The Adam Friedland Show (Cumtown) - Ep. 317 – Our first guest

Episode Date: June 24, 2022

Please welcome the first guest on the adam friedland show... Nick Mollens!...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 It's it's been a long December and there's reason to believe that the president maybe this year we'll find the cure to HIV maybe we'll find what it was HIV cured it was it's done right it's there or you can do enough like pills you know it's you know what I think is really to have it and live a normal life is it like HIV was attacked because the medicine didn't change and this is I've looked into this uh-huh medicine didn't really change it's like gay people were getting HIV AIDS and then for years they were like we're dying we're dying and then people started getting they're like actually it's not a big deal yeah yeah because they were they're too gay yeah they're being gay dramatic about it
Starting point is 00:00:56 I feel they're like no literally as soon as straight people started getting AIDS it was like oh this isn't really you don't think that it's because like um they're like you know they got better medicine because straight people were getting it and what the straight hospitals yeah yeah that yeah exactly yeah they were being fags about it they were being dramatic I wouldn't say they're being yeah yeah they're yeah they're writing plays about it yeah like plays they're like look how much weight I'm losing from a disease and then they they probably died it's so tragic yeah it died from just like having bodied this morpher yeah yeah they were they were using the AIDS as an excuse I'm so fat and the bruises
Starting point is 00:01:45 whatever that the source mm-hmm that's just uh that's from boyfriend yeah it's it's dancing in the in the gay nightclubs everyone's got a heart on so you're just very dark you got you just being jabbed left and right it's a lot of hands and holes yeah and rods we've all seen cruising we've all seen fire island mm-hmm did you watch it yeah watch it yeah was it good I thought it was kind of fire yeah no I mean I don't know it's I was it was on my girlfriend her friend were watching it and I was doing I was responding to emails about the t-shirts this was like two weeks ago when the shirts came up mm-hmm but you know I mean I wasn't watching it for intently it wasn't like yeah it wasn't like what do you call
Starting point is 00:02:35 it I think it's time for us to take fire on the back dude we got a storm the beach just D-day just straight guy today on the boat just getting just on the boat on the first scene and saving private Ryan like they're like 30 seconds like shake and then the fuck in the top of the PT boat or whatever drops down and they're just like guys just dry raiding on the beach and then people are like throwing up and drowning now it's terrible is telling your grandson about it on your death bed mm-hmm we were just boys yeah it took us from the stick ball fields of Iowa they put us on those damn boats yeah and it was hell on earth yeah I was deep in the shit just occasion like the doctor is like he saw mowing eggs but cheeks
Starting point is 00:03:36 I don't know if he's gonna make it Tom Hanks is like he did the best that he could fire island directed by Steven Spielberg I remember I remember a leg it was yesterday deep in the shit which is what we called it because my penis was covered in it so I was having sex with those guys you just boys yeah what's it I went with a amber frost I wasn't gonna bring Paul Cooper I wasn't gonna bring that up no those are the people I went with well it was a dramatic weekend it was pretty funny it was pretty funny well yeah there there was that but then it was just being on a on a beach they were all they all look like John Cena those guys who the guys on the beach you know I have is the John Cena you've seen
Starting point is 00:04:32 Prometheus right yes you know the engineer alien at the beginning creates humanity so John Cena is the engineer alien of people with Down syndrome I can see that he drank a little poison yeah and then it went into yeah I guess probably like whatever the Swedish fish factory yeah yeah and then he grew yeah I was what if there was like a Galileo moment you know where they're always like there's all like they think we know like oh it's everything's caused by genetics all right and then it literally somebody comes along proves it without a doubt they look like if the scientists get angry they're like that this is insane and then they look at the papers and they're like well no I guess it's undeniable this is correct
Starting point is 00:05:16 that it is it literally Down syndrome is caused just by a candy exposure in the room but the mom had too many sweets she had too many like skittles or something yeah yeah you go on trial because you're trying to get the word out mm-hmm right yeah it's Will Smith in concussion it is the candy that is doing it to them the candy has made them like this it's fucked up what's happening to the candy they have they have brain damage from too much candy that's good that's some good shit right there yeah I never saw that movie but yeah I don't want to I want to see it for the African accent I told you I saw I saw the tennis one where he's teaching the girls how his daughter the Venus and Serena Williams one and he's just
Starting point is 00:06:09 straight up literally playing a mentally retarded man yeah it's a very funny King Richard and he won an Oscar for that too yeah it's a great movie honestly he's doing like a he's doing also like this down home with like southern like deep south accent yeah and then I've like pulled up a video of the actual Richard Williams speaking and he doesn't sound like that yeah yeah yeah he's doing like a field hand I think will Smith kind of went insane that was bound to happen oh yeah he lost it because he was a guy he's on top of the world and you can't have that kind of you can't do that to a human being yeah you know you can't make him the biggest guy in the fucking world for like 10 years and then then what
Starting point is 00:06:52 then what's next he just has to wait to die and then what go to heaven how's that gonna be any better it's not gonna be better than being will Smith independence day yeah right it's not gonna be better than I met him black or yeah or I robot or are they getting jiggy with you want a man but he he really was going for Oscar and she won a man yeah cuz I am cuz I am cuz I'm was so funny they're like what if Shaq was an actor and then it's like never mind they gave him a couple they gave him that steel oh I forgot about steel steel was it steel or real steel no real steel still is the Rockham Sockham robots movie yeah that was a Rockham Sockham robots reboot yeah no no they gave him steel where he was a super
