The Adam Friedland Show (Cumtown) - Ep. 293 – chunk madden

Episode Date: January 6, 2022

what the hell is this, halloween?...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 So clear is the one you got to pay for though, right? You got to pay for precheck, too. Yeah, but the clear one is like a private company. Yeah, yeah, yeah. That's when I saw that in the airport. That's when I was like, you know what? This is just, that was like a cruel joke. Oh, it's all bullshit.
Starting point is 00:00:14 But they're like, do you want, because they offer it at the airport. They go in the days when there's a huge line, they're like, do you want to pay 20 dollars to skip the fucking security? And it's like, that shouldn't exist. Like, what do you think? I'll kind of can't put together 20 bucks.
Starting point is 00:00:28 Yeah. That's the premise of clear. No, no, no, no, no, no. You just skip the line. You still got to do security. You got to go through the metal detector. Yeah. No, no, no, no, no.
Starting point is 00:00:38 If you have precheck, you get to skip whichever line you're supposed to go through. What do you mean? If you're clear, but you don't have precheck, you just skip the non-precheck line. But also they can take precheck away from you. Really? Yeah, for sure.
Starting point is 00:00:51 Why? And they don't have to tell you, they'll just take it away. That would honestly, I would kill myself. Yeah, if you go, if you, let's say you're standing in line at precheck or whatever, and you say something like, there's not supposed to be a line at precheck or whatever.
Starting point is 00:01:06 It's gone. They're super Nazi. Yeah, they'll fucking, they'll go on the computer. They go on the computer and they click something and your name goes red. Oh my gosh. Does that happen to me? When I got into a fight with that lady in Chicago
Starting point is 00:01:17 and I started yelling at her and then ripped her name tag off her shirt? No, you didn't. No, there was a lady who like, I was like, what's your fucking name? You're going to tell me that it's weather. And she's like, well, it's weather. So there's no refund.
Starting point is 00:01:31 It's like, you just canceled a fucking flight. They said on the plane, it's fucking mechanical. And you're going to tell me like, let the customer service agent on the phone lie about it. You want to do this now. And then she had her name tag flipped around. And I'm like, what is your name? You know how to flip it?
Starting point is 00:01:47 You, I can touch your tits. Yeah, she went on and she's like, yeah, they put some fucking red thing on my name. I'm like, what the fuck did you just do? What did I say? Guantanamo? God damn dude, that's so fucking funny. You lead the league in fucking it. You're so bad at customer service,
Starting point is 00:02:04 fucking squabbles. Here's the thing. I have all this empathy in the world for customer service people when the company fucks up. Yeah. But if you want to be a company man and try to act like, and when you got my god damn. And there is just something about your energy
Starting point is 00:02:18 that's like, these people are like, yeah, I'm going in on this guy. Then fuck you. If you want to take the fall for you, there's something about you. I know what he means. I mean, it's like, of course. But you know what I'm saying.
Starting point is 00:02:28 If I were customer service, I would give everyone free shit. I've worked a lot of customer service jobs and I was never that. I was literally fucking never that. And who am I, what do you think? I haven't gotten into some fucking shouting matches when I'm just, when it's just that kind of day.
Starting point is 00:02:43 But I feel like it happens to you 98% of the time. I feel like, not 98, but a real percentage, 60. I think it happens more often than it doesn't. And there's a mix of bad luck and just something. The way black people hate Adam, customer service, people hate you. I don't know. You know, I've been dealing with Verizon lately
Starting point is 00:03:03 and it hasn't been like that at all. Everyone I've spoken to, they get it. They know it's fucked up. But I think I'm in with them now. Verizon cut all the fucking phone lines in the city with the understanding that they'd roll phios out. I've waited years. Years to not have to use fucking optimum.
Starting point is 00:03:22 Yeah. And they say that it's ready in the neighborhood. So they report that to the city. They'd like, oh, well, you know, per our agreement, this entire block is phios ready. But they can't install it. They have to fucking, there's no access to any of this shit back here.
Starting point is 00:03:37 They're like, yeah, just talk to seven of your neighbors in coordinated day where all of you can, you know, and it's like, they're not gonna fucking do that, of course. If somebody came to my door and they were like, hey, let's all put a group chat to get, you know, yeah, I'd be like, yeah, for the, yeah, for the build. So that one guy can get fucking. So one guy can watch Tucker Carlson.
Starting point is 00:04:00 Just telling my, I'm trying to watch Tucker Carlson. I, I'm tired of catching one line. Yeah. I need to, I want to watch it live. And I was wondering if I could have your phone number. So we can make a group chat. I'm the guy that's been blasting Joe Rogan episodes. I'm trying to upgrade.
Starting point is 00:04:18 Yeah. To Joe Rogan 2.0, to Bowtie, the guy with the Bowtie who looks gay. Tucker, does Tucker get pussies? He ever had like a, was he married? I think he got it. I haven't gotten a pussy ever. No bowtie anymore. How much pussy have I gotten?
Starting point is 00:04:38 I think he stopped. Zero. None. He really, he really had a nice little comeback there after being on dancing with the stars. After getting Jon Stewart yelling at him on the crossfire. About dancing with the Rs. Oh, I like that.
Starting point is 00:04:52 Okay. And they're like, who is that, that's me. That's good. Would it be on ABC still? That's awesome. I would watch that. A baby channel. Shout out to fucking, who won it?
Starting point is 00:05:07 Who was, who was the NBA player that just won it? Adam, what was his name? Michael Jordan. No, no, no. Kobe Bryant. No, no, yeah. He was on the cab. He came down from heaven.
Starting point is 00:05:18 He was on the knees. Yeah. His, his wife, his wife is really hot. She's a singer. Oh, Yimon Shumpert. Yimon Shumpert just went dancing with the stars. He won? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:28 Oh, well, I can't believe that a professional athlete that's really good at moving his body would be able to be. But I think football players have gone on before. And don't you dare besmirch Ricky Lake. Is she going to dance? I guess she was in there. Don't you fucking dare besmirch Ricky Lake. You fucking piece of shit.
Starting point is 00:05:45 Who else do they get on that? You should go on that. I would love to. Once, you know, I'd love to see you in like a conga, like with a bunch of fruit on your head. My goal is to be like the fat neighbor on like a sitcom, know whatever sees. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:59 But that qualifies me. Yeah, you're technically a star. And that way I get on there and I fuck one of those, one of those little dancer. I was the fat neighbor. I get to skip the line at the airport. Skip the line. And I get to wear this fruit basket on my head.
Starting point is 00:06:12 Bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum. I would love to start taking dance lessons. Yeah. I feel like there is a fluidity to my body, but I lack a natural dance. You can meet a woman. My little brother's good at dancing. One of my brother, the trainer, obviously.
