic job. You would have done. Yeah. Actually I wear
Starting point is 00:32:53 one under my jeans normally. And when you fuck. Yeah. You wear it over your cock. Yeah. I think I'm trans men do that too. Oh yeah. Yeah. Just to know what it feels like just to have a bulge you know. Again this is the kind of thing that at me as a you know also you know I'm not I'm not saying they're not men. Right. This is not me coming at it from any kind of transphobic angle. Yes it is. I'm just saying how it gets on the record transphobic. No I'm saying all men of all types whether they were born with a pussy or they were born with a little ass dick should get the things that modern medicine does. So if that's like I get to I get I find a way to add a couple inches of my cock. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:39 If we could turn a pussy into a dick we got to be able to turn a little dick into a bigger dick. Uh huh. Why not. You'd think. Oh Nick I saw a picture online of someone that got that knee surgery to like break his knees. He went that I got a five three to five nine. I got to find that form again. That form is so fun because people they open logs of like they're like you know because you have to excruciate. It's excruciating but I mean it's beyond. You can't walk for like maybe it was five five to five nine six. You can't walk for two years. It's beyond excruciating. It's like basically going through a gauntlet. Like these guys I think they do the surgery in New York. I can't remember but they have
Starting point is 00:34:17 to like it costs like a quarter million dollars because it's an elective surgery. But then you also have to get a hotel room like near the hospital for a fucking three months. Right. Right. These guys like come here and they stay at the fucking like plaza or whatever. Yeah. And then they get their legs sawn. Yeah. And then they're put in traction and they just lie on the floor of a hotel room on opiates in the dark and excruciating pain living off room service for three months and then post it. They can't talk to anyone other than the people in this like this form where they secretly get the bone breaking surgery. But like the level of pain you experience basically having your your bones broken every minute of every
Starting point is 00:34:57 day. It's like to get three inches. To become taller is like it's like a spiritual journey. I'd like to take a walk about. I remember reading back because I didn't I think Sam Hyde mentioned it in a video that there's a surgery and then I forget how I found the form. But I almost want to do it just to go through the pain because you do something like imagine you know like how women love to be like men can't handle childbirth. It's like yeah but men can handle that. How about this bitch. Where's the woman if women are so much stronger. Where's the woman getting her bones. Now I'm 5 11 bitch. But now that form is is is fucking wild. It's just like this. I like you know reading those
Starting point is 00:35:44 posts and it's like you know never have I experienced pain like this in my life. The days are getting darker. I've transcended another level of consciousness. That's fucking wild dude. Yeah. That's too much. If it was like two weeks of pain maybe but you got to be a and you can't walk for like it's seventy six thousand dollars. OK. I got that. I could do that. Yeah. The doctor that does it isn't very tall. Oh he's just under six feet. Yeah. But these guys are like six three now. It's crazy. It's a crazy sacrifice. Yeah. Yeah. That's dude. Here's a before and after of this guy before it's standing next to his girlfriend where they're the same height and now he's taller
Starting point is 00:36:33 than her. So funny. Yeah. Look at this. Oh she also lost weight in the process. I can't I bet you they had a little deal. Yeah. I bet you they made a little they had a little range bitch. If I'm going to be at the fucking if I'm going to be just in excruciating pain for two years you're going to have to fucking hit the elliptical. So what do they do. They put rods in your legs. I think they just saw your legs and put you in traction and then your body fills in the gap with like it also wait they saw your legs off. Well they cut they saw the bomb saw the bomb. Fuck. My legs hurt just thinking about it. We got to get that surgery bros. This guy was almost six feet tall and then he got it to be six
Starting point is 00:37:21 four. Are you kidding me. That's great. He's already like slightly above average. That's fucking insane. He's so happy. Look how happy he is. He went and wait. Sorry. He went from five eleven to six one. That's crazy. That's great. That's fucking. Wow. I mean look tall guys do get unearned pussy. What's got all Alfonso Flores of Dallas Texas. He got the surgery at twenty eight. He could also like yeah I guess afford to not work for months and months. You probably made a lot of money. If you're already rich it's like you should be fucking at that level. Exactly. Exactly. If you have the ability to get the surgery yeah you're a fucking loser if you do get it. Yeah. Where everybody's a loser for a
Starting point is 00:38:10 lot of reasons. Somebody's getting the surgery. He decided to go for six. Well I'm telling you it's just I honestly it's like yeah I mean if I could snap if I paid if I pay if I could pay like a thousand bucks and I'm like out for an afternoon there's no recovery or whatever yeah and I'm fucking like six feet tall and even then it's like I don't I don't know I would do that in a heartbeat. I don't know if I would I don't know if I would because for me I feel like that would put me over the limit where it's like you know I would have to be like then I would just be an asshole. Oh then you would be an asshole. Yeah now I'm like now you're Mr. Lovable. I'm charming. It makes sense.