Starting point is 00:07:39 hero they should have given him seal and he could have played yeah he's kissing getting kissed by the road I feel it's like a kiss from a road and and Shaq did all of the singing in the movie and that's the most impressive part about it is Shaq did all of the singing himself yeah he's so stupid Shaq is he stupid yeah he's just got a dumb voice no he's dumb too he's dumb too but he's great yeah I remember when they made him he was like the spokesperson for like Cadillac or something and they had that like commercial where it's like there's enough room for me in here and it's like yeah most people aren't you that's not like a selling point for normal people you know I mean yeah be like check out fucking Ralph Lauren clothes
Starting point is 00:08:26 we put them on an elephant yeah exactly these are pants for you know four X pants yeah so take that Cadillac yeah take that Cadillac do you I remember when our our friend saw said that Shaq actually uses the products that he that he's a spokesman for uh-huh that's the funny Cadillac and was it what else is there Cadillac the general auto insurance hmm he does he's this but he was a he's like he's the spokesman for everything yeah what is it we can look up his roster Shaq that's alright it's fine who gives a shit it's summer and it's looking like winter right now is it is it cold today it's a little chilly I was in Portland all weekend oh he does icy hot too Poland how's Portland those people are
Starting point is 00:09:19 those people dog shit city the shows are fun yeah yeah I had a good time at the shows but the man that place sucks yeah you know yeah because it's like it was already Portland and then the rest of the country became Portland last summer right so they're like well we gotta step it up and right it's wild to me because they have like homeless people there in the home this almost I was wearing I don't know maybe she knew who I was or maybe she was a fan now most homeless people are fans of this just because I had like a red I had a fud rockers hat on those backwards and sometimes I worry about there was a period there where you just couldn't wear red hat right you know right it was like it was like it was like
Starting point is 00:09:58 being an Indian like an Indian during you know their swastika got taken away from them yeah they must have been pissed if you're a guy just with your me your Mario you know you got a little red cap guy right you're the whole culture was taken away from him by the MAGA hat or whatever but yeah I was I was saying there's homeless lady comes up to me she's like good afternoon you know and like using like a bank voice wait that's what you were going to say with the homeless people there because the homeless people I've seen there are are like Charles Manson types well this lady I mean she has a big Northwest she had like a whiteed out eye and then there was like she had some male but she was she was
Starting point is 00:10:36 her partner she was business cash cash she was like good afternoon I'm ignoring her you know I'm like hey I was going and she's like can we help you with anything else I'm like I'm good she's like well we would like it if you left this city and it's like how she said that to you yeah yeah she thought you're a MAGA who knows but like are you fucking like homeless and you have like time for politics you're just like outside just shitting yourself to death and you're like well we got to talk about redistricting so what the fuck are you doing get a home yeah get a home bitch you're gonna have no home and you're gonna have fucking opinions all of a sudden yeah get out of here no that shit was wild dude yeah yeah Jesus Christ
Starting point is 00:11:17 no I've seen like in the Pacific Northwest they have insane like it just I don't know what it is maybe it's Matthew like that's the weather so they don't have winter there so they don't die off but it's also the weather isn't nice it's not like fucking LA where it's like you're homeless but you can literally just live on like one of the nicest beaches yeah you're on Venice Beach yeah so in the Pacific Northwest it's it's never cold enough to die but never comfortable either right you're just getting like a misted on all fucking day and it's like bringing out the piss smell and you're fucking also you start doing the homeless thing by being a hippie where you're like I don't need a house man I can have a
Starting point is 00:11:52 fucking tent man yeah that's all I need man they do it performatively yeah and then they just become proper homeless yeah yeah yeah I mean it's it's too it's weird I would you know I was like trying to say this to somebody else while I was there but they're probably ignoring me like most people do in real life I know they do unlike this where you're forced to hear my opinion yeah it's the only time I listen to you honestly and I don't even do it most of the time people are reporting the show people are forced to hear my yeah like the it's like it's weird to think that like a homeless people on the east coast have like etiquette but they do kind of they kind of do they have like dignity yeah you know even
Starting point is 00:12:30 it like they like I think I imagine like a guy in an Averex jacket masturbating on the train but he's at least he's you got a jack off yeah he's doing it he's doing it on the train which is where we know that they beat off that's the designated zone he smells exactly like I expect him to smell yeah he's wearing the clothes I expect him to wear and then in Portland it was like a guy going around the bike lock at 9am just smashing car windows yeah exactly and it's like this guy's like 26 is not acting right yeah his dad's like a state senator he's got an iPhone right yeah he's just got a bad attitude yeah he's just a bad boy yeah you can't keep act right Seth right be Seth get a job right no no yeah there's
Starting point is 00:13:13 like they're more pissed off there for sure I was at I was in a I was with a look on a class trip to Seattle what class was that it was like my Frazier class with a school with school with my like middle school I think we went to like Seattle for some reason anyway I see what Seattle doesn't have any history I forgot what it was no it was like there was like a science aspect to it that's the other thing that is those are huge it sound those towns have no history there's nothing there there's logging so what there's I don't know what what do they do in Seattle they did the chop what is a great history longings what may kill two black kids the second they yeah cops left chopper Chas was it in Orlando Seattle
Starting point is 00:13:57 I confuse it to because they're both the same it's funny that they both maybe it's Chas yeah they named it after Chastity bono you know that the child of those sunny bono and sure anyway but um they really should just they should genocide all the white people in the Pacific Northwest and just give that entire area to illegal immigrants they yeah and it's nice there and that's weird too because it is all white people when I was in Portland but there is there was like one or two Mexican people and it's like how did you end up here yeah like how did you get here you got a bar there I guess there's a bar how to do but I mean there's work everywhere yeah there's work every like I mean that's like how do