Starting point is 00:06:29 He's got a fucking very fluid, you know, movements. He's fleet of foot. But I think I got a little of that in me, but I need a little instruction. You can meet a woman at salsa. That's how a lot of couples. My cousin's salsa dances. A lot of couples get together. I would show up on the dance floor
Starting point is 00:06:43 and then just slowly start spinning and then increasingly pick up speed. OK. And then gravitational force. Yeah, just sort of twirl around the whole room. You have a lady. Like a tornado? Like a task?
Starting point is 00:06:58 Yeah, exactly. Yeah, just kind of clearing out the room like a tornado. OK. And that's how I would win dancing with the stars. No, it's not. I'd also bring a gun. It's not a combative. It's not like a fight type thing.
Starting point is 00:07:11 I'm thinking of battle bots. You're thinking of the fuck where those things called? Where you would do the fucking, you'd rip it? Or play like the top Beyblades. You ever fuck with Beyblades, Adam? No. I've never even seen them in person. Oh, I had Beyblades.
Starting point is 00:07:30 Really? Yeah. Damn, that's weird. Because I only knew them as like an autistic thing that people online liked. No, they're pretty fine. I mean, they didn't last long. Me and my brothers gave them a shot.
Starting point is 00:07:39 They didn't maintain. They didn't stick in the rotation. When we started this podcast. But they had a cup of coffee. Early on when I was putting commercials in, I think I'd put in a, remember we used to take a break after 30 minutes? Yes.
Starting point is 00:07:52 I put, we should bring that back by the way. Yeah, that'd be so. As many breaks as possible. Maybe a break right now. Well, we do have to sell something at some point. Maybe wait till ibuprofen kicks in. We basically have started just kind of taking breaks. We do, we basically do a 50 minute podcast.
Starting point is 00:08:09 Then we do commercials. And from there, it's kind of like we wait, we wait till the episode's over. Yeah. And then when we stop recording, then we really have fun. Oh yeah. This is the last year of the show, by the way. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:23 And maybe not, you know, year is kind of pushing it, I think. It has to end. For sure. It has to end. For us to be free, it has to end. This doesn't, there's no, I don't care. And for whatever reason, the Patreon is at $800 million a month at the end of the year.
Starting point is 00:08:42 Even in that circumstance. Well, here's what we do. We keep the Patreon going. And then we just, it's up to you motherfuckers to cancel it. And we just keep cashing checks. Well, for me, it's, I got the coronavirus a couple weeks ago. And I have a new lease on life. Right.
Starting point is 00:08:58 So I'm so excited to be sitting in this chair. Because I thought that I wasn't going to be here anymore. I got the deniro virus. You got the deniro virus. I didn't know what's that. Hey, boy, guys, I don't feel too good. I can't smell. I can't.
Starting point is 00:09:13 I have no sense of taste. I don't, I don't feel too good. I'm not doing too good over here. I'm coughing. I'm telling you, I don't feel too good. OK. How does it feel to be a survivor? It doesn't feel too good.
Starting point is 00:09:29 It feels good. It feels good. I feel, I feel connected to all other types of survivors. Yeah. Breast cancer, Holocaust. We're all equal. Sexual assault. Sexual assault.
Starting point is 00:09:40 We're all equal. Dude, I love, I love this. Omicron is just as bad. Like far right. They say it's the rape. Far right. People. Your lungs were raped.
Starting point is 00:09:49 They said that I was, I didn't even really feel anything. Far right. When people have gone from denying the Holocaust as a way to annoy Jews, then how claiming that having to like show their paperwork is, is the Holocaust. Is the Holocaust, yeah. That's awesome. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:05 Yeah. And people are like, excuse me, but I was in the Holocaust and this is not the same. They're like, can you just die? We thought you all, you guys were dead. You're making me agree with these people. Because having to hear from you is kind of worse than the Holocaust.
Starting point is 00:10:23 For me personally. For you. I would rather be put in a work camp than having to listen to you complain about something that happened 100 years ago. That's so true. You know what he's talking about? I took a sip of my tea.
Starting point is 00:10:35 Nick was saying that hearing Holocaust survivors complain about. Well, I think most of them were dead at this point. Complain about the cynical use of the Holocaust is to him as bad as being in the Holocaust. Just to catch you up. Because it's happening now. Right.
Starting point is 00:10:54 You know, it's not a distant memory. It's not something that happened so long ago. Literally so long ago. They didn't even have fucking telephones back then. I think they did. They did, dude. I think they did, no. Yeah, dude.
Starting point is 00:11:08 The 40s. Yeah. It is fucked up to watch a movie. I watch a movie from like the 30s. I'm like, damn. These motherfuckers didn't even know about Hitler at all. Shit's crazy. I mean, they did.
Starting point is 00:11:20 Shut up. Not really, not in the early 30s. He was some fucking bitch that got his fucking shit fucked up with mustard and gas. Yeah, he's making blimps and doing marches. Hitler wasn't fucking shit. And like the, you know, no, I think he came up late 20s. Really?
Starting point is 00:11:36 I think so. Yeah, you know, the real fucked up late 20s. The real, the real like, I said it. The real tragedy of history education is that they like, you know, they're like, oh, well, like, you know, why don't people stop Hitler's rise to power? And it's like, there should be more emphasis placed on how gay Germany was.
Starting point is 00:12:00 Prior to that, because there had to have been a lot of people like, I don't know, this Hitler guy sucks, but these other fuckers are just fucking annoying. Whoever was the boss? The Kaiser. Yeah, the Weimar Republic. Wait, was the Kaiser still on deck? No.
Starting point is 00:12:18 Yeah, the Kaiser so is that. They had an interim period in between the war. So after the war, they got their shit fucked up so bad the Kaiser had to just go back. Yeah, he's gone, and then they had like. Where does he go? They had like 14 years of like, basically like, Justin Trudeau or something.
Starting point is 00:12:33 Some guy doing blackface. Yeah, some guy dressing up like a genie. She was like, hear me out. Hear me out. And destroying the economy. The government was all wish based. I wish for food. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:47 And but the thing is the Jews were first in line. They wished for all the good stuff. And the genie Justin Trudeau chancellor had to give it to them. That starts anti-semitism at the line. Because he was like, look, it's wish based. It doesn't matter if they cut. You respect the line.
Starting point is 00:13:02 There's a lot of shit. Like, you know, like crystal knocked happens. And if that happened now, like for the most part, you just have people saying like properties, people are more important than property or whatever, sarcastically in response to it. And it's like, yeah, I guess I don't really care about this. What do you mean?
Starting point is 00:13:20 If they if people's people's specifically into God's is getting you say, I'll just burned or destroy Jewish business. If it was just Jewish, I think I think people would be a little I would be like that. Yeah, that's probably much all the businesses. That's true. That is true.
