The Adam Friedland Show (Cumtown) - Ep. 312 – cum town TNG

Episode Date: May 19, 2022

this is it from here on out...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 It's some like twenty three year old. Yeah, yeah, it's a fucking it's a it's a fucking freshman and we're talking about the body that I buried this week. Anyway guys, hi everybody. Welcome to come down. You're saying it. You're saying it. This is Ian five and come down to point out. You're fucking saying with the stars. Microscene Ian five and Adam Freeland on the board. Our favorite number one. What is Adam free? Now you're going to try to come in here. Try to throw your fucking weight around. Oh, I listen. Welcome to my show. This is the Adam show. The Adam show starring Mike and Ian. Disrespecting my ass in my own home. Guys, this is a very special episode. Nick has a medical crisis. Sov is out of town. I saw Nick's medical crisis. Dude, it is
Starting point is 00:00:50 pretty fucked up eye opening. Yeah, it is. Nick's got a got a really bad eye infection. What happened to his eye? I don't fucking know. But you know, he was trying to treat it with I may have somebody farted on the pillow. Yeah, no, just like yelling about the vaccine. He thought that would get his eyes conjunctivitis like Jason Alexander and shallow hell. I'm not sure about that. But we're praying for the kid right now. I think he'll be back out on that field. So for this week's regular episode, we have ad commitments and we have never heard more panic than your voice before. I was like, yeah, let's do some Friday here. I'm sure we got to do it because of the ads. No, I'm chilling. We got the fat man out and we got the fucking gay man out and it's
Starting point is 00:01:32 the Adam show. We got a new gay man. That's right. His name is Mike receipt. Yeah. So no, no, so we're you guys are like thankfully filled in for us. It's gonna be. It's gonna be a fun experiment this week. We're gonna talk. We're not gonna make the listeners are really mad right now. Oh my God. Can you imagine the guy who's broken something already? Yeah. What the fuck is us? I think change is good. This is dishonorable. Yeah, yeah, they've dishonored me. Nick should fight through his injuries. What the fuck? He's dead. He's gonna die. I hope he dies. Anyway, guys, Nick, I don't have any respect for any of them. For Nick or stuff. I think this is good. A breath of fresh air. We're hanging out. It's the Adam show starring Mike and Ian. Yes, with your
Starting point is 00:02:26 host Ian finance. Exactly with your host Ian finance. You got intern Adam on the board intern Adam. I'm making coffees. These boys came over to my apartment. I really appreciate it, dude. But we also thank you. Yeah, my bike. We got a fucking deal COVID deal me and my girlfriend. And we're lucky enough to have it. And then the podcast is going to end. I'm gonna have to probably go out of the streets pretty soon. No, no, you didn't save any money. No, I haven't. I've basically I bought a lot of those board. Ape Yacht Club shot off. Yeah, I pretty much put put all my savings into those and this last week has been hell for me. So hopefully you know hopefully someone will find out that those are the board apes that were once owned by the gay guy from
Starting point is 00:03:14 Hometown and that'll add a little bit of value. That'll really get my ass off the hook. But I appreciate you guys being here. I know we keep saying this and that is three minutes and thirty seconds of the podcast. So yeah, and it's like a good. I think I think we can do at least twenty two. I think at least yeah. Well, as long as we get those ads out, we we got. I mean, they're not ads. They're products revenue streams. We know and use and we like to talk about on the show. Not yet, Ian. Not yet. It's the Adams show. Is it is it Mochi donuts from Winston Bakery? I love Montrose and Graham. No, no, no, no. Come on. They're not paying. We have talked about those Mochi donuts before and that is if you want to find Ian, you can find him there because
Starting point is 00:04:03 you're often times I ran into you there once. Yes, myself. Yes. And I said, how you doing, how and you're like not. Yeah, why don't why don't people just plug in. Yeah, I was in a bad spot. Yeah, but you're doing a lot better now. Doing a lot better prayer works prayer works that. Have you got yourself to God always every day. I my cat was incredibly sick. Diarrhea everywhere. They found something in his belly, which was part of a plastic bag that I saw him eat. He had diarrhea wouldn't stop. We thought he needed surgery. Set a prayer to the man upstairs. Really? Doesn't need surgery. And who is that man upstairs? Who's your neighbor? My landlord Augusta. Okay, pretty good. And the bag he chewed. Mm hmm. I will give you five American
Starting point is 00:04:56 dollars if you can guess what was inside that bag. It was the gram of cocaine that we're going to relapse on. Please. Jesus keeps it like in his on his coffee. My grandfather had a cigarette at it all. A cigarette in a glass case. It said break in case of emergency after he stopped smoking a cigarette with one match. Is that great? That's so sick that I love. I love like that movie flight where Denzel like he like stops drinking after the plane crash and then like everything goes wrong and he just goes to the fucking liquor store and he gets a plastic jug of vodka. He just goes in the car and chugs Crystal Palace baby. It's the best acting of all time. 1199 half gallon. What's up? Is that your was that yours? Your rock good
Starting point is 00:05:43 vodka, baby? That was yours. Your drink of choice. My we used to we used to drink Majorska and not. Yes. Key word ska. Majorska. Oh, the style of music that Ian is into. Yeah, shut up. Kappa. All right. Check him out. And Mike, you also have a new podcast coming out. I didn't want to hear. No, I thought we were guessing. Oh, yeah. Shut up. Shut the fuck. What? No, I'm just kidding. Let's guess the bag. Let's. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Okay. Okay. Take us where we're supposed to guess something that was in a plastic bag. Yeah, it was in like a one of those black bags that you got from, you know, like a new store. Oh, oh, it's poppers. So yeah, your guess is pop. Definitely pop. My guess is also pop. I will
Starting point is 00:06:28 say Adam, you are close. You're warm. Adam is warm. Mike. Next guess. It's pretty cool that when you there's a couple delis in the city that like they'll give you the plastic bag, they like don't give a fuck. Yeah, that's they're like, yeah, fuck you. Eric Adams. Yeah, they don't care. And those same spots give you cigarette discounts if you go from Virginia. And I got a guy at the street that I go kind of get a fun pack and he gives me the discount. All right. That's pretty cool. What was in the bag? Yeah. Okay. I'm gonna say, I'm gonna say like probably like sour straws. No, no, no, no, no, no, no. Think, think, but it's some kind of gay, it's some kind of like homosexual product. It could be. Yeah, it's some kind of product for
Starting point is 00:07:09 you. It is a product for your ass. It is a product that a man or a woman could use for their hoppers adjacent. It's like a loose in one's ass. So it was a but plug of some poppers adjacent, but plug. It was a lot. Wow. All right, Adam, how do we have? Did it have a? Did it have like a? Why would you say you guys will never guess? What was in that bag? Yeah, I took two gasses. It took. Yeah, it took me grooming you to get there. Oh, you didn't groom me. I'm busy grooming others. You just bought a butt plug at a bodega. I don't need this. No, no, no. You know, there's certain bodegas where they have us now in the day things you can put in your in your head. That's pretty cool. Wait, so okay, so you bought this