Starting point is 00:14:39 you get some Mali people in Minneapolis yeah I wonder I want to go to Portland I try I want to be a LGBTQ plus I mean I mean a big friend of Freddie Armistin yeah is that show still on probably anyway we were in Seattle at Pike's Place Market and that's where they throw the fish that's like the tourist area yeah and there were two like fucking like meth guys like they're fucking fighting one guy just like gets fucking punched to the ground and just steel toe boot to the temple blood spray and we're like waiting to get back on the bus the girls are crying yeah like we saw someone get murdered on the street and like it was fucking I like literally can close my eyes and remember how scary that shit was
Starting point is 00:15:31 yeah that was like I've had nightmares about it it's like one of the scariest things I've ever seen my entire life so we murdered on the street like the kids crying and screaming where's Frazier when you need yeah it's yeah listen we got to talk this out he's their Batman we have to talk this out I can't do fucking any impressions but yeah I know you got a Kelsey grammar no no no I don't I'm I'm weaning off of him prayer I'm weaning off the show I'm weaning off yeah everything we're look it's closing time folks yeah one last call for alcohol you got six months left of this uh-huh no more impressions dude we're getting city recap or I say something that makes people roll their eyes I wonder if that's
Starting point is 00:16:18 a unique take yeah for a lot of homeless people in Portland Portland they got coffee shops they love coffee they don't really though they don't they didn't have a lot of coffee they didn't have coffee shops no I mean I guess they did sort of I was I was staying downtown downtown oh yeah that's where I stayed when I almost moved there the Portland yeah for what law school what law school I got like a full ride to Lewis and Clark which was the number one environmental law school that's what I want to go to Portland is over there tour ended yeah they're done fucking that bitch together I never understood like so the explorers they like half of them die getting to the Pacific or whatever and then what happens when they're
Starting point is 00:16:59 out there they just go back how the fuck do they get back well I don't know the only thing I paid attention to was that they're running a train on that chick the sackage away sackage away yeah they gave her a coin for being the throat go down I mean that's literally how Western United the only way to like be like a Native American that made it into history was by being like just a dog whore just like an absolute slut like all of the Pogon Hottest was giving up you had to be the one you're the fuck white guy yeah no exactly get sexed in the history and then the rest of them nothing you're like a Native American just like a good mom exactly you just got your head cut off just a regular squaw yeah no yeah Pocohontas
Starting point is 00:17:43 is a cartoon for kids and it's like this was a whole this was a whore she has like little birds landing on her finger and stuff this is a traitor is for yeah she she was a race trader yeah she wasn't she was a squad she wasn't giving it up for for any of the Braves she was giving up for some for some fucking white dickhead John Smith get a red get a get a new name dude no that yeah that's that's so funny yeah she she knew directions and she fucked all the guys on the trip yeah she could paint she could paint with all the colors this bitch this bitch about to suck all the colors you know oh man yeah that's that's really funny no I guess Lewis and Clark made it out there the college was really nice but then
Starting point is 00:18:34 I went with my dad and then I was like there's no reason for anyone to live here there's just no industry there there's nothing it's fucking depressing there's Columbia sportswear yeah there's Nike there's that there's like Ditas there's one more like advertising firm that's like that's they're very proud of their yeah like Wyden and Kennedy no we should nuke the PNW I honestly there's no I hate I hate it I mean I guess the people that come to the shows that they're they're cool they're nice yeah thanks for coming out I appreciate it we're in a good time yeah the shows were the crowds were good yeah everyone was very friendly very nice everybody's always friendly the people that come to the shows are very friendly
Starting point is 00:19:18 yeah they're always really friendly the people that came with funny ones on Monday the people that DM'd not so much you came the DM's yeah that's those good good old life what did somebody just suggest to you somebody DM'd he was like yo and shout out to this guy this is one of the best he ever got but he's like yo if you're in a Bob Dylan you should get into this guy named Towns Vansay easily they're my top two but towns gotta put him number one yeah yeah I agree dude I agree with you those are top two but yeah have you ever heard of the Beatles yeah that's like that's when you go over to Europe you've you haven't been a year but when you go over there they they like all of them are like that all of them are like just have
Starting point is 00:20:02 you heard of the Beatles yeah I mean Europe had culture for like 20 years during the Renaissance and they've been cruising off that since Europeans are fucking whack dude they they are so keen you know what I mean and they like yeah they give you the worst fucking like suggestions yeah yeah like have you heard of him they show friends it's it's a very funny show well I hate to I hate to yeah I hate to cut it there but what is it oh the Ridge wallet folks come town aka the Adam Friedland show aka the Adam Friedland show starting this week now the Adam Friedland show is brought to you by Ridge wallet Ridge wallet an excellent company that has grown exponentially since they started advertising on come down coincidence I think
Starting point is 00:20:55 not yeah I mean they're huge they don't even need these ads anymore yeah it's crazy why they're still advertising I don't know at the beginning of the year he's like yeah here's just he throws us a bunch of money he's like do the ads whenever do them whenever I mean he just yeah he literally doesn't care I mean yeah they make so much money now if these wall anytime I pull it out now too there's always you know it's women that want to talk about it women want to talk about it yeah because they want to get in your pocket dude well they're like they always got a brother fucking you know husband or something they're like I got that for my husband because and then they they're like trying to sell me on it yeah