Starting point is 00:13:38 That's where we that's where they learn from Chris. And you know what? Who is who? Who is the Jew of now? If not big business, corporations are being a sale. I think it's calm houses. The Jew of now. I think he is.
Starting point is 00:13:52 I think that they decided that in that he's his he's a murder. They got away with it are always wet. He kind of looks like he's like kind of having that kind of allergic reaction to something right. You know, he looks after him. He does look after after him. Yeah, he looks like his voice should be like one of those
Starting point is 00:14:09 little helium voices. Yeah, yeah, I've been on tea for a couple of months. He really does look like he's on tea. Yeah, he was doing all the podcasts. Like, yeah, saying he likes big bitches and stuff. Does he? Yeah, he's like the day he likes on rated. Yeah, he's like talking about a sneaker collection
Starting point is 00:14:31 on fucking Stephen Crowder and stuff. Yeah, Jesus. Oh, I like him big. Yeah, that's fucking hilarious. You think we get him to suck our cocks? Ridden house. If we invite him to the podcast, they're like, this is for justice.
Starting point is 00:14:43 I think he's a child. How old? I think he's 17 years old. I think you're talking about having sex with a child. I was talking about trying to get street justice. Making him so I don't want to get too controversial on here. So let's go back to the crystal. Not.
Starting point is 00:15:04 But I'm that thing was a big L for everyone. What crystal now? No, the color in the house. Why? Well, because he killed like a insane pedophile. It was crazy that he was a pedophile. That was that it was. Yeah, the pet.
Starting point is 00:15:17 I thought it was three black guys. The pedophile that's like using the n word, but then like, like, you know, Republicans are like, yeah, he's using the n word because he's racist, which is like, you know, he's not racist, but it's also, you know that, like, no, you're not supposed to do that. You're not supposed to fucking call people
Starting point is 00:15:36 the n word at the black box. No, protest. It really is one of the strangest situations of all time. Yeah, the second guy, but he's like, but it's the second guy was sad because he just like skating. Yeah, I mean, of course, cover in house is a fucking loser for yeah, having a gun to try and go fucking be a pretend. He's a fucking cop, but it's just yeah, the whole thing,
Starting point is 00:16:02 but the pedophile angle is really, really funny. Yeah, an insane pedophile being the first one to cast, especially considering that it's not like, you know, because initially I mean, I said to like people like, oh, this guy's a pedophile. It's like, okay, so what 30 years ago when he was 19, he dated a 15 year old girl, that kind of situation. They're like, no, he ain't only raped like seven,
Starting point is 00:16:25 eight year old black kids. He was on his fucking reference on his Penn State shit. Yeah, he was a youth football coach that raped all the kids. I think he was also like five to also. There's another so he was prosecuted another weird detail about the insane pedophile persecuted minority as well. Yeah, he was like, how does that guy end up? He couldn't get his meds.
Starting point is 00:16:49 It's it's a really crazy story. Wait, he got out. He got let out of a mental. He got let out of a mental because he kept fucking. No. He kept beating off. No, because he was crazy and then he couldn't get his meds. He was too crazy to be a mental hospital and then he couldn't get his meds
Starting point is 00:17:05 and they freaked out and he went nuts and then one fucked over a two year old. And then Kyle killed. Yeah. Yeah. Interesting. Pretty crazy. Sorry. That is not when you get that nine year old beaver in front of your face.
Starting point is 00:17:22 Oh yeah. Doesn't he talk about a 14 year old or whatever when you get that 15 year old beaver in your face. Yeah. You can't tell the difference. That movie obviously I know that character is a pedophile. Yeah. I remember seeing that.
Starting point is 00:17:36 I'd be like damn. He goes hard. He goes real hard. Also beaver is just one Kyle Larry is the written house nest. Yeah. Beaver is just such a wild word for pussy. You got to bring it back. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:17:51 Man. I don't really want to fuck. Beaver. Have you ever seen the I max beaver's documentary. No. That was the first time. Max ever. So what's it about.
Starting point is 00:18:01 They make dams. Yeah. They make dams. They're really. They're pretty cool. They're very. Yeah. They're interesting creatures because it's like you know it's like some gay ass fucking
Starting point is 00:18:09 rat. Right. But then it's got this thing. Swimming. It's got a big ass tail. It's a thing that that requires like a certain like a lot of their engineers or engineers. Like imagine if like fucking like like you know like flamingos just did their shit. They ate shrimp or whatever.
Starting point is 00:18:28 But then they also could write Python. Yeah. Yeah. Little helicopters. Flamingo flying around a little helicopter. Right. Exactly. Well hold on a second.
Starting point is 00:18:38 Yeah. I don't know how to do that. They understand retaining walls and shit. Yeah. Yeah. It's pretty cool. And we all we all call them call their species. We make it synonymous with pussy.
Starting point is 00:18:52 Well does a beaver's pussy look like a woman's pussy? It's the closest one because that could be something. What does a beaver's dick look like? Also like a woman's like the flat tail. That'd be awesome. Yeah. They just have two. And they yeah.
Starting point is 00:19:09 No they just it goes like on the woman's car and it's like oh it's slaps into it. Hey bitch. That's awesome. Makes makes pizza. Oh hell. I'm a beaver penis. Beaver penis. Sure.
Starting point is 00:19:20 It's not. You guys ever watch. You guys ever watch three angry beavers or whatever. Leave it to penis. Yeah. What the fuck is my fuck. Whoa. They have a weird little cock.
Starting point is 00:19:29 Yeah. The angry beavers. What's that? The woman's March. Dude. They're I believe their cocks are like little fucking oh they have bones in their cocks. Yeah. They have a little conical bony cock.
Starting point is 00:19:44 What the fuck is this. Are you serious. What the fuck. All I can see is the bone though they're not showing me actual you know an actual penis. Yeah. Sorry. It's not really showing me a beaver's penis. Let me look a beaver pussy.
Starting point is 00:20:07 But see that's just going to show me pussy if I do that. Yeah. Just a bunch of woman's pussies. Let me search beaver animal pussy or beaver pussy animal. Animal pussy. Yeah. There's no way to see a beaver's vagina on the internet. All right.
Starting point is 00:20:26 Guys you want to hear hear something I did during my winter break. I'm almost can I finish what I'm doing. I got to find a beaver's. You know what. It's for the show. Really funny. It's gonna be really funny if I go look at my computer real quick to check that would be really funny.
Starting point is 00:20:43 Yeah. Yeah. It's impossible to see what a beaver's pussy looks like because every time you any way you search it just women's pussy show up. You can't say beaver animal vagina. I'm doing that and nothing's coming up. What searches have you tried beaver pussy beaver pussy animal beaver animal pussy beaver animal vagina.