Starting point is 00:07:55 butt plug for your girlfriend's ass at a deli. I didn't say for yours for your ass. Oh, so you could get or it could be a friend's ass. So you could have anal pleasure while you're closing your eyes during heterosexual sex for the cat. Why do you think you got the diarrhea? Wait, so the cat digested the sex toy. No, no, no. The cat had the plastic. We put him in the bathroom. He was just getting like paw prints. Yeah. So it was just like constantly see that's the worst because I have I have an old I have a 15 year old dog and when they I don't mind when he shits on the floor right but when he tracks it all over the house and they don't know I want to kill I want to let you know I want to just walk up to my wife and shoot myself in the head in front of
Starting point is 00:08:44 her. I've ever I mean you can bathe a dog fine but bathe in a cat. Wow. Yeah, sure. I will say you put a towel on the bathtub floor. We're really hitting all the tough issues right now on the podcast. So anyway, we're in week seven or a term called two dogs in a bathtub. It's like it's like when you try to put your balls and the ladies. Yeah, and the ladies. I thought that was called a two in the trunk. It's called I thought it's called two dogs in a bathtub because it's hard to get two dogs in a bag. I believe that was called we've discussed. I guess you could say it's rough. Is this on track for you enough? Yeah. Are we hitting the tough issues? Yeah. Yeah. What do you
Starting point is 00:09:36 want? Adam's looking. Let's talk about white supremacy. Okay. So no, we are in week 14 of the Amber Heard and John. Are you for real? I'm talking about here about it. But who's side are you on? I'm going to Amber. I'm on the side of funny. Let's keep talking about it. It feels like everyone is against this woman, including the women, and that's pretty surprising to me. Usually the broads will support a broad, even if it's a demon woman and I can't. It's pretty shocking to me that she's not getting any support. It's kind of weird though. Yeah, she's acting a little like loopy. She's I don't know. I went down like I went down like a little a tiny little rabbit hole and somebody somebody set up an Instagram account called justice like
Starting point is 00:10:23 justice for Johnny and I watched every I watched every video on that channel. The Johnny fans are wild. There is a woman in my wife's and his boycott in Disney. She does not she's cancelled Disney Plus dude. There was a woman in court that mouthed to be strong Johnny. Yeah, like he needs some my friend a mongolous housewife. My friend was in law school in Las Vegas at UNLV and one of his classmates in law school was a captain Jack Sparrow impersonator. He would go to go to law school and do like he's like yeah. I got an event later after class, so I got to come to your honor may approach the bench. I got to come dress as Captain Jack Sparrow. I got a real kick out of that. I saw him actually out one night and I took a
Starting point is 00:11:11 picture with him. I was back with my back at home. That's such a weird like world of entertainment to the impersonator. Oh my god. Yeah. I think my first paid show that I did in Jersey at there was a Sinatra impersonator that went on but it was just like an old man who sang Sinatra. Oh dude. Have you ever seen that George Carlin impersonator do a corporate event? I've seen him. And you know George Carlin's bit like where you put your stuff, your stuff. Look this guy had one because it was for like a computer company. His whole thing was about data. Oh that's funny. No dude pull it up. Well we don't have the aux cord. Oh come on. You can look for it and we can play it on the show. That could eat some time up. No yeah that'd be funny if he did the dirty words
Starting point is 00:11:52 for a corporate team building event though. Yeah. If he was just like they don't want you to sing. Yeah. I'm trying to do. I'm trying to do. I'm doing Jack. I guess. Yeah. Nick's gone. He's usually good with the impressions. I could do them. You know nothing. I can do Morgan Freeman. I think. Oh my god. Oh my god. Here it is. Dude let's hear it. Nobody laughs. It's so good. Yeah but you're still getting paid $10,000. Like shout out to that guy. It's private. Oh that's bullshit. How do you get through a private video? My girlfriend thinks that this Amber and Johnny thing is like they're playing like wicked games. Like this is like they're extended for playing. They're just going to fucking like attack each other like animals after the trial. What you think too.
Starting point is 00:12:44 It sounded cool when she said that. I was like wow if they're really getting all getting off on like all of America watching this embarrassing trial about her shitting in their bed and stuff like that that would be like that would be pretty badass. Yeah. They would deserve each other. You know I honestly I have not paid any attention but that kind of sounds like something. It's unavailable. Okay. All right. We'll move on. Yeah. Bomber. Bomber. Yeah. I was fucking bombed. Anyway, Mike you were saying about what I don't know. You're about to say something. We're in minute 13 and 20 seconds. Yeah. I don't think it was going to be anything. Yeah. Okay. All right. That's cool. So how's what's it like being a father, Mike. Oh my God. Dude, I'm the host of
Starting point is 00:13:31 come down right now. Dude and it's tanking. Are we so it's not taking. Shut up. Bring it back. This is going good. We have good energy. You guys. I'm enjoying the energy. Let's let's bring it back to a classic come down bit. All right. Like what about if Steve Harvey was gay was Chinese what man he Nick makes it look so easy. I can't believe you say these. Yeah. Why would you say penis as a handsome family feud. Okay. So that's I maybe jeopardize my favorite thing to a sit on this motherfucking set of face. Well, that's just the contestant being Chinese. Oh, yeah. What if Steve Harvey was Chinese. He'd be like, Oh, what? Why you always talk about a sex. You are so horny. I have a bigger musket. He just describes himself. Wow. Do you like my suit?
Starting point is 00:14:27 Are we? Yeah. I thought to me so horny, but he turned out all of you. I thought it was just me so horny. That's right. But you're on some sheet right now. Y'all are on some sheet right now. You're on some sheet. You're on some sheet right now. Yeah. So your family all has type 2 diabetes. They have some fat ass. You know, I noticed recently if you take out the brutal to speak a headset. What is that? Nothing. Okay. Like it's in his ass. No, I'm talking to like an older black man on the show. Oh, that's true. Yeah, he's got a cell phone clip, wallet, Bluetooth. I like those guys. Can I say there's a shirt I want that I saw one of the witnesses from the God awful buffalo shooting. He had a shirt that said in black king ingredients. And it was like
Starting point is 00:15:30 a hundred percent courage, a hundred percent melanin, zero percent foolishness. Good. So you saw that tragedy and you wanted the shirt. I want to support. You think he's so I mean, it's not a bad way. I mean, everybody nobody knows what to do. Whenever these things happen, you should buy that guy's. Exactly. Exactly. Because we're also like one less dollar away from Sean King. Yeah, that's all that fucking asshole. Yeah, but then but then you you if he gets in an argument somewhere goes, are you serious? He could just go. I got no foolishness. I got no foolishness. But did you Google like the shirt like where to get it? Not anymore. I remember there was a news clip of they were you want to buy from him directly. Yeah. So can I buy your shirt off your back? Oh,
Starting point is 00:16:22 yeah, give him like 200 bucks. No, that's kind of a power move. Like I like that shirt. I'll play like a prison style. I like that shirt. I'll play with them. I'll go. Hey pal, guess what's in the bag and it's a butt plug. Give him $5. It's a butt plug for sure for my ass for my so that I can tolerate straight sex for my anyway. So yeah, one time I saw there was a tornado in Oklahoma and they were interviewing this guy who just had his entire home destroyed and it was like in front of the rubble and he was it was clear he was wearing his only T shirt that he owns in the world and it just said she wants the D on it. He's like it's horrible. I lost everything. Yeah, it's pretty cool. That guy that guy that guy rocked and Ian will see that be like I like that shirt.