Starting point is 00:21:29 we didn't know where we sold you bitch yeah we sold you first don't try to sell me hmm Ridge wallet are they made in the USA yes do they have free 45 day returns yes are they backed with a lifetime guarantee yes is it a minimalist masterpiece what do you think Nick sure yeah sure fine yeah they're everything you want out of a wallet it's like small they're inconvenient they're expensive no I like this thing when I first thought I was like that's the dumbest shit I've ever seen in my life but I had the old I had a big I had a big wallet yeah I got this one and I said it's time for daddy's night on the town yeah I was peeling off 20s handing them that any Native American woman I saw she was she was
Starting point is 00:22:15 giving pussy up I had my own Jamestown colony yeah that night she was she was second and I was like I'm gonna put you put your ass in the encyclopedia Britannica for this hmm so listen guys all these models they're RFID blocking I'm constantly getting RFID there is strong money clip cash where you can place cash and there's a cash and it's easy what is it cash clip that but it remains easy to slide bills in their 45 day return USA made these are fucking sick they're from a receipt from 2008 for a California burrito you don't need that shit in your fucking wallet you know you don't need a crinkled fucking you don't need garbage what is RFID I don't fucking know it's like someone it's like scans your
Starting point is 00:23:08 ass why the fuck do they have why is that why is that a thing that can happen is that somebody can just wipe their phone near your pocket and steal your credit card information um why did they why did they come up with that so that we have to now I have to have an RFID blocking wallet so it's radio frequency identification that's what so people are fucking scanning your ass your ass wallet so you gotta do that daily carry subreddit we guys are like my I think a lot of them have rich wallets bridge wallet flashlight gun like what do you do like I'm the assistant manager at a game stop of course yeah and that's the thing is like you can get a ridge wall made out of the same metal or alloy as your gun yeah which
Starting point is 00:23:58 is pretty tight right the gun industry is not going to be a thing they're going to outlaw guns but by that point everyone's going to have a 3D printer and you can just make your own guns yeah yeah but you can also make your own pussy in the 3D printer too you know what sucks is you can't just build your own house somewhere you have to buy the land first yeah they used to have that in the old west you can just claim your shit yeah you just put a stake down or something yeah listen guys ridge wallets started in 2013 on kickstart now they're fucking huge and they're currently the pockets of over half a million guys and gals but let's let's be honest it's the guys that are doing this this is for the fellas
Starting point is 00:24:34 guys yeah you gotta be a hardcore lesbian to have a ridge wall you gotta be a real fucking beaver hound yeah just have a hand in your pockets constant just wide hips khakis just a fucking bowling pin yeah wide no tips wide hips khakis yeah high ankles yeah one one syllable name yeah boat shoes yeah boat shoes exactly like a tin tin haircut they're so funny dude I want to show them or them but unfortunately they meet me and there's something about my vibe they don't like you can get anyway guys these are yeah these are ways to securely store your credit card and double cards in your pocket without worrying about scanners and thieves accessing your cards and I'm constantly afraid of scanners and thieves because these
Starting point is 00:25:28 cities well that is the thing that happens these cities are a disease a couple years ago I had like Apple pay give me a notice it was like your cards declined for a nine hundred dollar purchase at Zara and I was like what the fuck is this you're at Zara and I called my bank and they were like yeah we don't have any record of it and I called Apple they're like oh yeah it's probably just somebody trying to steal your card and they used like a fraudulent like thing they make Apple pay go scanner and I was like so why is that like that seems like that shouldn't be happening yeah that's fucking that's and they were like oh no that happens all the time it's like well then it sounds like you're
Starting point is 00:26:03 fucking bullshit Apple pay thing isn't ready dude that's so I guess this this can happen I told Apple exactly what I told them exactly where to stick it yeah okay here's the photo here's the deal folks you go to Ridgewell comm you check out their extensive line of products they got walls they got fucking one of their backpacks we got all that shit the backpack is good the back the commuter bag is good I take it on planes all the time the backpack is the number one I'll tell you what if I let's say it's it's 8 8 12 a.m. yeah you can see the north tower out the window yeah you know what's about to happen you know your life's about you check the calendar you said oh shit today's September the 11th September
Starting point is 00:26:48 11 2000 how could I forgot you look down you got your Ridge backpack and you smile at the camera you say at least I have my waterproof Ridge wallet community yeah and then that's the end that's it commercial yeah and then it's a black screen yeah and it says what if and then and then it fades out again it says Ridge wallet Ridge wallet and that says just it doesn't it says September the 11th Ridge wallet just do it and that's their commercial it doesn't say never forget it just says the September 9 11 September 11th just do it just do it re 9 11 spec and then then let me see Derek Jeter the captain yeah he's got a bad on his shoulder yeah and he said he's saying hey what's up guys yeah he's like he doesn't
Starting point is 00:27:47 even know he's in the commercial he doesn't know he's in the commercial hey how's it going hey guys and then the commercial ends again and it says that's what if Ridge wallet just do it yeah so guys got a ridge wall dot com you put in promo code com or come town 20 or cut sorry come town or come town 20 and you're gonna get a good deal you're gonna get a good break on these products from these guys I tell you rainy day like this all I want to do is sit in my apartment and re watch breaker Marant you love that movie great movie I actually haven't seen it as a South African I have not seen that but I cut out coffee I've had no caffeine for like eight days no shit I'm trying to make the cocaine feel more powerful
Starting point is 00:28:31 so I figure I cut the coffee out yeah the first up you get is the is your is your 10 a.m. bomb is my 10 a.m. bomb to do to play to play dude that is fucking banjo kazooie imagine using Coke as like for energy like that would be the most inefficient and expensive that's what guys didn't like the 20s that's what they did that yeah in the 80s on Wall Street too I don't think I don't think people 80s has the reputation of being the coke decade but I think it's like no it was it was guys in the fucking 20s that went hard they were injecting the shit all day long yeah dude that's how Freud came up with all the shit yeah that's how for Freud was with his boys and he was like yo fellas yo yo yo fellas