Starting point is 00:21:05 Nothing dude. This is so fucked up anyway what did you do with a fucking spring break. I read a book okay called chaos and by red I did not finish it what a fucking and by red I also mean I listen to the audio book and the car Adam listen to the chaos the audio book. Yeah not to chill not to chill Chuck Manson was up to some he was on his Epstein shit he was on his Epstein free Galane and also diet smoke dot com is what we really want to be talking about.
Starting point is 00:21:42 Oh yeah. Oh me as well. I mean I had smoked. Now there's a book. Adam's actually read diet smoke dot com offers this better really good shit better ingredients better pizza diet smoke that com note for us feel free to riff the introduction. I love it because I love smoke but I'm not trying to gain weight. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:08 You know it is very funny. So what this shit is is it's edibles. So it's like they literally the opposite of diet there's no smoke at all there's no well it's also it's not diet there's fucking calories in yeah there's calories. This will make it zero calories. Yeah. Damn. I love the drug companies I know they're the only like part of this business is less
Starting point is 00:22:32 professional than this. You know what I mean. Oh yeah. They're operating a little gray zone right now anyway diet. Diet smoke is perfectly balanced. You can enjoy my buzz of diet it's me Robert Robert the feffio the feffio Robert the fuck my Robert the fuck me my pussy you know my Bob you know my problem with edibles is sometimes you get so high it can be really difficult to control the dosage right and your penis
Starting point is 00:23:05 falls out of your pants when you're meeting the fucking son in the water. You ever you ever seen that Greg I ever see one of you ever see one of you I have a penis Greg can you milk me you ever have your penis fall out of your pants I have a prostate Greg you ever see a movie Ronan Greg I was in that movie I was in that movie I was in that movie I was in Texas there's nothing worse than being baked out of your mind when you didn't plan on it. I don't know how about being raped raped yeah about being getting your cock chopped off how about being cut off in traffic by an angry large African-American man and then being
Starting point is 00:23:43 raped by him in the middle of an intersection that would be so much worse that would be worse in fact I routinely get too high and it's kind of fun yeah it's all right but you know it's bad also and you know once you hit there's no going back you just sit there suffering stone out of your mind that's why I need the perfect medium high I hit up my friends a diet smoke for the delicious Delta ATHC gummies diet smoke is in light it's just right yeah unlike being raped in the middle of an intersection. Delta air smoke diet smoke is better than being raped in this intersection that we can definitely say for sure now let's let's move let's take a mosey on down this word document
Starting point is 00:24:28 to the section titled the product benefits so what exactly is Delta that you're right that is a benefit is clarifying what the product is I'm curious what is it because I've been eating a lot of these and getting pretty I'll say getting pretty fucked I thought it was a type of oldsmobile to be honest with you I thought it was a big old oldsmobile for for pedophiles or uncles yeah but it's simply a slightly less potent THC the THC that you're probably most familiar with is Delta 9 and well both are natural to the cannabis plant diet smoke extracts their Delta 8 from hemp some may call this a loophole like lawyers for the federal government like the attorney general like anyone with a fucking brain yeah
Starting point is 00:25:25 I call it the secret recipe to getting a stable and most importantly legal high it is legal kind of like using advanced computer software to create an extremely realistic picture of an eight-year-old vagina and then masturbate the perfect victim some may call that a loophole I get I think I would just call that illegal is it I think it probably is I don't know it isn't good I think if you run simulations autistic part of my mind can to help but argue that it shouldn't be illegal yeah and that's where you have to that's autism has to take you get the robots have to you know run the world for someone that isn't autistic I really can block off that it's the principal hundred percent aspect of my brain yeah yeah I've
Starting point is 00:26:17 learned that a lot recently is that there's literally no value in having principal none whatsoever it's all about vibes that's that's kind of my they just kind of my mom really just sort of get you in trouble yeah and you should really just sort of look out for yourself and have no loyalty to anybody yes well I mean you can have loyalty but yeah sure but it's got to be it's got to be someone you know sure absolutely it's got to be not an idea yeah right you don't hear loyalty to another person you're good friends with but ideas no and Nick is referring to of course being arrested for his synthetic child pussies child pussy drawings that's why we learned this lesson I'm not that good of an artist
Starting point is 00:27:05 but you know you go back 500 years ago they would have arrested fucking Michael Michael Leonardo for his turtle Donatello for fucking drawing a turtle pussy yeah now he's considered a genius is legal in most states it's not prescription that's awesome problem they shipped a delicious coming to your state most places this is fine probably as a 26 or more does diet smoke really get you high of course it does the high you get with diets because best described the summer between the chillness of CBD and a classic stone feeling you get with I'll go ahead and say as a frequent user mm-hmm it gets you high as fuck I don't know what this chill it's weed I've never tried it it's weed that they haven't figured out
Starting point is 00:27:59 that for some reason you're allowed to sell mm-hmm plus diet smoke comes in two delicious flavors blue raspberry and watermelon I like blue raspberry but insert secondary host name likes watermelon hey Adam I'm the third and their tertiary I'm the tertiary I say try and both buy both of them buy all of the products that died smoke dot com buy everything nice while you still can because this probably will be illegal in months actually who knows man Biden sleeping at the fucking wheel yeah yeah he's passed the hell out I'm looking at this damn website right now a lot of people are telling me to make this stuff illegal I'm like in the groovy aesthetic they have I'll see you later I'm going back to Delaware I'm
Starting point is 00:28:46 going to Robert Beach I like going to Robert Beach to show my asshole to a nurse shark I'm going to Chicago okay so if you're in the States Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Delaware Idaho Iowa Mississippi Montana Nebraska Nevada or those damn Mormons over in Utah you can't you can't get that's fucking a lot of California California who is buying Delta in California you're just buying a regular that is funny that it's illegal in California but that that's how much it's like you know immediately there is fucking just rich people have control of the weed yeah oh yeah there's like oh no the lesser versions they should still be illegal it's illegal you got to buy much you have to buy the crack version right
Starting point is 00:29:41 is it laptop you could buy you could buy fucking dad honestly fuck I'm shattered half the reason I argue against climate change and pro fossil you want them to flood is because I would love it if yeah all the meteors floods if to California what happened to the big one weren't they going to get that here's a good one over in California don't they show up on a drug test yes enjoy the smooth buzz of smoke that's officially sponsored by Buzz Lightyear of Toy Story officially Disney but I'm a fag and I smoke I smoke diets my diet smoke to infinity and fuck me and I'm gay and I'm gay oh they got a blog on the diet spoke each gummy is infused with 10 milligrams of Delta ATHC derived from American grown hemp and you know what