Starting point is 00:17:11 Yeah, your last shirts. I always like to find the positive and things. Yeah. Yeah, I feel like as I'm getting older, I'm just dressing more and more like a day laborer, you know, what just kind of like thrown on whatever Mike has a shirt right now that says daddy's little princess like you're Chinese because my shirt says I have the pussy. So I make the rules. You've got a hat from an old black lady's funeral, an airbrush hat saying R. I. P. Miss Miss Nina. Yeah. My friend a black comic from Baltimore Miss Nina knows Miss Chittichetta Miss Chittichetta recipes. I think she she she passed away to I would love the merch from her funeral. It's the 100% black king. That's pretty. Zero. What was it? Courage? Courage 100%. Melanin 100%. Drive
Starting point is 00:18:03 100%. Hustle 100%. I don't know if you could wear foolishness. I don't know if you could wear a percent. Yeah, I don't think you could wear that. Yeah. Well, my lungs are black. So I don't think they would appreciate that at the ska concerts and glory holes that you attend. I was in Harfer one time and I walked by a t-shirt shop and the t-shirt was just like black Bart Simpson holding a stack of money. Oh, that's great. Yeah. And I was like, oh, it's like a phone as a phone. Yeah, that's cool. I like I was I could never wear this. But on time I was ripping G bongs in Wildwood and I went to every single t-shirt store on the boardwalk and just bought wolf shirts. Mm hmm. Yeah, I walked out with like because you're so
Starting point is 00:18:37 high on pot that you had to get wolf shirts hot on green. That's bad ass years ago. That's really bad. You've managed to get like gets over and still brag about the times that you were high on weed. Dude, have you seen cool wolf shirts? Yeah, I mean I buy him sober. Yeah, it's like, I guess so. Those shirts were like always the poor kids, the smelly poor kids in school. I know those wolf like it say like, you know, like Dakota Timber Wolf or something. Oh yeah, they were great like a wolf on a ledge howling at the moon. It's fantastic. I don't know shirts. The big dog shirts were kind of those are interesting and the big Johnson shirts. Yeah, it was like when you're going fishing, you're going to need a big rod, big Johnson. Yeah, it was like a little
Starting point is 00:19:25 guy with a big penis, a girl, big boobs around him. Oh, yeah. Yeah, you see it. It was like big dogs like was like not didn't go far enough. They had to have one that was just big penis shirts. Yeah, that you could wear while you're getting evicted from your trailer. After after a tragedy rips apart, you could wear after after a tragedy is claimed the life of your children. When you rebuild a home from a hurricane, you're going to need a big Johnson and it's shaped like a hammer. Yeah, I'm about to release Nick's taxing me that. What do you say that riff? Oh, thanks. Yeah, Nick would have said that. Yeah, if Nick were here, he would have said, okay, guys, we now is that it's come that it's come the time that we we want to talk to you about something called super
Starting point is 00:20:13 speciosa. One of these big Johnson shirts. He said drag racing and it says you'll be popping some blowers when you pick up the logo. Just a guy with a big penis. Yeah, or as he's got a lump in his pants. Yeah, I've heard Dan Soder talk about these t shirts before. Oh yeah, liquor up front, poker in the rear, big Johnson's bar in Cassino liquor, liquor. Oh, like lick her pussy up front. Yeah, but it's spelled liquor like the drink like the drink. That's that doesn't make any sense. It's not a double on tondra. You lick her up front. You poker in the back. Those are two things they have at a casino. Those are two things you can do with her front. You lick her in the front pussy and you poker in the back butthole. Oh, he's here for the ad. He said
Starting point is 00:20:57 liquor up front. Oh, Lord. All right, big Johnson long care. It's easy to trim. All right, Ian. We have to talk about super speciosa raw leaf. And if you like the power of natural cratum leaf tea powders and more, you could shop for them at super They're made by nature perfected by the US cratum powders. They sell cratum capsules, cratum tablets and cratum tea bags. Has anyone here in this room right now? Do you have any experience using cratums? No, what is it? Well, basically it's a it's like a natural heroin that you can buy at smoke shops or at super, which is the only GMP qualified vendor from the American Cratum Association. How high does it get? Which sound it's it's apparently from what I hear the withdrawals
Starting point is 00:21:50 are worse than heroin. What? I thought cratum was just kidding. It's great for you. So that yeah, they have all these products that you can you can buy and they have all this information about the products. Yeah, they have a resource center that you could use and click through and find all the resources for all things cratum. They have just started adding content. They'll be continually adding them. So basically guys, here's the thing. They're legal in certain states. You got to check that yourself because I don't have the coffee. Nick didn't send it to me. So go to the fucking website. We're selling natural heroin. So mean. Why does he? Why does he treat you like shit all the time? He's not feeling good. I feel like you're you're the funny. Listen, I shouldn't have been
Starting point is 00:22:36 wearing that. Okay. Okay. I walked in there. I fell into a dress like that and he had to he had to you are amber. He came home. No, no, I'm I'm Johnny that he's amber heard. I'm like, I'm like, Nick, why do you have to keep going at me like this? Nick? Didn't you see me in the Pirates of the Caribbean? And he's like, please stop. You're a fucking loser. I'm not gonna send you the copy for super. That's the old stuff is amber. Adam. Oh my God, Adam. You're a fucking loser. And I'm gonna bring up incredibly personal things on the podcast and have 250,000 people making fun of you about it. And you're my only friend. And that's right, baby. Let it out.