Starting point is 00:38:57 I see what you're saying. I can be like tall and you know a piece of shit. I think buddy I had to break it to you go ahead and get that thousand dollars. No I'm not I don't think anybody's not honestly I would not I literally would not do even that. But thousand bucks you just it's so you snap your fingers and you're taller without question I'm doing that. Yeah I wouldn't do that. But the I literally the idea of being an excruciating pain for months on end and I have no choice. I mean I wouldn't want that but if that were to happen to me I feel like I would appreciate it so much. You'd be so happy if you want I can mash your nuts with a hammer every day. I don't want you can't that's the thing is
Starting point is 00:39:36 like you can't pull the you know it's like I like it's kind of worse the idea of being in like a POW camp and being forced to play Russian roulette or you know something along those lines it is I do think that is like a like a spiritually transcended journey and I would I would like to be in the floor of like a dark hotel room just like hallucinating from being in like horrific pain. And I guess that's what you would call being a drug addict. Yeah why don't you just get addicted to drugs. I just miss being get addicted to heroin and then try and get off it. Yeah you're basically going to be the same experience. Yeah or to have you know like some kind of just be set on fire every day. Like I said give me you
Starting point is 00:40:17 know 500 bucks I'll come in I'll bash your nuts with a hammer. Did you read the promo code on the last one. Yes I did sir. Well now we got to talk about super organic super wow. Wow that's a great product. You talk about some awesome products that I love so much. Yeah they also why don't you go to their website to Adam and tell us about the new delta eight they have. Oh bro. Can I honestly. I love that's what the troops use. Don't forget the Kratom. Talk about the Kratom but also talk about the speciosa pronounced speciosa and Kratom pronounced Kratom. You go to get super leaf dot com slash come town and Kratom gives your whole body energy but for some people it's like coffee for your cock. Wow.
Starting point is 00:41:02 For your vagina. If you're tired from all the sex you've been having taking super speciosa could energize you to fuck like a god. Kratom is in fact a cousin of the coffee plant and usually I've been doing coffee before sex. Yeah. So this is that I love a nice big pot of Joe but the problem is I love going on a coffee here's the problem taking a big dump. That's the thing you're in there you're in those guts and now all of a sudden you got a shit. No way sir. No sir. That was super speciosa. If you're an aging millennial with new aches and pains Kratom is great for pain relief. If you hurt your back pull a muscle from all the fucking unwind with a glass of Kratom tea so you can have it after sex too.
Starting point is 00:41:47 That's pretty cool. I mean it's what we call a switch. If you're only jerking it and you develop a wrist injury you need a little extra push to get to come town. Super speciosis Kratom will get you there. Come easy and hard with Kratom Kratom is a secret supplement that influencers don't want you to know about but they're the influencers don't want you to know about it. That's interesting. Jake Paul. Jake Paul doesn't want you to know that bitch what's your name. Allison the fucking like blonde bitch that does the steals black people's dances. Oh she the girl that's number one on tiktok. Yeah what the fuck is wrong. I'm going to be there pretty soon myself. She does Addison Addison Addison Ray. That's right.