Starting point is 00:29:22 yo yo yo he was like 19 cigars a day just inject cocaine yeah he was like yeah yeah you know what I was thinking you know I was thinking I was thinking um you know how you know how like we all want to fuck our moms you know how only like we all want to bust inside our moms these boys were like I don't I don't know I don't know about that dude I don't know about that but yeah I don't know I don't know if I didn't it's I guess it yeah we all do it's a guy thing yeah guy talk guy talk guy talk real talk boys you know how we all want to fuck our moms you know how you know how I want to fuck my mom yeah it was more like why do people accept that as like the basis for Western thought what cocaine
Starting point is 00:29:59 that you want to fuck your mom well I was like why are people like that no one that's it no one did psychology before for it yeah but that's the first idea but we we just had to stop there I mean I'm sure people have wrote other psychologists but like that that's the basis for all of it I don't know it seems a little gross to me but yeah I don't make sense you come out of her pussy you're always moving towards death yeah and so you need to square that circle yeah I know I know and I would if I could see her again yeah that's a Luther van draw song fucking with my mom fuck my mom again if I could just fuck my mom again he's at her graves fuck with my mom he's laying a flower down at the grave
Starting point is 00:30:54 fucking with my mom yeah it was a weird song yeah yeah so I'm on on chamomile tea you're on chamomile tea dude dude if you fucking Portland change you yeah chamomile you're a bitch that's a little hibiscus in there too I like chamomile it's really nice does it doesn't it make you sleepy maybe I think it does but honestly it's like the first week you know just mad headaches and like sleeping all day long yeah and then once that fades it's like I have like almost no anxiety anymore because I used to just pound coffee all day long yeah it makes you fucking crazy yeah it makes your heart you can feel like it's gonna explode yeah but also quitting it is fucking really hard to yeah well I mean now I'm like eight days out so I'm like okay
Starting point is 00:31:41 the first three days you feel insane yeah no my head hurt a lot yeah and then and yeah it was just like that would I would just be in bed all day long yeah but it is no it's like it's a fucking yeah it's it's weird because it goes from like you don't realize that it used to be that I had anxiety and now I just have things that bother me you know I mean I see what you're saying like this shit that's just fucking annoying but you can assess it is like yeah that's annoying well there's nothing I can do about it true you know yeah it's like yeah my apartment's fucking trashed nothing I can do about it right there's nothing I can't change that it's there's a Zen a bathroom yeah yeah the Zen of doing nothing to improve
Starting point is 00:32:21 your life yeah pissing in cups because you're too lazy to go to the bathroom yeah do you ever read the Zen or the motorcycle I think I did when I was like in 10th grade or something yeah I never read it yeah my dad gave it to me why a man who's never been on a motorcycle in his entire life I don't know that's not really the whatever but yeah I don't know that's it that's like a you know dad's try to be cool a couple times like they're like I'm about to blow your mind my dad didn't do that he was just like we're watching good fellas we're watching casino that's cool yeah that's cool no my dad my dad uh no books for me he gave me dune I remember yeah and I was like this is a great book and he's like isn't
Starting point is 00:33:03 it great um how about dune with a c yeah how about dune with a p dude apparently there's a town called poon in India really yeah I love that what a beautiful day and poons Toyota yeah yeah poon Honda yeah poon that was a joke from years ago I remember that on this show on this show back we're young men back when we had the fucking our whole lives ahead of us now we're having medical issues and hurtling towards death eternal darkness dude you there's this guy funny mom's on monday that I'm really sad you missed why just blackout drunk but like not even disrupting the show just so loving anytime you address him he was just like I fucking love this he's like oh I love you yeah and he's wearing he's wearing a fucking Miller high life hat
Starting point is 00:34:04 an angry orchard hard sellster t-shirt and a corona light key land just all the beer clothes he's wearing beer clothes like a crack head wearing like a crack crazy because I crack you go you go anywhere else in the country you expect to see those people you're right that makes sense do you know what is that guy doing in in bedford stuyvesant right what is he doing he made it all the way to new york yeah like it doesn't yeah it's wild I'm glad guys like that are here doing and like doing what I don't like hanging out at like driving leaving the city to go hang out at sheets I don't know what yeah I wonder what I know he said he just gets drunk dude yeah he's like yeah he's like I fucking do it all the time I asked him if he gets pussy he says
Starting point is 00:34:53 he's like I don't have I don't bump too fucking drunk dude he said he's too drunk for pussy he's the man that guy that guy has the right idea honestly he's wearing the clothes of the thing he loves the bank's calling me right now what do they say I don't know it's probably bad news they're like hey we lost all your money I know we said we already did that but we did it again it's like the 20s just wanted to check in and make sure that it is dude it is funny how just fuck things are now what is it but you it's you can get up to a hundred thousand dollars back or something for with what fdic isn't that what fdic is that just means your money it's like the bank goes out of business or something then you can get your money back your money back yeah but it's up
Starting point is 00:35:40 to a certain number though oh really I know it works oh great good cool I think so so if you have two million dollars I think you get like a hundred thousand dollars back I don't know maybe it's more than that yeah it might be time to kill a senator not me I don't mean me and I'm not suggesting anyone else does it yeah but if it were to happen uh huh yeah I don't understand how anyone could say anything other than well it was bound it was about time I mean it's the it's these times we live it yeah does anybody is anybody's like who whose opinions are like broadly represented by the government is there any person that's like yeah I don't want healthcare um on top of that like corporations have tax breaks uh and also everything just constantly pandering to gay stuff and I think