Starting point is 00:23:38 Yeah, Nick's Nick. I went over to Nick's Nick. You're hyping it up too much. He's one of my best friends. You're hyping it up too much. No, you're not. But anyway, he came home. He came home. He came home. I came. I'm sorry. I went over to his apartment. He was wearing. He was wearing. He was wearing like a beauty like treatment on his face like a like a white cream on his face. He was wearing a kimono like a mask. Yeah, like a black face and he put a cigarette on your cheek. He's like, I'm putting on a charcoal mask and I'm doing hello Mammy and he said, don't fuck up the equipment. Daddy's gonna be mad. Anyone believes you. See if anyone believes you. Aquaman. A man can't get raped. Adam's just wearing three scarves. It's cool. It's a cucumber
Starting point is 00:24:33 like Nick. I don't Nick. I Nick. I just morning under us Thompson. I'm just here to pick up the board. I don't know why I talk like this kind of Native American style. Have you read it? I feel like like if you guys were if you guys are like super rich and famous, would you would you try to date like another star? No, you don't. I would just none of those relationships work. I would just walk into a Popeyes and like find the one. I'd be like you. Yeah, I go to a home. I go to a home Depot parking lot. I pick up one of those Travajo boys make me my wife. Listen, I'm gonna take you to Cancun. All right. Anyway, guys, go to the Popeyes in Chinatown. Be like you and you guys. If you're ready to shop at Super Speciosa, you can check out all these cool tablets, teas, powders,
Starting point is 00:25:22 all this fucking stuff and they make it makes your life better. Okay. That's the most important thing. So if you're interested, you are super You can pay with a zeal. You could. I think you pay with the E check Bitcoin. I think they take a lot. So check out everything. When you place your first order after your first orders, place a better read than Nick's ever done. I think you know Nick doesn't pretty good reason. People like the reads better than the actual show at this point from what I understand. Not today, though. Today the show shines. What is great fellas? Mitra Yanga speciosa commonly known as Kratom is a tropical tree native to Southeast Asia from the coffee family. I thought you're naming the girl Mike meets at Popeyes in Chinatown.
Starting point is 00:26:06 Oh, Mitra Yanga speciosa. No, that's the girl you pick up at home. Do you what you woke up eating her her ass while jacking off your limp dick? What? I don't know. I don't know. I'm just now. I went to you guys were hyping me up. You guys were hyping me up on that next. You guys were hyping me up on that next stuff and now I went too far. Call them right now. Kratom plants can be found in the forests of Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia, Myanmar and Papua New Guinea. All Kratom imported the United States comes from Indonesia. The leaves are harvested from mature trees, dried and crushed. Kratom leaves have been used by locals in Southeast Asia for centuries. And guess what? The history of Southeast Asia is a pretty chill one. They've
Starting point is 00:26:51 been chill for a long time. Is that in the read? Yeah, I guess. I don't know. Different strains Asia to be found in no wars or anything. Here's the thing, guys. You can get great genocides. Honest people. Paul Pot was was when he was doing a lot of Kratom when he was genociding all the intellectuals and people who wear glasses. He killed everyone who wore glasses. That was that was that was one of the I would. I would hide you guys. That was one of the best gen. Yeah, you'd and Frank me like Mike. Thank you so much. Thanks for thanks for this. Mike, please. It's very cramped in here. You are. But yeah, you will be my eyes. Yes, Mike. Thank you. Do you have a stick or something? I could help walk around. Here's the thing. You could buy
Starting point is 00:27:36 Kratom from a fucking deli and you don't know what the fuck you're getting. This shit is lab tested and recognized by the American Kratom Association. It's a very that's a great organization. There's a doctors and captains of industry that serve on the board. Unfortunately, most of the renders do not test their products. So get something that's tested before you want to get fucked up on tees. And it's tested by third party labs. Yada yada. There's no E. Coli and yeast and mold. You can get that shit from the from the bad stuff. So check out their blog page. Check out the latest news on Kratom and new product launches and go to super and at checkout put in promo code come town or come town 20. Nick did not send me the copy. But if you try both, you know,
Starting point is 00:28:22 they're one of those are going to work and let's start the show. Dundun. Dundun. Dundun. What the fuck? Dundun. Oh yeah. You know, I saw that move that animated movie that Mark Marin's in the bad guys and he's in an animated movie. Yeah. What is it about? You're looking for a cigarette? No, my my vapor. Can we smoke in here? No, you can. Yeah, be really cool. I mean, my girlfriend is out. Let's do it. Let's go. Yeah. Come on. Stop it. Stop it. She's not going to know. Yeah. Okay, put it. When's the last time you could smoke indoors? You know, no, very man. It'll be like the 1940s. Okay. All right. I'm going to put in. Okay. Here.
Starting point is 00:29:02 Okay. I'm going to set it up for you, but you guys got to talk while I'm off my course because I'm only doing this because I'm a good host. Yes. Okay. The best host. Okay. I'm going to put a fan out. Never let us open doors. Okay. This is cool guys. I feel cool right now. Yes. I feel really cool. I feel really cool right now. Vintage New York, baby. Yes. We'll do my place next. We'll, we'll, we'll have gay sex in my son's crib. The dioramic. You're pounding me. Yes. Yeah, you're probably pounding me. Yeah. Tagging that sweet ass. No, but I'd be like, I'd be like a power bottom. I take you for a ride with my ass.
Starting point is 00:29:44 Mike stop. Fuck you Ian. Shut the fuck up. That's dominating my dick. I'm raping you at my hands. You like it. Shut Ian. Shut the fuck. Ian, you're ruining this for you. You're going to like dab. You're ruining this for me. I'm just picturing you. You fucking. Shut the fuck up Ian. Shut up. I somehow give you an erection and, and rape you. You're hurting me. Do you think that like, because, because it's like, because people go like, Oh, gay sex is funny. I mean, but heterosexual sex is, do you think it's also funny or you think gay sex is funnier? I think they're equally as funny. Sex is funny. Yeah. It's weird. Yeah. Kissing is weird. Yeah. How would you have affection for someone?