Starting point is 00:30:50 they say buy American get high with American mm-hmm we got a little black rifle coffee company kind of vibe mm-hmm yep I'm gonna start the white rifle car come coffee company yeah it's black guys do you know it's white all whites only coffee okay isn't that kind of black rifle it would be fun to just start a coffee company called the Nazi whites only Hitler rules coffee and black rivals like stop and they can't really say why the swastika kill all Jews coffee hey chill out come on man that's that's that's a touch beyond with CBD you have inched over the line you know what they say buy American get high with American Delta gummies are low in sugar fat free and delicious nice I love that oh did
Starting point is 00:31:45 I mention they're illegal nice question did I mention their legal question mark question mark because they are the question is did I mention but this is a Lionel hud shit it's like oh and did I mention comma their legal question they're legal no they're legal legal with the question mark stands alone mm-hmm so they're the declaration is they're legal but the quest the implicate whatever you know what I'm saying I get what you're saying papi go to diet smoke dot com use a promo code come town for 20% off your order that's to zero off diet smoke dot com promo code come town for 20% off diet smokes delta eight THC gummies are for are not for use or sale the people under age of 21 Wow please use
Starting point is 00:32:42 responsibly mm-hmm yeah please do well I'm looking at their Instagram now oh yeah looks like they have a lot of real followers a lot of a lot of kind of hip hip hop style black people like no there's a white DJ guy here and DJ scheme he looks a cool name he looks to be like and this guy fat Nick he also appears to be a white guy but he has facial tattoos smoke shop yeah they got a lot of cool celebrity I guess we're joining the family of celebrity we're not they haven't paid us for anything other than right now yeah so you know I don't see their Instagram oh I'm on a real diet smoke a real diet smoke God forbid you think it's the fake one yeah let's do this real diet smoke okay yeah I don't see
Starting point is 00:33:55 what you're saying I don't see any I don't see fat Nick I don't see a DJ on real diet smoke yeah they only have 10 posts yeah they have 10 posts whatever I just guys look very cool I'm on Instagram and now I'm on my 18,000 followers my explore page is just a bunch of bitches with her titties out which is what I like and there and somehow kpop has gotten onto my explore page and they're following only 30 people which is none of us here's Rihanna with her titties out respect I love Instagram although it seems like they really want you to start making fucking tiktoks now no you want tiktok no I'm not but it seems like they want you to do videos I was on there for a day and they took the audio they don't
Starting point is 00:34:42 even ban you they just stripped the audio out of your oh really all my videos yeah so now you have to be a mime I don't know what I'm gonna do I have no idea what I'm gonna do in this ends what are you talking about I'm gonna have to fucking work at the mall again no you're not you'll be rich you'll be sucking dick sorry I was some bitch again with her tits out so I'm just gonna look at my Instagram now so yeah I'm aware I so for some reason so basically Instagram is just stolen tiktok the way they did a snapchat and they just have it as part of Instagram so a bunch of tiktoks are popping up at a bunch of weren't you into kpop for like a month I started doing that as a joke and then it didn't go anywhere
Starting point is 00:35:29 okay because I'm ready to talk about blackpink now that was me desperately looking for some other kind of I watched a weird angle or new thing or something right yeah new thing to make life feel no not make life feel but like a weird prod like I would say really into kpop and then could navigate that world and then figure out a way to sort of ruin it somehow right from the inside yeah well I just want to say I would fuck the members of blackpink yeah I watched the documentary they have a documentary yeah there's a there's a tie girl yeah I'd like to make sure I mean I'd like to make I'd love to get sucked off I'd like to make sure they're pink black and blue by holding them down no not holding them down
Starting point is 00:36:12 you just fuck them you just put a sock in their mouth and then but they're into that sort of thing they like that kind of thing oh they like I'm saying in this fantasy you're not talking about raping anyone yeah you just brutalize I know I'm not one say brutalize ah fuck sorry I'll take it out right now there it is you think Lisa would fuck me Adam you saw the documentary I don't know that much based on her vibe Lisa chinks in the chinks in no little Lisa Lisa from blackpink based on her vibe you think she's into fat guys I don't think it doesn't seem like boyfriends right so I have to go and I have to steal her from them I think you have to do kind of like what Borat did with Pamela Anderson
Starting point is 00:37:09 for her in a big throw back over her I would do that for her and and take for her to feel freedom this one looks weird she looks what is that's Lisa no is it yeah it is yeah I'd fuck her she looks good they're pretty skinny I will say that could be an issue this girl looks fucking yeah you might break them that's gross they all look good look I've seen four tiktoks over and she looked hot what do you want from me no we're gonna pull up Momo from twice real quick twice I'm gonna show you now Momo can get it Momo's hot Momo definitely could get it yeah absolutely yeah only if you speak Japanese and would like to oh wait Momo's Japanese we're talking about K-pop dude yeah but this is K-pop oh she's a Japanese
Starting point is 00:38:01 K-pop star if any of you speak Japanese and would like to harass Momo on my behalf no we're sending her possibly breaking the law if you want international laws and the nice part about this is if I was married to this lady I could accidentally fuck all of her coworkers and it would be an earnest claim like my bad I thought it was you I swear to God I thought I was fucking you I will say one thing oh there's also one there's one lady who has big tits that pops up I always got a pair you're all right no I'm telling you in this world who's got big tits there's one of them I think her name is Jesse or some shit go Lane Max I think she's a little older but she's got big ass titties and big lips
Starting point is 00:38:51 and I would absolutely fuck her as well but other than her I haven't really seen a lot of K-pop stars with big titties which is something I think that's a market in efficiency and if I were to get involved I also just watch Money Ball so if I were to get involved in K-pop I would say they need big my group would have all huge tits and that I think that would really do something well when you watch the documentary you see that they have basically like these like like in the shadows corporate interests behind of course putting them together Bill Gates is behind all the kids they have they they they have different combinations of girls until they get the right combination of course so basically we need to start our
Starting point is 00:39:35 own idols do you think any of them fuck each other with any of the idols that would be cool I think some of them have that's awesome but I mean girls I don't want guys some of the guys if no now you're ruining oh some of them that'd be cool that I don't want guys to fuck them I'm saying they all go to school together yeah all the other guys fucking them I guess they could let me take that back to learn some skills listen those guys look like girls anyway that's true it's pretty close to two girls that is actually look like pretty girls I could probably jack off to a guy in a K-pop group and a girl kissing it would look from the right angles just for kids well you know what I mean I wouldn't want to see
Starting point is 00:40:17 his dick yeah but if you give him tits slender and you give him tits alright anyway that's my I'm just saying a lot of those guys are just bigger titties a lot of those guys in my in my book brother that's a gal so you would fuck those guys oh yeah they're pretty cute guys yeah and they can dance oh my god I don't really care if they can dance personally you know funny just use the money to get in like a little apartment in Korea and just fill it with like girls toys and I just sit in there masturbating to keep leave the house to get ramen I was bowing and fucking wearing those wooden shoes yeah gain 300 yeah you just eating those corn dogs with french fries like glue pony tail my hair is falling I'm like