Starting point is 00:36:34 there are so I want I want a combination of all of the worst aspects of both I think there are those people who who the fuck is that I don't get it I think like they talk about like and like people that are like proud to be a moderate so like yeah like you know because like like politics is you know I mean they all got to like grease the wheels and play some sort of game or whatever that's why everything drifts towards the center but like is that the center no it's like but like corporate woke fascists yeah you know yeah I I don't I think that we don't know anyone like that but I think that there are that is there are a lot of people like that who who you know baby boomer dads guys with small business small business guys yeah um fucking I don't know
Starting point is 00:37:24 the upper middle class people I'd say yeah does that sound right I I don't think it sounds right at all I think it's like yeah just nakedly like a group of I'm just guessing a group of people making money and then for some reason they people vote for them yeah I don't know dude who fucking knows I don't know it pisses me off dude as long as I can't get a little slice of the action yeah that I'm mad about it of course I want a couple points on the package I want a couple points yeah dude I don't know man I I fucking I think we should I think I I don't think anyone will ever pick up a gun actually there was that one guy that did it when they were at baseball oh someone will that'll happen I mean I just think there's so much Netflix yeah that doesn't
Starting point is 00:38:13 it won't stop it you don't think so no I think people can have really awful like humiliating live you want and just come home we're going to go prediction corner corona is going to get real bad again you think yeah probably you think yeah I think oh I'm a cron based on nothing I'm a cron mutation I haven't looked at it but it would stand it would make sense that like it would get bad like to the extent that it was and then just nothing would be done about it history history has been to your will on a number of occasions yeah nothing's going to be done about it and I don't think anyone's going to care really I don't you know I don't really have it I don't really I'm done with prediction I'm too old for
Starting point is 00:38:59 that shit yeah I don't really know I just I want to know if and will I ever be able to buy a fucking house and the answer is no no never no no matter what you can move to like the shittiest place in America yeah and the houses are like seven hundred thousand million it's insane it's fucking insane you could be in the worst place and it's yeah six hundred and fifty thousand dollars for a one-story two-bedroom and then considering that you know like the interest rates have tripled in the last like three months right now those houses are effectively they cost you know I don't know the math but like twice as much in the long run yeah I don't understand it but there has to be a crash eventually for real estate I think so no why would there be a crash
Starting point is 00:39:45 there's no supply demands high as long as demand is high there's never going to be a crash it's everyone sitting on the sideline saying like well the interest rates go up that'll drive down demand and then then I can seize when the opportunity it's like no that's what we're all saying that's everybody yeah the houses pricing will not come down right they'll continue because that's all the Fed has to like which also it's like what is even driving inflation it's like half of that is just fucking companies raising prices because they know that there's an opportunity to do so yeah so the Fed is going to just continue raising the rate I don't know the fucking I don't know all I know is it's time to pick up a gun it's time to kill and I'm not going to say it's gonna clock yeah it's
Starting point is 00:40:32 gonna clock it's fucking gonna clock yeah and but but that's all we'll say that's all we'll say that's all we'll say and we're not going to encourage anybody to do but it is gonna clock in fact for the record no we can't encourage them to do one thing like oh yeah go to folks do you like sex I do do you like putting it in we're getting it putting you yeah I like that too both of that all that and that's why I like the website yeah yeah hold on you're looking it up yeah I've been I've been I've been taking a bluetooth in a while dude I love this guy from the bluetooth website yeah he's got a cool look you know it's he's clearly just a guy who's in a just for men and they were like let's get this guy I've maybe said this before
Starting point is 00:41:30 but every like older male model for like for like boner pills or whatever you can't tell if he's a democrat or a republican right they cast like a guy that could be either yeah they're like who could who could like appeal to all vaguely ethnic yeah he maybe he's not Mediterranean yeah he's got dark eyebrows maybe is it yeah exactly all of skin but maybe is white you know yeah if he's like Spanish then he's probably a democrat Italian Italian he's like a finance like a republican finance guy no no they don't let them on wall street yeah they do what are you talking about they let them they let the warps on of course no how you doing my name is Michael David Gino I work at city bank and I'm here I'm here to create opportunities for you and your wealth and your retirement no they let
Starting point is 00:42:18 them be bank tellers oh yeah I don't know anyway guys they had a guy a guy to chase once it was like I went in just something like you know something like bro dude they worked at chase I was like yeah I got the sapphire reserve card he's like yeah that card's clutch that car is absolutely clutch for travel that part is fucking money dude yeah sure is clutch for travel all right anyway guys listen they have multiple plans right where you can order sildenafil or sidalafil which one do you take out I think sildenafil is that the sea alice that's the one I have no I think I have the viagra I don't have I don't my dick you know what when you take the sea alice when you fuck the night before and then you wake up and your boner like you wake up rock hard well
Starting point is 00:43:07 I wake up hard every day but like harder than a pee boner and it's like kind of a little painful from my experience yeah so I like to just hit it and quit it I like to nut it and and fuck it anyway guys they have different strength plans and they have different amounts that you can order let's say I want to get the pro plan which is 34 45 milligram sildenafil chewables and that is only 120 dollars so that means you can get 34 pills for your dick hold on let me see let's see let's yes you could get the highest strength uh sildenafil 34 of them which means you can use them every single day and sometimes and one of the days you could use them four times in the in a day and you get them at 45 milligram strength which means that your dick is