Starting point is 00:30:40 You're like, let me open up part of your body and let me lick it. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. You know? Yeah. I didn't know how to kiss when I was younger. I thought you just put your lips together. I didn't know how to head back and forth. I didn't know how to 69. I didn't know what went on on the inside. The first time I 60. Well, the first time I 69, like I was on top of the girl, if you can, poor girl, I was like, I think this is how you do it. Oh my God. Yeah. Okay. But can, can you guys, man, this is so fucking cool, dude. This is really cool. You got another ash tray. Can we just, can we just blast my ash in your yeti? Yeah. No, no, no, no, no. Come on, dude. This is a great one. You have one too, right? I have,
Starting point is 00:31:20 I have like seven. Yeah. They're so good. I know you're like yeti. You know, I just, I just have, yeah, yeah, I don't know. Yeah. I have, I have, I have one in there. It's, it's good. I have, I have a hard cooler and then a couple tumblers. Thank you guys. So there's an ash tray right here. Yes. Thank you. Okay. Yeah. And just don't tell my girlfriend that you're doing this. Can I, can I post a video? I feel like we're doing some kind of talk show in like 1964 or something. How do you feel about what is, what, what is the Negro? What's the Negro want? Well, the Negro, is that James Baldwin? Well, the Negro, I, I bet I could probably, all right, let's, I don't know if you gave me a month. I could, I could do a James Baldwin
Starting point is 00:32:04 impression. I'm gay. I'm gay. I'm black and I'm gay. I'm black and I'm gay. Yeah. I'm black and I'm gay and I write books. I won't tell you what's going on up in Giovanni's room. Unless you read my book about it. No, yeah. He was pretty good. Why are you filming this right now for socials? I was filming a smoking because it's cool. Oh yeah. It is cool. I mean, this is very cool. This is very New York. This is awesome. Yeah. Wow. I feel like we're on cavit or something. And they're so expensive. It's like a delicacy. Uh-huh. You know, this is truly a sign of opulence smoking cigarettes right now. We're living in the golden era. Okay. Well, we've all got our legs crossed. What? That, that, that bar in Nashville, right? You could smoke inside. Yeah. We, Mike and
Starting point is 00:32:59 I went to one of the best bars I've ever been to, which was like, what was it called? Like Santa's pub or something? Yeah. I think so. It's like a karaoke bar. It's yeah. A lot of fun. Yeah. It was, it's in a double wide trailer. They do karaoke and it's just run by this guy with a long like, except when we lose thousands of dollars on poorly negotiated contracts. Yeah. I don't know if you know this, but I'm not exactly the most. It's not exactly the best financially. We don't have. We don't have that much fun. Yeah. Financially, I'm like, sometimes I'm like, you know, you have kids, so you should probably look at what you should probably keep the money. I have one kid, but when you look at the time, no, but listen, if you look at what
Starting point is 00:33:41 we're making compared to like a cleaning lady, you were doing pretty well. Oh my God. We're like up on more depressing. We're up on stage for, you know, like an hour and a half, two hours total and, you know, a cleaning lady would have made $14 in that time. You know, so we made, we made about $25. And if she was at my house, she would have been sexually harassed. Yeah. Izola. Yeah. Move that fat ass. We did have a cleaning lady coming for a little bit. And then we kind of like stopped. We didn't, we don't have any money, but she comes to the building for the cleaning lady comes. Yeah, I guess. Like people do that all the time. Well, you just like straighten up. You're like, I don't want her to think that I'm some disgusting, you know, white person. I
Starting point is 00:34:24 thought that you didn't want them to have to work like extra. I didn't think it was about like judgment. Well, no, it depends on if you get the full service or not, you know, but you got to ask her if she's a cop. That's what and if she is pull out of a private part on FaceTime. Yeah, you got to, you got to say, can you please show me your pain? Dude, I was in a fucking cop bar in. I love the police. I was in a cop. Like yeah, me too. Like I love. He loved the police. I thank them when I walk. I was in a cop bar by like my dad. My dad was staying like by ground zero when he came to visit. Yeah. And there was a cop bar down there, like in the financial district. Is it the Patriot? I don't know. No, I don't think that's the name. They'd know it was like three
Starting point is 00:35:03 dollar pictures above. No, no, it was like had a like an Irish name. It had some sort of Irish name is just filled with like their shot. A see something like that. They're all like blacked out like we got there. It's just all these fucking like like thumb looking heads. Yeah, you know, like just these fucking mongoloids. They're like blacked out and then there were these two like clearly prostitutes in the middle of it and they were like just facetiming their friends. Like I don't want to get in trouble with the force right now. The NYP. The boys are cool. Yeah. Anyway, they were facetiming like other thumbs, right? What are they were like just like they look like cops. They look like you know they're facetiming other ones and like they're like
Starting point is 00:35:44 yeah. Just show just show them what you're working with like and like the fucking the the the girls were like taking their titties all guys. But they had like they had literally they each of them would have two facetimes going at a time and then be like do you like what you see? You want to come over and like you want to come meet me and then the cop that was like negotiating was like yeah like she's beautiful. Like you're gonna love what you see. Like you're gonna love her when she comes over here. They're supporting women. This is this is this is incredible to watch. Yeah. Yeah. Good for them. Yeah. One time I was at a cop bar. Do you guys remember that? No. There's this guy that used to have a bar show up on like the Upper East by Comic strip. And it was like a cop bar. And
Starting point is 00:36:29 then afterwards you know Rodney Danger and then was it that guy because there was a cop in New York City that like he did comedy and he got in trouble because he like left his gun in a bathroom. No. Yeah. No, it wasn't him. He's a good dude. So this cop is behind the bar. I think he's a bastard. I think all cops are bastards. And Mark's a pretty cool guy. Yeah. He's great. Yeah. But he's not that bright. But this cop behind the bar is telling us he's like cop stories and they the drunker he got the more like not good they were in terms of what he and his conference thought were funny. Like we won't do a domestic dispute. Yeah. And before we left we were like well you know he already smacked you up. So you know we'll make him do the same unless he shows you titties.
Starting point is 00:37:21 And I'm like what what he's like yeah so we got this girl you know she's crying but we all saw tents and we made sure he didn't hit her again. I'm like man that's not funny. And then it's like that and then they won't he's like whatever you don't get it man. It was funny at the time. I'm like no wonder why they wonder why nobody like respects them. Yeah you know well I'll say not all cops do that. Well I was there's this older lady Scott listen all I'm going to say is that if I was born black in this country I would be dead. Okay. Why because the police would have killed me at this point. Yeah I'd have died. Everyone's right. How you would be dead if you were black. Titsically untrue. Ian you don't have to go get into fucking. No one likes facts anymore.