Starting point is 00:42:33 Yeah she's that girl's that girl's got talent for days and she doesn't want you to know about the secret. So fucking pissed off. It's a great pre workout supplement. It helps you write jokes. I imagine why this is why you're so damn funny. Kratom is a super leaf it's cousin coffee is just brown water. So take that you fucking coffee. Kratom is like a lost family member that was recently discovered on 23 and me and only now getting the credit it rightfully deserves. I don't think they find your family on there. They do. Do they. Yeah. I thought they just tell you like where you're from. That's possible that you get your family. I guess so if your family is also using that service. Exactly. So it comes
Starting point is 00:43:18 in a tea powder and capsules that you could put anywhere. You put it in your pocket your backpack your suitcase or in your ass. That's that's how I do it. It's a repository style. It's a hundred percent all natural one ingredient Kratom leaf Kratom can help improve your mood deliver energy reduce pain. It helps people feel better. It's also used to relieve stress and take the edge off every batch of super special as a QR code to scan and view the exact lab certificate. So you know you're getting high quality product. So super special. So once you to come again with unlimited use of their 20 percent off promo code and the promo code is come town. So put that in a check out. So go to get super leaf dot com slash
Starting point is 00:44:07 come down for 20 percent off your entire order. That's get super leaf dot com slash come town promo code come town for 20 percent. Well let's not forget about the delta eight. Let's do you pull that up. So I was looking up Addison Ray breasts. Can you see them. I don't think she's probably got those on lock because that's what keeps her her content so so must view because people think that you might get a nipple. Let's see here. Yeah like like Adam said in his beautiful read they have creative powder they have creative capsules creative tablets creative tea bags. Wow. I'm looking for the delta eight. I don't really see any delta eight here. Where's the delta eight. You were talking. You know what. I just talked
Starting point is 00:44:54 to the guy on the phone and he says they're launching a new website. So we might have to wait until I know what that website is. OK. OK. But check them out. You know just keep Google. The thing about these guys they have like nine different websites. Interesting. Which is not. That's how you know it's a good company. Well I think they're just trying to figure out their marketing branding. Yeah. Because the the Kratom is good. Yeah of course. But they're I think that you know what it is. They're so fucked up on there. They're too that's how good it is. They're like yeah. Well they keep forgetting the login to their website so they keep making a new website every time. And that's how you know it's good shit
Starting point is 00:45:30 because they're fucked up. But it looks like all of their reviews on their on their own website have five stars of all their products. People do that shit. So this one has 61 reviews all five stars. That's awesome. So people love the goddamn stuff. Westley says Westley Westley says good quality Kratom. The only. Oh he gave it for. Oh dude. The only reason I didn't give it five stars is because it didn't do what Super Speciosa does for me on a daily basis. So this is for the for competitors. White maying dog Kratom. No it's from their website for they sell it also. So the only the only thing we're the only thing that stop in some of their products from being awesome is how good their other products are. Yes
Starting point is 00:46:20 they're cooking themselves. Big mistake. This guy Stephen H five stars. He says it's pretty good. So take it from him. Take it from Steve verified by Dashauna B. She says absolutely amazing. Finally found my go to. I'm loving having my mobility star star star star. What is that her mobility mobility you fucking idiot. My mobility and then a cuss word and it's helped with star star star star and energy. That's awesome. I don't know if that's a curse word or a slur but apparently this lady likes it a lot. Anyway so that's so go to slash come down and enter the promo code come down for 20 percent off guys. Yep. And prepare to get your pussies absolutely blasted. Prepare to get your mind