Starting point is 00:44:10 going to be literally it's going to be vibrating it's going to be angry you're going to have an angry ass boner uh folks what else 40 percent of americans agree that it's hard to take pills do you hear that again 40 for me it's hard to take pills too I have to take most of them as suppositories I don't like swallowing pills you know that so uh blue chew provides a chewable tablet that is a hundred percent uh that is prescribed by a hundred percent licensed medical providers the prescription consultation uh is for a sildenafil or to to delafil that professional ed focus medical support no waiting rooms no appointments 30 30 or 45 milligram sildenafil and six or nine milligram to delafil chewable tablets guys get your fucking dick hard don't let
Starting point is 00:45:01 them don't let them down what else do we have to say about this thing I don't know anyway guys go to promo code come town or come 10 20 come town and you get your first fucking month free sign up you talk to one of their licensed medical providers you just pay five dollar shipping for your first month and you get a boners from these pills or chewable tablets all right thank you now let's back back to the show and back to the show I got a piss real bad we're gonna do it this is coming out tonight uh probably yeah we're doing this I'm at carolines all weekend they added a sunday show before the show is sold out so there's still tickets available for each one of the nights but come out thursday preferably I think I'll have Kenny feature actually because
Starting point is 00:45:56 no and he did Kenny the forest he's a man dude I see nobody else can do everybody's fucking go did you hit him up funny mom's did uh he did funny mom's I'm gonna he was great yeah yeah yeah um yeah so Kenny will be there and then you want to do the rest of weekend on thursday no friday through sunday I can yeah I can come friday well there you go that's the show so I will be there too guys so if you guys are planning on detonating a vest and taking both of us out we will be in the same room do it in washington folks not not no more no more mall shootings no more schools or malls yeah we're taking it to the streets okay yep as michael mcdonald would say taking it to the streets we are taking it to the streets the anthem of the black lodge matter movement the duty brothers
Starting point is 00:46:46 taking it to the streets uh black entertainer michael mcdonald the the the original hood passer anyway what else is going on dude I don't fucking know I don't pay attention how about michael mcdonald trump okay let's hear that yeah yeah we're taking it to the streets that's it folks that's it folks yeah they got they got streets we're taking it there we're taking it to the streets who's on the streets folks there's a lot of streets we can take a lot of streets a lot of black people on the streets oh man damn yeah I'm I think I might get back into corona stuff really yeah because you were really into it for a while I don't know why not oh also folks just so you know um you can go to
Starting point is 00:47:45 slash shop and we still have a lot we still have some of the steve shirts left most of I think almost every bush shirt besides that's a small in one of the colors is also if you're a fan of the adam friedland show which you're listening to right now it's not this slash come town soon to be changed to slash the adam free no I don't know it is slash come town subscribe for the next six months you can get the premium episodes before this show ends all right let's see what else um let's check the news let's say promo code come down or come down or come down 20 for both ridge wallet and bluetooth that is correct that is correct yeah anyway folks what I did have
Starting point is 00:48:44 so you didn't see this damn Elvis movie yeah I was gonna take my dad to see it he wants to see it he's like yeah have you seen anything about this new Elvis movie is he excited yeah yeah I don't know you know that kid lights camera Jackson you get your parents your dad gets old and he turns into like a like a lame toddler and you have to just be like a parent to them yeah you just take him to a ball game put a little cap on not even dude like the fucking train museum or the bozzler man elmets movie it's like god damn whatever makes him happy no it's nice that's kind of you know that we were we were their toddlers once dude Elvis was hilarious it's crazy he was like he was a wigger dude he was one of the original wiggers he wasn't even a wigger he was like
Starting point is 00:49:32 he was like you know those kids that are like tap dancing or whatever no he was back in Memphis chilling with chilling with the brothers now he was like an autistic kid he was like a wear suits to school kind of kid that's what Elvis was people are like he's not a wigger at all dude that I can't wait to see this movie man it's gonna be so good it's yeah it's gonna be terrible but yeah I like what's the funniest part about Elvis is that like Nixon recruited him to be like the face of the anti-drug movie he was on so many pills yeah like a living pharmacist yeah he did the Don Simpson move dude yeah he died on the toilet dude he's the fucking best man I love Elvis yeah what what um I got it yeah
Starting point is 00:50:24 what was I gonna say I fucking forgot dude I don't fucking know oh god looks like a looks like mayor Eric Adams waved a checkered checkered flag to bulldoze over 100 illegal dirt bikes today you see that uh no I didn't yeah so next time you're thinking about driving a fucking dirt bike or an all-terrain vehicle get ready for the New York police department to take that shit away from you honestly those kids do really zoom around it's scary yeah I I'm I get really worried about motorcycles too dangerous no reason to do it folks what are you texting about bro I'm not I'm looking at tiktok what's on tiktok nothing I hate tiktok I gotta hand I gotta hand that account off also I gotta clean my fucking apartment that's all I gotta do really clean my
Starting point is 00:51:23 apartment take out a way to get rid of the phone entirely just do these weekends phone it in this is a lot of people take pictures the cruise out the end of the show Eric Adams destroyed all these dirt bikes moved to Japan Eric Adams destroyed all these dirt bikes and some guy responded which these had been donated to the Ukraine instead of being wastefully destroyed to do what but to scare off the Russians to get some warriors what if that's so funny it's so funny to make everything about Ukraine I gotta well it's so funny to be the guys I'm gonna make that my personality you still doing that it's like the same people that like fucking like they got into like a fever pitch over BLM and then forgot about
Starting point is 00:52:12 it or the same folks doing the same thing with Ukraine and it's like they're gonna forget about that too what do you think the next thing is going to be uh after that so the BLM Ukraine because it's wild you couldn't have predicted that if you went back this June 2020 no we wouldn't and all the people with the black squares you'd be like look I know you really care about this now but I promise you in two years you won't and your big thing is going to be the Ukraine that we have to give illegal dirt bikes we need to send nuclear weapons to Ukraine yeah we got to give them nukes and dirt bikes if you like that's there's no way that's true I'm like all it's going to take is one post from Chelsea handler dude it's crazy