Starting point is 00:38:04 We were up in the cabin last year. Yeah. He's like guys we got to watch. So you invited Ian to the cabin but not me. You should have come. I never get invited. No I never get invited. Oh dude it was so far. Everybody kept being like it's so much better. Mike's not here. No we weren't saying that. But but me. No one's here wapping up the party. Oh my god it was great. He is like I got a great. I got a great documentary. It's about like the like hysteria behind the Michael Brown case. It's about how like the media got it all wrong. And it's made by all black people. And then we like looked it up. It was like fucking Candice. Oh no she wasn't how are you such a like you're like a Fox News uncle. It was just like it was about how like you know that kid that was
Starting point is 00:38:47 killed by the cops in Ferguson like you know he was actually made a way too big. Hands up. Don't shoot was a fallacy. That was real. That's what the media doesn't it doesn't matter. Like you know this guy Larry L. It's called poetic. He's actually a good guy. It's called poetic poetic truth rather than factual truth. Well there's a there's an older lady in my neighborhood and she's got this big dog and she like lost her dog one time the dog like got out. So I like went around and I was looking for the dog and I get on my bike and I see these two cops and they're like carrying her dog. So I'm like oh that's my neighbor's dog and the guys like the cops like oh oh who is she's like I just I just want to talk to her and so that they like bring the dog back
Starting point is 00:39:29 and she's like she's like an older like Italian woman and she's like oh thank you so much we would we would just talk about how much we love the cops in this neighborhood and this cop must have been like he couldn't have been older than like 26 years old you know and he's like yeah he's like you got to be careful you know because because you know they somebody wanted to take him to the to the shelter and I said no let's try to you know let's try to like find the owner and you know that's a kill shelter over there. So this guy's just like you know they wanted to kill your if it wasn't for me they would have killed your dog. Yeah I saved this life so maybe you could break off a little maybe you could maybe you can give me a little envelope if you know what I'm talking
Starting point is 00:40:07 about maybe once a week maybe I come around once a week you give me a little envelope. This podcast today is sponsored by the documentary What Killed My Brother by Eli Steele and Shelby Steele. But we do but we do want to talk Shelby Steele is that Lexington Steele's nephew? You think garbage men get the same amount? Does that come in funny? Wait no it's a heterosexual porn reference you probably wouldn't understand. I know Lexican Steele because Lexican he's not he's not a Mexican. Lexican Steele. Oh you got one of the biggest penises in porn Lexican. No that was a that was Lex. We interviewed Sarah J on but we want to talk that was her favorite goddamn. She's still taking it dude. I check back in with her the other day and she
Starting point is 00:40:59 looks like shit and she looks like a cast member on the old Joe dinosaur. She looks she does she looks like not the mama. Yes she looks like not the mama. Yes dude and she is still just getting dicks. She is loving it. Okay. But before we before I wish I knew who you were talking about Sarah J. You don't know Sarah J. No look her up right now. She's a preeminent pog in pornography. Yes she was one of the first like milfs. Dude I got it. I got it. She could she just look she was just a Jewish woman. No no no no no no no no no not yet not yet next to the dinosaur. Okay. Pull it up. Get that together because we got to talk about Ridge wallet right now and we got to talk about Ridge dot com. You can hold your money in your Ridge wallet and buy
Starting point is 00:41:48 what killed Michael Brown by either. Okay we don't have to. She looks all right. Is this her. Okay so basically here's the deal guys. This these people started this company Ridge. Okay so you got a Ridge dot com and is that what you know. What are you thinking this is what kind of company is this. Is this you know a condom that is you know has bumps on it for a woman's pussy or a rough rider. No it is a it is a wallet and accept everyday carry and travel bag company. Basically what they do is they strip down all of the essentials to their most to their what. I can't believe it. What are you talking about. That's great. The Ridge. Oh you're you're doing like a fake. No I'm helping the. No you're not doing you're not doing you're making fun of this.
Starting point is 00:42:43 You're making fun of this company. You're making fun of this company where I'm trying to find out about. I'm trying to find out what they're about. Actually I'm trying to on their rage. Well they make the they make the metal like you you you've got the Ridge while you want to talk. I had a rich wallet. It didn't. Yeah. Maybe you do your bit about Ridge wallet. I think that'd be good. No they're good wallets. It didn't fall out of my pocket after the first week that I had it. They're like they're like metal wallets. They're like a money clip kind of. Yeah. So basically you want a money clip for the modern the modern man. You be everyone sick and tired of having these huge wallets. You have to have your pocket constitution. You have to have 12 expired expired
Starting point is 00:43:23 condoms and you have them sitting on your one cheek of your fat ass and it gives you back problems. Yeah. Okay. That's actually a good telling point. The Ridge wallet is for people who are all dog because you can't really fit a condom in it. You can't fit a condom in it. And according to the Supreme Court she needs to keep it. So they make wallets bags key cases pens every day carry that that section is one of my favorite sections of the website. They make a titanium key case. They make a case for your air tag which I think the new iPhone has where you can like find out where it is or some shit. They also make pens and knives and hoodies if you want to get a Ridge t-shirt a slim fit modern Ridge wallet t-shirt. It's only $30 and it's got their
Starting point is 00:44:12 nice Ridge logo with a mountain range on it which I think would be pretty cool to rock. So here's the deal guys. You go to a fucking Ridge wallet dot com. You decide you pick out what you want. Right. There are different types of wallets for men and women. They're travel backpacks for men. Okay. There's enough six. You can't but we had a second sick. Let's let's wait like another 10. Okay. You just fucking we can't have three sigs going. This is anarchy now. I've lost. I've lost control. We can smoke in my house next. I've lost control. Get in it. And you're not that's you got a taking selfies right now everybody. It has a fucking room. Yeah. Seventy one thousand
Starting point is 00:45:01 pictures on my phone. He ends like a fat woman at a bachelorette party. We're like that. Selfie time girls. It's selfie time. Just a just stop having fun. Just a 20 foot selfie. So creating memories. I'm gonna. We don't want to forget this. When else have we ever been out listening to get low by little John. We're gonna fuck black guys tonight. We're gonna fuck lexicon deals tonight. And yeah. So that's what Nick sounds like on a bachelorette party anyway. So here's the deal guys. You get you go to you pick you pick your material. Okay. You can get a titanium one carbon steel. These are like what operators use. Okay. Yeah. You go to check out and get the basic that's like seventy dollars
Starting point is 00:45:53 or you can get the carbon. You can get the carbon steel that's like three hundred bucks. Yeah. They pull it out when you're on like a Tinder date. Yeah. And the girl goes I was at the carbon steel ridge wallet. Yeah. And she's like let she's she's like let me suck please. Please let me suck. I need to suck anyway. So you go to you put in promo code come town or come town twenty whichever one it is you'll get a great discount and check out. They are a great company. They stand by their product. They have great customer service. They got great people waiting for your call. Yeah. To ask them questions about their replacement elastics for your ridge wallet or perhaps replacement screws or a torx driver
Starting point is 00:46:39 so that you can screw in screws. Yeah. And you know. Oh yeah. You can take this. You can take the screws out of your wallet. You know who needs a fucking faggy leather. You want something that's made out of steel and screws. OK. And but they have a great backpack that I use a commuter bag. So go to put in promo code come town or come town twenty. Ian you want to talk about it was like seeing Sarah J. I'm actually very interested in. Oh OK. Here. Hold on. Look at this picture. It's she's refueling. Doesn't that look the dinos order. You did that. You did that photo shot. I just made that. That's the funniest. That's the funniest photo I've ever seen. Wow. I wish you guys. I wish you guys at home could see this. You got a post. Yeah that
Starting point is 00:47:29 might be the funniest thing you've ever done. This is hilarious. No I'm serious. I'm truly serious. This is the older sister of the mom. You just start swiping. She does look like the teenage sister like the dad. You just swiping you with the green corn. I'm a teenage dinosaur. You just swipe Ian going down on the. I love. Also Sarah J. has taken so much. So many colors of penis that she is like officially the hood pass and that she's like wearing like extensions and like braids. She was sweet. She was very nice. She seems very nice. Is she trying to do comedy. Is she one of those. No she's got like a new CBD line that she's like. That's great. Like promoting. So speaking of porno I remember one time when we got when we first got the internet I would download
Starting point is 00:48:16 porno clips off of a kaza and I came across this one clip and it said like it said like 14 year old lesbians and I was like oh oh cool like you know I'm 14 they're 14 and it's it's lesbians and I'm like oh it's like some girls my own age that I can jack off to and then a fucking then a swat team storm storm through the door. I didn't in my little 14 year I didn't make the connection that I was about to download child child. I think that I'm like oh something up more my speed. God damn friend of mine texted me today and he said something about like I guess little boozy had a take about Michael Jackson. He was a rapper like a rapper. He was great. He was great. He was no rapper. No he was like he was like those kids must have
Starting point is 00:49:12 been freaks and they were like what do you mean by that. He said the kids he said the kids must have been into getting fucked by Michael Jackson. They shouldn't have freaks. Yeah wait I was thinking what if he did a sketch you know that scene 40 year old virgin where it's like the guy's talking about sex and he's like oh yeah we all know that. So you can do a sketch where it's like a bunch of guys talk and then they're like like how about you Mike and it's Michael Jackson. He's like oh yeah I love grown women. I love when a woman is like 33 years old. I love when a woman gets a period. I love when they be menstruating and stuff like that. I love that when when the grown woman is after nap time and she and she a little bit sleepy still. I love when you give her a little Jesus juice.