Starting point is 00:41:14 ah I'm stuck on a good order ramen masturbate the fucking K-pop dude why do those she's showing up at events trying to get fucking things signed by by these women and I'm like have you heard a coup of comatone I would like to go to crap and I've only been you went to Korea yeah but I only went with that like USO show I didn't really get time to like yeah you were on a business on a business trip you're being a business and I didn't get to go to I didn't get to go to Seoul I was just in like some fucking shitty it'll never happen because this shows ending and they'll never be on the tour again but if for whatever reason we never went to back to Australia if we could do a soul trip rather
Starting point is 00:42:00 than a Tokyo trip I don't know if I can it would just I'm just rewriting the past right right right yeah I don't know if I can relive my Asian trip to Australia experience we're never gonna we're never even gonna do a live show probably none unless someone here's the thing we start saying that and then maybe somebody offers us like a hundred thousand dollars to do it it's gotta be at least fucking the quarter million at the the reason I'll show there probably what happens because we just won't make enough money because it's too expensive to go there yeah but if someone in Philadelphia wants to pay us like thirty thousand dollars each we'll do a live show at the damn Liberty Bell I'll ring that shit
Starting point is 00:42:44 I'll break it again um yeah dude I want to go to fucking I want to go to fucking Korea in Japan um but I don't know I'm about to oopsie Daisy let me tell you about the fucking blue shoes icon is it blue shoes oh nice let's just confirm that let's just confirm that before we go on you want me to cover oh I don't know how you are you for me I was just looking at Instagram stuff oh I was looking at more career when you talk about for a second I'll go look at my computer yeah I'm almost a hundred percent sure okay that's fine yes blue shoe dot com folks tis the season I don't know about you but the holidays I packed on a couple LB's I wasn't doing my normal routine I wasn't out I wasn't exercising like I was
Starting point is 00:43:36 I was eating like shit and that can take a real tour normally I was a hundred and thirty five pounds I'm usually as felt I'm a I'm a I'm a bantam weight when I box but I gave I did gain over over 200 pounds for the holiday season and and I don't know about you folks but those extra you know holiday croissants those extra cookies that can do damage to your penis it can make your erection soft it can make it not as long lasting and there's nothing worse than inviting a gal over in December the chill is in the air she wants nothing more than to suck your little prick and guess what you're too fat you're too fat and too soft and unhealthy yeah and too you're gonna have to say fat I've been doubling up
Starting point is 00:44:29 and taking two of the pills I get the maximum dosage I could take two of them to offset the cocaine right well as the other aspect of it I'm holiday eating holiday cocaine use I've realized I don't actually need dick pills my dick will work but only because my body understand it for a long time it didn't but it was because it thought my body was like there's something wrong maybe we shouldn't be getting hard right now but now I'm a fighter flight response now my body knows okay we're gonna die right so we need to get the dick hard to try and start over with a new person right that might not have your dick is on its best behavior right now right it's like and but the thing is the news is that's why
Starting point is 00:45:10 I've been knocking up women left and right right as well yes it's myself yeah well the good news is that will stop that will end eventually and you will need pills to get your dick hard again yeah everyone will and when you do that and I'm sorry you will need chewable tablets to get your dick hard yes and when you need a chewable tablet not a pill because pills that's what's that's medicine when you need a fun chewable tablet that tastes good and can work quicker than some alternative yeah the goal is to take the blue chew right before you die before you die I think you that way the coroner is like you know they take your clothes off to make their little little recording or whatever it's like in
Starting point is 00:45:50 manhunter yeah and then they're like fucking damn what is going to kill himself hard cock yeah yeah that was he's got a nice one yeah and then they read the psychological file and they're like okay all right closer to sexual podcast subject was a fag yeah he's working that guy that particular corner is working off a very dated DSM yeah where that's one of the worst mental illnesses there is it's worse than schizophrenia but the good news is folks if you want some chewable tablets that have the same active ingredients as to that I don't know Phil which is as I'm sorry as biagran see I was which is to Danville to Danville for a fraction of the price for a fraction of the price I found a subreddit
Starting point is 00:46:46 called kpop fap okay where it's just it's just dedicated if you can jack off the masturbating the cape it's this bitch holding flowers yeah you can't even see their tits yeah he's pretty cute is that that's Gio nice the total package everyone else is racing for a second what group is she in from Vina venoculus venoculus venoculus no that's the guy's name I read it the third pic exemplifies a perfect date setting with the sun in the background oh no yeah all right let's finish this guy needs to go back to this Gio it's because I really feel the rest of the while you just stand there saying to yourself taking a picture of the view and thinking I wish this would never oh no dude okay well if you need for
Starting point is 00:47:40 your dick with that with that man needs for his whole online ship to your door cancel any time no gimmicks no bullshit just a hard-ass dick and some chewable tablets no bullshit you know visits to the fucking pharmacy no pharmacist making you feel like less of a man because your cock doesn't work last no doctor saying hey you're pretty young maybe you should try exercising none of that bullshit is a fucking discreet package sent to your fucking house that'll make your cock harder than fucking yeah you can even imagine the rest of these guys are normal guys those tits look big and juicy these guys are all normal and there's this one guy imagining like putting his napkin on his lap and fucking kissing her so you
Starting point is 00:48:33 go to blue chew dot com mm-hmm which and by the way if you love sex you'll love that website if you love it you'll love blue chew so basically you go there you use our promo code which is come town or come town twenty and all you have to do is pay the shipping on your first nothing order we're that's our fucking that's a year's gift to you a hard ass dick all January that and I like you can't beat that let's get back to this lose let's get back to the fucking right so we're gonna have to take a nap we're gonna have to take a look at vernaculuses I don't say his name beep his name out dealer of sorts the forty nine oh eight beep his name out I don't give a fuck I really don't care what
Starting point is 00:49:19 other stuff is this guy into yeah okay here we go this is twenty seven days ago on kpop fab it's a picture of Jenny from black pink let me take a look and Jenny is pretty hot yeah wait how come I can't see his comment I can see the preview of his comment but I think I want to pin her to the wall and tell her you want to taste my pop popsicle yeah then she says yes god damn Jenny is pretty hot yeah Jenny is hot anything any other good stuff and they made this cut oh my god it's nice living in this realm did we finish the read bluetooth we did promo code you got that yeah we said come town or come town twenty that's the most important part of promo code if you're mr. vernaculous visit yeah on the
Starting point is 00:50:18 house we'll give you yeah honestly we don't come town that's awesome give me now most of these are just weird yeah kpop fab yeah they probably don't let them you don't even find like they probably even take nudes the fucking no they don't let them they get in trouble if they're sluts yeah the most elusive cleavage of all time and here we are what a time to be alive let's see this girl it's barely yeah just yeah for a second you sort of see your tit and then the shape of it somebody named the silent curry responds the era is changing finally are they opening up to more cleavage is how they're saying more cleavage dude I love the kpop fab subreddit yeah dude thank god the era is changing the twenty twenty