Starting point is 00:47:15 and your pussy blasted. You're going to get Kratom in your pussy hole. That's what I like when I fuck with girls to blow her mind. Say really say mind blowing facts to her while you fuck her while you pump while I'm deep inside. I like to just stay still in the pussy and whisper shit that I learned about. I just I put my dick in then I do a Liam Neeson impression. That's awesome. Yeah. Yeah. I'm about to bust. I'm going to bust. Once inside you I know that I only have moments before I can control myself. The only the only thing up to chances whether it'll become or be. I haven't done a kegel in 14 years. Listen to me very closely. I already busted it. Goodbye. You'll never see me again. Listen to me very
Starting point is 00:48:20 closely. I already busted but I don't have any money for child support. You're going to have to get an abortion. Mike I shouldn't be Ableton pregnant. The last time I checked abortion was still legal in Florida. You're going to have to tell them you were raped. You have to listen to me very closely. You have to tell them it was a black bastard. Quickly put the spray paint on your pussy. We're gonna have to spray them real black. I'm on the pill. They know it's not a white. It was rude of you to bust in me without saying anything but I'm not going to get pregnant. Listen to me very closely. Listen I just busted again. I busted again. I busted soft but I put black spray paint on my dick. I
Starting point is 00:49:33 will find a resident who I don't know was a black bastard. I busted because I was thinking about a man. This is my one chance to let you know I'm gay. I'm about to have gay sex. I'm having gay sex with your uncle. The man you thought was your uncle has been my boyfriend for 20 years. We're rolling. Gay starring Liam. Well it's a shame what happened to my daughter but at least I was having gay sex. It's a new movie I just worked on in which a man who is secretly gay, his daughter is kidnapped and the moments before she's taken, he's finally able to tell her he's gay. And what happens? Does he get the daughter back? No. No he goes to E-Pizza. No him and his boyfriend go to the Berkshire for a weekend.
Starting point is 00:50:29 It's life affirming. And his boyfriend start a bed and breakfast in the Berkshires. Well she's getting raped by Serbians. They have a sweet potato hash that takes over the town. Originally all the townies hate them because they're fags from the city. But the sweet potato hash wins them over. And they're finally welcome to the gas station. It sounds like an awesome movie. It's called Gay. It's called Gay Starring Me. That's pretty cool. Yeah. Yeah I love Liam. Pissing himself, being weirdly racist. Having the biggest dick I've ever seen. Big ass dick. You've seen his cock? Yeah there's like a gif of him running. It's like two of his names. Seriously? It's really incredible honestly. It's really amazing.
Starting point is 00:51:22 He's fucking wild. I'm real quick. It's quite amazing. Thank you. You're welcome. Dude you're welcome. That's all I've ever wanted to hear. Liam Neeson cock. It's like a movie where he's running. To be fair gravity is doing a lot of work there. What do you mean grab? There appears to be news. I think he was in a movie where you see his cock. The inertia of running. I guess. Look it's okay dude. He has a big dick. Yeah I know. I'm not trying to take anything away from him. No way. This is wild. This is really his cock. Yeah it's a fantastic penis. It's like a rubber. What? It's like not a real penis. Are you fucking kidding me? That's crazy. It's unreal. Wow. Stavros. Thank you. I mean this thing is insane.
Starting point is 00:52:11 This thing is what you're talking about. This is the size you would make Dr. Manhattan's cock in your joke Nick. No that's it's bigger than that. No because Nick's talking about it. Nick wants Dr. Manhattan's dick to be slightly above that. There's a cartoonish size that I started drawing one time and it was very funny to me. Wait a minute. Liam Neeson was in his underwear on the Ellen show and his cock doesn't look that big here. He probably puts it in his ass. He probably taped it into his ass. He probably puts it in his ass. He doesn't want to bring that thing around to Ellen. They call it the bell. Turn her straight. They call it the bell fast stock. Yeah. We used to do it to keep our cocks away from