Starting point is 00:50:03 No Michael Jackson didn't do it. I'm on the record is saying that I've said it multiple times publicly. I'm not afraid to say it. So yeah but he was chemically castrated by Joseph Jackson. Oh right. No because he was a deity too right. He was a deity. He was sent by God with a smooth genitalia. It's true. No it is true. Like where were you when Michael Jackson died. Where I was I was literally taking a shit. No I remember I was on the cold. Were you. I was in college. Maybe you I was really sad. Probably like 22. I was in rehab. I was really sad. I was really sad. He died. He's the most talented. He's the most talented person of Farrah Fawcett died. Who knows. The day after. I didn't remember. No one remembers that. Oh no. She was outshined by Michael Jackson.
Starting point is 00:50:51 Yeah of course the most talented human being like of our lifetime. Charlie's Angels. Her feathered hair on the poster. No one cares about that. He is the fucking he is. No one jacks off. No one jacks off. No one gets horny. No one gets horny. Farrah Fawcett was a dime. She was a piece. Yeah. But okay. So let's get back into her like a let's do a come town style bit maybe. What if Michael Jackson was Asian and it's just basically just a picture of him. Just a picture of him basically basically a picture of him towards the end of his life. That answers the question. I can't do that. But I know someone who can. What is welcome. Jake Flores every foot. I don't know who that is. A picture of a picture of Michael Jackson. Come on
Starting point is 00:51:43 Jake get in here and do your it was really crazy. No. No. It's enough of that. It was a picture of Michael. Michael Jackson really did become an Asian woman. It's truly insane and we still had to be like oh that's Mike. Yeah. Oh there he goes. He looked like my friend's mom looked a lot like him out of fucking Vietnamese friend in high school and cool. Yeah. And his mom looked exactly like Mike. Good cool flex. What do you mean. They are cool people. They're very cool people. Have you ever had fun. Michael Jackson didn't really he didn't really get like canceled or anything. You still hear the music in like an Uber or whatever. Oh they're still playing remix to Ignition bro. Yeah. The music is so good you can't get and it's so popular and widespread
Starting point is 00:52:31 you can't get rid of it. Yeah. Right. Here's a too far. But it's well lean in. Yeah. Enjoy it. Yeah. So do you want to hang out with people. Also he wasn't fucking kids when he made those songs. Yeah. Dude when black and white comes on do you want to really hang out with someone that's like turn this off. Yeah. No. I'd rather hang out at that cop bar with the guy who clearly was sexually harassing poor people. Oh is this George Connelly. I just been thinking that a long time. It's kind of hard to really talk your way out of what's this spending the night. It's boozy on Michael Jackson. You're like a 30 something year old man. What podcast is it. It's Vlad TV. What's that. You should watch all of his interviews
Starting point is 00:53:15 on Vlad TV on YouTube. They're associated with women. I mean he was married to Lisa repressley for like a couple months. But I just it don't seem like he was really interested in women like that because think about if I was Michael Jackson. I'd be getting some pussy. Wow. I've never heard a take like this before. This is really original. Thanks for bringing it to my attention Adam. Damon Wayans had a good take on Bill Cosby. What was it. He just said that like he's like we can continue. Well no he was just like you know one of those accusations goes back to like 1968. He's like black people had separate water fountains back then. Like yeah he's like we're raping till the 90s. Oh that's great. That's I mean you know that's a that's an interesting
Starting point is 00:54:01 legal case that you can make. That's a take where you go. This guy is talented. This guy this guy really he's got it. I just watched blank man recently. Best movie. Dude it is the best movie ever. Oh yeah. It really is the best movie ever. He's blank. It's so funny that like just I mean I guess I cried when Jayle. It's the premise. It's the premise behind his old robot. His robot in blank man. So sad. It's the premise. It's the premise behind Urkel. But it's like the entire bit is what if a black guy wasn't cool. Like what if a black guy was like gay and not cool. And like there's a scene where the woman's giving birth in blank man and like and he's like but I could like you. I can see her thing. Yeah he's like he's like please like you got to save her.