Starting point is 00:51:16 one kpop or kpop fab subreddit survey the survey is strictly eighteen plus than eighteen will not be listed oh I guess this is just we don't get the results make up the majority of your fapping this guys want to know how much the other guys beat off what year did you get into kpop fapping oh my god both where are you from oh it's not about who the hottest girls about how long when did you start beating up to these girls I thought it was not even the hottest one was that's so fucking sick these guys are awesome that just goes to show you like people really need friendship maybe the only reason that I am this horny is because friendship has always been covered in my life yeah you know I've had my same friends since
Starting point is 00:52:05 I was a little kid so I've never felt the need to try and connect through horniness with other men right I just am trying to get my dick sucked by girls but these guys you go back and hang out with your friends these guys are desperately looking for you know a community of guys I like to jack off to the same one just one friends and they happen to be trying to bond through beating off to these like you don't even see the outline of a nipple like it's not even close I couldn't beat off to this kind of stuff when I was thirteen and they're grown men beating off to it venoculous you know what you're not the venoculous not even me just drunk that's just like a drunk drunk vision I don't even fucking know
Starting point is 00:52:54 I don't even fucking know and now I'm looking at Jesse who's hot she's got big ass titties I just want to see more venoculous but damn yeah dude I'm about to move to Seoul and I'm gonna do your the life you said but stay this fat and I can't wait yeah I'm just gonna see who gets expelled from the idol school and try and marry her yeah for being a slut yeah I gotta line the one who gets kicked out for sucking cock you saw your own group of sluts and then they defeat all the other groups yep because then what's the marketing efficiency huge tits new era I get them all big ass implants that'll be a new era that will be there the new era of K-pop ushered in ushered in thanks to all the tiktoks
Starting point is 00:53:44 that got into my Instagram yeah what's up with Jesse damn I got a new follow your new follow 9 million she's got 9 million followers you think that's the problem is because up for a while I thought that myself when I kind of got into this holy shit Lisa is 71 million followers yeah they're way more famous than us without even quite I thought look bitch I got fucking 40,000 people to follow me on a parody account that I continue to get banned from Twitter for spreading vaccine like that Lisa's gonna like that yeah at least it might be anti-vax dude you never know damn 71 mil that's awesome but Jesse's only got 9 mil you know that's something to you that she is feeding us a lot lately I hope she keep
Starting point is 00:54:44 doing it more like thinking that they're secretly showing cleavage so that they'll be masturbated to on K-pop fap by John Frost we're unforeseen dick damn dude I want to come on her cleavage there we go some regular fantasizing about hearing her throaty moans as I'm furiously thrusting into that tight petite body planting kisses on her neck and looking into her eyes as I erupt inside dude what the fuck is that somebody's why are you posting that on a public and feeling how her muscles fight to keep you inside of her squeeze what the fuck why are you posting this to other guys none of these people have had sex no that is what it be like feeling how her muscles fight to keep you inside of her hey fellas here's
Starting point is 00:55:42 what I am staring at her sweat running down her exposed naked beauty do people like like these how many legs is that common sense and hot breath feeling her tremble underneath you that's a gay guy pretending to be straight I need an intense blow job from her and spray all my sticks on her face I have these people you know what you're using it as a tool to learn English that's fine that's fine these photos look like sexting photos I wonder if she poses like this too when she sends news this is so hot fuck oh my god so do people interact with are they getting like likes of these comments well that one that one is 18 of us this one is negative to mommy sorry mommy shit sorry mommy sorry mommy fuck sorry
Starting point is 00:56:42 what about the one with a fragrant breath or whatever how many of those zero poor human no this is how many say I don't know what this is poor humans you can only jerk to them through pics like these meanwhile I get to lick and suck and do this titties on a daily basis yeah I'm sure you do bro that's why you're on Korean node and Kpop no fat whatever I fuck all of them you have to you have to masturbate who idea I have to jacoon bow every day for four years I make fuck to her you only touch people that would be awesome I would be so fucking sick no if there's a guy from the community that made it through the ranks no be awesome yeah yeah oh my god these photos are too fucking sexy seriously we'll need
Starting point is 00:58:01 to allocate a separate session dedicated to these photos as I will need to like he's an organization yeah yeah yeah when he beats on she's combined all of them are honestly but these guys are happy dude if my whole life was just like I wake up every morning like time to jack off to Korean women and then I'm like morning boys fellas how was your beating off coffee going you put on a suit yeah there's just like scabs all over my day beating off all the time that's awesome yeah like oh it's hot to Junie is really got me wild I have to be careful less I get a bacterial infection from sweet June has literally nothing that is insane she's like just wearing a normal person it's taken as a bathroom selfie
Starting point is 00:59:05 she looks like my fucking step mom there's nothing hot I mean you know she's hot but there's nothing hot about these people who the fuck cares the guy said that those are like nudes yeah he wonders I wonder what to you and is doing when taking this kind of photos nothing yeah sitting in a fucking chair that's so fucking sick I don't know what she's doing but judging by her expression I very got a very good idea what's being done to her out of frame really you think someone's eating her pussy while she's taking with her completely almost flat after she's just sort of smiling I love kpop fap dude this is like music to my ears shout out to the kpop fap group yeah let's see god damn Wendy I guess
Starting point is 00:59:57 one of these bitches named Wendy yeah that's awesome Cheryl Cheryl jock boon yeah my name is Trishelle June Wando some some men are getting their dick sucked by Karina Taeyoon in this fucking goddesses let that sink I think about that quite often the feeling is not pleasant haha shit let's go back to masturbate haha let's let us that motivate us to be the best version of ourselves and aspire to women that this hot we all men gang let's keep the grind good that's a good that's a nice point that's nice let's let this inspire us to get better to get better men it is not a reason to be sad instead aspire to get a girl like one of them haha thank you for the words let's get it hell yeah I like let's go let's get
Starting point is 01:01:08 it let's get it damn what I'm imagining doing to them some dude might actually be doing it for real chill out holy shit must be like heaven Taeyoon and winter look like they could be sisters Taeyoon is the classy and hot big sister you'd like the wine and dine while winter is cute and sweet little sister you'd like to put your own how do you have the energy to do this I mean I guess if they're children this point yeah exactly I don't even fucking look at anything I struggle to get my dick hard and then I think I'm like fucking like those motherfuckers never gave me my security deposit and then I fucking I wipe my calm on the carpet I just wipe it on the floor and then I'm like time for a cigarette to