Starting point is 00:52:51 the British. Yeah. To hide them from the British. All the toilets in Northern Ireland are filled with all the bad water. They poison the water. To make all the cocks small like theirs. And you wouldn't want your dick hidden in the bowl water so you tuck it in your ass. Well then what's the point? Presumably you'd either be shitting or pissing if you're on the toilet. I didn't think that. I didn't think about that. I'm not a very smart person. No I guess it makes sense. You piss into your own ass and then you shit the piss out while you hold your dick. They call it playing the sousaphone. There's nothing I'd rather be doing. But you agree with me on that cock. Right. So let's just get that on. You know it kind of it's
Starting point is 00:53:56 nice that it takes away because you're talking about that running Jeff right. There's a gift of it. He also has a fully nude. He also has a literally perfect body. Yeah he's got a great body. His dick is so nice you can't even check out. You don't even think about what his body looks like. He's got a perfect body. He looks great. Yeah. Liam Neeson in a movie. His cock is a movie where he's running. He's called running all night and it's just him running around with his dude. If I had a cock that big everyone would be looking at it all the time. I'd be in a movies. I'd be in fuck it. I guess that makes sense. That's all in your bag. My dick's too small to be in movies. Yeah. No I wish my dick was bigger
Starting point is 00:54:38 to just flaunt it like the best thing about that gift is how it's slapping. It's really slapping both sides. It's crazy. His dick is awesome. He's kind of the anti Terrence Howard. Yeah. Wow. I'm pissed off. I'm jealous. That black bastard Terrence Howard. This tiny dick. How about Terrence our word. He's like you know it's hard out here for a pimp when you're trying to get the money for some fucking being an M&M's. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. That's good. Some double stuff over yours. Hustle and slow. Hustle and slow. Yeah. That's good stuff. That's really good stuff. Terrence Howard. Do you guys ever see that movie. Yeah it's great. Is it good. Should I see it. Life Affirming. Terrence Howard. It's great. DJ Qualls is
Starting point is 00:55:39 in it. Did you read the promo code on the last read. Yes I did. Promo code come town. Also remember to check out Of course. And again we can't stress enough Adam pretends to read a book. Yeah. And I really got called. He got caught. And that deserves at least five bucks a month in a really nice way. And this this. Oh he pretended to be wishbone. I'm more like wish you could suck a bone. I did actually watch the wishbone version of chaos. The Charles Manson CIA book. Now you were wishbone and so you got transported into it. You were one of the guys that Charles Manson raped. No I was Charles Manson dog. No. And I had a Nazi which he did. He did swastika tattoo. He truly was
Starting point is 00:56:25 just raping people like fucking kids. You know what this guy was a really bad guy. Chuck Manson. Yeah he was a real jerk. Also it's a little little fellow five six. Have you listened to his music before his album. No it's a good. It's not bad. Yeah I bet you like you like Bob Dylan so you probably think you should. It's more Beatlesy. Let's find it. Let's pull it up on Spotify. Yeah it's pretty cool. You got a lot of pussy to that Charles Manson fella. Get a lot of a lot of a lot of pussy coming his way. Yeah he was cool. It's pretty. It's not bad. It's pretty good.
Starting point is 00:57:12 Yeah it's real romance. Real romantical. You know it's better than I thought. It's good. Yeah. It's better than Hitler's paintings. Yeah. Hitler's paintings are OK. No they suck. They're kind of what they're like landscapes right. If I remember correctly I remember thinking like these are just kind of like blobs. They're pretty boring. I don't fuck with it with a painting. I like clear defined lines. I don't like all that fuzzy shit. Monet or man a whichever one of those motherfuckers they can suck my dick as far as I'm concerned. Which one. The fuzzier one. Which one it is. Monet maybe.
Starting point is 00:58:24 Some of the shit is good but some of it is fucking dog shit. I need a nice fucking bold line. My eye needs to be told where to look. Yeah. I don't want to fucking pick out the shapes. You're the fucking artist. Yeah. You know what I'm saying. You need a Trump. Trump the low low oil Trump the Lille. I don't need that necessarily. No. There's a scene in Sopranos where a Carmine Jr. They're like this is a fucking beautiful painting Carmine. He's like it's called Trump low oil. It tricks your eye. Makes you think that the fruit is really there. Yeah. Carmine little Carmine was a great character. Yeah. The best character. Ray Abruzzo.