Starting point is 00:54:50 He's like but I can see her thingy. It's so funny. Super before black panther dude and the running bit in blank man that just is they do it three times and it's just so funny every single time like the the the the girl the love interest is Robin Givens who's that's right Mike. Not Robin Givens. Not Robin Givens. I'm thinking now of Robin from Howard Stern. No what's her last name Quivers. Quivers. Okay. Yes Robin Givens who's the woman who's raped and beaten by Michael or by Mike Tyson. So no she's she's no he went to jail for he did so she's like so she's the love interest every time he gets a kiss from her. He's just he comes his pants because he's so much of a gainer. He can't even kiss without coming his pants. It is so funny. Jamel and I watched it
Starting point is 00:55:45 together. We were like peeing our pants the entire time. Yeah that's how I feel about old like Martin Lawrence clips too. You watch like yeah dude you know and he's like he played like the white guy and then he played the woman the woman and the karate guy. Yeah it was great. You know what movie I've been trying to watch recently. Bay Bay's Kids. Oh I haven't seen the album isn't it. Now it. Oh fuck Robin Harris. Yeah. His it was like based on his stand. It's like a cartoon. It's I remember watching that as a kid. Funniest thing in the world. You gotta watch Bay Bay's Kids. Yeah. Yeah. Why are black people like we know they're funny. Yes. Yeah we know that I mean we know they're the funniest. They are the funny but after them there's just like a huge no Jewish
Starting point is 00:56:30 guys. Maybe Jewish guys maybe Jewish guys but from blacks to Jews there's a pretty big. Oh it's not even a question because humor is a coping mechanism for a baby. They've had to use humor through generational that might be right but that is really that's pretty gay to say on the show. What. Yeah. We got to be fucking. We got to be talking about the issues Adam. No you're I think you're probably absolutely right. But yeah the drop off is pretty significant. Oh yeah. It's like you can't be a buff white guy on stage right. No one likes a white guy with a nice body. I don't think anyone likes a guy with a nice. No no no you could be fucking black. Who. Kevin Hart's jacked. But yeah. But it's it's they're not showing you got like got jacked. They got jacked and they're
Starting point is 00:57:16 not like wearing like a tank top got only jacked. Yeah. Yeah. But Godfrey doesn't wear a tank top on Michael Clark. Don't get it. Morgan Freeman a huge Eric Adams jacked. He is truly. Have you seen those shirtless jacked off. Really. He's one of our. He's my favorite mayor. He is my favorite mayor that has ever been the mayor since I've lived. I like Ed Koch. You. What do you mean. He was terrible to you people. What. He was a closeted gay man. He shut down all the bathhouses. No. No. That was Giuliani. No. No. It wasn't. No. Ed Koch cracked down on the illicit lascivious homosexual. Homosexual. Read Times Square. Blue. No. He was a hater. He was a hater because he was sitting in the closet. Hey. Nope. Nope. He actually played black people like a fiddle
Starting point is 00:58:05 and it was very sad. They to this day don't like him. A lot of them because he ran on the platform of keeping Sydom Hospital a float. It was this hospital in Harlem that was on the verge of shutting down and then he got in any fucking letters. This closeted NYC mayor described. This sounds like Jeopardy. It's a headline. This closet NYC mayor described queer sex as horrific and helped close bathhouses in the 80s. And the answer. Yeah. I could have sworn. No. The answer is Ed Koch. He was a hater. Did he hate. He was hating on them. No. Giuliani opened them back up actually. Yeah. Giuliani opened them back up only for Italian men. We're the one who use the bathhouse correctly. Yeah. They're fucking fagging it up. We're kissing
Starting point is 00:58:53 each other. We're just we're just kissing each other on the cheeks. It's cultural as long as there are no homeless people in the bath house. Dude's going around. Smoke one more. No. No. I can't do it. I have to go. The show is about to be over. No. No. We have one more minute. So fun. I'm hanging the other night at Sesh Com. Dude. We had a lot of fun that night. Dude. Okay. You guys are literally I have a call at six 10. You guys are literally going to have to wait. Can we hang out for that. You can hang out. No. No. I'm going to be my office. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. You could definitely hang. But yeah. I have to go to my office. But yeah. We just listen to the call. No. No. It's going to be very embarrassing. He's got a business call. I was a business
Starting point is 00:59:29 guy hanging. Isn't this aren't we lucky. It was a very fun night. Yeah. Look at these two guys in a bathhouse just being in love. Yeah. That's so cool. Yeah. Let me see. Look at it. They loved each other. They got to put some bulk on them. Yeah. They're a little I love watching crews and videos. What's that. What is that. We're going to wrap up. You mean the. It's a tale for another time. You say. Can we do plugs. And with that that I am. I'm going to go. I got it. All right. All right. We'll close out. But you don't have a hand in the show. Yeah. I got to do. I got to press. Yes. You got to press this. All right. Press that button. We're done. Yes. Sweet. I this one right to stop the square stop. Time to smoke on the couch. All right. Yeah. Welcome to
Starting point is 01:00:16 the three. We'll wrap it up. All right. It is funny that he's going to go and like have a talk to a manager because I read his couch. Yeah. Yeah. Well I'm going to go shower. Yeah. Yeah. Because I have a shower here. Yeah. We should go together. That's a prank. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. On Mike. Oh we're so funny. It's like that was the best Comtown episode ever. Finally two people actually had gay sex on Adam's couch. Life. It means art. Anyway. So what's. So OK. All right. We're going to wrap it up. OK. Just real quick. I'm going to be in Toronto at the Royal Comedy Theatre June 17th and 18th. Stand up live Phoenix Arizona with a great David Tell May not this weekend the following weekend. I'm going to be in Columbus Ohio June 25th at Natalie's Grand View. And
Starting point is 01:01:22 I am going to be on the road with David Tell a lot. I have a bunch of headline dates coming up on my own. Good. Bye guys. Podcast and I'm starting a new podcast with a patreon being Ian available on YouTube my patreon and the theme song is by the Lumineers. Oh nice. Cool. I'm so excited. They did it for you. Yeah. Actually for you. Yeah. I'm friends with the singer. Oh they're like big right. Yeah. Yeah. They're great. It's really fun. I wrote the lyrics. He did the song. I'm really excited and cat bite that's got been from Philly is going to do the intro and he's doing the outro. It's going to be a good time. Come and do it. Oh my god. Come down to point oh you me Adam. Yeah. In my apartment cats fun times. Yeah. Yeah. I think this has this has some potential. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:02:06 It's just be the new version of the show. Yeah. This is great. All right. Yeah. Let's do it. All right. In Adams smoking in the boys room. Yeah. I got a I got a new podcast called Alpha Smokes that I do with Sean McCarthy and Scott Chaplin. It's a lot of fun. We have like four episodes out of that and we're having a good time with it. And then I'll be in Boston at the hideout June 14th and fifth. I guess it's 14th to 15th that weekend. I think the Friday. So the hideout in Boston June 14th and 15th. You can go. You can Google the club. Yes. June. June 27. But check out the new podcast if you can. To Sunday May 29th stand up live Arizona. Yeah. Dude. That's great. Yeah. I love Sean and Scott. That's so fun. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Scott's like like the funniest
Starting point is 01:02:54 guy. I don't see him around once he kept doing stand up. He's so fucking funny. He did. But I think he's like burnt out on it. Yeah. But yeah. Who isn't. Well you know what a dog shit life. I like it. Yeah. It's fun. Yeah. It's fun. We're really lucky we get to do this. Okay. No we're very fortunate. Okay. You know. Yeah. Hey guys. All right. Let's tune into another episode of Come Town. Yeah. Thanks for listening. Yeah. This is the new house. Thanks for listening to us. Smoke cigarettes. Yeah. Listening to Ian show us photos. Making Adam let us smoke cigarettes. Yeah. This is great. Thank you. This is kind of like our apartment now. Yeah. Yeah. Dude. Squatters right. Yeah. If we get mail sent here to us. Yeah. Legally he can't kick us out. Really.
Starting point is 01:03:38 Yeah. If you guys want to send us you guys. It's Adam lives at 24 24. I'm a homo street. 24 I'm a homo. I'm a Jewish homo street. All right everybody. Thanks for tuning in. Next week the guys may be around. Follow me on Instagram. Racine Mike Racine comedy. Yeah. I animal 69. Really appreciate you guys. Really appreciate you. Also thank you for coming out to shows. Really means a lot. Buy in the merch. Very cool. Be safe. Yeah. Hug someone you love and enjoy your sandwich. Bye bye. Bye bye. Which button do we push? It's the this one. This one.

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