Starting point is 01:02:01 do my fucking job I gotta do my job and read posts read posts by Korean eleven year olds I love it though yeah this is this is very good shit shout out to fucking glad we found this oh yeah this is another one cave feats that's just pictures of these women's feet Korean women yeah oh wow that interested in that I do want to say real quick guys if you are San Diego please come see me Yeji has a natural sex face in my honest that is true San Diego I'm gonna be there at the American comedy company the 13th through the 15th then I'm in Vegas the 27th through the 29th Sacramento February 3rd through the 5th Houston Austin Addison also in February San Francisco in February Vancouver March 3rd through the 5th
Starting point is 01:02:58 St. Louis Chicago Burlington Charlotte Nashville Atlanta Toronto Providence DC Philly and that will do it and then I'm gonna fucking quit comedy and disappear into the woods so but San Diego and Vegas are coming up so if you fucking buy some tickets to that and the special for those of you wondering will I'll have more information on it it'll probably be out I'm gonna say late February early March and I'm still figuring out where it's gonna go but I'm leaning towards releasing it myself so you know I'm going Atlanta New Orleans Shreveport Fayetteville Dallas I would actually I would do that right Fayetteville yeah Shreveport and Fayetteville yeah fucking why not dude little but just find a bar mm-hmm the off
Starting point is 01:03:45 the wagon on the in on the road off the way on the road off the wagon on and then in parentheses in the zone in the zone on in the zone that's a good one that's the tour but I guess I gotta start doing stand-up oh and I might buy my fucking calendars baby and folks I'll be in Chicago for mezzanine as someone who studies breasts for a living her tits are tiny but she tries so hard to jiggle them because she wants to be the center of attention so true who's this let me take a look it's say though and the mommy she's also you know it's what's crazy is they're all hot they're made by machines I would fuck them I do want to fuck all maybe I'll watch maybe I'll watch that documentary Adam what's it on I don't know I think it was
Starting point is 01:04:49 on Netflix okay I watched it okay couple months thank you I just fab to this oh my god I instantly get hard just telling your boys you got hard fuck me I come even without touching my dick oh that's fucking that's nice saying you think these guys are like Korean I just don't like a nice probably like weird German guy I think half of them are and then the other half is everything else no k-pop is international I know huge huge I think way less than half or Korean you think so yeah it's interesting we'd have to do somebody figure that out somebody go on k-pop no fap and tell us what the devouring a tight goddess ass after a long workout nice hell yeah it's a Pilates video okay damn yeah so if any of you guys know them let them know
Starting point is 01:05:55 that we said what's up yeah I want to be one of the guys that they're jealous of on k-pop yeah I want them to suck me off God can you imagine someone fuck them for real shit have to go back to masturbate it is nothing to be sad about we gang men get together to aspire to fuck them that's the kind of shit you can do if you live in Korea or one of these countries that's on the come up right what the fuck am I supposed to do as an American right we're in a declining empire or this shit no they're gonna force me full of vaccines I don't want to fucking take that make me get a job sucking dick for a living right just so Bill Gates can get another fucking helicopter yep and I'm supposed to pretend that one day maybe
Starting point is 01:06:44 I'd actually be able to fuck you know we know that's not happening I know it's not happening your dick's not gonna work because all the vaccines because all the yeah exactly cuz the vaccine yeah the vaccine made my dick really small yeah but I care about the bet the greater good yeah it was big before the vaccine ruined my day vaccine before my dick was you could ask anyone ask every hot girl ask literally every but they forgot cuz they got the vaccine yeah but before they had memories of me for the vaccine is also like the men in black blinky for hot girls for hot girls yeah a lot of people don't know that no I have to lie to girls that I never got the vaccine that's why you just take a shit in
Starting point is 01:07:37 their pussy sure true cuz that'll fuck them up worse than the vaccine you know what does it give them toxic we were always saying they want their pussy destroyed and it's like yeah well let's see what happens when you have a bacteria Chipotle diarrhea in your fucking snack from left over in the past through a digestive system it still hasn't fixed itself after a decade of being a raging alcoholic just imagine her tight butthole wrapped around your cock until she milks you dry so you come inside her ass and then proceeds to dance like this on stage well that's it that's the amazing thing is that dancing with a butthole full come right wow that's awesome Ryu Jin wearing them shorts nicely there you go trying
Starting point is 01:08:30 to better myself so I can feel as though I deserve her yeah they're all they're definitely Asian because only in only that it takes a zen mind to wrap so spend your entire day masturbating the pictures of women and being like there is a spiritual path forward here which I create that's what the third matrix should have been about Neo should have been some fat guy masturbating to the fourth you mean yeah the new one he's been a fat guy masturbating to kpop and then he's just a fat white fucking loser and then if he thinks hard enough he gets to fuck them he doesn't get to fuck them he just becomes a Korean guy masturbating and that's that's good enough Morpheus is like you should be happy with this neo neo and by the way we get
Starting point is 01:09:17 into the it could be worse you could be on the down low I mean not like me I'm straight by the way folks we get into the fourth matrix in a major way on the bonus episode which you can find a slash come town comes out this Sunday comes out this Sunday now's the time to sign up it's not it's $60 tops of the red because it ain't gonna exist then one year so do it now enjoy it yeah and we can really get into that we really get into the new matrix who's that I love mature Chinese idols Chang Shao pinky and now Xiaoting her in my must fat list what's up with pinky is that Chang Shao she looks hot pinky and give brain maybe the mature ones maybe it's kind of like when porn stars age into milk
Starting point is 01:10:06 and they just get bigger tits and a bigger ass maybe the mature idols get bigger tits and bigger one of these guys is literally gonna just like sit down in the in style and set himself on fire because he can't fuck one of these women that's not so bad he went out swinging dude I see a camel toe that's what this guy says how we doing we're doing good dude the episode's over the episode is over we had so much fun reading these guys fucking little messages yeah well get ready for a fucking year that I'm just gonna find she does have big tits oh yeah who's this that's Momo damn okay all right and that's a beautiful way to end this everyone go beat off that's what I call a gift dress one unwrapping and
Starting point is 01:11:03 she's fully naked ready to be used for your pleasure yeah these kids never had sex for pleasure and that's why he calls it a gift to dress yep it's a gift because that makes it that skits a fretting yeah that's what I call a game no you know you're right there's certain she does have a nice little pair on her for sure oh yeah oh yeah shout out to my that is a type of porn where a guy it's called like luxury porn or something yeah you would know where a guy gives a woman an expensive dress you got to be kidding I swear to God I met this guy once I told me you jacked off that's what he jacks off to really you know it wasn't me you met a guy it wasn't me Adam meets another classic Adam meets a
Starting point is 01:11:47 guy you meet a lot of guys gay shit no no it is it is quite possibly the gayest straight point you can watch yeah it's true yeah it's just like look how fab and the most Jewish my face buried between binnie's fat ass cheeks hey amen brother I would love it if kpop fap had like just one just a hood ass black dude I'm sure it's all just nerds it's all Korean 12 year olds and then one guy's like you know just fucking yeah I'll tell you wow but like it is not honorable the way you describe her body well all right yeah

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