Starting point is 00:59:08 Shout out to him. What else is good guys. My balls. My dick and balls. Oh nice. What. I didn't know what a Trump Lille was. I thought you were saying something else. What is it something with like a. I'm not going to tell you some art shit. Listen folks. I hope there's some fucking bikes available. I'm trying to bike home. I don't know. But I could probably could be probably could be. Reynolds or spell spell read them. W. never did. One man asked him to spell B. M. W. Now that's wrong. Gary the retard spell read. Oh D. And they asked to do a three time. All right question to we're just going to do number one again. I think he spelling L.
Starting point is 01:00:17 T. R. I think he's spelling his name incorrectly. He's spelling Lester Lester green because that's his first name. But he's saying L. S. T. R. I love Beetlejuice. He's the best guy like dogs puppies. That doesn't work on me. A mentally retarded black midget. Now we're talking about that. Give me a little calendar or that. Yeah. Just fucking beat sitting in a goddamn pumpkin. That'd be awesome. Yeah. He's like I don't know. I don't fucking know that. You know. He's got candy corn around him. Some potpourri. Sounds awesome to be. That's a cute Thanksgiving in my book in my house. Invite him over you. Invite him over for Thanksgiving. We should get him up to the cabin. Eli the rapper. Who? Remember Eli
Starting point is 01:01:08 the rapper from the freestyle video. Oh yeah. Yes. I don't fuck me. And he just like pause. Yeah. It's like Rosie O'Donnell. Bisexual. What does he say? I don't remember. I don't remember. My dick is too hard to remember facts. Freestyle club. I just remember that. How about Rosie go down and she's like I'll suck your cock. Let me suck your cock. It's me. Rosie go down. Oh that's a good. That's a good question. Yeah. I miss her dude. Trump kind of ether. He did her. Unfortunately. Yeah. She's a pig. She's a fucking. That's a tough one. Like I've never called a woman ugly except for Rosie. Yeah. When he was on the debate we was debating on the debate. She caught such a stray on a debate stage.
Starting point is 01:02:03 That's so funny dude. Imagine your enemy like you're dumb. Yeah. You're dumb. School yard enemy becomes president. I know. Still calling you a fat pig bitch. Oh man. He really got her. That's a you just have to. Did he do. Did he do a press release about Alec Baldwin. He probably did love that. Yeah. That's psycho killer Alec Baldwin is now killed a woman. Can you imagine what it would have been if I had done something like that. He really did that. Yeah. Psycho killer. Psycho killer Alec Baldwin is now killed a woman. I'm just calling him a serial killer. I love him dude. I wonder if I can love I would this time around honestly I would vote for him. I know I said that last two times and I didn't. But this
Starting point is 01:02:53 time I would. Okay. If he ran again. Yeah. Dude I can't imagine what a disaster it's going to be. Yeah. The next election is going to be brutal. They're going to take it away. I really did. I said it the last time and I think I mean it and I think it's true. This is the last president or it's certainly the last election. They're just going to take voting away from us. No way dude. Yeah. A lot can happen in two years. It's not they don't need to take it away. They're it's already set up where it doesn't fucking matter. Yeah but they're going to but you want you want it really dialed in. Mm hmm. You know where it's in name not just function. I guess I don't see the I don't see the appeal of that
Starting point is 01:03:30 from their perspective. Yeah. I'm going to write in RPG again. Yeah dude. Now people are going mad at her because she said the trans would she say. She said she said some racist calling Cabernet. Oh yeah. Well that was a while ago. Now but Katie Kirk said she said some other even more. She was telling on her. Katie Kirk was like I kept some shit out of the interview. Here's some other shit she said. Katie Kirk's what she said. I don't remember. Now it's just it's just smashed cut to some fat bitch describing her complicated relationship with her RGB bib. Stuffing her fucking face and watching Hamilton. Man Hamilton notorious RBG. God damn. Yeah. Fuck that bitch. She's in hell right now. Yeah. Fuck a judge.
Starting point is 01:04:21 Fuck all judge. Yeah. She's a judge. Fuck all judge. The judge is a bit in the in the famous words of Lil Wayne. The judge is a bitch. The jury suck dick. Yeah. It's pretty smart. Oh fuck. Yeah.

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