Starting point is 00:52:54 if they were too dangerous for the USA they are too dangerous for Ukraine in fact we should be banning guns in Ukraine too oh I think this is a joke oh we got we got trolled what happened it's not a real thing it's not a real thing oh that guy saying that he just said it was fake oh damn I was looking at pictures of Matthew Perry the other day fat fat fat you Perry or skinny it's so fun there's one season of fucking what there's I've just if you google his name there's like all these tablets come up there's one I couldn't see it but it's like it's a picture of him looking like dog shit yeah coming out of his house after like you know another fucking like Tylenol bender or whatever the fuck his problem is and it comes out but then the inset in the photo
Starting point is 00:53:42 is like they've zoomed in on his fingernails and it's like look how shitty his fingers it's like no wonder these guys just killing himself with drugs can you imagine that you're fucking like you have nothing to live for anymore you're just people taking pictures of and you just you're trying to just go buy some milk and people are like look at his shoes because you made the mistake of trying to fucking get a little bit of vitamin D and go get a croissant or whatever he wanted to do that's so funny yeah you know what that guy needs is some friends yeah you know I'd say maybe three girls three guys I think you know living in the where they live upper west side yeah they're also all like 28 and they all wear suits every day yeah they used to be being a man yeah
Starting point is 00:54:31 yeah wait who in friends oh friends yeah um they rarely wear suits no they all go to work they're wearing suits all the guys do all the fellas do except for well they had office jobs well not not the actor don't people still wear suits office jobs I don't know I don't think so I've never had an office job in my life they don't wear suits on the fucking the closest thing was a car dealership and I guess that's technically an office but it was a double wide trailer car dealerships when you you were you were you were golf clothes you know you were a shirt and tie I wear you had to wear a shirt and tie yeah yeah you didn't wear like a pants just a shirt and tie and the big socks with the like the you know with the business man the business man about the
Starting point is 00:55:17 cheat on his wife look what are those socks they have like a belt on them it's a really inefficient way to have socks yeah like the was it because the elastic hadn't been invented yet yeah they didn't have belts on their socks yeah people use the dress really fucking stupid that's really funny yeah yeah yeah I hope the whole you're at cock out Toyota we have the lowest prices I hope the world ends for my sake yeah you know because I'm tired that's why I want things to end so you can finally take a nap so I can take a fucking break we're gonna help I'm gonna I'm gonna next six months my goal I'm gonna help you build the Adam Friedland show yeah it's gonna we're gonna get a big dude gonna get the Adam Friedland show send you off take the training
Starting point is 00:56:06 wheels off watch you go down the street and me I'm off to find my own Pocahontas in an island somewhere yeah some some titty with big saggy ass droopy ass island type titties yeah yeah yeah yeah some nipples below the waist type of bitch yeah I'm gonna I'm gonna paint with all the colors of the wind yeah I'm gonna bust with all the colors in her ass I have to piss so bad I hate having to run out the clock on this show oh yeah the bathroom no no dude how many minutes do we have left on this I don't know who gives a who gives a fly it's your show dude it's not my show man the Adam Friedland show that's not what it is you know you know I'm retired you know I'm not I'm not I'm not rift city like I used to be you are dude I'm not I don't have it
Starting point is 00:56:58 in me anyway we had a good riff about how Native American women who were probably raped by white men wanted cock that's how you get that's how you get on the money that's how you get on the day in money yeah um what else what are these rx bars they're from they have my Costco I might go to Costco and pick some of these up yeah they're pretty good is it pretty good no bullshit yeah they don't fucking bullshit with you yeah no no bullshit cliff bar yeah they tell you what's in it and that's all that's in it yeah they're like you know 12 nuts one banana mm-hmm I don't know whatever the fuck it says dates peanuts egg whites chocolate natural flavors sea salt cocoa it's pretty nice right yeah not bad it kind of looks like a little flat piece of shit a little
Starting point is 00:57:52 turd it does look like poo poo yeah maybe I should just we'll be able to market poo poo maybe I should just get into eating shit that's my next okay because I started eating yeah that's when I started to eat shit period of my life mm-hmm I gotta stick to the info marshal eating your own shit is it possible yes for the first time ever for 12 95 every two weeks you can learn the shit eating system eating your own shit every day that's I mean that is really all like health stuff is right there's every couple if you turn into like a health nut which I am I mean I was always bound to be like that I know you got you guys always had me peg this being like a plastic surgery guy that's never gonna happen but I'm definitely gonna be like no I never saw you as
Starting point is 00:58:49 a plastic surgeon I will definitely be like a vitamin shop fucking like yeah weighing like 70 pounds that kind of going on power walks and taking just massive amounts of vitamins yeah that's the end of the supplements guy yeah the um I've never felt better in my life yeah you know there's a term for it and it's it's like the anorexia for men it's orthorexia that's where it's like a fear of unhealthy foods yeah they get really into vitamins yeah but then then they'll have to flip them off it's like one month a year I completely fall off the fucking wagon sorry eating shit not even eating shit I'll just go and check into a motel and kill myself with drugs I'll put a little we'll add a little uh little spice to life I guess they call it all right
Starting point is 00:59:40 folks I know who I want to take me home that's close enough again you want more of the Adam Freeland show no it's not it's what okay fine slash come tell us come down check me out carolines this weekend we'll have a good time at a slash shop for shirts slash shop for shirts and I had a falling out with the new print shop I gotta figure I might have nick rocherford hand drill distribution do do with my boy dude do it with Sammy okay all right I'll put you in touch but then I'll tell you what I'll sell I'll sell the remainder of those fucking our real monster shirts and once those go then I'll design them ones okay bye all right

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